HomeMy WebLinkAbout37280 - JANUARY 1970 - JANUARY 1971VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTV.OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. PURSUANT TO DUE CALL AND NOTICE THEREOF A REGULAR MEETING WAS DULY HELD AT THE VILLAGEHALL ON THE 6th DAY OF JA "((IARV, 1970. Meeting called to order by Pnes.Cdent Mu2.tery, alt members were present. The minutes o£ the December, 1969 meetings were road and approved as read. MOTION by Finnegan and second of Fond to approve the attached list o£ b.i,fts and to Orden them paid £nom their respective funds. General Fund $2,523.72 Fire Dept. 414.53' L.iquone Revenue 515,882.96 The Clerk read a £e.tten to Mallon Mullenu dated Januaru 3, 1970 from Mt. A. Ruud o£ Farmington relative the fluon.idation of owe watVL. The Clerk was .instt cted to anawen the letter and to advise Mt. Puud that the State Law requites b.Zuonidati.on o% municLpa.t water. supplies. The Clerk head fe.tteA £nom the State Pottu.&Lon Contto2 Agency dated December 30,1969 ne2ati.ve to use o£ out dumping £aci.LitLes. The Clerk was requested kto secure more .in£onmat.Lon £nom the agency. The C2enh read a .fetter from the Metnopo2.itan Sewer Board requesting 4Ln£onmation relative to sewage metering facilities. Since the V.ittage has no metenino facilitiee it was felt that no answer was neeessa/cy at this time. The Mayon made the £ottowing appointments and designations Oh 1970. Acting Mayon In the absence of {aeon F. Finnegan Official Nelespaper Dakota Countu Tribune Offiei.al Vepositaru Fit6t State Bank Health O f f.Leen s Dr. Mandell Dr. En,ickson Liquor pommihsione& L.'CQwtson Rai Planning Commission .three yeatL E. Route L. Bernet, Jn. H, C. Hanson -one year R. CoAco!Lan Dakota Countu Nanning Rept. A. Fond (Need Inspector Mullettt Street Commissioner F. Finnegan MOTION by Finnegan second by MuLLery to retain Tneasuren position £on one mote neat. Aue6 Finnegan, Mutleny Naves Fond, Knutson and Duff. The Mayon declared the motion defeated. Mt. A. J. McDonough and Mn. Joe Watch were pre6ent to discuss Fite Department pnot'Ltma with the Council. Mt. McDonough requested £nfonmati.on relative to cotfate.nat at the Bank ne!attive to their Fitemens Relief Association Funds. The Clerk wa,s .instnuc.ted to check into the mat.teh. 2 MOTION by Duff second bu Knutson to attow the Fite Vepantment to .instatt a radio antenna on the Village Hall. Aires wene 5. Mr. John Henn and Wt. Richard Sens wene pxesent at the invitation of the Mauch to discuss Snowmobile regulations and ondLnances. The Council agreed to enforce cun,ew regulations and tnaff.ie taws now on record and the sno- toppers agreed to discuss the matte& with their club memher.6. 16 the situation does not .improve the Counci,t wilt dnaft a snow mobile o /Ld.Lnance at their Febnuany meeting. Mr. M. Vogel_gesang, Mn. Ken Fxey, MA. VJng <l. Hestness, Mn. Sau,teA of the Boy scouts wtne present to request permission to use vittage pnopentu -,fon a temponany building {on a meeting /Loom and stongge 6aciti,ty. MOTION by Duff and second bu MuPteny to grant permdssion to use the pnopentu selected bu mutual'_ consent on agreement. Ayes wene 5. MOTION by Multetu and second of Finnegan to grant Mr. T. S. Mohk a Garbhge Pickup License subject to pnogf of .insurance a6tex Januaka, 1970. Ayes 5. MOTION by Fond and second of Mutteny to adopt OndLnance 074 entitled AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE COMBINATION OF THE OFFICES 'OF VILLAGE CLERK AND VILLAGE TREASURER AND PROVIDING FOR ANNUAL VILLAGE AUDITS THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT ORDAINS: Section 1. Pwwuant to the authon.itu granted by Laws 1961, Ch. 230 the o65.Lees of clen.h and $&easuMk in the Vi ..age of Rosemount, Dakota Countu, Minnesota axe ketch?! combined in the obb4ce of Clerk =Tneaswten. SeetLon2. Beginning with the yea& in which th.i.s ordinance becomes e66ectLve and each year thexeafter, there shall be an audit of the village's financial affains by the Public Exam.i.nex on a Public Accountant in accord with minimum auditing pnocedwtes pnescn.Lhed by the pubic examine/L. SEctLon 3. This ordinance is e66ective at the expikati.on off( the term o5 the incumbent txeasuken on Amnon cant en vacancy ocewC6. Voting in £avon theteob: Muttety, Knutson, Finnegan, Dubb and Fond Voting in opposition there None Adopted by the Council this 6th day of January, 1970. Approved Attest: MOTION By Finnegan and second oA Knu.teon to approve the appticattons oA Bites Dai&u Stone Aon a cigcucette lieeese and to otden the license .issued. Acres 5. MOTION bu Fond and second oA Knutson to .issue a check to the Planning Commission Aon $250.00 to coven -theirs e.xpen.es Aon 1970. Ayes 5. MOTION BY Multety second by Finnegan to grant a 6uc£ding permit to R. Moht l ion. a garage and to onden the permit .issued. Ayes were 5. The Clerk Head a letter Atom Mt. Robert Meiens, County Aseessot relative to the mtk method o6 handling costs oA assessing by the County. The Clerk /Lead a letter Atom Governors LeVanden thanking the Council Aot .theit letter and wine neeat.ive to muni cipa A inanei ng. The Clerk head a lettet Atom the League oA !li.nnesotaMuniciptttti-eb teeative to municipal AinancLng. The Council• decided to invite Mn. Lund, Exceuti.ve Secnetcuc_u to aspeeial meeting to be held January 21, 1970 to discuss this matttvz mote AaLty. The Clerk nead a letter Atom Ban 8.tet Eng.ineening Co. ne.Lati.ve to Gavinstotm semen costs. Ekxe There hay.ino been no Aur.thet action on comment Atom Snoback nelattve to the matter the tenet was otdete.d placed on AUe Aot pos4Lbte Autune teAenence. The Clerk nead a le.tten Atom the Mettopotitan Sewer Board dated Pecembet 2, 1969 explaining the "letnopolLtan Seine& Act and attaching a cope thereto. The Clerk nead a letter Atom Mt. E. M&1enomu tetati.ve to the R. Vo.tuetk atneet vacation p&oeee.dings. MOTION bu DuAA second bu Mul£eru to advertttae Aot a public heanuing on January 21, 1970 at 8:00 o'clock Pm. Agee were 5. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF PUBLIC STREET IN THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMMMOUNT, DAKOTA COUNTY MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village CountU oA the Village oA Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota will meet on the 27th day oA Jan any, 1970, at &o'clock P.M. at the Village Hatt in said Village Aot the purpose.oA holding a pubic hearing on a proposed vacation oA a public etneet in the vieeage. That said public street .Lz descau:bed as Hollows: That part oA Highland Street (now known as Maple Street) as shown by the plat oA Auditor's Subdivision No. 1, Rosemount, on Aile and oA neeond in the OWA.iee oA the Peg.is.ten oA needs oA Pakota County, Minnesota, dcc,Lbed as 4ott 'S, t0 Wit: Beginning at the Southeast connen oA Lot Sixty (60) oA said Auditor's Subdv -L&Lon No. 1, Rosemount; thence South .twenty_° seven and one -halt (27 -1/2) Aeet to street eonner; thence (Vest and narat.ee£ with the South line oA said Lot S.ix-tu (60) a distance oA One. Hundred and AiA.tu (150) Aeet; thence North ttuentu -seven and one -ha.A (27 Aeet to theSouthwest eotnen oA said Lot Sixty (60), and thence East along the South line oA said Lot Sixty (60) to the place (IA beginning, aft in Audi.ton's Subdivision No. 1, Posemount, according to the plat theteo< now Ai £e and oA neeond in the o4A.i.ce oA the Regt ten oA Deeds within and Oh the County oA Dakota, State pA Minnesota. Said hearing Witt be conducted puneuant to Minnesota Statutes 412.851.. Alt interested panties will be assonded an opportunity to be heard at said heani.ng. Dated By Orden os the Village Council Mn. R. Tousignant was present to give the Council his police nepott. Mn. Tous.ignant was tnatnucted to: Ensonee snow mobile state Pans Ensonde local taagic taws on snowmobiles Ensonee e.unsew taus Have snow nemoved Wm shopping eentte. wabhs Have parked can nemoved <,nom s.idewa.2& in hnont os Bob Toombs nesi.denee. MOTION bu Knutson second bq Fond to na.Lde Ctekk =Tneas.unen satanq to $175.00 peot month to split between the sottowi.no sunds. Liquors Revenue $90.00, Gene&. Find $60.00 and Utilities Fund 25.00. Aues mete Mullett', Fond, Knutson and Finnegan. MOTION bq Fond and second os Knutson to have the Clenh pnepane an agenda son each negulan meeting one week in advance os the meeting. Aries were 5. There being no sunken business the meeting adjourned this 6th dau osJanuany, 1970. Res to Submitted, Glen Tneasunen t rt t t Al Eugene J. Dust Cle,'h 1 Bi1LS APPROVED AND ORDERED PAID AT THE JANUARY 6, 1910 Regu.tan meeting. GENERAL ACCT Fva Chavchone.au $195.50 Geonge Kaehnen 80.00 Daniel Sams 180.00 Cokcokan Hcvcth'a.ce F Imp Co. 5.49 Conn gan Fieetkic Co. 1.80 Datota Countu Pnin.ti.ng Co. 34.00 Daho -ta County Trtibune 58.17 Ibm 2.97 L.inhen.t Landscaping Co. 657.75 Lg4tade Inc. 32.10 Mitten Davis Co. 18.88 Monnoe In.tetnationat 60.00 Mo.tanola Communications. and E /eettonics Inc. 6.60 Texaco 87.18 Union 76 LIzQQ 11.36 V.ics Nadine Une 345.00 Votwenh Texaco Senv.ice 9.50 We.ienhe Tnenching g Excavating 50.00 L(Ltkog Co., Inc. 1.10 N6p Strteet L.tg. 402.00 Tn. Sig 17.68 Rh 5.23 Hatt 11.04 Peoples Nataaa.0 Gas 39.67 Centna.t Teterhone Co. Police 23.8 Halt 7.81 Grtos6 Tndustkiat Senv.ice 2.00 Edwin rkuhen 19.00 Donna McDonough 17.00 Mamie ((.itdenhogend 17.00 Toombs Ins. 124.00 FIPE DEPT Toombs Ins. Coast to Coast Stone Conconan Hand"arte E Imp/. Co. H. J. Genaahtu Agency Minn. State Fine Dept. Assoc. Peoples Natunat Gab Ns p Centnat Telephone Co. Patz1alq Sexv.ice Station 100.00 7.36 2.05 191.00 20.00 45.15 9.57 27.15 12.25 $2,523.12 $414.53 LTOUOR REVENUE FUND Wm. nu.igleu. Petty Cash 68.15 Ed. Phillips 5 Sons 3,059.78 Old Pean,ia Co. 1,253.93 Peoples Natural. Gas 43.81 Nsp Ph Lot 5.50 Lounge 126.60 Northwest linen Senv.iceq 30.19 Louis Dis.tn,ibwtinq Co. 195.85 Johnson Mos. (ttholesaP.e Liquors 705.85 Famous Rnands Inc. 410.71 Gross Indu, t i.at 6.40 Griggs, Coonek 5 Co.,Inc. 692.66 Centnat Telephone Co. 24.35 Cash Pegisteh Sates 166.50 Toombs Ins. 85.00 Aleonn Revenaae. Co. 635.30 Conceit(' Revenge Co. 1,516.25 College CLtu Reveaage Co. 406.30 Cewthe Telephone Co. 3.98 Coaa -Cola Rooting 81.10 'Bay Distributing Co. 91.95 Dist-alms D.is.tnibutLng Co. 2,129.71 O. M. Dnoneu Revenge Co. 28.76 Dnen.ttaw (dhol.esate Candy 6 Tobacco 91.65 Gena -Ryan Plumbing and Heating 29.60 Ranson nevenape Co. 2,406.55 Judges Electnick 5 AppUanees 36.45 Leding Distnibu.ti.ng Co., Inc. 500.60 McKesson Liquor Co. 141.05 Mid-West (dine Co., Inc. 44.20 Minn-Wisc. Thad' Lines Inc. 131.96 The "atLona! Cash Pegisten Co. 8.79 Old Dutch Foods Inc. 145.90 Rosemount Utt Comm. 100.00 Seven Ur Rottling Co. 162.64 Sowths.i.rfe Dist. co., Inc. 23.60 Sundenland Inc. 103.70 Twin Citu Home Juice Co. 36.90 Van Parer Co. 99.54 Coast to Coast Stone 11.20 $15,882.96 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes oA Special meeting held Januwtq 5, 1910. Meetingca led to ordeh by President Muttery, all members were present excepting' Knutson. MOTION by Finnegan and second by Mullexu to adopt the fiotlow.Lng neao&u,tion and to Onward a cent.i5.ted copy ob same to the Metkopotitan Counc.i.t. WHEREAS a nubtic hearing COCA held by the "1ettoplitan Council on Drrrhtr•r'r ?9, 1969, the purpose o{ Okmally adopting the Metropolitan De.vetopment Guide. Aor Sanitary Sewells and dwring the progress ob said hearing the subject o{ the boundary tines son dewer di.At ic,ts were discussed at length, with assurances by council membehu that such boundary lines tuete not {fixed, and WHEREAS exception was taken to the boundary tine as a“ects the Rosemount area at the .time oA the publication and di,stkibwti.nn o( the pretiminacu concept dated July 1, 1968; and WHEREAS the joint Eng.LneetLng Report 0 Rosemount Township and Rosemount Village, dated Mau 1969 and submitted to the Metropolitan Council on May 19, 1969, uearuu shows the 4easLbil ty o4 sewvuino the entilce Rosemount Township and Rosemount Village area in a single district, with disposal in the Pine Bend area: and U'hEREAS Policy 22 o; the Development Guide recognized that service area boundaries should be based pn,imakitu on both utatershe.d and political botendanies, and the wester ri boundary o4 the proposed Southeast d.ist't,Lct places apptoxima.telt+ one third 04 Rosemount Township and ate of Rosemount Village in the Suknsv.itte- Eagan- Bloom.ington d stir i.ct; and WHEREAS A detarm.i.natLon made by the "&ad.ial conr.Ldors" epmcept .i4 in detect conA.ei.ct with the stated objectives o{ Policy 22. