HomeMy WebLinkAbout36814 - JANUARY 2, 1962 - JULY 5, 19661 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held January 2, 1962. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the December, 1961 meeting were read and approved excepting that the Clerk was instructed tc change the Minutes to read that Corrigan w ade the motion approving the payment to Nick Fox and Ward seconded the motion. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan and upon unanimous approval of the Council the `cllo::ing bills were approved an ordered paid from their respective funds. General Fund Vorwerk Texaco .55 Ratzls_ff Service 6.90 Dakota County Tribune 24.00 Miller-Davis-clerks supplies 18.18 George Fischer- grading 14.00 Feo;'_es Natural Gas Hall 15.07 -Fire Station 3 Northern States Power C_. -Hall 1.27 Traffic signal 18.24 Street lights 329.17 'ire Station. 9.96 Frank Kreitz -care of dump 51. John Hawkins- police duty 70.00 Lystad's Exterminatrdrs' 30.00 Ben The Digger 27.00 H. J. Geraghty Agency- treasurers bond 15.00 Justice of the Peace Bond 9. Lampbrt Yards- material for hall 244.02 LIQUOR FUND Northern States Power Co. Peoples Natural Gas Utilities Commission Burns Accounting Service Coca Cola Bottling Co. Old Dutch Foods Seven Up Bottling Co. Concord Beverage Co. Hansen Beverage Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Medford Distribuitng Co. Buckingham Beverage Co. Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines, Inc. Griggs, Cooper Co. Ed. Phillips Sons Co. M 'Fine Co. Distillers Distributing Co. Famous Brands, Inc. McKesson ?obbing Midwest Cigar Corporation Fritz Wholesale Co. 47.86 44.85 156.75 46.24 70.35 20.25 39.40 746.61 295.87 457.64 26.05 173.96 35.66 141.66 422.72 42. 417.74 398.29 321.64 17.60 94.75 The Clerk read the following letters: MAX A letter from Mr. F. 1. Woodward, Director of Division` of Environmental Sanitation stating that they had aeproved the plans for a pumphouse. A letter from Attorney General Mondale reg:dling the Unifrom Traffic Ticket. A letter from Banister Engineering Co. relative to the establishment of basement elevations for Lets 8,9,11, and 12 of Marion Terrace a plat 42. Aletter from Wm. C. Harrison, M.P. regarding the condition the Village water sueelies. A letter from Mr. Lyle H. Smith, Acting Executive Engineer of the Water Pollution Control Coy mission regar^in approval of sewer lines in Marion Terrace Ryplat 12. Aletter from Mr. F. L. Woodward, Directof of Division of Environmental Sanitiation stating theat theytad approve the plans for watermain extensions. On motion of Francis i4ullery and upon second of Finnegan the Council unanimously agreed to contact Sherriff C. L. Cherry regarding contracting for additional police protection. O motion of Duff and second of ',lard the Dakota County T was designated as the Official Newspaper of the Village and the First State Bank was designated as the official Depositary for the Village. Ayes were 5. On motion of Mullery and second of Corrigan the Council unanimously approved the sending of Mayor Ward to Kansas City, Missouri regarding negotiations with the University of Minnesota and the Federal Government relative to the use of the S Treatzent Plant. Mr. Ward is :o be reimbursed for his expenses and for any wages lost,from his regular job during this trip. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery the firm of McMenomy and Hertogs were retained by the Village as Legal Consellors. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan and unamimou$ approval of the Council Dr. Mardell and Dr. Erickson were appointed Health Officers for the Village. Mayor Ward made the following appointments to the Dakota County Planning Commission George Ward, Hobert Toombs, Harold Almquist and Francis Mullery. Ayes tree 5. On motion of Ward and upon second of Mullery the Clerk was authorized to nmti£y the Rosemount Town Board that the rent for the use of the Village Hall would be ,25.00 per month beginning January 1, 1962. Ayes were 5. Mayor Ward appointed Francid Mullery Weed Inspector for'the year 1962. There being no business the meeting ar5journed this and day of January, 1962. Respectfully bubmitted, £eik 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held January 19, 1962. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members present excepting Finnegan. On motion of Corrigan and second of Mullery the following applications for Cigarette licenses were approved and the licenses ordered issued. Al's Care Duffy Brothers Hagemeister Fairway Eddy Drug Co. American Legion Post #65 Vorwerk T Strese Pure Oil On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Clerk was a uthorized to transfer $1,958.77 from the 1959 Improvement Fund to the Liquor Store Fund. Ayes were 4. On motion of Corrigan and second of M the Clerk and Treasurer were authorized to invest surplus funds at their discretion for the year 1962. Ayes were 4. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 19th day of January, 1962. R`spectfully submitted, 3 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regulaf meeting held February 6. 1962. Meeting gilled to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the January meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. LIQUOR STORE Gene Gustayson -paid out 48.23 Northern States Power Co. 50.85 Peoples Natural Gas 57.05 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 57. Concord Beverage Co. 730.37 Hanson Beverage Co. 310.13 Seven -Up Bottling Co. 6.20 Buckingham Beverage Co. 113.49 Alcorn Beverage Co. 338.62 0 1d Dutch Foods 21.15 Burns Accounting Service 67.3 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines 47.39 Northwest Linen Service 4.50 Griggs, Cooper Co. 365.3 Distillers Distributing Co. 1,057.82 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 2, Medford Distributing Co. 24.30 Ed. °hillips Sons Co. 59 McKesson Robbins 413.26 Fritz Wholesale Co. 73.00 Dick Klatt -labor 67.50 A. J. McDonough JI,i*d 30.00 Francis J. Galdonick -labor 73.50 GENERAL FUND John Hawkins -extra police 28.00 George McDonough- grading 7.50 Norris Pederson- carinsuraneo and labor 60.49 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 39.26 -Fire Station 55.10 Central Telephone Co.- Police 9.33 Fire phones 16.85 Northern States Power Co. -Fire Station 10.73 Hall 1.80 Traffic Light 17.52 street lights 335.00 Melby Landscaping- grading streets 25.00 Frank Krietz -care of dump and storm sewer labor 45.25 Emil Palmer -labor at hall 250.00 Dakota County Tribune proceedings 10.80 Centr:.1 Telephone Co. -Fire 17.30 Police 9.33 Toombs Insurance Agency-Workmen's Compensation 415.78 Hall and Contents 23.21 Fire Station building 45.18 H. J. Geraghty Agency -Hall and contents 23.21 5 Dakota County Highway Department 6 5. 4 3 Ratzlaff Service 5. Ray's Welding grading 15.00 Ftuegel Elevator removal of snow 315.50 Lampert Yards, Inc. material for hall 29.20 Paul Vorwerk Son Oil Co -fuel for grader 6.80 The Council discussed kid[ with Mr. Robbins, Mr. Don Paul and Mr. Covey their proposed franchise with the Village. several changes were proposed and Mr. Robbins agreed to discuss them with the N rthern Natural Gas Company's Legal Departme -t. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan and with unamimous approval Of the Council the application of Wm. Warner and August Ratzlaff for Cigarette licenses for the year of 1962 were approved. 0, motion of Duff and second of Mullery the salary of N Pederson was set at $400.00 per month and the salary of the part time police officer was set at $15.36 per day, carexpenses were left as is. Ayes were 5, Nayes 0. The Mayor read a letter from Banister Engineering Co. relative to the installation of a furnace in the Village Hall. No action was taken pending a further meeting of the Council. The minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of January 30, 1962 were read by the Clerk. The Clerk read the report of the Youth Commission for the year 1961. The Clerk read the reports of the Utilities Commission for the year 1961. On motion of 2..c n nnaa--q+/ tv and second of the Council unanimously approved the, folloViing resolution. RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution passed by the Council on January 19, 1962 the Banister Engineering Company has prepared plans and specifications for the im- provement of John Street between the West Line of Hyland Avenue and the West line of Park Avenue and Park Avenue from the N line of Ash Street and the Notth line of Johh Street and has presented such plans and specifications to the for approval.: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE OF ROSE.M0UNT, MINNESOTA:: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which are attached hereto and made a Dart hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The village clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper ands advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for 10 days, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be opened and considered by the council at 7:30 PM on March 6, 1962, in the council chambers of the Village of Rosemount and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a chsh deposti, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the clerk for 5 per cent of the amount of sucg bid. Adopted by the council this 6th day of February, 190 I c W President 447 C Vi age There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 6th day of February, 1962. Re submitted, Vill Cldlk /O VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held February 27, 1962. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. Also present at the meeting were: Mr. Henry Broback Mr. Ed. Povwol Mr. H. Almquist Mr. R. Toombs Mr. H. Hanson Mr. E. Gruber Dr. R. Mardell Mr. H. J. Geraghty Mr. P. Jones Mr. L. Bluegel The minutes of the February 13, 1962 meeting of the Planning Commission were read by the Clerk. The minutes referered to the proposed annexation of approximately 31 acres of Edwin Rahn's Second addition to the Village. Some of the problems discussed by the above group were the installation of septic tanks, the furnishing of water by the Village, the necessary storm sewers to be installed b, Broback Builders, the deeding of certain lobs to the Village for Park purposes and other related problems. After considers ble discussion there seem bo be no objection on the part of anyone present to the annexation. The matter of the size Commission for further There being no further 1962. Respectfully submitted, Broback Builders Planning Commission 11 11 M N N Utilities Commission M R and location of the Parks was referred to the Planning discussion. business the meeting adjourned this 27th day of February, 7 8 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held March 6, 1962. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the February meetings were read and approved as re On motion of Mullery and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their funds. GENERAL FUND Construction Bulletin -adv. for bids 14.00 Central Telephone Co. -Fire Department 17.55 Police Department 1.98 Lystad's Exterminators 30.00 Vorwerk's Texaco 33.70 Strese Pure Oil 1 .35 Frank Kreitz -care of dump 41.50 Northern States Power Co.- Traffic signal 15.12 -Fire Department 12.58 Hall 1.00 Street lights 33 Dakota County Tribune proceedings 30.05 Melby Landscap$ng -snow removal 50.00 Miller -Davis Co.- clerks supplies 2 .7 2 Ratzlaff Service 12.00 Eugene Duff- Office supplies 11.30 Corrigan Electric 22 .37 LIQUOR FUND Richard Klatt -labor 88.50 F. J. Galdonik -labor 129.00 Northern States Power Co. 43.88 Old Dutch Foods 21.60 Cosa-Cola Bottling Co. 46 .5 1 Hanson Beverage Co. 335.79 Seven Upt Bottling Co. 7.60 Stuart Janitor Supply Co. 5.70 Buckingham Beverage, Inc. 134.68 Concord Beverage Co. 881.54 Burns Accounting Service 67.67 Alcorn Beverage Co. 2 Minnesota- Wieconain Truck Linea, Inc. 40.78 Medford Distributing Co. 1 Northwest Linen Service 23.93 Griggs, Cooper Co. 274.01 Northwest Linen Service 24 .59 McKesson Robbins 156.90 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 1899.28 Old Peoria Co., Inc. 4 06. 2 7 Distillers Listributing Co. 512118 711.76 Northwest Cigar Corp. 17.60 Fritz Wholesale Co. 70.01 The Clerk read a League bulletin relative to extension courses for Village officials and employees. 1 The Mayor read a copy of a letter adressed to property owners who permitted trailers to be carked on their property. This letter was written at the request of the Council by the Village Attorney. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Clerk was authorized to transfer the balance of .472.57 from the Water Assessment prior to 1956 Fund to the Utilities Commission. Ayes were 5. Mayor Ward read a letter relative th the Fire Department Relief Association after it which it was referred to the Fire Department. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the improvement of John Street from its intersection with Hyland :+venue to its intersection with XKKJ(XSit'7EEX Park Avenue and Park Avenue from its intersection with Ash St. to its intersection with John Street, bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the ad- vertisement: Solberg Construction Co. Base Bid $13,913.60 Alt. Bid $14,585.60 Bituminous Surface Treating 18,397.00 19,633.00 RiepFer Roadways 16,907.10 17,432.70 Craig J. Alexander flat§ 19,819.00 19,841.30 Northwest Bituminous Co. 19, 19.775.50 AND WHEREAS, it appears that the Solberg Company of Inver Grove, Minnesota is the lowest responsible bidder, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE ODUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA: 1. The mayor and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into the attached contract with the Solberg Construction Company of Inver Grove, Minnesota in the name of the Village of Rosemount for the improvement of John street and Park Avenue according to plans and specifications therefor approved by the Village Council and on file in the office of the Village Clerk. 2. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bide, except that the deposits of the successful bidders and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been sinned. The foregoing resolution was duly adopted on motion of Ward and second of Finnegan this 6th day of March, 1962. Attest: Euge George Ward, Mayor The Clerk read the Planning Commission minutes of the meeting held February 27, 1962. After a lengthy discussion it was mutually agreed that if the Broback Builders would be willing to underwrite the cost of installing water lines the balance of the problems could be worked out satisfactor$ly to both parties. The Council agreed to a z special meeting when Broback Builders had reached their decision. AgAIMill The Gas Franchise was discussed further and the Council suggested a low limit of 950 B.T.U.'s per cubic foot of gas be substituted for the Gas companies low limit of 900 B.T.U.'S per cubic foot. 9 10 Mr. Pascall Stelter was present to discuss the elevation of the street in front of his property. He was informed by the Mayor that an elevation would be secured and riven to him. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 6th day of March, 1962. R submitted, 4c ge C erk VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held March 23, 1962 Meeting Balled to order by President Ward, all members were present. The Council discussed in detail with Arthur and Henry Broback the proposed annexation of approximately thirty one acres of Edwin Rahn's Second Addition to the township of Rosemount. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Clerk was authorized to wtite a letter to "Whom It May Concern" stating that subject to the actual annexation of the proposed plat that Lot 3, Block 5 would be accepted by the Village for public use and Outlot number 1, Block 2 would be accepted by the Village for future street use and that the Village would provide continuous maintenance after acceptance. Ayes were 5. Tke Clerk read a letter From Banister Engineering Company relative to the closing of Park Avenue north of John Street. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Clerk was requested to write a letter to St. John Lutheran Church requesting their position to the closing of this street. Ayes were 5. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 23rd day of March, 1962. Respectfully submitted, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, DAKOTA COUNTY, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held April 3, 1962. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the March meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and secodd of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. Ayes were 5. General Rosemount Ekaeavating Co. -snow removal 25.00 Central Telephone Co.- Police Department 3.50 -Fire Department 17.25 Northern States Power Co. -Fire 10.18 Hall 1.00 Traffic Light 16.25 Street Lights 334.17 Peoples Natural Gas -Fire Department 68.90 -Hall 66.05 Frank Kreitz -care of dump 56.25 D. L. Fish- plasterin- ha 11 39.95 Ratzlaff Service -snow removal at dump 23.20 John Hawkins -extra police duty 91.75 Dakota County Tribune proceedings 18.40 Ray's Welding -snow removal 55.50 Fluegel Elevator, Inc. -snow removal 402.75 F.R. S. Conctruction Co. -snow remvoal 90.00 Vic's Welding -snow removal 23.63 St. Paul Stamp Works -dog tags 10.65 Phillippi Equipmeng Co.- grader repairs 134.85 R. F. Seickert- Street work 45.75 Norris Pederson -extra time 55.08 Joe Cunniff- grading streets 85.00 Vorwerk Texaco grader repairs 54.71 Utilities Commission Northern States Power Co. Peoples Natural Gas Co. Gene Gustayson -paid outs McKesson Robbins Famous Bfands, Inc. Griggs, Cooper Co. Burns Accounting Service Seven Up Bottling Co. Concord Beverage Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Northwest Cigar Corp. Medford Distributing Co. Buckingham Beverage Co. 8 Alcorn Beverage Co. MeladyPPaper Co. Old Dutch Feods LIQUOR FUND 155.55 46.29 66.80 53.64 164.05 286.36 245.34 67.14 24.45 786.31 300.36 55.75 3 27.65 166.65 387.00 53.00 2 1.75 11 12 Fritz Wholesale Co. 92.60 Minnesota Widconsin Truck L nes, Inc. 46.96 Distillers "igtributing Co.` 573.22 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 1152.81 RESOLUTI ON DECLARING ADEQUACY OF PETITION AND ORDERING PREPARAT.ION OF REPORT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA. 1. A certain petition requesting the improvement of John Street between the intersection with Park avenue and 5th avenue, Conley Street between its in- tersection with 4th Avenue and 5th Avenue, Murphy Street between its intersection with 4th Avenue and Sth Avenue, All of 5th Avenue and 4th Avenue, is hereby declared to be signed by the required percentage of owners of property affected thereby. This declaration is made in conformity to Minnesota Statutes., Sec. 429.035. 2. The petition is hereby referred to the Banister Engineering Company and they are instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement and the estimated cost of the improvement as re- commedded: Adopted by the council this 3rd day of April, 1962. President of the Council The Clerk reeda letter from St. John Lutheran Church requesting that Park-Ave. North of John Street be kept opened aed that it be brought to the proper elevation M graveled. The Mayor instructed the Clerk to set up a meeting btween the Village Council and the Trustees of St. Obhn L Church at 6:00 i'clock PM on the evening of April 10, 1962. Meetingplace at the inteesection of John S and Park Avenue. The Clerk was authorised to write a letter to the residents of the Broback development requesting their presence at a special meeting to be held in the Village Hall at 8:00 o'clock PM on April 10, 1962. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss their annexation to the Village. On motion of Ward and second of Duff the council approved the listing of the rerular meeting of the council on the Band Calendar. `yes were 5. Several members of the Commercial Club were present to discuss with represent ativesof Central Telephone Co. their proposed phone rate increase. The Clerk read a letter from Gera Burns advising the council when he would be able to make his quarterly audit of the L Store. The minutes of the planning commission were read by the Clerk. The Mayor agreed to check into the possibility of installing a short wave radio in the Police car. There being nor further business the meeting adjourned his lay pf ril, 1962. Respectfully submitted, ^Clerk VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held April 10, 1962. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. Most of the residents of Rahn's addition to the Township of Rosemount were present to discuss with the Council their proposed annexation to the Village. After hearing arguments for and against annexation and zznxistg answering all questions the Council could find no serious objections to annexing the area and decided to proceed accordingly subject tits to the annexation of Rahn's si=cond addition to the Village. The Council then discussed further problems second addition to the Village with Messrs. and Ordinances were returned to the Village There being no further business the meeting R bubmitted, regarding the annexation of Rahn's Henry and Arthur Broback. Agreements Attorney for rewriting. adjourned this lOth day of April, 1962. 13 14 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held May 1, 1962. Meeting called to odder by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the April meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and 'ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND Ratzlaff Service 5.35 John Hawkins -extra police 7 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 4 0.13 -Fire Department 40.83 Northern States Power Co. -Fire Department 9.02 -Hall 1.00 Traffio 17.22 Street lights 33 Frank Kreitz 85. H. J. Geraghty Agency 93.30 Joe Cutiniff =labor 81.60 Paul Vorwerk Son Oil Co. 17.16 LIQUOR FUND Burns Accounting Service 71.88 Northern States Power Co. 46. Peoples Natrual Gas 44 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 50.35 Old Dutch Foods 18 4 5 Seven Up Bottling Co. 20.40 Medford Distributing Co. 15.70 Buckinfham Beverage Co. 177.11 Concord Beverage Co. 890.20 Alcorn Beverage Co. 364.66 Hanson Beverage Co. 30 Northwest Linen Service 29.18 Minnesota- Wisconsin Truck L 26.26 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 568.24 Distillers Distributing Co. 5 Grids, Cooper So., Inc. 163.5 Old Peoria, Inc. 162.94 Famous Brands, Inc. 106.74 Northwest Cirar Corporation 17.60 Fritz Wholesale Co. 73.95 The National Cash Register Co. 64.10 The Council agreed on a special meeting to be held Monday, May 7. 1962 to discuss with Banister Engineering Co. their tentative plans for street improvements. Time bo be at 7:00 PM. The Clerk was asked to invited Mr. Springsted to the me4 -ting to help us set things for a bond issue to finance the cost of improvements. The Banister Engineering Co. presented the Council with an Interim Report for Eipansimn of Sanitary Sewer Facilities in Rosemount, Minnesota. The Council agreed to study the proposals and to discuss them further at the May 7, 1968 meeting. 1 1 On motion of Ward and second of Duff the application of Ella Wenzel to remove a garage and to construct a toolt shed was approved. Ayes were 5. Mr. Mrs. John Lewis were present to dtn= discuss the improvement of the Wm. 6 Bart t. a1 The Council agreed to fill the holes with gravel and to have the alanc$`of the a when the Contractor was working on the improvement of John Street and Park Avenue. 1 1 On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the application of R. Anderson to build a garage was approved. Ayes were 5. On motion of Mullery and second of Ward the application of B. Murphy to build a garage was approved. Ayes were 5. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the application of D. Thull to build a garage was approved. Ayes were 5. On motion of Corrigan and second of Ward the application of B. Sekall to build a garage was approved. Ayes were 5. The Clerk read the minutes of the Planning Commission meetings for April. Mr. Hanson of the Planning Commission was present to invite the Council to attend their meeting to be Held May 29, 1962. The purpose of the mee:.ing to be to dis— cuss a new Zoning Ordinance. The Clerk read a letter from the County Assessor relative to the equalization meeting proposed to be held on June 28, 1962. The Clerk was instructed to write the Assessor and surgeta change to June 13, 1962. On motion of Duff and second of Mullety and upon unanimous approval of the Council the Clerk was authorized to prepare an advertisement for bids for a police car. To include a siren, 6 cylinder motor, a spotlight and a red flasher si€nal. On motion of Finnegan and second of Ward the Council passed a resolutimn approving the oiling of gravel streets,excepting those which are being improved during 1962, and authorizing the Clerk to bill the property owners benefited for the cost of the oil and installation. Ayes were 5. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 1st day of May, 1962. Respectfully submitted, 15 EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, HELD MAY 7, 1962 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, was duly called and held at the Council Chambers in said Village on the 7th day of May, 1962, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. The following members were present: Ward, Duff, Corrigan, Finnegan and Mullery and the following members were absent: None Member Ward introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION RECEIVING PRELININARY REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT, CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING THEREON, APPROVING FINAL PLANS AND SPECI- FICATIONS AND CALLING FOR ADVERTISEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION BIDS WHEREAS, a preliminary report has been prepared by Banister Engineering Co. of St. Paul, consulting engineers, with respect to the improve- ments described in the notice of hearing hereinafter set forth, and WHEREAS, said engineers have advised this Council that the said improvements are feasible and should best be made as proposed in the notice of public hear- ing thereon, and WHEREAS, the Village Council deems it necessary and expedient that the Village of Rosemount construct the aforesaid improvements in accordance with the report, and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable to advertise for bids on said proposed improvements immediately so that the cost thereof will be available at the time of the public hearing, and WHEREAS, the consulting engineers have prepared plans and specifications for said improvements and have presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota: 1. A public hearing will be held at the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota at the Council Chambers on Monday, the 28th day of May, 1962 at 7:00 o'clock F.M. (CDST) to consider said improvements. 2. The nature of the improvement, the estimated cost thereof, and the area proposed to be assessed therefor, are described in the form of Notice of Hearing hereinafter set forth. 3. Said improvement is hereby designated Street Improvement of 1962. 4. The plans and specifications therefor, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved and ordered placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. 5. The notice of public hearing shall be in substantially the following form: -2- NOTICE OF HEARING ON IMP3oV =N.ENTS Notice is hereby given that the Village Council of the Village of 2osernount, Dakota County, Minnesota, will melt at the Council Chambers at the Villaae of Rosemount, at 7:00 ctclock P...., CDE on McnJiay, May 23, 1962, for the purpose of holdino a public hear- ing relative to the construction of the following improvements: Grading, installation of: Gravel Base, Bituminous Surfacino, Con- crete Curb and Nutter, and Concrete Driveways on the following streets: John Street from Park Avenue to Fifth Avenue Conley Street from Fourth Avenue to Fifth Avenue Murphy Street from Fourth Avenue to Fifth Avenue Fourth Avenue from John Street to 112 north of Murphy Street Fifth Avenue from Ash Street to 112 north of Murphy Street Two Dry Wells to dispose of storm water drainage at the intersection of Fourth Avenue and John Street, Storm Sewer on John Street from Fourth Avenue to connect to the ex- isting Storrs Sewer at John Street and Fifth Avenue. The estimated cost of the foregoing improvements is $75,922. Grading and installation of: Gravel Base, Bituminous Surfacing, Concrete Curb and Gutter, and Concrete Driveways on Park Avenue from John Street north to the corporate limits at an estimated cost of $4,980, It is proposed to assess all or part of the cost of said improve- ments against all property abuttin•2 thereon, which assessments shall be based upon the benefits derived. 411 persons wishing to be heard relative to said proposed improve ,nents may appear at said time and place and present their objections, if any, to said improvents. fhe Council proposes to proceed pursuant to Chapter 429, Minnesota Statutes Annotated. Dated May 16, 1962. BY O;DEF, OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL /s/ Eugene J. Duff Village Clerk The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member Duff, and upon a vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Ward, Duff, Corrigan, Finnegan and Mullery and the following voted against the same: None XbX Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Whereupon member Duff introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING CONSTRUCTION BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published for at least 10 days and shall specify the work to be done and shall state that bids will be publicly opened and considered by the Council at 8:00 o'clock P.M. (CDST) on Monday, the 28th day of May, 1962, at the Council Chambers and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, bid bond, cashier's check or certified check payable to the Clerk for five per cent 5 fl of the amount of such bid. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member Corrigon, and upon a vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Ward, Duff, Corrigan, Finnegan and Mullery and the following voted against the same: None -4- Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing ex- tract of minutes of a special meeting of the Village Council of the said Village held on May 7, 1962, with the original thereof on file in my office and the same is a full, true and complete transcript therefrom insofar as the same relates to resolutions receiving preliminary report on improvement, calling a public hearing thereon, approving plans and spe- cifications and ordering advertisement for construction bids. WITNESS my hand as such Clerk and the corporate seal of the Village this (Z7 day of June 1962. (sea) 6 Village Clerk VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held May 7, 1962. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Council regretfiully accepted the resignation of Dr. Raymond Hardell from the Planning Commissithn. On motion of Duff and second of Ward the Council unani®ously agreed to negotiate with the University of Minnesota in accordance with plan #2 as the preferred route to the disposal plant on the University Reaeardh Center. Plan #2 is taken from the repdrt of the Banister Eggineering Co. of April 30, 1962. The extract of Minutes of meetinE of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, Held May 7. 1962 attached hereto is hereby made and official part of these minutes. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 7th day of May, 1962. Respectfully submitted, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. MINUTES of special meeting held May 25, 1962. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. On notion of Ward and upon second by Corrigan the Council unanimously adopted Ordinance #57 entitled AN ORDINANCE ZONING CERTAIN LAND IN THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA AS AN INDUSTRIAL TRACT and ordered it published in accordance with the law. Mr. Roger Short of Banister Engineering Co. presented the Council with a letter stating the cost (approximate) of installing a sewer line under the Railroad tracks to serve the new industrial site. On motion of Finnegan and second of Mullery the Council unanimously agreed to recommend that the Utilities Commission proceed with plans to install the above mentioned sewer line. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 25th day of May, 1962. Respectfully submitted, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held May 28, 1962. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The extract of Minutes of meeting of the Village Council of Rosemount, Minnesota, held May 28, 1962 are hereby attached and made an KMKILLI official part of these minutes. The Clerk read a letter from St. John Lutheran Church Council requesting that Park Avenue north of John Street be blacktopped and concrete curb and gutters be installed. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery the Council unanimously agreed to proceed with the improvement according to plan with the exception that the driveway entering the Church parking lot on the North end of the street be moved to the end of the Street to provide a space to turn the Village grading equipment. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 28th day of May, 1962. Respectfully submitted, Vile Cl k EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, HELD MAY 28, 1962 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a spe- cial meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, was held at the Council Chambers in said Village on the 28th day of May, 1962 at 7 o'clock p.m. (CDST). The following members were present: Ward, Duff, Corrigan, Finnegan and Mullery and the following were absent: None The Clerk presented to the Council affidavits showing due publication in the official newspaper of the notices of hearing on the construction of street improve- ments for the Village in accordance with the resolution of the Council adopted on the 7th day of May, 1962, which affidavits were examined, approved and ordered placed on file. The Mayor then announced that the meeting was open as provided in said notice relative to said street improvement, and all persons present were afforded an opportunity to present their views and objections to the making of said improvement. No objections were pre- sented. Member Mullery introduced the following resolu- tion and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT WHEREAS, a resolution of the Vil- lage Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, adopted the 7th day of May, 1962, fixed a date for a Council hearing on the aforesaid improvement, and WHEREAS, ten days published notice, as provided by law, of the notice of hearing was given and a hearing was held thereon on the 28th day of May, 1962 at which all per- sons desiring to be heard were given an oppor- tunity to be heard thereon, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Rosemount: Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the Council resolu- tion adopted May 7, 1962. Member Corrigan seconded the motion for the adoption of said resolution and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Ward, Duff, Corrigan, Finnegan and Mullery and the following voted against the same: None Whereupon said Resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Member Duff introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertise- ment for bids for the certain street improve- ment in said Village, bids were received, publicly opened and considered by the Council. A true and correct tabulation of the bids com- plying with the advertisement is attached hereto. WHEREAS, it appears that Bituminous Surface Treating Company of Saint Paul, Minne- sota, is the lowest responsible bidder. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota: 1. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a con- tract with Bituminous Surface Treating Company of Saint Paul, Minnesota in the name of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, for the con- struction of the aforesaid improvement at a price of $55,693.00 in accordance with the plans and specifications heretofore approved by the Village Council and on file in the -2- (Seal) office of the Village Clerk. 2. The Village Clerk is hereby auth- orized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders, the deposits made with their bids, ex- cept that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. Member Corrigan seconded the motion for the adoption of said resolution and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Ward, Duff, Corrigan, Finnegan and Mullery and the following voted against the same: None Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA VILLAGE OF ROSEMOIJNT) I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes of a special meeting of the Village Council of said Village held on the 26th day of May, 1962, with the original on file in my office, and the same is a full, true and complete transcript therefrom in so far as the same relates to a resolution ordering improvement and a resolution accept- ing bid on such improvement. WITNESS my hand as such Clerk and the corporate seal of the Village this La day of June, 1962. `Jilige Cler EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING CF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, VILLAGE OF ROSEr1OUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOT HELD TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1952 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting cf the Tillage Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, was duly called and ield in the Council Chanbers in said Village on Tuesday, June 5, 19E2, at 7 :00 o'clock The following members were present: Ward, Duff, Corrigan and Finnegan, and the following were absent: Mullerv. Clerk Duff offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PETITION AND ASKING FOR FEASIBILITY REPORT NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, that the petition received by this Council for the construction of curl and gutter, driveways and street surfacing on Marion Lane in the Village be and hereby is accepted and ordered placed on file in the records cf the Village, and that Banister Engineering Company, Consulting Engineers, St. Paul, Minnesota, be and hereby is reouested to submit a Report of Feasibility for these improvements. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Mayor Ward, and upon vote being taken thereon all members present voted in favor thereof. Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Clerk Duff offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING FEASIBILIT° REPORT FOR I'1 °"cOVE'r1Ei•!TE ON ;'ANION LANE NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Village Council of the Village Council of- the Village -of Rosemount, Minnesota, that the report of Banister Engi- neering Company, advising this Council in a preliminary way that the construction of curbing and gutter, driveway send street surfacing on Marion Lane in the Village is feasible and can best be made as proposed at an estimated cost of 27,050.00 )e and is hereby accepted. Upon second by Mayor Ward of the motion for the adoption cf the fore :ing resolution all members present voted in favor thereof. Whereupon it was ;tared duly passed and adopted. VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held June 5, 1962. Meeting ca lled to odder by President Ward All members present excepting Mullety. The minutes of the regular meeting of May 2, 1962 were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. LIQUOR FUND Northern States Power Co. 60.26 Peoples Natural Gas 33.17 H. J. Geraghty Agency- insurance 73.50 Gene Gustayson -paid outs 18.20 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 55.45 Seven Up Bottling Co. 18.80 Old Dutch Foods 34.65 Hanson Beverage Co. 532.36 Concord Beverage Co. 1,285.13 Buckingham Beverage Co. 280.63 Medford Distributing Co. 76.10 Alcorn Beverage Co. 591.12 Internal Revenue retail liquor dealer 54.00 Internal Revenue- Amusement devices 20.00 Judge's Electric Appliance Co. 14.58 Burns Accounting Service 67.40 Liquor Control Commissioner 10.00 Northwest Linen Service 27.85 Minnesota- Wisconsin Truck Lines, Inc. 46.89 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 2,111.77 Distillers Distributing Co. 6$5.53 Griggs, Cooper Co. 152.62 Qld Peoria, Inc. 165.41 Famous Brands, Inc. 649.54 McKesson Robbins 317.35 The National Cash Register Co. 5.50 Melady Paper Co. 33.5 Northwest Cigar Corp. 2 5.9 2 Fritz Wholesale Co. 105.65 GENERAL FUND Ray Tousignant- police duty 18.36 Lystad's Exterminators 30.00 John Hawkins -extra police 36.72 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 17.34 -Fire station 20.82 Central Telephone Co.,- Police 3.70 -Fire Station 16.85 Northern States Power Co.- Traffic lights 18.03 Hall 1.00 Street lights 334.17 Fire Station 6.47 Frank Kreitz -care of dump 43.75 Rays Wilding-tree removal 30.00 Dakota county Tribune proceedings and notices 81.80 Coast to Coast Stores 1.16 r 20 Carlsons Farm Supply grader repair Paul Vorwerk Son Oil Co. Fischer Construction Co. McNamara Vivant Contracting Co. Genz -Ryan Plumbing and Heating Construction Bulletin Norris Pederson -extra police Beise Kennels v 4.14 7.31 113. 2 865.50 15.00 36.72 40.00 On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan and upon prior approval of the Planning Commission the applications of K. Strese and F. Wachter to build garages were approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 4. The application of B. Saari to add to and remodel his home on Cedar street was approved on motion of Finnegan end second of Corrigan. Ayes were 4. The Clerk opened and read the bids of the Bernier Motor Co. and Wilroy Co., Inc. for a squad car. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the bid of Wilroy Co„ Inc. for $2,343.244 was accepted. Ayes were 4. The Clerk read a letter and contract from Springsted, Inc. regarding Bond Consulting services and on motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Mayor and the Clerk were authorized to sign the Contract. Ayes were 4. On motion of Ward and seoond of Corrigan the Clerk was authorized to transfer $2,343.44 from the Municipal Liquor Fund to the General Fund to pay for the plaice car. Ayes werd 4. The Clerk read a letter from Walter Strese relative to a permit for a house trailer at the Pure Oil Station. The letter was referred to the Planning Commission for their comments or action. On motion of F 8101 Corrigan and second of Finnegan the applications for beer and liquor licenses of the Americ:.n Legion Post and the Rose Bowl Cage were approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 4. The extract of Minutes of meeting of the Village Council of Rosemount, Minnesota, held Juene 5, 1962 attached hereto are hereby made an offical part of these minutes. McMenomy reported on the Telephone Hearing held at Fairmont on April 18, 19 The Council decided that no further action would be advisable at this time. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Mayor and the Clerk were authorized to sign Ordinance #58,a Franchise with Peoples Natural Gas, and ordered to have it published in the Dakota County Tribune. Ayes 4. The Mayor read a letter from Governor Andersen relative to the Metropol- itan Problems Committee and ordered the Clerks name place on the Governors mailing lift to play a part in the formulation of policies regarding our Metropolitan area. The Mayor read a copy of a letter from James Gabiou, county engineer relative to the improvement of the railway tracks on County road 11 in the Village advising the RR that improvements were necessary. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 5th day of June, 1962. Respectfully submitted, d.:. ilage Clerk EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, HELD June 11, 1962 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, was duly ;:ailed and held at the Council Chambers in said Village on the llth day of June, 1962, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. CDST. The following members were present: Finnegan, Muilery and Duff and the following members were absent: Corrigan and Ward Member Finnegan introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION RECEIVING PRELIMINARY REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT WHEREAS, a preliminary report has been prepared by Banister Engineering Co. of St. Paul, consulting engineers, with respect to the improvements described in the notice of hearing hereinafter set forth, and WHEREAS, said engineers have advised this Council that the said improvements are feasible and should best be made as proposed in the notice of public hearing herein- after set forth, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount: Said report is hereby accepted by the Council. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolu- tion was duly seconded by member Mullery, and upon a vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Finnegan, Mullery and Duff and the following voted against the same: None. Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Whereupon member Duff introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION CALLING PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT WHEREAS, the Village Council deems it necessary and expedient that the Village of Rosemount construct the improvements set forth in the notice of hearing contained herein in accordance with the engineer's report, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota: 1. A public hearing will be held at the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota at the Council Chambers on Monday, the 25th day of June, 1962 at 7:00 o'clock P.M. (CDST) to consider said improvements. 2. The nature of the improvement, the estimated cost thereof, and the area proposed to be assessed therefor, are described in the form of Notice of Hearing hereinafter set forth. 3. Said improvement if ordered shall be consolidated with and become a part of Street Improvement of 1962. 4. The notice of public hearing shall be in substantially the following form: -2- 5. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of said hearing to be published in the official Village newspaper. Said notice shall be published twice and said publications shall be one week apart and not less than three days shall elapse between the date of the last publication and the date of hearing. The Village Clerk is further directed to cause notice on said improvement to be mailed to each property owner affected thereby as required by M.S.A. 429.031. The motion for the- adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member Mullery, and upon a vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Finnegan, Mullery and Duff and the following voted against the same: None. Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OFD4KOTA VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing ex- tract of minutes of a special meeting of the Village Council of the said Village held on June 11, 1962, with the original thereof on file in my office and the same is a full, true and complete transcript therefrom insofar as the same relates to resolutions receiving preliminary report on improvement and calling a public hearing thereon. WITNESS my hand as such Clerk and the corporate seal of the Village this day of 1962. Seal) EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, HELD THE 25th DAY OF JUNE, 1962 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, was duly called and held at the Council Chambers on the 25th day of June, 1962 at 7:00 o'clock P.M. CDST. The following members were present: Finnegan, Mullery, Duff Corrigan and Ward and the following members were absent: None. Member Duff introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND DIRECTING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS WHEREAS, a resolution of the Village Council adopted the llth day of June, 1962 fixed a date for a Council hearing on street improvements described in the notice of hearing thereon, and WHEREAS, 10 days published notice of the hearing through two weekly publications of the required notice was given and the hearing was held thereon on the 25th day of June, 1962, and WHEREAS, all persons present at said hearing were given an opportunity to be heard thereon and no objections to said improvement were made except as follows: Name of Objector Objection N O N E and, WHERE &S, pursuant to resolution passed by this Council on rn c_ /1 1962 the consulting engineers have prepared and specifications for said improvements and have presented such plans and specifications to the Council for approval. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved and ordered placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. 2. The said improvement is hereby ordered as described in the notice of hearing thereon. 3. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to prepare and cause to be inserted in the official newspaper (and in the construction bulletin) an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improve- ment under such approved plans and specifications. The adver- tisement shall be published for at least days and shall specify the work to be done and shall state that bids will be publicly opened and considered by the Council at 7:00 P.M. CDST on July 16, 1962 at the Council Chambers in said Village and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check or certified check payable to the Clerk for h per cent of the amount of such bid. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution wars •duly seconded by member Finnegan, and upon a vote being takers thereon the following voted in favor thereof: ail- it and the following against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. -2- STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes of a special meeting of the Village Council of the said Village held on the 25th day of June, 1962, with the original thereof on file in my office, and the same is a full, true and complete transcript therefrom insofar as the same relates to a resolution ordering improvement and directing advertisement for bids. WITNESS my hand as such Clerk and the corporate seal of the Village this 3,$- day of t 1962. (Seal) -3- cx%L Vr A Village3 Clerldl, Vil 'age of Rosemount Minnesota VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held June 11, 1962. Meeting called to order by Acting President Duff, all members were present excepting Ward and Corrigan. The Extract of Mina es of Meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, Held June 11, 1962 attached hereto are hereby made an official Part of these minutes. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Council approved the pur- chase of a 15 Watt 2 -way radio at an installed price of $481.00. Included in this agreement was the maintenance of the radio which would be billed on a monthly basis. Ayes were 4. On motion of Duff and second of Mullery the Council authorized the Clerk to transfer $481.00 from the Iiquor Fund to the General Fund to cover the cost of the police radio. Ayes were 4. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this llth day of June, 1962. R spectfully submitted, 8 Vil age erk VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held June 25, 1962. Meeting was called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The extract of Minutes of Meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, held June 25, 1962 me attached hereto is hereby made Y36d7C]6ESifIEIY an offieial dart of these minutes. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the Council granted the J.C.'s per- mission to hold a public dance on July 21, 1962. Ayes were 5. O motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the application of Grt }f Brothers Cooperage Corp. to build and industrial building was approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 5. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the application of John Degievanni to build a garage was approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 5. The Clerk read ax letter from the Justice of the Peace and it was ordered placed on file. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 25th day of June, 1962. Respectfully submitted, 1 )Ad VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held July 3, 1962. Meeeting called to order by President Ward, all members were presnet. The minutes of the May 25, 1962 meeting and the minutes of the regular meet- ing held June 5, 1962 were read and approved as read. The minutes of the special meetings of May 7, May 28 and June were to be read at the next reg- ular meeting. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Council approved the follow ink bills and ordered them paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND George McDonough grader repairs 15.00 John Hawkins -extra police 54.05 Dakota County Tribune Hearings and proceedings 48.40 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 2.58 -Fire Station 9.51 R. F. Sieckert -extra time 36.00 Frank Krietz -care of dump 50.00 Central Telephone Co.- Police 4 4 5 -Fire 17.35 Northern States Power Co. -Hall 1.00 -Fire Station 5.62 Traffic lights 20.07 Street lights 334.17 Toombs Insuracne agency Workmen's Compensation 8.71 Ratzlaff Service -Oil for grader 10.40 Duane Zimmerman -extra police 15.36 Rod Boyd -extra police 30.72 City of Hastings sweeping streets 11.00 N Pederson -extra time 30.72 Banister Engineering Co- engineering services 1,820.40 McMenomy and Hertogs -legal services 9/1/ 6/30/62 675.00 LIQUOR FUND Northern States Power Co. 76.13 Peoples Natural Gas 16.12 Gene Gustayson -paid outs 31.06 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 40.85 Seven Up Bottling Co. 24.40 Buckingham Beverage Co. 243.92 Medford Distributing Co. 72.75 Alcorn Beverage Co. 568.68 Concord Beverage Co. 1,307.81 Hansen Beverage Co. 417.68 014 Dutch Foods 27.90 Burns Accounting Service 68.08 Toombs Insurance Agency Liquor Store Contents 168.22 Northwest L Service 2 5.92 Griggs, Cooper Co. 511.32 Lynn Johnson Co., I 127.51 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines, Inc. 51.12 Murphy Motor Breight Lines, Inc. 3.00 Melady Paper Co. 24.99 Famous Brands, Inc. 112.51 Distillers Distributing Co. 991.25 EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, HELD JULY 3rd, 1962 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount was duly called and held at the Council Chambers in said Village on Jul;; 3rd, 1962 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. (CDST). The following members were present: Ward, Duff, Corrigan, Finnegan, and Mullery, and the following were absent: None. Member Ward introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $160,000 IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1962 WHEREAS, the Village Council deems it necessary and expedient to construct street improvements consisting of grading, base, bitumimous surfacing, curb and gutter and storm sewer, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount as follows: 1. It is hereby found, determined and declared that it is necessary and expedient that the Village issue its negotiable coupon general obligation bonds in the amount of $16o,000 to provide funds to pay the costs of the construction of the street improvements hereinabove described. 