HomeMy WebLinkAbout36581 - JULY 3, 1956 - DECEMBER 5, 1961VILLAGE OF ROS.hffOCRNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, 3TeTFs OF MINNESOTA Minutes of regular meeting held July 3, 1956. Meeting palled to order by President McDonald, all members present excepting Duff. P. F. Finnggan acted as Clerk in Duff's obsence. Mr. Springsted of the firm of Moody R Springsted was present to dis- cuss finance problems pertinent to the sewer 4 water r.rain extensions plus the reoi-osed ir.rprovenrents on Ash street NO :Idvertised. ?'non notion of Oorrigan and second of McDonough, Mr. Sprinpsted was order- ed to process a 'F27.OQD.00 bond issue to pay for said improvements. 111 members present voted for the issue, nayes none. Upon motion of McDonough and second of Corrigan, the following bills were apfrbved and ordered paid from their respective funds, 1. S General Fund P. A. 5telter, assessors salary plus expenses $549.00 Central Telephone Co. 23.15 Peoples Natural Gns 4.03 ?:ortheran States Pourer Co. 121.00 Dakota County Tribune 35.40 Solberg Construction Co. 600.00 Construction Bulletin 53.60 McMenory A Hertogs 184.75 Liquor Fund Toombs Insurance Agency District Director of Internal 'Revenue Northern States Power Co. Peoples Natural Gas 149.11 10.00 43.80 8.95 r pon notion of McDonough and second of Corrigan, the mayor and the clerq were authorized to sign an agreement between the Village of osemount :end Dakota County authorizing improvement of +sh .street ;s therein stated. here being no further business the meeting was duly adjourned this rd day of July, 1956. Respectfully sybmitted, e cting as lerk i 1 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held in the Village Hall in said Village, on the 24th day of July, 1956, at 8:00 P.M. The following members were present: E. J. McDonald P. F. Finnegan E. J. Duff and the following were absent: T. J. Corrigan A. J. McDonough ,t* adoption: g MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA The Cleric presented affidavits showing publication of the notice of sale of $27,000 Improvement Bonds of 1956, to be issued in accord- ance with the resolution adopted July 3, 1956. Said affidavits were examined, found satisfactory and ordered placed on file. The Clerk reported that two sealed bids had been received pur- suant to said published notice of sale, which bids were thereupon opened and publicly read and considered, and found to be as follows: Name of Bidder Interest Rate Premium Juran 6 Moody, Inc. 3.75"/, 1959/68 None St. Paul, Minnesota 4.007 1969/76 Kalman Company, Inc. Plus 1% per Minneapolis, Minnesota annum on all bonds from 8.1.56 to 8.1.58 Allison Williams Company Minneapolis, Minnesota 4.00% Plus 27 per annum on all bonds from 2.1.57 to 2.1.59 None Member Finnegan introduced the following resolution and moved its av RESOLUTION A Resolution awarding sale of $27,000 Improvement Bonds of 1956 BE IT RESOLVED By the Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, that advertisement for bids for the purchase of $27,000 Improvement Bonds of 1956 has been duly published and all bids received pursuant thereto have been opened and considered, and the highest and best of such bids is that of JURAN MOODY, INC., of St. Paul, Minnesota, ASSOCIATE, to purchase the bonds at a price of $27,000.00, said bonds being dated August 1, 1956, the bonds ma- turing in the years set forth below to bear interest at the respective rate per annum set opposite such maturity years: Maturity Years Interest Rate 1959 1968 3.754 1969 1976 4.007 Plus 17. per annum on all bonds from 8.1.56 to 8.1.58 Said bid shall be and is hereby accepted, and the Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized forthwith to endorse such acceptance on a copy of said bid and return the same to said bidder. The good faith check furnished by the purchaser shall be retained pending delivery of the bonds and payment of the full purchase price thereof. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member Duff, and upon vote being taken thereon, the fol- lowing members voted in favor thereof: McDonald Finnegan Duff and none voted against the same, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Member Duff then introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION A Resolution fixing the form and details of $27,000 Improvement Bonds of 1956, creating a sinking fund and levying taxes BE IT RESOLVED By the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, as follows: t. 1. The Village shall forthwith issue its negotiable coupon general obligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $27,000, all dated August 1, 1956, for the purpose of providing monies for local improvements. Said bonds shall be 27 in number and numbered from 1 to 27, inclusive, each in the denomination of $1000, and maturing serially, lowest numbers first, on August 1, in the amount of 1,000 in each of the years 1959, 1967, 1969, 1971, 1973 and 2,000 in each of the years 1960, 1968, 1970, 1972, 1974 and 1961, 1963, 1965, 1975 1962, 1964, 1966, 1976 all bonds maturing after August 1, 1968 being each subject to redemp- tion and prepayment, in inverse order of serial numbers, at the option of the Village, on said date and any interest payment date thereafter, at a price of par and accrued interest. Not less than 30 days prior to the date specified for redemption of any bond the Village Treasurer shall mail notice of the call thereof to the holder, if (mown, and to the bank at which principal and interest are then payable, and said Treasurer shall maintain a record of the names and addresses of the holders of prepayable bonds of said issue, so far as such information is made available tolhim for the purpose of mailing such notices. The bonds of said issue bearing the respective serial numbers and maturing in the respective years set forth below shall bear interest at the annual rate set forth opposite such maturity years and serial numbers" Maturity Years Serial Numbers Interest Rate 1959 1968 1969 1976 1 15 3.75% 16 27 4.00% Plus 17, per annum on all bonds from 8.1.56 to 8.1.58 Interest on each and all of said bonds shall be payable August 1, 1957 and semiannually thereafter on February 1 and August 1 of each year. Both principal and interest shall be payable at the American National Banlc of Saint Paul, in St. Paul, Minnesota, and the Village hereby agrees to pay the reasonable and customary charges of said paying agent for the receipt and disbursement thereof. 2. Said bonds and the interest coupons thereto attached shall be in substantially the following form: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT IMPROVEMENT BOND OF 1956 No. $1000 -3- te KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That the Village of Rose- mount, Dakota County, Minnesota, acknowledges itself to be indebted and for value received promises to pay to bearer the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS on the lot day of August, 19 or if this bond is prepayable as stated below, on a date prior thereto on which it shall have been duly called for redemption, and to pay interest hereon from the date hereof until said principal sum be paid or until this bond, if prepayable, has been duly called for redemption, at the rate of per cent (_7.) per annum, payable August 1, 1957 and semiannually thereafter on the first day of February and the first day of August of each year, interest to maturity being payable in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons appurtenant hereto, plus additional interest at the rate of One per cent (1%) per annum from August 1, 1956 to August 1, 1958, payable August 1, 1957, February 1, 1958 and August 1, 1958, which interest is represented by a separate set of "B" coupons. Both prin- cipal and interest are payable at the American National Bank of Saint Paul, in St. Paul, Minnesota, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which on the respective dates of payment is legal tender for public and private debts. For the prompt and full payment of such principal and interest as the same become due the full faith, credit and taxing powers of the Village are hereby irrevocably pledged. Bonds of this issue bearing serial numbers 1 through 15, inclusive, are payable at their respective stated maturity dates without option of prior payment. Bonds of said issue bearing serial numbers 16 to 27, inclusive, being those having stated maturity dates subsequent to August 1, 1968, are each subject to redemption and pre- payment, in inverse order of serial numbers, at the option of the Village, on August 1, 1968 and any interest payment date thereafter, at par and accrued interest to the date of redemption, all such re- demptions to be made upon notice of call mailed 30 days in advance of the date specified for redemption to the bank at which principal and interest are then payable and to the holder, if known, of each bond to be redeemed. Holders of redeemable bonds who wish to receive such notices must register their names, addresses and bond numbers with the Village Treasurer. This Bond is one of an issue of bonds in the aggregate prin- cipal amount of $27,000, all of like date and tenor except as to serial number, maturity, interest rate and redemption privilege, issued by said Village for the purpose of providing money for local improvements of the Village, and is issued pursuant to resolutions duly adopted by the Village Council after hearing as required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota thereunto enabling, including Chapters 429 and 475, M.S.A. This bond is payable primari- ly from the Lnprovement Fund 1956 -A, but the Council is required to pay the principal and interest thereof out of any funds in the treasury in the event that the monies on hand in said fund are at any time insufficient to meet the payment of maturing principal and interest. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED, COVENANTED AND AGREED That all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to be done, to exist, to happen and to be performed preliminary to and in the issuance of this bond in order to make it a valid and binding general obligation of said Village accord- ing to its terms have been done, do exist, have happened and have been performed as so required; that the Village has duly contracted for the making of said improvements and will cause the same to be completed with the funds made available by this issue; that a fund has been duly created and provision made for the support thereof by general taxes heretofore levied and special assessments to be levied for the years and in aggregate amounts at least five per cent (5 in excess of sums sufficient to pay the interest hereon and the principal hereof as they respectively become due, and additional taxes, if needed, may be levied upon all taxable property in the Village without limitation as to rate or amount, and that the issuance of this bond did not cause the indebt- edness of said Village to exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, by its Village Council, has caused this bond to be executed in its behalf by the signature of the Mayor, attested by the signature of the Village Clerk, and sealed with the official seal, and the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said officers, and has caused this bond to be dated as of August 1, 1956. Attest: (Seal) Village Clerk Mayor (Form of Coupon) No. On the first day of August (February), 19 the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, will pay to bearer at the Ameri- can National Bank of Saint Paul, in St. Paul, Minnesota, the sum of DOLLARS for interest then due on its Improvement Bond of 1956, dated August 1, 1956, No. (Facsimile Signature) Mayor (Facsimile Signature) Village Clerk (On all bonds maturing after August 1, 1968, Coupons bearing number 24 and higher shall also include the clause "Unless called for earlier redemption`.' 3. Said bonds shall be prepared under the direction of the Village Clerk and when so prepared shall be executed on behalf of the Village by the signature of the Mayor, attested by the signature of the Village Clerk and sealed with the official seal of the Village, and the interest coupons shall be executed and authenticated by the printed, engraved or lithographed facsimile signatures of the Mayor and Clerk. When said bonds have been so executed and authenticat- ed they shall be delivered by the Village Treasurer to the purchaser on receipt of the purchase price heretofore agreed upon, and said purchaser shall not be required to see to the proper application thereof. 4. There is hereby created a separate sinking fund for said Improvement Bonds of 1956, which fund shall be kept by the Treasurer apart from all other funds of the Village and used for no other purpose than for payment of principal of and interest on said bonds. In said fund there shall be maintained two separate accounts, to be designated as the "Construction Account" and the "Sinking Fund Account" respectively. The proceeds of the sale of the bonds herein authorized less accrued interest received thereon shall be credited to the Construction Account, together with any such other monies as shall be appropriated to said account from other Village funds, and from said account there shall be paid all costs and expenses of mak- ing said improvements, as incurred and allowed, and the monies in said account shall be used for no other purpose; provided, that if upon completion of said improvements there shall remain any unexpended balance in said Construction Account, such balance shall be transferred to the Sinking Fund Account. There shall be credited to the Sinking Fund Account all collections of the special assessments and general taxes herein agreed to be levied, and all accrued interest received upon delivery of said bonds, and any other monies which from time to time may be appropriated for the payment of the bonds herein authoriz- ed. The monies in said account shall be held and used only for the payment of the principal and interest on said bonds as such payments become due. The full faith and credit of the Village shall be and are hereby pledged to pay said bonds and interest, and the principal and interest thereof shall be paid out of any funds in the Treasury if the monies on hand in said Sinking Fund Account are at any time insuffi- cient to meet the payment of maturing principal and interest. 5. To provide monies for the payment thereof there is hereby levied upon all of the taxable property in the Village a direct, annual, ad valorem tax which shall be spread upon the tax rolls and collected with and as a part of ocher general taxes of the Village, in the respective ensuing years: Year Levy Year Levy Year Levy 1956 .jI 1963 5550 1969 5550 1957 550 1961 550 1970 550 1950 550 1965 550 1971 550 L950 550 1966 550 1972 550 1960 5:c 1967 550 1973 550 1961 550 1960 550 1974 550 1962 550 Each of said levies shall be irrepealable, provided that the Village reserves the right to reduce said levies in the manner and to the extent permitted by law. 6. It is hereby determined that not less than Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000) of the cost of said improvements shall be paid by special assessments to be levied upon all assessable lots, pieces and parcels of land within the area heretofore determined to be assessable for said improvement in amounts proportionate to the bene- fits received by each such lot, piece or parcel and the Village hereby covenants and agrees that it will do and perform, as soon as may be, all acts and things necessary for the final and valid levy of such r 1 assessments. If any assessment be at any time held invalid with respect to any lot, piece or parcel of land, due to any error, defect or irregularity in any action or proceedings taken or to be taken by the Village or this Council or any of the Village's officers or employees, either in the making of such assessment or the performance of any condition precedent thereto, the Village and this Council hereby covenant and agree that they will forthwith do all such further acts and take all such further proceedings as may be required by law to make such assessment a valid and binding lien upon such property. Said assessments shall be payable in equal, consecu- tive, annual installments, not to exceed twenty (20) and shall be levied according to law, with interest upon the unpaid principal balance at the rate of Six per cent (6%) per annum computed according to law in such case provided. 7. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file with the County Auditor of Dakota County a certified copy of this resolution together with such other information as the County Auditor may require, and to obtain from said County Auditor a certifi- cate that said bonds have been entered upon his bond register and the tax levies made as required by law. 8. The officers of the Village and the County Auditor of Dakota County are hereby authorized and directed to pre- pare and furnish to the purchaser of said bonds, and to the attorneys approving the legality of the issuance thereof, certified copies of all proceedings and records of the Village and such other information relating to said bonds and to the financial condition and affairs of the Village, and such other affidavits, certificates, and information as may be required by them to show the facts relating to the legality and marketability of said bonds as the same appear from the books and records under their custody and control or as otherwise known to them, and all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, shall be deemed representations of the Village as to the facts recited therein. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member Finnegan, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: McDonald Finnegan Duff and the following voted against the same: None whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. 