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the weste.ty boundary o4 the Southeast district be adjusted so that all o f Rosemount Township and the Village ob Rosemount be included in the Southeast D.ist4,Lct. -1a yor The ?Una Ao.11ow.ing voted in 4avon. then.eo6: MwUeky, Ford, Du44 and Finnegan. There bung no 4unthek business the meeting adjowtned this 5th day os January, 1970. Respect4utlrr submitted i Cletk- Treasurer 5 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes ob special meeting heed January 27, 1470 at 7:00 P.M. at the Village Hatt. The bottowing members were present: Dubb, Knutson and Finnegan The bottowing members were absent: MulCeny and Fond Meeting caned to ondta by acting mayors, P. F. Finnegan. Mt. Don fund, Executive Sectetany o4 the League ob Minnesota MinLcLpafities appeared and gave a bnLeb talk on League bunctions and duties. A one hour discussion on methods and bundamentats ob municipal taxing and 4inanci,ng was heCd. At 8:00 PM the clerk read the bollowLng: "NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF PUBLIC STREET IN THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Vi Cage Council ob the Village ob Rosemount, dakota county, Minnesota will meet on the 27th day ob Januatu, 1970, at 8:00 o'clock_ P. M. at the Village Hatt in said VLC&ge bon the putpose ob holding a public hearing on a proposed vacation o4 a public street in Ale the village. that said pubU c street c6 deseni.bed as bottows: That pant ob Highland StJieet (now known as Maple Street) as shown by- the plat o5 Audjton's Subdivision No. 1, Rosemount, on 4ile and ob n.econd in the Office o4 the Regiistek o5 Deeds o% Dakota County, Minnesota, described as bottoms, to wit: Beginning at the Southeast eexattxConnen ob Lot Sixty (60) o4 said Audi.ton's Subdivision No. 1, Rosemount, thxence South twenty -seven and one -halt (27 -1/2) beet to street canner; thence West and paxattet with the South line ob said Lot Sixty 160) a distance ob One Hundred and b.ibty (150) beet; thence Month twenty- seven and one -halt (27 beet to the Southwest corner ob said Lot Sixty (60) and thence East along the South line ob said Lot Sixty (60) to the place o5 beginning, aL,t in Auditor's Subdivision No. 1, Rosemount, according to the plat theneob now on bile and ob record in the obbice o4 the Registet ob Deeds within and bon the County ob Dakota, State ob Minnesota. Said hearing will be conducted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 412.851. All interested panties wi,t be abbonded an oppontuni.ty to be heard at said heating. Dated By onden ob tekThe VL1'_lage Council. Eugene J. Dubb Clerk MOTION SY KNUTSON second by Finnegan to vacate the hollowing descaubed pubtic atneet. 7 8 That pant ob Highland Street (now known as Mapte S.t&eet) as shown by the Sat ob Auditor's Subdivision No. 1, Rosemount, on bite and ob neeond in the obb.ice ob the Regis -teh. o5 Deeds ob Dakota County, Minnesota, desenibed as 6o/tows, to wit; Beginning at the Southeast acumen ob Lot Sixty (60) ob said Auditan's Subdivision No. 1., Rosemount .thence South twenty- seven and one -hakb (27-k) beet to street cornea; thence west and panatta with the South tine ob said Lot Sixty (60) a distance ob One Hundred and S.Ls.ty (150) beet; thence Northtwenty- seven and one -ha24 (27-1/2) beet to the Southwest eonnen ob said Lot Sixty (60), and thence East along the South tine ob said Lot Sixty (60) to the place ob beginning, ail in Auditor's Subdivision No. 1, Rosemount, according to the plat .theneob now on bite and ob necond in the obb.ice ob the Register ob Peeds within and bon the County os Dakota, State ob Minnesota. Voting in bavon theneob wen.e :K}Iwtson, Finnegan 6 Dubb Voting in opposition .theheob: None Thereupon acting Mayon Finnegan dectaned the ne,so4.uti.onadapted: There being nobunthen business the meeting adjouhned tlii.a 27th day Javuuvey, 1970. Rebpeetbutty Submitted, Eu•ene J. Dubb Ctenh- Tneas. VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Punauantt to due call and notice theneob, a negutat meeting was duly held at the Village Hall on the 3rd day ob Febnuaty, 1970 at 1:00 o;ctoch PM. The meeting was called to brden by President Mullety, eft membexe were present. The minutes ob the January meetings wexe head and approved as read. MOTION by Knutson second by Fond to approve the attached List as bills and to order .them paid bnom the.ut respective bunds. Ayes were Fond, Knutson, Muttety, Finnegan and Dub6. Liquor Revenue Fund -1 /SJ3'2d2 Fire Dept. General Acct 7 5 /J/ The Clerk /Lead a .letter bnom the M- inntsota Department o6 Health relative to the new state plumbing code. A copy ob the new code was enclosed and was .tanned overt to Mayon MuPiety bon h.is review. Mx. John (Ueidexhotd was present to discuss aseess.ing boir. 1970. MOTION by Finnegan second by Kntt6on to retain Mn. John [Oei.denho.td as village assessor 4On 1070 at a tcost ob appnoximatePy $150.00 depending on time consumed. Ayes tuete Knutson, Fond, Muflety, Finnegan and Dubb. The CZetk read t lettet bnom .+1r C E Staubbelt nelatLve to quantexty a$ditso4 the &quo/ bands and annual audits ob the general AbWt a shoat discussion the council agreed to meet at 8:00 PM on Febnuwty 10,. 19.70 to neviuv the matte.x bavtthen and to make .theiut binal decision. Mr. R. Tousignant, Dan Sams, R. McNamaita and Nick Fox were pne.sent to discuss police pnobtem6. MOTION by Knutson second by Finnegan to pay each Ott time police o.bbinet and each constable $45.00 which is to be used bon the pwtchase o4 unibonms as they deem neceasany.. Ayes were Fond, Dub6, MufleJty, Finnegan and Knutson. MOTION by Finnegan and second by Multety to approve the borrowing apeeibications bon a new police cwt and to arrthonized the Cluck to advertise bon bids to be opened an Math 3, 1970 at 8:00PM. Ayety were Fond, Mu.11ety, Knutson, Dubb and Finnegan. Can to be equipped as Hollows: V8 ingine, 380 cubic inches rnin 2 banner ccmhe. ztton, Heaby duty snap, Ahofk absorbers and atteMo.ton, bnont seat padding to be heavy duty on double thickness, 4 ply btachuratl tikes mounted on 15" wheels- powvr. .s.tee ing and disc bitches, heavy duty 3 speed automatic tnans- miss.ion, white bnont doors. Bidden to provide bon removal o4 nad.io (nom existing police can and install funk type engine heateit. giddy?. to make tnadei.n allowance bon existing 1966 Fond police can. The Council nevieued the purchase ob portable oxygen tanks bon police can use. The police depwttrent agreed to look into pzrices and types of equipmatt available and report back to the Council. 9 10 The Clerk read a tettet dated January 26, 1970 &equesti.ng a copy oA their Pollution Control Agency guide teeating to burning and control oh dumps. A guide was Au nished by the PCA and was given to the Mayon bon hiss .study. The Council discussed pant time bacation pay box pant time help bon the Village. The Clerk was intrusted to prepare a tough dnabt oA the Council ideas and to submit amasame to them Aox their bwrthex cons.i.deta.tLon. MOTION by Mulien.y second by Fond to approve the Clerk- Txeasuh.ens' Bond in the amount oA $10,000.00 and to order same Ailed with the County kdac Auditot as requited by taw. Ayes were 5. The Clerk was authorized to retain the b.ihm o6 Grann.is and Gnannts to ptepare Oridance 075 xa a snowmobile otd.inance and to submit it to the council bon .theuc cens.idexation. MOTION by Fond and second (IA Knutson to authorize the clerk to netai.n Batbana Braun bon genetat clerical duties as pex6onmed by the clerk's oAA.iee eb6ective Match 9, 1970, Ayes wets Ford, Dubb, Knutson, MuFleny and Finnegan. MOTION by Du6A and second oA Mullett( to t&angen $11,600.00 Atom the Liquor Revenue Fund to the 1962 Improvement Fund. Ayes wexe_Fond, DuAA, Finnegan, Mullexy. The Clerk read a letter. Atom the Rosemount Buaines6men6 Association relati.veto the app&oval o6 night hand turn antow when the atop sign is on red at the corner. oA Hiway 03 and County_ 042. The Clerk was .instructed to &Wier request Aox pexmi66.ion to ins-tat this procedure. A tette& dated January 20, 1970 6xom the Valley Athletic Association was read and tanned oven to the Mayor Aor p &eventation to D&. Mandell with a request that he attend the meeting on behalf o6 the d Youth Commission. Mn.. Saute& and Mt. Hestne66 oA the Boy Scouts were present to give the Council a pxogness report on their. selection 06 sites. MOTION by Dubb and second by Mu.11eny to approve the ReAuee Collection Petro tt oA Les Frank pert hia app&cation and to o&den, the penmtt issued. Ayes 5. There being noAunther business the meeting adjowened this 34d day oA Feb/uang, 1910. RespeetAully submitted, Ctekk- Tteasweer 1 BILLS APPROVED AND ORDERED PAID AT THE Febtuany 3, 1970 Regular meeting. LIPUOR REVENUE FUND Aleonn Beverage Co. 394.95 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 31.40 College Cite' Beverage Co. 403.30 Concord Beverage Inc. 985.00 Day Distributing Co. 40.20 Dnenttme Wholdsaee Candy 5 Tobacco 88.85 D.isti.Clens DL6.Uci.buting Co. 729.13 Electko Watchman Inc. 84.00 Gum-Ryan Plumbing and Heating 20.50 Hanson Beverage Co. 1,712.40 Ceding Di6.tnibuting Co., Inc. 449.85 Louis D.is.tn ibu.ting Co. 247.76 Seven -Up Bottling Co. 36.56 Minn -Wisc. Truck Lines 93.77 Old Dutch Foods Inc. 104.50 Pac Inc. 109.80 South4.ide Dist. Co. Inc. 63.45 Twin City Home Juice Co. 32.50 Van Papers Co. 31.35 Mckesson Ziquon Co. 1,643.18 Mitten Davis Co. 6.50 Ed. Phil&ps 6 Sons co. 2,009.15 Peoples Natural Gas 113.54 Old Peoria Co., Inc. 588.11 Northwest Linen Senviee 20.09 N6p Lounge 147.00 Pk Lot 5.50 Johnson Bo.o6. WhoZesafe LLquon Co. 2,593.07 Gross Industtia2 Service 9.60 Gnigg6, Coopeh. 6 Co. Inc. 740.67 Famous Enacts Inc. 172.83 Cent&aL Telephone Co. 26.03 Coast to Coast Stone 3.02 FIRE DEPT. Peoples Natural Gas 67.41 Nsp /3.35 Cen.tna& Telephone Co. 27./5 Minnesota Fine Ex.tei.ngu.isheh. Co. Inc 31.85 Donald McNea&ney 55.00 $13,537.62 $194.16 Gene tat Acct Coast to Coast Stone 1.98 Concanan Hcvcdwace E Iwpl. 13.82 Conn.igan Etecthic Company 75.35 Dakota County Tribune 73.50 Mitten Dave 19.38 Motonola Communications ;and Electnon.ics Inc. 6.60 Rosemount Auto Supply 2.95 PhLt&pa Pe t to Ceum Co. 2.25 Texaco 75.15 V.ics Welding 201.50 Union 76 15.79 Western Union 5.64 Daniel Sams 276.00 Geo. Koehnen 100.00 Nick Fox 93.00 Eva Chanboneau 213.00 Gross IndustJtiaC SenvLce 2.00 Cen.tnaC Telephone Co. Police 21.29 Hat 8.35 Nap St. Ltg. 402.00 Tn. Sign 20.81 Xmas Lt6 18.48 Hail 11.88 Bk 9.05 Peoples Natunat Gas 63.71 $1,734.38 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Punsdant to due call and notice theneo6, a specia.t meeting waa duty he.td at the village halt on the 10th day o4 Febnuaxy, 1970 at 8:00 o'clock PM. Meeting was called to cadet by Pnes.Cdent Mullaty, all membena were present excepting F.i.nneaan. MOTION by Fond second o4 Knutson to retain the Ki m 8ennaxd W. Mau fi Co. to audit the neco'tds ob the Uttta_ge bon the yeah 1970. Ayes wen.e Muttelty, Fond, Knutson and Du66. MOTION by Multvty second o$ Knutson to approve app&i.cation of State Highway Department to constAuct a Ada salt stongge shed on theiA pnopenty and to andet the permit .issued. Ayes were Fond, Mu.lteny, Du56 and Knutson. Theme being no £anthet business the meeting adjourned this 10th day of February, 1970. Respectgu.11y Submitted, Ctexh- Tneasuner 11 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pwcsuant to due Gait and notice theneos, a regular meeting was duty held at the Village Hatt on the 3rd' dar! os March, 1970 at 7: CP o'clock PI. Meeting called to olden by President Mullery, aLt members wens present. The minutes os the Febnuatu meetings were read and approved as Head. MOTION bu Knutson and second by Fond to approve the attachedAbiltS and to olden them paid Srom they& respective Sunds. Ayes were Dus6, Knutson, Fond, Finnegan and Pinery. Liquor Revenue Fund /C Face Dept. Genvw2 Acct. 11 o The Clerk 'Lead a tette& Srom the Twin Cities Area Metropolitan Transit Commission dated Febnurucy 12, 1970 advising the council os two meeting dates set bon discussion of transit problems. MOTION by Finnegan and second o5 Mutleny to purchase a 6 6 e Check pxoteetort Son the sum os $154.50 payable Snom the Liquor Revenue Fund. Purchase price to include a bond on insurance and maintenance inctud.Lng all pants and .labor Son a two year period. Ayea were Finnegan, Mulieny, Fond,Knut.,on and Du44. The Clerk reviewed the proposed