2. This Council shall meet at the time and place speci- fied in the form of notice included in paragraph 3 hereof for the purpose of opening and considering sealed bids for and awarding the sale of $i6o,00o Improvement Bonds of 1962. 3. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause not less than 10 days notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official news- paper and in Commercial West in thenanner provided by law, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: -2- NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT THESE BONDS WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS: TIME AND PLACE: TYPE OF BOND: PURPOSE: DATE OF BONDS: INTEREST PAYMENTS: REDEMPTION: PAYING AGENT: BIDDER'S DISCRETION. DELIVERY: NOTICE OF BOND SALE $160,000 IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1962 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA .JULY 30, 1962 (MONDAY), 7:30 P.M., COST, VILLAGE HALL AT ROSEMOUNT. NEGOTIABLE COUPON, GENERAL OBLIGATION. $1 ,000 EACH. LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. AUGUST 1, 1962. AUGUST 1. 1963 AND FEBRUARY 1 AND AUGUST 1, THEREAFTER. MATURITIES: FEBRUARY 1, IN THE YEARS AND AMOUNTS AS FOLLOWS: $10,000 1964 -69 $15,000 1970 $10,000 1971 -76 $15,000 1977 $10,000 1978 ALL DATES INCLUSIVE. ALL BONDS MATURING AFTER FEBRUARY 1, 1974, AT THE OPTION OF THE ISSUER, SHALL BE SUB- JECT TO PRIOR PAYMENT IN INVERSE ORDER OF SERIAL NUMBERS ON THAT DATE AND ANY INTEREST PAYMENT PATE THEREAFTER, AT A PRICE OF 102 AND ACCRUED INTEREST. 40 DAYS AFTER AWARD SUBJECT TO APPROVINfj LEGAL OPINION OF MESSRS. BRIGGS AND MORGAN OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA. BOND PRINTING AND LEGAL OPINION WILL BE PAID FOR BY THE ISSUER AND DELIVERY WILL BE ANYWHERE WITHOUT COST TO THE PURCHASER. LEGAL OPINION WILL BE PRINTED ON THE BONDS. TYPE OF BID: RATES: AWARD: DATED 3 JuLY, 1962. SEALED ONLY AND MUST BE FILED WITH THE UNDER- SIGNED PRIOR TO TIME OF SALE, TOGETHER WITH A CERTIFIED OR CASHIERS CHECK IN THE AMOUNT OF 53,200, PAYABLE TO THE ORDER OF THE TREASURER OF THE ISSUER, TO BE FORFEITED AS LIQUIDATED DAMAGES IF BIDDER FAILS TO COMPLY WITH ACCEPTED BID. ALL RATES AND COMBINATION OF RATES MUST BE IN INTEGRAL MULTIPLES OF ONE-FOURTH OR ONE -TENTH OF 1 q AND MAY NOT EXCEED 6% PER ANNUM. ADDI- TIONAL COUPONS MAY BE USED, BUT MAY NOT EXCEED 53,200 IN TOTAL. AMOUNT, AWARD WILL BE MADE SOLELY ON THE BASIS OF LOW- EST DOLLAR INTEREST COST. THE ISSUER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS, TO WAIVE INFOR MALITIES AND TO ADJOURN THE SALE. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL (s) EUGENE J DUFF VILLAGE CLERK ROSEMOUNT, M INNESOTA 4. Each and all of the tetras and provisions of the foregoing Notice of Bond Sale are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of said bonds, and the sale thereof. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member Finnegan and upon the same being put to the meeting the following voted in favor thereof: and the following voted against the same: None. Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT (Seal) Gl, I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of said Village, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes with the original thereof in my office, and the foregoing is a full, true and correct transcript of the minutes of a meeting of the Village Council duly called and held on the date therein indicated so far as the same relates to the issuance by the Village of $160,000 Improvement Bonds of 1962. WITNESS my hand as such Clerk and the Village seal this day of 1962. Village Clerk Ed. Phillips Sans Co. Fritz Wholesale Co. 42.746.03 74.07 On motion ofCorrigan and second of Mullery the applications of Cecelial-. Ahern and Duffy Brothers for licenses to sell nen- intoxicating Malt liquors were unanimously approved by the Council. The extract of the Minutes of meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, held the 3rd day of July, 1962 attached hereto are hereby math an official part Of these minutes. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the Council unanimously approved Ordinance number 59, an ordinance annexing certain lands to the Village. McMenomy gave the Council a report on the progress of the incorporation of the Fire Department Relief Association. There being ne further business the meeting was adjourned this 3rd day of July, 1962. Respectfully submitted, a VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held July 10, 1962. Meeting called to drder by President Ward, all members present. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the Council unanimously a eed to open bids for the C l.. 2-- 4 2.--at y r c-c-ii as k z e s c On motion of Corrigan and second of Mullery the application of Victor Strese to build a boat house and John Balkowitech to build a garage were approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the Clerk was authorized to write a check to the County Assessors Office for $12.00 to cover the cost pf preparing a duplicate tax roll for the Council. Ayes were 5. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 16th day of July, 1962. Respectfully submitted, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held July 23, 1962. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The Clerk opened and read publicly the bids for the improvement of the wouthwest sector and Marion Lane. After checking by Mr. Price of Banister Engineering Co. and upon notion of Ward and second of Finnegan the unanimously agreed to award the Contract to Bituminous Surface Treating Co., of Inver Grove on their alternate bid of $61,516.eo. The Clerk read the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held July 17, 1962. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Council unanimously agreed to zone the north 38 ft. of Lots 14 and 15, Auditors Subdivision number fl from residential to Commercial. Ayes were 5. On motion of Mullery and second of Finnegan the Council approved the application of Neil Harpster to build a garage and patio. Ayes were 5. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 23rd, day of July, 1962. R submitted, L VILIAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held July 30, 1962. Meeting called to order by Acting Mayor Duff, all members were presnet excepting Ward, and Mullery. The Extract of Minutes of meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota held July 30, 1962 attached hereto are hereby made an official part of these minutes. Respectfully submitted, Village Clerk I EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA HELD JULY 30, 1962 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of ROaemcunt, Dakota County, Minnesota, was duly held at the Council Chambers in the Village Hall in said Village on July 30, 1962, at 7:30 o'clock F.M. CDST for the purpose of opening and considering bids for and awarding the sale of $160,000 Improvement Bonds of 1962 of said Village. The following members of the Council were present: Eugene J. Duff, T. J. Corrigan, P. F. Finnegan and the following were absent: George Ward and Francis Mullery The Clerk presented affidavits showing publication of notice of call for bids on $160,000 Improvement Bonds of 1962 of the Village, for which bids were to be received at this meeting, in accordance with the resolution adopted by the Village Council on July 3rd 1962. Said affidavits were examined, found to comply with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, and were approved and ordered placed on file. The Council proceeded to receive and open bids for the sale of said bonds. The following bids were received: Bidder Net Interest Rate Premium Interest Cost (See next page) BIDDER MANNHEIMER EGAN, INC. HAROLD E. WOOD AND CO. SHAUGHNESSY AND CO. ALL OF ST. PAUL, MINN. E. J. PRESCOTT AND CO. KALMAN AND COMPANY, INC. BOTH OF MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. JURAN AND MOODY, INC. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA ALLISON WILLIAMS COMPANY M. DA IN AND COMPANY, INC. PIPER, JAFFRAY AND HOPWOOD ALL OF MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. INTEREST RATE PREMIUM 3,00% 3.40% 3,60% 3.70% 3.80% PLUS 1 2.70` 3,10% 3.50% 3.80% PLUS 1 1964 -70 -0- 1971-73 1974 -75 1976 1977 -78 .10% ON ALL BONDS FROM 2 -1 -63 To 2 -1 -64 1964 67 -0- 1968-71 1972 -74 1975 -78 ,90% ON ALL BONDS FROM 10-1-62 TO 8-1-63 3.00% 1964 67 -0- 3,30% 1968 -70 3,50% 1971 -73 3.60% 1974 -76 4,00% 1977 -78 PLUS 1 5O% ON ALL BONDS FROM 10 1 62 TO 2 -1 -64 NET INTEREST COST $49,815.00 (3.59675%x) $50,675.30 (3.65889 $53,597.50 (3.8699 The Council then proceeded to consider such bids. After the bids had been considered and discussed, member puff introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: 1. That the bid of MANNHETMER -EGAN INC. St. Paul,Minn., to purchase $160,000 Improvement Bonds of 1962 of this Village ana to pay therefor the sum of $160,000 fxxxa cxpmecQdxwpc?Xxxxxxxxxx)xxx is hereby found, deteimined anddeclareci to be the most favorable bid received and is hereby accepted and said bonds are hereby awarded to said bidder. The Village Clerk is directed to retain the deposit of said bidder and to forthwith return the good faith checks or drafts to the unsuccessful bidders. Said bonds shall be payable as to principal and interest at the Richfield Bank Trust Company, in Richfield Minnesota. 2. The $160,000 negotiable coupon general obligation bonds of the Village shall be dated August 1, 1962 and shall be issued forthwith. Said bonds shall be 160 in number and numbered from 1 to 160, both inclusive, in the denomination of $1,000 each. Said bonds shall mature serially, lowest numbers first, on February 1, as follows: $10,000 in each of the years 1964 to 1969, both inclusive; $15,000 in the year 1970 10,000 in each of the years 1971 to 1976, both inclusive; 515,000 in the year 1977; and 510,000 in the year 1978. 3. The bonds of said issue maturing in the years and bearing the serial numbers set forth below shall bear interest payable August 1, 1963, and semiannually thereafter on February 1 and August 1 of each year at the respective rates per annum set opposite said maturity years and serial numbers: Maturity Years 1964 1970 1971 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID ON SALE OF $160,000 IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1962, PROVIDING FOR THEIR, ISSUANCE, AND LEVYING A TAX FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF Serial Numbers Interest Rate 1 75 76 105 106 125 126 160 3.00% 3.40% 3.60% 3.70% 3.80% Plus additional interest at the rate of one and ten hundredths per cent (1,10%) per annum on all bonds from February 1, 1963 to February 1. 1964, p ayable August 1. 1963 and February 1,1964, 4. All bonds maturing in the years 1g75 to 1975, both inclusive (being bonds numbered 116 to 160, both inclusive) are subject to redemption and prior payment at the option of the Village in inverse order of their serial numbers on February 1, 1974 and on any interest payment date thereafter at a price of par and accrued interest plus a premium of $20.00. 5. The bonds and interest coupons to be issued hereunder shall be in substantially the following form: No. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT IMPROVEMENT BOND OF 1962 1,00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, certifies that it is in- debted and for value received promises to pay to bearer, the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS on the first day of February, 19 and to pay interest thereon from the date hereof until the principal is paid, at the rate of per cent per annum, payable on the first day of August, 1963, and semiannually thereafter on the first day of February and the first day of August in each year, plus additional interest at the rate of one and ten hundredths per cent (1.10%) per annum from F I 1963 to February 1, 1964. payable August 1, 1'.. an e.ruary 1, 19$4, in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of, the interest coupons hereto attached which are in two sets, one rep- resenting interest at the rate of per cent per annum from the date hereof to maturity, and the other representing additional interest at the rate of one and ten hundredths per cent (1,10%) per annum for the period February 1, 1963 to February 1 1964 Both principal and interest are payable at the Richfield Bank 8 Trust Comnanv. in Richfield Minnesota in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment is legal tender for public and pri- vate debts. All bonds maturing in the years 1975 to 1978, both inclusive (being bonds numbered 116 to 160, both inclusive), are subject to redemption and prior payment at the option of the Village in inverse order of their serial numbers on February 1, 1974 and on any interest payment date thereafter at a price of par and accrued interest plus a premium of $20.00. Thirty days prior notice of redemption shall in each case be given to the bank where said bonds are payable and to the last known holder. Holders desiring to receive such notice must register their names, addresses and bond numbers with the Village Clerk. This bond is one of an issue in the total principal amount of $160,000, all of like date and tenor, except as to maturity, interest rate and redemption privilege, which bond has been issued pursuant to and in full conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota for the purpose of providing money for street improvements in the Village and is payable out of the Improvement Bonds of 1962 Fund of the Village. This bond constitutes a general obligation of the Village and to provide moneys for the prompt and full payment of said principal and interest when the same become due the full faith and credit of said Village have been and are hereby irrevocably pledged. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that all acts, con- ditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota, to be done, to happen, and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have been done, have happened and have been performed, in regular and due form, time and manner as required by law, and this bond together with all other debts of the Village outstanding on the date hereof and the date of its actual issuance and delivery does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation of indebtedness. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, by its Village Council has caused this bond to be executed in its behalf by the signatures of the Mayor and the Village Clerk and the corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and has caused the interest coupons to be executed and authen- ticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers, all as of August 1, 1962. No. Village Clerk On the first day of of Rosemount, Dakota County, the Richfield Bank Trust Minnesota, the amount shown Improvement Bond of 1962 No. (Form of Coupon) Mayor August (February), 19, the Village Minnesota, will pay to bearer at Company, in Richfield hereon for interest then due on its dated August 1, 1962. (Facsimile Signature) (Facsimile Signature) Village Clerk Mayor 6. The Village Clerk is directed to cause said bonds to be prepared and the Mayor and Clerk are authorized and directed to execute the same and to cause the said coupons to be executed and authenticated by the printed, engraved, or lithographed facsimile signatures of said officers. 7. The said bonds when so prepared and executed shall be delivered by the Treasurer to the purchaser thereof upon receipt of the purchase price, and the said purchaser shall not be obliged to see to the proper application thereof. 8. There is hereby created a special fund to be designated "Improvement Bonds of 1962 Fund" to be held and administered by the Village Treasurer separate and apart from all other funds of the Village. Said fund shall be maintained in the manner herein specified until all of the bonds herein authorized and the in- terest thereon have been fully paid. In said fund there shall be maintained two separate accounts, to be designated as the "Construction Account" and the "Sinking Fund Account respectively. The proceeds of the sale of the bonds herein authorized, less accrued interest received thereon, shall be credited to the Construction Account, from which there shall be paid all costs and expenses of making said improvement including the costs of -5- 1 construction contracts heretofore let and all other costs incurred and to be incurred and the moneys in said account shall be used for no other purpose, provided that if upon completion of said improvement there shall remain any un- expended balance in said Construction Account, such balance may be transferred by the Council to the fund of any other improvement instituted pursuant to M.S.A. 429. There shall be credited to the Sinking Fund Account all collections of special assessments and taxes herein levied, all accrued interest received upon delivery of said bonds and all funds remaining in said Construction Account after completion of the improvements and payment of the costs thereof not so transferred to the fund of another improvement. The Sinking Fund Account shall be used solely to pay principal and in- terest on the bonds issued hereunder. 9. It is hereby determined that xxxkaexxxfl l*x 100% of the cost of said improvements shall be paid by special assess- ments to be levied against every assessable lot, piece, and parcel of land benefited by the said improvements. The Village hereby covenants and agrees that it will do and perform, as soon as they may be done, all acts and things necessary for the final and valid levy of such special assessments, and in the event that any such assessment be at any time held invalid with respect to any lot, piece or parcel of land, due to any error, defect or irregularity in any action or proceedings taken or to be taken by the Village or this Council or any of the Village officers or employees, either in the making of such assessment or in the performance of any condition precedent thereot, the Village and this Council will forthwith do all such further acts and take all such further proceedings as may be required by law to make such assessment a valid and binding lien upon such property. Said assessments shall be payable in 20 equal, consecutive, annual installments, the first of said installments to be payable with general taxes for the year 1962, collectible with such taxes during the year 19 6a To the first installment there shall be added interest at the rate of 6 per annum on the entire assessment from the date of the resolution levying the assessment until December 31, 1963. To each subsequent installment there shall be added interest at said rate for one year on all unpaid installments. 10. To provide moneys for the payment of said principal and interest there is hereby levied upon all of the taxable prop- erty in the Village a direct general annual ad valorem tax, which shall be spread upon the tax rolls and collected with and as part of, other general property taxes in said Village for the years and in the amounts as follows: Year Amount Year Amount 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 N 0 N E 1969 1970 1G71 N 0 N E 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 Said tax shall be irrepealable as long as any of said bonds are outstanding and unpaid, provided that the Village reserves the right and power to reduce the levies in the manner and to the extent permitted by Sec. 475.61(3) M.S.A. For the prompt and full payment of the principal and interest on said bonds as the same respectively become due, the full faith, credit and taxing powers of the Village shall be and are hereby irrevocably pledged. 11. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor of Dakota County, Minnesota, together with such other information as he shall require, and to obtain from said Auditor his cer- tificate that said bonds have been entered in the said Auditor's Bond Register .AX1XX XIIM XI '1XX}[X 12. The officers of the Village are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the purchaser of said bonds and to the attorneys approving the legality of the issuance thereof, certified copies of all proceedings and records of the Village relating to said bonds and to the financial con- dition and affairs of the Village, and such other affidavits, certificates and information as are required to show the facts relating to the legality and marketability of said bonds as the same appear from the books and records under their custody and control or as otherwise known to them, and all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, shall be deemed representations of the Village as to -7- the facts recited therein. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member Finnegan and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Duff, Corrigan and Finnegan and the following voted against tte same: None adopted. Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the Village of Rosemount, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes with the original thereof on file in my office, and that the same is a full, true and complete transcript of the minutes of a meeting of the Village Council of said Village duly called and held on the date therein indicated, insofar as such minutes relate to the opening and considering bids for, and awarding the sale of, $160,000 Improvement Bonds of 1962 of the Village. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Village this day of August 1962. (Seal) VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held August 7, 1962. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members present. The minutes of the May and June special meetings and the July regular and special meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Carrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. Ayes were 5. GENERAL FUND Newman's Specialized car Service 4 .85 R. F. Sieckert -extra time 33.75 Edward L. Warweg- assessor salary 490.00 Peoples Natural Gas Hall 2.57 Fire Station 4 .5 2 Central Telephone Co.- Police 5Q05 Fire Station. 16.85 John Hawkins -extra police 55.05 Dakota County Tribune 75.10 Norris Pederson -extra time 18.36 H. J. Geraghty Agency- Parking let insurance 35. rent of parking lot 80.00 Lampert Yards supplies 4 .5 0 State of Minnesota -cppy of new statutes 40.00 McNamara Vivant Contracting Co.- blacktop 13.75 H. J. Geraghty Agency- police car insurance 92.69 Strese Pure oil Co. 1 2 5 Leggue of Minnesota Municipalities -dues 78.00 Conctruction Bulletin- advertisement for aids 14.20 Goodwin Joss Laboratories 10.00 Corcoran Hardware Implement Co.- Marking paint 41.65 LIQUOR STORE FUND Peoples Natural Gas 5.99 H. J.Geraghty Agency -stock and fixtures 112.15 Griggs, Cooper Co. 4 77.3 4 Ed. Phillips Sens Co. 276.17 Distillers L istributing Co. 1035.77 John Hawkins 3 McKesson Robbins 265.80 Utilities Commission 155.95 Judges Electric appliance 6.00 Concord Beverage Co. 1056.42 Seven Up Bottling Co. 5.00 Old Dutch nods 36.90 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 73.15 Hanson Beverage Co. 621.26 Alcorn Beverage Co. 848.64 Famous Brands, Inc. 2 Northwest Cigar Corp. 8.80 Minnesota- Wisconsin Truck Lines 27.35 Buckingham Beverage Co. 23 Medford Distributing Co. 37.55 Burns Accounting Service 66.55 J. P. Fritz Wholsesaie 93.02 Northwest Linen Service 27 28 On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council zpp unanimously approved the issuance of a trailer license to Walter Strese for the period of one year to cover one trailer to be parked on the premises of the Pure Oil Co. in Rosemount, On motion of Duef and second of Mullery Change Order No. 1 with the Bituminous Surfacing Treating Co. was approved and the Mayor and the Clerk were authorized to sign same. Ayes were 5. Acting on a letter from the Rosemount Jaycess the Mayor appointed Eldon Kvam to serve on the Planning Commission. On moiton of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council unanimously approved the appointment. A letter from American Legion Post 65 was read by the Clerk regarding the starting of a Municipal park. No action was taken at this time, but the Mayor asked the members of the Council to give this matter some thought and also to be prepared to appoint a Park Commission in the near future. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Council unanimously approved thatthe Clerk write a letter of appreication to the Rosemount Jaycees regarding their cleanup and paintup campairn. Ayes were 5. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Council approved the purchase of a public adrees system instead of a siren in the Village Police car. Ayes were 5. On motion of Duff and second of Ward the Council approved the hiring of Mike Kelly to install new sidewalks on the South side of John Street from the tennis Courts to Hyland Avenue. Cost to be .50 cents per square foot. Ayes were 5. The Council agreed to have the Village Attorney review the tentative zoning ordinance and to meet with the members of the Planning '-ommis.ion relative to setting a date for public hearings. There being no further Easiness the meeting adjourned this 7th day of August, 1962 Respectfully submitted, 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held September 4, 1962. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the August meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan an:+ secodd of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. LIQUOR SCORE FUND Minnesota Municipal Liquor Stores Association, Northern States power Co. Peoples Natural Gas Co. Concord Beverage Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Seven Up Bottling Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Old Dutch Foods Buckingham Beverage Co. Medford 'distributing Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Judges! Flectttc Appliance Co. Burns Accounting service Gene Gustayson -paid out Minnesota Wiaaensin Tnuck Lines, Inc. Northwest Linen Service Distillers Distributing Co. Ed. Phillips 4 Sons Co. Old Peoria, Inc. McKesson Robbins Fritz Wholesale Co. Northwest Cigar Corp. I 15.00 83.17 4 .73 1402.86 39 49.80 4 8.75 35.25 287.23 15.70 4 79.50 18.75 67.40 43.18 28.54 26.94 896.28 977.21 4 35.57 284.96 82.85 25.92 GENERAL FUND George Koehnen -care of dump 20.00 laying floor at Hall 29.75 Frank Kreitz -care of dump 20.00 The First State Bank -lock box rent 4.00 Peoples Natural Gas -Fire Department 3.89 -Hall 2.09 Northers States Power Cc.- Traffic light 18.30 Hall 1.00 Fire Department 4.88 Street Lights 334.17 Dakota County Tribune Minutes 16.60 John Hawkins -extra police 51.49 Vorwerk's Texaco -gas for police car 26.68 Strese Pure Oil 3.87 Melby Landscaping grading at dump 28.00 Phils Body Shop painting police ear 12.50 Ray's Welding- cutting in old jail 6.00 Norris Pederson -extra time 15.36 J. Santiago -extra police 38.40 Rod Boyd -extra police 107.52 James E. Statts-extra police 30.72 Duane A. Zimmerman -extra police 15.36 '2 9 Miller Davis Company- traffic tickets Banister Engineering Co. -sewer survey Street improvement of 1962 Bituminous Surface Treating Company Bituminous Surface Treating Company Solberg Construction Co. $2 2.93 X5,776.00 27,965.00 34,830.00 5,808.90 On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Council unanimously approved change order number 1 with Bituminous Surface Treating company for the installation of bituminous curb at a cost of $.60 per foot. The Clerk read'a report from the Banister Engineering Col relative to the selec- tion of a school site. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the following building permit applications were unanimously approved and ordered issued. Walsh addition to home t 12 x14 Duffy adition to garage 6 x 14 Galdonik 16 x 22 garage. The permit of Joseph Gavin to build a model house was'withheld until the council could meett with him and discuss street construction in his new addition. The Council received a letter from the Rosemount Excatation Co. requesting per- mission to use the Village street to conduct their buseness. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery the blanket use of Village streets was not accepted by the Council. Ayes were 5. The Mayor set the evening of September 10, 1962 for two special meetings. The first at 7:00 PM in relation to the application of J. Gavins addition and the second to be held at 8:00 PM with the Fire Department to discuss financine the newly created Fire Department relief Association. R E S O L U T I O N Motion by Ward, seconded by Finnegan, and unanimously passed that the petition of Rosemount Methodist Church for vacation of Street be accepted, that a hearing on said petition be set for October 2nd, 1962m at eiteht o'clock PM and that the Village Clerk be directed to prepare published and posted notice pursuant to law. NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION FOR VACATION OF STREET IN P? VILL1GEOF ROSEMOUNT, DAKOTA,COUNTY, MINNESOTA TO WHOM IT MAY'CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Village Council of the Village of Rose- mount, Dakota County, Minnesota, will meet at the Village Hall of said Village at eigh t o'clockp.m., on October 2nd, 1962, to consider a petition addressed to said Village Council to vacate the following described street in said Village pursuant to Minnesota Statute Chapter 412.851: All that part of Lot Thirteen (13), Auditor's Sub- division #27 to the Village or Rosemount, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the West line of said lot 13, 467.52 feet South of the Northwest corner of said lot 13, running thence East 516.06 feet, to the east line of said lot 13, thence South along the East line of said lot 13 60 feet thence West 'West N orth 6 along the the West line of line a of saidlot lot l$ 60fet thence to 1 1 to the point of beginning, Dakota County, Minnesota. Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the petition for vacation of said street will be heard at this meeting. Dated at Rosemount, Minnesota, this 4th day of September, 1962. Respectfully submitted, 1 Vill. Cl ►r./ VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. There being no further businnes the meeting adjourned this 4th day of September, 1962. R osect£ully submitted, Vi ''inutes of special meeting held September 10, 1962. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members present. Also present were Mr$,J. Leidner, Mr. Mrs. Ed. Gruber and Mr. Joseph Gavin. After a discussion relative to the respontibility for improvement of Marion Lane it mutually agreed by all present that Joseph Ga vin would pay assessments for twenty two feet on each side of the Street. (120 fee at the beginning of the new addition) On motion of Ward the application for a building permit of J. E. Corcoran was approved second by Corrigan. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the Clerk was instructed to transfer $5,7 from the Liquor Fund to the General Fund to cover the cost of hating the Banister Engineering Co. prepare feasibility and preliminary plans di of alternate routes for sanitgry sewer pland. Ayes were 5. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 10th day of September 1962. 31 t7 Avd Village of ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held October 2, 196 Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the September meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. 1962 IMPROVEMENT BOND FUND Sprinrsted, Inc. $2,750.00 Banister Engineering Co. 12,856.72 A GENERAL FUND The Gopher Shooters Supply Co. _.tA:c e 157.00 Peoples Natural Gas -Fire Department U 4.9 -Hall 2.81 Central Telephone Co. -Fire Department 1$.85 Police 9.90 U. S. Postoffice- stamped envelope 39.60 Northern States Power Co.- Traffic light 20.10 Hall 1.00 Fire Station 5.62 Street light 33 Motorola, Inc. -radio maintenance 16.50 Lystad's 30.00 Ratzlaff Service police car gas 28.10 Norris Pederson -extra time 15.3 Lampert Yards- material for hall 81.10 Genz -Ryan Plumbing abd Heating 10.60 John Hawkins -extra police 60.40 Sam Lindquist -care of dump 20.00 George Koehnen -care of dump 20.00 V. Fehnlee painting hall 38.50 LIQUOR STORE FUND U. S. Postoffice- stamped envelopes 49.60 Northerns States Power Co. 88.50 Peoples Natural Gas 5.57 Hanson Beverage Co. 267.05 Seven Up Bottling Co. 20 4 5 Old Dutch Foods 31.05 Buckingham Beverage, Inc. 139.79 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 4 8.75 Alcorn Beverage Co. 4 57.03 Concord Beverage Co. 907.96 Medford Listributing Co. 78 Ovshak Printing 16.75 Burns Accounting Service 67.66 Bernard W. May Co. 1 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines, Inc. 35. Northwest Linen Service 3 Gene Gustayson -paid outs 4 5. 4 7 Grin's, Cooper Co., Inc. 515.3 Famous Brands, Inc. 54.80 Distillers Distributing Co. 587.76 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. Melady Paper Co. Northwest Cigar Corp. Fritz ,•Jholesale Co. $2,232.88 77.03 13.20 61.74 The Clerk read a letter from the Mayor of Chaska inviting the Council to the meeting to be held there October 18, 1962. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Council unanimously approved the application of the Methodist Churcjj to build their new building. On motion of Mullery and second of Corrigan the application of Wm. Lesmeister to build a garage was approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the application of Carmond Lindquist to add 6 feet to his house and seven feet to his garage was approved subject to the condition that it be used as a residential garage and that the permit was not to be construed to mean that the Council was giving their approval to a Commerdtal garage. Ayes were 5. RESOLUTION Motion by member Corrigan, seconded by member Finnegan, and unanimously passed that: WHEREAS, it appearing to be for the bes interest of the public: IT IS HFREAY RESOLVED, that the following described street situated in the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota be, and the same hereby is vacated: All that part of Lot Thirteen (13), Auditor's Subdivision #27 to the Village of Rosemount, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the West Line of said lot 13, 4 feet South of the N rthwest corner of said Lot 13, running thence East 516.06"feet, to the East line of skid Lot 13, thence South along the East line of said lot 13, 60 feet, thence West 516.06 feet to the West line of said lot 13, thence Norti along the West line of said lot 13, 60 feet to the point of beginning, Dakota County, Minnesota. On metien of Ward and second of Duff the Mayor and the Clerk were authorized to sign a quit±laim deed for the above described ppoperty. On motion of 'Ward and second of Finnegan the Council unanimously approved the application of Joe Gavin to build a house in his new addition. Mr. A. J. McDonough of the Fire Department was present to discuss with the Council the transfer of their funds. On motion of Duff and second of Ward the matter was tabled until the regular meeting to be held November, 1962. Mr. J. Stelter was present and discussed the purchase of a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit for the squad car. No decision was made at this time. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 2nd day of Uctbber, 1962. Respectfully submi C t e+ Village Clerk 33 34 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. N vember 1, Minutes of special meeting held th A IXfl, 1962. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Council unanimously approved and ordered the Clerk to process special assessment rolls for the construction of Streets, concrete curb and gutters,n¢ixxi.f sidewalks and driveways as follows: All 32 foot wide streets to be assessed on the bails of $6.00 per foot. All 36 Foot wide streets to be assessed on the basis of •G ?.OG 1er foot. All 40 foot wide street's to be assessed on the basis of $8.00 per foot. All driveways on the basis of .4.70 per square foot All dMIN MEN sidewalks on the basis of $0.55 per square foot. The cost of street includes the concrete curb and cutters. As in the past the cost of street construction of side lots was to be billed at one -third of the cost to eht property owner. MAIMS 1 terest rates were set at 6% per Annum on the unpaid balance an assessments we on a twenty year basis y u do A An- -tL y t. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 1st day of November, 1962. R submitted, 4ct VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MIN?FSOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held November 6, 1962 Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members present excepting Finnegan. The minutes of the rgular meeting held October 2, 1962 and the minutes of the special meeting Mid November 1, 1962 were read and approved with a statement that sidewalks would be assessed for a three year term being added to the special meeting of November 1, 19.52. On motion of Corrigan and secodd of Mullery the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. LIQUOR STORE FUND Seven Up Bottling Co. Nctthern States Power Co. Peoples Natural Gas Utilities Commission Old Dutch Foods Medford Distributing Co. Burns Accounting Service Hanson Beverage Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Concord Beverage Co. Buckingham Beverage Co19 Alcorn Beverage Co. Gene Gustayson -paid outs H. J. Geraghty Agency O.L. &t. Toombs Insur:-.nce Agency Milw. RR Lynn Johnson Co., Pc. N rthwest Linen Co. Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines Ed. Phillips Sons Co. Griggs, Cooper Co., Inc. Old Peoria, Inc. Distillers Distributing Co. McKesson Robbins Northwest Cigar Corp. Fritz Wholsesale Co. $2.80 63.93 13.68 157.35 41.40 33.65 67.73 437..91 70.10 1,192.25 25.33 689.72 20.95 322.00 53.55 3.06 26.67 22.30 19.69 1,53 162.88 229.53 1,824.69 417.05 25.92 90.75 GENERAL FLrND Central Telephone Co- Poliee 9.80 -Fire Fone 19.00 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 2.33 -Fire Station 6.37 Strese Pure Oil -polic car 23.90 John Hawkins -extra police 46.05 Motorola Communications- police radio 6.60 Leon Flack street labor 11.25 Norris Pederson -extra time 15.36 Lampert Yards -Pall supplies 18.50 Lyle Signs School crossing and stop signs 84.81 Mobile Radio Engineering installation charges 33.15 %E 35 1962 IMPROVEMENT FUND F. A. Kelly installation of sidewalk Banister Engineering Co. Dakota County Tribune George McDonough -labor George Koehnen laying bricks Sam Lindquist -care of dump Bituminous Surface Treating Co. Solberg Construction Co. $902.60 4246.40 27.00 21.00 ,',L'`(L 21.18 40.00 48780.03 8809.72 See extract of minutes of meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rose- mount, Dakota County, Minnesota attached hereto and hereby made a part of these minutes. The Clerk read the minutes of the Planning Commission meetings held during October. On Motion of Ward and second of Mulleyy the Council unanimously agreed to advising the County Engineer of their disapproval of the inzaticxx proposed location of County road #1 or Ash Street and authorized the Clerk to notify him in writing. On motion of Duff and second of Ward the building permit application of F. Swank to add onto his Farage was approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 4. The Clerk read a letter from Banister Engineering Co. relative to sanitary sewer facilities for the proposed Reynolds aluminum plant. The Clerk read a letter from the Minnesota HighsaU Department relative to snow removal and was authorized to write and advise them that our snow removal plans were the same as in 1961. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the application of Paul Mulhollen to build a garage was approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 4. The Clerk was instructed to have a notice published regarding the removal of snow from sidewalks in accordance with the Village Ordinances. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Assessor's salary las set at $480.00 per year. Ayes were 4. 0, motion of Duff and second of Ward the general levy was set at $12,500.00 and the P.E.R.A. levy' as required by law at $2,130.56. Ayes were 4. Special assessment levies were to be cancelled whereever funds are available to cover costs for 1963. Ayes were 4. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 6th day of November, 1962. Respectfully submitted, 1 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a'k'e50/.19 meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount. Dakota County Minne- sota was duly called and held at the Council Chambers in said Village, on the 6th day of November EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT. DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA 1962, at 7;er o'clock p.M. The following members were present: M 1- and the following were absent: The Village Clerk presented the proposed assessment roll for Local Improvements of 1962 as prepared by him with the assistance of the engineer heretofore employed in connection with said improvement, in accordance with the instructions of this Council, which assessment roll was examined, approved and ordered placed on file and open to public inspection in the office of the Clerk. Member ya introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION A Resolution providing for hearing on assessments for Local Improve- ments of 1962 BE IT RESOLVED By the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The assessment roll heretofore prepared by the Clerk and the engineer for Local Improvements of 1962 and now on file in the office of said Clerk, is hereby approved as the proposed assessments for said improvement, and this Council shall meet at the time and place indicated in the notice set forth in paragraph 2 hereof for the purpose of passing upon said assessments and hearing all objections thereto. 2. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of said meeting to be published in the Dakota Co.Trib Farmington Minn, the official newspaper of the Village, at least once, no less than two weeks prior to such date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS OF 1962 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT. DAKOTA COUNTY. MINNESOTA, WILL MEET AT THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS IN SAID VILLAGE, ON TUESDAY. THE 27TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1962, Ai 7:00 O'CLOCK P.M., TO HEAR AND PASS UPON ALL OBJECTIONS, IF ANY, TO THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS WITH RESPECT TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS OF 1962. THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ROLL 15 NOW ON FILE AND OPEN TO PUBLIC INSPECTION BY ALL PERSONS INTERESTED. IN THE OFF ICE OF THE VILLAGE CLERK. EACH OF SAID ASSESSMENTS WILL BE PAYABLE, UNLESS PREPAID, IN 20 EQUAL, CONSECUTIVE, ANNUAL INSTALLMENTS, THE FIRST OF SUCH INSTALLMENTS TO BE PAYABLE WITH GENERAL TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1962, COLLECTIBLE WITH SUCH TAXES DURING 6% YEAR 1963. THE FIRST INSTALLMENT WILL BE PAYABLE WITH INTEREST AT THE RATE OF 6,y PER ANNUM ON THE ENTIRE ASSESSMENT FROM THE DATE OF THE RESOLUTION LEVYING SAID ASSESSMENTS TO DECEMBER 31, 1963, AND EACH SUBSEOUENT INSTALLMENT WILL BE PAYABLE WITH ONE YEARS INTEREST AT SAID RATE ON ALL UNPAID INSTALLMENTS. THE GENERAL NATURE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS OF 1962 IS AS FOLLOWS: GRADING AND INSTALLATION OF: GRAVEL BASE, B ITUMINOUS SURFACING, CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS ON THE FOLLOWING STREETS: JOHN STREET FROM PARK AVENUE TO FIFTH AVENUE CONLEY STREET FROM FOURTH AVENUE TO FIFTH AVENUE MURPHY STREET FROM FOURTH AVENUE TO FIFTH AVENUE FOURTH AVENUE FROM JOHN STREET TO 112 NORTH OF MURPHY STREET FIFTH AVENUE FROM ASH STREET TO 112 NORTH OF MURPHY STREET TWO DRY WELLS TO DISPOSE OF STORM WATER DRAINAGE AT THE INTERSECTION OF FOURTH AVENUE AND JOHN STREET. STORM SEWER ON JOHN STREET FROM FOURTH AVENUE TO CONNECT TO THE EXISTING STORM SEWER AT JOHN STREET AND FIFTH AVENUE, GRADING AND INSTALLATION OF: GRAVEL BASE, BITUMINOUS SURFACING, CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS ON PARK AVENUE FROM JOHN STREET NORTH TO THE CORPORATE LIMITS. GRADING AND INSTALLATION OF: GRAVEL BASE AND BITUMINOUS SURFACING. CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER. CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS AND CONCRETE SIDEWALKS ON MARIAN LANE. GRADING AND INSTALLATION OF: GRAVEL BASE AND BITUMINOUS SURFACING, CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER. CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS ON THE FOLLOWING STREETS, TO WIT: CLAIRE AVENUE FROM ASH STREET TO MAPLE STREET PARK AVENUE FROM ASH STREET TO APPROXIMATELY ISO SOUTH OF MAPLE STREET MAPLE STREET FROM CLAIRE AVENUE TO PARK AVENUE CEDAR STREET FROM CLAIRE AVENUE TO HIGHLAND AVENUE INSTALLATION OF STORM SEWER ON PARK AVENUE FROM MAPLE STREET TO CEDAR STREET AND THE INSTALLATION OF DRY WELLS AT THE INTERSECTION OF MAPLE STREET AND CLAIRE AVENUE.. THE AREA PROPOSED TO BE ASSESSED WITH RESPECT TO SAID IMPROVEMENTS WILL INCLUDE ALL BENEFITED PROPERTY, WHETHER SUCH PROPERTY IS ABUTTING OR NOT, PROPOR- TIONATELY TO BENEFITS TO BE DERIVED FROM SAID IMPROVEMENTS. DATED 6 NOVEMBER, 1962. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL EUGENE J. DUFF VILLAGE CLERK ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 3. Each and all of the terms and provisions of said form of notice are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions by which this Council shall be governed in hearing and passing upon objections to said assessments, as fully as though the same were separately set forth and resolved herein. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member 44- and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: 3.` wiz W y kil and the following voted against the same: •'c- whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. STATE OF MINNESOTA ss. COUNTS( OF DAKOTA I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the Village of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the attac a an foregoing copy of extract of minutes with the original thereof on file and of record in my office, and the same is a full, true and correct transcript of minutes of meeting of the Village Council held on the date therein indicated, insofar as the same relates to the adoption of a resolution providing for hearing on assessments for Local Improvements of 1962 of said Village. WITNESS My hand as such Clerk and the official seal of said Village this day of November 1962, Village Clerk 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meetinE held November 27, 1962. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present excepting Corrigan. On motion of Ward and seoond of Duff the assessment of Joseph Gavin on Marion Lane was recondidered a side lot and the assessment was changed to 40 feet of '280.00. Ayes were four. On motion of Duff and second of Ward the following corrections in arithmetic were apnroved and ordered corrected on the roll. Ayes were four. Jerome Tompkins from $512.44 to $484.44 Harry Boquist from 490.20 to 494.20 Carmond Lindquist 625.20 to 1055. Donald Carroll 2131.80 to 1,332.00 W. H. Kahls from 443.30 to 441.10 On motion of Ward and second of Ni11ery and unamimous approval of the Council.j.t' were appointed election judges to serve at the annual Village Election to be held December 4,1962 from the ho:r of 12:00 o'clock PM to 3:00 o'clock PM, k r �c The extract of minutes of meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rose -J mount, Dakota County, Minnesota attached hereto are hereby made an official part9. of these minutes. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, 37 EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, aifzcea.t meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota was duly called and held at the Village Hall in said Village, cn the 27th day of November 1962, at 7 o'clock P.M. The following members were present: LC; anf1 �1�ui.LQt+ -qy IlTenimederd and the following were absent: .Y .5 rt i A a The Clerk presented an affidavit showing publication of notice of hearing on the proposed assessment for Local Improvements of 1962 in the Dakota County Tribune ,cn the 8th and 15th day of November 19 62, in accordance with the resolution adopted November 6 1952 which affidavit was examined, found satisfactory, and ordered placed on file. The Mayor then announced that the meeting was open for the consideration of objections, if any, to said proposed assessment. All persons present were then given an opportunity to present oral objections, and all written objections theretofore filed with the Clerk were presented and con- sidered, and all such objections were tabulated as follows: Name Nature of Objection Member 1 riftieet(cj resolution and moved its adoptiohY; RESOLUTION A. Resolution adopting and confirming assessments for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS OF 1962 introduced the following BE IT RESOLVED By the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The Clerk, with the assistance of the Engineer, has calculated the amount proper and necessary to be specially assessed for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS OF 1962 against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land affected thereby upon the basis of benefits, without regard to cash valuation, in accordance with the provisions of M.S,A., Chapter 429, and notice has been duly pub- lished as required by law that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon objections, if any, and to amend said proposed assessment as might be necessary, and said proposed assessment has at all times since its filing been open for public inspection, and an opportunity has been given to all interested persons to present their objections, if any, to such proposed assessments (and said proposed assessment has been amended as to certain parcels of land, by resolution duly adopted this date).* 2. The Council, having heard and considered all objections so presented, and being fully advised in the premises, finds that each of the 1ots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the proposed assessment (as so amended)* was and is specially benefited by the construc- tion of said improvement in not less than the amount of the assessment set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, re- spectively, and that such amount so set out is hereby levied against each of the respective lots, pieces and parcels of Land therein described. 3. The proposed assessment (as amended)* is hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessment for each of said lots, pieces and parcels of land respectively, and the assessment against each parcel, together with interest at the rate of 6 per annum accruing on the full amount thereof from time to time unpaid hall be a lien con- current with general taxes upon such parcel and all thereof. The total amount of each such assessmert shall be payable in equal, annual install- ments extending over a period of 20 years, the first of said installments, together with interest cn the entTte assessment from the date hereto to December 31, 19 63, tc he payable with general taxes for the year 1962, collectihlein 1773, and one of each of the remaining installments, to- gether with one year's interest on that and all other unpaid installments, to be payable with general taxes for each consecutive year thereafter until the entire assessment is paid. 4, Prior to certification of the assessment roll to the County Auditor, the owner of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may at any time pay the whole of such assessment or any installment thereof, without interest, to the Village Treasurer, n Strike the matter in parentheses if a resolution was not adopted amending the assessment roll, 5. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County .Auditor a certified duplicate of tie assess- ment roll, with each then unpaid installment and Interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter collect said assessments in the manner provided by law, The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly secnnded by Member ,x ,b' p— and upon vote being taken thereon,the following voted in favor thereof: F 2'74 t' ALit L ti 0 and the following vdt'ed against tl:e same: 7Lf�t�� whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA) i I. the undersigned, acing the duly qualified and acting Clerk I of the Village of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota I do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the attached an foregoing copy of extract cf minutes with the original thereof on file and of record in my office, and the same is a full, true and correct transcript of minutes of meeting of the Village Council held on the date therein indicated insofar as the same relates to the hearing on assess ments for Loca Improvements of 1962 of said Village. WITNCSS My hand as such Clerk and the official seal of said Village this ,j' -r.r/ day of November 1962, (Seal) Village Clerk VIL.IAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held December 4, 1962. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The Minutes of the November meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective. funds. liouor fund Burns Accounting Service 67.84 A rthwest Cigar Corp. 25.92 Miller -Davis Co. 6.63 Corrigan Electric Co. 9.25 Fritz Iholesale Co. 54.18 Hanson Beverage Co. 314.99 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 42.60 Medford Distributing Co. 7:.00 Concord Beverage Co. 860.27 Alcorn Beverage Co. 2 98.59 Old Dutch Foods 30.60 Seven Dot Bottling C. 29.20 Buckingham Veverare Co. 152.45 Minnesota- a'isconstn Tnuck Lines 41.46 Northern States Power Co. 55. Peoples Natural Gas 27.43 Northwest Liner Service 18.79 Gene Gustayson -paid outs 23.45 F. J. Geraghty .