HomeMy WebLinkAbout37351 - JANUARY 1971 - JANUARY 19731 Proceedings New Village of Rosemount On Friday, January 15, 1971, Acting Clerk Mrs. Margaret H. Alsip administered the oath of office to the following: Mayor: Mr. Eugene J. Duff, One Year Term Councilmen: Mr. Leland Knutson, Three Year Term Mr. Louis H. Genz, Two Year Term Mr. Eldon Stauffer, Two Year Term Mr. F. G. (Jud) Hester, One Year Term Justice of the Peace: Mr. Robert W. Mohr, Two Year Term Mrs. Sharon Henderson, One Year Term Constable: Mr. Nick Fox, Two Year Term Mr. Ray McNamara, One Year Term The meeting was then turned over to Mayor Duff, who made a short speech to the Councilmen recommending that no official business be conducted at this meeting, but made several recommendations including that the initial organizational meeting be held on Tuesday, January 19, 1971 at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall, 1367 145th St. E. (Town Hall Bldg. on County Rd. 42) and requested that Mrs. Alsip attend this meeting to take minutes of the meeting; for the present time two meetings per month be scheduled and at a later date this shall be reviewed to see if two meetings are required; appoint various personnel including a Clerk- Treasurer; retain the firm of Grannis and Grannis, Mr. Patrick Farrell as attorney for the Village; retain the firm of Banister Engineering as Consulting Engineer for the Village. He requested that for the time being an agenda not be planned for this meeting, but that it be strictly an organizational meeting. The latest edition of Village Handbooks recently purchased from the League of Municipalities were distributed to each newly elected Councilman. No other business was conducted and the formal meeting was adjourned. The Rosemount Mrs. JayCees prepared and served coffee and cake to all in attendance. Respectfully submitted Mrs. Margaret H. Alsip Acting Clerk Results of the first dlection held on January 12, 1971, for the purpose of electing officials for the newly formed Village of Rosemount, County of Dakota, Minnesota. Said village consisting of the old Village of Rosemount and Township of Rosemount. The hours of election were from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM and polling places were the Village Fire Hall and the Town Hall Building. For Mayor One Year Term For Councilman Vote for Four Eugene J. Duff 447 Votes 243 Village 204 Township Raymond W. Reinke 400 Votes 152 Village 248 Township Lloyd Bartelt 175 Votes 87 Village 88 Township Charles E. Cunningham 291 Votes 98 Village 193 Township P. F. Finnegan 311 Votes 172 Village 139 Township Alan Ford 169 Votes 96 Village 73 Township Louis H. Genz 425 Votes 180 Village 245 Township F. G. Hester 422 Votes 213 Village 209 Township Richard Johnson 114 Votes 54 Village 60 Township Le Ann K. Karnes 92 Votes 28 Village 64 Township Leland Knutson 500 Votes 260 Village 240 Township Otto Ped 129 Votes 32 Village 97 Township 1 For Councilman For Justice of the Peace Vote for Two Elected for One Year Term Elected for Three Year Term Elected for Two Year Terms Elected for One Year Term Elected for Two Year Term Elected for One Year Term Elected for One Year Term #0 Elected for Two Year Term WRITE -IN VOTES WERE AS FOLLOWS: Justice of the Peace Village J. Ahern, 1 vote J. Oster, 1 vote W. Matuska, 1 vote M. Curley, 1 vote R. Johnson, 2 votes R. Keller, 1 vote Eldon Stauffer 482 Votes Village 206 Township Mari Van Kleek 157 Votes 105 Township Sharon Henderson 600 Votes 264 Village 336 Township Robert W. Mohr 618 Votes 280 Village 338 Township Nick Fox 753 Votes $!1 For Constable Vote For Two 354 Village 399 Township Township E. Bushlack, 1 vote B. Wolter, 1 vote R. Lucking, 4 votes M. Ratzlaff, 1 vote L. Anderson, 1 vote Ray McNamara 692 Votes 360 Township 332 Village Constable Township John Adair, 1 vote R. Lucking, 1 vote January 19, 1971 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, County of Dakota, State of Minnesota Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the first meeting of the new Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall at 1367 145th St. W on the 19th day of January, 1971, at 7:30 PM. The meeting was called to order by President Duff. All members present. The appointment of the Clerk- Treasurer was discussed. Mr. Don Darling and Mrs. M. Alsip informed the Council they are interested in the appointment. Action on the final appointment was tabled for further study by the Council. MOTION by Knutson second by Hester to appoint Mrs. Margaret Alsip as tempo- rary Clerk- Treasurerlbr a period not to exceed 30 days, at a salary of $175.00 for the 30 day period. Office hours will remain as scheduled at the Village Hall, plus any additional hours necessary to complete the assignments of the Council. Council unanimously agreed to set the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM as regular Village Council meeting dates. Meetings will be held at the former Township Hall Building at 1367 145th St. W. (County Road 42) said building designated as the Village Hall. Council unanimously agreed that an agenda shall be set for each meeting and will be submitted to each Council member and the Mayor not later than five (5) days next preceding the meeting. MOTION by Stauffer second by Hester to adopt Rules for the conduct of Village Council meetings as Resolution No. 1, A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RULES FOR THE ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA striking Section 7 and adding to Section 5, Subdivision 2, "Voting shall be by alternating roll call. Ayes were Duff, Knutson, Hester, Genz and Stauffer. Nays none. Motion duly carried. Mr. Patrick Farrell was present representing the firm of Grannis and Grannis, Attorneys at Law, and discussed with the Council legal representation by their firm for the Village. MOTION by Knutson second by Genz, to retain Grannis and Grannis, specifically Mr. David Grannis, Jr. and Mr. Patrick Farrell as legal council for the Village of Rosemount with Mr. Grannis and /or Mr. Farrell to attend each Council meeting until notified otherwise. Ayes were Knutson, Hester, Duff, Genz and Stauffer. Nays none. Motion duly carried. Mr. Roger B. Short was present representing the firm of Banister Engineering Co. and discussed with the Council consulting engineering services. MOTION by Knutson second by Hester to retain Banister Engineering Co. to represent the Village of Rosemount as their engineer and to authorize their firm to proceed with a water distribution study and submit a full report to the Council at the earliest possible date; and that a representative of the Council and Mr. Short meet with Mr. Don Blaisdell, former Township engineer, in an effort to resolve any problems that may arise as a result of engineering work already completed by both engineering firms on a water distribution study. Ayes were Hester, Duff, Genz, Stauffer, and Knutson. Nays none. MOTION by Hester second by Stauffer, to approve the appointments oft The Dakota County Tribune as the official newspaper; The First State Bank of Rosemount as the official depository; Drs. Robert Erickson and R. Mardell and Mr. Louis Genz as Health Officers i Mr. Leland Knutson as Acting Mayor in the absence of Mayor Duff. The matter of appointing a Utilities Commission was referred to the attorney to determine whether streets and roads shall be a part of the responsibilities of the Utilities Commission. MOTION by Stauffer, second by Genz, WHEREAS by reason of the establishment bf the New Village of Rosemount there is a need for the establishment of a new Planning Commission and a review of the existing ordinances; and WHEREAS it would be improper for the Village to rezone property or grant building permits pending said actions; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a Zoning and Building Permit Moratorium be placed on all rezoning requests and building permit applications for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days. Ayes were Genz, Stauffer, Knutson, Hester and Duff. Nays none. ei-erk- r MOTION by Knutson, second by Stauffer to make an appointment of a Police Study Committee consisting of Mr. Alan Ford, Pastor James Minehart, and Mr. Charles Cunningham with the recommendation that they make an immediate study of the past study and prepare a preliminary report for presentation to the Council on February 2, 1971, Ayes were Stauffer, Knutson, Hester, Duff and Genz. Nays none. Clerk to advise the above named gentlemen of their appointment. Clerk to advise Mr. Karl Volkert to continue as caretaker at the old Township dump and to continue the schedule as established, until further notice, namely the first and third Saturdays of each month; and notify Mr. George Koehnen to continue the established schedule for the old Village dump; and to notify Mr. Donald Brown to continue opening the dump from 10:00 AM toll/100 PM each Wednesday. MOTION by Hester, second by Genz to set a pay shedule of $2.75/Hr. for both Mr. Volkert and Mr. Koehnen. Ayes were Knutson, Hester, Duff, Genz and Stauffer. Nays none. Mayor requested the acting Clerk- Treasurer to transfer funds from the ad Village and the Old Township to the New Village of Rosemount and to use old Village Checks. MOTION by Genz, second by Stauffer, to cancel all Township policies and incorporate all under Village policies and to invite Mr. Robert Toombs to attend the meeting scheduled for February 2, 1971, to discuss insurance needs for the Village. Ayes were Hester, Duff, Genz, Stauffer and Knutson. Nays none. Along the same lines it was requested that Mr. Don Rosen attend the next regular meeting to discuss a health insurance program. Clerk to determine the number of full time employees. I January 19, 1971 (Cont'd.) Clerk to advise the Evans Scholars that they have Council permission to conduct a "Run for Health" fund drive in Rosemount. the file re Lot 4 Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 (Emma Derham property) was turned over to the Clerk and the matter scheduled for discussion at the next regular meeting. Clerk to notify John Hawkins to attend the meeting to discuss a contract for cleaning the two Village Mrs. 1 Doehling to continue cleaning the interior (Town Hall building) as she has been; and requests maintain the exterior of the building such as snow cutting. on February 2, 1971 Halls and to notify of the Village Hall that Mr. Don Brown removal and grass MOTION by Hester, second by Knutson, to retain the services of Mr. Peter Jorgensen as plumbing inspector on the same basis as has been the practice until a Planning Commission can be established. Ayes were Duff, Genz, Stauffer, Knutson and Hester. Nays none. MOTION by Hester, second by Genz, to continue to permit the Happy Go— Getters and Mount Rose 4H Clubs to use the Village Hall building as a meeting place. Ayes were Genz, Stauffer, Knutson, Hester and Duff. Nays none. MOTION by Genz, second by Hester, to approve payment of the Township Utilities salary to Mr. Calvin Drake and Mrs. M. Alsip. Ayes were Stauffer, Knutson, Hester, Duff and Genz. Nays none. Clerk to invite representatives of May and Associates, and George M. Hansen Co. accounting firms to attend the February 2nd meeting to discuss the retention of an auditing firm by the Village. Justices of the Peace bonds were set in the amount of $500.00. Clerk Treasurer was set at $50,000.00. Clerk to inform Mr. Harold Liefshulz that he will be scheduled for the agenda of February 16, 1971, to discuss revisions to contract with Jefferson Park, mobile home part development. Mr. Victor Wenzel was present at the meeting to request of the Council permission to park snow removal equipment in the garage as he has in the past. MOTION by Genz second by Stauffer to allow Mr. Wenzel to park snow removal equipment inthe garage with the same stipulations set by the Township Board and rental shall be $15.00 /mo. for one piece of equipment and $12.50 /mo. additional for each additional piece of equipment and that no more than three pieces shall be parked therein. All equipment to be removed by April 1, 1971, and garage to be left in a clean condition. MOTION by Stauffer second by Hester, to have Clerk send letters to all candidates in the recent Village election remove all campaign signs and papers. Ayes were Hester, Duff, Genz, Stauffer and Knutson. Nays none. Clerk to have copies of the Township Dog Ordinance prepared for discussion at the meeting on February 2, 1971. 3 4 There being no further business, the first meeting of the New Village of Rosemount was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, l A 2,.x.1 7 L L/ Marga et H. Alsip Ac l* Clerk- Treasurer 1 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS February 2, 1971 Minutes of Regular Meeting Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the second meeting of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall at 1367 145th St. E. on the 2nd day of February, 1971, at 7:30 PM, The meeting was called to order by President Duff. All members were present. Attorney Pat Farrell and Engineer Roger Short were also present. The minutes of the meeting of Jan. 19, 1971 were reviewed. These were approved with the following exceptions: To be stricken: Clerk requested to notify the present Planning Commission that they no longer have any legal status and notify proponents of the Hearing to be held on January 26, 1971, that the Hearing has been cancelled." and to be changed: "Mr. Donald Brown to continue opening the dump from 10:00 AM to 12 Noon each Wednesday." MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to approve the attached list of bills and order them paid from their respective funds. Ayes were Knutson, Hester, Duff, Stauffer and Genz. Nays none General Fund $3666.32 Fire Dept. 177.12 Liquor Rev. $5368.40 Mayor Duff read a letter from the District Traffic Engineer, State Depart- ment of Highways informing the Village of expanded facilities to handle traffic signal malfunctions. Same to be retained in Clerk's office with copies to be furnished to Police Chief Tousignant and Mr. Don Brown. Mayor read letters from League of Minnesota Municipalities, Mr. Dean Lund, Exec. Secy. dated Jan. 20 and 29, 1971. MOTION by Hester that copy of the letter and attachments be given to each Council member. Second by Genz. Ayes were Hester, Duff, Stauffer, Genz and Knutson. Nays none. Clerk shall obtain copies of the above and request the members of the Rosemount Village Council be placed on the mailing list. Mayor turned over to the Clerk, the following correspondence and other information: 5 ..a Sample Ordinances Letter from Sen. Rollin B. Glewwe dated 9/27/70 Letter from Greif Bros. Corp. dated 9/15/70 From Banister Eng. Co. Report on Water Supply and storage, Village of Rosemount Returning Ordiances No. 44 and 45 and Town Ordinance No. 11 Read a letter from Mr. Jim Gabiou, Dakota County Highway Eng. re a meeting on 2/17/71 at 7:30 PM and urged all members of the Council to attend. Purpose of the meeting is to discuss the route bcation for proposed County Rd. 40 -42 between Hastings and Scott County. Read a letter from the Village of Apple Valley enclosing copy of their Resolution 1971 -4 re the Cedar Avenue Bridge and requesting the Village of Rosemount pass a similar resolution. MOTION by Knutson second by Hester that the Village Council of Rosemount submit a similar resolution to the people mentioned in Apple Valley resolution urging them to consider updating the Cedar Ave. Bridge for the flow of traffic over the bridge. Ayes were Duff, Stauffer, Genz, Knutson and Hester. Nays none. Mr. Donald Brown was appointed Asst. Weed Inspector and Council requests he attend meeting sponsored by the State Dept. of Agriculture on Feb. 11, 1971, and to pay expenses incurred. Clerk read letter firm State Pollution Control Agency addressed to Mr. F. G. Hester at Great Northern Oil dated 1/27/71 re a permit application for construction and operation of sanitary landfill by GNOC within the Company's fenced boundaries. Mr. Hester informed the Council that a meeting on the site is scheduled to further discuss this matter with the PCA. Mr. Alan Ford and Rev. James Minehart were present to report on the Police Study. Mr. Chas. Cunningham unable to attend. Mr. Ford presented copies to the Council and spoke on behalf of the Study Committee and answered questions of the Council members. Mayor Duff, on behalf of the entire Council, thanked the members for the fine report and commended them on the very thorough job done. The Study Committee was instructed to prepare a rough draft as a result of the study, giving rules to adopt the Police Dept.; containing recommended salaries. When ready with the report, advise Council in order that time be scheduled on an agenda or call a Special Meeting if necessary, to study said report. Mr. Orrin Solberg of the Assessor's Office, Dakota County, was present to request abatements be granted on personal property located at St. Paul Ammonia Products, Inc. and Franklin Creamery. In both instances the assessments were made in error and were not for property located in the Village. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to grant said abatements. Ayes were Stauffer, Genz, Knutson, Hester and Duff. Nays none. Purchase of Emma Derham property for storm sewer and park facilities was discussed. MOTION by Knutson that Attorney Farrell be authorized to contact Derham property owners with the proposal to purchase the property known as part of Lot 4 Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 Village of Rosemount. Terms to be 25% down (price being $56,000 for 56 A. more or less.) balance to be paid in four (4) equal payments with no interest charge on the four pay- ments. Second by Genz. Ayes were Gene, Knutson, Hester, Duff and Stauffer. Nays none. Township Dog Ordinance was read and upon MOTION by Knutson, Council agreed to adopt by resolution Township Ordinance No. 3 as read. to include the authorization to pick up and impound cats if necessary. Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Genz, Knutson, Hester, Duff and Stauffer. Nays none. It was pointed out that it is not necessary to incorporate the ticketing system in the Ordinance. Mr. John Schiffman was present to discuss being retained as the Village Dog Catcher. He stated he would patrol areas of the Village every day, beon call 24 hours /day and attend monthly meetings and make reports, requesting a salary of $110 /mo. MOTION by Stauffer to hire Mr. Schiffman as dog catcher at $110 /mo. second by Knutson. Ayes were Knutson, Hester, Duff, Stauffer, and Genz. Nays none I ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting February 2, 1971 (Cont'd.) Appointment of Clerk Treasurer was discussed. MOTION by Stauffer second by Hester to appoint Mr. Don Darling as Clerk- Treasurer of Rosemount Village, at a salary of 5200 /mo. effective February 2, 1971. Ayes were Duff, Stauffer, Genz, Knutson and Hester. Nays none. Mayor Duff recommended to the Council that Mrs. Margaret Alsip be retained as clerk and Council Secretary and Mrs. Barbara Brown as a clerk for Utilities and Liquor Commissions. Mrs. Alsip to be paid at an hourly rate of $2.50/Hr. effective January 19, 1971. MOTION by Knutson to retain Mrs. Alsip as recommerd?d, second by Hester. Ayes were Duff, Stauffer, Genz, Knutson and Hester. Mr. Greg Murphy representing the Geo. M. Hansen Co. was present, as was Mr. Guy Hole of May Associates to discuss services of their respective firms and to be retained as Village Auditors. Council unanimously agreed that each firm review accounting records and submit a proposal for the 1971 accounts. In the matter of the trailer permit as issued on the Daly farm, Miss Ann Tracy was not present as she had indicated she would be, therefore, Council passed over this matter for the time being. Establishment of the Utilities Commission was discussed. It was determined that the street department cannot be made a part of the Utilities. Mayor Duff read a copy of an Ordinance Establishing a Public Utilities Commission. Prescribing its Powers and Duties and Defining its Jurisdiction. Knutson recommended that a representative from the Council be a pa rt of the Utilities Commission., and recom- mended that the Mayor continue to be a member of this commission. MOTION by Genz, second by Stauffer to adopt the Ordinance as read, establishing a Public Utilities Commission, and authorized the Mayor and Clerk to sign same. Ayes were Stauffer, Genz, Knutson, Hester and Duff. Recommendations for appointment to the Utilities Commission were Mr. Paul Jones for a three (3) year term; Mr. Milton Johnson for a two (2) year term and the Mayor for a one (1) year term. MOTION by Stauffer, to accept the appointments. Second by Hester. The salary for these appointments was set at $120 /Yr. Ayes were Stauffer, Genz, Knutson, and Hester. Mayor Duff, no vote. Ayes were 4, Nays none. A Planning Commission Ordinance was discussed, and a sample ordinance reviewed. MOTION by Knutson to adopt an ordinance to Establish a Planning Com- mission to Plan for the Physical Development of the Village of Rosemount Minnesota and to Recommend a Zoning Plan. Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Genz, Knutson, Hester, Duff and Stauffer. Nays none Upon MOTION by Stauffer, second by Hester, the following citizens were appointed as members df the Planning Commission for terms as specified: 7 8 1 Rosemount Village Proceedings v February 2, 1971 For a Three Year Term Mr. Donald Ratzlaff Mr. Otto Ped Mr. Maynard Vogelgesang For a Two Year Term Mrs. Geo. (Betty) Zannmiller Mr. Richard Corcoran Mr. Richard Heinen For a One Year Term Mrs. Gordon (Mari) Van Kleek Mr. Thomas Stein Mr. Lee Schuldt Ayes were Knutson, Hester, Duff, Stauffer and Genz. Council unanimously agreed that the newly appointed Planning Commission be sworn in at 7:30 PM on February 9, 1971; and that Mr. Bailey Seida also be present to discuss the services of a professional planner. Mr. Ed McMenomy, Mr. C. Erickson and Mr. P. Finnegan were present to discuss obtaining a building permit for the construction of an Erickson gas station on the corner of Hyland and Ash Streets in the "old" Village of Rosemount. MOTION by Knutson to table any further discussion on the Erickson station to the February 16th meeting. Second by Gbnz. Ayes were Hester, Duff, Stauffer, Genz and Knutson. Nays none. These representatives were given the understanding they will be scheduled on the agenda for the meeting on February 16th. Mr. Robert Toombs and Mr. Hubert Geraghty were present to discuss general insurance needs of the Village. They stated it was possible to reclassify the old Township into Class 7 and 8 as soon as they can obtain a copy of the drawing of the plans of the water system serving Broback Additions. As soon as policies are turned over to them all Township coverage will be cancelled and proper refunds paid; the entire New Village area will be thoroughly covered with the same type of coverage as before. Mr. Don Rosen was present to discuss available health and accident insurance for employees of the Village, as were representatives of Minnesota Benefit Assn. Further discussion will be held at the meeting on February 16th and both representatives were requested to be present with a proposal. Mr. John Hawkins was present to discuss a contract to clean both Village Halls. He stated he would continue to maintain the building previously known as the Town Hall as before, for the same figure, namely $25 /mo. and would submit a proposal for the building now known as the Utilities and Liquor Commission Bldg. MOTION by Hester to have Mr. Hawkins continue to clean the Town Hall building once a month and continue to give the same service for the rate of $25 /mo. Second by Knutson. Ayes were Duff, Stauffer, Genz, Knutson and Hester. Nays none. Mr. Henry Broback was present to discuss the petition originally submitted to the Township Board requesting construction of concrete curb and gutter, blacktopped streets, water mains and services and appurtenances thereto, in Broback 8th Addition on the street to be known as 150th St. W. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to table further discussion on this petition for further consideration. Ayes were Stauffer, Genz, Knutson, Hester and Duff. Nays none. ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS February 2, 1971 (Cont'd.) Mr.Gordon Docken was present to discuss with the Council his appli- cation of a building permit for an addition on his existing home. the 60 day moratorium was discussed. At this point the Mayor relinquished his chair to make a motion to pass an aa.•1r1aent to Resolution 71 allow the Village Council to issue permits on remodeling applications to private homes. Second by Hester. Ayes were Stauffer, Genz, Knutson, Hester and Duff. Nays none. MOTION by Knutson second by Genz to accept the recommendation of the Fire Dept. to appoint Eldon Stauffer as Fire Chief. Ayes were Genz Knutson, Hester and Duff. Nays none. Mr. Stauffer no vote. This matter had been referred to the Attorney to determine whether or not it is permissable for a member of the Council to serve as Fire Chief also. It was Mr. Farrell's opinion that it was permissable. MOTION by Stauffer second by Knutson to approve the application of Mr. Docken to add onto his existing home as per application and authorize the permit to be issued. Ayes were Genz, Knutson, Hester, Duff and Stauffer. Nays none. MOTION by Stauffer to adjourn, second by Genz. Ayes were Knutson, Hester Duff, Stauffer and Genz. Nays none. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, ,cdJ-o Don F. Darling Clerk- Treas4rer Published in Dakota County Tribune on March 4, 1971. Bills approved and ordered paid at meeting February 2, 1971: GENERAL FUND Calvin Drake Margaret Alsip Hawkins Janitorial Service Postmaster Postage meter Mrs. L. Doehling Motorola Communications Corrigan Electric Union "76" Phillips Petroleum Linkert Ldscpg. Fischer Construction Lampert Yards Treas. Dakota County NSP Str -,et lights NSP Hall, Traf. Lights, etc. Peoples Gas Pitney Bowes $175.97 213.47 25.00 50.00 14.15 6.60 9.20 61.50 7.34 586.50 289.08 146.27 380.00 15.00 81.19 107.72 25.50 9 10 Bills approved and ordered paid at meeting February 2, 1971 GENERAL FUND (Cont'd.) Vic's Welding Dakota County Tribune Miller Davis Dakota Electric Peoples Natural Gas Northern States Power FIRE DEPT. FUND it Comm Kaar Electronics Corp. LIQUOR REVENUE FUND PAC, Inc. Electro Watchman, Inc. Judge Electric Miller Davis Coca -Cola Bottling Genz -Ryan Sunderland, Inc. Twin City Home Juice College City Beverage, Inc. Leding Distr. Alcorn Beverage Concord Beverage Old Dutch Foods Seven -up Gross Industrial Towel Drentlaw Whol. Candy Southside Distr. Coast to Coast Day Distr. 0. M. Droney Beverage Hanson Beverage Transport Clearings Postmaster Peoples Natural Gas Wm. Quigley, Convention NS P Northwest Linen Central Telephone Wm. Quigley Petty Cash Griggs Cooper Famous Brands Ed Phillips Johnson Bros. McKesson Liquor Old Peoria Distillers Distr. Co. $963.00 123.23 30.54 8.74 60.35 409.50 $4136.17 80.85 7 7, ,r 7y 89.40 84.00 79.00 8.08 119.60 15.35 53.25 24.45 503.60 507.10 278.85 1213.90 70.15 30.90 53.05 26.30 13.03 391.75 60.81 1596.75 143.08 6.00 157.52 100.00 161.50 21.68 25.13 62.72 208.23 997.41' 2718.66 591.03 1381.16 780.89 2570.83 $15,146.16 .t /77. ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of a Special Meeting February 9, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting was held at the Rosemount Village Hall. All members were present. All newly appointed members of the Rosemount Village Planning Commission were present and were sworn in by Clerk- Treasurer, Don F. Darling. Members are: Donald Ratzlaff Otto Ped Maynard Vogelgesang Three Year Term Mrs. Geo. D. (Betty) Zannmiller --Two Year Term Richard Corcoran Richard Heinen Mrs. Gordon (Mari) Van Kleek Thomas Stein Lee Schuldt One Year Term Mayor Duff spoke to the new Commission requesting they set up an organizational meeting appointing Mr. Richard Corcoran as Temporary Chairman. Copies of old Village Commission Ordinances were distributed to each member. Mr. Bailey Seida was present co discuss with the Council his services to the Village as a Planner, as well as fees. The latter being $25 /Hr. on individual projects. In case of projects involving codes or plans, project cost would then be discussed and negotiated with the Council depending on the size and scope of the project. Mr. Roger Freeberg of Times Annex Architects was present representing his firm as aplanning consultant to the Village and was accompanied by Mr. Hosni Iskander. Mr. Freeberg stated their fees for services are 525.00/Hr. Documents would be on a fixed sum, price negotiated fee. Other back -up staff would be at the rate of $20 /Hr. MOTION by Hester to consider the matter further and schedule discussion of retaining a planner at the meeting of February 16th. Second by Knutson. Ayes were Duff, Stauffer, Genz, Knutson, and Hester. Nays none. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer Published in Dakota County Tribune March 4, 1971 1. 1 12 Bills approved and ordered paid at Fred Uitdenbogerd Mrs. L. Doehling McClain Redman Schuldt First State Bank Toombs Insurnce Agency Linkert Ldscpg. NSP Motorola Union "76" Minnesota Ben. Assn. Texaco Miller Davis LMM Vic's Welding Fox Excavating TOTAL FIRE DEPT. FUND Peoples Gas NSP Bernard May Coast to Coast TOTAL LIQUOR REVENUE FUND TOTAL 8.75 20.00 78.14 1.50 448.00 453.75 54.18 6.60 74.21 68.46 11.11 42.73 15.00 1832.00 147.50 $3261.93 87.45 12.85 25.00 8.22 $133.52 Hanson Beverage $1946.80 Old Dutch Foods 94.65 Alcorn Beverage 479.80 Southside Dist. Co. 18.25 College City Bev. 563.80 Seven -Up Bottling Co. 63.95 Smith Grain 10.80 Day Dist. Co. 513.00 Leding Dist. 491.55 Drentlaw Wholesale Tobacco 58.10 Twin City Home Juice 43.05 St. Paul Retr Equip. Co. 59.70 Coca -Colla Bottling 17.25 Concord Beverage 1163.35 Transport Clearings 73.47 Miller Davis 10.78 Van Paper Co. 73.71 Thomas Mohr 80.00 Johnson Bros. 2201.25 Griggs Cooper 845.78 McKesson Liquor 752.71 Ed Phillips Sons 1808.57 Gross Ind.. Towel 11.60 Central Telephone 24.78 Peoples Natural Gas 158.00 NSP 133.90 Northwest Linen Service 27.61 Famous Brands 851.45 Old Peoria 621.01 $13,198.67 meeting 1971 *Check as issued to Thomas Mohr wits ordered held until payment for refuse collection license is received. ROSEMOINT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of a Regular Meeting February 16, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a meeting of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall at 1367 145th St. E. on the 16th day of February, 1971 at 7:30 PM. The meeting was called to order by President Duff. All members present. Attorney Farrell and Engineer G. Gray from Banister Eng. Co. were also present. The Minutes of the meetings of February 2nd and 9th were approved. Mr. Jerry Minea of the Dakota County Development Assn. was present to discuss the locating of the proposed new Dakota County Road 40. Council further discussed this as it would affect the Village of Rosemount. MOTION by Knutson to pass Resolution No. 6 regarding locating of proposed County Road 40. Second by Stauffer, Ayes were Hester, Duff, Stauffer, Genz and Knutson. Nays none. MOTION by Genz seconded by Knutson to approve the attach3l list of bills and order them paid from their respective funds. Ayes were Duff, Knutson, Hester, Stauffer and Genz. Nays none. Letters dated February 2nd and 3, 1971 from Metropolitan Sewer Board referred to Utilities Commission meeting Feb. 25, 1971. MOTION by Hester to authorize Clerk Don Darling to attend LMM Conference for Municipal Clerks and Finance Officers on March 11 and 12, 1971, and be reimbursed for expenditures. Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Knutson, Hester, Duff, Stauffer, and Genz. Nays none. MOTION by Stauffer to refer to the Planning Commission proposed changes to contract between North Central Enterprises, Inc. and Township of Rosemount, as set forth in letter dated Dec. 21, 1970. from attorneys representing NCE, for their meeting on February 25, 1971. Second by Hester, Ayes were Hester, Duff, Stauffer, Genz and Knutson. Nays none. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to refer the proposal as presented by representatives of Kee Park to the Planning Commission for review and recommendations. Ayes were Duff, Stauffer, Genz Knutson and Hester. Nays none. MOTION by Knutson to table the request of issuance of building permit to build the Erickson gas station on Hyland and Ash St.; recommend that same be reviewed by Village Planner and that Mr. McMenomy be informed as to l$ho the planner is so that he can meet with him. Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Stauffer, Genz, Knutson Hester and Duff. Nays none. Mr. Pat Farrell reported he had contacted Miss Emma Ryan re purchase of Derham property and was informed that she would not accept the offer submitted, that she would like to receive interest which amounted to about $5000 additional. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Mr. Farrell to explore the possibility of a six month option to purchase the property at the price and interest figures quoted. Second by Genz. Ayes were Genz, Knutson, Hester, Duff and Stauffer. Nays none. i3 14 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS February 16, 1971 (Cont'd.) Mr. Farrell reported he had received a letter from Banister Engineering re the amount owed the Metro Sewer Council by the Township of Rosemount. Mr. Short suggested a joint meeting be held with representatives of Metro Sewer Board. Clerk instructed to arrange the meeting. Mr. Farrell requested approval of a resolution as passed by the Dakota County Bar Assn. to establish County Municipal Court. Mayor Duff appointed Councilmen Genz and Hester to review the resolution and report back to Council. Mr. Burkhalter present to request a kennel license be issued on property he is interested in purchasing. Matter referred to the Planning Commission for review and recommendations. Insurance representatives were present to discuss proposals of an insurance program employees of the Village. Mayor appointed Council- men Knutson and Stauffer to study types of coverage to be offered to the employees and request quotes from the insurance representatives. Representatives of the American Legion Club were present to request a liquor license be issued permitting them to serve liquor on Sunday. Matter referred to Attorney Farrell to determine the correct procedure for the Village to issue a license. Council unanimously agreed that all Village equipment shall be used by authorized personnel only and shall be the responsibility of Mr. Don Brown. MOTION by Knutson to appoint Mr. Donald Brown as Supervisor of Utilities, Streets and Roads and Public Buildings. Mr. Brown is to bring to the Council recommendations for snow removal for the 1971 -72 season, main- tenance of Village streets and roads and other general information, and to maintain streets and roads with Council direction. Mr. Brown authorized to hire extra help as required. Second by Hester. Ayes were Knutson, Hester, Duff, Stauffer and Genz. Nays none. Clerk instructed to contact Dakota County Welfare Dept. requesting they comply with requirements as set by the Council for use of the Utilities Bldg. MOTION by Genz to deny the petition of Broback Builders for the Construction of Concrete Curb and Gutter, Blacktopped Streets, Water Mains and Services and Appurtenances Thereto in Broback 8th Addition. Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Hester, Duff, Stauffer, Genz and Knutson. Nays none. MOTION by Knutson to lease the Pitney Bowesmachine for a 36 month period. Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Duff, aauffer, Genz, Knutson and Hester. Nays none. MOTION by Stauffer to enter into a contract with Hawkins Janitorial Service to can the Utilities and Liquor Commissions Building at a quoted figure of $40 /mo. Second by Knutson. Ayes were Genz, Knutson, Hester, Duff and Stauffer. Nays none. MOTION by Genz to amend the permit issued to Mr. Jerome Daly for a mobile home located on the Daly farm and issue renewal to Miss Ann Tracy subject to conditions as set forth by the Town Board and subject to review and renewal on October 26, 1971. Second by Knutson. Ayes were Knutson, Hester, Duff, Stauffer and Genz. i ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS February 16, 1971 (Cont'd.) Mayor instructed Councilman Knutson to obtain further information from Mr. B. Seida in an effort to determine whether or not other planners should be contacted for intereview and report back to Council at the next meeting. There being no further business and upon MOTION by Hester and second by Stauffer, the meeting was adjourned. Ayes were Duff, Stauffer, Genz and Knutson. Nays none. Published in Dakota County Tribune on 7/J24„. !1 /i /y 7/ Bills approved and ordered paid at meeting February 16, 1971. GENERAL FUND NSP 445.62 Central Telephone 44.13 Wisconsin Nat'l. Life 35.83 Peoples Gas 178.97 State Treas. PERA 241.65 Fischer Construction 684.75 Grannis and Grannis 175.00 TOTAL $1805.95 fIRE DEPT. FUND Corcoran Hdwe. 8.71 Ratzlaff "66" 39.80 Fire Telephones 1970 60.00 D. McNearney N. Fox R. McNamara $12.00 ea. J. Doyle R. Turek C. Olson Sons VN Oil Co. Genz Ryan Central Telephone 87.52 6.60 4.08 29.30 TOTAL $236.01 Respectfully submitted 15 Q ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE: PROCEEDINGS U Minutes of Regular Meeting March 2, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a meeting of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 2nd day of March, 1971, at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. All members present. Attorney Pat Farrell was also present. Council unanimously approved minutes of meetings held on February 9th and 16th, except that amounts paid from G neral, Fire Dept., and Liquor Revenue Funds be included and made a part of all minutes of regular meetings. MOTION by Genz, second by Stauffer to approve the attached list of bills and order them paid from their respective funds. Ayes were Duff, Knutson Hester, Stauffer and Genz. Nays none. General Fund 3,261.93 Fire Dept. Fund 133.52 Liquor Revenue Fund $13,198.67 The matter of residents obtaining culverts for private driveways was referred to the Planning Commission. Fire Dept. memo referred to Clerk to be filed for consideration at Budget Meeting Mayor noted that the present population of the new Village of Rosemount is 4034. Council requested Attorney Farrell obtain copies of House File 968, Gas Tax bill; House File 627, "Tax Pot" bill; House File 965, re mobile home real property tax; the above to be placed on agenda for further consideration at the meeting of March 16th. In re proposed County Road 40, Clerk to contact our County Board represen- tative advising we are very definitely interested in the construction of the proposed road and to invite Mr. Jim Gabiou to present the County's current proposal for this road. Dog catcher John Schiffman gave a report. MOTION by Hester that the Village of Rosemount resolve to adopt the bounty system on gopher feet as previously enforced in the Township. (Resolution No. 1971 -7) Second by Knutson. Ayes were Knutson, Hester, Duff, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays none. Mr. Don Brown to obtain information and prices on Village signs. Mayor requested population figure be on the sign. Attorney Farrell reported that: Sunday liquor at the American Legion Club will require a vote of the residents of the Village of Rosemount; the license at the bowling alley has been issued by the County and they are still under jurisdiction of the County. At such time this jurisdiction ends, the Village will have to vote on a split liquor issue. MOTION by Knutson Clerk to write a letter to the American Legion Club and the Dakota Bowl asking if they are interested in sharing the cost of a special election on the question of Sunday Liquor and include approximate costs of the last Village election. Second by Hester. Ayes were Hester, Duff, Stauffer, Genz and Knutson. Nays none. Council agreed that the matter of split liquor will be reviewed at a later date, and will possibly be considered for the ballot at the next regular Village election. 1 1 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS March 2, 1971 (Colt /d.) Mr. Farrell reported he had obtained informal authority to retain the services of a fee appraiser to make an appraisal of the property to be purchased for construction of County Road 33 -S. There is some indication that Leo-Ostertag-Broback Bldrs., joint owners of certain parcels which would be involved in construction of this road, are willing to donate land, but that the piece to be obtained from the Lutheran Church of Our Savior has a price tag of $10,000 for 1.72 A. and is subject to an easement to NSP. Preliminary appraisal indicated the present value was approximately one -half this amount, but that a detailed report willbe made avail- able in the near future. Mr. Farrell advised we could go to condemnation proceedings and have the property available for construction in less than 30 days. Minimum cost of condemnation proceedings would be $500. MOTION by Knutson to authorize negotiations with the Lutheran Church of Our Savior for a figure of approximately one -half of what they are asking for the property and include the resolution for con- demnation proceedings be made available by March 16, 1971, in the event negotiations are not successful. Second by Genz. Ayes were Hester, Duff, Stauffer, Genz and Knutson. Nays none. In the matter of the Derham property, attorney reported he had not heard further but was expecting to hear from Miss Ryan in the near future. Attorney Farrell stated he had discussed with the attorneys repre- senting Broback Bldrs. the matter of building permits held in abeyance by the Township Board. He indicated they (Broback Bldrs.) would like to be reasonable and would like to discuss the matter further. They may be willing to settle for something less in the event we could arrive at some sort of solution. Clerk instructed to set up a special meeting; a joint meeting with Attorneys, Council and Broback Bldrs. Justices of the Peace and a member of the Dakda 84r Assn. are to be invited to the meeting of March 16th to make presentation on Municipal Court for the County and thereby eliminate JP courts. Mayor Duff read proposals from May Associates and Geo. M. Hansen Co. as accountants for the Village. MOTION by Knutson that we retain May Associates as auditors for the Village of Rosemount for the year 1971. Second by Hester. Ayes were Duff, Stauffer, Genz, Knutson and Hester. Mr. J. Degenaar was present requesting the Council consider the program for summer recreation as underwritten by the Township and Village in 1970. He also suggested a park and recreational com- mittee be established. MOTION by Knutson to table further discussion until March 16th, Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Stauffer, Genz, Knutson, Hester and Duff. Nays none. 17 18 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS March 2, 1971 (Cont /d) Mr. R. Eidem of the State Planning Agency was present to discuss planning for the Village with the Council and make suggestions to help in selecting a Village planner. Mr, Raymond Nowicki was present to request a letter from the Village Council addressed jointly to the Shelter Mortgage Corp. and Mr. Nowicki, stating (1) that the Village can provide adequate sanitary sewer and public water service to accomodate a 133 unit apartment complex; and (2) that subject property is presently zoned for apart- ment use. This matter was tabled and referred to the Utilities Commission meeting scheduled for March 8, 1971. Mr. Kenneth Schindledecker was present to request renewal of his permit to continue to park his mobile home on property onCounty Road 42 east of Highway 52. MOTION by Genz to renew the permit for another year, said permit to expire on February 28, 1972. Second by Hester. Ayes were Genz, Knutson, Hester, Duff and Stauffer. Nays none. See page 19 Mayor Duff directed the Planning Commission to make an inventory of mobile homes parked in the Village aid establish a method whereby permits can be reviewed all at one time, on an annual basis. MOTION by Knutson that salary of Mr. Wm. Quigley, Liquor Store Manager be increased to $875 per month effective April 1, 1971. Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Hester, Duff, Stauffer, Genz and Knutson. Nays none. Mr. Alan Ford came before the Council stating the police commission study report has been completed and requested a special meeting of the Village Council be held to review and adopt their proposal and recommendation as an ordinance, thereby creating a police commission for the Village. It was agreed that a special meeting of the Police Study Commission and the Village Council be held on April 5, 1971 at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall. MOTION by Hester to adopt Resolution No. 8 granting Mr. Gerald Linkert. Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Knutson and Hester. Nays none. Mr. David Wendt was present to request the problem Ave. be resolved. Council informed him that every to correct the situation. a building permit to Duff, Stauffer, Genz, of drainage on Delft effort was being made Mrs. Daniel Lockler of 14655 Danville Ave. was present to request that she be allowed to operate a beauty shop on her home located at that address. MOTION by Stauffer to issue a permit for one year and same to be reviewed on March 1, 1972. Se mid by Genz, Ayes were Stauffer, Genz, Knutson, Hester and Duff. Nays none. Mr. Don Brown gave a report on street conditions in the entire Village. He reported there are numerous snowbirds making efficient plowing of the streets difficult. Clerk to direct a letter to Mr. Ray Tousignant to enforce the Snow -bird ordinances enclosing copies of both old Village and Township ordinances. He also recommended that the council give consideration to at least one more full time employee for the Utilities Dept. and Street Dept. Council directed Mr. Brown to work out a schedule estimating time required to do certain jobs and the qualifications required of applicants. ROSE ?iOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS March 2, 1971 (Cont'd.) Clerk read a letter received from Mrs. Shirley Cook requesting use of the Village Hall on March 19 and 20 by the 6th grade class at Rosemount Elementary School for purposes of conducting a rummage sale. Council agreed that the 6th grade may have use of the building on those dates providing it is left in a neat and orderly manner. There being no further business and upon MOTION by Hester second by Stauffer, the meeting was adjourned. See Page 12. 4 Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling Clerk Treasurer Published in the Dakota County Tribune on y) .2t4--c-A( o- /97/ Bills approved and ordered paid at meeting of March 2, 1971 Motion by Hester second by Stauffer to extend the building permit and grant permission to complete construction of a house presently under construction, as requested by Mr. Marvin Paulsen. Ayes Knutson, Hester, Duff, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. ifi 20 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting March 4, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeeting of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 4th day of March, 1971, at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. All members were present, except Mr. Hester. Members of the Planning Commission were also present. Purpose of the meeting was to interview professional planners, one to be retained as planning consultant for the village. Those interviewed were: Brauer and Associates Midwest Planning and Development Urban Planning and Design Mr. Charles Tooker Previously interviewed were Mr. Bailey Seida and Times Annex Architects. Council discussed with the Planning Commission, the qualifications of all interviewees. MOTION by Stauffer the Village of Rosemount engage Brauer and Associates, Inc. of Eden Prairie, Minn., Mr. Fred Hoisington as Planner in Charge, as planners for the Village of Rosemount. Second by Knutson. Ayes were Duff, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Nays none. There being no further business, and upon MOTION by Knutson, second by Stauffer, the meeting was adjourned. Ayes were five, Nays none. Respectfully submitted Of Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer Published in Dakota County Tribune on 9 c —l /7 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting March 8, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 8th day of March, 1971, at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. All members present. Mr. Roger Short was present. Also present were members of the Utilities Commission. By invitation of the Council, Mr. Richard Dougherty was present to discuss charges rendered by the Metro Sewer Council to the Township of Rosemount, and other pertinent information re construction of sanitary sewer facilities for the Village of Rosemount. MOTION by Hester to retain Banister Engineering to prepare a comprehensive Sewer Plan to present to the Metro Sewer Board on or before June 1, 1971. Second by Knutson. Ayes were Duff, Knutson, Hester, Stauffer and Genz. Nays none. Council discussed the request of Mr. Raymond Nowicki in a letter dated February 25, 1971. MOTION by Hester to write a letter to Mr. Nowicki advising him, based on information received March 8th from the Metro Sewer Board, it would appear we could furnish sewer service to his proposed apartment complex within the time limits specified by him at the March 2nd regular meeting; and the Village would be in a position to provide water facilities to said complex at the same time. Second by Knutson. Ayes were Knutson, Hester, Duff, Stauffer and Genz. Nays none. MOTION by Stauffer second by Hester to adjourn the meeting. Ayes were five, nays none. Respectfully submitted Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer Published in Dakota County Tribune on 74. t 7 21 22 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of a Special Meeting March 9, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 9th day of March, 1971, at 7:30 PM. The meeting was called to order by President Duff. All members were present. Members of the Planning Commission and Messrs. Fred Hoisington, Bill Bonner and Mr. Hemming of Brauer and Associates, planning consultants for the Village, were also present. Present at the invitation of the Council, was tE6 iou eabo :3u, Dakota County Engineer, to explain and show on maps, propose County Road 40, as it will be from Hastings to the Scott County line. This proposed highway will traverse through the entire Village of Rosemount. After Mr. Gabiou made his presentation, members of the audience parti- cipated in a question and answer period. Mayor Duff instructed the planning commission to meet with the planners, review this proposed routing and report back to Council. At that time Council will reconsider their position. MOTION By Genz, second by Hester to adjourn this meeting. There being no other business to conduct at this time, Council agreed unanimously to adjourn. Respectfully submitted Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer P in Dakota County Tribune on 7,794.,-,--,4276, /92/ 1 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting March 15, 1971. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Village Hall on the 15th day of March, 1971, at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. Members present were Mayor Duff and Councilmen Hester, Stauffer and Genz. Member absent was Councilman Knutson. Also present were all members of the Planning Commission, Attorney Grannis and Mr. Don Brauer and Mr. Bill Bonner of Brauer and Assoc., recently retained planners for the Village of Rosemount. Purpose of the meeting was to discuss entering into a contract with Brauer and Associates. Planning and Development Guide Lines were discussed as was the practicability of the "701" Urban Planning Assistance program for the Village of Rosemount MOTION by Hester for the time being to delete from our thinking the "701" Plan and proceed with a specific individual contract format for planning. Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Duff, Hester, Stauffer and Genz. Nays none. Mayor Duff, on behalf of the Council, directed Brauer and Assoc. to proceed with the detailed contract proposal, working with the Planning Commission. When ready, report back to the Council. MOTION by Hester to adjourn. Second by Stauffer. There being no further business to conduct at this time. Council agreed unanimously to adjourn. Published in Dakota County Tribune on Respectfully submitted 1. Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer 23 24 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of a Regular Meeting March 16, 1971. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Village Hall on the 16th day of March, 1971, at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. All members present. Attorneys Vance Grannis, Jr. and Pat Farrell were also in attendance. Minutes of Meetings on March 2nd, 4th, 8th and 9th, 1971 were approved. MOTION by Genz second by Stauffer to approve the attached list of bills and order them paid from their respective funds. Ayes were Duff, Knutson, Hester, Stauffer and Genz. Nays none. General Fund $18,835.62 Fire Dept. Fund 31.43 MOTION by Hester that the owner or operator of the pick -up service Mr. Thomas Mohr be advised by letter from the Clerk, that he is operating without a license and must apply and have a properly executed application with cash payment for same into the Clerk's office within thirty (30) days or no longer be allowed to produce service in the Village of Rosemount; and until that time the Village shall withhold all payment to Mr. Mohr. Second by Knutson. Ayes were Knutson, Hester, Duff, Stauffer and Genz. Nays none. Justice of Peace reports for fines totaling $46.00 from R. Mohr and $22.00 from S. Henderson were submitted. Funds turned over to the Clerk for deposit and reports to be filed. A letter dated March 10, 1971 from Banister Engineering with recom- mendations re application for construction of a pipeline across Pine Bend Road right -of -way by St. Paul Ammonia Products was discussed.. MOTION by Knutson to grant the application of St. Paul Ammonia Products for construction of said pipeline with the three stipulations as stated in the March 10, 1971 letter received from Banister En.4,inerring and to add the provision that Banister Eng. shall inspect for the Village during construction of the project. Second by Genz. Ayes were Hester, Duff, Stauffer, Genz and Knutson. Nays none. Letters received from Gov. Wendell Anderson and Mr. Wm. C. Merritt, Dist. Eng., State Dept. of Highways were read and referred to the clerk to be filed. MOTION by Hester to accept the application of Knutson Rubbish Service and order the license issued. Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Duff, Stauffer, Genz, Knutson and Hester. Nays none. MOTION by Knutson to return the check in the amount of $40.00 to Skelly Oil Co.. Clerk to send a cover letter explaining we are a new Village and no longer operating, under this old procedure. If they have an application to make for a building permit, they will have to submit plans to the Planning Commission. Second by Hester. Ayes were Stauffer Genz, Knutson, Hester and Duff. Nays none. 1 ....,.nu'Nf VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting March 16, 1971. (Cont'd.) MOTION by Hester to table the matter of a resolution favoring establishment of a Municipal Court in Dakota County. Second by Genz. Ayes were Stauffer, Genz, Knutson, Hester and Duff. Nays none. Mr. J. Degenaar reported on the summer recreational program and additionally on a year -round recreational program for children in the Village of Rosemount. MOTION by Knutson to authorize a $1200 expenditure for the summer recreation program and appoint a committee of Messrs. J. Degenaar, Marvin Ratzlaff, Martin Heuer, Terry Duffy, Alvin Judkins, Chas. Hoffman and Mrs. Richard Keller, with Mr. Degenaar as Chairman, to submit a comprehensive, year -round recreation program to the Council by July 1, 1971, if possible. Second by Hester, with a compliment to the above named persons for the work they have contributed to this program in the past. Ayes were Genz, Knutson, Hester, Duff and Stauffer. Nays none. Mr. J. Bartylla and T. Dubbe were present representing Greif Bros. Gentlemen requested additional water supply from the Village to serve their plant, in al effort to meet specifications requested by their insurance company for adequate fire protection. Council unanimously agreed that the matter be referred to the next meeting of the Utilities Commission on April 12, 1971. Mr. Tom Bartlett, Mr. Bernard Murphy, and Mr. Pat McPhee were present to request the Village issue a set -up and 3.2 beer license for the VFW Hall, Rosemount Post. Mayor informed these gentlemen that an ordinance regulating the new portion of the Village must be adopted by the Village of Rosemount before licenses can be granted. The Building permit and rezoning Moratorium due to expire March 19th was discussed. MOTION by Hester to extend the building permit and rezoning Moratorium which will expire March 19, P71, to and including April 6, 1971, at which time council would consider recommendations by the Planning Commission at its regular meeting on April 6th. Second by Knutson. Ayes were Knutson, Hester, Duff, Stauffer and Genz. Nays none. Mr. Don Brown gave a report from Utilities Dept. and Streets and Roads. MOTION by Stauffer that Mr. Brown be instructed to install "Dead End Street_" signs on Delft Ave. and Marian Drive. Second by Hester. Ayes were Hester, Duff, Stauffer, Genz and Knutson. Nays none. MOTION by Knutson authorizing clerk to send a letter to Mr, Jim Gabiou Dakota County Engineer, requesting the County continue grading service on our Village roads until such time as other arrangements can be made. Second by Hester. Ayes were Duff, Stauffer, Genz, Knutson and Hester. Nays none. MOTION by Hester authorizing Don Brown to check with the State and County Highway Depts. in an effort to determine whether they will furnish and install "Village of Rosemount" signs and the number; and if not adequate, he be authorized to purchase all the signs required and install them in an expeditious manner. Second by Genz. Ayes were Stauffer, Genz, Knutson, Hester and Duff. Nays none. 2 25 26 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGr. :SDING5 Minutes of Regular Meeting )March 16, 1971 (Cont'd.) Councilmen Genz appointed to obtain information and general specification needed to air condition the Village Hall and have ready for next regular meeting on April 6th. Mr. David Wendt was present to discuss proposals as presented for a table for council chambers. MOTION by Knutson to accept the plan for a council table as submitted by H. C. Osvold Co., namely a 14' council table in accordance with discussion and revisions, material as specified, cost being $659.00 including delivery and installation. Second by Hester. Ayes were Duff, Stauffer, Genz, Knutson and Hester. Nays none. Mr. Pat Farrell reported he had been in contact with Miss Emma Ryan re purchase of the Derham property. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the attorney to draw up necessary contract for deed with Emma Ryan for purchase of 56 A. more or less of property according to her letter of intent dated Sept. 16, 1970. Monies for this purchase to be obtained from the Utilities fund. Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Stauffer, Genz, Knutson, Hester and Duff. Nays none. Land acquisition for County Road 33 -S was discussed. Attorney recommended passage by the council of Resolution No. 1971 -9; authorizing condemnation of certain land for roadway purposes, but to hold same in abeyance until a counter proposal is received. Mr. Henry Broback reaffirmed on behalf of Broback Bldrs. and Mr. Leo Ostertag, that land owned by them would be donated for construction of County Road 33 -S, namely .42 A. and 3.94 A. respectively, providing they be allowed to check grades before construction of said road. MOTION by Knutson that Resolution 1971 -9 for condemnation for 33 -S be approved. Second by Hester. Ayes were Genz, Knutson, Hester, Duff and Stauffer. Nays none. Attorney Farrell instructed to submit a deed for the dump property to Mr. Francis Kane for his approval. Attorney reported to the Council on the matter of a contract entered into by the Town Board for construction of "Section 16" Road. MOTION by Hester to accept the recommendation of the Attorney and to authorize attorney to settle with Mr. Albin J. Weston and Miss Aina Wicklund on the basis of $750.00. Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Knutson, Hester, Duff, Stauffer and Genz. Nays none. Attorney requested the wishes of the council on the matter of prosecuting bad checks. Council unanimously agreed this procedure would not be adopted by the Village. MOTION by Stauffer, second by Genz to adjourn. There being no other busi- ness to conduct at this time, Council agreed unanimously to adjourn. 3 Respectfully submitted, Published in Dakota County Tribune on CG /S- /97% Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer ROSalOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting March 22, 1971. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Village Hall on the 22nd day of March, 1971 at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. All members present. Attorney Patrick Farrell was also present. Also present were Henry and Arthur Broback, Broback. Bldrs. Inc., and Mr, Robert J. Christianson, Jr., Attorney representing Broback Bldrs. Purpose of the meeting was to discuss with Broback Bldrs., permit applications for three service stations which were approved and later held in abeyance by the Town Board of Rosemount Township. After discussion, no solution to the problem was arrived at. MOTION by Hester to adjourn. Knutson, Hester, Stauffer and There being no other business the meeting was adjourned. Published in Dakota County Tribune on /17 /-1 Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Duff, Genz. Nays none. to come before Council at this time, Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer Bills approved and ordered paid at meeting March 16, 1971. GENERAL REVENUE FUND Kat -Keys, Inc. Dakota Electric Assn. Bailey Seida Trf. to Liquor Revenue State Treasurer State Treasurer State Treasurer Corcoran Hdwe. Ray Tousignant Dakota County Tribune Sexton Printing Miller Davis Phillips Petroleum Lystads, Inc. Pitney Bowes Peoples Natural Gas NSP Toombs Ins. Don F. Darling Nor'west Natl. Bank Kvam Masonry Metro Sewer Board Central Telephone Grannis and Grannis TOTAL $42.50 8.74 1270.00 75.74 104.93 247.03 81.03 5.00 57.00 34.76 7.65 22.47 10.60 32.10 79.40 148.85 424.50 1279.00 29.25 10,409.00 305.35 3891.26 44.47 225.00 $18,835.63 FIRE DEPT. FUND 27 Central Telephone Co. $31.43 28 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE 1'i:00: Minutes of a Special Meeting April 5, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a meeting of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 5th day of April, 1971, at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President sluff. All members present. Purpose of the meeting was to discuss with Mr. Alan Ford, Rev. James Minehart, and Mr. Chas. Cunningham (who were also present) the police study report. The entire report as presented to the Council was reviewed and discussed. MOTION by Hester that the Police Study Committee be requested to revise the job description to make reference to the Village of Rosemount Police Department omitting all reference to Police Commission including Subdivision 1 of Section 1 and substituting appropriately in those areas where the term "police commission" has been used in the past "the Village Council of Rosemount That in so substituting the intent of the section or subsection of the subdivision will remain as is except that the entire responsibility for the administration of the rules and regulations lie within the authority of the Village Council. Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Hester, Stauffer and Genz. Nays were Duff and Knutson. Ayes 3 Nays 2. Motion carried. MOTION By Genz to adjourn the meeting. Second by Knutson. There being no other business to conduct at this time, Council agreed unanimously to adjourn. Published in the Dakota County Tribune on Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer 1971. „,.,c.cluexT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting April 6, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Village Hall on the 6th day of April, 1971. Meeting called to order by President Duff at 7:30 PM. All Council members were present. Attorney Pat Farrell was also present. Minutes of March 15, 16, and 22, 1971 were approved as submitted to the Council and ordered published. MOTION by Hester second by Knutson to approve the attached list of bills and order them paid from their respective funds. Ayes were Duff, Stauffer, Genz, Hester and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. General Fund Fire Dept. Fund Liquor Revenue Fund 4,7.54.34 180.27 $15,806.44 The Council unanimously agreed that the Agenda as presented shall be frozen and no other business would be considered. The applications of Mr. Marvin L. Huber to sell cigarettes at retail, and Mr. H. Glenn Phipps to sell cigarettes at retail and for a license to sell non intoxicating malt liquor "ON” premises was discussed. Licenses were denied until new ordinances car be passed to incorporate the old Township portion of the New Village. MOTION by Genz to issue general corporate licenses subject to receipt of application and /or certificate of insurance. Second by Hester. Ayes were Stauffer, Genz, Duff, Hester and Knutson. MOTION by Genz to amend the motion to include Tillges Realty Co., Wensmann Construction Co., Fox Excavating Co., Western Construction Co., Wenzel Plbg. and Htg. Second by Hester. Ayes were Stauffer, Ganz, Duff, Hester, Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester to approve and order issued general corporate license to Don Christenson Bldg. Co. and Sussel Co. subject to submission of certifications of insurance. Second by Knutson. Ayes were Duff, I {ester, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Mayor Duff read a letter from Mary Bezdichek. Clerk instructed to answer the letter informing her there is a burning ban at the Village Dump enforced by the Pollution Control Agency of the State of Minn. and the Village Council. Mayor read letters from the Dakota Bowl, Inc. and the Rosemount Post of the American Legion informing the Council they are willing to pay their fair share of election exxpenses incurred to hold a special election on the question of Sunday Liquor in the Village of Rosemount. NOTION by Knutson that a special election be conducted nn May 11, 1971, from 12 noon to 8:00 PM on the question "Should the Village of Rosemount Authorize Sale of 'On Sale' Intoxicating Liquor on Sunday, excluding the Vunicipal Store Operation." The polling places are to be the Village Fire Hall on So. Main Avenue, and the Village Hall at 1367 145th St. E. (County Road 42). Residents to vote at the same polling 29 30 Roscp,ount 'V illri: .roceedin:, Minuts of Regular Meeting April 6, 1971 (Cont'd.) place as they have in the past. Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Hester, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Duff. Nays none. Mayor read a letter received from Mr. Richard Corcoran, President of the Rosemount Businessmen's Assn. requesting No Parking signs be placed on Main Ave. at the entrance and exits of the shopping center parking lot. After some discussion the Clerk was requested to obtain more specific information from the RBA. Mayor read a copy of the Resolution received from Apple Valley pertaining to 1970 census figures affecting, cigarette tax apportionment. MOTION by Hester to adopt Resolution 1971 -10; Resolution Requesting Minnesota State Legislature to Correct Inequities in the Distribution of Cigarette and Liquor Taxes. Second by Genz. Ayes were Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Duff and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mayor read a letter received from Springsted, Inc. Mayor Duff, speaking on behalf of the entire council informed firms retained by the Village that it is the policy of the Council not to pay for services sought by private individuals unless the Council has approved and authorized any service; and the Village will not be responsible for charges incurred by any individual. Mayor noted that the Village of Lakeville, by their Resolution 644 have also requested that a new Cedar Ave. bridge be constructed. Letter from Mr. Paul Dow of the Minnesota PCA was referred to Councilman Stauffer as Chief of the Rosemount Fire Dept. Mayor informed the Council he had received a call from the Mayor of Apple Valley requesting a joint meeting to discuss the construction of proposed County Highway, and that he preferred it be a meeting of the Councils. Clerk to advise the Apple Valley Council that the Rosemount Village Council is agreeable to a special meeting to discuss the matter. Attorney Farrell reported: In the matter of County Road 33 -S he has not heard back from the church; and reminding the Council that the Broback offer was conditioned upon the fact that there be no assessments levied against them. Matter is being held in abeyance pending a report from the engineer on storm sewer drainage in that area. Requested two checks; one for S1000 to Miss Emma Ryan as earnest money to enter into a contract with her to purchase property as previously discus- sed; and one in the amount of $750.00 as payment to Miss Aina Wicklund and Mr, Albert Weston as settlement of their claim re construction of Sect. 16 Road. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize payment of $1000 from Utilities Account to Miss Emma Ryan and $750 to Miss Aina Wicklund and Mr. Albert Weston. Second by Knutson. Ayes were Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Duff and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. A meeting in an effort to resolve the matter of obtaining a deed to dump property was scheduled between himself and Mr. Kane and he would report on this at a later meeting. Mr, Don Brown reported: That the County would not furnish Village signs and install them on County Roads. However, the State Highway Dept. will. 2 No3c,JoUNT VILLAGE PR'OCE'EDINGS Mimes of Regular i'ir,eting April 6, 1971 (Cont'd.) He has been checking on maintenance of all boundary roads and agreements existing with neighboring municipalities. Council requested that letters be sent to Empire, Nininger and Eagan Townships for review and verification and by so doing these agreements will be in writing. MOTION by Genz to agree to the agreements as stated by Mr. Brown and to notify the above named municipalities involved, in writing of the agreement. Second by Hester. Ayes were Stauffer, Genz, Duff, Hester and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. He has been informed by the County that they will continue to grade former Township roads as requested. Requested by the Council to send a letter to Mr. J. Ostertag to return the spillway on Delft. Ave. to an acceptable condition. Requested Council consider purchase of a striper. Council agreed •and s 3gested additional information on such a machine, as well as prices, be obtained for consideration at a later meeting. He has received a request from residents of the Lan -O -Ken Addition to install two "Children at Play" signs in their addition. MOTION by Genz to install the signs as requested. Second by Hester. Ayes were Genz, Duff, Hester, Knutson and Stauffer, Ayes 5 Nays 0. Two bids for street sweeping had been received for streets in the old Village portion of the Vilage and the i area streets. MOTION by EZnutson to authorize Mr. Brown to proceed with a conktract with Suburban Cleaners of Lakeville for street sweeping in both Broback Additions and that portion known at the old Village, for a sum not to exceed $550.00 and the Village of Rosemount to furnish a truck and one man. Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Duff, Hester, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes5 Nays 0. Dog Catcher, John Schiffman, reported he has found a place to deposit dogs running at large in violation of the Dog Ordinance and will now be able to pick them up for impounding. All fees for impounding and release_ will be paid at the Village Hall and a release obtained before an owner will be able to pick up a dog. Report from the Planning Commission was discussed. MOTION by Hester to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission to the Council regarding the maintaining of the Moratorium for an additional sixty (60) days from this day (April 6, 1971) with the following exceptions being applied; (a) single family dwelling construction on 2% acre lots or larger in unplatted areas. (b) remodeling existing dwellings. (c) additions to existing dwellings. (d) single family dwellings on platted lots of record as of March 30, 1971. Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Hester, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Duff. Ayes 5 Nays 0. 31 g" ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE i'... vOINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting April 6, 1971 (Cont'd.) MOTION by Stauffer to grant Mr. Dennis Abbott a building permit to construct a new home on 16 B3 Jay Simon First Addition providing contractor obtains a license to do business. Second by Knutson. Ayes were Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Duff and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester to approve the permit application for construction of a new home on L8 82 Jay Simon First Addition contingent upon the contractor obtaining a license to do business. Second by Genz. Ayes were Stauffer, Genz, Duff, Hester and Knutson, Ayes 5 Nays 0. Above application in the name of Mr. Kenneth Britz. MOTION by Stauffer to approve the 24x26 one story addition to home of Don Williams and order the permit issued. Second by Hester. Ayes were Genz, Duff, H -stet, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to approve the application of Michael Shanahan to construct a new home on L2 B1 Jay Simon Addition contingent upon the contractor, Hanson Construction Co. obtaining, a license to do business. Second by Hester. Ayes were Duff, Hester, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester to approve the application of Mike Smolak to move a garage onto his property L1 85 Original Town of Rosemount. Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Heger, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Duff. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Tom Mohr appeared before the council to resolve the matter of obtaining a license to haul rubbish in the Village of Rosemount. MOTION by Stauffer to approve the application of Mr. Mohr and order the license issued. Second by Knutson. Ayes were Duff, Hester, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to increase insurance benefit payments to $20 /mo. to all full time employees. Payments of this amount to be made by the Village to the insurance company of the employees choice. Second by Hester. Ayes were Hester, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Duff. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the clerk to discontinue any further payments to Minnesota Benefit Assn. for Council members only. Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Duff and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council discussed contracts to be signed between the Village of Rosemount and Brauer and Assoc. MOTION by Hester to table any further discussion until April 20. Second by Knutson. Ayes were Stauffer, Genz, Duff, Hester and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to reconsider the motion to table the matter of the Planner Contract. Second by Hester. Ayes Genz, Duff, Hester, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to table the Contract Agreement for Professional Planning Services on the Comprehensive Plan to the April 20, 1971 meeting Second by Hester. Ayes Duff, Hester, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting April 6, 1971 (Cont'd.) MOTION by Knutson to enter into a contract for Ongoing Planning Services with Brauer and Associates as amended and authorize the mayor and clerk treasurer to execute the contract. Second by Hester. Ayes Duff, Hester, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. MOTION by Her to adopt the Ordinance for Collection and Disposal of Garbage and Rubbish as read and be coded as Ordinance No. XIV 1 Second by Stauffer. Council further discussed this ordinance. MOTION hy Knutson to anend the Ordinance to change Section 3 to read 30 gallons in place of 211 gallons (re containers). Second by Stauffer. Ayes Hester, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Duff. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council discussed passing a Snowbird Ordinance. MOTION by Hester to table passing this Ordinance. Second by Knutson. Ayes Hester, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, and Duff. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Old Village Ordinance No. 39 was discussed. This being An Ordinance Relating to and Regulating the License and Sale of Non Intoxicating Malt Liquors, Prohibiting the Sale Thereof at Wholesale or Retail Except as Licensed by this Ordinance. Prohibiting the Sale to Any Person Under the Age of Twenty -one Years. Providing Penalties For the Violation Thereof. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt "old village" Ordinance No. 39 as arcnnded relating to fee for On -Sale and Off -Sale beer license and that it he renumbered in accordance with our codification system as Ordinance No. XVI 1 Second hy Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Duff and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION BY Stauffer to adopt an Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Persons Allowing the Consumption or Display of Intoxicating Liquor or Serving any Liquid for the purpose of `fixing with Intoxicating Liquor; and Providing a Penalty for Violation Thereof. And that it be coded as Ordinance No. XVI 2 Second by Hester. Ayes were Stauffer, Genz, Duff, Hester and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester to approve the abatements presented by Mr. 0. Solberg of the County Assessor's office: Parcel 37402 Edwin Rahn Addition and Parcels 37033 -34 American Legion Post 65. Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Genz, Duff, Hester, Knutson and Stauffer. MOTION to adjourn this meeting by Genz. Second by Stauffer. There being no other business to conduct at this tirne, Council agreed unanimously to adjourn. Respectfully submitted Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer Published in the Dakota County Tribune on C fZ t4 z T 1971. 