amendments to the Ain PoltutLon Centnot Regulations as 4unni,hed by the MPCA. The copy was given to Matte/1.y Son his nevi ew. At 8:00 o'clock PM the Clerk Head the Advertisement Son Bids Sor purchase os a police can and proceeded to publicty open the hollowing bids. Wilrou Company, Inc. $2,400.00 Rosemount Dodge 2,528.00 Bennie/E. Motors Co. 2,618.19 MOTION by Matte/1.y second os Knutson to accept the bid os (!'Ltnoy Company, Inc. and to delete the cost of $28.00 jon white dooms and to eliminate the white doom. Ayes, were I_fu ten.y, Knutson, Duss, Finnegan and Fond. Vacation policies wesce reviewed at some &sigkk length, the Clerk was instructed to pre.pcuce a rough dust 4o.t the review 06 the council and Sirest disposition at the next regula& meeting to be held Apnit 7, 1970. MOTION by Knutson second os MuLtesu{ to adopt Ordinance 075, entitted "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AND CONTROLLING THE USE OF SNO(IMOCILES, AND TO AUTHORIZE the elenk to have the ordinance pubtished as required as by law. Aye& wen.e 5. The matte -t os can conditioning the Clerks o6dLee was discussed and the Clerk was instructed to seduce prices Srom a.tt air conditioning deafens in the Vittage and to present them at the next regular. meeting. The etc/Lk discussed a neeent it Telephone conversation with Henry Broback at some length and statements made by Ed. Rahn relative to the proposed Rahn- Brobaek addition. The Council set a special meeting date o4 Manch 10, 1970 at 8:00 PM to meet with the Harming Commission to dicuss the matter in Sute then detail 13 14 and to discuss the suggested bu,itdi,ng code being pupa/Led by the Planning Commission. Reverend MLnelwnt was pnesentt to discuss the possibility o6 an association o{ .i.ntenested citizens being established to discuss tocat Fax pnobtema. He was requested to secwte the opinions o6 the mi.nts.teniaZ pssoci.ation as to proposed nerntbets and to n epont back to the council at the next negu.Za4 meeting to be held Apnit 7, 1970. The Cienh Head a copy o6 a tetteA Prom •Ban.iotet Eng.i.neeti,ng Comp r to the Me ttopoti tan Sewer Board dated Febanatcy 26, 1970 netatiue to the.en opinion a6 the Metaat6 0 Edda study! Ci the Vetu2&on Riven Watershed as it &lated to Santana Seivelw. The Cloth /Lead a tette& 6nom the State o6 M.intcsota Depanttment o6 Highways, dated Match 2, 1970 advising the Counci.t that the negaest bon penm.i.ss.ton to instate a night .turn on ned.P.i.ght at the .intert.seetion of County 42 and State Highway 03 had been approved and sign orders were being .issued On .inatattation. Mete being no 6uathen business the meeting adjowcned th.ta 3rd day o6 Match, 1970. Respect l fly Submitted, 1 1 1 B1LLS APPROVED AND ORDERED PAID AT THE MARCH 3, 1970 Replan meeting. i4WR REVENUE FUND+ F. L. ohnent. Po4tma5te.k Aleoxn Pe.venage Co. Ed. Phillips f. Sono Co. 02d Peani.a Co., Inc. Nonthwe.6.t Linen SenvLce Gnos6 Tnduetniaf Sehv.ice Gn,i.ag6, Coopers 5 Company, Tnc. Nonthe.tn States Potvt Lounge. Ranh Lot People. Natwtal. Gab Central. Telephone Co. Centha! Te.Pephone. Co. Coca -Coln Bottling Mi.dweist Inc. College. Cite' Pevetaae Co. Concohd Seve&.ane. Co. Darr DL6tn,ihutinq Co. Dieti lens D.i6.ttihuting Co. Dnentta& Wholesale Candy g Tobacco O. M. D.tone.0 Reve.rtane Co. Hanson Pevenaoe Co. Le {.r ng D.ib.tnihu.t.ing Co. McKes6on Linton. Co. Minn (('isconh.in Tnuc' Line. Old hutch Food6 Inc. Sift °u.igleu, Petty Cabh Seven Up Bottling Co. Smith Gna.i.n Co. Sunderland Inc. Twin C.itu Home. Juice. Co. Famows Bran& Inc. Firm DEPT Stneae Puke Oit Senv.Lee Bathhe Pue.ttnen Weeding Supply Robett6 Dkuq Peopfeb Natrucaf Gab Central Telephone Co. Jowenh (r..af6h Nonthenn Statea Power. Co. 2.00 415.20 1,063.87 418.28 23.41 9.60 1,399.57 132.60 5.50 132.37 20.40 3.98 61.30 554.60 1,272.95 167.00 1,810.24 88.05 66.80 1,734.65 295.90 622.37 115.90 113.35 69.74 52.80 12.00 74.10 16.95 1,331.67 6.30 19.70 14.88 73.11 27.75 22.90 8.20 $12,087.15 $171.34 Senetat net F. C. Bohnent Pod.tmantet 2.00 Eva Chanboneau 223.50 Motono.Ca Commuei.atLon4 5 Etectkoni.cb 6.60 Lampert Van 9.75 Geo. Koehnen 80.00 Genz Prran Plumbing and Heating 64.67 Daniel Same 192.00 Foeten Standard Service 169.35 Union 76 42.92 Toombe InA. Agencu 50.00 S.tandand Oil 79.06 Monroe In.tennationae. 5.08 Nohthenn S.tatea Poraeh Hatt 10.51 Th. Sign 18.33 St. Light 413.25 Peop.Ce.a Natunat Gab ;3.49 Dan Same 45.00 Nick Fox 45.00 R. McNamara 45.00 8hobe Industh.i.a.F Sehv.ice 2.00 Ce.ntnat Te.£ephone Co. Police 20.00 Hat 7.31 $1604.88 1 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OR ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA STATE OF MINNESOTA callt and notice thereon, a spe&at meeting was duly held at the the 10th day o6 Match, 1970 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. Pursuant to due village ha" on Meeting called Finnegan. MOTION by Ford, second by Du“ to add $20.00 to the ortiginat bid price Sort a police cat and to have an A'..( rtadio installed. Aues wvr.e Pa6 Fokd, Mullerty and Knutson. Respeatsu.l.y Submitted, Clerk- Tneasurea to ortdet by Paes.ident Mallerty, all members pnehent excepting MOTION by Duss and second by Fotd to otdex the cat in a maroon colot. Ayes were 4. Memberts os the Plarming Commission pnesen.t to discuss the Rahn- B.obach Addition and to te.pon,t on ptogtess on a building code were .Monson, Jensen, Bernie -t, li'iedetho.ld and Gateman. Following a discussion the Commission and the Council. agteed to meet on the 31st os March to consider both matters 4utthet. Time os the meeting is to be 7:30 P.M. Thete being no 4a -ther business, the meeting adjourned this 1..Oth day os Match, 1970. 15 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pwcbuant to due act& and notice the/teo5, a specie. meeting was duty held at the village hall on the 316t darn o{ Match, 1970 at 7:30 o'c..ock p.m. The meeting wa6 eatted to ondeh by PnesLdent Mufteny. Present were at/ membete o{ the council. and the. 4oltowLnq Planning Commission me.mbetb: U. C. Hanson, A. Jen6en, P. Coneo/tan, J. (.ieden(tofd, K. Munson. MOTION by Finntgan, second by Fond to pwcchase the Oflow.ing:1970 publication o4 Intenna.tionat Con4enence a{, Etu.lricna O1McLat6 ((nilonm RuiYdinq Code, Votume 1 at $10.60, the Un,i4onm Budding Code Standand6 at $19.50 and the Uni{cnm DLitding Code, Vohttme. VI-- Dwe.ttino f'ouse Con6tnucti.on at $1.60. Ayes Were Fond, F.inntgan, Du44, Knu,tson and "(ufeny. Thete being no {wtthen business the meeting adjow.ne.d .thi.6 316t day o6 Mattch, 1971. Respect,utty Submitted, u.` ne Ct h- Tneaswten VILLAGE OF ROSE!.IOUNT, COUNTS/ OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice .theteo4, a negulcuc meeting was duty held at the Village Hall. on the 7th day o{ April, 1970 at 7:00 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to ondevc by President Mullett'; all membehs weke p/Leae.nt. Mk. Petemon o4 O. T. Redi -Cane Co. was rresent and demons.tta.ted use oS portable oxygen equipment {or police. cat. Nick Fox is to check bitting sizes and nepont back to the Council. Co6.t NW quoted at $76.18. The minutes o the Match meetings were read and app/Loved as read. MOTION by Knutson, second by Finnegan to approve the attached list o4 bills and to onde/L .them paid Anom their nespecti.ve bunds. Ayes were Knutson, Fond, !_lutlen.y, Finnegan and Vu Liquor Revenue Fund $16,480.09 Fine Dept. 253.78 Genenat Acct. 3,893.12 MOTION by Finnegan, second by Fond to approve Joe. Gavin's building rermit aprUntfion subject to receipt 04 bluep4Lnts and then approval o4 individual member o6, the Council. Ayes 5. MOTION by Ford,•second by Knutson to puhchafe at a east o{, $15:00 the optional 5 yr. /50, nn0 mile extended nrnuet train erantantu on the new police cat. Acres wet Ford. Knutson, Pu;', '!uttehr! and Finnegan. The 4ollowing correspondence was /Lead and onde&ed placed on 6Lte: 1.. Match 15, 1970, State o{ Minnesota, Depahtment o4 Administtati.on imitative Social Security deductions Son elected o44 c.ials. 2. April 3, 1970, Minnesota Zoological Board, invitation to public meeting April. 10, 1970 at (UestvLew public school in Apple Valley. 3. Januan.0 19, 1970, State o4 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, disinhection os .sewage. egACuents -to Utilities. 4. March 3, 1970, Great Notthe/Ln Oil Company letteh to employees nelatLve to pollution control e/(/sorts. 5. Metropolitan section oS League requesting nominations 4ot Meticopolitan Tnans- pox.tatLon Management Committee. 6. Maneh 13, 1970, State o4 Minnesota Department o4 Health relative nepont on investigation o4 village water supply. Re.bented to Utilities Commission ,or action. 7. Febnuany 16, 1970, Workmen's Compensation Commission %elative to types ob injuries nectSsak1 to nepott. 19imir 8. Math 2, 1970, Metnopotttan Seoet Board, submission or( plans and apes Lcations. 9. Febnuahu 19, 1970, League ob Minnesota Municipalities requesting nominations bob C. C. Ludwig Awan.d. MOTION by Finnegan, second by Fond to apphove the attached vacation policies. Ayes WVLe Fond, mullenu, Knutson, Finnegan and Pu Quotations Oh air, conditioners l ion the chit/xis oWee were received brom: Coast To Coast Store nontgomeh.y IPatds Genz -Ryan Corrigan Etectnic MOTION by Fend, second by Mwllang to pwtchese a Kelvi.naton Model K4- 140250, 14000 B.T.U. 10 amp., 230 volt at a cost o4 $259.95 Krom Coast to Coast Stokes. MOTION by Mulleny second by Ford to pay $600.00 to Rosemount Mouth Commission Oh 1970 necneatioutt ptoptams. Aues wete Nuf.eAU, Fotd, Finnegan,. Vu and Knutson. Mt. Ed Rahn and son were present and discussed in detail the proposed development o4 thei& plat on addition. The Council explained its stand in detail and took no tuhth.er action. The Justice ob Peace Report 4ot Februwru was read. A letter from Reverend Mineha.tt stated that he would appear at the May meeting and report on citizen's committee. A letter dated Mrvr.ch 17, 1970 /nom Governor Le.Vander nays head. The. Felten requested coopetati.on o the Village in curbing drug abuse. The letter u!as ordered held until Rev. Minehant's report in May, action to be taken at that time. MOTION by Va second bu Finnegan to putchane the 4ot.2owing police cab. equipment 4hom Aix Comm.: 1 Visiban with (2) beacons 1 Electronic siren with P.A. 1 Convert Motorola radio in police cat to tone coded squelch $367.25 Ayes were 9uU, Finnegan, Ford, Knutson and Mu tery. Thexe being no tiuntheh business the meeting adjourned this 7th day o5 AptLC, 1970. Respeetautty Submitted, $127.50 148.75 91.00 1 1 SILLS APPROVED AND MOPED PAID AT THE APRIL 1, 1970 n.egutat mee i.ng LTO1 P REVENUE FUND O.x1 Dutch Fooda, Inc. 1)hettt1au' Nhotesaie Candy TRk.n City Home Juice Coca Can Bo.tt&i.ng Genz -P.jan Etectho Watchman Connigan Etec t'ri,c Coast to Coast Utilities Commission Dag D.i.6thibwtLng Concond Bevehage Hanson Bevehage A2cohn Be.vetage Sowths Lde Dat r i.bwting Sundeteand Inc. College City Revenage St. Pau/ fur BottV.ng Ceding Vi tn.i.butLng O. M. Dhoneu Se.vezage Van Papeh Company_ Fast State Banh Fox Excavating Co. Bennand T. May and Co. Than.nont Cleating. Nantthehn States Powers PeopLea UattL&ai Gas !ttnnesota Bene!tt Aa6oe. U2d Peoni.a D.i.6ti.e?en6 D.isbnibwti.ng Gti.ggs Cooney and Co. Ed PhLetLp6 and Sons McKeon L<guon No4t!vme.t Linen Ghosa I ndus.th,i.a.t Centime Johnson Eno FIRE DEPT. Ratz.&t SeAvLee Station Aix Comm N.ich Fox Behnand W. Mau And Co. Cohconan Ha/Lc wane Centhal. Tee.enhone Peon!e6 Natwtal. Gas Non.t!ten .States Powers 146.70 120.40 36.15 20.83 25.00 4.15 19.00 14.17 100.00 443.40 1125.25 2255.55 673.35 21.90 81.60 531.10 34.50 481.55 44.72 91.29 1.57 160.00 250.00 77.41 142.90 118.37 23.73 397.89 1799.81 1351.50 4773.04 202.40 23.50 9.60 20.90 856.20 9.40 111.00 10.10 25.00 1.25 27.15 52.47 17.51 $16480.09 253.18 21 22 GENERAL ACCOUNT Ph,inir6 Petnoteum Co. Standard 0U F.tt t State rank Lu6.tads., Inc. Toombs Insurance Agency MitteA Day.ih Dakota County Tnjbune Dahata County Pn.inting 3ennand N. May and Co. Comm.is6.ionen Ob Admin:i,s..tnat.Lon (''.tfnoy Fond Eve Chanboneau NLcb Fox Nonthenn S.tate4 Powers V.ic'6 (Nettling M.i.nne,6ota Benei.i t kazoo. G4o44 Indua.tniat Peoples Natma2 Gas. Central Te.2erhone 65.22 6.64 3.00 32.10 8.00 10.14 104.38 2.50 200.00 2.00 2456.04 163.42 44.00 491.48 136.50 86.21 2 00 48.24 31.25 3893.12 1 1 1 VACATION POLICIES 1. All vacations mutt be taken dcu,inq the neat ;allowing the ueat in which they were. ecucned. Indiv.iduat starting dates Witt detetmtne whe.thet on not one yeah ab senv.ice has accwut d. No bac!.' pay on time oKb w.Lft he a f..owed to a.ccumweate without a whitten agreement with the Council on Utilities Commission. 