+pency- O.L.T. 160.36 Griggs, Conner Co. 710.25 Ed. Phillips F Sons Co. 200.06 Old Peoria, Inc. 308.11 Dist.ill.ers Distributing Co. 615.05 McKesson Robbins 473.69 GF'NERAL FUTT Dakota County Tribune minutes and ballots 21.05 James Ahern -clir board lite and batteries 2.90 Vorwerk Texaco -squad car as nd grader greasing 52.74 Motorola Communications 6.60 Peonies Natural Gas -Hall 4.73 -Fire Station 12.46 Central Telephone Co -Fire Department 18.85 Police Department 9.08 Northern States Power Co. -Fire Station 13.14 Traffic .Dirnal 38.3 -Hall 2.27 Str;et lites 33 R. F. Sieckert -extra labor 51.75 Cstertap Cement Company- repair 6f sidewalks 173.00 Paul Vorwerk 3 Son Oil Co.- Diesel Fuel 4.59 McNamara- Vivant Contracting Co.- blacktop 11.00 Bituminous Surface Treating Co.- repair to alley 75. 1962 Improvement Fund Dakota County Tribune -legal notice 24.75 Briggs and M rpan -legal fees 225.00 Solberg Construction -final payment of contract 2000.00 39 40 The Clerk read a letter from the County Assessor's Office which informed the Council that the Village taxes were increaded 10% on all residential structures. The Clerk read a letter from the Planning Commission. On motion of 'lard :fnd second of Finnegan the Council unanimously approved the installation of four 23,000 lumen lamps on Ash Street. Ore to be at the inter- section of Hayes and rsh St. One at the Rh crossing and two in front of the new Greif Brothers Plant. Two 4,000 lumen 19.mps to be removed, net increase in cost to the Village per year to be $290.00. On motion of '.lard and second of Finneran the Clerk was authorized to have a phone installed in his new office and to discontinue the present police phone. ayes 5. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery the Council agreed to amend the existing dor ordinance to include a requirement for having dogs vaccinated for rabies. Mr. McMenony was assigned to draw up such en ordinance and present it to the Council for their final approval.. Bills approve with those listed previously but not listed are as follows: John Hawkins -extra police $61.40 Anderson Veterinary tiosnital 10.00 There Varbtrusiodbrx being no further business the meeting adjourned this 4th day of December, 1962. Respectfully submitted, 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of annual election held December4, 1962. The Annual Election of the Village of Rosemount was held on the fourth day of December, 1962. The judges of the election were: Mr. Robert Toombs Mr. Edwin Gruber Mr. Don natzlsff Mrs. Eugene Olson Mrs. Don Duea At the hour of 12:00 o'clock PM the above jadges and the Clerks took the oath of office, tie rolls were forthwith opened by proclamation an,i the election proceeded by b=11ot without adjournment or intermission until closed at 8:00 o'clock PM. The candidates voted on at such election hs stated in r.he notice thereof were: 1 Trustee for the term of three years L Clerk for the term of two years 1 Justice of the Peace for the term of two years. 1 Assessor for the term of two years. 1 Constable for the term of two years. At 8 :00 o'clock PM in the evening of said day the polls, a proclamation thereof having been made by one of the judges thirty minutes previous there to closed. The judges then proceeded to pu licly count the bllots and a true statement was proclaimed and filed as provided by law. The Canvass board met on the night of December 4th, 1962 to review and accept the results as presented by the election judges. The results of the election were as follows: on motion the meeting adjourned th 4th day of December, 1962. Respectfully submitted, P. F. Finnegan Trustee E. J. Duff Clerk Nick Fox Constable Melvin Pulley Justice of Peace Gilmore Bowe Assessor 41 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINN7SOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held January 8, 19 Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the December, 1962 meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the following bills were approved and ordered naid from their respective funds. LIQUOR STORE FUND Utilities Commission 155.95 Peonies Natural Gas 49.10 Northern States Power Co. 51.49 Old Dutch Foods 26.10 Medford Distributing Co. 23.55 Seven Up Bottling Co. 37.60 Coea -Gels Bottling Co. 60.45 Alcorn Beverage Co. 342.48 Hanson Beverage Co. 298.98 Gene Gustayson -paid outs 30.13 Burns Accounting Service 66.98 Buckingham Beverage Co. 165.01 N,rthwest linen Service 25.24 Concord ?everave Co. 676.76 Distillers Distributing Co. 740.12 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 1 ,375.90 Griggs, Cooper So., Inc. 2 35. 2 9 Fam ?us Pram's, Inc. 393.02 McKesson Robbins 253.06 Melady Paper Co. 31.46 Minnesota-Wisconsin Truck Lines, Inc. 36.67 Fritz Wholesale Co. 64.45 1.762 Improvement Eugene Duff- labor, machine rental, copying Costs and other costs of calculating ns.sess. 1200.00 FUNr:: Vorwerk Te:acp -tire repair on grader 2.00 Norris Pederson -extra time 15.36 Central Telephone Co -Fire phone 20.25 Police phone 8.25 H. J. Geraghty Agency -j.pJ bond 14.85 Peoples Natural Gas -Fire Station 40.33 Nall 26.73 Northern States Power Co. -Hall 2.48 -Fire 6.22 Traffic light 5.3 street lights 334.17 First State'Rank -new checks 14.76 Lystad's =xterminators 30.00 Ray's ':Welting -door locks and snow plowing 33.65 A. J. Geraghty Tgency- treasurer's Bond 15.00 Sam Lindquist -care of dump 50.00 Motorola Communications 6.60 Ieon F1ach- street labor 4.50 John Hawkins- police duty 61.40 Ratzlaff Service Station 54.80 44 Lampert Yards Miller- Tavis- election and, treasurer supplies 'dilroy's Ford On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the application of Bob Stelter to build a house was !ranted and the permit ordered issued. ayes were 5. Mr. A. J. McDonough was present and discussed the transfer of funds to the control of the Council. 0 motion of Duff and second of Ward the Council approved the purchase of two lockers for police department use, the installation of new locks on the Village Hail and the removal et the siren control buttons to the new Fire Department Mall. Ayes were. 5. The Council discussed with both police officers their order -to have the police department pren;,re and present a report to the Council on a monthly basis. This report to include such items as number of doors checked, number o n, number of traffic tars issued and other related information. The police officers were also notified to tighten up and enforce traffic regulations in the Village. The Mayor set the evening of January 16, 1963 for a special meeting to. discuss t "e loniwt Ordinance. Time of meeting to be 7:00 o'clock PM. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the following cirrette license applications were approved and the permits or licenses tam ordered issued. ayes were 5. Eddy Drug Co. Rose Howl Cafe Hagemeister's Fairway Duffy Brothers Texaco Station Ratelaff 66" Station 6.73 15.61 12.61 The Clerk read all current correspondence and the Planning Commission minutes of December 18, 1963. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Council unanimously agreed to change the time of appointments to She Planning Commission, Utilities Commission and Y Commission to the First repularmeeting held in January each year. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery Leo Fluerel was reappointed to the Utilities Commission for Another three year term. Ayes were 5. 0„ motion of Duff and second of Wasd the First State Bank of Rosemount was des irnated as the official depositary and the Dakota County 'Tribune as the official V1]la!e newspaper for the year 1963. Ayes were 5. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan D Erickson and Dr. Mardell were annoi.nted to the Pillage Mai Board of '?ealth. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the appointment of F. Mullery as 'deed Inspector and P. F. Finnegan as Street Commissioner were approved. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Duff T. J. Corrigan was appointed as Liquor Commissioner. Aves were 5. 0 motion of Corrigan and second of Multery the following were reappointed to 1 1 1 the Planning Commission fort/ th ee a r term. were 5. aentea-aj 4' On motion of {lard and second orris the Council voted to retain Ed. McMenomy as vi11 -.ce counsellor on the same basis as in the past. ayes were 5. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 8th day of January, 1963. Respectfully submitted, 45 46 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held February 5, 19 Meeting called to odder by President Ward, all members present excepting Finnegan. The minutes of the January meeting were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Mullery the following bills were approved and ordered paid from t''eir respective funds. General Fund Rosemount Excavation Co.- leveling dump 20.00 Melvin Pulley -J.P. sutolies 7.60 John Hawkins 61.40 Strese Mire Oil -gas for police car 61 .55 Northern States Power Co. -Hall 9.01 IRraffic light 22.02 -mire Station 10.87 Street Lights 33 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 3 -Fire Station 61.25 R. F. Sieckert- street labor 2 3. 2 5 Motorola Communictions- maintenance contract 6.60 H. J. Geraghty gency- Village Hall and Contents 23.21 Vorwerk Texaco- Grader fuel and oil and police gas 12.90 Wilroy's Ford police car maintenance 3.75 Ray's Welding- grader starting and snow polowing 87.28 Flue =el Elevator, Inc.snow removal 99.00 Anderson Veterinary Hospital- observation of cat for rabies28.00 Miller- Davis -J. P. Supplies 6 .3 8 Liouor fund Genz -Ryan Plumbing and Heating- flexible tubing 15. ?;crthern States Power Co. 5 ?copies Natural Gas 6 3. 20 Gene Gustayson -paid outs 2 5.1 6 Old Peoria Company, Inc. 164.91 Griggs, Cooper g Co., Inc. 192.48 Northwest Linen Service 20.60 Medford Distributing Co. 67.60 Concord Beverage Co. 1092.84 Buckingham Beverage Co. 131.36 Alcorn Beverage Co. 3 Seven Up Bottling Co. 12.60 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 57.60 Old Dutch Foods 2 3. 8 5 Burns Accounting Service 6 9.65 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines 5 Famous Brands, Inc. 1 59. 82 McKesoson g Robbins 510.14 Distillers Distributing Co. 1461.43 Ed. Phillips 'c Sons Co. 2307.66 Fritz Wholesale Co. 265.86 Hanson Beverage Co. General Fund Dakota County Tribune 13.00 Sam Lindquist 40.00 L A- „./:7 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSFMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held January 22, 1963. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The Village Attorney presented a proposed zoning ordinance approved by the Planning Commission to the Council for discussion. On motmon of Ward and second of Corrigan the Council unanimously approved that the County Engineers Of "ice be retained to prepare miniature man desi a ti_nr the proposed zoned areas. This man would then be used to ?ublish with the notice of nubile hearing relative to the adoption of the proposed zoning ordinance. After a lengthy discussion regarding the ordinance the Council agreed to meet with the Manning Comrission or January 29, 1963 amx to discuss with them the reasons for some of the provisions in the proposed zoning ordinance. James f,abiou, dakota County Enwineer was present to discuss with the Council the nroresed improvement of County highway from ap roximately the intersection of Warweg ;venue easterly tb the Village L °its. There being no Thrther business the meeting adjourned at 11;30 PM this 22nd day of January, 19 Resnectfully submitted, l Vi7Z;ae 47 On motion of Mullery and second of Corrigan the Council amended Ordinance #51 entltled. "AN O}CFLNCE REGULTINO THE USE OF STREET SND HIGHWAYS WITHIN THE VILL'^E OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, INCORPORATING PROVISIONS OF TH STATE HIW''.* WAY TRAFFIC RYGULATIC'1 ACT BY REF: RrNCE, AND IMPOSING A PENALTY FOR THE VICLA'TION THEREOF." to intma include aprovision for the }ate elimination of "U" turns on County Highway #42 between Hyland and Warweg Avenue and an State Highway #3 between tS Murphy Street and Maple Street. also included was the provision for the elimination of angle or dia.7onal parking on Ash Street on the South side from from Hyland Avenue to Warweg Avenue. The Simmk Village Attorney was auth- orized to proceed with the preparation of these amendments and to have them published in accordance with law. Ayes were 4. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Council authorized the Village Attorney the amend Ordinance #50 to include provisions for the requirement of rabies shots for all domestic pets in the Village. Ayes were 4. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery Ordinance #50 was to be further amended to include the facts that anyone owninr two (2) or more dogs would be required to purchase a Kennel license for not less than $10.00 in addition to the required liceases. Ayes were 4. The Clerk read the minutes of the Planning Commission for January, 1963. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Clerk was authorized to transfer the sum of .3200.00 to the Planning Commission to cover their operating expenses. Ayes were 4. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery the Council approved the application for Cigarette Licenses for American _Legion, Al's Cafe and Strese's Pure Oil. Ayes 4. The Clerk read the financial report of the Youth Commission for the year 1962. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Council approved the transfer of 1370.31 from the GUAM Water Assessment prior to 195 Fund to the Utilities Co-mission and the transfer of 72,193.67 from the 1959 Improvement Fund to the Liquor Fund. Ayes were 4. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery the Council accepted the financial state- ment of the Clerk for the Year 1962. Ayes were 4. There Being no further business the meeting adjourned this 5th day of February, 1963. Respectfully submitted, Villerk Include in above minutes: On motion of Corrigan and second of Ward the Clerk was authorized to transfer from the 19'2 Improvement the sum of ;200.00 covering the cost of advertising for hearings, etc., to the Genreal Fund. byes were 4. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Clerk waa authorized to bill the Utilities Commission the sum of $150.00 for their cost of heat and light for the year 1962. Ayes were 4. VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held March 5, 1963. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present excepting Mullery. The minutes of the February meeting were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND Vorwerk's Texaco Norris Pederson -extra time John Hawkins police duty R. F. Sieckert -extra street time Peoples Natural Gas -Hall -Fire Central Telephone Co.- Police -Fire Station Northern States Power Co. -Hall -Fire Station Traffic signal Street lights Lystad's Exterminators Motorola Communications Toombs Insutance gency -Hall Clerks Bond Workmens Comp. Corrigan Electric Co.- chabging Fire siren Lampert Yards -locks for Hall Paul Vorwerk Son Oil Co.- Diesel fuel LIQUOR FUNL Northern States Power Co. Peoples Natural Gas Hanson Beverage Co. Old Dutch Foods Seven Up Bottling Co. Medford Distributing Co. Concord Beverage Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Buckingham Beverage Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Burns Accounking Service Fritz 'dholesale Northwest Linen Service The Hastings Gazette Old Peoria, Inc. Griggs, Coope. Co., Inc. Minnesota- Wisconsin Truck Linesm Inc. Distillers Distributing Co. Ed. Phillips Sons Co. McKesson Robbinls Porthwest Cigar Corporation 63. 15.36 46.08 21.00 57.65 80.45 8.25 18.35 11.14 12.04 18.30 35$.33 (353.33) 30.00 6.60 23.21 9.25 438.90 26.69 14.21 4.25 45.78 80.00 244.47 27.90 11.00 16.85 811.00 53.10 148.45 330.32 68.45 89.22 19.17 5.56 228.83 291.20 31.31 818.81 1470.32 411.57 17.60 49 50 The Clerk read the Police Department feport for February, 1963. The Council set the dates of March 29th from 4 to 8 PM. and March 30th from 10 to 12 AM noridue and times for the rabies clinic. Dog licenses will also be available. Dr. Anderson will be available during these times for the vaccination of all domestic pets. The Clerk was authorized to have published an official notice for a period of three weeks notifging the residents or the Village. .+yes were 4. The Clerk read the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held February 19. 19 On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Central Telephone Co. application for a building permit was approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 4. The Clerk read the minu es of the Planning Commission meeting held Bebruary 27, 19(3. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the application of Wm. Trautman to construct a dairy Store was approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 4/ The Mayor read a letter from the City of Rushford regarding the combining of social secufity and Public rrnployees 'retirement :.ssociation benefits. The Mayor read a'letter commending the Village Council for the installation of the new street lights on Ash Street. There Being no further business the meeting adjourned this 5t ddy of March, 1963. Respectfully submitted, 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held March 12, 1963. Meeting was called to order by Chairman Ward. All members present except Duff. A letter was read signed by John J. Young requesting re- zoning approximately 12 acres of land bordered by County roads 42 and 43 from agricultural to Commercial. A motion was made by Ward and seconded by Corrigan that an ordinance be drawn by the City Attorney to designating and authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to sign same. Upon being put of a vote, the following voted in favor: Finneran Ward Corrigan Mullery Against: None An application for a building permit by the Phillips Petrothuem Co. signed by Harold Almquist requesting permis; ion to erect a filling station on a lot at the corner of Cedar an• Ii. =.in :as presented. Member Corrigan motioned it be granted, seconded by Mullery. All members present voted in faovr. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. P. f F. Finnegant. Acting Clerk VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held April 2, 1963. Meeting called to order by Acting Mayor Duff,.all members were present excepting Ward. The minutes of the March meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. LIQUOR FUND Northern,States Power Co. Peoples Natural Gas Utilities Commission Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Old Dutch Foods Concc:rd Beverage Co. Seven Tic Bottling Co. Medford Littributing Co. Buckingha:n Beverage Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. H:nson Beverage Co. urns Accounting Service Griggs, Cooper r Co., Inc. Distillers Distributing Co. 47.82 6 1.70 15.25 34.10 28.50 705.96 2(.80 27.15 168.07 290.97 271.39 6 3.55 860.33 752.11 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 835.29 51 52 Northwest Linen Service Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines, Inc. Gene Gustayson -paid outs Famous Brands, Inc. Old Peoria, Inc. Miller -Davis Co. Bernard W. May Co. McKesson Robbins The National Cash Register Co. Milady Paper Co. Northwest Cigar Corp. Fritz Wholesale Co. 18.95 33.60 22.94 59.57 365.50 6.98 2.54 57 °.05 64.10 26.90 25.92 69.42 GENERAL FUND Norris Pederson -extra time 15.36 John Dawkins- police duty 61.44 Central Telephone Co.- Police 8.25 -Fire phone 18.85 Motorola Communications 6.60 Ray Tousign.nt -extra police duty 6.00 H. J. Geraghty Agency Police Car 116.20 1942 Road Patrol 39.00 1942 GMC Fire f uck 46.00 Northern States Power Co.- Traffic liglt 17.04 -Hall 9.33 Street Lights 358.33 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 41.17 Fluegel Elevator, Inc. -snow removal 17.25 Toombs Insurance Agency- Assessor's Bond 14.80 Corcoran uardware .g Im. Co. 1.19 Dakota County Fighway Department -snow removal 18.13 Sam Linscuist -care of dump Februray and March 90.00 Wilroy's Ford tuneup on police car 18.95 Ray's Welding -snow =lea olcwing 26.88 Dakota County Tribune proceedings 82.70 Paul Vorwerk r Son Oil Co.- diesel fuel grader 3.60 St. Paul Stamp Works, Inc. -dog tags 12.88 Ratzlaff Service -aquad car gas 55.50 FIRE FUND Northern States Power Co. 10.96 Peoples Natural Gas 5 Minnesota Fire Extinguisher, Inc. 2.50 Coast to Coast Stores 2 1 9 Strese Pure Oil Service 2115 H. J. Geraghty Lgency -1961 Fire Truck 46.00 The Clerk read the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held March 26, 1963. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan and upon prior approval of the Planning Commission the apelication of Norman Schommer to build a garage at 408 Conley Street was apprcved and ordered issued. ryes were 4. Mr. Ed. Ragemeister appeared before the Council and objected to the permit issued to the Central Telephone Co. to build their puilding one foot from the sidewald line on Hyland Avenue. The Village Attorney was authorized to contact the Central Telephone Company and advise them of a meeting to be held Monday evening April 8, 1963 at 7 :0 PM with the Council the FlanninF Commission, the Village Attorney, rd. Haremesster and the representatives of the Telephone Co. to discuss this matter further. The resolution ordering a hearing on improvements on Ash Street in the Village of Rosemount, Dakota, County, Minnesota attached hereto are hereby made an official parts of these minutes. On motion of Duff and second of Mullery the Council unanimously approved a change in grade of Marion Lane. The elevation at a point indicated by the first manhole west of the intersection of Marion Lane and Marion Drive was to be rased from (3) three to (4) four inches thereby draining surface water to the south. Mr. Ed. Porwal presented a petition requesting that the council draft an ordinance requiring that dogs in the Village be confined or leashed for 12 months of the year. The Council agreed to have this issue placed on the ballot for the annual village election to be held in December, 1963. On motion of Finnegan and second of Mullery the Clerk was authorized to transfer the sum of $1,200.00 to the Youth Commission for their 1963 expenses. Ayes were 4 The Clerk read a letter from Matt Huerta advising the Council that he had purchased the building housing the Municipal Liquor Store and that effective the xECOli first of May, 1963 the rent was being raised to $250.00 per month. The Council advised their Village Attorney to write to Mr. Huerta advising him of oun diaapproval of this condition and asking Mr. Huerta to come to the next Council meeting for further dis- cussion of the matter. Ki There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 2nd day of April, 1963. Respectfully submitted, s Village Clerk 5 3 VILL'.GE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of joint meeting of the Village Council and Planning Commission. icf e.G-A Present for the Council: George Ward, Eugene Duff, Fransis Mullery, Patrick Finnegan, T. J. Corrigan Present for the Commission: E. Kvam, C. Lindquist, R. Toombs, L. Bernier, Jr., E. Porwall and E. J. Gruber. Presnet for Telephone Co.,; R. Cox, A. LindeWugel, C. Hoffman and R. Kerr,architect. Property owner: Ed. Hagemeister. Meeting convened by Mayor Ward at 7:15 PM, his opening statement covered the building plans of the Central Telephone Co. and the obeection of E. Hagemeister. A general discussion followed in which members of the council the planning commission the telephone company and Mr. Hagemeister took part. It apeeared that the Telephone Co. proceeded with their planning on the premise that the area involved was zoned Commercial an.:; this was given consideration by the Planning Co,rr_ssion and the Council when they voiced their approval. Mr. Hagemeister contended he was never consulted regarding the change of plans to move the building forward to a point near the sidewalk line. Member resolution and moved its adoption: R E S O L U T I O N made the following A IIEARING ON RESOLUTION: A RESOLUTION ORDERING /IMPROVEMENTS ON ASH STREET ON THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA and the following voted against the same: WHEREAS, the Village Council has received certain plans,specifications and estimated costs for the improvement of Ash Street in said Village from Main Avenue East to the Village limits, said plans and specifications prepared by the Dakota County Engineer; and WHEREAS, the Council has determined that said improve- ment is feasible and desirable and WHEREAS, the County of Dakota has offered to enter in to an agreement with the said Village to supervise and complete said improvement, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota that a public hearing be held on May 7th, 1963 at seven thirty o'clock p.m. in the Village Hall to consider the advisability of proceeding with said improvement and the further advisability of assessinw the cost thereof against abutting property. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Village Clerk shall cause due published and mailed notice of said hearing to be given pursuant to law. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconed by Member and upon vote being taken thereon the fol members voted in favor thereof: whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL IMPROVEMENT AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT IN THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a public hearing will be con- ducted by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, on Tuesday, May 7th, 1963, at seven thirty o'clock p.m. in the Village Hall of said Village concerning the advisability of proceeding with a certain local improvement, the general nature of which is as follows: Installation of concrete curb and gutter on both sides of Ash Street from Warweg Avenue East to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railra.4d Track. Estimated cost of said improvement is $1,300.00 and it is proposed to assess the entire cost of said improvement against any and all real property abutting on the above named street, within the limits above desc8ihed, and against any and all real property in any way benefited by said improvement pursuant to the Statutes of the State of Minnesota in such case made and provided. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the making of said local improvement and special assessment, the Village Council proposes to proceed under the authority granted to it by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. Dated at Rosemount, Minnesota, this 9th day of April, 1963. Eugene J. Duff Village Clerk Rosemount, Minnesota VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA STATE OF I4INNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held May 7, 1963. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members present. The minutes of the April meetings were read and approved as read. On Motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND Northern States Power Co. -Hall 3.92 Traffic signal 16.38 Street lights 358.33 John Hankins -extra police 46.08 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 25.34 Motorola Communications 6.60 Charles Ratzlaff -storm sewere work 14.50 Dakota County Tribune proceedings 32.60 Sam Lindquist -care of dump 40 ATd$1ZdSiSF�$$$��XSS M7C f� C oe c c� U Cl 7- Wilroy's Ford 7.29 Norris. Pederson -extra police 15.36 Public Employees Retirement Association 1,730.56 FIRE HIND Ratzlaff Service Station 10.40 Northern States Power Co. 6.68 Peoples Natural Gas 34.56 Central Telephone Co. -April 19.20 Central Telephone Co. -March 18.85 Strese Pure Oil 1.07 Bernier Motor Co. 6.40 National Welding Supply Col 5.75 LIQUOR FUND Northern States Power Co. 48.77 Peoples Natural Gas Co. 44.31 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 66.91 Seven Up Bottling Co. 15.40 Old Dutch Foods 31.95 Buckingham Beverage Co. 188.68 Alcorn Beverage Co. 634.24 Hanson Beverage Co. 416.94 Medford Distributing Co. 61.10 terns Accounting Service 67.60 Gene Gustayson -paid outs 33.67 H. J. Geraghty Agency burglary 80.00 Concord Beverage Co. 972.19 Northwest Linen Service 46.52 Famous Brands, Inc. 301.84 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 1,344.22 Distillers Distributing Co. 634.69 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines, Inc. 29.88 Griggs, Cooper Co., Inc. 1 Northwest Cigar Corp. 2 5.92 McKesson Robbins 245.00 Fritz Wholesale Co. 89.67 k 3 56 The Clerk read the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held May 1, 1963. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Council altered the original buildinn permit granted to the Central Telephone Co.. Changed included a twenty two (22) foot set bank from Hyland Avenue and movement of the building to the South lot line of the Telephone property so as not to have eave troughs and downspouts on the alley. Ayes were 5. On motion of Duff and second of Mullery and upon prior approval of the Planning Commission the application to build a garage made by John Warweg was approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 5. A public hearing regarding the improvement of Ash street from Warweg to the East Village limits was held. the resolution attached hereto is hereby made a part of these minutes. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the applications of James Tutewohl and Perry Larson to build garages were approved and ordered issued. the Planning Commission approval had been given prior to this meeting. Ayes were 5. The Clerk read the Police report for the Month of April and it was ordered placed on file. The Council agreed to the annual equalization meeting to be held on Thurdday, June 27, :9( The time was set a 7;00 o'clock PM at the Village Hall. On motion of Ward and seocnd of Finnegan the Council unanimously approved the Council meeting nights be included in the Rosemount Band Calendar. A letter from the Women's Club was read by the Clerk. The letter invited the Council to the next Women's Club meeting to be held May 28th. The ppogram to include a talk by Dr. Jordan of the Minnesota Department of Health- Dental Division in relation to "Water Flou_ridation and its Benefits to a Community The Mayor recommended that the members of the Council attend this meeting. On motion of Mullery and second of Corrigan the Clerk was authorized to hire clerical help to prepare records for destruction. Ayes were 5. Mr. William Shaffer, President of the Jaycees was present and presented the Council with a resolution stating the Saycees recommendations regarding the local Liquor Store. The C c e they �e ng o onsi re rd' he o d onin o di nance und� conside ..ed the/Rerk t o rive o�(blid notic l r of,this me Cam' There being no further bubiness the meeting adjourned Respectfully submitted, L al r2- 4.20 Vilge Clerk of the -publ c hearing ation'by the Council "and,. t'..nc or Hea ing. Ayes -'5. this 7th day of May, 1963. adoption: EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, was duly held at the Council chambers at 1.he Village Hall in said village on Tuesday, May 7th, 1903 at 7:30 o'clock p.m. The following members were present: Ward, Finnegan, Corrigan, Mullery, and Duff and the following members were absent: none *************(*************(***t********** Member Duff made the following resolution and moved its RESOLUTION: A RESOLUTION ORDERING CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS ON ASII STREET IN TIIE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA. WHEREAS, after a public hearing held by the Council pur- suant to law on Tuesday, May 7th, 1903, concerning the advisability of proceeding with the following local improvement; and, WHEREAS, after thorough consideration of the matters involved by the Village Council; KOW 'iIiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota that it is advisable, expedient and necessary that the Village of Rosemount cause the fel. J.owing local improvement to he made and the costs thereof to be assessed against the real property henefitted thereby: Installation of concrete curb and gutter on bath sides ot Ash Street from Warweg Avenue (East to the Chicago, Milwaukee, Saint Pao]. and Pacific Railroad Track RESOLVED FURTUER THAT said improvement be done by the Village entering into a contract therefore with the County of Dakota, providing_ for the performance "f said wort: by the Canty of Dal:nta and providing further for the improvement of said Ash Sl.rv.et by the County ot Dakota Cron) tho intersection of !lain Avenue with said Ash Street East to the easterJ■ !oundary line of the Village; RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute and deliver said contract with the County of Dakota. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member Finnegan and upon vote being taken thereon, the following members voted in favor thereof: all and the following voted against the same: none whereupon said resoleon was declared duly passed and adopted. VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held June 4, 19 Meeting called to order by Acting President Duff in the absence of Mayor Ward, all other members were present. The minutes of the May meeting were read and approved as read. On motion of Finnegan and second of Mullery the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND Dakota County Tribune 15.60 Norris Pederson -extra time 46.08 R. F. Sieckert- street labor 3 Les! Carlisle- street labor 9.00 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 16.29 Texaco police gas 18.95 Northers States Power Co. -Hall 2.76 Street lights 358.33 Traffic signal 16.86 Motorola Maintenance 6.60 Miller -Davis CO.- Building permit applications 16.13 Carmond Lindquist -care of dump 40.00 City of Hastings, sw eping streets 13.75 Toombs Insurance agency- Workman's Comp. 39.53 Lyle Signs parking signs 6 Central Telephone Co.- Police phone 8.25 FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND Northern States Power Co. 6.78 Peonles Natural Gas 16. Central Telephone Co. 18.85 LIQUOR STORE FUND Northern States Power Co. 65.85 Peoples Natural Gas 3 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Min 4 8.73 Hanson Beverage Co. 314.29 Old Dutch Foods 32.40 Concord Beverage Co. 1 Seven Up Bottling Co. 20.00 Buckingham Beverage Co. 169.56 Alcorn Beverage Co. 536.10 Medford Distributing Co. 109.40 Judge's Electric Appliance 11.58 Burns Accounting Service 68 .75 Office of Liquor Control Commissioner 10.00 Minnesota- Wisconsin Truck Lines 50.96 Distillers Distributing Co. 1,896.23 Old Peoria, Inc. 3 Origrs, Cooner Co. 679.76 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 1636.04 Famous Brands, Inc. 263.13 Melady raper Co. 5.25 McKesson Robbins 1413.86 Fritz Wholesale 82.04 The Clerk read the minutes of the planning commission meetings held during May. 57 58 On motion of Finnegan and second of Mullery the following building permit applications were approved and ordered issued. Ayes were unanimous and prior approval of the Planning °o^ mission had been obtained. Glen Ione Uitenboeard one new house Thomas JosepU Cabin one new house Marvin Ratzlaff Two car garage Eugene Duff two car garage and teardown two old buildings Ervin Strese 14 x 22 addition to existing home. The Council set the evening of June 18, 1963 at 7:00 PM as the time for a public hearing to be held on the proposed new zoning ordinance and ordered the Clerk to have public notice published. The Clerk read the Police Repprt for the Month of May 1963. On motion of Mullery and second of Finnegan the following Non intoxicating and Intoxicating liquor license were approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 3. Wm. Warner Rose Bowl Cafe On and Off Non Intoxicating Malt Liquors Cecelia Ahern Al's Cafe 0 Duffy Bros. Duffy Brothers supermarket Off sale non intoxicating Beer. Legion Club Legion club rooms ON Sale Beer and Liquor. Om Motion of Mullery and second of Finnegan the application for review of Real Estate taxes of Peery E. Lareon was considered by the Council. The Council after review recommended to the Coutiy Assessor that the proposed redutciton be allowed for 1961 and 1962. Ayes were 3. On motion of Finnegan and second of Mullery the Council accepted the resolution of the Commercial Club relative to the subjedt of the Liquor Store and ordered same placed on file for future reference. Ayes were 3. On motion of Finnegan and second of Mullery the Clerk was authorized to contact the Banister tngi.neering Co. relative to a water drainage problem on Park Avenue and have them survey the situation and recommend to the Council action to be taven. eyes were 4. The Clerk read the correspondence relative to the Villages lease with Mr. Huerta and after a short discussion the Council decided to tender to Mr. Huerta the mon9 thly rental of $200.00 per our agreement with Mr. Huerta of April 1963. Ayes 4. On motion of Finnegan and second of Mullery the Council approved the holding of a nublic dance by the Rosemount Jaycees to be held July 20, 1963. Ayes 4. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 4th day of June, 1963. Respectfully submitted, 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held June 18, 1963. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery unanimous approval was given to a request by the Jaycees, Americal Legion, Rosemount Lions. Rosemount Businessmen's Club and the VFW for a permit to hold a public Firework's display on the Foutth of July 1963. Display to be held on the local school grounds. The Mayor Mut and the Village Attorney read the proposed zoning ordinance and it was discussed by the Council. Since there were no objections and since the Council felt that possibly not enough comments were heard that it would be wise to r-ostoone final action until the regular meeting to be Held July 2, 1963. The Clerk was authorized to have an official notice published in the Dakota County tribune. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 18th day of June, 1963. R subimitted, V �ltage Clerk 5 9 60 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held June 27, 1963. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all °embers were present. The Assessor and the Dakota County Assessor presented the personal property tax rolls to the Council for their approval. The Council thoroughly reviewed the assessment rolls and unanimously accepted it. There being nor further business the meeting adjourned this 27t h, day of June 1 '63. Respectfully submit ted, r1 Vint• Cle r VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF D?KOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held July 2, 1963. Meeting called to order by Chariman Finnegan Present Finnegan, Corrigan and Mullery. Absent; Duff and Ward. Motion b Finnegan, second Corrigan to pay bill of George McDonough for street work. Also Ray Sieckert, street work for June. Ayes 3, no none. Lee Getting present to discuss Park Avenue improvement to their church property. Motion by Sinnegan, second Mullery to church to fix their street as soon as Pete to chekc firecrackers in town. have Banister set grade stakes to permit possible. Ayres 3, no -none. Commission requested police office be re- he could very well move into other part so FiZilfiMA Police Report. Utilities moved from pump room. Peterson said it was agreed he would so do. Peterson also reported he called on Skelton about condition of his lot. He took no action so Attorney McMenomy to check ordinance to see if we can cause it to be cleaned up at his expense. Mullery to check with County Weed inspector. Planning Commission: Henry Broback present to discuss their plans for apart- ment on West Cedar. Broback to check with Engineers on utilities and return to Council with further plans and then Ball hearing of affected property owners. Motion by Corrigan second Finnegan to have Duff contact Mr. McCubrey on School requests `or Highway near new school. Ayes 3, no- none. Joe Gavin brought plan to place S curb on his Marian Terrace Addition as FHA wants complete street eomeededc Iii finished and be cannot now locate driveways. Council to consult Enrinecr and consider. Gavin also requested to be advised of next meeting if special meeting is called so that he may discuss this and also rezoning of oroperty on highway to Commercial. Motion by Finnegan second by Mullery to adopt Ordinance #63 in regard to Planning and Authorizing Clerk to sign same in regular manner. Ayes 3 no none. 'r000sed acr ement between Francis Kane and Village read and Village Attorney authorized to send same to Ken's attorney for their acceptance and then to come back for Village Approval. Bill came in unsigned for extra police duty. Council believed it to be for John Hawkins and apnroved it as such Clerk to check and pay if corredt. Being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9 :55 PM. ctin['Cl rk VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held July 16, 1963. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. Mr. Lee Getting was prsent representing the Methodist Church. The Council and mr. Getting agreed to the following points. 1.. The Methodist Church would provide for a drainage pit on the south end of tteir prooerty. 2. They would construct concrete curb and gutter on the east side of the Str et(Park Avenue) to the south end of their property. 3. They would construct "•ravel surface street according to Village Spec- ifications and would Provide a dust free surface. 4. They agreed to have the Street blacktopped as soon as Mr. Rahn opened his side and dedicated the balance of the street for street purposes. 5. They further agreed to set the above terms in writing in the :orm of a Contract with the Village. After a lengthy discussion and upon motion of Duff and second by Mullery the Council agreed to allow Joe Gavin to install S512 curb and gutter on Marian Drive. This curb and gu ter approved and to be ovserved for appearance and ability to carry water. The Council specifically does not intend that the in- stallation of this curb and Putter should set a precedent for future curb and gutters yet to be constructed. ::yes- Mullery, Corrigan, Ward and Duff, No- Finnegan. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the council unanimously approved and orddred paid from their respective funds the following bills. LIQUOR STORE Northwest Linen Service 22.72 Toombs Insurance Agency- contents 168.22 Old Peoria, Inc. 173.07 Distillers "istributing Co. 177. Utilities Commission 17.15 N rt ern States Power Co. 73.92 Peoples Natural Gas 20.99 Buckingham Beverage Co. 271.46 Seven Up Bottling Co. 44.60 Coca -Cola Bottling 86180 Old Dutch Foods 4 9. 0 5 61 62 Hansen Beverage Co. Concord Beverage Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Medford Distributing Co. Gene Gustayson -paid outs Burns Accounting S Northwest Lieen Sertitce Griggs, Cooper Co. Miller Davis Co. Distillers Distributing Co. Ed. Phillips Sons Co. Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines D? rthwest Cigar Corp. Fritz Wholesale Co. 4 77. 4 3 1353.65 6= 8.92 1 9.30 27.49 67.00 24.70 361.63 10.33 322.73 1713.42 49.81 34.56 105.42 GENERAL FUND Northern States Power Co. -Hall 1.06 -Str et lights 358.33 Traffic signal 15.36 Peoples Natural Gas 8.98 Texaco, Inc. 13.44 Motorola 6.60 Lystad's 30.00 Central Telephone Co.- Police 8.40 Carmond IpiNI`MILindquist -care of dump 50.00 Dakota County Tribune-publications 68.70 Wilroy's Ford 20.29 Miller Davis Co. 9. The Pure Oil Co. 35.03 FIRE FUND Central Telephone Co. 18.85 rthern States Power Co. 4.24 Peoples Natural Gas 7.59 The Mayor set the evening of July 24, 1963 at 7:00 o'clock PM to meet[ with Mosse rnd Treibergs. There being no further![ business the meeting adjourned this 16th day of July, 1963. Respectfully submitted, 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of special meeting held July 24, 1963. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present excepting Duff. Motion by 'lard, second by Corrigan that the Treasurer of the Fireman's Relief Accociation be authorized to invest 13,000.00 in denominations of two $1,000.00 CD bonds and two $500.00 CD bonds and hereafter as the money accumulates to an amount of 5C0.00 or more he shall be authorized to invest same. Upon being put to a vote, all voted in favor of the motion. Mr. Mosse of the Architectural firm of Mosse and Traiberg and Mr. Olson of the fiscal firm of Juran •&Moody were present to discuss liquor store construction. The Council listened to their presentation. A lengthy discussion was held among VIE members of the Council relative to property acquisition. No action was taken at this time. P. F. Acting Clerk 63 6 4 VII:LAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held August6, 1963. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the June and July meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND Carmond Lindquist -cafe of dump Northern States Power Co. -Hall Traffic light Street Lights Peoples Natural Gas Texaco, Inc. police arm car gas Dakota County Tribune- publication of zoning Ord. Motorola- maintenance John Hawkins -extra police Les Carlisle cleaning storm sewere R. r. Sieckert- cleaning storm sewers Fox Excavating- street work Corcroan Hardware- Street paint Paul Vorwerk Sons Oil Co.- diesel fu el Norris 'ederson -extra time McNamara- Vivant Contracting Co.- blacktop League of Minnesota Municipalities -dues Phillips Petroleum police ear gas Carlson's Farm Supply- tractor rental FIRE FUND Northern States Power Co. Peoples Natural Gas Central Telephone Co. Strese °are Oil Service -gas Vorwerk's Texaco -gas Coast to Coast tore °batteries Mercantile Co.- rubber gloves Corcoran Hardware batteries Genz -Ryan Plumbing and Heating -pipe LIQUOR FUND Northern States Power Co. Peoples Natural Gas Old Dutch Foods Concord Beverage Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Seven Up Bottlin' Ct. F nson Beverage Co. Medford Distributing Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Buckingham Beverage Co. Burns Accounting Service Minnesota Municipal Liquor Stores Association, I H. J. Geraghty hrency -stock and fixtures Northwest Cigar Corp. Ed. Phillips g Sons Co. Famous Brands, Inc. Griggs, Cooper Co. 45.00 1.00 15.66 358.33 2.33 5.18 95.50 6.60 46.08 33.75 66.00 20.50 110.74 5.58 15.36 11.00 78.00 14.85 8.00 4. 56 4 .31 18.85 5.15 9. 4.15 20.64 6.49 2 .53 99. 6 .55 4 3. 2 5 1665.96 74.25 20.60 773.06 78.00 895.90 327. 67.25 c. 15.00 112.15 25.92 321.92 2 148.80 1 Distillers Distributing Co. Melady Paper Co. Minnesota- Aisconsin Truck Lines Gene Gustayson -paid outs Fritz Wholesale Co. $311.95 39.80 18.00 32.23 92.40 The Clerk read the following correspondence. A letter from Mr. J. E. Clson of the Firn of Juran and Moddy relative to their services in regard to the issuing of bonds for the construction of a new liquor store. A A letter from Mr. Lyle H. Smith, Chief Section of Water Pollution Control for the State of Minnesota in which he reviewed the operation of the sewage treat- ment plant and listecd 10 areas in which the plant operation could be improved. The Planning Commission minutes of meetings held June 25, 1963 and July 30, 1963. A letter from Mr. F. L. Woodward, Director of Division of Environmental Sanitation approving the plans for the construction of watermains to the Jack Young enterprises, Inc. property. The Police report for the month of July A letter from the Dakota -Scott He, -ional Library Board, sigged by Margaret L. Smith relative to the start of evening hours in the Village on Sept. 1, 19 A letter from Banister Engineering Co. relative to the construction of Sewer and Water lines to the Jack Young, Inc. properties. Mr. Duene Elliott of Banister Engineering Co. was present to discuss with the Council tentative plans for the construction of a drainage ditch and seepage pit on the Methodist Ch urch Property. On motion of Duff and second by Finnegan the Council unanimously approved the tentative plans. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council unanimously authorized Mr. Ed. Melenomy to prepare easement agreement with the Methodist Church for instal ation of drainage ditch and seepage pit and for future maintenance. Ayes 5. Mr. McMenomy brought the Council up to date on the matter of the suit pertaining the liquor sotre and the villages proposed agreement regarding the dump. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery the Clerk was authorized to have printed cards contains the Village dump regulations leaving a place for names and auto licenses to be filled. Ayes 5. Minnegan made a motion to purchase the Ed. McMenon property for the sum of $30,000.00 with an earnest money contract for $2,000.00. Second by Corrigan. Duff moved to adjourn the meeting. Ayes were Duff and Ward, •Nayes were Corrigan and Finnegan with Mullery Abstaining. Mayor Ward requested that Mr. Corrigan refrain from voting on the motion due to an apparent conflict cf interest. Mr. Corrigan refused. Voting in favor of the motion were: Finnegan, Corrigan and Mullery Voting against the motion were: Ward and Duff On motion of Ward and second of Mullery the Council voted to retain Mr. John Daly, Jr. to handle the transfer of title for the Village. On motion of Mullery and second of Ward the Clerk was authorized to set up a meeting with Springsted, Inc. relative to the financing of the eost of the propos new liquor store. Ayes were 5. There Being no furthe r business the meeting adjourned at 10:45 PM. y' 65 66 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special. meeting held August 20, 1963. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. Mr. Joe Gavin was present to discuss with the Council the improvement of Marion Drive. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the Council retained the firm of Minnehaha Terrazzo- Cement Co. to install curb and gutter concrete) on Marion Drive and the firm of McNamara Vivatt to blacktop the street. The Bost of blacktopping to be $550.00 and the cost of concrete curb and gutter to be $1.95 per liiseal foot. Ayes were 5. Mr. Osman Springsted of Springsted, Inc. was present to discuss with the Council the financing of the proposed Liquor Store. After fully explaining the ways of financing he suggested that the firstep would be to retain an architect to determine the type of a building to be eredted and the estimated cost. The Clerk was authtrized to contact the firm of Masse and Trieberg, Architects to meet with the council and discuss further the construction of the Liquor Store. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Council unanimously voted to tetain the Firm of Briggs and M`rgan, Attornies to represent the Village in the purchase of property for the Liquor Store and to prepare a title examination and a deed. Ayes were 5, There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 20th day of August, 1963. Respectfully submitted, VILLPGF. OF RCSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, ST,-2E OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held August 22, 19 Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. Present were: !r. Rorer Short of Banister Engineering Co. Mr. H. C. Hanson Mr. H. :1mquist Planning Commission K. Monson Paul Jones Leo Fluegel H. J. Geraghty John Young George Mayer Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Utilities Commission Jack Young Enterprises After a discussion involving storm water runoff, dedication of a new street. Banisters letter of July 2, 1963, Sanitary Sewers and Water connection, Lighting and type of construction to be used.the council on motion of Mayor Ward and second Of Mullery voted unaniMously to issued a permit to the Jack Young Enterprises to construct two 23 unit apartment buildings, two service stations, 70,000 square feet of shops, one restaurant with inside and outside eating facilities and for the removal of two houses and their out buildings. ...yes were 5. There being no further business the meeeting adjourned this 21, of August, 1963 VILLAGE OF ROSEN.OiN COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular .meeting held September 3, 1963. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the August meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and eecond of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered Paid from their respective funds. FIRE FUND Northern States Power Co. 5.62 Peoples Natural Gas Co. 4 .31 H. J. Geraghty Agency- insurance on Jeep 14.83 Midway Ford- purchase of Jeep 800.00 A. J. McDonough -for cleaning and painting 82.00 Ratzlaff Service 9.65 GENERAL FUND John Hawkins -extra police 92.10 R. F. Sieckert -extra street time 4 3.50 Peoples Natural Gas 2 .33 Central Telephone Co..-police 9.58 Northern States Power Co. -Hall 1.00 Traffic 16.74 Street 358.33 Motorola Maintenance 6.60 First State Bank -lock box 4.00 Carmond Lindquist -care of dump 50.00 Lindquist Fiat Sop -mower repairs 2.25 Wilroy's Ford maintenance 19.06 Mason Publishing Co.- police manual 3.00 Julio Santiaro police work 15.36 Rodney Boyd police work 30.72 John t arrinan- police work 46.08 Ray Tousirnant- police work 76.80 Phillips Petroleum police gas 11.86 The Pure Oil Co.- police pas 13.13 Dakota County Tribune proceedings 37.40 Texaco-nthlice as 4 2 3 Darrell Sisson-picking up dogs 30.00 LIQUOR FUND Northern States Power Co. 106.93 Peoples Natural Gas 4 .73 Seven Up Bottling Co. 26.10 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 67.35 Old Dutch Foods 43.20 Concord Beverage Co. 1136.91 Hanson Beverage Co. 573.71 Medford Distributing Co. 19.30 Fuckineham Beverage Co. 364.82 Alcorn Beverage Co. 633.18 Burns Accounting Service 68.30 Northwest Linen Service SIZE 21.75 Judge's Electric Appliance Co. 5 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines, Inc. 37.56 Gripes, Cooper 1 Co. 385.07 Distillers Distributing Co. 936.48 A 6 Ed. P Ed. Phillips Sons Co. ZflIKI 969.40 Old Peoria Company 273.51 Northwest Cigar Corp. 25.92 McKesson Robbins 291.15 Fritz '.Jholesale Co. 76.47 On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Cigarette, and.On and Off Sale non intoxicating malt liquor license applications of Mrs. Ernest Wederath were ap ^roved and ordered issued. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Duff the Council unanimously approved the refund of $91.40 to Mr. Wm. Warner for Cigarette and Beer licenses. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Council approved the hiring of extra police for three afternoons per week for the purpose of regulating and directing traffic. Ayes were 5. Mr. McMenomy brought the council up to date on the progrees of the agreement be- tween the Village and the University regarding the S Disposal Plant. The Council requested that Mr. McMenomy prepare written agreements for the im- provement of Marion Di=ve with Mr. Ed. Gruber and Mr. Gerald Leidner. UMW HajitiEeilakiAlEXEMNICIUMNIXIMEDDEMIMIMICUXUX On motion of Corrigan an: second of Mullery the Mayor and the Clerk were authorized to sign the easement agreement with the Methodist Church relative to the drainage ditch and seepage pit. Ayes were 5. Duff made a motion to amend the above motion to accept deed from the Methodist Church covering their ptrtion of the extension of Hark Avenue. second by Ward Ayes were 5. The Mayor called ant executive session of the Council and requested that all present leave the Council chambers during the discussion of the suit relative to rerta1 of the present Liquor Store. The planning Commission reported on the outcome of their hearing relative to the apnlication of Brobrack Pu.ilders tm for issuance of a special use permit and the rezoning of a residential area to permit them to build apartment build- ings. On motion of :lard and second of Corrigan the special use permit was granted providing that a buffer zone of a minimum of one lot be provided between existing residential property and the proposed apartment buildings. The area under con- sideration would be on the north and south Bide of the proposed extension of Cedar Street to County Highway #29.Ayes were 5. The minutes of the August 27, Planning Commission meeting were read. The firm of M and Trieberg were present to discuss- the construction of the proposed new liquor Store. N definite action was taken at thee time. The Clerk was authorized to set up meetings with up to four other Architectural firms for the evening of September 9, 196). Member Duff made the following resolution and moved its adoption; A RESOLUTION AUTRORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF VILLAGE RECORDS IN ACCORD.NCE WITH M.S.A. 412.841. WHEREAS, The Office of the Village Clerk has made a thorough review of the Village records to remove minutes, Permanent bookkeeping records and any correspondence of sirnifance, WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the action is necessary to conserve needed filing space, and WHEREAS, THE Council has determined that in accordance with Minnesota 8tttuees 412.431 that it has the authority to destroy these records, NOW TFERFFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota that the following reccrds be destroyed after teferral to the State Archives and Records Service and after a thirty day waiting period. 1. Routine correspondence from the year 1928 through 1953 for all general Village business. 2. Routine correspondence from the year 1947 through 1953 for all Liauor Store business. 3. Paid bills for all funds from the year 1928 through 1953. 4. All building hermit applications through the year 1953. 5.. All check stubs through the year 1953, all funds. 6. All carbon copies of Treasurer's Receipts through the year 1953. 7. All daily cash recapitulations, cash register tapes and daily deposit slips for the Liquor Fund from 1947 through 1953. 8. All caneelled checks prior to the year 1954 for all fudds. IAMTJ The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was -duly seconded by member Finnegan, and upon vote being taken theron the following members voted in favor thereof: Duff, Corrigan Ward, Mullery and Finnegan. and the following voted against the same: N ",Thereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. The Clerk read a letter from Banister Engineering relative to conditions of the proposed Jack Young Enterprises Shopping Center. On motion of Duff and second of Ward the Council unaimously authorized Mr. Mci4enomy to prepare a written agreement between the Village and Jack Young enterprises containkng the verbal agreements made at the special meeting of August 12, 1963 and the Banister Engineering Co. letter of August 30, 1963 to the Rosemount Utilities Commission. The Clerk read a letter to Briggs and M from Springsted, Inc. relative to legal services for the acquisition of aeixt real estate for the porposed Liquor Store. The Clerk was authorized to set up a special meeting Thursday evening September 5,_1963 at 7:00 o'clock PM with Mr. Bernard Freil of the Firm of Briggs and Morgan to discuss the matter further. Ayes were 5. The clerk was authorized to set up a meeting with Mr. James E. Olson of the firm of Juran and M "ody to S±nn discuss further methods of financing the proposed store. There being no further business the meeting adjourned 1963 at 10:55 PM. Respectfully subteitted, r r this 3rd day of September, 69 70 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held September 5, 1963. Meeting called'to order by President Ward, all members were present. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan gave tentative approval to a resolution authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to sign a purchase agreement with Mr. E. McMenomy. The purchase agreement to contain an earnest money contract for $2,000.00 with a total purchase price of $30,000.00, a stipulation that property would bot be subject to any restrictmmn that would prohibit the use as ation and off sale municipal liquor dispensary, and an agreement that if the Village could not issue bonds that the earnest monies would be refunded. Ayes were Finnegan, Mullery and Corrigan. No were Duff and Ward. There was a mutual agreement between the members of the Council that Mr. Bernard Freil Of the firm of Briggs and t4 rgan should prepare the above motion in final resolution form and submit tt to the Council for final approval. On motion of'Duff and second of Ward and upon unanimous approval of the Council the firm of Birggs and Morgan represented by Mr. Bernard Freil would represent the Village when the suit brought by Mr. Huerta was tried in District Court. Mr. James Olson of the firm of Juran and Moody was present to discuss with the Council the financing of a new Liquor Store. There beirgno further business the meeting adjourned this 5th day of September, 1963. Respectfully submitted, Vil ]bfg VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held September 9, 1963. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all mmebers were present. The Council interviewed the architectural firms of Buetow Associated, Progressive Design Associated and Myers and Anonsen, No final decisithn was re ached at this meeting, however the Council that Mr. Rueben Johnson of Buetow and Associated come to a special meeting to be held the evening of Septbmber 13, 1963 to discuss the matter further. The purchase of the Liquor Store property (E. McMenomy) was discussed further and a letter from Mr. Bernard Freil of Briggs and Morgan was read Enclosed with the letter was a resolution for council adoption and a purchase agreement. Mayor 'lard arreed to discuss with Mr. McMenomy the removal of drapes, carpeting and water softener. No action was taken rending the outcome of the discussion between Mayor Ward and Mr. McNenomy. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 9th day of September, 1963. Respectfully submitted, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting hhld September 13, 19 Meeting walled to order by President Ward, all members were presatt. The Council interviewed the Architectural firm of Thorsen and Thorshov, Inc. Member Finnegan introduced the following resolution and movedits adoption: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE WHEREAS, the Village of Rosemount has heretofore determined that it is necessary and desirable to acquire real estate ddr the purpose of erecting thereon a new municipal liquor dispensary, NOJTHERF:FORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The Village shall purchase the property described in the earnest money contract attached hereto and made a part hereof, for the price and upon the terms and conditions herein set forth, and the Mayor and Village Clerk of the Vi nare, are hereby authorized and directed to execute said earnest money contract and all other instruments necessary to accomplish the purchase of said property. 2. Said earnest money contract shall constitute the offer of the Villare to purchase said property and the same shall be delivered to the owner of the property, together with the Village's check in the amount of $2,000.00, representing the earnest money payment. The motion for the ddoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member Corrigan, and upone a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Corrigan, Finnegan and Mullery and the following Voted arainst the same: Ward and Duff Whereupon said resolution was declare d. d y passed and adopted. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan opteed #64, entitled "DU!'PING REGULATIONS OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA' Ayes were 5. On motion of Duff and second of Ward the Council retained the firm of Buetow Associated to do the architectural work for the new liquor store. Initially the firm will be retained on an hourly bases. Ayes were 5. On motion of Duff and second of Ward the application of Adolphson and Peterson to huild a hirhschool was printed and ordered issued. Ayes were 5/ The problem of routing school busses to the Methodist Church property was discussed and the Mayor agreed to contact the bus company and establish one route. The Clerk was authorized to write a letter to the Manager of the Liquor Store and order him to refuse to serve Carl Dahlberg. Respectfully submitted, 7 There beingno furthere business the meeting adjourned this 13th day of September, 1963. Village Clerk 71 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held October 1, 1963. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the. September meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and oredered raid from their respective funds. LIQUOR FUND Northwest Linen Service 16.50 Northern States Power Co. 85.24 Peoples Natural Gas 5.15 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 75.00 Seven Up Bottling Co. 21.30 Old Dutch Foods 34.35 Hanson Beverage Co. 425.13 Alcorn Beverage Co. 514.06 Medford Distributing Co. 8 5. 8 5 Concord Beverare Co. 982.89 Buckingham Beverage Co. 281.31 ?urns Accoungitn C rvice 67.10 Richard Klatt- vacation wages 87.75 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 717.77 H. J. Geraghty Agency 482.36 Distillers Jiistributing Co. 7.128.76 Cone Gustayson-paid outs 56.14 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines 26.59 Griggs, Cooper Co. 281.48 Old Peoria, Inc. 328.7 McKesson Robbins 161.00 Northwest Cigar Corporation 25.92 Fritz :Jholesale Co. 24 .30 GENERAL FUND Anderson Veterinary Hospital 31.00 John Hawkins-police duty 61.44 Lyles Signs, Inc. -No parking sign 9.88 Northern States Power Co.- Traffic light 15.78 Hall 1.00 Street lights 353.33 Peonies Natural Gas 2.57 Central Telephone Co.- police phone 8.25 Motorola, Inc. 6.60 Sam Lindquist -care of dump 40.00 Norris Pederson -extra time 81.36 league of Minnesota Municipalities- Handbooks 36.00 Fischer Sand Aggregate Co., I c. 336.00 Pure Oil Co.- police gas Putlic Lmployees retirement Assc.- Emplgyers Minnehaha Terrazzo Cement Co. -curbs Texaco, Inc. police gas Wilroy's Ford Maintenance of police car Dakota County Tribune- proceedings 13.11 share 1849.31 469.95 23.65 8.19 17.60 7 3 Ratzlaff Service -gas 4 4.43 Ray's Relding- welding tank on jeep 54.90 Northern States Power Co. 9.33 Peoples Natural Gas 4.73 Central Telephone Co. 19.11 Dennis '4ivala- painting and cleaning 3.00 John '•ieiderhold- painting and cleaing 8.00 Coast to Coast Store- varnish and cleaning matil. 54.03 Vorwerk Texaco, 2 .95 Brissman- Kennedy, Inc. concrete preserver 29.75 A. J. McDonough- cleaning and painting 40.00 Phil's Body Shop Painting Jeep and tank 57.00 The Clerk read the minutes of the Planning Commission meting held September 24, 1 0 motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan and upon prior approval of the Plan- ning Commission the apnlication of E. Kvam to build a 24 by 28 garage was approved and the Hermit ordered issued. Ayes were 5. On motion of Mullery and second of Corrigan thd upon prior approval of the Planning Commission the an licatio❑ of Lloyd Meyer to build a 22 by 24 garage was approved and the Hermit ordered issued. eyes idere 5. On motion of Corrigan and second of Mullery Atha upon prior approval of the Planning Commission the application of Leland Knutson to build a 14 by 28 foot nation cover and carport was anoroved and the permit ordered issued. Ayes were 5. The Clerk was requested to note in the minutes that the amount owing the firm of B -TU Mix Company should be held pending claims of the Village. 0„ motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan Ken Nelson was granted three permits to teardown the old Wm. Bartelt house, The old hotel and the John Pivec residence. Ayes were 5. The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Osman Springsted advising the Council of the decision regarding the_50% profit of the Liquor Store being pledged to the retire- ment of the Sanitary S wer Bonds of 1956. The letter was dated September 27, 1963. The Clerk read a letter 'Cron Mr. Town Bonds. the Council and the o'clock PM. The Clerk read the police report FIRE DEPARTMENT H. C. Hanson relative to a joint meeting ofb e School Board of Monday October 7, 1963 at 8:00 for liaaliiffittlfSepti3mber, 1963. The Clerk read a letter from the firm of Briggs and Morgan dated S 24, 1963 relative to a title search on the Fd. McMenomy pro2erty. No action necessary at this time. The Clerk read a letter from Buetow and Associates relative to the terms of their employment by the Village. Further action will be necessary as plans detelop. The Clerk readd a letter from the firm of Briggs and Morgan dated September 27, 1963 relative tb a settlement of the suit by Mr. Huerta and the new lease for the coming year. The Council briefly discussed the conditions of their ordinances and the consideratio of a new buring ordinance. On motion of Duff and second of Ward the Mayor and the Clerk were authorized to enter into agreements with the Town Boards specified on the reements made a Hart of these minutes relative to the Fire Frotection furnished by the Village Fire D Iyes were 5. The Mayor set up a meeting with O. Rueben Johnson of Buetow Associates on Friday evening October 4, 1963 at 7:00 PM. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 1st day of October, 1963. REspectfukly Submitted, Village Clerk 75 76 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held October 4, 1963. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the building permit application of the American Oil Co. through Cecelia Ahern was approved and ordered issued submgect to the followinr conditions. 1. The American Oil Co. would resolve the sidewalk problems to the satisfaction of the Council. 2. Any conflict existing as far as the East property line be settled befrne construction begins. Ayes were 5. On motor of Ward and second of Corrigan the Council unamiously apnroved a special use permit for the construction of the Stanard Oil station. ryes were 5. Mr. Ken Nelson was present to request a building permit to start construction of his nr000sed shopping center. Ira. Nelson's proposal that he provide an alley to the west of the nr000sed store building and that the village provide access to this alley over their property was discussed to some lenfrth. The Council held the approval of the permit in abeyance until they knew more of the proposed location of the proposed liquor store or until the architect could present pre liminary Plans or sketches at such time another special meeting would be held. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the council authorized Mr. Rueben John- son of Auetow,& Associated to select a land surveyor to survey and stake the new Liquor Sttre property. Ayes were 5. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 4th day of October, 1963. Respectfully submitted, 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSFMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special held October 18, 1963. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. On motion of Duff and second of Ward Mr. Rueben Johnson of Buetow Associates was authorized to discuss preliminary plans with Mr. Kenneth Nelson. Points to be discussed are as follows: L. A party wall between the proposed liquor store and the proposed shopping center. 2. location of entrance with relationship to shopping center for off sale store. 3. Widening of alley to a minimum of 20 feet. 4. Access to alley on north side of proposed shopping center. 5. Tran- sfer of plans (tentative) to Mr. Nelson so that he might have time to review them before a joint meeting with the Council. Ayes were 5. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council approved the issuance of a building permit eer a era garage to Mr. Vernon Oxborough. Ayes were 5. On motion of Duff' and second of Finnegan the Council approved the issuance of a building permit to Mr. Joe Gavin to build a house. Ayes were 5. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 18th day of October, 1963. Respectfully submitted. VILLAGE OF ROSEE;MOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNrSOT:.. Minutes of special meeting held October 30, 1963. Meeting called to order by Fresident Ward, all members were present. Mr. A. J. McDonough was present to discuss with the Council Fire Department chanrres in policy such two men to maintain the trucks and payment for volunteer attendance at fires. Mr. Rueben Johnson of Buetow and Associated, Mr. Ken Nelson and Mr. Jim Horn Archictect for Mr, Nelson were present extodiscuss with. the Council the problems relative to the construction of the Shc,pinv center and the new liquor store. On motion of Ward and second by Corrigan a permit to construct a double garage at 421 Murphy by Alex Sellner was granted. all members voted in favor. Motion of Ward and second by Corrigan that a street light be installed at the south end of Park Avenue near the Methodist Church. all members voted in favor. Motion by Finnegan and second. by Mullery that the firm of Juran and Moody be retained as fiscall agent for liquor store revenue bond issued. The Clerk was instructed to contact Mr. Olson of said firm and instruct him to proceed. All members voted in favor. There bein no further business the meeting adjourned this 30th day of October. 1963. Respectfully submitte¢ A Village Clerk r 77 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held November 5, 1963. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the October meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the following bills were approved and ordered paid -from their respective funds. Ayes were 5. LIQUOR FUND Peoples-Natural Gas 8.64 Northern States Power Co. 72.25 Utilities Co- mission 18 .35 Richard Klatt -4 days for Gustayson Vacation 3 Gene Gustayson -petty Cash 23.60 Toombs Insurance Agency-blanket position bond 53.55 Northwest Linen Service 1 5.73 Gene Gustayson -petty cash 45.88 Lynn Johnson Company, Inc. 189.22 Old Peoria, Inc. 3 Distillers Distributing Co. 643.07 Famous Brands, Inc. 212.21 Ed. Phillips 3 Sons Co. 22 3 6 2 5 McKesson Robbins 3 State of Minresota- Buyers Card 1.00 Seven Up Bottling Co. 51.40 Medford Distributing Co. 114.35 Cococrd Beverage Co. 1325.88 Buckingham Beverage Co. 333.54 Old Dutch Foods 8.15 Alcorn Beverage Co. 613.85 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 71.10 Purns Accounting Service 68.25 Miller-Davis Co.- Disbursement sheets 3.38 The National Cash Register- detail raper 2.89 Melady Paper Co. 23.10 uanson Beverage Co. 542.02 Minnesota-Wisconsin Truck Lines, Inc. 40.80 Northwest Cigar Corp. 17. °ritz Wholesale Co. 90.34 FIRE DEP; RTVENT Central Telephone Co.- October. 18.85 'enples Natural G 4 .31 Northers States Power Co. 4.77 Bentral Telephone Co.- September 19.60 Variety Store -ash trays _3.1 Rosemount Band Boosters 2.20 Capitol City Subu -ban Firemen's Association 10.00 Strese Pure Oil Service 1.65 1962 Improvement FUND Bituminous Surface Treating Company-Marion Lane 3027.47 idotz's add. 3,639.50 -(The above fills for Street improvement were subject to a claimof $212.45 by the Utilities Commission and an amount equal to the cost or repairing the car of Wesley D. tnderson,D.V.M.. These were to 31( be dedicted by the Clerk before payment.) G`NERIL FUND N„rris Pederson -extra time Cenral Telephone Co- October police phone Peoples Natural Gas N rthern States mower Co. -Book Mobil Traffic light Town Hall Street Lights Mototola Communications- maintenance Central Telephone Co.- Police September. Sam Lindquist care of dump John Hawkins -extra police Pa'ota County Tribune proceedings Corcoran Hardware n::idnt Lystad's -pest control R. F. Sieckert- eitra time Phillips Petroleum police gas M. S. Cooper Co.- parallel Parking signs Corrigan liectric Co. -book mobil hookup 15.36 8.25 2.33 1.17 15.9 1.00 35.3.33 6.60 9.40 45.00 45.08 30.90 42.77 30.00 50.25 15. 5.40 42.70 The Clerk read the police report for the month of October, 19 The Clerk read a letter from Celia Ahern regarding rental for parking on her pronerty by liquor store patrons. On motior of Finnegan and second of Ward the Council arreed to pay Mrs. :.kern 5 5100.00 for narking privileges. -yes were 5. The Clerk read a bulletin from Mr. H. W. Clark, Area Maintenance Engineer, for the State wighwav Department relative to the removal of snow from the village streets. The Clerk was authorized to notify the Engineer that the Village would narticipate in their progran again this year. Streets to be d:3aaain cleardd would be trunk highway #3 and one block east and west of lignwcy h3 on "s" Street. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council established the route for school busses to the Methodist Church Class rooms. The route would be from !irhwav fi3 to Park {venue, South on $ark :.venue across the Methodist Church Property out on Rechtzigel Street and back to Highway h3 bn Maple 'greet. ayes were 5. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council approved the following people to serve as election judges for the annual village election be be held December 1 3, 1963. Ayes were 5. Mr. Robert Toombs Mr. Edwin Gruber Mrs. Marie Uitenbogard Mrs. Gerry Leidner Mrs. Marion Ratzlaff Mrs. Donna McDonough On motion of Ward and second of Duff the Council entered into an agreement with the Utilities Commission whereby they would stand one -half of the cost of adding a man for four hours per day to help maintain the sewage treatment eland and assist in the maintenance of village streets. Ayes were 5. The Council received the resignation of Harold Almquist from the Planning Co-mission with regret and accepted same. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council agreed to the following requests submitted by the Fire Department at their special meeting held October 30M,1963. 79 1. That the Fire Department would select two men to maintain the Fire trucks and to pay them each the sum of $40.00 per year starting the year of 196 2. The Fire Department would be authorized to pay their sectetary the salary of $45.00 per year. 3. All volunteer Firement attending or answering Fire Calls would be re- imbursed on the basis of p2.00 for the first hour and .1.00 per kour for each hour thereafter at the same fire. On motion 6f Ward and second of Finnegan the Clerk was authorized to transfer the sum of )1,000.00 less all bills paid for the Fire Department ?or the year of 1962 :nd $1,000.00 less all bilis pa_d for the Fire Department for the year 1953 from the General fund to the Fire Department Fund. t yes were 5. The Mayor set the evening of November 13, 1963 at.7;00 PM to set up a budget for the year 1964 and to review with Mr. Kane some sort of agreement relative to the lands used for the Village Dump. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 5th, day of November, 19 Respectfully submitted, 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held November 13, 19 Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members present except Finnegan. Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Rueben Johnson were present to discuss plans for liquor stores. On motion of Mullery and second of Duff the General Levy for 1964 was set at 15,(5O.6 and the levy for Public Employees Retirement Association was set at $1,949.31. Ayes were 4. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 13th day of uovenber, 1963. Resrectfully submitted, 4 212 ViLlkge Cl k VITU.GE OF ROS= :[MOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held N 19, 1963. Meeting called in order by President Ward, all members were present. Mr. James Olson of Jiu'an and Moody was present to discuss ways and means of financing by revenue bonds the proposed new municipal liquor store. Mr. Francis Kane was present to discuss with the Council the fencing and use of the dump ^ronerty. ,fter a lengthy discussion the Mayor agreed to put Parts of Kanes agreement together with the proposed Village agreement and to submit this new proposal to Mr. Kane for his further consideration. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 19th day of November, 1963. Resrect°ully submitted, Village U 81 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUN'T, COUNTY CF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes df regular meeting held December 3, 1963. Meeting dalled to order by President Ward, all-members were present. The Minutes 'of the November meetings were read and approved as read. On moti -on of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND Norris Pederson extra time John Marinan extra. nolice Les Carli=lestreet work Lystad's Fxterminators Texaco, l Pertelson�Brothers, Inc. clerks supplies Dakota County Tribune- proceedings Sam Lindquist -c-:re of dump Peoples Natural Gas -Hall Northern States Power Co.- Traffic light -Book Mobil Hall Street John Hawkins -extra nonce Mototola maintenance Phillips "etroleum Co. -gas Pure Oil Co. -gas Mcienomy, Hertogs Fluegel -legal services Fits FUI.t Quigley M tor Sales, Inc. -parts for jeep Ratzlaff Se vice- truck sup lies Northern States Powere Pebbles Natural Gas George McDonough- attendance Firemens Regional met. Duffy Brothers window washing supplies Strese Plire Oil battery for jeeg Ratzlaff Servide -pas Goodall Rubber Co. -Hose LIQUOR STORE FUND NIA/14 Northern States Power Co. Peoples Natura 1 Gas Hanson Beverage Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Old Dutch Foods Seven Um Bottling Co. Medford Distributing Co. Buckingham Beverage Co. Concord Beverage 'Co. i!lco:rn Beverage Co. Burns r.ccounting Service Minnesota- disconsin Truck Lines, Inc. Northwest Liner S H. J. Geraghty Agency Rd. Phillips Sons Co. 44.64 15.36 39.00 30.00 31. S9 25.60 50.00 7.24 16.47 1.00 3. 358.33 76.60 6.60 16.54 16.68 2,158.95 5.38 8.90 5.72 9.68 3.00 1.82 18.20 9. 11.45 68.50 17.16 327.70 59.35 37.80 11.60 41.30 .20.22 1032.25 461.16 67.95 29.97 22.45 32.20 963.39 Gfipgs, Cooper Re Co. Distillers Distributing Co. McKesson Robbins Fritz Jholesale Co. The Clerk read the police report for the month of N The Mayor requested that it be made a matter of record tha t he advised Mr. Pederson that he was not satisfied with the type of traffic patrollinr being done in tle Village. The Council agreed to meeti on the evening of December 11, 1963 at 7:00 o'clock PM with Mr. Reuben Johnson of Buetow and Assoxiates and Mr. Jim Olson of Juran end Moody. They also invited iir. K. Nelson and his Architect Er. J. 'Torn to be nresent at the meeting to discuss further the proposed new liquor store end the new shopping center. The Clerk read a letter from Banister Engineering relative to their recent bill for services. Two new invoices were enclosed. They were discussed and ap -roved by the Council. The Clerk read a letter from Banister Engineering dated November 20, 1963 relative,to the construction work done on Marion Drive. The Clerk read a letter from Northern States Power Co. relative to their franchise agreement with the Village. The Clerk read the Planning Commission minutes of November 26, 1963 and their financial statement throu'h November 27, 19 On motion of Finnegan and second of Mullery the Council approved the transfer of +x"200.00 to the Planning Commission for expenses for 1964. Ares were 5. On motion of Mullery and second of £in Corrigan the Council approved the apnlication.of Leo Fluegel to move the old schoolhouse to lot 5 of the original Village. Ayes were 5. The Mayor discussed with the Council the subject of street lights re- the new highschool street and agreed to schedule a meting with the School 90 =rd representatives after the next regular meeting. AlbilLateicli On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council approved the pur- chase of Fluorescent lighting fixtures from Independent School District h196. Fixtures were used. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the Council agreed to retain public Accountants to Audit all Village records with the exception of the Liquor Fund. hy audits quaro H es were 5. .w. �'`°1 ,E-c'ch is currently a 71 ..d, 4 0 Cn motion of anti seco45c. of Muller_✓ the Council instructed its Attorney to precare and Ordinance Emending Ordinance No. 50 to include the provision that a 11 dogs would be subject to a 12 month leashing. Ayes were 4, Nayes 1 There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 3rd day of December 1963. R spectfully submitted, 'i t 7 Clerk $595.00 1031.20 806.30 80.91 5/ 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MI NESOTA. Minutes of annual election held December 3, 1963. third The annual election of the Village of Rosemount was held on the feme*k day; of December, 1963. The Judges of the election were: Mr. Robert Toombs Mr. Edwin Gruber Mrs. Donald ::atzlaff Mrs. Francis McDonough Mrs. Marie Uitenbogard Mrs. Gerald Leidner At the hour of 12:00 o'clock PM the above judges and the Clers took the oath of office, the polls were forthwith opened by proclamation and the election proceeded by ballot without adjournment or intermission until closed at 8:00 o'clock PN. The c.:ndidites voted on at such election as stated in the notice thereof were: One Mayor for the term of two yeard One Trustee for the term of three years One Justice of Peace for the term of two years One Constabel for the Lerm of two years One Treasu th5, te rRJ of two years At 8:00 o'clock PM in the evening e said day the oils, a proclamation thereof havir^ been made by one of the judges thirty minutes previous thereto closed. The judges then proceeded to pu liely count the ballots and a true staterient was proclaimed and filed as uroviddd by law. The canvass board met on the night of December 3rd, 1963 to review and accept the results as presented by the election judges. The results of the election were George hiard Francis Nullery Eldon Stauffer Harold Almquirst Nick Fox 7 9 71(.. d,c2' On motion the meeting adjourne RescectfullT submitted, as follows: Mayor Trustee Treasurer Justice of Peace Constable 3rd d of December, 1)63. en!' ezc cl (n f 85 86 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held December 11, 1963. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. Also present were: Mr. J. Olson of Juran and Moody Mr. Ken Nelson and his Achitect Mr. J. Horn Mr. Rueben Johnson of Buetow and Associates Mr. Ken Nelson requested permission to stockpile black dirt from his building site on rear of proposed• liquor store site. The Council agreed to this on condition that Mr. Nelson write the Council a letter agreeing to glace the dirt in accordance with Village requests and spelling out a the coed tion that the dirt would be removed by July 1, 1964. The Council agreed to have an attorney draw up legal papers relative to the following three points. 1. An easement relating to an alley to run East and West from the Nrl corner of the proposed shopping center property immediately South of the Strese house to Hyland Avenue. 2. Dedication of a twenty foot alley on the East side of the proposed Shoprinr center. 3. Any easement or lease to allow an inlet or outlet from the above mentioned alley. Mr. James Olson agreed to contact Mr. McMenomy relative to an extension of time for the 'final closing on his property. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Council agreed to retain the firm of Buetow and Associrtes as their Arbhitects on the new liquor store. Fee to be 7%. [yes were 5. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this llth day of December, 1963. R snectfully submitted, n 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOIJNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTAM, STATE GF ILINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held December 26, 1963. Meeting called to order by Acting Mayor Duff, all members were present excepting Ward. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Council authorized the payment of $5,000.00 to Edward A. and ELen T. r.cmenomy to obtain a quitclaim dked transfering title of property to the Village. nyew 4. Present at the Meeting were Mr. Ken Nelson, Mr. Jim Horn, Architect for Nelson, Mr. Rueben Johnson, architect for the Village and Mr. Eerncrd Freil, attorney representing the Village. After a lenkthy discussion it was mutually agreed that MLr. Johnson would investigate the possilbiiity of moving the proposed store to the South and would report back on Mon- day evening December 30, 1963. All present indicated tha t this would be agreeable. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 26th day of December 1963. Respectfully submitted, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held December 30, 1963. Meeting called to order by Acting Mayor Duff, all members were present excerting Ward. Also nresent were Roger Roslansky and Rueben Johnson of Euetow and Asee/ Mr. K. Nelson and Mr. Jim Horn. The Extract of minutes of meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota Reid December 30, 1963 attached hereto are hereby made an official part of these minutes. On motion of Mullery and secondof Corrigan Ken Nelson Enterptises was granted a building permit for a shopping center 110' by 235'. This permit was subject to the signing of easements by both parties snd the dedication of nubiic alleyways by Nelson, it was further issued subject to the parking situation being a greeable to the Council. Ayes were 4. On motion of Finnegan ens second of Corrigan the Council authorized Buetow and Associates to proceed with working drawings for the proposed liquor store. Ayes were 4. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 30th day of December, 1963. Respectfully submitted, 87 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF EASEMENT EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, HELD DECEMBER 30, 1963 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Minnesota, was duly held at the Council Chambers lage on December 30, 1963, at 7. o'clock P.M. members of the Council were present: Du CORRi t'lci /e 4 f% and the following were absent: t4/4-,e' Member ez q introduced the following resolution and mdved its adoptidn: Spec-i 1 Rosemount, in said Vil- The following 'e✓dv c WHEREAS, the Village of Rosemount requires an easement over the property described in Exhibit A attached hereto for access to its proposed new municipal building, which property is owned by Kenneth M. Nelson and Geraldine Nelson, husband and wife, and WHEREAS, Kenneth M. Nelson and Geraldine Nelson require an easement from the Village over the property described in Exhibit B attached hereto, for access to the alleyway abutting a proposed new shopping center, which property is owned by the Village, and WI- AREAS, it is in the best interests of the Village that it grant the requested easement and obtain the desired easement, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, that the Mayor and Clerk be and they hereby are authorized to execute and deliver to Kenneth M. Nelson and Geraldine Nelson, the easement described in Exhibit B attached hereto on the terms and subject to the conditions and for the purposes set forth in said Exhibit B and in consideration of the easement granted by Kenneth M. Nelson and Geraldine Nelson, described in Exhibit A. Member �i Niv co A ni seconded the motion for the adopt- ion of the foregoing resolution, and upon a vote being taken there- on, the following voted in favor thereof: L CoR?,¢.Fr, My /r ,ey 1 �'lviu cOR't/ `F bo I d' and the following voted against the same: -4/04/ Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Member nu /`e'e d introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF QUIT CLAIM DEED WHEREAS, Edward McMenomy and Ellen T. McMenomy, husband and wife, who are hereinafter referred to as Granters, are about to con- vey to the Village the property described in Exhibit C, attached hereto, by warranty deed, pursuant tc an earnest money contract dated the /34 day of 1963, and WHEREAS, the Vill ge has not yet been able to issue and sell bonds to defray the expense of said purchase and the expense of the construction of a new municipal building, because cost esti- mates on construction are not as yet final, and WHEREAS, Grantors have requested some security for the exe- cution and delivery of the warranty deed described in Exhibit C, NOV! THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, that the Mayor and Clerk be and they hereby are authorized and directed to execute and deliver to Grantors a quit claim deed in the form set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto to secure the unpaid balance of the purchase price for the property described in Exhibit C, said quit claim deed to be held by Grantors and not recorded unless the Village fails to pay the unpaid balance of the purchase price on or before March 1, 1964, unless a further extension of the date of payment is granted by Grantors. It is understood by the Council that the quit claim deed herein authorized will be returned to the Village Council upon full payment of the purchase price. Member F �o n l seconded the motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolstion, and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: M)/ /P /'i'NNC$.a ('o.Pi= *A.1, v� Y f and the following voted against the same: /704c Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA SS VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Village Clerk of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, DO HERE- BY CERTIFY that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes of a meeting of the Village Coun- cil of the Village, held on the date therein indicated, with the original minutes thereof on file in my office, and that the same is a full, true, and correct transcript thereof, insofar as the same is related to the authorization of execu- tion of easement, authorization of execution of quit claim deed, for the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota. WITNESS my hand as such Clerk and the corporate seal of the Village thist,ti day of 1964. (S E A L) V lage Celerk E A S E M E N T THIS INDENTURE', made this 19 between Kenneth M. Nelson and Geraldine Nelson, husband and wife, and Dohmen and Dohaen, hus- band and wife, hereinafter called Grantors, and the Village of Rosemount, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter called Village, WITNESSETIi THAT: WHEREAS: 1. Village is about to construct a wanioipal building on the following described property: Lot 54 and the Southerly 236 feet of Lot 61, Auditor's Subdivision No. 1, Dakota County, ktinneeota; 2. Grantors Kenneth M. Nelson and Geraldine Nelson, hus- band and wife, are about to construct a shopping center on pro- perty described as follows: Lots 34, 47, 43, 50, 51, 52, 53, and a part of Lot 61, Auditor's Subdivision No. 1, Dakota County, Mlnneaota; 3. Grantors are the owners of Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No. 27, Dakota County, Minnesota, and the said Lot 4 and Lot 47, Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 adjoin; the Easterly line of Lot 4 being the Westerly line of Lot 47; 4. The Westerly 20 feet of Lots 47. 43, and 61 have hereto- fore been dedicated as a public alleyway; said alleyway abuts the amid Lot 4 and also abuts the property on which the Village pro- poses to connbnact the Wunicipal building; 5. Village deaire8 an easement over a portion of Lot 4 for the purposes hereinafter sot forth; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration paid by Village to Grantors, the receipt of which is hereby accnowledged, Grantors EXHIBIT A day of hereby grant and convey to the V111age, its successors and assigns, a non exclusive easement across the following described property, to -wits The Northerly 20 feet of Lot 4, Auditor's 3abdivisicn No. 27, Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota. Said easement Is granted for the sole purpose of permitting delivery and maintenance vehicles ingress to and egreaa from the Village property described above via the public alley described above to Ryland Avenue. In the event the north and south alleyway above described 1s extended north to Ash Street, no that Village has access over Geld alloy to Ash Street, then the easement :hereby granted shall ipso facto terminate, and Village shall upon request execute a release of the easement hereby granted. Grantors covenant with the Village that they are well seized in fee of the lands and premises described above and have good right to sell and convey the same, and that the acme are free from all encumbrances, and that they will warrant and defend tho title thereto against all persons lawfully claiming the whole or s,y part thereof. Ill T2STIMONY 'WLI1 RiiOP, the said Grantors have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. In Presence Of: liennoth N. Nelson Geraldine Nelson Dotmuen Dohmen STATE OF MINNESOTA} SS CWNW OP DAKOTA On this day of 19 before me a Notary Public within and for said County, personally ap- peared Kenneth M. Nelson and Geraldine Nelson, husband and wits, and Pobmen and Do116t. husband and wife, to me known to be the persona described in, and who exe- cuted the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the oame an their free act and deed. Notary Public County, Minnesota AV Commission Expires 19 underellPied, wag 44, !oMp and bolder of a certain mortgage recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Dako- ta Camty,Minnesota, in Book of Mortgages at page covering the, real estate described in the foregoing and attached :easement, hereby consents to said easement and to all the terms and conditions thereof and agrees that such easement shall be prior and paramount to all rights of the undersigned in said pre- raises under the aforesaid mortgage and that any sale under foreclo- sure shall be made subject to the rights acquired by the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, under said easement. RXecuted. this In Presence Oft RELEASE OF MORTGAGE PRIORITY 0117 EASEMENT GRANTED STATE op" soTAI SS COMITY OF DAKOTA On 19 before me aPPearsd and to me personally known, who being by ma duly axora did any that the said In the President and the said is the Secretary o he re 4 run o tsemount; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said inatrumant was executed in behalf of said corporation and its corporate seal affixed thereto by authority of its Board of and said and acimowiedged said instrument to be the free not and deed of said corporation. above written t®hutR' and -the.srfleiatlemil 4Yr day ao4,yrer last day of 19 STIRS STATE BANK Op ROSEMOUNT By And its Its (CORPORATE SEAL) My Commission Expires .19 sun 4. =A1% or lama/ COUNTY OR DAiCQTA M this day of January, 1964, before me a Notary Public, within and for &aid County, personally appeared and to me ;cram personally, who, being each by oe duly sworn, they did say that they are respectively the tWyor and tie Village Clerk of the Village of Rosemount; and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said Village; and that said inatrute ;t was signed and sealed in behalf of said Village by authority of its Village Council; and said Mayor and Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Village• Notary Public, County, Minnesota. My Commission Expired 19 petty: E A S 8 M E N T T}QS INDENTURZ, made this day of 19___, between the Village of Roaemount, a municipal corpora- tion under the lows of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter called Village, and Kenneth M. Nelson and Geraldine Nelson, husband and wife, as joint tewutinta and not as tenants in common, hereinafter called Grantees, WITNESSEfH MAT: HNERwA3w 1, Grantees are about to construct a shopping center on the following described property owned by them, Lots 34, 47, 48 5 51, 5 53, and a part of Lot 61, Auditor's Subdivision No. 1, Dakota County, Minnesota; 2. Village le the owner of the following described pro- Lot 54 and the Southerly 286 feet of Lot 61, Auditor's 3ubd1vlsion No. 1, Dakota County, Mituresotal 3. The northerly boundary of that part of Lot 61, owned by the Village, is the southerly boundary tine of that part of Lot 61 owned by the Grantees; 4. The westerly 2W feet of Lots 47, 48 and 61 have here- tofore been dedicated as a public alleyway, which alleyway runs north and south; 5. Grantees desire an easement over a portion of the real estate owned by the Village for the purposes hereinafter set forth; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar 01.00) and other good and valuable consideration paid by Gran tees to Village, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Village hereby grants and conveys to the Grantees, as ,joint ten- ants and not as tenants in common, their assigns, the survivor EXHIBIT B of said parties and the heirs and assigns of the survivor, a non exclusive easement across the following described property, to -wit: The Northerly 20 feet of the Southerly 266 feet of Lot 61, Auditoria Subdivision No. 1, Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, subject to a public alley over the we3terly 20 feet there- of, and also, the Easterly, 40 feet of the Northerly 40 feet of the Southerly 236 feet of tho said Lot 61. Said easement is granted for the note purpose of permitting delivery and maintenance vehicles ingress to and egress from the above described preporty owned by Grantees to the public alley described above. The Village reserves the right to designate the location of the center line of said easement and to change said location from time to time by resolution of the Village Council, a certi- fied copy of which shall be filed In the office of the Register of Deeds of Da}otn County, Minnesota. In the event the alleyway above described is extended south to Maple Street, so that Grantees have access over said alley to Maple Street, then the easement hereby granted shall ipso facto terminate, and Grantees shall upon requeat execute a release of the easement hereby granted. IN TESTIMONY NIMT002, said Village of Rosemount has caused these presents to be executed in its corporate name by its Mayor and Village Clerk, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed the day and year first above written. In Presence Ots VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT NY Mayor And 4 Clerk n 1 r id U l m Corporarlon Form No. S 'cibig 3fnbenturt, Mar/60W_.______ day of December 19 63., between Edward. B....MCMenom7 add...& lien. ...T..... iieManomy,....hueband_ .wifa,— of the noisily of Dakota font State of Minnesota pare.ien of the f pare, and... -Pillage of_ Rosemount,_.a_Munieipal Lion ti rorpw (Ilion arulc• the lo of the State of Minnesota posly of the sruard purl, h M esletIJ, 7'hue Nee VII id pl rrt.Se8 of the first part, is rons;dera tam of the stun of Ona...Dollar ($1.00)- and..other..good _and ...valuable....consideration.. euLL them in !.oral rend by flu said party of the storm[ poll, the r„ripr rh tl hrrtby n h,nur!•J., �i, do _ it, rch1/ Grant, Cur_jain, .Sell, and Conroy nolo the. s d(I lion) of lhn port. il.. suerrs,a. and 0,ciuts, Porten, ail the /tool or porno/ of loud lyia_ aml (o-in_t !u. IA flintily •d Dakota.__ and seta, of .1/tomm,1(1, d t;m -t gnu „n. h, -:nt. Eeginning at a point 418 feet due South of the center of Section 29, Township 115, Range 19, thence running due West 183 feet, thence at right angles running due south 121 feet, thence at right angles running due east 183 feet, thence due north and at right angles with the last described line, 121 feet to the place of beginning; Also, beginning at the northwest corner of the tract above described, thence running due West 150 feet, thence at right angles running due south 286 feet, thence at right angles running due east 150 feet, thence at right angles running 286 feet to the point of beginning, according to the Government Survey thereof. The above described lands also being described as Lot fifty four (54) and the South 286 feet of the North 356 feet of Lot sixty one (61), all in Auditor's Subdivision Number One (1), Rosemount, according to the plat thereof now on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County and State. Subject to State Trunk Highway No. 3. To ;babe anb to 3oib t c lame, Together with all the b, ronaooaot, and oppnrfrnru,re+ ihrrr_ un (0 hrloa or in any wilt alq,rrtai n ing. to Mr said party of the .e•ond pore, its s,r, and a.asi dnx, f•brarr. .Ind the paid._ n* am lien ...:T... husband... and wife, pn r[....Sea..__..of the lint part, for their...........__.......lm i, s toe. cool curenani with the said party of the second part, its surrresoro toed anions, that theyi...are _hell seised in fee of the lands and premises aforesaid, and ha...re good r1 ?ht to sett and ronory the carne in manner and form aforesaid, and that the sane are free from all inrumbraneesj Except as above set forth. and the above bargained and granted lands and premises, in the quiet and pearrahle possession of the said party of the $rrond part, its successors and assigns, against all person lawfully claiming or to chine the u•/tat or any port thereof, subject to incu.mbrances, if any, hrreinbefrrre mentioned, the said part 10a _.of the first part will Warrant andDefend. $n 76eslinionp IISII)ereof, The said partJt$a_af the first part ha ve hereunto let their hand 8 the day and year first above written. fn Presence of EXHIFIT C _Edward B. MCMenomy nn..nt. v Vnlrorm Lont.v.ncl no Blank. 111311 Ellen T. Moblenotgr i 211Il4QWt.CIalm hue. t ji$ 31nbenture, Made this stay ef--- Deteember- -r 19 6j^ wt,., ]7i l ago_ of o aemount. bunialp 1 C pn,_ a rprtnration wndrr thrr laws of the State oJ_...1'SinnSSCta_– party of the first part, and .44uard..Il....11a/anew and..8l lea- T,- NoNeaeogrrhueband -aud- 'site. of U,r County of Dakota and State of....0 Snn&sota-- parties of the second part, WitMi nttt), That the said party of the first port, in onnsideration of the .um of.......... 0110 1kallar (,r•1.00)....atul- other_. good_ and...valuable consideration •Leuede. la it in hand paid by the said parties of the second port, the receipt whereof ie hereby acknowledged, doer hereby (/runt, Bargain, Quit-claim, and Convey unto the said parties of the second part as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, their assign,, the surutvor o/ said partite, and the heirs and anti nos of the anrrivor, Forever, all the tract or parcel _..of Land lying and being in the Cownty of Dakota. and Slate of Minnesota, described as follows, to -win: Deoinning at a point 1 418 foot due South of the center of Section 29, To:nchip 115, Range 19, thence running due West 183 feet, thence at ri:at angles running duo oouth 121 feet, thence at right angles running due cant 183 feet, thence due north and at right angles with the loot deocribed lino, 121 feet to the place of beginning; Also, beginning at tae northwest corner of the tract above deocribed, thence running due West 150 feet, thence at right angles running due south 236 feat, thence at right an running due east 150 feet, thence at right a. running 286 feet to the point of beginning, according to the Government Survey thereof. The above described lands also being dcccric kl ao Lot fifty four and the South 286 feet of the North ,3T .a feet of Lot sixty one (61), all in Auditor's Subdivision Number C. (1), Rosemount, according to the plat thereof now an file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County and State. Subject to State Trunk Highway No. 3. aio 3babe hub to 3yolb the tame. Together with ail the hereditamcn(s and appurknances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to the said port lea of the second part, their assigns, the s,uvtrur of said p °''ties and the heirs and assigns of the survivor, Forever, the said parties of the send port 'akiny us joint tenants and not as tenants in common. 3it It cotillonp w the said first party has caused these presents to be excreted in its corporate name by its ;layer_._ P,esiderse and itM[illaya Clerk._..._and its corporate seat to be hereunto affixed the tai .u,d feu, above written. YILLAQL' 02..ROSEMO'UNT,.s Nuniclpal Corporation In Pree.nee of B y EXHIBIT D Innesela Uniform convernclnv Blanks (nil) Mayor Clark nrewesent VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, ST1;TE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held January 7, 1964. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members present excepting Finnegan. The minutes of the December meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Mullery the following bills were approved and. ordered paid from their resrecviye funds. GENERAL FUND Les CarjisEe- street labor 21.00 Peoples. Natural Gas -Hall 23.95 Northern States Power Co. -Hall 8.32 -Pock mobil 1.00 Traffic signal 16.41 -St. i.ights 358.33 Norris Pederson extra. time 93.08 Central Telephone Co.- Police 3.25 Dakota Countv Tribune proceedings 27.95 Texaco, Inc.. Police gas 21.29 Motorola Maint. 6.60 John Hawkins -exta police 30.72 Ray's Welding grading and repairs ,51.00 Samuel Lindquist -care of dump 40.00 Vorwerk Texaco grader aas 6.30 H. J. Geraghty hgency- Justice of Peace Bond 14.80 Wilroy's cord Maintenance 30.01 Miller -Davis Co.- Clerks records 11.43 McNamara- Vivant Contracting Co.- asphalt 8.25 The °ure Oil Co.- police gas 8.69 FIRE FUND Northern States Power Col 11.59 Peoples Natural Gas 35.08 Central Telephone Co. 18.85 F. J. Mullery -extra phone charges 13.20 Strese pure Gil *as 1.30 Dakota County Tribune- report cards 19.50 John h;rle -labor 10.00 Ed. NcNearney -1bor 10.00 Vorwerk T gas 5.35 H. J. Geraghty ,,gency- Firemens Accident Policek 142.50 John W. Doyle -extra phone charges 13.20 Lampert Yards- material for hose reck 3.7 Coast to Coast Store supplies 3.38 LI:;UOR FUND Utilities Commission 17.55 Northern States Power Co. 4 9.90 Peoples Natural Gas 4 2.57 Concord Beverage Co. 882.80 Hanson Beverage Co. 323.49 Alcorn Beverage Co. 476.83 Buckingham p.egerage Co. 241.60 Old Dutch Foods 1 9.35 7 Up Bottling Co. 45.00 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 83.65 89 90 Gene Gustayson -paid outs Burns Accounting Service Northwest -iron Service Bernard id. May Co.