0 aT B1B3' OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held in the Village Hall in said Village, on the 3rd day of July, 1956, at 8:00 P.M. The following members were present: E. J. McDonald T. J. Corrigan A. J. McDonough P. F. Finnegan and the following were absent: E. J. Duff ***5H}* a Member Corrigan introduced the following resolution and :roved its adoption: RESOLUTION A Resolution providing for public sale of $27,000 Improvement Bonds of 1956 (-4 BE IT RESOLVED By the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. That this Councill shall meet at the time and place specified in the form of notice hereinafter contained for the purpose of opening and eonsiderine sealed bids for, and awarding the sale of, the $125,000 Waterworks Honda of 1956 of said Village. 2. That the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper of the Village and in the Commercial West as pro- vided by law, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF BOND SALE $27,000 IMPROVE:MENT BONDS OF 1956 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUtiTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, will meet at the Council Chc•mbers of the Village Hall in said Village on Tuesday, July 24, 1956 at 8;00 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of considering sealed bids for, and awarding the sale of, $27,000 negotla'ble coupon general obligation Improvement Bonds of 1956 of said Village. Said bonds will be dated August 1, 1956, will be each in the denomination of $1,000, will bear interest at the rate or rates to be designated by the successful bidder, expressed in integral multiples of 1/4 or 1 /10 of ljj r:.er annum, payable on August 1, 1957 aid semi annually thereafter on February 1 and August 1 of each year, and will :nature serially, on August 1, as fellows; $1,000 in each of the years 1959, 1961, 1963, 1965, 1967, 1969, 1971, 1973 and 1975; $2,000 in each of the years 1960, 1962, 1964, 1966, 1968, 1970, 1972, 1974 and 1976 all datos inclusive. All bonds maturing after August 1, 1968 shall be each subject to redemption and prepayment, in inverse order of serial numbers, at the option of the Village, on said date and any interest payment date thereafter at a price of par and accrued interest. Principal and interest may be made payable at any suitable banking institution in the United States to be designated by the successful bidder. The Village will furnisn without cost to the inurchaser and witLd n 40 days after award of sale, the printed and executed bonds and the unqualifiei approving legal opinion of Messrs. Briggs, Gilbert, Morton, Kyle 8 Macartney of St. Paul, Minnesota. The bonds will be delivered anywhere in the State of Mi!nieota without cost to the purchaser; delivery elsewhere shall be et the purchaser's expense. Sealed bids marked "Bid for :7)27,000 Bonds" must be received by the undersigned prior to the time of said meeting. Bids must be unconditional except as to legality, which may be conditioned .tcoh the n_„inion of the above attorneys, and must be accompanied by a cashier's or certified check or bank draft in the amount of $540.00, payable to the Village Treasurer, to be forfeited as liquidated damages in the event the bid is accepted aid the 'bidder shall fail to comply therewith. Bids will be for all or none of the bonds. Bids will be preferred according to lowest net interest cost; viz, the total dollar amount of interest at the rata or rates offered to the respective stated maturity dates of the bonds, less the amount of premium offered, if any. No limitation is made as to the number of rates which may be bid. No oral bid and no bid of less than par and accrued interest will be considered and the Council reserves the rient to reject any and p.11 bids, to waive any informality in any bid and to adjourn the sale if deemed expedient. Dated July 3, 1956, BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL /s/Eugene J. Duff Village Clerk Rosemount, Minnesota 4 3. Each and all of the terms and provisions of the foregoing form, of notice are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of said bonds and of the sale thereof. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member McDonough, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: McDonald Corrigan Finnegan N2. cc.4 and the following voted against the same: None whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, C VILLAGE OF ROG1MOU1T, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, ST/.TE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of regular meeting held 4ugust 6, 1956. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. Mr. Roberston wis present to discuss with the Council the installation of a Methodist Church sign if front of the lift station. He was ad vised that there would be curbing installed at this location but was gr.:nted peri:ission to erect a sign on or about November 1, 1956 after the construction season had ended. The minutes of the June and July meetings were read and (Approved m read. Mr. DonalcCarroll was present to discuss with the Council the dis- posal of t the water draining from the new storm sewer system on his property. On motion of Finnegan cold second of Corrigan 3'r. Mc- nenomy was authorized to draw up an easeuent eoreen:ent and an agree- ment stating that if the flow of water was sufficient to dat:are the property of Don Carroll that the Village would take further steps to correct the situation. The Clerk and the Mayor were authorized to sign thise agreeutnets. Ayes 4 On motion of Finnegan and second of McDonough Mr. McMenony was authorized to investigate the possibility of having the names of Oak and Main streets changed and to draw a tentative ordinance changing the names if in the opinion of the County Attorney this would be d4 3 On motion of McDonough and second of Corrigan the following applications for building Permits were approved. The permit of Gerald Walshteing granted after construction had progressed to completion with the ex- ception of the siding and roofing and the hanging of a door. The Council stated in the permit that it would not be obligated should the garage be below the level of the grade established by Ord. #48. Robert Toombs House and attached garage Ralph Toombs House and attached garage Geralt Walsh Garage Louis Warweg Garage and Porch Louis Bernier addition to existing censerciel garage. On notion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the follwoing bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND Toombs Insurance Agency Bituminous Surface Treating Co. Miller -Davis Ce. League of Minn. Municipalities Lampert Yards Ratzlaff Service Newman's Super Service Central Telephone Joseph Hayes extra time and vacation N„rthern State Power -3t. Lights and Hall utilities CoLu.ission Peoples Natural Gas George R. Lewis Co. Bernier Motor Co. George McDonough H. J. Geraghty Agency 23.55 61.32 9.81 39.00 _'1 .13 2.45 19.23 19.70 173.50 121.00 72.00 1.10 51.00 13.50 6.00 36.00 4 Minutes of regular meeting held August 6, 1956 continued. ejd Improvement 1956 Censtruction T -B Censtruction Co. D. H. Akkernan Banister Engineering Co. Sanitary Sewer Connection Account Swanson's Plumbing Heating LIQUOR STORE FUND H. T. Geraghty Agency Utilities Commission Peoples Natural Gas Northern States Power Northern States Power Melady Paper Cs. Ed. Phillips Sons Griggs, Cooper Co. Ed. Phillips Sons Frank Cunniff Northwest Linen Co. Distillers Distributor Ce Fritz Wholesale Martin Star Express Better Brands 7Up Bottling Coca -Cola Bottling Alcorn Beverage Co. Medford Dist. Concord Beverage Hansen Beverage Co. Minn. Municipal Liquor Stares Assn., Inc. Famaus Brands, Inc. Bernard W. May Co. Frank Cunniff Bernard 7J. May Cs. Northwest Linen Co. Martin Star Express Fritz Wholesale Better Brands Coca -Cola Bottling 7Up Bottling Co. Medford Distributing Co. City Club Distributing Cs. Alcorn Beverage Cs. Hanson Beverage Cs. Concord Beverage Co. 2,912.81 6,913.30 483.93 251.00 99.40 155.15 2.84 50.17 55.67 51.29 797.72 414.51 563.53 80.00 20.07 333.72 95.45 2.09 22.05 18.88 15.60 816.44 65.00 613.29 344.98 1C.00 282.60 70.85 80.00 74.06 21.40 22.42 82.48 17.55 7.20 22.00 35.75 127.51 622.00 317.75 434.20 There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 6th day of hugust, 1956. Respectfully Submitted, age CT(erk VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of regular meeting held September 5, 1956. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. On notion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Clerk was authorized to write a letter to the Federal Housing Administration adviseing them of the Villages plans to install street signs and to improve the streets with an oil and gravel mix within the next year. This letter per request of Joseph Gavin. On notion of McDonough and second of Finnegan the council approved an increase in the rent of the Liquor Store of $20.00 per uonth and authorized the preparation of a new lease. On notion of Corrigan and second of McDonough the following building permits were granted. Rosemount Methodist Church House Harlan Enxen -suer addition to house T. D. Rankin house Francis McDonough House On notion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan Ordinance ¥49 was approved. AN ORDINANCE HE- NAMING CERTAIN 3TxEETS IN TT VILLPGEC' R0SEMOUNT, MIIS SOTA, AND I ROVIIING FOR RENT ^BERIYG OF BTTIT =OS IN SAID VILLAGE. The minutes of the August meeting were read and approved as read. On notion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. G1ThER "L FUND Inertol Co., Inc. 24.75 T. B. Construction 5054.41 George McDonough 14.00 Lampert Yards 17.20 Bernier Motor Co. 3.50 Dakota County Tribune 31.10 Donald Strese 20.25 Carlson's Fans Supply 9.00 Ben The Digger 318.50 Vorwerk's DX 4.34 Rosemount Oil Co. 4.03 Strese Pure Oil 4.65 Joe Hayes 36.00 Central Telephone Co. 22.77 Peoples Natural Gas 1.00 Northern States rower Co. 121.00 Ratzlaff Service Station 5.70 McMenomy and T'ertogs 61.00 The Pure Oil Co. 26.36 LI: :TOR STORE Northern States Tower Col 55.67 Peoyles Natural Gas 2.67 Griggs, Coop.r 8 Co. 299.36 Bernard W. May Co. 73.77 Frank Cunniff 80.00k Martin Star Express 16.46 Northwest Linen Co. 26.77 Fritz 'molesale 83.17 5 6 Minutes of regular meeting held Septeuber 5, 1956 continued. ejd Better Brands Seven Up Bottling Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 'lcorn Revenge Co. Concord Beverage Co. Medford Distributing Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Griggs, Cooper Co. Famous Brands, Inc. Distillers Distributing Co. McKesson Robbins Loren Gteenblock, petty cash 14.40 20.20 R.40 755.05 740.26 71.50 297.84 10.24 91.94 1027. 2:6.44 92.67 On motion of McDonough and second of Corrigan a new contract for pumping water with Northerns states Power Ce. was approved and the Mayor and Clerk were authorized to sign sane. There being no further business the ❑eeting adjourned this 5th day of September at 11:00 o'clock PM. Respectfully submitted, 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of regular meeting held October 2, 1956. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present excepting McDonough. Mr. Joseph Gavin was present to discuss with the Council any assessments for surfacing streets. He was advised that anything above or beyong a gravel surface was subject to a special assessment. The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved as reed. On notion of Corrigan and second of Finneran the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FTTND Central Telephone Co. 26.40 H. J. Geraghty- parking lot 90.00 Paul Vorwerk Son Oil Co. 4.80 Rosemount Oil Co. 8.09 George McDonough 18. Joe Hayes- exl.ta tine 45.00 Strese Pure Oil 20.96 Lampert Yards 153.57 McMenomy Hertogs 87.00 R. Rechtzigel 2.9.00 Ratzleff Service 5.05 Northern States Power John Hawkins -beer license refund 78.75 LIO,UOR STORE H. J. Geraghty Agency OL &T Griggs, Cooper Co. Ed. Phillips Sons Co. Ed. Phillips Sons Co. Famous Brands, Inc. Alcorn Beverage Co. Concord Beverage Co. Henson Beverage Co. Medford Distributing Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Seven Up Bottling Co. Fritz Wholesale Co. Hoff Distributinc• Co. Northwest Linen Co. Martin Star Express Frank Cunniff Northwest Sani -Draw Bernard 71. May Co. Ed. Phillips Sons Co. General Fund John Hawkins 1956 Ir.mprovement Fund Moody Springsted 158.19 325.79 394.16 250.64 1937.50 556.93 464.85 292.06 15.40 9.60 19.60 65.27 3 ".03 25.34 19.03 80.00 18.00 71.28 122 ?6 2000.00 60.00 500.00 On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Sewer Extensions were set at a cost of [i2.58 per front foot and the water extensions at a cost of 82.19 per front foot. The clerk was instructed to assess the property of St. John's Lutheran Church for 100 of frontage for sewer at 82.75 per foot and water at 82.19 per ftbt for 100 foot. The balane of the footage to be assessed when and if the sewer :z:.d water lines are extended on John Street. Mr. Motz was to be assessed lot a 55 foot lot .r for $151.25 for sewer line. 8 Minutes of regular meeting held October 2, 1956 continued. member Corrigan made the following resolution and mo'red its adoption. RESOL "TION A Resolution relating to the projects included in the 127,000.00 Improvement Bonds of 1956 BE IT RESOLVED By the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. Whereas nt a public hearing held on the 27th day of March, 1956, at 8:Or o'clock P. "M.M pursuant to notice thereof on the 16th and 23rd oi'March relative to the construction of curb and gutter on Ash Street in said Village objedtion was made to any ass- essment for the construction of storm sewere along said street, it was determined by thet council that no assessments should he made for said storm se'weres construction. 2. It is hereby determined and declared tht said construction of said storm sewers, the Contract for which was awarded by this council on the 26th d::ay of June, 1956, does not exceed 3 ,ore.00, which amount will be raid from from general funds. The motion S9r the adoption of the foregoing resblution '?as du seconded b: Member Finnegan and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: E. J. McDonald E. J. Duff P. F. Finnegan T. J. Corrigan Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the coubcil voted to re- fund the balance of John Hawkins beer licenses. $79.75 On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the council set the date of October 24, 1956 as for a Public hearing regarding the special assessment of the sewer and waterr.raind extensions for 1956. There being no further busineess the meeting adjourned this 2nd day of October, 1956. ejd Respectfully submitted, Addition to minutes of regular meeting held October 2, 1956. The Village Clerk presented the proposed assessment roll for Sanitary .Sewer and 'Naterr.iain extensions for 1956, as prepared by him with the nssist'nce of the engineer heretofore employed in connection with subh improvanents, in accord.nce ;pith the instructions of this Council, which assessment roll was examined, approved and ordered placed on file and open to rbulic inspection in the office of the Clerk. Member Finnegan introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RE3CI. ?'mTOA; A Resolution providing for hearing on assessments for Sanitary Sewer and '7ateruain Extensions for 1956 BE IT RESOLVEP By the Village Council of the Village of Rose- mount, Dakota County, Minnesota, as fellows: 1. The assessment roll heretofore prepared by the Clerk and the engineer for Sanitary Sewer end '4aternain Extensions for I56, and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk, is here arrmoved ac the proposed assessments for said improvements, nnc this Council shall meet at the time nd place indicted in the notice set forth in paragrnph 2 hereof for the purpose of passing upon said assessr.rents and hearing all objections thereto. 2. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of said meeting to be published in the official news- paper of the Village, at least once, no less than two weeks prior to the date•of such meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following faro: NOTICE OF HE'RING ON ASSESSMENTS FOR SANITARY SEWER AND TATERMAIN EXTENSIONS rCR 1956, OF THE VILLAGE OP ROSEVOTTNT, DAYnTr. COUNTY, MILS :ESOTA. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the Village Council of the Village of Rose:ount, Dakota County, Minnesota, will meet at the Village Hall in said Village, on Wednesday, the 24th day of October, 1956, at 8:CC o'clock P.M., to her and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessments in respect to Sanitary Sewer and W- terr.Tai n Extensions for 1956. The proposed assessment roll is now on file and open to public inspection by al hjflons interested, in the office of the Village 'lerk. Eesh of saidNassessuents will be payable, unless prepaid, in 2C equal, :consecutive, annual instellr_ents, the first of such installments to be payable with gener.l taxes for the year The first installment will be r,ayeble with interest at the rate of 6% per annur.r on the entire assessment from the date of the resolutim levying said assessments to Deceriber 31, 1957, and each subsecuent installment will be sayable with one year's interest at said rate m all unpaid instellrients. Each of said Watermain assessments will be payable, unless Irepeid, in 1C equat, consecutive, annual install Cents, the first of such installr.rents to be payable with general taxes for the ye..r 1:.-56. The first installment will be payable with interest at the rate of 6% per annum on the entire assessment from the darte of the resolution levying said assessments to Deceuber 31, 1557, •nd each subsequent installment will be payable with one year's in- terest at said rate on all unpaid instr:llnents, 9 1 0 'dditions to minutes of regular meeting held October 2, 1956 continued. The general nature of Sanitary Sewer and Watermvin extensions for 1t: is to extend sewer and water service within the Village. The area to be assessed in respect to said ir.rrro•'enents will be assessed prportionately to tle benefits to be derived by said vro- perties from said improvement. Dated October 2, 1956. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL /s/ Eugene J. Duff Village Clerk Rosemount, Minnesota 3. Each and all of the terms and provisions of said force of notice are hereby adopted as the terns and conditions by which this Council sbhll be governed in hearing and passing upon objections to said assessments, as fully as though the same were separately set fotth and resolved herein. The motion for the ado :tion of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Veuber Corrigan, and upon vote being t.:'ken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: VcDonald Duff Finnegan Corrigan ^nd the following voted against the same: None whereupon said resolution was declared duly ,'assed rnd dotted. 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROS89KODAT, CODATY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MIRNESOTA Minutes of special neeting held October 24, 1956. Pursuant to due call and notice Thereof, a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnsota was duly called and held et the Village Hall in said Village, on the 24th day of October, 1956, at 8:00 o'clock F.M. Ttte following members were present: E. J. McDonald E. J. Duff T. J. Corrigan The following members were absent: A. J. McDonough P. F. Finnegan The Clerk presented an affidavit showing publication of notiee of hearing on ths proposed assessment for Sewer Water Improvements 1956 -A, in the Dakota County Tribune, on the llth day of October, 1956, in accordance with the resolution adopted October 2, 1956,irhich affidavit was examined, found satisfactory, and ordered placed on file The Mayor then announced that the meeting was open for the consideration of objections, if any, to said proposed assessment. All persons pre- sent were then given an opportunity to present oral objections, and all written objections theretofore filed wit! the Clerk were presented and considered, and all such objections were tabulated as follows: NO OBJsCTIOF;S Member Corrigan introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION A Resolution adopting and confirming assessments for Sewer and Water Im- prover.ient 1956 -A BE IT RESOLVED By the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota, County, Minnesota, n.s follows: 1. The Clerk, with the assistance of the Engineer, has cola -fled the amount proper and necessary to be specially assessed for Sewer Water Im.tprovement 1956 -A against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land affected thereby prpon the basis of benefits, withe out reg.:rd to cash valuation, in accordance with the provisions of M. S. A., Chapter 429, _nd notice has been duly published Ds required by law that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon objections, if any, and to amend said proposed assessment as cisht be necessary, and said proposed assessment has at all times since its filing been open for Public inspection, and an opportunity has been riven to all interested persons to present their objections, if any, to such pro osed assessments. 2. The Council, having heard and considered all objections so presented, and being fully advised in the premises, finds that each of the lots, pieced and parcels of land enumber.,ted in the proposed assessment was and is specially benefited by the constructim of said improvement in not less than the amount of the assessment set ouposite the description of ecoh such lot, piece and parcel of land, 11 12 respectively, and that such amount so set out is hereby levied against each of the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land therein described. 3. The proposed assessment is hereb adopted afid confirmed as the proper special assessment for each of said lots, pieces and parcels of land res,ectively, and the assessment against each parcel together with interest at the rate of per annum accruing on the full amount thereof from tine to time unpaid, shell be a lien con- current with general taxes upon such r:areel and all thereof. The total emount of each such assessment for sewer shall be payable in equal, annual installments extending over a period of 20 years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire ass essment from the date hereto to December 31, 1957, to be payable with the General taxes for the year 1956, collectible in 1957 and one of each of the remaining installments, together with one year's interest on that and all other unpaid installments, to be eaylible with general taxes for each consecutive year thereafter until the entire assessment is eaid. The total amount of each such assessment for water shall be payable in equal, annual installments extending over a period of 16 years, the first said installments, together with interest on the en- tire assessment from the dite hereto to December 31, 1957, to be say able with the general taxes for the year 1956, collectible in 1957 and one of each of the remaining installments, together with one year's interest on that and n11 other unnnid inst:llraents, to be rayable with general taxes for each consecutive year thereafter until the entire assessment is paid. 4. Prior to certification of the assessment roll to the County Auditor, the owner of any lot, eiece or -arcel of land assessed hereby may at any time ,ay the whole of such assessment or +ny installment therof, with interest, to the Village Treasurer. 5. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a certified duplicate of the assessment roll, with each then unpaid installment :and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the 1.roper tax lists of the rend nd the County .extended shall thereafter collect srid assess ments in the manner provided by law. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing seconded by Duff, and upont vote being taken voted in favor thereof: E. J. McDonald, E. and the following voted against tame. None, was declared duly passed and adopted. There besng no further business the meeting adjourned this 24th day of October, 1956. Respectfully Submitted, Villo e C1e resolution was duly thereon, the following J. Duff, T. J. Corrigan Whereupon saidn resolution 1 1 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOU1 T, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MILT ESOTA Minutes_ of regular meeting held Noveuber 6, 1956. Meeting called to order b;• President McDonald, all members present. After a discussion regarding the construction of curbs and gutters m Ash street the Council decided that a meeting with the County ?ngineer ^nd with the County Commissioners from our district was in order and Mr. Finnegan was appointed to arrange this meeting with them. Corrigan moved to pay 85% ($9100.27) of County Engineers Estimate Na 3 to T. B. Oonstruction. 15% ($3011.91) to be held pending changes and final accept:.ince of completed job by the Village Council. The motion was seconded by McDonough. Ayes 4 hayes None. A letter from Wald Shopping Service was read by the Clerk and was dis- cus bi The Council. No Action was taken et this time. A letter or report from Bernard W. May Co. was read and discussed. The Mayor took the letter and agreed to discuss the problems with the Liquor Store Manager with special e:.:phcsis on post dated checks, .accounts receivable nnd the prac5ice of not ringing up jenny sales. On motion of McDonough and second of Corrigan the Clerk was authorized to write a letter notifying Mr. Edwin Rahn to reestablish corner lot m"rkings which he has plowed under and to discontinue the practice of f..rming streets or public property and to refrain from damaging street surfaces. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Clerk was authorized to tr_nsfer "'3000.00 from the Liquor Fund to the Genreal Fund for the construction of the remainder of the Village Fire Hall. Member Corrigan introduced the following resolution and moved its doction: RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION P7OVIDIYG FOR HEARING ON ASSESStCNTS 'OR 1 TT 2B r1D GUTTER ON ASH STRhidIT, IMFROIFLITEtTT 1956 -A BE IT RESOLVED By the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The assessment roll heretofore prepared by the Clerk and the engineer for Curb and Gutter on Ash Street, Improvement 1956-A and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk, is hereby approved as the proposed assessments for said irrovements, and this Council shall meetiat the time anc, place indicated in the notice set forth in paragraph 2 hereof for the purluse of passing upon said assessments _nu hearing all objections therto. 2. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of said meeting to be published in the official news- paper of the Village, at least once, no less than two weeks prior to the date of such meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: 13 14 Dated November 71 1956. NOTICE OF HEIRING ON ASSESSMENTS FOR CURB AND GUTTERS ON ASH STREET, IMPROVEMENT 1956 -A NOTICE I3'HEREBY GIVEN That the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota will meet atthe Village Hall in saia ViilEge, on Thursday, the 29th day of November, 1956, at 8:00 o'clock P.M'.., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessments in respect to the Construction of Curbs end Gutters on Ash Street, Improvei.:ent 1956 -A. The proposed assessment roll is now on file and open to pbblic inspection by all persons interested, in the office of the Village Clerk. Bash of said curb and Futter assessments will be payable, unless prepaid, in 2C equal, consecutive, annual installments, the first of such installments to be payalbe with the general taxes for the year 1956. The first in- stallment will be sayable irith interest at the rate of 65 oer annum on the entire assessne.t from the cite of the resolution levying said assessments to December 31, 1957, and each subsequent installment will be payable with one years's interes at the rate of 6% per annum on all unpaid installments. The area to be assessed in respect to said inp.rovements will be assessed proportionatfly to the benefits to be derived by said properties from said inprovement. •RDER T '1 AGE COTTNCIL AfL, Vi r e erk Rosemount, Minnesota 3. Each and all of the terns and provisions of said form of notice are hereby adopted as the terms anc donditions by Lich this Council shall be governed in herring and passing upon objections to caiu assessments, as fully as though the same were separately set forth and resolved herein. The notion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly second by member Finnegan, and upon vote being taken theron, the following voted in favor thereof: McDonald Duff Corrigan McDonough Finnegan .nd Skim the following voted against same. None. Whereupon said resolution age declared duly passed and adopted. The minutes of the October meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. Meneral Fund Donald Street Joe Hates -extra time Peoples Natural Gas Northern States Power Co. -Hall Street lights Central Telephone Co. Utilities Commission Nick Fod- police duty 1 16.50 36.60 1.00 1.64 122.50 26.10 78.00 11.25 ejd Minutes of regular meeting held Wovecrber6, 1956 continued 15 Yorwerk's DX Fluegel Wiederhold, Inc. Bernier Motor Co. George McDonough Bernier Motor Co. Eugene Duff- supplies Ratzlaff Service Station Laule rt Yards, Inc. B -Tu -Mix Co. Miller -Davis Co. Toombs Insurance Agency The Pure Oil Co. D kota County Tribune Sedtetary of Statr McMenomy and Hertogs 4.80 25.65 7.25 34.00 275.CC .71 41.80 9.35 58.54 11.03 68.55 4.90 26.70 .35 50.00 Improvement Find 1956 T. B. Construction Co. 9100.27 Liquor Store Dund Peoples Natural Gas Northern States Power Co. Utilities Commission Bernard W. May k Co. Famous Brands, Inc. Hoff Distributing Co. Seven Up Bottling Co. Plcorn Beverage Co. northwest Ithnen Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Frank Cunniff Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Medford Distributing Co. Fritz Wholesale Co. Concord Beverage Co. Distillers Distributing Co. Nu -Ball Mfg. Co. Refrigeration Equipment Co., Inc. Griggs, Cooper Co. Martin Star Express Loren Steenblock Paid outs Old Peoria Co. Inc. Ed. Phillips Sons, Co. 5.70 58.18 158.55 71.56 498.96 54. °4 23.92 712.24 27.01 282.89 80.00 15.20 42.25 73.33 453.55 1465.52 32.50 88.27 144(.62 41.36 29.('1 205.41 56 2234.36 On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the the cost per front t foot of Curb and gutter was set at 12.45 and the cost of dtive'.vays was set at $34.00 per Cubic Yard and the Clerk was authorized to use these figures for the preparation of the assessment roll. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 6th day of November, 1956. Respectfuly submitted, VILLAGE OF ROSIMUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, ST!TE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of special meeting held November 29. 1956. Pursuant to due ckll and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, was duly called and held at the Village H11 in said Villa7e, on the 2Cth day of November, 1556 t 8:00 o'clock P.M.. The following members were present: E. J. McDonald E. J. Duff T. J. Corrigan P. F. Finnegan A. J. McDonough and the following eree absent: None The Clerk presented an dffidavit showing publication of notice of he ring on the _roposed assessment for curb and gutter, Improvement 1456 -A, in the Dakota County Tribune, on the 15th day of November 1056, in accordance with the resolution adopted A:ovember 6, 15:56, which affidavit was examined, found satisfactory, and ordered placed on file. -The Mayor then announced that the meetin was open for the consideration of objections, if any, to said proposed assessment. All persons present were then given an opportunity to present oral objections, and all written objections theretofore filed with the Clerk were presented and considered, and all such objections were tabulated as follows: F. A. Ruhr James Oster NATURE CF O=)JECTION Questioned the method of figurine driveways assessments. Expiation was that they were figured cn a cubic yard bases. Objected to manholes being higher that the street and to having curb installed higher thri his sidewalk level. The Council ex 1ainedltait the uanhcles would be at a proper level when the street was blacttopped. Charles Ratzlaff Obejected of level of manholes Street and driveway elevation. John Kelly Requested explanation of driveway costs. Harold Motz Objected to curbing, requested driveways be installed. Then changed and agreed to pay for curbing if the 1139.20 could be credited against the cost of driveway construction if and when such driveway was installed. The Village Council acproved this plan. Louis Bernier, jr. Objected to elevation of street, sidewalk and driveways, claimed damage to propedty instead of any benefit. 17 18 Vinutes of special ueeting held R 2P, 1956 continued. Dick Heinen John Bartelt ',lbert Firk Edwin Rahn Frank Krietz Objected to driveway pitch and elevation. 0 *jected to drisewsy pitch and elevation. Same as Louis Bernier, Jr. Same as Louis Bernier, Jr. Same ns Louis Bernier, Tr. After a lengthydiscussion the Village Council advised the objectors t.tbes r tt2rs were q£f e`, until ould proceed t e contact the County CoI.uhissioners teertnn ,-,.ma'''y dhe 4ssessnent of H. .1). Gereghty (item 1) and Ed. Hagemeister (it 2) were removed from the roll as there had benn nor curb and gutter installed on their property. The Clerk was instructed to add the cost of 132 lineal feet of cab snd r-utter to Donal Carroll as benefited property. The assessment of Corcoran (item 31) was reduced by 2.1 cubic yards ($71.40 of driveway and this was added to Ben G. Moeller (items 33 34) as it was determined that Moeller owned one -half of the driveways previously essessed to Corcoran. Member Finnegan introduce the following resolution and moved its doption: A. RESOLUTIOF ADOPTING 'ST CONFIR6ffna AS JE S -ME= FO7 CURB t'.D C=TTTEN. IM= PR0'r- ITT 1956e BE IT RESOLVED By the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The Clerk, with the assistance of the Engineer, has cal- culated the amount proper and necessary to be specially ssessed for curb and gutter Improver.rent 1956 -A against every ssessable lot, piece of parcel of land affected thereby upon the b s.is of benefits, without regard to cash valuation, in accordance with the provisions of M.S .A., Chapter 429, •nd notice has been tuly published as reciuered by law that this Council would neeto t hear end pass upon objections, if any, and to amend said proposed es:-essuent as might be necessary, and said proposed assessment has t all tir.res since its filing been open for public inspection, and ,n opportunity has been given to all interested persons to ,,resent their objections, if any, to such proposed asseesi.rents and said poposed assessment has been amended as to cert-in parcels of land by resolution duly adopted this date. 2. The Council, having heard and considered all objections so presented, and being fully advised in the premises, finds that eech of the lots, pieces end earcels of land enumercted in the proposed asse'seent, as to amended, was and is specially benefited by the construction of said irtnroveuent in not less than the ariouat of the assessment set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively, and that such amount so set out is hereby levied against each of the pespective lots, pieces and parcels of land therein IKKIKIKKK described. Minutes of special meeting held November 29, 1956 contineud -page 3 3. The proposed assessment as amended is hereby adopted and Confirmed as the proper apecial assessment for each of said lots, hi eceds rind parcels of land respectively, and the ssessment against each parcel, together with interest at the rate of 6j,; er annum accruing on the full amount thereof from time to time unpaid, shall be a lien concurrent with ?eneral taxes upon such parcel and all thereof. The total amount of each such assess- ment shall be payable in equal, annual installments extending over a period of 2C years, the first of said inst:11ments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereto to December :1, lc :57, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1956, collectible in 1957 end one of each of the remaining inst,llments, together with one year's interest on that and ^11 other unpaid inst• llr.ients, to be payable with general taxes for each consecttir e year thereafter until the entire assessment is paid. 4. Prior to certification of the assessment roll to the Counp Auditor, the owner of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may at c.ny time pay the whole of such assessmentor ny installment thereof, without interest, to the Village Treasurer. 