2. Vacations wilt be comported on the basis ob length oh seh.v.ice. Any employee who has won!:ed one (Jean wilt necei.ve one weeks vacation. The second treat ob emrtoument and each succeeding crews, each employee wilt heceive .too weeks n4 vacation. Vacation pay shalt be cornrutecl on the basis ob the cwvtent monthly base pay. 3. Any employee tehmt.nati.ng his sevrv.ice will hece.ive a ptopontionate shale ob his vacation time canned based on the number ob months worked doting that year. Fon example, an emntouee terminating a;!ten six months setv.ice_ would tecei.ve one -hat4 o the vacation he would have earned Ooh that catendat yeah. Termination without notice will Konjeit ant: vacation pay due. Ani emnfnrree discharged With iust eacuse (dhunheness, misconduct, dis- honesty, etc.) curl. 5onbeLt _Li claims to vacation pay OA the auhent year. 4. An employee who .cb negulatly employed on a "pant .time" basis shalt ne- ceive vacation pay computed as Sollows: A. He must he employed on a aegatat pakt time basis bon at least one. um. His stators date will be the basis (,on computing his teng.th o5 senv.ice. B. His hate oK parr wilt be calculated on his cwute.nt hourly Hate. C. Horns o} vacation pcu due will he computed on an avennge basis. Fon examn.ee, .i4 an empfouee. works 40 hoots pen month Kai i0 months and 70 hots in the eleventh month and 80 hours in the .toetbth month h,is average hours nek month would he 45.8 on 46 hou.ts pet month. Vacation pay due in this case would be e.nua.t.to 46 hours divided by 4 weeks pen month on 11.5 hours. IS the employee had completed 2 on mote treats, vacation pay would be equcvt to 23 houns. *Pcvct Time .iA debi.ned as wonh.ing at least 24 hoes pet month bon each ob 12 successive months. 5. The Village wilt make up di,(henence between part tece.ived On Active Reserves on 1tational ward camp and tegulnt pau. VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTS' OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due cal! and notice tltvteoC, a Aegulax meeting was duty held at the Village Hato on the 5th day of lam, 9910 at 7:00 o'cfoeh p.m. The meeting uAaa culled to okdek by Peesiden.t Mulleny; all membeas tveke pkesent. Knutson attived at 8:30 r.m. The minutes OA the Arai! meeting wete nead and appkoved as nead. MOTION bu.kiulleky, second by Finnegan to approve and ordek paid Atom theiJt Res- pective 6unds the attached list oA bills. Ayes wete DuA6, Muflt&ti, Fate; and F.inneaan. Genvtal Acct. 1210.74 Liquor Revenue Fund 18306.61 Fite Dept. 107.50 MOTION by Finnegan, second by Fond to putchase a pontahle oxygen unit with 1 .tope D euti.ttdet Akam Pedi -Crete Aon $76.18. Ayes woke Mulling, Finnegan, Fond and PuA6. A tetter dated Atoka 30, 1970 Atom Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and PacL6.Lc Raifitoad Company kelative to IndustA.ied Lands and Sanitary SeweAS wcw kead. A bulletin Atom the State Pollution Contkol Agency dated .Apkit 8, 1970 ex- plai,ni.na 6edekat aid Aok sani.tany sewek eonstAuetion was tread. A tetten /,tom the Va teu Pakk Community Club dated Aptit 27, 1910 was read. The. Pet -ten explained a meeting to he held May 7, 1970 kefa.tive to atotm watches. The letteA was AeSenned to the 6.vte depahtme.nt SoA any action they wish to take. 23 MOTION by Finnegan, second by Mulleny to gnnrt a building petmi.t to Hettha Schwanz to add a porch to hex ex.i.stina !tome. Ayes wete 4. Mk. Rud htatdton OA Lamrett Vands ke.aues.ted penm.iss.ion to instate an 8 At. Once 1 Aoot inside si.c> ath line on 'lame .Avenue South. The c2eAk was authoti.zed to write a lettek to convey the Council's apptovat. Motion to approve by Finnegan second bu Fotd. Ayes were 4. A te.tte& o6 invitation to attend a Transit Sem.i.nan on May 9, 1970 was received Atom the TWA Cities Area Metropolitan Ttans.i.t Commission and nead. The Justice oA Peace reports Aok Match and April, 1970 were kevLewed. Fines tota.2led $332.00. AAtvt a nev.iew and discussion, the Council decided to .investigate Transivt Stations and Incittekation costs Aot disposal. of solid wastes. MOTION by DuAA, second by Mttll.vw aatho&Lz.ing the ale/Lb to sign a le.tten o6 intent to eompeu with all provisions oA Laws 1969, Chanter 590 [Coded as M.S. /104. a1, et. seq.) Aela.tive to Atood plain management. Ayes were 4. The Council read a bulletin Atom Pollution ContkoE Agency explaining point system used in establishing pniatLty Aok appt.ications Aok Aedenal cud 24 bon selvage tnea.tment moths. A notice of public from the Denan.tmerit ob the. Army relative to .improvement of Vetmillion Riven was read. Notice ob heating June 24, 1971 relative to establishment ob semen sekvice areas was read. Inclusion ob.Rose.mount Village was not dean and was to be questioned. MOTION by Dubb, second by Finnegan to purchaae.Minneabta Statutea 1969 at a coat a4 $55.90. The Mayon set the evening ob June 22 at 7:00 o'clock p.m. bon the Bowed ob Equalization meeting to be held in the Village H&U. Wayne Ei.ch ob Central Telephone was present to discuss awt4acing o4 their pa/thing tot. After discussion he agreed to bnina a plan to the June 2, 1970 regular rne.eti.n,q shaving how the lot would be laid out. Rev. James Minehan,t was present to, discuss his attendance at the Governor's Con,{enenee on drug abuse. He agreed to spend mote ef(ont .in setting up and onganizi.ng a Citizens League o& Committee. Don Brown and F. Finnegan were to check village sidewalks and advise council of nwnbet ob beet which would requite. teplacemen.t. MOTION bu Finnegan, second by Fotd to app&ove police report and to pay R. Totulgnant $r7 bon extra .time. through December 1969. Aues were Foxd,.Finnegan, Mufl'tq, Dubb and Knutson. There being no bunthen bus.inesa the meeting adjourned this 5th day o4 Mau, 1970. Respectbuity Submitted, Eu9ne J.''Dubb Ctesh- Tteasur.er 1 1 M &LW app/toyed and ohdeted paid at the May 5, 1970 hegulan. meeting. LIQUOR REVENUE FUND Coast to Coast Old Dutch Foods Betnaad fU. Mau and Co. Ace Ice Company Van PareA Co. Hansen Bevehage Co. Alcohn Fevehage Co., Inc. Day Dis tni bu.ting Co. Seven Ur Bottling Co. Coca Cola Bottling Concohd BPVehape. Ptenttaw Candu and Tobacco Sowthside DJi,tai.butLng Ledi.ng Distil-Muting 0. M. Dhoneu Re.vehage TWAA CLtu home Juice College CLtu FeveAage Thansroat Cleanings Fin.st State Rank Dakota Countq Tn.ibune Minnesota Renefrt Gh06s Industai.a! Centn.af Te.er1lone Peones Natu2aC Gas Noathehn Ctates PoweA NoathwestPAn Linen Famous Rhand<s inc. Louis D.i.staihuti.ng GaigL6 Coopeh and Co. Old Peania Co., Inc. Old Peoaia Co., lte. McKesson Johnson Rhos. Distitteas DLatAJbutinq Co. Ed Phillips FIRE DEP.APTMENT FiAst State Bank F. H. RathFe Centnat_ Telephone Peoples Natunat Gas Noathetn States Powell_ 8.85 157.20 200.00 26.18 39.66 2400.40 581.00 332.25 90.30 71.90 1,654.65 80.50 32.40 718.70 118.28 70.40 621.20 94.08 55.98 33.00 76.07 9.60 26.13 134.54 144.10 23.14 836.60 231.14 525.36 789.53 596773 1,818.69 911.22 1,351.82 3,442.01 15.64 3.00 27.15 51.09 10.62 $18,306.61 107.50 25 26 GENERAL ACCOUNT FJMt State Sank 41.18 Phillips Pethoteum Co. 7.68 Coat To Coaat 3.07 Lue.tads Inc. 32.10 Cohcoharv, 14.81 Indw.thu Seh.vLcea Inc. 222.00 Union O.it Company 6.49 S.tandand O.it .75.95 Stneae Puke. O..t Se.v..ce 11.80 Re,ih-%naeh Excavating Inc. 63.00 Lake -side Animal No6rltal 13.50 Roben.t W. rioh.n 4.20 MiCLeh Day.i6 4.72 Dahota Country TtLbune 38.81 St. Paul Stamp (UOhk6 inc. 11.90 Lute Sign's, inc. 29.70 tU.i.econzin National Li{e 35.83 Fhank Khe,itz 5.00 Ghosa Indu4thia.. Towel 2.00 Centhat Telephone. 28.41 Dakota Poom 44.60 PeorFe6 Ncttuhal Goa 37.93 Notthehr Staten Poweh 449.25 M.i.nnuo.ta Senelfit 86.21 1210.74 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF VAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice theh.eo4, a special meeting was duty held at the village halt on the 13th day o4 Mau, 1970 at 1:30 p.m. Macon.Mullenn called the meeting to ordek with oft members p&esent except Knutson and Fond. MOTION BY Mutlehy, seconded by Finnegan to approve the building penmtt apptication o• Theo. RM.andt to nepaih the house at 209 John atheet. Ayes wen.e Puff, Mullen() and Finnegan. ".1OTION BY Finnegan, second by Muttehy to approve the buitding reknit appti- cation of C onence Oahinv to build a nesidentl.at garage. at 213 John Sthe.et. Ayes were Vu {,f, lutl.eny and Finnegan. Membehs of the Rosemount Town Boated, 0. Spningsted o4 Sptingated, inc., Ronk Shant of Sanh.ten Eng.i.neeh,ing and non TIlaisder.f o,4 RfaisdeUt and Assoc. were present to discuss the proposed in.tencepton aeiven tine in- s tall ati.o n. There being no funthen business, the meeting adjowrne.d this 13th day of May, 1970. Pe4 eetfuhey Submitted, C-6 e, LZ. EU J.°O Ctenh- Tneasunen 27 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Puhsuant to due sate and notice. •theneo,5, a .teaulak meeting. was duty held at the. Vittage Hate on the 2nd day oS June, 1970 at 7:00 o'ceocf..p.m. The me.e i.ng was called to oaden. by Pnea.i.dent Maet.e/Ey; a t membec6 were pusent. The minutes o{ the May meetings wens /Lead and apphoved as /Lead. MOTION bre Finnegan, second by Knutson to app /Love the attached tilt ofi b.Ll_ls and otden then„ paid ,hom the.Lh neape.cttve {,unds. Ayes were Finnegan, Knutson, Duf and Fold. The. Genenat Acct. $3421.86 L.iquon Revenue Fund Fite Depaniment Sollow.Lnq connesnondence was /Lead and discussed. $19943.03 $803.20 to Multeccr 5/14/1970 fethopol tan Sewers goat(' nelatLve to adoption o4 compaehens.ive nears Son. mutLcipal.ttLes. 5/22/1970 Vahota Countu Roctd ofi Comm.iss.ionPh.6 kelattng to county monument manhers. 5/19/1970 Dahota County Tk.ibune. netative to .increase in pni.nti.rq hates. 5/19/1910 Minnesota Eng.ineeti.ne Company, Inc. Enq.ineeting {,on waste dL6posae. Mt. L. Knutson gave a tepokt on incinerating o,( solid wastes. The deck hepotted on paczing stations and theih. costs. AStet a discussion and n.evieir, the eeenb was requested to wn,Lte the County Rootd and herruest .infionmation to the-it plans Soh solid waste disposal and to advise. them oS our Saci.ttties. A League bulletin advising the Council o4 the 56th annual convention was Head. CenttnP Telephone Co. advised the Mayne) by phone June 1, 1970 that they would not appeat as they had come up with no defiLni.te athangement6 fioh patching. The Clerk had pnepahed a r and was hequested to onv'axd same to the Central Telephone Co. Soh the.in cons.Lde.tattnn. The Ctekh was requested to write County TnaSS.ic Eng.Lneec Kenneth .Anderson /Lelnti.ve to school atop signs at Hyland and Park Avenue at £ntenseetion with Ash Street. New bids Son can conctttionens Son the Clerh's o(Si.ce were opened and head. MOTION by "4Lllehu, second by Fond to puxehase a 13,600 BTU, 115 volt Model 5239 air conditioneh !nom Montagmehu rinds at a cost oS $209.00. Ayes crepe "4,Pletu, Fond, DuS6 and Finnegan.. Knutson abstained Srom voting. Building code ordinance was discussed and tabted to allow mope time {on study. Don 8nown neponted on sidewalk hegairina &enlacement. The Cletb was authorized to secure prices per lineal Soot 04 4 fit. and 5 fit. ai.dewa('.h fi tom Oatertag Cement Co., Suburban Cement Co., and Mae Kelly. The Apni.l £i.quar statement ofi Income and Expenses was nev.Lewed. The CLehk was requested to show yeah -to -date fi.Lgutes plus monthly S.iaunee and to compute pnofi.Lt percentages. 