33 34 Bills approved and ordered paid at meeting April 6, 1971 Minn. Benefit Assn. Dakota County Tribune NSP General Central Telephone Miller Davis Metro Sewer Board NSP Street lights Standard Oil Texaco Wilroy Inc. St. Paul Stamp Works Municipal Finance Officers Assn. Motorola Communications Vic's Welding Don McNearney Kenneth Gist Fred Uitdenbogerd Brady Margulis Lampert Yards Hawkins Janitorial Service Coast to Coast Genz and Ryan Dakota Elec. Assn. Montgomery Ward Flexible Pipe Tool Reisinger P.xcavating J. Degenaar Youth Commission TOTAL GENERAL FUND Donald McNearney Peoples Natural Gas NSP Roberts Drugs Vorwek Texaco Minnesota Fire Inc. Central Telephone TOTAL FIRE DEPT. Wm. Quigley Petty Cash Coast to Coast Traspnrt Clearing Hanson Beverage Twin City Hone dice Drentlaw Wholesale Candy Alcorn Beverage Concord Beverage Leding Distr. Sunderland Inc. College City Bev. Old Dutch Foods Seven -F'p Bottling 0. '•1. Droney Beverage Van Paper Co. First State Bank Liquor Control Commissioner 60.19 27.55 115.02 2208.90 42.30 85.70 499.40 1636.20 581.35 88.00 644.80 135.45 115.20 28.04 27.08 1.50 5.00 68.46 252.40 73.37 42.20 31.74 1223.37 424.50 52.33 6.60 49.20 23.60 8.50 6.60 318.00 53.75 12.50 20.00 4.94 147.11 50.00 (2 mos.) 15.53 5.63 8.74 17.37 60.90 77.00 1200.00 $4254.34 45.00 55.04 22.59 3.54 9.15 17.50 27.15 180.27 Coco Cola Bottling Day Distr. Genz -Ryan Fox Excay. Rsmt. Utilities Comm. Postage Ed Phillips Sons Johnson Bros. Distillers Distr. Griggs Cooper OldPeoria McKesson Liquor Central Telephone Peopl =s Nat. Gas Gross Ind. Towel Garm Northwest Linen Service TOTAL LIQUOR Revenue 48.75 614.70 45.33 141.00 100.00 6.00 4365.38 476.51 1037.59 1877.02 523.47 94.27 24.28 111.11 11.60 32.80 $15,806,44 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting April 20, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village of Rosemount was hold at the Village Hall on the 20th day of April, 1971. Meeting, called to order by President Duff at 7:30 PM. All Council members were present. Attorney Pat Farrell and Engrs. Roger Short and Gary Gray were also present. Minutes of the April 5th and 6th meetings were read, corrected and ordered published as approved. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to approve the attached list of bills and order them paid from their respective funds. Ayes were Duff, Stauffer, Genz, Hester and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. General Fund Fire Dept. Fund Liquor Revenue Fund 4729.20 1232.00 $15806.44 Councilman Stauffer informed the Council that he has resigned as Fire Chief and a special election of the Rosemount Fire Dept. is to be held to elect a new chief. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Don Brown to purchase and install "Drive Slow Children Playing" signs in Oakwood Estates in compliance with a request from residents of this area. Second by Hester. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Duff, Hester and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1971 -12 opposing proposed legislation H.F. 1678 and S.F. 1237, which bill would creat a regional Park Authority. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Hester, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester to adopt Resolution 1971 -13 opposing proposed legislation H.F. 1553 and S.F. 1204 commonly referred to as Tax Limitation bills. Second by Genz. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Duff and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz to adopt Resolution 1971 -11 opposing H.F. 627 and S.F. 1133 commonly refer d to as the "Fiscal Disparities" bill. Second by Hester. Ayes Gena, Duff, Hester, Knutson, Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Osman Springsted present to discuss with the Council the services of their firm as financial consultants for the Village. MOTION by Genz to retain Springsted, Inc. as financial advisor for the Village of Rosemount, and to authorize Mayor and Clerk- Treasurer to sign the contract as presented. Second by Knutson. Ayes Duff, Hester, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Roger Short and Gary Gray of Banister Engr. Co. were present to discuss with Council, Utilities Commission project studies relating to merging of the water systems as they exist in the former Township 35 36 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS April 20, 1971 and Village areas; storm water drainage problems on Delft Ave.; and plans for underground .utilities and storm sewers in the Broback. -Rahn area in the former village. After Council heard and discussed these matters, Mayor opened the meeting for questions and discussion from the floor. MOTION by Knutson that report as presented by the Village Engineer be accepted (report entitled 1971 -1 "Storm Sewer Improvements and order that p'iblichearing be held May 25, 1971 at 7:30 PM in the Village Hall to consider construction of storm sewer in the area of Delft Ave. and proposed County Road 33 -S, and that the Clerk be authorized to pub- lish notices as required by law. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Hester, Knutson, Stauffer,Genz, and Duff. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to accept the Banister Engr. Feasibility Study for Phases 1 and 2 of the water system improvements and authorize a public hearing on May 25, 1971 at 8:30 PM in the Village Hall to consider the construction of the Phase 1 and 2 water improvement as recommended by the Banister Engr. Report and that the Clerk be authorized to publish notices as required by law. Construction would involve additional storage facility and some additional water mains. Second by Hester. Ayes Hester, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Duff. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester to accept the recommendation of the Utilities Com- mission relating to construction of the underground municipal utilities for Phase 1 of the Rahn Broback Addition; including construction of storm sewer for said Addition and the south area of the "old Village" of Rosemount; and proceed to a public hearing on June 8, 1971 at 7:30 PM in the Village Hall, providing we are furnished with a feasibility report from the engineer in due time; and the clerk be authorized to publish necessary documents in accordance with law. Second by Stauf- fer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Duff and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Edward McMenomy spoke to the Council on the matter of the proposed construction of the Erickson gas station on Hyland and Ash Sts. NOTION by Knutson that Council deny the building permit for the Erickson Station. Second by Duff. Ayes were Duff and Knutson. Nays were Stauffer and Genz. Mr. Hester abstained from voting. Ayes 2 Nays 2. Motion failed to carry. Mr. McMenomy also presented to Council an application for a building permit to construct a school building in parts of Sects. 26 and 27, T 115 R 19W of the Village of Rosemount; application signed by Mr. R. F. Schulz, Chairman, Dakota County Area Vocational Technical School Dist. No 917. A Petition for Public Improvement, namely to provide public water and sanitary sewer facilities for use in connection with construction of the aforementioned school building was also presented. MOTIOr. by Hester to table the building permit application until the meeting of May 4, 1971, and to refer the Petition for public improve- ments to the Utilities Commission. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Hester, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Councilmen Hester and Stauffer were appointed to prepare a burning ordinance for the Village and report back to Council at a future meeting. 1 1 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS April 20, 1971 Attorney Farrell reported that: The contract for deed and earnest money are in the hands of the owners of the Derham property: that the matter re the property owned by A. Wicklund and A. Weston as it pertains to construction of "Sect. 16" Road has been settled, but that the lawsuit by Nr. D. Ritchie is scheduled to come to trial in June. Mr. Don Brown Reported he is working out an agreement with Eagan Township for maintaining village boundary roads, and that he has worked out an agreement with the County to have the apply chloride to dirt roads in the Village as they have in the past. Mayor Duff reported he had received a preliminary report via telephone conversation from former Township auditors indicating there are sufficient funds permitting the Village to enter into a contract with Brauer and Associates for Comprehensive Planning. MOTION by Knutson that Mayor and Clerk- Treasurer be authorized to sign the contract for Comprehensive Planning with Brauer and Assoc. Second by Hester. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Duff, Hester and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mayor Duff read an Application for Variance addressed to the Village of Rosemount by Ralph Akin Properties, Inc., Mr. Ralph Akin, and Metropolitan Sewer Board by Mr. R. J. Dougherty, requr'sting variance from the requirements of the Village Zoning Ordinance be granted to allow construction and operation of a waste water treatment plant. MOTION by Hester to approve the request as submitted by Mr. Ralph Akin for Ralph Akin Properties and Mr. R. J. Dougherty for Metro Sewer Board. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Duff, Hester, Knutson, and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mayor read a report from the Rosemount Youth Commission, Mr. Martin Heuer Treas., showing a balance at the end of 1970 of $518.68, and requested Clerk to file same. MOTION by Genz to table discussion on an ordinance providing for the formation and government of the Police Dept. and Rules and Regulations of the Police Dept. Second by Stauffer.. Ayes Duff, Hester, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer that the effective day for the allowance of $20 /rno. per full time employee for insurance coverage be April 1, 1971. Second by Rester. Ayes Hester, Knutson, Stauffer Genz and Duff. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester to table discussion on air conditioning of the Village Hall to May 4th. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Duff and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. An Ordinance licensing and Regulating the Retail Sale of Cigarettes and Cigarette Wrappers was read. NOTIO by Hester to adopt the ordinance as read except that Section 7 of said Ordinance be changed to read that persons convicted shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $300.00 instead of 5100.00 and that it be coded as Ordinance No. XVT-3. Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, G-nz, Duff, Hester and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. 37 38 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS April 20, 1971 A letter addressed to the Council from Utilities Commission dated April 15, 1971, was read. Letter recommended an additional full time man be hired for the Utilities Dept. Council unanimously agreed to table the matter until further evaluation can be made. MOTION by Knutson to obtain cost estimates and /or bids from cement contractors for the removal of damaged sidewalks and replace with new sidewalks in the Village. Second by Hester. Ayes Genz, Duff, Hester, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council requested Clerk to address a letter to the University of Minnesota, Mr. Ellingson, requesting that more care be taken by their employees in dumping at the sanitary land fill located with U of M bounds and used also by the Village, as per a report received from the Caretaker. The matter of installation of a new sign for the Village Hall was referred to the Clerk to obtain designs and costs for construction and installation or same. MOTION by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. Second by- Hester. There being no other business to conduct at this time, Council agreed unanimously to adjourn. Respectfully submitted Don F. Darling, Clerk- D asurer Published in Dakota County Tribune on 17/1 2( 1971. 4 Bills approved and ordered paid at April 20, 1971 meeting. GENERAL FUND Mars Industries, Inc. Steel Supply A Culvert Metro Serer Board Standard Oil McClain Hedman Schuldt Miller Davis Trf. to Liquor Revenue Acct. Peoples Gatural Gas Van Paper Co. Toombs Ins. Agcy. Grannis and Grannis TOTAL 4.21 77.40 1223.37 17.01 26.95 27.65 67.84 126.37 7.40 2956.00 195.00 $4729.20 Fire Dept. Fund $1232.00 to Toombs Ins. Agcy. LIQUOR REVENUE FUND Wm. Quigley, Petty Cash 60.19 Coast to 'oast 27.55 Transport Clearing 115.02 Hanson Beverage 2208.90 Thin City Nome Juice 42.30 Drentlai w;iolesale Candy S5.70 Alcorn Beverage 4:99.40 Concord Beverage 1636.20 Ledinn Distributing 581.35 Sunderland, Inc. 88.00 College City Beverage 644.80 Old Dutch Foods, Inc. 135.45 7 -Up Bottling 115.20 0. M. Droney Beverage 28.04 Van Paner Co. 27.02 1st State Bank 1.50 Liquor Control Commissioner 5.00 Coca rola Bottling 48.75 Day Distributing 614.70 aenz ''van 45.33 Fox Excavating 141.00 Rosemount Utilities Comm. 100.00 Postmaster 6.00 EdPhillips A Sons 4365.38 Johnson Bros. 476.51 Distillers Distributing 1037.59 Griggs Cooper 1877.02 Old Peoria 528.47 McKesson Liquor 94.22 Cc-viral Telephone 24.28 Peoples :Jatnral Gas 111.11 Gross Industrial Towel 11.60 Northwest Linen Service 32.80 TOTAL $15,806.44 39 40 VIL, T Minutes of secular Meeting May 4, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Village Mall on the 4th day of May, 1J71. Meeting called to order by President Puff at 7:30 PM. All Council members were present. Attorney Pat Farrell was also present. The minutes of .4pri120th approved except they he corrected to read "Councilmen Hester and Stauffer appointed to review the number of refuse haulers available for service in the Village preparatory to adontno a burnino ordinance, and report back to tha Council at a future meetine. minutes ordered published as corrected. MOTIOII by Genz second by Knutson to approve the attached list of bills and order them paid from their respective funds. Ayes !!ere Duff, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Hester. Sves 5 flays 0. GENERAL .4507_52 FIRE DEPT. FUND 89.32 LIQUOR REVENUE FUND $24,120.43 A letter received from the Rosemount Methodist Church, Mr. W. Hasbrouck, re extending sexier service to the church. Matter referred to the Utilities Commission. Proposed Resolution 1971 -15 to amend Resolution 1971 -1 Section 2 Subd. 4 permitting the "avor Or presiding officer to move, second and debate from the chair was discussed. MOTION 4 that Resolution 1971 -15 be adopted as read to amend Section 2 Subd. 4. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Hester. Mayor Duff abstained. Ayes 4 flays 0. Motion carried. Transmittal from Banister Engr. to Grannis and Grannis re Brockway Sewer Service Agreement ordered placed on agenda May 18, 1971. Mayor read a letter received from Thorson Construction Co. requesting Sanitary Sewer to serve area known as the area to be developed as Kee Park referred to Utilities Commission. Letter received from Hammel, Green and Abrahamson, Inc. arcnitects rep- resenting Rosemount School Dist. re a soil erosion problem, was referred to the Utilities Commission. Letter received from Williams Bros. Pipe Line Co. re construction of a tank and pumping unit .Jas discussed. Molluii by Knutson to refer this request and plan to 3anister Ennr. and ask that they make a recormendation to the P1annine Commission regarding their request. Secon by Hester. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz, Hester and Knutson. Ryes 5 days 0. MOTION by Duff second by Hester to adopt Resolution 1971 -16 supporting (louse File 2593 and Senate File 2657 authorizing County Commissioners to submit to the Voters of Sakota County the question of changing the location of the County Seat to the proposed Goserount site. Ayes were ?uff, Genz, Hester, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 flays 0. POSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCLLLLCS Minutes of Regular "leeting May 4, 1371 Proposed County Poad 33 -S was discussed. MOTTO by Hester to table the matter of County Poad 33 -S. Second by Genz. P were Cenz, Nester, Ceutson, Stauffer and Suff. Ayes 5 Rays :1. Mayor noted Justice of Peace renorts have been filed for 'larch, 1971 by Justices '.enderson and "o'•ir and ordered same placed on file. "9TION by Genz to issue licenses for sale of cigarettes to M. Huber at Dakota Eo,rl and sandwich shop located in s'ionninq center and to "r. r. Phipps, subject to publication of the crdinance. Second by Knutson. Ayes were Hester, Knutson, Stauffer, ruff and Genz. Ayes 5 :ays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to approve OFF SALE license for Glenn's "Market and order license issued for may 1, 1971 to July 1, 1971, and be charged 1 /6 of the issuing fee. License subject to renewal on July 1, 1 71 and annually thereafter. License to be issuer: subject to publication of the proper ordinance. Second by nenz. Ayes were Knutson, Stauffer, Duff Cenz and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz to approve licenses to do business in the Village of Rosemount to Temperature Control, Inc., Bassaw F1ldrs., Ostertag Cement Co., Cannon Plumbing, reisineer Excavation, Hanson Construction, "c'learney Construction, Langhorst Friedrich Construction Co., and 3arth Construction Co. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Guff. Genz, Hester and Knutson. Ayes 5 mays 0. June 23. 1971 at 7:30 P"^ was set as the date for Board of Review for the Village of Rosemount, as ner notice received frog County Assessor's office. Clerk to notify County Assessor of our agreement. Council agreed unanimously to set "ay 15, 1971 from 10:00 A'" to 1:09 P'+ as the date for Ca' Clinic, to be conducted at Village Fire Hall. Mr. J. Lofnuist renuested of the Council that consideration be given to establishment of a park Commission, in order that parks can be properly maintained; referring specifically to ti: nark in [:roback Second and Third Additions. Council deferred action on establishing a Park Commission and referred the matter of the referenced park to Mr. flon Grown, requesting that same taken care of and ordered the fence in the drainage hole on Dahomey Ave. be repaired. Council agreed that the portion of the Village Hall to be air conditioned shall he the main meeting hall and Clerk's office and that 220 V. electrical wiring be installed to accornodate same. Councilman Genz to obtain bids on that basis. Council chairs were discussed. Clerk to obtain sample chairs. Attorney Farrell reported: He has set a meeting date with Mr. McMenomy and Mr. F. Kane to review the file on villace duro nronerty in an effort to resolve the matter and obtain a deeH to thie property for the !'illao. of Rosemount. -2 41 42 S unNIT VILLAGE PROCEEDL'NGS "inutes of negular Meeting 'lay 4, 1971 Requested "r. E. "'c "enomv send a statement to the offices of Grannis and Grannis re the land Title Summons of "r. Leo J. Fluegel. In the matter of the "Sect. 16" Road the court case involving Mr. Pi. Ritchie and the former Township was scheduled on the court calendar in June and renuested authorization from the Council to have an appraiser value the land and to negotiate with Mr. Ritchie and his attorney in an effort to settle the matter out of court if possible. "OTIq'; by Genz to authorize Hr. Farrell to obtain the services of an appraiser and to negotiate with Mr. Ritchie and his attorney. Second by Hester. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Duff, Genz and Hester. Ayes 5 gays J. Mr. Don Crown reported to the Council on the purchase of a grader for village roads. After discussion the matter was referred hack to "r. Brown to obtain additional information. "r. Srown again requested hiring an additional full time man. Council directed Clerk to place an ad in the Dakota County Tribune, set up applicant interviews, '10Tic'I by Hester to authorize Clerk to place an ad in the Dakota County Tribune, set up applicant interviews and to set "ay 11 at 8:90 2" for a special meeting in the Liquor and Utilities Con.! mission Bldg. for thr= purnose of establishing salary ranges and other information pertinent to hiring an additional full time employee for th:, Utilities Dept, and to consider the license anolicatien of Mr. ?lm. Berg. Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Stauffer, Buff, Genz, Hester and Knutson. Council shall reconvene at 9:30 Pr' at the Village Hall for the purpose of canvassing votes of Special Election of "'ay 11, 1971. MOTION by Knutson to grant a 25t /Hr pay increase to Jerald Olson effective May 15, 1971. Second by Genz. Ayes Duff, Genz, Hester Knutson and Stauffer. MOTIC1 by Stauffer to grant the building permit applications to construct garages to Mr. E. Langhorst, D. Campion, b. Johnson, L. Knutson, A. "c^onouoh, R. Van ;'yke and G. Storlie. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Hester, Knutson, Duff. Rays 0. Mr. Knutson abstained from voting. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to grant the building permit annlication of "r. U. Jarth, E. SP11 for construction of new homes, and to "r. B. :;elson to remodel an existing dwelling. ^yes were Hester, Knutson, Stauffer, Duff and Cenz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz to grant the building permit apnlicaticn of fir. J. Lundquist to add a screen porch to his hone. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, guff, Cenz and Pester. Ayes 5 ;lays 0. The request of Dakota County Area Vocational Technical School ristrict'!o. 917 for rr!bl1c water and sanitary sewer service by 1 Sept., 1972 was referred to the Utilities Pent. "nTI^,d by Cuff to approve the annlication for building permit of Dakota County Area Vocational Technical School, permit fee set at $1.00. Second by Stauffer. Ayes were Stauffer, ;'uff, Genz, Hester and Knutson. Ayes 5 lays 0. 3 1 1 1 1 MOTION by Knutson to approve building permit application of Avery Bates to construct a new hone in Oakwood Estates. Second by Stauffer. Ayes ruff, Genz, :fester, Knutson, Stauffer. Ayes 5 :ays 0. Rules and regulations of the Police Department of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota were discussed. MOTIOA by Knutson to adopt "eso L'tion 1971 -17 outlining Rules and Regulations for the Police Dent. for the Village of Poserount per the 'raft as amended on May 4, 1971 cinder Section 15 `Suspension or "ischarge Subdivision 1 shall remain as is. Subdivision 2 shall read: If the Village Council, within a neriod of ten (13) days, determines that the charges are not sustained, the accused, if he has '.peen suspende_' pendinr investigation sfiall be immediately reinstated and shall be paid all hack nay for the period of sus- pension." Subdivision 3 shall read: The procedure to be followed in case of suspension shall be that outlined in Minnesota Statutes 419.11 :rith the exception that where the term 'commission' applies it shall refer to the `pillage Council." Second uv .:ester. Ayes were Hester, Knutson, Stauffer, Duff and Genz. Jays 3. MOTIOiN by Knutson to authorize clerk to advertise for applications for position of Police Chief in the flakota County Tribune and specify therein resures of applicants who are residents of ::akota County only will :De accepted. clerk authorize;; to contact Yr. Nobt. S. felscher of Sprinnsted, Inc. to o,tain ac'ditional informatics from him to rake a decision on his services at the next council meeting. Second by Duff. ayes !:Hutson, Stauffer, Duff, Cenz and Hester. Ayes 5 gays 0. MOTIDM by Stauffer second by Hester to authorize 3rauer to review the location of proposed County Road 40. Ayes Stauffer, buff, Cenz, Rester and Knutson. ea MOTION1 by Stauffer second by Hester to set a special meting for the purpose of reviewing and establishinc assessment policies for storm sewers, water and sanitary serer. ."yes fluff, Cenz, nester, Knutson and Stauffer. /Ives 5 :lays A snecial meeting t.ritb Sprinnsted, Inc. was set for may 17 at 7:30 Pei at the Village Hall. Clerk to contact Sprinnsted, Inc. and confirm. MOTION by Knutson to adjourn this meeting. Second by Stauffer. There being no further business to conduct at this tire, Council unanimously acreed to adjourn. Published in the Dakota County Tribune on -4- ROSE nu 'VILLr r ,GS 4 Minutes of flegular i',eetinc May 4, 1;71 Respectfully submitted. 1971 44 Bills approved and ordered paid at ".ay 4, 1971 meetina. GEALiAL FU!D Tick Fox 52.50 State Treasurer PERA 259.92 L. "ailke nonher feet 14.10 Dakota County Treas. Road Maint. 91.39 Suburban Cleaners St. sweeping 540.00 Texaco 68.34 39 Wilroy, Inc. Union 76 158.18 Pitney Bowes 25.50 Hawkins Janitorial 25.00 Phillips Petroleum 4.48 1st State Bank, Int. on Impr. Bonds 1448.75 NSP 49.91 Minn. Benefit Assn. 43.76 Dakota Elec. Assn. 8.74 Smith Crain 60.00 Lannert Yards 2.98 Dakota County Tribune 109.36 Ratzlaff Service Station 23.25 Fischer Sand and 4rerenate 1573.06 FIRE DEPT. FI!D TOTAL $4607.52 w rv's Skelly Station 4.00 Peoples 'natural Gas 72.05 NSP 13.27 TOTAL LIQUOR REVENUE FUND Sunderland, Inc. :orthwest Linen Service Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Home Typewriter Southside ^istributing Co. Cross Industrial Service Concord Beverage Seven-Hp Bottling Twin City Hone Juice Co. Prentlati Wholesale Candy Tobacco Manson Beverage Co. Old ^etch Foods. Inc. Colleen City Beverage, Inc. Ledinc 7istributing, Inc. Alcorn Beverage Co. Day ;istributina Droney Beverage Co. Peoples lateral Gas Coast -to -Coast Bernard W. '!ay Assoc. Van Paper Co. Corrigan Electric Transport Clearings 5 39.32 197.77 31.73 34.50 120.30 52.45 11.60 1293.85 77.35 45.30 91.23 2296.45 104.00 1041.55 777.29 419.65 594.35 92.76 35.75 7.23 261.20 33.29 15.25 183.68 (Cont'd.) Bills approved and ordered paid at "lay 4, 1971 meeting (Cont.d) Liquor Revenue Fund Cont'd.) 1SP 284.00 Famous Brands, Inc. 995.73 Griggs Cooper 364.14 382.60 cKesson Liquor Co. 1119.39 Ed. Phillips Sons 4417.38 Johnson Oros. Wholesale Liquor 2352.28 Gl' neoria Co. 460.43 Distillers nistributing Co. 2235/52 North “est Linen Service 25.13 Gross Industrial Service 10.40 Peonlns Natural Gas 130.E2 Central Telen one 20.90 Toombs Ins. Agcy. 3529.00 if TOTAL S24,120.43 Q(:, ROSP'OUAT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting May 11, 1371 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Rosemount Liquor and Utilities Commissions Bldg. on the llth day of May, 1971 at 8:00 P'1. Meeting called to order by President Duff. All members present. Purpose of the meeting was to discuss hiring additional person- nel for Utilities Dept. approve license to do business for 'r. Wm. Berg, canvas the snecial election. Council unanimously agreed to discuss with "r. 2oger Short the application of the Village of Rosemount for federal funds to assist in financing cost of construction of sewer within the Village, and to discuss infor- mation as obtained by the Clerk re purchase of Council chairs. Mr. Roger Short was present and brought the Council up to date on information he had obtained relative to the eligibility of the Village to obtain federal funds for financine cost of const- ruction of sanitary sewer. MOTTN by Hester to desianate the Mayor as official representative of Rosemount Village; that he and Village Attorney be designated as the first and second parties to a third party, _,anister Engine- ering, to coordinate Village of Rosemount application for interceptor sewer with the "etro Sewer Board and the Metro Council: that our official agent be authorized to sign the application. Second by Genz. Ayes ;uff, Knutson, Genz, Rester and `,tauffer. Ayes 5 iiays MOTION by Stauffer second by Genz to approve the License to do business in the Village of Rosemount of Mr. 'William Bern dba Berg Construction Co. (yes Knutson, Genz, ilesiVr, Stauffer and Duff. Ayes 5 ;lays 0. Council discussed salaries for the Utilities Dept. by Hester to increase the salary of the head of the Utilities Dept. $1O') /mo. effective June 1, 1171 and Council will review and consider job evaluaticns in order to estah:l1sh salary range in the future for this joh as well as subordinate positions. Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Rester, Stauffer, Duff and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays O. Further discussion centered on procedure for hiring additional Utilities Dent. personnel. Council agreed that Yr. Brown s,iall be part of the interviewing team, new employee shall he on a six month probationary period. MOTIfi! by Knutson second by Genz, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn this meeting. Council moved to the Village Hall to canvas votes of Special Election. Council reconvened at 8:30 PM on the night of "ay llth, 1771, to review and accept the results of the election as presented by the election judges The results of the election on the question "Shall the Village of Rosemount authorize the sale of ')n Sale" intoxicating liquor on Sunday, excluding the Municipal Store operation were: PIP T VILL'' _.:ILGS Minutes of Special "eeting May 11,1971 "Old Villje'Precinct Yes 122 votes No 34 votes "Old Township" Precinct Yes 55 votes No 23 votes TOTAL Yes 177 votes No 57 votes !OTIfl by Hester second by Stauffer to accent the results of the election as presented by election judges. Ayes Hester, Knutson, Stauffer, Duff and Genz. ",yes 5 Nays D. Don Darling presented information obtained on suitable chairs. 'IOTT')N by Hester second by Knutson to purchase seven chairs at a cost of `:77 or less for use at the Council table based on the information and sample presenter' by Clerk ion Thrling. Ayes were Knutson, Stauffer, Duff, Cenz and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. There being no further business to come before the Council and upon nOTION by Hester second by Stauffer, Council agreed unanimously to adjourn this meeting. Published in Dakota County Tribune on 2 Respectfully submitted Don F. Darling, C1er reasurer 1971. 47 48 ROSEMOUNT VILLPGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting May 17, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village of Roserount was duly held at the Rosemount Village Hall on the 17th day of "ay, 1271 at 7:30 P. Meeting called to order by President Guff. P11 members present. Also present were Mr. 0. Springsted of Springsted, Inc. and Mr. R. Short and '1r. Gary Gray of Banister Eng. Co. Purpose of the meeting was to establish guidelines fdr assessment procedures. Mr. Springsted presented data to the Council and this was discussed in detail. MOTI0i1 by Knutson that Resolution 1971 -12 be adopted incorporating the suggested improvement financing guidelines as submitted by Springsted and Pssoc. on Hay 17, 1371 and to make their guideline booklet a part of this resolution. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Robert Pulscher of Springsted, Inc. was also present to discuss procedures relative to police department examining procedures. r10TI ^N by Knutson to retain Springsted and Assoc. to administer employ- ment antitude survey tests for all police chief candidates; to assist in establishing interview practices for candidates:, to conduct back- ground checks for no more than five (5) final selections and set up psychological examinations for no more than three (3) final candidates. Second by muff. MOTION by Genz to amend Mr. Knutson's motion to conduct background checks for no more than three (3) final selections. Second by Rester. [•des were Stauffer, Cuff, Genz and Lester and Knutson. i'.yes 5 !ways 0. Potion to amend the motion carried. Ayes for the motion Knutson, Stauffer, Duff, Genz and Hester. Ayes 5 :lays 0. motion carried. MOTIOA by Genz to advertise in Dakota County publications the weeks of May 24 and 31, 1971, and close receipt of applications on June 7, 1971 and set up interviews and tests after that date. Second by Hester. Ayes were Duff, Genz, Hester, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. rOTIOA by Hester to adjourn this meeting. Second by Genz. There being no further business to conduct at this time, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. Published in Dakota County Tribune on Respectfully submitted, Jon F :rlinn Clerk -Tr ka urer io 1971. VILLAGE OF COSEMOG.:i Minutes of Regular fleeting May 18, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a meeting of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 12th day of "ay, 1971 at 7:30 Pr. !Meeting called to order by President Duff. S11 members present. MOTIONN by Genz second by Hester to approve the attached list of bills and order them paid from their respective funds. Ayes Guff, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Hester. ..ays J. GENERAL FIRE DEPT. LIQUOR REVENUE FUND $6646.99 27.15 Minutes of May 4 and 11, 1971 meetinns were approved except that reference to salary of utility man be stricken. "inutes ordered published as corrected. A notice of seminar for peace officers was read. '".OTI^': by Hester sncond by Genz to table the ratter. Ayes Knutson Puff, renz and Hester. Stauffer absent. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Genz second by Hester to approve license to do business to Evans International Homes. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz Hester and !:Hutson. ".yes 5 Nays 9. MOTION by Knutson to issue a license to do business to Solberg Construction Co. subject to receipt of certification of insurance. Second by Cenz. "OTIN by Hester to amend rrr. Knutson's motion, second by Genz to set the time limit for receipt of certificate of insurance to ten (11) days. Ayes Duff, Cenz, Hester, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 gays 0. !lotion to amend the notion carried. Voting in favor of the notion Cenz, Hester, Knutson, Stauffer, Duff. Ayes 5 Nays 9. r'otion carried. "OTIOJ by `fester to issue a parade permit to Roserount Jaycees as requested. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Pester, Knutson, Stauffer. Duff and Genz. Pyes 5 Nays O. Clerk to notify Police Dept. to investigate a complaint re an excessive amount of small buildings appearing on nrnnnrty owned by "r. Henry Genz. MOTION by Hester to adopt Resolution 1971 -19 requesting Dakota County Highway Dent. install adequate ■'arning signs at intersection of County Poads 9 and 42. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Duff, Cenz and "ester. Ayes 5 ;ays 9. Mr. 0. Solberg of County Assessor's office present to request Council action on tax abatements on pronerty located in Village of Posenount. 9TI^" by renz to approve abate tints on Parcels No. 3j11C, 36912, 36127 -A5, 36127 -A1, 361R7 All and a personal property tax. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz, Hester and Knutson. Ayes 5 49 50 ROSEMOUdT VILLAGE PROCEEDIHCS minuts of Regular Meeting May 12, 1971. Nays O. Motion carried. Attorney Pat Farrell reported: In the matter of Land Title Summons filed by '?r. Leo Flueeel it is attorney's opinion that the interest of the Village will not be jeopardized by this registration and it is not necessary for Villane to file an answer, In the matter of Brockway Sewer Agreement, attorney recommended the 'Mayor appoint parties to meet :pith Brockway representatives and discuss this agreement with them. "atter referred to Utilities Commission to discuss the sewer agreerent with Brock- way under the Guidance of "r. Farrell. Recommended that speedometer on Police car be checked. "r. Farrell recommended that U. S. Blaisdell Assoc. be hired on a per diem basis or Banister Eng. check with Mr. Blaisdell to check on matters re the Sect. 16 road and bring_ the new Village of Rosemount up to date on this matter. Mr. non Brown reported he has checked on obtaining a sign for the Village Hall. 1OTIf! by Knutson authorizing signs be made up of redwood planks with aluminized letters for approximately 550 and authorize him to see to placement of the signs according to his hest judgement. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Cenz, ('.ester, Knutson, Stauffer and Duff. Mr. Emmett Carroll present to request further action be taken by the Village Council in an effort to resolve the ratter of the large excavation existing on the J. Young property adjacent to Carroll property. MOTIQ'1 by ruff to notify 4r. Young by letter to comply with previous renu >st of the Villane of Rosemount to m move the undesirable raterial deposited in the excavation and to nave the excavation filled and levelled on or before 'lay 27, 1971. Letter to be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested. Second by Hester. Ayes Rester, autson, Stauffer, Duff and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Pon Pederson of Rosemount Jaycees requested cooperation of the Village council in undertaking certain projects to improve parks within the village and to paint curbs and stripe parking lots. Referred to Planning and Utilities Commission. Mr. Fred Iloisington of Brauer and Assoc. requested approval of their accepting a planning project for "r. Ray Skelton because of the nroximity to the Village of Posemount. Council approved the request. MOTION by Hester to consolidate the Village of Rosemount to one voting precinct which shall be the Village Fire Hall and authorize the clerk to combine the voter registration files. Second by Puff. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Duff, Genz, and Hester. ryes 5 days 0. Don Brown to check on installation of a security light at rear of Village Hall and report to Council with recommendations at June 1 meeting. 2 3 i;'SL'`UHT 'VILL`''L PR CEEPI. GS K i Minutes of ;regular fleeting May 18, 1971 '!OTToN by Stauffer to approve election of !lr. Pay "c.iamara as Fire Chief for 7oserount Volunteer Fire Wept. Seco n; by Hester. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz, Hester and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. 'LOTION by Knutson to accept bid from Genz and Ryan Plumbing and Heating, Inc. to air condition Village Hall in the amount of ;1175 for two units, installed. Second by fester. ryes Duff, Genz, Hester, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 mays O. rIOTIT: by Genz to reschedule public hearings for storm sewer on Delft Ave. to June 14, 1071 at 7:30 Pfl at the Little Theatre in Posenount Senior High School and the public hearings for water tie -in on June 14, 1J71 at 3:31 P", also in the Little Theatre at "oserount Senior l!inh School. Second by Pester. Ayes Genz, Hester, Knutson, Stauffer and `ruff. Ryes 5 'rays 0. !'OTION by Hester to reset the hearing originally scheduled for June 3, 1971 for construction of stern sewer for Rahn Droback Addition and the south area of the Rol'; villane" to June 21, 1971 at 7:30 Pm at the Little Theater in P.oserount Senior Nigh School. Second by Genz ryes Hester, Knutson, Stauffer, Duff and Genz Ayes 5 Rays O. !'OTION by Stauffer to authorize clerk to write a letter to ".etro Assoc. requesting junk cars be removed from property owned by then, within ten days of receipt of the letter. Second by Genz. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Duff, Genz, and Hester. Avns 5 Nays 1. !IOTIo1 by Hester to adopt an Ordinance Prohibiting Filling, Excavating, Oinninr• an Grading of the Fartn and the Opening of Pits or Excavated Areas without First Obtainine a Permit Therefore Providing for the Issuance of Peri°its and Penalties for Violation Thereof, as amended while read and same be coded as X;'I -4. Secnnd by Genz. "Ives Stauffer, fluff, Genz, Hester and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. fOTIf" by Nester to table adoption of Township Ordinance No. 12 An Ordinance Providing for the Licensing of Certain ,usinesses and flccunations and Providing for the Pepulation Thereof. Second by Stauffer. Ayes ?tiff, Genz, I:ester, Knutson anti Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTI03 by Lester to adjourn this meeting. Secord by Stauffer. There being no further business to conduct at this time, Council unani- mously agreed to adjourn. Respectfully submitted Clerk-Tr.as on F. r arlin urer Published in Dakota County Tribune on to 1971. 52 Bills approved at the meeting of May 18, 1971. General Fund North American Safety Corp. Brady Margulis Co. Geo. 1. Hansen Co. Brauer Assoc. Flueoel Elevator Ostertag Cement Co. Vic's Welding Motorola, Inc. Frank's Architectural Woodworking Pitney Bowes, Inc. Central Telephon Smith (rain Corcoran Hdwe. miller-Davis ISP Coast to Coast Peoples (as Crannis and Grannis Union Oil Co. Metro Sewer Board Phillips Petroleum Laurence Kasel State Treas PERA FIRE DEPT. FUND Central Telephone Co. 27.15 52.35 23.20 2150.00 1157.10 14.95 100.00 70.00 6.60 23.00 62.40 42.53 60.00 17.40 7.00 424.50 3.26 68.98 695.00 42.27 1223.37 19.43 99.50 260.08 TOTAL $6646.99 r 1 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS June 1, 1971 Minutes of Regular Meeting Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a meeting of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 1st day of June, 1971 at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff.. Members present were Duff, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Councilman Hester was absent. MOTION by Genz second by Knutson to approve the attached list of bills and order them paid from their respective funds. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Council unanimously approved the minutes of May 17 and 18 and ordered published. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Ordinance No. XVI 5, AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND REGULATING THE SALE OF INTOXICATING LIQUOR BY CERTAIN CLUBS WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT AND PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF SUNDAY LIQUOR SALES BY CLUBS and the amount of the Sunday license fee be set at $200. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Genz, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to table the matter of adopting an ON SALE Ordinance until the meeting of June 15th and assign Councilman Stauffer to check into the matter /with other clubs. Second by Stauffer. of comparative fees Ayes Genz, Knutson, Stauffer, and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz to approve the application for license to do business of Getz and Anderson. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Duff and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to table the building permit application of Getz and Anderson to build a home located in Broback 7th Addition until such time as a plan for adequate surface water drainage is vailable in this area. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Duff and Knutson. Nay Genz. Ayes 3 Nays 1. Motion carried. MOTION by Duff to approve the building permit application of Marvin Gill Second by Genz. Ayes Duff, Genz, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to table the building permit applications of Broback Builders to build eight homes in Broback 7th and 8th Additions until the matter of storm water distribution is resolved. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Duff and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to approve the building permit appli- cation of Mr. Wayne Redding. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to approve the building permit application of Mr. V. Felmlee. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Genz, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to join the City of Columbia Heights requesting an analysis of proposed rate increase by NSP. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. 53 MOTION by Stauffer to approve the building permit application of Mr. C. Gessner. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Knutson, Stauffer and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. 54 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting June 1, 1971 MOTION by Knutson to send a copy of letter received from Banister Engr. dated May 21, 1971 re storm sewer improvement proposed at the north deadend of Fourth Ave. by the Rosemount School District Architects, and inform them this is the position of the Council, to allow them to con- struct the storm sewer and catch basin. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Duff, and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Mr. Don Brown reported to the council on matters pertinent to his depart- ment. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the purchase of a #383 E -Z Line striper from Warner Industrial Supply at a purchase price of $465.00. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. In the matter of the excavation existing on property owned Young; MOTION by Stauffer to turn the matter over to Atto Farrell for prosecution. Second by Knutson. Ayes Duff, Genz, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Mr. Gerald Anderson appeared before the Council to request landscape an area adjacent to his home. MOTION by Genz to permit Mr. Anderson to sod 20' on Birch Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Knutson, Stauffer and Duff. Ayes 4 2 by Mr. John rney Pat permission to St. Second by Nays 0. MOTION by Genz to turn the existing flood light, install no parking signs in driveway and two parking signs on the west side of the Village Hall. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to change the wording of the rezoning and building moratorium as passed April 6, 1971 from "dwellings" to "structures Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to approve the building permit application of Country Builders to remodel the building formerly occupied by Rosemount Sports Co. Second by Genz. Ayes Duff, Genz, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. The matter of the building permit application by Williams Bros. Pipeline wastabled and clerk to include this matter on the agenda June 15th. MOTION by Genz to approve the request of Commander Board, Minnesota, Inc. to install a large sign at Dakota Bowl. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Knutson, Staffer and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Mr. Fred Hoisington spoke to the Council outlining the study made on the proposed County Road 40. Matter referred to the Planning Commission for their further study of the alternatives as presented and request they report back to Council on June 15th. Clerk to check with Rosemount Busi- nessman's Assn. to determine whether their answer to Council request can be had by that date also. Clerk reported a request from the Dakota County Planning Commission had been received that applicants requesting permits to build new homes in Rosemount first obtain a house number from them before Village Planning Commission issue any permit. Matter referred to the Planning Commission to check further on this and report back to council. 1 1 Published in Dakota County Tribune on 3 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 5 Minutes of Regular Meeting June 1, 1971 MOTION by Stauffer authorizing publication for public hearing on June 28, 1971, at 7:30 PM at Little Theater Section in High School on Interim Zoning Ordinance and Interim Zoning map. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Duff and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to extend the moratorium on building and rezoning in the Village of Rosemount except as noted, to July 9, 1971. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to place ads for patrolman in the Dakota County publi- cations starting the week of June 13, 1971 through the week of June 27, 1971; that applications from residents of Dakota County only will be considered; applications not to be received later than July 6, 1971; qualifications to be available from the Clerk's office. Second by Genz. Ayes Duff, Genz, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff second by Genz to extend the ON SALE beer and liquor license currently held by the American Legion Club of Rosemount from July 1 to Dec..:21, 1971 at one half the fee. Ayes Genz, Knutson, Stauffer and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to conduct at this time, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. Respectfully submitted cA Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer 1971. 66 Bills recommended for approval June 1, 1971 GENERAL FUND David Stauffer gopher Becky Jorde PI McClain Hedman Schuldt Miller Davis Fox Excavating Co. Lyle Signs Scott Kurtz Brauer Assoc Sargent Sowell Inc. Dale Doehling Postage TOTAL FIRE DEPT. FUND Peoples Gas Coast to Coast Kane Auto Ratzlaff "66" Vorwerk Texaco Corcoran Hdwe. Strese Union 76 Power Brake Equip. International Harvester Roberts Drugs TOTAL LIQUOR REVENUE FUND Miller Davis Co. Twin City Home Juice 7 -Up Bottling Leding Distr. Inc. Hanson Beverage College City Beverage Judge Electric First State Bank Gross Industrial Van Paper Co. Droney Beverage Peoples Gas Central Telephone Ed Phillips Sons Famous Brands Inc. Griggs Cooper Old Peoria Co. feet b 13.00 72.20 18.00 641.20 2124.75 471.20 89.70 1.57 11.60 13.50 42.76 52.25 24.23 6055.87 1713.44 840.53 947.11 4 18.30 9.00 23.10 54.16 90.00 200.20 10.50 2637.54 257.80 6.00 50.00 $3356.60 15.00 10.91 5.00 70.55 4.32 3.97 31.95 16.20 237.39 1.38 396.67 Old Dutch Foods, Inc. 102.00 Concord Bev. Inc. 1433.65 Southside Distr. 18.25 Drentlaw Whls. 61.00 Alcorn Bev. 447.80 Day Distr. Co. 485.15 Corcoran Hdwe. 3.78 St. Paul Bar Restr. 44.10 Northwest Linen Service 38.20 Coca -Cola Bottling 20.70 Sunderland, Inc. 76.25 NSP 168.70 Transport Clrgs. 153.16 Ed Phillips Sons 397.24 Johnson Bros. 298.58 McKesson Liquor 1083.80 Distillers Distr. 1172.55 TOTAL $19,137.82 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting June 14, 1971 Pursuant to due call and published notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Little Theater Section, Rosemount Senior High School on the 14th day of June, 1971 at 7:30 PM. Meeting calledto order by President Duff. All members of the Village Council were present. Also present were Mr. Bill Banister and Mr. Gary Gray of Banister Engineering and Mr. Robt. Pulscher of Spring sted, Inc. At 7130 PM clerk read the following: NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT 1971 -1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA Notice is Hereby Given that the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount will meet on the 14th day of June, 1971 at 7:30 PM in the Little Theater in the Rosemount High School in said Village, for the purpose of holding a public hearing on proposed Storm Sewer Improvement 1971 -1 in said Village. Said improvement will consist of the following: Storm Sewer Improvements and extensions to the following described area: Blocks 1, 2, 3 and outlot "A" Broback Fifth Addition and Lots 1 through 4, Block 1, Broback Fourth Addition, and all that portion of the west 1 5 of the southwest Z Section 30, T. 115N R. 19W, lying north of county road 42 and west of aforesaid Broback Fourth and Fifth Additions, all in the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota. The estimated cost of said improvement is $124,388.00. The area proposed to be assessed for the costof said improvement includes all lots, tracts or parcels of land in the Village lying within the property hereabove described. Preliminary plans may be inspected in the office of the Village Clerk. All persons interested may appear and be heard at said time and place. Dated May 20, 1971. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA. Mr. Gray explained the proposed improvements to alleviate storm water drainage in Broback Fifth Addition and areas adjacent thereto. Hr. Robert Pulscher explained assessment procedures established by the Village Council. President Duff opened the meeting to questions from the audience. Mr. Richard Jensen requested that any action be delayed until a petition can be prepared and presented to the Council. He indicated the petition would show that a majority of the residents in the involved area would prefer not to have storm sewer and storm sewer at this time. Don F. Darling Clerk. 57 5 cl ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of a Special Meeting June 14, 1971 (Cont MOTION by Knutson that any action on this hearing relative to Surface Drainage and Storm Sewers for proposed Storm Drainage Improvement 1971 -1 be tabled for consideration at the next regular Village Council meeting to be held July 6, 1971, and ask that same be scheduled on the agenda for that meeting. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Knutson, Stauffer, Genzand Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. President Duff declared the hearing closed.at 9:00 PM. Council unanimously agreed on a fifteen minute recess before commencing the scheduled hearing on Proposed Water Improvement (Phase Iand II) 1971 -2. At approximately 9:15 PM said hearing was called to order. The following was read by the Clerk' NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED WATER IMPROVEMENT (Phase I II) 1971 -2 Village of Rosemount. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Mn. will meet on the 14th day of June, 1971 at 8:30 o'clock PM in the Little Theater in the Rosemount High School in said Village for the purpose of holding a public hearing on a proposed Water Improvement 1971 -2 in said Village. Said improvement will consist of the following: Water main extensions to the following described areas On Ash Street extended (County Road 42) for 700 feet immediately easterly ofthe Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Companys right of way. On Ash Street extended Westerly (County Road 33) for 2920 feet westerly of the east line of Section 30, T. 115N R. 19W to the extended east line of Lot 2, Block 2 Broback Second Addition: On Chippendale Avenue (County Road 39) for 920 feet Northerly of the extended south line of Lot 11, Block 2, Edwin Rahn Addition along the west side of said avenue only. On Chippendale Avenue (County Road 39) for 750 feet northerly of the southwest corner of aforesaid section 30 along the east side of said avenue only. The estimated cost of said improvement is $140,700.50. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes all lots, tracts, or parcels of land in the Village lying within the described property hereabove. Preliminary plans may be inspected in the office of the Village Clerk. All persons interested may appear and be heard at said time and place. Dated May 20, 1971, BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA. Engineer Gary Gray again explained the proposed improvement and Mr. Pulscher explained assessment procedures, after which the hearing was opened to questions from interested persons. 2 Don F, Darling Clerk 1 1 1 1 1 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting June 14, 1971 (Cont'd.) MOTION by Knutson second by Hester to adopt the following Resolution. WHEREAS, a resolution of the Village Council adopted the 18th day of May, 1971, fixed a date for a Council hearing on the proposed improvement of Water Improvement (Phas I II) 1971-2; and WHEREAS ten days published notice ofthe hearing through two weekly publications of the required notice was given and the hearing was held thereon on the 14th day of June, 1971, at which all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT; that Stage I of the Water Improvement 1971 -2 be ordered in and direct Banister Engineering to prepare plans and specifications and contract documents therefore and the Village Clerk shall prepare and advertise for bids upon receipt of approved plans and specifications. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Duff, Genz and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester second by Genz to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to conduct at this time, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. Published in the Dakota County Tribune on VIA-Cif 1971, 3 Respectfully submitted Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer 59 60 VILLAGE OF ROSEM ONT PROCEEDINGS Minutes of a Regular Meeting June 15, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village of Rosemount, Village Council, was held at the Village Hall on the 15th day of June, 1971. Meeting called to order by President Duff at 7 :30 PM. All members present. Minutes of June 1, 1971 were approved as corrected and ordered published. MOTION by Knutson second by Hester to approve the attached list of bills and order them paid from their respective funds. Ayes Duff, Genz, Hester, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. General Fund $6111.33 Fire Dept. Fund 51.18 Justice of Peace report submitted from Mr. R. Mohr was accepted and ordered placed on file. Mr. Clarence Oakins was present to request approval of a building permit application to build an addition to his residence. MOTION by Duff to approve the request. Second by Hester. Ayes Genz, Hester, Duff, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer second by Knutson to approve the License to do Business of Thompson Plumging Co. Ayes Hester, Duff, Knutson Stauffer and Qnz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to approve the application for License to do Business of Corcoran Hdwe. Co. for well drilling and repairing subject to receipt of certificate of insurance within two weeks. Second by Genz. Ayes Duff, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to approve the applications for license by American Legion Club Rosemount Post $65 for "On Sale" liquor and for sale of liquor on Sunday subject to publication of Ordinance No, XVI -6. Second by Hester. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Hester and Duff. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester second by Genz to approve the application of Rosemount Post 9433 Veterans of Foreign Wars for 3.2 beer license and Set -up license subject to receipt of an additional $95.00 in license fees as required by the ordinance. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Hester, Duff and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to table the Williams Brothers Pipeline building permit application until July 6th meeting. Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Duff, Knutson and Stauffer. No vote, Hester. Ayes 4, 1 No Vote, Nays 0. Motion carried. ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting June 15, 1971 (Cont'd.) NOTION by Knutson to authorize the engineer to proceed with plans and specifications for Stage 2 of the Water Improvement Proposal. Attorney to draw up legal wording for this resolution. Second by Hester. Ayes Duff, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council agreed unanimously to discuss the matter of appointing a Chief of Police and salary ranges for this job and Utilities Dept. MOTION by Hester that Mayor be authorized to designate planner and engineer to attend joint meeting with members of the Metro Sewer Board as outlined in letter addressed to Metro Council dated June 10, 1971. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Hester and Duff. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Councilman Stauffer reported on by communities in this area. MOTION by Hester second by Genz license fee plus submit a $3000 per year fee for Sunday On Sale Knutson, Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 2 liquor license fees as established to set a $1500 per year "On Sale" surety bond; and to set a $200 Liquor. Ayes Genz, Hester, Duff, 0. Mr. Kenneth Anderson, Traffic Engineer for Dakota County was present to discuss placement of highway signs indicating traffic right of way at County Roads 42 and 9. MOTION by Hester second by Genz to refer the matter of construction of County Road 33 -S to the planner, to review the matter with Dakota County Planning Commission as it pertains to the Village of Rosemount, and refer it also to the Planning Commission for consideration and recommendation back to the Council; and to also look at the "traffic triangle" on County Roads 42 and 9; and to then present recommenda- tions to the Council on July 6th. MOTION by Genz to authorize Don Brown to negotiate with the County Highway Engineer to provide a temporary solution for the wash -out on County Road 33 adjacent to the John Anderson property. Second by Hester. Ayes Hester, Duff, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz to reject all sidewalk bids received. Second by Hester. Ayes Duff, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and HegEr. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize Banister Engineering to prepare specifications for construction of sidewalks and replacement of old sidewalks and authorize clerk to place an advertisement for bids in the official publication. Second by Duff. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Hester and Duff. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mrs. Donna McDonough presented a petition to close Birch St. to an alley. It was noted that two additional signatures were needed and Mrs. McDonough was requested to obtain these and to then present the petition to the Planning Commission for their review and recommendation. 61 62 J ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of a Regular Meeting June 15, 1971. (Cont'd.) MOTION by Hester to have Peoples Natural Gas Co. install a "cage" around a regulator located on Birch St. and clerk be instructed to write a letter to the Gas Company advising them of the requirements to install some sort of security fence around the installation staisfactory to the Utilities Supervisor. Second by Duff. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Hester, Duff, and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester that specifications for Sect. 16 Road be re- leased to the Village Egineer and that contract with change order be reviewed by the Village Attorney and Village Engineer and they then proceed to develop a recommendation and report back to council. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Hester, Duff, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mayor Duff announced that the firegoing business completed the agenda and asked if there was any other business to come before the Council at this time. Mr. Henry Broback asked to discuss the matter of obtaining building permits for eight homes in Broback 7th and 8th Additions. Council agreed unanimously that aiequate surface drainage be provided before permits be issued. Mr. Broback requested that his check as sub- mitted with the permit applications be returned. Council agreed, based on his request, that check be returned and clerk was instruc- ted to return the check. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to conduct at this time, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. 3 Respectfully submitted Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer Published in the Dakota County Tribune on 1971. Bills submitted for approval at the regular meeting held June 15, 1971. GENERAL FUND Genz and Ryan $1029.32 W. Elliott 8.70 Kevin Tracy 20.70 Standard 011 2 Texaco 12.25 C. Onischuk, Auditor 20.00 Carlson Tractor 8.10 Hastings Municipal Court 5.00 Home Typewriter 8. Brauer and Assoc. 3503.61 Brady Margulis 8.12 Lampert Yards 28.87 Village Liquor Rev. Fund 209.80 Corcoran Hdwe. 51.96 Dakota County Tribune 205.60 Coast to Coast 7.20 Miller Davis 20.50 Fischer .Sand and Aggregate 40.85 Peoples Gas 39.42 NSP 424.50 NSP 54.12 Central Telephone 42.00 Roger L. Brown Sales Agcy. 31.64 Grannis and Grannis 310.00 TOTAL $6111.33 FIRE DEPT. FUND Central Telephone 28.15 NSP 14.28 Corcoran Hdwe. 8.75 TOTAL 51.18 63 64 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting June 21, 1971 Pursuant to due call and published notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Little Theater Section, Rosemount Senior High School on the 21st day of June, 1971, at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. Members present: Duff, Knutson, Hester and Genz. Member absent Stauffer. At 7 :30 PM the Clerk read the following: NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED STORM AND UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IMPROVEMENT 1971 -3. Village of Rosemount, Minnesota TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota will meet on the 21st day of June, 1971 at 7:30 PM in the L the Theater in the Rosemount High School in said Village, for the puipose of holding public hearing on a proposed underground utilities, Village improvement 1971 -3 in said Village. Said Improvement will consist of the following: Underground Utilities for thirty five (35) lots of the proposed Rahn Broback plat and storm drainage for the south area of the old Village of Rosemount including the proposed Rahn Broback Plat consisting of the following described area: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ROSEMOUNT IMPROVEMENT 1971 -3 The area to be included in the foregoing proposed Rosemount Improvements shall be that part of section 29, T. 115N, R. 19W Section 32 T. 115, R. 19W described as follows: Beginning at the NW corner of the SW% of said section 29, thence easterly along the north line of said i of said section, to its intersection with the centerline of Park Avenue; Thence southerly along the centerline of said avenue a distance of approximately 183 feet to its intersection with a line parallel to and 183 feet south of the centerline of Ash street; Thence easterly a distance of approximately 774.25 feet along a line parallel to and 183 feet south ofthe centerline of Ash street to its intersection with the centerline of Hyland avenue; Thence southerly along the centerline of Hyland avenue a distance of approximately 515 feet to its intersection with the centerline of Birch street (vacated); Thence westerly along the centerline of Birch street a distance of 246 feet to its intersection with the extended west line of lot 38, block 3 Rose Park Addition; Thence southerly along the west lot lines and extended lot lines of lots 12 and 38, block 3, Rose Park Addition a distance of 237 feet to its intersection with the centerline of Maple street; Thence westerly along the centerline of Maple street a distance of approximately 22.21 feet to its intersection with a line parallel to and approximately 491.79 feet east of the centerline of Park avenue and Park avenue extended; Thence easterly along the north line of lot 3 block 1 Marian Terrace replat second addition to its intersection with the east lot line of said lot; Thence southerly along the east lot line of said lot to its intersection with a line parallel to and 330 feet south of the centerline of Maple street; Thence easterly along a line parallel to and approximately 330 feet south of the centerline of on iqb ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of a Special Meeting June 21, 1971 of Maple street to its intersection with the east right -of -way line of the Minnesota Highway Department right -of- way; Thence southerly along the east line of the Minnesota Highway Department right -of -way to its intersection with a line parallel to and 800 feet south of the south line section 29; Thence westerly along a line parallel to and 800 feet south of the south line section 29 to its intersection with the west line of the NW;, section 32; Thence northerly along the west line NW; section 32 and the west line SWk section 29 a distance of approximately 2120 feet to the point of beginning and there terminating. The estimate cost of said improvement is $345,344.00. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvements includes all lots, tracts, or parcels of land in the Village lying within the hereabove described property. Prliminary plans may be inspected in the office of the Village Clerk. All persons interested may appear and be heard at said time and place. Dated May 27, 1971. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA. Published in Dakota County Tribune 1971. Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer Clerk also read the affidavit of mailing of notices and a letter received from Mr. A. Ratzlaff stating his objection to the project. Mayor Duff spoke briefly explaining the need for the proposedproject. Mr. Gary Gray of Banister Engineering and Mr. Roger Short, also spoke describing the project and the area to be covered. Mr. 0. Springsted explained the assessment procedures. President Duff opened the meeting to questions from the audience. After all persons were heard the hearing was declared closed. MOTION by Knutson that any decision on this project, namely Storm and Underground Utilities Improvement 1971 -3 be tabled until the Council Meeting of July 6, 1971 and that same be scheduled on the agenda of July 6th. Second by Hester. Ayes Duff, Knutson, Genz and Hester. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Motion carried. MOTION by Hester second by Genz to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to o:induct at this time, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. Respectfully submitted 65 66 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of a Special Meeting June 23, 1971 Pursuant to due call and published notice thereof a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Village Hall on the 23rd day of June for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the assessment of said Village of Rosemount for the year 1971, Council agreed to consider also at this meeting the appointment of Chief of Police of the Village of Rosemount; to establish salaries for the Chief of Police and for personnel employed in the Dept. of Utilities, S and Roads and Public Buildings, Mr. Robert Meiers, Mr. 0. Solberg and Mr. A. Palfi of the Assessor's Office, Dakota County were present to discuss with Council the asses- sment for the Village of Rosemount. Councilmen signed the County assessment book approving figures as presented. Mayor Duff noted that Mr. Fred Hoisington of Brauer and Associates had called requesting $500 to $600 over and above charges as submitted by them for work as Planners for the Village. He explained that additional unanticipated work had to be done in preparing the zoning map for the new Village. Council agreed that this matter be placed on the agenda for July 6th and that Mr. Hoisington or representatives of Brauer be present at this meeting to further discuss these additional expenditures. effective July 1, 1971, MOTION by Duff /to pay $3 /Hr. to Mr. Geo. Koehnen as caretaker at the Village Dump as requested by him due to additional work created by the larger number of people now using these facilities. Second by Genz. Ayes Duff, Hester, Genz, Stauffer, and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz second by Hester that the Supervisor of Utilities, Streets and Roads and Public Buildings be allowed to hire and terminate Village maintenance men and to evaluate these personnel during their probationary period. Ayes Hester, Genz, Duff, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer second by Hester that starting salary for maintenance man in Dept. of Utilities, Streets and Roads and Public Bldgs. shall be $650.00. Ayes Genz, Duff, Stauffer, Kniaon and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council unanimously agreed Steve Christopherson be hired on a part time basis at the rate of $1.60 per hour. Council then took up the business of appointing a Chief for the Police Department of Rosemount. Because there were candidates for this position in the audience, Council, legal counsel and management consultant adjourned to executive session. Upon reconvening and upon MOTION by Knutson to amend the Rules and Regulations of the Police Depart- ment, Section 11, Subd. 1 to read "Both original appointments and promo- tions shall be followed by a probationary period of one year. During that period the Village Council, after stating their reason in writing, may reject the appointee, Second by Hester. Ayes Duff, Stauffer, Knutson, Hester and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. 1 2 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting June 23, 1971 (Cont'd.) MOTION by Stauffer to appoint Raymond J. Tousignant as Chief of Police at a starting salary of $900 per month effective June 1, 1971, plus a clothing allowance of $120 per year, which amount shall be put into a drawing fund; there shall be a quarterly review of evaluation against a system established by the Council and Management Consultant; that he be further instructed to prepare a Manual of Police Procedures; and that he issue a monthly report to the Council. Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Hester, Genz and Duff. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester that Chief of Police, Village Attorney and Manage- ment Consultant be appointed by the Mayor to consider applicants of patrolman and report their findings and recommendations to the Council for consideration. Recommendation be made available to the Council on July 20th. Second by Duff. Ayes Knutson, Hester, Genz, Duff and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to adjourn. There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, it was agreed unanimously to adjourn.. Respectfully submitted Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer Published in the Dakota County Tribune on 6.4 /ft 1971. u 6 68 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of a Special Meeting June 28, 1971. Pursuant to due call and published notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Little Theater Section, Rosemount Senior Nigh School on the 28th day of June, 1971, at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. All members were present. Mayor Duff explained that the purpose of this meeting is a public hearing on the Interim Zoning Ordinance for the Village of Rosemount. Clerk read the foloowing notice NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Rosemount Village Council and Planning Commission in the Rosemount High School Little Theatre Section on the 28th day of June, 1971, at 7:30 PM to consider amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Rosemount and the adoption of an Interim Zoning Ordinance for the entire Village of Rosemount. All interested parties will be heard at said time and place. Copies of the new Ordinance may be inspected in the office of the Village Clerk.. Dated June 10, 1971. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA Published in Dakota County Tribune on Y 10 1971. Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer Mayer Duff introduced Mr. Fred Hoisington of Brauer and Associates as well as members of the Planning Commission. Mr. Hoisington explained to the audience the Interim Zoning Map for the Village of Rosemount. The Interim Zoning Ordinance was also read. After this the meeting was opened to questions from members of the audience. After all interested parties were heard, the hearing was declared closed. MOTION by Knutson that the Interim Zoning Ordinance No. XVII 2 be adopted as revised by the Planning Commission at their meeting on June 24, 1971, and as read at this hearing. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Hester, Genz, Duff, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to conduct at this time, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. Respectfully submitted Don F. Darling, Clerk-Tr asurer 1 PROCEEDINGS VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT Minutes of a Special Meeting July 1, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice there of a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Village Hall on the 1st day of July, 1971. Meeting called to order by President Duff at 8:00 PM. All members present. Mr. Robert Pulscher was also present at this meeting. Primary purpose of the meeting was to communicate to Chief of Police Ray Tousignant hes retention as police chief of the Village of Rosemount. Mr. Tousignant was officially informed that: (a) The Rules and Regulations of the Police Dept. of the Village of Rosemount have been amended and that the probationary period for the Chief of Police has been extended to a one year period. (b) That he has been retained as Police Chief at a salary of $900 /mo. effective June 1, 1971. (c) Monthly reports shall be made to the Council; these to be systema- tized by the Police Chief, Council and Management Consultant. (d) That the Police Chief position shall be his exclusive employment without prior approval by the Council and that he shall be subject to call 24 hours per day.. (e) That, according to state law, as Police Chief, he must attend a Police Officers Training School equivalent to 240 hours. (f) That preparation of a manual for the Police Dept. is required. (g) That a uniform allowance of $120 /yr. will remain on deposit and can be drawn from upon presentation of clothing invoice. (h) As police chief, he will be obligated to make a performance appraisal of the members of his staff. Council also discussed with Chief Tousignant police department office and telephone, preparing an equipment inventory, and establishment of vacation and sick leave policies for the police department. MOTION by Hester second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to conduct at this time, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. Respectfully submitted cuL, Don F. Darling, Clerk- Treasurer Published in the Dakota County Tribune on (jii 0 /Q 1971. 1 69 70 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of a Regular Meeting July 6, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 6th day of July, 1971, at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. Members present were Duff, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Councilman Hester was absent. Minutes of June 14, 15, 21, 23 and 28, 1971 were approved with the exception of a correction in the minutes of June 23rd to show that $3 /Hr. shall be paid to Mr. Geo. Koehnen effective July 1, 1971. Minutes were ordered published as corrected. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to approve the bills as read and order them paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND FIRE DEPT. FUND LIQUOR REVENUE FUND $4895.48 317.34 $13,364.95 MOTION by Stauffer to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the agreements with Northern States Power Co. which would cancel all Township agreements and consolidate both Township and 'old" Village agreements into New Village agreements. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Village of Rosemount Ordinance No, XVI AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND REGULATING THE SALE OF LIQUOR WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT AND PROVIDING FOR LICENSING OF SUNDAY LIQUOR SALES. Second by Genz. Ayes Duff, Genz, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. The letter of request from Mr. Geo. Ostertag to have his home served by water from the Village system was referred to Utilities Commission for review and recommendation. Justice of Peace reports submitted from Mrs. S. Hendersoniere ordered filed and monies deposited in General Fund. MOTION by Duff to have Clerk submit the recommendations of Planner re County Road 33 -S to Mr. J. Gabiou with copy to Mr. Ken Anderson of Dakota County Highway Dept., for their review and comments. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Duff and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer second by Knutson to submit to the Planning Commission for their review and recommendation the proposals of Brauer and Associates re the street naming and numbering system. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to approve additional expenditure ($650.00) incurred by Brauer in their effort to prepare zoning map for the Village. Second by Knutson. Ayes Duff, Genz, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1971 -20 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURES as outlined in the proposal submitted by Brauer. Effective VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting July 6, 1971 (Cont'd.) date of the Resolution shall be July 6, 1971. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz,Knutson, Stauffer and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Building permit fees were discussed and referred to Planning Commission for recommendation back to the Council. Councilman Knutson appointed to attend a meeting with Engineer, Attorney and DLR Construction Co. to resolve the matter of Sect. 16 Road and report back to Council. MOTION by Duff to approve the License to do Business Applications of Gretsfeld Construction Co. and Gretsfeld Plumbing and Heating. Second by Genz. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Duff and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to approve the building permit application of Sidney Fletcher to build a home contingent upon receiving a copy of survey and property description of 21 A. on which the home is to be built; and to limit to one year the length of time he shall be permitted to reside in the basement portion of the home. Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz, and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to approve permit applications of Don Christenson to build four homes on L 2 B2, L 1 B 2, L 3 B 2 and L 8 B 2 in Oakwood Estates contingent upon receipt of easement for storm water drainage on Westerly one half of Lot 7 Block 1 and Northerly fifteen feet of Lot 8 Block 1 in Oakwood Estates. Second by Knutson. Ayes Duff, Genz, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nos 0. MOTION by Genz to approve the building permit application of Mr. R. Enright to build a home at 12305 Chinchilla Court. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Knutson, Stauffer and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that application to build a home by Gretsfeld Construction Co. on L 4 B 3 Simon First Addition be denied until developer can submit a suitable drainage plan for storm water to the Council. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Duff and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff secod by Genz to approve the building permit appli- cation of G. Gerrits. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz, and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz second by Knutson to approve the building permit application of Mrs. M. Ratzlaff. Ayes Duff, Genz Knutson, Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0.' MOTION by Stauffer to approve the building permit application of Mr. Ernest Lent. Second by Duff. Ayes Genz, Knutson, Stauffer and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz to approve building permit application of Mr. R. Moede second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Duff and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. 2 n a ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting July 6, 1971 (Cont'd.) MOTION by Genz to approve building permit application of Mr. R. Shear. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to approve the building permit application of Mr. C. Malmgren. Ayes Duff, Genz, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to approve the building permit application of Mr. R. Rebling on the condition that the garage not be constructed further forward on the lot than the house. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Knutson, Stauffer, and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to approve the building permit application of Mr. Kenneth Monson. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Duff and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Council requested that Dog catcher present a monthly report in writing to include a log of activities for the month. Mr. Schiffman requested 75 to100 copies of the dog ordinance for distribution. Council also requested that he patrol periodically between the hours of 9:30 PM and 11:00 PM. MOTION by Duff to authorize the clerk to write a letter to County Commissioner Ahlberg requesting reconsideration of their policy in respect to County shar- ing in the expense of construction and maintenance of drainage spillways adjacent to County roads. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Council authorized attorney to prepare an application for solid waste permit. Council unanimously agreed to authorize Mr. Don Brown to notify Mr. Vic Wenzel that Village is not interested in purchasing the grader presently leased from him by the Village. Residents ofBroback Fifth Addition presented a petition to the Council requesting that Council cease any further action in relation to Storm Drainage Improvement 1971 -1. MOTION by Duff to table action on this petition until the regular council meeting of August 3rd and same be scheduled on the agenda. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, S Duff and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. A petition was presented to the Council by residents requesting that Proposed Storm Sewer and Underground Utilities Improvement 1971 -3 be abandoned unless all benefitted and potentially benefitted properties be assessed for this improvement. MOTION by Duff that further action on this petition be tabled and same be scheduled on agenda of the regular Council meeting on August 3rd, at which time all Council members will be present. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer Duff, Genz and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to grant the building permit application of Williams Bros. Pipeline effective July 9, 1971 and order same be issued by the Clerk. Second by Genz. Ayes Duff, Genz, Knutson and S Ayes 4 Nays 0. 3 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting f Q July 6, 1971 (Cont'd.) Council to discuss at next regular meeting on July 20, 1971, drafting a resolution for presentation to Dakota County Board of Commissioners in re Village of Rosemount urgently request the County Board take some action on the proposed County Road 40. MOTION by Duff to adopt Resolution 1971 21 A RESOLUTION ESTAB_ LISHING A SICK LEAVE POLICY FOR FULL TIME EMPLOYEES OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT. Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Knutson, Stauffer and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to table action on a Vacation Policy for Employees and refer the matter to the attorney to determine eligibility of employees of the "old Village" for vacation time and effective date for employees of the New Village and same be scheduled on the agenda of the next regular meeting on July 20th for discus- sion. MOTION by Duff to approve final plans and specifications of Improvement 1971 Water Main Improvement and authorize advertisement for bids be published. Bids to be received August 5, 2971, at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Duff and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Clerk noted only two bids were received for sidewalk repair and construction. MOTION by Duff to award the contract to Gustafson's Landscape Construction. Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Council accepted a petition from residents requesting Birch St. be vacated, that it be left open at one end and be made to a minimum width alley. Council referred the petition to the Planning Commission for recommendation on width of the alley. MOTION by Genz second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to conduct at this time, Council unani- mously agreed to adjourn. 4 Published in Dakota County Tribune on Respectfully submitted Don F. Darling, Clerk Treasurer acz 1971. 74 Bills submitted for Approval July 6, 1971 GENERAL FUND Lampert Yards 14.37 John Cordes 13.50 Corcoran Hdwe. 27.45 Dakota County Tribune 236.35 Bill Anderson 6.30 Minnesota Assn of Comm Industry 1.00 Steel Supply Culvert 264.80 Toombs Ins. Agency 47.00 Jeff King 4.50 NSP 48.51 Brauer Associates 1844.77 Banister Eng. 380.32 Phillips Petroleum 30.70 Springsted, Inc. 325.00 Lyle Signs 24.45 Pitney Bowes 79.40 Metro Sewer Board 1223.37 Union Oil Co. 60.83 Tom Kjos 4.80 Corrigan Electric 258.06 TOTAL FIRE DEPT. FUND Strese Union 76 Service Lampert Yards Central Telephone NSP Donald McNearney Robert Turek Dakota Co. Area Vo -Tech V N Oil Co. Peoples Gas TOTAL LIQUOR REVENUE FUND Dakota County Tribune Rosemount Utilities 7 -Up Bottling Old Dutch Foods Concord Beverage Alcorn Beverage Day Distributing Co. doast to Coast Gross Industrial Serv. Display Fixtures, Inc. Pierce Cash Register Co. U.M. Droney Beverage Peoples Gas Central Telephone Johnson Bros. Whle. Co. Griggs Cooper Co. Famous Brands 61.00 100.00 135.60 144.45 2087.70 589.75 601.85 27.83 11.60 7.20 13.39 27.70 40.57 20.00 434.76 1036.11 505.97 $4895.48 15.20 40.04 27.15 12.81 151.25 37.50 22.50 2.85 8.04 317.34 Central Telephone 3.98 Twin City Home Juice 41.85 Drentlaw Whle Candy Tob. 117.35 Leding Distributing 1044.05 Hanson Beverage Co. 3081.80 College City Beverage 742.45 Corcoran Hdwe. 9.64 Northwest Linen Serv. 44.30 Transport Clearings 29.45 Van Paper Co. 78.43 Genz -ljan Plbg Htg. 50.87 Corrigan Elec. Co. 44.58 ndp 229.28 Minn. Transport Clearings 18.28 Ed. Phillips Sons 990.49 Distillers Distr. Co. 99267 TOTAL $13,364.95 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting July 20, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 20th day of July, 1971 at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. Members present were Duff, Knutson, Hester and Genz. Member absentwas Councilman Stauffer. Minutes of the meetings of July 1st and 6th were approved and ordered published as corrected. Representatives of Country Builders, Inc. and James Refrigeration were present to discuss obtaining a permit to construct a Tom Thumb Superette. MOTION by Knutson that Council grant the building permit as requested by Country Builders, Inc. and James Refrigeration contingent upon notarized receipt of letter of intent from developer and owner to petition and support the storm sewer drainage program for the area affected, and that the letter of intent also shall include an interim drainage plan to be submitted for Village Engineer approval and that the project be engineered and installed according to the approved plan. Second by Hester. Ayes Duff, Hester, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester to approve the buildng permit submitted by Gretsfeld Construction Co. for construction of a home on Lot 4 Block 3 Jay Simon First Addition. Second by Knutson. Ayes Hester, Knutson, Duff and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Council requested clerk to write a letter to Dakota County Surveyor to obtain copies of all registered plats presently existing in the Village of Rosemount, and at the same time obtain the name of the original surveyor. MOTION by Duff to authorize preparation of a letter advising Metro Council that we have reviewed the Sewage and Waste Control Rules and Regu- lations for the Metropolitan Disposal System; and that the Village of Rosemount has no disagreement with the rules and regulations as established. Second by Hester. Ayes Knutson, Duff, Genz and Hester. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson authorizing draft of the letter as read addressed to Metro Sewer Board s/ Mr.Richard Dougherty, Chief Administrator, and same be submitted to the Metropolitan Sewer Board with copy to Metro Council. Second by Genz. Ayes Duff, Genz, Hester and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Councilman Knutson reported on a meeting held with representatives of DLR Construction, Village Egineer and Attorney David Grannis III. MOTION by Hester second by Genz that Village Engineer proceed to obtain soil borings at an expenditure of approximately $650.00. Borings to be made in a lake located in the construction path of the proposed Sect. 16 Road. Ayes Genz, Hester, Knutson and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. 75" 7 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting July 20, 1971 (Cont /d.) Mr. Robert Pulscher of Springsted, Inc. reported to the Council that appli- cations /for the position of patrolman and selections have been narrowed have been reviewed down to six candidates. MOTION by Hester second by Genz that salary range for patrolman be minimum $645.00 maximum $915.00 per month, and these figures be used in conjunction with the merit evaluation system. Ayes Hester, Knutson, Duff and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that patrolman selection committee screen the six selected applicants, recommend three of these to Council for hiring of two. Second by Hester. Ayes Knutson, Duff, Genz and Hester. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that the performance evaluation forms submitted by Mr. Pulscher be accepted and used by department heads in the Village; that all supervisors be supplied with the necessary forms, and that job evaluation be submitted for all employees on August 1st for Council review and every six months thereafter. Second by Rester. Ayes Duff, Genz, Hester and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Mr. Don Brown reported for his department. MOTION by Hester that Mr. Brown be authorized to issue permits for use of village property as requested by groups and organizations. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Hester, Knutson and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester to amend the minutes of the meeting of June 23rd to show that Steve Nelson be hired on a part time basis instead of Steve Christoph- erson. Second by Duff. Ayes Knutson, Duff, Genz, Hester. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Mr. Ray McNamara, Fire Chief, requested a meeting with the Mayor and Attorney to further study H.F. 2308 Chap. 261, Volunteer Firemens R -lief Assn. Guide- line Act of 1971. Meeting scheduled for August 1, 1971 and committee to report back to Council. At this time, Councilman Hester left the meeting. MOTION by Duff to authorize transfer of funds from the Liquor Revenue fund to the 1956 Improvement Fund in the amount of $730.83. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Genz and Duff. Ayes 3 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz to approve the building permit application of Mr. Richard Bruce providing if it is later determined that slope easements are required for Sect. 16 Road these will be obtained without remuneration. Building to be constructed on Lot 10, Block 2 Simorrb First Addition. Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Duff and Knutson. Ayes 3 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to authorize Banister Engineering prepare a feasibility study to determine the feasibility of supplying water to the Geo. Ostertag residence from the Village water system. Second by Knutson. yes Genz, Knutson and Duff. Ayes 3 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz second by Knutson to approve the bills as read and order them paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND Fire Dept. Fund $2238.66 10.45 2 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting July 20, 1971 (Cont'd.) Mayor Duff offered Resolution 1971 -22 and moved its adoption: A RESOLUITON ESTABLISHING A VACATION POLICY FOR EMPLOYEES OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT. Motion Second by Genz. Ayes Duff, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 3 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to table resolution re County Road 40 to be submit- ted to County Board to the meeting of August 3rd, at with time it is anticipated all Councilmen will be present. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Knutson and Duff. Ayes 3 Nays 0. Councilman Knutson appointed to review with Mr. Wm. Quigly the 2nd Quarter Audit of Liquor Revenue Fund. MOTION by Genz second by Knutson to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to conduct at this time, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. Published in Dakota County Tribune on GFNERAL FIEND Bills submitted for approval July 20, 1971. Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer Village of Rosemount Liquor Revenue Fund 95.99 Ratzlaff's "66" $10.45 Steven Fox 20.40 Gregory Fox 20.70 Daryl Judkins 3.00 Burnsville Municipal Court 5.00 American Playground Device Co. 16.16 Ostertag Cement Co. 921.25 Carlson Tractor Equip. Co. 343.66 m `-"te Fluege -1 or Inrr- a Kane's Auto Equip. Service 40.00 Standard Oil 46.34 Union Oil Co. 39.83 Phillips Petrol Co. 26.72 NSP 424.50 Peoples Gas 34.29 Dakota Elec. Assn. 8.74 Band Boosters 5.70 Hawkins Janitorial Service 25.00 Home Typewriter Co. 19.95 US Leasing 35.53 Ind. School District 196 50.85 TOTAL $2263.21- Respectfully submitted August 12, 1971. FIRE DEPT. FUND 7 6 78 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting August 3, 1971 Pursuant to due call and entice thereof, a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 3rd day of August, 1971, at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. Members present were Duff, Hester, Knutson, Genz and Stauffer. Minutes of July 20 were approved and ordered published. MOTION BY Genz to take no further action on Project 1971 -1, the proposed storm sewer improvement in the area of the west village limits. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Hester, Knutson Genz and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. A petition requesting Rosemount Village Council take prompt action to eliminate the drainage problem at the corner of Maple St. and Claire Ave. was read. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize the engineer to draw final plans for Project 1971 -3. Second by Hester. Ayes Hester, K Duff, Genz and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by K that the Park and Recreation Commission propoal presented by Mr. J. Degenaar be accepted with Thanks to Mr. Degenaar and his committee for the work they have done, and that this matter be placed on the agenda for August 17, 1971, at which time consideration would be given to appont- ment of a committee for this purpose. Second by Hester. Ayes Knutson, Duff, Genz, Stauffer and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Peter Jorgensen was present to request guidance from the Council in matters relevant to plumbing inspection for the Village. Council advised: Plumbing inspection shall not be done in the old Village area for the time being; Mr. Jorgensen shall be authorized to sign a complaint against home builders and plumbers doing work in the old Township portion of the Village without first securing a license or permit. Monthly report of the dog catcher was accepted and ordered filed. Mr. Schiffman discussed with the Council the matter of not being able to pick up and confine dogs running at large because of the lack of a place for confinement. Additional places are to be checked out by Mr. Schiffman. MOTION by Knutson that the letter of intent received from James Refrigeration be accepted as well as their plans and specifications for storm water run -off and they be allowed to proceed with their building plans. Second by Genz. Ayes Duff, Genz, Stauffer, Hester and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Building permit ordered issued. MOTION by Hester that Planning Commission provide a verbatim resolution accomplishing the recommendations of Brauer Assoc. re the Village Street naming and numbering system. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Stauffer, Hester, Knutson and Duff. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION BY Duff to set the building permit fees for the Village of Rosemount at $5.00 minimum fee up to $500.00, $10.00 from $500 to $1000 and $1.00 per each additional thousand thereafter. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Stauffer, Hester, Knutson and Duff. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester that council conduct a public hearing to consider an amend- ment to Interim Zoning Ordinance Section 5 Subd. 3, to insert after "mobile 1 K USLmuulvl v LLi.eluu Minutes of of Regular Meeting August 3, 1971 (Cont /d) home parks" (except as especially provided for in the agricultural district) and also Sec. 9 Subd. 1, add: (g) one mobile home per farm- stead provided the land occupied by said mobile hose remains in the ownership of the farmstead and provided the land occupied by said mobile home remains in the ownership of the farmstead and provided further the occupant derives part of his income from said farmstead. That said public hearing be held on August 24, 1971 at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Hester, Duff, Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to authorize attorney to take necessary legal steps to close all that portion of Birch St. from its intersection with Park Ave. to its termination which is to the back of the lot presently occupied by the building known as the Old Rosemount Baptist Church, and to leave a 20' unimproved alley. Second by Hester. Ayes Hester, Knutson, Duff, Genz and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester to table the question of village water service to the Geo. Ostertag residence until we have legal opinion on their petition and refer this back to the Utilities Commission for recommendation and legal counsel. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Duff, Genz, Stauffer and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to adopt Resolution 1971-23, A Resolution passed by the Village Council of Rosemount to recommend to the Dakota County Board of Commissioners the location of proposed County Road 40 as shown on the attached Exhibit "A Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Duff, Genz, Stauffer and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Chief of Police Tousignant presented his monthly report. Same accepted and ordered placed on file. Council requested that sample reports from surrounding municipalities be obtained and Mr. Tousignant confer with Mr. Pulscher in an effort to prepare a suitable report for use by the Village of Rosemount Police Dept. Council requested more information pretinent to the Police Dept. be included in the monthly report. MOTION by Genz to appoint Mr. James Staats as patrolman effective September 1, 1971 at a monthly salary of $800. In the interim Mr. Staats be hired on a part -time schedule to be worked out by the chief. Clerk be authorized to write a letter of notification to Mr. Staats including in the letter, vacation and sick leave and other related policies or the Village of Rosemount. Second by Knutson. Ayes Duff, Genz, Stauffer, Hester and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council adjourned to executive session to further discuss retention of a second patrolman. Upon reconvening, Council unanimously agreed to authorize Mr. Tousignant to check further the references of and to reinterview Mr. H. McClintock again and make a further report on August 5th. Further action to be taken by the Council at that time. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to approve the bills presented for payment and same be paid from their respective funds. Ayes Genz, Stauffer, Hester, Knutson and Duff. Ayes 5 Nays 0. 7 9' 80 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT PROCEEDINGS August 3, 1971 Cont'd. General Revenue Fund Fire Dept. Fund Liquor Revenue Fund 2087.81 16.48 $10,833.93 All Department Heads to present anticipated needs for teir departments for budget meeting on August 24, 1971. Memorandums of requirements to be in hands of Council by August 20th. MOTION by Knutson to notify DLR Construction Co. to contact Attor- ney Farrell for detailed information on easements and they then be authorized to proceed with construction of the Section 16 Road. Second by Genz. Ayes Knutson, Duff, Genz, Stauffer and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester to authrote Del Schwanz, Surveyor, to do any additional work as required for completion of Sect. 16 Road. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Genz, Stauffer, Hester and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester to table the letter and adoption of the Ordinance and Code regulating Individual Sewage Disposal Systems until we have time to investigate and establish a reasonable ordinance. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Stauffer, Hester, Knutson and Duff. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to conduct at this time, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. Published in Dakota County Tribune on -Z 6 1971. Bills submitted for approval August 3, 1971. GENERAL REVENUE Wilroy Co. Postmaster Brauer Assoc. Paul McLagan Son NSP League of Municipalities Corcoran Hdwe. Fischer Sand Aggregate Steel Supply Culvert Dakota County Hwy. Dept. Dale Doehling Mark Dresselhaus Michael Lynch Coast to Coast 36.47 50.00 677.20 37.00 58.76 409.00 82.54 22.20 52.96 615.00 5.40 33.00 2.40 5.88 TOTAL $2087.81 Respectfully submitted Don F. Darling, Clerk -Tr surer Fire Dept. Fund NSP $10.49 Peoples Gas 5.99 TOTAL $16.48 LIQUOR REVENUE FUND Johnson Brothers Wholesale 360.13 Transport Clearings 16.89 Southside Distributing 21.90 Old Dutch Foods 107.90 Concord Beneverage Co. 1151.45 Twin City Home Juice 48.00 Leding Distr. Co. 797.15 Drentlaw Wholsale Candy Tobacco 84.15 Hanson Beverage Co. 1961.20 Alcorn Beverage Co. 363.10 College City Beverage 637.85 Day Distributing 456.55 Gross Industrial 11.60 Northwest Linen Service 29.00 0. M. Droney Beverage Co. 32.84 Sunderland, Inc. 88.00 Coca -Cola Bottling Midwest Inc. 66.00 McKeseon Liquor Co. 65.66 Rosemount Jaycees 25.00 Bernard May Assoc. 262.60 Capitol Stationery Printing Co. 5.32 Genz -Ryan Plbg. Htg. 29.13 Toaihs Insurance Agcy. 588.00 Peoples Natural Gas 10.39 N5P 270.08 Central Telephone 27.33 Minn. Municipal Liquor Store Assn. 25.00 Transport Clearings 46.02 Petty Cash 60.16 Griggs Cooper 648.91 Ed Phillips Sons 790.88 Johnson Bros. Whle. Co. 183.17 McKesson Liquor 371.43 Old Peoria Co. 399.59 Famous Brands 801.55 TOTAL $10,833.93 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS n Minutes of R gular Meeting a August 3. 1971 (Cont'd.) 82 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting August 5, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 5th day of August, 1971, at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. All members were present. Purpose of the meeting was to receive and open bids for Stage I Watermain Improvements for the Water System of the Village of Rosemount: Clerk Read the following Notice: Advertisement for Bids Water Improvement Stage I Rosemount, Minnesota NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount will receive sealed bids at the Village Hall on County Road 42, Rosemount, Minnesota until 7:30 PM CDT on THURSDAY, the 5TH day of AUGUST, 1971, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud for the furnishing of all labor and materials and all else necessary for the construction of Water Main with approximate quantities as follows: 1600 L.F. 8" Water Main 4000 L.F. 12" Water Main 2400 L.F. 16" Water Main AND APPURTENANCES according to the plans and specifications dated July 5, 1971 on file in the office of the Banister Engineering Co., 200 Hillsborough Office Building, 2353 No. Rice Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55113. Bids shall be directed to the Village Clerk Securely wrapped and sealed and endorsed on the outside wrapper "BID FOR STAGE I WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS. AUGUST 5, 1971 All bids shall be accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check made payable to the order of the Village for not less than five per cent (5X) of the amount of the bid. The Village Council reserves the right to retain the deposits of the three lowest bidders for a period not to exceed forty -five (45) days after closing of the bids. No bid may be withdrawn for a period not to exceed forty -five (45) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. Payment for the work shall be by cash or check. Copies of plans and specifications will be furnished by Banker Engineering Co. on request to any prospective bidder upon adeposit of $10.00 which sum will be refunded to actual bidders provided they are returned within fifteen (15) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. Persons obtaining plans and specifications but not bidding shall forfeit their deposit. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids; to waive irregularities and informalities therein, and further reserves the right to award the Contract to the best interests of the Village. DON F. DARLING, Clerk Treas. Village of Rosemount. Clerk opened and read the bids received: Barbarossa Sons, Inc. Robert A. Glende Construction MOTION by Hester to pass Resolution No. on Section 16 Road. Knutson, and Duff. Published in Dakota County Tribune on (Ccc4 a6 1971. ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meetag August 5, 1971 (Cont'd.) $132,486.00 159,842.05 Austin P. Keller Construction Co. 118,953.50 McDonald Associates, Inc. 142,066.85 Robert W. Moore, Co. 137,689.25 Orfei Sons, Inc. 123,530.30 MOTION by Hester that all bids as read for public record be submitted to Barister Engineering for tabulation and be submitted back to Council no later than August 17th. Second by Genz. Ayes Duff, Hester, Knutson, Genz and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to submit easements necessary for said project to the Attorney for processing. Second by Hester. Ayes Hester, Knutson, Duff, Genz and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester to authorize Banister Engineering to proceed.in accordance with Mr. Gary Gray's recommendations regarding bids for fluoridation equipment, pre -lube and time delay pressure switch equipment for Village wells. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Duff, Genz, Stauffer and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to amend the agenda to include proposal for installation of barrier around sump at St. Paul Ammonia Products submitted by Vic's Welding, Mr. Vic Wenzel, and authorize installa- tion of same. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Genz, Stauffer, Hester and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. amend the agenda to include discussion of and to 24 authorizing condemnation for slope easements Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Stauffer, Hester, Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to refer the request of Kee Inc. for engineering study of storm sewer for Kee Park to Utilities Commission for handling. Second by Genz. Ayes Staffer, Hester, Knutson, Duff and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to refer patrolman applications back to committee for a firm recommendation to Council, requesting Attorney Farrell to chair the committee, and have report ready for August 17th. Second by Knutson. Ayes Hester, Knutson, Duff, Genz and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to conduct at this time, Council unanimously agreed to aijourn. Respectfully submitted i 4 Don F. Darling, Clerk Treasurer 83 84 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting August 17, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 17th day of August, 1971 at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. All members present with the exception of Councilman Hester. Minutes of August 3rd were approved and ordered published. Minutes of August 5, 1971 were corrected to add the following paragraph: Mayor Duff explained that the petition requesting action relative to drainage at corner of Maple St. and Claire Ave. as read at the Aug. 3rd meeting was 8 or 9 years old and should not have been read. After a short discus- sion by Councilmembers it was agreed that the petition would not change the voting on the motion to proceed. The Mayor agreed to request correction by publication in the newspaper since many calls had been received. Minutes were approved and ordered published as corrected. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sutter were present to request a variance from the Interim Zoning Ordinance to build a home on one acre of land. This had been referred to the Planning Commission and recommendation received from them was to grant the request because the parcel existed as one acre prior to adoption of the Zoning Ordinance. MOTION by Stauffer second by Genz to grant the requested variance to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sutter for the parcel of land described in memo from the Planning Commission as: E. 100 ft. of the W. 433 ft. of the S. 435.6 ft. of the W. 1 of the SEw, Sec. 31, Twp 115, R. 18{ Ayes Duff, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz to table the request of Mr. Richard Hollenback to purchase Village property until Council can check further the land layout and other details. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Duff and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that Council authorize Mr. Don Brown to obtain quotations for the spillway adjacent to the John Anderson property and if possible, report back to Council on Sept. 7th; Attorney be authorized to obtain drainage (10') easements and temporary cons- truction easements; Banister Engineering be authorized to prepare specifications for bidders in order to obtain uniform bids. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Genz, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to accept the change orders Nos. 2 and 3 for Sect. 16 Road and authorize Mayor and Clerk to sign same. Second by Knutson. Ayes Duff, Genz, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that bids be awarded for Stage 1 Watermain Improve- ments to Austin Keller Co. at a bid price of $118,953.50 and authorize Mayor and Clerk to sign contractural agreements. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Knutson, Stauffer and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. 1 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting August 17, 1971 (Cont'd.) MOTION by Duff second by Stauffer to authorize clerk to write a letter to the Waterous Co. requesting they change their records to indicate the Villge of Rosemount uses 44" national standard thread for fire hydrant steamer connections and no longer uses 3 1/2" nonstandard thread. MOTION by Duff to table the miter of additional storm sewer drainage in the Rahn Broback area until a joint meeting can be arranged with Council, Utilities Commission and the financial consultant. Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to concur with the Utilities Commission recommendations that elevated tank be located east of County Road 39 in the NW',; of Sec. 32; that we recommend a one acre site for the placement of this tank; authorize engineer to proceed with plans and specifications for the three types of tanks as advised to be submitted to council for approval at the earliest possible date; authorize Engineer to prepare a property description; to authorize Engineer to prepare bids for approximately October 1st bid opening; authorize attorney to prepare and negotiate for purchase of the property. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz and Knutson Ayes 4 Nays 0. Dog Catcher John Schiffman was present with Mr. Dale 'gre to determine Village requirements for impounding dogs. Matter tabled until more information is obtained from the State Health Department. MOTION by Knutson to amend the agenda to include report from Mr. John Ostertag and Mr. Al Baughman as representatives from the Rosemount Lions Club. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Knutson, Stauffer and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Mr. Baughman requested information of the Council regarding park development in the Village stating the Rosemount Lions Club would like to assist in development of parks in the area. Council discussed with Chief of Police Tousignant establishment of a monthly report and referred Mr. Tousignant to Mr. R. Pulscher for assistance in development of the proper form. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize mayor and clerk to sign slope easement agreements for Section 16 Road between the Village of Rosemount and 11. and E. Reinke, M. and J. Altendorfer, J. and R. Manseau, Mr. and Mrs. Stacey and M. and R. Erdrich. Second by Genz. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Duff and Genz. Aaes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Clerk to issue a check for $2400 to satisfy easement for Section 16 Road, that portion involving the Don Ritchie property. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz, and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. 8 81) ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting August 17, 1971 (Cont'd.) MOTION by Duff to accept the recommendations of the committee in charge of recommending to the Council the hiring of police patrolman, but to reconsider their recommendation. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Mr. R. Pulscher to proceed with preparing and placing ads readvertising statewide for a second patrolman, specifying salary range, experience required and applications be submitted not later than Sept. 3, 1971. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Genz, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff second by Knutson to authorize Clerk to write a letter of support to the Dakota County Drug Resource Center. Ayes Genz, Knutson, Stauffer and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to approve the bills as presented for payment with the exception of Toombs Ins. Agency and order them paid from their respective accounts. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Duff and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. GENERAL FUND $3,244.85 FIRE DEPT. FUND 269.45 Clerk to obtain details from Toombs Insurance Agency re their statement dated Aug. 12, 1971. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize Clerk to write a letter requesting Mr. Sidney Fletcher to survey the land as requested to establish property lines and to comply with their building permit applica- tion by meeting the requirements of the County setback, namely as specified 85', and to discontinue building until requirements are met and survey is received. Letter be sent certified mail, return receipt requested. Second by Duff. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer second by Knutson to approve License to do Business in the Village for Brown Mpls. Tank Fab. Co., Lumber King Co., and Pioneer Power, Inc. Ayes Duff, Genz, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff second by Knutson to approve building permit applications and order permits issued to Mr. A. Sprute for a garage, Mr. A. L. Allbee for a garage, and Mr. C. Sutter for a home. Ayes Genz, Knutson, Stauffer and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. being no further business to come before this Council, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. Respectfully submitted Clerk- Treasti Don F. Darling, rer There Published in the Dakota County Tribune on CZ i /6 1971. Bills submitted for approval August 17, 1971. GENERAL REVENUE FUND American Oil Co. $170.99 Toombs Ins. Agency 16.35 Federal R. Withholding 434.80 Dakota County Tribune 404.44 Chapin Publishing 57.30 Peoples Gas 6.93 Brauer Assoc. 188.50 Central Telephone 42.00 Gophers 15.60 Treas., Dakota County 2.50 Carlson Tractor 88.34 Smith Grain 12.00 Lyon Chemicals 645.00 A -1 Rental Repair 16.00 Montgomery Ward 4.90 Steel Supply culvert 66.20 Grannis and Grannis 1073.00 FIRE DEPT. FUND TOTAL $3244.85 Toombs Ins. Agency Corcoran Hdwe. Central Telephone Ratzlaff "66" Capital City Suburban Regional Firemen's Assn. General Safety Equip. Corp. Dakota County Trib. TOTAL $269.45 $153.65 3.64 27.65 14.61 10.00 16.90 43.00 87 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 88 Minutes of Special Meeting August 24, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Hall on the 24th day of August, 1971 at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. Councilman Hester was absent. Clerk read the following notice: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Rosemount Village Council on August 24, 1971 at 7:30 PM at the Vile Hall located at 1367 145th St. E. (County Rd. 42) to consider an amendment to the Interim Zoning Ordinance as follows: Sect. 5 Subd. 3 Requirements of Mobile Home Parks. Mobile homes a:d mobile home parks (except as especially provided for in the agricultural district) have special characteristics which require full consideration of their locational needs, their site layout and design, their demand upon community services and their relation- ship to and affect upon surrounding uses of land. Balance of the subdivision shall remain the same. Sect. 9 Subd. 1 Regulations for AG Agricultural District Permitted Uses (g) One mobile home per farmstead provided the land occupied by said mobile home remains in the ownership of the farmstead and provided further the occupant derives part of his income from said farmstead. All interested parties will be heard at said time and place. Dated August 12, 1971. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA. Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer Council also discussed the request of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Darsow to place a mobile home on property owned by Mr. Elmer Darsow. MOTION by Duff to request the Planning Commission to review the Interim Zoning Ordinance to amend the ordinance to allow the granting of variances and to have their recommendation back to Council by September 7th if possible. Second by Genz. Ayes Duff, Knutson, Stauffer, and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer that council reject the recommendations of the Planning Commission to amend Sect. 5 Subd 3 and Sect. 9 Subd. 1 of the Interim Zoning Ordinance. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Duff and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. 1 1 1 Published in the Dakota County Tribune on ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 89 Minutes of Special Meeting August 24, 1971 (Cont'd.) Department Heads were present to discuss Village budget for 1972 and Mr. 0. Springsted was also in attendance at this meeting to offer advice on the matter of establishing a budget. MOTION by Stauffer second by Genz to adjourn. There being no further business to conduct at this time, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. Respectfully submitted on F. Darling, Clerk Treasurer 1971. 90 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS August 31, 1971 Minutes of Special Meeting Pursuant to due call andnotice thereof, a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 31st day of August, 1971 at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. All members were present. Purpose of the meeting was to discuss proposed storm sewer in addition to that already planned. Area to be served would be Edwin Rahn Additions, Carroll property and the point between CSAH 42 and 33. Mr. Gary Gray and Roger Short of Banister Engineering were present to discuss the matter with Council. Estimated cost of the additional project would be $141,000 and would cover 100 acres of additional assessable area. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize engineer to prepare a feasibility study for presentation to Council on Sept. 7th, 1971 to project 1971 -3A. Second by Knutson. Ayes Duff, Genz, Stauffer, Knutson and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. Published in the Dakota County Tribune on Respectfully submitted Don F. Darling, Clerk-Tr surer 1971. 1 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS September 7, 1971 Minutes of Regular Meeting Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 7th day of September, 1971 at 7:30 PM, Meeting called to Order by President Duff. All members present. Minutes of August 17 corrected and minuts of August 17, 24 and 31 ordered published. Mr. Richard Hollenback present to discuss two separate items, both involving rezoning of lands and will proceed with Planned Unit Development Procedures. Mr. James Ahern was present representing Ken -Rose Merchants Assn. to discuss parking problems as they exist at the Ken Rose Shopping Center. MOTION by Knutson authorizing Banister Engineering to make a study on the possibility of overflow parking in the municipal lot adjacent to the water tower. Recommendations to be presented to Council at September 21 meeting. Second by Genz. Ayes Duff, Hester, Knutson, Genz and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Residents were present to further discuss with Council their opposition to proposed storm sewer project. MOTION by Knutson to accept Banister Engineering feasibility study for 1971 3 -A storm water proposal and to notify all benefitted property owners that a public hearing will be held at the earliest possible date to be set by the Clerk, and that Banister halt any further engineering on project 1971 -3 until after the public hearing has been held on project 1971 -3A. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Hester, Knutson, Duff, Genz and Stauffer. Ayes 9 Nays 0. Mayor Duff thanked all citizens for their participation and opinions and informed them a decision on both projects will be reached after the public hearing. Dog Catcher submitted monthly report and same ordered placed on file. Council requested Mr. Schiffman obtain a proposal in writing from Mr. Dale Agre relative to operating a dog impounding area, stating therein the fees to be charged, proposed method of disposal of unclaimed animals and other pertinent data. 91. MOTION by Knutson to allow clerk to bill at bid cost to each benefitted property owner for the number of square feet of new sidewalk installed. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Duff, Genz, Stauffer and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer second by Knutson to advertise for bids for snow plowing as per recommendations of Don Brown, with the changes set forth by the Utilities Commission. Ayes Duff, Genz, Stauffer, Hester and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. A special budget meeting set by Council for Tuesday, September 14, 1971 at 7:30 PM to further discuss proposed budget for the year 1972. Police Chief accepted and Tousignant presented Police Dept. monthly report. ordered placed on file. Same MOTION by Duff to authorize purchase of filing cabinet and system at an estimated cost of $250. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Genz, Stauffer, 9 9) ROSEiMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS a7 AS September 7, 1971 Minutes of Regular Meeting (Cont'd.) Hester and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester to dispense with reading each slope easement for Sect. 16 Road and for storm sewer project and to authorize Mayor and Clerk to sign same. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Stauffer, Hester, Knutson and Duff. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester to authorize Mayor and Clerk to sign a contract with Austin Keller Construction Co. for construction of Stage I Watermain Improvements Project 1971 -2. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Hester, Knutson, Duff Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that Council authorize Mayor and Clerk to sign agreement and drainage easements in Broback 6, 7, and 8 Additions as read by Attorney Grannis and to include authorization for Clerk to issue building permits for Broback 6, 7, and 8th Additions. Second by Hester. Ayes Hester, Knutson, Duff, Genz and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Application of Mr. T. Darsow to place a mobile home in the Village was referred to the Attorney and matter scheduled on agenda of special meeting to be held on September 14, 1971, attorney to have an opinion for Council at that time. MOTION by Hester second by Stauffer to adopt Resolution 1971 -25 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION 1971 -18 entitled IMPROVEMENT FINANCING PLANS FOR VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA. Ayes Knutson, Duff, Genz, Stauffer, Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester to approve as read the letter from Banister Engineering dated September 3, 1971 re Rosemount Comprehensive Sewer Plan and to place same on agenda at next regular meeting on September 21, 1971. Ayes Duff, Genz, Stauffer, Hester and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to approve license to do business for E. M. Ganley Co. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Stauffer, Heger, Knutson and Duff. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that Banister Engineering be authorized to proceed with advertisement for bids for elevated storage tank Sage II Water Improvement Village Improvement 1971 -2, and set the date for bid opening on October 12, 1971 at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall. Second by Hester. Ayes Hester, Knutson, Duff, Genz and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to approve Change Order No. 4 for Sect. 16 road for the hauling of additional fill for the pond area, estimated quantity to be 3000 cu. yds. at 40C /cu. yd. delivered. Mayor and Clerk authorized to sign said Change Order No. 4. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Hester, Knutson, Duff, Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTI®N by Hester second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. Reap i ecpfully submitted Don F. Dar g, Clerk Treasu er Published in the Dakota County Tribune on _1L ,gY•9 1 71. MOTION by Hester second by Knutson to approve the bills as presented for payment and order them paid from their respective funds. Ayes Duff, Gene, Stauffer, Hester and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Bills submitted for Approval September 7, 1971. GENERAL FUND Sun Newspapers Union Oil Co. of CA. Phillips Petal. Co. Brauer Assoc. Lyon Chemicals, Inc. NSP [Motorola, Inc. Corcoran Hdwe. American Plgrd. Device Co. Texaco, Inc. Banister Engineering Dakota County Trib. FIRE DEPT. FUND CENTRAL Telephone Co. 27.15 B J Auto Supply 8.01 Peoples Gas 5.02 NSP 11.70 TOTAL LIQUOR REVENUE FUND GENERAL FUND $12,443.92 FIRE DEPT. FUND 51.88 LIQUOR REVENUE FUND Van Paper Company Southside Distr. Co. Sunderland, Inc. Rosemount Sanitation Northwest Linen Service Transport Clearings Judge Electric Gross Industrial Service Concord Beverage Day Distributing Co. Coca Cola Bottling Co. 60.00 51.24 59.64 301.91 645.00 49.77 6.60 11.88 31.14 40.23 8850.32 141.70 51.88 45.26 14.85 108.25 120.00 40.00 63.54 39.12 11.60 1552.25 608.25 68.10 $12,699.46 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting September 7, 1971 County Auditor Dakota Elec. Assn. Mike McPhillips Coast to Coa -t St. Paul Dispatch Springsted, Inc. Strese Union 76 Montgomery Wards Miller Davis Carlson Tractor Central Telephone B J Auto Supply TOTAL Twin City Home Juice O.M. Droney Bev. Co. 7 -Up Bottling Co. Old Dutch Foods Alcorn Beverage Leding Distr. Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Drentlaw Whle. Candy College City Beverage Corrigan Electric NSP CONTD 93 $783.52 8.74 473.00 42.64 6.65 462.50 83.70 57.60 6.70 152.41 46.92 70.11 $12,443.92 42.75 55.22 54.00 159.25 406.10 763.80 2476.75 Tob. 152.40 722.00 15.00 224.54 94 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting September 7, 1971 (Cont'd.) LIQUOR REVENUE FUND (Cont'd.) Central Telephone Co. Peoples Natural Gas Ed Phillips Sons Johnson Bros. Wholesale Co. Griggs Cooper Co. Distillers Distributing McKesson Liquor Co. Famous Brands, Inc. 23.98 9.02 1862.29 279.38 543.33 670.75 685.87 881.81 TOTAL $12,699.46 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Vilbge Council of the Village of Rosemount Village Hall on the 14th day of September, Meeting called to order by President Duff. (a) Published in Dakota County Tribune on J -l. 'o 1971. Permit be granted for one year or the adoption of the permanent ordinance, whichever comes first. ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of a Special Meeting September 14, 1971 special meeting of the was duly held at the 1971 at 7:30 PM. All members present. Purpose of the special meeting was to discuss and amend the Interim Zoning Ordinance to include the provision to allow a mobile home on a farmstead, and to discuss further the proFosed financial budget for the coming year. MOTION by Knutson to retain the firm of Briggs and Morgan as bond counsel for the Village of Rosemount. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Hester, Knutson, Genz and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Attorney P. Farrell and Planner Consultant F. Hoisington reviewed amending the Interim Zoning Ordinance or to issue a variance to ac- commodate the request of Mr. Tony Darsow to place a mobile home on a farmstead owned by his father. Attorney and Planning Consultant suggested suggested that because there are no mobile home parks in the Village; because of a hardship; grantee is related to the owner of the farm- stead and intends to work on said farmstead; that a variance be granted subject to following conditions: (b) Right of occupancy is not transferable. (c) Adequate sewage facilities be provided. (d) That persons occupying a mobile home are engaged in agricultural pursuits on that farm, E 4i h Neisington further recommended- Pi i C i en h a o rl' 1 special meeting to schedule a public hearing on- thc-- amendment. q' MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to request that Planning Commission hold a special meeting for the purpose of setting a date to conduct a public hearing and advertise for public hearing. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Nester, Knutson, Duff, Genz and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to amend the agenda to include discussion and adoption of Resolution No. 26 to support the Right to Vote Committee by Resolution and copies be sent to members of the County Board of Commissioners. Second by Genz. Ayes Knutson, Duff, Genz, Stauffer and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. ,Bespectf submitted, 7 Don F. Darling, Clerk -Trea rer 95 96 Bills submitted for payment at meeting September 21, 1971 GENERAL REVENUE FUND Union Oil Co. of Ca. Metro Sewer Board Dakota Elec. Assn. Brauer Assoc. Peoples Gas 17.51 1223.37 8.74 850.14 4.25 Phillips Petroleum Co. 6.56 Steel Supply Culvert 105.92 NSP 424.50 Wilroy Co. 28.31 Mark Dresselhaus 2.70 Jim Rud 21.60 Lampert Yards Fischer Sand and Aggregate Hastings Gazette Weierke Trenching Grannis and Grannis 33.55 141.50 16.80 40.00 335.00 TOTAL DUE $3260.45 FIRE DEPT. FUND Peoples Natural Gas $5.50 1 ROsemount Villge Proceedings Minutes of Regular Meeting September 21, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Village of "osemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 21st day of September, 1971, at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. All members present Minutes of September 7, 1971 approved and ordered published. MOTION by Stauffer second by Hester to strike the paragraph "Mr. Hoisington further recommended that Planning Commission hold a special meeting to schedule a public hearing on the amendment." from the minutes of September 14, 1971 and order them published. Ayes Duff, Hester, Stauffer, Genz and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. John Schiffman was present to discuss with Council further the matter of impounding dogs. MOTION by Knutson that Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into an agreement with Mr. Dale Agre to maintain a kennel where dogs may be s impounded when picked up by the dog catcher. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Hester, Stauffer, Duff, Genz and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Clerk read a petition requesting the improvement of Hayes Avenue and Cedar St. by installation of concrete curb and gutter on both sides thereof and that street be blacktopped. MOTION by Knutson to table the petition and recommend that it be placed on the agenda for the October 19th meeting. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz, Knutson and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. second by Genz MOTION by Knutson /to adopt Resolution No. 27, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONDEMNATION OF WATER STORAGE SITE AND EASEMENT icertaining to an easement on the Edwin Rahn property for the purpose of obtaining a site for construction of a water tower. Ayes Duff, Genz, Knutson, Hester and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester to include a copy of the Banister Engineering letter dated Sept. 21, 1971 re their recommendations to provide additional parking space at the shopping center with a letter to be addressed to Mr. James Ahern as spokesman for Ken Rose Merchants Assn.; request they review the report and make recommendations back to Council. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Knutson, Hester, Stauffer and Duff. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. H. C. Hanson present to discuss with Council the matter of construc- ting County Road 33 -S. MOTION by Knutson to table further discussion on this and bring it up at a later meeting, thereby giving Councilmen a chance to reconsider and perhaps rescind previous action taken. Second by Genz. Ayes Knutson, Hester, Stauffer, Duff and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Hanson requested his office be notified when the matter is to be discussed in order that representatives of the School Board may attend. 97 98 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting September 21, 1971 (`"ont'd.) Mr. Don Brown presented cost estimates to remodel Liquor and Utilities Commissions office to include space for the Police Dept. MOTION by Hester second by Stauffer to table this until after Sept. 27, 1971. Ayes Hester, Staffer, Duff, Genz, Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz second by Hester to table further discussion of cost estimates for storm drainage spillway adjacent to John Anderson property until October 5th. Attorney to prepare easement for construction of this spillway. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz, Knutson and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to allow $140 additional to Gustafson's Landscape Construction for additional digging work required to install sidewalk. Second by Knutson. Ayes Duff, Genz, Knutson Hester and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to authorize engineer to work with Soil Conservation Service to prepare a plan for the drainage of storm water into the property recently purchased for that purpose. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Knutson, Hester, Stauffer and Duff. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that Rosemount Village Police Report form as submitted by Springsted, Inc. be adopted and this be reviewed in three months with the Police Chief for his recommendations and suggestions. Second by Hester. Ayes Knutson, Hester, Stauffer, Duff and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff second by Stauffer requesting clerk reply to Mr. Thomas Mohr re his proposal to close out the site of the present village dump area asking for more detailed infrmation including cost to the Village now and in the future and the services to be provided as well as compensation to the Village for the use of the site. Ayes Hester, Stauffer, Duff, Genz and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz second by Stauffer to approve bills submitted for payment, and order them paid from their respective funds. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz, Knutson, Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. GENERAL FUND $3260.45 Fire Dept. Fund 5.50 MOTION by Genz second by Hester to approve License to do business and order same issued to Midwest Erectors, Valento Construction. H. D. Bohlen Construction Co. Ayes Duff, Stauffer, Knutson, Hester and Genz Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to accept the recommendation of the County and approve tax abatements to Fluegel Elevator, Inc. and Chicago, Milw. St.Paul and Pacific RR Co. Second by Hester. Ayes Genz, Knutson, Hester, Stauffer and Duff. Ayes 5 Nays 0. (Parcel #37124A1 and Lease 71903) MOTION by Knutson to deny the tax abatement to W. J. Simon, Parcel #36794. Second by Hester. Ayes Knutson, Hester, Stauffer, Duff and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mayor appointed Councilmen Stauffer and Knutson to prepare detailed infor- mation for selection of new uniforms for the Police Dept. 1 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting September 21, 1971. (Cont'd.) MOTION by Genz second by Hester to deny permit request of Northwestern Hospital to hold a social gathering in a barn located on the John Daly farm. Ayes Stauffer, Duff, Genz, Knutson and Hester. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Hester second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. Respectfully submitted Don F. Darling, Clerk -Treas er Published in Dakota County Tribune on (til 1971. 99 100 Bills submitted for approval September 21, 1971 GENERAL REVENUE FUND Union Oil Co. of Ca. 17.51 Metro Sewer Board 1223.37 Dakota Elec Assn. 8.74 Brauer Assoc 850.14 Peoples Gas 4.25 Phillips Petrol Co. 6.56 Steel Supply Culvert 105.92 NSP 424.50 Wilroy Co. 28.31 Gopher Bounty 24.30 Lampert Yards 33.55 Fischer Sand Aggregate 141.50 Hastings Gazette 16.80 Weierke Trenching 40.00 Grannis and Grannis 335.00 TOTAL $3260.45 FIRE DEPT. FUND Peoples Natural Gas $5.50 Rosemount Village Proceedings Minutes of Regular Meeting Octobek 5, 1271 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 5th day of October, 1971, at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. Councilman Hester was absent. All other members present. Mr. Andy Anderson and Mr. Jim Gabiou present to discuss obtaining permit to construct a new County Highway facility in the Village of Rosemount. Council referred this matter to the Planning Commission. Mr. Gabiou discussed with Council, improvements requested for County Road 39, that portion lying within the Village. Mr. Gabiou stated that County Budget program has provided for such improvements or for construction of County Rd. 33 -S, but not both, and if utilities are not installedtin County Road 39, Improvement would not be considered. Broback Bldrs. Inc. presented a Land Surveyors Certification of Correction to Plat. MOTION by Stauffer to approve the legal description correction as indicated. Second by Knutson. Ayes Duff, Genz, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to determine ownership of property located in Pine Bend area and notify owners of the unsafe condition existing, at the same time request that it be fenced or other precautionary measures be taken in an effort to avoid aerious accident. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Duff, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Councilmen Knutson and Stauffer resipse:615 toR sific uniform for Village Police Dept., color brown,,at a cost to fhe Village of $370.75 for each complete winter and summer outfit. MOTION by Genz second by Knutson that the brown color be accepted. Ayes Duff, Stauffer, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer that we furnish a basic uniform for the Police Dept. officers not to exceed $370.00 as specified by the outline from the Chief of Police dated Oct. 4, 1971, except the Village shall not furnish belt and holster and gun. Second Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Genz and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer that clothing allowance not be paid until after one full calendar year. Second Genz. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Duff and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Mr. R. Tousignant and J. Staats shall not receive uniform allowance until January, 1973. Mr. John Schiffman gave a dog catcher report. Same accepted and ordered placed on file. Council requested that report be made available atthe Village Hall by the Friday before the Tuesday of the regular meeting. MOTION by Duff that Ordinance VIII -1 be adopted, AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A PARK AND RECREATION COL•AIITTEE IN THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA. Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Duff, Stauffer, and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Mayor to have a list of recommendations of appointment to the committee at the next regular meeting. Council requested that Mr. Chuck Weisbrich of the Dakota County Planning Commission be Vaced on the agenda for October 19th to discuss the County 101 102 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting October 5, 1971. street naming and numbering system and County recommendations to include the "old village" area in the planning concept. Mayor requested that Council be in attendance at the Planning. Commission meeting on October 28th to review the Tony Darsow permit request and other matters. Councilman Hester to be notified. MOTION by Duff second by Stauffer to submit to Banister Engineering, plans and specs for watermain extensions in Broback 8th Addition for their review and recommendations. Ayes Duff, Stauffer, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff second by Stauffer to authorize clerk to order Minnesota statutes with Buckram cover at a cost of $35.00. Ayes Staufffer, Knutson Genz and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff that Mr. Brent Moody be retained as a member of the Village of Rosemount Police Dept. effective Nov. 1, 1971 at a salary of $650.00 per month. Second by Stauffer. Clerk to notify Mr. Moody of appointment and to include all information relative to employment with the Village. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to approve bills submitted for payment, and order them paid from their respective funds. Ayes Knutson Genz, Duff, Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. General Fund 2,257.31 Fire Dept. 249.69 Liquor Revenue $14,956.73 Report from Justice of Peace R. Mohr presented with a check in the amount of $111.00. Clerk to determine when violation occurred and when court was held for violations listed to determine whether or not funds are to be remitted to Rosemount Village. MOTION by Genz second by Stauffer authorizing Mayor and Clerk to sign Construction Easement for sanitary sewer and watermain, pipes and appurtenances thereto along County Road 33 between Skelly Oil Co. and Village of Rosemount. Ayes Genz, Duff, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Snow Bow bids were opened and reviewed. Mr. Don Brown recommended that snow plowing be done on an On -call basis. Bids were referred to Mr. Brown for review and recommendation back to Council, and that a suitable schedule be worked out. Mr. Springsted informed Council that bond sale date for $420,000 General Obligation Water Bonds of 1971 has been set for October 19, 1971. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Springsted, Inc. to make the necessary application to Moody Investors Service to obtain a rating service at a cost of $600. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Stauffer, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution No. 1971 -28 PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC SALE OF $420,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION WATER BONDS OF 1971. Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Genz and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Resolution No. 1971 -29 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A METHOD AND PROCEDURE OF BILLING FOR SIDEWALK REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENT. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Duff and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. Published in the Dakota County Tribune on 7 1971. 73 Bills submitted for payment at meeting Octobei 5, 1971. GENERAL FUND NSP 58.86 police Press Inc. 77.50 Motorola, Inc. 6.60 Gen. Office ?roducts 297.61 Coast to Coast 7.43 Treas., Nininger Twp. 644.25 Fox Excavating 100.00 First State Bank 28.04 Minnesota Benefit Assn. 48.76 Postage 50.00 Brauer Assoc. 938.26 TOTAL $2257.31 FIRE DEPT. FUND Coast to Coast Ratzlaff Service Joseph Walsh Marv's radiator Minn. Fire Inc. MuniChem Corp. NSP 4.35 3.50 38.00 5.25 80.50 107.01 11.08 TOTAL 249.69 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 1 O 3 Minutes of Regular Meeting v October 5, 1971 Respectfully submitted Don F. arling, Clerk -Treas er Contd. 104 LIQUOR REVENUE FUND Transport Clearings Leding Distr. Co., Inc. Distillers Distr. Coast to Coast Twin City Home Juice Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Drentlaw Whsl Candy Tobacco Day Distr. Co. Old Dutch Foods, Inc. Collage City Bvrge. 7Up Bottling Co. Gross Inc. Towel Garment Northwest Linene Service 0. M. Droney Bev. Co. College City Bev. Concord Bev. Judge Electric Genz -Ryan Plbg. Central Telephone State Treasurer Comm. of Taxation Fed Reserve Bank Aug Wihholding Postage Johnson Bros. Whsle Liquor Distrillers Dist. Co. Liquor Ed Phillips Sons Griggs Cooper Old Peoria Co. Johnson Bros Minnesota Benefit Liquor Store Int. Sinking Fund Coca Cola Bottling Ace Ice Co. McKesson Liquor Lystads, Inc. Van Paper Co. Distillers Distr. Co. TOTAL $14,956.73 88.27 830.30 841.88 12.95 72.35 289.45 1558.30 68.25 321.90 98.75 541.85 76.05 16.40 36.10 27.58 541.85 1895.60 78.20 16.90 26.94 362.18 617.99 432.00 8.00 428.97 381.78 1440.95 708.71 828.95 256.05 67.35 795.00 45 .90 52.80 381.85 21.00 68.55 551.48 1 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting October 6, 1971 Pursuant to due call and published notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on Wednesday, the 6th day of October, 1971 at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. Councilman Hester was absent. All others present as well as Mr. Gary Gray of Banister engineering, Attorney Mr. Patrick Farrell and Financial Consultant, Mr. 0. Springsted. Clerk read the following notice: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT 1971 3A VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT Notice is hereby given that the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota will meet on the 6th day of October, 1971 at 7:30 PM in the Village Hall, 1367 145th St. E. (Cty. Rd. 42), in said Village, for the purpose of holding a public hearing on a proposed Storm Sewer Improvement 1971 -3A in said Village. Said improvement will consist of the following: Storm Sewer Improvements and extensions in the following described area. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ROSEMOUNT IMPROVEMENT 1971 -3A THu AMA TO BE INCLUDED IN THE FOREGOING PROPOSED ROSEMOUNT IMPROVcMLNTS SHALL BE THAT PART OF SECTIONS 29 T. 115N R 19W, SECTION 30 T. 115, R. 19W. DESCRIBi:D AS FOLLOWS: Beginning at the SW corner of the NWw of said Section 29, thence Easterly along the South line of said w of said Section to its intersection with the extension of the East line of Lot 11 Auditor's Subdivision No. 1; thence Northerly along the east line of Lot 11 Auditor's Subdivision No. 1, a distance of approximately 162 feet to the South line of Lot 6, Block 2, T.T. Conley's Addition; thence Northerly along the West line and West line extended of Lot 6, Block 2, T. T. Conley's Addition; a distance of 183 feet to the centerline of John Street; thence Northerly a tong the West line and West line extended of Block 1, T.T. Conley's Addition a distance of 415 ft. to the North The Lot 16, Block 1, T. T. Conley's Addition, thence Westerly along a line parallel to and 415 Feet North of the centerline of John St. to the East line of Motz' Fourth Addition; thence along the East line Motz' Fourth Addition to the North line Lot 5, Motz Fourth Addition; thence westerly along the North line and North line extended of Lot 5, Motz' Fourth Addition a distance of 160 feet to the centerline of Fourth Avenue; thence Northerly along the centerline of Fourth Avenue to the North line and North line extended of Lot 1, Block 2, Motz' Third Addition; thence Westerly along the North line and North line extended of Block 2, Motz' Second Addition tothe West line of the SW4 of the NWw Section 29; thence Westerly along a line parallel to and 815.5 ft. North of the South line of the SEw of NEw, Section 30 to the West line of the SE' of NE' of said Section; thence Southerly along the West line of the SE% of NE4 of Section 30 to the North line of NE4 of the 105 106 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of 4ecial Meeting October 6, 1971 SE;, of Section 30 thence Southerly along the West line of the NE4 of SEk of Section 30 to the South line of the NE1 of said k of said Section thence Easterly along the North line of the SE; of SE; of Section 30 a distance of 563.63 feet to the East line of Lot 3, Block 1, Edwin Rahn Addition; thence Southerly along the East line and East line extended of Lot 3, Block 1, Edwin Rahn Addition a distance of 180 feet to the centerline of 148th Street; thence Southerly along the East line and East line extended of Lot 3, Block 2, Edwin Rahn Addition a distance of 180 feet to the South line of Block 2 of said,Addition; thence Easterly along the South line of Block 2 Edwin Rahn Addition to the Southeast line of Lot 12, Block 3, Edwin Rahn Second Addition; thence Southwesterly along the Southeast line and Southeast line extended of Lot12, Block 3, Edwin Rahn S Addition, to the centerline- of Chorley Avenue; thence Southerly along the centerline of said street' to the centerline of 149th Street West thence, Westerly along the centerline of 149th Street W st to the Northwest line and Northwest line extended of Lot 22, Block 1, Edwin Rahn Third Addition; thence Southwesterly along the Northwest line of Lot 22, Block 1, Edwin Rahn Third Addition a distance of 179.76 feet to the East line of Lot 3, Block 1 Edwin Rahn Third Addition, thence Northerly along the East line of Lot 3, Block 1, Edwin Rahn Third Addition a distance of 15.30 feet to the North line of Lot 3, said Block, said Addition; thence Westerly along the North line and North line extended of Lot 3, Block 1, Edwin Rahn Third Addition a distance of 181.90 feet to the ceonerline of Cimarron Avenue; thence Northerly along the centerline of Cimarron Avenue to the North line and North line extended of Lot 3, Block 2, Edwin Rahn Third Addition; thence Westerly along the North Lot line and North Lot line extended of Lot 3, Block 2, Edwin Rahn Addition a distance of 156.75 feet to the West line of Block 2, said Addition; thence Southerly along the West line of Block 2, Edwin Rahn Third Addi- tion a distance of 445.69 feet to the South line of the SE; of SEA Section 30, thence Easterly along the South line of the SEA of SE; of Section 30 a distance of 1321.66 feet to the East line of the SEw of said w of said Section; thence Northerly along the East line of the SE';, of Section 30, to the North line of the SEA of Section 30 the point of beginning and there terminating. The ettimated cost of said improvement is $141,685.00. 16 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes all lots, tracts or parcels of land in the Village lying within the property hereabove described. Preliminary plans may be inspected in the office of the Village Clerk. All persons interested may appear and be heard at said time and place. Dated September 10, 1971, BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA Don F. Darling Clerk Mr. Gray explained the proposed improvements. President Duff then opened the meeting to orderly discussion and questions from the audience, and stated that same would be restricted to Project 1971 -3A. President Duff acknowledged receipt of a petition signed by property owners residing in the "old" Village area requesting that said project be cancel- led in its entirety. Petitions were ordered placed on file and same will 1 1 be reviewed and considered. Mr. Theo. Northwick informed the council that he lived in the affected area but did not receive a mailed notice, however he stated he did read about the project in the newspaper, and was informed of same in conversation with neighbors. Mr. Gary Reese presented to the Council a petition containing 118 signatures requesting: "We the undersigned, home and /or property owner, residing in the area commonly known as EDWIN RAHN, SECOND BROBACK ADDITION, do hereby petition the Mayor and Village of Rosemount Minnesota, to: cease any further action in relation to the Storm sewer proposals presently under consideration for streets of or any parts of streets, 149th, Upper 149th, Chorley Ave., Upper 148th, Chrysler Ave., CzEmarron Ave. W. and 148th." Mr. Richard Corcoran read from a petition asking if the Council had received same. Mayor acknowledged that copies of the petition had been distributed to the Council. Mr. Gary Rees requested whethgr a letter of explanation could be sent with future Notices of Hearings in order that they may be betn:r understood by those people concerned. Council unanimously agreed thic was a suggesbton worthy of consideration and an attempt shall be made in the future to enclose a letter of explanation with Notices of Hearings. Mayor declared that if there are no other questions to be brought before the Council at this time, this hearing shall be declared closed. MOTION by Knutson to table the discussion on this project and on project 1971 -3 until 7:15 PM on October 12, 1971. Second by Genz. Ayes Duff, Genz, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. Published in the Dakota County Tribune on ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS i Minutes of Special Meeting 1 7" October 6, 1971 Respectfully submitted on F. Darlin& Clerk -Tre. urer 1971. 1 0 8 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting October 12, 1971. Pursuant to due call and published notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly hld at the Village Hall on Tuesday, October 12, 1971 at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff, at 7:20 PM. Councilman Hester was absent. Mayor Duff announced to all present that this is a Special Meeting called for the purpose of opening water tower bids, and further discussion on Project 1971 -3A would be interrupted at 7:30 PM for this purpose. After some further discussion and explanation on Storm Sewer Project 1971 -3A MOTION by Genz that the matter be tabled until February in an effort to obtain more specific information regarding the actual cost of the project. Second by Stauffer. Further discussion ensued until 7:30 PM at which time Mayor declared discussion shall be withheld and Council shall proceed with opening of bids. Clerk read the following notice: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ELEVATED STORAGE TANK STAGE II WATER IMPROVEMENTS VILLAGE PROJECT 1971 -2 ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA Notice is hereby given that the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount will receive sealed bids at the Village Hall on County Road 42, Rosemount, Minnesota until 7:30 PM CDT on Tuesday the 12th day of October, 1971, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud for the furnishing of all labor and materials and all else necessary for the construction of an elevated storage tank and connecting watermain as follows: 500,000 GALLO': ELEVATED STEEL HATER TANK BASE BID: TOTOSPHERICAL TANK ALTERNATE BID: PEDESTAL SPHEROID ALTERNATE BID: HYDROPILLER according to the plans and specifications dated September 3, 1971, on file in the office of the Banister Engineering Company, 200 Hillsborough Office Building, 2353 No. Rice Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55113. Bids shall tie directed to the Village Clerk securely sealed and endorsed on the outside wrapper "BID FOR ELEVATED STORAGE TANK StaGE II WATER IMPRO'JEMENT All bids shall be accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond, or certified check made payable to the order of the Village for not less than five per cent (5%) of the amount of the bid. The Village Council reserves the right to retain the deposits of the three lowest bidders for a period not to exceed forty -five (45) days after closing of the bids. No bid may be withdrawn for a period not to exceed forty -five (45) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. Payment for the work shall be by cash or check. Copies of plans and specifications will be furnished by the Banister Engineering Company on request to any prospective bidder upon a deposit of 520.00 which sum will be refunded to actual bidders provided they are returned within fifteen (15) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. Persons obtaining plans and specifications but not bidding shall forfeit their deposit. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids; to waive irregularities and informalities therein, and further reserves the right to award the Contract to the best interests of the Village. Bids received were as follows: 30' Head Range 38' Head Range Brown Minneapolis, Tank Fabricating Company P. O. Box 3570 St. Paul, M.V. 55165 Chicago Bridge Iron 332 So.Michigan Ave. Chicago, I11. 