HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191118 UC PacketAGENDA Utility Commission Regular Meeting Monday, November 18, 2019 5:30 p.m. Upper Conference Room, City Hall 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA 3. AUDIENCE INPUT 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. September 19, 2019 Meeting 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 6. OLD BUSINESS 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Wetland Research Presentation b. Water Conservation Ordinance 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT a. Second Meter Update (verbal) b. Well Pumping Report c. City Project Update d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for December 16, 2019 9. ADJOURNMENT UTILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES September 16, 2019 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called toorder on September 16, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. in the Upper Conference Room, City Hall, 2875 th145 Street West, Rosemount. Commissioner Demuth called meeting to order with Commissioner Cahn and Rome, Mayor Droste, City Administrator Martin, Finance Director May, Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson, Public Works Coordinator Watson, and Recording Secretary Rambo. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA None AUDIENCE INPUT APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Cahn Second by Demuth Motion to approve the minutes of the August 19, 2019 Utility Commission meeting. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS OLD BUSINESS 6.a. Water Rate Model Discussion Public Works Coordinator Watson presented the updated water rate model to the commission. Staff was supportive of the changes to the model but recommended that the changes be implemented in 2021. During 2020, there will be other significant changes occurring, such as phasing out the fixed rates and adding a street light utility fee. Commissioner Cahn requested anupdate on billing all residential irrigation meters at the highest rate. Watson explained that staff looked at how it would impact the users and due to the significant impact on the users with irrigations meters, staff did not feel itwas appropriate at this time. Watson presented the effects of billing allresidential second meters at the highest rate. Commissioner Rome expressed it would not affect the budget and residents drastically but, billing residential second meters at the highest rate would promote conservation. Staff requested that the commission table the idea ofbilling allresidential second meters at the highest rate for another year. Postponing the action will allow staff toanalyze the numbers and effects on the residents on a deeper level. Commissioner Cahn agreed to wait to implement the revised model until 2021 and to proceed with the existing rate models. Motion by Cahn Second by Rome Motion to recommend City Council approval of Water Rate Changes for 2020. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS 7.a. DNR Water Supply Report Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson discussed the water supply plan. The report was completed in July 2016 and was previously given tothe commissioners atthat time. Commissioners briefly discussed the restrictions on watering and the city’sexemption for the sports fields. The city’scode enforcement has been working on enforcing the watering regulations. Commissioner Demuth questioned when new homes are built, if staff is verifying that lots are receiving the 6 inches oftopsoil. Erickson stated that Senior Engineer Technician, Derick Anderson, is completing the checks. Administrator Martin asked how staff is verifying the top soil issufficient. Erickson explained that staff is potentially pulling up apiece of unrooted sod to measure the depth of the soil. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT 8.a. Well Pumping Report Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson provided the report to commissioners. No discussion. 8.b. City Project Update Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson gave a brief overview of the ongoing projects within in the city. Chippendale Water Tower (CP 2019-02) – Reconditioning of the tower isunderway. Bonaire Path (CP 2018-03) – Project is underway, curb and gutter will be installed in the next couple of weeks. thGreystone8 – Will becompleted this year. Wear course will be installed in 2020. thPrestwickPlace20 (CP 2020-04) – Grading will becompleted this year. Plans are expected in Spring 2020. ndDunmore2 & Dunmore Lift Station (CP 2018-03 & 2019-12) – Lift station will be installed by ndtheendof2019. Cul-de-sac for Dunmore 2 has been completed. 8.c. Set Next Meeting Agenda for October 14, 2019. Commissioner Demuth requested a review of the water conservation ordinance. OTHER UPDATES ADJOURNMENT Demuth adjourned the meeting at 7:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Michelle Rambo Recording Secretary EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Utility Commission Meeting: November 18, 2019 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: Wetland Research Presentation New Business PREPARED BY: Brian Erickson, P.E. Director of Public Works AGENDA NO. 7.a. City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: BLE RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, informational only BACKGROUND Dr. Meredith Holgerson, Assistant Professor of Biology and Environmental Studies at St. Olaf College inNorthfield, MN along with some ofher students will be presenting the results of research that they performed over the summer. Their research covered 11 ponds in Rosemount and Eagan. They looked at various data including water chemistry, food web structure, plant communities and mixing patterns along with various other information. As part of the presentation there will be an opportunity for questions and answers. SUMMARY Informational discussion only. C:\\Users\\jab\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\7.a. Wetland Research Presentation_576941\\7.a. Wetland Research Presentation.