5. The Clerk Shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a certified duplicate of the ssesscient roll, with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the County, and the County ?"uditor shall thereafter collect said assess ments in the canner provided by law. The notion ter the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member McDonough, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: E. J. McDonald E. J Duff T. J. Corrigan F. F. "innegan A.. J. McDonough :nd the following voted against the same: None whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Member Finnegan then introduced an resolution amending the resolutim passed on October 24, 1956 approving. Sewer and Water assessr.:entsas a :esult of Sewer smd Wateri_iain extensions in 1956. The amendments were as follows: A. F. Pirk reduced frontage assessment for water from 220ft to 208 feet. Ed. Rahn- reduced frontage assessment for water from itakk 388 feet to 224 feet. Methodist Church reduced frontage assessment for water and sewer from 317.52feet to 10Ofeet. Ed. Rahn property across from the Yethodist Church property establised as 110feet for sewer and water. Joseph Gavin- removed as no benefit lots of Marian Terrace Replat. Member MCDonough then seconded the foregoing resolution and all mer± bars voted in favor thereof, whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed. There btein; no further business the meeting Q4cjC djourned his ?Q ey of November, 1956. vr/ 19 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DA%OTL, STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of regular riecting held December 4, 1956. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members presert. The Minutes of the November meetings were read and approved with a correction being made in the wording of the Minutes of T:ovemser 29th. Mr. Don Ryar was present to discuss with the Council his proposed building site which he could purchase from Harold Motz. The Clerk presented the budget for 1958 (312,675.00) for the con- sideration of the Council, after a discussion the levy of 17,000.00 was determined. On motion of McDonough and second of Corrigan the Clerk was authorized to certify sane to the County Auditor. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the building permit applications of Tilges Construction Co. were granted. 3 per :..its. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Collowing cigaretter license applications were approved. 3trese's Pure Oil Newman's Super Service Ratzlaff's "66" Service Hageueister's Fairway Thune Drug Co. Bakers Grocery Rose Bowl Cafe Duffy Bros. Grocery Al's Cafe American Legion Club #65 Rosemount Oil Co. On motion ap ?pointed The Clerk taxes and of Corrigan and second of Finnegan Leo. J. Fluegel was re- to the Utilities Commission for aAmit= a three year tern. read a letter from Albert Pirk regarding payment of back special water assessments and was advised to file sane. The Clerk read a letter from R. F. Stabbing of the State Highway Department requesting action regarding payment of their Invoice No. 17943 in the amount of 31,788.16. No action at this time. Finnegan and second of Corrigan the salary of R. F. the year 1956 was to be split 50% to the Village General to bej paid by the Utilities Commission. Finnegan and second of Corrigan the following bills were ordered paid from their respective funds. Improvement 1956 -A Construction Fund Dakota County Tribune Eugene Duff calculating Assessments General Fund Peoples Natural Gas Northern States Power Co. -H-11 -St. Lights On motion of Sieckert for Fund and 50e On motion of approved and Central Telephone Co. Joseph Hayes 4.80 420.00 2.67 3.28 122.50 23.00 36.00 21 22 V Bernier Motor Co. Lampert Yards Charles Ratzlaff Leo. J. Fluegel Elevator Ratzlaff Service H. J. Geraghty Agency Miller -Davis Co. B -Tu -Mix Co. Coustock Davis, Inc. The Pure Oil Co. LIQUOR STORE FUND Toombs Insurance Agency Peoples Natural Gas Northern Stntes Power Co. Ed. Phillips Sone Co. Minnesota State Board of Health Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Bernard N. May Co. Frank Cunniff Northwest Sani'Draw Northwest Linen Martin Star Express Hoff Distributing Co. Fritz Wholesale Seven TJp Bottling Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Medford Distributing Co. Concord Beverage Co. Famous Brands, Inc. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 4th day of December t, 1956. ejd Respectfully submitted, 18.00 9.60 50.00 34.00 14.35 15.00 6.36 48.20 24.03 8.60 53.55 10.25 50.65 275.22 3..0 7.20 91.28 180.00 18.00 20.11 42.56 103.24 42.48 28.40 230.45 145.03 17.9b 436.71 75.07 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROS 3I'OUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of annual election held December 4, 1956. The annual election of the Village of Rosemount was held on the fourth day of December, 1956 in the Village Hall. The judges of the election were: Mr. Ed. McLafferty Mr. George Tersteeg Mr. Richard Heinen At the hour of 1:00 o'clock PM the above judges and clerks took the oath of office, the polls were forthwith opened by proclamation and the election proceeded by ballot without adjourneoent or intermission until closed at 8:00 o'clock PL'_. The candidates voted on at such election as st=ated in the notice thereof were: 1 Trustee for the term of 3 years 1 Clerk for the tern of 2 years 1 Justice of the Peace for 2 years 1 Assessor for the tern of 2 years At 8,00 o'clock PM in the evening of said day the polls, a proc- lar:ation thereof having been made by one of the judges thirty minutes previous thereto closed. The judges then proceeded to publicly count the ballots and a true statement was proclaimed and filed as provided ty law. The canvass board met on the night of December 4, 1956 to review and accept the results as presented by the election judges. The result of the election was as follows: P. F. Finnegan Trustee E. J. Duff Clerk Robert Cates Justice of Peace Ed. °iarweg Assessor On motion the meeting adjourned this 4th day of December, 19561 ejd Respectfully Submitted, t�. Vill e Cl e k j 23 VILLAGE OF RCSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINKESOTA Minutes of regular meeting held January 8, 1957 Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. Mr. Harold Motz and Don Ryan were present to discuss with the Ccumil provisions for the sale of property to be used for residentiallots. Mr. Leo. C. Gifford was present to the possibility of a part time job as a police officer. After a short interview with the Council and a review of his references the agreed to check with Joe Hayes regarding tie off and to work out an agreement. The nithutes of the December meetings were read and approved as read. A letter from Juran Moody was read regarding the prepayment of Sewer Bonds. The mayor informed the Council that this matter had been turned over to the Village Treasurer for handling. On motion of McDonough and second of Duff a proposed ordinance re- g rding traffic regulations for the village was tabled until the February ne<ting. Dm motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Council voted to have Attorney McYenony draw up an ordinance regulating the preparation of li ans for platting of residential property within the Village. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Justice of the Peace Bond for Robert Cates in the amount of $500.00 was approved. A. notice of public hearing regarding a 51 increase of Pus fares was red. The Council decided that nothing would be done against it. On notion of McDonough and second of Finnegan the Dakota County Trihne was designated as the official paper for the coning year. On notion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the First State Bank of Rosemount was designated as the official depositary for the year lc57. The Mayor made the following appointments for the conning year. Street and Sidewalk Cor:nissioner E. J. McDonald Board of Health Dr. Al Enond E. J. McDonald E. J. Duff On t.:otion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were ;.pproved and ordered paid froc_i their respective funds. Ceneral Fund Kane Prose. 13.00 Flu egel Wiederhold, Inc. 85.00 Joseph Hayes extra police 45.00 lick Fox 9.00 Joe Cunniff 7.00 Vorwerk's DX 5.32 Fischer Construction Co. 143.90 Peoples Natural Gas 24.81 Northern State Fower Co. -St. Lights 122.50 -Hall 2.14 Utilities Commission- hydrant rental 78.00 Central Telephone Co. -Dec. 21.40 Jan. 2•` +.75 Mcraenouy f,- hertogs 73.00 Toombs Insurance Agency clerks bond 9.25 25 26 11 nutes of regular meeting held January 8, 1957 continued. Miller -Davis Co. t 32.93 S YIfARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION TIMID E. J. McDonald $1365,00 LIQUOR STORE FUDD Peoples Natural Gas Forthern States Power Co. -Dec. -Jan. Utilities Commission Concord Beverage Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Distillers Distributing Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Famous Brands, Inc. Martin 3t; r Express Seven TTp Bottling Frank Cunniff 1 elady Paper Co. Ranson Beverage Co. Medford Distributing Co. Fritz Wholesale Co. Iorthwest Linen Co. Bernard ^I. May Co. Loren >teenblock -paid out Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 30.40 49.07 46.35 153.25 392.07 456.03 501.41 9.80 44.50 13.92 26.00 1rr.00 39.30 194.90 65.00 54.19 26.09 70.73 72.05 226.95 On motion of McDonough and second of Finnegan the Council agreed to punhase a new table for the Council Chambers. To be ordered by Corrigan, to be 4 foot by nine foot with a formica top and to be constructed of Oak material. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 8th day of January, 1957. Id Respectfully su bmitted, 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OP DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of special meeting held February 4, 195Z. Meeting was called to order by President McDonald, all members present excepting McDonough and Corrigan. The Utilities Commission, the Treasurer and the Clerk presented their respective books for audit. A detailed audit of 411 con- cerned records was made. On motion of Dinnegan and second of Duff the books of the Clerk the Treasurer and the Utilities Commission were accepted by the Council. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 4th day of February at 11t30 P7M. Respectdully submitted, tl 711 -ce Clfk VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DA OTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regukar meeting held February 5, 1957. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members preeeit excepting Corrigan. Mr. Topp and Mr. Bell of the T.B. Construction were present to dis- cuss with the Council their final payment for curb and gutters. On Motion of Doff and second of Finnegan the council authorized the Mayor to contact Banister Engineering Co. and have them study the curb and gutter situation and to make recommendations for a solution and to furnish estimated costa for the corrections. The minutes of the January meeting were read and approved as read, On motion of McDonough and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. General Fund Joseph Hayes -extra police Peoples Natural Gas Central Telephone Co. H. J. Geraghty Agency Eugene J. Duff supplies and postage Nick Fox Miller -Dagis Co. Fire Hall Power bill -to be refunded Hydrant rental Liquor Store Fund Pemples atural Gas Northern States Power utilities Commission Griggs, Cooper Co. Ed. Phillips Sons Co. Fritz Wholesale 36.00 33.52 25.50 29.80 o.08 9.00 2.80 10.86 78.00 37.18 50.11 158.25 281.56 646.29 GD.19 27 28 Minutes of regular meeting held February 5, 1957 continued Ed. Phillips Sons Co. Medford Distributing Co. Northwest Linen Co. Hansons Beverage Co. Seven Up Bottling Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Hoff Diet. Co. Martin Star Express Concord Beverage Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Famous Brands, Inc. Frank Cunniff Bernard W. May Co. 87.02 63.30 18.08 213.47 2.00 2.00 19.78 6.63 552.94 530.43 77.02 100.00 76.34 After a lengthy discussion the mayor agreed to contact the liquor store employes regarding pay for extra time due to Janes Sraif's illness and to advise the Clerk how these checks should be written. On motion of McDonough and second of Finnegan the Clerk was author- ized to make the following transfers. 1. To transfer $89193 from the Sanitary Sewer Connection fund to the Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund to balance out the Connection fund. 2. To transfer $10,165.00 from the 1956 -A Improvement Con- struction fund to the 1956 -A Improvement Sinking Fund to establish this fund on the books per original Ordinance. 3. To transfer $778.95 from the Liquor fund to cover the balance of Sanitary Sever Construction costs and to balance out the Sanitary Sewer Construction Fund. 4. To transfer from thw water operating fund to the general fund to cover the costs of water line extensions paid fro from the general fund. 5. To transfer from the liquor fund to the general fund to cover the overdraft in the general fund. 6. To take whatever action necessary to transfer the balances of the Water and Sewer Operating funds to the complete control of the Utilities. A letter from the Northern State Power Co. was read regarding the new rates. A letter from Grant Johnson regarding the assessment of C. W. Carl sons personal property taxes was read. After the Council had re- viewed the application for a reduction based on Mr. Johnson's re- commendation the reduction was approved and the Mayor and Clerk were authorized to sign same on notion of McDonough and second of Finnegan. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 5th day of February, 1957. Respectfully submitted. 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held Februaryl9, 1957. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present excepting Corrigan. On motion of Finnegan and second of McDonough the Council voted to retain the frin of Banister Engineering Co. to survey the recently installed curbs and gutters on Ash Street and to have then report to the council the result of the survey and their recoumendtions for the correction of driveways and the lowering of sidewalks. This was to be done for $135.00 to 5150.00. On notion of Finnegan and second of McDonough the council approved the purchase of 10 folding charis at en approximate cost of t51.00. There being no further business the rieeting adjourned this 19th day of February, 1957. R espectfull y l submitted, ti n Cc;'.P 71,2.%./IY CL 'illpge Clerk 29 30 VILLAGE 01' ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of special meeting held February 28, 1957. Special meeting called by President McDonald at 8:00 o'clock P.M. February 29th for the purpose of discussing irregularities existing in curb and gutter installation Ash St. (State Aid #11). All mesbers present. Special emphasis was placed on correcting the elevation of sidewalks and approaches to the driveways leading to the John Bartele, Mrs. B. Heinen, R. Keller, L. D. Bernier, Jr. A. F. Pirk residences. Mr. Gatiou and Mr. Greer from the office of Dakota County Engineer were present and made recommendations for probable solutions to the ex- isting problems. Dakota County Commissioner Jerome Akin was also present. After considerable discussion Mr. Akin proposed that further inspectia be made by the Dakota County Engineering crew and that in due time a meeting be arranged between the Rosemount Village Council, Dakota County Board and abutting property owners. This meeting will occur on the job site and problems discussed collectively by each of the above factions and each will mutually agree to any corrections that will be made. Mr. Gabiou presented the council with the balance due on the contract bor curb and gutter which amount is payable to the T. B. Constru tion Company. This balance was also accompanied by a statement of in- cidentals which were not a part of the original plans. Mr. McDonald accepted the statements stating they would be thoroughly checked before any further payment will be made. There being no further business the meeting was duly adjourned. Respectfully submitted, ti as Clerk VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, Minutes of regular nee Meeting called to orde The minutes of the Feb On motion of Finnegan pay the T. B. Construe $3,405.31 and to hold settlement could be wo $295.55. COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MIN1ESOT!. ting held March 5, 1957. r by President McDonald, all members present. ruary meetings were read and approved as read. and second of McDonough the council votedto tion 100 per cent of their contract or the bill for extras until an agreement for rked out. The bill for extras amounted to Mr. Mrs. Ray Sohwanz appeared before the Counoil requesting an opinion regarding the advisability of locating a locker plant in the village and also information as to available lots for thee' typed' construction. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following billswere approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. 