60604 Pittsburgh -Des Moines Steel Company 1015 Tuttle Street Des Moines, Iowa 50308 $224,850.00 $230,850.00 250,000.00 256,000.00 No Bid No Bid $192,000.00 241,000.00 275,000.00 $185,600.00 234,000.00 231,000.00 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 109 Minutes of Special Meeting October 12, 1971 Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer Torospherical Tank Pedestal Spheroid Hydropillar $173,300.00 Torospherical Tank 228,000.00 Pedestal Spheroid 243,000.00 Hydropillar $172,000.00 Torospherical Tank 228,000.00 Pedestal Spheroid 205,000.00 Hydropillar $163,860.00 Torospherical Tank 211,150.00 Pedestal Spheroid No Bid Hydropillar Universal Tank Iron Works $164,860.00 Inc. 11221 W. Rockville Rd. 211,150.00 Rural Route 8 Box 360 No Bid Indianapolis, Indiana 46231 Bid Bonds were attached to all bids submitted. After bids were opened, Mr. Roger Short of Banister Engineering recommended that bids be tabled for examination by their firm. NOTION by 5nutson second by Stauffer to table any further action on these bids and refer them to engineer for review and recommendation back to Council. Ayes Knutson, Duff, Genz and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. A five minute recess was declared after which time the meeting was called back to order and discussion resumed on project 1971 -3A. MOTION by Knutson to amend the motion to table further discussion for thirty (30) days and in the interim period of time, if more information is required by the people we shall try to make this available through publications and any other means possible in this period of time; then discuss the matter again after the thirty day period. Second by Stauffer. 11 1 O 1 OSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 1 1 linuts of Special Meeting October 12, 1971. Voting aye to amend the previous motion to a thirty day limitation were Duff, Knutson, Genz and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. mended Voting aye on the/ motion to table further action 5r thirty days were Knutson, Duff, Genz and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Mayor Duff, on behalf of the Council, expressed appreciation for the interest shown by the taxpayers and stated that Council would attempt to prepare further data and information in an effort to better inform residents affected wily Council feels such a storm sewer project is in the best interests of the Village of Rosemount and to aid in getting a decision and to get the matter resolved. Council discussed proposed budget levy for the Village of Rosemount. MOTION by Knutson to adopt a budget for 1972 and submit same to the Connty Auditor in the amount of $140,100 with the following breakdown: General Administration $122,500.00 Fire Dept. 13,500.00 Fire Dept. Relief 4,100.00 and to stipulate to the Auditor to cancel all automatic levies. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Genz, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz to award a contract to Corrigan Electric Co. as low bidder for pump change over in the amount of $1360.00 Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Stauffer, Knutson and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. Published in the Dakota County Tribune on ectfull itted on F. Darling, Clerk- Treasurer /-J 1971. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Vilbge Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 19th day of October, 1971 at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. Councilman Hester was absent. All other members present. Minutes of October 5, 6 that minutes of October will be brown with grey not receive any uniform Miss Becky Sterner was meeting on October 28th Planning Conr.:ission mee get in touch with her. Agenda was amended to include Mr. Wm watermain extensions on 148th St. Northwestern National Bank of Minneapolis E. J. Prescott Co. Allison Williams Co. First National Bank of St. Paul ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINIS 1 1y. Minutes of Regular Meeting x,11. ,�J October 19, 1971 and 12 were approved and ordered published except 5th shall be corrected to read: Police uniforms stripe: and Mr. R. Tousignant and J. Staats will allowance until January, 1973. present at the ting on to request a council member attend a Crystal Civic Center. Council cited the October 28th being in conflict and will Myers to discuss apetition requesting Mr. Phil Henaman was present to discuss the legality of the surcharge on the water bill. Attorney Pat Farrell explained that Council has legal rights to set water rates on a tentative storage facility. Mayor Duff explained that the $15.45 water rate is a carry -over from the Township system and no change will be made until meters are installed and one final change is made to equalize the total Village system. At 8:00 PM bids were opened for sale of bonds for $420,000 G.O. Water Bonds of 1971. Five bids were received and each accompanied by a good faith check in the amount of $8400. Bids were as follows: Net Interest Net Interest Dollar Cost :ate $287,826.25 280,701.00 281,159.40 277,712.50 5.335% 5.20298 5.211 5.1475 First National Bank of Minneapolis 268,458.00 4.97605 National Bank of Minneapolis at a rate of interest of 4.97605% MOTION by Genz to accept the bid of First/ on the sale of $420,000 G.O. Water Bonds for 1971 providing for their issuance and levying taxes for payment thereof. Second by Knutson. Ayes Duff, Genz, Stauffer, and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Mr. Chuck Weisbrich discussed with the Council the street naming and numbering system to be applied to the old Village area. MOTION by Knutson to table formal discussion on this matter for a period of 60 days and Council members contact residents of the old Village in an attempt to determine their reactions. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Duff, Stauffer, Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Clerk shall send letters to various organizations requesting their opinions. ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 1 a Minutes of Regular Meeting October 19, 1971. Matter will be scheduled on agenda of Dec. 21, 1971. MOTION by Genz authorizing Banister Engineering to prepare a feasibility study on the Hayes Street improvement petitioned for by residents of the area. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Genz and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays O. letter MOTION by Duff to refer /of October 15, 1971 from Mr. E. B. McMenomy re Vocational Technical School petition for sanitary sewer and public water service to Banister Engineering for their recommendations for public water service and upon their conclusion advise Mr. McMenomy and the school of the status of the water supply and at the same time provide the. with infor- mation relative to sanitary sewer. Second by Genz. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Duff, Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Copy of Banister report to be made available to Village. MOTION by Duff to authorize Banister Engineering to prepare a feasibility study on the water main extensions for 148th St. as soon as possible, as requested in petition signed by 100; of the property owners to benefit from same and presented by Mr. Wm. Myers. MOTION by Duff to authorize Village Clerk to notify Comstock Davis and Broback Bldrs. of additional requirements for water system inspection. The use of an external copper jumper strip with minimum cross section of 1/16" x is required. Disallow the use of wedges or contact strips embedded in the gasket material. Backfilled watermains shall be tested at a pressure of 150 psi. Testing to be inspected and approved by Supt. of Utilities before acceptance. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Duff, Stauffer, Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz to accept the bid of Gniversal Tank and Iron Works, Inc. in the amount of $164,860 for torospherical tank 30' head range. Second by Knutson. Ayes Duff, Stauffer, Knutson, and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to accept the recommendations from Don Brown on the snow plow removal for 1971 -72 winter season and this work be under his supervision. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Genz and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Councilman Stauffer appointed to serve on the Consolidation of Police and Fire Communications Headquarters committee. MOTION by Duff that Mr. Robert Pulscher be retained as advisory to the committee and that his fee be split on an equitable basis. Second by Genz. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Duff and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to transfer $1213.00 from the Liquor Fund to General Fund for insurance paid. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Duff, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to authorize Banister Engineering to prepare a plan for gravel surface to extension of the shopping center parking lot and to provide a 2 ft. deep ponding area. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Duff and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Mayor Duff recommended Mrs. R. Corcoran, Mrs. H.Judkins, Mr. J. Degenaar, Mr. R. Pederson, Mr. R. Alexon be apppointed as members of the Parks and Recreation Committee MOTION by Genz to accept the five names recommended by the Mayor and these people be appointed as members of the Parks and Recreation Committee. Second by Knutson. Ayes Duff, Stauffer, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to approve the bills as presented for payment and order them paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND $4172.96 FIRE DEPT. FUND 69.56 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting October 19, 1971 MOTION by Genz second by Duff to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. Respectfully submitted Don F. Darling, Clerk Tre.surer Published in the Dakota County Tribune on -,1('- 1971. 7 4J SG4i 113 114 Bills submitted for payment at meeting October 19, 1971. GENERAL FUND B J Auto Supply 2.10 Metro Sewer Board 1223.37 Miller Davis 3.85 Dale Agre Kennel Service 18.00 Dakota County Tribune 286.10 Fluegel Elevator 242.20 Treas. Eagan Twp. 50.00 NSP 424.50 Reisinger Excavating 98.00 Brauer Assoc. 457.68 Amaican Oil Co. 26.30 Union Oil Co. 5.92 Phillips Petrol Co. 52.95 Corcoran Hdwe. 44.92 Vic's Welding 30.00 Del Schwanz 1200.00 Peoples Gas 7.07 FIRE DEPT. TOTAL $4172.96 F. H. Bathke Co. $69.56 1 1 1 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCPEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting October 26, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of r;osemount was duly held at the Village Hall on Tuesday, October 26, 1971 at 7:30 FN. Meeting called to order by President Duff. Councilman Hester was absent. Mr. William Quigley was present to discuss with Council the current status of the Municipal Liquor Store and to review Liquor Fund Quarterly report. MOTION by Knutson to accept the feasibility study presented by Banister Engineering Co. for watermain extension on 148th St. Second by Genz. Ayes Duff, Stauffer, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize preparation of final plans and specifications for 148th St. tiatermain Improvement. Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Duff, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. Respectfully submitted 7 Don F. Darling, Clerk-Tr r asurer Published in the Dakota County Tribune on No. 11 1971 115. 116 ROSENOLNT VILLAG:: PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting October 28, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special. meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 28th day of October, 1971 at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. Members present were Duff, Genz and Stauffer. Members absent were Hester and Knutson. MOTION by Stauffer second by Genz to approve final plans and specifications for watermain extension on 148th St. and pursuant to subdivision No. 7 Sec. 429.041 the contract with Austin Keller Construction Co. is hereby being modified to include the additional units of work required for Improvement Natermain Extension on 148th St. at the same unit price of the original contract for Improvement No. 1971 -2 and it is hereby determined that the cost of such additional work will not exceed 25% of the original contract price. Ayes Duff, Genz and Stauffer. Ayes 3 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. Respectfully submitted to,d, Don F. Darling, Clerk- Treasur Published in the Dakota County Tribune on 7 1971. 3-0-/ 1 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting November 2, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 2nd day of November, 1971, at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. Member Mister was absent. All other members present. Agenda was amended to include the report from the Dog Catcher, to hear Mr. Bernard Ustertag and Mr. cugene Meier and Councilman Knutson requested to present information on Village employee insurance coverage. The minutes of October 19, 1971 were corrected to read: MOTION by Genz to accept the bid of First National Bank of Minneapolis at a rate of interest of 4.97605% on the sale of $420,000 G.O. Water Bonds for 1971 providing for their issuance and levying taxes for payment thereof. Second by Knutson. Ayes Duff, Genz, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Dog Catcher John Schiffman's report was received, reviewed and ordered placed on file. It was noted that Sunday and holiday policy had not been defined for this department. 'latter to be placed on the agenda for the meeting of November 16th. Mr. Bernard Ostertag requested information on procedures to hook his home up to the municipal water system. Council requested he leave a plan for this procedure at the Village Hall. Councilman Knutson informed the Council that he had received a call from Mr. Kenneth M. Weiss of Mutual of Omaha Insurance Co. regarding an insurance plan for employees of the Village Council agreed to hear the plan and ordered his name placed on the agenda of Nov. 16th. Clerk's office requested to send a letter of confirmation. The request of Mr. Tony Darsow to place a trailer home in the Village was again discussed. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to table further discussion until Attorney Pat Farrell arrived at the meeting. Ayes Duff, G nz, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer second by Genz to grant a variance to Mr. James Anderson to build a home on A. in an agricultural zone, for the following' reasons: 1. Land purchased before adoption of Interim Zoning Ordinance which now requires a 5 A. minimum. 2. To relieve a hardship imposed by adoption of the IZO. 3. Granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare. 4. Other parcels of smaller or equal size do exist in the same area. Ayes Genz, Duff, Stauffer aid Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to refer the request of Mr. Eugene Meier to build a home on 1 A. in an Agricultural Zone to the Planning Commission for their consideration and public hearing. Second by Stauffer. :yes Duff, Stauffer, Knutson and Genz. 117 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE" PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting 118 November 2, 1971 MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to authorize Change Order No. 2 to the contract extending watermains onto 148th St. part of Stage I Water Improvement 1971 -2, and Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign said change order for the Village. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Genz and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Banister Engineering presented specifications for installation of water meters at residences where they are not now in existence. (Predominantly in the old township area.) MOTION by Knutson to advertise water meter specifications for bid opening on December 7, 1971 at 8:00 PM. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Duff and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize Banister Engineering to obtain quotations on the fluoridation equipment for Well No. 6 and report back to Council on Nov. 16, 1971. Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Duff, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Mayor and Clerk to with Fox Sxcavating Co. in the amount of $1052.50 tension of Uosemount Municipal Parking Lot at Ken Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Stauffer, Knutson enter into alt agreement to construct an ex- Rose Shopping Center. and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that we grant a variance to Mr. Tony Darsow allowing him to place a mobile home under the following stipulations: 1. Permit be granted for one year or the adoption of the permanent ordinance, whichever comes first. 2. Right of occupancy is not transferable. 3. Adequate sewage facilities be provided. 4. That persons occupying a mobile home are engaged in agricultural pursuits on that farm. 5. That Mr. Darsow sign a statement to the Village of Rosemount to the effect that he understands that the permit may terminate within a one year period and hereby waives any claim against the Village for damages by reason of termination of the permit. Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Genz and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to refer the request of Mr. Francis Kane to the Planning Commission for their action and public hearing. Second by Genz. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Duff and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz that we acknowledge the purchase order from Metro Sewer Board for storing a truck in the municipal garage. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Duff and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff that we approve $23 /Hr. charge to plow road to sewer plant. Second by Stauffer. Ayes uenz, Duff, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff that installation of a new 1000 gal. gasoline storage tank and pump including i costs be approved. Cost to be $390.30. Second by Knutson./ f'ump a Po be installed at the Village Utilities garage property site. Ayes Duff, Stauffer, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. 1 1 1 ROSEidc-'.. Minutes of Regular Meeting November 2, 1971 Clerk requested to write a letter to the Police Chief instructing that the Police Dept. shall patrol the entire new Village of Rosemount. MOTION by Genz to authorize Mayor and Clerk to sign the contract with Universal Tank and Iron 'Works. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Duff and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to amend Resolution 1971 -29 to extend the payment date for sidewalk repairs to December 1, 1971. Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Duff, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. A letter relative to sidewalk repairs received from Mr. Darrell Bipes owner of property located at 205 W. Cedar St. Mr. Brown to check sidewalk measurement. MOTION by Genz to adopt Resolution 1971 -30 which would allow placing on the ballot the right to sell bonds in the amount of $105,000 to provide for the purchase of fire truck, pumper, land and building. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Stauffer, Knutson and "enz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer second by Knutson to appoint the following election judges to serve at the election of Village officials on December 7, 1971. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Genz and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Mrs. Donna McDonough, Chairman Mrs. Fred Litdenbogerd Mrs. Maynard Vogelgesang Mr. Al Panzer Mr. Ed Doyle Mrs. Joanne Rechtzigel Mrs. Helen Linkert MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to approve the bills as presented for payment and order them paid from their respective funds. GENERAL REVENUE FUND FIRE DEPT. FUND LIQUOR REVENUE FUND 1777.29 1921.33 $20,409.13 Ayes Knutson, Genz, Duff, Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff second by Genz to approve License to do business to Haeg Plumbing Co.. and order same issued. Ayes Genz, Duff, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to approve License to do Business to Leibfried Construction Co. and order same issued. Ayes Duff, Stauffer, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. of The Village Inn MOTION by Genz to approve application /for License to Sell Cigarettes and application for 3.2 beer On Sale license. Second by Duff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Genz and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. )UNT VILLAGE PROCa:U1NGS Minutes of Regular Meeting November 2, 1971 MOTION by Genz second by Duff to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. Respectfully submitted Don F. D.rling, Clerk Trefrsurer Published in the Dakota County Tribune on .--'4� 1971. r G 1 BILL, 5„BMITTED FOR APPROVAL AT THE REGULAR MEETING HELD Nov. 2, 1971 GENERAL FUND Corcoran Hdwe. 5.06 Brauer Assoc. 1280.37 Chapin Publishing Co. 90.00 olobile radio Lng. 195.00 Motorola Communications 6.60 Texaco Inc. 59.82 Miller Davis 5.90 Pitney Bowes 72.00 NSP 55.27 Coast to Coast 7.27 TOTAL $1777.29 FIRE DePt. FUND Peoples Gas 11.96 Ray McNamara 25.00 Tom Schaffer 6.00 Weatherly Frandrup 25.00 NSF 13.45 Coast to Coast 9.15 V N Oil Co. 2.49 F. H. Bathke 7.25 Ratzlaff Service 23.97 Roberts Drugs 2.06 Fire Dept. 1971 fire calls to members of the Dept. 1341.00 Truck Maint. 240.00 Secy. Salary fire calls 214.00 TOTAL $1921.33 LIQUOR REVENUE FUND Hanson Beverage First State Bank Concord Beverage Transport Clearings Northwest Linen College City Bev. Old Dutch Foods Gross Industrial Twin City Home Juice McKesson Liquor 7 UP Bottling Soutside Dist. Co. Sunderland Inc. Coca Cola Bottling 0. N. Droney Bev. Co. Alcorn Beverage Leding Distr. Day Distributing Co. Drentlaw :hsl Candy 2402.55 2.83 1304.75 202.10 31.50 411.66 127.30 11.60 44.35 439.06 36.15 18.25 77.25 36.15 41.91 295.95 581.70 376.40 93.85 cont'd 121 122 Peoples Natural Gas 21.07 NSP 174.50 First State Bank 1.57 Central Telephone 24.23 Bernard May 259.20 Griggs Cooper 22.36 Famous Brands 538.68 Mid-West 'dine 116.55 Griggs, Cooper 900.63 Johnson Bros. 778,32 Ed Phillips Sons 1730.15 McKesson Liquor 945.82 Famous Brand 550.43 Johnson Bros 315.31 Distillers Distrib 3000.76 Old Peoria 894.41 Ed Phillips Sons 2159.00 Griggs Cooper 1030.12 Johnson Bros 379.36 TOTAL $20409.13 1 1 The agenda was amended to add the report of the Parks and Recreation Commission. ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 1 6 3 9) Minutes of Regular Meeting C� J November 16, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 16th day of November, 1971, at 7:30 PM. Meeting calledto order by President Duff, Members absent were Stauffer and Hester, Council agreed unanimously that only routine business would be acted upon. Minutes of Nov. 2nd to be corrected to add the name of The Village Inn as applicants for license to sell cigarettes and 3,2 beer On Sale. Minutes of October 28 and Nov. 2 approved and ordered published as corrected, Mr. Kenneth Weiss and Mr. John Holmes of Mutual of Omaha spoke to Council members present re an insurance program for employees of the Village of Rosemount. Mayor Duff stated several call; had been received from other individuals interested in presenting to Council whattheir company has to offer and volunteered to contact League of Municipalities to investigate the type of plan suggested for employees of a village and submit to Council at a future meeting. From this plan a specification could be prepared and all companies will be permitted to bid on the same base plan. MOTION by Genz to authorize an expenditure of $150 be allocated to Parks and Recreation Commission for construction of three pleasure skating rinks. Second by Knutson. Ayes Duff, Genz and KNutson. Ayes 3 Nays 0, Letter received from YMCA in Red Wing, Minn, requesting infor- mation as to basketball teams in the area was read aloud and referred to Parks and Recreation Commission, Report from Commission presented by Mr. Ron Pederson was accepted and ordered placed on file. Mr. Gary Gray of Banister Engineering Co. presented Change Orders Nos, 3 and 4 to Village Improvement 1971 -2 Stage I contract. C.O. No, 3 allows for two additional water services, one a 2" line to Country Bldrs.-James Refrigeration store building, and theother a 1" line to a vacant lot atthe southeast corner of Maple and Highway 3. Estimated cost being $381.00. C.O. No, 4 is an addition to the contract to include insulation of the watermain at crossings with culverts and storm sewers. Estimated cost is $500.00. MOTION by Knutson Chage Orders Nos. 3 and 4 ofthe Austin Keller Contract be approved and authorize Mayor and Clerk to sign same. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Duff, Knutson. Ayes 3 Nays 0. Mr. Gray presented a request for partial payment to Austin Keller. Figures and other data through Nov. 5th have been verified and Banister Engineering recommends payment in the amount of $55,446.09, MOTION by Knutson to authorize payment the amount of $55,446.09 to Austin Keller Co. Second by Genz. Ayes Duff, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 3 Nays 0. 124 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT PROCEEDINGS November 16, 1971 Minutes of Regular Meeting Mr. Gray presented copy of letter addressed to Austin Keller Co. stating that work completed by sub contractor, namely bituminous surfacing work, was defective, repairs should be made promptly, and recommend payment not be made until adequate repairs are made. Mr. Gray presented bids obtained on fluoridation equipment to Well No. 6 MOTION by Knutson to apt bids to furnish and install fluoridation equipment by Feed -Rite Controls in the amount of $960.00 and bid from Corrigan Electric Co, for electrical work to install same in the amount of $90, and authorize mayor and clerk to sign contracts. Second by Genz. Ayes Knutson, Genz and Duff. Ayes 3 Nays 0. Mr. Gray notified Council that watermain construction in Broback 8th Addition is completed including requested revisions. Three addi- tional recommendations were made: (1) A hydrant extension placed on the hydrant at end of cul -de -sac; (2) Acceptance be contingent upon Village receiving two copies of as- built plans on reproducable drawing paper; and (3) Receipt of a maintenance bond for a period of one year guaranteeing construction. MOTION by Duff that clerk write a letter to Broback Bldrs. Inc. stipu- lating that a fire hydrant extension be installed at the west end of the cul -de -sac in Broback 8th Add., that they furnish two reproducable copies of the as -built construction plan including ties and gate valve boxes. and to provide Village with a maintenance bond for one year, guaranteeing construction; andthat acceptance of the watermain be made contingent to the above conditions and water service connections will be denied until conditions are met. Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Duff and Knutson. Ayes 3 Nays 0. Mr. Gray reported the Section 16 road Bacardi Ave.) construction has not progressed satisfactorily, the main problem being the wet weather and the clay -type soils. Adequate ingress and egress will be provided at the north end of the road to accomodate residents dependent upon the road and recommended placing snow fence at a point on the north end and also the south end to prohibit travel and to facilitate completion in the spring. Police Dept. monthly report was accepted and ordered placed on file. Mr. Fred Hoisington requested Council attend two joint Planner Council meetings on Jan. 12 and 26, 1972 to review Comprehensive Guide Plan. Mr. Farrell reported thatthe matter of the lawsuit filed in USX Northern Dist. of Alabama re claims arising from direct or indirect purchase of cast iron pipe and fittings should be considered by this municipality. Matter ordered placed on agenda of 12/7/71 and Mr. Farrell to obtain additional information. Notice of bond election re an issue of $105,000 for Fire Dept. building and equipment has been placed in the newspaper. MOTION by Duff that clerk shall notify the Fire Dept. of the action taken. Second by Genz. Ayes Duff, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 3 Nays 0. 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT PROCEEDIIG2 5: Minites of Regular Meeting November 16, 1971 MOTION by Knutson to table further discussion on Village Project 1971 -3A until Dec. 7th meeting and order item placed on the agenda at which time it is anticipated a full Council will be in attendance or at least four members of the Council will be present. Second by Genz. Ayes Knutson, Genz and Duff. Ayes 3 Nays 0. Council requested of Police Chief Tousignant that he as well as the two patrolmen be present atthe Dec. 7th meeting to be formally sworn in as members of the Village Police Dept. Council requested from Chief Tousignant a report indicating how time schedules for the three men are set up and his recommendations for the need for part time help. The matter of water service to residences at 14645 and 14665 Delft Ave, re freezing up during winter months was referred tothe Utilities Commission for recommendations back to Council. MOTION by Knutson second by Genz that all bilis as presented be authorized for payment. Ayes Knutson, Genz and Duff. Ayes 3 Nays 0. GENERAL FUND $4535.82 FIRE DEPT. FUND $5523.55 Clerk reported a deficit of approximately $500 in the Fire Dept. Account. A review of transfer of funds to Fire Dept, account ordered placed on Dec, 7th agenda. Councilman Knutson requested that information be obtained for presentation at the meeting of Dec. 7th a? tape recording devices to be used at Council meetings. Clerk reported that several bills for weed cutting performed by the Village remain unpaid. Attorney advised to send one additional bill with the wording "The above payment must be made within the next thirty (30) days of the date hereof or said amount shall be added to the taxes collectable in the year 1972. Same to be served by the Police Dept. on the individuals personally and an affidavit of service returned to Village Hall and retained in files. Mayor stated all official business had been concluded and requested whether any additional business was to come before the council. A request for lighting on the property recently purchased by the Village, known as the Emma Derham property. The lighting to aid snowmobilers and prevent serious accident was referred to Parks and Recreation Commission for their recommendations back to Council. MOTION by Genz second by Knutson to adjourn thismeeting. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. 1 Q� Respectfully submitted, Don F, DArling, Clerk -Tres rer Published in the Dakota County Tribune on G J 1971, a� d Y3 126 Bills submitted for approval Nov. 16, 1971 GENERAL REVENUE FUND Viking Steel Products $1234.99 NSP 424.50 Carlson Tractor 6 Equip 21.65 Central ilephone 47.00 Brauer 5 Assoc 586.88 Ratzlaff Service 10.90 Dakota County Tribune 51.29 John Stoffel 12.30 Peoples Gas 40.29 Scott Kurtz 12.30 Springsted, Inc. 390.00 Comm of Administration 2.97 Brent Moody 25.81 St. Paul Stamp Works 76.65 Roberts Drugs 4.95 American Oil Co. 15.75 Phillips Petroleum 65.49 Metro Sewer Board 1223.37 Dakota Electric Assn. 17.48 Motor Vehicle Division 1.25 Grannis and Grannis 270.00 TOTAL $4535.82 FIRE DEPT. FUND Central Telephone Co. Firemen's Relief Assn. Motor Vehicle Div. 43.81 5478.49 1.25 TOTAL $5523.55 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Vilbge Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 7th day of December, 1971 at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. Member Hester was absent. All other members present. Council unanimously agreed to amend the agenda to include discussion on matters pertaining to the Municipal Liquor Store, dump sites, 148th St. watermain installation, and snowmobile ordinance. Minutes of Nov. 16th corrected to show that Council requested to attend two joint Planner Council meetings to review comprehensive guide plan. Minutes ordered published as cor- rected. Mr. Eldon Kvam present to discuss a statement for by the Village Maintenance Dept. MOTION by Knutson that statement be adjusted to a $90.00. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Knutson, Genz. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 75, the Snowmobile Ordinance for the old Village of Rosemount was reviewed and after discussion was referred to the attorney. Matter to be placed on the agenda of Dec. 21, 1971, for further consideration. At 8:00 PM Clerk read the following Advertisement for Bids: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota in the Village Hall on County Road 42 until 8:00 PM. CST on Tuesday, the 7th day of December, at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud for BASE BID: FURNISHING COLD WATER METERS AS SPECIFIED ALTERNATE BID: FURNISHING COLD WATER METERS WITH REMOTE READING DEVICES AS SPECIFIED ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 127 Minutes of Regular Meeting December 7, 1971 cutting weeds figure of Stauffer, and e Specifications, proposal form, and contract documents as prepared by Banister, Short, Elliott, Hendrickson Associates, 200 Hillsborough Office Bldg., 2353 No. Rice St., St. Paul, MN. 55113, may be seen at the office of the above named engineers. Each bid shall be accompanied by bidler's bond, certified check, or cash deposit in an amount equal to at least ten percent (10%) of the amount of the bid which Shall be forfeited to the Village in the event the suc- cessful bidder fails to enter into a contract. The Village Council reserves the right to retain the deposits of the three lowest bidders for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. 1 8 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS December 7, 1971 Minutes of Regular Meeting Suppliers desiring a copy of the proposal form and specifications may obtain them from the office of the above named engineers. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive irregularities and informalities therein and further reserves the right to award the Contract to the best interests of the Village. Bids received were as follows: Badger Meter Co. 14125 Whiterock Rd. Burnsville, MN. 55378 Interstate Utility Prod. 7317 Cahill Road Minneapolis, MN. 55435 Water Products Company 3307 Vera Cruz Ave. No. Minneapolis, MN. 55422 Accompanied by $11,865.22 bid bond. Accompanied by bid bond. Accompanied by certified check Davies Water Equipment Co. 4010 Lake Breeze Ave. Minneapolis, MN. 55429 Neptune Meter Co. Accompanied by 1706 Carmen Drive bid bond Elk Grove, Village, I11. 60007 Power Process Equipment, Inc. Accompanied 6032 W. 37th St. bid bond. Minneapolis, MN. 55416 Accompanied by bid bond. DON F. DARLING Village Clerk Rosemount, Minnesota Base Bid Alternate Bid 11,462.00 2,238.78 10,995.80 by 11,515.50 $15,047.92 16,981.00 None 16,416.80 14,076.75 11,188.90 14,896.90 Bids were reviewed and discussed and it was generally agreed by Council that the apparent low bid was in all probability not correct and the company could not be held to the bid figure. MOTION by Genz to accept the bids received and refer all bids to Banister, Short, Elliott Hendrickson Assoc. for tabulation and review. Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Duff, Knutson and Stauffer. Motion carried. MOTION by Knutson that low bidders be invited to make a presentation of their product to the Utilities Commission and Council be invited to attend. Utilities Commission shall then make their recommendation to the Council for discussion at the next regular meeting on Dec. 21, 1971. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 129 Minutes of Regular Meeting December 7, 1971. Councilman Knutson informed Council that the purchase of a deep freeze for use at the Municipal Liquor store was necessary. MOTION by Knutson to approve purchase of a deep freeze at a cost of $161.95. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Dog Catcher John Schiffman presented a monthly report. Report was accepted and ordered placed on file. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize the clerk to submit a letter of appeal of 1972 sewer service charges to the Metro Sewer Board as specified by Banister Engineering Co. Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Duff and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that Banister Engineering, Mr. Roger Short, pursue the matter of water on the U of M property and obtaining same for the new Vo -Tech school. Secod by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Duff, K and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to table the Hayes Warweg St. improvement report from Banister and schedule same on agenda of Council meeting on Dec. 21, 1971. Second by Knutson. Ayes Duff, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Banister Engineering to prepare a feasibility study for lateral sanitary sewers as shown on Comprehensive Plan Sanitary Sewer Revised 8/31/71, that part outlined in green ink, which is that general area formerly Township, adjacent on the west to the old Village. Second by Genz. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Duff. Ayes 4 nays 0. Discussion on Village of Rosemount Storm Sewer Project 1971 3 and 3A was held. MOTION by Stauffer to postpone any further action on Storm Sewer Project 1971 3 and 3A to the December ast Council meeting. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Duff and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz that discussion on the Snowbird Ordinances be tabled and matter referred to attorney and that he present recommendations at the December 21st meeting. Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Duff, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by K to accept the bid of Linkert Landscaping for snow removal in the business district to -wit: Two dump trucks at $12 /Hr. each and one blower at $18 /Hr. Flagman shall be furnished by the Village with arrangements to be made by the Village Maintenance Supervisor. Bid price of blower shall be subject to approval by State Highway Dept. Second by Genz. Ayes Duff, Knutson and Genz. No vote Stauffer. Motion carried. MOTION by Duff to permit Don Brown two weeks vacation in 1972 for the year 1970, if he is:nable to take two weeks during the balance of 1971. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize two eight hour shifts per week, shifts to be covered by part -time employees of the police department to provide additional police coverage to the Village. Second by Genz, Ayes Knutson 3 1 O ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS i V Minutes of Regular Meeting December 7, 1971 Stauffer, Genz and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz to pay for one full uniform at a cost of approximately $390 for the two part time police officers presently employed by the Village; that no further clothing allowance for part time policemen be given. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Duff and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Mr. Nick Fox and Mr. Ray McNamara as part time police officers. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Duff, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to pay Mr. Dan Sams vacation back pay for 25 hours at $3 /Hr. Second by Knutson. Ayes Luff, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz second by Stauffer to authorize a public hearing for side- walk improvements with attorney preparing same correctly. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to refer to the attorney Ordinance No. 35, An Ordinance Establishing a Fire Dept. in the Village of Rosemount, for review and up dating and submit same back to Council at a future meeting. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Duff and Knutson. Ayes4 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz to table any action on the Burning Ordinance to the Jan. 4, 1972 meeting. Second by Duff. Ayes Genz, Duff, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to authorize Mr. Geo. Koehnen to work at the dump site on Friday, Dec. 24 from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM and Friday, Dec. 31 from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM; that he be paid full time for those hours; that the dump will be officially closed and will no longer be available for use by the public after Dec. 31, 1971. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that the bills as submitted be paid from their respec- tive funds. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Staffer, Genz and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. GENERAL FUND $2338.20 Fire Dept. Fund 215.21 Liquor Revenue Fund $9660.05 MOTION by Stauffer to authorize transfer of $1000 from General Revenue Fund to Fire Dept. Fund. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Duff and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Duff to table discussion on purchase of tape recorder for use at Council meetings tabled to meeting of Jan. 4, 1972. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Duff, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz to adopt Resolution 1971 -31 A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT THE RESULTS OF THE VILLAGE ELECTION. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Knutson, Stauffer, 4 and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Results of the Village Election were: FOR MAYOR Eugene J. Duff Raymond W. Reinke Leland Knutson Blank Ballots Published in Dakota County Tribune on u _c j0 1971 Page YES 587 Votes NO 269 Votes Blink Ballots 9 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting December 7, 1971 232 Votes 631 Votes 1 Vote 2 Votes FOR COUNCILMAN Arnie Jensen 548 Votes Lawrence (Lars) Nelson 306 Votes Charles Cunningham 1 Vote Blank Ballots 11 Votes FOR CONSTABLE Ray McNamara 793 Votes Write -In 6 Votes Blank Ballots 67 FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Sharon Henderson 763 Votes Write -In 9 Votes Blank Ballots 94 MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to adopt Resolution 1971 -32 A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT THE RESULTS OF SPECIAL VILLAGE ELECTION. Ayes Knutson Stauffer Genz and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. On the Question: "Shall the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota issue its negotiable coupon general obligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $105,000 to provide funds for the acquisition, construction, furnishing and equipping of various capital improvements for the Village consisting of an addition to the Fire Hall and a new Fire Truck the results were as follows: MOTION by Stauffer second by Genz to adjourn. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, the Council unani- mously agreed to adjourn. lly submitted _Ar%/ F. D arling Clerk- Treasurer 131 132 Bills submitted for approval at Regular Meeting December 7, 1971 GENERAL REVENUE FUND NSP 62.61 Postmaster 8.00 Wilroy Co., Inc. 245.88 Itasca Equipment Co. 63.17 Dakota County 5.00 Texaco Inc. 73.75 Fox Excavating 160.00 Ostertag Cement 72.00 Reisinger Excavating 269.50 Coast to Coast 9.45 Vic's Welding 645.00 Central Telephone 44.75 E. Englert 28.20 D. Wachter 10.50 Brent Moody 3.82 Dale Agre 13.50 Dakota County Tribune 182.58 Brauer Assoc. 357.84 Pitney Bowes 7.00 Home Typewriter 59.40 Motor Vehicle Division 6.25 Del Schwanz 10.00 TOTAL $2338.20 FIRE DEPT. FUND Peoples Natural Gas 24.80 Central Telephone 47.15 NSP 13.83 Strese Union 76 21.78 Brechners Standard 7.75 V N Oil Co. 100.90 TOTAL 216.21 1 1 1 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 1[3:3 Minutes of Special Meeting December 14, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Liquor and Utilities Commissions Bldg. on the 14th day of December, 1971 at 6:15 PM. Meeting called to order by President Duff. Member Hester was absent. All other members present. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1971 -33 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNI TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH SPRINGSTED, INC. FOR COORDINATED FACILITIES STUDY PROGRAM; AND TO AUTHORIZE COUNCILMAN CHARLES E. STAUFFER TO ACT AS FINANCIAL OFFICER AND OFFICIAL AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE APPLI- CATION. Second by Genz. Ayes Duff, Stauffer, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer second by Genz to adjourn. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, the Council agreed unanimously to adjourn. Respectfully submitted Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer Published in Dakota County Tribune on, ice -J 'e, Page 1/4 134 Bills submitted for approval December 21, 1971 GENERAL REVENUE FUND Brauer Assoc. Corcoran Hdwe. Dakota Electric Assn. NSP Metro. Sewer Board Phillips Petroleum Ray Tnnsignant B .T Auto Cupply Fischer Constriction Fischer Sand Aggregate NSP Peoples Gas Toombs Ins. Agcy. Lvstads, Inc. Fart F. Andersen Assoc. St. Paul Stamp Works Union Ni Co. NSP Vic's Welding TOTAL FIRE DEPT. FUND Peoples Gas Corcoran Hdwe. V N Oil Co. TOTAL ITQUOR REVENUE FUND Old Dutch Fonds Drentlaw Candy Tobacco Ledinr, Distr. Day nistr. Alcorn Bev. College City Bev. Concord Beverage Central Telephone Central Telephone Dronev Beverage Northwest Linen Home Juice Co. Seven -Up Bottling NCR Systernedia Bill Husaby First State Bank Transport Clearings Rosemount Sanitation Gross Industrial Towel Coast to Coast Griggs Cooper Co. McKesson Liquor Famous Brand Inc. $1439.02 8.72 8.74 424.50 1787.26 40.07 1.25 7.84 394.5n 26.15 35.75 66.11 20.00 32.10 59.40 51.30 43.81 10.82 726.00 $5183.34 64.57 20.65 5.61 90.83 S 113.20 77.10 457.90 367.69 382.55 374.15 1171.85 30.35 3.98 32.83 38.70 38.30 14.40 11.10 13.75 1.58 51.13 100.00 11.60 12.07 605.24 366.25 596.45 Smith Grain Co. Van Paper Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Sunderland, Inc. Old Peoria Co. Famous Brands, Inc. Coca -Cola Bottling 0, M. Droney Beverage Central Telephone Commissioner of Taxation State Treasurer Montgomery !lards Freezer 161.95 TOTAL 12.00 60.86 26.70 75.00 808.56 879.08 49.95 42.62 20.00 904.31 18.00 $9660.05 1 1 1 ROSYOUNT VIT?.1'F PROCFFDTmniq Minutes of Re;''}ar Meet in^ .1 December 21, 1971 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Villa Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 21st rlay of December, 1971 at 7:30 PM, Meeting called to order by President Duff. Member Hester was absent. All other members present. Council unanimously agreed that it be shown in these minutes that Resolution No. 33 as passed unanimously at a special meeting held on Dec, 14th authorizes payment of S2&5.00 to Springstrd Inc. for their services in connection with Coordinated Facilities Study Program, Clerk read a petition received from residents of 132nd Ct. W. requesting street lights be installed in that area. MOTION by Knutson authorizing, clerk to contact Dakota Electric Cooperative and request they make a proposal to us as to cost of installation, contract price for service in that area, and other pertinent information necessary, and report back to Coure 1. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Genz, Stauffer aid Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0, MOTION by Stauffer that Council hold a public hearing, at 8:00 PM on February 29, 1972 in the Village Hall to discuss County street naming, and numbering system for that portion of the old Village, Second by Genz, Ayes Genz, Duff, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Clerk to write a letter requesting someone from Dakota County Planning Commission be on hand to explain details of the system. Police Department monthly report was accepted as'submitted and ordered placed on file. MOTION by Genz to leave Village signs as they are now located on the State Highways. Second by Knutson, Ayes Duff, Stauffer, Knut- son and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Clerk to write a follow -up letter to Fire Underwriters Bureau to advise them of the reduction from Class 10 to Class 7 and to include notification that the water systems of the Township and Village have been merged as per previously mailed plans aent to their office. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Genz and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the Clerk to place an article in the newspaper explaining the reduction in rate classification. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Duff and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays O. MOTION by Knutson to accept the bid of Neptune Meter Co, of Elk Grove, I11, with a base bid for cold water meter, magnetic drive of $10,995,80. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Duff, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. 130 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS December 21, 1971 Minutes of Regular Meeting MOTION by Knutson to authorize engineer to proceed with necessary plans and specifications for bids on installation of water meters. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Duff, Stauffer, Knutson, Genz, Ayes 4 Nays 0, MOTIoN by Stauffer to hold public hearings to rezone property on Jan. 31, 1972 at 7:30 PM for Hollenback Nelson and at 8:00 PM for Pine Rend Development Co, Second by Knutson, Ayes Stauffer, Knutson Genz and Duff, Ayes 4 Nays O. MOTIO by Knutson to table further discussion on the Hayes Warweg petition to Jan. 18, 1972 meeting. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer Knutson Genz and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0, MOTIION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1971 -34 ordering Improvement 1971 -3 and 3A. Legal wording of said Resolution 1971 -34 to he prepared by Attorney. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Duff, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0, MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1971 -35 authorizing engineer to proceed with plans and specifications for Village of Rosemount Project 1971 -3 and 3A from Y'achter's Lake to County Road 42 and to include drainage from Gavin's addition and the end of Park St, near the Rosemount United Methodist Church which would then involve a line running, across Rahn property to the main Chippendale line (County Road 39). Legal'wbrding of said Resolution 1971 -35 to be prepared by Attorney. Second by Senz. Ayes were Duff and Knutson. Voting no was Stauffer. Abstain, Genz, Upon further discussion and legal opinion from Attorney, it was determined Motion carried. Second by Stauffer MOTION by Knutson /to authorize preparation of plans and specifications for central supervisory control system for the municipal water system. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Genz and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays O.. MOTION by Genz to approve a payment to DLR Construction Co, in the amount of $8461.98, Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Duff, Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0; MOTION by Stauffer authorizing payment to Austin Keller Construction Co, in the amount of $12,534,73. Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Duff, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0, MOTION by Stauffer to authorize Change Order No. 5 to Austin Keller Contract involving change in unit price for furnishing, two fire hydrants, but not installed. Hydrants presently stored in Village Maintenance Garage, Second by Knutson. Ayes Duff, Stauffer, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0 MOTION by Stauffer to authorize for payment bills as presented and order them paid from their respective funds. Second by Knutson, Ayes Stauffer Knutson, Genz and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0, GENERAL REVENUE FUND $5183.34 FIRE DEPT. FUND 90.83 Published in Dakota County Tribune on I ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS i 3 J Minutes of Rer,ular Meeting December 21, 1971 Clerk authorized to write Broback Builders, Inc, informing them they have not complied with requests in letter dated Nov. 16, 1971 and ropy be sent to Getz and Anderson Construction Co. MOTION by Stauffer to approve the liquor license application for On Sale Liquor and Sunday Sale of Liquor presented by Rosemount Post #6S American Legion. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Duff and Stauffer. Ayes 4 NAYS 0, MOTION by Stauffer to approve the ligir r license application for On Sale Liquor and Sunday Sale of Liquor presented hy Dakota Bowl, Inc. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Duff, S auffer and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays O. MOTION by Knutson to approve the license to do business of Fahnings, Inc. Second hy Stauffer. Ayes Duff, .Stauffer, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to approve the license to do business of Don Getz and Getz and Anderson. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson Genz and Duff. Ayes 4 Nays 0. After further discua on on this it was determined Mr, Don Getz does not require a license to do business. Thereupon MOTION by Knutson to rescind the previous motion. Second by Stauffer, Ayes Knutson, Genz, Duff and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to approve the License to do business of Getz and Anderson. Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Duff, Stauffer aid Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays O. MOTION by Stauffer second by Knutson to adjourn. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. Respectfully submitted Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer 1972 Page Bills submitted for approval December 21, 1971 and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND Brauer Assoc. $1439.02 Corcoran Hdwe. 8.72 Dakota Electric Assn. 8.74 NSP 424.50 Metro Sewer Board 1787.26 Phillis Petroleum 40.07 Ray Tousignant 1.25 B J Auto Supply 7.84 Fischer Construction 394.50 Fischer Sand Aggregate 26.15 NSP 35.75 Peoples Gas 66.11 Toombs Ins. Agency 20.00 Lystads, Inc. 32.10 Earl F. Andersen Assoc. 59.40 St. Paul Stamp Works 51.30 Union Oil Co. 43.81 NSP 10.82 Vic's Welding 726.00 TOTAL $5183.34 FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND Peoples Gas Corcoran Hdwe. Co. V b N Oil Co. 64.57 20.65 5.61 TOTAL 90.83 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting January 4, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 4th day of January, 1972 at 7:30 PM. Nt, Raymond Reinke was sworn in as Mayor, Mr. Arnie Jensen sworn in as Councilman and Mrs. Sharon Henderson and Mr. Ray McNamara were sworn in as Justice of Peace and Constable, respectively. Meeting was called to order by President Reinke. All members present. At the request of Mayor Reinke, Pastor Ed Johnson of the Rosemount Baptist Church gave the invocation for thefirst meeting of the new year. Minutes of December 21, 1971 were corrected to read that the Motion re Resolution 1971 -35 did carry, and that the amount author- ized for payment to Springsted, Inc. for services relative to Coordinated Facilities,Tudy be changed to $255.00. MOTION by Genz second by Knutson that minutes of December 21, 1971 be ordered published as corrected. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Genz, and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Agenda corrected to include discussion re plowing and sanding and garage rental. MOTION by Genz to appdnt Dakota County Tribune as official Village newspaper. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Jensen, Reinke, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke second by Stauffer to appoint First State Bank as official Village depository. Ayes Jensen, Reinke, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to appoint Drs. Erickson and Mardell as Village Health officers. Second by Jensen. Ayes Reinke, Knutson, Stauffer Genz and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer second ty Knutson to appoint Mayor Reinke as president of the Utilities Commission. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Jensen and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to appoint Councilman Stauffer as Acting Mayor. Second by Knutson. Voting aye were Genz, Jensen, Reinke and Knutson. Councilman Stauffer did not vote. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Motion carried. Mayor Reinke made the following appointmets. Councilman Knutson as liquor commissioner and in charge of employee insurance programs; Councilman Genz as commissioner of all village roads and streets and public health; Councilman Jensen as commission of public improvements; Mayor to serve also on all commissions with appointed Councilmen. MOTION by Stauffer second by Jensen to approve all commission appointments. Ayes Genz, Jensen, Reinke, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. 39 140 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting January 4, 1972 Dog Catcher John Schiffman presented his report and noted that he has an appointment to meet with Attorney Pat Farrell in an effort to resolve the matter of proper issuance of tickets to violators of the dog ordinance in light of the newly established court system. MOTION by Knutson to accept the Dog Catcher's report and order same placed on file. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Reinke, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to appoint Officer James Staats as assistant police chief in the absence of the chief. Second Genz. Ayes Reinke, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Planner Fred Hotsington presented copies of Contract for Continued Planning Services for Village of Rosemount. Council to review same and matter to be placed on agenda, January 18, 1972. MOTION by Knutson that Snowmobile Ordinance be referred to the attorney for correct and proper wording of the changes and that it be readied for the January 18th meeting to be read and Council take action for or against any of these changes. second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Jensen and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Snowbird ordinance scheduled to the January 18th agenda. Attorney Farrell informed Council that a burning ordinance must be adopted by Village by July, 1972. Matter tabled for a month to give attorney time to obtain more information and prepare an ordinance for the Village. Matter scheduled for meeting February 1, 1972. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize clerk to write letters to the 29 people involved to attend a special meeting to discuss sidewalk assessments for recently installed sidewalks on Monday, January 10, 1972 at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Jensen Reinke, Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. second by Knutson MOTION by Genz/tolave Mr. FredHoisington and Mr. Pat Farrell work together to draw ,Resolution 1972 -1 providing for policy on mailed public hearing notices for rezoning and variances. Ayes Genz, Jensen, Reinke, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to accept plans and specifications for installation of water meters and authorize clerk to advertise for bids to be opened at 7:30 PM February 1, 1972. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Reinke, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Short informed Council he will be able to report more fully on a water supply agreement with the University to supply water to krTech school, in two weeks. 3 MOTION by Genz second by Reinke to table until February 1st any further work on 1971 3 and 3A in order that newly elected council- men may become more familiar with details of the project and matter be scheduled on agenda February 1, 1972; and that a special meeting be held on January 17, 1972 at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall and that a representative of the Rosemount Methodist Chuch, Broback Builders, and Mr. Joe Gavin and Mr. Edwin Rahn be invited by certified letter to attend the special meeting for the purpose of discussing matters relative to Storm Sewer project. Ayes Reinke, Knutson, Stauffer Genz and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Don Brown reported a representative of Pollution Control Agency met with him requesting that fire at dump site be put out immediately. Council authorized Mr. Brown to take the necessary steps. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize purchase of a short block for small tractor. Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Jensen and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to accept the bills as presented and they be paid from their respective funds. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Jensen, Reinke, and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. GENERAL REVENUE FIRE DEPT. LIQUOR REVENUE 6,179.95 322.47 $20,399.36 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting January 4, 1972 MOTION by Stauffer that garage area of Village Hall be leased to Vic's Welding for the purpose of storing snow removal equipment at a rate of $50 /month until April 1st and that garage be left in a clean condition. Second by Jensen. Ayes Genz, Jensen, Reinke, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by S to amend the motion re a special meeting be held on January 10th to hold the meeting on January 11, 1972 at 7:30 PM at Village Hall Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Jensen, Reinke, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to act on tax levy at the special meeting of January 11, 1972. Second by Knutson. Ayes Jensen, Reinke, Knutson Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to transfer $80.00 from Liquor Revenue Fund to 1956 Improvement Account. Second by Jensen. Ayes Reinke, Knutson, Stauffer G,nz and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson authorizing clerk to issue permits for cigarette licenses to John's Red Owl, American Legion, Vorwerk's Gulf, Marvin Huber, and Duffy Bros. Second Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz Jensen and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. 141 142 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutess of Regular Meeting January 4, 1972 MOTION by Stauffer to approve applications for license to sell ciga- rettes contingent upon receipt of the proper application from Strese Union 76, Breckner's Standard Service, and V N Oil Co. Second by Reinke. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Jensen, Reinke and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to authorize clerk to make purchase of Craig 4 track stereo Tape Recorder for $140 and to purchase enough tapes to give us six months supply. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Jensen, Reinke, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize clerk to transfer $20,000 from liquor Store bank balance to Certificate of Deposit. Second by Knutson. Ayes Jensen, Reinke, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer second by Jensen to adjourn. There being no other business to come before this Council, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. Published in Dakota County Tribune on 8 -tt- 2 7 GENERAL REVENUE FUND Texaco, Inc. 200.47 NSP 18.24 Banister Engineering 2971.68 Dale Agre 16.50 Coast to Coast 28.18 Central Telephone 22.00 Minnesota Benefit Assn. 150.04 Brauer 1813.32 B 6 J Auto Supply 20.82 Election judges 137.50 American Oil Co. 9.96 Village Trf. to Liq.Rev 91.79 TOTAL $5480.50 Respectfully submitted Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer 1972, Page 7.6" Klee" Bills submitted for approval at regular meeting, January 4, 1972 FIRE DEPT. FUND Central Telephone 32.15 R. J. Geraghty 235.88 NSP 16.99 Ratzlaff Service 37.45 TOTAL $322.47 Bills submitted for approval, January 4, 1972 (Cont'd.) LIQUOR REVENUE FUND Liquor Store Int. and Sinking Fund 795.00 Day Distributing Co. 450.05 Concord Bev. Inc. 1675.40 Sunderland, Inc. 22.00 Coca -Cola Bott Co. 30.91 0. M. Droney Be. 17.25 Van Paper Co. 54.76 Transport Clearings 46.75 Gross Industrial 11.60 Northwest Linen Service 26.40 Old Dutch Foods, Inc. 131.05 7 -Up Bottling Co. 51.75 Alcorn Beverage Co. 57.33 Hanson Beverage Co. 1430.25 Twin City Home Juice Co. 62.70 Leding Distr. Co. 590.44 drentlaw Whsl Candy Tob. 5$.60 Southside Dist. Co. 18.55 College City Bev. Inc. 636.67 Hanson Bev. Co. 1300.85 Ed Phillips Sons 1757.88 Distillers Dist. Co. 168.81 Famous Brands 879.08 Old Peoria Co. 808.56 0. M. Droney Bev. 42.62 Coca Cola Bott Co. 49.95 Central Telephone 20.00 Comm. of Taxation 904.31 Montgomery Wards 161.95 State Treasurer 18.00 Central Telephone 3.98 Johnson Bros. Liquor 765.34 Griggs Cooper 444.87 Petty Cash 57.42 Ed Phillips Sons 1086.71 Internal Revenue 890.70 Cash Register Sales, Inc. 196.61 Sunderland, Inc. 97.00 Smith Grain 13.50 Saint Paul Co. 44.90 7 -Up Bottling 36.00 Transport Clearing 95.92 Corrigan Electric 30.47 Peoples Natural Gas 142.29 Famous Brands 328.37 McKesson Liquor 945.82 Miller Davis 10.70 Alcorn Beverage 370.76 Coast to Coast 17.28 NSP 149.49 Distillers Dist. Co. 605.87 Johnson Bros. Whsl Liquor 673.53 Ed Phillips Sons 951.03 Coast to Coast 6.31 Central Telephone 20.50 Leding Distr. 109.47 First State Bank 28.05 TOTAL $20,399.36 143 A 144 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting January 11, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the Village of Rosemount was held on Tuesday, January 11, 1972 at 730 PM. All members present. Because there were so few interested parties present at the scheduled time of 7:30 PM Mayor Reinke delayed calling the meeting to order and gave a brief report on a meeting he attended at Metro Sewer Board offices re the formation of the Service Area Advisory Board. He reported that members representing municipalities should be appointed within three weeks, and that we may appoint as many as four members. Mayor Reinke reported he was accompanied by Mr. Otto Ped, Mr. Norm Ellingson of UM Research Center and Lt. Howard Otis, Commander of US Navy Base in Rosemount President Reinke then called the special meeting to order at 7:55 PM. Purpose of the meeting was to discuss with residents involved assessment procedures for sidewalk repairs made during 1971. Of the 29 people involved, 9 people were present. Mayor brought the matter up to date and opened meeting to discussion. Council adjourned to executive session. Upon return to the meeting Mayor Reinke appointed a committee to meet with people individually who have not yet paid for sidewalk repairs. Appointed were Councilman Stauffer, Knutson, and Jensen. Committee will report back to Council at the next regular meeting to held on January 18, 1972. At this point Mayor Reinke declared closed further discussion on sidewalk assessments. Council then dscussed budget for 1972 to resolve this by making an effort to interpret new state laws re levy limitations. MOTION by Stauffer second by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1972 -2 adopting levy limitation and certify to the County Auditor a budget of $78,308.42 plus Volunteer Firemens Relief of $4100 and authorize the clerk to enter the amount for sewer debt and operating at the maximum authorized by law. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. R spectfully..eubmitted Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer Published in Dakota County Tribune on L-- 7 1972 Page ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDING91 45 Minutes of Special Meeting I January 17, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 17th day of January, 1972 at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Reinke. All members present. Purpose of the meeting was to discuss further, proposed Village project 1971 3 and 3A for storm sewers in certain areas of the Village of Rosemount. Certified letters were mailed to Broback Bldrs., Inc., Mr. Edwin Rahn, Mr. Jos. Gavin, Mr. Wesley Hasbrouck (cc to Rev. J. Minehart) as a representative of the Rosemount Methodist Church, informing them of the special meeting. Mr. Roger Short and Mr. Gary Gray of Banister Engineering described the proposed project for the benefit of those in attendance and newly elected officials. The matter was discussed at length. MOTION by Reinke that we have Banister Engineering prepare all figures pertaining to discussion this evening for the cost per lot of the area taken in, furnish this to Council and place these items on the agenda February 1, 1972. Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Jensen, Reinke, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that further discussion relative to changing the assessment policy relative to 1971 3 and 3a projects shall include Mr. Osman Springsted in order to get a little background input from him regarding the legality of being able to do these things we are talking about. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Reinke, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. Respectfully submitted i Don F. Darling Clerk Treasurer Published in Dakota County Tribune on �7 Ii2' /c 1972, Page 7 /J 146 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting January 18, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 18th day of January, 1972. All members present. President Reinke called the meting to order at 7:30 PM. Minutes of January 4th corrected to show that Councilman Knutson seconded a motion made by Councilman Genz re Resolution 1972 -1. Minutes of January 4 and 11, 1972 approved as corrected and same ordered published. MOTION by Knutson to accept Brauer and Associates contract for Ongoing Planning Services for the coming year 1972 and Clerk and Mayor be authorized to sign said contract; planner attend meetings on an on -call basis after the comprehensive plan has been compk#ed. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Jensen, Reinke, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays O. MOTION by Stauffer to grant a variance to Francis Kane to place a trailer home on his property for conditions set forth at the Planning Commission meeting of January 6, 1972, authorize attorney to draw up an agreement and have Mr. Francis Kane sign same. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Jensen and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays O. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Clerk to advertise for bids for Central Supervisory Water System control and call for bid opening on Februaryl5th at 8:00 PM. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Jensen, Reinke and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen second by Reinke that Mr. Don Brown contact local service stations requesting they submit bids for gasoline in 8000 gal. quantities. Bids shall be opened on February 1 at 7:30 PM. Ayes Genz, Jensen, Reinke, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. After discussion it was agreed that Victor Wenzel be authorized to plow and sand streets and roads, using his own judgement, but he must contact Don Brown when he does go out. MOTION by Reinke to extend the contract with Dakota ElectricAssn. to include installation of 175 Watt mercury vapor street lights in Lan -O -Ken Addition and authorize the clerk to notify Dakota Electric Assn. to proceed with the installation as recommended in their letter of January 12th and as per thdr sketch attached. Second by Knutson. Ayes Jense, Reinke, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council reviewed the monthly police report as submitted and ordered same placed on file. MOTION by Knutson to authorize engineer to survey the possibilities of reopening the dump and submit plans and specifications to Council for a roadway as requested by Pollution Control Agency for sanitary landfill of this area (Old Village dump). Second by Reinke. Engineer will contact Mr. Jim Gabiou of Dakota County Highway Dept. to determine their require- ments as well as those of PCA and then establish a plan by which Village may reopen the landfill. Ayes Reinke, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. GENERAL REVENUE FUND $2917.70 FIRE DEPT. FUND 11.81 ROSEMOIJNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS T 47 Minutes of Regular Meeting January 18, 1972 Mayor Reinke will meet with staff at University of Minnesota Rosemount Research Center to discuss with them an agreement for use of their equipment in maintenance of dump site. Attorney P. Farrell to prepare Snowmobile Ordinance and Snobird Ordinance these to be prepared for discussion and adoption at meeting of February 1st. MOTION by Knutson to appoint the following gentlemen to represent the Village of Rosemount on the Sewer Advisory Board: Mr. Lars Nelson as temporary chairman, Marvin Ratzlaff, William H. Myers, Patrick Finnegan, Donald Ratzlaff and Otto Fed. Secondby Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Jensen, Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Councilmen reported on contacts with various citizens re sidewalk billings. Matter scheduled for further discussion on February 1st. MOTION by Stauffer to appoint Mr. Don Brown to attend the Weed Meeting on February 1, 1972 at 10:00 AM in Farmington and his expenses in connection therewith be paid by the Village. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Jensen, Reinke and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke second by Stauffer that bills as presented be approved and order same paid from their respective funds. Ayes Genz, Jensey Reinke, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz to pay to residents of Rosemount Village only, gopher bounty at the rate of 25C per gopher caught within the Village limits and turned in. Second by Reinke. Ayes Jensen, Reinke, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz to approve refuse hauling licenses as applied for by Mendota Heights Rubbish Service and to McKnight Trucking Co. contingent upon receipt of $100 bond. Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Jensen, Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to approve application for cigarette license and order same issued to Glenn's market, Ratzlaff 66, Marv's Skelly, Roberts Drug, Village Inn. Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Jensen, Reinke and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer second by Genz to approve contract with Neptune Meter Co. and authorize mayor and clerk to sign same subject to attorney's review. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Jensen, Reinke and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mayor Reinke suggested to the Council that Senior Citizens not be required to pay $3.00 water bill surcharge, and suggested that Councilmen give this matter some thought and matter be discussed at a later meeting. MOTION by Genz, Second by Jensen to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. r n m. 148 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting January 18, 1972 Published in Dakota County Tribune on /771f✓r/iv 1972 Page 9 Bills submitted for approval January 18, 1972 GENERAL REVNUE FUND Grannis and Grannis Metzen Realtors Phoenix Industry Kanes Auto Equipment Dakota Electric Assn. Phillips Petroleum Viking Industrial McClain Hedman Schuldt Miller Ih is Roberts Drugs Corcoran's Air Comm City of Hastings P.D. Wilroy Co. Brauer Assoc. Strese Union 76 Peoples Gas FIRE DEPT. FUND Corcoran's Roberts Drugs TOTAL $1213.50 250.00 2.00 10.00 8.74 115.49 15.05 18.80 62.71 4.15 7.86 17.65 5.00 156.10 1000.00 2.00 128.65 TOTAL $2917.70 9.12 2.69 1 1 r Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 31st day of January, 1972. Meeting called to order by President Reinke. Councilman Genz was absent. Purpose of the meeting was to act on petitions to rezone land received from Pine Bend Development Co. and Hollenback and Nelson. Mayor requested of the audience whether or not they wished to have the petition read aloud. It was mutuallyagreed that all had read this and this portion of the meeting could be dispensed with. Clet:k read the affidavit of mailing. Mr. Jack Synch spoke on behalf of Pine Bend Development requesting a change in zoning from Planned Study to I- General on Lot 1 and concept approval to change the total 37 acres `,i I- General, stating that future economics would dictate further rezoning. Mr. Fred Hoisington was present as were interested residents of the area. The matter was discussed at length with Mr. Hoisington and Council. MOTION by Knutson to approve the rezone request for Pine Bend Development Co. for Lot 1 of that 37 acre tract of land and that the following recommendations as set forth by the Planning Commission be a part of this motion and these be entered into the minutes. To -wit: 1. Developer's complete adherance to commitments made in the report dated December 9, 1971. 2. An adequate solution to site drainage 3. Development of an acceptable preliminary plat for the remainder of the site, including Lot 1, at a later date. 4. Adherance to the site development features of Plate P -1A. 5. Approval of a boundary survey (R.L.S.) from the Village and filing with Dakota County Surveyor. 6. Provision of acceptable waste disposal methods and no on -site disposal of chemicals. 7. Approval by Village Fire Department of chemical storage and handling procedures. 8. There be no outdoor storage of any kind. ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 1 Minutes of Special Meeting January 31, 1972 Mr. Knutson added further that this motion does not set a precedent for future requests which must be approved on their own merits and our concepts of clean industry. (fhe foregoing being a statement and not a part of the motion.) Motion seconded by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Stauffer, Reinke and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. 1 1 1.y0 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting Janury 31, 1972 MOTION by Knutson to approve the variance pertaining to sanitary sewer for human waste disposal for the Pine Bend Development Go. on Lot 1 of their 37 acre concept for the following reasons: 1. Subject to connection to the public system if extended in that direction. 2. Public sanitary sewer facilities are available. not 3. Use is being made of the land and is reason- able in accord with surrounding land use and zoning. 4. Denial of the variance would be confiscatory. Motion seconded by Reinke. Ayes Stauffer, Reinke, Knutson and Jensen. Ayes 4 Nays 0. There being no further discussion on the foregdng and upon MOTION by Knutson second by Jensen the hearing was adjourned. Ayes Reinke, Knutson, Jensen. Ayes 3 Nays 0. Absent 1. In re the petition of Hollenback and Nelson, Mayor Reinke called the hearing to order. Mayor requested of the audience whether or not they wished to have the petition read aloud. It was mutually agreed that all had read this and this portion of the meeting could be dispensed with. Clerk read the affidavit of mailing. Mr. R. Hollenback spoke on behalf of Holleback 6 Nelson, their request to rezone 36.36 acres as described, from .Planned Study to I General. MOTION by Knutson regarding approval of Hollenback Nelson request from Planned Study to I- General subject to the conditions as outlined in the Planning Commission recommendations to the Council, to -wit: 1. Fulfillment of requirements and commitments made in Hollenback and Nelson, Inc. P.U.D. booklet. 2. Development stage approval by Planning Commission (in accord with P.U.D. development stage require- ments) for each site prior to issuance of building permits. 3. Fulfillment of all I- General zoning ordinance requirements. 4. Submission of protective covenants at the time of the building permit request indicating restrictions on filling and protecting of wooded ravine area (Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 1) from encroachments of any kind. 5. Developer to pave street at his convenience and Village to accept for niintenance only and if individual parcels are sold and after paving is complete. 6. No private drive accesses to State Trunk Highway No. 55 from any lot. 7. Provision of acceptable on -site waste disposal facilities and no on -site disposal of chemicals (future development.) 8. Approval by Village Fire Department of chemical storage and handling, should chemicals be stored, used or manufactured on the site at some future date. 9. Compliance with all P.C.A., State and County Health requirements for future uses regarding waste emissions. 