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Utility Commission Meeting: November 18, 2019 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: Water Conservation Ordinance New Business PREPARED BY: Brian Erickson, P.E. Director of Public Works AGENDA NO. 7.b. City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: City Code Title 4, Chapter 1, Article A-3 – APPROVED BY: BLEUseRestrictions RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review Attached City Code BACKGROUND At the September 16, 2019 Utility Commission meeting, staff was asked to review city code with respect to water conservation. Attached is the applicable portion of city code regarding use restrictions. In addition, staff contacted nearby cities to gain additional information regarding their code language and whether or not those cities were taking significant enforcement actions. That information was previously forwarded to the Commission via e- mail on October 10, 2019 and is also summarized below. Q. Do other cities have a watering restriction ordinance that includes: Exceptions for smart irrigation sensors? A. No. Citations for overwatering (irrigation flowing onto impervious surfaces)? A. No Q. How many watering restriction citations have we given out inthe past few years? How many have other cities given out? A. We have not issued any citations in the past five years. Lakeville has issued 3 warnings, no citations. No other cities have issued any citations in the past five years. Based on the above information, anticipated effort involved inenforcement and the minimal return in potential water savings, staff is not recommending any code changes at this time. It is likely that a public informational effort would net a larger benefit for a much smaller expenditure ofstaff time. SUMMARY Discuss the current ordinance and potential future action items. C:\\Users\\jab\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\7.b. Water Conservation Ordinance_576942\\7.b. Water Conservation Ordinance.docx 11/14/2019 Sterling Codifiers, Inc. https://www.sterlingcodifiers.com/codebook/index.php?book_id=452 1/1 4-1A-3: USE RESTRICTIONS: A. Leak In Lines To Be Reported: Any owner, occupant or user of a premises who shall discover a leak in a water service line to the premises shall notify the city within twenty four (24) hours. Any water wasted due to failure of such person to comply with this regulation shall be estimated by the city and be charged for against the owner at such premises at the established rate. (Ord. XI.19, 11- 19-1996) B. Sprinkling And Other Limitations: In order to conserve the city's potable water supply, each water customer is required to comply with the following restrictions between May 1 and August 31 in any calendar year: 1. Daily Schedule: On odd numbered days of the month, only odd numbered addresses shall water lawns or landscaping, and on even numbered days, only even numbered addresses shall water lawns or landscaping. 2. Hours: No watering of lawns or landscaping is permitted between the hours of twelve o'clock 12:00) noon and six o'clock (6:00) P.M. on any day. 3. Exceptions: a. The limitations of subsections B1 and B2 of this section do not apply to the watering of lawns or landscaping for the first thirty (30) days after establishment or planting of such lawn or landscaping. b. The limitation of subsection B1 of this section does not apply to the watering of lawns or landscaping of public parks and public property by the city, provided the city waters no more frequently than every other day. (Ord. XI.28, 8-21-2007) C. Water For Air Conditioning: All air conditioning systems which are connected directly or indirectly with the public water system must be equipped with water conserving and water regulating devices as approved by the utilities commission. Permits shall be required for the installation of all new air conditioning systems to the public water system. Said permit shall be on forms as provided by the city. D. Use Confined To Premises: No person shall permit water from the water system to be used for any purpose except his own premises unless written consent is obtained from the public works director. Ord. XI.19, 11-19-1996) 2019 Well 7 Well 8 Well 9 Well 12 Well 14 Well 15 Well 16 Rural 1 Rural 2 2019 Total 2018 Total % Change 2018 2019 Diff Jan 0 16,347,600 338,700 19,856,200 3,546,900 0 2,227,000 2,340,600 2,786,500 47,443,500 52,143,000 -9.0%1.55 0.45 -1.10 Feb 0 5,200 11,000 4,200 20,983,000 0 17,845,000 2,053,300 2,226,800 43,128,500 41,361,000 4.3%1.33 2.57 1.24 Mar 0 78,700 20,055,200 112,200 2,599,500 7,133,700 2,168,000 2,483,600 2,578,300 37,209,200 41,366,000 -10.0%1.19 2.00 0.81 Q1 Total 0 16,431,500 20,404,900 19,972,600 27,129,400 7,133,700 22,240,000 6,877,500 7,591,600 127,781,200 134,870,000 -5.3%4.07 5.02 0.95 Apr 7,954,000 11,373,000 138,000 24,000 46,000 21,814,000 30,000 2,935,000 2,931,000 47,245,000 49,627,000 -4.8%2.21 3.91 1.70 May 20,242,300 20,401,500 6,414,000 2,257,000 3,892,400 164,500 3,032,000 2,889,700 3,356,800 62,650,200 87,129,000 -28.1%2.99 6.68 3.69 Jun 1,336,100 0 25,196,700 2,144,500 40,799,100 4,589,300 17,024,000 2,764,400 2,647,800 96,501,900 111,038,000 -13.1%3.77 2.72 -1.05 Q2 Total 29,532,400 31,774,500 31,748,700 4,425,500 44,737,500 26,567,800 20,086,000 8,589,100 8,935,600 206,397,100 247,794,000 -16.7%8.97 13.31 4.34 Jul 14,833,600 35,446,500 4,406,000 22,204,500 5,290,200 23,286,900 370,000 2,609,200 2,676,800 111,123,700 122,449,000 -9.2%4.44 6.48 2.04 Aug 6,293,600 5,990,400 