1956 Improvement Fund Rosemount Utilities Commission 113.15 General Fund Nick Fox Joseph Hayes -extra police Jerome Trevis- lettering dodge truck Joe Cunniff Vorwerk's DX Peoples Natural Gas Central Telephone C. Northern States Power Co. -Hall -St. Lights H. J. Geraghty Agency Ratzlaff Service Toombs Insurance Agency -Hall Contents Workman's Coup. Fire Hall Joe Hayes changing lights and siren on car LIQUOR STORE The First State Bank checks Peoples Natural Gas Northern States Power Co. Loren Steenblock -paid outs Ed. Phillips Sons Co. Hoff Dist. Co. Martin Star Express Alcorn Beverage Co. Concord Beverage Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Fritz Wholesale Cb. Seven "p Bottling Northwest LineN Co. Northwest Sang -Draw Medford Dist. Co. Distillers Distributing Co. Ed. Phillips Sons Co. Bernard W. May Co. 9.00 36.00 12.00 10.00 2.69 42.82 25.50 24.00 2.50 122.50 77.50 2.35 29.80 302.05 .73 15.05 12.57 48.40 50.11 55.74 1991.47 20.05 30.69 425.10 575.13 174.15 53.87 18.80 18.00 18.46 52.00 295.64 219.15 70.79 31 32 Minutes of regular meeting held March 5, 1957 continued. A letter from Oliver Ossanna regarding a request of the Jefferson transportation Co. to increase their rates was read. The date of the new hearing was set as April 14. 1957. A request for building permit by Eugene Charboneau was read and granted. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 5th day of March, 1957. at 10 :00 o'clock P.M. Respectfully submitted. ly Vi11 ge qkrk U 1 PILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY. OF DAKOTA, ST',TE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held April 2, 1957. Meeting called to order by president McDonald, all members present. Mr. Francis McDonough, Mr. Dale Duff, and Mr. Oring Spencer were present to discuss with the Council the installation of sidewalks n the North side of Maple Street between Park Avenue and Hyland Avenue. After a short discussion they agreed to see if they could sign up at least 51%of the property owners for this project and the return to the Council with the petition. Mr. Don Coder was present to discuss with the Council his application for a building permit to add 12 feet to the South side of his present house. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan his permit was granted. Mr. Leo Fluegel was present to discuss the matter of payment of Hy- drant rental by the Village. He was advised that under existing ordinances the village did not intend to continue this payment. The application of Eugene Charboneau to build a garage in conjunction with his house was opened for discussion. Mr. Rahn was also present and after a lengthy discussion the permit was granted on motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan. Mr. Charboneau agreed to reverse his plan and to put his garage on the North side of his house and not to come any closer than 20 feet from his south property line. Mr. Topp of the T.B. Construction Co. was present to request pay- ment of his bill for extras. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the council approved the final payment of 4398.95. The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following rills wee approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. 1956 Improvement Fund T. B. Construction Co. *398.95 Banister Engineering Co. 150.00 General Fund Peoples Natural Gas 35.74 Northern States Power Co. -St. Lifhte 122.50 -Hall 1.03 Central Telephone 24.00 Joseph Hayes -extra police 45.00 Ratzlaff Service 25.55 Gust Kraft 21.35 Bernier Motor Co. 13.95 H. J. Geraghty Agency 34.60 oe Cunniff 42.00 The Pure O11 Co. 5.05 LIQUOR STORE FUND Northern States Power Co. 45.76 Peoples Natural Gas 31.57 Loren Steenblock -paid out 32.69 Martin Star Express 18.95 Hanson Beverage Co. 186.12 Concord Beverage Co. 307.05 Hoff Distributing Co. 57.80 Nu -Ball Mfg. Co. 82.50 33 34 Minutes of regular meeting held April 2, 1957 contineud. McKesson Robbins Bernard W. May Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Medford Distributing Co. Northwest Linen Co. Seven Up Bottling Co. Fritz Wholsesale Alcorn Beverage Co. Melady Paper Co. Griggs, Cooper Co. Ed. Phillips Sone Co. On motion of Corrigan and second of McDonough a building permit was granted to Dennis Nivala as per his application. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan a build permit was granted to Don Ryan per his application with the following exception, *This permit is granted subject to the condition that the Easterly wall of the residence for which said permit is granted shall not be constructed further East than a line drawn parallel to and 33 feet west of the East line of Lot 2, Block 1 of Rahn's addition to the Village of Rosemount, County of Dakota, State of Minnesota. On motion of Finnegan and second of appointed to help with the location There being no further business the April, 1957. $198.84 73.33 14.20 26.00 16.58 17.80 6169 394.45 8.60 368.23 1502.49 Corrigan Mr. McDonald was of street signs. meeting adjourned this 2nd day of Respectfully submitted, 1 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF Minutes of Meeting ca excepting On motion of 'arming salary of On motion to contact a proposal Their bein da1; of Apr !vi..v age C erk ROSEMOUNT, COMJITY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA special meeting held April 26, 1957. lled to order by President Mc all members present Corrigan. of Finnegan and second of McDonough Mr. Francis Deegan ton, Minnesota was hired as a bartender at the monghly $260.00. of McDonough and second of Finnegan the Council voted Engineering Firns to obtain elevation of streets with to improve them in the near future. g no further business the meeting adjourned this 26th il, 1957. Respectfully submitted, Minutes of special meeting held May 4, 1957. Meeting called to order by President Mc all members present excepting Corrigan and McDonough. After a short discussion regarding the bids from the Wooddale Bement Co. and the Ostertag Cement Co. with liar respect to the construction of sidewalks on Ash Street the Council authorized the Mayor to con- tact the Ostertag Cement Co. end to have then do the work. The bids were as follows. Wooddale Cement Co. 4 73.oa Ostertag Cement Co. „l9fo Their being no further business the meeting adjourned this 4th day of May, 1957. Respectfully submitted. 35 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of regular meeting held May 7. 1957. Meeting called to order by President McDoetld, all members present. Messrs. Charles Stauffer, Louie Warweg, Francis McDonengh and Dade Duff were present to present the Council with a petition for side- walk on the North side of Maple Street between the Test line of Hyland Avenue and the Mart East line of Park Avenue and on the South side of Maple Street between the East line of Park Avenue and the west line of Marion Lane. They were advised that the council would get elevations and check into the natter of financing. Mr. Louis Bernier, Jr. was present to request measures be taken to regulate the speed of travel on Ash Street. He was advised that as soon as the street construction was complete the Council would take action to alleviate these conditions. A. petition for construction of curb and gutter and surfacing of Hyland and Murphy streets was read. After tine a short discussion the Council agreed to contact and Engineer to obtain approximated costs. After a further check into financing future action could be planned. The Mayor tentatively set Thursday evening May 9, 1957 as meeting night to meet with an Engineer to discthss the Curb and Gutter, Street blacktopping and sidewalk construction. The minutes of the April meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND Joe Cunniff 13.00 Joe Hayes 36.00 TTorthern States Power Co. -St. Lights 122.50 Hall 2.00 St. Lights 122.50 Peoples Natural Gas 28.58 H. J. Geraghty Agency 9.75 McMenomy Hertogs 101.00 The Pure Oil Co. 8.04 L. N. Gephart, Inc. 45.50 Ratzlaff'e Service 12.03 LIQTTOR STORE FUND Peoples Natural Gas 30.79 Northern States Power Co. 48.48 Bernard W. May Co. 71.64 Griggs, Cooper Co. 145.94 Ed. Phillips Sons, Co. 198.46 Leo McDonald 11.10 Medford Distributing Co. 124.80 Seven Up Bottling 26.80 Hanson Beverage Co. 345.55 Concord Beverage Co. 660.49 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 10.60 Alcorn Beverage Co. 456.88 Fritz Wholesale Co. 61.28 The National Cash Register Co. 53.30 McKesson Robbins 1145.50 Famous Brands. Inc. 566.90 37 38 Hoff Distributing Co. Northwest Sani -Draw, Inc. Martin Star Express Northwest Linen Co. Buckingham Beverage Co. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Mayor and the Clerk were authorized to sign and agreement between the Village and Louis, Jr. and Dorothy Bernier relative to the improvement of their driveway. The building permit applications of 3t. Joseph's Catholic Chmrch and Norman Zurfluh were approved on motion of Corrigan and second of McDonough. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 7th day of May, 1957. Respectfully submitted, 44.85 18.00 13.12 30.81 110.09 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting beld May 9, 1957. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present excepting McDonouhg. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Council agreed to retain S. J. Nestaval, Consulting Engineer of 1254 E. Fourth Street St. Paul, Minnesota to establish elevations preparatory to install- ation of curb gutters and blacktop on Murphy Street and Hyland Avenue. He was also to establish elevations for sidewalkd on Maple street. Cost estimates, profiles, etc. for presentation at e public bearing were included. The agreed rate of pay was set at $5.00 per hours. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 9th day of May, 1957. Respectfully submitted, Vil geler 39 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held June 4, 1957. Meeting called to order by President McDonald. all members present. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Mayor ens author- ized to appoint two members of the Council to meet± with the Town Board on June 13, 1957 to discuss with then the improvement and rearrangement of the Village Hall. The Mayor appointed T. J. Corrigan and A. J. McDonough. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the council agreed to absorb all heat, light and telephone bills for the Volulteer Fire Department, plus insurance premiums as in the past. Any income for special events was to be split 50% to Village and 50% to the Fire Department. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Council authorized the Ostertag Cement Co. to repair the sidewalk in front of the Lawrence property. On motion of McDonough and second of Corrigan the council authorized the application of a heavy oil with a thin layer of sand to be in- stalled on the village streets. Streets were to be prepared by an experienced grader. Ayes 4 On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the council authorized the Fire Departuent to remove the dirt between the Fire Hall and the Village Hall and to blackto# the surface. Also they were to replace the front approack and sidewalk with cement. The minutes of the May meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. LIQUOR SNORE Utilities commission Northern States Power Co. Peoples Natural Gas Fritz Wholesale Co. Northwest Cigar Corp. Martin Star Express Hanson Beverage Co. Medford Distributing Co. Buckingham leverage Co. Northwest Linen Co. Seven Up Bottling Co. Concord Beverage Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Distillers Distributing Co. Famous Brands, Inc. McKesson Robbins Hoff Distributing Co. Frank Cunniff Bernard W. May Co. Loren Steenblook -petty cash Martin Star Express Ed. Phillips Sons Old Peoria, inc. 156.25 53.20 17.01 90.35 27.19 30.49 265.55 15.4C 48.00 23.51 26.80 631.16 700.07 6.00 1880.73 234.40 287.15 22.75 100.00 74.56 34.59 15.26 1419.15 593.64 41 42 Ostertag Eement Co. Joseph Hayes Peoples natural Gas Northern States Power Co.St. Lights xga Central Telephone Co. 11 Toombs Insurance Ageney Ratzlaff Service On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following building permits were approved as per their applications. Joe Torwa Willard Englert Strese Pure Oil The Legion Club application for Liquor Stroe license was granted on motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 4th der of June, 1957. Respectfully submitted, M Vil ge ci GENERAL FUND $600.00 36.00 14.15 122.50 26.40 34.85 n 168.35 3.93 VILLACE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOT&, STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of special meeting held June 7, 1957. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present excepting Corrigan. n motion of McDonough and second of Finnegan the following applicatie for on end off sale beer and on sale liquor Iicensee were granted. ON and Off sale Peer Frank and Cecelia Ahern Anthony Marion Coiling ON SALE BEER AND LIQnOR I erican Legion Post 165 On motion of Finnegan and second of McDonough a public hearing date of June 2,6, 1957 at 8:00 o'clock PM was established with regardto the Improvement of Murphy St. and Nyland Avenue ant the ipatallation of sidewalkd on Maple Street. <.zr�cf /�.c�/ 7tT<.�. dat27 There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 7th day of June, 1957. Respectfully submitted, Villege1'Cl 1 43 LEGAL NOITCS NCT1C'E OF WEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL pMPReVIMEENr AND 375CIAL &i514'Stlff.VT IN THE VILLAGE OF aOSSMOLf.'.T, DA::G'f. COUNTY, JII::v3:;uTA NOTICE 15 LEEBY 01V1: that a public nearing will ha conducted by the Village Council of the Village of Hosemount, Gakotn County, .annosota on 'Eadneoday, June 26, 1057 at 6:00 o'c1ocY P.M. in the village hell of said village concerning the advisability of _proceeding with cartels local Smp m ve:aente, the p,anoral nature of nhLcL are as follows: 1. Excavation, grading, filling, blacktapping, repair end re- placement of shddwelk in designated ,laces, and construction of concrete curbing, gutter cnd driveways on Hyland ..venue In aa1,i frte tad Satersyc :;0 e' snld 1s.1nnd ,.venue with 1aple Jtreet, lorth on sale Gyleal lvenue to its intersection with Murphy Otreet; aryl on ?urphy L.treet to avid village, from the intersection of mad Murphy Street wit:. .iylsnd Avenue, East on said Murphy dtreet to its Sntersoetian wl t1L wain ..venue. 2. Lacovation, fillip,: and construction of concrete sideeelks em1 drlvexsys or, na1'_e tryst to said v Mega on 1at11. atdea o1 said ::aple treat frnr. Its intersection with cork .,venue dust to i;s int .rsection a1 Us .'.eland `venue, and on the .oath side of said J:np1e :;treat tam its intersection with uyland ..venue Cast to its intersection with Vuricn Lame. The setlmted coat of said improvements are: No. 1 above- ip22,000.00; No. 2 shoes .,.3,500.00; end it le proposed to assess the entlrs cost of said improvements agelnst any sad all real property abutting on the above naled streets, •:itnin tho limits above described, end er■inst an and all other real property ir. eny ws.y Lenefitted by said im; :rov:r:_c.ts, purecent to the Statutes of the Mete of WYnnesota in ouch case made and provided. Nu'fisf.. L;- :U4iflicA GIVES that in the making of s;id local improvements sal special assesou.tints, the village council proposes to proceed under the authority granted to it by lianas.) Statutes, Yhapter 429. Dated et aosanoumt, danneaota this 7th day of June, 1957. Lugano J. Duff Village Clerk Rosemount, 'shwa not VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held June 26, 1957. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. On motion of Corrigan and sedond of Finnegan the books of the assessor were appre as submitted. A notice of public hearing regarding the improvement of Hyland and the installation of sidewalks on Maple street was read. ?ction taken is in accordance with an Extract of Minutes of meeting of Village Cbuncil of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minn. which is attached to these minutes and is made a part thereof. Respectfully submitted, Village Clerk 45 EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF METING OF 'MUSE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, DAXOTA COUNTY, MINN. Pursuant to due ca11 and notice thereof, a special meeting of the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, was duly held at the Copn- cll chambers at the Village Hall in said village on Wednesday, Jmne,ah 1957 at 8:00 o'clock P.M. The following members were presents McDonald, McDonough, Finnegan, Corrigan and Duff and the following members were absent: none Member Finnegan made the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION: A RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENTS ON HYLAND AVENUE, MURPHY STREET AND MAPLE STREET IN THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINN. WHEREAS, after a public hearing held by the council pursuant to law on Wednesday, June 26, 1957 concerning the advisability of proceeding with the following local improvements; and, WHEREAS, after thorough consideration of the matters involved by the village council; NOW THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED by the village council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota that it is advisable, expedient and necessary that the Village of Rosemount cause the following local improvements to be made, the costs thereof to be assessed against the real property benefitted thereby: 1. Excavation, grading, filling, blacktopping, repair and replacement of sidewalk in designated places, and construction of concrete curbing, gutter and driveways on Hyland Avenue In said village, from the intersection of said Hyland Avenue with Maple Street, North on said Hyland Avenue to its intersection with Murphy Street; and on Murphy Street in said village, from the intersection of said Murphy Street with Hyland Avenue, East on said Murphy Street to its in- tersection with Main Avenue. 2. Excavation, filling and construction of concrete sidewalks and driveways on Mapl4 Street in said village, on both sides of said Maple Street from its in- tersection with Park Avenue East to its intersection with Hyland Avenue, and on the South side of said Maple Street from its intersection with Hyland Avenue East to its intersection with Marian Lane. and that this Council therefore hereby determines to make said improvements and orders the same to be made. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconds& by member Corrigan, and *On vote being taken thereon, the following members voted in favor thereof: all and the following voter against the same: none whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held July 2, 1957. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. The minutes of the June meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of McDonough the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. LIQUOR STORE J. P. Fritz Wholesale Col Hoff Distributing Co. Buckingham Beverage Co. Martin Star Express Concord Beverage Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Northwest Linen Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Seven Up Bottling Co. Ed. Phillips Sons Co. Frank Cunniff Bernard W. May Co. Director of Internal Revenue Ed. Phillips Sons, Inc. Liquor Control Commissioner Griggs Cooper Co. Director of Internal Revenue Toombs Insurance Agency Peoples Natural Gas Corcoran Hdwe. If Imp. Co. Loren Steenblock -paid outs GENERAL FUND Toe Hayes George McDonough S. J. Nestaval, Engineer Peoples Natural Gas Ratzlaff Service Dakota County Tribune Ed. Warweg- assessors salary 56.33 25.58 55.95 34.45 799.49 7. 00 31.36 292.37 637.35 34.00 72.00 100.00 88.44 50.00 1006.03 10.00 888.75 10.00 149.11 9.47 1.45 23.34 45.00 69.00 220.00 1.00 14.81 15.75 285.00 On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following build- ing permit applications were approved. Walter Maturen St. John's Lutheran Church, A.L.C. Neil Harpster On notion of McDonough and second of Finnegan the following build- ing permit applications were approved. T. J. Corrigan On motion of Finnegan andsecond of Corrigan the Council approved the installation of a sewer line from Hyland Avenue to Earl Cor- coran's Lot 23. The Village would install such a line to the west edge of lot 20 and Mr. Corcoran would absorb all additional costs. 47 48 Minutes of regular meeting held July 2, 1957 continued. The building permit application of Earl Corcoran to Hove the present Gurney residence to Maple Street in Rose Park Addition was granted with the provision that the appearance of the house would be im- proved to conform to the appearance of nearby property. This motion was made by Corrigan and seconded by Finnegan. Ayes 4 Mr. Marvin Ratzlaff was present to discuss with the Council an incident in which he stated that the local police officer pulled a gun without cause. The Council agreed to a hearing with the following present. Marvin Ratzlaff Kohn Delaney Joseph Hayes Francis Deegan Kenneth Stress Loren Steenblock itkank A letter from the Rosemount Businessmen's Association was read. Mr. MCDonald agreed to contact relative to the placing and install- ation of the subject street signs. On motion of McDonough and s econd of Finnegan the Council agre?d to close the Liquor Store on the Fourth of July. On motion of McDonough and second of Finnegan the salary of yralcie Deegan was raised to 275.00 per month effective July 1, 1957. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 2nd day of July b957. Respectfully submitted. 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held July 25, 1957. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. M r. Art Broback, Mr. Hank Broback of Broback Construction Co., Mr. Comstock of Comstock Davis and Mr. Ed. Rahn were present to discuss with the Council a proposed plat for a new addition to the Village. .After a lengthy discussion with the Council they were advised to revise their drawings to widen their lots to a minimum of 70 feet and to change their street arrangement to allow for the extension of Park Avenue. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the building permit application of Forest Brideall was granted. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 25th d iy of July, 1957. Respeatfully submitted, Vil $ge ClOrk 49 50 VILLAGE OF ROSEILOUNT, COUNTY OF I*K0TA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of special meeting held July 8, 1957. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members presnet. On motion of Finnegan and second of McDonough the building permit application of T. J. Corrigan was granted. This new premit was granted for Lot 16, block3 of Conley's Addition an notion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the building permit number 12 -57 was voided. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan it was agreed to hire Fischer Construction to remove approvirlately 800 cu. yds. of dirt from the extension of John Street and to place it on Marion Lane. There being not further business the meeting adjourned this 8th day of July, 1957. Respectfully submitted, Dice Vill ge C]l6rk VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of regular meeting held August 6, 1957. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present excepting Finnegan. The minutes of the July meetings were read and approved as read. Mr. Mt. Bartelt was present to discuss with the Council the re- surfacing of his private alley to its original condition after the sewer installation. He was advised that there was one more sewer to be connected to this line and upon completion of this hookup the village would resurface the alley to its original condition. On motion of Corrigan and sscodd of McDonough the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GEIr'ERAL FUND Peoples Natural gas -Hall 1.00 Fire 4.03 Fire 8.13 Central Telephone Co. 22.60 Northern State Power Co. -St. Lights 122.50 Hall 1.00 Fire 4.79 The First State Bank 2. Joseph Hayes 36.00 George McDonough 54.00 Vorwerk DX 4.73 Solberg Construction Co. 890.00 Mrs. A. E. Marschall 21.88 H. J. Geraghty Agency -OLT parking lot 36.00 parking lot rent 80.00 McMenomy Hertogs 87.50 Ratzlaff Service 14.76 League of Minnesota Municipalities 39.00 LIQUOR STORE FUND Genz -Ryan Peoples Natural Gas Northern States Power Co. Utilities Commission Old PeoriaCo., Inc. Griggs, Oooper Co. H. J. Geraghty Agency Nu -Ball Manufacturing Co. Famous Brands, Inc. Buckingham Beverage Co. Martin Star Express Fritz Wholesale Co. Frank Cunniff Alcorn Beverage Co. Northwest Linen Co. Concord Beverage Co. Hoff Distributing Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Seven Up Bottling CoI 14.85 2.84 69.03 158.85 176.16 185.16 99.40 82.50 49.16 233.04 10.73 92.58 100.00 646.38 23.72 762.70 17.68 444.31 14.20 44.00 51 52 Northwest Sani -Dray Melddy Paper Co. Restaurant China Hotel Supply Bernard W. May Co. On motion of Corrigan and second of McDonough thb building permit application of Robert Geroniue was granted. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 6th day of August, 1957. Respectfully submitted. V111 e Cl 1 41 t 18.00 16.36 17.01 82.12 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF R)SEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA., STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of special meeting held August 16, 1957 for the purpose of discussing and passing a new ordinance relative to ,arking and traffic laws for the Village. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present excepting McDonough. In the absence of McDonough the Council agreed that all mem- bers of the Council should be presnet when the new parking and traffic ordinance was passed and table the matter until another special meeting could be called during the last week of August, 1957. On motion of Corrigan and second of Duff the Following build- ing permits were approved per their applications. Arnold Thomr:ress Grarage Margaret Quigley addition to house Dale Duff garage Francis Finnegan garage Joseph Worwa garage Thera being no further bussiness the meeting adjourned this 18th day August, 1957. Respectfully submitted, 53 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held September 3, 1957 Meeting called to odder by President Mc all members present. Mr. Broback was present to discuss with the Council his plan for platting of the Motz property west of the School grounds. Dean Varey was hired for the positon of bartender for a monthly salary of $260.00 per month. The minutes of the August meetings were read and ppprovd as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of McDonough the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERAL rU D Central Telephone Co. 21.70 Northern States Power Co. -st. lights 122.50 -Hall 1.00 Fire 4.91 Peoples Natural Gas Fell 1.50 -Fire 3.52 Bernier Motor Co. 27.00 Palmer Ekern Son 15.00 Zanniller Co. 3.10 Joe Hayes -extra police 45.00 George McDonough 20.00 Lampert Yards, 3.00 Ratzlaff Service 20.74 B -tu -Min Co. 39.74 Ben the Digger 16.50 LIQUOR STORE FUND Bill Hyland 18.00 Peoples Natural Gas 2.50 Northern States Power Co. 85.93 Loren Steenblock -paid out 27.00 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 385.00 Fritz Wholesale Co. 69.95 Concord Beverage Co. 488.89 Famous Brands, Inc. 547.76 McKesson Robbins, Inc. 158.45 Hoff Distributing Co. 23.10 Alcorn Beverage Co. 556.07 Northwest Cigar Corp. 27.18 Northwest Linen Co. 16.97 Hanson Beverage Co. 356.14 Seven Up Bottling Co. 21.80 Buckingham Beverage Co. 114./5 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 10.80 Martin Star Express 10.02 Frank Cufniff 100.00 Bernard W. May Co. 74.07 Minn. Mun. Liquor Store Association, Inc. 15.00 On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the building permit application of K. Fairbanks was granted. There being no further business the meeting adjourned the 3rdday, of September, 1957. Respectfully submitted, Clek 55 PILLAGE OF R OSIMOUNT, CONY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held October 1, 1957. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved as read. After a short discussion the Council and the Utilities Commission agreed to a two week vacation for R. F. Sieckert to be set up the same as for the employees of the Liquor Store. On motion of Finnegan the Council assessments for sewer water paid Lutheran Church in 1956 to the Uti cost of construction of sewer and Park Avenue on John Street approxi Corrigan. Ayes 4 On motion of Corrigan and second of McDonough the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective fund. GENERAL FUND Ratzlaff's Service Joe Hayes extra police Peoples Natural Gas Rosemount Utilities Commission Fischer Construction Co. H. J. Geraghty Agency Northern States Power Co. -Hall -Fire -St. Lights Central Telephone Co. SolberG Construction Co. Miller -Davis Co. LIQJJOR STORE H. J. Geraghty Agency Peoples Natural Gas Northern States Power Co. Ed. Phillips Sons Co. Bernard W. May Co. Frank Ounniff Buckingham Beverage Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Northwest Linen Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Seven Up Bottling Co. Martin Star Express Listillers Distributing Co. Famous Brands, Inc. Fritz Wholesale Co. Concord Beverage Co. Hoff Distributing Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Old Peoria, Inc. Loren Steenblock -paid out voted to transfer the amount of by H. Motz and St. John's lities Commission to cover the water extensions west from natbl,y 100 feet., seconded by 4j.v' ,t d ,4 $16.90 36.00 4.69 36.06 480.00 30.34 1.00 4.91 122.50 21.30 420.00 12.35 212.85 2.30 80.60 183.21 70.69 100.00 21.66 12.80 22.45 474.64 49.00 12.10 458.56 407.04 69.45 466.30 15.70 189.16 311.18 64.63 The Clerk advised the Council that Otto Hoeppner had been paid an extra 4 k100.00 and was advised by the Council and the Attorney to wtite a letter requesting repayment or in the event of no reply a judgement would be secured. 57 58 On motion of Corrigan abd second of MCDonought the building permit applications of Tim McNearny and Ole McDonoughwere granted. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this lst day of October, 1957. Respectfully submitted, 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF TAOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Regular meeting held Novembers, 1957. Meeting called to drder by President McDonald, all.members present. Mr. S. J. Nestaval was present to discuss tentative plans for the im- provement of Iyland Avenue and Murphy St. The minutes of the October regular meeting were read and approved as read. The Mayor appointed Mr. Finnegan to contact Mr. Jerome Akin our County Commissioner rer county aid for Hyla.d Avenue. He was to present our problem to the Commissioner and arrange a meeting with the Council if necessary. On motion of Finneran Of] second of Corrigan the Council authorized the purchase of 8 fStDMX aluminum windows for the Hall. These windows were to be Installed by the 'r;orin Co. for t`.le a:aount of $232.00. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. LIlUBE STORE _FUND Toombs Insurance Agency Northers States Power Co. Peo 1es fvatural Gas Northern States Power Co. utilities Co-:.nission Griggs, Oooper Co. Ed. Phillips Sons Co. Concord Beverage Co. cT esson Robbins Northwest Cigar Co. Distillers Distributing Co. J. P. Fritz Wholesale Co. Medford Distributing Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Seven Up Bottling Co. Bernard W. May °c Co. Frank Cunniff Martin Star Exnress Melady Paper Co. Buckinrha::m Beverage Co. Hoff Listribvting, Co. Northwest Linen Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Hanson Beverage Co. GENERAL FUND Central Telephone Co. Mcmeno:tw mid Hertor-s Stephen J. Nestival Peoples Natural Gas Northern Statew Power Co. -Hall Street Lights -Fire R3dl.Ratlwav Express Agency- freight Joe a; es -extra time 53.55 X 1.20 5.80 60.20 162.45 6!0.13 162.56 3935.33 762.00 662.50 27.18 974.62 90.95 15.50 3.60 40.00 77.04 100.00 51.53 28.29 132 .91 26.70 28.13 375.92 262.53 22 .55 122.50 200.00 0 3 1.00 122.50 4.10 36.00 59 60 Lystad's °.c Redick, Inc. M! 20.00 B- Tu -tyix Company 101.34 Ratzlaff Service 1 '3.08 Rudolph Recitzigel -weed inspt. 32.50 The pure Cil Co. 5.76 a, On motion of Finnegan aid second of CorrigEn ?1w building per:::it was granted to Robert Geroni as per his app]ic Liion. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the wages of wean Varey were raised to $275.00 ner month effective November 1, 1957. The letter from H. E. Palmer regarding renumbering of County State Aid Roads witl;in the Village Limits was read. After a discussion rejard- the attached resolutions the Council voted to ho /d up approval subject to a rnec:ting to be held with County Commissioner Jerome Akin. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 5th day of November, 1957. Respectfully submitted, 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF LAKOTA, STATE CF :.;INNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held October 30, 1957. Meeting called to odrer by President McDonald, all members present. At 8:00 o'clock PM. the advertisement for bids was read and the Clerk then roceeded to open the bids. 3ids were as follows. Fredrickson Excavating Co. Total Price 1 1,700.00 Ben the Digger '71 91 .a o On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the bid of the Fredrick- son Excabating Co. was rejected becaues the bidder was not of legal aid it was the opinion of the Village Attorney that the Council could not enter into a log +l contract with him. On motion of Finnegan ad second of Corrigan the bid of Ben the Digger was accepted and he was awarded the Contrant fir the construction of water lines as oer specifications. On motion of Finnegai the Council approved an application for a tean- age dance to be held in the fire hall on October 31, 1957. This motion was seconded by Corrigan. There being no further fusiness the meeting adjourned this 30th day of October, 1957. II Respectfully submitted, 61 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of annual election held December 3, 1957. The annual election of the Village of Rosemount was held on the third day of December, 1957 in the Village Hall. The judges of the election were: Mr. Ed. McLafferty Mr. Ed. Warweg Mr. John Bakkowitsch At the hour of 1:00 o'clock PM the above judges and clerks took the oath of office, the polls were forthwith opened by procl2riation and the election proceeded by ballot without adjournment or intermission until closed at 6:OC o'clock FM. the candidates voted on at such election as stated in the notice thereof were: 1 Trustee for the terra of 3 years 1 Mayor for the term of 2 years 1 Treasurer for the term of 2 years 1 Justice of the Peace for the term of two years. 1 Constable for the term of 2 years At 6:00 o'clock PM in the evening of said day the polls, a proc- lamation thereof having been made by one of the judges thirty minutes previous thereto closed. The j4dgres then proceeded to publicly count the ballots and a true statement was proclaimed and filed as provided ty law. The canvass board met on the night of December 3, 1957 to review and accept the results as presented by the election judges. The result of the election were as follows: E. J. McDonald Mayor R. Rechtzigel Trustee H. J. Geraghty Treasurer Nick Fox Constable Martin Reiling Justice of the Peace On motion the meeting adjourned this 3rd day of December, 1957. Respectfully submitted, 63 (f i VILLAGE OF ROSEMOTTNT, GUTTY OF D-KOTA, ST"TE OF MITN'3OT". Mintates of regular meeting held December 3, 1557. Meeting called to order by President MCDonald, all members present. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan Mr. Felix Tillges was granted building hermits for lots 5 thru 9, 19 thru 22 and lots 26 and 27 of Marion Terrace Replat. It was noted on the permit for lbt 18 that there was no water or sewer line available at the present tir.re. The minutes of the November meetings were read and approved as rend. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills weer approved and ordered paid from their reflective funds. LIQQTTOR STORE FUND Peoples Natural gas Northern States Power Co. Griggs, Cooper Co. Martin Star Express Distillers Distributing Co. Northwest Linen Co. Fritz Wholesale Co. Famous Brands, Inc. Medford Distributing Co. Old Peoria, Inc. State Treasurer Liquor Control Commissioner Fernard W. May 8 Co. Frank Cunniff Buckingham Beverage Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Seven TT Bottling Co. Coca -Cola Eottling Co. Concord Beverage Co. ilcorn Beverage Co. Hoff Distributing Co. GENERAL FUND Peoples Natural Gas -Fire -Hall Northern States Power Co. -Hall -Fire -St. Lights Central Telephone Co. Leo. J. Fluegel Elevator George McDonough Miller -Davis Co. MGMenomy 8 hertogs Ratzlaff Service Fernier Motor Co. Joe Hayes Lampert Yards Fanister Engineering Co. 24.85 51.20 854.39 22.80 535.92 14.50 62.20 1500.53 12.75 71?.32 3.50 1.00 70.79 100.00 59.16 184.31 33.60 11.30 436.09 702.50 30.60 14.20 8.20 1.00 3.91 122.50 23.05 70.00 26.00 23.34 15.00 4.30 .45 50.00 5,15 1..1.7C On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the council accepted the Resolutions (nos. 17 and 17A) forwarded to the Village by Dakota County Hiway Engineer E. E. Palmer with his letter of October 10, 1557. Theses resolutions pertain tb the renumbering of County State Aid Roads within the Village. A copy of said resolutions is attached to these minutes for reference. 