10. Approval and filing of final plats if parcels are sold independently. 11. State Hicrway Department approval of accesses to State Trunk Highway No. 55. Motion seconded by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Jensen, Stauffer and Reinke. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke that variance pertaining to sanitary sewer for human waste disposal only be approved for Hollenback Nelson onLot 2, with the following conditions and for the following reasons: 1. Subject to connection to the public system if extended in that direction. 2. Public sanitary sewer facilities are not available. 3. Use is being made of the land and is reasonable in accord with surrounding land use and zoning. 4. Denial of the variance would be confiscatory. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Stauffer, Reinke, and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that the hearing be adjourned. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Reinke, Knutson and Jensen. Ayes 4 Nays 0. There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, Council agreed unanimously to adjourn this meeting. Published in the Dakota County Tribune on 1972 Page ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PRUEEDINCS Minutes of Special iMeetirg '..nuary 31, 1972 ectfu}ly�s'ubmit F. Darling, Clerk- r Don easurer Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 1st day of February, 1972. All members present. President Reinke celle meeting to order at 7:30 PM. Clerk read the following advertisement for bids: Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota in the Village Hall on County Road 42 until 7:30 PM. CST on Tuesday the 1st day of February, 1972 at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud for: INSTALLATION OF APPROXIMATELY 275 COLD WATER METERS AS SPECIFIED Specifications, proposal form, and contract documents as prepared by Banister, Short, Elliott, Hendrickson Assoc., 200 Hillsborough Office Bldg., 2353 No. Rice St., St. Paul, Minnesota 55113, may be seen at the office of the above named engineers. £aeh bid shall to accompanied by bidder's bond, tified check, or cash deposit in an amount equal to at least lO% of the amount of which shall be forfeited to the Village in the event the successful bidder fails to enter into a contract. The Village Council reserves the right to retain the deposits of the three lowest bidders for a period not to exceed 30 days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. Contractors desiring a copy of the proposal form and specifications may obtain them from the office of the above named engineers. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive irregularities and informalities therein and further reserves the right to award the Contract to the best interests of the Village. Clerk opened and read the bids Cannon Plumbing Heating Genz Ryan Plbg. Htg. Hopkins Plumbing Sauber Plumbing Heating Wenzel Plumbing Heating Rosemount Village Proceedings Minutes of R:•gular Meeting 1 53 February 1, 1972 Don F. Darling Village Clerk Rosemount, Minnesota with the following results: $14,020.00 9,938.25 4,351.25 9,220.00 6,505.00 Cashiers Check Bid Bond Bid Bond Bid Bond Certified Check ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCE:DINGS 1 Minutes of Regular Meeting F- •bruary 1, 1972 MOTION by Stauffer that bids be referred to Banister Engineering for tabulation and their recommndation. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz to approve the minutes as submitted and order same published. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. John Schiffman requested approval of purchase of portable cage in which to transport dogs and cats on impounding. Council requested he obtain information and costs and report back to Council. Mr. Schtffman stated he had received authorization for Justice of Peace to issue fines which will be sent to County or offenders may go to County for Court appearance. Council accepted monthly report and ordered same placed on file. MOTION by Reinke accepting the Maintenance Bond presented by Broback Blders. for watermain extension installed in Broback 8th Addition. Same ordered placed on file. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson authorizing acquisition of the property for the construc- tion of an elevated storage tank for the sum of $9000 payable to the people named as defendants in the condemnation proceedings, Village vs. Broback Rahn. Second by Reinke. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that Snowmobile Ordinance XII -1 be adopted as read and the necessry publication be made to put this into effect. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays0. MOTION by Stauffer that Snowbird Ordinance XII -2 be adopted as read. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, and Knutson. Nays Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 3 Nays 2 Motion carried. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Mayor to write a letter explaining the assessments and approximate engineering costs on the development of the storm sewer lines as discussed and that letter be sent to Broback Builders by certified mail as soon as possible, requesting an answer from them by next meeting. Copy to be sent to Mr. Edwin Rahn. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0.. Mayor and Councilmen Knutson and Jensen will attend a meeting on February 11, 1972 at 1:30 PM with Metro Sewer Board, Mr. Gary Gray informed Council that if Village operates old dump site after July 1, 1972, we would have to comply with standards of Dakota County, Metro Council, PCA, and Village would have to have approval of all three. A temporary permit could be obtained to operate the landfill without the above standards, however same would have to be discontinued after July 1, 1972. Rates would have to be approved. No further action was taken. Hayes Warweg Street improvement petition was discussed. Members of the Council and the Clerk to meet in the offices of Springsted, Inc. on February 22nd at 6 PM to establish assessment procedures for this type GENERAL REVENUE FUND $2571.82 FIRE DEPT. FUND 155.16 LIQUOR REVENUE FUND $31,270.71 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting 155 February 1, 1972 improvement. Mr. Springsted suggested that Metro sewer assess- ment for 1973 be discussed also because of the complexity of the matter. Mr. Don Brown to check into the matter of obtaining gasoline bids for storage in underground tank and have same for discussion at the next meeting on February 15, 1972. Mayor Reinke brought to the attention of the Council, the matter of obtaining equipment for road maintenance. Through Dakota County Vo -Tech School we may obtain surplus government equipment, a snow plow, one way reversible plow on 4 -Wheel drive 1960 truck with 15,000 miles on it. Plow would be for Village streets and roads and also for a rotary plow. Machinery will be delivered by the school to Grand Rapids, Mn. where it will be changed to Diesel engine and delivered here for next season. Also available is an Austin Weston Blade (motor patrol). This is a 1939 model which will be changed to Chrysler Industrial engine. This piece of equipment is not worn, except the engine had been frozen. The total equipment is worth approximately $98,000, however, it is available to the Village without cost. The school will furnish labor to make all changes and equipment will be delivered in A -1 condition. The only expense to the Village would be parts and maintenance and to furnish an operator. We would also have access to backhoe and air compressor. Mayor Reinke further reported the school cannot obtain the equipment unless the Village enters into an agreement, and it is requested that Village enter into a five year agreement or contract with the Vo -Tech school. Village streets and roads would be plowed first. When this work is done we must plow 15 Acre parking lot and one mile of road. The school will pay wages for plowing on their parking lot. Village must supply fuel. The plow would have to be cut off because of problems with transporting this outsize equipment on state highways in three states. Equipment can be housed at school or in Village garage. MOTION by Jensen authorizing Clerk to write a letter of intent to Dakota County Vocational Technical School advising them of our desire to join them in a program to obtain snow plow and grader equipment., Second by Knutson. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz to reappoint for three year terms on the Planning Commission, Mrs. Mari Van Kleek, Mr. Lee Schuldt and Mr. Tom Stein. Second by Knutson. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by S second by Jensen to approve the bilk as submitted for payment. a 156 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING February 1, 1972 MOTION by Genz to approve Application of Wm. Reid to haul refuse in Village. Second by Reinke. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, R -inke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to approve license application of James A. Thompson Town Country Disposal Service contingent upon receipt of $100 bond. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, R inke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to approve cigarette license for Bill's Dairy Store. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that clerk be authorized to purchase two four or five drawer filing cabinets for use by the Clerk and Utilities Commission and the Planning Commission. Second by Reinke. (These filing cabinets will then be kept in the Village Hall.) All meetings of all Commissions will be held at the Village Hall and 4H groups will be requested to find another place to hold their meetings. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen second by Genz to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. Respectfully Submitted Published in the Dakota County Tribune 2 -„z.L 1972, Page 1 1 Bills submitted for approval and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERAI. REVENUE FUND Brauer Assoc. Minnesota Benefit Assn. NSP Vic's Welding Treasurer Dakota County Valley Cleaners Union Oil Co. of Ca. Texaco Regina Memorial Hospital McClain Hedman Schuldt Dakota County Tribune Pitney Bowes TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND NSP Peoples Gas Haskins Janitorial Roberts Drugs TOTAL LIQUOR REVENUE FUND College City Beverage Inc. Alcorn Beverage Co. Old Dutch Foods, Inc. Transport Clearings Drentlaw Whsle Candy Tob. Leding Distributing Twin City Home Juice Gross Industrial Service Hanson Beverage Northwest Linen Srvice Sunderland, Inc. Coca Cola Bottling O. M. Droney Beverage State Treasurer PERA Peoples Gas Ed. Phillips Sons NSP Day Distributing Minnesota Benefit Assn. Postmaster First Sta Bank Savings Cert. Comm. of Taxation Rosemount Sanitation Famous Brands, Inc. ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 1 e '7 Minutes of Regular Meeting February 1, 1972 985.84 150.04 77.82 675.50 200.00 3.50 42.15 6.80 11.00 4.00 263.07 152.10 $2571.82 25.82 81.65 45.00 2.69 155.16 311.16 259.56 76.42 147.84 100.70 369.16 28.60 11.60 1j196.05 19.20 6.00 26.10 42.74 729.18 149.58 3,451.48 179.06 380.42 108.44 8.00 20,000.00 115.02 40.00 693.37 ....Cont'd a 1 58 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROC::EDINGS V Minutes of Regular Meeting February 1, 1972 LIQUOR REVENUE FUND (Cont'd.) McKesson Liquor Co. 768.07 Johnson Bros. Whsle. 1,033.83 Utility Account 455.85 Cash Register Sales 196.61 Griggs Cooper Co. 890.84 Internal Revenue Service 423.60 Comm. of Taxation 450.10 Improvement Fund 80.00 Monroe Calculator 60.00 State Treasurer 889.x6 Distillers Dist. 1,388.29 Old Peoria Co. Inc. 699.89 Central Telephone 3.98 PAC Inc. 93.75 Genz -Ryan Plumbing 58.04 Seven -Up 32.40 TOTAL $35,974.39 1 1 ROSE:MOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 59 Minutes of Monthly Regular flee February 15, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 15th day of February, 1972. Coiuncil- •man Jensen was absent. President Reinke called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. The agenda was corrected to include bid opening for Central Supervisory Water Control System, supervisory evaluation forms and further discussion on 4H meetings to be held at the Village Hall. The minutes of January 31 and February 1, 1972 were unanimously approved and same ordered published. MOTION by Knutson to review insurance proposals with company representatives immediately following the opening of the Central Supervisory Water Control System bids at 8:00 PM. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke to authorize Park and Recreation Committee to invite Mr. Fred Hoisington of Brauer Assoc. to their next regular meeting to assist the members of the commission with guidance on the function and procedures of a park and recreation commission. Second by Genz. Ayes Reinke, Stauffer, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that Parks and Recreation Commission be notified that a joint Council -Parks Recreation Commission meeting be held on March 1st about 9:15 PM at the Village Hall and request the meeting be attended by all or as many of their members as possible and that Mr. Fred Hoisington attend this meeting also; that a letter of notification be sent to each member of the Parks and Recreation Commission, strongly worded that we would appreciate their attendance in full. Second by Reinke. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to send a request to Mr. Ken Anderson, Dakota County Traffic Engineer, to study the possibility of a flashing caution signal light at the intersection of County ;toad 42 and 5th Ave. in Rosemount Second by Genz. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Reinke and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to amend the foregoing motion to include a 24 Hour No Parking sign be placed on both sides of Hyland Ave. Request that signs be placed 40' south of Murphy St. Amendment seconded by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Stauffer and Knutson Ayes 4 Nays 0. 1 MOTION by Reinke that the stop sign on 5th Ave. presently stopping 1 southbound traffic be changed to stop northbound traffic and that Don Brown be authorized to place the sign accordingly. Second by Knutson. Ayes Reinke, Stauffer, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Police Dept. monthly report was reviewed and accepted and same ordered placed on file. n i:OSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 1 t) V Minutes of Regular Meeting February 15, 1972 At 3:00 PM Clerk Don Darling read the following notice of advertisement for bids. CENTRAL SUPERVISORY WATER CONTROL SYSTEM Stage II Water Improvements Village Project No. 1971 -2 Rosemount, Minnesota NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount will receive sealed bids at the Village Hall on County Road 42, Rosemount, Minnesota until 8:00 PM CST on TUESDAY the 15th day of FEBRUARY, 1972, at which time they will publicly be opened and read aloud for the furnishing of all labor and materials and all else necessary for: FURNISHING AND INSTALLING A CENTRAL SUPERVISORY WATER CONTROL SYSTEM according to the plans and specifications dated January 14, 1972, on file in the office of Banister, Short, Elliott Hendrickson Assoc. 200 Hillsborough Office Bldg., 2353 No. Rice St., St. Paul, MN. 55113. Bids shall be directed to the Village Clerk securely sealed and endorsed on the outside wrapper "BID FOR CENTRAL SUPERVISORY WATER CONTROL SYSTEM All bids shalllt accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond, or certified check made payable to the order of the Village for not less than ten per cent (107) of the amount of the hid. The Village Council reserves the right to retain the deposits of the three lowest bidders for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the closing of the bids. No bid may be withdrawn for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. Payment for the work shall be by cash or check. Copies of plans and specifications will be furnished by Banti er, Short Elliott Hendrickson Assoc. on request of any prospective bidders. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids; to waive irregularities and informalities therein, and further reserves the right to award the Contract to the best interests of th il1 Clerk opened and read the bids with the following results: AR LING Village Clerk Rosemount, Minnesota 1 Batzli Electric Co. 704 University Ave. St. Paul, MN. 55104 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regdar Meeting February 15, 1972 COMPANY AMOUNT OF BID Aero Electrical Co. Certified Check Attached 8720.00 Arlington, MN.5007 ($900.00) Bid Bond Attached 10% 9237.00 Corrigan Electric Co. Bid Bond Attached 10% 9972.00 Rosemount, MN. 55068 John Ess Sons Electric Bid Bond Attached 10% 8666.00 1141 County Road 3 Hopkins, MN. 55343 Kehne Electric Co. Bid Bond Attached 10% 10,490.00 2124 University Ave. St. Paul, MN. 55114 Kostka Electric Co. Bid Bond Attached 102 8790.00 222 South Concord So. St. Paul, MN. 55075 Gopher ElectricCo. Bid Bond Attached 102 8194.00 Coon Rapids Blvd. Minneapolis, MN. MOTION by Stauffer to accept the bids and refer them to the engineer for review and tabulation and they report back to Council at the next Council Meeting. Second by Genz. Ayes Reinke, Stauffer, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Mrs, Beverly Boyd introduced to Council Mr. George C. VanDusen of Diversified insurance Services. Mr. VanDusen spoke to Council re two proposals for employe group insurance plans, both life and health and accident coverage. Mr. Don Rosen also spoke to Council on the same subject, also presenting two proposals. These proposals will be studied by members of the Council and discussed further at a later date. Mr. Bob Davies of Metro Cable Co. spoke to Council requesting a cable TV franchise in the Village of Rosemount, and atthis meeting are requesting Council's approval in order that they may proceed with engineering on their proposed project. MOTION by Knutson to table further discussion on the Metro Cable proposal to the March 7th Council meeting. In the meantime a full Council meeting be arranged with representatives from the Rosemount School for further discussion on this proposal. Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson Genz and Reinke. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Mr, Gary Gray of Banister Engineering reported to Council that bids for water meter installation had been revs.ed and evaluated by their firm. It is their recommendation that contract be awarded to low bidder Hopkins Plumbing and Heating. 161 162 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting February 15, 1972 MOTION by Reinke that the bid from Hopkins Plumbing and Heating in the amount of $4351.25 be accepted for the installation of approxi- mately 275 water meters; that Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the contract. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Reinke Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to approve Change Order No. 5 for Section 16 Road Contract which revises the method of measurement of Excavation and Embankment as called for in the original contract, saving approximately $800. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke that application for payments be approved tot DLR Construction Co. for Section 16 Road $1623.60 Austin Keller Construction for Phase I Water Improvements, Installation of Altitude Valve $1980.01. Feed Rite Controls for installation of Fluoridation Equipment $960.00 Corrigan Electric Co. for installation of electrical wiring for fluoridation equipment $90.00 Corrigan Electric Co. for electrical using for pump control modification at W•11 No. 6 $1360.00 Second by Knutson. Ayes Reinke, Stauffer, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Mayor requested Banister Engineering obtain copy of the newly adopted State building code and Council give some thought to hiring a building inspector. Proposed Dakota County Highway 40 was discussed. Mayor requested a letter of acknowlegment be sent to County Board of Commissioners, at the same time urge that construction be commenced as soon as possible on the first and and second priorities of the proposed new road. Noting the hearing on February 29th, Mr. Hoisington urgently recommended change in the naming and numbering of streets in the old Village area because of the inconsistency. However, it was also his recommendation to Council not to make a decision at the Hearing, but rather review the results of the Hearing and take action at a Council meeting or a second Hearing if one is necessary. Two gasoline bids were received. These were opened and bids reviewed. V N Oil Co. 19.10 tax /gal. of Regular Gas (Texaco) Box 32 Rosemount, MN. /s/ Paul F. Vorwerk, Pres. Union 76 Regular Gasoline Consumer Tank Wagon 21.70 /Gal.. Box 3 Less Discount 04.70 /Gal. Rosemount, MN. 55068 17.00 /Gal, /s/ Walter W. Strese, Agent Federal Tax 04 0 /Gal, State Tax 07 C /Gal. Total price including all tax delivered 28 0 /Gal. ROSEMOUdT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 1 L Minutes of Regular Meeting 1 V J February 15, 1972 It was noted that Village does not pay Federal tax and will furnish ta•c exempt slips. MOTION by Reinke that the bid received from Union 76, being the lowest of the two bids received, be accepted and contract be awarded. Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to purchase Volume 3, 1971 Session Laws, hardbound, at a cost of $7.50. Second by Reinke. Ayes Knutson, Genz Reinke and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that the Statement of Exclusion (re Minnesota Attorney General lawsuit against certainnanufacturers of cast iron pipe and fittings) be signed by the Mayor. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Council discussed Assessment for sidewalk improvements with Mr. F. Curley and Mr. L. Bartelt. Council were not able to reach a satisfactory settlement with these two gentlemen. MOTION by Knutson to schedule Public Hearing on 1971 Sidewalk Improvements on Tuesday, March 28, 1972 at 8:00 PM in the Village Hall and that Clerk be instructed to make necessary publications and notifications to the affected property owners be sent; and that Attorney Pat Farrell be present at the hearing. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Reinke, Stauffer, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 nays 0. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to approve and order paid from their respective funds all bills as presented for payment. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Reinke, Stauffer, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. GENERAL REVENUE FUND $4636.00 FIRE DEPT. FUND 32.15 MOTION by Stauffer to issue license to do business to Broback Bldrs. Inc. Second by Reinke. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Genzand Reinke. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke to approve license to haul refuse to Frank's Haulinj and to D M Hauling, the latter contingent upon receipt of $100 bond. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Reinke and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that Council meet in executive session following public hearing on February 29th to fill out supervisory evaluation form. Ayes Reinke, Stauffer, K and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Staffer second by Genz to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. Published in Dakota County Tribune 1972, Page ti' i:3 Respe tf y submitted 'F Don F. Darling, Clerk�reasurer 1USLMUU:f VILLAUL UKti:LLDINUS 1 (3 4 Minutes of Regular Meeting February 15, 1972 Bills submitted for approval and ordered paid from their respective fund GENERAL REVENUE FUND Roberts Drugs 2.28 Motorola Communications 6.60 Dr. H. J. Laney 5.00 Phil's Body Shop 26.65 Central Telephone 42.00 NSP 465.52 Miller Davis 8.65 Wagers 7.10 Dale Agre 27.00 American Oil Co. 92.51 Phillips Petroleum 70.50 Fischer Construction 360.00 Linkert Landscaping 1236.00 'vane's Auto Equipment 51.47 Phoenix Industry 2.00 Coast to Coast 14.61 Dakota County Tribune 69.11 Don Brown 3.35 Corrigan Electric 278.64 Metro Sewer Board 1787.26 TOTAL $4556.25 Nick Fox 79.75 TOTAL $4636.00 FIRE DEPT. FUND Central Telephone Co. $32.15 1 1 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS :9inutes of Special Meeting February 29, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 29th day of February, 1972 at 7:30 PM. President Reinke called the meeting to order. All members were present. Clerk Don Darling read the following notice: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: There will be a public hearing at the <osemount Village Hall, 1367 145th St. E. (County Road 42) Rosemount, Minnesota on Tuesday, February 29, 1972 at 7:30 PM for the purpose of discussion the street naming and renumbering system in accordance with the system established by the Dakota County Planning Commission for that portion of the Old Village of Rosemount, Minnesnta. Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer Mr. Darling also read memorandum from Mr. Fred Hoisington of Brauer and Associates, planners for the Village. Memorandum dated July 6, 1971 (Job 471- 39 -4). Mr. Chuck Weisbrich and Mr. Cliff Eichinger of the Dakota County Planning Commission were present to explain the system and to answer any questions. Mr. Hoisington and Mr. Bruce Pladsen were also present to explain their recommendations. MOTION by Knutson that further discussion on this matter be tabled until the March 21st regular council meeting to give members of the Council a chance to think about it. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and KNutson. Ayes 5 Ways 0. MOTION by Reinke that hearing be adjourned. Second by Knutson. There being no further discussion Council agreed unanimously to adjourn this hearing. Council adjourned to executive session for the purpose of evaluating supervisory employees. Respectfully sMbmitted Don F. Larling Clerk- Treasurer Published in Dakota County Tribune ,/i .4 /e 1972 Page /3 165_ 166 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting March 1, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemont was duly held at the Village Hall on the 1st day of March, 1972 at 9:15 PM. Meeting called to order by President Reinke. All members present. Purpose of the meeting was to discuss with Parks and Recreation Commission the function of this commission. Mr. FredHoisington and Mr. Bruce Pladson were present to discuss suggested guidelines. The matter of insurance coverage was discussed and Councilman Knutson will check the extent of village coverage. It was generally felt that this year would be a year of learning the needs of the newly formed commission and a better program could be established after this initial year. Needs can be studied and a budget request shall be submitted to Council for next year's needs. MOTION by Knutson that Parks and Recreation Commission be autho- rized to utilize services of Brauer Assoc. for professional guidance in establishing their duties and responsibilities under Items 1 and 2 of memorandum dated 3/1/72 from Fred Hoisington re suggested Park Board Guidelines. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer Genz, Reinke, Jensen and K Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council discussed the availability of assistance, as a classroom project, from Dakota County Area Vo -Tech school in the development of the 56 A. site as a park. MOTION by Knutson that Parks and Recreation Commission be authorized to contact Dakota County Area Vo -Tech School for help in developing the park land adjacent to the Old Village. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke second by Knutson to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. N Page Published in Dakota County Tribune on /�ha fi :7 19 Pa g g 8 Respectfully submitted Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer 1 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 1[ l) 7 Minutes of Regular Meeting 1 March 7, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 7th day of :larch, 1972 at 7:30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Reinke. All members present. Agenda corrected to include Discussion re County Road 33S and informal presentation by Fire Chief Ray McNamara of Fire Deptt. recommendation of specifications for fire truck. Minutes of February 15 and 29 and March 1, 1972 unanimously approved and ordered published. Mr. Stan Taube, an attorney, spoke on behalf of Mr. Ray Nowicki, requesting a building permit be issued to build one 30 unit apartment building on property located between County Hds. 33 and 42. Attorney Pat Farrell recommended to Council that building permit not be issued, but that the matter be tabled to afford an opportunity to inspect documents. MOTION by Knutson that we table discussion on the Nowicki plat to March 13th at 9:00 RM. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz Staffer, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Members of the recently appointed Sewer Advisory Board were sworn in by Clerk Don Darling. Mayor appointed all members to a one year terra and at the end of that year the accomplishments of this Board will be reviewed. At that time, if matters war— rant, members will be appointed for one to three year terms. It was pointed out that the main function is to act as liaison between Village Council and Metro Sewer Board. Dog Catcher John Schiffman presented his report. Same was reviewed and ordered placed on file. MOTION by Jensen to authorize John Schiffman to purchase a collapsable cage (the complete unit, including litter tray) at a cost of $34.90, for use when impounding dogs. Second by Reinke. Ayes Stauffer, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. The matter of term appointments for members of the Parks and Recreation Cowission tabled to meeting of March 21, 1972. Commission to submit their recommendations by their next regular meeting. MOTION by Knutson that Don Brown submit a list of qualifications and draft a want ad for a full time maintenance man. These to be presented to Council at special meeting to be held on March 13th. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Genz and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. 168 ROSEMOU:N1 VILLA(L Yl(ULCLLJNt,J Minutes of Regular Meeting March 7, 1972 MOTION by Stauffer that Jerald Olson be removed from probationary status and that he be considered a permanent, full -time employee; that his salary be paid by Utilities Dept. effective immediately. Second by Genz. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Genz, Stauffer and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that all members of the Police Dept. be directed to inform ti_e goad. Maintenance Supervisor of any emergency read conditions if these conditions develop during the night time hours that they are on patrol. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Staiffer, Reinke, Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer that Clerk's office be instructed to advise the insurance carrier immediately upon receipt of any claim against the Village and that a receipt be obtained from the insurance carrier acknowledging receipt of such notice. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Stauffer, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. A special meeting with Mr. Henry Broback was set for 11:00 AM on Friday, March 10, 1972 for the purpose of discussing proposal made in letter of February 9, 1977 re storm sewer improvement pro- ject 1971 3 and 3A. All members of the Council able to attend at that time would be there in addition to Attorney Pat Farrell, Engineer [oger Short and Fiscal Agent Osman Springsted. Also at the meeting the matter of proposed construction of County Rd. 33S would be discussed with Mr. Broback. MOTION by Knutson that we accept Banister Engineering report on the sanitary landfill for Rosemount, and accept their recommendation that report be presented to the Dakota County Planning Commission and ask to be put on agenda of their next meeting; that copies of report be furnished to members of the Dakota County Planning Commission prior to the meeting in order they may review this. Second by Reinke. Ayes Stauffer, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke a letter be written to the Metro Sewer Board notis fying them that we accept and appreciate the reduction in 1972 sewer bill as a result of the appeal. Second by Stauffer. Ayes iteinke, Jensen, Knutson, Genz and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Councilman Knutson will make arrangements to attend a special meeting of the Sewer Board on March 15th, along with Mr. Roger Short, to respond in respect to the reduction of the sewer bill. Mr. Gary Gray explained the results of their review of the bids received for central supervisory controls. It was felt that bids received did not meet specifications, per letter of explanation dated March 3, 19724 from Banister engineering Co. MOTION by Genz that all bids be rejected. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Genz, Stauffer, Reinke. Nay Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 1. Motion carried. MOTION by Stauffer that clerk be authorized to re- advertise for bids for Central Supervisory Water System control and call for bid opening on 1 1 1 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 'I L� 9 Minutes of Regular Meeting j V March 7, 1972 April 4, 1972 at 8:00 PM. Second by Reinke. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Genz, Stauffer and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Revised report of Hayes Cedar St. Improvement was reviewed as presented by Banister Engineering. MOTION by Stauffer that clerk be authorized to publish Notice of Public Hearing for Hayes -Cedar St. Improvement at 7:30 PM on April 3 at the Village Hall. Second by .innsea Ayes Reinke, Jensen Knutson, Genz and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that change orders No. 1 and 2 for the elevated storage tank be approved as submitted by Banister Engineering. Second by Reinke. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Genz Stauffer and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Police Chief Ray Tousignant to present to Council at the next regular meeting, information on leasing a police car as well as trade -in value on purchase of a new squad car, and specifi- cations of a new car to be used in advertisement for bids. MOTION by Knutson that the police chief make necessary arrange- ments within the next month to Ept his schooling and the schooling for Brent Moody accomplished and scheduled as soon as possible. Second by Reinke. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Stauffer, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mayor informed Council that a tentative meeting date has been set for March 15th with representatives of Rosemount, Eagan, Apple Valley, the School District and Cable TV to discuss cable TV for this area. Matterto be scheduled on agenda for review on March 21st. MOTION by Stauffer that clerk be authorized to contact veterin- arian to schedule a rabies clinic in Rosemount. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Stauffer, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen second by Reinke to adopt Resolution 1972 -3 That the surcharge for water service adopted by this Council in Resolution 1971 -18 be waived for all persons over the age of 65 living in the Village of Rosemount upon request by said persons to the Utilities Commission. That this policy shall become effective immediately. Ayes Knutson, Gen7, Stauffer, Reinke, Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer second by Knutson to approve and order paid from their respective funds all bills as presented for payment. re 0 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting March 7, 1972 Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Genz, Stauffer and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. GENERAL FUND 5894.80 Fire Dept. Fund 164.36 Liquor Revenue Fund $23,692.69 MOTION by Genz that licenses be issued to Bissons Well Drilling Co. and Knutson Rubbish Service. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Stauffer, Reinke, Jensen, and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council agreed that policy of not paying the premium for Justice of Peace bond would be continued. MOTION by Reinke to accept minutes of Planning Commission meeting held on February 1, 1972 and Parks and Recreation Commission held on February 17, 1972 and same ordered placed on file. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Ray McNamara, Fire Chief, made an informal presentation to Council of specifications for fire truck and addition to fire building. MOTION by Stauffer to submit to engineer the specifications for the fire truck chassis and fire truck equipment and the preliminary plans for the building for their review and recommendations back to Council. Second by Knutson. Ayes J nke, Jensen, Knutson, Genz and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer that attorney be authorized to obtain an appraisal and commence negotiations for property adjacent to present fire hall and report back to Council at the meeting of March 21, 1972. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Genz, Stauffer and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council agreed unanimously to authorize Attorney Pat Farrell to deter- mine the legal status of the Metropolitan Park designate district in the northwest corner of the Village of Rosemount. MOTION by Jensen second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, it was unanimouslyaagreed to adjourn. Published in Dakota County Tribune on&2f Respectfully submitted v im_ Don 1'. Darling, Clerk- Trnastjrer 1972, Page /DA 1 1 GENERAL FUND Union 76 Texaco, Inc. Wilroy Co. Solberg Aggregate Vic's Welding Linkert Landscaping Dakota Electric8 Metro Sewer Board St. Paul Stamp Works Brauer Assoc. Toombs Ins. Agency Central Telephone Coast to Coast Dakota County Tribune Postmaster Grannis Grannis TOTAL FIRE DEPT FUND Central Telephone NSP Peoples Gas V N Oil Ratzlaff Service Coast to Coast TOTAL LIQUOR REVENUE Famous Brands Liquor Store Int. Sink. Natl. Purity Soap Alcorn Bev. Co. Hanson Bev. Co. Distillers Distr. Day Distr. Co. Central Telephone W. Quigley Exp. Electro Watchman Griggs Cooper Co. PERA Dec. College City Distr. Drentlaw Whs1 Candy Old Dutch Foods Internal Revenue Internal Revenge PERA Feb. Johnson Bros. Idhsl. Transport Clearings Postage Southside Dist. Co. Coast to Coast Bills submitted for approval at the Regular Meeting on March 7, 1972. FUND $1492.01 1590.00 66.00 239.58 1697.50 1689.63 479.21 47.13 100.00 84.00 1301.26 9.45 541.31 46.15 111.07 393.70 404.90 363.60 1619.59 166.41 8.00 39.58 37.44 52.00 5.40 40.43 150.00 1149.30 108.00 8.74 1787.26 31.40 1290.18 225.00 51.81 11.73 188.55 50.00 745.00 $5894.80 32.15 20.99 94.85 1.50 16.67 2.20 168.36 Leding Dist. Co. Northwest Linen Serv. Comm. of Taxation State Treas., Jan 7 -Up Bottling Co. Concord Bev. Inc. Ed. Phillips Sons Dakota County Trib. Sunderland, Inc. Van Paper Co. Peoples Gas Corrigan Elec. Coca -Cola Bottling O. N. Droney Bev. Co. NSP Old Peoria Co. Minnesota Benefit Gross Industrial Service Twin City Horne Juice Town Country Disposal Commissioner of Taxation Genz Ryan 171 619.97 44.20 1783.89 362.40 60.90 2115.40 2984,36 66.50 76.25 67.09 156.79 16.50 26.10 50.47 152.49 554.41 108.44 11.60' 36.15 20.00 757.06 27.10 TOTAL $23,692.69 172 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS March 13, 1972 Minutes of Special Meeting Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was held on the 13th day of March, 1972. President Reinke called the meeting to order at 9:00 PM. All members were present. Purpose of the meeting was to discuss with Mr. Don Brown his recommendations to Council for the employment of additional personnel; and to discuss further the request of Mr. Pay Nowicki to obtain a building permit for construction of one 30 unit apartment building. Mr. Brown presented his recommendations and qualifications for an additional man. to Council. MOTION by Reinke to advertise in Dakota County Tribune, issue of March 23, 1972, for a maintenance man capable of operating road maintenance equipment. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council agreed that discussions relating to resolutions for County Roads 33S, 40 and 42 and street renaming and numbering system be placed on agenda of regular council meeting on March 21, 1972. Mr. Stan Taube representing Mr. Ray Nowicki discussed with Council the matter of obtaining a building permit for a 30 unit apartment and approval of his entire site plan for development on property owned by him located between County Roads 33 and 42 in the Village of Raemount. Attorney Pat Farrell advised Council upon his review of the matter it would be within the jurisdiction of this Council to refer the matter back to the Planning Commission and have the matter reconsi- dered again by the Rosemount Planning Commission and the Council. MOTION by Knutson to deny Mr. Nowicki's request for site plan because there is not a proper application at this time and would refer him bac k to the planni present a request to them for a variance or present site plan that does conform to the zoning ordinance. Ayes Genz, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Abstain Re Abstentian 1. Motion carried. Published in Dakota County Tribune on s 7, 4 1972. Page //7 on F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer approval of his before this Council ng commission to them with a new Second by Jensen. inke. Ayes 4 After discussion Council unanimously agreed not to lease the 56 Acre 'Derham property" for agricultural purposes. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. Respectfully submitted ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDI4GS) 3 Minutes of Regular Meeting March 21, 1972 The minutesof meetings held on March 7 and 13, 1972 were approved and same ordered published. The minutes of the Planning Commission were accepted and ordered placed on file. The matter of term appointments for members of the Parks and Recreation Commission were tabled and ordered placed on the agenda for April 18, 1972 to allow the commission to discuss this matter at their next regular meeting. Attorney Pat Farrell reported the results of meetings held with representatives of Broback Builders. Members of the Council as well as engineering and fiscal consultants were in attendance also. The key element is the financing of the estimated $50,000 storm sewer lateral in the Rahn Broback area. Mr. Broback has agreed to pay for that particular storm sewer as an assessment against the Rahn Broback property. In turn, the Village of Rosemount will finance the cost of constr- uction of sanitary sewer and watermain as previously ordered in project 1971 -3 for the Rahn 5th Addition. Village will install concrete curb and gutter, blacktop streets and the cost of these improvements would be levied against the property pursuant to the assessment policy adopted by the Village of Rosemount. The only unresolved matter is the duration of time for financing. Mr. Broback requests a period of ten years and the fiscal agent recommends five years. As part of the agreement the developerrequests the Village to provide at least two blocks of hook -ups within the sanitary sewer area which would be approximately 55 hook -ups. MOTION by Knutson adopting Resolution 1972 -6 authorizing Banister Engineering to complete plans and specifications for Village Improvement 1971 -3 and 3A, less storm sewer improvement west of Chippendale Ave. (County Road 39). Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Islas 0. Council requested Banister Engineering present a progress report on this at the next regular meeting on April 4, 1972. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was held on the 21st day o! 'larch, 1972 at 7:30 PM. President Reinke called the meeting to order. All members present. MOTION by Knutson that Resolution 1972 -5 be adopted, a resolution approving the plat of 35 lots in Rahn 5th Addition as presented to this council on this date and subject to conditions which shall be attached hereto (and which were read by Attorney Pat Farrell) and subject to planning commission approval at their next regular meeting. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 1 i `i,Minutes of Regular Meeting March 21, 1972 MOTION by Stauffer to accept the petition from Broback Rahn for the Utilities Improvement on 35 lots in Rahn 5th Addition (construction of concrete curb and gutter, black- topped streets and appurtenances thereto) and authorize engineer to prepare feasibility report for construction of streets, concrete curb and gutter in Rahn's 5th Addition. Second by Genz. Ayes Reinke, Jansen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes5 Nays 0. Council discussed the matter of obtaining property adjacent to present fire hall. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Attorney Pat Farrell to obtain an official appraisal on the Larson property as soon as possible and formally present this to Council at the next regular meeting on April 4th. Council at that time to make necessary authorization to proceed with further negotiations. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Resolution 1972 -4 (as read by Attorney Farrell) a Resolution requesting Dakota County Board of Commissioners to undertake the construction of Dakota County Highway 33S, and that Banister Engineering Co. be authorized to negotiate the drainage easements with representatives of Dakota County Highway Dept. of the draining of County Rod 33S. Second By Genz. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Discussion of acquisition of necessary right of way for County Road 33S from Broback Builders and Mr. Ostertag was'leld by Council. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Attorney Farrell to proceed to obtain the necessary easements and finalize the negotiations on the offer from Broback Ostertag of $4000 for 61 A. of the property. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke authorizing condemnation and negotiations (and to acquire before condemnation if possible) to obtain land from The Lutheran Church of Our Savior for the 33S right of way. Second by Jensen. Ayes S Benz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke second by Stauffer to adopt Resolution 1972 -7 A Resolution Requesting County Board of Commissioners to commence construction of County Road 40 -42 west from MSH 52 to the junction of County Road 42 and County Road 9. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Attorney Farrell stated he had met with unforeseen difficulty in his attempt to prepare for publication the Notice ofHearing for the Sidewalk Hearing. MOTION by Stauffer second by Reinke to postpone the Sidewalk Hearing date from March 28 to April 11, 1972 at 7 :30 PM. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Resolution 1972 -8 a Resolution Requesting the Planner of Dakota County to proceed with changing the street names and numbers to comply with the County system in the area of the old Village of Rosemount. Second by Genz. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that clerk be authorized to write a letter to Dakota County Board of Commissioners stating that we as a Council take the position that we desire to remain bn one commissioner district. Second by Genz. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer that the Happy Go Getters 4H group be per- mitted to use the Village Hall the first Wednesday of each month. Second by Jensen. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Police Chief Tousignant reported on bids received from three local dealers for a second police car. The dealers did not wish to enter into a lease arrangement. Bids received for purchase without trade -in were froms Bernier Motor Co. Rosemount Dodge Wilroy Ford ROSEMOUNT VILLEGE PROCEEDINGS 1 7 5 Minutes of Regular Meeting March 21, 1972 $3766.75 $3435.00 $3368.00 Further discussion revealed that while the Ford car bid was the lowest bid, certain equipment was not included in the bid and certain specifications were not met. Were this equipment to be added and brought up to specifications, their bid would have been higher. MOTION by Jensen to authorize purchase from Rosemount Dodge of the 1972 4 door Dodge Coronet to be used by the Police Dept. at a purchase price of $3435.00 plus additional $900 (approximately) to add required police equipment. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Bids shall remain on file in clerk's office for not less than one year. Councilman Stauffer reported that a letter was received from the State of Minnesota notifying that funds were not available as applied for to conduct a study of a Police Coordinated Facilities Center. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the expenditure of 1/3 of the amount of the funds that were not allowed by the state (approximately $333) for the three community police study previously authorized. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Chief Tousignant reported he has made arrangements to attend school the last week of April through May 5th. He further reported that there are no training academy openings until next fall. Council agreed that arrangements should be made now to enroll Officer Moody inthe first fall session and report on these arrangements at the Council meeting on April 18, 1972. Monthly police report was accepted and same ordered placed on file. 1 e* a ROSEMOUNT VILLSGE PROCEEDINGS I Minutes of Regular Meeting March 21, 1972 At this time, Councilman Stauffer asked to be excused from the meeting. MOTION by Reinke that the stop sign on 5th Ave. and Murphy St. be replaced at its original point effective immediately. Second by Knutson. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Council authorized Don Brown to make necessary arrangements for sweeping streets in the Village. Mayor Reinke reported that the road grader for the Village would not be available for spring and summer roadwork as anticipated. Council agreed that Don Brown be authorized to try to obtain the continuing services of the County for the 1972 season and to use Vic Wenzel's grader for Village roads. Don Brown reported he has placed a March 31st deadline for receiving employment applications for the Maintenance Dept. Council requested to review the applications after that date and will choose from these for interviews. Mr. Gary Gray reported they will meet with Lt. Otis and his superior officers on Monday, March 27th at 1 PM to discuss providing sanitary sewer to the Rosemount Naval Station. Mayor Reinke reported that a meeting was held with representatives of sur- rounding municipalities and members of the school district and a representa- tive of Metro Cable TV. The Village of Apple Valley will draw up a form of franchise agreement. This will be reviewed at another meeting on April 6th. Councilman Knutson reported he had met with representatives of Village insu- rance carrier. He reported Village is adequately protected in case of lawsuit arising out of summer youth recreation programs. Insurance agent recommended that the values on Village buildings should be increased by 10%. Council agreed a thorough study of this shall be made and the detailed recommendations be presented to Council at a later date. MOTION by Knutson that Don Brown arrange for his or Jerald Olson's attendance at the Annual Water Works Operators School on April 12, 13, 14, 1972. Second by Reinke. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen second by Knutson to approve all bills as presented for payment from their respective funds. GENERAL REVENUE $4012.41 FIRE DEPARTMENT 86.22 Council set June 21, 1972 at 7 :30 PM as the date for the meeting of the Board of Review. Clerk authorized to return notice to Dakota County Assessor. MOTION by Genz to approve the licenses of Solberg Aggregate Co. Second by Reinke. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke second by Knutson to approve the application of Tom Thumb Food Markets, Inc. for cigarette licenses and application for 3.2 beer license. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to conduct a rabies clinic on April 29, 1972 during the hours of 12:30 PM to 4:00 PM in the Village Fire Hall. Clerk authorized to make arrangements. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Fire Chief Ray McNamara reported that specifications for fire truck have been reviewed; that there are bid specifications out for additional fire dept. equipment and supplies; and that one man is presently attending firemen's training school. Council unanimously agreed to request the Police Dept. to investi— gate a complaint of an extremely messy yard at 4212 147th St. and if condition does exist, notify occupant to clean the yard within ten days. If order is not complied with, Village will order the work done and same will be charged back to occupant. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn, upon motion by Jensen and second by Genz. Bills submitted for approval Marck, 1972 GENERAL FUND Peoples Natural Gas Gustafson's Landscape Fischer Construction Home Typewriter Co. Dakota County Police Chief Assn. Avcom Sales Miller Davis Dakota County Sheriff Phillips Petroleum Co. FIRE DEPT. FUND Peoples Natural Gas 125.10 30.00 99.00 2.95 10.00 55.95 12.96 5.00 77.85 86.22 Respectfully Submitted Published in Dakota County Tribune on ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEED9 `7 Minutes of Regular Meeting Math 21, 1972 Dakota Electric 22.90 Treasurer, Niniger Twp, 212.55 Corrigan Electric 37.50 Banister Engineering 1693.20 Tri County Law Enf, Assn. 10.00 Minnesota Fire Inc. 35.00 Brauer Assoc 1125.28 American Oil Co. 217.17 Union Oil Co. of Ca. 240.00 TOT AL Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer $4012.41 /sr 1972 Page /jai 1 7 6 pliq ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting April 3, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was held on the 3rd day of April, 1972 at 7 :30 PM. Meeting called to order by President Reinke All members present. Purpose of the meeting was to discuss with affected property owners present the proposed street curb and gutter, storm sewer and sodding improvement on Hayes -Cedar Street in the Village of Rosemount. The following NOTICE of PUBLIC FEARING was published in Dakota County Tribune on March 23 and March 30, 1972: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED STREET, CURB AND GUTTER, STORM SEWER AND SODDING IMPROVEMENT ON HAYES -CEDAR STREET IN THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tke Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, will meet at 7:30 o'clock PM on April 3, 1972 at the Village Hall in said Village for the purpose of holding a public hearing on proposed installation of street improvement, curb and gutter, storm sewer and sodding improvements on Hayes Avenue between Ash and Cedar, and Cedar Street between Warweg and Hayes in the Village of Rosemount. Said improvements shall consist of the following: Bituminous surfacing of street, curb and gutter installation, sodding and storm sewer additions and improvements on Hayes Avenue between Ash Street and Cedar Street, and Cedar Street between Warweg Avenue and Hayes Avenue, all in the Village of Rosemount The estimated cost of said improvement is $17,325.00 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of said improvement includes all lots, tracts and parcels of land on Cedar Street between Warweg Avenue and Hayes Avenue and Hayes Avenue between Ash Street and Cedar Street, all in the Village of Rosemount. Preliminary plans may be inspected in the office of the Village Clerk. All persons interested may appear and be heard at said time and place. Dated this 21st day of March, 1972. DON F. DARLING Clerk- Treasurer Copies of above legal notice were deposited in the United States 'Post Office at Rosemount, Minnesota and mailed to all affected property owners on the 24th day of March, 1972. ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 1 Minutes of Special Meeting April 3, 1972 President Reinke turned the meeting over to Mr. Gary Gray and he described the proposed improvements. After Mr. Gray's presentation and after all interested parties were heard, and upon MOTION by Knutson that a decision on the project be tabled until the next regular Council meeting on April 4, 1972. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen second by Stauffer that hearing be declared adjourned. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. President Reinke declared the hearing closed. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn this meeting Published in Dakota County Tribune on Respectfully submitted Don P. Darlint Clerk- Treasurer 1972, Page 4 9 180 ROSEMOUlNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting April 4, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Tillage Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 4th day of April, 1972 at 7:O PM. President Reinke called the meeting to order. All members were present. Agenda amended to discuss placement of fence adjacent to an easement on property owned by Richard Ahlgren; to discuss water drainage from Village lot at Kennose Shopping Center onto property owned by Elvin Snyder; to receive Dog Catcher report; and discus- sion with representatives of Rosemount United Methodist Church re installation of cesspool in church property as a temporary measure to alleviate frozen sanitary sewer lines; business relative to the Police Dept. The minutes of March 21, 1972 were approved and same ordered published. Council proceeded to discuss the matter of erecting a fence on the property caned by I1r. Richard Ahlgren. MOTION by Knutson teat Mr. and Mrs. Ahlgren be informed that a privacy fence can be installed at the proposed 6' height, but that it should be kept off the easement right of way and should be placed 5' from the center line of the spillway. Second by Reinke. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Elvin Snyder explained to Council the matter of water drainage onto his property located behind the shopping center at 112 W. Maple St. Council will review the matter again after Idr. Nick Fox has completed work on the additional shopping center parking lot space. At 8:00 PM Clerk read the following notice: ADVLfTISEMENT FOR BIDS CENTRAL SUPEHVISORY WATER CONTROL SYSTEM STAGE II WATER IIPROVEvEI'TTS VILLAGE PROJECT 1971 -2 ROSE4OUNT, PiL'UFSOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount will receive sealed bids atthe Village Hall on County Road 42, Rosemount, Minnesota until 8 :00 PM CST on Tuesday, the 4th day of April, 1972, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud for the furnishing of all labor and materials and all else necessary for: FUFSISHnrG AND INSTALLING A CENTRAL SUPERVISORY WATER CONTROL SYSTE +I according to the plans and specifications dated March 10, 1972, on file in the office of Banister Short Elliott Hendrickson Associates, 230 Hillsborough Office Building, 2353 North Rice Street, St. Paul, Minn. 55113. Continued Bids shall be directed to the Village Clerk securely sealed and endorsed on the outside wrapper 'BID FOR CENTRAL SUPERVISORY WATER CONTROL SYSTEM". All bids shall be accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond, or certified check made payable to the order of the Village for not less than ten per cent (10n) of the amount of the bid. The Village Council reserves the right to retain the deposits of the three lowest bidders for a period not to exceed thirty 00) days after the closing of the bids. No bid may be withdrawn for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. Payment for the work shall be by cash or check. Copies of plans and specifications will be furnished by Banister Short Elliott Hendrickson Assoc. on request of any prospective bidder. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids; to waive irregularities and informalities therein, and further reserves the right to award the Contract to the best interests of the Village. Clerk opened and read the bids received with the following results: Aero Electric Company Arlington, Mn. 553O7 7 Certified check attached Corrigan Electric Company Rosemount, I'IN. 55 10 Bid Bond John Ess Sons Electric 1141 County Road 3 Hopkins, MN. 553 10% Bid Bond Attached Gopher Electric Co. 1406 Coon Rapids Blvd. Coon Rapids, MI\T. 55433 10% Bid Bond Attached Kostka Electric Company 222 South Concord South St. Paul, MN. 55075 10 Bid Bond Attached ROSZM01JJiT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting April 4, 1972 DON F. DARLING Village Clerk Rosemount, Minnesota BASE ASE BID CONSOLIDATED ELECTRIC ;TOCON .ALTERNATE EQUTF:IENT EQUIPITh2'T BID $8110.00 $8920.00 None 8872.00 9770.00 9158.00 9975. 9546.00 None 9990.00 None 181 Aquatrol $8'pa .00 Aquatrol 9450.00 None $9385.00 1 82 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting April 1972 MOTION by Knutson that the bids be accepted for the Central Supervisory Water Control System and they be referred to the engineer for review and recommendations back to Council as soon as possible. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. At this time Mr. and Mrs. R. Ahlgren were in attendance at the meeting and the matter of construction of their privacy fence as requested was discussed further with them. MOTION by Knutson that the previous motion regaling placement of the privacy fence on the Ahlgren property be rescinded. Second by Reinke. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke that 11r. and Mrs. Ahlgren be permitted to construct a privacy fence 4' from center line of spillway easement on property owned by them at 14`.39 Danbury Ave. as indicated on the drawing presented by them. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mayor Reinke noted however, that the drainage easement shall remain and in the event it shall become necessary for Village equipment to enter onto the easement property it will not be responsible for damage to the fence and orneas shall maintain the fence and property. Mr. Wesley Hasbrouk was present representing the Rosemount Methodist Church requesting a permit be issued to install a cesspool as a temporary solution to alleviate sanitary sewer drainage at thechurch. He explained the problem the Church has had in recent years with the sanitary sewer line freezing at a certain time of year. Mr Hasbrouk requested a permit be issued to install a cesspool on their property as a temporar solution. MOTION by Stauffer that a per it be issued to the Methodist Church for installation of a cesspool on their property and the fee be waived. Second by Genz. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Councilman Stauffer reported he has received several calls regarding the refuse blowing from a lot on Park and I'Iaple Sts. Council agreed that Police Dept. shall notify the occupants of the duplex to clean up the litter within ten days. If this request is not complied with the Village will clean things up and expenses shall be levied against the property. MOTION by Jensen that the bid on Consolidated Electrical Co. equipment as submitted by Aero Electric Co. be accepted and the contract award be made to A_ero'Flectric Co. for $8110.00 as bid, that mayor and clerk_ be authorized to sign the contract. Second by Irnutson. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and I "sutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Attorney Farrell reported that negotiations are proceeding for property adjacent to the Village Fire Hall and additional information will be presented at the next Council meeting. MOTION by Knutson that the Cedar Hayes St. Improvement be ordered and that the engineer be authorized to prepare final alternate street section plans and specifications fcr the improvement d'the streets at an estimated cost of $8183. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Planning Commission Minutes of March 27 and 29th, 1972 were ordered placed on file. Councilman Knutson requested that discussion and adoption of the Compre- hensive Guide Plan be put on the agenda of the next regular meeting, April 18th. 1 1 GENERAL REVENUE FUND FIRE DEPT. FUND LIQUOR REVENUE FUND R.OSE'IOLRTT VILLAGE F- OCELDINGS I.linutes. of Regular Meeting April 4, 1972 -L e e LOTION by Jensen second by Reinke that all billsa"s presented for paym'ant from their respective funds. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, i Stauffer and Genz. Ives 5 Nays 0. i 928.96 101 .99 $945 MOTION by Genz second by Knutson that License to do business be issued to Sussed Co. contingent upon receipt of insurance certificate. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays O. MOTION by Genz second by Jensen that License to do Business be issued to Jim McNearney. Ayes K Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Plays 0. MOTION by Jensen that Clerk be authorized to purchase a new Adler typewriter Model 21d for $390.00. Second by Reinke. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, REinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that the Council meet with the members of the Police Dept. after the publichearing on April 11 at approximately 9:30 PICT. Meeting to be held in executive session. Second by Reinke. Ayes Knutan, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays O. MOTION by Reinke that tie Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids on fire truck chassis and fire truck equipment. Advertisement shall be published at least two times it the Dakota County Tribune and bid opening be held on June 6, 1972 at 7:30 FIE Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer second by Genz to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. ectfully submitted on F. L�arling Clerk- Treastrer Published inn the Dakota County Tribune on L' a 7 1972 Page /,i 83 184 Minu.es of R Meeting April 4, 1972 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Bills submitted for approval of payment: GEI ELH�F.L D Brauer and Assoc. Coast to Coast Itasca Equipment Minnesota Benefit Assn. Mobile Radio Engineering NSP Texaco, Inc. Nick Fox R. Tcusignant Leo McDonough Fischer Sand Aggregate Strese Union 76 Service TOTAL FIRE DEPT. FUND Kanes Auto Equipment NSP Central Telephone TOTAL LIQUOR REVENUE FUND 7 UP Bottling Coast to Coast McKesson Liquor Genz Ryan Central Telephone 0. 11. Franey Mid -West Wine Transport Clearing Bloomington Locksmith Ed. Phillips Johnson Bros. Famous Brands Petty Cash Sunderland NSP Coca -Cola Hanson Beverage Postmaster Griggs, Cooper Leding Distrib. Alcorn Beverage Day Distributing Itrin City Juice Gross Industrial College City Beverage Rosemount Water Bill $223.06 9.12 15.48 129.34 14.00 104.59 5.27 11.00 88.00 1 8.75 266.09 44.26 $928.96 48.25 1 5.39 3 $101.99 36.00 16.85 223.81 27.10 26.88 65.16 51.8o 63.11 12.50 687.51 548.79 869.39 74.98 86.00 163.39 61.95 1475.50 8.00 876.84 784.00 310.21 3 7 1$40 564.73 100.00 Smith Grain 16.20 Drentlaw Candy Old Dutch Foods Northwest Linen Concord Beverage TOTAL 73.5 96.87 20.70 1629.80 945 1. 55 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 1 85 Minutes of Special Meeting April 11, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was held on the llth day of April, 197 at 7:30 PM. President Reinke called the meeting to order. All members present. Purpose of the meeting was to discuss with affected property owners the proposed assessments for sidewalk repairs in the Village of Rosemount. The following NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING was published in the Dakota county Tribune on March 30 and April 6, 1972. NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS FOR SIDEWALK REPAIRS IN THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, will meet at the Village Hall in said Village on April 11, 1972 at 7:30 PM to hear, consider and pass upon all written or oral objections, if any, to proposed assessments in respect to sidewalk repairs in the Village of Rosemount. The proposed assessment roll is now on file and open to ?ublic inspection to all persons interested in the office of the illage Clerk. The entire amount against any parcel of land will be payable unless prepaid in three equal, consecutive annual installments, the first of such install- ments to be collectible with general taxes in the year 1973. The general nature of this project is making sidewalk repairs in the Village of Rosemount. The area proposed to be assessed forthe cost of said sidewalk repairs will include all lots, tracts or parcels of land in the Village described as follows: Legal Description All in Rosemount, Minnesota Thomas T. Conley's Addition South 38 feet of Lot 5, Block 1, all of Lot 6, Block 1, North one -half of Lot 7, Block 1 Thomas T. Conley's Addition Lot 3, Block 1 Auditor's Subdivision No. 27 Lot 8,_19/100 acres Rose Park Addition Lots 33 and 34, Block 2 Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 west 50 feet of Lot 44 Thomas T. Conley's Addition East one -half of Lot 10, Block 1, all of Lot 11, Block 1 Rose Park Addition South one half of Lot 56, Block 2, all of Lot 57, Block 2 Auditor's Subdivison No. 1 Lot 23 Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 Ex. East 24 feet and Ea. 144 feet of Lot 19, Ex. North 58 feet and Ex. 144 feet of South 55 feet of Lot 20 Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 North 89 feet of Lot 22 Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 East 45.5 feet of South 56 feet of Lot 22 and the East 49.5 feet of the North 60 feet of the South 116 feet of Lot 22 Continued ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Q V Minutes of Special Meeting April 11, 1972 NOTICE OF HEARING (Cont'd.) Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 Lot 39 Lot 4, Auditor's Subd. No. 27 Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 All of Lot 9, and Com. at NE corner of Lot 9, North 20 feet West 110 feet South 20 feet East 110 feet to beginning, 50/100 acres Block 6 Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 Less South 28 67/100 feet of Lot 32, 35/1 acres Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 Lot 23, 23/100 acres Auditor's Subdivision No. 27 West 55 feet of Lot 11 Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 West 6 0 feet of the East 85 feet of Lot 43 Auditor's subdivision No. 1 Lot 58 Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 Lot 57 Village of''osemount North 10 feet of Lot 5, Block 6, all of Lot 6 Block 6 Rose park Addition All of Lot 55, Block 2, North one -half of Lot 56, Block 2 Auditors subdivision No. 27 East 58.65 feet of Lot 11 Auditors Subdivision No. 1 All of Lot 40, East 3 feet of Lot 41 Village of Rosemount Lot 5, L 6, Lot 7, Block 3 Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 East 60 feet of the West 110 feet of Lot 44 Auditor's SubditIsion No. 1 All of Lot 8, part of Lot 6 commencing at a point on NE 6 corner of Lot 8, North 20 feet, West 110 feet, South 20 feet, East 110 feet. Thomas T. Conley's Addition. South z of Lot 7, Block 1, All of Lots 8 and 9, Block 1 Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 West 25 feet of Lot 43, East 25 feet of Lot 44. All of Lot 4, Blk. 1, and North 17 feet of Lot 2 and 3, Blk. 1, Thomas T. Conley's Add. Rose Park Addition, Lots 36 and 37, Block 1. Thomas T. Conley's Addition. Lot 1, Block 1. Dated this 28th day of March, 1972. Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer Copies of the above legal notice were deposited in the United States Post Office at Rosemount, Minnesota and mailed to all affected property owners on the 4th day of April, 1972. After all interested parties were heard and upon MOTION by Genz to settle for 60% on the sidewalk billings assuming all land owners agree to this same figure. Clerk shall be authorized to send letters of agreement to the land owners for their signatures. These letters to be returned to the Village offices not later than April 24, 1972. In the event the matter is not agreed to by 100% of the affected property owners, this hearing shall be continued to May 16, 1972. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting April 11, 1972 There being no further business to conduct at this time, Mayor Reinke continued the hearing to May 16, 1972. Meeting continued in executive session with Village Police Officers to discuss matters relating to the Police Department. Respectfully submitted I Don F. Darling Clerk Treasurer Published in the Dakota County Tribune on :c-f 2 7 197 Page 187 18 S ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting April 18, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 18th day of April, 1972 at 7:30 PM. President Reinke called the meeting to order. All members were present. Agenda amended to discuss with Mr. Stan Taube a proposed apartment complex plan; review preliminary fire hall plans; to approve application for Payment No. 1 to Universal Tank Iron Works for elevated storage tank. Minutes of April 3, 4, and 11, 1972 were approved and same ordered published. MOTION by Stauffer to accept term apppintment recommendations of the Parka and Recreaction Commission as follows: Rich Alexon, 1 year; Mrs. A. Corcoran and Mrs.H. Judkins, 2 years; Mr. Ron Pederson and Mr. J. Degenaar, 3 years. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council agreed that expenses incurred in maintenance of park ares will be paid from General Rind. Council agreed the Mayor shall arrange to be on the School Board agenda or arrange a meeting date to discuss with them the matter of the school district and the Village filing joint application to obtain federal funds for acquiring park land. Park Board would attend this meeting also. Mr. Gary Gray of Banister Engineering reported that he and Mayor Rinke attended the Dakota County Planning Commission meeting to discuss opening the sani- tary landfill in Rosemount. Council authorized clerk to write a letter to the Minnmota Pollution Control Agency indicating the Village's willingness to comply with conditions as set down by the DCPC. Council agreed that a test of wells as recommended in Condition No. 8 be made before the landfill is opened for use by the public. 9 p plan for firo hall addition. It was dotorminod that plano ohould be drawn MOTION by Reinke that Banister Engineering be authorized to prepare plans for construction of the addition to the fire hall. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson andStauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION byStauffer to approve application No. 1 and to authorize payment of $29,628.00 to Universal Tank Iron Works, Inc. Second by Genz. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Gray presented the description of the property for storm water drainage along County Road 33S. MOTION by Knutson to accept the plan for the storm water ponding on the 33S right of way and property adjacent to it; the plan be referred to the attorney for his action to obtain necessary easements. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Stanley Taube attorney representing Mr. Ray Nowicki, presented a site plan for an 87 unit apartment complex which now conforms to the Interim Zone Ordinance. The present schedule is to start the Parcel A and build one 30 unit building. ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 1 8 9 Minutes of Regular Meeting April 18, 1972 MOTION by Knutson that Site Plan A as submitted by Mr. Ray Nowicki be approved as long as he complies with the following conditions: (1) Proceed in compliance of total site plan (5.8 acres) (2) A restrictive covenant Utilization of rear property lines as common open space (no fencing) for Parcels A, B, and C. (3) Present a performance bond for compliance to development of Parcel A. (4) Expenses incurred up to this point by Mr. Nowicki through the planner for the Village of Rosemount be paid before a building permit be issued. Second by Reinke. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. The matter is to be submitted to Attorney Pat Farrell in order that restrictive covenants be prepared and recorded in the abstract. MOTION by Knutson that Don Brown be instructed to obtain 5 Ton limit signs for Dallara Ave. (north and south of County Road 42) and Danville Ave. and that he be authorized to place these signs on these streets; that clerk notify the Police Dept. by letter that streets have been posted and it is requested these streets be policed during normal truck traffic hours. Second by Reinke. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Brown notified Council a complaint had been received from the area of Simon Additions, that excessive refuse is being dumped in that area on a regular basis. Council authorized clerk to notify property owner to have all refuse removed immediately. If request is not complied with Village will have the work done and expenses incurred will be charged back to property owners. Monthly police report was accepted and same ordered placed on file. Mr. Tousignant reported he had checked on the two "clean orders" and these have both been complied with to some extent. Mayor Reinke stated he has received a statement submitted to the Village to repair damages to a car. Car owner is of the opinion these damages should be the responsibility of the Village. Council agreed that the statement should be submitted to the Village Insurance Agent in order that he may determine whether or not Village is responsible for payment of the repairs. Planning Commission minutes of April 17 were accepted and same ordered placed on file. Mayor reported he had requested a representative of Central Telephone Co: to prepare a feasibility report on telephone system for the Village. Clerk will prepare a feasibility report on combining the Utilities and Liquor Commissions Office with the Village Hall office and submit his recommendations to Council. 190 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting April 18, 1972 Mayor Reinke to arrange a meeting date with Mr. Harold Wachter and Village Council for the purpose of discussing obtaining an easement or acquisition of property and pond for storm water drainage. MOTION by Jensen to approve the bills presented for payment and order them paid from their respective funds. Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. GENERAL FUND $2843.39 MOTION by Genz to issue license to do business to Cannon Plumbing and Heating, Warren Carpenter, Inter City Bldrs., R. B. Thomas cement contractor. Second by Jensen. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke to issue refuse collection permit to Waste Control Inc. Second by Genz. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Building permit application of Mrs. Pearl Engel was referred to Planning Commission for their review and recommendations to Council. MOTION by Knutson to authorize clerk to contact League of Minnesota Municipalities and request the wage structures for all police departments in Dakota County and the Dakota County Sheriff's Dept. Second by Jensen. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by S to table discussion on the Comprehensive Guide Plan to meeting of May 2, 1972 in order that it may be reviewed first with the Planning Commission at their meeting on April 27. Second by Genz. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer second by Genz to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. Rp pectfully pbmitted Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer Published in the Dakota County Tribune on 7 2 7 ery :7 1972 Page f.D 1 Billssubmitted for approval and payment from their respective funds Central Telephone Co. Dakota County Tribune Phonix Industries Peoples Gas U.S. Leasing Donna McDonough Lampert Yards Share Corp. John's Machine Shop Casson Tractor Equip Vic's Welding Dakota Electric NSP1 Police Supply Co. Roberts Drugs Phil's Body Shop Wilroy Co. Grannis and Grannie Kulstad Bros. American Gil Co. Phillips Petrol Union Oil Co. Corcoran Hardware Dakota County Treas. 