32,712,500 12,659,900 20,498,900 13,550,900 21,900,000 2,227,200 2,669,300 118,502,700 136,974,000 -13.5%2.83 6.28 3.45 Sep 1,234,700 32,882,900 352,900 40,190,500 1,805,500 6,943,500 468,000 2,680,900 2,641,700 89,200,600 86,666,000 2.9%6.87 3.92 -2.95 Q3 Total 22,361,900 74,319,800 37,471,400 75,054,900 27,594,600 43,781,300 22,738,000 7,517,300 7,987,800 318,827,000 346,089,000 -7.9%14.14 16.68 2.54 Oct 0 220,200 18,505,200 260,500 18,774,700 2,500 62,000 2,281,400 2,540,500 42,647,000 52,350,000 -18.5%3.40 4.05 0.65 Nov 0 43,826,000 1.45 -1.45 Dec 0 46,345,000 1.53 -1.53 Q4 Total 0 220,200 18,505,200 260,500 18,774,700 2,500 62,000 2,281,400 2,540,500 42,647,000 142,521,000 6.38 4.05 -2.33 Total 51,894,300 122,746,000 108,130,200 99,713,500 118,236,200 77,485,300 65,126,000 25,265,300 27,055,500 695,652,300 871,274,000 33.56 39.06 5.50 Average/Mo 5,189,430 12,274,600 10,813,020 9,971,350 11,823,620 7,748,530 6,512,600 2,526,530 2,705,550 69,565,230 72,606,167 Average/Day 170,705 403,770 355,691 328,005 388,935 254,886 214,230 83,110 88,998 2,288,330 2,387,052 695,652,300 781,103,000 -10.9%30.58 39.06 8.48 2019 Well Pumping Record Rainfall (in) Year To-Date EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Utility Commission Meeting: November 18, 2019 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: City Project Update Executive Director’s Report PREPARED BY: Brian Erickson, P.E. Director of Public Works AGENDA NO. 8.c. City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: BLE RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, informational only BACKGROUND As the construction season is slowing down significantly the list of city and developer projects is provided as an update to the Utility Commission. The following list is the current and planned City of Rosemount projects. 132nd Street Improvements – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving between MN Hwy 3 and Dodd Boulevard. Project is completed for the season with utilities and base course in place. Wear course will be installed in 2020. 145th Street Sidewalk Improvements – Scope includes constructing sidewalk and thpedestrianrampsalongthenorthsideof145 Street to the east of Brazil Ave. Project is completed for the season. There is a portion of sidewalk across the Union Pacific Railroad that has not been done as the crossing material was removed for rail maintenance. 2019 Street Improvement Project – Scope includes mill and overlay of Connemara Trail between Diamond Path and Shannon Parkway and restriping toa three-lane section with some minor storm sewer improvements. Project is completed for the season. Adalyn Avenue – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving between Addison Avenue and Connemara Trail. Project is completed for the season with utilities and base course in place. Wear course will be installed in 2020. stAddisonAve – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving between 141 Street East and a temporary cul-de-sac to the east. Project was completed except for wear course in 2018 and because of additional 2019 construction in the area, the removal of the cul-de-sac and road extension to the east this summer. Final wear course will be done in 2020. Autumn Path – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving from Bonaire Path north approximately 2,500 feet. This project is planned for 2020 construction and is currently in design. Biscayne Ave – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving between Boulder thTrail160 Street (CSAH 46). This project is planned for 2020 construction and is currently in design. Bonaire Path – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving between Akron Avenue and Anderson Drive. Additionally, the installation of crossing arms at the Union Pacific Railroad intersection are in the scope of the project and planned for C:\\Users\\jab\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\8.c. Project Update_576945\\8.c. Project Update.docx 2020. Ultimately, the city will request that this intersection become a quiet zone (i.e. no train horns). Project is completed for the season with utilities and base course in place. Wear course will be installed in 2020. Chippendale Water Tower Rehab – Scope includes coating rehabilitation and minor tank repairs along with the painting of the current Rosemount logo. Project is completed except for restoration around the tower which will be performed in 2020. Connemara Trail Extension – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving from Akron Avenue east approximately 1,300 feet. This project is planned for 2020 construction and is currently in design. Deepwoods Court – Scope includes pavement reclamation and minor curb repair from McAndrews Road south approximately 1,900 feet. This project is planned for 2020 construction and is currently in design. Dunmore Storm Lift Station – Scope includes the construction of a stormwater lift station inthe Dunmore subdivision and connection to existing force main. Construction is ongoing and is planned for completion this year. Restoration will be completed in 2020. TH 3 Drainage Improvements – Scope includes improving the stormwater crossing at MN Hwy 3 between Dunmore and Harmony subdivisions. This is a joint project between the City of Rosemount and MnDOT. Design incompleted and work is planned for 2020. Well 16 Pump House – Scope included the construction of the pump house and well head. Construction is complete and well is inservice, final acceptance of work will happen this year. The following list is the current and planned developer projects. Bella Vista 6 – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving from Aulden Avenue to the cul-de-sac approximately 850’ north east as well as 19 single family residential SFR) lots of a planned total 