30 A tetteh bnom J. E. Gab.Lou relative to spraubng o4 weeds was Head. MOTION by Va Second bu Fond to apptou and ondet issued the Ottocu.ng been and liquor Licenses. Ayes weite 5. Ame&Lcan Legion Poet 065 -On Sate Liquors On Sate Been Liquor "Club" License Village Inn On and O1(4 Sate. Been. R.. J. Ruder Food Center O4 Sate Feet Da1(u BADS. ON4 Safe peen MOTION bu Mallow, second by Finnegan to approve application o{ Mrs. Manion McNeanneu fax building pumi,t and to onset perm -.t .issued. Ayes wene 5. MOTION by qulteny, second bu Knutson to pau BanLs.te,t Eng.Lnee.tLng Co. bite. of $2556.80 ,(nom General 4und and charge to Rahn Development when pnopehty .is developed. Ayes wene {ultenu, Knutson, Fond, Du44 and Finnegan. MOTION bu Du1 second by Knutson to raise pant -.time maintenance. wages to $2.50 pet heat. Ayes wet 1%44, Knutson, Matte/Ey, Finnegan and Fond. The eteth.. was neques.ted to wndte a team .to J: GabLou, county highway engLneen, neouesting n. catch basin he .ins,taPted at the no.ttherust corner. o4 the .irate e.etlon os Hyland Avenue. and Ash .S.tteet. Mt. Ray NowLehi was present to discuss bu.itdLng os 6 apartment units on his pnopenty. He was given apptieati.on 4o.uvs and advised o4 the Ptanning CommiAsLon meeting dates. Thome being no 4urthea business the meeting adjourned this 2nd day o4 June, 1970. Respee t{ Submitted, r EDGE J. V! IFF cfenh- Treaau.c,t BLlt6 approved and Dcdened paid at the June 2, 1970 ktgutant meeting. LInUOR REVENUE FUND Ofd Peoria Company Roselnoun -t Businessmen's Assoc. Rochester Genmiei.de. Co. Hoppe Cehapook Se2v. Judge ERecthi.c and Appliances Pay's f'!eedi na Day Dihbni-bu.ti.nq Co. Atcokn Revenage. Co. Hanson Reverage Co. Smith Grain Co. College. City Beverage. Transport CXeatings Tin ity Home. Juice O. M. Dnaneu Seveaage O.2d Du.tcf- Foods Concord Beverage Sundeninnd, Inc. 17/tenth Candy and Tobacco Sevo.n or Rattling Le.dinq D.is.thibUting Co., Inc. Sou- t' D-is.ttLbuting Sill Bui.a.2eu, Petty Cash G)iiggs, Cooper and Co. Ed Phillips and Sons Johnson Snos. 1"ho!esate McKesson Linuon Co. Famous RA.ands Toombs Insurance Agency Peop.Be, Natural Gas NSP Cen.trat Tete.phone Non.thuiest Linen SenvLce Gnus Indus.t'iai' Towel GENERAL FUND Millet Dauts PhLttLps Petnoteum S.tandand Oil Motorola Communications Lahes.ide Animal Hospital A.ilc Comm Wisconsin National Lc{e Voiuoenl• GulA Po6.tma,sten Bohnext Baninten Engi.neeting George Koehnen Pos.trnas-teh Bohnert Redi -Cane Toombs Insurance Agency Peoples Natural Gas (Continued) 4.33 10.f10 15.74 25.00 16.34 46.70 352.35 596.90 2,616.05 12.00 1,269.40 94.24 45.00 44.16 136.45 1,322.40 78.10 73.60 61.95 516.60 47.35 54.50 .1,572.16 2,871.69 948.05 1,435.78 981.88 4,326.00 64.33 177.30 26.45 28.59 11.6 15.93 7.47 7.08 6.60 3.00 279.25 35.83 7.25 6.00 342.54 92.50 2.00 76.18 1,976.00 18.97 $79,943.03 31 32 (GENERAL FUND CONTINUED) Nonthetn States Poweh Centna2 Telephone. Minnesota Bene.;(.i.t FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND 429.21 29.84 86.21 Conconan Nandivane 4.34 Homai to 5.00 Genenn2 Sa1ett/ 7.25 Robents Dnuq 2.15 Buettneh Welding 3.60 Centnat Telephone 27.35 Peoples Natwtal Gas 25.58 Nonthenn States Pauen 76.33 Toombs /new/Lance Co. 111.00 $3,421.86 803.20 7 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pwuuant to due call and notice .theh.eo{, a specie/ meeting wad duty held at the Village. Halt on the 22nd dery oS June, 1979 a7 7 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to onde by Pneaident Muttety; a2.t membe.0 being present except Fond and Finnegan. The, vatuati.on og the gaxage belonging to P. A. S.telten waa nev.iewed with no change. being made. MOTION by Dug, second by Knutson to accept the neat estate and pasonat paope ty tax noal as presented by the. Count' Assessor's og6.i.ee. Arres were Du“, Knutson and !fwUery. MOTION by Dug second by MO,ltehy to pay John (4.iedethotd 5162.00 ,ox rata y and expenses bon assess.iug. Ayes were Dug Knutson and Mu tent'. There being no {wokea business the meeting adjoun.ned this 22nd day o6 June, 1970. Resp eet6u.E1y Submitted, ,L.(. Euge'r{ J.`Dug6 C1_'e k- Tneaswceh VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pwwuantt to due call and notice theteo4, a negutat meeting was duty held at the Viteage halt on the 7th day o4 Jwty, 1970 at 7:00 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to Order by Ptes.Ldent Manchu; all members pkesent except %U. Minutes o; the June nequtax meeting and special meeting went 'head and app /Laved as read. ON MOTION by Knatson and second bu Fond the attached list of bills was ondeted paid ;nom their tespeetive Funds. Ayes were. Finnegan, Hillery, Knutson and Fond. Mayes -none. General Acct.- $2,439.97 Liquor Revenue Fund- $22,426.05 Fire Depantrnent- $416.17 A hequest Ox a building peam t by Bennett J. Champ, 429 Nunphu St., addition to existing 'rouse was presented. On motion bu Knutson and second bu Fond penm.it was appnoved. Ayes- Finnegan, '1al.Pe.tu, Knutson and Fatd. Hayes -none. A notice o4 rublic heating 4ot apportionment o; .insunanee premium .tax among counties and mwtLcipat.ities was rrad he;on.e .t! e council. The notice was tinned over to the Rine department. •O.N MOTIOV by Mulkey and second by Knutson $2,200.00 was onde/ted tnans4erned ;nom the Liouot Fund to the 19564. Im'.tavement Fund. Aues- Finnegan, Malteny, Fond and Knutson. Nay es -gone. ON MOTION bu Knutson and second by Fond, $625.00 roar ondened ttans4enred Palm the L.Lgaot Fund to the 1962 imrtove.ment Fund. Att membeM present voted in ;avoh. Letters ;tom the Met✓co Server bowed telati.ng to sone& distni.cts and indicating plans went under way Rot the Rosemount sewer. were head. A t.ettet ;tom the Pollution Contnal Agency addressed to Don Lund, situ enq.ineen, tegatdinq mOntril(r Wastewater tenant was /Lead. A team. ;nom Ken AndeMon, county tnrc44Lc eng.ineet, was head whetein he indicated schoot warning signs and maxk.eM would be placed at the .Lnteasecti.on o4 Ash and Patch. A bid 4hom Ostentag Cement Co. On s.idemtbs was heceived ;ot 80 cents pet squaae ;oat. The bid rrovides lot hemOVal and teptacement. Weft some discussion, it was decided to again aev -iew the sidewalk situation be ;ote avatdina the b.id. The Mo.tonola Radio Maintenance Contract Ron the pot ice can was tev.ierved. It was recommended by Chi.e4 Tows.ignanl_ we. continue. the cotn.act. A tepaia estimnte, o; $85.00 ;on the village tnaetot was conb.idexed and appnoved. Dakota County Civil De4ense D.ine.ctot Bob Bunton appeated with Gordon Everson o4 Rosemount. U't. Evemson has been recommended For local. Civil De.6ense d teetot. It was suggested "r.t. Fvenson attend the Poseriount township meeting and attempt to wonk out a joint phognam ;oh the vitlage and township. Mt. Evensrn agte.ed to do so. J L) A 2etten Snom the Pollution Control Agency setting sotid waste nequLtementa 404 the village c,.'aa head h“one the council. The chill? was .i to 5 <.22 out the nece.•s.snnv panena to aigru.!t' owe inte.ntiow,. A 2e.tteh the Anhp]night= Soaton .insurance co., £nsu4ens o{ the Gne.i{ $nos. Co. mart, was nand. The letter set gonth de!.icie.neies in owc write& system {nom a pneaawce and supply a.tandpoint 404 {.uce pnote.ction. The matter has been placed in the hands o{ the San,isteh Eng.ineen,ing Co. study. Complain. s neaaluiing bwaning violations in .the Ken -Rose Center were (tined. The cloth was £na.butete.d .to nepn,imand the ahorp.ina center ouwnen by letter and l iunn,iah a copy the banning ordinance -to each tenant in .the center. The monthly police report was head and accepted. There being no Swathe&. business, the meeting adjourned at .10 p.m. ect4u Suhmi.tted, P. E.i nne.oan Acting Clerk 1 i 1 SLU4 appnoved and ondeted paid at the July 7, 1970 negulan meeting. LInUOR REVENUE FUND Conconan Mau-Grate 8.70 T.kanspont rfea.nlnq 177.49 Sunderland, inc. 51.60 Wino nistn. hLLtinq Co. 575.55 Turin Carr frame Juice. 39.85 Col1'ege. C.i_trr ne.venage 927.60 Concord Fevenage, Inc. 2, rota Cola ^ottfina 81.75 Day Patt4 kuti.nq Co. 468.05 0, M. Pnonerr Beverage 99.28 Otd Dutch Foods, Inc. 10 8. &0 Seven -Hp rott.Pina Co. 79.50 Dnentfato r :.'hofesa.Ce Candy 101.85 7. T. Holcomb '!g. Co. 9 A/conn Re.venaoe Co. 712.80 Hanson Bevetaae Co. 3,189.35 Judge Efec-tn.ic And App. 32.50 FL efien and And Aggneqate 10.50 Minn. Municipal Lxiouen Stone .Assoc. 25.00 Coast -to -Coast S.to &e 6.46 St. Pacct ran and Pes.taunant Equipment 33.45 Soccthside DistJC.ibwUng 33.25 Var, Pareh. Co. 37.34 P.i,s.ti,C2ens DistAi.hu.tinq 2, 895.45 Display F.ixtune6 Inc. 34.50 N'oathenn States Cowen 216.50 Peoples N'atunrtl Gas 19.40 Cen.tnaf Telephone Co. 27.01 Gnnss Tndustniaf Towel 9.60 No &.thrr e .t Linen 32.61 Gni.ags, Coopers and Co. 2,305.35 Ed. Phillips and Song 3,526.88 Johnson Bnos. P'hofesale 2,093.69 Ofd Peonl.a Inc. 1,572.16 McKesson Liouon 353.61 r1.i.nme.sota Bene. <,.it 49.91 GENERAL FUND Ph tflpa Petroleum Conconan Hatde'(VLe Coast -.to -Coact Lustads, Inc. Ox Chemicals Dakota County TAihune p {c•amana= V.ivan.t ContJutctLng State o;; Minnesota Toombs In,wtance. Agency Montgomehu fc'atd !Iotonota Communications WL' cons.in National L.i je (Continued) 44.58 13.57 29.69 32.10 44.10 38.27 550.0,0 55.00 750.00 209.00 6.60 35.83 $22.426.05 38 (GENERAL FUND CONTINUED) S.tandand Conh,tgan Heath-Lc Poh.tmCV3.te.t Cen.tha.l Telephone Nohthehn S.tateh Powers Peon.le4 Notarial Gab Nonthehn S.tate,s Poweh. Gh084 IndtN-t&& Min ne4 eta Renefat FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND Aix Comm Ratztag Senv.ice Station Po mount Auto Supply Donald '!cNeanneu Va'w' tF Texaco Sttea e Union Oat Rohehts Dhuq Sehnieh. "!oton Co. Coast- to- CoaM.t Da&ata Country Tribune Cen.t&al Telephone Non.thehn State's Poweh Peoples Natutat Goo 49.09 13.50 3.60 29.70 33.11 8.27 405.75 2.00 86.21 r 161.00 67.12 15.45 60.00 3.00 3.25 11.17 22.22 8.45 17.00 28.25 9.79 9.57 $2,439.97 416.17 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTV DAKOTA, STATE.OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due cant and notice .thene.o5, a neoutat meet s was du' held at the Village Hate on the 4th day o5 August, 1971 at 7:00 o'clock p.in. The meeting was ca.C2ed to ondet by President Muttety; a.& members being present. The minutes op the Jut' meeting wets read and approved as te.ad. MOTION by Knutson and second o5 Finnegan to approve the attached list op bites and to ordeet them paid prom theit nespectLve punds. Ayes were. Knutson, Finnegan, Fond Dui4 and k'ateenr!. Genetcct Acct. Liquor Revenue Fund Fine Depa.tmnent 1,177.63 9,939.39 42.98 The council aevLewed pMbtems netatLve to garbage pickup with William Reid. The Ctehh was authon,ized to obtain sampte ordinances dentin') with Sunning. MOTION by Du“ and second o4 Finnegan to have Attorney Mc1.1enomy took into the pwc- chaae n< the Detham rnarentu. Pnonetty iA to be cued as watch nuno44 and poss.ibte path. flues wehe Du,(p, Finnegan, '1ut4ttu, Knutson and Fotd. '!LOTION Bu Vuf and second o5 Knutson to have a s.tteet tight installed at the west end o{ Cedat S.tte.et. Ayes wehe 5. A tenet presented by the Justice op Peace 4tom Grannies and GMnnis netative to the Ewald Lmnson case loos .tea,'.. The council took no action on the ma_tteh. A tenet prom the County Auditors Listing candidates por election judges was .funned over to the Mayor who agreed to appoint the necessanu judges by August 21, 1970.* The Clerk read a tetten prom the League o4 Minnesota '4ccucLpaei_ties relative toc a rtoposed Amendment Plumber. 1. The council took. no position on this. The Ctenh head the Justice op the Peace report OA May and June reporting 15 pines totalling $245.00. The Ctenk reviewed with the Council a proposed pahhinq tot near prom the Centrat Telephone Companu. ".MOTION by Finnegan and second op Ford to approve the plan with the exception that the south two parching spaces next to Asia Street be eCLmLnated and re- sodded. Aces wend 5. The Ctenk read a tettet prom Ban.istet Engineering Co. dated July 10, 1970 retati..ve to their study relative to out wa.te. situation. The conte,nondence and puns of the Dahota County Soaxd relative to tand4itt sites to be used by the Vittage weal read and revie cd. The Ctehh was authorized to write PCA kequestinq permission to continue the use op out present Aac.i.P.i,ties untie such time as the County proposed site was neadu pot use. ContectLon op sidewalk depici.enci.es was head unt.it a checb op out pinanci.ae condition could be made by the Treasut.er. tie/ 40 The evening of Auga4t 26, 1970 was iset a6 the budget meeti.np night—time to be 7 :30 p.m. with nem.i.ndeh.6 to be mailed aeong with the Ser.ten? e't agenda. MA. Mahe Ryan was pheeent and heque>ted pehm.i.ssion to locate an AM -FM hadi.o t awsmittert on the w tower.. On MOTION o{ Finnegan and 6econd o4 Fond, pehm.i sa.ion was ghanted to instate an AM -FM ttansm.i.tten {oh Student Station KRSM on the water Cowen.. Aries were 5. Thehe being no £wrtheh. bus.i.neba, the meeting adjowtned .thAs 4th day ob August, 1970. Respect -Weu Submitted, ne DuA C en.F -T.tea week Judgeh appointed by the magon WW: MAW. Fhank UaVonough, Mn.3. Jim Du40, John Kieden.hold, Ue+t.ctarmr±a, Mani -e aitdenbogehd and 'ihs.Cecet.in 9ev.i3. )71.44 217Cr7* -a Bats appkoved and ondeted paid at the August 4, 1970 n.egutan meeting: GENERAL FUND PI iCPind PetAo!e.um "{i22.ek Davis Company MotoAO2a Commun.icationa Laf'es.ide Anima! f(aspiiak League a Ni.nnesota {wtLci.pateiti.es ALt Comm Toombs Insurance Agency Corrigan E e.ctrt.Cc Lampctt Va&dd 1''.isccnsin National LL Pei,singvr Excavating, Inc. Non.the&n States Pow'. Centha.E Tetephone !