23.75 159.64 4.00 158.41 35.53 10.00 27.26 16.20 28.00 14.95 891.5o 22.90 444.95 61.40 1.65 43.0o 56.11 1o8.25 19.95 37.90 94.08 68.42 8.35 40.00 TOTAL 82376.20 ROSEMOTdT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 9 i1 9 Minutes of Regular Meeting 1 a7 1 April 18, 1972 1 92 ROSE1OUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting May 2, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village Council of tne Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village Hall on the 2nd day of May, 1972 at 7:30 PM. President Reinke called the meeting to order. A11 members were present. Agenda corrected to include Mr. Wm Quigley, Manager of Municipal Liquor Store. Minutes of April 18 were corrected to show: Mr. Gary Gray reported that member. of their firm have reviewed the preliminary plans for fire hall addition. It was detenafined that plan must be prepared by a Registered Architect or Engineer. He also indicated that members of the Fire Department could perform some of the construction work and these items would be deleted from a construction contract. He recommended the Village Attorney and Fiscal Agent be consulted concerning the possible work to be performed by Fire Dept. personnel. MOTION by Jensen to accept the minutes of April 18th as corrected and order same published. Second by Reinke. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Councilman Knutson voted to abstain because he was not present during discus- sion. Ayes 4 Abstain 1. Motion carried. Mr. Dave Distad was present representing members of Glass Bottleblowers Assn. Local 61 of Brockway Glass. Mr. Distad discussed with U ouncil their request that a resolution be adopted stating Council's opposition to legislation to ban non returnable containers. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1972 -10 A RESOLUTION OPPOSING LEGISLA- TION TO BAN NON RETURNABLE CONTAINERS. Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen,Knutson, Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. henry Broback was present to discuss with Council proposed Rahn's Fifth Addition. Mr. Broback agreed that styles of houses will vary, such as one story, split entry, two story, garages, etc., as opposed to preseently using only one style single story dwelling. He further stated that streets and house numbers will be in accordance with County system. Council discussed further with Mir. Broback proposed agreement between Village of Rosemount and Developer. MOTION by Reinke to accept the terms and conditions as shown in the attached agreement dated May 2, 1972. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. William Quigley, Manager of the Shamrock Lounge discussed with Council a number of checks returned by various banks for insufficient funds. MOTION by Jensen second by Reinke to write off the following checks as listed. March 8, 1968 W. G. Coulter 110 E. 7th St. Hastings, MN. 55033 June 26, 1968 Kenneth Deuschle june 26, 1968 Kenneth Deuschle June 29, 1968 Kenneth Deuschle $20.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 cont'd.... July 10, 1968 Sept. 1968 F. D. Brower 86.25 (Stolen check forgery) October 2, 1968 Nancy L. Dahlin 4.30 517 E. Sibley St. Savage, Mn. 5537 Oct. 18, 1968 Ralph or Mary Mollett 4.30 913 Oriole Dr. Rosemount, MN. 55 Oct. 29, 1968 Loren E. or Lila M. Carlson 10.00 1800 LaSalle Minneapolis MN. 55 Oct. 29, 1968 Feb. 3, 1969 April 3, 1969 July 10, 1969 Robert D. Swanson 20.00 First State Bank of Castle Rock Dec. 7, 1970 F. Daniel Warfield 20.00 1266 Gorman Ave. Apt. 309 W. st. Paul, MN. 55118 Dec. 7, 1970 F Daniel Warfield 10.00 Dec. 29, 1970 James M. Bartlett 50.00 (Stolen check blank) 1103 E 80th St. Apt. 100 Minneapolis MIJ. 55420 Feb. 23, 1971 Glen or Marion Berens 2.95 9395 Concord Blvd. So. St. Paul, MN. 55075 Feb. 24, 1971 Glen or Marion Berens 5.00 May 22, 1971 Marshall G. Couch 3612 Longfellow Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN. 55 Loren E. or Lila M. Carlson 10.00 Robert Maynard 112.27 (Stolen check blank) Winston Ellefson 173.32 418 College St. Northfield, MN. 55057 William Engel 712 5th St. So. Minneapolis, MN. 55 $20.00 Sept. 15, 1971 Mrs. Orville (Doris) Vesledahl 5.00 Northfield, Mn. ROSEICOUPJT VILLAGE PROCEEDIj$) a May 2, 1972 Minutes of Regular Meeting 7.00 Contd. ROSEMOUPTP VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 1 941 Minutes of Regular Meeting May 2, 1972 Nov. 26, 1971 Jim D. Petersen $186.12 (Stolen check blank) Dec. 2, 1971 Jack Friel 1405 Salem Church Rd. Inver Grove Hgts. I+N.55O75 20.00 Dec. 14, 1971 David Robinson 10.00 Dennison, I'-N. 55018 April 12, 1972 Renee A. Zappa 86.50 T O T A L $828.01 MOTION by Stauffer to authorize Clerk- Treasurer to issue a check payable to William Quigley, Petty Cash written from Liquor Revenue Fund in the amount of $828.01 to reimburse petty cash fund. Second by Genz. AyeaKnu son, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Dog Catcher John Schiffman gave his report. Monthly report accepted and same ordered placed on file. Planning Commission Minutes of meeting of April 27 accepted and same ordered placed on file. MOTION by Stauffer to approve variance request of James E. Staats to build a home on less than 21 Acres because: 1. Variance is necessary because denial would a prohibit the use of the property as adjoining land owners are using their property. 2. Granting of the variance will not be detrimental to health welfare, safety of persons or improve- ments in the neighborhood. 3. Variance is necessary to relieve undue hardship. Parcel did exist at time of adopting Interin Zoning Ordinance. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays O. Mr. Don Brown reported to Council he has again hired Steve Nelson for grass cutting and minor general maintenance at $1.75 /Hr. MOTION by Knutson authorizing Don Brown to reply by letter to all applicants to the position in the Maintenance Dept. notifying them that we have received their application. However, at this time no further action will be taken because the maintenance equipment will not arrive as anticipated; and further, that the three applicants most suitably qualified as determined by Mr. Brown and the Council, shall be additionally notified that their application shall remain ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE FROCEEDIIIG9 5 Minutes of Regular Meeting May 2, 1972 on file and will again be reviewed at a later date. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson authorizing Don Brown to employ, on a part time basis, experienced adult equipment operator for necessary heavy mowing and general road maintenance at the rate of $5.50 /Hr. Second by Reinke. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Gary Gray of Banister Engineering presented a report on Sanitary Sewer for Western Rosemount dated May 1, 1972. MOTION by Stauffer to acknowledge receipt of Report on Sanitary Sewers for Western Rosemount and copies of report be sent to members of the Utilities Commission for their review at their next meeting on May 8, 1972. Second by Reinke. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays O. MOTION by Knutson that 1972 --2 be the project number assigned to Village of Rosemount proposed Sanitary Sewer Improvement to Platted Areas in Western Rosemount; and that 1972 -1 be the number assigned to the Hayes Cedar St. Street Improvement. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz second by Knutson authorizing a 1e:uer be written to the Metro Sewer Board requesting information as to the status of the interceptor sewer. (\Then bids will be let, general planning and scheduling of construction, etc.) Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that Resolution 1972 -9 be adopted by this Council, A RESOLUTION REGARDING PdETRO BENEFIT OF THE PROPOSED INTERCEPTOR, and copies of this resolution be sent to Chairman of the Metro Sewer Board and Chairman of the Metro Council. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Attorney Pat Farrell notified Council that a meeting has been set up with Mr. Peter Jacobsen of the Metro Council at 3 PM Friday, May 5, 1972. Purpose of the meeting is further discussion regarding park land in the northwest corner of the Village. Meeting will be held in offices of Grannis and Grannis. Mr. Farrell requested that Village Planner, those members of the Council who are able to attend, and a representative of the residents in that area of the community attend the meeting. Mr. Gunnar Isberg, Dakota County Planner has been invited to attend also. Attorney Farrell reported that he has met with Mrs. Hilda Larson and discussed the matter of obtaining property she owns adjacent to the fire hall. She has indicated she would sell the land to the Village for the sum of $25,000. Council discussed other alternatives. MOTION by Reinke to adopt Resolution 1972 -11, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ATTORNEY PATRICK FARRELL TO COMMENCE CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS TO OBTAIN THAT PROPERTY IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO THE PRESENT VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT FIRE HALL FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AN ADDITION TO THE FIRE HALL. 196 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting May 2nd, 1972 Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council agreed that complaints requesting certain areas be cleaned up be referred directly to the police department for their action and they report back to Council. Mayor Reinke will contact Mr. Harold Wachter to arrange to change the meeting date with him to discuss obtaining an easement or acquisition of property and pond for storm water drainage. Mayor Reinke proclaimed May 15 to 20, 1972 as Ecology Week. MOTION by Genz second by Knutson to Commissioner again urging them to t of County Road 43 and 42 as soon as Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 GENERAL REVENNE FIRE DEPT. FUND UTILITIES LIQUOR REVENUE send a letter to each County ake positive action on construction possible. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Nays 0. Mr. Fred Hoisington presented the updated Schematic Guide Plan and Policies to the Council. MOTION by Knutson that Schematic Guide Plan and Policies with changes as submitted by Brauer and Assoc. be adopted by this Council and the same be submitted to Metro Council for their approval. Second by Reinke. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz to approve for payment the list of bills submitted and they be paid from their respective funds. Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Sta. ffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. 6,914.86 187.40 217.85 22,332.62 MOTION by Stauffer to waive the required fee charged for building permit and charge a token fee of :$1 to the Rosemount Baptist Church in their application fcr building permit. Second by Reinke. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen, and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that the information obtained by Mayor Reinke from a meeting conducted by the Housing and Redevelopment Assn. on low income housing and housing for the elderly be smubmitted to the Planning Commission for their review and recommendations back to Council ty the end of May. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, R Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Clerk noted that Plumbing Inspector reported that a house presently under "construction by Mr. Marvin Paulsen will not pass plumbing inspection. Council referred the matter to the health officer. MOTION by Jensen second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. Dori F. Darling Clerk Treasurer 1t submitted Published in Dakota County Tribune Bills submitted for approval and payment from their respective funds. GENERAL REVENUE FUND Coast to Coast Phoenix Industries Wisc. Natl. Life Hawkins Janitorial Brauer Assoc. Banister Engineering Liquor Rev. Fund Minn. Benefit Assn. Fed. Res. Bank Comm. of Taxation State Treas. Postmaster Pitney Bowes Fischer Sand Steel Supply Culvert Dakota County Treas. Fox Excavating NSP Robert E. Fortier Motorola Inc. Ray Tousgnant Brent Moody Ray McNamara Dakota County Treas Police Supply Texaco, Inc. Grannis Grannis TOTAL FIRE DEPT. FUND Don McNearney Strese 76 Phils Body Shop Vorwerk Texaco V N Oil Co. Breckner's Standard Corcordn Hdwe. NSP Peoples Gas TOTAL 2.27 4.00 35. 25.00 52.50 =,268.62 94.29 129.34 353.94 182.50 585.56 8.00 25.50 115.70 3.57 220.00 629.50 68.12 26.50 6.60 48.00 48.00 24.00 57.50 34.45 5.57 86o.00 6914.86 72.50 12.03 8.00 2.60 2.64 2.25 10.08 16.42 60.88 187.4o ROSEI'1OUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 1 9 7 Minutes of Regular I'Qeeting May 2, 1972 UTILITIES Minnesota Benefit Assn. Fed. Withholding State Withholding State Treas. PERA TOTAL LIQUOR REVENUE FUND 1972, Page State Treas. SS Contrib. Central Telephon Transport Clearings I. A. Brlto Liquor Audit Van Paper Co. Coast to Coast Town Country Rubbish Madison Chemical McKesson Liquor 7 Up Bottling Co. 0. M. Droney Beverage Co. Commissioner of Taxation Ed Phillips Sons Liquor Old Peoria Co. Electra Watchman Inc. Famous Brands, Inc. Distiller Dist. Co. Johnson Bros. Whsl Liquor Peoles Gas NSP Fox Excavating Southside Dist. Co. Sunderland Inc. 0. M. Droney Bev. Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Griggs, Cooper Concord Bev. Inc. Day Distributing Co. Alcorn Beverage Twin City Home Juice Leding Distributing College City. Bev. Inc. Old Dutch Foods Hanson Beverage Northwest Linen Service Drentlaw Whsl Candy Tobacco Gross Industrial inneso, Bne it. Assn. 0: 7 t n c: is aLate TOTAL 20.70 116.40 00 48.75 $217.85 867.70 24.31 178.88 261.40 64.30 21.92 40.00 108.20 1147.79 92.55 13.92 459.20 4299.38 774.76 3.37 2249.32 1673.00 1500.39 124.31 158.87 150.0o 27.43 12.50 32.05 36.15 599.75 1495.0o =•75.91 430.64 37.25 680.55 681.30 52.10 1644.75 20.40 66.15 11.60 Z 32.62 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 1 C3 8 Minutes of Regular Meeting May 16, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Villge Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Village hall on the 16th day of May at 7:30 PM. President Reinke called the meeting to order. All members were present. Agenda corrected to include discussion on Division of Manpower Services. Minutes of May 2, 1972 were corrected to show: MOTION by Reinke second by Stauffer to issue license to do business to Country Builders, Inc., and R E. Haeg Plbg. Inc. Ayes were Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTIOIQ by Reinke second by Jensen to approve the minutes as corrected and order Flame published. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke-, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Minutes of Planning Commission meeting held on May 4, 1972 were accepted and same ordered placed on file. "Mavericks from the Village of Farmington" interrupted the Council meeting to serve a Royal Summons to members of the Rosemount Village Council. MOTION by Knutson requesting clerk to send a letter to the Farmington Village Council accepting the invitation for all five members of the Village Council and their wives, thanking tliern for their consideration. Letter shall not be sent until after the June 6th meeting. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays O. MOTION by Knutson to accept the police report for the month of April, 1972 and order same placed on file. Second by Jensen. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Ray Vinge was present to lodge a complaint re cat biting his son. Council agreed a letter shall be written to Health Officers (Drs. Mardell and Erickson) and copies of letter be sent to Police Chief and Dog Catcher informing them that in the future, any accidents of this nature are to be reported by the Health Officers, directly to the Chief of Police. He shall in turn notify the animal warden and request that he pick up the suspect animal for impoundment. If the animal warden is not available, assign the task to the on -duty police officer. Council authorized Pat Farrell to discuss with representatives of Broback Bldrs. the matter of obtaining easements for proposed County Rd. 33S, requesting a deed with reversionary interest. Attorney reported he has written a letter to owners of property to remove a number of junk cars which have accumulated; that condemnation proceedings are progressing in the matter of obtaining property adjacent to the fire hall for an addition to the building and the land for proposed County Road 33S. Mayor Reinke stated he would contact residents in the Simon Additions with a proposal to get the unauthorized dumping area cleaned up and report back to Council with the results of that meeting. Attorney will prepare petitions to be circulated urging County Board of Commissioners to proceed with construction of County Roads 40 and 42. 1 .91) 1 ROSE.IOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting May 16, 1972 MOTIOtN by Reinke second by Stauffer to approve Payment #2 to Universal Tank Iron Works in the amount. of $59.727.00 as recommended for approval by Banister Engineering. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to adopt. Resolution 1972 -12; That all new plats presented to the Village Council will be reviewed by the County Surveyor, at no cost to the Village, to determine their accuracy and compliance with Minnesota Statutes, prior to final acceptance of the plat by the Village of Rosemount. Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council discussed with Mr. Gary Gray of Banister Engineering the location of the proposed storm sewer line for Village of Rosemount Improvement 1971 -3 3A, specifically the east west line along the south line of Section 29. Council agreed that the line should be Placed at the present time, on the Rahn Broback property. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Banister Engineering Co. to meet with State Health Dept. and Pollution Control Agency to obtain detailed information on water well tests taken by the State Dept. in the Pine Bend area and to continue to keep current on this matter. Second by Reinke. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. 199 Discussion on the Sidewalk Assessment Hearing was continued to June 6, 1972. MOTION by Knutson that Mrs. Corcoran's resignation be accepted with regrets; that a letter be sent to Mrs. Corcoran indicating we regretfully accept the resignation. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Staffer to appoint Mrs. Alice Anderson to the Parks and Recre- ation Commission to fill the unexpired term of Mrs. R. Corcoran. Second by Genz. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that Remington adding calculator be purchased for use in the Clerk's office along with a three -year maintenance contract, total amount being $400.00. Second by Reinke. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council agreed that a letter be written to each member of the Dakota County Board of Commissioners and Dakota County Auditor indicating our opposition to the discontinuance of the Book Mobile. MOTION by Jensen to approve for payment the list of bills submitted and they be paid from their respective funds. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. 200 ROSE+MIOUNT VILLABE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting May 16, 1972 GENERAL REVENUE FIRE DEPT. LIQUOR REVEPSUE MOTION by Knutson that Henry Construction Co., Lumber King Co., and Weierke trenching and Excavating be issued license to do business. Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Don Brown to make arrangements with Astleford to take care of the necessary rough grading on the bad wash -outs in the park property and make arrangements to have the park plowed, disced, and seeded. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Hays 0. MOTION by Jensen second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. Published in Dakota County Tribune on $18,327.69 32.15 Respectfully submitted Don F. Darling Clerk Treasurer 1972 Page 0 Bills submitted for approval and payment May 16, 1972. GENERAL REVENUE FUND Toombs Ins. Agency $13,925.00 Corcoran Hdwe. 27.89 Robert Fortier Typewriters 309.00 Team Electronics 30.5 Brauer Assoc. 91.72 Pitney Bowes 17.00 Dakota County Tribune 2 3 6 .33 NSP 444 .95 Don Brown 30.00 Peoples Gas 80.07 Dakota Electric Assn. 22.90 Ray McNamara 200.88 James Staats 48.00 Brent Moody 48.00 Ray McNamara 24.00 Steve Nelson 14.00 M. Alsip 132.61 R. Reinke 80.00 L. Knutson 60.00 C. Stauffer 60.00 L. Genz 60.00 A. Jensen 60.00 Central Telephone 46.61 Union Oil Co. 90.22 American 011 Co. 74.33 Air Comm 411.16 Sanford Memorial Hospital 10.00 Treasurer Dakota County 7.50 Int. Harvester 37.55 Union Oil Co. 222.48 B J Auto Supply 4.61 Fluegel Elevator 55. Gopher Stamp Die Co. 113.00 Kanee Auto Equip. 116.20 Treasurer Dakota County 782.76 Fischer Sand Aggregate 153.80 TOTAL $18,387.69 Chapin Publishing Co. 35. Universal Tank Iron Works $59,727.00 FIRE DEPT. FUND Central Telephone 3 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS l l Minutes of Regular Meeting May 16, 1972 2O 2 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting May 2 5, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Village Hall on the 25th day of May, 1972. Members present were Reinke, Knutson and Stauffer. Members absent were Jensen and Genz. Meeting called to order by P Reinke at 10:50 PM. Purpose of the meeting was to act on Village of Rosemount Resolution 1972 -13, a Resolution supporting Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Dakota County program to develop a three year application program to meet the low income family and elderly needs of Dakota County. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize the Mayor of the Village of Rosemount to sign the Resolution 1972 -13 concerning the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment program as recommended by the Village of Rosemount Planning Commission. Second by Knutson. Byes 3 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. Second by Reinke. There being no further business to come beforethis Council at this time, Council agreed unanimously to adjourn this meeting. Respectfully submitted Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer Published in Dakota County Tribune on 1972 Page J 13 i VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNdT PROCEEDII) Minutes of Regular Meeting June 6, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Village Hall on the 6th day of June, 1972. All members present. Agenda corrected to include representatives of Rosemount Baptist Church. Minutes of May 25, 1972 corrected to show it was a special meeting, not a regular meeting. MOTION by Knutson that minutes of May 16 and 25, be approved as corrected and same ordered published. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Gen Rinke, Jensen, Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mrs. Alice Anderson sworn in as a member of Rosemount Parks and Recreation Commission. She informed Council that Parks and Recreation Commission would like a joint meeting with Council and Planning Commi- ssion. Whe a date for the meeting has been set, all members will be notified. Mr. John Nordlund of Dept. of Manpower Services came before Council to request office space in Rosemount. Councilman Genz to meet with Mr. Nordlund to show former police department office, presently unused. MOTION by Jensen to make available to the Dept. of Manpower Services the former police department office if this space meets their needs. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Dog Catcher John Schiffman gave his report. Same placed on file. Council discussed with Mr. Don Brown about preparing recently acquired property for a park. Mayor Reinke noted this could be made a class project by students at Vo -Tech School. Council agreed arrangements shall be made to have the instructor of the class present at an early Council meeting to further discuss this project. Clerk's office to write a letter to Jewish Community Center requesting they share in cost of regravelling 120th St. due to the fact their trucks damaged the road to its present condition by traveling in with heavy loads during spring break -up, and to request an immediate reply not later than ten days fr•m the date of the letter. The following NOTICE OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Fire Truck Chassis was published in the Dakota County Tribune on April 13 and 20, 1972: Notice is hereby given that the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount will receive sealed bids at the Village Hall, 1367 145th St. E., (County Road 42), Rosemount, Minnesota, until 8:30 PM on Tuesday the 6th day of June, 1972, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud for the furnishing of all labor and materials and all else necessary for: ONE -Fire Truck Chassis, to be the latest model with 8 cylinder engine, minimum 250 HP, minimum 530 cubic inch piston displacement and tilt type cab including all other appurtenances in accordance with the specifications on file with the Village Clerk of Rosemount. Cont'd e) VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT PROCEEDINGS 2°4 Minutes of Regular Meeeting June 6, 1972 Bids shall be directed to the Village Clerk securely sealed and endorsed on the outside wrapper "BID FOR FIRE TRUCK CHASSIS The Village Council reserves the right to retain the deposits of the three lowest bidders for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the closing of the bids. No bid may be withdrawn for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the date and time set. for the opening of bids. Payment for the work shall be by cash or check. Copies of plans and specifications will be furnished by the Village Clerk on request of any prospective bidder. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids; to waive irregularities and informalities therein, and further reserves the right to award the Conctract to the best interest of the Village. Clerk opened and read the bids received with the following results: Midway Ford Don F. Darling Village Clerk Rosemount, Minnesota $10,841.00 Bid Bond Attached The following NOTICE OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Fire Truck Equipment was pub- lished in the Dakota County Tribune on April 13 and 20, 1972: Notice is hereby given that the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount will receive sealed bids at the Village Hall 1367 145th St. E. (County Rd. 42) Rosemount, Minneaota, until 8:30 PM on Tuesday the 6th day of June, 1972, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud for the furnishing of all labor and materials and all else necessary for: ONE Fire Truck, triple combination pumper, 1000 gallons per minute, hosehody, booster tank, 55 foot boom with turret nozzle and platform, and all other appurtenances in accordance with the specifications on file with the Village Clerk of Rosemount. Bids shall be directed to the Village Clerk securely sealed and endorsed on the outside wrapper "BID FOR FIRE TRUCK EQUIPMENT All bids shall be accomapnied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond, or certified check made payable to the order of the Village for not less than five percent (5 of the amount of the bid. The Village Council reserves the right to retain the deposits of the three lowest bidders for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the closing of the bids. No bid may be withdratim for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. Cont'd American LaFrance General Safety Equipment Corp. American Fire Apparatus Co. Alternate No. 1 Alternate No. 2 Alternate No. 3 Alternate No. 4 $52,423.00 51,900.00 No bid 72,877.00 75,877.00 75,607.00 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting Jule 6, 1972 Payment for the work shall be by cash or check. Copies of the plans and specifications will be furnished by the Village Clerk on request of any prospective bidder. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids; to waive irregularities and informalities therein, and further reserves the right to award theContract to the best interest of the Village. Don F. Darling Village Clerk Rosemount, Minnesota Clerk opened and read the bids received, with the following results: Bid Bond Attached Bid Bond Attached Bid Bond Attached MOTION by Stauffer to refer all bids to Fire Chief Ray McNamara and Mr. Gary Gray for their tabulation and recommendations back to Council. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays C. Mr. Gary Gray of Banisuer Engineering again reviewed with Council storm sewer improvement for the Rahn- Eroback property, and Hayes Cedar St. improvement. MOTION by Knutson to accept plans and specifications for storm sewer improve- ment for Rahn Broback property Village of Rosemount Project 1971 -3 and 3A and authorize clerk to advertise for bids. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke to authorize clerk and engineer to open bids at 2PM on July 11, 1972 at Village Hall. Bids to be tabulated and report presented to Council at regular meeting on July 18, 1972. Second by Knutson. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that bid opening for VR Project 1972 -1 be held at regular Council Meeting on Wednesday, July 5th and that a notice be published stating that regular meeting has been changed to Wednesday, July 5th, 1972. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Gray will make arrangrnents for a joint Council, Engineer and Financial Consultant meeting to review and s.iscuss preliminary report on sanitary sewers, asOessment boundaries and procedures. Meeting will be held in executive session 011 June 26, 1912. 205 2 u VILLAGE OF ROSE•tOUNT PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting June 6, 1972 Representatives of Rosemount Baptist Church were present to request a permit to plane a mobile home or church property to provide housing for junior youth pastor. Their request referred to Planning Commission. Planning Couuuission minutes of May 12 and 25 were accepted and same ordered placed on file. MOTION by Stauffer to dwelling on less than be removed within two Knutson, Stauffer and grant a variance to Mrs. Pearl Engel permitting one five acres providing the trailer that exists thereon years. Second by Reinke. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Genz. Ayes 5 Mays 0. Council accepted the minutes of Park and Recreation Commission meeting of May 11, 1972 and same ordered placed on file. Attorney Pat Farrell requested from Council, their wishes as to which 14 A. shall be deeded to the Village of the 56 A. purchased from Miss Fora Ryan. MOTION by Knutson to authorize attorney to prepare a deed conveying the south 14 acres of Emma Ryan property to the Village of Rosemount. Second by Genz. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays O. MOTION by Jensen second by Stauffer to close the Sidewalk Hearing, authorizing assessments as set. forth in the agreements which individual property owners have signed and authorize clerk to make necessary billings and rebates. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Attorney Farrell stated that condemnation cases have been filed and are pending against owners of property adjacent to Fire Hall and proposed County Road 355. MOTION by Reinke to authorize attorney to proceed with condemnation of property required for drainage pond adjacent to proposed County Road 33S; to include this matter with proceedings already pending. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson authorizing attorney to prepare Voting Precinct Ordinance to comply with revised County Commissioner Districts and have this available for Council on June 19, 1972. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer authorizing attorney and clerk to prepare transcript for Village of Rosemount Improvement Projects 1971 -3 and 3A and 1972 -1 for preseiitatdon to the bond attorney. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson seces d by Reinke that next regular meeting of the Village Council be held on June 19, 1.972 instead of June 20. Second by Reinke. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen second by Reinke to approve for payment the list of bills submitted and they be paid from their respective funds. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays O. GENERAL REVE?UE FUND $7255.79 FIRE DEPT. FUND $1235.30 1 1 LIQUOR REVENUE FUND $24,229.67 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting June 6, 1972 MOTION by Stauffer to approve list of bills submitted for payment from Liquor Revenue Fund. Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson second by Jensen to waive the building permit fee for Rosemount Methodist Church. Ayes Gent, Reinke,Jensen, Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen second by Knutson to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, Council agreed unanimously to adjourn this meeting. Respectfully submitted 1 Don F. Darling Clerk Treasurer LVi Published in Dakota County Tribune on y,, j/ ,t y 1972, Page 208 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting June 6, 1972 GENERAL REVENUE FUND Wisconsin National Life Ins Co. 35.8, Ray McNamara 200.88 John Schiffman 94.38 Steve Nelson 70.44 Margaret Alsip 156.36 Mrs. L. Doehling 44.39 George Koehnen 135.00 Rick Jacobson 1.50 Donald Nelson 2.10 Coast to Coast 13.37 Carlson Tractor Equip. 20.00 Don Petter Trucking 515.00 NSP 60.82 Miller Davis 4.15 USLeasing 35.53 Hagen Office Equipment Inc. 800.00 Pitney Bowes 63.30 Central Telephone 44.15 Liquor Rev. Fund 76.79 Minn. Beneifit Assn. 129.34 Postmaster 50.00 Hawkins Janitorial Service 25.00 Comm. of Taxation 181.40 Fed Reserve Bank 490.76 State Treas. 585.36 Phillips Petrol. 22.19 Motorola Inc. 6.60 Strese Union 76 52.48 Wilroy Co. 37.64 Fischer Sand Aggregate 547.30 Mike McPhillips 649.00 Fox Excavating 978.00 Rosemount Arctic Cat 24.60 Int. Harvester 9. Brauer Assoc. 328.78 Grannis and Grannie 763.90 TOTAL FIRE DEPT. ACOUNT $7255.79 A. J. McDonough 240.00 Ray McNamara 168.75 V N Oil Co. 8.85 Viking Industrial Center 172.00 Coast to Coast 1.38 Corcoran 7.22 Ratzlaff Service 9.85 Minnesota Fire 534.80 Peoples Natural Gas 33.03 Central Telephone 34.05 NSP 25.37 TOTAL $1235.30 .2 1 1 ROSN1OLT T VILLAGE PROCE',EDINGS 209 Minutes of Regular Meeting June 19, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Village Hall on the 19th day of June, 1972. Councilman Stauffer was absent. President Reinke called the meeting to order. Agenda amended to provide for appointing deputy clerk, and approval of meeting dates placed on band calendar. Minutes of the meeting of June 6, 1972 were approved and same ordered published. Second by Jensen. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke to appoint Mrs. Judy Willis as deputy clerk and be authorized to sign checks in the clerk's absence. Second by Knutson. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 4 Nay 0. MOTION by Knutson that Planting Commission, Utilities Commission and Council meeting nights be published on calendar sponsored by Rosemount Band Boosters Club. Second by Genz. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to approve request for parade route for Sunday July 30, 1972 made by Mr. John Trog. Rosemount Jaycees. Police Dept. to be notified. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Fireworks Display subject to obtaining proper permits. Second by Genz. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Genz. `ayes 4 Nays 0. Planning Commission minutes were not available. Mayor Reinke reported Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the request made by Mr. Richard Keller for a variance permitting construction of an addition to his garage. The addition would be only one foot from the back lot line. Mr. Keller presented to the Planning Conunission, a letdr from the School District stating they had no objection. MOTION by Reinke to grant Richard Keller permit to construct an addi- tion to garage within one foot of his hack property line as recommended by planning commission. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Mr. Fred Hoisington presented to Council a preliminary suggested lay- out of approximately 144 A. of desirable park land near school site. This will be presented tc school hoard at a meeting on June 22nd. At this time also, discussion will be held on the best approach to acquisitioi, of thelsnd. MOTION by Knutson authorizing Brauer and Assoc. involvment in Village's long range park plan and authorize Park Commission to call on him as needed within the limits of the budget as established for the Park Commission use for 1972. Parks and Recreation Commission shall be informed by letter of Council action. Second by Genz. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Reinke, Jensen. Ayes 4 Nays 0. 210 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting June 19, 1972 Attendance at Council meetings as well as fees of planning consultant was discussed. MOTION by Knutson that Brauer Assoc. be retained on an on -call basis for Council meetings, and in order to be fair to them, five days notice be given when attendance is required at a meeting. Second by Jensen. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson. Ayes 4 Plays O. MOTION by Knutson that Planning Commission be requested to make recommen- dation to Council regarding further attendance by Brauer Assoc. at Planning Commission regular meetings after the public hearing and adoption of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinances. Second by Reinke. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Plays O. Mr. Gary Gray discussed with Council their review of comprehensive sewer plan of Village of Coates. It is recommended they be authorized to study this plan further and its affect on our Village. MOTION by Jensen to dirdct Clerk to write to Metropolitan Sewer Board requesting additional time permitting our engineer to study this matter further and make recommendation back to Village Council. Second by Reinke. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 4 flays O. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the project for the Ken Rose parking lot be increased approximately in the amount of $550.00. Second by Reinke. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Ayes 4 Nays 0. Gary Gray reported he had net with Jim Gatiou, Dakota County Highway Engineer, and discussed construction of County Road 33S. Details of this meeting were reported to Council. Council discussed easement acquisition for the construction of County Road 42 through the Village. MOTION by Knutson to authorize attorney to investigate possibility of acqui- ring easements for County Road 42; first step being to check with County Engineer to determine their requirements. Attorney to report back to Council at earliest possible date with procedures and recommendations. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Council next discussed easements for storm sewer VR Project 1971 -3 and 3A. MOTION by Reinke to authorize attorney to commence negotiations for easements for VR project 1971 -3; additionally to authorize commencement of condemnation proceedings if these become necessary. Second by Knutson. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Mr. Gray presented two applications for payment; Austin Keller for $19,196.40 for Stage I Water Improvement Contract and Universal Tank Iron Works for $40,892.00, and recommended these be paid. MOTION by Jensen second by Reinke to pay to Universal Tank Iron Works $40,892.00 and to Austin, Keller Co. $19,196.40. Second by Reinke. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to authorize Banister Engineering Co. and Attorney Grannis and Grannis to prepare assessment rolls for the Village Improvement 1971 -2 Stage I Water Improvement. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Genz. Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 4 Pays 0. Mr. Gray reported a meeting has been set up with the PCA at their request to discuss further with them the matter of obtaining a permit to re -open the Village dump site. Council discussed with Don Brown the matter of seal coating black top streets in the Village. Mr. Brown will obtain bids for seal coating 3.7 miles of black top streets in the old Village area only. Council discussed Fire Dept. bids opened on June 6, 1972. MOTION by Genz that attorney write a letter to all bidders on the fire department equipment requesting a fifteen day extension to more thoroughly review these bids. Second by Jensen. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays O. MOTION by Knutson to accept the monthly police report for May, 1972 and same be placed on file. Second by Genz. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays O. Action on the voter precinct ordinance was tabled to meeting of July 5, 1972. Attorney to check further to determine correct boundaries for new precincts. MOTION by Knutson to table any further action on the adoption of a burning ordinance until after the proper application has been completed for exceptions to the ordinance for unplatted areas of the Village and the approval received for these applications. Second by Reinke. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Park Commission requested of the Council that appraisals be made on property locations in the Village desirable as park sites. MOTION by Knutson that attorney be authorized to make arrangements for appraisals on Carroll and Schwarz properties for park purposes. Second by Reinke. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke second by Jensen to approve for payment the bills as presented with the exception of the bill presented by Mr. Dale Agre in the amount of $51.00. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 4 Mays O. GENERAL REVENUE FUND $9832.68 MOTION by Reinke to approve application of Village Inn for license to sell On and Off Sale Non Intoxicating malt liquor (3.2 beer). Second by Genz. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz to approve license to do business for Aqualand Pool Co., Inc. and Richgel Bros. Construction Co. Second by Knutson. AyesGenz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz second by Knutson to adjourn. There being no further business to cone before this Council at this time, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn this meeting. Published in Dakota County Tribune on ROSEMOUNI VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting Jure 19, 1972 S ect tted Don Darling Clerk- Treasurer 1972 Page 211 212 ROSEP'IOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting June 1 5, 1972 Bills submitted for payment and approval June 19, 1972 GENERAL REVENUE FUND International Harvester 595.14 Brauer and Assoc. 1216.34 Irving A. Balto, Acct. 1764.50 Peoples Gas 37.78 Fair Book Office Supply 5.25 Metro Sewer Board 688.51 Jeff King 2.25 Steve Nelson 112.44 Wm. Cunniff 9.00 M. Alsip 104.74 Wm. Lubbesmeyer 125.00 Barbara Keller 30.00 Cindy Duff 26.25 R. Reinke 80.00 A. Jensen 60.00 L. Knutson 60.00 L. Genz. 60.00 C. Stauffer 60.00 Lampert Yards 5.88 Rosemount Dodge 80.52 Rosemount Arctic Cat 24.09 NSP 444.95 Solberg Aggregate 476.44 Dakota Electric Assn. 22.90 Fischer Sand Aggregate 36.29 U. S. Leasing 35.53 American Oil Co. 34.91 Union Oil Co. 6.28 Phillips Petroleum 89.09 Minnesota Fire Inc. 5.50 City of Hastings 5.00 Gene's towing 12.00 Rosemount Dodge 3 TOTAL $9832.68 ROSEMOU T VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting July 5, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Village Hall on the 5th day of July, 1972. All Council members present. Meeting called to order by President R The following NOTICE OF ADVERTISETMMENT FOR BIDS Hayes Cedar Street Improvement Village Project No. 1972 -1 Rosemount, Minnesota was published in Dakota County Tribune on June 22, 1972: NOTICE IS HEREBY =al that the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount will receive sealed bids at the Village Hall on County Road 42, Rosemount, Minnesota until 7:30 PM CET on Wednesday, the 5th day of July, 1972 at which time they tiri1L be publicly opened and read aloud for the furnishing of all labor and materials and all else necessary for the construction of an elevated storage tank and connecting watermain as follows: 600 CY COMMON EXCAVATION 400 CY AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS 5 200 TON BITT2 :ENOUS WEARING COURSE 150 CY TOPSOIL BORROW ANE I ;EL.US CATCH BASIN CONSTRUCTION according to the plans and specifications dated June 1, 1972 on file in the office of Banister Short Elliott Hendrickson Assoc. 200 Hillsborough Office Building, 2353 North Rice Street, St, Paul, Minnesota 55113. Bids shall be directed to the Village Clerk securely sealed and endorsed on the outside wrapper "BID FOR VILLAGE PROJECT 1972 -1 All bids shall be accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond, or certified check made payable to the order of the Village for not less than ten percent (10%) of the amount of the bid. The Village Council reserves the right to retain the deposits of the three lowest bidders for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after closing of the bids. No bid may be withdraws for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. Payment for the work shall be by cash or check. Copies of plans and specifications will be furnished by Banister Short Elliott Hendrickson Assoc. on request to any prospective bidder upon a deposit of $5.00 which stun will be refunded to actual bidders provided they are returned within fifteen (15) days after the date and time set for the opening of bids. Persons obtaining plans and specifications but not bidding shall forfeit their deposit. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids; to waive irregularities and informalities therein, and further reserves the right to award the Contract to the best interests of the Village. DON F. DARLING Village Clerk Rosemount, Minnesota Clerk opened and read the bids received with the following results: 213 214 ROS3<IGUMT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS I'-1inutes of Regular Meeting July 5, 1972 McNamara Vivant Contracting Co., Inc. Bid Bond Attached $5951.10 Route 1 Rosemount, MN. 55068 Alexander Construction co 1500 E. 78th St. Minneapolis, MN. 55423 H.J.A. Construction P. O. Box 50 State Highway 5 Lakeville, MN. 55044 Fischer Construction Co. Rosemount, M[\T. 55=:68 Solberg Construction Co. Route 1 South St. Paul, MN. 55075 Bituminous Surface Treating Co. P. 0. Box 193 280 Picicnan Inver Grove Heights, MN. 55075 Bituminous Roadway 2825 Cedar Ave. Minneapolis, MI'J. 55 Bid B ond Attached 7104.75 Bid Bond Attached 7353.00 Bid Bond Attached 6245.00 Bid Bond Attached 4847.50 Bid Bond Attached 6764.00 Bid Bond Attached 8251.50 MOTION by Stauffer to accept all bids received and they be turned over to engineer for tabulation and recommendation back to Council at the next regular Council meeting on July 1b, 1972. Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Agenda corrected to include discussion on memo from Clerk's office re paving the alley way north of the Central Telephone Co. building and Ray McNamara, Fire Chief. Mayer requested Council rieet in Executive Session after this meeting and Attorney attend this Executive Session. MOTION by Genz second by Jensen the minutes of June 19, 1972 were approved and same ordered published. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council discussed with Beth Jones of Metro Cable the matter of a franchise for Cable TV in the Village She stated that plans to build a building in Rosemount are still film but they would like to discuss some of the details of the franchise. Attorney Pat Farrell advised the Council it would be wise not to grant any franchise for at least five years because of the technical advances being made at a. fast pace in this field. Council agreed a repre- sentative will attend a joint meeting at Apple Valley Village Hall to discuss details of a proposed franchise. Meeting to be held on July 11, 1972 at 7:30 PM. Fire Chief Ray McNamara recr•mmended to Council that existing bids received at idd opening on June 6 be all rejected and that Council readvertise. Representativesof the fire department reviewed additional equipment and felt new specifications should be prepared. 1 1 1 ROSEMOUdT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting July 5, 1972 Engineer had reviewed the new specificatons and recommended they be added to the technical specifications. MOTION by Knutson that the fire truck and apparatus bids received on June 6, 1972 be rejected and that we authorize Banister Engineering to prepare plans and specifications for readvertising for the elevating plat font: type of equipment. Bid opening be on August 1, 1972 at 7:30 PM. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council discussed fire protection from the Rosemount Fire Dept. to the Rosemount Research Area and the contract with the University of Minn. providing the protection. It was generally felt there is a lack of corrrnuaication with the Village and the Fire Dept. Also discussed was police protection required to be furnished by the Village and establishment of a contract for furnishing this protection. MOTION by Reinke that a letter be written by the Attorney to the University of P•Iinriesota, copy to Board of Regents, President of the University and local officials of the Area, stating the contract shall be terminated in thirty days from date of the letter. Someof the reasons to be cited for termination are dangerous materials stored on their premises and which are used for experimentation; failure on their part to advise appropriate of officials of the Rosemount Fire and Police Depts. of the existence of these materials; lack of cooperation. Letter to also cite the recent accident at which time our Fire Dept. had difficulty handling the dangerous situation. Second by Genz. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 PTays 0. 21 Council reviewed the matter of the request of Mr. Ed Hagemeister to require the Central Telephone Co. to blacktop the alley way on the north side of their building. DMOTION by Jensen that Central Telphone Co. be sent a letter requesting they complete that part of their building agreement, those recommendations made to Council by the Planning Commission in their minutes of Jon. 30, 1963 (a copy of these minutes to be sent also) that permit be issued providing the alley north of the building is paved. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council discussed with Dog Catcher John Shiffman and Mr. Dale Agre the matter of impounding dogs at Agre Kennels. Mr. Agre informed Council that because of the restrictions unposed by the State he would prefer to discontinue impounding dogs for the Village. He stated he would continue to impound until Sept, lst. MOTION by Reinke to release the check in the amount of $51.00 to It. Agre for services rendered in June. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Gary Gray informed Council he had met with PCA regarding application of Rosemount Village to re -open the dump site. They request that input from Co Board be included as part of the report. Mr. Gray will write an addendum to the report, forward it to them, in order that processing of the application can be started. Council heard Mr. Gray present a plan for sealcoating and general maintenance of Village streets. MOTION by Knutson that Banister Engineering be authorized to mail out specifications for Priority I street seal coating and present bids to the next Council meeting. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays O. 2) �d t: ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS !r 1 111 Minutes of Regular Meeting July 5, 1972 MOTION by Stauffer to authorize Mr. Gary Gray of BSEH Engineering to obtain necessary information from Clerk, Attorney, Planner and Fiscal Agent, for the preparation of the HUD application. Second by Jensen. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council tabled discussion on adoption of proposed ordinance establishing a Municipal Water and Sewer System and requested clerk send a copy of the revised ordinance to Attorney and Fiscal Agent requesting they review the proposed ordinance and inform Council of any recommendations by the next regular meeting. Planning Commission minutes of June 15 and 29, 1972 were accepted and ordered placed on file. MOTION by Knutson to accept and adopt the Comprehensive Guide Plan and copies be sent to the Metro Council for their review. Distribution shall be up to the Planning Commission or the Planner. Second by Reinke. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke that Clerk's office charge $5.00 for distribution of the Compre- hensive Guide Plan. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Attorney Farrell will prepare an ordinance draft covering digging within the right of way by various public utilities, as well as franchise agreements with existing utilities (electric and gas). Council agreed the public hearing on Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances shall be a joint Planning Commission Village Council H MOTION by Jensen second by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1972 -14 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING ELECTION PRECINCTS, ESTABLISHING POLLING PLACES THEREFORE IN THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT. Ayes Genz, Stauffer, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council representatives will attend County Board of Commissioners meeting on July 18th to present village recommendations for County Roads 4o and 42. Mayor informed Council he had appointed Mr. Don Duea as Civil Defense Director for the Village of Rosemount with Mr. Joseph Walsh as his assistant. MOTION by Stauffer to approve the bills presented for payment and they be paid from their respective funds. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. GENERAL REVENUE FUND $6867.27 FIRE DEPT. FUND 407.3 LIQUOR REVENUE FUND $13.321.86 UTILITIES COMMISSION Council discussed vacation time taken by Officer James Staats, and agreed unanimously that because he has not been on the Village Police Force for one year, he shall not be paid for this time. Clerk to discuss the matter with Police Chief. ROSEI40UNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting July 5, 1972 MOTION by Stauffer second by Genz that payme' s totaling $11,857.75 be made to the General Revenue Fund from 1967 Improvement Fluid, June 1, 1968 Irnpr•ovement F\md and Nov. 1, 1968 Improvement Fund as recommended by the Auditor in report for year ending Dec. 31, 1 Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Camcil requests Clerk discuss with the auditor his re• to establish one checking account for all various accounts now existing, and report back to Council with report and reommendations. MOTION by Reinke to approve license to do business for Graus Construction, Aquarius Swim Pool, Benson and Orth Assoc., and U.S. Roofing and Siding. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke second by Stauffer to approve application for Non- Intoxi- cating Malt Liquor Off Sale License and issue license to Duffy Bros Supermarket, John's Red Owl, Tom Thumb Stores. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Councilman Stauffer reported he had attended a meeting at the Crime Commission with Chief of Police to request for funding for study of the Coordinated Facilities Study Program. The request for funds was denied, and the matter is at a standstill. MOTION by Stauffer second by Jensen to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, Council agreed unanimously to adjourn. Published in Dakota County Tribune on Rep ectfullx submitted Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer 1972, Page 4 75 217 nvOrJYtUUN1' VII LADE PROCEEDINGS 2 !Minutes of Regular Meeting July 5, 1972 Bills submitted for payment and approval July Fj, 1972 Ga EHAL" REVENUE FUND Village Utilities Trf. of funds to correct error 259.56 on Union 76 bill. Union 76 $30,19 Brauer Assoc. 253.84 Banister Engineering 2669.90 Wm. Anderson gophers 3.25 Pitney Bowes 9.70 Coast to Coast 5.78 Miller Davis 64.02 Dakota County Tribune 255.15 Minnesota Banefit Assn. 129.34 Phoenix Industries, Inc. 4.00 Strese 76 178.16 Motorola, Inc. 6.60 Texaco 31.96 Air Comm 769.90 Rosemount Dodge 62.62 Lakeside Animal Hospital Cat Quarantine 32.00 Wilroy Co. 144.16 F Excavating 559.00 NSP 60.00° Corocoran Hdwe. 9.09 Itasca Equipment 14.93 Else. Natl. Life 35.83 John Sehii'frn n 113.93 Wm. Lubbesmeyer 131.48 M. Alsip 131.48 U. Borsch 54.00 Steve Nelson 112.00 M. Van Kleek 45.00 R. McNamara 200.88 E. C. Moody g p R. Tousignant to cover for Staats vacation f FIRE DEPT FUND TOTAL $6867.27 Ratzlaff Service Station 7.04 NSF 13.42 Reflecto Products 152.60 Corcoran 1.16 Minnesota Fire Inc. 225.50 Peoples Gas 7.65 TOTAL 407.37 1 1 4 i Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Village Hall on the 18th day of July, 1972. All Council members present. Meeting called to order by President Reinke. At 7:30 PM bids for sealcoating of street surfaces in Rosemount were received. Clerk opened bids with the following results: HJA Construction Co. Lakeville, Minn. Solberg Construction Co. So. St. Paul, Minn. Bituminous Roadways, Inc. 2825 Cedar Ave. So. Minneapolis, Minn. Bid Bond Attached Bid Bond Attached Bid Bond Attached Mayor Reinke informed Council he and Mr. Chairman, will attend a meeting with the Physical Planning and Design on July 24. and development of the UM Rosemount Area plans for planning and development. ROSEIVTOHJ:iP VILL15;P' PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting July 18, 1972 $2380.00 2730.00 2441.25 $200 Cash attached 1875.00 Blacktop Construction Shakopee Minn. Bids referred to Engineer for recommendation. Agenda corrected to include discussion on building permit for residential garage and the Cable TV meeting attended by Councilman Jensen. MOTION by Jensen second by Knutson to approve the minutes of July 15, 1972 and same be ordered published. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council discussed setback of a residential garage under construction by Mr. Ray McNamara 200 So. Claire. Council agreed it should be reviewed and Mayor Reinke will confer with Mr. McNamara on the matter. Richard Corcoran, Planning Commission University of Minnesota Office of Area of discussion wil be planning and its relationship to the Village Council adopted Resolutions 1972 -15 and 1972 -16 with Mayor and Clerk signing same. 1972 -15 being A RESOLTTION AUTHORIZING CONDEMIINdATION OF CERTAIN LAND FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES; and 1972 -16 being A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN LANDS FOR DRAINAGE AND POMDING OF STORM WATER. Mr. Ron Langness •:.•f Springsted, Inc. was present to discuss with Council the upcoming Bond Sales for Fire Dept. building and equipment and VR Project 1971 -3. MOTION by Reinke to adopt Resolution 1972 -18 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR SALE OF $105,000 G.O. Bonds of 1972 AT THE VILLAGE HALL ON AUGUST 8, 1972 at 7:30 PM. Second by Jensen. Ayes Lenz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays O. MOTION by Reinke to adopt Resolution 1972 -19 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF ,4440,DO0 TEMPORARY L1PROVEiIETPP BONDS AT 7:30 PM on August 8, 1972. Second by Knutson. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS C.- Minutes of Regular Meeting July 18, 1972 Council discussed recommendations of fiscal agent, engineer and attorney on Sewer and Water Ordinance. Further discussion tabled to August 1, 1972. Mr. Roger Short reviewed bids for seal coating. Blacktop Construction was apparent low bidder. A representative of the firm was present and after some discussion it was learned his bid was not submitted per the addendum attached to the original specifications. However, if the bid had been submitted at the same bid prices on the higher quantities, the total bid price would be $2187.50. This company would still be the low bidder on the project. In further discussion Blacktop Construction company stated they would not do the work unless they be allowed to use .3 or more g -n.l of oil psy of aggregate. By bidding on increased quantities, other bids would go up correspondingly and this firm would remain the low bidder. New bid figure would be raised to .$2437.50. MOTION by Jensen to aceept the bid of Blacktop Construction in the .amount of $2437.50 with the changes to include application of an additional 1000 gallons of RC -800 at the rate of 250 /gal. to result in an application rate of .3 gal. psy. Second by Knutson. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. .Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council discussed bid tabulation for VR Project 1971 -3 bid opening having been heldm July 11, 1972. Erickson Bros. Contract of Burnsville were low bidders with a bid of $304,782.20. MOTION by Reinke to award the bid for VR Project 1971 -3 and 3A for Rahn Broback sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer to Erickson Bros. Contracting, 201 W. Burnsville, Burnsville, Blinn. for contract a:nctu t of $304,782.20. Bid awarded with the instructions to undertake construction of sanitary sewer and watermains only, as a first step in the construction. No work to he undertaken on storm sewer until authorized by Village Council. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council discussed bid tabulation for Hayes Cedar Street Improvement. MOTION by Stauffer to award the contract to Solberg Construction of So. St. Paul, Mn. for the Hayes Cedar St. Improvement for the sum of $4847.50 and authorize Mayor and Clerk to sign the contract. Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Banister Engineering proceeding with HUD application for grant in aid of construction for the sanitary sewer, trunk and laterals system. Attorney David Grannis Jr. reported the Hilda Larson condemnation hearing has been continued to August 4, 1972. at 10:00 AM. 1 Mayor informed Council he had instructed Attorney Farrell to withhold writing aletter to UM re 30 day notice of cancellation of the fire contract until August 15, pending results of discussion at a meeting held on July 12, 1972 with representatives present from the UM- Rosemount, Village Council, Village Police and Fire Depts. If no agreements can be reached by August 15, attorney shall proceed to write the aforementioned letter. MOTION by Knutson tc set the assessment hearing for Stagg I Water Improvements and 148th St. Water Improvement for August 29, 1972 at 7:30 PM. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. GENERAL REVENUE $5802.87 FIRE DEPT. FUND 52.39 ROSEIvIUGET TILLAGE PROCEEEINGS 221 Minutes of Regular Hearing July 18, 1972 MOTION by Knutson that James Staats be paid his normal weekly salary with the understanding that three days were vacation days which he had legally accumulated and that when he dos take the remaining two days vacation he be reimbursed for that time. (The above information pertaining to vacation time taken during the week of June 19, 1972.) Second by Jensen. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer second by Jensen to accept the police report for the month of June, 1972 and same be placed on file. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays O. MOTION by Stauffer to pay from their respective funds, all hills as submitted for payment. See •nd by Reinke. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz to grant a license to Rosemount Post 9433 VFW for on sale retail non intoxicating malt liquor (3.2 beer), retail off sale and a set up license. Second by Reinke. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to approve the application for license to do business of Carlson LeVine Construction Co. and order license issued. Second by Jensen. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knuts n, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer clerk arrange a meeting with Mr. Guy Hole to set up the bookkeeping system to commence January, 1973 as recommended by Mr. Hole in the Auditors report. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to transfer $500 to the Fire Dept. Fund from the General Revenue fund. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. eAyes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to transfer all funds due to Fire Relief Fund by July 31, 1972. Seccnd by Knutson. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that we transfer $2000 from Liquor Revenue Fund to the 195 Improvement Fund. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Rinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Councilman Jensen reported to Council he had attended a meeting at Apple Valley Village Hall with representatives of Metro Cable TV and Apple Valley Council. Company informed those present they could not meet the requirements set forth in the ordinance drafted by the Village of Apple Valley. They will, however, send a letter stating what they are willing to do based on the requirements in the preliminary ordinance drawn by Apple Valley. MOTION by Reinke second by Jensen to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, Council agreed unanimously to adjourn. ctfi ly ubmitted A Don P. Darling Clerk- Treasurer 2 1 Minutes of Regular Meeting y ROSEMIOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS July 18, 1972 Published in Dakota County Tribune on Bills submitted for approval rayment July 18, 1972 GENERAL REVENUE FUND State Treas. Soc Sec. Comm. of Taxation Nick Fox Wm. Ounniff Steve Nelson Union 76 Phillips Petrol. Co. Larsen Electric M. A sip H. R -inke L. Knutson C. Stauffer A. Jensen L. Genz Rosemount Arctic Cat Toombs Ins. Agency Mary Dixon Cindy McCarthy Metro Sewer Boad U S. Leasing Schrader Block Co. Wm. Lubbesmeyer Carlsre Tractor American Oil Co. Peoples Gas City of Hastings Dakota Elec. Assn. Union 76 Central Telephon Treasurer Dakota County Hawkins Janitorial NSP E',rauer Assoc. Rosemount Village Liquor Lampert Yards Fair Book 'r Office Supply Sanford Memorial Itasca Equipmer.h Co. FIRE DEPT FUND Central Telephone Roberts Drug TOTAL $374.01 185.30 93.5o 129.00 79.63 16.322 7.83 10.54 76.93 80.o0 6o.00 6o.00 60.o0 6o.00 16.89 16.35 52.50 6o.00 1119.65 35.53 5.5 500.0o 115.o6 14.07 31.46 5.00 22.90 194.64 52.63 1238.59 25.00 444.95 413.88 99.29 6.10 19.96 5.Oo 14.86 TOTAL $580.2.87 i7 1972 Page 7 46.25 6.14 52.39 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PFOCFFDTITGS 223. Minutes of Regular Meeting Augast 1, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Village Hall on the 1st day of August, 1972. Couicilman Stauffer was absent. Meeting called to order by President Reinke. Agenda corrected to include discussion on burning ordinance and to hear Mr. Patrick Finnegan. MOTION by Knutson that minutes of July 18, 1972 be approved and same ordered published. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz. Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. The following advertisement for Bids for Fire Apparatus was published in the Dakota County Tribune: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount will receive sealed bids at the Village Hall on County Road 42, Rosemount, Minnesota until 7 :30 PM CDT en Tuesday, the 1st day of August, 1972 at which time they will be opened and read aloud for the furnishing of all labor and materials and all else necessary for the furnishing and delivery of: ONE (1) COMBINATION TF.T,FSCOPIC ELEVATING PLATFORM, LADDER, PUMP, 1000 GALLON PER =WES FIRE APPARATUS. according to the specifications dated July 5, 1972, on file in the Rosemount Village Hall on County Road 42, Rosemount, Minnesota 55068. Bids shall be directed to the Village Clerk securely sealed and en- dorsed on the outside wrapper "BIDS FOR FIRE APPARATUS, AUGUST 2, 1972 All bids shall be accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond, or certified check made payable to the order of the Village for not less than five percent (5%) of the amount. of the bid. The Village Council reserves theright to retain the deposits of the three lowest bidders for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days after closing of the bids. No bid may be withdrawn for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days afterthe date and time set for the opening of bids. Payment for the work shall be by cash or check. Copies of the specifications will be furnished by the Village Clerk on request to any prospective bidder. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids; to waive irregularities and informalities therein, and further reserves the right to award the Contract to the best interests of the Village. Don F. Darling Village Clerk Rosemount, Minnesota Clerk noted there was only one bid received. Bid opened with the following results: 4) ')j ROSER'IOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Lit Lr Minutes of Regular Meeting August 1, 1972 American Fire Apparatus Bid Bond Attached $67,442.00 MOTION by Jensen to refer the bid to engineer and Fire Dept. equipment committee for their recommendation back to Council at the next regular meeting. Second by Knutson. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays O. Mr. "Andy" Anderson, Dakota County Administrator addressed the Council regading the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Dakota County. He requested the Village of Rosemount enter into a cooperation agreement to develop the Housing Authority with the County, and to aid in their application to HUD _*'or both family and elderly housing. No action was taken by the Council but agreed to discuss it at a later meeting. Mayor informed Council he had requested Mr. P. F. Finnegan to obtain easements for assessments relating to property in the area of the storm sewer drainage. T•Tr. Finnegan was advised by Council that at this time they are unable to make any coaanitL.went as to the estimated amount of the assessment. Mr. Donald Schiffman was present representing John Schiffman. He informed Council that John is out of town temporarily and requested he be appointed as temporary animal warden. MOTION by Knutson that Mr. Donald Schiffman be retained as animal warden during the basence of John Schiffman, and that upon John's return we review the employment with the two of them and one or the other be employed in this position. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Genz, Reinke. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Sewer and water ordinance with modifications was discussed. MOTION by Knutson to refer the sewer and water ordinance and rate schedule to the Utilities Commission for their review and recommendations back to Council by the next regular meeting. Second by Jensen. Aye Knutson, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Attorney Grannis informed the Council that Our Savior Lutheran Church is offering to sell to the Village 135' (Containing approximately 2+ acres) for roadway easement. Original plans called for purchasing 100'. The additional 35' lie west to the section line. Asking price is $8000. Counsel ad'-ised they had conferred with appraisers and it was their opinion this is a fair price. MOTION by Genz that the offer of Our Savior Luthern Church be accepted and the land required for proposed construction cf County Road 33S, including the additional 35' be purchased for $8000, providing the offer is still open. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to aarpt from DLR Construction the Sect. 16 Road and approve the final payment of $10,298.02 and order check issued. Second by Knutson. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that change order No. 6 recommended by BSEH for $257. to approved on the Austin Keller Construction contract. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 4 Nays 0. ROSEMOLR?T VILLAGE PROCEEnilIGS Minutes of Regular Meeti ng August 1, 1972 MOTION by Knutson that Stage I Watermain Project be accepted and approve final payment of $4871.41, and the amount be paid to Austin Keller Constriction Co. Second by Reinke. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 4 Nays O. Council discussed sewer and water construction and the matter of obtaining waiver of trespass in order that contractor may continue construction. Engineer advised there may be a problem of additional cost involving noving out and moving in costs if contractor is not permitted to continue with the Storm sewer portion of the contract. MOTION? by Reinke that contractor be ordered to continue work on the storm sewer. Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen ant Knutson. Ayes 4 Mays O. Engineer informed Council that because the laterals have been increased to 8" the lateral assessment figures would be increased from $3.65per foot to $4.25. Council agreed side yard assessment costs will be spread over -all. Council discussed assessment charges against Greif Bros. Company. MOTION by Knutson to assess the Greif Bros. property for the over sizing of the water main line running from the point of connection to its termination on County Road 42, less the lateral benefits for the Zannmiller property to the north and less the host of jacking the casing under the railroad tracks. Second by Genz. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Council discussed transferring from Liquor Revenue Fund to General Revenue Fund approximately $4800 to pay Hayes -Cedar St improvement costs. No action was taken. Council again discussed service3 Planning Consultant to the Village MOTION by Knutson that the Planning Commission be advised that the Council agrees with their recomendatior: for the use of the Ongoing services of Brauer and Assoc. as planner for the Village of Rosemount Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz. Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. t•MOTION by Knutson second by Jensen to accept the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of July 27, 1972 and order same filed. Ayes Reinke Jensen, Knutson, and Genz. Ayes 4 Nay 0. ic MOTION by Knutson that the ear earrng date for the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations he set for August 24, 1972 at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall. Second by Reinke. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Council discussed Spring Lake area as proposed for Federal Recreation Area. MOTION by Reinke to adopt Resolution 1972 -19 supporting the County Parks and Recreation Commission recommendation for the Federal Park in the Spring Lake Area. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Attorney will contact Mr. Chuck Lowery in the Dakota County office of Parks and Recreation and will draw up the resolution. 225 2 2 6 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting August 1, 1972 Council authorized Don Brown to gravel 120th St. and bill Jewish Com- munity Center for Village of Rosemount share of the r•ost. Mayor infor3ned Council that Eagan Township has agreed to share the cost of graveling of and making necessary repairs to road, resu] tin_. fr."'n :amages by driving over same with heavy equipment early in the spring. Mayor informed Council he had checked with Mr. R. McNamara and discussed proposed location of garage to be constructed. He was informed by Mr. McNamara that garage will be constructed approximately 16' from his lot line and this is in compliance with the ordinance. Mayor Reinke reported he had met with an excavator in an effort to obtain an estimate to cover the old duir, sit= with 3' of cover. The estimated cost was $10,000. No further action_ taken on the matter. Attorney to research and present recommendation on franchise agreements with utility companies including Cable TV to be adopted by Village Council. Council agreed to hold a special meeting to discuss Village of Rosemount employees wages. Meeting to be held on kugust 14, 7:30 PM at the Liquor and Utilities Commissions Bldg. Council discussed a letter from the Village of Apple Valley addressed to Joint Management Committee, Metropolitan Council and Metropolitan Sewer Board re Joint Study by Metro Council and Metro Sewer Board for the Cost allocation system of th° Metro Disposal System July 20, 1972. Council agreed clerk's office shall aiswer the above with the suggested letter drafted by BSEH for mayor's signature. MOTION by Knutson to approve the bills as presented for payment and they be paid from their respective funds. Second_ by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 4 Nays 0. GEDTERAL REVNUE FUND 4,708.73 FIRE DEPT. FUND 900.29 LIQUOR REVENUE FUND $15,958.10 MOTION by Jensen to approve application of Broco Construction Co. for License to do business. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays O. MOTION by Reinke second by Genz to approve application of Glenn's Market to License to sell non intoxicating liquor (3.2 beer) Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and C'renz.. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to approve transfer of $2000 to Fire Dept. Fund from General Revenue Fund. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 4 Fa.ys 0. Council authorized BSEH to draft a form letter which can be sent in reply to questions about meter deposits. Council agreed no action is necessary re notice of hearing received from Inver Grove Heights informing Village of Rosemount of pending hearing to rezone land adjacent le Village boundaries. Attorney Grannis informed Council he had received aletter from attorney representing Kee Park requesting Council approve concept of proposed trailer park subject to approval of PUD requirements at a later date. Council agreed attorney shall reply referring the matter t the Planning Consultant and Planning Commission. Gary Gray returned with Chief R. McNamara with recommendations from Fire Dept. Committee. It was determined, after conversation with Vice President of the firm, they would furnish optional equipment as listed and include that in the bas lid. With this the contract for the equipment furnished would comply with the speci- fications. Contract should be dravm up by the attorney and should include a definite statement that this equipment be included at no additional cost. After further discussion attorney recommended the flo await arrival of a letter col-firming their conversation. MOTION by Jensen second by Knutson to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, Council agreed unanimously to adjourn. Published in Dakota County Tribune ROSE'IOUNT VILLAGE PFOCRFDINGS 2 2 7 Minutes of Regular I4eeting a� l August 1, 1972 Respectfully submitted Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer 1972 Page N/1.5 G s 8 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS `(r Minutes of Regular Meeting August 1, 1)72 Bills submitted for approval and payment August 1, 1972 GENERAL RETINUE FUND League of Minnesota Municipalities 409.00 Wisconsin Natl. Life Ins. 55.83 NSP 48.81 Grannis and Grannis 90.00 Brauer and Assoc. 53.84 Pitney Bowes 25.50 Minnesota Benefit Assn. 94.03 Mark Dresselhaus 11.50 Tom Lanning 3.00 Don Nelson 1.25 Mrs. L. Doehling 61.17 John Schiffman 126.28 W. Conniff' 204.00 Steve Nelson 56.88 Y. Alsip 140.89 Mary Dixon 42.00 Cindy McCarthy 48.00 Fluerels Power Equipment 6.50 Solberg Aggregate 8.47 B. C. Moody 44.64 J. Staats 44.64 Fair Book Supply 1.20 Motorola 6.60 Toombs Ins. 339.00 Motor Parts Service 8.52 Treas. Dakota County 37.40 Sidewalk Assessment refunds 1715.16 R. McNamara 223.20 Nick Fox 22.32 Joe Walsh 24.00 Grannis Grannis 775.00 TOTAL $4708.73 FIRE DEPT. FUND Firemen's Relief Assn. 607.82 Roberts Drugs 1.77 Toombs Ins. 175.00 Minnesota Fire Inc. 565.75 NSP 15.19 Peoples Natural Gas 5.75 Corcoran Itdwe. 