158. In addition, there isa temporary sanitary sewer lift station that will be installed until trunk sewer is extended at a future date. Utilities and base course are in place and the lift station is under construction now. Wear course is planned for 2020. Bella Vista 7 – Scope will include construction of utilities and paving from a temporary connection to the Autumn Path extension (see above) west approximately 1500 feet as well as 26 SFR lots of a planned total 158. Actual construction cannot occur until Autumn Path is construction to allow access as this portion of Bella Vista is currently land locked’. Grading is nearly completed. Biscayne Business Park – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving from Biscayne Avenue to the cul-de-sac approximately 750’ west as well as 8 commercial lots and a temporary connection to the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services MCES) interceptor line. This connection will be changed once Biscayne Avenue is reconstructed. Final wear course will be done in 2020. Caramore Crossing – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving from Akron Avenue and from Bonaire Path as well as 82 SFR lots of a planned total 177. This project is planned for 2020 construction and is currently in design. ndDunmore – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving from 132 Street as well as 30 SFR lots of aplanned total 87. This project is nearly complete, wear course has been done. ndDunmore2 – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving from 132 Street as well as 25 SFR lots ofa planned total 87. Project is completed for the season with utilities and base course in place. Wear course will be installed in 2020. 2 Greystone 7 – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving as well as 46 SFR lots of aplanned total 287. Project is completed for the season with utilities and base course in place. Wear course will be installed in 2020. Greystone 8 – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving as well as 56 SFR lots of aplanned total 287. Project is completed for the season with utilities and base course in place. Wear course will be installed in 2020. Harmony Parkview – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving as well as 22 townhomes. Utilities are city owned and the streets are private. ndHarmonyParkview2 – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving as well as 26 townhomes. Utilities will be city owned and the streets are private. This project will also fill temporary stormwater ponding on the east side ofMN Hwy 3. This project is planned for 2020 construction. Harmony Villas – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving as well as 42 townhomes. Utilities are city owned and the streets are private. Utility construction is complete. Harmony Villas 2 – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving as well as 26 townhomes. Utilities are city owned and the streets are private. Utility construction is complete. Meadow Ridge – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving as well as 34 SFR lots of aplanned total 154. Project is completed and final acceptance of the project is process. ndMeadowRidge2 – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving as well as 29 SFR lots of a planned total 154. Project is completed for the season with utilities and base course in place. Wear course will be installed in 2020. rdMeadowRidge3 – Scope includes construction ofutilities, paving and a temporary sanitary sewer lift station as well as 28 SFR lots of a planned total 154. This project is planned for 2020 construction. Minea/ISD 196 Sanitary Extn – Scope includes construction of sanitary sewer from Akron Avenue to the west. No additional construction is planned this was completed to allow for future development to the west of Akron. Project is completed and final acceptance of the project isprocess. Prestwick 17 – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving, including the completion of Addison Avenue to a temporary dead end to the east as well as 26 townhomes. Utilities will be city owned and the streets are private. Project is completed for the season with utilities and base course in place. Wear course will be installed in 2020. Prestwick 18 – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving as well as 40 townhomes. Utilities will be city owned and the streets are private. Utilities have been installed. Wear course will be installed in 2020. Prestwick 19 – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving as well as 35 SFR lots. Project is completed for the season with utilities and base course in place. Wear course will be installed in 2020. Prestwick 20 – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving as well as SFR lots. This project isplanned for 2020 construction. Prestwick 21 – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving as well as 24 townhomes. Utilities will be city owned and the streets are private. This project is planned for 2020 construction. Prestwick 22 – Scope includes construction of utilities and paving as well as 64 townhomes. Utilities will be city owned and the streets are private. This project is planned for 2020 construction. 3 The following is the list ofDakota County/City of Rosemount projects. CR 73 (Akron Ave) – Scope includes the reconstruction ofAkron Avenue from Bonaire Path to the Rosemount city limit. It also includes the construction of a trail under pass thnearFlintHillsSoccerComplex. Finally, itincludes pavement rehabilitation for 124 stCourtand121 Street. This project is planned for 2020 construction. Roundabout Connemara Trail/Diamond Path – Scope preliminary engineering for the construction of a roundabout at this intersection. This project is planned for construction in 2022. 4