- bookkeeping Lynn Johnson Co. Old Peoria, inc. Distillers Distributing Co. Famous Brands, Inc. Ed. Phillips Sons Co. Griggs, Cooper Co. Miller Davis Co. -dupl. daily reports Minnesota- Wisconsin Truck Lines Melady Paper Co. 'prthwest Ciear Corp. Fritz Wholesale Co. ,t '3.71 (9.10 6.12 75.00 157.42 549.19 1261;.58 244.93 1126.47 247.(2 6.63 37.13 5 25.92 83.09 On motion of•Ward and second of Corrigan the Council ap ?roved the E'ond of the Villa ee treasurer in the amount of 110,000.00. Ayes were 4. The Clerk read the police report for December. The Clerk read a letter from Ken Nelson Enterpises to which he attached his check to cover the cost of a building permit. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Ken Nelson adviseing him that the check had bean received and would be held pending the return bf easements end the dedication of the public alleyway. On motion of Corrigan and second of Ward the Council unanimously voted to return the sum of 62.25 to Cecelia Ahern for the unused portion of her Beer and Cigarette licenses. On motion of-Corrigan and second of Mullery the :Council approved the follow- ing Cigarette license anolications and ordered them. issued. Ayes were 4. Hazemeister's Fairway Ratzlaff's "66 station American Legion Club Eddy Drug, Inc. Vorwerk Texaco Duffy Borthers The Clerk read a letter from the Planning Commission relative to the post- ponement of these regular meeting on Lecember 31, 1)63. Mr. H. C. Hanson, Superintendent of District #196 was present and requested that the Council expedite the Sta -.e Highway Department relative-to improve ments in relation to the new Highschcol entrance from Hi;rhway #3. The Clerk was authorized to write a follow -up letter to the Fighway Department. rir. Hanson also invited the Council to a meeting to be held in ;he School on January ?0th et i 8:30 PM to discuss the lighting of the new street leading to the new 1ighschool. He also requested that the Council consider allowing trucks to move building materials over Park :venue north of Ash Street to the nr000se• new addition to the Elementary school. He was requested by the Mayor to consider bringing the material in •from the north of the existing hirhschool. On motion of Mullery and second of Corrigan -the Council passed and amendment to the Doe Control Ordinance entitled: "AN ORDIA "i'!CE AMENDING CRDINANCE #50 ND !AT ENnl O ?rP':': `•'C` 153 OF THE VILL .GE OF ROSLMOUNT, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNFSOTA. and ordered the Mayor and The Clerk to Sign same and to have it nublished as required by law. Ayes were 4. The Mayor read a letter from the Ramsey County League inviting the Council to a meeting to be held January 15, 1964 at 8:00 PM. The Clerk read a letter from Minnesota Municipal Liquor Stores Association relative to Liquor Liability Insurance anj was authorized to answer the questionair attached thereto. On motion of Wa rd and second of Corrigan the Councill assumed the mood! responsibility for utilities oosts for the former Ed. i•ici:enomy property and the Clerk was authorized to advertise for sealed bids for the house end outbuildings. Pies to be received up to '8:00 PM on February 4, 196,4. In cluddd in the house would be the carpeting, drapes and water softener. Ares were 4. Mr. Maynard Vogelesgang was nresent representing the Jaycees and made a recommendation that the intersections be sanded during icy ,Periods. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the First State Bank of Rosemount was designated as the official village Depositary for 1964. Ayes were 4. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Dakota County Pribune was designated as the official Village newspaper Ayes were 4. On motion of Ward and second of Duff Dr. Mardell and Dr. E were appointed as the Health officers for the Village. Ayes were 4. On motion of Ward and sedond of Mullery the following Youth Commission was appointed for the year 196 eyes were 4 Mr. Aivin Judkins Dr. Mardell Mr. Pattin Heuer Mr. L:gene Olson Mr. Marvin Ratzlaff Mrs. Sally Gaynor Mrs. MX Kay Franklin On motion of Ward and second of Mullsry the following were appointed to serve on the Planning Commission for a three year term commencing January 19 Ayes 4. Mr. Eldon Kvam Mr. Leland Knutson Mr. Earl Corcoran The Council reached the decision to retain legal counsel as required. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Mayor appointed Duff as Acting Mayor in his absence. Ayes were 4 On motion of Ward and second. of Corrigan the Mayor appointed George McLonnurh as Fire Chief 'or 1964. Ayes were 4. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigzn the Mayor appointed Paul Jones to another three year term on the Utilities Commission. Ayes were 4. On motion of Ward and second of Duff the following were appointed as in- dicated. Street commissioner- Finnegan Liquor Commissioner Corrigan Weed Inspector Ayes were 4. 91. 92 The Mayor set the first Tuesday of each Month as the date for the regular monthly meetings. If this date comes on a legal holiday the date will automatically move up to the following Tueeday. The time for the meetinga was set as 7:00 o'clock PM. On motion of Duff and second of Ward the Council requested that the Utilities Co^mtssion meet with the Council on ilsnuary 14, 1964 to discuss the remodel- ing or the village hall and the removal of their pro,.erty. +yes were 4. there being no further business the meeting adjourned this 7th day of Ili Jnuary, 1964. R spectfully submitted, 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEI4OUNT, COUNT? OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held January 14, 1964. All members present along with all members of the Utilities Comrission. Meetin0 called to order by President Ward. On motion of Ward and second by Nullery the Ciurk was authorized to contact Mr. Reuben Johnson of Euetow and Associates to prepare sketches for 'che re- modelinr of the first floor of the Villcge Hall 14ith the express purpose to provide an office suitable for the conducting of Viiiaee business. Ayes 5. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 14th day of January 1964. Respectfully submitted, 93 94 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTS, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held February 4, 1964. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the January meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Mullery and second of Binnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. Ayes were 5. FIRE FUND Northern States Power Co. 12.76 Peoples Natural Gas 71,60 Central Telephone Co. 21.85 Ratzlaff Service 4.20 General FUND Norris Pederson -extra time 74.00 Ray's Welding- welding and grading 66.85 John Hawkins- police 61.44 Sam Lindquist -care of dump 40.00 Ratzlaff Service Station grader fuel and rep. 91.80 Northern States Power Co. -Hall 15.06 Traffic light 18.99 Bookmobile 1.00 street lights 358.33 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 51.85 Central Telephone Co.- Police 8.73 Nick Fox grading snow 4 5. 0 0 Motorola- maintenance 6.60 H. J. Geraghty Agency -Hall Contents 23.21 Treasurers Bond 92.50 Wilroy's Ford Maintenance 17.60 Miller -Davis Co.- treasurers receipts 18.53 Phillips Petroleum police gas 32.00 Awards, Inc. 11.05 Twin City Typewriter Co.- repairs 22.50 Fischer Consttuction- graders reprairs 306.06 Dakota County Tribune 45.64 LIQUOR FUND Northern Mates Power Co. 53.21 Peoples Natural Gas 6 5. 60 Utilities Commission 17.55 Griggs, Cooper Co. 272.82 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 1183.75 Old Peoria, Inc. 259.3 Gene Gustayson -paid outs 29.60 Judges Electric appliance repairs 67.22 Ovshak Printing 17. Bernard W. May Co. 76.84 N rthwest LBnen Service 38.06 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines 35.99 N rthwest Cigar Corp. 2 5.9 2 Fritz Wholesale Co. 83.96 Old Dutch Foods 40 6 5 Coca -Cola Bottling 56.05 Seven Up Bottling Co. 38.50 Concord Beverage Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Buckingham Beverage Co. Medford Dittributing Co. Famous Brands, Inc. Distillers Distributing Co. $1235.77 183.54 384.54 256.01 70.35 110.14 1270.17 On motion of Duff and second of Ward the Council unaiimously agreed to meet with Ken Nelson and counsel on or before Monday, February 10, 1964 for the purpose of signing easements and dedications of alleyways. On motion of Finnegan and second of Mullery Ken Nelson Enterprises were granted a limited permit for the construction of ftotings and block walla to ground level. Ayes were 3, Nos 1. The Clerk rem' the police report for the month of January. The question of the patrolmans extra time was discussed and reestablished as not to exceed two hours perday and not over three days per week. The police officer stated that certain signs near the intersection of H #3 and Ash Street should be raised as people wer prone to bump their heads on them. Mr. Finnegan agreed to take care of this matter. The Mayor read a letter from BEM Bernard Freil to Ed. McMenomy stating the conditions of the extension of time for the Village to Make final payment for the proposed liquor store property. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the applications for cigareete licenses of Walter Strese and Ernest Wederath were approved and ordered issued. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the application for cigarette license of Bill's Dairy Store was ordered issued and held until payment is made. Ayes were 5. Mr. H. C. Hanson was present to discuss lath the oountil the proposed im- provedents of highway #3 near the new highschool entrance. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Mr. McCubrey requesting him to attend a meeting wht the Council and Mr. Hanson to discuss this matter further. The Mayor gave a brief report on the progress of the Saiitary Sewer fa- cilities of the University Reasearch Center. The Clerk read a letter from the Minnesota Society for Crippled Children and Adults, Inc. explaing their position with the Minnesota Easter Seal Society. The Clerk read a bulletin explaining the new centralized system for the handling of fire insurance premiums whlth are refunded annually to the Fire Departments participating. The Clerk read a letter from the Rosemount Businessmen's Association re- questing the sanding of intersections during the winter months. The Clerk read the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held Jan. 29, 196 The Clerk read a letter from the Leqgue of Minnesota Municipalities relative to the C. C. Ludwig Award. 95 96 The Clerk read a litter from the City of "est Saint Paul inviting the Council to participate with other municipalites in a discussion of local refuse problems. The Council after due donsideration could not see any advantage to the Village and decided not to participate. The Clerk read the minutes of the Dakota County Planning Commission meeting held October 16, 1963. There being no further bussiness the meeting adjourned this 4th day of February, 1964. Respectfully sghbmitted, Vi STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, SILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, m inutes of special meeting held February 5, 1964. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were presnet. Also present were Mr. Bernard Freil, attorney for the Village and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nelson and their legal counsel Mr. Paul Magnuson. MemberWard introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION DEDICATING ALLEYWAY AREREAS, the Village Council has investigated the facts and does hereby find, determing, and declare that it would be in the best interests of the Village to dedicate to the public for alleyway purposes the property de- scribed in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, that the property described in Exhibit A attached here- to be and the same hereby is dedicated as and for a public alley. The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to ME execute a deed of dedication in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A and to record the same with the Register of Deed, Dakota County, Minnesota. Member Corrigan seconded the motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution, and upon a voted being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Ward, Duff, Corrigan, Mullery and Finnegan. and there were no voted against the same. Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Council approved an ease- ment from the Village to Kenneth and Geraldine Nelson for Ingress and Egress to the alleyway at the rear of the proposed shopping center. This easement is attached hereto as Exhibit B. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Council approved and authorized the Mayor and the Clerk to sign a cross easement covering ingress and egress, parking and walks/rys with Kenneth and Geraldine Nelson. This easement is attached to and made a part of these minutes and is identifiid as Exhibit C. Ayes were 5. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Council expressed its in- tention at this time to use the property at the rear of the proposed liquor sbbre as a parking lot. This area will be suitably surfaced and lighted. Ayes were 5. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 5th day of February, 1964. Respectfully sgbmitted, l fli Pill ge C VILLAGE OF ROSEMO'?NT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held February 24, 1964. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. Mr. Rueben Johnson and Roger Roslansky were present to discuss witht he Council the plans for the proposed liquor store building. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 24th day of February, 1964. Respectfully sybmitted, 97 98 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OD DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held March 4, 1964. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the February meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second by Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND Richard Koehnen -care of dump 50.00 Texaco, Inc. police 28.02 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 44.65 Peoples Natural Gas -house 31.08 j Y" Norris Pederson -estra time 48.00 Central Telephone Co.- Police phone 8.40 Northern States Power Co. -Hall 11.64 Bookmobil 1.00 Traffic light 1 5.99 House .77 Street lights 362.16 John Hawkins- police duty 76.80 Ray's Welding- welding and grading 44.42 Motorola, Maintenance 6.60 St. Paul Stamp Works -dog tags 11.55 The Pure oil Co. 35.34 Phillips Petroleum Co. 27.97 Toombs Insurance Agency Workmen Comp. 157.71 FIRE FUND Northern States Power Co. 8.16 Peoples Natural Gas 61.70 Central Telephone Co. 19.00 American Red Cross textbooks and. bandages 35.00 Bernier Motor Co. 17.40 Minnesota State Fire Dept. Association 10.00 Rred Uitdenbogerd- hauling water 10.00 Sperry Office Furniture Co. -sec'y supplies 14.32 Toombs Insurance AgencyWorkmens Comp. 143.50 LIQUOR FUND Northern States Power Co. 50.68 Peoples Natural Gas 61.25 Toombs Insurance Agency -Money and Securities 303.75 Workmen's Comp. 152.60 Fritz Wholesale Co. 5 McKesson Robbins 313.69 Northwest Linen Service 2 5.9 4 Division of Boiler Inspection 3.00 Bernard W. May Co. 80.34 Distillers Distributing Co. 193.30 Buckingham Beverage Co. 214.66 Hanson Beverage Co. 309.92 Alcorn Beverage Co. 370.25 Medford Distributing Co. 38.40 Concord Beverage Co. 1035.74 Old Dutch Foods 20.25 1 1 1 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 73.15 Seven Up Bottling Co. 48.40 Minnesota Wisconsin $ruck Lines 4 0.95 Griggs, Cooper Co. 497.91 Lynn Johnson Co., Inc. 83.55 Old Peoria, Inc. 173.48 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 1144.11 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 888.65 The Mayor read a letter from Northern States Power Co. relative to their reduction in rates. The Clerk read the Police report for February. The Clerk read the bulletin from the University of Minnesota relative to Continuation study classes for the Council. A letter from Buetow and Associates relative to discussions held at the special meeting of February 24, 1964 was read. Letters of transmittal from Briggs and M rgan to Mr. elshons, register of deeds were read and discussed. The Clerk read the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held February 25, 1964 minx. The Clerk was authorized to send the enclosed proposed plat to the Dakota County Platting Commission for their re- viewal and comments. The Clerk read a letter from Banister Engineering dated February 21, 1964 with reference to a meeting with the State officials the Village Sanitary Sewer Committee and the Engineers. Mr. John Young was present and discussed the proposed contracnt between himself €nd the Village relative to the ;opt proposed shopping center. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council voted unanimously to extend his building permit for another six month period. Ayes were 5. The Council agreed to meettx on the evening of March 13, at 7:00 o'clock PM to discuss plans for the new liquor store and other related matters. There being no further business the meeting adjou aped this 4th day of February, 1964. R spbmitted, (39 100 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held March 13, 1964. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present excepting Mullery. The Clerk read a letter from Briggs and Morgan relative to Alleyway dedications and which transmitted original instruments dedicating the alleyway behind the proposed municipal liquor store site. 0 motion of 1314 Corrigan and second of Ward the Council unanimously approved the sale of two outbuildings on the former McMenomy property to Marvin Paulsen for the sum of $25.00. Since there were no members of the liquor store employees present to discuss the matter of back vacation pay the Council discussed the matter at some lenkth. The decision was to honor an existing policy of vacation pay which in effect that employees of the Village will be given one week for the first year of service and two weeks beyond the first year. There is no payment for sick time under this policy. On the basis of this the vacation pay due was re- computed and the Clerk was authorized to issue checks accordingly. The Clerk was authorized to prepare an official statement of the new vacation policy and to issued same to all village employees. On motion of Ward and the second of Corrigan the Council agreed to sell the former McMenomy house to Matt Krech for the sume of $25.00 and the cost of the preparation of the bill of sale. Ayes were 4. Mr. 0. Rueben Johnson and Mr. Roger Roslansky of Buetow and Associates were present to discuss with the Council the final pains for the new Liquor Sbbre. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 13th day of March, 1964. Respectfully sgbmitted, 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held March 31, 1964. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all membdrs were present. The Clerk read the advettisement for bids for the new municipal Liquor Store. The Clerk opened and read aloud the bids of all bidders, the results were tabulated by Mr. Rueben Johnson of Buetow and Associates. In view of the fact that the bids were higher than expected or estimated the Council agreed to give them further study and to make a decision at the regular Council meeting to be held on April 7, 1964. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Council agreed to release to the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co. the documents relative to the transfer of title on the former Ed. McMenomy property. Ayes 5. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery the Council approved the securing of Title Insurance for the site for the new Liuqor Store. Ayes were 5. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 31st day o6 March, 1964. Respectfully sgbmitted, V ik VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minut s of regular meeting held April 7, 1964. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the March meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Mullery the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. Ayes were 5. GENERAL FUND Norris Pederson -extra time 78.72 Dakota County Highway -curb and gutter 1774.57 Dakota county Tribune- proceedings 47.20 8atzlaff Service battery charge 1.00 Lystad's Extermi nators 30.00 Toombs Insurance Agency -Hall and Contents 23.21 Rosemount Contracting Co. -snow removal 188.00 Ray's Welding -snow plowing and welding 25.00 Motorola, Inc. 6.60 Wilroy's Ford- maintenance 62.96 Strese Pure Oil -keys .80 Helen Strese cleaning hall 5.00 John Hawkins police duty 30.72 /oo A H. J. Geraghty Agency -road patrol, police car and fire truck Lindquist Fix -It shop- starter and armature Frank Kreitz -care of dump Phillips Petroleum police gas Pure Oil Co. Texaco, Inc. Richard Koehnen -care of dump Nick Fox -snow removal Coast to Coast Stores- cleaning supplies Acme Foundry Casting for Street 185.10 64.00 55.00 7.59 10.85 20.82 40.00 31.50 14.14 17.50 FIRE FUND Steese Pure 011 -gas 1.25 Continental Safety Equipment firecoats 333.50 ¢oast to Coast bateries and supplies 9.33 Eddy Drug Co. -first aid supplies 12.20 H. J. Geraghty Agency -61 chev and jeep 86.20 Carl W. Holmberg -first aid training 26.00 Vorwerk Texaco -gas 2.84 Ratzlaff Service -gas 4.15 Continental Safety Equipment, Inc. cannisters 51.00 John Weiderhold- admission Regional meeting 3.00 Central Telephone Phones 15.52 Peoples Natural Gas 53.15 Northern States Power Co. 9.12 GENERAL FUND Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 35.95 Northern States Power Co.- Traffic 16.56 -Hall 11.05 Bookmobil 1.00 street lights 360.83 Central Telephone CO. 8.40 LIQUOR FUND Dakota County Tribune -adv. for bids 12.00 Northern States Power Co. 53.24 Peoples Natural Gas -House 30.39 -Store 54.65 Soil Exploration Co.- borings 132.00 Old Peoria, Inc. 272.52 Utilities Commission 19.55 Richard Klatt -extra part time help 64.50 Don Pecha -extra part time help 66.00 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 392.3 Sene Gustayson -paid outs 67.40 Griggs, Cooper Co., Inc. 188.69 Griggs, Cooper Co., Inc. 374.03 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 232.85 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 249.87 Hoff Rubber Stamp Co. 2.50 Bernard W. May Co. 75.66 National Cash Register Co. 64.10 N rthwest Linen Service 26.42 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines 27.80 Fritz Wholesale hose 1Z :5 101 102 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 106.15 Seven Up Bottling Co. 43.60 Old Dutch Foods 29.70 Concord Beverage Co. 954.16 Buckingham Beverage Co. 226.69 Alcorn Beverage Co. 448.76 Hanson Beverage Co. 363.69 Famous Btands, Inc. 69.46 Distillers Distributing Co. 801.67 GENERAL FUND Phillips Petroleum Co.- police gas 41.41 The Clerk read the police report for the month of March 196 Various problems were discussed at some length. The minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held.April 1, 1964 were read by the Clerk. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council unanimously approved the application of T. J. Corrigan thebuild a house and a garage on Lot 33, Block 1, Rose Park Addition, and the peewit was ordered issued. The Clerk read a letter from Governor Rolvaag inviting the Council to the ninth Biennial Conference on Children and Youth on May 11 -12 at the H tel St. Paul. The Clerk read a letter from Harold Almquist regarding the purchasing of 40 feet of Village property immediately to the East of his existing garage on Ash Street. The matter was referred to the Utilities Commission for the location of the existing sanitary sewer lines. The Mayor read a rough draft of the new vacation policy for all village employees and it was unanimously adopted by the Council. The Clerk was authorized to cancel the insurance on the road partol as it has become inoperative. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery the Council approved the following fee schedule, collectible in advance, for the opening of the Village Dump during off hours. $1.00 minimum up to 1/2 hour, $1.10 per hour beyond the first Mm one -half hour. Ayes were 5. o The Clerk was authorized to write Hr. Don Paul of the Peoples Natural Gas Co. of Farmington to secure the BTH content of Natural Gas used by bhe Village during the months of January, February and March, 1964. The Mayor reviewed the proposed contract between the Village and John Young Enterprises. The Clerk distributed copies of the Village financial statements to all members of the Council. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the bill from Bernard W. May Co. for their audit of the Village funds for 1963 amounting to $309.7 was approved and ordered paid. Ayes were 5. The Mayor read a letter from the VFW advising the Council of their with- drawal from the Park Fund. 1 The Mayor read a letter from Alvin Judkins advising the Council of his withdrawal from the Youth Commission. The Clerk read a letter from the Senior Girl Scouts of Rosemount in which they requested permission to decorate the Council chambers so that they would be suitable for a Community Meeting Room. The Council agreed to furnish the necessary materials, such as Drapes, Paints and other related supplies if the Girl Scoubt would furnish the volunteer labor. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 7th day of April, 1964. Respectfully sgbmitted, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. "inutes of special meeting held April 9, 196 Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present excepting Finnegan. On motion of Corrigan and second of Mullery the Mayor and the Clerk were authorized to sign contracts with the following low bidders for the con- struction of the Municipal Liugor Store, subject to confirmation of financing by Juran and Moody. General Contract Antler Corporation Base bid plus alternate Q-4 minus alternate G -3 $59.500.00 Mechanical Genz& Ryan Base bid plus alt. M -3 minus alt. H -5 $22,880.00 Electrieal Commonwealth Elec. Base bid $,,770.00 Fixtures Walk -in Cooler Display Fixtures Ba se Bid 3,390.00 Ayes webe 4. There being no further bussiness the meeting adjourned this 9th day of April, 1964. Respectfully submitted, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OFADAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held April 23, 1964. Meeting called to order by President Ward, All members present excepting Duff. Purpose of meeting to discuss probable purchase of land adjoining Village Dump from Phil Anderson. On motion of Word and second by Mullery the Mayor and Clerk were authorized to enter into an earnest Money Contract with Mr. Anderson. Offering $100.00 in earnest money for a sale price of $1,750.00. On being put to a vote, all members present voted in favro. There being further business, the meeting was adjourned. F. Finn -gan Acting Clerk Oken's Base bid less Alt. BF -2 $15,214.00 A MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Jp:-. c -;1q meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, was duly held at the Council Cham- bers in said Village on j/ sc/, the 7ri day of 4pg! 6 1964, at ):oc o'clock K.M. The following me berc were present: tc'a .0 e? z.; fi r, /r.c• and the following were absent: rr y .J Member A: c'c r ,qic introduced the following resolu- tion and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF MUNICIPAL BUILDING REVENUE BONDS OF 1964 BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby found, determined, and declared that the Village has by Ordinance No.: c duly adopted, authorized the establishment of, and has established and is operating a municipal liquor dispensary for the sale of intoxicating li- quors as authorized by and in accordance with Chapter 340, Min- nesota Statutes, and that it is necessary and expedient to pro- vide funds for the acquisition of a site and the furnishing and construction of a new building therefor by the issuance of Revenue Bonds and that the receipts reasonably anticipated from the operation of the dispensary will be sufficient to provide net revenues in an amount required to meet payments of princi- pal and interest on such obligations when due and that it is for the best interests of the Village that Revenue Bonds be issued payable solely from the net revenues from the Municipal Liquor Dispensary. 2. The municipality shall forthwith issue and sell $135,000 Municipal Building Revenue Bonds of 1964 to be dated May 1, 1964, in the denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) each, in accordance with the Notice of Bond Sale hereinafter set forth. The terms and provisions of said Notice of Bond Sale are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of said bonds and of the sale thereof. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and dir- ected to give notice of sale by publication in the official newspaper of the Village and in Commercial West at least ten days in advance of the date of sale. Notice shall be in sub- stantially the following form: NOTICE OF BOND SALE $135,000 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL BUILDING BONDS OF 1964 Sealed bids will be received by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, at the Village Hall in the Village, on May 6, 1964, until 7:30 o'clock P.M., at which time they will be publicly opened and announced, for the purchase of $135,000 negotiable coupon Municipal Build- ing Bonds of 1964, of said Village, for the purpose of pro- viding money for the acquisition of a site for and the con- struction of a new municipal building to house the Village liquor dispensary. The bonds will be dated May 1, 1964, will be in the denomination of $1,000 each, and will mature serially on May 1 in the years and amounts as follows: 3,000 in each of the years 1967 to 1972, both inclusive, and 4,000 in each of the years 1973 to 1975, both inclusive, and $15,000 in each of the years 1976 to 1982, both inclusive. All bonds maturing after May 1, 1975 will be subject to redemption at the option of the Village on May 1, 1975 and on any interest payment date thereafter, in inverse or- der of numbers, at par and accrued interest, plus a premium of $30.00. The bonds will be issued in bearer form with the cou- pons attached and will be payable as to both principal and interest at any suitable bank designated by the successful bidder. The bonds will not be general obligation bonds, but will be payable solely from the revenues of the municipal liquor dispensory. Each bid must specify in multiples of 1/4 or 1 /10 of 1% a rate or rates of interest not in excess of 6% per an- num, which interest will be payable May 1, 1965 and semi- annually thereafter on November 1 and May 1 of each year. Bids will be preferred according to the lowest net interest cost (total dollar amount of interest payable to the date of stated maturity at the coupon rate speci- fied, less the amount of any premium offered). No bid of less than par and accrued interest will be considered and the Village reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any informalities and to adjourn the sale if deemed expedient. No oral bids will be considered. Bids shall state one basic rate of interest from the date of issue to maturity for all bonds having a common maturity date. The basic rate of interest payable on each bond of this issue may not exceed the basic rate of interest payable on other bonds of the same or subse- quent maturities. Bidders may provide that all or some of the bonds shall bear a single additional interest rate for any portion of the term of the bonds, but the dollar amount of such additional interest shall not ex- ceed $2,700.00. The successful bidder will be furnished, without cost, the printed bonds and the approving legal opinion of Briggs and Morgan to the effect that the bonds are va- lid and binding special obligations of the Village. Said opinion will be printed on the reverse side of the bonds. The bonds will be delivered to the purchaser within 4o days from the date of sale without cost to the purchaser if delivered at Minneapolis or St. Paul, Minnesota. All bids must be unconditional except as to legality, which may be conditioned upon the opinion of the aforesaid at- torneys and must be accompanied by a cashier's check, draft, or certified check in the amount of $2,700, paya- ble to the Village, to be forfeited as liquidated damages in the event the bid is accepted and the bidder shall fail to comply therewith. Proposals should be addressed to Eugene Duff, Vil- lage Clerk, Rosemount, Minnesota, and enclosed in a sealed envelope marked on the outside "Bid for $135,000 Municipal Building Bonds of 1964 BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL s/ Eugene Duff Village Clerk Further information may be obtained from the above named Village Clerk. 3. In order to provide for the proper administration of all funds which will be derived from the operation of the dispensary and in order to provide security for the purchas- ers of the bonds to be issued hereunder, the Village Treas- urer shall maintain a separate Liquor Dispensary Municipal Building Fund with the following sub- accounts: (a) A Building Construction Account, to which shall be credited all proceeds received from the sale of the bonds issued hereunder and any other amounts which may be appropri- ated for the purpose of acquisition of a site and constructing and equipping a municipal building to house the liquor dispen- sary. The moneys therein shall be used solely for the purpose of paying for such costs and any surplus shall be transferred to the Sinking and Interest Account hereinafter provided for. (b) An Operation and Maintenance Account, to which shall be credited, as received, all receipts from the opera- tion of the Municipal Liquor Dispensary. There shall be charged against such account all items of disbursement which by sound accounting practices constitute normal and reasonable costs of current operation and maintenance of the dispensary. Such costs shall include compensation for the manager and other necessary employees, insurance, utility services, costs of maintaining a reasonable stock of merchandise for resale, and similar expense items. Any balance therein shall be deemed net revenue. (c) Sinking and Interest Account. Fifty per cent (50 of the annual net revenues of the liquor dispensary have been pledged to the Sinking Fund Account of Sanitary Sewer and Dis- posal Plant Bonds of 1954, pursuant to paragraph 5 of a reso- lution of this Council adopted on the 10th day of November, 1954, and the Council is required to pay said sum into said Sinking Fund until all of the bonds of said issue have been fully paid. The pledge of the revenues of the liquor dispensary to the payment of said Sanitary Sewer and Disposal Plant Bonds was authorized by the electorate. The Village Council hereby reaffirms the revenue pledge made pursuant to paragraph 5 of the aforesaid resolution of November 10, 1954, and pledges that it will take all steps possible to retire the said Sani- tary Sewer and Disposal Plant Bonds of 1954 at the earliest date and will exercise its privilege of calling said bonds for redemption as soon as funds shall be available to facilitate calling said bonds. From the net revenues not subject to the pledge of paragraph 5 of the aforesaid resolution of November 10, 1954, there shall be credited to a Sinking and Interest Ac- count on the first secular day of each calendar month, com- mencing June 1, 1964, the amount of 1/12 of the total amount of principal and interest due on the bonds issued hereunder for the ensuing 12 months to pay principal and interest on the bonds of this issue until said bonds and the interest thereon have been dully paid. In addition, commencing with June 1, 1964, there shall be credited to a Reserve Account monthly, all of the remaining net revenues not subject to the aforesaid pledge, until a reserve of $20,000 has been accumulated over and above the amount required to pay prin- cipal and interest on said revenue bonds whenever other monies in the Sinking and Interest Account are insufficient therefor, and whenever so used said balance shall be restored by the transfer of additional monies from the net revenues not subject to the pledge hereinabove specified. All said credits shall be cumulative and in the event the earnings are insuf- ficient to make the credits required herein, the difference between the amount in fact credited and the amount required hereunder shall be made up out of the next available net revenue. Provided, however, that the monies constituting the $20,000 reserve may be used to prepay bonds, when such prepayment will retire all bonds of this issue then out- standing. Net revenues not required for the foregoing pur- pose shall be deemed surplus net revenues, and may be used for any other proper corporate purpose. 4. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to in any manner reduce or restrict the pledge of revenues made pur- suant to paragraph 5 of the resolution adopted by this Council on November 10, 1954, authorizing $185,000 Sanitary Sewer and Disposal Plant Bonds of 1954. 5. The Village Clerk shall maintain a bank account se- parate from all other accounts of the Village, in which there shall be kept the funds of the Sinking and Interest Account, and Reserve Account. Said funds shall be deposited in a bank mutually acceptable to the Council and the successful bidder for the bonds. All funds may to invested in all legal invest- ments for Villages. 6. The Village reserves the right and privilege of is- suing and selling refunding bonds if and to the extent needed to refund maturing bonds of the issue herein authorized, if monies in the Sinking and Interest Account and Reserve Account are at any time insufficient for the payment in full of the principal and interest due thereon, which refunding bonds shall be payable fr•orn said fund on a parity with this issue as to interest, but shall mature subsequent to all of the bonds pay- able from said fund which are to remain outstanding upon the completion of such refunding. 7. The bonds of this issue are a first and prior lien upon 50$ of the net revenues of the municipal liquor dispen- sary, while any of the Sanitary Sewer and Disposal Plant Bonds of 1954 authorized by resolution of this Council dated November 10, 1954 remain unpaid. When said Sanitary Sewer and Disposal Plant Bonds of 1954 have been fully paid then the bonds of this issue are a first and prior lien upon all the net reve- nues of the municipal liquor dispensary. The Village may auth- orize the issuance of additional Municipal Building Revenue Bonds or other obligations payable from the revenues of the liquor dispensary and on a parity as to lien upon the earn ings of such dispensary with the bonds authorized to be is- sued hereunder if, but only if, the net revenues derived from the ownership and operation of said dispensary, to the extent that the same are not subject to the pledge of paragraph 5 of the resolution of November 10, 1954, after provision for the payment of the necessary expenses for current operation, main- tenance, and ordinary repairs, shall have been, for each of the three calendar years immediately preceding the date of such additional issue in an amount at least one and one quarter times the average annual interest and principal re- quirements of the bonds then outstanding and such additional bonds, during the then remaining life of the bonds then out- standing. 8. The Village of Rosemount hereby certifies and re- presents to, and covenants and agrees with, the purchaser and holders from time to time of each bond issued hereunder as follows: 8.1 As long as any of said bonds are outstanding, the Village will continue its ownership and operation of said dis- pensary as a revenue producing utility and convenience, in the manner authorized and subject to the restrictions imposed by the Statutes and laws of the State of Minnesota, including sections 340.20 and 340.25, Minnesota Statutes, relating to elections on the licensing of intoxicating liquors, and will not authorize the establishment or operation of any other establishment within the Village, for the on -sale or off -sale of intoxicating liquors at retail, and the Village will main- tain the dispensary building, furnishings, equipment, and mer- chandise in good condition, and free from all liens, provided that purchase money liens may be created on merchandise ac- quired for resale, or such merchandise may be acquired subject to liens existing at the time of acquisition. 8.2 If any properties constituting capital assets of the dispensary shall be sold and disposed of, it shall be only at their fair market value, and the proceeds of such sale or disposition shall be used either to procure other capital assets for the dispensary or applied to pay principal of and interest on bonds issued hereunder. No such sale or sales shall be made at times or prices such as to imperil the prompt and full payment of the bonds issued hereunder and the interest thereon. 8.3 The Village will procure and keep in force insur- ance on the dispensary building and the equipment and furnish- ings thereof and all stocks of merchandise, protecting against loss or damage by fire, tornado, windstorm, floor, theft and all other causes customarily insured against for like proper- ties, in amounts sufficient to cover total loss thereof, and will procure and keep in force suitable fidelity bonds cover- ing all employees handling monies of the dispensary. The bond of the liquor store manager, and bonds of other employ- ees shall be in such amounts as the Council shall determine will be adequate to protect the Village and the holders of bonds issued hereunder. In the event of loss covered by said insurance policies or bonds, the proceeds shall be used to repair or restore the damage or to retire bonds payable from the revenues of said dispensary. The Village will further keep in force a liability insurance policy (covering its operation of said dispensary) in the maximum amount possible. Said policy shall specifi- cally provide for the payment by the insurance company on behalf of the insured of all sums which the Village shall be obligated to pay by reason of liability imposed upon it by law for injuries or damage to persons, other than employees, including liability imposed by reason of M.S.A. 340.95. 8.4 The Village will continue its "Liquor Dispensary Municipal Building Fund" and establish and continue therein the accounts specified in paragraph 3 hereof and its subdi- visions, and will cause proper and adequate books and records of account to be kept separate from all other records of the Village, reflecting all receipts and disbursements relating to said dispensary and its operation. All of said books and records shall be open to inspection and copying at all rea- sonable times by the holder of any of said bonds or his agent or attorney, and the Village will, without cost, fur- nish copies of any portions thereof reasonably requested by any bondholder. The Village will cause annual operating statements to be prepared and an independent audit of books of the dispensary to be made by a competent public account- ant, within ninety days after the close of such fiscal year, and will furnish a copy thereof without cost to the purchaser of said bonds, and, upon request, to any bondholder. 8.5 The gross and net revenues of the dispensary will be used and applied only as prescribed in paragraph 3 hereof and its subdivisions. The Village will at all times main tain operating policies concerning the purchaser, and sale of merchandise and do and perform all other acts and things necessary to assure that the net revenues collected will be at least sufficient to meet all payments of principal and interest on the bonds and to establish and maintain the re- serve therefor above defined. 8.6 In the event that monies in said "Liquor Dis- pensary Municipal Building Fund" shall at any time be insuf- ficient to pay principal and interest then due on bonds is- sued hereunder, said monies shall first be applied to pay the accrued interest on all such bonds then outstanding, and the balance shall be applied in payment of maturing principal, in order of the series numbers, lowest numbers first, of the bonds which are then due and payable. 8.7 The appropriation and pledge of revenues here inabove made to the Liquor Dispensary Municipal Building Fund and its sb- accounts shall at all times constitute an irrevocable pledge and appropriation for the benefit and security of the holders of bonds issued hea'e_ander, and the Village will not issue any additional bonds or other evidences of indebtedness or incur or suffer to be incurred any obligation payable from said revenues, except as ex- pressly authorized in paragraphs 6 and 7. 8.8 Each and all of the foregoing provisions of this resolution, which in any wise tend to secure or as- sure prompt and full payment of the principal of and in- terest on bonds issued hereunder will be promptly and faithfully performed and carried out by the Village and its officers and agents. 8.9 The holders of 20 per cent or more in aggregate principal amount of bonds under this resolution and at any time outstanding may, either at law or in equity, by suit, action, or other proceedings, protect and enforce the rights of all holders of bonds issued hereunder and then outstand- ing, or enforce and compel the performance of any and all of the covenants and duties herein specified to be performed by the Village or its officers and agents. 8.10 The Village further covenants and agrees that as long as any of the bonds issued hereunder or any bonds issued to refund the same remain outstanding, all real and personal properties acquired by the Village from the proceeds of bonds issued hereunder or from revenues derived from such properties or from the operation thereof shall be and are hereby irrevocably appropriated to be used only for the li- quor dispensary purposes of the Village, including payment of the principal of and interest on said bonds, and shall not be devoted to any other use or purpose; that upon any discontinuance of the operation of the liquor dispensary as a municipally owned revenue producing convenience or utility, while any of said bonds remain outstanding, unless said dis- pensary can be rented for a sum sufficient to provide for the monthly payments into the Sinking and Interest Account and the maintenance of the Reserve Account, all as provided in paragraph 3(c) of this resolution, all of the bonds then outstanding shall forthwith be and become immediately due and payable, notwithstanding any provisions therein or herein to the contrary, and all such real and personal pro perty,'including the stock of merchandise, shall be sold and disposed of as specified in part 8.2 hereof, and the net pro- ceeds thereof and any working capital then on hand are hereby irrevocably appropriated to be used so far as needed for the pro -rata payment of the outstanding bonds and interest thereon. -8- 9.. The officers of the Village are hereby author- ized and directed to prepare and furnish to the purchaser of said bonds. and to the attorneys approving the legality thereof, certified copies of such proceedings and records of the Village relatira to the authorization and issuance of said bonds and the establishment of said dispensary, and affidavits and certificates as to all other matters appearing in their official records cr otherwise ]mown to them which shall be reasonably necessary to evidence the validity and marketability of said bonds and all such cer- tified copies, certificates, and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, shall constitute the representations of said Village as to the truth of the statements contained therein. 10.. The bonds and interest coupons to be issued here- under shall be in substantially the following form: No. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT MUNICIPAL BUILDING REVENUE BOND OF 1964 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, pay to bearer out of the Sinking and Liquor Dispensary Municipal Building sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS that the Village of has obligated itself to Interest Account of the Fund of the Village the on the first day of May, 19 and to pay interest thereon out of said Account at the rate of per cent per annum from the date hereof until paid, interest being payable May 1, 1965, and semi- annually there- after on the first day cf November, and the first day of May in each year, plus additional interest at the rate of per cent per annum from to payable in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the interest cou- pons hereto attached, which are in two sets, one representing interest at the rate of per cent y) per annum, from the date hereof until matur- ity, and the other representing additional interest at the rate cf per cent per annum from to Both principal and interest are payable at in any coin or currency of the United States of America, which on the date of payment is legal tender for public and private debts. 9 All bonds of this issue maturing in the years 1976 to 1982, both inclusive, (bonds numbered to 135, both inclusive) are subject to redeflption_ and prior payment at the option of the Village on May 1, 1975, and on any in- terest payment date thereafter, in inverse order of their numbers, at par and accrued interest, plus a premium of $30.00. At least thirty days prior notice of such redemp- tion shall in each case be given by mail to the bank where said bonds are payable and to the last known holder. Hold- ers desiring to receive such notice must register their names and addresses with the Village Clerk. This bond is one of an issue in the total principal amount of $135,000, all of like date and tenor, except as to maturity, interest rate, and redemption privilege, which bonds have been issued for the purpose of acquisition of a site and construction and furnishing of a new building to be used as a municipalliquor dispensary, and the said bonds and interest thereon are payable solely and exclusively out of the Sinking and Interest Account of the Liquor Dispensary Municipal Building Fund of the Village, from the net reve- nues of the municipal liquor dispensary, as provided by the resolution creating said fund, and do not constitute a debt of the Village within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory limitation of indebtedness. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that all acts, con- ditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to be done, to happen, and to be per- formed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have been done, have happened, and have been performed in due form and manner as required by law; that the Village of Rosemount will construct a municipal liquor dispensary and will operate the same pursuant to law; that the Village will pay net revenue into the Sinking and Interest Account in accordance with the resolution authorizing the bonds of this issue adopted by the Village Council on April 1964, and will maintain in said account a sufficient amount to pay prin- cipal and interest as the same become due. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, by its Village Council has caused this bond to be executed in its behalf by the signature of the Mayor and the Village Clerk and the corporate seal of the Village to be hereto affixed, and has caused the interest coupons hereto annexed to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile sig- natures of said officers, all as of May 1, 1964. Village Clerk Mayor -10- (Form of Coupon) No. On the first day of May (November), 19 the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, will pay to the bear- er out of the Sinking and Interest Account of the Liquor Dis- pensary Municipal Building Fund of the Village, at the sum shown hereon for interest then due on its Municipal Building Revenue Bond of 1964, No. Village Clerk Mayor (On bonds numbered to both inclusive, coupons num- bered and higher shall contain the clause, "Unless the bond described below is called for earlier redemption:5 11. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to file a cer- tified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor of Da- kota County, Minnesota, together with such other information as he shall require, and to obtain from said Auditor a certifi- cate that said bonds have been entered in the Auditor's Bond Register. Member /1'7c /teat. seconded the motion for the adoption of said resolution, and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: CCJ ;a,- J, .b 'r.< c .eet64Ai Alt /riff and the following voted against the same://, Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and pted.4 i /Lt 'P Mav(o or STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA SS. VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Village Clerk of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have carefully compared the attached and fore- going extract of minutes of a meeting of the Village Council of said Village held on the date therein indicated with the original thereof on file in my office, and the same is a full, true, and complete transcript therefrom, insofar as the same relates to a resolution authorizing the issuance of Municipal Building Revenue Bonds of 1964 as more fully set forth in said minutes. WITNESS my hand as such Clerk and the corporate seal of the Village thisrrg day c£ C1, 1964. (S E A L) C e,tiQ_ l [c Villa e Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA SS. COUNTY OF DAKOTA COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE AS TO REGISTRATION I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting County Auditor of Dakota County, Minnesota, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that on the day of `4, 1964, there was filed in my office a certified copy of a resolution adopted on May 6, 1964, by the Vil- lage Council of the Village of Rosemount, of said County, authorizing the issuance of $135,000 Municipal Building Revenue Bonds of said Village, together with full informatinn regarding the obligations; and said obligations have been entered in my bond register. (S E A L) County Auditor VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held May 6, 1964. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the April meetings were sedd and approved as read. On motion of Corrignan and second of Mullery the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND Peoples Natural Gas 36.48 Northern States Power Co.- Bookmobil 1.00 Hall 10.49 Traffic light 17.70 Street lights 360.83 Central Telephone Co.- Police 8.60 Norris Pederson -extra time 48.00 Dakota County Tribune proceedings 19180 Motorola- maintenance 6.60 Anderson $eterinary Hospital -board 10.00 Miller -Davis Co. 16.32 Strese Pure Oil -brake light switch 1.10 Richard C. Koehnen -care of dump 40.00 FIRE FUND nNorthern States Power Co. 11.50 Peoples Natural Gas 57.05 Central Telephone Co. 17.10 LIQUOR STORE Northern States Power Co. 53.63 Peoples Natrual Gas 64.36 Commercial West a dv. for bids 42.50 H. J. Geraghty Agency -stock burglary 73.50 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 559.03 Gene Gustayson -paid outs 14.47 Old Peoria, Inc. 153.99 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 118.98 Distillerd Distributing Co. 978.92 McKesson Robbins 298.40 Buckingham Beverage Co. 281.90 Hanson Beverage Co. 303.78 Medford Distributing Co. 74.60 Concord Beverage Co. 1124.17 Alcorn Beverage Co. 442.19 Old Dutch Foods 41.10 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 54.00 Seven Up Bottling Co. 39.80 Northwest Cigar Corp. 2 5.92 Fritz Wholesale Co. 70.76 Northwest Linen Service 20.79 Minnesota-Wisconsin Truck Lines 30.51 Judges Electric and Appliance Co. 31.76 The National Cash Register Co. 2.97 Melady Paper Co. 18.81 Bernard W. May Co. 76.40 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 317.93 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 203.92 Griggs, Cooper Co. 356.85 Gene Gustayson -paid outs 20.20 �P The Clerk read the police report for the month of April, 1964. The Clerk read the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held April 29, 1964. The Clerk read a letter from the Dakota County Highway Department suggesting that all future plats be reviewed by the County Highway Engineer before they were accepted by the Council. The Clerk read a letter Bron The County Assessor setting the time for the annual Board of Review meeting which will be held Thursday, June 25, 1964 at 7:00 o(clock PM. At 7:30 PM the Clerk opened and read the bids for the $135,000 Municipal Building Bonds per the advertisement. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan and upon Manz unanimous vote of the Council the bid of Juran and Moody was accepted. Net interese cost was computed at $79,437.00 with and average interest rate of 4.4279 per cnet The extract of the minutes of the regular meeting bele May 0, 1964 attached hereto are hereby made an official part of these minutes. Aletter from Governor Rolvaag pertaining to the Civil Defense Conference was read and ordered placed on file. The Clerk read a letter from Briggs M rgan relative to title insurance for the new liquor store, attached was a copy of the title insurance policy. The Clerk read a letter from Marvin Ratzlaff submitting his resignation from the Youth Commission. The Council reluctantly accepted same. The Clerk read a litter from E. McMenomy relative to the Phil Anderson property closing dated May 1, 1964. On motion of Mullery and second of Ward the Council approved the transfer of $1,750.00 from the Utilities Fund to the General Fund to cover the cost of this real estate. Ayes 5. On motion of Mullery and second of Finnegan the letter of Harold Almquist relative to the purchase of property adjacent to his Garage was referred to the Utilities for their written recommendation to the Council as to the action they recommend to the Council Ayes were 5. The metier of plans for the Youth Commission were discussed at some length and the Council agreed to transfer $1,000.00 to the Youth Commission to help defray their expenses. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 6th day May, 1964. Respectfully submitted, 'p Vil 2ge erk Pursuant meeting of the Minnesota, was Village on May EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, MIDNESOTA, HELD MAY 6, 1964 to due call and notice thereof, a The following members were present: 'J ..7%:;. _4 a Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, duly held at the Council Chambers in the said 6, 1964, at 7:30 o'clock P.P. a r[.i .c L il r- r. z J c and the following were absent: 2.o The Council proceeded to open and consider bids for the sale of $135,000 Municipal Building Revenue Bonds of 1964. The following bids were received: Name of Bidder Juran Moody, Inc. 4.4279% Interest Premium Net Interest Cost (None) $79,437.00 After the bids had been considered and discussed, member introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID ON SALE OF MUNICIPAL BUILDING REVENUE BONDS OF 1964 AND FIXING INTEREST RATE BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: 1. That it is hereby found, determined and declared that the bid of Juran and Moody to purchase $135,000 Municipal Build- ing Revenue Bonds of 1964, in accordance with the notice of bond sale at a price of par and accrued interest to date of delivery (plus a premium of none) is the most favorable bid received and is hereby accepted, and said bonds are hereby awarded to said bidder. 2. The bonds maturing and bearing the serial numbers set forth below shall bear interest payable May 1, 1965, and semi- annually thereafter on November 1 and May 1 of each year, at the respective rates per annum set opposite said maturity and serial numbers: Maturity Serial Number Interest Rate 1 9 6 7 1 973 1 -22 4.00% 197 19 32 23 -135 4.30% Plus additional interest on all bonds for the period July 1, 1964 to November 1, 1965, at the rate of one and fifty hun- dredths per cent (1.50%) per annum. 3. Said bonds shall be payable at The American National Bank of Saint Paul, in St. Paul, Minnesota. Member seconded the motion for the adoption of the foregoing re and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in .-favor thereof: 4( 1 and the following voted against the same: Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA SS. VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing ex- tract of minutes of a meeting of said Council held on the date therein indicated, with the original thereof on file in my of- fice, and the same is a full, true, and complete transcript therefrom, insofar as the same relates to a resolution award- ing the sale of $135,000 Municipal Building Revenue Bonds of 1964, as more fully set forth in said minutes. WITNESS my hand as such Clerk and the corporate seal for said Village this day of 1964. Village Clerk VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held June 2, 1964. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the May meeting were read and approved as read. On motion of Mullery and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND Texaco, Inc. police gas 16.63 Reisinger Excavating levelling dump 25.00 Richard Koehnen -care of dump 28.22 Dakota County Tribune proceedings 33. Peoples Natural Has 13.68 Norris Pederson -extra time 78.72 M torola aaintenance 6.60 C Telephone Police 8.55 -Clerk 15.61 Mobile Custom Sweepers- sweeping streets 135.00 John Hawkins -extra police 46.08 Phillips Petroleum police gas 23.99 The Pure Oil Co.- police gas 21.65 Wilroy's Ford maintenance 2.51 FIRE FUND Peoples Natural Gas 18.73 Central Telephone Co. 17.57 Strese Pure Oil 5.87 Vorwerk Texaco 4 .85 Genz -Ryan 4 .5 0 LIQUOR FUND Peoples Natural Gas 35. Briggs and Morgan -legal fees 992.10 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 1,479.40 Griggs, Cooper Co., Inc. 607.78 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 278.87 Liquor Control Commissioner 10.00 Old Peoria, Inc. 169.23 Northwest Linen Service 22.59 Bernard W. May Co. 78.34 Internal Revenue Service 64.00 Judges' Electric and Appliance 36.03 Miller -Davis Co. 11.00 Minnesota- Wisconsin Truck Lines, Inc. 36. Melady Paper Co. 52.62 Fritz Wholesale Co. 81.66 Northwest MK Cigar Corp. 25.92 Old Dutch Foods 3 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 39.95 Medford Distributing Co. 78.00 Concord Beverage Co. 1,57 Buckingham Beverage Co. 270.44 Hanson Beverage Co. 377.33 McKesson Robbins 191.50 Alcorn Beverage Co. 561.86 Distillers Distributing Co. 656.37 Frank Galdonik -wages 24.00 John Balkowitsch 48.00 1 108 The Clerk was authorized to notify the manager of the Idugor Store that the wages to be paid for extra help would be $1.50 per hour unless changed by the Council. The minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held May 26, 1964 were read by the Clerk. On motion of Cnrrigan and second of Finnegan the Council unanimously approved the permit applications of H. C. Hanson for a screened porch addition and the applications of Harold Burkard for a garage and porch addition and ordered the permits issued. The Clerk read a letter from J. E. Gabiou, County Highwya Engineer relative to Parallel parking on C.S.A.H. 31. On motion of Ward and second by Mullery the following resolution was unanimously adopted. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The County of Dakota has sbumitted to the Commissioner of Highways the plans and specifications for the improvement of County State -Aid Highway 33 between C.S.A.H, 42 and C.S.A.H. 31 and WHEREAS, State -aid funds will be expended on the improvement of said County State -Aid Highway, and WHEREAS, the approved state -aid standards, for reasons of traffic safety and economy, limit and restrict all parking to that which is parallel with the curb. NOW, THEN BE IT RESOLVED That said Village of Rosemount shall require that the parking of all vehicles within the corporate limits on said County State Aid Highway 33 be parallel with the curb in accordance with the State -Did Standards. Dated June 2, 1964 _Mayor r Attest: Vi age Cle The Clerk read a letter from the Utilities Commission relative to the piece of land adjacent to Wilroy's Garage. After some discussion the Clerk was authorized to contact Banister Engineering Co. relative to the actual flat location of sewer lines and their recommendations. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the matter was tabled until this could be done. Ayes 5. The Mayor read a letter from Marsh and McLennan relative to Liquor Liability insurance. The letter was referred to Immill local insurance agencies. The matter wf €encing the ditch and pond adjacent to the Methodist Church property was discussed and tabled until the Council could work some b6 the de- tails regarding the fencing of the dump at which time both areas could be Benced. The Clerk read the palace report for the month of May, 1964. The Council after due discussion agreed to let the Jaycees use the back room of the upstairs Village Hall to store their equipment and to hold Board of Director meetings.- On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Council approved the applications of the Legion Post for On sale Bedr and Liquor licenses and ordered them issued. Ayes were 5. There being no further business the meeting d journ this 2n day.of 1964. 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held June 19, 1964. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present excepting Corrigan. On motion of Ward and second by Finnegan the CoOncil granted a building permit to James and Roby Evans to move a house on lot 6, block 5 of the original Village contingent upon the removal of all old car bodies on the south line of his present residence. Ayes were 4. On motion of Napery and second of Ward the permit application of Ben G. Moeller to remodel his existing -ldwelling was approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 4. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 19th day of June, 1964. Respectfully bubmitted, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held June 25, 1964. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present excepting Mullery. Mr. Krueger of the County Assessors Office was presnet to discuss personal property and real estate evaluations with the Ca9ncil and interested tazpayess. Mr. Gil Howe could not be with us and as the assessments were incomplete the meeting was postponed until July 14, 1964 at 7:00 o'clock PM. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 25th day of June, 1964. Respectfully submitted, 109 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTE, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held July 7, 1964. Meeting called to otder by Acting Mayor Duff, all members were present except- ing Ward. The minutes of the June meetings were read and approved as read. Mr. Geraghty and Mr. Bob Toombs were present to discuss with the Council the problem of Liability Insurance for the Village. On motion of Mullery and second of Finnegan the Council authorized the purchase of a Comprehensive General Liability policy. Ayes were 4. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their pespective funds. With the exception that only one- half of the bill of Buetow and Associated would be paid at this time. GENERAL FUND Ray Tousignant police duty $107.52 John Marrinan- police duty 76.80 Rod Boyd police duty 76.80 Northern States Power Co. -Hall 1.00 Bookmobil 1.00 Traffic Light 16.4+ Street lights 360.83 Peoples Natural Gas 2 .33 Motorola- maintenance 6.60 Central Telephone Co.- police 8.25 -Clerk 4 .95 Texaco, Inc. 13.56 Lystad's Exterminators 30.00 Frank Kreitz -care of dump 40.00 Rosemount Bandboosters 2.20 John Hawkins -extra police 76.80 Dakota County tribune proceedings 14.46 Toombs Insurance Agency Workmen's Comp. 61.10 Wilroy's Ford Maintenance 36.27 Buetow and Associates, Inc. -plans for hall 97.37 The Pure Oil Co. 22.13 LIQUOR FUND Northern Statee Power Co. 80.92 Peoples Natural Gas 10.72 Utilities Commission 18.75 Toombs Insurance Agency- Liquor Store Contents 168.22 Ed. Phillips &sons Co. 1246.56 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 133.52 Old Peoria, Inc. 305.89 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 241.50 Griggs, Cooper Co. 222.45 Griggs, Cooper Co. 186.43 Griggs, Cooper Co. 381.39 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 386.13 Gene Gustafson -petty cash 24.26 Judges Electric Appliance 14.15 Bernard W. May Co. 77.67 N rthwest Linen Service 25.60 Minnesota Wisconsin T Lines 40.51 111 1 N Cigar Corp. 2 5.9 2 Concord Beverage Co. 1776.25 Fritz Wholesale co. 119.49 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 75.25 Seven Up Bottling Co. 63.00 Old Dutch Foods 44 .55 Hanson Beverage Co. 621.33 Medford Distributing Co. 88.55 Alcornd Beverage Co. 7 Buckingham Beverage Co. 6 27.97 McKesson Robbins 413.04 Distillers Distributing Co. 968.52 Gene Gustayson -paid outs 23.64 FIRE FOND Northern States Power Co. 4.89 Peoples Natural Gas 6.55 Central Telepnone Co. 18.70 Phillips 66 Ratzlaff Service 14.65 Strese Pure Oil 2.20 Dakota County Tribune- 26.00 Vorwerk Texaco 3. Glen T. Grove 5.00 Continental Safety Equipment, Inc. 22.80 George McDonough 25.00 John Doyle 15.00 LIQUOR STORE CONSTRUCTION FOND Poucher Printing LithographSng, Co. 159.00 Briggs and ;organ 175.00 Buetow and Associates 3045.11 On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the bill of Roy Dickman for $39.95 for repairs made to refrigeration unit in 1959 was approved and ordered paid. Ayes 4. On motion of Mullery and second of Finnegan the application of Duffy brothers for and off sale beer licence was granted and ordered issued. Ayes were 4. The Clerk read the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held June 30, 1964. On motion of Hillery and second of Finnegan the application of T. H. Tousignant to build a garage was approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 4. The Clerk read a letter from Banister Engineering relative to the property i mediately east of the Wilroy garage. No action was taken at this time. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 7th day of July, 1964. Respectfully submitted, 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, CO NTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held July 14, 1964. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. On motion of Finnegan ans second of Corrigan the Council unanimously approved a reduction in the real estate tax valuation of Fred Wachter from $12.50 to 11.5 0 per square foot. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the Council voted to accept the report of the assessor with the above correction. Ayes were 5. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 14th day of July, 1964. Respectfully ',Omitted, Vill VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held July 28, 1964. Meeting celled to order by President Ward, all members were present excepting Corrigan. On motion of Duff and second of Mullery the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT OF WARWEG AVENUE AND MAPLE STREET. WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution of the Village Council, a report has been pre- pared by J. E. Gabiou, Dakota County Highway Engineer, with reference to the im- provement of Warweg Avenue from Ash Street to Maple Street and Maple Street from Warweg Avenue to Main Avenue (Trunk Highway No. 3) by bituminous surfacing, in- cluding bituminous curbing, and this report was received by the Council on July 28th, 1964. NOWTHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such streets in accordance with the report and the assessment of abutting property for allor a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuand to Minn. Stats., Secs 429.011 to 429.111(Laws 1953 Ch. 398, as amended) at an estimated total cost of the improvement of 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the lath day of August, 1964 in the council chambers of the Village Hall at 7 :00 o'clock p.m. and the clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Ado by the cpunci,l this 28th day of July, 1964. -)/1 Clerk ,Mayor ere ing no er business the meeting adjourned this 28th day of July, 1964. 113 1.14 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held August 4, 1964. Meeting called to order by Acting Mayor Duff in the absent of Ward, all other members were present. On motion of Mullery and second of Corrigan the minutes of the July meetings were approved as read. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. Ayes were 4. GENERAL FUND Norris Pederson -exta time 48.36 H. J. Geraghty Agency- Liability ins. 180.00 Northern States Power Co. -Hall 1.00 Bookmobil 1.00 tpfff traffic lights 15.12 street lighst 360.83 Peoples Natural Gas 2.33 Motorola maintenance 6.60 John Hawkins -extra police 49.08 Nick Fox grading and levelling 10.00 R. Koehnen -care of dump 35.00 Phillips Petroleum police gas 15. Gilmore L. Howe Assessors expenses 122.53 League of Minnesota Municipalities -dues 91.00 FIRE FUND Northern States Power Co. 5. Peoples Natural Gas 3.89 Continental Safety Equipment- raincoats 73.44 Coast to Coast Stores 4 .3 4 Bernier Motor Co. 11 .35 Robert L. Erickson- examinations 10.00 Genz -Ryan Plumbing and Heating 7.50 LIQUOR STORE CONSTRUCTION Buetow and Associates -fees Antler Corporation LIQUOR OPERATING FUND H. J. Geraghty Agency -Stock fixtures H. J. Geraghty Agency- Liability Northern States Power Co. Peoples Natural Gas Minnesota Municipal Liquor Stores Association, Old Peoria, Inc. Ed. Phillips Sons Co. Bernard W. May Co. Malady Paper Co. Northwest Linen Co. Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines Seven Up Bottling Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Fritz Wholesale Co. Old Dutch Foods Hanson Beverage Co. Medford Distributing Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. 3045.11 20631.00 112.15 552.00 95.09 4.94 Inc. 15.00 262.57 1350.81 77. 8.60 18.58 29.70 39.50 93.00 96.35 56.25 763.01 74.75 763.34 Buckingham Beverage Co. Concord Beverage Co. McKesson Robbins Distillers Distributing Co. Famous Brands, Inc. $291.87 1735.58 330.95 846.56 154.30 The Clerk read the police report for the month of July, 1964. The lighting problem at the lower end of Marion Drive was discussed. The Council gave fur- ther consideration to the bicycle problem and was advised by the Police Officer that he had talked to several riders with little success and further has dis- cussed with the Jaycees their forthcoming program of education in this area. On motion of Mullery and second of Finnegan the Council unanimously approved the installation of a street light at the south end of Marion Drive. Mr. Joe Gavin was immix present to discuss with the Council the ponding area at the south end of Hyland Avenue. The Clerk agreed to contact Banister Enginerring Co. to get their recommendations. The minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held July 28, 1964 were read.. On moiton of Mullery and second of Corrigan a permit to builds a garage by John isaak at 401 Murphy Street was approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 4. Mr. H. C. Hanson was present to discuss with the Council the installation of lights at the entrance to the new highschool. On motion of Corrigan second of Finnegan the Council agreed to the installation of two lights to correspond to existing lights in the commercial areas. The cost of these lights would be paid by the Village and billed to Independent School District #196 on an annual basis. Ayes were 4. Mr. Rueben Johnson of Buetow and Associates was present to discuss with the Council the problems relating to elevation of the shopping center parking lot, the proposed change in the ladies lounge and the brick planter wall. Parking lot elevations were resolded by advising Mr. Johnson to contact Mr. Nelson and work out the details. The Brick planter wall was left as is after a short discussion. On motion of Mullery and second of Finnegan the ladies lounge was altered according to scheme 1 as prepared by Buetow and Associates at a cost of "745.00. Ayes were 4. The Clerk read a letter Erom Banister Engineering Co. of July 23, 1 1964 bringing the Council up -to -date on the proposed extension of the Sanitary Sewer Facilities in connection with the University. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 4th day of August, 1964. Respectfully submitted, 115 116 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held August 17, 1964. Meeting called to order by Prdsident Ward, all members were present. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the following resolution was. approved by the Council. Ayes were 5. RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT AND PREPARATION OF PLANS WHEREAS, a resolution of the Village Council adopted the 28th day of July, 1964, fixed a date for a council hearing on the proposed improvement of Warweg Avenue between Ash Street and Maple Street; and Maple Street from Warweg Avenue to Main Avenue (Minnesota State Trunk Highway No. 3) by in- stallation of bituminous surfacing including bituminous curbing. AND WHEREAS, ten days' published notice of the hearing through two weekly publications of the required notice was given and the hearing was held there- on on the 17th day of August, 1964,t which all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon, NOW TH"REFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvement is hereby ordered as proposed in the council resolution adopted July 28th, 1964. 2. J. E. Gabiou is hereby designated as the engineer for this im- provement. He shall prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvement. Adopted by the council this 17th day of August, 1964. Mayor There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 17th day of August, 1964. Reppectfully spbmitted, 1 VILLAGE OF ROSE MOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held September 1, 1964. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all ambers were present. The minutes of th2 August Meeting were read and approved as read. Onmotion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. LIQUOR REVENUE FUND Judge's Electric Appliance 18.90 Minnesota- Wisconsin Truck Lines 32.04 Northwest Cigar Corp. 25.92 Fritz Wholesale Co. 9 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 63.70 Old Dutch Foods 4 5.90 Seven Up Bottling Co. 69.00 Leding Distributing Co. 114.48 Medford Distributing Co. 91.85 Concord Beverage Co. 1477.65 Buckingham Beverage Co. 148.96 Alcorn Beverage Co. 575.38 Hanson Beverage Co. 524.73 McKesson Robbins Inc. 141.30 Distillers Distributing Co. 788. Famous Brands, Inc. 154.69 Griggs, Cooper Co. 2 57.52 Bernard W. May Co. 78.09 Malady Paper Co. 23.10 Northwest Linen Service 19.55 Michael J. Hoska, Jr. -wages 24.00 Corcoran Hdwe. Imp. Co.- repairs to elev. 38.35 John Balkowitsch -wages 51.00 Northern States Power Co. 102.18 Peoples Natural Gas 4.73 Griggs, Cooper Co. 136.65 Griggs, Cooper Co. 213.15 Ed. Philips Sons Co. 544.76 Gene Gustayson -paid outs 32.98 Old Peoria, Inc. 162.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND Central Telephone Co. 29.65 Northern States Power Co. 4.16 Peoples Natural Gas 4.10 Vorwerk's Texaco 34.23 GENERAL FUND First State Bank- deposit slips 1.25 George Koehnen -care of dump 50.00 Wilroy's Ford- p&lice car maintenance 18130 Motorola- maintenance 6.60 First State Bank -box rent 4.00 Dakota County Tribune hearing notice 8.63 Northern States Power Co. -Hall 1.00 Bookmobile 1.14 Street lights 360.83 Traffic Lights 14.88 117 118 Peoples Natural Gas 1.85 Lakeside Animal Hospital- boarding dogs 5.00 Anderson Veterinary Hospital- boarding dog 5.00 Midway Office Supply treasurer's file 16.80 Phillips Petroleum Co.- police gas 4.40 The Pure Oil Co. -May July 36.63 John Hawkins -extra police 61.44 Norris Pederson -extra time 82.08 Dakota County Tribune proceedings 55•18 Central Telephone Co.- Police 20.00 -Clerk 7.37 The Clerk read the police report for August, 1964. The Letter from the Rosemount School Bus Company dated august 31, 1964 was read and discussed. The Council took the matter under advisement. The Minutes Of the August 24, 1964 Planning Commission meeting were read. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Church of'St. Joseph application to build a garage and convent were approved and permit ordered issued. Ayes were 5. On motion of Mullery and second of Corrigan the following building permit appli- cations were'approved and permits were ordered issued. Ayes were 5. Thomas Buckley 316 Marion Lane Garage Edward Geeen 413 Conley Street Garage attached Wm. Matiuska 313 Marion Lane Gabage Thomas Bailey 416 John St. Garage Donald Soderholm 401 Conley St. 2 bedrooms, bath and garage Richard Vorwerk 108 West Maple Addition to house A letter from Independent School District 10.96 was read relative to opening the Village dump to accomodate the School buildings in Rosemount Village. Mr. Corrigan was appointed to work out time and days. Fee schedule to be included. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council authorized the Mayor to have a drywell installed in the drainage pit adjacent to the Methodist Church property. Ayes were 5. On motion of'Finnegan and second of Mullery the Council unanimously to pay $50.00 the the Township to help offset the expenses of the coming national election. A letter from Altman, Geraghty and Mulally, attornies representing the Village in the suit re- Kropelnickb and the Liquor Store was read. The letter was dated August 25, 1964. The Clerk was authorized to neotiate and determine whether or not additional legal services would be required. Aletter dated August 26, 1964 from Music Service, Inc. was read relative to the installation of piped in music. The matter was tabled until completion of the new store. A letter from MoMenomy, Hertogs and Fluegel dated July 1964 was read. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Mayor and the Clerk were authorized to sign an easement deed between the Village and the Methodist Church. Ayes were 5. The Clerk read a letter from Banister Engineering Col relative to progress on the proposed sanitary sewer extension. The Clerk read a litter from the State of Minnesota, Department of Health relative to the proposed sanitary, sewer extension. r,r s( e 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STA TE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held September 9, 1964. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present excepting Corrigan. The Council net with Mr. Gene Gustayson, manager of the Municipal Liquor Store, and Mr. May of the firm of Bernard W. May Co. to review the results of the recent audit of the liquor store books and inventory. Mr. May pointed out the following four points; 1. The daily cash receipts were consistently balancing to the penny. The cash overage was stated at 2. The physical inventory was discussed and reported with a net shortage amounting to $310.91. 3. Mr. May presented an analysis of profit percdntages which revealed that he estimated that based on sales dollars expected from the amount of inventories moving Enuctlarras over the bar that we should have realized as much as $1,500.00 more in Profit than we did show. 4. Inventories weee disorganized and the inventory book of the manager was not current. These four points were discussed at some length with Mr. Gustayson and he was told how to put better controls on his inventory by the Auditor. Mr. James Gabiou was present and discussed final plans for the improvement of Warweg Avenue and Maple Street. He indicated that the estimated cost given earlier was low and gave the council a new estimate of slightly over $201000.00. On motion of Finnegan and second of Mullery the attached resolution entitled, RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANE AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS" Was adlopted by the Council. Ayes were 4. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 9th day of September, 1964. Respectfully sybmitted, Le' Village Clerk 1/ 119 ()Clerk/ d! RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution passed by the council on August 17th, 1964, J. E. Gabiou has prepared plans and specifications for the improvement of Warweg Avenue between Ash Street and Maple Street and of Maple Street Between Warweg Avenue and Main Avenue (Minnesota State Trunk Highway No. 3) by installation of bituminous surfacing including bituminous curbing and has presented such plans and specifications to the council for approval; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The Village Clerk Shall prepare and cause to be in- serted in the official paper an advertisement for bids upon the making of such improvement under such approved plans and specifications. The advertisement shall be published once, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be opened and considered by the council at 7:00 o'clock P.M. on September 29th, 1964, in the council chambers in the Village Hall and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the clerk for five (5 per cent of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the council this 9th day of September, 1964. Mayor TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I II 4i 1 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Rosemount, Minnesota September 9th, 1964 The village council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota will receive bids at the office of the village clerk until 7:00 o'clock P.M. September 29th, 1964, for the making of the following described local improvement under Minnesota Statutes Section 429.011 to 429.111; The improvement of Warweg Avenue between the South line of Ash Street and the South line of Maple Street; and on Maple Street from the West line of Warweg Avenue to the East line of Main Avenue (Minnesota State Trunk Highway No. 3) according to plans and specif- ications on file in the office of the village clerk. Plan$ and specifications may also be obtained from the office of J. E. Gabiou, Dakota County Engineer, Hastings, Minnesota. All bids shall be made on the proposal forms of the village and shall be accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier check, bid bond or certified check payable to the order of the village clerk for not less than five (5 per cent of the amount bid. Bids shall be directed to the village clerk, securely sealed and endorsed upon the outside wrapper with a brief statement or summary as to the work for which the bid is made. The village council reserves the right to reject all bids. Copies of the plans and specifications will be furnished on request to any prospective bidder upon a deposit of $10.00 to guarantee their safe return. Bids will be opened and considered by the village council at 7:00 o'clock p.m. in the council chambers in the village hall on September 29th, 1964. (iLlf.re 4-,/ Eugene J. Duff Village Clerk Published in Dakota County Tribune on September 17, 1964. 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEM)UNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held September 18, 19641 Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members present excepting Corrigan. On motion of Finnegan and second of Mullery the firm of Buetow Associates were authorized to contant igalliEflalliThIMMAREC the mg Naegele and Lawrence Sign Companies regarding a sign for the new Liquor Store. Ayes were 4. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the new liquor store was given the official title of "Shamrock Lounge Ayes were 4. On motion of Duff and second of Mullery the Council authorized the installation of the chain link fence partitioning to be installed in the Shamrock Lounge as per the original plans. Ayes were 4. The Council after discussing the matter with Mr. Johnson of Buetow and Associates and Mr. May of Bernard W. May Co. set the date of moving as September 30, 1964. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 18th day of September, 1964. VILLAGE OF RBOEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held September 29, 1964. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present excepting Corrigan. The bid of Bituminous Surface Treating Co. of $24,725.86 was opened and read as per the advettisement for the improvement of Warweg Avenue and Maple Street. On motion of Finnegan and second of Mullery the bid was tabled until the next regular meeting to be held October 6, 1964. The Phonograph and cigarette vending machine contract was given to the Huber Vending Co. Cn motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Carbonic Machines, Inc. was given authorization to install a three station K-Way Mix system in t;e Shamrock Lounge. The Mayor and Clerk were authorized So sign a four ease agreement. Ayes were 4. Cost to be $82.66 per month for four years at which time the Village could purchase the equipment for $1.00. Ayes were 4. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 29th day of September, 1964. Respectfully sybmitted, 121 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held October 6, 1964. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present excepting Corrigan. The minutes of the September meetings were read and approved as read. ON motion of Ward and second of Mullery the Council voted to reconsider the motion in the minutes of the September 29th meeting which authorized the leasing of a post mix machine for a period of four years. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery the Council voted to purchase the Post Mix machine outright for the sum of $3,100100 to be financed by the increase of Bond issue. Ayes were 3. On motion of Finnegan and second of Mullery the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. Ayes were 4. GENERAL FUND Norris Pederson extra time 36.00 Helen Strese cleaning hall 2.50 Texaco, Inc. -gas' ine 16.28 T Inc. police gasoline 16.05 Northern States Power Co. -Hall 1.00 Traffic lite 15.72 Bookmobil 2.60 Street lites 360.83 Peonles Natural Gas 1.61 Motorola 6.60 Lystad's -pest control 30.00 Coast to Coast Stores 1.40 John Hawkins -extra police 61.44 George Koehnen -care of dump 50.00 First State B nk- checks and deposit slips 20.98 Dakota County "Tribune proceedings and adv. for bids 38.80 Lakeside Animal Hospital -care of dogs 10.00 McNamara- Vivant Contfacting Co.- street improve.1963 561.00 Pure Oil Co. 13.5 FIRE FUND Northern Staptes Power Co. 4.99 Peoples Natural Gas 1.61 Coast to Coast Stores supplies 2.88 Bernier Motor Co.- repairs 2.60 LIWUOR FUND Corrigan Electric Co. -calbe and labor 13.80 N States Power Co. 79.72 Peoples Natural Gas 410 Miller -Davis Co.- verified accounts 10.80 Michael Hoshko, Jr. -w,ges 72.00 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 2 53.= 0 Old Peoria, Inc. 4 03.37 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 77.23 Northwest Linen Service 23.86 Minnesota-Wisconsin Truck Lines 16.08 Judg's Electric Co. 42 .95 Old Dutch Foods 3 Ovshak Printing Go. 17.2, 123 124 u Bernard W. May Co. Distillers Distributing Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Leding Distributing Co. Concord Beverage Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Northwest Cigar Corp. Fritz Wholesale Co. Seven up Bottling Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Medford Distributing Co. The National Cash Register Co. 76.45 276.70 480.57 223.01 844.35 254.21 25.92 106.55 33.00 79.50 22.85 2.78 The Clerk read the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held Setbtember 291f 1964. On motion of Mullery and second of Finnegan the application of John Hawkins to build a garage was approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 4. The Clerk read the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held October 6, 1964. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the application of Broback Builders to build a house and attached garage was approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 4. Mr. H. C. Hanson Superintendent of Schools was present and invited the Council to attend the Minnesota School Board meeting to be held October 7th at the new Rirhschool and to the open house to be held November 8, 1964 from two to five PM. Mr. Ranson further requested £hat the barricade at the end of Fourth Avenue be corrected so as to prevent driving on the walkway. Mr. Finnegan to take of the matter. The Clerk read the police report for the month of September. The Clerk read a report from Harold Almquist Justice of the Peace. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council set the Shamrock Lounge value for Title Insurance purposes at $135,000.00 and authorized Mr. Freil of Briggs and M to proceed with the final policy. Ayes were 4. The Clerk read a report of the Senior Girl Scouts relative to the volunteer work done in refurbishing the Village Hall. The Clerk read a letter from McMenomy, Hertogs and Fluegel relative to the tran- smittal of final papers concerning donated streets from the Methodist Church. On motion of Duff and second of Mullery the Council approved the cigareete license application of Cecil Wilson. Ayes were 4. On motion of Duff and second of Ward check number 1146 in the amount of $87.56 issued to R. F: Seickert be and is hereby cancelled. Ayes were 4. The Clerk read a petition relative to street conditions at the intersection of Claire Avenue and Maple Street. The Council had made previous arrangements to see that the drywells in the area would be cleaned and kept cleaned in the future. On motion of Duff and sedond of Ward the Council approved the sale of up to forty feet of frontage immediately Fait of the present Wilroy garage to Harold Almquist at a cost of $10.00 per front It was also¢ stipulated that Mr. Almquist would pay all Engineering costs to design a retaining wall which would meet Village Arproval and any legal costs involved. Ayes were Ward, Duff and Mullery with F).n: egan abstaining. 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OP DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of special meeting held October 13, 1964. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present excepting Corrigan. On motion of Mullery and second of Finnegan the applications of James Mulcahy tam for On and Off sale beer licenses and a cigarette license were approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 4. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Northern States Power Company to have them install a Mercury Vapor light on the Shamrock Lounge parking lot. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the Council approved a change order for the Shamrock Lounge to have the conveyor system originally planned installed per original specifications. Ayes were 4. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery the council accepted the bid of Cash Register Sales, Inc. of Minneapolis for one reconditioned 6000 class National itemizing cash register for the total price of $575.00 and authorized them to refinish our present register for the sum of $60.00. Ayes were 4. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery the Clerk was authorized to write a letter to Gene Gustayson stating that his services were longer required. The council approved payment for his work on October 1, 2, and 3rd, plus one weeks vacation pay and an additional two weeks pay. Ayes were 4. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan decided that Wm. Quigley and Paul Hubbard would be retained at the discretion of the new manager. The following wage scale was set by this motion. Bartenders would start at a monthly salary of $375.00 and would receive merit increases by the Manager up to $400.00 per month. Extra time help for bartending would be paid at the rate of $2.00 per hour. Waitresses would be paid at the rate of $1.35 per hour. If current employees are retained by the new manager they will be raided to $175.90 per month effective November 1, 1964. Ayes were 4. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this '13th day of October, 1964. Respectfully submitted, 12 126 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held November 3, 1964. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the October meetings were read and approved as read. O motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. Ayes were 5. GENERAL FUND Lehn Electric- traffic sign maintenance 40.25 Reisinger Excavating -dump maintenance 41.25 Norris Pederson -extra time 48.00 Central Telephone Co.- Police 20.00 -Clerk 7.37 Peoples Natural Gas 1.85 Northern States Power Co. -Hall 1.35 Traffic lite 16.62 Bookmobil 1.00 Street lites 360.83 Mototola- maintenance 6.60 John Hawkins -extra police 61.44 Helyn Duff supplies for scroll 3. Corcoran Hardware -curb paint 58.26 McNamara- Vivant Contracting bituminous mix 11.00 Phillips Petroleum- police car gas 22.58 Texaco, Inc. police car gas 4.19 LIQUOR OPER.TTING FUND Northern States Power Co. 39.83 Peoples Natural Gas 7.9 Utilities Commission 19.95 Loraine McMahn- waitress work 10.13 Josephine Tousienant- waitress 143.78 Calvin Lennox janitor and bartending 69.25 Michael J. Hoshko, Jr.- bartending 55.00 Nadine Zinter -janitor 22.50 H. J. Geraghty Agency -add. prem. Liability 98.00 Liquor Control Commissioner buyers card 5.00 Toombs Insurance Agency 54.00 Griggs, Cooper and Co., Inc. 2018.10 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 2157. Distillers Distributing Co. 618.30 Famous Brands, Inc. 19 Hanson Beverage Co. 538.33 College City Beverage Co. 125.30 Concord Beverage Co. 1033. Alcorn Beverage Co. 304.81 Leding Distributing Co. 160.5 Medford Distributing Co. 71.80 Fritz Wholesale Co. 6.10 Old Dutch Foods 27.00 Carbonic Machines, Inc. 118.90 Miller -davis Co. 13. Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines 71.04 Bernard W. May Co. -audit and moving $233.64 Judge's Electric Appliance 27.44 Northwest Linen Service 12.23 Minneapolis Restauranct Supply Co. 181.45 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 529.96 FIRE FUND Northern States Power Co. Peoples Natural Gas Central Telephone Co. Capital City Suburban Regional Firemen's Ass Ratzlaff Serviee Station 8.01 5.57 29.65 0.00 5.10 On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan thCouncil approved the reissuance of a payroll check in the amount of $87.56 to replace check lost during 1959. Ayes were 5. The Clerk read a police report for October. The minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held October 29, 1964 were read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Mullery the Americal Legion Post #65 apnlication for a building permit for a 60 x 100 building on lots 1 and 2 of the original Village was approved and ordered issued. Cost of the permit was set at $1.00. Ayes were 5. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Council approved the transger of the Club liquor license contingent upon the date of moving. Ayes were 5. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Suburban Cement Contractors were instructed to advise the Ken -Rose Shopping Centre that the cost of re- placing the sidewalk on KIN Main Avenue in frost of the Shopping Centre would have to be born by the owners. Permission of the Council was granted in case the owners wished to proceed with the project. Ayes were 5. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council awarded the contract for a 4 x 6 sign for the Shamrock Lounge to Lawrence Sign Co. for the amount of $471.00. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the Council authorized the re- keying of the Shamrock Lounge cost to be $25.00. Ayes were 5. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan Mr. Johnson was authorized to make provisions for a coat rack for the lounge. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Council authorized Duff to purchase the necessary cash registers for the new Shamrock Lounge. Ayes 4. On motion of Duff and second of Ward the application of Ken -Rose Supermarket for a cigarette license was approved the application for an off sale Beer license was tabled until the next meeting. Ayes were 4. On motion of Ward and sedond of Corrigan the Clerk was authorized to publish "A Proclamation for "AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK° and the Mayor and Clerk were hereby authorized to sign same. Ayes were 4. There being no further business the adjourned this 3rd,of November, 1964. Respectfully submitted, 6-601c& u ,4 Village Clerk 127 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held December 1, 1964. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present excepting Mullery. The minutes of the November meeting were read and approved as read. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. Ayes were 4. FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND Corcoran Hdwg. 2.40 H. J. Geraghty Agency -Acc. and Health 142.50 Northern States Power Co. 11.20 Peoples Natural Gas 19.08 Central Telephone Co. 29.65 Corrigan Electric Co. 120.00 GENERAL FUND Dakota County Tribune- proceedings and ballots 16.58 Charles Stauffer- treasurers expenses 8.10 Corrigan Electric Co.- wiring hall 335.35 Norris Pederson -extra time 36.00 John Hawkins police duty 76.80 U. S. Postoffice envelopes and postage 50.10 Peoples Natural Gas 13.68 Northern S Power Co.- Traffic 15.84 Bookmobil 1.00 -Hall 5.10 Street lights 360.83 Motorola maintenance 6.60 Central Telephone Co.- Police 20.00 -Clerk 7.37 George Koehnen -care of dump 40.00 Phillips Petroleum Co. -gas 8.73 M. S. Cooper Y Co.- traffic signs 22.35 Miller -Davis Co.- treasurers register 9.56 Pure Oil Co.- police gasoline 26.97 LIQUOR REVENUE FUND U. S. Postoffice envelopes and postage 60.10 S ate Board of Health- license 12.00 Peoples Natural Gas 57.20 Peoples Natural Gas 5. Northern States Power Co. 26.25 Northern States Power Co. 119.04 Central Telephone Col 46.24 Griggs, Cooper Co. 295.33 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 1,678.48 Old Peoria, Inc. 262.00 Lynn Johnson Co. 124.88 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 758.66 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 14.82 Bernard W. May 7 Co. desk and file 55.00 Old Peoria Co., Inc. 183.04 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 2854/7 129 130 Griggs, Cooper Co. Distillers Distributing Co. Al Lanehorst- paidouts Ed. Phillips Sons Co. Rochester Germicide Co. Wheeler Hardware Co. Carbonic Machines, Inc. Bernard W. May Co.,- auditing Transport Clearings MiiilesotaWisconsin Truck Lines Northwest Linen Service Minneapolis Restaurant Supply Co. Old Dutch Foods Fritz Wholesale Co. Alcorn Peverage Co. Seven Up Bottling Co. College City Beverage Co. Leding Distributing Co. Concord Beverage Co. Medford Distributing Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Distillers Distributing Co. McKesson Robbins Gephart Linoleum, Inc. Miller -Davis Co. LIQUOR STORE CONSTRUCTION FUND Ames Construction Co. Cash Register Sales Co. Lampert Yards lumber Genz -Ryan Plumbing heating $332.74 753.23 74.70 305.50 37.25 25.00 84.85 80.41 6.06 37.70 29.49 24.40 31.50 44.48 550.33 17.30 218.45 140.98 858.19 8.25 599.77 142.36 625.97 110.00 6.1f0 2257.00 922.38 10.00 22.08 The Clerk read the police report for the month of N 1964. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Council approved changes for switching a light in the Off Sale section and the installation of additional brackets for the Off Sale display racks amount to $28.00 and 82.00 r-.-spectively. Ayes were 4. Mr. T. S. Mohr was present to discuss the dumping regulations at the Village dump. This matter was tabled on motion of Duff and second of Corrigan until the December 8, 1964 meeting. Ayes were 4. Mr. Ames was present'to discuss with the Council the bill for improving the Shamrock Lounge parking lot. After considerable discussion and a reduction of of (.'250.00 and upon motion of Duff and second of Ward the Council approved payment in the net amount of $2257.00. Ayes were 4. The Clerk read &letter from Briggs and Morgan relative to transmittal of Title Insurance papers to the Village covering the Shamrock Lounge. On motion of Duff and second of Ward the Council approved the transfer of the following fund balances. 1959 Imrprovement Fund $4)-9. (vs"-to Liquor Revenue Water Assess. Prior -56 ak o•3 s to Utilities Commission iiHIFflStA&x CXXXXXXXXXi'CO XXXXXXXXCLIXXXXXXXX7 XXXXXXYXXXXX Liquor Construction 31 '.0 to General Fuhd Liquor Construction 7ecv.er to Liquor Revenue Ayes were 4. 1 1 1 The Clerk read a letter from Dakota County Assessor relative to a 10% increase in the assessed valuation of Residential properties of the Village. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the following resolution was unanimously approved and ordered adopted. "A Resolution Terminating Fire Department Contracts" Based on recommendations of the Fire Department Exeettive Committee, hereby adopts a resolution authorizing the Clerk to notify the following Town- ships that existing Fire Contracts with the Village are hereby terminated as of the date of January 2, 1965 with the understanding that new contracts will be entered into, containg the same terms and conditions but with the below in- dicated rate increases. Rosemount Township $1,59 Egan Twonship 810.00 Lebanon Township (Including Angle Valley and Palomino Hills) 3,27 Burnsville Township(that part now under contract) 1,200.00 Inver Grove Township(that part now under contract) 1,080.00 Ayes were 4. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the letter from Keith M. Lysen re- garding the Uniform Building Code and Puilding inspections were referred to the Planning Commission for their consideration and recommendations. Ayes were 4. The Clerk read a notice from the Minnesota Department of Highways relative to snow removal in the Village during 1965. On motion of Duff and second of Ward the Council agreed to participate in the program and authorized the Clerk to nofity the Maintenance Engineer accordingly. Ayes were 4. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan a Off Sale Beer licdnse was approved and ordered issued to Jerry's Lucky Dollar Store. Ayes were 4. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the Council approved the applications to sell cigarettes of John VanderGarde of Roberts Drugs. Ayes were 4. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the following election judges were appointed for the annual 1964 election to be held December 8 from 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Ayes were 4. Mr. Ed. Gruber Mr. Robert Toombs Mrs. Donna McDonough Mrs. Gloria Olson Mrs. Mary Duffy Mrs. Betty Frey On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the following budget was adopted for the year 1965. General Fund Levy $15,054.00 Fire Fund Levy 1,000.00 P. E. R. A. 1,946.00 The automatise levies for the Sanitary Sewer Funds, 1956A Improvement Fund and the 1962 Improvement Funds were cancelled. Ayes were 4. There being norfurther business the meeting adjourned t' 1st daynecrber 1964. r3 2 VILLAGE OF ROSE MOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held December 8th, 1964. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. On motion of Finnegan ansecond of Corrigan the following applications for Cigarette Linceeses were approved and permits were ordered issued. Ratzlaff Service Station Pure Oil Co. Bill's Dairy Store Wilson's Standard Service Roberts Drugs Duffy Brothers Eddy Drugs American Legion Post Jerry's Supermarket #5 Ayes were 5. On motion of Duff and second of Mullery the Council authorized a complete re- vamping of Ordinance 640 and 64 covering the disposal of garbage and control of the Village Dusp. Notes made by the Clerk after lengthy and detailed dis- cussion by the Council were to be referred to the Attorney for a rough draft of a proposed new ordinance. When the attorney had prepared a rough draft the Council agreed to meet again to review and give final approval. Ayes 5. The Mayor read.a letter from Harold Almquist relative to ticket #41, the letter was then ordered placed on file. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery the Mayor and the Clerk were authorized to enter into a purchase agreement for the forty foot of lot immediately East of the existing Wirlroy garage. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and.second of Finnegan, Eldor Langhorst was granted permission to have a short section of conveyor installed in the Shamrock Lounge. Ayes 5. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the purchase of drapes for the Shamrock Lounge was approved for the cost of :x93.50. Eyes were 5. There being nor further business the meeting adjourned this 8th day of December, 1964. Respectfully submitted, 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of annual election held December 8, 1964. The annual election of the Village of Rosemount was held on the eighth day of December, 1964. The Judges of the election were: Mr. Robert Toombs Mr. Edwin Gruber Mrs. Donna McDonough Mrs. Gloria Olson Mrs. May Duffy Mrs. Betty Frey At the hour of 12:00 o'clock PM the above judges and the Clerks took the oath of office, the polls were forthwith opened by proclamation and the election proceeded by ballot without adjournment or intermission until closed at 8:00 o(clock PM. The candidates voted on at such election as stated in the notice thereof were: One Trustee for the term of three years One Clerk for the term of two years One Justice of the peace for two years One constable for the term of two years At 8:00 o'clock PM in the evening of said day the polls, a proclamation thereof having been made by one of the judges thirty minutes previous thereto closed. the j dges the proceeded to publicly count the ballots and a true statement was Proclaimed and files as provided by law. The canvass board met on the night of December 8th, 1964 to review and u accept the results as presented by the election judges. The results of the election were as follows: Respectfully sybmitted. T. J. Corrigan- Trustee E. J. Puff Clerk Melvin Pulley- Justice of Peace On motion >f'the meeting adjourned this 8th day of December, 1964. 133 114 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held December 21, 19614 Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members present excepting Mullery and Finnegan. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE CONCER *?ING THE COLLECTION ;RD DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE :ND RUBBISH" was adopted by the Council. Ayes were 3. The Ordinance was numbered #66. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 21st day of December, 1964. Respectfully Submitted, Vil ge Cl(4rk 4 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held January 5th, 1965. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the December meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. LIQUOR REVENUE FUND Peoples Natural Gas 104.30 Northern States Power Co. 100.16 Central Telephone Co. 46.27 Display Fixtures, Inc. 6.80 Northwest Linen Service 33.32 Medford Distributing Co. 39.05 Carbonic Machines, Inc. 73.60 Leding Distributing Co. 157.05 ;lcorn Beverage Co. 615.57 Bob% Refrigeration Service 22.55 Mari-- P+ecds -4 Seven Up Bottling Co. 91.10 Mpls. Restaurant Supply Co. 27.85 Northwest Cigar Corp. 2 5.92 Lynn Johnson Co, I c. 228.63 Murphy Motor Freight Lines, Inc. 2.75 Hanson Beverage Co. 629.49 Ovshak Printing Co. 17.25 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines, Inc. 105.41 Concord Beverage Co. 133 Old rutch Foods 4 2.75 Turnquist Paper Co. 32.99 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 22.05 Iystad's Cehemicals Pest Control 51.46 College City Beverage Co. 204.00 Distillerd Distributing Co. 1337.02 McKesson Robbins, Inc. 1050.53 Famous Brands, Inc. 580.11 Gross Industrial 6.00 Bernard W. May Co. 82.26 Fritz Wholesale Co. 66.98 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 3531.65 Old Peoria, Inc. 701.84 Al Langhorst, paid outs 69.74 Griggs, Cooper Co., Inc. 896.68 GENERAL FUND Norris Pederson -extra time 78.72 Dakota County Tribune- proceedings 41.80 Northern States Power Co.- Bookmobil 1.00 Traffic light 15.48 Hall 9.98 Street lights 4 09.29 Peoples Natural Gas 60.05 Texaco, Ir.c. 15.64 Texaco, In.c tires and gasoline 71.40 135 Iystad's $30.00 Motorola 6.60 Central Telephone Co.- Police 20.00 -Clerk 7.37 John Hawkins -extra time 46.08 George Koehnen -card of dump 40.00 Corrigan Electric Co.- wiring furnace controls 22.20 Fluegel Elevator, Inc. -snow fencing 52.50 Corrigan Electric Co.- repairing traffic sign plate 320.65 The Pure Oil Co. 21.36 Wilroy's Ford maintenance 89.02 Coast to Coast Store 1.75 Weierke Trenching Excavating -snow plowing 16.00 FIRE DEPT RTHENT FUND Peoples Natural Gas 45.00 Northern States Po .per Co. 11.92 Central Telephone Co. 29.65 Minnesota State Fire Dept. Assoc, 10.00 Ratzlaff Service 4 .55 Ei. St. Paul Book Stationery Co. -Fire Clerks supplies 16.48 The Clerk read the police report for December, 1964. The Police Officer was instructed to pack dogs running at large. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the following applications for Cigarette licenses were approved and licenses ordered issued. Ayes 5. The Clerk read copies of letters from Buetow and Associates to Antler Corp. and Oken's, Inc. regarding completion of the Shamrock Lounge. The letters were ordered placed on file. The Clerk read the Minutes of the December Planning Commission meeting along with an attendance report for 1964 and the financial report of Ed. Gruber for the year 1964, On motion of Mullery and second of Corrigan the Cleric was authorized to transfer $200.00 to the Planning Commission for their 1965 expenses. Ayes 5. On motion .of Ward and second of Finnegan Mr. Ken Monson and Mr. Carmond Lindquist were reappointed to the Planning Commission for another three year term. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery E. J. Duff was appointed Acting Mayor, The Dakota County Tribune official newspaper and the First State Bank of Rosemount the official Depositary for 1965. Ayes were 5. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Council approved the follow- ing appointments of Mayor Ward. Ayes were 5. Richard Heninen Utilities Commission for 3 years George McDonough- Fire Chief for 1965 Dr. Erickson Dr. Mardell Health Officers for 1965 P. F. Finnegan Street Commissioner for 1965 T. J. Corrigan Liquor Store Commissioner for 1965 F. 8. Mullery -Weed Commissioner for 1965 On motion of Duff and second of Ward the appointment of the Youth Commission for 1965 was tabled for further consideration.. Ayes were 5. The Clerk read a letter from Bernard W. May Co. to Eldor Langhorst, Manager of the Shamrock Lounge. The Clerk read the information from the League of Minnesota Municipalites relative to a Resolution on Withdrawal of State from Property Tax Field and Resolution of New sources of Revenue for Municipal government. The Council voted no on the first resolution and yes on the second resolution after a lengthy discussion. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Council approved the apelications of Wm. Reid and T. S. Mohr for garbage collection licenses and ordered the Clerk to issue same upon proof of Liability Insurance and posting of a $100.00 Bond according to Ordinance #66. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery Gil Howe was appointed Assessor for the year 1965. Ayes were 5. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Council authorized the Clerk to transfer $10,000.00 from the Liquor Revenue Fund to the Liquor Store Construction Fund. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the Clerk's 11121 salary was increased 320..00 nef month from the Liquor Fund and $10.00 ?.'er month from the Fire Fund. Ayes were 5. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 5th day of January, 1965. Respectfully submitted, 137 VILIAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held February 2, 1965. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present excepting F. J. Mullery. The mimic minutes of the January meetings were read and ar as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the follwwing bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. Ayes were 4. LIQUOR REVENUE Distillers Distributing Co. McKesson Robbins Famous Brands, Inc. College City Beverage Co. Concord Beverage Co. Leding Distributing Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Old Dutch Foods Carbonic Machines, Inc. Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines, Inc. Northwest Linen Service Marigold Foods, Inc. Hillyard Sales Co. Fritz Wholesale Co. Gross Induttrill Service Miller- Davis Co. Eldor Langhorst -paid outs Old Peoria, Inc. Lynn Johnson Co., Inc. Ed. Phillips 5 Sons Co. Griggs, Cooper Co. Central Telephone Co. P ernard W. May g Co. Peoples Natural Gas Northern States Power Co. First State Bank FIRE DEPARTMENT Northern States Power Co. Peo -les Natural Gas Central Telephone Co. John W. Doyle telephone service 1964 Nick J. Fox Francis Mullery Coast to Coast Stores -mats Norris Pederson -extra Peoples Natural Gas N States Power Motorola GENERAL time Co. -Hall Traffic lites Bookmobil Street lites Christmas lites $1,188.55 878.93 763.27 396.15 891.10 244.08 527.26 461.34 27.90 31.45 7 24.92 21.06 15.75 13.20 6.00 17.53 72.04 369.95 256.48 2,711.05 1,95 31.15 81.53 174.24 88.70 1.25 12.00 72.50 29.65 13.20 10.50 13.20 8.47 48.00 77.00 14.00 18.60 1.00 380.00 18.00 6.60 140 Central Telephone Co.- Police $20.00 -Clerk 7.37 George Koehnen -care of dump 50.00 Lampert Yards, material for hall 48.19 Wilroy, Inc. maintenance 4.39 Corcoran Hardware 18.47 John Hawkins -extra police 45.08 Dakota County Tribure 19.21 Weirrke Trenching Excavating -snow removal 32.00 Texaco, Inc. 3.53 The Clerk read the police report for the month of January. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the Council voted to remew the building permit of the Skelly Oil Cl. for another six month period. The charge to be based on the estimated cost pf the building. Ayes were 4. The Clerk read a letter from Gilmore Howe declining the appointment as Village assessor for the year 1965. After a discussion the Council agreed to advertise for an assessor. :yes were 4. The January minutes of the Planning Commission meeting were read and discussed. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan Francis Mullery was appointed to represent the Council on the Dakota County Planning Commission. Ayes were 4. The Clerk read a letter from Juran and Moody relative to the issuance of additional revenue Bonds for the liquor store. The Clerk was instructed to advise them that no additional bonds were required. Mayor Ward was selected as the Council's representative on the Commission to work with Independent School District #196 and other designated Municipal officials within the School District. The Mayor read a letter from the Edwin Grubers congratulating the Council for its prompt and efficient action on snow removal. Mr. Robert Toombs, Mr. H. J. Geraghty and Mr. Firth from the St. Paul Insurance Group were present to discuss with the Council the consolid- ation of the Puiiding an Contents insurance under one policy. The Council felt that the matter should be referred to the Utilities Commission and the Fire Department for the consideration and approval. Mr. Harold Almquist was present and turned over some Justice of Peace and discussed other related matters There being no further business the meeting adjourned February, 1965. Respectfully submitted, Lc rtc.i Vile Cl rk fines collected as with the Council. this 2nd day of VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held March 2, 1965. Meeting called to order by Acting Mayor Duff, all members were present excepting Ward. The minutes of the February meeting were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the follwwing bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. LIQUOR REVENUE FUND Peoples Natural gas 145.38 Northern States Power Co. 102.70 Central Telephone Co. 24 .59 Lynn Johason Co. 244.11 Old Peoria, Co., Inc. 3 Griggs, Cooper Co., Inc. 514.21 Al Langhorst -raid outs 74.62 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 3.947.95 Hillyard Sales Co. 3. Bernard W. May Co. 78.20 Gross Indurstrial Services 6.00 Lystad's 60.83 Van Paper Co. 29.60 Mpls. Restaurant Supply Co. 39.90 Ovshak Printing 17.25 Gross Dust Control 3.00 Miller -Davis Co. 6.95 Old Dutch Foods 33.30 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 7.50 Carbonic Madhines, Inc. 32.95 Northwest Linen Service 21.15 Minnesota-Wisconsin Truck Lines, Inc. 57.88 Medford Distributing Co. 8.50 Frita Wholesale Co. 33.70 Leding Distributing Co., Inc. 168.19 Alcorn Beverage Co. 598.69 Hanson Beverage Co. 59 Concord Beverage Co. 95 Distillers Distributing Co. 1922.36 College City Beverage Co. 85.45 Famous Brands, Inc. 637.3 Mckesson Robbins 488.30 GENERAL FUND Norris Pederson -extra time 48.00 Wilroy Ford 66.33 George Koehnen -care of dump 40.00 Helen Strese- cleanipg Hall t 7.50 John Hawkins -extra slice 61.44 Motorola 6.6o Dakota County Tribune 13.74 Peoples Natural Gas 71.15 N rthern States Power Co.- traffic 15.36 Bookmobil 1.00 Hall 19.04 Street lights 380.00 141 1 2 Central Telephone Co.- Police $20.00 -Clerk 7.37 Standard Oil Co.- police gas 28.74 Toombs Insurance Agency Worknens Comp. 548.64 Clerks Bond 15.00 Phillips Petroleum Co. 4 3.72 Fluegel Elevator -snow removal 39 Fluegel Elevator -water pumping 25.00 Weierke Tranching Excavating -snow removal 140.00 Fischer Construction Co, Inc. -snow removal 90.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT Vorwerk Texaco -gas 12.88 Northern States Power Co. 13.20 Peoples Natural Gas 66.50 Central Telephone Co. 29.80 Kat -Keys 4 .50 The Clerk read the police report of February, 1965. Officer Pederson made the following requests: 1. A raise in salary 2. Additional police help in the form of another officer. 3. Passage of an, ordinance relative to a curfew. 4. Consideration by the Council of a bicycle ordinance. On motion of Mullery and second by Corrigan the Council authorized Mr. McMenomy to prepare an ordinance dealing with a curfew for the re- view and consideration of the Council. Ayes were 4. The balance of the items were to be discussed at a special meeting to be held in March, 1965. Mr. Fluegel and Mr. Heinen of the Utilities Commission were present to discuss with the Council the sewer and water lines to the Jack Young addition or development. The Clerk gave Mr. Fluegel a copy of the con- tract between the Village and Mr. Young. Mr. Fluegel was to sake a copy of same and return original to the Clerk for the permanent file. On motion of Finnegan and second of Mullery the Council unanimously voted to accept the deed for the 40 foot of property immediately east of the Wilroy Ford garage and Mr. Harold Almquists check for the balance of SWIM $300.00. Also intim& included mit was the authorization for the Mayor and Clerk to sign the deed before final filing. Ayes were 4. The Clerk read the minutes of the Planning commission meetings held during February, 19 On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Council appointed Mr. John NUM Neiderhold as assessor for the year 1965 for the annual salary of $480.00. Ayes were 4. There being no furtherp'business the m=eting adjourned this 2nd day of March, 1965. Respectfully submitted. 1 1 1 1 1 VIILAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held March24, 1965. Meting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the application of Marvin Huber for a cigaretrte license at Edward's Restaurant was approved and the license ordered issued. ryes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the Council accepted the bid of George Olson of Northfield to remodel the first floor of the Village Hall. Mr. Olson is to furnish material and labor for walls, ceiling, floors including a 2" cement floor under vinyl asbestos floor tile and labor to remove three overhead doors and enclose openings with windows in accordance with plans drawn by Buetow and associates. Ayes were 5. Bid price was :$2,775.00. Mr. Langhorst of the Shamrock Lounge was present to discuss with the Council the rearrangement of the 0 °f sale section and the installation of a water softener. Pfter a short discussion the Council recommended that these items be held until the x cash situation at the store had a chance to improve. Major items of discussion were the $6,600.00 nedded to pay for the Liquor Revenue bonds and the payment of one -half of the liquor store profits for 1964 to the Sanitary Sewer Sinking Fund. Mr. Langhorst also mentioned the Insurance or hospitalization policies and was advised that the Council was still working on getting together more figures from insurance companies relative to cost and coverage. There being no farther business the meeting adjourned this 24th day of Marck, 1965. Respectfully submitted, 143 144 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held April 6, 1965. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members present. The minutes of the March meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered pair' from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND Weierke Trenching and Excavating -sno removal 3168.00 H. J. Geraghty Agency- police car and GMC Fire TR 139.50 H. J. Geraghty Agency -Hall and pumphouse 26.00 Norris Pederson -extra time 48.00 John Hawkins -extra police 61.44 Wilroy's Ford maintenance 55.52 Nick Fox -snow removal 18.00 Midway Of°ice IMUINIA Supply Co. 10.50 Texaco, Inc. police 15.21 Dayton's draperies 188.04 Motorola 6.60 George Koehnen -care of dump 40.00 Dakota County Tribune 17.12 Kane Equipment Co. -snow plowing 6.00 Northern States Power Co.- Traffic 15.30 Bookmobil 1.00 Hall 18.32 street 380.00 Peoples Natural Gas -for Hall 56.00 Bernard W. May g Co. -audit of 1964 records 300.00 Lystad's Pest Control 30.00 Standard Oil Co.- police 30.66 Coast to Coast Store -neat 1.69 George E. Olson- remodelling 328.20 Helen Strese cleaning 4 .50 Vic's Welding -snow removal 25.00 Flaegel Elevator, Inc. snow removal 238.50 Phillips Petroleum- police 30.59 St. Paul Stamp Works -dog tags 8.28 The Pure Oil Co.- police 26.15 North =rn States Power Co. Peoples Natural Gas Ratzlaff Service Station Coast To Coast Store FIRE FUND 12.40 64.10 5.80 2.19 LDQUOR REVENUE FUND Northern States Power Co. 99.70 Peoples Natural Gas 1 Sears Roebuck- draperies 93.65 J. B Katusky -tree trimming 65.00 H. J. Geraghty Agency Liquor Building and Fix. 58.57 McKesson Robbins 486 .33 Famous Brands, Inc. 337.55 Concord Beverage Co. Lynn Johnso Co. Distillers Distributing Co. Griggs, Cooper Co., Inc. Old Peoria, Cotpany, Inc. Murphy Motor Freight Lines, Inc. MinnesotaWisconsin Truck Lines, Inc. Beverage Journal Gross Industrial Service Minneapolis Restaurant Supply Co. Bernard W. May 8: Co. N rthwest Linen Service Carbonic Machines, Inc. Coca -Coal Bottling Col Seven Up Bottling Co. Old Dutch Foods Fritz Wholsesale College City Beverage Co. Leding Distributing Co., Inc. Hanson Beverage Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Ed. Phillips Sons Co. Medford Distribuitng Co. $1400.04 06.94 1203.'+1 1571.69 407.98 3.88 60.22 3.00 6.00 63.60 85.18 34.62 40.65 8.90 31.90 44.10 54.65 400.40 304.17 86;.74 755.78 3049.37 26.00 On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the following individuals were appointed to the Youth Commission for 1965. Mr. Al Trondson, Mrs Charles Hoffman, Mrs. Fitz, Mrs. V. J. Champ. Ayes were 5. On motion of Mullery and second of Finnegan $1,200.00 was transferred from the General Fund to the Youth Commission for their 1965 Budget. Ayes were j 5. The Clerk present the Council a "History of Rosemount" as prepated by IMECKWEISMAratigalaMDRIMM Mrs. L. Gayner of the Rosemount 'Women's Club. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery the Clerk was ordered to place the History on file and to write a letter of appreciation to the Women's Club and Mrs. Gayner. Ayes were 5. On motion of Fennegan and second of Cogrigan the Council adopted the following Ordinance. ORDINANCE 67 "An ordinance regulating the presence of minors under the age of 19 years on the streets or in public places be- tween certain hours and defining the duties of parents and others in the care of minors, providing for arrest and penalties for violation thereof." Ayes were 5. The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Richard Bernier relative'to damages to his car on March 20, 1965. The letter will be referred to Mr. Leo Fluegel for his consideration as he was contractor for snow removal. The Council went on redord as being in favor or the combined P.E,R,A, and social security benefit program now being considered by the State Legislature and ordered tlrr Clerk to so Advise Senator Thuet and Rep. Walter Klaus. Ayes were 5. Mr. Al Langhorst was present and discussed some general liquor store Problems. 145 146 Mr. Degenar was present and entered a complaint about the drainage ditch south of the Methodist Church property. He was advised that the Council intended to fence the area as soon as weather conditions would Hermit. The Clerk read the Planning Commisiion minutes for March, 1965. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the applications of Alvin Judkins and Frank Horesji were approved and the permits ordered issued. Ayes were 5. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Council unanimously approved the following certification. "This is to certify that We, the Board of Review of Rosemount Village have carefully investigated the allegations contained in the attached application for a reduction in the Assessed Valuation of Pe_sonal Property by Rosemount Industries. That based upon our knowledge of the property referred to and the carefull consideration of the application, were hereby recommend that this application be allowed at $12,000.00 Ofull and true value). The Council discussed the sale of the Village Patrol and authorized mr. Finnegan to sell same The Clerk was instructed to reqest the Peoples Natural Gas co. to furnish the Council with the BTU content of natural gas furnished to the Village during November and December, 1964 and January, February and March of 1965 under the conditions of our franchise. Several insurance quotations were reviewed by the Council relative to hospital insurance for village employees. The Council decided to reouest further information of the Hartford Insurance Co. and the Americal Casulaty Insurance Co.. Mayor Ward will contact the two local representative involved and set up a special meeting with them. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Commissioner Akin requesting the County Commissioners to request the State of Minnesota Highway Department to review speed limits on the west village limits on State County Highway #42. The Council discussed the annual Village rabies clinic and decided to proceed with it as in the past as soon as the weather improved. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 6th day of April, 1965. Respectfully submitted,d VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held May 4, 1965. Meeting called to order by Acting Mayor Duff, all members present excepting Ward and Corrigan. The minutes of the April melting were read and approved as read. On motion of Mullery and second of r innegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. Ayes were 3. LIQUOR REVENUE FUND Bob's Refrigeration Service Utilities Commission Northern States Power Co. Peoples Natural Gas Central Telephone Co. Griggs, Cooper Co., Inc. Fd. Phillips Sons Co. Lynn Johnson Co. Bernard W. May Co. 9vslajak Printing Van Paper Co. Northwest Linen Service Gross Industrial Service Minnesota- Wsiconsin Truck Lines Fritz Wholesale Co. Seven Up Bottling Co. Carbonic Machines, Inc. Old Dutch Foods College City Beverage Leding Distributing Co., I Medford Distributing Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Concord Beverage Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Famous Brand, Inc. Distillers Distributing Co. McKesson Robbins Midwest Wine Co. Al Langhorst -paid outs FIRE DEPARTMENT Northern States Power Co. Peoples Natural Gas Central Telephone Co. Paul Vorwerk Son Oil Co. Coast to Coast Store Ratzlaff Service L. N. Gephart, Inc. H. J. Geraghty Agency -61 Chev and Jeep H. J. Geraghty Agency- firelhall W. S. barley Co. Fischer Construction Co., Inc. -12 hours pumping Eugene McDonough -labor Virgil Hestness -labor ;474 i e 10.85 200.00 96.00 157.47 24.26 680.57 2081.59 493.16 82.48 17.25 22.68 34.92 6.00 62.15 49.20 43.59 70.10 53.55 424.25 289.50 47.00 833.50 1273.77 672.01 676.44 1032.09 328.53 53.05 66.94 22.42 57.80 29.65 37.47 2.19 74.80 59.0 86.20 23.00 8.02 120.00 66.00 66.00 6.00 3.00 147 148 PM. A. J. McDonough. Leo McDonough August Ratzlaff Ed. McNearney Nick Fox Eldon Stauffer Jack Ryan Ray McNamara Marvin Ratzlaff Wm. Busekist Jerry Fluegel John Hawkins Glenn Uitdenbogerd Ervin Strese Donald Ratzlaff Richard Vorwerk Gerald Leidner Uniforms Unlimited 18.00 8.00 3.00 8.00 41.00 6.00 5.00 20.00 5.00 19.00 41.00 19.00 8.00 5.00 7.00 5.00 29.00 968.70 GENERAL FUND Texaco, Inc 36.61 N Pederson 48.00 Peoples Natural Gras 55. Northern States Power Co. -Hall 13.74 Traffic -102131 Lights 14.56 Bookmobil 1.00 Street Ligh s 380.00 Central Telephone Co.- 27.5 Standard Oil Co. 3 John Hawkins 41.44 Dakota County Tribune 44 .75 Lakeside Animal Hospital 8.00 Wilroy's Ford 30.38 Rosemount BandBoosters- calendar and listings 2.20 The Pure 011 Co. 28.05 George Koehnen 40.00 Corrigan Electirc 193.60 The Police report for April was read. The report of the Peoples Natural Gas on the BTU content of natural gas was read and discussed. The Clerk was authorized to secure a reading from the Bloomington station and return the ones from Kansan. The date of the annual equalization meeting was set as June 23, 1965 at 7:00 The Planning Commission minutes of the April 27,•1965 meeting were read. On motion of Mullery and second of Finnegan the Council approved the applications of Gordon Docken, Donald Ratzlaff and Joe Gavin for building permits and ordered them issued. Ayes were 3. On motion of Napery and second of Finnegan the application of Ross McMahon to build a garage was approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 3. On motion of Finnegan and second of Mullery the application of Crow R Mix to build a mixing tower was approved and the premit ordered issued. Ayes 3. 46btegg:' Joseph Gavin were present to discuss with the Council their water The Clerk alsox read a notice to Rituals eliminate a health hazard signed by Dr. R. Erickson our Health Officer. After a length discussion on the above two matters and upon motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council agreed to contact Banister Engineering Co. to update a survey made a couple of years relative to the problem of storm sewers for the southern part of the Village. �ut•A4' er pro ec wo that —the r .c o nr a. Ayes were 3. In 1 1 1 On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan and at the request of Al Langhorst the operating capitol of the Liquor Store was increased by $250.00. Ayes were 3. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council appointed the following individuals as the Village's representatives to work with t` representatives from the Teen Board relative to the combining of the Township and the Village as one unit. Ayes were 3. Mr. Harold Almquist Mr. Francis Mullery Mr. Edwin Gruber. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 4th day of May, 1965. Respectfully submitted, urtlt Vill ge C16a'rk 149 150 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held June 1, 1965. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the May 4, 1965 meeting were read and approved with the correction that the words If in fact a storm sewer project would be started it waLl.Tadernoed,,that the benefited property owners would be assessed. Ayes were 5 -On motion of Finnegan and second of Mullery the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND Wilroy'a Ford 14.92 Corrigan Electric =hall wiring 291.99 Nick Fox -dirt and snow removal 100.50 Lakeside Animal Hospital -care of -dog 6.00 Norris Pederson -extra time 78.7 John Hawkins- extrapolice 46.08 Central Telephone Co. 28.55 Peorles Natural Gas 27.95 Northern States Power Co.- Traffic light 14.34 Bookmobil 1.00 =Hall 9.10 Street Lights 389.00 Motorola- maintenance radio 6.60 George E. Olson remodelling hall 2725.00 Toombs Insurance Agency- Assessor Bond 8.00 =Add. work. Comp. 142.09 Crow Read Mix= 13.95 Phillips Petroleum -gas for police 36.82 Fluegel Elevator, Inc. -grass seed 2.00 Standard Oil- police gas 4.10 Lampert Yards 1.20 Ratalaff Service Station -tires for police ear 88.00 George Koehnen -care of dump 50.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT Northern States Power Co. 6.4o Peoples Natural Gas 31.26 Central Telephone Co. 30. Vorwerk Texaco, -gas 20.30 H. J. Geraghty Agency 5 Continental Safety Equipment, Inc. 347.00 Bernier Motor Co.- repairs 4 3. 0 5 Cluth and U joint seriice- repairs 70.99 Rosemount Bandboosters calendar 2.20 LIQUOR REVENUE FUND Northern States Power Co. 136.00 neoples Natural Gas 66.05 Central Telephone Co. 24 0 9 Liquor Control Commissioner 10.00 H. J. Geraghty Agency Burglary 88.00 Griggs, Cooper Co. 282.12 Ed. Phillips Sons Co., Inc. 2318.21 Griggs, Cooper Co., Inc. 860.99 Ovshak Printing Co. 17. Minneapolis Restaruant Supply Co. 55.10 Lystads and Redick 6.00 Director of Internal Revenue Gros Industrial Service Northwest Linen Service Minnesota :Wisconsin Truck Lines Seven Up Bottling Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Old Dutch Foods Farmington Dairy Fritz Wholesale Co. Carbonic Machines, Inc. Concord Beverage Co. Han Beverage Co. Medford Distributing Co. Leding Distributing Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. College City Beverage Co. McKesson Robbins, Inc. Distillers Distributing Co. Lynn Johnson Co., Inc. Famous Brands, Inc. Old Peoria, Inc. Bernard W. May 8: Co. $64.00 6.00 44.34 85.07 47.35 32.2o 54.00 18.79 51.90 50.20 1342.52 1128.27 223.70 398.87 756.87 523.45 563.80 1055.24 158 597.15 471.91 83.46 The Clerk read the police report fot the month of May, 1965. After a s'ort discussion relative th the Village Ordinances the Clerk was auth- orized to contact the League requesting information as to the best procedure to use in updating our ordinances. After a discussion relative to traffic problems on Marion Lane the Clerk was authorized to contact the State Highway Department relative to reducing the speed limit below the 30MPH now in force. The Police officer agreed to provide additional patrolling in the meantime. Mr. Harold Almquist was present and advised the Council that he wihsed to resin as Justice of Peace. Mr. R. Toombs was present to discuss an extension to the storm sewer at Cedar St. and Hayes Avenue. The Council agreed to contact their Engineer relative to this extension. The Clerk read the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Commission held May 26, 1965. On motion of Corrgian and second of Finnegan the application for a bus garage and renta store of Don Chirstenson at 401 Main Avenue South was ap *proved an8 issued. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the application of Thomas Bartlett for thRAy� tion of xgt a garage and family room to his home was approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 5. A delegation from Marion Lane was present and discussed storm water problems. Suggestions were submitted relative to the improvement of drywells and the Council accepted these for further consideration. Mr. Dan Duea of the American Legion Post *65 was present to discuss with the Countil the arrangement of their new building its purpose ano other aspects of the building. 152 On motion of Duff and second of On and Off Sale Beer and Liquor were 5. DufgVBrothers Supermarket American Legion Post #65 Mrs. Ernest Wederath Mr. James Mulcahy Corrigan the following apclications for were approved and ordered issued. Ayyes Off Sale Beer On Sale•Beer and Liquor On and Off Sale Beer On and Off Sale Beer The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Kenneth Nelson relative to parking at the Shopping Center and Municipal Liquor Store. The Council took the matter under advisement. The Mayor set the date of June 8, 1965 at 7:00 R( to meet* with Mr. Short of Banister Engineering relative to the installation of storm sewers and the construction of fencing around the Shamrock Lounge and the surfacing of the parking lot. Oilmotion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Council approved the re- advertisement for bids for the improvement cf Warweg Avenue and Marie Street. Ayes were 5. There, being no• further business the meeting adjourned this 1st day of June, 1 9 6 5. Respectfully submitted, Jv cJ 9 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUN'T41 COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF M NNFSOTA. Minutes of special meeting held June 8, 1965. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members present excepting Corrigan. Mr. Short and Mr. Lund of Banister Engineering Company were present to discuss with the Council Storm Sewers and Sanitary S for the Village. On motion of Ward the Council authorized Mr. Langhorst to pyrchase an ice machine for the Liquor Store. Purchase price to be $975.00 with a one year warranty on all parts and a five warranty on the compressor. Machine to be a used Fiigidaire and our old machine to be traded in. Second was by I•fullery. Ayes were 4. On motion of Finnegan and second of Mullery the Council agreed to re- advertise for bids for the construction of blacktop street and concrete curb and gutter on Warweg Avenue and Maple Street to Highway #3. Opening of bids to be at 8:00 o'clock PM July 6, 1965. Ayes were 4. The Council discussed its payroll policies and agreed to add policy number 6. Which states that the Village will make up the difference is between pay received for &ctive Reserve or National Guard Camp and regular base pay. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 8th day of June 1965. R e spectfully submitted, 153 154 s of a spe emonnt rder mpor ery a at 5:1 ry Ma KOTA, S e a said igan we Member_C y aut m locat' pre rig riz on to ent. -moved to si form mbe a Quo Finne member m €e in appoin ere pay ut to r 1 F1 �1 4 ids i�s�� I:• wa se voted flavor. The ee nded by g was adj ery whi h VILLAGE OF ROSF.MOUN Mi. Fin -n, cting Cl k ng OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, ST. +TE OF MINNESOTA. egan. U ed at 5 Minutes of special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota was duly held on July 2, 1965 at 5 :15 o'clock PM. The following memebers were present, T. J. Corrigan, P. F. Finnegan and Francis Mullery, Aksent were Ward and Dgff. ein Member Corrigan introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPOINTING ACTING MAYOR '•.AREAS, Eugene J. Duff, acting ma16r of the Village, has resigned, and WHEREAS, George E. Ward, present Mayor of the Village is not able to attend to his duties because of illness, which illnes prevents him from attending this meeting. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota: That Francis Mullery is hereby appointed acting Mayor of said Village p-irsuant to M.S.A. 412.121 to serve until the °irst meting of the Village Council in calendar year 1966. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member Fi negan, and on vote Being taken tiereon, the following members boted in favor thereof: Corrigan, Finnegan and Mullery and the following voted against the same: None Whereupon said resolution was duly declared passed andadopted. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 2nd day of July, 1965. Respectfully submitted ft Ar,e J nnegan, ,sting Clerk 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMIUNT, COUNTF OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held 7:00 PM July 6, 1965. Present: Finnegan Mullery and Corrigan- absent Ward and Duff. In compliance with council action taken July 2, 1965, Member Mullery acted as temporary chairman of the meeting with member Finnegan acting as Clerk. Minutes of the June 8th meeting were read. Finnegan requested the minutes be corrected to read "Blacktop Curb" instead of Concrete Curb with reference to the improvement of Warweg Avenue and East Maple Street. The minutes were accepted as read. On motion of Finnegan and secodn of Corringan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. FIRE DEPARTMENT Peoples Natural Gas 12.12 Northern States Power Co. 4.90 Central Telephone Co. 29. H. J. Geraghty Agency -comp. B.I& P.D. 15.00 Minnesota State Fire Chief's Association 5.00 Wilson Standard Station 5.41 GENERAL FUND Construction Bulletin 10.20 Helen Strese 4 .50 Central Telephone Co.- Police 20.25 -Clerk 7.37 Lystad's 30.00 Coast to Coast Store 4.88 Dakota County Tribune proceedings 18.50 Fluegel Elev, Inc. 37.00 Industry Services, Inc. -sw eping streets 139.5 G nz -Ryan Pl_mbing and Heating -Hall heating 710.59 Phillips Petroleum Co.- police gas 21.94 Peoples Natural Gas 3. Northern States Power Co. -Hall 1.00 Bookmobil 1.00 Traffic light '15.66 Street light 380.00 Reisinger Ekcavating- grading at dupp 33.00 H. J. Geraghty i.gen y -comp. and BRA -PD policey 165.00 Wilroy's Ford maintenance 11.86 John Hawkins police d ty 46.08 George Koehnen -care of dump 40.00 M Inc. 6.60 Dakota. County Tribune proceedings and adv. for bid 47.20 LIQUOR FUND Peoples Natural Gas 28.12 Northern States Power Co. 185.40 Utilitites Commission 100.00 Griggs, Cooper Co., Inc. 650.15 Central Telephone Co. 2 5. 2 5 T Toombs Insurance Agency- liquor shore contencts 112.80 E. W. Langhorst -petty cash 56.20 Bernard W. May Co. 80.67 H. J. Geraghty Agency liquor liability 776.00 Genz- Ryan hooking up ice madhire 17.41 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines Fritz Wholesale Co. Premier Electric Co. Medford Distributng Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Concord Beverage Co. Farmington Dairy M_irneapolis, Restaruant Supply Carbonic Machines, Inc. Leding Distributing Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Old Dutch Foods College City Beverage Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Seven Upt Bottling Co. McKesson Robbins, Inc. Famous Brand,s, Inc. Distillers Distributing Co. Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 52.03 62.45 16.56 42 8 5 3 1141.66 9.00 51.40 4 2.95 itutp 401.57 993.83 63.45 520.40 1249,70 34.10 499.85 350.69 677.61 3439.16 On motion of Kfxfinctsg Corrigan and second by Mullery and upon being put to a vote, the followoing building permits were unanimously approved. Gerald Leidner 304 Marian Lane Garage and Breeseway Dennis a Nivala 113 Claire Lye. Mzn Garage Ronald J. Gott 313 John St. Garage Paul C. Jones 428 Murphy St. Enclosed Patio The police report forte month of June was read and accepted. Mr. Doty of Carbonic Madhines was present to discuss installation of another dispensor station in the bar of the Shamrock Lounge. After a short discussion, Mr. Doty was requested to prepare an estimate of cost of reloacting one of our 3 stations in a more convenient location as opposed to purchasing a new station. Mr. Doty agreed to prepare this information and give it of our manager. At 8:00 o'clock PM bids for street improvement of warweg Avenue and East Maple Street were opened in accordance with published notices, The following bids were received. N. W. Bituminous Bo. Savage, Minnesota $33,627.00 Bituminous Surfacing Inver Grove 26,557.62 Alexander Const. Co. Mirnieapolis 22,907.84 Member Finnegan'moved that the contract be allowed to the low bidder. Motion seconded by Mullery. On being put to a vote, all memb present voted in favor. Mr. F. W. Lbhr of the Texas Refining Co. was present to discuss repairing the roof or the city hall. After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed the matter would be tabled until a future meeting when the council was complete. The Clerk agreed to notify Mr. D. Duea of the time and date of the amtgt next council meeting. There being no further business the meeting adjounred at 9:55 PM. tr innegan Acting Clerk 1 VI?LAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held August 3, 1965. Meeting called to order by Acting Mayor Mullery, all members present excepting Ward. The minutes of the July meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the attached list of bills were approved and ordered said from their respective funds. Liquor Operating Fund /3; jb e. 8e General Fund .are 9. g Fire Department Fund /.39,4,4" The Clerk read the police report for the month of July and uoon motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan it was eccetped as read and ordered p4kaMd on file. A letter from the Planning Commission relative to their meeting was read by the Clerk. Mr. D. R. Duea of American Legion post #65 was present and presented the Council with a letter advising us that the Club would start their bingo games on about September 3, 1965. Mr. Duea also discussed the proposed use of the Hall with the Council. The Clerk read a letter from J. E. Gabiou relative to building pefmlts adjacent to County Highways. The letter was dated July 17, 1965. The Clerk read a Setter from the Department of Highways (State) relative to the speed limit on Marion Lana. The Clerk was ordered tp make copies of the letter and forward wmt to interested property owners on Marion Lane. The letter was dated June 16, 1965 and stated that the reasonable speed limit for Marion Lane is 30 Miles per Four. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Council approved an abatement on the taxds of Mrs. Ernest R. Gudim. T&F land value to be :$3,000.00 and bu-ldings at $4,000.00. Ayes were 4. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the application of Kenard Olson for an off sale beer license was granted per his application. Ayes were 4. Mr. Frank Killian of Lindsay Cl. was present and discussed the installation of a water softener for the Shamrock Lounge. After some discussion the Council decided to secure costs from other sources and delay their decision until a later date. On motion of Finnegan and second of Mullery the Council purchased $173.51 worth of roofing material from the Texas Refining Co. for installation on the lower dock roof of the Village Hall. Ayes were 4. After a short discussion the Council approved the installation of formica on the conferenece table. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the council approved the remodelling of the Off sale lounge for an estimated cost of between $300.00 to $500.00 Ayes were 4. 157 On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the salaries of Wm. Cuigley and Arthur Cook were increased to 1450.00 per month effective September 1, 1 965 g e 4. Invoices approved for payment at the August 3, 1965 regular meeting. VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT OFFICE OF CLERK ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA Fire Department Fund Coast to Coast Store Northern States Power Co. Peoples Natural Gas John Uhl- cleaning Central Telephone Co. McMenomy, Hertogs and Fluegel General Fund Texaco, Inc. Coast to Coast Store Lampert Yards Standard Oil Phillips Petroleum The Pure Oil Co. Fluegel Elevator Northern States Power- Traffic -Hall Boohmobil Street Peoples Natural Gas Central Telephone Co. Motorola Lakeside Animal Hospital Ray Tousignant -extra police Rod Boyd Dakota County Tribune Helen Strese John Hawkins Vorwerk Texaco George F:oehnen N Pederson -extra time Nick Fox John Weiderhold- assessor Kurt Schnedier -lawn repair McMenomy, hertogs and Fluegel Liquor Operating Fund Northern States Power Co. Peoples Natural Gas Central Telephone Co. E. W. LanFhorst -pDid outs Old Peoria, Inc. Lynn Johnson Co., Inc. Minnesota Municipal Liquor Griggs, Cooper Co., Inc. Famous Brands, Inc. Distillers Distributing Co. Mckesson Robbins, Inc. Concord Beverage Co. Leding Distributing Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Medford Distributing Co. (over) $8.79 3.60 5.36 12.00 29.65 80.00 BSc S L c 14.52 3.49 1.50 20.75 3.93 26.16 2.90 14.64 1.00 1.00 380.00 1.61 27.97 6.6o 18.00 63.08 30.72 21.50 3.75 92.16 3.90 50.00 36.00 12.00 492.00 65.00 615.05 1 e- e j X2 212.00 16 .99 24.48 72.09 851.30 432.44 StoresA. 15.00 780.49 509.64 2260.94 884.92 2128.24 607.10 1515.19 204.35 Alcorn Beverage Co. College City Beverage Co. Seven Up Bottling Co. Farmington Dairy Old Dutch Foods Fritz Wholesale Carbonic Machines, Inc. 1annesota- Wisconsin Truck Lines Van Paper Co. Ovshak Printing Cash Register Sales, Inc. Minneapolis Restaurant Supply Co. Bernard W. May Co. Lystads Miller -Davis Co. Gross Industrial Service Northwest Linen Service Ed. Phillips Sons Co., Inc. $1390.95 512.57 24.60 17.60 94.05 60.30 62.35 72.73 51.23 10.35 14.34 60.00 77.98 64.6c 3.25 3.00 45.40 2912.27 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held September 7, 19 Meeting called to order by Acting Mayor Mullery, all members were present excepting Ward, and Finnegan. The minutes of the August meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Mullerythe following bills were aoproved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERL FUND 7 -4.3f FIRE DEPT. FUND LIQUOR REVENUE /G �F9•if The clerk read the police report for the month of August. The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Mrs. Elvin Snyder relative to burning of rubbish and dogs running at lame. The contents of the letter had previously been discussed with the police officer and he reported that he had contacted the individuals involved and that he had received their cooperation and that these practises would be discontinued. The Clerk read a letter from the County Assessors office stating that the Village would be revalued for tax purposes commencing after September 20, 1965. The Clerk read a letter from McMenon{y and Hertogs relative to the agreement between the Village and Jack Young Enterprises. After a discussion with the members of the Utilities Commission present the Council tabled the matter pending the outcome of their action. On motion of Duff and second of Mullery the council approved the installation of street lights at the intersection of Ash street and Roy Road and County Highwayjbs Roy Road. Ayes were 3 159 The Dakota -Scott Regional Library requested the Village to provide a 220 volt outlet at the rea& of the Village Hall for the of their portable library which in the future will be a semi trailer. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the council approved the installation. Ayes were 3. On motion of Corrigan and second of Mullery the council approved the application POI- a building permit of the Rosemount School Bus Co. for a repair shop and ordered a permit issued. Ayes were 3. The application of Victor Strese to build a house on unplatted property was tabled pending further investigation of the Planning Commission. The minutes of the Planning commission meeting of August 31 were read. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the clerk was authorized to request the County Highway Department to install speed limit signs on county Highway $42 proceeding Easterly from the RR tracks. Ayes were 3. Speed to be 30M.P.H. Mr. Stan Sayre of the St. Paul Joint Electrical Industry Code Committee was present and explained a proposed ordinance and licensing setup relative to electrical work to the Council. 1 9gr5e being no further business the ,meeting adjourned this 7th day of September, 9 Respectfully submitted, &cr.4! y. Village Clerk Bills approved and ordered paid at September 7, 1965 meeting. LIQUOR REVENUE FUND Northern States Tower Co. Peeples Natural Gas Central Telephone Co. Griggs, Cooper Co. Lynn Johnson Co. Ed. Phillips Sons Co. Old Peoria,Co., Inc. Gross Industrial Bob's Refrigeration Service Bernard W. May Co. N rthwest Linen Service Mnnesbta- Wisconsin Truck Lines Fritz Wholesale Co. Farmington Dairy Old Dutch Foods, Inc. Carbonic Machines, Inc. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Seven Up Bottling Co. Medford Distributing Co. Concord Beverage Co. College City Beverage Co. Leding Distributing Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Ranson Beverage Co. McKesson Robbins, Inc. Famous Brands Distillers Distributing Co. FIRE DEPAHTIENT FUND Central Telephone Co. Northern States Power Co. Peoples Natural Gas Vorwerk T =xaco Coast to Coast Store Paul Vorwerk Son Oil Co. GenERAL FUND LYstad's McNamara Vivant Contracting Co., Inc. Mrs. Francis Mullery Norris Pederson Key Laboratories, Inc. John Hawkins Standard Cil Texaco, Inc. Motorola, Inc. First State Bank Northern States Power Peoples Natural Gas Central Telephone Co. Gorge Koehnen First State Bank Dakota County Tribune Standard Oil Pure Oil Phillips Petroleum Co. 223.25 9 .85 23.27 2117.56 1365.69 2666.11 379.15 15.00 5.00 90.33 58.11 60.64 67.35 23.65 91.80 39.20 20.78 45.25 363.05 1757.77 957.75 349.98 1852.76 167$.49 373.90 1107.58 16,489.1 29.65 3.60 4.31 1.65 3.75 2.76 T3 5.72 30.00 5.50 10.70 63.36 10.40 46/08 3.97 11.51 6.60 4.00 396.16 1.61 27.37 45.00 3.75 9.60 17.18 11.85 Total General 3.9 Alexander Constr. $37.8o $746.38 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MI�II SOTA. Minutes of special meeting held September 14, 1965. Meeting called to odder by Acting Mayor Mullery, all members were present excepting Ward and Corrigan. The Clerk read a letter from the Village of Bayport inviting the council to a regional League of Minnesota Mun cipalities Meeting to be held October 7, 1965. wishing to attend was instructed to notify the Clerk so that reservations could be made. T"e Clerk read two Notices of Hearings from the Secretary of the Minnesota Municipal Commission relative to the incorporation of the Town of Lakewille with the Village and the incorporation of Lebanon Township into a illage. No action was taken by the Council on these hearings. The Mayor read a petition from the Railroad and Warehouse Commission inform- ing the Council of the RR intention of removing LCL shipments at Rosemount. Nor action was deemed necessary by the Council. Mr. Norris Pederson and Mr. John Hawkins were present to discuss with the Council an increase in their wages. The Council discussed the matter with Eh them but took no official action as those :resent felt that a full council should be present before this matter could be settled. Mr. Charles Batzlaff had previously informed the Clerk that he thought that the storm sewer outlet had been blocked off in the area of the Sanitary Sewer lift station. The council discussed this matter at some length. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the council authorized Mullery to contact the Utilities Commission to determine whether or not the sewer was blocked. Ajaes were 3. The council after a short discussion relative to the fencing of the dump decided to take the following action. 1. The Clerk would contact the Town Board to determine the type of fencing required under their ordinance. 2. Mr. Finnegan would contact the Village Attorney to determine the proper legal steps to be taken, if any. The Council discussed the REgpggn Township and Village merger and could not understand why no actionAtaken by the Town Board in appointing their three representatives to the committee as agreed upon in the dinner meet- ing held at Edward's Restaurant in April, 1965. The "cting Mayor agreed to talk to Village employees to clean up the alley behind the F$ank Leverty property. Mr. Emmett Carroll was present to discuss with the Council the platting of property i ed'.ately West of County Highway #29 and south of County Highwya #42. Mr. Carroll agreed to contact the other property owners involved and to relay their answer to the Mayor within a day or two. If they are in favor of platting the area the Council agreed to grant Mr. Victor Strese a building permit as ner his application. If Mr. Carroll did not wibb to platt the area then the council agreed to accept the platting of the lot now owned by Victor Strese and would then grant a permit on this basis. There being no further bu:inesss the meeting adjourned this 14th day of September, 1965. Rsepectfusly submitted, r' ,Village Clerk 161 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of regular meeting held October 5, 1965. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. Mayor Ward erressed his thanks to Francis Mullery for acting as Mayor during his absence. The minutes of the September meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the attached list of bills were approved and ordered paid from their resoective funds. Tctals as follows: LICUOR REVENUE /y, c r. y" FIRE DEPARTMENT S GEN R: L FUND .:,d'3ff. 7-3 The Clerk read the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held on September 28, 1965 and two additional letters explaininr hermit applications. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the council unanimously approved the arnlication of Ken Nelson on behalf of T. R. Robbinson for an addition to an existing house located at 400 Conley Street, and ordered a permit issued to cover same. On motion of Corrigan and second of Mullery the council unanimously approved the arnlication of Don Melby to build a garage at 437 Murphy Street and ordered a permit issued for same. On motion of Ward and second of Duff the application of Clement Reis, Sr. to build a gz attached garage to his house located at 417 Conley Street was unanimously rnroved and the permit ordered issued. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the council unanimously approved the arnlication of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Keller to build a house on lot 10, Aud. Subdivision it and ordered a permit issued to cover same. On motion of Mullery and second of Finnegan the council unanimously approved the arnlication of David W. Beryy on behalf of Jerome Tomnkins to build a garage at 433 Conley Street and ordered a permit issued for same. On motion of Mullery and second of Corrigan the council unanimously approved the appliction of Dr. R. A. Erickson to add to and remodel his existing home at 209 West Ash Street and ordered a permit issued. The Clerk read the police report for the month of September, 1965. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the clerk was authorized to he. the. Dog licensing ordinance changed to all ow two years coverage for rabies on dogs as nrovided the State, all other animals were to remain at one year. Ayes were 5. Mr. James Smith of the Rosemount Jaycees was present and preeented the Mayor with a key to the bulletin board adjacent to the First State Bank. The Mavor read a letter of resignation from Harold Almquist as Juctice of the Peace. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery the Council regretfully accepted the resignation. 6 9 164 On motion of Mullery and second of Corrigan the council approved the installation of blacktop around manholes and the necessary gravelling of Park Avenue in the vicinity of the Methodist Church. Ayes were 5. The Clerk read the proposed rate changes as presented by Northern States Power Co. The Mayor stated that Mr. Jerry Walsh of Northern States Power Co. was preparing a study of these changes and would make a presentation tie( to the council in the near future. The council authorized Finnegan to secure prices on the installation of a large dry well at the end of Marion Lane and report back to the Council. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Village attorney was authorized to secure an easement alowing the village to install the dry well. Ayes were 54 Mr. R. Streefland, attorney and Mr. Jack Young, Mr. E. Mcmenomy and the Utilities Commission were Present to discuss the hook up charges as billed to Jack Y Enterpttses by the Utilities Commission. After a len-thy discussion Mr. Young agreed to contact his partner and explain the conditions to him. Mr. I:anghorst of the Shhmrock Lounge was present and discussed with the council the purchasing of a water softener, a walk -in beer cooler and the installation of burglar alarm system. After a short discussion it was agreed that Mr. Lang horst would request bids on the walk -in cooler in writing, would request figures or savings from insurance companys for the installation of the burglar system and more prices of water softeners without automatice controls. When this in- formation was available he would contact the Mayor who would set up a special meeting to make final disposition. On motion -of Duff and second of Mullery the council authorised the Clerk to proceed with a survey of the dump property and to advertise for the cost of installation as soon as possible. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the council approved an increase in salary for E. W. Lanrhorst from $600.00 to 7650.00 per month effective October 1, 1965. Ayes were 5. On motion of Finnegan and second of Mullery the Clerk was authorized to transfer IMnx $3,214.70 from the Liquor Revenue Fund to the General Fund to cover the cost of the improvement of Cedar Street. Ayes were 5. On motion of ward and second of Finnegan the firm of Bermard W. May Co. was retained to audit thr illage records for the year 1965. Ayes were 5. On motion of Finnegan and second of Mullery a section of sidewalk ifi fromt of Dr. Mardell's office and a Portion of Herman Streses was to be torn up and replaced to eliminate a water Problem. Cost be be paid by property owners. Ayes were 5. The council agreed to meet in the near future to set up the budget for 1966. There bein0 no further business the meeting adjourned this 5th day of October, 1965 at 11:00 PM. •ectfully submitted, 9 1.t— Vi/age C� -r 1 1 A part of the minutes of the October 5, 1965 meeting. attach to page #164 Bills approved for payment at the October 5, 1965 regular meeting. LIQUOR REVENUE FUND Schlauderoff Cabinets 100.00 N States Power Co. 215.90 °eonles Natural Gas 15.25 Central Telephone Co. 25.72 E. W. Langhorst -paid -uts 69.32 Griggs, Cooper Co. 77 Fd. Phillins Sons Co. 2,254.51 Fritz Wholesale 16.80 Concord Beverage Co. 1,129.62 Mi-reanolis Restaurant Supply Co. 50.80 Bernard May Co. 81.00 Ovshak Printing 17.25 Millery Davis Co. 3. Display Fixtures, Inc. 5.40 Van Paner Co. 99.73 Mi'nesota- Wisconsin Truck Lines 93.16 Carbonic Machines, Inc. 89.50 Farmington Dairy 13.20 Old Dutch Foods 63.90 Seven Up Bottling Co. 21.65 LeRoy Drentlaw Wholesale 47.60 College City Beverage Co. 436.25 Medf rd Distributing Co. 27.25 Leding Distributing Co. 219.81 Alcorn Beverage Co. 404.72 Hanson Beverage Co. 1,083.93 Lynn Johnson Co. 1,065.11 Distillers Distributing Co. 1,.038.53 McKesson Robbins 2,109.92 Famous Brands, Inc. 676.69 Old Peoria, Inc. 430.62 GENER!.L FUND i CoB�•9 Texaco, Inc. 7.99 Peoples Natural Gas 1.61 N,,rthern States Power Co. 387.15 Central Telephone Co. 27.57 Jerry Flaegel 30.00 Wotorola, Inc. 6160 George Koehnen 40.00 John Hawkins 101.16 Dakota County Tribune 21.45 Alexander Construction Co. 3 2 FIRE DE °ARTMENT 3 8 3 Joe Gavin 41.00 Northern States Power Co. 5.30 Peorles Natural Gas 4.73 Central Telephone Co. 29.65 John Uhl 8.75 M 89•L3 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, ST•,TE OF MINNySOTA.. Minutes of special meeting held October 26, 1965. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. On motion of Mullery and second of Corrigan the council approved the installation of an additional walk -in cooler as bid by Bob's Refrigeration Service for a total cost of $1,528.82 less electrical wiring. Ayes were 5. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the building permit application of E. W. Langhorst for a new garage was approved and the permit ordered issued. Ayes 5. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan Ken Nelson was given a permit to tear down a building known as the old Legion Club. Ayes were 5. The Clerk read a letter from McMenomy relative to the installation of a dry well on the south end of Marion Lane. The matter was tabled. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Village Budget for 1966 was set at a total of $19,000.00. With ;15,563.00 for the General Fund 1,000.00 for the Fire Fund 2,437.00 for the P.E.R.A. Fund Ayes were 5. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 26th day of October, 1965. R submitted, +-c Ica -n.t �L Village Cl rk 165 166 VILlAUB OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held November 2, 1965. All members' were present except Duff. Finnegan acted as temporary clerk in Duff's Absence. On motion of Mullery and second of Corrigan, the bills were ordered paid from their respective funds. Leo Fluegel and R. Heinen of the Utilities Commission were present to show and discuss plans for a garage to be erected soon by the Utilities Commission. Esti.•ated cost of the structure to be .~26,440.00. ApThlecation for a building permit by Le. heroes, 212 W. John St. was received w'th the Ok of the rlarning commission. On notion Mullery Second of Corrigan the plan was accepted. On being out of vote, all voted in favor. John F. Ryan of Genz Ryan Plumbing and Heating Co. applied for a permit to build an addition to their nrese -t building measuring 36 x 69 x 15'6 Said building to be 8 feet from rear of lot line irstead of required 10 feet. Two Letters signed by William P. Eusekist and Thos Bartlett were read wherein both parties expressed their an,roval. Ward motioned that the permit be an-roved on the cond_tion that Genz Ryan enter into an agreement with the Utilities Commission whereby they would assume all reso'sibility for any damage which might result from their encroaching two feet on the existing 10 foot sewer easement on the rear of their property. Matter of raising water lines in basement of liquor store for purpose of in- stalling a nc walk -in cooler was discussed. Mr. Langhorst was ddvised to take no further action on the purchase of a cooler until an estimate of cost for chancing water lines was received. Mr. Corrigan agreed to get the tinformation. The police report for the month of October was read and accepted. A notice of cancellation of insurance policy 764449 issued by Hartford Fire Insurance Company xf, Hartford Accident Ind. Co. in favor of Thomas S. Mohr was read. The policy covers Mr. i•ahr's GarbaTe vehicles. Ward motioned that the Clerk be directed to write a letter to Mohr advising him he would not be permitted to operate his garbage vehicles withing the village of Rosemount after N 8, 1965 without first presenting proof of re- instatement or another acceptabMM policy. M tion seconded by Mullery. On being put to a vote, all members voted in favor of the motion. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery, the attached Veteran's Day Proclamation was ordered published. All members voted in favor of the motion. John Hawkine anneared before the council and resigned as part time poltee officer effective November 15, 1965. On behalf of the council, Mayor Ward thanked Mr. Hawkins fnr his service to the Village. On motion of Ward and sec nd of Corrigan Mr. Hawkins resigntion was regretfully accepted. All voted in favor of the motion. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned this 2nd day of November, 19$5. Respectfully submitted, Part of Page 166 GENERAL FUND Norris Pederson extra time Motorola maintenance Peines Excavating cleaning up dump DAKOTA County Tribune John Hawkins George Koehnen care of dump John Uhl roofing James Larsen- roo£img Wilroy Company, Inc. H. J. Geraghty Agency -comp. liab. Phillips Petroleum Co. Standard Oil Co. FIRE DEPARTMENT Peocles Natural Gas NortHern States Power Co. Central Telephone Co. John Uhl-cleaning Dakota County Printing Co. GENERAL FUND Phillips Petroeum Co. Certral Telephone Co. N rthern States Power Co. Peonies Natural Gas Township of Rosemount graveling Norris Pederson -extra time Corrigan Ele ctric Co.- wiring bookdmobil NMI LI: UCR STORE REVS .`UE Griggs, Cooper Co., Inc. Old Peoria, Inc. Lynn Johnson Co., I c. E. W. L.anrhorst -pain outs Carbonic Madhines, Inc. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. College City Beverage Co. Concord Beverage Co. Bernard W. May Co. Drentlaw Wholesale Candy Tobacco Famous Brands, Inc. Farmington Dairy Fritz '4holwsale Gross Industrial Hanson Beverage Co. Leding Distributing Co. Lystads, Inc. McKesson Robbins, Inc. Medford Distributing Co. Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines, Inc. Northwest Linen Service 011 Dutch Foods Ovshak Tinting Co. Seven Up Bottling Co. Van Paper Co. Miller Davis Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Ed. Phillips Sons Co. part of minutes of regular meeting held November,2, 1965. 63.36 6.60 10.00 16.75 61.44 75.00 28.00 56.00 23.12 161.00 41.99 27.28 11.07 5.20 29.80 9.00 4 18.31 27.82 401.00 4.52 195.00 40.00 11$.42 1591.99 388.39 95.99 73.98 42.15 20.80 555.75 127 82.57 76.75 621.51 7.92 10.30 6.0o 1013.07 328.71 58.30 514.10 37.35 32.99 25.90 63.90 10.35 22.60 15.50 6161 1852.768, 171.87 34' 1 4 39 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held December 7, 1965. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the November meeting were read and approved with the following correction. The installation of the walk -in cooler in the Shamrock Lounge uas approved. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the attached list of bills were ap roved and ordered paid from their respective funds. The police report for the month of N was read and acdepted. On motion of Mu11 ry and second of Finnegan the Clerk was authorized to white a letter to Central Telephone Co. requesting them to list the Da' -rota Cognty Sherriffs phone number un the Rosemount Police Denartment. The number is CA2 -3822. P.yes were 5. On motion of Mullery and second of Corrigan the following applications for Cigarette licenses were approved and mad ordered issued with the provision that they be controlled in such a manner as to prevent minors from purchasing cig_areetes. Ayes were 5. Ratzlaff 66 Station Stress Pure Oil Co. Bi :1's Dairy Store Wilson's Standard Service Robert's Lrugs Duffy Brothers American Legion Post Vorwerk's Texaco Ken.ose Billiard Room The Clerk read a notice of continued hearing from the Minnesota Municipal Commission relative to i ncorporation of Lebanon. 4 notice of hearing of the vlater Pollution Commission at Rochester on January 5, 1966 was read. The Clerk read the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting held November 30, 1965. On motion of Mullery and second of Corrigan the application of the Gavin Development co. to build a house at lot 5, Block 2, Marian Terrace Replat, 2nd Pddtion was approved a.:i the hermit ordered issued. Dyes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan Mr. Finnegan was given the authority t have installed a 6 foot diameter, 30 foot deep drywell which would oonnect to an existing drywell on Marion Lane. No grate to beinsta11ed. An easement Kk°"a''gYIttefi iia aiitgA to be obtained from Jerome FIucgel -.nc..i Mr. Fluegel to be riven a written guarantee that the rrcoert-r would be restore- to its original condition. A.prroximate cost to be 1;720.00. Ayes were 5. On motion of Duff and second of Ward the Clerk was instructed to secure from Cash register Sales, Inc. maintenance contracts covering the cash registers in the Shamrock Lounge. Ayes were 5. 167 168 The C' -rk was authorized to purchase five copies of the 1965 Village Hsndbook supplements at a cost of $1.50 eaeh. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the Council accepted and approved Ordinance #67 e ititled: Y ORDINNNCE MENDING O :C:N:.R:CE #50 LNE ORDIN.,NCE #60 OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, PAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA. Ayes were 5. On motion of Mullery and second of Finnegan the council approved the in- stallation of a water softener in the Shamrock Lounge by Wenzel Plumbing Heating. Cost of Softener to be $500.00 and coveiagg of pipes to be ;49.00. Ayes were 5. On motion of Mullery and second of Corrigan the Liquor Operating Capital was increased by $1,000.00. fkyes were 5. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Treasurer's salary was in- creesed by $50.00 per year from the Liquor Revenue Fund. Ayes were 5. There being no further business the meeting adjounred this 7th day of December, 1965. Respectfully submitted, ADDITION TO BBOVE MINBTES: On motion of Ward and second of Duff the council approved the purchase of a new rolice cruised n(d authorized the Clerk to adv_rtise for same. Bids to he ooered at 8:00 o'clock PM on January a, 1966. Ayes were 5. cony of srecifi.cations are attached to these minutes. BILLS ADPROVED AND ORDERED PAID FROM THErR RESPECTIVE FU?;DS AT REGUTAR ME -TING 7E1D DEC= 7, 1965. GE"'FRAI. FUND Da' -ota County Printing Co. 11.50 Daniel. Sams -extra nnlice 123.20 Ray Tousignant- extra ?olice '.60 -4' i 1 b 0 Texaco, Inc. 31.00 John Hawkins -extra police 52.80 Duffy bathers- sup^lies 1.22 Kane Equipment Co. 1.75 Norris Pederson -extra time 39.60 Northern States Power Co.- Book 1.00 Hall 8.80 Traffic 15.12 -Street 380.00 Peoples Natural Gas 15.77 Secretary of State slate fees 2.50 Lampert Yards roofing supplies 59.10 The Pure Oil Co. 14.46 Wilroy's Ford 35.55 Motorola, Inc. 6.60 Central Telephone Co.- police 20.00 -Clerk 7.37 George Koehnen -care of dump 40.00 Pa' -eta Cn my Tribune S OO Pertelso- Pros.- clerks surplies 9.65 Ce. Stauffer- postage 5.50 FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND Northerh States Power Coe Peonies Natural Gas Secretary of State- license plate fees H. J. Geraghty Agency- accident rolicy Ce -tral Telenhone Co. John Uhl-cleaning Capitol City Suburban Assoc. Coast to Cast Store Vorrerk Texaco Wilson's Standard Service Strese Pure Oil Bernier Motor Co. General Safety Equipment Corp. Leo ?luegel Fred Uitdenbogerd Georg- %'.cfonough Leo McDonough "u:Fust Ratzlaff Ed. "'cIearney N Fox Donald Strese John Doyle Francis Mullery -lden Stauffer Jack Ryan John TTeiderhold Ross McMahon Jerome Fluegel wcrbie ";vala 9.85 15.77 3.75 142.50 30.55 9.50 10.00 1.19 2.70 1.80 1.50 13.65 92.50 18.00 25.00 43.00 55.00 7.00 22.00 46.00 26.00 45.00 29.00 35.00 17.00 22.00 10.00 33.00 25.00 John Hawkins Jim Ahern Dennis N Glen IIitdenbogerd Ervin Strese Don Rat -l^ff R1ch 2rd Voraerk A. J. McDoneurh Wm. Busekist Gerald Leidner Ray McNamara 27.00 2.00 28.00 10.00 20.00 34.00 28.00 107.00 50.00 51.00 67.00 LIOOCR RFVENDE FUND Ed. Phillips Sons 2760.26 Minneapolis Restaurant Supply Co. 23.85 Carbonic Machines, Inc.' 31.45 State Treasurer 12.00 Lir.uor Control Commissioner 5.00 Bernard W. May Co. 82.76 The M 7ansas Chemical Co. 85.80 Northwest Linen Service 23.43 Gross Industrial Service 9.00 Stephen Cone 35.00 Miller -Davis Co. 2.30 Minnesota- Wisconsin Truck Lines 82.06 Farmington Dairy 7.04 Seven TTp Bottling Co. 34.40 Old Dutch Foods 81.00 Drentlaw 'Wholesale Candy and Tobacco 86.90 Leding Distributing Co. 3 Alcorn Beverage Co. 870.96 Concord Beverage Co. 1134.47 Hanson Beverage Co. 1113.66 College City Beverage Co. 4 83.35 Medford Distributi_nr Co. 35.35 Famous Brands, Inc. 316.48 Distillers Distrib ting Co. 1987.45 Griggv, Cooper Co., Inc, 239.53 Old Peoria Co., Inc. 695.8 McKesson Robbins, Inc. 1087.07 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OFMINNESOTA. Minutes of annual election held December 7, 1965. The Judges of the annual election were: Mr. Edwin Gruber Mr. Robert Toombs Mrs Fran Duffy Mrs. Lorraine Quigley Mrs. B. Jeppeson Mr. Robert Franklin t the hour of 12:00 o'clock PM the above judges and the Clerks took the oath of office, the polls were forthwith opened by proclamation and the e1ccti.on nroceeded by ballot without adjournment or intermission until closed at 5:00 o'clock M. The candidates voted on at such election as stated in the n•tice thereof were: One Mayor for the term of two years One Trustee for the term of three years One Justice of Peace for the term of two years One Constable for the term of two years at 8:00 o'clock PM in the evening of said day thereof having been made by one of the judges th reto closed. The judges then proceeded to a true statement was proclaimed and filed a. Respectfully submitted, 4) Vi1 Fe Cler' Francis Mul.lery Patrick Finnegan Eldon Stauffer Fick Fox Harold Almquist Mayor Trustee Treasurer Constable Justice of Peace the polls, a proclamation thirty minutes previous publicly count the ballots s provided by law. The Canvass board met on the night of December 7th, 1965 to review and accept the results as presented by the election judges. The results of the election were as follows: On motion the meeting adjourned this 7th day of December, 1965. 169 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKO'T&, ST :.TE OF MINNESCTA. Minutes of regular meeting held January 4th, 1966. Meeting called to order by President Mullery, all members were present excetpgin Finnegan. The Clerk read the minutes and they were approved as read. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the attached list of bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. Ayes were 3. General Fund /3c3. sin Fire Deptart. /9.Y. S7 Liquor Revenue 86 The police report for the month of December was rdad by the Clerk. The Clerk read the minutes of the December meeting of the Planning Commission• along with their annual report. The report was accepted as read and the Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the Planning Commission thanking them for their services during the year 1965. On motior of Duff and second of Corrigan the application of John Izaak to add to his existinr home was approved and the permit ordered issued. Ayes were 3. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the application of Harold Almquist to teardown an old garage building was approved and the permit ordered issued. Ayes were 3. O motion of Corrigan and second of Mullery the following applfeations for Cigarette Licenses were approved and the licenses ordered issued. Ayes 3. The Clerk read a letter from the State of Minnesota Department of Conservation relative to state aid to iocatl units of government for outdoor recreational development. After a short discussion the Clerk wcs ordered to turn the letter over to Dr. Mardell for the Yourth's Commission consideration. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Dakota County Tribune was desig- nated as the official newpapSe for the Village. Ayes were three. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the First State Bank of Rosemount was designated as the official Village depositary for 1966. Ayes were 3. On motion of Duff and second of Mullery Corrigan was appointed as Acting Mayor in the absence of Mullery. Ayes were 3. President Mullery then made the following appointments for 1966. Street Commissioner P. F. Finnegan L Commissioner T. J. Corrigan Health Ofricers R. Mardell, D.D.S. and R. Erickson, M.D. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Council appointed Leland Knutson to fill the unexrired term. of Trustee of F. Mullery. Ayes were 3. P 8:00 o'clock PM the Clerk opened reading the advertisement for bids. Pernier [4otor Co. Rosemount Dodge 'Jilroy Ford, Inc. the bids for police cruiser after first Bids were as follows: 1,912.11 1,•39''. 171 172 On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the bid of Wi }roy Ford, Inc. was accepted. Ayes were 3. Presidebt Muliery then reappointed the following members of the Planning Commission for another three year term. Edwin Gruber L. Bernier, Ur. H. C. Hanson There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 4th day of January, 1966. RespectFully submitted, 1 BILLS APPROVED IND ORDERED P -ID AT THE ANNUAL MEETING HELD JANURRY 1966. LI'.?ICR REVENUE Central Telephone Co. 24.05 Northern Ste.tes Power Co. 140.70 Peoples Natural Gas 139.28 U. S. Postoffice 62.40 Cor :igan Electric 94.25 Bertelsor Brothers 255.50 Gross Industrial Service 9.00 College City Beverage Co. 637.50 Leding Distributing Co. 331.49 Minnesota= viisoonsin Truck Lines 52.68 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 40.12 Distillers Distributing Co. 6488 Famous Brands, Inc. 446.23 Van Paper Co. 15.12 B =rnard W. May Co. 85.32 Gent -Ryan 80.84 Old Dutch Foods 93.15 Hanson Be erage Co. 800.05 Ovshak Printing Co. 17.25 Drentlaw 'rdholesale Candy tobacco 69.60 Alcorn Beverage Co. 756.39 Seven Bp Pottling Co. 73.65 N rthwrst Linen Service 32.65 Bob's Bcefrigertion Service 1528.82 Cash Register Sales, Inc. 140.22 Carbonic Machines 53.40 Farmington Dairy 17.22 Concord Beverage Co. 1466.98 Day Distributing Co. 112.05 E. 'd. Langhorst -paid outs 68.34 Lynn Johnson Cc. 454.21 Griggs, Cooner Co. 1156.23 Ed. Phillips Sons Co., Inc. 2 48.1 ;12,250.8 GENE_?.' L FUND U. S. Postoffice 52.40 Norris Pederson 40.40 Dakota County Tribune 68.05 Texaco, Inc. UZZ 31.81 Phillips Petroleum Co. 3.60 Corrigan Electric Co. 73.84 Daniel Sams -extra police 105.60 Motorola 6.60 Lystad's 30.00 Reisinger Excavating 41.25 Miller -Davis Co. 32.51 Plillips Petroleum Co. 11.27 Central Telephone 27.37 N Fox 166.00 H. J. Geraghty Agency 93.00 Peoples Natural Gas 52.25 The Pure Cil Co. 34.23 Northern States Power Co. 425.22 /.3O 3 4o FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND NortHern States Power Co. 8.75 Peor.les Natural Gas 49.40 Central Telephone Co. 24.67 Minnesota Stzte Fire Department Assoc. 10.00 National Welding Supply, Inc. 5.75 Corrigan Electric Co. 100.00 �/98. 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held February 1, 1966. Meeting called to order by President Mullery, all members were present excepting Corrigan. The minutes of the January meeting were read and approved as read On motion of Finnegan and second of Knutson the attached list of bills were a proved and oredered aid from thetr respective funds. GENERAL FUND e iv. 90 FINE DErnT. LIQUOR FEVENUE' /M President Mullery appointed John Weiderhold to serve the unexpired term of L. Knutson on the Rosemount Planning Co nission. Ayes were 4. The Clerk read the police report for the month of January. Report accepted. The Clerk read a letter advising the Council that the Planning Commission meeting was not held during January, 1)66. The Clerk read a le ter from the Minnesota Congervation Department regarding the Land and Water Conservation Fund Progfam. The Clerk was instructed to corder a gunk holder for use in holding a riot gun in the ne,: squad car. On motion of Finnegan and second of Mullery the council unanimously approved the application of Eddy Drug for and Off Sale Beer licensex. Ayes were 4. The Clerk read a letter from the Village of I Grnve Heights cancelling their fire contract. The Clerk was instructed to forward the letter to the Fire Department. President Mullery appointed P. F. Finnegan to serve on the joint Village and Township Committee relative to the incorporation of the two units. There being no further business the mmeting adjourned this 1st day of FeLruarv, 1966. Respectfully submitted, 173 Bilies ordered lbaid and approved at the Feburuary 1, 1966 meeting. FIRE DEPARTMENT Central Telephone Co. $27.15 N rthern States Power Co. 7.3 recr'es Natural Gas 5 Central Telephone Co. 27.15 H. J. Geraghty Agency 23.00 H. J. feraehty Agency 26.00 Vorwerk Texaco, 5.17 Coast to Coast St re 2.95 Ratzlaff Service Station 19.75 GENERAL FOND 9�f. 77 Bagemeister Fairway 2.84 Central Telephone Co. 26.90 Coast to Coast Store 1 .53 Motorola 6.60 Dakota County Tribune 10.60 Strese Pure Oil .80 Vorwerk Texaco 6.00 Daniel Sams 95. Norris Pederson 52.80 Northern States Power Co.- Christmas lites 18.00 Hall 1 5.3 6 Traffic 15.42 Bookmobil 1.00 street lights 387.50 Peoples Natural Gas 59.30 Central Telephone Co. 28.24 Ratzlaff Service Station 116.00 George Koehnen 40.00 Fluegel Elevrtho 177.50 Wilroy's Ford LIQUOR REVENUE ---2125 o Central Telephone Co. 22.25 N rthern States Power Co. 141.90 Peoples Natural Gas 140.97 Central Telephone Co. 22.14 Distillers Distributing Co. 1939.76 Mckesson Robbins 1140.17 Famous Brands Inc. 537.90 F. F. Distributing Co. 37.95 H^.nson Peireraoe Co. 979. Concord Peverage Co. 1004.11 Alcorn Beverage Co. 40 .78 Old Dutch Foods 73.35 College City Beverage Co. 916.80 Farmington Dairy 11.24 Dav Distributing Co. 77.60 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines 93.17 Drentlaw Wholesale Candy 3 Tobacco 79.50 Seven '.gyp Bottling Co. 20.40 Leding Distributing Co. 217.79 N rthwest Linen Service 18.18 Carbonic Machines, Inc. 42.70 Cvshak Printing Co. 11.00 The Missouri Kansas Chemical Co. 16.15 Bernard W. May a Co. Griggs, Cooper -Co. Old Peoria, Inc. Lynn Johnson Co, Inc. Utilities Commission Ed. °hi'lins Sons Co. 38=4.16 1037.43 600.00 832.72 100.00 3816.68 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, ST!.TE OF MIflIESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held March 1, 1966. Meeting called to order by President Mullery, all members were present except Corrigan. The meeting opened with a discussion concerning parking problems, both at the Shorting Center and on the Municipal Lot, behind the Shamrock Lounge. Mr. Choban, new shopping center owner was on hand to speak for his own interests. It was agreed that the Village policeman on duty will patrol both parting areas and endeavor to enforce orderly Parking. Surfacing and lighting of the Village lot was discussed. Mayor Mullery suggested the lighting :natter be tabled until our next regular meeting when Northern States Power lighting exnerts will be on hand to discuss this and other related problems. Knutson motioned that we call for bids for surfacing of the liquor store lot an area about 150' x 90'. Finnegan seconded the motion. On being put to a vote the following voted in favor. Mullery, Knutson and Finnegan. The Clerk read the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting eheld February 22, 1966. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the application of M. Choban to build a Montgomery Ward catalogue store was approved =nd macho the permit ordered issued. Tres were 3 with Knutson abstaining. On motion of Mullery and second of Finnegan the application of K. L. Werner to rebuild his burned out home was approved and the permit ordered issued. Ayes '•-ere 4. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the application of the Milwaukee Land Co. to terardown their farm buildings was approved and the permit ordered issued. Ayes were 4. Mr. Pulley was present to request the Council to consider an abatement on his taxes for his du7lex on Maple Street. He was advised to see the locatl assessor and to fill in the proper form so that the Council could consider the matter ''urther. The Council reviewed the following quoted prices for colered TV for the Shamrock Lounge and tabled the matter for a future decision. Motorola 23" "479.95 less a $40.00 trade on old set. Airline 359.99 plus one year service of parts and labor G 39.95 ner year and a new antenna for $17.95 bringing the total to Min 417.93 On motion of Finnegan and second of Knutson the council voted to reimburse Mr. F. Ianghorst the sum of x50.00 to cover his costs for attending the Minnesota Municipal Liquor Store Convention. Ayes were 4. Mr. Dave O'Neil was present dark to discuss Et with the Council the nroblem of removing a tree on the boulevard near his home. He was advised by the Mayor that this should be reioved by him at his own expense. The Clerk read the minutes of the Bebruary meeting and they were aoproved as read. 1 75 176 On motion of Finnegan and second of Knutson the attached list of bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. Ayes were 4. GENERAL. FUND $XXXXX$; Z 870.59 ^PRE DEPLRT ?ENT FUND 169.31 LIQUOR REVTNUE FUND 11,000.95 TheCilrk read the police report for the month of February and it was accepted as read. The police department requested raise in salaries, and ordinance folder and the furnishing of police uniforms. These matters were all tabled. The Clerk read a copy of a letter from Streefland and Kelly attornees for John r. Young to the Utilities Commission adviseng the Commission of Mr. Youngs refusal to pay the hookup charges assessed by the Commission. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the council granted approval to have the Villa ge Fire Department represented at the State Fire School to be held April 25 -28, 196', at the U of M, St. Paull Campus. Ayes ;:ere 4. The Clerk read Mr. McMenomy's letter to the Town Boards and the petition to the State of Minnesota Municipal Commission relative to the incorporation of Rosemount Lebanon, Lakeville and part of Empire Township into the City of Rosemount. The Council gave the matter serious consideration but took no official action at this time. There being no further business the eeting adjourned this 1st day of March 1266. R submitted, 1 Vile Cl l PINS APPROVED 'ND ORDERED P]TD FROM THEIR RESPECTIVE FUNDS AT THE Dt IITTLAR MF.'F"TTNC. HELD MARCH 1, 1066. OE *TERA_L FUND Ratzlaf" Service Station snow plowing $135.00 H. 0. Geraghty 4eney police car ins. 2.87 Lystad's 30.00 Richard Koehnen 40.00 Da' -ota County Tribune 6.00 Motorola 6.60 Northern States Power Co.- Bookmobil 1.00 -Hall 15.52 Traffic 14.28 Street 387.5 Peoples Natural Gas 80.30 Standard Oil 42.21 Corcoran Hardware 3.30 Vorwerk Texaco 2.00 Cash Register Sales, Inc. 58.50 Phillips Petroleum Co. 5.55 Pure Oil Co. 39.96 Fire DEPARTMENT John Uhl Northern States Power Co. Peoples Natural Gas A. J. McDonough Strese Pure Oil Coast to Coast Stores Vorwerk Texaco Continental Safety Equipment, Inc. St. 'a.ul Book 4 Statione y LIQUOR REVENUE FUND NORT° R" "tates Power Co. Corriran Electric Co. Peonies Natural Gas H. J. Geraghty .'.gency Cvshak Printing Lampert Yards Miller -Davis Cm. Bernard W. May Co. Carbonic Machines Twin City Home Juice College City Beverage Co. Seven Un Rattling Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Concord Beverage Inc. Day Distributing Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Farmington Dairy Ledine Distributing Co. Medford Distrib:ti.ng Co. Drentlaw •+holesale Candy Tobacco Old [hutch Foods Minneapolis Restaurant Supply Co. Van Paper Co. Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines Northwest Linen Service Gross Industricl 137.90 53.42 165.67 82.00 1'.25 48.81 3.25 78.48 41.90 11.26 184.75 20.45 24.44 924.48 110.75 596.29 930.73 6.3o 207.25 4 6.35 33. 82.35 115.10 104.36 69.57 24.18 6.00 10.00 17.68 4.64 15.80 11.67 5.17 17.90 16.80 j6 3/ Origrs, Cooper Co. $1,575.72 E. W. Lanehorst 36.00 F. W. Langhorst 65.66 U ld Peoria Co., Inc. 470.11 McKesson Robbins 972.42 Famous Brands, Inc. 316.14 Lynn Johnson Co., Inc. 544.22 Disti'lers Distributing Co. 122.35 Fd. T'hil lies Sons Co. 2,771.64 T oc �/5 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held May 3, 1966. Meeting called to order by President Mullery, all members were present. The minutes of the April meeting were read aid approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the attached list of bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. General Fund 9 7/. v Liquor Oper. 1 4 4 6 Fire Dept. b S The Clerk read the police report for the month of April. On motion of Corrigan and second of Knutosn the report was accepted and ordered placed on file. Ayes 5. On motion of Knutson and second of Finnegan the Council approved the Purchase of 100 bumper stickers "Buckle Up and Live" for distribution by the Police Dept. The Clerk read the Planning Commission minutes of April. On motion of Corrigan and second by Knutson the following applications for building permits were approved and the permits ordered issued. Ayes were 5. Joseph Gavin house 336 Marian Drive House 332 Marian Drive House 333 Marian Drive Charles Stauffer Porch 241 W. Maple St. Ronald Diegnau Garage 409 W. Maple St. Carmond Lindquist Addition 213 Main Avenue So. The Clerk read a letter from Michael Choban requesting permission to use the Vi'lage Dump on Monday of eadh week. The Clerk was instructed to advise hie to contact Ray Sieckert and have him accompany him to the dump at a time con- venient to both parties. X &1TCIfi The clerk read a letter from Banister Engineering Co. relative to a sketch and specifications for blacktooping the Shamrock Lounge parking lot. The Clerk was advised to contact Banister Engineering Co. and have them work out a plan for water runoff. The Clerk read the notice from the County Assessor notifying the Council that the Board of Equalization would meet± on the 22nd day of June 1966. The Mayor set the time of the meeting at 7:00 O'clock Pm. Mr. Jack Young was present to discuss the County Pak system with the Council he requested that we give the matter some thought and advise him of our think- ing. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan Thomas MacNamee was granted an on and off beer license for a two month period. Ayes were 5. On motion of Duff and second of Mullery the Council approved the issuance of a cigarette license to Thomas MacNamee for an eikht month period. Ayes 5. On motion of Finnegan and second of Knutson the council approved the transfer of $1,200.00 to the Youth Commission for their annual recreation programs. Ayes were 5. 179 1sO On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Clerk was instructed to contact Banister Engineering relative to constructing a fence at the Village Dump. Ayes were 5. On motion of L uff and second of Corrigan the Council appointed Ray McNamara as the second Constable. Ayes were 5. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council agreed to the purchase oa 23" Rectangular colored Television set for the Shamrock Lounge per the bid of James Ahern of the Coast to Coast Store. Ayes were 5. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 3rd day fo May, 1966. Respectfully submitted. 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held April 5, 1966. Meeting called to ordef by President Mullery, all members were present. The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved as read. The clerk read a letter from George Ward stating that the taxes as levied on his home were too high. It was agreed by the Council that a fair makket value of his home would be approximately $15,000.00. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the attached list of bills were acnroved and ordered paid from their respective funds. Ayes were 5. The Clerk read the police report for the month of March. The police officer was instructed to bring "a dogcatcher to control unlicensed and dogs running at large. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the council approved the purchase of a pnlicemans uniform for the regular police officer at a cost of $60.00 and the purchase of a uniform for the two part time police officers at a cost of approx. $50.00 each. In addition the regular police officer was given a $10.00 per month allowance for uniform maintenance. Ayes were 5. The Clerk rdad a letter from Mr. Mrs. Gruber commending the council for the fine job of snow removal during the recent snowstorm. The Mayor and council accepted the gift a flag for the Council chambers from Mr. Ralph Toombs, Mr. Robert Toombs and Mr. Datid Toombs. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter of thanks for this very fine gift. The Cigaritter license application of M. L. Huber was granted on motion of Duff and second of Finnegan. Ayes were 5. The clerk read the notice of hearing relative to the incorporation of the City of Rosemount. The point was raised as to the use of the name of Rosemount in the case that the people of the Village did not wish to become a part of the proposed City. President Mullery was to check with Mr. McMenoay relative to this question. On motion of Mullery and seoond of Corrigan the council voted to purchase a listing of meeting dated on the Bandboesters calendar. Ayes were 5. The abatement requested by Joseph Gavin reducing his assessed valuation tomn- fbcfrom $2300.00 to $1584.00 was approved on motion of Duff and second of Mullery. Ayes were 5. After a presentation by Northern States Powere Co. representatives and upon motion of Knutson and second by Mullery Northern States Power Co. was authorized to install mercury vapor lights for all incandescent lights in the residential areas. Ayes were 5. On motion of Mullery and second of Finnegan the council unanimously adopted the following resolution. RESOLUTION DECLARING ASSESSABLE COSTS Whereas, a contract has been let and completed for the improvement of 177 178 Warweg Avenue and Maple Street between the intersection of Warweg Avenue and Ash Street and the intersection of Maple Street and Main Avenue or Highway #3 and the contract pet price for such improvement is $13,007.50 and that the Council has set the figure of $13,000.00 as the total cost to be used in com- puting assessments; and of this cost the village will pay for the improvement of intersections and two thirds of side lot costs. T Therefore, Be it Resolved by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount: That the assessable cost of such improvement is hereby declared to be $5.20 per front foot; and That the Village Clerk, be and is hereby directed forthwith to calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assess- able lot, without regard to cash valuation, and the amount which will be payable by the municipality on account of the real property owned by it, and the a mounts paybble by any count school district or on account of any right of way. The assessable cost shall be divided up sit amohg the assessable tracts of property on the basis of frontage; and That the clerk shall keep such proposed assessment filed in his office open for public inspection: and That the clerk shall report to the council upon the completion of such proposed assessment. Passed by the Council the Fifth day of April, 1966. Attest: Eu a J. Duff Clerk On motion of Fi -negan and second of Knutson the meeeting adjourned this 5th day of April, 1966. Respectfully Submitted, 1 1 1 1 Bills approved and ordered paid at the May 3, 1966 Meeting. GENERAL FUND Richard Koehnen $60.00 Dakota County Tribune 13.00 Reisinger Excavating -dump work 41.25 Wilroys Ford 9.15 Lakeside Animal Hospital 5.00 Toombs Insurance Agency 131.00 Assessors bond 8.00 Standard Oil 4.01 Northern States Power Co. -Hall 15.9 Traffic 19.18 Bookmobil 1.00 OStreets 387.50 Peoples Natural Gas 4 3.9 4 Phillips Petroleum 49.95 Morris Pederson -extra time 52.80 Dan Sams 5 Texaco, Inc. 49.7 Corcoran Haddware 2 971.23 FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND Northern States Power Co. $47.90 Peoples Natural Gas 47.15 John Uhl 10.00 Fred Uitdenbogerd 2.50 National Welding Supp1$ 135.00 $242.55 LIQUER OPERATING FUND Peoples Natural Gas 102.49 Northern States Power Co. 130.70 H. J. Geraghty Agency -open stock 110.00 Cash Register Sales 1.79 Griggs, Cooper Co. 2,582.84 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 2,121.59 E. W. Langhorst- paidouts 62.26 Lynn Johnson Co. 355. Day Distributing Co. 67.90 Hanson Beverage Co. 1,106.99 Alcorn Beverage Co. 551.33 Concord Beverage Co. 1,320.33 Leding Distributing Co. 315.3 College City Beverage Co. 512.10 0. M. Droney Beverage Co. 26.60 Medford Distributing Co. 35.70 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 36.80 Seven Up Botting Co. 21.78 Carbonic Madhines 31.70 Twin City Home Juice Co. 10.46 Old Dutch Foods 121.50 Drentlaw Wholesale Candy Tobacco 47.55 Fluegel Elevator, Inc. 20.00 Minnesota- Wisconsin Trukk Lines, Inc. 61.81 Murphy Motor Freight Lines 2.75 Minneapolis Restaurant Supply Co. 41.50 Miller -Davis Co. 28.44 Genz -Ryan Plubming and Heating 4.00 Bob's Refrigeration Service 47.45 Nick Fox 52.50 Bernard W. May Co. 8 3.9 4 Northwest Linen Service 17.90 Gross Industrial Se vice 6.00 Wenzel Plubming and Yeating, I 540.00 Distillers Distributing Co. 781.09 Famous Brands, Cnc. 489.64 McKesson Robbins, Inc. 645.05 $12,494.85 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held June2,1966. Meeting called to order by President Mullery, all members were present. Mr. B. W. May was present to review the inventory at the Shamrock Lounge. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the council approved an increase to $100.00 per month for bookkeeping services and auditing by the Bernard W. May Co. Ayes were 5. On motion of Duff and secondof Finnegan the Council authorized the firm of Bernard w. May Co. to audit the Village records at the end of the year 1966. Ayes were 5. The matter of blaktooping the parking lot at the Shamrock lounge was discussed and it was decided that the Mayor would contact Ed. McMenoey to secure the necessary easements before the Council advertised for bids. There being no further business the meeting adjounred this 2nd day of June, 1966. Respectfully submitted, 181 ic2 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA,. STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held June 7, 1966. Meeting called to order by President Mullery, all members were present. The minutes of the May and June 2, 1966 meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the ftlisseag attached list of bills were approved and ordered paid from their respeetvie funds. General Fund /04/o.o9 Liquor Revenue 'S, ,ti fY. i/ Fire Department /Lt. Yo The Ciirk read the police report for the month of May. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the application of Wm. Reid for a garbage license was approved and the license ordered issued. Ayes were 5. The Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. T. S. Mohr that unless the fee of $25.00 for his garbage license was paid by June 15, 1966 he would no longer be authorized to pickup garbage within the Village. On motion of Corrigan and second of Mullery the following applications for Off sale beer licenses were approved and license ordered issued. Ayes 5. Rosemount Super Valu Eddy Drug Co. Duffy Bros. Supermarket The Clerk read a letter Brom the secretary of the Planning Commission stating that there had been no fleeting during May. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Clerk was authorized to issue a license refund in the amount of $45.00 to cover unexpired) cesee f�e Ayes 5, RESOLUTION FOR BEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT 41) 2 rK WHEREAS, by a resolution passed by the council on ZEILMOnigiCati April 5, 1966 the clerk was dire cted to prepare a proposed assessment of the cost of improving Warweg Avenue and Maple Street between the intersection of Warweg Avenue and Asp St et and the intersection of Maple Street and Main Avenue and, CaLetA 2 w &J q t- e TREAS, the clerk has notified the council that such proposed assessment has been completed and filed in his office for public inspection, THEREFORE, Be it resolved by the Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota: THAT the clerk be and is hereby directed to cause a notice to be published in the official newspaper giving notice that the council will meet at 7:00 o'clock PM. on June 28th, 1966 to pass upon such proposed assessment. Passed by the Council this 7th day of June, 1966 c1T At •st: 8 7 Mullery, i J The Clerk was authorized to publish TO REALLY RING" There being no further business the notification of "CAUSE BELLS OF AMERICA meeting adjourned this 7th day of June, 1966. di e BILIS IPPROVED AND ORDERED PAID AT THE JUNE 7, 1966 regular meeting. LIQUOR REVENUE FUND Office of Liquor Control Commissioner 10.00 Northern States Power Co. 144.70 Peoples Natural Gas 51.50 Central Telephone Co. 25.03 Ed. Phillips Sons 5.043.18 Beverage Journal 7.00 Lynn Johnson Co. 134.18 Old Peoria, Inc. 589. Hanson Beverage Co. 1,519.42 Alcorn Beverage Co. 1,100.19 Concord Beverage Co. 1,959.79 Day Distributing Co. 124.10 0. M. Droney Co. 14.40 Leding Distributing Co. 398.20 College City Beverage Co. 506.90 Medford Distributing Co. 70.21 7 Up Bottling Co. 37.55 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 27.64 Carbonic Machines, Inc. 82.55 Twin City Home Juice Co. 21.62 Distillers Distribuitn Co. 797.21 Lynn Johnson Co. 542.50 McKesson Robbins, Inc. 1,041.01 Drebtlaw Wholesale Candy Tobacco Co. 92.05 Old Dutch Foods 138.05 Ovshak Printing 17.25 Bob's Refrigeration Heating, Inc. 11.50 Minneapolis, Restaurant Supply Co. 4.50 Van Paper Co. 13.95 Corrigan Electric Co. 30.40 Bernard W. May Co. 84.76 Internal Revenue Serttce 54.00 Liquor Interest Sink9ng Fund 795.00 Minnesota Wisconsin Tr4ck Lines 82.92 Gross Industrial 9.00 i5; b-. 1 GENERAL FUND Lystad 30.00 Nick Fox 63.00 Daniel Sams 84.40 Norris Pederson 52.80 Northern States Power Co. -Book .40 -Hall 12.08 Traffio 18.56 Street lighst 387.50 Peoples Natural Gas 29.66 Central Telephone Co. 27.52 Lawrence Johnson 12.00 Dakota County Tribune 10.50 1.011r Ford 6.40 Miller -Davis Co. 9.47 Phillins Petroleum Co. 4.44 Toombs Insurance Agency 255.36 Richard Koehnen 36.00 /oyo.07 FIRE DEPARTMENT FOND Northern States Power Co. 30.40 Peoples Natural Gas. 28.81 Central Telephone Co. 27.15 John Doyle 12.00 F. J. Mullery 12.00 Nick Fox 12.00 Ray McNamara 12.00 First State Bank 8.71 Vorwerk Texaco. 3.14 Ratzlaff Service 13.25 Coast to Coast Store 6.99 Robert L. Erickson, M. D. 5.00 Continental Safety Equipment, Inc. 252.40 National Welding Supply 64.35 Ili. Yo VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held June 15, 1966. Meeting called to order by President Mullery, all members were present excepting Corrigan. The Council and Treasurer discussed the inventory level a t the Shamrock Lounge with the manager. On motion of Finnegan and second of Knutson the application 61 the Americal Legion Post for a On sale beer and liquor license were approved and the permits ordered issued. Ayes were 4. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this lJth day of June, 1966. Respectfully submitted, Villfke Clerk VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held June 22, 1966, equalization meeting. Meeting called to order by President Mullery, all members were present excepting Corrigan. The personal property tax list was reviewed and themtt following exceptions were noted: P. W. Johnson, add, Rosemount School Bus Co., add, Harris and Haugen, remove. On motion of Knutson and second of Mullery E. J. McDonald was granted an abatement on his 1965 taxes, assessed valuation from $920.00 to $700.00. Ayes were Mullery and Knutson, nay Duff. The Council then reviewed the 1966 real estate as follows: E. J. McDonald Virgil Felmlee Glenn itdenbogerd Norris Pederson Leo J. Fluegel Earl Corcoran George Ward them n Res ctfull�ly jsubmitted, Pillage Clerk Market Value from $13,400 15.900 corrected $1,000.00 error Market Value from $15,200 as is Market value from )32.500 Market value from $15,900 valuations and changed to tat $12.500 to 14,500 in calculation to $12,400 to $3 to 15,000 On motion of Duff and second of Mullery the abatement of the Fabric Shop to reduce their assessed value from $1,215 to $759 was approved. Ayes were 4. There being no further business the meeting a djounred this 22nd day of June, 1956.. 1s S4 VILLAGE OF ROSE4OUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held June 28, 1966. Meeting called to order by President Mullery, all members present excepting Corrigan and Knutson. The clerk presented an lffidatnt showing pbulication of notice of hearing on the proposed assessment for the improvement of Warweg Avenue from Ash Street to Maple Street and Maple Street from Warweg Avenue to Main Avenue and Cedar Street from Warweg Avenue to Main Avenue, in the Dakota County Tribune, in accordance with the resolution adopted June 7, 1966, which affidavit was ex- amined, found satisfactory, and ordered placed on file. The Mayor then announced that the meeting was open for the consideration of objections, if any, to said proposed assessment. All persons present were then given an opportunity to present oral objections, and all wtitten ob- jections theretofore filed with the Clerk were presented and considered, and all such objections were tabulated as follows: 1. E. J. McDonald objected to the nine tons street. 2. A. J. McDonough objected to the nine tons street. The Council explained the need for this street both to carry the heavy load and that if a four ton street had been installed the County would not pay 50% of the cost and the residents would pay more. Member Duff intordueed the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND CONFIRMING ASSESSMENTS NUR THE IMPROVEMENT OF WARM AVENUE, MAPLE STREET AND CEDAR STREET DURING 1965. 1. The Clerk, with the assistance ofihe Engineer, has calculated the amount proper and necessary to be specially assessed for the improvement of Warm Avenue, Maple Street and Cedar Street against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land affected thereby peon the basis of benefits, without regard to cash valuttbon, in accordance with the provisions of M.S.A., Chapter 429, and notice has been duly published as required by law that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon objections, if any, and to amend said proposed assessment as might be necessary, and said proposed assessment has at all times since its filing been open for public inspection, and an opportunity has been given to all interested persons to present their objections, if any, to suob proposed ass- essments. 2. The Council, having heard and considered all objections so presented, and being fully advised in the premises, finds that easch of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the proposed assessment was and is specially benefited by the construction of said sazoisat improvement in not less than the amount of the assessment set opposite the description of eaeh such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively, and that such tmtx amount so set out is hereby levied against eaeh of the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land therein described. 3. The propoesd assessment is hereby adopted and confirmed a4 the proper special assessment for each of said lots, pieces and parcels of land respectively, and the assessment against each parcel, together with interest at the rate of 6% per annum accruing on the full] amount thereof from time to time unpaid, shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon such parcel and all thereof. The total amount of each such assessment shall be payable in equial, annual installments, extending over a period of 20 years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereto to December 31. 1966. 1 1 1 to be payable with general tames for the year 1966, collectible in 1967, and one each of the remaining installments, together with one year's interest on that and all other unpaid installments, to be payable with general taxes for each consectutive year thereafter until the entire assessment is paid. 4. Prior to certification of the assessment roll to the County Auditor, the owner of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may at any time pay the whole of such assessment or any installment thereof, without interest, to the Village Treasurer. 5. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a certified duplicate of the assessment roll, with eadh It= then mp unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter collect said assessments in the manner provided by law. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly sieorded by Member Mullery, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: F. Mullery E. Duff P. Finnegan and the following voted against the same: N whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. On motion of Mullery and second of Finnegan the council approved the application of Wm. McNamee of the Village Inn for an ON and Off sale Beer license. and the licenses were ordered issued. Ayes were 3. Theme being no further business the meeting adjounred this 28th day of June, 1966. Respectively submitted, 185 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of regular meeting held July 5, 1966 Meeting called to order by President Mullery, All members present except Finnegan On motion of Corrigan and second by Knutson the attached list of bills were approved and ordered paid trem their respective funds. Ayes were 4 General Fund* .Ge ;L'ig Liquor Fund l j Oy/ Fire Department The clerk read a letter from The Planning Commission regarding their regular June meeting. The police report was read and accepted as read. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan Mrs. Gene Charboneau was retained to perform bookkeeping and clerical duties under the direction of the clerk. Ayes were four. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 5th day of July 1966. Respectfully Submitted LG Village Clerk 187 188 0 g7 (fro)2-9- id/r) pArr) Bills Approved And Ordered Paid At the July 7, 1966 regular meeting. LIQUOR REVENUE FUND Central Telephone Compay 22.83 Central Telephone Company 23.82 Concord Beverage Inc. 1,898.35 Corrigan Electric Company 19.00 R. J. Geraghty Agency 776.00 Northern States Power Co. 199.00 Northern States Power Co. 4 .5 0 Peoples Natural Gas 33.57 $2,977.07 GENERAL FUND Central Telephone Campaz' (CiAk 7. Central Telephone Company O.:x 20. H. J. Geraghty Agency 267.00 Lawrence R. Johnson 12.00 George Koehnen 41.00. Lakeside Animal Hospital 2.00 Miller- Davis Company 3 Motorola Communications Electronics• Inc. 6.60 Northern States Power Co. Traffic 20.26 Hall 1.60 B ook 3.35 Street lights •387.50 Peoples Natural Gas 8 Phillips Petroleum Company 39.11 Standard Oil Company 25.03 FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND Central Telephone Company 27.15 Central Telephone Company 27.15 Continental Safety Equipment Inc. 57.37 Foldcraft Co. 57.25 H, J. Geraghty Agency 15.00 Lampert Yards 24.00 Northern States power Company 3. Peoples Natural Gas Company 13.17 Fred Uitdenbogerd 7.5 231.99 Cont. LICUOR REVENUE FOND Alcorn Beverage Co. 880.81 Bob's Refrigeration 14.50 Carbonic Machines, Inc. 30.90 Coca -Cola Bottling.Co.. 19.12 Coast to Coast Stores 469.95 College City Beverage Co. 504.86 Day Distributing Co. 180.35 Drentlaw Wholesale Candy Tob000e 45.65 0. M. Droney Beverage Co. 29.53 Gens -Ryan Plumbing Heating 28.00 Gross Industrial. 9.00 Hanson Beverage Co. 1,631.34 E. W. langhorst 65.14 Lading Distributing Co. 541.71 Liquor Store Interest Sinking Fund 795.00 B. W. May Co. 102.92 Medford Distributing Co. 38.20 Mi11errDavis Co. 6.50 Mpls. Restaurant Supply Co. 83.80 Minn. Wisc. Truck Lines Inc. 15.66 Northwest Linen Service 50.29 old Dutch Foods 107.65 0vshak Printing 17.25 Ostertag Cement Co. 45.00 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 2,259.85 Seven -Up Bottling Co. 59.25 Twin City He Juice Co. 10.26 Van Paper Company 62.20 $8.104.69