11.24 A -1 Rental R pair 9.35 Dakota County Tribune 43.00 R. L. Erickson, M.D. 40.00 Coast to Coast 2.71 Corrigan Electric 5. F. H. Bath}ce Co. 25.08 TOTAL 900.29 Bills submitted for -payment and approval August 1, 1972 LI06':R RI'`d;! J Fag) ROSEMOUIIT VILLAGE I'ROCEEDII?GS Minutes of Regular Meeting August 1, 1972 Liquor Store Int. Sinking 795.00 Postmaster Bohnert 8.00 Minnesota Benefit Assn. 100. Central Telephone 32.74 Peoples Gas 12.35 HSP 231.34 Petty Cash 69.87 Smith Grain 17.50 7 UP Bottling 49.50 Coca Cola Bottling 22.65 Badger Store 16.00 NCR Systemedia Div. 9.95 Van Papaer Co. 49.30 0. M. Droney Bev. 83.49 Toombs Iris. Agency 561.00 Paul Wendlandt Jr. 38.40 Day Distributing 740.43 Gross Industrial Serv. 11.60 Northwest Linen 42.90 Patsy Ann's 128.70 Twin City Home Juice 35.73 Drentlaw Whsle Candy 142.15 Leding Distributing 566.25 Transport Clearings 112.07 Town, Country 20.0n Alcorn Beverage 228.74 College City Beverage 556.76 Concord Bev. 1277.05 Olctutch Foods 60.00 Hanson Beverage 2125.05 Rosemr_n.urt Utilities 100.00 Griggs Cooper 1406.2.6 Judge Electric 61.00 Minn. Mun. Liquor Dues 25.00 Sanitary Sewer Sink Fund 2230.02 Famous Brands 570.56 Old Peoria Co. 814.19 Ed Phillips 2147.72 Distillers Distr. Co. 1763.19 IRS 54.00 Johnson Bros. 1014.38 McKesson Liquor 796.25 1956 Irnprovernent Fund 2000.00 General Fund Audit fee 250.00 Midwest Wine Co. 85.10 TOTAL $15 ,95 Liquor Store Payroll July, 1972 2,453.04 Utilities Payroll 132.63 229 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota was duly held at the Village Hall on the 8th day of August, 1972 at 7:30 PM Councilman Knutson was absent. President Reinke called the meeting to order. Purpose of the meeting was to open and consider bids for $440,000 Temporary Improvement Bonds of 1972 and $105,000 General Obligation Bonds of 1972. Bids received on the $105,000 G.O. Bonds of 1972 were opened with the following results: pain, Kalman Quail First National Bank of Minneapolis Piper, Jaffray Hopwood E. J. P Co. First National Bank of Minneapolis Piper Jaffrdy Hopwood Bank Northwest First INIational Bank of St.. Faul ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting August 8, 1972 Net Interest Dollar Cost $31,530.o0 30,505.00 30,207.50 30,187.50 A good faith check in the amount of $2100 wasattached to each bid. Bids received on the $440,000 Temporary Improvement Bonds of 1972 were opened with the following results: 48,125.00 48,895.00 48,oi5.00 Net Interest Rate 4.83218 4.675 4.6295 4.62644 3.9772 4.04091 3.96818 45,210.00 3.73636 A good faith check in the amount of $8800 was attached to each bid. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Resolution 1972 -20 that bid for $105,000 G.U. Bonds of 1972 be accepted and awarded to E. J. Prescott Co. at an interest rate of 4.62644. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz to adopt Resolution 1972 -21 that bid for $4130,00o be accepted and awarded to First National Bank of St. Paul at an interest fate of 3.73636. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Stauffer. Byes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer second by Jensen to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, Council agreed unanimously eo adjourn. Published in Dakota County Respectfully submitted Tribune on u 1972 Page Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer 231 "OSFMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS h e) 2 Minutes of Special Meeting August 14, 1972 Pursuant to due call aid notice thereof a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Village Liquor and Utilities Commissions Bldg. on the 14th day of August, 1972 at 7:30 PM. Mayor Reinke called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. All members present. Purpose of the meeting was to discuss salaries and benefits for full time employees of the Village. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1972 -22 to establish wage guidelines for full time employees of the Village of Rosemount and resolve we establish a policy of six (6) months probation for new employees with annual increments to a three !3) year maximum salary. Second by Reinke. Ayes Reinke,Genz, Jensen, Stauffer and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to amend Resolution 1972x22 to include as paid holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Jensen, Stauffer, Knutson and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Rein e that Hull time Police Department and Utilities Department /ge and one half rate after 40 hours per week excluding department heads, effective August 1, 1972. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Genz, Knutson, Reinke and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. There being norther business to come before this Council at this time, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. ATTEST: Don F. Darling 7 Clerk- Treasurer Margaret H. Alsip Council Secretary Published in the Dakota County Tribune on 461/4/, 1972, Page /0 ROSEMOlTT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting August 15, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Village Hall on the 15th day of August, 1972 at 7:30 PM. President Reinke called the meeting to order. All members present. Agenda corrected to include discussion on Village Parking Lot, Kee Park Mr. E. E. Jones, and salary review for village employees as discussed at special meeting of Aug. 14, 1972. MOTION by Knutson second by Jense_: to approve the minutes of the August 1st regular meeting and order same be published. Ayres Stauffer, Reinke, Genz, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen second by Stauffer to approve the minutes of the special meeting of August 8th and order same be published. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council discussed the bid received on August 1, 1972 for fire dept. equipment. One bid was received. from American Fire Apparatus Co., amount $68,395.50 Clerk read a letter of confirmation received from the company including three items the company has agreed to supply and which will be included in the bid price. MOTION by Jensen that Village of Rosemount enter into an agreement with American Fire Apparatus Company to build fire truck as per specifications sup- plied for Ithe purchase price of $6b,395.50 as letter of August 1, 1972 indicates. Second by Reinke. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council authorized Attorney Dave Grannis III attendnance at Fire Dept. meeting at approximately 9:30 N1. for the purpose of rendering an opinion on review of bylaws and Articles of Incorporation in the minutes. After said review, it is their opinion that "charter members" did not become members until the approval of their application was given by the Board of Trustees. Attorney Grannis informed Council of the results of condemnation hearing involving Hilda Larson property. The award was $15,200, plus $200 allowance for appraisal fee. Village attorney will contact Mrs. Larson and attorney re their position. Matter to be placed on agenda for meeting ofSept. 5th at which time it is anticipated additional information will be available for discussion. Mr. Ron Pederson informed Council of progress of Parks and Recreation Commission relating to development of parks in the Village, and application of HUD funds for this pupose. Council agreed Mr. Don Brown need only attend the first meeting of each month unless there were special problems from his DeparUrient to come before the Council. MOTION by Knutson that permit application presented by Mr. Anthony Goebel be approved and permit be issued allowing Mr. Goebel to park a mobile home on his property as per recommendations of Planning Commission dated August 14, 1972: 1. Received verbal permission from Township approximately 4 or 5 years ago. {L t ROSEP'IOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS August 15, 1972 I'✓iinutes of Regular Meeting 2. Trailer was on the site for the past 4 or 5 years even though not lived in. 7. Permit is non transferrable. 4. Permit is to be granted for one year only, subject to renewal. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council discussed with Chmn. R. Corcoran of the Planning Commission the request of Kee Fark for concept approval for the mobile home park without fulfilling PUD requirements, as it was discussed at Planning Commission meeting on August 14, 1972. Planning Commission agreed they could not recommend to council without additional information from Kee Park. Council agreed Clerk's office shall send a letter to Planning Consultant (Brauer and Assoc.) requesting that has been presented to this point by Kee Fark be reviewed and what additional information is required under PUD regulations; that the planner representing Kee Park contact Brauer f:: Assoc. for any additional information. Mr. E. E. Jones and Mr. Eldon Kvam, representing Kee Park, Inc. authorized Planning Commission Chairman Richard Corcoran to withdraw publication of the Notice of Public Hearing to consider a variance to the Ordinance requirement of PUD procedures scheduled for August 31, 1972. Council discussed recommendation of Planning Commission to Council to graft a variance and issue building permit to Mr. Timothy Gillespie, as outlined in minutes of August 14th meeting. MOTION by Knutson that attorney be authorized to prepare a complaint against Mr. Gillespie for violation of the building codes as outlined in Planning Commission minutes of August 14th, specifically referred to Sect. 15, Subd. 2 and Sect. 9, Subd. 1 Para 3e, and subject to fine or penalty, Section 16. Second by Reinke. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays O. MOTION by Stauffer to grant Mr. Eugene Meier a variance as recommended by the Planning Commission in August 14th minutes, witll the three stipulations specified in the minutes: (1) Property was acquired before the adoption of the Interim Zoning Ordinance. (2) Denial would prohibit development similar to that which already exists. (3) Land is currently in Plan Study and building permit cannot be issued until after the adoption of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Second by Reinke. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to accept minutes of Planning Commission Special meeting of August 14, 1972 and same be placed on file. Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Adoption of the Sewer and Water Ordinance for the Village of Rosemount was discussed. MOTION by Reinke to adopt Sewer And Water Ordinance No. X3.1 with changes recommended by the Utilities Commission and providing for an optional percolation test. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Rdnke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays O. be adopted MOTION by Suffer that Resolution 1972 -23�A RESOLUTION ESTABI]SHING WATER ROSEI VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting August 15, 1972 AND SEWER RATES IN THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOTJNT. Second by Genz. ayes Stauffer Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to contract with Solberg Construction Co. to complete the grading and bituminous surfacing of the village parking lot adjacent to the snooping center.. The existing contract with Nick Fox is to be termi- nated. Payment f.r the work is to be made in the amount of the original contract. ($1052.50) Engineer will draw up contract change order and obtain the signature of Nick Fox prior to next council meeting. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays O. Assessment hearings for Hayes Cedar Improvement and Rahn Broback Wdermain and Sanitary Sewer were discussed. MOTION by Rdnke second by Jensen to set September 19, 1972 at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall as the date, time and place for the public hearing on proposed assessments for the Hayes Cedar St. Improvement, and to authorize Banister Engineering to prepare assessment rolls. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke second by Knutson to set October 3, 1972 at 7:30 PM at the Vil- lage Hall as the date, time and place for the public hearing on proposed assessments for the Rahn Broback Watermain and Sanitary Sewer and to authorize Banister Engineering to prepare assessment rolls. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays C. MOTION by Jensen that Police Dept. submit to the Council a copy of the Crime Bureau Report submitted monthly, in lieu of the form presently being submitted. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to accept the police report submitted for July and same be placed on file. Second by Genz. Ayes Kntson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays O. Council reviewed action taken at a special meeting held on August 14 to discuss salaries and benefits of Village employees. t4OTION by Knutson to adopt the following wage scale for department heads effective August 1, 1972. Liquor Store Manager salary set at $12,500 /year; Police Chief at $12,50C!;year; Supt. of Utilities, Street and Public Bldgs. at $12,000 /year; Clerk- Treasurer salary at $220 month. Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson effective August 1, 1972 to set the salaries in various depart- ments as follows: Liquor Store Mrs. Pat McGuire increased to $525 /rno.; Clerk's Dept. Mrs. Margaret Alsip and Mrs. Judith Willis increased to $2.75/Hr. Police Dept., Officer J. Staats increased to $925./mo. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Rance, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that Police Officer Brent Moody receive the first increase of the three step prograrn (5100 annually) as adopted in Resolution 1972 -22 Effective October 1, 1)72, Officer Moody's salary be increased to $725./mo. Second by Reinke. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Staufier and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays O. 2 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting August 15, 1972 MOTION by Knutson that the starting salary for light equipment operator (does not apply to any individual at this time) be set at $650/mo. The three step annual increase to be set. at :$50/mo. Prior experience to be considered in the three year program. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson second by Jensen to approve the bills presented for payment and they be paid from their respective funds. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, u enz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen second by Genz to transfer $4800 from Utilities Fund to General Fund to cover costs involved in Hayes Cedar St. Improvement. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to grant tax abatements as recommended by Dakota County tax assessor's office for Bert J. Friedman Parcels 36096 and 36072; Metropolitan Sewer Board Parcel No. 36332A and P.A. Stelter Parcel 37198 -00. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes5 Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to approve the application and issue license to do business to Consolidated Plumbing and Heating and E. E Jones, Inc., contingent upon receipt of insurance certificate. Second by Knutson. Ayes Reinke, Jensen Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Riays 0. MOTION by Reinke Second by Jensen to approve the application and issue license to do business to Gorco Construction Co. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes5 Mays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to increase the wages for part time help in the police department to $3.50 /Hr. Second, by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer second by Jensen to adjourn. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, It was unanimously agreed to adjourn. on F. arling Clerk Treasurer Margaret H. Alsip Council Secretary Published in the dakota County Tribune on /4/ 1972, Page /o 1 1 1 Hills submitted for approval and payment GENERAL 'H EVENUE FUND Harold Chevrolet 12.50 City of Hastings 5.00 Councilmen Salaries (4 $60) 2 Mayor Salary 80.00 M. Alsip 147.93 C. Cunningham 231.00 W. Cunniff 148•.50 Steve _Nelson 92.75 Metsen Realty 225.00 Banister Engineering 2739. R8 Union 76 197.28 Phoenix Industries 4.00 Coast to CuEt 23.71 Fox Excavating 344.50 Itasca Equiiment 7.89 Carlson Tractor 129.53 Rosemount Arctic Cat 1 Corcoran Hdwe. 27.70 Dakota County Tribune 60.87 Brady Margulis 95.63 Toombs Ins. Agency 283.58 Fischer Said 206.16 NSP 444.95 Central Tele?phon 51.95 Hawkins Janitorial 25.00 Metro Sewer Board 1119.65 Liquor Rev. Fund 131.79 Postmaster 50.00 Pitney Bowes 17.00 TOTAL $7096.38 FIRE DEPT. FUND Dakota County Tribune 12.09 Central Telephone 50.73 TOTAL 62.82 ROSE +IOUJPNT VI'.T.AGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting August 15, 1972 237 238 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE P^OCFRDINGS Minutes of Special Meetin August 24, 1972 r”rsuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Village Hall on the 24th day of August, 1972. All members present. President Reinke called the meeting to order.. The following notice was published in the Dakota County Tribune on August 10, 1972: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Rosemount Village Council and Planning Commission in the Village Hall, 1767 145th St. E. (County Road 42) on the 24th day of August, 1972, at. 7:30 PM CDT, to discuss and consider adoption of a Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations for the Village of Rosemount. All interested parties will be heard at said time and place. Copies of the new Ordinance may be inspected in the office of the Village Clerk. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA. Dated August 10, 1972. on F. r11ng Clerk Treasurer NOTICE OF HEARING Don F. Darling Clerk Treasurer Members of the Planning Commission present were Chairman R. Corcoran, Secretary Mrs. Mari Van Kleek, and Mrs. Betty Zannm;ller. Mr. Fred Hoisington explained the Zoning Ordinance and the Subdivision Ordinance being considered for adoption by this Council. After all interested parties were heard and upon MOTION by Reinke second by Knutson to call a special joint meeting of the Village Council and Planning Commission on August 31, at 7:30 PM, this healing to be continued to that time. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays O. Therefore this hearing is continued to August 31, at 7:30 PM for further discussion, and the matter of the adoption of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations be placed on the agenda of the regular meeting on September 5, 1972. Margaret H. Alsip Council Secretary Published in Dakota County Tribune on 1972, Page �J Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount. was held at the Village Hall on the 29th day of August, 1972. All members present. President Reinke called the meeting tc order. The following notice was published in the Dakota County Tribune on August 10, 1972: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village Council will meet at 7:30 PM CDT on August 29, 1972, at the Village Hall, 1367 145th St. E. (County Road 42) Rosemount, Minnesota, to pass upon the proposed assessments against abutting property fcr the 148th Street Wa.tenn:aln Project covering the following described property: Lots 2 through 11 inclusive Block I, and Lots 2 through 11 inclusive Block II, all in Edwin Rahn Addition. ROSEMOUDNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting August 29, 1972 The proposed assessment is on file for public inspection in the office of the Clerk- Treasurer at the Village Hall. Written or oral objections will be considered at the Hearing. The total cost of the improvement is $16,634.78. Dated August 7, 1972 Don F. Darling Clerk Treasurer Assessments may be paid in full without interest within 30 days of the adoption of the assessment roll by the Council; or the assessment will be added to the tax rolls and will be paid in ten annual equal installments with 8% interest payable on the unpaid balance. Assessment balance can be prepaid any time. Residents must hook up within two years and must pay a $300 water hookup charge, a $35 meter deposit and a .$3; surcharge in addition to monthly water rates. Service must be installed by a licensed plumber. If a resident wishes to install and hook up his own system, it must be approved by a licensed plumber. An old well does not have to to capped, it may be used as an auxiliary water supply for waterir€lawn, etc., however, the Village system and the private well system may not be interconnected. After all interested parties had been heard and upon MOTION by Knutson to close this assessment hearing on the 148th St. Watermain Project and to adopt the roll of assessment as printed. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. 239 240 ROSa VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting August 29, 1972 The following was published in the Dakota Connty Tribune on August 10, 1972: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUINIT DAKOTA COLNTL, PII' NESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE• that the Village Council will meet at 7:30 PM CDT on August 29, 1972 at the Village Hall, 1367 145th St. E. (County Road 42) Rosemount, Minnesota, to pass up n the proposed assessment against abutting property for the Watermain Improvement constructed at the following location: On Ash Street extended (County Road 42) for 715 feet immediately easterly of the C.R.I. &P. Railroad Company right -of -way; On Ash Street extended westerly (County Road 33) for 2920 feet westerly of the east line of Section 30, T4rp. 115 R 19 west to the extended east line of Lot 3 Block 1 Broback Second Addn.; On Chippendale Ave. (County Road 39) for 560 feet northerly of the extended north line of Lot 11 Block 1 Edwin Rahn Addn. along the west side of said avenue only; On Chippendale Ave. (County Road 39) for 750 feet. northerly of the southeast corner of the aforesaid Sect. 30, along the east side of said avenue only. The proposed assessment is on file for public inspection in the office of the Clerk- Treasurer at the Village Hall. Written or oral objections will be considered at the Hearing. Total cost of the improvement. is $147,095.94. Dated August 7, 1972. Don F. Darling Clerk Treasurer Mayor opened the hearing to the public and turned the meeting over to Coun- cilmen Stauffer, Genz and Knutson. These men were on the Council at the time the project was initiated. Mt. John Hull, an attorney representing Greif Bros. Corporation was present to formally protest. the assessment to his client. Generally, it was felt the assessment was not equitable for the benefit received, although Greif had requested additional water supply to meet fire insurance requirements, namely 1500 GPI at 70 psi. Mr. Gary Gray of Banister Engineering explained the assessment to the properties involved. Mr. Pat Finnegan notified the Council of his intent to protest the proposed assessment because property owned by him had already been served by municipal water system. After all other in rested parties had been heard by the Council and upon MOTION by Knutson that hearing for Stage I Water Improvement 1971 -2 be continued until the regular Council meeting on September 19, 1972. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Therefore this hearing is continued to September 19, 1972. ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk Treasurer Published in Dakota County Tribune on ROSEMOU T VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 2 4 1. Minuted of Special .'fleeting August 29, 1972 Margaret H. Alsip Council Secretary 1972, Page /0 xi/ /3 242 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Village Hall on the 31st day of August, 1972. All members present. President Reinke called the muting to order. Purpose of the meeting is to continue the Pblic Hearing held by the Villge Council and Planning Commisslon7J7 a3iscuss and consider adoption of a Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations for the Village of Rosemount. Mr. Henry Broback again presented a site development plan for 21+ acres including a holding pond along County Road 33S requesting an I -Park Zoning; on the South side of 42 near Glenn's Market, requesting C -1 zoning for stores, and RI's Multiples for apartments or townshouses; the Outlot on Damask 42 requesting for C -3, service station, motel, hotel, etc.; and the large Outlot would be a park. The 10 A. parcel on the north side of 42 be zoned for park, east of the park C -1 for realty office (Broback's) and a model home; near the Lutheran Church a 7 A. parcel zoned RM multiple to contain two 90 unit apartment buildings; Danville and County Road 42 zoned multiple to build two more double bungalows. In Rahn's Fifth Addition, near the newly erected water tower site, a request for RPvImultiple dwelling. Mr. Broback stated he would build it just as the proposed sites show. If he found it necessary to change, he would petition for a variance. Pros and cons of the scheme were discussed until 8 :00 PM. At that time the meeting was continued in order that Planning Commission may conduct their meeting calling for public hearings. At 8:30 PM the public h:aring for discussion on proposed Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations was reconvened, and Council continued to hear discussion from interested parties. After all parties were heard and upon MOTION by Genz to close the hearing and adjourn this meeting. Second by Jensen. Council unanimously agreed to close this hearing and will make a decision on adoption of the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations for the Village of Rosemount at a later date. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, the meeting was adjourned. Dori F. Darling Clerk Treasurer Published in Dakota County Tribune on ROSE'•IOUJNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting August 31, 1972 Margaret H. Alsip Council Secretary 71. Page ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEFDITTGS C3 A 3 Minutes of Regular Meeting G`°# September 5, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Village Hall on the 5th day of September, 7972. All members pres,:.P.. President Reinke called the meeting to order. Agenda corrected to include discussion re letter and questionnaire received from Metro Council, Mrs. Alice Anderson of Parks and Rec. Commission, two new appointments to Planning Commission and Hayes Cedar St. Assessments. Minutes of August. 14, 1972 corrected to state: MOTIOPI by Reinke that full time Police Department and Utilities Dept. be paid time and one half rate after 40 hours per week excluding department heads, effective August 1, 1972. Second by Stauffer. MOTION by Knutson that minutes of August 1 .15, 24, 29 and 71, 1972 he approved as sor1.: ±_..t2'. ":until with the exception of the change made in the August 14th minutes, and same be ordered published as corrected. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Members of the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority were present to further discuss with Council the adoption of th- Agreement by the Village of Rosemount. After considerable discussion, Council adjourned ho executive session. Upon return the fellowin_ motion was made: MOTID =Z By Jensen to adopt Resolution 1972 -24 a Resolution supporting the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Dakota County in its efforts to provide low income family (Lousing and construct h.using for the elderly, and to approve the inclusion of Rosemount in the first. year's application for funding to HLTD. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, ReiILke,Jense_n, Knutson Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. A letter received from Mr. Maynard Voge1gesang tendering his resignation from the Planning Commission was read. Mr. Tom Stein has notified Council verbally that he also wishes to resign both due to personal cornmitHnents. MOTION icy Knutson that Br. Ray Barton be appointed to the Planning Cor fission to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Tom Stein. Term being 2 years three months; and to appoint Mr. Donald Corrigan to the Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term f 14r. Maynard Vogelgesang. Term being 1 year, 3 months. Second by Gera. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes5 Nays O. Mrs. Alice Anderson of the Park and Reerecation Commission presented a short resume of their work the past several months, and requested authorization to :elect two appraisers to appraise park sites selected in order that tL. ay proceed with HUD application to obtain monies to purchase these sites. MOTION by Knutson to appoint IIrs. Alice nderson represett.ing Par;: Board asst :1r. Dave Granmis III_ representing the Village to make the necessary arrwigements to obtain appraisals the Park Board needs for the prop rtc that the park board is going to make application, an for federal funds. Second by Jensen. Elves Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Dog Catcher presented his report informing Council of the need for a kennel to impound dogs picked up ir.. H.o].at 0h f the m.11 Tnce. Council requested Mr. Schiffman to check. in an effort to locate a suitable place. 24 `I ROSE-DUET VILLAGE PROnEELINGS Minutes of Rezular Meeting Septe.mb -r 5, 1972 MOTION by Genz to grant a variance to build on a lot less than 2z A. in size to Mr. Gerald O'Meara as per recorcnendations submitted by Planning Commission. Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Erauer and Assoc. letter re Continuing Planning Proposal for 1973 tabled for further discussion at a later meeting. Planning Commission requested to have recommendations to Council at that time. Mr. Gary Gray reported to "ouncil that HUD application for funds to construct sanitary sewer has been submitted and village .hae a grant number. Additional information is needed and certain oth c c. must be met, including the establishment of a Human Rights Commission. MOTION by Jensen to authorize attorney to draft a resolution for the establishment of a Human Rights Commission in the Village of Rosemount. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes5 Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to approve application for payment to Erickson Bros. Contacting in the amount of $62,017.65. Second by Reinke. Ayes Gena, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke to approve application for payment to Universal Tank Iron in the amount of $12,170.00. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. The matter of obtaining topographical maps for the Village of Rosemount was tabled to a future meeting for more discussion before entering into a program to obtain these maps Estimated cost for the procedure was $12,000. Attorney Dave Grannis had heard from the attorney representing Mrs. Hilda Larson, however, no new information is available. Condemnation proceedings awarded $17,200 for the property. Fire Chief Ray McNamara advised Council, the fire department has elected to select an alternate site for less money, '.f possible. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize attorney to settle the pending condemnation of the Hilda Larson property for an amount of $8500 plus incidental costs. In the event they do not accept this offer within one week, attorney further authorized to withdraw the petition. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Ordinance XV.1 AN ORDINANCE DEFINING AND PROHIBITING DISORDERLY CONDUCT AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THEREOF. Seoond by Reinke. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Ordinance XII.1 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF HIGHWAYS WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT INCORPORATING PROVISIONS OF THE STATE HIGHWAY TRAFFIC REGULATIONS ACT BY REILRK.JCE AND EAPOSING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF. Second by Reinke. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke. Dyes 5 Nays O. MOTION by Jensen adopting Ordinance XII.2 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REGIS- TRATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND THE LICENSING OF PERSONS OPERATING MOTOR VEHICLES WITHIP THE VILLAGE OF ROSr'T,:IGUNT AND DSflC A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATIONS THEREOF. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to request in writing the Fire Protection Agreement with the Village of Rosemount be reopened for negotiation. Second by Reinke. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays C. ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minut-s of Regular Meeting September 5, 1972 Don Brown discussed with Council the need for sanding equipment for the coming winter season. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize Don Brown to purchase a sander at his discretion. Second by Reinke. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and enz. Ayes 5 Nays O. MOTION by Knutson second by Jensen to approve the bills as presented for payment and they be paid from their respective funds. Ayes Genz Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. GENERAL FUND 6 059.52 FIRE DEPT. FUND 2414.59 LIQUOR REV. FUND $13,486.48 MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to approve the application for license to do business of Allen Heating and Air Conditioning. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen this Council support Dakota County Board of Commissioners as per their Resolution 16 dated August 22, 1972. Said Resolution 16 being a request to the Governor, Commissioner of High ways and other concerned public officials urging them to reconsider a decision to expend public funds en a feasibility study of Highway 35E alignment, particularly within Dakota County. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays O. MOTION by Knutson to transfer $3000 from General Fund to Fire Dept. Fund. Second by Reinke. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays O. After discussion concerning proposed Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ren_ilations Council agreed a Special Meeting be held on September 12th at 7:30 PM at the Village Utilities Commissions Building for the purpose of additbi al discussion, that Attorney, Planner, Fiscal Consultant and Engineer be present at said meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time and upon MOTION by Stauffer second by Knutson to adjourn this meeting, it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. ST: 1 on F. Eerling Clerk Treasurer Margaret H. Alsip Council Secretary Published in Dakota County Tribune On 1972 Page /5 f 245 .2 VILLA.:,E. OF P.OSEMOUNT PROCEEDINGS Minutes of F.eguiar Meeting September 5, 1972 GENERAL REVENUE FUND Wis. Natl. Life Ins. Brauer Assoc U.S. Leasing Rosemount Band Boosters Central Telephone Co. Fair Book Office Mary Dixon Cindy McCarthy Don Sahli M. Alsip R. McNamara Mrs. L. Doehling Grannis Grannis NSP Motorola Minn. Ben Assn. Clinton Cross Gydesen Realty Rehnberg Realty Gydesen Realty Michael Kassan Thoring Realty Strese Union 76 Coast to Coast Fox Excavating Specialty Screening Lakeside AnimalHospital B J Auto Supply Farmers Union Banister Engineering Virblss Son Fischer Sand and Aggregate Casey Curley Chas. Cunningham Wm. Cul Steve blelson TOTAL $6059.52 FIRE DEPT. FUND Central Telephone 53.75 Roberts Drugs 1.47 Uniforms Unlimited 36.00 Firemen's Relief Assn 1876.07 Rato.1aff Service 42 .35 Don McNearney 37.50 }Canes Auto Equip. 327.85 Corcoran Hardware 7.42 NSP 13.03 Coast to Coast 14.37 Peoples Gas 4.78 TOTAL 35. 209.34 35.53 5.80 27.85 6.75 77.87 89.00 90.08 249.22 292.95 40.00 903.5o 5.69 6.6o 94.03 55.10 5).00 54.00 265.00 265.00 265.00 2.00 9.98 851.50 21.00 33.5 25.08 213.20 653.21 60.00 549.29 30.37 264.00 129.00 40.25 $2414.59 The meetinn was called to ohdeh by gavot Retnhe,w4.44 ate .ern council membem phesent.,Stru.Yreni -l: titsrn,— denaea nd -Genes The agenda wag amended to include c letteh Strom the rrsetnoumt Luthetan Centetenu bu ireien Vu44 Secnctatu- Tnea6w t on the ma.tteh ol(. the aianmcn.t ptoposal lot County rd 40 in connection with the cenentehy. Eight conditions WNW discussed at which time N tolr! the Vj. eaoe that the county would natee to jive conditions '(1 the Village would anhee to .tlthee: 1. Aee planning and platting costs would he paid bu the village in connection with this t:tansactcon, to p.tovide acceptable. lay +out. 2. 4CC .CenaC costs aruf.d be paid by the vif'lapc in connection with this tnansacti on.. 3. Planned and existing toads within the eeme.tehry would be black' topped and pair' by the village. Knutson agreed to ask the R4mt Luth. sec.- .tte.as(Lten to pttart-snieetsser to discuss and solve the p:tobtem4.0t,,.'fon. Sept. 18. 1972 at 7:30 at the Village. (fall. ,r 1 meeting was he.g14 to discuss and study/ the pv(npc ed 7Cn -(.nn ehrainance. Guests at the. meeting wete Flied. H., Vance Ghann.t Pave G.tannis 111 Pope». S!tn.n.t, Hit. Spninos ted, Gahy( CJLLtrl and otaire peanrLLnn comr'tiSS.icn mem!Chs Sctuldt, Heinen, Ped, Cohhigan, Van Klee!•, ratzLa(t Canton. Z.-unite absent. P.iscussLon .henandLnn the rutctr.;Lrr fn 2 L auLec r !cut tndas -t s.c.. '1k'. lemsen spoke about lot size and anticipation or small industt.cea having to buy 2 acteas cs opposed to the Sale o,; a eat .their wanted. '11TION Amy i b(( Jensen that the rtin.imum /I -PatF be 30,000 sq. Ft. instead o,< 2 acteas,150 Short.tnge by 200 minimum. .Second by Genz. ,4rres none 5. VLsCLL54L0n ncntt'tdinc dett44- 4+{tnoatous and two t ancLu +!CCC.irtns in ann..icff'tuha2 dc.5.tt {.C.t4. Er,UaPLZation in both sinn.fc <art lrr g ae't4C(LCt(L'al distr.-Lets. i., 'COTION by Re&nhe to tacse Che t tn yi sLzei( ,n00'eG t. in Pi d. 5ttict.w/ 4.o•'i Fuhfe houses en two ,.family dwallinas. .Second by Stau4et. Ayes wehc 5. m. P.isscwssLot tenandinn ephhect<_.ons in Zouino Ohdinances: Sub. 11.23 a. Staff{ Review F'`CCedu -te decision to newtLte pnecedute to tread--- Oras::at requests Ioh bui(di.rg by)at'peica shc,'(LP.d /.,.its.t be ,reviewed by the planting cornrt.i,54.inn. 1/ they accept the application at should then be passed to the consu.tant. PCa vino Comm. has the tight to deny teguests. Questioned haL4cI hu Stau{ on two pub.Cic heahing4. Flied N. expCa.Lned gut heahinq concept plan second on'e_oning and 5.unaf pfo.ttenn. Chance coripkehensive !L1.<.de plan to comptLehensive n:L plan 16.4(ec6 {iit building has to cc'mp.ftr tt'Lth nthetL manic/NZ building petmL-t 6e2,06/. Subdivision Otd. 15.2?' adoption (2/3 ox 4/5 same) L c`'.'.Scrrc 7.4 discussion nenandi.nn vahi.ance by Reinke. Vance Gharni.s stated anything that .is 75° oS what .is -:e i{Le will take care el vtniance._ (q''rar'{,at`(en,ing .i.n)*5° 1 �r Sub. ctL. C a 6' 'i .topophapfLic maps 2 It. .intervals raps r Pt&tsuant to due call and notice theteol, a special meeting was duet, held at the Rosemount Utilities 0/,'ice en the 12th daft r, Septerthet, 1 072, O'cCocb p.m. Section tdi Seatto e c 4..oaia. P. s 7, L. E..t.,. 4/ 9 x Conxecti.on6 con't rage. 1 Section 7 Vaniatce a b. e n A .<a.f f t f 3.2 'discussed .t OnL S,jStfte.et (Widths 60 feet r 66 feet on £ecaC sheets ..7 'Fred. N., Pave., Vance. to remote chanties 4% raft unit rot aehea on donating !and instead c4 10 Sub, Irarycovernen.t6 (-1,-.._,.. _5 Section 6 r:. t caNd f,i.no caraci.t_c/ in r Financ.inr 6.2 i.nsett between ihst and second 6entenance in Tn the event the Vi.Pfane cues its bonding capacitrr to terpatatitu SLnance the i.r1ptnvement$, .the. Viftane may ftCOUi C that a subd.c cc'en shatt (inst (utnish a bone' oft e6c!tow deposit in the amount of the p'tincipM.. the•teo5. Section 3.5 alI discussed stte.et loading .Goading docks Section 9,12/3 vote or Vittane Council delete 3/5 suHicien -t Sub. 31 f'i Ctage Council has to take action within 60 dews On pubttc piat$. atone stags be waived br/ the rtallft(.110 comm. f?. rt� 6 I Cfa t-er c:/ V -7 s- end o! meet.ino Knwteon pahaed quea.tiona ke on poticiee Anon Metro Council to Fncd H. to be. competed. T.tu to pnepate and adept the pnopoee.d Zoninn Cndinance on Tueadar. MOTION by StauSSen to adjowtn at 11:45 p.m. Second by Pe.inke. Agea wane 5. 1 247 ROSEMOLTT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 2 4 9 Minutes of Special Meeting (1 J September 18, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the Village Council of the VilLqj e of Rosemount was held at the Village Liquor and Utilities Commissions Building on the 18th day of September Z-?2 at 9 :0O PM. All members present. President Reinke called the meeting to order. Purpose of the meeting was to discuss with the members of the Rosemount Lutheran Cemetery Assn. ALC the alignment proposal for County Road 4o as it affects the cemetery property. Members of the association felt the cost of replanning, transfer of land, etc. will have to be borne by the Village or County, main reason being there are no funds of accomodate work of this nature. The only conditions wider which they will give land, or even consider it, arethe conditions stipulated in the letter addressed to Mr. Gabiou on August 14, 1972. Alternate concepts were discussed. Mayor Reinke will request from the County Highway Engineer's office a proposal showing the cemetery site as it will be affected by the construction of proposed County Road 4o. There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, Couricil unanimously agreed to adjourn. ATTEST: Dori F. Darling Clerk— Treasurer Margaret H. Alsip Council Secretary Published in Dakda County Tribune on Ole 1972, Page /3 ROSEPIOUIJT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 250 Minutes of Regular Meeting September 19, 1972 Purauant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Village Hall on the 19th day of September, 1972. All members present. President Reinke called the meeting to order. The agenda was corrected to include representatives of Koch Refining Co. and St. Paul Ammonia Products and Mrs. D. McDonough. Minutes of the September 5, 1972 meeting were corrected to show: MOTION by Jensen that Rosemount Village reopen the agreement with the University of Minnesota Rosemount branch for fire protection as stipu— lated in the agreement. Second by Reinke. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays O. MOTION by Knutson to approve the minutes and order same published as corrected. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays O. The following notice was published in the Dakota County Tribune: NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR HAVES— GEDAR, STREET SURFACING IIrFKVEIVIENT IN THE VIT.T AGE OF ROSEMOUPNT, P41PU\TESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Council will meet at 7:30 PM on September 19, 1972 at the Village Hall in said Village to pass upon the proposed assessment against abutting prop erty for the improvement of Hayes Avenut between Ash Street and Cedar Street and Cedar Street between Warweg Avenue and Hayes Avenue in the Village of Rosemount by surfacing said streets. The area to be assessed for said improvement shall be all of Blocks Five (5) and Six (6), and Lot Seven (7), Block Four of the original Town of Rosemount, Dakota County Minnesota. The proposed assessment is on file for public inspection at Illy office. Written or oral objections will be considered at the hearing. The total cost of the improvement is $7133.69. Dated this 25th day of August, 1972. Village of RaEmount By DON F. DARLING Clerk Council discussed assessments affecting corner lots adjacent to County Road 42 which have been blacktopped about nine years earlier, and which had been proposed would not be assessed in this project. Attorney recom— mended to Council the engineer be authorized to prepare a new roll omitting the lots involved. 1 ROSIIvlOUIPT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Recular Meeting September 19, 1972 After all interested parties had been heard, and upon MOTION by Knutson the Hayes -Cedar St. Assessment Hearing be continued to October 3, 1972, and that the engineer be authorized to prepare a new assessment roll according to the changes discussed. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays O. The W Improvement Hearing continued from August 29th was called to order. I'Mayor, engineer, and representatives of Greif Bros. met earlier at attorney's office. Mr. Fred Uitdenbogerd was present to request assessment policies established by the Village pertaining to corner lots. He was informed only the longest side or 100' would be assessed, however, no policy had been adopted. Attorney recommended assessment roll be amended in regard to this property. MOTION by Reinke that engineer Gary Gray amend the proposed assessment roll including the Fred Uitdenbogerd property using the Village policy for assessing a corner lot. Second by Jensen. Ayes Reinke, Knutson, Jensen, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays O. Council determined that assessment for watermain improvement had been paid at an earlier date for Parcel 36181 -C in the name of Patrick and Mary R. Finnegan. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize engineer to remove the names of Patrick and Mary R. Finnegan from the proposed assessment roll Stage I WAermain Improve- ment Village Improvement 1971 -2. The amount of assessment to be removed being $376.20. Second by Genz. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. John Hull attorney representing Greif Bros. Cooperage, Inc., was again present to address the Council. Mayor, engineer and representatives of Greif Bros. had net earlier at offices of Grannis and Grannie to discuss a proposal by Greif Bros. of an equitable assessment. Their objection being that the work done east of the property under the railroad track and to the connecting point was a core facility and benefitted many more property owners than Greif, and felt the assessments involved for the work necessary to extend the facility east to their plant should have been spread equally to more benefitted property owners. It was also felt that there was a disproportionate and inequitable sharing of the cost of this assessment between abutting property owners. (Zanmiller and Greif Bros.) Mr. Hull presented to Council a summary of a compromise proposal as discussed at the afternoon meeting. Because Council as well as Mr. and Mrs. George Zanmiller had not had a chance to review this it was felt the hearing shall be continued in order to stu the proposal and obtain additional information. MOTION by Reinke to continue the Stage I Watermain Improvement hearing to Tuesday, September 26, 1972, at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Lars Nelson referred toletter received from Mr. T. J. McMahon Advisory Board Chairman Sewer Service Area No. 6 requesting whether Council had any additional input before budget is approved by the Met Council, with particular reference to "Sewer Availability Charge" policy. Mayor informed Council he had attended a meeting condensing this same matter and expressed to them the Village's favorable approval of their proposed plan. 251 ROSEPMMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS �L 0 IMLinutes of Regular Meeting September 19, 1972 Mr. Norm Sefer of Koch Refining Co. presented conniients on the noise provision of the proposed Zoning Ordinance as it relates to pollution. Mr. Will Dotson a appeared with Mr. Sefer with additional information. Mr. Thos. Segar of St. Paul Ammonia Products was present in re the same matter. Council thanked them for their presentation. Attorney Dave Grannis III reported Mrs. Hilda Larson did not accept offer made by the Village in the amount of $8500 to purchase the site to construct an addition to the fire department building. Attorney has filed a petition dismissing the condem- nation. Attorney Grannis presented for Council's consideration a copy of Resolution Estab- lishing a Human Rights Commission. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1972 -25 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A HUMAN RIGHTS COMNISSICN WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF ROSEPMOTJNT and authorize Mayor and Clerk to sign said document. Second by Reinke. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Members of the Commission shall be appointed by Council at a later date. Monthly police report was not available. Police Chief Raymond Tousignant presented to Council the resignation of Officer Brent Moody from the Rosemount Village police force. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize Chief Tousignant to use what parttime men he sees fit to operate the Police Dept. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to approve the bills submitted for payment and authorize payment from their respective funds. Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Hays 0. GENERAL REVENUE FUND $4609.37 FIRE DEPT FUND 2.45 LIQUOR REVENUE FUND $9 MOTION by Knutson that the regularly scheduled meeting on Nov. 7th be held at the Utilities Building Second by Stauffer. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer ad Genz. Ayes 5 Nays O. MOTION by Jensen to retain the services of Irving A. Balto Assoc. as auditing firm for the Village for the year 1973. Second by Reinke. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTIOD' by Knutson that we approve the application of permit for underground utilities for Peoples Natural Gas and Mayor be authorized to sign the agreements. Second by REinke. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to increase the wages of Mrs. L. Doehling 10% to $2.20 /Hr. Second by Genz. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. 1 Council discussed the adoption of the Zoning Ordinance and map and the Subdivision Ordinance for the Village of Rosemount. In Subdivision Ordinance Section 5.7.b the sentence "In lieu of the dedication of said land, the Village Council may require the s.J'divider to make a cash payment equal in value to the land required to be dedicated shall be changed to read "In lieu of dedication of said land for subdivision of 30 acres or more in size the subdivider may at his option make a cash payment equal in value to the land required to be dedicated." Section 6.2.b and c shall be deleted in their entirety. In their place shall be incorporated the modifications suggested in a letter to I'•1r. Fred Hoisington from Mr. Osman Springsted dated September 14, 1972. In the Zoning Ordinance Subd. 3.6.1 Noise MOTION by Genz to delete (a0 and Table I. Second by Stauffer. Voting Aye were Stauffer and. Genz. Voting No were Knutson, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 2 Nays 3. Motion did not carry. Sect. 16.2.b Review the following shall be added ",except that all building permits other than R -1 shall be approved by the Planning Commission." MOTION by Knutson that we adopt the Zoning Ordinance XVII.3 as modified and changed in the revised copy submitted by Brauer and Assoc. and with the changes made at this meeting this evening, and that the map be changed in accordance with the revised map submitted by planners for Broback Builders, Inc. Second by Reinke. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that we adopt the Subdivision Ordinance XVII.4 with the changes made in Brauer and Assoc. recently revised edition and incorporating the changes submitted by Springsted, Inc. for Sect. 6.2.b and c. Second by Stauffer: -Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer RGSEKOUdT VILLAGE PROCEEDIl ?GS u t 9 Minutes of Regular Meeting September 19, 1972 Margaret H. Alsip Council Secretary Published in the Dakota County Tribune on 4e1 /.Zi 1972, Page /3 6 2ei4 Rosemount Village Proceedings Minutes of Regular Meeting September 19, 1972 Bills submitted for approval and payment September 19, 1972 GENERAL REVENUE FUND State Treas. PER4 Hawkins Janitorial NSP Dakota County Tribune Central Telephone P.SP Peoples Gas Metrol Sewer Board U.S. Leasing Dakota Elec. Assn. Phillips Petroleum American Oil Air Conan Uniforms Ulimited Treas. Dakota County Grannie and Grannie Council Salary Mayor Salary A. Cummings Eve Charhoneau M. Uitdenbogerd E. Doyle P. Geronime J. Morrison Lois Monson H. Steele J. Coder J. Hoffstrom R. Lucking M. Ratzlaff Liquor Revenue M. Alsip C. Cunningham W. Cunniff Carlson Traetor Rosemount. Arctic Cat McNamara Vivant Phoenix Industries Kanes Auto Equipmen Union 76 Itasca Equipment $666.07 2 5.00 444.95 184.32 24.91 37.55 16.09 1119.65 35.53 22.90 7.56 27.04 19.50 49.90 20.00 246.50 60.00 ea. (4) d•0.00 13.50 Jean Rathbone 13.50 Carol Wachter 1 3.50 0 M. Porwall 13.50 Gen Sandberg 4.00 Joan Hart 4.00 D. McDonough 1 3.50 Darlene Keller 13.50 D. Bipes 1 3.50 E. Ivey 13.50 W. Wooden 2.00 D. Toombs 2.00 N. Vogelgesang 127.66 132.40 216.00 117.00 4.50 23.20 49.42 4.00 18.50 232.80 8.42 TOTAL $4609.37 FIRE DEPT. FUND A J. McDonough, Secy. 2.45 (Fire Relief Assn. $13.50 13.50 13.50 4.00 4.00 43.00 13.50 13.50 13.50 2.00 2.00 42.00 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Village Hall on the 26th day of September, 1972 at 7 :30 PM. All members present. President Reinke called the meeting to order. Purpose of the meeting was to continue the Hearing for proposed assessments for Waterrnain Improvements. Hearing continued from August 29 and September 19. Mr. Gary Gray presented and discussed with Council a revised assess- ment proposal as it affects properties in the name of Greif Bros. Cooperage Corp. and George D. and Elizaleth A. Z arcniller. Mr. Zanmiller stated he would be agreeable to the assessment as proposed treated as a total assessment against the property without going into a deferred payment. Greif Eros. indicated they also are in aszTeement with the revised proposed assessment figure. Greif Bros. requested to receive two statements for the amount of the assessment due, one -half due in October and one half due in November. Council requests an agreement in writing from Greif Bros. indicating their willingness to pay these two statements upon receipt. Assessment roll can then be adopted by the Council without Greif' Bros. being named thereon. Council discussed the proposed assessment in the amount 3f $5 against Mr. Donal Carroll. Council agreed benefits as assessed for have been received. MOTION by Knutson to continue this hearing to the next regular Coundl meeting to be held on October 3, 1972. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0 Council requested Clerk determine from old Village records the method of assessing corner lots for sewer and street improvements. ATTEST: ailing Clerk Treasurer r. y r ROSEiIOLII:!T VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 2 r- Idinutes of Special I•'eeting September 26, 1972 Margaret H. Alsip Council Secretary ,'Z. Published in Dakota County Tribune on 1972, Page d 2 7S6 ROSE.IOL'NT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting October 3, 1972 Pursuant to duecall and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was held at the Village Hall on the 3rd day of October, 1972. All members present. President Reinke called the meeting to order at 7:30 PHI. Agenda corrrected to include discussion re radio station KDWA; Mrs. Alice An- derson, Mrs. Mari VanKleek; and Engineer from Dakota Count Vo -Tech School. MOTION by Genz to accept the minutes of Sept. 18, 19, and 26, 1972 and same be ordered published. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Lays 0. The following notices were published in the Dakota County Tribune on September 14, 1972: NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR WATER P -ThIN NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN THAT THE Council m111 meet at 7:30 PM on October 3, 1972 in the Village Hall to pass upon the pro- posed assessment for water main improvement of Rahn's Fifth Addition. The area proposed to be assessed is all of Rahn's Fifth Aidition, Dakota County Minnesota. The proposed assessment is on file for public inspection at my office. Written or oral objections will be considered at the hearing. The total cost of the improvement is $22,514.12. Dated this llth day of September, 1972. All of Rahn's Fifth Addition. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT FEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSI'+IENP FOR SANITARY SEWER INTRCAENirl Don F Darling Clerk- Treasurer NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council will meet at 7:30 PM on 0 ato'cer 3, 1972 in the Village Hall to pass upon the pro- posed assessment for sanitary sewer improvement of Rahn's Fifth Addition and part of Lot 13, Auditor's Subdivision 27 to the Village of Rosemount. The following is the area proposed to be assessed: That part of Lot 13, Auditor's Subdivision 27 to the Village of Rosemount, described as follows: Commencing at a point 44.5 feet East and 150 feet South of the Northwest corner of said Lot 13; thence Easterly 411.56 feet; thence, Southerly 317.52 feet; thence, Westerly 411.56 feet; thence, I'.Jortherly 317.52 feet to the point of beginning. The South 228.81 feet of the North 696.33 feet of Lot 13, except the West 44.5 feet, Auditor's Subdivision No. 27, Rosemount. The proposed assessment is on file for public inspection at my office. Written or oral objections will be considered at the hearing. The total cost of the improvement is ROSEKLndT VILLAGE FF.uCEEDINGS 257 Minutes of Regular Meeting October 3, 1972 Don F. Darling Clerk Treasurer Mr. Gary Gray Village Engineer, explained the proposed assessment. After all interested parties had been heard and upon MOTION by Reinke to declare these hearings closed and to approve the assessment rolls in their final form and that same be certi by the clerk to the County Auditor for collection. Second by Knutson. Ayes Gera, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Assessments may be paid in full within thirty days hereof (Nov. 3, 1972). After that date they shall be certified to the County Audtor in five year (Broback Halm properties) and ten year (Rosemount Methodist Church properties) installments with interest to be at the rate of 8% per annum on the unpaid balance. Council continued the Hearing on the Hayes -Cedar St. Improvement. After all interested parties were heard and there being no further discussion MOTION by Reinke second by Stauffer to declare this Hearing closed and to approve the revised assessment roll and sane be certified by the clerk to the County Auditor for collection. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Assessments may be paid in full within thirty days hereof (Nov. 3, 1972). After that date they shall be certified to the County Auditor in equal installments with interest to be paid at the rate of 8% per annum on the unpaid balance. Council continued the Hearing on Stage I Watermain Improvement Village Improvement 1971 -2. Attorney Grarmis informed the Council he has reviewed the Agreement proposed between the Village and Greif Bros. Cooperage and advised that same be signed. The agreement being: Greif Bros. Corporation, in consideration of a waiver by the Village of Rosemount of any right of assessment of Greif Bros. Corporation for water facilities installed as of this date, agrees to pay to the Village of Rosemount as a water service charge in lieu of a connection fee the sum of Five Thousand One Hundred Sixty -six Dollars and Thirty -five Cents ($5166.35) in the month of October, 1972, and a like amount in the month of November, 1972, for a total payment of Ten Thousand Three Hundred Thirty -two and Seventy Cents ($10,3^2.70). After all interested parties had been heard and there being no further discussion MOTION by Knutson second by Reinke to declare this Hearing closed and to approve the revised assesment roll for Village Improvement 1971 -2 and that same be certified by the Village Clerk to the County Auditor for collection. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays O. MOTION by Knutson that the Agreement with Greif Eros. Corporation and the Village of Rosemount regarding their 1971-2 Watermain Assessment be approved and their 2 e n ROSEJvJDUJ'WP WLLIAGE PROCEEDINGS a Minutes of Regular Meeting October 3, 1972 letter regarding the assessment be put on record; that Mayor be authorized to sign same on behalf' of the Village. Second by Reinke. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0 A speial Council Planning Commission meeting was scheduled for October 11 at 8 PM at the Village Hall. Planner Fred Hoisington will be present. Purpose of the meeting will be to discuss and prepare a reply to the Metro Council Staff Review of the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Preliminary discus- sion to retain a Building Inspector is to be placed on the agenda. MOTION by Jensen to accept the and approve request of Mr. Ray Mobile Home parked on property it be reviewed annually by the Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen Council regiested a discussion of the Mobile Home Ordinance be placed on the agenda for the special meeting of October 11th. MOTION by Reinke to accept the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held on Sept. 28th and same be ordered placed on file. Second by Jensen. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council discussed with representatives of the Dakota County Vo -Tech School, the matter of sewer service to the school. No action was taken. MOTION by Knutson that the proofreading having been completed of the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances for the Village of Rosemount, same be authorized to be published in the Dakota County Tribune along with the Zoning Map for the Village. Second by Genz. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Acres 5 flays 0. Mrs. Alice Anderson presented bills of appraisals for park property to be acquired by the Village under HUD gra"ts, if request for grant is approved. Mr. Don Brown discussed bids received for one -way snowplow and roll -gate type sander equipment Bids for snow plow were as follows: Hall Equipment Itasca Equipment FEB Construction Co. recommendation of the Planning Commission Bower to be allowed to continue to have a recently purchased wit the stipulation that Planning Commission. Second by Reinke. Ayes and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Plow and mounted Husting Hitch including installation of a 3 way diverting valve $1855.0 Less the hitch 1817.00 Less the hitch 1450.00 Mr. Brown recommended purchase from Hall Equipment Co. MOTION by Knutson that Don Brown be authorized to purchase from Hall Equipment Co., the Falls snowplow with Husting Hitch for $1855.00 Second by Reinke. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that Don Broom be authorized to buy from Itasca Equipment Co. a roll gate type sander if, upon inspection, he feels the equipment meets the needs of the Village. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen, Ives 5 Nays O. 1 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS GclGril OO Minutes of Regular Meeting October 3, 1972 Don Brown authorized to lease the 56A. park property for agricultural purposes, leasee to drag the land smooth if plowed this fall and leasee to agree to permit snoum obiling on the property. Council reviewed the computer print -out of the Crime Bureau Report submitted in lieu of monthly report. Council requests Police Chief interpret the report. MOTION by Jensen_ to aaept the new police report. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Attorney Dave Grannis informed Council that: Commissioners for Wachter condemnation proceedings have been appointed and hearing date will be set as soon as possible. A letter has been received from attorney representing Mrs. H. Larson stating his fees and expenses involved in condemnation proceedings to acquire land adjacent to the fire hall. Council agreed the fees were not reasonable. MOTION by Knutson attorney be authorized to attempt a negotiated settlement on the attorney's fees and the Larsen fees on the condemnation proceedings. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that the election judges be appointed according to the list submitted by the clerk's office. Second by Reinke. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. 1IOTION by Stauffer that Mrs. D. McDonough shall beElection Chairman, Prec. I and Mrs. Nadine Vogelgesang be Election Chairman, Prec. II. Second by Genz. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen that bills as submitted by the clerk's office be approved and same be paid from their respective funds, including park property appraisals. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. LIQUOR REVENUE FUND $19,838.69 GENERAL REVENUE FUND $5096.80 FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND 54.95 MOTION by Reinke to approve applications for license to do business of Al Sieben and Peter Landmark, general contractors, and Peine Plbg. 32 Htg., .contingent upon receipt of certificates of insurance. Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Attorney and Engineer explained their respective billing methods. Attorney fees are charged at the rate of $45 /meeting and $25 /Hr. on all general Village business including telephone calls, etc. Assessment projects are kept separate. ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 260 Minutes of Regular Meeting October 3, 1972 Engineer fees on projects of $30,000 to $40,000 on up are figured on a percentage basis as recommended by National Society of Professional Engineers depending on the size of a project, i.e. On a million dollar project would be based on 6. of the total, on a $3D0,000 project would be based on 7.6 on the total. This would include preliminary report, plans and specifications, ot_ser;ration of construction, etc. Inspection of survey staking, telephone calls, preparation of assessment rolls, etc. are done on a per diem basis Arormally charges are not made for attendance at meetings. If there are no on -going projects in a community a per meeting cost is negotiated. Clerk informed Council that 148th St. Watermain Assessment, Unpaid water bills, and sidewalk assa,ssments unpaid to date have been certified to County Auditor. Councilman Stauffer informed Council that the request for funds for Coordinated Facilities Study Program, which originally were denied, had now been approved. He would keep Council inform d as more information becomes available. Fire Chief Ray McNamara informed Council their department is in the process of attempting to locate an alternate site for new fire hall. Council discussed revisions in speed limit on County Rd. 42 and reaffirming their support to the County Board for construction of County Roads 4o and 42. MOTION by Knutson regarding priorities that the Village of Rosemount has placed on County roads through the village, the new alignment of CR 42 wculdtake first priority and we also favor County Hoed 40 as a major arterial; this Resolution No. 26 be sent to Mr. Jim Gabiou, County Engineer; that attorney be authorized to prepare the resolution. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. tTOTION by Reinke to adept Resolution No. 27 requesting County Board of Cormnissioners to review the speed limit on County Road 42 from east line of the Village of Apple Valley easterly to Highway 3 in the Villap of Rosemount; request that speed limits be reduced to 70 MPH. Second by Knutson. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Ryan. Ayes 5 Nays 0. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, and upon MOTION by Jensen second by Genz to adjourn this meeting. Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer Margaret H. Alsip Council Secretary Published in the Dakota County Tribune on Q'C 4, 1972, Page J.7 Bills submitted for approval and payment 0 tober 3, 1972 GENERAL REVENUE FUND Wise... National Life Ins. 35.83 Brauer Assoc. 41 .3 4 Donald Schiitan 100.98 r.I. Alsip 16 3.37 I'4rs. Doehling 22.08 W. Cumaiff 150.00 C. 0unniyham 313.50 Arlen Olson 68.25 Graruris Grannis 912.80 Toombs Ins. Agency 109.00 Motorola Inc. 6.60 I'4iller Davis 1 Team Electronics 21.96 Pitney Bowes 72.10 Miruresota Benefit Assn. 94. Hawkins Janitorial Serv. 25.00 Village Liquor Rev. Furid 117.04 R. Fortier Typewriters, Inc. 18.00 pEHA 1.11 Rosemount Arctic Cat 63.12 Coast to Coast 5.7 B J Auto Supply 8 4 5 NSP 2 5.3 0 Roger L. Brown Sales 74.16 Itasca Equipment. Co. 17.52 Vic's Welding 120.00 Fox Excavating 455.00 Dale Agre 12.00 Lakeside Animal Hospital 31.00 Regina Memorial Hospital 5.00 TOTAL $3121.80 FIRE DEPT. FUND Peoples Gas NSP Dr. R. Erickson TOTAL LIQUOR REVEIa1E FUND National Cash Register Co. Alcorn Bev. Co. Gent Ryan Plbg. Heating McKesson Liquors Central 'Telephone Coast to Cost Town Country Internal Revenue Transport Clearings Northwest Linen Service 17.46 765.68 16.88 a 741.08 54.70 12.29 4o.00 54.00 49.59 69.00 ROSEJ• IOU 1T VILLAGE PPOGR'FDINGS Minutes of Regular ?fleeting October 3, 197 6.35 16.60 32.00 5 Cont'd. 261 262 Rosemount Village Proceedings Minutes of Regular Meeting October 3, 1972 Bills submitted for approval and payment from their respective funds. LIQUOR RE'VII•TE FUND (Cont' d. Ed. Phillips Sons Famous Brands Inc. Federal Withholding State Withholding Aug. Sales Use Tax State Treasurer pera Johnson Bros. W sl. Liq. Griggs Cooper Co., Inc. Roy Le Deux Minnesota Benefit Assn. Patsy Ann's Inc. ;grin City Hone Juice Old Dutch Foods, Inc. Coca Cola Bottling Van Paper Co. Peoplee Gas NSP Leding Distr. Co. Hanson Bev. Co. Soutside Distr. Co. College City Bev. 7 Up Bottling Gross Industrial Day Distributing 0. M. Droney Bev. Co. Pioneer Co. Liquor Int. Sink Fund State Treas State Treas. Corer of Taxation 1st State Bank General Fund $4410.72 TOTAL $19,838.69 1832.66 58 i0 185.10 866.04 396.02 108.12 2271.93 24.00 136.91 78.00 43.25 68 .35 33.00 59.55 16.07 220.67 629.51 1373.30 20.56 707.90 54.15 11.60 289.48 37. 88.62 795 765.44 354.69 996.11 557.0o 3.25 ROSEMOU T VILLAGE PROCE'EDINGS2 Oeteber 17, 1972 Minutes of Regular Meeting Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Vi11ip of Rosemount was held at the Village Hall on the 17th day of October, 1972. All members present. President Reinke called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. Agenda corrected to include discussion on petitions received, Mr. Ron Pederson, Chmn Parks Recreation Commission. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to approve minutes of October 3, 1972 and same be ordered published. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays O. Asst. Police Chief Staats requested Council approve clothing allowance authorize one pair handcuffs for part time police dept. help. He recommended Council shirt, one pair trousers, coat, tie, one winner hat, one with case, one mace and holder, at a cost of «'110.00. MOTION by Jensen to authorize $110 uniform allowance for part time Village of Rosemount police officers. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council agreed Police Dept. policy shall be that any officer resigning or discharged from Rosemount Police Dept. be required to return alL equipment except those items not purchased by the Village of Rosemount as well as a coat and hat. Mr. Ron Pederson was present to discuss with Council matters pertinent to Parks and Recreation Commission. Attorney has reviewed the proposed lease agreement between Independent School District 196 and Village of Rosemount for lease of two parcels of land as parks. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize Mayor and Clerk to sign the indenture between Village of Rosemount and Rosemont Independent School District 196 for lease of Parks No. 1 and Nc. 2. Second by Knutson. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ays 5 Nays O. Junior Hockey program plans are progressing, however implementation of the program is contingent upon being able to use High School rinks. Plans for recreational skating are also being worked out for various area rinks, with consideration being given to using part time help for maintenance of these rinks. Council discussed entering into contract with Brauer and Assoc. for their services. MOTION by Reinke to authorize attorney to draft an agreement with Brauer and Assoc. for continuing planning as per recommendations of Planning Commission in their minutes of October 11, 1972. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Planning Commission minutes of October 11, 1972 were accepted and same ordered placed on file. Council discussed adoption of building code ordinance and appointment of a building official. Council authorized Engineer to contact somone from State Building Code Commission to appear before Council and explain additionally the State Building Code. Council approved V llage of Rosemount Resolution 1972 -26 and Resolution 1972 -27 as prepared by Attorney Grannis. 264 NobEMOUINT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS t.Iinutes ofRegu.lar Keeting October 17, 1972 MOTION by Knutson that copies of Village of Rosemount Resolution 1972 -26 and 1972 -27 be sect to Dakota County Board of Commissioners, Mr. Jim Gahiou County Engineer and Mr. Kenneth Anderson, County Traffic Engineer. Second by Genz. Aye Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Attorney and Engineer are to prepare franchise agreements with electric and gas utilities to the advantage of the Village and present these to Council for consideration at a later date. Council authorized Engineer to prepare a draft of street assessment policy for review by attorney and fiscal agent and then present to Council at a later date for their review and adoption. MOTION by Jensen second by Genz to approve application for payment No. 2 to Erickson Bros. of $90,241.57, for contract for storm sewer project. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. byes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen second by Genz to authorize Engineer to prepare assescanent roll for Hayes Cedar St. project in ten equal installments. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Sanitary Landfill applicati n is to come before Metro Council Referral Couunittee on October 19 and have requested representatives from Village be in attendance. Mayor informed Pollution Control Agency no garbage would be permitted, permit is requested for landfill for demolition material only. Landfill would not he opened until sometime in 1973, however, application should be made to County by Nov. 1, 1972. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Clerk's office to submit formal application to Dakota County for operation of Rosemount Sanitary Landfill for the year 1973, and indicate to the County a performance bond shall be posted upon receiving approval from Metropolitan Council and Pollution Control Agency to operate the landfill. Second by Jensen. Aye Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council discussed with Engineer Gary Gray the SAC Charges and he recommended that Council amend Village charges passed as Resol.uticr 1972 -25 to conform with procedures set forth by Metro Council. However it was his suggestion this not be done until Metro Council policies are clarified. Engineer will check with HUD the standings of Rosemount Village in their appli- cation for federal assistance for water and sewer program. HUD notified Village the application has been rejected. Pollution Control Agency has reviewed and approved the application by the Village for exclusion of certain areas of Village from state open burning law, and permit will be forthcoming in three to four weeks. Nick Fox has requested final payment on his contract for building addition to parking lot at shopping center. Banister E4:gineering to prepare recommendation for payment with the stipulation therein that final grading and seeding will Engineer Gray reviewed with ''ouncil sewer service to Vo -Tech School and Navy Base, costs and assessments, as well as future service and connections in the same general area, which were discussed at a meeting on October 17, 1972. Vo -Tech will review their data before further discussion with Council. on F to ii Clerk- Treasurer GENERAL REVENUE FUND $5410.60 ROSEGIOLTNT `TILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular I•Ieeting October 17, 1972 be completed as weather permits in the spring, 1973. Council also agreed that payment to Solberg Construction shall be withheld until blecht.opriing work is completed to the satisfaction of the Village of Rosemount. Mr. Martin DesLauriers presented for signatures an agreement with Springsted, Inc. to proceed with Coordinated Facilities Study Program. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1972 -28 authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to sign and agreement with Springsted, Inc. to proceed with the Coordinated Pacilities Study Program in conjunction with the Village of Inver Grove Heights and the Town of Eagan; that Rosemount agrees to be the fwuling government agency for this study and that Councilman Eldon Stauffer be the financial officer authorized to collect and disperse these funds. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mayor Reinke reported facilities in Rosemount Research Center area for irspcunding dogs would not be available for use by the Village. Live- stock Sanitary board would not permit use of facilities. MOTION by Knutson to approve the bills as presented for payment and they be ;aid from their respective funds. Second by Jensen. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays O. FIRE DEPT. FUND 102.66 MOTION by Reinke to approve the application for license to do business of Project Plumbing Co. and General Construction Co., the latter contingent upon receipt of certificate of insurance. Second by Knutson. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 nays O. Council set a meeting for October 24, 1972 at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall to further discuss adoption of the Village budget and amount to be certified to County Auditor. Mayor read a petition delivered to his home by Mrs. Eland requesting "the road be completed as was understood by each owner in their purchasing agreements, the road being l5Oth St. W. in brobaek Eighth Addition." Petition tabled and Mayjr to check and attempt to get additional information. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, and upon MOTION by Genz second by Jensen to adjourn this meeting, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. Margaret H. Alsip Council Secretary Published in Dakota County Tribune on 19 Page t.S'/T 2 266 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting October 17, 1972 GENERAL REVENUE FUND Metro Sewer Board $1119.65 Carlson Tractor 14.06 Phoenix Industries, Inc. 8.50 Itasca Equipment 22.25 B J Auto Supply 12.30 Union 76 226.80 R. McNamara 292.95 Arlen Olsor. 37.63 W. Cunniff 120.00 C. Cunningham 162.00 M. Aloig 167.88 Roterts Drugs 20.95 Central Telephone 52.28 Pnucher Printing 6.70 miller Davis 28.13 Peoples Jas 27.97 NSP 444.95 Dakota Elec. Assn. 22.90 Breuer Assoc 209_58 Rosemount Dodge 24.14 Share Corp. 16.62 American Oil Co. 15.05 Union Oil Co. 12.94 Phillips Petrol 31.87 Sheriff Dakota County 17.50 W. Warner 900.00 W. Mitchell 550.00 E. Wiley 525.00 L. Knutson 6o.00 A. Jensen 6o.00 L. Genz 60.00 E. Stauffer 6o.00 R. Reinke 80.00 TOTAL $5410.60 FIRE DEPT. FUND Central Telephone Co. Minnesota Fire Inc. TOTAL 47.85 54.81 102.66 Briggs Morgan Approving attorneys 825.00 1972_2 Bon" i•seue 1 4 1 _I 1 Purusuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village ofRosemount was held on October 24, 1972. All members present.. President. Reinke called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. Purpose of the meeting was to discuss Village budget for the upcoming year. Council, in their discussion ,determined an amount of $96,740 would be required to be levied through taxes collectable in 1 973. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1972 -29 a resolution establishing a certified levy to be forwarded to the County Auditor and naming budgeted figures for each department. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Reinke Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. There being no further business to comebefore this Council, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. ATTEST: on F. Darling Clerk Treasurer `.SEMOflfl! VIL[ AGE PROCEEDINGS 267 Minutes of Special Meeting October 24, 1972 Respectfully submitted Margaret H. Alsip Council Secretary Published in Dakota Couny Tribune on November 30, 1972, Page 11B 2 b S ROSMCOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting November 7, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly hed at the Rosemount Utilities Dui:ding on the 7th day ov I'Iovember, 1972 at 7:30 PM. President Reinke called the meeting to order. All members present. Agenda corrected to include Mr. Don Hess and Mr. Ken Rechtzigel representing Kee Park, Inc. MOTION by Genz to approve the minutes of October 17, 1972 and order same published. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Jensen and Knutson and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Sievert Hendrickson of the State -.wilding Code Division was present to discuss with Council the matter of a building code ordinance and the requirements involved with retaining the services of a building offical in charge of inspection. No action taken by Council. Mr. Don Schiffman, Animal Warden, presented his monthly report, informing Council he has yet been unable to kennel impounded dogs. Monthly report accepted and same ordered placed on file. Planning Commission minutes of October 26, 1972 accepted and same ordered placed on file. Mr. Don Hess addressed Council re Kee Park requesting a public hearing be held for concept approval of mobile park plan and for rezoning of the land involved. He requested both hearings be held on the same date. A letter of transmittal and PUD Supplement No. 1 to Kee Park Plarmed Unit Develop- ment were presented to Council members. Mr. Hess stated they will be willing to settle matter of land for County Road 42 "when it becomes an issue between County and Village After considerable discussion, with input from Council members, Kee Park represenatives and members of Planning Commission, and upon recommendation from attorney, Council agreed to comply with the Ordinance and that two separate hearings shall be held. MOTION by Knutson that a public hearing on Concept Approval for Kee Park be held on November 2d, 1972 at 7:30 PM at Rosemount Village Hall and re quest. that attorney, engineer, and planner be in attendance. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Jensen, Knutson, Reinke and Stauffer. ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by J to grant to Allen Filkins a variance as requested and as recommended by Planning Commission, their meeting of October 26, 1972. Variance be granted subject to granting of an access easement by Mr. Filkins for access to County Road 42. Second by Genz. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Reinke, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays O. Attorney informed Council that commissioners for condemnation hearing have not yet set a date for hearing on Wachter property, however a waiver of entry has been obtained and Erickson Bros. have completed work on the project. Attorney has redrafted franchise ordinances. Engineer will review these as well as various utilities in an effort to receive comments before adoption of these ordinances. Attorney also has drawn a suggested contract between Village and Planner for review, matter to be placed on the agenda for discussion on November 21. 1 ROSE4OUPdT l'ILLX?E PROCEEDINGS Minutes of regular meeting November 7 1972 Mr. Gary Gray informed Council Nick Fox has completed work on the parking lot extension adjacent to shopppng center with the exception of shaping on the berm and seeding, the latter probably to be completed next spring. MOTION by Jensen that Nick Fox be paid $976.12 due on his contract with the Village. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Reinke, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Gray, representing the Village, attended the Metro Council Referral Committee meeting on Rosemount Sanitary Landfill. Committee denied Village's application for permit on the basis that Dakota County Had not requested their Solid Waste Disposal Plan to include Rosemct:nt Sanitary Landfill. It. was Mr. Gray's recommendation that Council write a letter to County Board of Commis- sioners requesting they amend their solid waste ordinance, Council would then pursue the matter to the Metro Council. MOTION by Reinke to write a letter to the Dakota County Board of Commissioners reouesting they amend their solid waste disposal plan to include the Village of Rosemount Sanitary Landfill. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Reinke, Stauffer, Genz and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays O. In re letter received from Koch Refining Co. informing Village Council of their proposal to establish and operate a private solid waste facility, Council requested clerk to write a letter to Koch Refinery seeking additional information from them, with copies sent to Pollution Control Agency, Metro Council, and Dakota County Highway Engineer; and that future correspondence be referred to Planning Commission for their review. Banister Engineering recormrrended approval of Change Order No. 1 to the Erickson Bros. contract. Nature of the Change is to include two gates in fences on the easement between County Road 39 and the Wachter Pond, and extra work and cost to furnish and install new fencing in the area of the easements. MOTION by Reinke to approve Change Order No. 1 to Erickson Bros. Contracting contract and authorize clerk's office to issue check in the amount of $638.40. Second by Knutson. Ayes Reinke, Stauffer, Genz, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays O. 269 Mr. Gray recommended to council approval of the Hayes Cedar St. project by Solberg Construction Co. and issue check in final payment in the amount of $4.854.00. There is a one year guarantee on the work. MOTION by Knutson to authorize payment to Solberg Construction in the amount of f48'54.00 for payment of Hayes Cedar St. project. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Jensen, Knutson, Reinke and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council to meet in informal session on November 14, 1972 to discuss and review with engineer, attorney and fiscal agent, the sewer and water ordinance, rate struc- ture and policies, to conform with SAC charges. Council authorized Don Brown to obtain bids and complete work before freeze -up this season, to fence the ponding area on County Road 33S. Council discussed with Don Brown the matter of bids and equipment for snow removal on village streets and roads during the 1972 -73 winter season. Tri- State Machinery mill lease to Vil14T e for $8.50 /Hr. a 6D2 Huber machine with wing. Village will be responsible for cutting edges, repair due to neglect or accident includin tires, except for normal wear. 2 f O ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting November 7, 1972 MOTION by Knutson that Village accept Rental Quotation received from Tri- State Machinery Co. for the equipment as listed with the under- standing that it will be brought up to condition acceptable to our maintenance department prior to delivery. Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Reinke, Stauffer, Genz and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Donal Carroll to determine a rental figure for lease of 56 acres of village property for agricultural purposes. MOTION by Stauffer to delay any action on the 150th St. petition to the next Councio meeting. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Reinke, Stauffer, Genz and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays O. Village will snow plow streets in Broback 8th Addition and Rahn's Fifth Addition, the latter only as far as houses are occuppied. Council discussed snocmobiling in the Village in an attempt to try to adopt some rules and regulations to control ordinance violators. Amendments to Village Ordinance by resolution were discussed. IOTION by Knutson to approve the bills as submitted and same be paid from their respective funds excepting a check issued from Fire Dept. Fund in the amount of $11.00 to P4r. A. J. McDonough. Second by Reinke. Ayes Reinke, Stauffer, Genz, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. P4OTION by Genz to approve license to do business to Reisinger Excavating Co., Langhorst and Friedrich Construction and Peterson Roofing Co., all contingent upon receipt of certificates of insurance. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Jensen and Knutson and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council agreed the regular council meeting on December 5, 1972 shall be held in Utilities Building because of Village election to be held and Village Hall is Polling Place for Precinct II. MOTION by Stauffer to retain the same election judges as in the general election. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Jensen, Knutson, Reinke and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays O. MOTION by Jensen second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to core before this Council at this time, Council agreed unanimously to adjourn. ATTEST: 6-1/4 Doi: F. Darling Clerk Treasurer GENERAL FUND $14,246.79 Fire Dept. Fund 2,458.79 Liquor Revenue Fund .19,276.93 Margaret H. Alsip Council Secretary Published in Dakota County Tribune on /10-LA- 1972, Page 1 GENERAL REVENUE FUND Miller Davis Alice Anderson NSP Postmaster Brauer a` Assoc. Pitney Bowes Fair Book d: OFfice Supply VR Liquor Rev. Fund D kota County Tribune Hawkins Janitorial C. Cunningham W. Cunniff E. Charboneau L. Morrison P. Lanning Jean ;lsmiller D. Bipes James Staats R. McNamara M. Alsip Mrs. L. Doehling Minnesota Ben. Assn. Wisconsin National Life Kanes Auto Equipment Banister Short, Don Patter Trucking Fox Excavating Dakota County Highway Dept. Central Telephone Uniforms Unlimited Motorola Grannis and Grannis Share Corp. Phil's Body Shop Milroy Co. Montgomery Ward Phoenix Industries :.oast to Coast Rosemount Arctic Cat Ganz Ryan Chas. Olson Carlson Tractor Solberg Construction TOTAL 13.00 NSP 15.27 50.00 Peoples Gas 7.94 62.45 Ray McNamara 65.00 50.00 Dakota County Trib. 31.00 720.68 Conway Fire 6.50 113.40 Ratzlaff Service 3.50 5.85 Coast to Coast 11.25 137.29 Corcoran Hdwe. 6.42 1263.994 Central Telephone 46.25 25.00 Van Paper Co. 5.50 150.00 R. L. Erickson, MD 16.00 288.00 Air Comm 611.66 6.00 Kanes Auto Equip 21.50 14.00 1972 fire duty 1611.00 8.00 24.00 TOTAL 16.00 353. 273.42 202.75 20.78 45.27 35.33 320.38 839.34 252.00 48i.00 83.70 53.90 293.67 6.60 180.00 15.00 7.50 40.30 111.52 2.00 4.39 9.50 5.5 771.85 55.59 4854.00 $14,246.79 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 27 Minutes of Regular Meeting November 7, 1972 FIRE DEPT. FUND 2 7 c7 R('SEDMOUNIT VILLAgE PROCEEDINGS C �i Minutes of Regular Meeting November 7, 1972 LIQUOR REVENUE FUND Transport C_earing 6 2 38.59 Coast to Coast 23.62 01d Peoria Co. 1222.33 Concord Beverage Co. 2456.25 McKesson Liquor Co. 1001.51 Johnson Bres. L'Thlsle 11579.86 Distillers Distrib. 2322.60 Postmaster Bobnert 8.00 Irving A. Balto 255.28 Central Telephone 49.62 Rosemount Utilities 100.00 Miller-Davis 25.35 Ed Phillips 2523.12 Wm. Quigley petty cash 57.21 Famous Brands 690.96 Peeples Natural Gas 36 NSF 272.65 0.bI. Droney Bev. Co. 35.25 The Pioneer Co. 73.00 Coca Cola Bottling 26.10 Patsy Arms Inc. 119.60 Leding Distributing 613.20 Old Dutch Foods Inc. 108.75 Toni f._ Co. Disposal 20.00 Alcorn Beverage Co. 241.60 southside Dist. Co. 37.10 Hanson Bev. Co. 1388.30 Day Distributing 309.81 Smith Grain 17.40 Minn. Ben Assn. 136.91 Sunderland Inc 86.25 Liquor Store Int. Fiord 795.00 Turin City Horne Juice 38.25 State Treas. PEEP, 366.61 Sales Use Tax 803.59 Liquor Control Conn 5.00 First State Bank Fed W/H 391.60 Comm. of Taxation, State W/H 172.90 total 19,276.93 ROSE'4OLTHT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS �D J Minutes of Regular Meeting G November 21, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Vil]gge Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Rosemount Village Hall on the 21st day of November, 1972 at 7::j0 PM. President Reinke called the meeting to order. All members present. Agenda was corrected to include Set Public Hearing date -Sewer in Broback Additions; Appointment of Council member responsible for matters concerning sanitary Landfill to satisfy requirements of bonding company; Councilman Stauffer on Police Study Committee meeting. MOTION by Jensen to approve minutes of October 24 and Nov. 7, 1972 and same be ordered published. Second by Genz. Aye Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Jim Loeding representing Rosemount Snotoppers Snowmobile Club addressed Council in an effort to prepare for enforcement of Village snowmobile ordinance. Council authorized Attorney Grannis to meet with members of the Club for discussions. Mr. Joe Walters, attorney representing Koch Refinery Co., appeared before Council asking for consideration of adoption of a resolution relating to the issuance of municipal revenue bonds for pollution control purposes. He explained Koch Refinery has entered into a stipulation with the MPCA whereby an agreement was reached that certain pollution abatement facili- ties would be installed at an estimated cost of $20 million. Koch Refinery will repay all monies on these bonds together with interest and will pay all expenses in connection with the matter. Village fiscal consultant, Mr. Osman Springsted, informed council there can be rD otdigation on the part of the Village to contribute any funds to the payment of these bonds and that a bond of this type would not affect the credit of the Village for other borrowings. Attorney Grannis advised Council that issuance by the Village of these bonds is merely a declaration of intent and that Village is in agree- ment in principal with the issuance of the revenue bonds. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1972 -7;0 A RESOLT ?TION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF A MEMORANDUM AGPFEMENT EL'1I•IEEEI INF VILLAGE OF ROSEBIOUNT ANL KOCH REFINLJG CO[vEANY RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF REVERIE °.0i1DS FOR POLLUTIOII CONTROL PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota "Village is a "m1u'iicipality" within the meaning of the Minnesota Ihinicipal Industrial Development Act, M.S.A. Chap. 474.01 474.15 "Act and as such is empowered by the Act to acquire, construct and improve any properties, real or personal, used or useful in the abatement or control of air or water pollution occurring in connection with the operation of private businesses or industries, and to issue revenue bonds to finance, in whole or in part, such acquisition, construction and improvement; and WHEREAS, the Village is further empowered to lease such properties to private firms, at lease rentals sufficient to retire the bonds issued, under terms and conditions specified in the Act; and WHEREAS, Koch Refining Company, a Delaware corporation "Koch operates a petroleum refinery and related facilities within the corporate limits of the Village at which it desires to undertake an extensive air and water pollution control and abatement project "Pollution Control Project" or "Project and WHEREAS, the Village proposes to cooperate with Koch in accomplishing the objectives of the Project (l) by acquiring, constructing and improving, or ROSEMOUI'TP VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS f •Iinutes of Regular Meeting November 21, 1972 causing the acquisition, construction and improvement of, the desired pollution control and abatement equipment, structures and facilities ("Pollution Control Facilities on Koch's premises "Project Site (2) by issuing revenue bonds in an aflQ'1Jt not toexceed $20,CuJO,Q0e to finance the cost of acquiring, construc- ting and improving the Pollution Control Facilities; and (3) by leasing the Pollution Control Facilities to Koch at lease rentals sufficient to retire the bonds, all it accordance with the provisions of the Act; and WHEREAS, in order that the desirable objectives of pollution control and abatement embodied in the Project be accomplished as promptly as practicable, Koch requires satisfactory assurances from the Village, prior to undertaking the Project, that subject to the execution and delivery of an agreement or agreements satisfactory in form and content to the Village and Koch concerning the bonds and the r_cnstnIc- tir_n and lease of the Pollution Control Facilities, the steps outlined in the preceding paragraph will be instituted and completed as provided in the Act, and the Village desires to provide such assurances in exchange for assurances by Koch that it will endeavor to complete the Project; and WHEREAS, an agreement ("Memorandum Agreement has been prepared under the terms of which the Village indicates its willingness to issue revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $20,000,000 to finance the Pollution Control Facilities, in consideration of assurances by Koch that it will enter a further agreement with the Village to arrange for the acquisition, construction and improvement of the Pollution Control Facilities on the Project Site, and enter into contracts therefor; and that it will enter into a lease of the Pollution Control Facilities from the Village under which Koch will be obligated to pay rentals sufficient to pay the principal, interest and premiums, if any, on the revenue bonds if and when the same shall become due and payable, such lease to contain in addition (a) an option in }Coch's favor to purchase the Pollution Control Facilities from the Village for an amount equal to the amount required to retire the outstanding revenue bonds, plus a nominal sum to be specified in the lease; (b) such other provisions as may be agreed upon by the Village and Koch, and WHEREAS, the Village Council considers it necessary, desirable and in the best interests of the Village that the Memorandum Agreement be executed by and on behalf of the Village; Now, THEREFORE, BF it Resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota as follows: RESOLVED, That the Memorandum Agreement between the Village and Koch attached hereto as Exhibit, A as hereby authorized and approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Mayor of the Village is hereby authorized and directed to execute such Memorandum Agreement on behalf of the Village, with such minor changes or revisions not affecting the substance therof as he may deem necessary or appropriate, and the Clerk of the Village is hereby authorized to attest the same and to affix the seal of the Village thereto. RESOLVED FURTHER, That all resolutions and parts thereof in conflich herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. /s/ on arling, Clerk-Tr ATTE THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT BY /s/ Raymond W. Reinke, Mayor 1 1 1 1 1 MEMORANDUM AGREEMENT Exhibit A ROSEf1OJ T VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS r Minutes of Regular Meeting 2 d t) November 21, 1972 THIS ACREED'IENT is entered this 21st day of November, 1972 by and between the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota "Village and Koch Refining Company, a Delaware corporation, "Koch Preliminary Statement 1. The Village is a "municipality" within the meaning of the MirsesDta Municipal Industrial Development Act, M.S.A. Chap. 474.01- 4;4.1; "Act and as such is empowered by the Act to acquire, construct and improve any properties, real or personal, used or useful in the abatement or control of air cr water pollution occurring in connection with the operation of private businesses or industries, and to issue revenue bonds to finance, in whole cr in part, the cost of acquiring, constructing or improving such proper- ties. The Village is further empowered by the Act tc lease such properties to private fixrns or corporations, at lease rentals sufficient to retire the bonds issued, under terms and conditions specified in the Act. 2. Koch operates a petroleum refinery and related facilities within the corporate limits of the Village at which it desires to undertake an extensive air and water pollution control and abatement project, at an estimated cost of approxi- mately $20,000.000 "Pollution Control Project" or "Project The principal objectives the Project are described in Air and Water 'Quality Stipulation Agreements entered by Koch with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency on September 11, 1972. 3. In order to assist Koch in completing the Project, the Village has agreed in principle (1) to acquire, construct and improve the desired pollution control and abatement equipment, structures and facilities "Pollution Control Facilities on Koch's premises "Project Site (2) to issue revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $20,000,000 to finance the acquisition, construction and impro rement; and (3) to lease the Pollution Control Facilities to Koch at lease rentals sufficient to retire the bonds, all in accordance with the provi- sions of the Act. 4. Prior to undertaking the Project, and in order to expedite its completion, Koch requires evidence of the Village's basic agreement to take the foregoing steps. The Village, in turn, is prepared to provide the desired assurances and to coope- rate with Koch in accomplishing tke objectives of its Pollution Control Project, subject, however, to Koch's agreement to arrange for the acquisition, construction and improvement of the Pollution Control Facilities to be owned by the Village and to enter into a lease of the same with the Village, and further subject to compliance of the Project with the provisions of the Act, including provisions concerning the eligibility of the Project and the Pollution Control Facilities for revenue bond financing; to the occurrence of all necessary acts and conditions precedent to the issuance and sale of the bonds; and tc the obtaining of such conse; its and approvals from state agencies as may be required by 1aw. 5. The prlpose of this agreement is to provide the parties with the mutual assurances and basic understandings necessary to pursue revenue bond financing for the Pollution Control Facilities under the Act. IN COP?SIDERATION OF the foregoing, and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the Village and K ch agree as follows: DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE VILLAGE Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, the Village agrees as follows: 6. The Village agrees that pursuant to the terms of the Act, as now existing or hereafter amended, it will authorize the issuance of revenue bonds in an Aggregate principal amount not exceeding $20,000,000 in anticipation of the s r ROCEM UNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS L r l� 1 P•linbtes of R.ean1ar Meeting November 21, 1972 collection of revenues from the leasing of the Pollution Control Facilities to Koch, to finance the acquisition, construction and improvement of the Pollution Control Facilities to be oti.aied by the Village and located on the Project Site. 7. The Village agrees to cooperate with Koch in attempting to find a purchaser or purchasers, satisfactory t.o Koch, for the revenue bonds to be issued. If purchase arrangements acceptable to Koch are made, the Village agrees that it will endeavor to reach further agreements with Koch concerning the terms and provisions of the revenue bonds; the acquisiton, construction and improvement of the Pollution Control Facilities; and the leasing of the Pollution Control Facilities to Koch, and that it will initiate such proceedings and cause such documents and instruments to be executed as may be necessary in connection therewith. 8. The terms and conditions of any documents or agreements relating to the acquisition, construction and improvement. of the Pollution Control Facilities, the issuance of the revenue bonds, and the leasing of the Pollution Control Facilities to Koch, shall be in accordance with law and as hereafter mutually agreed by Koch and the Village. The Village agrees, however, that the aggregate rentals payable under the lease of the F'ollut.ion Control F to Koch will be equal to the amount required to retire the revenue bonds, which amount may include all cost and estimated cost of the acquisition, construction and improve- ment of the Pollution Control Facilities; all engineering, inspection, fiscal, legal, administrative, and printing expense; the interest which it is estimated will accrue during the construction period and for six months thereafter on money borrowed or which it is estimated will be borrowed pursuant to the Act; and interest and premiums, if any, on the revenue bonds as the same shall become due and payable. In addition, the lease will contain an option in Koch's favor to purchase the Pollution Control Facilities from the Village for an amount equal to the amount necessary to retire the outstanding revenue bonds, plus a nominal sum to be specified in the lease. 9. The Village agrees that it will apply to the appropriate officers and agencies of the State for information, advice and assistance concerning the revenue bonds and the Pollution Control Facilities, and the approval of them, as required by the Act, and that it i.nlll take such other and furtte r action as may be necessary, or as it may deem appropriate, to accomplish the purposes of this agreement Duties and Obligations of Koch Subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement, &0ch agrees as follows: 10. Koch agrees that it will exhaust all reasonable efforts to find a purchaser or purchasers, satisfactory to it, for the revenue bonds to be issued by the village to finance the acquisition, construction and improvement of the Pollution Control Facilities. 11. Koch agrees that if satisfactory purchase arrangements for the revenue bonds are made, it will enter into a further agreement with the Village under the terms of which Koch will be required to arrange for the acquisition, construction and improvement of the Pollution Control Facilities, or to contract with third persons for the acquistion, construction and improvement of the Pollution Control Facilities, to be owned by the Village and located on the Project Site, employing the proceeds of the revenue bonds to finance such a.equisition, construction and improvement 12. Koch further agrees that in connection with the issuance and sale of the revenue bonds it will enter into a lease of the Pollution Control Facilities with the Village under the terms of which Koch, as lessee, will obligate itself to pay rentals in amounts providing the Village with revenues sufficient to retire the bonds. The lease wi11 contain such other provisions as may be required by law and such other 1 provisions as may be mutually acceptable to the Village and Koch. 13. Koch agrees that it will take such other and further action as may be necessary, or as it may deem appropriate, to accomplish the purposes of this agreement. 14. In the event that the revenue bonds are issued and sold, Koch agrees that all reasonable expenses incurred by the Village in connection with their issuance and sale will be reimbursed to it, either from the proceeds of the sale, or, at Koch's option, directly by Koch. General Restrictions 15. It is mutually understood by the Village and Koch that within a reasonable time following the execution of this agreement Koch will request. a ruling from the Conmissioner of Internal Revenue that interest paid to the purchasers or holders of the revenue bonds described herein will be excludable from the gross income of such persons under Section 103 (a) (1) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. The Village and Koch agree that in the event the ruling requested by Koch is not obtained within a period of one year from the date hereof (or a contrary ruling is made prior to the expiration of such period), then Koch may, at its option, terminate this agree- ment. The Village and Koch further agree that in the event they are unabae to agree upon mutually acceptable terms for the revenue bonds, the contract or contracts for the acquisition, construction and improvement of the Follution Control Facilities and the lease of the Pollution Control Facilities within a period of one year from the date hereof, then this agreement shall be of no further force or effect and the respective obligations of the Village and Koch shall be automatically discharged. Koch shall in any event reimburse the Vilkge for all reasonable and necessary direct expenses paid or incurred by the `,Tillage in connection with the execution and performance of this agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Village and Koch have executed this agreement by their duly authorized officers this 21st day of November, 1972. ATTES D t F. Darling, Clerk- Treasurer ROSE40 VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 2 7 7 minutes of Regular Fleetirg a November 21, 1972 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, NffiTNESCTPA By /s/ Raymond W. Reinke, Mayor KOCH REFINING COMPANY By /s/ B. A. Paulson Its Vice President Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 PSays 0. Council discussed with Mr. Fred Hoisington, Planner Consultant for the Village, the contract for planning services between the Village and Brauer and Assoc. for the year 1973. Sect. 2E re Planner assistance for park land acquisition to be commenced and completed upon direction of the Village Council. Sect. 2F re Planner attendnirce at 12 monthly meetings of the Planning Commission, this to be changed to read Planning Commission or Council meetings. P4OTION by Knutson to accept the contract with Brauer and Assoc. as printed in their form with the additions under Items 2 Scope of Service, Para. F "Planning Commission or Council" and Para 2E, an option to pick up this service should it be required by acquisition of park property and to add "provided that such work will be commenced ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes tes oI' Regular P November 21, 1972 only upon direction of Village Council. Second by Jensen. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Hoisington agreed to redraw the contract and present the corrected copy for signatures. Proposed Street Improvement Assessment Policy for the Village was discussed. Matter ordered placed on agenda of December 5th in order to receive recoirmeda- tions from plainer. Mr. Gary Gray informed Council he has prepared a proposed time schedule for Village Improvement 1972 -2 Sanitary Sewers for western Rosemount. MOTION by Reinke to authorize clerk to proceed with Step 1 and obtain property ownership repert.. Second by Knutson. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays C. MOTION by Jensen to authorize engineer to prepare supplementary engineeering feasibility report. Second by Genz. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Letter from Koch Refining Co. dated Nov. 16, 1972 referred to Gary Gray for his review and report back to Council. MOTION by Stauffer to appoint Mayor as the Council member responsible for matters concerning Sanitary Landfill in the Village of Rosemount. Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. .Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mayor informed Council Dakota County has amended their solid waste ordinance to include a site in the Village of Rosemount. Gary Gray authorized to again prepare an application to Metro Council. Informal bids for chain link fence on County Road 33S were received and Mr. Alvin Schwanz of Cannon Falls was determined low bidder. MOTICI'i by Jensen authorizing engineer to write a letter to Mr. Alvin Schwarz accepting bid for fencing holding pond on County Road 37S and enter into an agreement. Second by Reinke. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, I "nutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Attorney informed Council he has reviewed residents of Broback 8th Addition and has form. If street improvements are desired submitted. Second by Jensen. Ayes Genz, Ayes 5 Nays 0. the matter of the Petition received from determined that same was not in proper another petition should be prepared and Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Attorney informed Council he has determined that Village will be included in Federal Revenue Sharing. Attorney David Grannis to write a letter to IVIr•. (Theban as landlord of Ken -Rose Shopping Center Bldg. informing him of violations as determined by state fire marshal Letter to be prepared for Fire Chief's signature. MOTION by Stauffer second by Genz to accept the monthly police dept. report and same ordered filed. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council authorized Mrs. Judy Willis to spend approximately one hour per day assisting in the police dpartment. 1 Councilman Stauffer informed Council of meeting attended on November 14 re Police Study Commission. Four other municipalities were in attendance as well as Mr. Robert Fulscher. Mr. Pulscher informed them of some of the items involved and necessary to the study which he will require from each municipality participating. Mayor requrested from members of the Council some input to assist in drafting a letter to Metro Council re matters relating to university properties in the Village. MOTION by Jensen second by Knutson to approve the bills submitted and authorize payment from their respective funds. Ays Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. FIRE DEFT. FUND 117.88 MOTION by Stauffer to authorize transfer from Gen Rev. fund to Fire Dept. fund the amount of $3500.00. Second by Reinke. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Fire Chief Ray McNamara discussed with Council the matter of using remaining bond monies for the purpose of a lease purchase agreement for additional fire department building and requested a meeting with Council to discuss it further. Fiscal consultant and attorney advised Council it was their opinion this could be done provided it would be a lease purchase agreement as opposed to just a lease agreement. However, they concurred that additional research on the matter was necessary. MOTION by Jensen second by Reinke to approve application for license to do business of Kings Supply Co., Lakeville. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 ,Mays C. MOTION by Knutson second by Stauffer to adjourn this meeting. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. ATTEST: tA, Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer GENERAL REVENUE FUND $5991.03 ROSEMOUTN•IT 'VIL:itiiu FN f,.JO Minutes of Regular Meeting L Li November 21, 1972 Margaret H. Alsip Council Secretary Published in Dakota County Tribune ,:XC -r_• 1972, Page /2 280 11(flftPWLMi VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting November 21, 1972 Bills submitted for approval November 21, 1972 GENERAL REVENUE Fjr`ID R. Reinke 80.00 C Stauffer 60.00 L. Knutson 63.00 L. Genz 6o.00 A. Jensen 6o.•co Industry Services 67.50 Solberg Aggregate 233.21 Erickson Eros. 638.=+0 First State Bank 395.40 Comm. of Taxation 199.00 Minn. Ben. Assn. 48.74 Metro Sewer Board 1119.70 M. Alsip 152.90 Brauer s: Assoc. 545.82 U.S. Leasing 35.53 Motorola Inc. 6.6o M. VanKleek 90.00 Peeples Gas 64.43 NSP 444.95 Dakota Elec. 22.90 NSP 60.41 Edwin Englert 14.6 R. Fortier Typewriters 4.25 W.S. Booth Staioners 40.30 Kanes Auto tc Equip. 12.00 Rosemount Dodge 5.40 Phillips Petrol. 34.21 Ind, School Dist. 3.75 Union 76 232.80 W. Cunniff 144.00 TOTAL State Treas. FIRE DEPT. FUND $4936.80 1054.23 $5991.03 NSP 71.92 Peoples Gas 45.96 TOTAL 117.88 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the Rosemount Village Council was duly held on November 28, 1972 at the Village Hall. President Reinke called the meeting to order. I'4embers present, Reinke, Genz, Jensen and Knutson, Member absent, Stauffer. Purpose of the meeting was to conduct Public Hearing as per the following notice published in the Dakota County Tribune on November 16, 1972. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, will hold a public hearing at 7:30 PM on Tuesday, November 28, 1972 at the Village Hall, 1367 145th St. E. (County Road 42) to consider the Planned Unit Development Concept Plan for the following described property: North one -half (NI) of the Northeast Quater (NE)) of Section 31 Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota containing 8G acres more or less, according to the government survey thereof. Purpose of the hearing is to consider future development of a mobile home park generally aligned west of Chippendale Ave. (County Rd. 39) and south of the Edwin Rahn (Broback) Additions. All persons interested may appear and be heard at said time and place. Dated this 16th day of November, 1972. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, !ENNESOTA. Mr. Don Hess of Midwest Planning and Research, Inc (Mr. Kenneth Rechtzigel, Mr. Eldon Kvam, tor. Evers addressed Council and members of the audience and, the merits of the proposed Kee Park development to acres. ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 281 Minutes of Special I'4eeting November 28, 1972 Don F. Darling Clerk Treasurer Vi11sg of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota representing Kee Park, Inc. (Case; Jones, Mr. Lane Jones) with visual aids, explained be built on approximately 80 After his presentation, Council opened the meeting to questions and comments from the audience. After all parties had been heard and upon MOTION by Knutson second by Genz that the Hearing be closed. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Mayor Reinke declared the hearing closed. Councilmen will take the matter under advisement. No other action was taken, There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, Council members unanimously agreed to adjourn this meeting. ATTEST: Don F. I7arlin3, rea surer Margaret H. Alsip Council Secretary Published in Dakota County Tribune December 14, 1972, Page 12B 282 RO ?FMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting December 5, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held at the Rosemount Village Liquor and Utilities Commissions Bldg. on the 5th day of December, 1972 at 7:30 PP4. President REinlce called the meeting to order. All members present. Agenda corrected to include discussion re snowmobile ordinance and franchise ordinances. MOTION by Jensen to approve the minutes of meetings held on November 21 and 28, 1972 and same be ordered published. Second by Reinke. Ayes Jensen, Genz, Stauffer, Reinke and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Clinton Kolb was present, having been referred to Council by Planning Commission. He requests a permit to continue to be allowed to have owners of a mobile home place the mobile home on land owned by him. P40TIOK by Knutson this request be referred back to the Planning Commission and they conduct a variance hearing to be held on December 28th at 7:50 PM. Second by R kres Genz, Stauffer, Reinke, Knutson and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays O. Clerk read the following petition signed and presented by residents in the Village: "We, the undersigne4 are against the proposed alignment of new County Road 42. We wish to have it studied further and alternatives given." MOTION by Stauffer to acknowledge for the record, the receipt of the petition and same ordered placed on file. Second by Jensen. Ayes Genz, Jensen, Knutson Reinke and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nys 0. Council reviewed proposed alignment of County RO d 42 with those present, however no action was taken until a firm commitment is received from the County regarding the alignment. Dog Catcher Don Schiffman presented the monthly report and reque<.ad Council provide official identification. Monthly report accepted and same ordered placed on file. P40TION by Jensen to accept the Planning Commission minutes of meeting of November 29th and order same placed on file. Second by Reinke. Ayes Stauffer, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 5 Prays O. MOTION by Knutson that variance request of Steven Broback be denied as recom— mended by Planning Commission. Second by Jensen. Ayes Reinke, Kni.rtson, Jensen, Genz and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays O. MOTIOP.T by Stauffer and request for variance as presented by Henry Genz be denied as per reasons in the Planning Commission minutes. Second by Reinke. Ayes Knutson, Jensen, Genz, Stauffer and Reinke. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke that updated contract for Planning Services for the year 1973 by and between the Village of Rosemount and Brauer Assoc., Inc. be accepted and mayor and clerk be authorized to sign same. Second Knutson. Ayes Knutson Jensen, Genz, Stauffer and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. 1 ROSEI<IOIIPT VILLAGE PRCCEELINGS Minutes of Regular I1eeting December 5, 1972 Clerk read the following petition signed and presented by residents of the Village: "We the undersigned, are against the proposed zoning of the N; of the NE, of Section 31 as a mobile home park. We wish to have it studied further and alternatives given." MOTION by Stauffer to acknowledge for the records, the receipt of the petition and same ordered placed on file. Second by Jensen. Ayes Genz, Jensen, Knutson, Reinke and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays O. Council informed those present that the public hearing had been held as scheduledm Nov. 25th and the hearing had been declared closed. However, the matter was again reviewed with those present. Discussion centered. on holding ponds and proposed storm sewer, as well as County Road 42. After all interested parties were heard, Council agreed no action could be taken at this time until County informed Village of Rosemount, their plans for County Road 42 bypass. Attorney David Grannis informed Council of summons and complaint served upon the Village by Mrs. Laura Swords. Attorney recommended that Council acknowledge receipt of the summons and complaint and direct the papers to the Village insurance representatives. MOTION by Reinke acknowledging receipt of the summons and complaint as presented and. clerk be authorized to forward same to Toombs Insurance Agency. Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Jensen, Knutson and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. 283 Attorney informed Council he has met with representatives of Snowtoppers Snowmobile Club and based on discussions, a revised draft of snowmobile ordinance was prepared. Councilman Knutson requested a copy of the draft be made available to each Council member and the matter be placed on the agenda of the next regular council meeting to be held on Dec. 19th. Council next discussed the matter of attorneys fees re the Hilda Larson con demnation proceedings, as well as the statement presented by Ivirs. Larson. MOTION by Knutson to authorize attorney to settle the Hilda Larson condem- tration proceedings expenses and authorize clerk to pay total expenses out of bond issue funds. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Jensen, Knutson, Reinke and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Don Brown recommended to Council that Mr. Richman Cook be removed from probationary status as a village employee, and that his salary be increased to $700/mo. MOTION by Reinke that Richman Cook be removed from probationary status and'.. his salary be increased per Don Brown's recommendation, effective January 1, 1973. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, K Reinke, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Don Brown also recommended to Council that anothr full time maintenance man be hired. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize Superintendent of Maintenance to advertise for a full time man. Second by Knutson. Ayes Reinke, Stauffer, Genz, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. 4 ROSEOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 2 5 4 IMlinutes of Regular Meeting December 5, 1972 Clerk informed Council of Village election results as follows: Precinct I for Councilman Louis H. Genz 52 votes Eldon Stauffer 72 votes Donald Ratzlaff 62 votes (Write -In) For Justice of Peace Larry Ingebrigtsen 90 votes For Constable Nick Fox -103 votes Total number of persons who voted in precinct 113 Precinct II for Councilman Louis H. Genz 41 votes Eldon Stauffer 47 votes Donald Ratzlaff 29 votes (Write -In) For Justice of Peace Larry Ingebrigtsen 57 votes For Constable Idick Fox 56 votes Total number of persons who voted in precinct 67 Total Vote Councilman Louis H. Genz 93 votes Eldon Stauffer 119 votes Donald Ratzlaff 91 votes (Write -In) Justice of Peace Larry Ingebrigtsen 147 votes Constable Nick Fox 159 votes MOTION by Reinke to accept the results of the Village Election as read by Clerk Don Darling. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, R Stauffer, Genz and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mayor informed Council he has authorized installation by the Snowtoppers Snov.mobile Club of amber flashing lights purchased by the Village. Eight flasher lights to be installed where snowmobile trailsoross 1- ighway 3 and County Road 42. Engineer Gary Gray informed Council he had received no recommendations from planner or attorney re proposed street assessment policy. Council requested he write another letter requesting any recommendations. Mr. Gray presented copies of Contract between Village and Mr. Alvin Schwanz for installation of fence around holding pond area on County Road 33S; recom- mended that same be submitted to attorney for his review and recommendation to Council. Mr. Schwanz has agreed to fence the area this year for an additional $100. Mr. Gray recommends Village not be responsible for the additional amount. Engineer presented to Council a copy of revised sanitary sewer improvement report including revised costs and revised boundary map for Council review. MOTION by Knutson that Village accept the revised feasibility study as presented or this date. Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Jensen, Knutson Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. 1 1 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting December 5, 1972 MOTION by Jensen to separate the projects outlined in the feasibility report into two projects, one being 1972 -2 as designated by the engineer and the ether as 1972 -2A (being the Brockway forcemain) as designated by tke engineer. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Genz, Jensen, Knutson, Reinke and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to set a public hearing on Village of Rosemount Project 1972 -2, Sanitary Sewer, for January 9, 1973 at 7:150 PM. Hearing shall be held in Little Theater Section at Rosemount Senior High School. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Reinke, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke to accept the boundary map for Village Improvement 1972 -2 describing the area involved, dated Dec. 5, 1972. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Reinke, Stauffer, Genz and Jensen. ayes 5 Nays 0. Attorney informed Council that capitol improvement projects should be referred to the Planning Commission for their review as provided by State Law, and this should be done before Council orders the project. MOTION by Knutson requesting Clerk submit the engineer's feasibility report and the map as approved, re Village project 1972 -2 and 2A be sent to the Planning Commission for their review and approval, and copy of the state law be included also. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Reinke, Stauffer, Genz, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Gary Gray will attend the Planning Commission Hearing on Dec. 28th to review the project with the members. Present sewer and water rates will have to be reviewed and revised to reflect changes by the Metro Sewer Board. Engineer reH.ommends they be authorized to make revisions and contact Springsted as to their suggestions (this to be done before Utilities Commission meeting on Dec. 11th) The matter to be discussed with the Utilities Commission and incorporate their recommendations in a report back to Council at next regular meeting. MOTION by Stauffer authorizing engineer to draft proposed changes in sewer and water charges and have these back to Council at next regular meeting on Dec. 19th. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Jensen, Knutson and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Engineer and attorney have reviewed the Sanitary Sewer rate agreement between Brockway Glass Co. and Village of Rosemount, in conjunction with impending Village improvement 1972 -2A. Council authorized Engineer to arrange a meeting with representatives of Brockway Glass Co. for preliminary discussion. In addition to Council and engineer, fiscal consultant. and attorney shall be present also. Attorney reviewed the fence installation contract between Alvin Schwanz and Village and recommended Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign same. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Clerk and Mayor to Sign the contract for fence improvement between Alvin Schwanz and Village of Rosemount. Second by Genz. Aye Jensen, Knutson, Reinke, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. 9 C Additional discussion on full time clerk- treasurer tabled to January meeting. ROSPJ +TOUT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Re`u.1ar Meeting 286 December 5, 1972 Council discussed franchise ordinances, and attorney informed Council he had discussed with representatives of the three companies, the proposed ordinances. Attorney will write a letter to Council to inform them of the proposed changes and recommended the matter be reviewed at the regular Council meeting January 2, 1973. MOTION by Stauffer to approve for payment from their respective funds, the bills presented by the Clerk. Second b Reinke. Ayes Knutson, Reinke, Stauffer, Genz and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays O. GENERAL REVENUE FUND 4270.65 FIRE DEPT. FUND 628.81 LIQUOR REVENUE FUND $14,958.06 MOTION by Jensen to approve the application for license to do business submitted by Rose Plumbing and Heating. Second by Genz. Ayes Reinke, Stauffer, Genz, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Clerk read letter of resignation from Parks and Recreation Commission received from Mr.. Jerry Degenaar. MOTION by Stauffer to accept with regrets the resignation of Mr. Jerry Degenaar from the Parks and Recreation Commission and request the Clerk send a letter of thanks for five years service to Mr. Degenaar. Second by Knutson. Ares Reinke, Stauffer, Genz, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke that contract with Cash Register Sales, Inc. for cash register service contract be renewed for calendar year 1973, amount $212.80. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Jensen, Knutson and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, and upon MOTIOIN by Jensen second by Genz to adjourn this meeting, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. ATTEST: Doti F. Darl Clerk— Treasurer ing Margaret H. Alsip Council Secretary Published in Dakota County Tribune on 197j, Page /3 Bills submitted for approval December 5, 1972 GENERAL REVENUE FUND Hall Equipment Inc. Coast to Coast NSP Fox Excavating Brauer Assoc. Minnesota Benefit Assn. Don Brown Wis. P:;atl Life Lia' Rev. Fund Ray P•1c1 asnara Nick Fox Don S hiffman Mrs. L. Doehling M. Alsip W. Cuimiff J. E. Staats Grannis Grannis TOTAL FIRE DEPT. FUND Conway Fire Safety Air Couun Firemen's Relief Assn. TOTAL LIQUOR REVENUE FUND 7 -Up Bottling Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Johnson_ Eros. Whs1 Mckesson Liquor Co. Gross Industrial Famous Brands Inc. Transport "Clearings Northwest Linen Peoples Gas NSP Central Telephon Griggs Cooper Co. Ed Phillips Sons Town Country Concord Beverage Old Dutch Foods, Inc. O.M. Droney Bev. Co. Day Distributing Twin City Home Juice Hanson Beverage $1855.00 15.57 6.50 429.00 15.00 94.03 23.40 35.33 90.54 292.95 19.53 100.98 14.71 147.32 120.00 67.04 5 $4270.65 3.50 529.11 96.20 628.81 37.95 265.17 1439.42 767.50 11.60 1 395.80 109.49 52.50 123.41 171.49 4.69 1015.42 2486.28 20.00 1243.30 67.10 136.33 351.20 55.75 1332.4o ROSEMOUIJT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Ieeting December 5, 1972 Corrigan Electric Postage Minn. Benefit Assn. Liq. Store Int. Sinking College City Bev. Inc. Leding Distr. Van Paper Co. Patsy Ann's Inc. The Pioneer Co. Distillers Dist. 0.M. Droney Mid -West Wine Co. TOTAL 15.50 8.00 136.91 795.00 883.10 549.85 34.54 89.05 54.97 1218.49 32.35 53.5'=' $1495 %_06 287 288 ROSFMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Regular Meeting December 19, 1972 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Village Council was duly held on December 19, 1972 at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall. President Reinke called the meeting to order. All mernt rs present. Agenda corrected to include representatives of the Parks and Recreation Commission, Mr. James Broback to discuss further with Council the proposed alignment of County Road 42; and gasoline bids. MOTION by Reinke the minutes of December 5th be approved and same be ordered published. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Beth Jones of Metro Cable TV addressed Council to update members of progress of franchise ordinances and to go over services that Cable TV can furnish. Some Cable TV tape was viewed and additional discussion held. MOTION by Jensen to table further discussion until January 16, 1972 at which time utility franchises will also be discussed. Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Nay Reinke. Ayes 4 Nays 1. Motion carried. Council held a lengthy discussion on proposed snowmobile ordinance with repre- sentatives of Snowtoppers Snowmobile Club. MOTION by Icnutson to adopt Ordinance XII.5 A SNOWMOBILE ORDINANCE REPEALING VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT ORDINANCE NO. XII.3 AND SUBSTITUTIITG IN ITS PLACE AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF SNOWMOBILES iiTTHBT THE VILLAGE OF ROSNI0UT1T, INCORPORATING PROVISIONS OF THE STATE SNOWMOBILF STATUTE BY REFERENCE AND IMPOSING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THEREOF. with changes incorporated into Section 5 (a) and (d) to include platted areas. Second by Reinke. Ayes Reinke, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Nay Jensen. Ayes 4 Nay 1. Motion carried. Council again discussed proposed southerly bypass of County Road 42. Councilman Knutson attended County Board meeting. County Board of Commissioners requested the Village of Rosemount review the original resolution and notify them as soon as possible whether Village of Rosemount wishes to change, retract or support the original resolution regarding County Road 42. A petition signed by residents of the Village residing in an area bounded by proposed County Road 42, CR 33 and 333 and Chippe_L's1•- Ave. was presented to Council. Same petition had been presented to County Board of Commissioners. NOTION by Knutson that we acknowledge receipt of the petition from property owners adjoining County Road 42 and the new County Road 42 alignment, and petition be acknowledged and accepted by this Council. Secondby Reinke. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that we adopt Resolution 1972 -31 with wording provided by the attorney, that Village of Rosemount reaffirm to the Dakota County Board of Commissioners our decision as set forth in Village of Rosemount Resolution 1972 -26 regara_ng County Road 42 bypass. Second by Reinke. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Mr. Ron Pederson of Parks Recreation Commission turned over to Clerk Treas. $44.00 as receipts in cash and checks for Little League Hockey Registration. Minutes of Parks 6: Rec. Comm. were accepted and same ordered placed on file. blr.Pederson turned over to the Clerk, the complete file on HUD application for funds to be filed in permanent Village files, and discussed with Council matters relative to Parks Rec. Commission. IIr. Richard Jensen also discussed with Council problems being encountered with the hockey program. RO,= EI•DL T V ILLAGEE FROCEEDING:�j p Minutes of Regular h Being L O a7 December 19, 1972 MOTION by Knutson that Mr. Calvin Drake be appointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission to complete the unexpired term of Mr. Jerry Degenaar, being two years remaining of a three year term. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen_ to accept the resignation of Mrs. Helen Judkins, thanking her for her services on the Parks and Recreation Commission. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Parks Rec. Commission requested Council to sell, when legally possible, the 56 A. recently acquired and use the proceeds to purchase more suit- able park land as applied for in the HUD application. MOTION by Reinke to authorize Springsted, Inc:. to prepare a preliminary report on the most advantageous way to purchase the proposed park site. Second by Knutson. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 rays 0. Mr. Gary Gray updated Council on fencing problems on County Road 33S. A temporary installation will be made by County and permanent fencing will be installed in spring. Council reviewed request of Rosemount School District to install No Parking -Bus Loading and Stop signs on Hyland Ave. and Murphy St. MOTI0IJ by Reinke to install Stop signns and No Parking -Bus Loading and No Parking ^his Side of Street as requested by School District. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Gen: and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays O. AG`PIOId by Genz to approve appointr.ent og mi EYlleL F.nUuson effective Dec. 15, 1972 at a salary of $b7D/mo. Second by Reirflce. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, R and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer second by Genz to accept the Police Dept. report and order same placed on file. Second by Reinke. Ayes Genz, Stauffer, Reinke Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays O. MOTIG;by Jensen to approve payment to Aero Electric in as recommended by engineer. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke to approve payment No. 4 to Erickson the amount of $86,788.05 as recommended by Engineer. Ayes ReinJ:e,Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes the amount of $6488 Genz, Reinke, Jensen Bros. Contracting in Second by Knutson. 5 Nays 0. Council discussed updating fee schedules for plumbing permits. Attorney and Engineer to research this further. Council discussed adoption of a street assessment policy. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize engineer to work with fiscal agent and present at next Council meeting, recommendations for assessment policy of side yards for sewer and water.. Second by Genz. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer., Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Atorney to write a letter to Mr. Roger Swenson informing him he must comply with stipulations set forth in the issuance of a building permit which require 2 rr,, (A ROSE1OUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS J i) Minutes of Regular Meeting December 19, 1972 22 A. building site in agricultural zone. Fire Chief Ray McNamara discussed with Council the progress of negotiations to purchase a building from Don Christenson. Attorney advised Council the Village may _arehase the building, however purchase agreement cannot extend over five years. MOTION by Reinke to authorize fire department to work with attorney as necessary for negotiating and drawing up contracts and making other arrangements for the best interest of the Village. Second by Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Genz, Reinke, Jensen and Knutson. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Clerk read a letter received from Pollution Control Agency informing Council of application by Farmers Union Central Exchange for permit for disposal system kr certification for discharge permit. Mayor informed Council Utilities Commission discussed this matter and recommended Village of Rosemount submit a statement, requesting this discharge not be pennitted because of close proximity to proposed park site and investigate further to determine whether or not effluent can te handled by the sewer plant now under construction. MOTION by Knutson to concur with Utilities Commission recommendation and authorize engineer to obtain further information and submit a st .Ament to Pollution Control Agency on behalf of the Village, report back to Council at a later meeting. Second by Reinke. Aye Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke to approve bills submitted for payment and theybe paid from their respective finds. Second by Knutson. Ayes Genz, Reinke, Jensen Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 5 Nays 0. GENERAL REVENUE FUND $2845.31 FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND 46.25 Solberg Aggregate Co. application for building permit was referred to planning Commission. MOTION by Genz to approve applications by Rosemount Post American Legion for license to sell cigarettes: club on sale retail liquor license; and Sunday On Sale liquor license. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer and Genz. Ayes 5 Nays 0. MOTION by Reinke to approve applications by Dakota Bowl, Inc. for OnSale retail liquor license and Sunday OnSale liquor license. Second by Knutson. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Genz and Reinke. Ayes 5 Nays O. otrese Union 7b bid Regular gasoline consumer Tank Wagon .217$ per gal. Less Discount .0470 per gal. Cost .1700 per gal. Federal Tax State Tax .07 0 per gsl. Total cost including tax .28 C per gal. deld. Village must furnish all tax exemption slips. MOTION by Reinke to accept bids received and to award to Union 76 the contract for supply of gasoline to Village Utilities garage as quoted in their bid. Second by Genz. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Genz, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 5 Nays 0. Council requests Police Dept. to occasionally patrol Ken Rose Shopping Center requesting loitering persons, particularly children, to move on. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, and upon D'IOTION by Genz second by Reinke to adjourn this meeting, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk Treasurer Published in Dakota County Tribune on GENERAL REVEIUE FUND Miller Davis Phoenix Industries Rosemount Arctic Cat Fischer Sand Solberg Aggregate Peoples Gas Dakota Electric I1SP I'SP Central Telephone Dakota County Tribune Rosemount Dodge A 1 Rental Union 76 Phillips Petroleum Brauer 'c Assoc. Hawkins Janitorial Crannis Grarnis Janski Gibson Grady Lampman Wm. Krier 7.40 2.00 1.25 46.09 6.58 99.18 22.90 39.57 444.95 51.90 152.71 71.10 3.50 207.57 11.98.. 56.60 25.00 885.00 150.00 250.00 15. Cp ROSEMOUPNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS G) 1 S Minutes of Regular Meeting e December 19, 1972 Margaret H. Alsip Council Secretary as✓ it 1 97.3 Page /o 43 Bills submitted for approval and payment December 19, 1972 Pitney Bowes Postmaster USLeasing Springsted, Inc. TOTAL FIRE DEPT. FUTWD Central Telephone Co. 17.00 100.00 35.53 149.50 2 8 45.3 1 46.25 4; (1 rosemount village proceedings it hLinutes of Regular Meeting January 2, 1973 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Village Council was duly held on January 2, 1973 at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall. Acting Mayor C. Eldon Stauffer called the meeting to order. Members present: Stauffer, Genz, Jensen and Knutson. Member absent: Reinke. No additions or corrections to agenda. Clerk Don Darling swore in newly elected Councilman Genz and Stauffer, Justice of Peace Ingebrigtsen and Constable Fox. MOTION y Jensen to appoint Councilman Stauffer as Acting Mayor for the coming year. Second by Genz. Ayes Genz, Stauffer, Jensen, Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays O. MOTICdd by Knutson to approve minutes of the meeting of December 19, 1972 and same be ordered published. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Jensen, Knutson, Genz. Ayes 4 .lays 0. MOTION by Stauffer second by Genz to accept monthly animal warden report and same be ordered filed. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Stauffer, Jensen. Ayes 4 Nays J. MOTION by Knutson that Dakota County Tribune be designated as the official newspaper for the Rosemount Village Council. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Cenz, Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. MOTION by Genz second by Knutson to designate the First State Bank of Rosemount as the official depository for the Village of Rosemount. Ayes Genz, Stauffer, Jensen, Knutson. Ayes4 Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer that appointments to Rosemount Planning Commission for the coming year be deferred to next regular Council meeting when it is anticipated a full Council will be present. Second b Genz. Ayes Stauffer, Jensen, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Attorney notified Council he has been negotiating with all parties involved in purchase of the Don Christenson building for the Fire Dept. and sale of the existing Fire Hall. He will write a letter to Council on Christenson proposal and is awaiting word from parties interested in purchase of the Fire Dept. Building. Hearing date has not yet been set for condemnation proceedings on the Wachter property. Councilman Stauffer reported on meeting held by County with representatives of Villages of Rosemount and Apple Valley and Dakota County in attendance. Rosemount Village Council indicated they would like a four lane road but not as "freeway Status county requested Apple Valley and Rosemount agree on type of right -of -way, which they request should be from 120' to 180' for the type road they wish to construct. Everyone at the meeting is to review the discus- sion further to see what can be done. MOTION by Knutson second by Jensen to approve for payment the bills as presented and authorize payment from respective funds. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Genz and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays O. GENERAL REVENUE FUND 846.01 Fire Department Fund Liquor Revenue Fund ROSEPMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 293 Minutes of Regular Meeting January 2, 19 1016.27 $14,88t00 MOTION }}'9- Stauffer to approve the appointment of Elliel Knutsen as a part time /nicer from September 22, to Dec. 15, 1972. Second by Genz. Ayes Knutson, Genz, Stauffer and Jensen. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Mr. Osman Springsted reviewed with Council the assessment policy for the Village. Council agreed to meet again with Mr. Springsted at a special meeting to further review the policy in light of new developments, particu- larly the Metro Sewer Board SAC charge. Soecial meeting set for 9 AM at the Village Hall on January 6th. Gary Gray reviewed with Council the proposed street assessment policy for the Village. Council will review for further discussion and possible adoption. Mr. Gray reviewed with Council the Notice of Permit Application for Maintenance Dredging by Koch Refining Co. Dept. of Natural Resources requesting comments whether or not Village feels there will be adverse affects on the Village in that area. MOTION by Jensen second by Genz to return the application informing them the Village has no comments. Ayes Genz, Stauffer, Jensen, Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Mr. Gray reviewed with Council the matter of the alignment of proposed County Road 42 and obtaining right of ways for same and requested authorization to meet with Mr. Gabiou on the matter. MOTIO: by Knutson that BSEH Assoc. be authorized to represent the Village of Rosemount in meetings with the County engineer regarding County Road 42 southerly alignment; that the engineering firm be authorized to return to the next Council meeting with the alignments and typical sections. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Jensen, Knutson and Genz. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Don Brown notified Council he had received only one bid for hauling snow from R. D. Barflviecht. They have four tandem units available at :$10 /Hr. each. Council next reviewed Minutesof Planning Commission meeting held on Dec. 28th. Council did not agree with their approval of variance request by Clinton Kolb to continue parking a mobile horn owned by someone else on land owned by PMr. Kolb. After considerable discussion, Council referred the matter tc the attorney. Mr. Grannis will review the matter with Council at the next. regular meeting on January 16th. Council agreed when plats presented for approval are reviewed as required by ordinance, charges for review are to be billed back to developer. There being no further business to come before this Council at this time, and upon MOTION by Jensen second by Knutson to adjourn this meeting, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. Acting Mayor Stauffer declared the meeting closed at 10:20 PM. RO E O U'JT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 2941 Minutes of Regular Meeting January 2, 1973 ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk- Treasurer Published in Dakota County Tribune on Bills submitted for approval and payment from respective funds January 2, 1973 Sheriff, Dakota County 7.50 Wisc. Natl. Life 35.33 Don Rosen 37.57 Minn. Benefit Assn. 94.03 Uniforms Unlimited 116.45 Union 76 1.67 Brauer Assoc. 140.4+ Peeples Gas 34.04 NSP 11 .37 Toombs Ins. 242.00 Our Saviours Luth. Church 1.67 Tom Fahey 5.20 Motorola 6.6o Miller Davis 5.35 Liquor Revenue Fund 76.79 Monroe Calculator Co. 30.00 TOTAL 846.oi FIRE DEPT. FTJ]JD Ratzlaff's Ca;itol City SubReg Geraghty Agency Vikinglndustrial Kane's Auto Equip Corcoran Minnesota Fire Inc. Vol. Firemen's Ben. Assn. NSP Peoples Gas Firemen's Relief Assn. 7.90 10.00 236.00 49.06 8.40 10.90 168.80 54.00 37.27 66.77 667.17 TOTAL $1016.27 Margaret H. Alsip Council Secretary 1 973, Page 7 7,5 LIQUOR REVENUE FUND First State Bank of Rosemount $1164.70 Commissioner of Taxation 2236.36 State Treasurer 1531.04 Alcorn Beverage 50 Coast to Coast 2.38 Transport Clearings 49.95 Beverage Journal 5. Old Peoria Co. Inc. 5 Griggs Cooper Co .20 Johnson Bros. 298.93 Towns Edge Cleaners 20.70 Cash Register Sales 212.80 Northwest. Linen Serv. 3 Ed Phillips Sons 1091.43 Famous Brands 97.02 Minn State Board Of Health 18.00 Central Telephone 28.79` Petty Cash 61.77 hlcKesson Liquor 405.20 Distillers Distrib Co. 563.12 Peoples Natural Gas 153.06 b1SP 187.22 Concord Beverage 1146.60 7 Up Bottling 93.60 Col]rge City Bev 714.80 Old Dutch Foods Inc. 63.35 Hanson Beverage 1478.80 Leding Distr 569.73 Twin City Home Juice 66.25 Town Country 20.00 Van Paper'Co. 47.32 Coca Cola 33. 0 I4 Droney Bev. Co. 46.92 Sunderland Inc. 53.25 The Pioneer Co. 5 Liquor Sore Inc. Sinking 795.00 Minn. Benefit Assn. 1 3 6 .95 Day Distr. Co. 231.41 Patsy Ann's Inc. 78.00 TOTft $14,887.00 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PFG, EEDTNGS Minutes of Re ul ar Meeting January 2, 1973 2 2e t 2 96 ROSE[1OUT• T VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS Minutes of Special Meeting JAI•Tuary 9, 1973 Purusant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held on January 9, 1973 at 7:30 PM at the Little Theatre Section in the Rosemount Senior High School. All members present. President Reinke called the meeting to order. Clerk Don F. Darling read a Notice of Hearing to consider the making of an Improvement for Sanitary Sewer, Village of Rosemount Project 1972 -2, a copy of which is attached herewith and made a part of these minutes. Mr. Gary Gray, Eingineer, made a presentation to the audience indicating sewer benefits as proposed in this project. Mr. Osman Springsted, Fiscal Consultant, made a presentation to the audience as to how the project would be financed, giving some input as to proposed assessments. President Reinke opened the meeting to members of the audience for comments and questions. After all interested parties had been heard and upon MOTION by Knutson that this hearing be closed and final decision or action on this project be deferred until receipt of a resolution from the Planning Corrnnission regarding their review of the project. Second by Genz. President Reinke then called: All those voting in favor Vote Aye and those opposed vote Nay. I4otion carried. President Reinke declared the hearing closed. ATTEST: Voting Aye 5 Voting Nay 0 d U 1 on k. Darling Clerk Treasurer Published in Dakota County Tribune on Margaret H. Alsip Council Secretary 1973, Page 7 -6 ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE PROCEEDIEG9 1 Minutes of Regular Ye ting J January 16, 1973 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the VilIge Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly held on January 16, 15573. at 7:30 PM at the Village Hall. Meeting called to order by President Reinke. Members present; Reinke, Jensen and Stauffer. Members absent; Genz and Knutson. MOTION by Jensen second by Stauffer to approve minutes of January 2nd and 9th and same be ordered published. Ayes Stauffer, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 3 Nays 0. Mayor Reinke recommended the following persons be appointed to the various commissions for terms as noted: Parks and Recreation Committee Pdr. Gerald Hoffstr•om to replace Mr. Richard Alexon, three year term Mr..John Broback to fulfil the unexpired two year term of Mrs. Helen Judk_iiis, one year term. Planning Commission Mrs. Betty Zanmiller, Mr. Richard Corcoran and Mr. Richard Heinen, each being a three year term. Sewer Advisory Board to reappoint the following members to a one year term: Mr. Wm. Myers, I'lr. Otto Ped, Mr. Lars Nelson, Mr. Mary Ratzlaff and Mr. P. F. Finnegan. MOTION by S tauffer to accept the recommended appointments as presented by Pres. Reinke. Second by Jensen. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Stauffer. Ayes 3 Mays 0. MOTION by Reinke to reappoint as Health Officers, Drs. Robert Erickson and Raymond Mardcll. Second by Stauffer. Ayes 3 Nays O. MOTION by Reinke to approve the bills presented and authorize payment from their respective funds. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Stauffer, Reinke. Ayes 3 Nays O. GENERAL FUND $7592.20 Council members present again discussed combining the two Village offices to one location. Matter to be placed on agenda of February 6th. President. Reinke explained it was necessary for him to attend a meeting at the Dakota County Area Vo -Tech Institute and upon MOTION by Jensen to continue this meeting to January 17 at 8:15 PM, second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Reinke, Jensen. Ayes 3 Nays O. Therefore the regular Council meeting of this date continued to Wednesday January 17 at 8:15 PM. On Wednesday, January 17, Council meeting of the Village of Rosemount was reconvened at 8:15 PM. Meeting called to order by Pres. Reinke. Members present; Reinke, Jensen, Stauffer and Knutson. Member absent; Genz. Council considered the matter of application of Mr. C inton Kolb to continue to have placed on his property, a mobile home owned by another party. ROSEMOUNT VILLAGE Pk:�r'-EFDIKGS c� V Minutes of Regular Meeting January 16, 1973 Attorney notified council it was his opinion that Planning Commission action taken at their meeting on Dec. 28th, was not legal action, because they have not complied with requirements of the Zoning Ordinance (Sec. 14.3) and further recommended the Planning Comm. not hold another hearing, but that more complete findings will have to be made. This can be done at their next meeting to be held on Feb. 1, 1973. Council reviewed Cable TV franchise ordinance with representatives of Metro Cable TV. Attorney advised Council that the "Rough Draft" he had reviewed as well as copy of the Ordinance adopted by Village of Apple Valley are good ordinances. I'QOTIOI'T by Reinke to adopt franchise ordinance for Cable TV, being Ordinance No. XI.l, and direct attorney to type same in final form with necessary revisions. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Reinke, Jensen, Rizut.son. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Attorney has reviewed other franchise ordinances and reconunended all ordinances be adopted at the same time as an underground ordinance. Attorney discussed with Council the matter of Mr. Roger Swenson not being ih compliance with Village ordinance requiring 21 A. on which to build a home where sewer service is not available. He has recommended that Mr. Swenson appear before the Planning Commission and apply for a variance. Matter to be again placed on agenda of February- 6th. Council to meet with Fire Dept. building committee on January 23rd at 7:00 PM to discuss further the matter of purchasing the Don Christenson building for use by the Fire Dept. and possible Village Hall offices. Attorney to prepare a letter of recommendation for Council by that time. Council reviewed with attorney and engineer proposed resolution which would authorize clerk to collect Sewer Availability Charge (SAC charge) monies. MOTIOP•; by Knutson that Resolution l073-1 regarding water, sewer rates, charges and deposits be adopted effective immediately. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Reinke, Jensen, Knutson and Stauffer. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Attorney authorized to represent Village in the matter re Utility charges and hookups for apartment building under construction by Ray Nowicki. Council reviewed public hearing for sanitary sewer held on January 9, 1973. Attorney informed Ccu cil that any portion of project may be deleted, however, nothing may be added to the project unless petitioned for by 100% of owners of property to be added to project. MOTION by Stauffer tolass Resolution 1973 -2, a resolution ordering Improve- ment and authorizing engineer to prepare plans and specifications for Village of Rosemount Project 197 -2 (Sanitary Sewer). Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Knutson, Stauffer, Reinke. Ayes 4 Nays O. Council authorized engineer to prepare a letter to property owners requesting they define location of present sewer connection, and to arrange meeting dates to discuss in detail with these property owners, the specifics of the project. Proposed street assessment policy was again reviewed by Council with Engineer. MOTIOI! by Knutson that Resolution 1973 -3 be adopted, resolution being street assessment policy Draft. III 11/7/72. Second by Reinke. Ayes Knutson, Stauffer, Reinke and Jensen. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Clerk requested to write to Mr. Noel Smith notifying him Council would like to meet to discuss proposed alignment of County Road 42 as it relates to his property. Council agreed to meet with Board of Ed :a.t.ion on February 13 at 9 AM place to be determined by Mr. John Bristol, Supt. of Schools. Purpose of the meeting is to discuss mutual interests and concerns between school district and Village. Council authorized a representative of Burroughs Corp. to be present to discuss computer type billing system for the Village. MOTION by Stauffer second by Knutson to reappoint Mr. Milton Johnson to Utilities Commission, appointment being a three year term. Ayes Stauffer Reinke, Jensen, Knutson. Ayes 4 Nays 0. There being no further business t) come before this Council at this time, and upon MOTION by Stauffer, second by Reinke to adjourn this meeting, Council unanimously agreed to adjourn. ATTEST: tI F. DARLING C1er:- Treasurer ROSEMOUI'IT VILLAGE PROCEEDINGS 2 (1 Minutes of Regular Meeting !r ��7 January 16, 1973 Margaret H. Alsip Council Secretary Published in Dakota County Tribune on L 1973, Page J 4? 300 f.j....• Bills submitted for approval and payment January 16, 1973 Grannis and Grannis $435.00 Central Telephone 108.69 Brauer Assoc. 389.10 Dakota County Tribune 285.20 St. Paul Stamp Works 31.45 First State Bank 42 .55 Hawkins Janitorial 25.00 Peoples Gas 148.67 US Leasing 35.53 Pitney Bowes 9.70 Union 76 290.43 Btrese 7.5 B d. J Auto 9.57 Lystads 87.50 Gopher Stamp 303.70 Tri State Mach. 318.75 Coast to Coast 7.01 Treasurer Dakota County 502.40 Dan tarfl;necht Trucking 210.00 David Peterson 35.75 Tri State Mach. 62.08 NSP 444.95 Dakota Electric 22.90 Fischer Constr. 391.00 American Legion 35.00 Kanes Auto Equipment 145.26 Fire Rescue 3090.00 American Oil 9.10 Clarks Super 100 6.40 Mobile Radio 53.L v Pd 0i1 33.28 Wilroy 6.25 Phillips Petroleum 9.68 TOTAL $7592.20