{i.nnesota Rene4it Aseoe. Peoples Hatutg.0 Gas Nonthenn States Powek Gnoss Towel and Gaarte.nt. FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND do therm Staten Powek Centrta2 Te!en!Tone Pecrfed !&"atuka.P. Gas LhUOR REVENUE FUND Cash Reg.is.ten Sates, Inc. Concohd revekage Inc. Dhen.tfav ,!"ho.2esate. Candy Dart P.istni.bu.ti.ng Coca -Cola St. Paul Fan S Restaurant Equip. Co. TrtaitS po.t,t C2eat.i nas Southside Di,tPibut.ing Co. Lectinq D.id.tA.ibutiinq Co2.eege C.i.tu Seuc czge Seven Up flottP,ing Co. Old Pwtei roods Sundc&fand Inc. Twin City flame Juice 0.11. Dhone(r revekaae A2eo.tn Revenage. Van Panes Co. Manion Ceve.haae Co Rosemount Jaycees Cohcoian Kam/wake Judge E.tects i_e Mid-rest fc,ine Co. Rosemount Utilities Commission Lan Yards Genz -Roan P.Cumbing (Continued) 41.44 74.22 6.60 9.00 142.00 118.90 113.00 70.56 1.46 35.83 66.00 405.75 28.08 96.82 2.19 21.78 4.00 10.56 27.15 5.27 51.75 1,700.80 82.40 497.70 69.50 57.65 19.37 37.15 939.15 581.85 102.45 129.65 135.60 108.95 38.36 7.48.95 63.55 2,804.25 25.00 6.00 28.66 73.70 100.00 3.75 6.00 1,177.63 42.98 41 42 (GENERAL FUND CONTINUED) Minnesota Gene -i.t Ae60c. Ed P.'u.PP,416 and Sows (dm. flwi.g1ey, Patti Cash UcKe66on L.iquok Co. G4o66 iniftusti.ia.0 Towne2 Peopf e6 la tuna,f Gas Nanthertn States Powers Cen.taat Telephone Non.thee6t Linen SeAvice 76.17 486.29 63.41 578.81 14.40 8.35 246.10 26.28 27.39 9,939.39 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice theneof, a bpeci,at meeting was du-Cu held at .the Village Volt on .di..e. 26t' {art o' August, 1970 1t 7:30 p.m. Tke meeting ryas called to 'mien by Pkeh.i.dent Mwllehy; all membehb pawnt except Taustee. F.i.nnegan. MOTION Rrr Knutson, second of Fond to arrnave the O.Ltowing budget (ort the mean 1971 and to waive all automatic to ies excepting the 1962 Impaovcment Fund. Aueb tome_ Fond, Knutson, Pet< and 'tul.le'w. Them, being no itut.thet business the meeting adjoulcned this 26th day of August, 1970. Re4.,neegu.11y submitted, Fu ne Y. Duff CleAb- Tteaswte.n Gen.en.aP Fund Fire- GenenaP Fine-Relief 4460C. 1962 Impkovement Mad $23,900.00 1,500.00 250.10 17,900.00 43 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice .theneog, a negulat meeting was duty held at the Village Hall on the 1st day og September., 1970 at 7:00 o'clock.. p.m.• The meeting roar tatted to ondet by Pnes.Ldent Muttety; ati menbets pneze.nt except Fi nnenan and Knutson. The M.inutee og the. Augw.t meetings were Head and approved as Head. MOTION by Fond and second og Mutte to approve the attached list og biZ2s and to °Aden. them paid. gnom the1x &eapective gunds. Ayes were tfatlecrf, Fond and Pugg. Geneta2 Acct. S3,315.83 Ii.quon Revenue Fund $15,915.10 Fite Denantment Fund $247.17 MOTION by Fond and second og Hulter.rf to appnove cab License application og Dangond young, Arple Uafteu Cab Co., and Hates og 55 cents D on gin.at 1/8 mile, 10 cents Son ea.eh additional 1/4 mite, and 1 cents /et each 1 1/2 minutes waiting .tune and to onden license izzued e /4ecJve Sevtembet 1, 1971. Subject to teceipt g cen.tRicate og inscvcance and .l.i.cense fee ofi $16.00. Avez r'cne Mulfen-f, Fond and Dug The CLenh head the nesolutLon og the Apple Valley Council 42-Mt.-Lye to .theix approval a5 the "oseraount site gon the r"oro.ser' ainron.t. /Wet a shoat dizeuzs.ion and c u pon ''OTTCu o Fotd and second an Pu44 the c.Peth runs autfnni.zed to vitae a .Pette.t to the Hetnorol;".ta1 Aitpo.tt Cornet zzicn .suggezti.ng a 4- tte..immediatefn East og Highway 052 between 1.astin.as and Hampton and to list the reasons whir the Council qPt t',.te worr.Prr be the irne!etabte. site. Arr2h (Pete Pug;, Fond and %.taletu. The league. og Minnesota Municipalities buttet.Ln og August 17, 1970 relative to the negi.ona.l meetings was head. A te.tter dated August 14, 1970 gnom the Cent/tat Tele.rhone Co. wo.s .tend and discussed. 0T70Vr f,rr Puff and second o4 Fond the cloth urns advised to notiy the Cen.ttat Telephone Ccmnanu that the ccunc i! would staff with theit onig.inat apyvtova('. o4 the pa/thing .Pot niers less the "Ito most southet2rr ranking spaces. Thou wete also to be no ±iged that the Council and the Planning Commission have under study se.thaehs and bccggen zones Fetr'!een Cor,menei.at and residential zones. Arles we Fond, Mut.Cenu and Pugg. The public .service bulletin Ao.Prtti.ve to Chicago Milwaukee Pail/Load using truths to haul enenneecu ovetloads og gnain was tend. The Justice o4 Peace neponts og R. Johnson and R. Mohr wene head and ondeviced placed on g.ile.. A !.orlon from the Dakota County Enq.ineen's oggee ne.tative to the use og our V.i.etage drum u'az head. Ctevcb Various bwcnLng ordinances went nev.iewed and the /agreed to come up with a /tough draft ■011_ gtathet cond.i.detati.an. The County tax abatement pnocedwtes as presented by Robert Meiers, County Assessors, woke reviewed with the Council. 46 The Letters Atom the Netkopol.itan Sweet Roand advising the Council.. o4 the coat Oh cne.d.(t to be given On can sewn plant was head MOTION bu Vu{ second ob MwUeng to centi./yy to the County Aud.iton as special assessments .the. attached list ok unpaid wateh binds. Ages WeAe Multeny, Fond and Du{ MOTION by Dub{ and second o{ Fond to authoti.ze Ed Meenomy to negotiate a puce on the Denham pnopenty o,< 400.00 to $500.00 per acne. Aues were '{ttftehr?, Fond and Vulg. p1OTION by DuAA, second o,( Muti e :rr _o approve. a building permit application sub- mitted by Von F. Vatting to attach a ianage to hAA home at 216 ^est Maple. Ayes, wete 3. MA. Cedxi.c KinchneA, Mn. Condon Bohn and Mt. Jenny Flueget. were present to discuss with the Cauncit police pnobtema .nelatLve to hours and type o,( se.nv.ice provided. Wet a discussion, the Council agreed to meet at a special meeting with Pay Touaignant on Tuesday, Septembers R 197 at 8:00 o'cPoch P.M. to discuss the. problem !wr.then and to come up wit', some de.!ini.nte action. The atent was ci thonized to wt to a lettet to At SheU..hameA to advise him to discontinue the practice 04 nowting school busses oven. Roy Poad. Mn. Nannu Boqu,ia.t was prseae.nt to d.isecLss With the Council a. teen dance to be held on Labors Pau. MOTION by Pu“ and ee.cond e( Fond to oive approval On the dance and use. oA the Village parking Lot {,nom 2 to 4 p.m. on September 7, 1970. Aires were 3. MOTION bu Muitenq, second o(, Fond to Authorize Witti.an Quigley to have installed a 7 foot [,r' fl l Oot o54tce in the Shamrock Lounge at a cost os $479.00. Ayes were Du1 ttteny and Fond. There being no ¢unthen business, the meeting adjourned this 1st day o5 September, 1910. Rea pectAutl.y Submitted, X,I_t) Eu ne J. Du{ Ct h- Theasunen. &Lt4 appnaved and ortdeked paid at the Se.ptembei 1st, 1970 heguta& meeting. GENERAL FUND COrcotan Haadmate 6.09 Lamrent vard6 13.06 Ph,i ffin6 Petaoteum 7.13 Leland Knutson 1.70 Pa6tmastet Rohnent 6.00 Coast -.to -roast 29.57 1fa.torola 6.60 Can 06on Thac,tor and Equip. 55.54 7ani4te:t EnQJneening 2,475.30 Daho.tn Cnunta Tn.-inane. 87.74 'Wien a'Ls 34.87 Union 76 65.25 Af's "adu Chnr 25. F.ins.t State rank 4. Noathehn S.tnte6 Pone.. 440.49 Ccntraf TeXen 28.52 Po6tma6teh fohnen.t 25. People2 Matuta.P rim 1.97 Gro4.6 Induh- thia.P Towel SeAV-ice 2.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND Sth.ese coho it's Drug Car.i.te City Subuhban Assoc. F. H. Fathhe remnant( Peop4e6 Na tkaf Cas Cen.tna.P Telephone Noh the•tn States Powve& LIQUOR FUND D.i)spfnu F.ixtunea Inc. Lu6tarl6, Inc. Ace Ice. remnant( Van "anon remnant( Smith Ara.in Company Dakota Countu Thihune nrertlat' r Candq Paton Fevetage Co. 6linne6etn- h'i6con6in Tranhpoh.t Concord Beveh.aae, Inc. Twin r.i.ta Home Jru ce Otd Patch Food6, Inc. Alcokn nevefane Co. Darr P.i e tti but, n0 Co. Coll'.eae Ci.tu ''overage. Sever. -Up Bottling 2.45 8.17 10.00 184.05 4.61 27.60 10.29 5.34 35.91 52.82 54.16 12.00 6.50 4 119,20 3,820,95 87.74 1,828.95 85.35 108.55 536.10 532.50 872.80 88.05 $3,375.83 247.17 2 C5 ILI4UOP FUND CONTINUED) O.M. 04oney Bevenxzge Luting D.idtnihatting Co., Inc. Ofd Peon1a Johnson 1LCo.4, Who.2eeat.e. Gkiggd and Cooneh MicKed6on Liquors Co. GK066 Torve..2 and natment Stxv. Mon_thwed.t Linen Centnnt Telephone Peoptea Vatwca' Gad Non.thenn States Poweh. E. J. Phi27.ipd and Sono Famoaa Bhandd D.i6ti PPeM D.i stiu.huting Lowte D.isth ibuting 73.00 812.70 755.71 556.68 765.65 623.75 9.60 30.88 28.79 8.01 232.10 1,572.15 809.67 1,067.86 272.64 t 15,Q15.10 Delinquent rraten and her"e..a c!7ah.ge4 ceAti.,S.ied to county auditor a6 4pecial a44244men.t6 on Sept. 1, 1970 ate: Choban Peet ty Awl. Sub. Div. 1, lo.t6 51 -53 533.54 Lloyd Dahlhe Ron Porch Add. Lot 10 -12, Stock 3 65.10 Robertt Evans r k, .-a 'AL Village, Lot 6 57, block 5 20.08 Heitman Fven.6 Rohe Path Addn. Lot4 46 -49, Block 2 27.94 Nanny Fleming Matu.an Tex nee, Repla.t Addn. 2, lot)0 26.20 Helen Kane E4tate School Addn. S271/2 o4 lot 8, lot 9 22.80 Fnank Leva.ty Aud. Sub. 1, tot 13 53.51 Jim Loeding Pca• Ca t Robe Path Arldn. Lots 38 -40, blh 2 27.94 £Pau McNamaha 200 So. Claim Avenue 36.93 Rosemount Spoirt4 Co. 309 South Main Ave. -Aud. Sub. 01 13.01 Q4m.t. Laundhe.t.tepac Parcel 37062 8.34 David Rolo K Village, Pcuccel 37111 17.04 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting was duly held at the Village Pall on the 8th day of Sentember, 1970 at 8:ff o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Mullery; all members present. Also present were Rev. James Minehart, Louis Bernier Jr., Roger Duffy, Pay Tousignant, John Wilcox, Gordon Bohn and Mr. and Firs. Cedric Kirchner. The Council discussed in some length the police problems in the Village. It was decided to set up a special meeting as soon as possible hetween the Village Council, Rosemount Township hoard and the fakota County sheriff and try to resolve the prohlems. MOTIv by Ford, second of Knutson to hire a second full time policeman and adjust the budget accordingly. Ayes were Ford and Knutson. !Jays were Finnegan, Duff and "ullery. A letter to he sent to the Metropolitan Airport Commission concerning the proposed sites for a new airport was reviewed after a protest hy ^1r. Finnegan. It was decided not to channe the letter and no motion was made to rescind the action of September 1, 197n. There heing no further business, the meeting adjourned this 8th day of September, 1`170. Respectfully Submitted, Eug�e JV Duf Cle Treasurer 51 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting was duly held at the Village Hall on the 16th day of September, 1970 at 8:00 o'clock n.m. The meeting was called to order by President mullery; all members nresent. Also nresent were Ray Reinke, L. Genz and C. Cunningham of the Posemnunt Town Board, C. Cherry, Dakota County Sheriff, and R. Tousignant, Chief of Police. Douglas Head's sample ordinance for exolosives control was reviewed briefly. MOTION by Duff, second of Finnegan to appoint A. Ford, Rev. James Minehart and Pay Reinke to investigate police problems and make recommendations to tha Village Council and Torn Board. A.11 were in favor. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned this 16th day of September, 1970. Respectfully Submitted, Euge7 J. 'puff, Clerk- Treasurer 53 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a renular meeting was duly held at the Village mall on the 6th day of October, 1 at 7:0D o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Mullery; all members were present. The minutes of the September meetings were read and approved as read. MnTIn."1 hy Finnegan, second hy Knutson to approve the attached list of bills and to order them nairr from their respective funds. Ayes were Finnegan, Knutson, puff, "iullery and Ford. General Account 925.98 Liquor Pevenue Fund' $17,266.98 55 Fire Department 69.48 The clerk read a letter dated Sent. 29, 1970 to Mayor Mullery from Rollin Glewwe. After a short discussion the Council r+eciied to invite Glewwe and other interested legislators to discuss impending legislation at a special P!ovemher meeting. The clerk read a letter from Ed Mc!- ienomy relative to the Derham property. The clerk read a letter from Greif Bros. Corp. dated Sept. 15, 1970 requesting information relative to our water sunnlies. The Council also reviewed the Banister Enoineerinn report on our +eater system. The Council agreed to meet at a special meeting to he held 'Oct. 1 .3, 1270 at Bann p.m. with the Utilities Commission and representatives of Grief Bros. to review the matter further. The August 31, 19701 liquor financial statement was reviewed. A: letter from J. F. Gahiou, county highway engineer, dated Sept. 14, 1970 was read. The letter anain stressed the neer! of county aroroval on driveways entering on county highways. The clerk was instructed to fortiori the letter to the Plannine Commission for their information. The clerk read a letter dated Sept. 0 1470 from the Pollution Control .Agency requesting more information on the dumo operations. The council instructed the clerk to answer the letter in accordance with SY11, section 2. The sample ordinance for burning was reviewed and the clerk was requested to secure a copy of nollution control standards. A letter from Lakeside Animal Nosnital was read. The letter informed the council they would no longer accept stray dons. The clerk was instructed to secure information from the tovmship on this suhject. A letter from the Metropolitan Sewer Ooard dated Sent. 1, 1 was read. It explained charges for 1971 to be paid by the village for sewers. fir. Joe Cavin presented a plan for a house on which a building permit had been approved at an April 7, 1 meeting, subject to presentation of plans. The plans were apnroved and the permit released. 56 Mr. T. S. Mohr gave a presentation on solid waste disposal. Alan Ford reported on the progress to date of the .police study committee. Mr. Dave C.ran.nis was nresent and discussed the agreement between Metropolitan Sewer Board and the Council relative to their taking over the sewer plant. MOTION by Knutson, second by Finnegan to annrove agreement and to authorize the "avor and Clerk to sign same. Ayes were Ford, Finnegan, ':Hutson, fluff and "ullery. MnTInu by puff, second by Ford to anprove Vic's Welding bid of $10.n0 per hour for the 1n7n_71 snow plowing. Village is to furnish a suitable operator and will house the grader in our garage. fives were Knutson, Finnegan, Ford, "ullery and Duff. The Clerk read P. Finnegan's letter to Northern States Power changing the location of the street light on West Cedar Street. MOTION by Knutson, second by Ford to annrove the application of M. Vonelgesang fora permit to build a garage am to order the permit issued. Aves were 5. The Clerk read the notes of the September 1970 Planning Commission meeting. The Mayor discussed with the Council the construction of a roof and walls to enclose the space between the Village Nall and Fire Hall. MfTIfT'! by puff, second by Ford to install 10 minute narking limit signs in front of Central Telephone building on !Hand avenue. Ayes w•,were Ford, Knutson, Duff, Mullery and Finnegan. There being no further husiness the meeting adjourned this 601 day of October, 1n7n. R spectfully Suhmitted, Le it a FIYPNF f!IF c lerk -T re asur r Bills paid October 6, 1970 FIRE DEPARTMENT Robert's Pruq Coast -to -roast Corcoran Hardware Patzlaff Service Station Peonies ':atural Gas northern states Power Central Telephone GENERAL FUND Vorwerk's Gulf Corcoran Hardware motorola Communications Air Comm Mi1!nr navis I!rinn nil rmmnany Carlson Tractor and Equip. Dakota county Trihune Lystads, inc. Postmaster Rohnert Peoples "atural Gas `orthern Mates Power Central Telephone Northern States Power Gross Industrial Towel LIQUfP RFVFNUF. FUND Coast -to -Coast Concord Beverage Co. Old Retch Foods, Inc. Coca Cola Bottling Hanson Pnveraon ro. Southside ni stributi nq Co. nav nistrihutina ro Seven I'n Bottling Alcorn Peverane Co. Ledinn nistrihuting Drentlaw Wholesale Candy Gollene City Revnrage n. r. prone" Beverage Transnnrt Clearings Twin City Juice Southside TV and Appl. Bernard V. "ay and Assoc. Madison Chemical Corp. Cenz =Ryan rorrinan Electric Armstrong Chemical Co. Judge Electric McYcsson Liquor Grigns, Cooner and Co. (continued) 2.33 4,95 7.13 1 5.82 10.95 27.15 56.98 2F.f1 F.6n 22.5n 27.11 1n8.1r Fn.nn 7F.42 32.1n 6.nn 2.3n 405.75 58.51 34.74 2.nn 40.22 1,620.40 11'1.55 27.3n 1,477,05 24.55 7'34.15 F6.9n 640.60 698.95 5'3.05 954.75 6 153.85 66.45 14.6n 29n.nn 49..82 108.14 36.60 16.95 16.40 1,11'.77 1,651.30 68.48 225.98 J (LIr1IInR PFVF^'UE FUND CONTIINUED) Johnson Gros Wholesale 1,809.83 mid Peoria Comnanv, Inc. 161.58 Gross industrial Tovr1 and Garment 9.60 Fd Phillins and Sons 3,267.97 Central Telephone 24.78 Northwest Linen Service 42.12 Peoples Natural Gas n.48 Northern States Prnrer 233.1n Distillers ^istriutinq_ 982.R6 Famous Brands, Inc. 723.24 17,266.98 VILLAG-,E OF RoSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting was duly held at the Village Hall on the 13th day of October, lf7O at B:nn o'clock n.m. The meeting ''as called to order by President Tllery; all members present. Also present were members of the i'tilitins Commission, non Bro!in, James n. Partvlla. mechanical engineer for Greif Pros, and Mr. and "'rs. George 7anriller. Banister Engineering Company's report on the mater supply and storage in the r'illaoe was discussed. No action was taken. Greif Pros. renresentatives were river two conies of the report for review with their insurance comnany. Rohert L. Ehlers of Ehlers and Associates, Inc. was present to discuss the service he could nrovide. Following a MOTION by Finnegan, second by Ford to waive the special use permit, permission was given to Paul Vorwerk Jr. and Dennis 'iivala to operate a filling station at Cedar Street and Highway 3. Ayes were Finnegan, Ford, '"ullerv, !'nutson and fluff. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 13th day of fcto' 107n. Respectfully Submitted, Elf .ne J. fluff fler!:- Treasurer 59 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE 'MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting was duly held at the Village I :all on the 3rd day rf ''overnher, 1 at 7:00 o'clock.n.m. The meeting was called to order by President '"ullery; all members present. !'r. Orlan Soherq of the Dakota County Assessor's office was present to review tax abatements. MnTTO by Puff, second hy Fin.n.rcan to reduce 137210, °osennunt Posr ear' `'ddition, 66' of lots 77 to 2°, flock 1. Land value on these lots is excessive and value is reduced from 4124 to $80 for taxes payable in 197 Ayes were 5.. "OTln" by "ullerv", second by Finnegan to rPd!'ce ;'27171 -7 School Addition, 5233 of lot 4, :A5' of lot 5 to correct dunlication of porch assessment. reduced from $2,82R to 52,282 for taxes payahle 1967, 1 1969 and 1979. Aves were 5. fctoher minutes were read and approved as read. MfTIf'' hy Finnegan, second by Ford to approve the attached list of hills and order them paid from their respective funds. "yes ':ere Finnegan, Ford, ''ullerv, Puff and Knutson. General Fund 1,065.07 Fire Dept. Fund 61.62 Liquor Revenue Fund r 16,370.19 The matter of the Clerk's office telephone listing was discussed. All necessary action to have the phone number listed had been taken. No action was taken on Walter Dornfeld regarding municipal revenue bonds. The Clerk read the Robert Mohr, Justice of Peace, report for October. "oTTf by Ford, second by `"ullery to authorize Clerk to check legality of using Utilities Fund surplus to purchase oronerty for storm sewer runoff and type of purchase aaremmont. we can legally !se, also !r'nther nr not oronerty purchased on this basis could also he used as nark property. Ayes were 5. The Police Study Committee's recommendations were read and discussed. MOTI) Ynutson, second by Finnegan to approve the recommendations and to notify the Town Board of our action. Ayes were 5. "r. Pay Novicki was present to discuss his site plan for apartment constriction. "10TIn by rullerv, second by Finnegan that in vier of pu'lic hearing and anproval of Planning rnnnission to approve "owicri's site plan and layout of one drive\:?ay entering from County !Highway 42 and two driveways from County i iuh'day 33. Priverav entrances were verbally annroved h.v rabiou, county Highway Engineer, ner "r. 'oa'icki. Ayes :rere 5. MOTIOr BY Duff, second by Finnegan to enter into snow removal agreement with State Highway Department for removal of snow on Main Avenue frog "urph" Street to Marian Lane and on Ash Street from Hyland Avenue to Wa rwea Avenue. Ayes were Ford, 8i 62 Finnegan, Mullery, Knutson and Duff. MOTIF`"! by fluff, second by Finnegan to approve application of John Ryan to build an addition to his existinq garage and to order the nermit issued. Aves were 5. MOTION by Mullery, second by Duff to approve the application of James Ahern to build an addition to his existing garage and to order the permit issued. Ayes mare 5. MOTION by Knutson, second by Ford to approve, subject to a 7 foot sethack from the side of his existing home facing Claire Avenue, an application by Donald Ryan to build a double garage and to order the permit. issued. Ayes were 5. MOTION BY Knutson, second by Finnegan to reapprove a building permit application of Lamoert Yards and lack Young for an apartment garage 22' x 1dp' and to order the narmit. issued. Ayes 1 ;'ere 5. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 3rd day of Noverber 197 Respectfully Submitted, is Fu ne J. nuf Clerk- Treasurer Bills approved and ordered paid November 3, 1970. GENEPAL FUND Union 76 Standard Oil nakota County Tribune Lakeside Animal ilosoital State of "innesnta "otort+la communications Vane Hato falenta County Treasurer 2.5n Treasurer, natnta County 67. "unicinal Services, Inc. 325.99 ratzlaff service Station 1 Pnstnaster Rn"nert F.0) Central Telephone 37.05 "'nrthern States Power 405.75 northern States rower 35.29 Pennies natural ras 12.27 Gross Industrial Towel 2.n0 FTPF DFPPPT "FUT FU"!n Peed's Sales Service Rsmt. !'.uto `unply northern States Power Peonies natural Gas Central Telephone 16.99 74.16 22.21 32.59 2.75 6.6n 6.99 9.72 4.49 1'1.34 1 27.15 1.I9 PVVF ".UF F1i "D concord Beverage Co. 1,313.85 Panson Peverage Co. 2,091.50 Collene rite Peverage 1,263.22 Southside nist. 23.75 Coast-tn 23.28 Corcnran Hardware 3.78 Lannert Yards 17.59 "id -Hest nine co., Inc. 6.75 "an Parser r'o. 53.89 n. M. nroney Beverage 41.nn nrentlaw wholesale 191.75 Twin City tone Juice 47.4n Ledinn nistri`iting 897.Po nay nistrihutino 553.69 7-Hp Fottl i nn 92.25 Acorn neverage 498.55 0 1d notch Foods, Inc. 118.'15 `'nndnrland Inc. 194.79 Tra.nsnnrt r,learinas 109. Coca rnla 64.2 Fern construction Co. 455.72 T. S. 'lohr 4n.nn Ps t. 1!tilities Com. 1nn.nD rnrrigan Flectric 32.25 (Continued) 11 61.62 33 64 Liquor Pevenue Fund Continued Northern States Power 16F.1n pennlns natural ras 24.Rn rentral TAlenhnne 31.35 !m. nuinl w nett\/ rash F3. 0 1 Northwnst ITnen Service 34.1R cross Industrial Towel (1.64 '11d =Ynst "inn ro. 1n2.n'1 Fd Phillips Sons 1, °1 rrigns, Cooner s Co. 1,x16.75 old Peoria Co. 1,155.51 Johnson Pros. "thole. 1,nRF.<R fistill°rs nist. Co. 1,7f15.51 1"cKesson Liquor Co. 1,6^n. S 16,17%19 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY JF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting was duly held at the Village Hall on the 1st day of December, 1970 at 7:00 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Mullery; all members present except Finnegan. The November minutes were read and approved as read. MOTION by Ford, second by Knutson to approve the attached list of bills and order them paid from their respective funds. Ayes were Ford, Knutson, Duff and Mullery. General Fund 711. 90 Fire Dept. Fund 5 3•'1 Liquor Revenue Fund IL, r ite'. 1.,/ Mr. Wes Haasbrook, representing the Methodist Church, was present to voice complaints regarding snowmobile damage to their church property. MOTION by Duff, second by Ford to publish a notice to snowmobilers in the county paper and to instruct the police officers to enforce our snowmobile ordinance. Ayes were 4. The Council discussed the League postcard voting and passed the following resolutions III supporting the League's Legislative policies. POTION by Duff, second by Knutson to authbrize the Mayor to vote in favor of "State Guarantee of Local Bond Issues Ayes were 4. MOTION by Knutson, second by Mullery to authorize the Mayor to vote in favor of "Short -Term Financing Ayes were 4. The Clerk gave the Council information relative to "Work Experience Program" and was requested to place the information on file for possible future use. MOTION by Mullery and second by Knutson that the following rubbish pickup licenses were approved and the licenses were ordered issued. Ayes were 4. Mendota Heights Rubbish Service, Inc. William Reid MOTION by Ford, second of Knutson to approve the following cigarette license applica- tions and to order the licenses issued. Ayes were 4. Marvin L. Huber Shamrock Lounge Edward's Restaurant Daniel P. Vorwerk Vorwerk's Gulf Walter Strese Strese Union 76 John VanderAarde Robert's Drugs Paul Vorwerk V N Oil Co. Patrick C. Kirby The Village Inn. R. J. Ruder Ruders Food Center Robert Duffy -Duffy Bros. Mary Erickson Skelly Service Station Don Ratzlaff Ratzlaff 66 Station F. J. McDonough American Legion Post #65 65 66 MOTION by Duff, second by Mullery to transfer $400.00 from the General Fund to the Fire Department Fund. Ayes were Duff, Mullery, Knutson and Ford. The Clerk read the police reports for the months of August, September and October, 1970. The Clerk read State Highway order number 47798 designating County Highway 42 as a Hall Road. The Clerk read the Justice of Peace reports of November 9 and 30, 1970. After a short discussion the Clerk was instructed to leave the annual audit date of December 31, 1970 and to request an interim audit on approximately January 15, 1971. MOTION by Knutson and second by Ford to authorize the Clerk to write a letter to Mr. John C. Schiffman and advise him that the Village is interested in retaining him as a dog catcher under a ticket system. Fee to be paid to be $3.00 per dog impounded or $3.00 per ticket issued. Ayes were 4. The Clerk then read the MMC order consolidating the Village and Town into the Village of Rosemount to be effective as soon as officers are sworn in following the January 12, 1971 election. There being no further bisiness the meeting adjourned this 1st day of December, 1970. Respectively Submitted, Ct rL �I Eug J. buff Clerk- Treasurer Bills Paid at the December 1, 1970 reguiir Council meeting. N FIRE DEPARTMENT Rosemount Auto Supply H. J. Geraghty ,Agency Donald McNearney Vorwerk's Gulf Ratzliff Service Station Hanson Drug Cedric's Bernier Motor Co. Robert's Drug Peoples Natural Gas Northern States Power Central Telephone GENERAL FUND Phillips Petroleum Shangri La Motorola Communications Lakeside Animal Hospital Jerome Trevis Wilroy Company Coast -to -Coast Lyle Signs, Inc. E. J. McDonald Miller -Davis State of Minnesota Postmaster Bohnert Northern States Power Peoples Natural Gas Northern States Power Gross Industrial Towel Service Central Telephone Company LIQUOR REVENUE FUND McKesson Liquor Electro Watchman Minn. -Wis. Truck Lines Transport Clearings College City Beverage Leding Distributing Sunderland, Inc. Coca Cola Bottling Seven =Up Bottling Concord Beverage Judge Electric Day Distributing Old Dutch Foods Alcorn Beverage 415.90 Twin City Home Jutce St. Paul Bar Restaurant Smith Grain Van Paper Company over 12.89 191.00 60.00 4.32 42.05 31.86 66.45 32.05 5.67 31.58 18.73 27.15 44.04 18.62 6.60 14.00 29.00 44.25 9.46 10.39 4.00 22.40 2.45 7.50 22.72 23.23 410.63 2.00 40.61 1,174.26 15.50 11.74 123.43 192.00 643.85 21.00 87.15 75.45 1,610.95 28.80 296.05 49.80 415.90 49.03 79.20 12.00 82.50 1x1. 68 National Cash REgister Co. Southside Distributing Peoples Nautural Gas Drentlaw Wholesale Candy Hanson Beverage Griggs, Cooper Co., Inc. Northern States Power Distillers Distributing Northwest Linen Service Johnson Bros. )63.92 Griggs, Cooper, Inc. Famous Brands Old Peoria, Inc. Central Telephone Gross Industrial Ed Phillips and Sons 13.57 20.10 93.25 95.85 2,266.80 948.81 142.90 1,139.78 37.56 963.92 277.10 1,331.74 973.69 25.33 9.60 3,453.33 L, 7(01914 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of annual election held December 8, 1970. The judges of the annual election were: Mrs. Donna McDonough Mrs. Marie Uitdenbogerd Mr.A. J. Panzer At the hour of 12:00 o'clock Noon the above judges and the Clerk took the oath of office, the polls were forthwith opened by proclamation and the election proceeded by ballot without adjournment or intermission until closed at 8:00 o'clock p.m. The candidates voted on at such election as stated in the notice thereof were: Two Trustees for the term of three years each One Justice of the Peace for the term of two years One Constable for the term of two years. At 8:00 o'clock in the evening of said day, the polls, a proclamation thereof having been made by one of the judges thirty minutes previous thereto, closed. The judges then proceeded to publicly count the ballots and a true statement was proclaimed and filed as provided by law. The Canvass Board met on the night of December 8, 1970 to review and accept the results as presented by the election judges. The results of the election were as follows: 69 Plan Ford Trustee C. E. Stauffer Trustee Richard Johnson- Justice of the Peace Ray McNamara Constable. MOTION BY Duff, second by Finnegan to approve a cigarette license application and to order the license issued to Bill's Dairy Store. Ayes were 5. MOTION by Knutson, second by Ford to approve building permits for Broback Builders at 401 Cedar, 408 Cedar and 409 Cedar subaect to the requirement that the driveways be hard surfaced as stated in a previously passed resolution. Ayes were Mullery, Ford, Knutson, Finnegan and Duff. On motion the meeting adjourned this 8th day of December, 1970. Respectfully Submitted, i Eugene J1 Duf Clerk- Treasurer VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting was duly held at the Village Hall on the 5th day of January, 1971 at 7:00 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by P. F. Finnegan, acting mayor, with all members present except Mayor Francis Mullery. Councilmen Eldon Stauffer and Alan Ford, Constable Ray McNamara and Justiceoof the Peace Richard Johnson were sworn in. MOTION by Finnegan, second by Ford to appoint Eugene Duff as Clerk- Treasurer. Ayes were 4. The December minutes were read and approved as read. MOTION by Knutson, second by Ford to approve the attached list of bills and order them paid from their respective Funds. Ayes were Ford, Knutson, Finnegan and Stauffer. General Fund Fire Dept. Fund 3,313.50 223.59 Liquor Revenue Fund 17,121.36 A thank you from the Jake Fox family was read. MOTION by Finnegan, second by Stauffer to order 6 Village Handbooks from the League of Minnesota Municipalities. Ayes were 4. MOTION by Knutson, second by Ford to issue a cigarette license for 1971 to Foster Standard Service. Ayes were 4. The Minnesota Municipal Commission order dated December 11, 1970 relative to the petition of Lakeville Village was read. A copy of the December 15, 1970 letter from Edward McMenomy to Emma Ryan regarding purchase of land was read and placed on file. County Assessor Soberg was present regarding an abatement for David Roloff for 1967, 196R, 1969, 1970 and 1971. MOTION by Finnegan, second by Knutson to approve the abatement. Ayes were 4. Letters dated December 22, 1970 and December 28, 1970 from Hammel Green and Abraham- son relative to installation of fire hydrants and new water mains were referred to the utilities Commission. Snowmobile complaints were discussed. Ray Tousignant was advised to enforce the snowmobile ordinance relative to operation on sidewalks and private property. r l A letter from Kenneth Anderson, county traffic engineer, relative to driveways for the proposed Erickson Station at County Road 42 and Hyland Avenue was read. No action was taken. Ken Monson and H. Hanson were present representing the Planning Commis- sion and presented their case relative to publication of a public hearing notice for January 6, 1971. It was mutually agreed that the Planning Commission would hold the public hearing on January 6, 1971 and would at that time pass a resolution authorizing a Notice of Public (fearing to be held January 26, 1971. 72 Salaries were set for the month of January, 1971 at $17.00 for each councilman, $20.00 for the Mayor and $175.00 for the clerk- treasurer. MOTION was by Finnegan, second by Knutson and ayes were Ford, Stauffer, Knutson and Finnegan. MOTION by Ford, second by Stauffer that the following official designations be approved: Ayes were 4. The 30 mile -ner -hour speed limit east on County Road 42 was discussed. Finnegan will check with the county tratffic engineer requesting another 30 mph sign posted near the Zanmiller residence. The current position on outstanding bonds was reviewed. The December 30, 1970 letter from Banister Engineering relative to sending preliminary study to Haarstick, Lundgren Associates, Inc. was read. MOTION by Finnegan, second by Stauffer to approve a building permit to install bedrooms in existing attic for Thomas K. French was made. Ayes were 4. Police reports for November, 1970 and December, 1970 were read. MOTION by Ford, second by Stauffer to pay Ray Tousignant $220.40 for miscellaneous expenses during 1970. Ayes were Ford, Stauffer, Finnegan and Knutson. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 5th day of January, 1971. Respectfully Subm9tted ug e J. Duff Clek- Treasurer Newspaper- Dakota County Tribune Depositories -First State Bank Acting Mayor -P. F. Finnegan Health Officers -Dr. R. Mardell and Dr. R. Erickson Street Commissioner -P.F. Finnegan Liquor Commissioner Leland Knutson Dakota County Planning Representative -Alan Ford Weed Inspector Francis Mullery. Utilities Commission'Francis r°ullery and Richard Heinen. Planning Commission: Kenneth MOnson, Robert Toombs and Richard Corcoran. 1 1 Bills to be paid January 5, 1971 LIQUOR REVENUE FUND Rosemount Utilities Twin City Home Juice Old Dutch Foods Coca Cola Alcorn Beverage Co. College City Beverage Hanson Beverage Co. Day Distributing Co. Drentlaw Wholesale Candy and Tobacco Leding Distributing College City Beverage Cash Register Sales, Inc. O.M. Droney (leverage Transport Clearings Beverage Journal Van Paper Company Sunderland, Inc. Seven -Up Coast -to -Coast Minnesota State Board of Health Wm. Quigley, petty cash Central Telephone Johnson Bros. Wholesale McKesson Liquor Co. Famous Brands Ed Phillips Griggs, Cooper Co. Northern States Power Northwest Linen Service Gross Iidustrial Towel Peoples Natural Gas Orchard Garden Upholstery Old Peoria Co., Inc. Distillers Distributing FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND Minnesota State Fire Dept. Assoc. Minn. State Fire Chiefs' Assoc. Bernier Motor Co. Dr. R. L. Erickson Coast =to -Coast Northern States Power Peoples Natural Gas Central Telenhone 100.00 68.25 105.00 39.80 560.60 707.35 1,852.10 636.50 71.10 656.60 1,539.25 191.82 13.46 139.72 3.00 37.66 98.50 168.20 10.61 12.00 66.17 24.99 1,460.75 387.88 723.82 3,285.06 1,318.45 133.30 27.37 14.40 127.03 65.00 1,003.06 1,472.56 20.00 17.00 41.74 16.00 26.36 12.09 63.25 27.15 $17,121.36 223.59 73 74 GENEPAL REVENUE FUND Lakeside Animal Hospital 61.50 Vic's Welding 160.50 Dakota County Tribune 82.52 Monroe 60.00 Motorola Communications 6.60 Kane Auto 5.00 Lystads, Inc. 32.10 Karmaster 4.50 West St. Paul Municipal Court 15.00 Reisinger Excavating 99.00 Toombs Insurance Agency 50.00 Grannis Grannis 755.00 Lyle Sign Co. 50.61 Union Oil Company 91.49 Corrigan Electric 361.70 Coast -to -Coast 7.83 Genz -Ryan Plumbing 15.25 Lampert Lumber Yards 477.19 Postmaster Bohnert 9.00 Lawrence Kasel 428.80 Central Telephone 43.70 Peoples Natural Gas 48.51 Northern States Power 36.20 Gross Industrial Towel 2.00 Northern States Power 409.50 3,313.50 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting was duly held at the Village Hall on the 11th day of January, 1971 at 8:00 o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by P. F. Finnegan, acting mayor, with all members present except "ayor Francis !."ullery. The minutes of the Jan. 5, 1971 meeting were read and approved as read. MOTION by Knutson, second by Ford to approve the attached list of bills and order them paid from their respective Funds. Ayes were Ford, Knutson, Finnegan and Stauffer. Eugene J. Duff Clerk- Treasurer General Fund $258.39 Fire Department '1',Q '35 Ed McMenomy letter dated Jan. 11, 1971 relative to offer of Emma Ryan property was read. MOTION by Knutson, second by Finnegan to table action and correspondence with recommendation to new Village Council for early consideration. Ayes were 4. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned this llth day of January, 1971. Respectfully Submitted 1 t Bills submitted for payment January 11, 1971 GENERAL FUND Phillips Petroleum Miller Davis Gross Industrial Central Telephone Stauffer Acctg. Service League of Minneeoba Municipalities Ed mcMenomy FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND Central Telephone Bernier Motors 54.03 4.51 2.00 42.10 1.75 39.00 115.00 27.15 15.70 $258.39 42.85 77