'yes 4 Nayes 0 65 66 Minutes of regular meeting held December 3, 1957 continued. 'letter from Robert Cates concerning his resignntionfrom the office Justice of the Peace was read. On notion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Council accepted this resignation. On notion of Finnegan the following Cigarette License applications were granted, second by Corrigan. Baker's Sdtre Ratzlaff's 66 Service Thune Drug Co. Rose Fowl Cafe Hagerieister's Fairway American Legion Post #65 On ration of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Clerk was authorized to bill Dakota County for their Portion of repairing driveways and sidewalks on Ash St.. The amount of said bill to be 4 366.66. Then being no further business the meeting adjourned this 3rd day of December, 1957. Respectfully submitted e C1 ,k r DLK.TA CCL'_17JY I• s?' ESOT ..3 3I;L"' I OI N NO. 17L Secon! £t Coma :1E _oner .y.` Wi7T- C` +'AS the ?szsa.g-a of State Constit t_c iai r" ^e;:'.'_ ent No, 7 1 3:y the •,l.e of ?ir:.: .,ot 1r. 195C a t7'77: Q'ft 3e uert act ..aby ol.. 957 T. 7 a— "G .e to r,_ C r1;._ 943 'lade -_0 ?3'72 revisim: '1.' he- 1C71 o: ':i& _a cta Uoui t.. o: t afS7c T^T•:.7x'ORE BE I' EESOLV D that .ssigoation: of _o, _tV Aid oF,C.3 h' oLG.'CT8 �:G'.o by tin C-72.7. '�d Of D ^w:Ct. in effect be ind z a -f e rcrd.:e_.. TES t`0 TRDG X TBGJ L.KIY X AKIN DRISCOLL X DRISCOLL SPZRL X SP7aL c, C:CY T,--LL X GA CkaT 2 STATE OF il?T_iT:FSTA) es, COUNTY O DAKOTA I� N. G. Yarns duly elected, qualified and acting Cctaty A L'ftit Jx' of the County of L''krta Statd of do hereby certify that I have c«' ?a.'.'ed thz! c're z:':, Lng copy of a resoluticn with the original nutco of i"^ urcceed rEs of the Win, i of County Cc iisci :_._as, Daket i C1/4: tut i, 1±_t1:- 6£eta 0h. 1 seesicn held on the 10th dr: of Sar.' 1957 °.:cr on file in n. office, a_, have found the s .ne to be a true and correct copy thorcof.. !iltn ^O5 "17 han and n''= loin_. seal at Fastin rime ecota this jt:i ii of October=, 195 G. vanz, 'u Lu Dakota Co7w.trd i-93_neeo "aa Commlesioner Gec'kstctter offered the following. r: solution ii rcoved its adoetien: :IEtfAS the provisions of Chapter 943 of the Regular Session Laws of 1957 prr vide for the eoa Wishing cf a system of .Aunty Roads by the County Beavde of this state and all previous designations of Cooet y Aid. Ro _made and in effect in Dak- ota County have been revoked by resolution ci' the Dakota County Board of Commission_° ere; and WOREAS the County Board of Dakota County, pursuant to the provisions of said Chapter 943 Laws of 1957, has located, established and desienated by amber a ayse tet of County Roads in the County of Dakota; and WBER S a detailed list and description of each of said County Foods as lccat ed and established and identified by number is new on file in the office of the County 2u'i for of P4kota County; NOW, TRIBE ORB, BE IT i :ESOLrD that the County Board of Dakcta County, esota, pursuant to the p_ c, isi ons and requirements of Chapter 943 o he Reg'iJa Session Lens for Minnesota for the year 1957+ 1. Dots hereby locate, establish and designate by number a system of County Rondo in Dakota County, Minnesota. 2. That a complete list and detailed description of said County Roads as located, established and desima.ted by number is on file in the office of the County Auditor. of Dakota County, Minnesota. 30 That said list and detailed description of said County Roads as established, located and numbered, be and it is hereby approved and confirmed and by reference thereto made e. part of this resol° ution as though fully set out herein. 4. That the designated number and routes of said County Roads hereby established and located in Dakota County and epecifj'icalIy describ ed in the complete list and detailed descriptions of said roads as filed with the County Auditor of Dakota County, are as follows; County Roads Numbers 1 to 43 inclusive, Commissioner 7rog seconded the motion for the adoption of the resolution. The question wee then on the adoption of the resolution and upon roll call was tmanimerely passed and adopted; whereupon the Chairman declared said resolution duly paeced and -doptad and ordered the same entered in the minutes of the Bea do C E R T I F I C A T I O N I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct cony of a resolution duly passed,adonted and approved by the County Board of Dakota County on Septem- ber 10th, 1957. N. G. Yana, C. Audi Dee:ota County, Limes -a :;%ij.t *AS the County Hoard of Dakota County did adopt Resolution Ho. 17A m September loth, 1957 revoking all desigrntimui of .aunty Aid ioade in fskota Conte ty previnuoly made and in effect se of said data, and the i eunc ;[rtrd or Reacts County did also adopt Reeolutien 80. 19 on laid 3evtt..oer l:ty., 1357, locating, establishing, d0e1y;nnttne said numbering the nw County Road grctec in &cote County, end wiTitiAS said resoluticn locates and establishes certain County Meade with in the cartorate Unite of the 7illa;c of Rosemount to witr County bad So. 29 aoginning at the southwest village limits the 3d corner of Scotian 29 Two. 115 R. Rec. 1) thence north along the west vil- lage Unite to the "id corner of S1 Sd of t.ectlon 29, thence continuing north in th0 village of ;:ouoaamt to a function with )ntota Cotutty :.tnte ASd :Sghway s no. 1 4 27 at or near the W earner of Scotia, 29 Twp. 115 N. 26e. 17 M. '_ifr.::^aO BE IT BYs' :'i.1,91i by the YS1larS Council of the Village of Sons' scent that the above mentioned resolutions adopted by the $:eta Conant, yrjrd nu Septes loth, 1957, conies of aaiu resolutions O. 17A and F.O. 14 being attached hereto age,: :ion parts hereof, revokir.3 all 'review, designations of Co-atty Aid doade in or alone the 11nits of aai:i vi11a,'y lad thereafter lomat:Jig and establish' in;; ttm aurr. :;surly :cads linty, &Saws. are in all thirmi nap.oved. ATTEST Aa-_ 3 1957 22RIIFICA^ICR residep'il I hereby certf.fr that the above In a trace cud. correct copy cf n resolution duly passed, adortni end aooroved h;• the Village Couno$' of the villeue of float mount an may£ rte. c a 1957 Yil clerk CAA; :Sfir of ount. Hiwnsota r H. E. PALMER ENGINEER Rosemount Village Council c/o ;Eugene J. Duff, Clerk Rosemount, Minnescto Gentlemen: DAKOTA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS HASTINGS, MINNESOTA October 10, 1957 As a result of the passage of Constitutional Amendment No. 2 by the people of Minnesota in the fall of 1956 and the statutes enacted by the legislature in 1956, the Dakota County Board found it necessary to revoke the designations of the State Aid and County Aid road systems. In place of the old systems they have designated, established and renumbered a new system of State MA highways and one of County roads. We are enclosing copies of the resolutions of revocations and designations which affect your municipality. Such County Board resolution must be concurred in by the governing body of the municipality affected. We have prepared the necessary resolu- tions and are enclosing them in six copies. Kindly have these approved, keep to copies of each for your use ;L'_J rc,urn all the others to this office as soon as possible as these resolu- tions must be submitted to the Dept. of Highways for their approval. Your primary interest will undoubtedly be in the newly designated systems which we have tried to describe with sufficient detail so that the local Board ;:ill understsr_d what the resolution covers. Yours tru -1 HEP I ewg Highw Engineer Enc: Village resolution covering State Aid Highways No. 1 27 with County resolution No. 17 and 18. Village resolutions cover- ing County road he. 29 with county resolutions 11c. 17A and 19. B' 1: OF COUNTY COMi ISSIOIrLJL5 DAKOTA COUNTY, MINb'ESCTA DATE September loth, 1957 RESOLUTION NO.. 17 Fn;ion by Commissioner Gackstetter Seconded by Commissioner Trop WHEREAS the passage of State Constitutional Amendment No, 2 by the people of Minnesota in 1956 and the subsequent enactment by the 1957 Legislature of Minnesota of Chapter 943 of the Regular Session Laws made necessary a revision_ in the designation of the Dakota County road system; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that all designations of Dakota County State Aid Roads heretofore made and now in ef- fect be and hereby are revoked° YES NO TROG X TROD AKIN X AKIN DRISCOLL X DRISCOLL SPA X SPERL GACKS'T r2ER X GACKSTETTER STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF DAKOTA ss° T, N. G. Yanz, duly elected, qualified and acting County Auditor of the County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of a resolution with the original minutes of the proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners, Dakota County, Minn esota, at their session held an the 10th day of September, 1957, now on file in my office, and have found the same to be a true and correct copy thereof. Witness my hand and official seal at Hastings, Minn- esota this 7th day of October, 1957. y Aud Anne N. G. Yanz, C Dakota County Goeraissiener Gackstetter offered the following resolution and moved its adopt RESOLUTION LOCATING AND ESTABLISHING S_'ST,! 4 Or COUNTY STATE. AID HIGHWAYS IN DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the provisions of Chapter 943 of the Regular Session Laws for Minn esota for the year 1957 require the County Beards of this State, by resolution and subject to the concurrence of the Commissioner, to establish a system of County State ::id Highways in accordance with the rules and regulations made and promulgat- ed by the Commissioner of Highways; and W:?= "'IBS, the County Board of Dakota County, pursuant to the provisions of said Chapter 943, Laws of 1957, has located, established and designated by number County^ State Aid Highways in the County of Dakota; and WHEREAS, a detailed list and description of each of said County-State Aid Roade as located and established and identified by number is now on file in the office of the County Auditor of Dakota County; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE OLVED that the County Board of Dakota County, Minn esota, pursuant to the provisions and requirements of Chapter 943 of the Regular Session Laws for Minnesota for the year 1957: 1. Doss hereby locate, establish and designate by number a system of Count State Aid Roads in Dakota County, Minnesota., 20 That a complete list and detailed description of said County Aid Road, as located, established and designated by number is on file in the office of the County Auditor of Dakota County, Minnesota, 3. That said list and detailed description of said County-State Aid Rods as established, located and numbered, be and it is hereby approved and con firmed and by refs,rence thereto made a past of this resolution as thrs•; h dot out herein 4. That the designated number and routes of saic County-State Aid Roads here' ty established and located in Dakota County ar.d raeciftically dascrib d in the complete list and detailed descriptions of said roads as filed with the County Auditor of Dakota County., are as follows: County State Aid Highways Numbers 1 to 34 inoluaiveo BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commissioner of Highways be, and he hereby is requested, to approve all the County State Aid Highways as filed with the County Auditor as a part of the Federal Secondary System,: Commissioner Trog seconded the motion for the adoption of the resolution., The question was then on the adoption of the resolution and upon roll ca.11 was unanim- ously passed and adopted; whereupon the Chairman declared said resolution duly passed and adopted and ordered the same entered in the minutes of the Board, C E R T I F I C A T I 0 Resole 1 Jn I hereto certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly passed, adopted and approved by the County Board of Dakota County on Septem- ber 10th, 1957 Id, G Yanz, tJ A Dakota Coun Minn WHEREAS the County Board of Dakota County did adopt Resolution No. 17 on September 10th, 1957 revoking all designations of State kid Roads in Dakota Coun- ty previously made and in effect as of said date, and WHEREAS the County Board of Dakota County did also adopt Resolution No. 18 on said September 10th, 1957, locating, establishing, designating and numbering the new County State-Ald Highway system in Dakota Comity, and WHEREAS said resolution locates and establishes certain County State Highways within the corporate limits of the Village of Rosemount to wit, County State Aid Highway l:o. 1 Beginning at a point an the west village limits approximately 780' south of the NW corner NE y SE k of Section 30 Twp. 115 N. Rge. 19 W. and running thence northeasterly to Aah Street, thence east along Ash Street to the east village limits. County State Aid Highway No. 27 Beginning at the intersection with County State Aid Highway No. 1 at or near the E a of Section 30 Twp. 115 N. Rge. 19 W. and running thence westerly along the village limits to the NW oor' ner of NE SE of Section 30 Twp. 115 N. Rge. 19 W. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount that the above mentioned resolutions adopt4d by the Dakota County Board on September 10th, 1957, oopies of said resolutions No. 17 and No. 18 being at tached hereto and made parts hereof, revoking all previous designations of State Aid Roads in or along the limits of said village and thereafter locating and est ablishing the new County State Highways listed above, are in all things ap proved. ADOPTED I &ta_mJC1_ 3, 1957 ATTEST f L illage rk CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the above is a true and oorreot Dopy of a resolution duly passed, adopts and approved by the Village Council of the Village of Rose- mount on 3 1957. Vil e Clerk 4f the Vi116_e of Rosemount, Minnesota VILLAGE OF ROSEMOONT, comma? DAKOTA, STtTE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held January 7, 1958. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. The minutes of the December meetings were read and approved as read. Mr. Jack Ryan and Mr. Leo Fluegel were present to discuss frith the Council the drainage or water problems on their respective properties. Mr. Finegan moved that the Mayor contact the Engineers and have them conduct a survey relative to the installation of storm sewers. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan Mr. Francis Mullery was reappointed to the Utilities Commission. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the First State Bank of Rose mount was designated and the official depositary for 1958, The Dakota County Tribune mix as the official newspaper and Dr. Erickson was appointed as the official health officer for 1958. On notion of Corrigan ans second of Finnegan the Mayor and Clerk were designated as the other ueubers of the Board of Health for 1959. On motion of Corrigan and second of Rechtzigel the following bills were approved and ordered paid frou their respective funds. LIQUOR STORE Utilities Commission !159.75 Peoples imatural Cgs 31.30 Northern States Power Co. 46.99 Loren Steenblock -paid outs 71.44 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 360.44 Northwest Linen Co. 29.52 Concord Beverage Co. 469.90 Seven TTp Bottling Co. 45.68 Melady Paper Co. 4.30 Bernard W. May Co. 97.40 Buckingham Beverage Co. 7 1.x 4 Hanson Beverage Co. 206.21 Alcorn Beverage Co. 446.90 Northwest Cigar Corporation 27.18 Fritz Wholesale Co. 54.20 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 9.30 Distillers Distributing Co. 265.93 Frank ^.unniff 10 I I Hoff Distributing Co. 30..30 Corcoran "dine. Imp. Co. 7.40 Chicago, Milw., St. Paul R Pacific R.R. 17.13 GENER FUND Joe Cuflndff 4.00 Lystad Redick, inc. 30.00 Joe Hayes -extra time 36.00 Nick Fox 9.00 Kane Bros. 13.00 The Morin Co. 261.n0 Bruno Franz,jeier 135.00 Lampert Yards 2.65 Leo J. Fluegel Elevator 174.60 eoples Natural Gas Fire 34.00 -Hall 25.60 Northern Stater Power Co. -Hall 1.51 1 Street Lights 122.50 Fire 7.68 67 68 Minutes of regular meeting held January 7, 1958 continued. Center -il Telephone Co. H. J. Geraghty Agency Ratzlaff Service Miller -Davis Co. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Council approved the application of Wm. Warner for on and off sale beer licenses for a (6) six month period and agreed to refund the balance of the Anthony Colling license fee. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the building permit application of the School District X1196 was approved and fee of 81.rr was waived. The council authorized the Clerk to bill Ind. School District 810.CC to cover the cost of fuel used in grading the skating rink. On notion of Duff and second of Finnegan the cigarette license applications of Duffy Bros., 3trese pure Oil Co. and Wm. Warner were approved. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the building permit application of L'elix Till .'es was approved. There being no further business the meeting aejourned this 7th day of January, 1958. Respectfully submitted, 823.45 15.00 3.20 4.80 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held February 4, 1958. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. The minutes of the January meeting were read and approved as read. Mayor McDonald reported the results of an engineering survey relative to the installation of store sewere xx from Hyland Avenue to Warwep Avenue and north to tsh street. The tot ^1 cost of installation to be aperoxir..ately t12,380.00. This was deemed to be nn excessive cost and in view of the eLall amoutn of property benefited the Council rejected this proposal. On notion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Council voted to survey Marion Lane with respect to the installation of storm sewers which would drain to the south and would greatly increase the amount of property to be tenefitted. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Council approved the following resolution: WHEREAS, the County Poard of the Counto of Dakota did adopt a resolution designating the desitnatfothof County State Aid Highway Yo. 55, within/ the corpora l limits of the Village of Rosemount as follows: Beginning at a point on Dakota County Stae -Aid highway no. 1 approximately 532 feet west of the center of section 29, township 115 north, range 19 west and running thence mlong the established center line of the public road desigribed as follows: From said point of beginning extending northerly along the center line of Hyland Avenue to the junction with Murphy Street; thence easterly along the center line of Murphy Street to the junction with Trunk Highway 218 and there terminating at a point approximately 950 feet north and 170 feet west of the center of section 29, township 115 north, range 19 west. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the W illage of Reseaount that said designation is adopted and in all things approved. The clerk read a j ra from Mr. L. P. Zic_erraan, Commissioner of High ways relative to use for carnivals, parades, etc. 69 The clerk read a letter fror.i Mr. G. F. Welch, District Highway Engineer relative to payment of an invoice for Highway improvement and requesting the Council to r.iestV with him nd to work out a mutual agreement to settle this bill. The Clerk was advised to write Mr. Welch and to ad- vise hire that it was the Council's opinion that this matter should wait now for the removal of snow and ice or until this sprigg. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved end ordered paid from their respective funds. GENREAL FUND Toombs Insurance Agency workmen's Wonp. Rall,fire equip,etc. Corcoran dwe. Imp. Co. Joe Hayes -extra police Peoples Natural Gas -Fire -Hall 3455.19 22.80 75.19 36.00 49.07 33.55 70 Northern States Power Co. -St. Lights -Hall -Fire Central Telephone Co. H. 7. Geraghty Agency Ratzlaff Service B- Tu -mix The Pure Oil Co. LIC,CUOR STORE BILLS Northern States Power Co. Toombs Insurance Agency-Money and securities Chicago, Milw., St. Paul Pacific RR Co. Peones Natural Gas Frank Cunniff Griggs, Cooper Co. Ed. ]hillips Sons Concord Beverage Co. Nu -Ball Mfg. Co. Distillers Distributing Co. Ramous Prands, Inc. Buckingham Beverage Hanson Beverage Co. Seven Up Pottling Coca -Cola Bottling Go. Martin Star Express Bernard W. May Co. Hoff Distributing Co. ,Alcorn Beverage Co. Fritz Wholesale Co. Northwest Linen Co. Respectfully subuitted, i ageCClerk 11122.50 1.99 10.86 24.05 I 29.90 31 1 10.3,0 49.60 236.25 25.54 47.74 icr.co 294.72 244.34 730.85 543.96 82.50 240.18 854.83 102.09 247.10 21.90 2.75 7.13 73.47 57.45 293137 45.75 23.34 On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Council voted to transfer t2,CCi4Cr from the Liquor Store Fund to the Genreal z'und to cover the loss of Liquor license fees. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Council authorised the Treasurer to invest approximately ..9,000.00 from the 1956 -A im7rovement Fund as it would not be needed until net fall. On notion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council anproved the transfer of 1'52.79 from the Liquor fund to the Seneral Fund. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Liability Insurance on the Liquor Store was approved for a reasonable increase. On notion of Rechtzigel and second of Corrigan Mr. Morris Pederson was appointed to the job of police officer of the Village effective March li 9 58. Salary was set at 5275.00 per month with car expexes set at 9C.CC per month. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 4th day of February, 1958. 1 1 VILLAGE OF R0SEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA., STATE OF MINNES0TA. Minutes of special audit meeting held February 19, 1958. II Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present escept- ing Pechtzi9,el. On notion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council approved the following tr..nsfers of funds. These transfers were included in the balancing of the book for 1P57. 1. Motion to pay $777.02 of Utilities commission expenses from the Water Operating Account for the first part of 1957 when the Cou,.ission did not have funds tc operate from. 2. To transfer 4867.26 from water operating fund to the Sewer Oper- ating Fund to balance out account for amount of overdraft. 3. To transfer $10,499.76 from the Water Operating Fund to the General fund to balance out Water Operating Fund and to repay the General Fund for Yydrant Rental, Heat, Licht, etc. for the past ye-+rs when these expenses were carried by the Village. 4. To authorized the Glerk to issue an order or $366.66 to transfer money erroneously deposited in the flenrel Fund by the Treasurer from the General Fund to the 1956=P. Improvement Sinking Fund. 5. To authorized the Clerk to transfer .$,89193 from the General Fund to the Utilities Coumission to balance Sewer Connection account. Money erroneously deposited in the General F und. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Council upon an audit of the hooka of the Clerk, Treasurer and the clerk of the rtilities Commission approved same and authorized the Clerk to prepare his Financial Statements. for the year 1957. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 19th day of February, 1958. Respectfully submitted, 71 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOT STATE OF MIM ESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held 3t3teIt 4. 1958. Meeting was called to order by President McDoanM all members present. Mr. Rahn and Mr. Comstock were present to discuss with the Council a proposed plat south of Cedar Street. Pfter a lengthy discussion the Mayor requested that this matter be given more thought before he would entertain a motion. Mr. Jeck Ryan and Mr. Paul Vorwerk, Jr. were present to discuss with the Council any progrees with water drainage in the form of storm sewers for their area. Mr. George McDonough and Mr. Carl Hor were present to discuss tatkxx with the Council the installation of 3 additional phone lines for the Fire Department. The Council was informed by Mr. Roffman that their would to no additional charge for these instillations. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Council approved this additional installation. The minutes of the February meetings were read and approved as rend. On notion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GEYER "L FUND Joseph Hayes -extra police Peoples Natural Gas -Fire -Hall Northern States Power Co. -H_ 11 -St. Lights Fire Dept. Christmas Lights Central Telephone Co. Rntzlaff Service LIQUOR STORE Milw. RR Northern States Power Co. Peoplee Natural Gas Bernard W. May Co. Frank Cunniff Hanson Beverage Co. Buckingham Beverage Co. Concord Bever =age Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Seven T'p Bottling Co. Coon -Cola Bottling Co. Fritz Wholesale Co. Northwest Cigar Corp. Martin Star Express Nu -Ball Mfg. Co. Northwest Linen Service Loren Steentlock Ed. Phillips Sons, Co. ADL. GEN ,R- J. FUND L. Englert dump rent Norris Pederson -belt repair McMenony Hertogs- profeesional fee ,19.00 54.40 36.25 1.89 122.50 9.74 19.97 22.85 11.80 12.18 51.58 44.78 70.83 100.00 1R1.C5 104.69 542.91 297.37 40.00 6.00 57.05 26.64 1.52 56.25 16.72 a7 1 100.00 1.50 106.00 73 74 Minutes of regular meeting held March 4, 1958 continued. The Mayor presenteda plan for storm sewer construction of Marion Lane with elevations and an estimated total cost of '28,000.00. The Clerk read a letter from the University of Minnesota relative to their program of continuation study for 'Municipal officials and employees Member Corrigan made the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION: A RESOLUTION ORDERING STE}'REN NEST :VAL, ENGINEER TO TREP:RE FINAL PLANS FOR PTT'RO«"'EFT ON H"ZAFD A1T -TTE, MTTR_ PRY STREET P Tt 7 STWEET IN THE VILT JGR OF RO:SE40TYT, DrYOTA COUNTY, MIbEESOTA. WHEREAS, the Council after public hearing held June 26, 1957 rursuant to law has been given the authority to proceed with improvements on Hyland Avenue, Murphy Street and Maple Street in the Village of Rose- mount, Dakota, County Minnesota. NOT T?EREFORE, RE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota that since Stephen Neateval, Engineer has prepared pretininary plans for said improvements that he be retPined and ordered to proceed with the preparation of final plans for said project. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Finnegan, and upon voted being taken thereon, all nenbers voted in favo€ theretf. Whereupon said resolution was declared dulp passed and adopted. After a short discussion relative to the dog problem the Council authoriz Attorney Mcienory to contact the League of Minnesota lunicipalities re- garding sample dog ordinances. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 4th day of March, 1958. Respectfully Submitted, 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMONT, COUNTY OF D^ICOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of sppcial meeting held March 24, 1958. II Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present.' Mr. Ken Fairbanks, Mrs. Louis Warweg, Mr. Francis McDonough and Mr. Ed. Rahn were present to discuss with the Council Tdr. Rnhn's addition to the Village. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Council accepted Mr. Rnhn's proposed addition to the Village subject to the approval of the elevati m of sewer and water lines and the elevation of the streets. The motion also included an agreement to accept from Mr. Rahn another 15.5 feet of Street sotth from Maple Street to the South Boundary of 'he Methodist Church Property. The following members voted in favor of the motion Rechtzigel, Finnegan, Corrigan and Duff. After a short discussion regarding a new ordinance regulating dogs in the Village the meeting adjourned this 24th day of March Si Respectfully submitted, Vil age 2 75 76 VILLAGE OF ROSZMO }TT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MIN E3OTS. Minutes of regular meeting held April 1, 1958. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all Members present. Mr. Jerome skin was present to discuss with the Council County State Aid for the improvement of Hyalnd and Thurphy St.. He advised the Council to be present at a County Board meeting to be held April 9, 1953. The minutes of the March meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills sere approved add ordered paid from their respective funds. LIQUOR SWORE FUND Peoples Natural Gas Northern Stites Power Co. Milwaukee RR Bernard W. May Co. Frank Cunniff Melady Paper Co. Fritz Wholesale Co. Hoff Distributing C. Concord Beverage Co. Buckingham Beverage Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Seven Up Bottling Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Distillers istributing Co. Loren Steentlock -paid out Northwest Linen Co. Ed. Phillips Sons Co. $44.39 47.09 5.73 70.29 100.00 46.26 49.10 5.60 476.54 97.50 13.05 306.47 21.40 124.36 164.00 47.10 15.69 98.94 GENERAL FUND Central Telephone Co. 23.85 M& enomy Hertogs 61.00 Ratzlaff Service 12.10 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 38.65 -`ire Stateion 51.80 Northern States Power Co. -Fire Hall 10.43 Hall 1.76 St. Lights 122.50 Newman's Specialized Car Serviee 2.50 Lystad's Exterminators 30.00 George McDonough 4.00 H. J. Geraghty Agency 117.40 6.67 Norris A. pederson 45.00 Ti¢sx The Clerk read a letter from Mr. G. F. Welch from the State Highway Department requesting the Council to meet with him and to review the condition of Main Avenue and to work out a settlentn for the balance due the State for completing the Highway thru the Village. A meeting date of April 7, 1958 was set. The time to be 9:00 AM the place to be at Al's Cafe. The Clerk was authorized to notify Mr. Welch. The application for a building permit from W. D. Anderson, D.V.M. was discussed by the Council. On notion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan a permit was granted for the remodeling with the restriction that the building be uded for office purposes only. 1 1 Minutes of regular meeting held April 1, 1958 continued. A letter from Mr. J. A. Spicola, traffics Department from the State of Minnesota Highway "epartr:rent pertinent to the installation of a II traffics signal at the intersection of Highway 218 and County State Aid road no. 11 was read. After a lengthy discussion and upon the suggestion of Corrigan the Council agreed to discuss the cost of this signal with the County Board on April 9, 1958. The natter of R. U. Sieckert's salary was discussed by the Countil. The Council agreed to pay f300.00 per month and to deduct from this !6.CC for each day of the month which drove a school bus. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Council passed Ordinance number 0, entitled; AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND REGTUL.TTNG DOGS, PROVIDING FOR IMPOUPDING DOGS AND PRESCRIPT/7G A FErr1T'r FOR VIOL'TTON. Ayes were 4. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 1st day of April, 1958 at 11:00 o'clock P.M. Respectfully submitted, 77 78 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MIYTE SOTA. Minutes of sepcial meeting held April 16, 1959. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. Mr. Springsted was present to discuss with the Council the financing of the improvements on Hyland Avenue, Murphy and Maple Streets. After discussion the Council authorized Mr. Springsted to proceed with preliminary plans for financing. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the building permit applications of Edwin Doyle and Felix Tllges were Frinted as per the applications. There being not urther business the meeting adjourned this 16th day of April, 1958. Respectfully submitted, 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF VTFAFSOTA Minutes of special ueeting held April 29, 1958. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all meubers present. Present at the meeting were the following residents of the Village: Mr. Edwin Hageneister Dr. R. Mardell Joseph Kane Theodore Brandt Mrs. Rose Ryan Jack Ryan Jnraes Ahern A. J. McDonough Leo J. Bluegel Mr. Doyle Leo Wiederhoft Mr. James Gabiou, County Highway Engineer was present to discuss with the above Property owners the widening of Hyland "venue with regard to the removal of the trees located on the present boulevard.. On motion of t'luegel and second of Mrs. Ryan the property owners agreed to the rer.:oval of all trees in the boulevard. All voted in fever there- of excepting Dr. Mardell. Mr. John Weiderhold, Mr. Wm. Quigley, Yr. Robert Toombs and Yr. Ervin Streee were present to discuss with the Council the controlling of the speed of traffic on Ash Street. They conpinined of excessive speeds up to 8C Miles per hour. The "'ouncil agreed to try to get a Justice of the Peace and to assign Mr. Pederson to patrol Ash St. after we had obtained a T.P. Mr. Joseph Springer of Lakeville applied for the job as bartender at the Liquor Store. On notion of Corrigan and second of Rechtzigel the Council agreed to try Mr. Springer for 30 days at '260.0C per month and then to increase it to #275.00 per month if he uerits it. There being no further business the ueeting adjourned this 29th day of April, 1958. Respectfully submitted, 79 80 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MIN }ESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held May 6, 1958. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. Mr. Herman Birdsall was present to discuss with the Council a build- ing permit for a garage on lot 27 of Marion Terrace Replat. After a lengthy discussion and upon motion of Corrigan and second of Rechtzigel the Village authorized McMenomy to release 7 foot of the sewer ease- ment for the conttruction of the garage. This was to be a separate agreement between the Village and the property owner and would apply to future property owners as well. It was also agreed that the prbp perty owners would assume all responsibility if it were ever necessary to dig up the sewer line for repairs. Ayes 4 On notion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Cbuncil approved an application for a permit to build the above mentioned garage. Mr. Ed. Mahn and Mr. Davis were present to discuss with the Council the proposed Rahn Addition 112. On motion of Finnegan and second of Duff the Council gave tentative approval to Mr. Rahn's plans. The minutes of the April meetings were read and approved as rend. On notion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. LIQUOR STORE Peoples Natural Gas 30.25 Northern States Power Co. 46.34 Utilities Commission 15.9.55 H. J. Ceraghty Agency 80.75 Milw Rr. 26.44 Griggs, Cooper Co. 247.20 Frank Cunniff 100.00 Bernard W. May Co. 74.02 Distillers Distributing Co. 784.20 Martin Star Express 3.09 Northwest Cigar Corp. 17.76 National Cash Register 51.70 Jerry's Radio TV 57.35 oca -Cola Bottling Co. 6.55 Concord Beverage Co. 437.84 nanson Beverage Co. 300.14 Seven Tip Pottling Co. 2 ,9.20 Buckingham Beverage Co. 215.34 Hoff Distributing Co. 19.00 Fritz Wholesale Cl. 65.95 Northwest Sani Draw 18.00 Alcorn Beverage Co. 607.27 Famous Frauds, Inc. 354.18 Northwest Linen Co. 13.69 Kurt Schneider Peoples natural Gas -Hall -Fire Hall Northern States Fower Co. -Hall Fire Hall St. Lights Central Telephone Co. VILLAGE GENERAL 7.90 22.90 33.10 1.76 5.40 122.50 19.93 1 Minutes of Regular meeting held May 611958 continued. Dakota County Tribune First Stite Rank of Rosemount Ratzlaff Service St. P;:ul Stapp Works Bernier Motor Co. s 51.75 2.0C 7.57 6.28 23.25 On motion of Corrigan and second of Duff the Council approved the installation of a new street light at the intersection of John Street and Park Avenue. A letter from Mr. Grant of the County Assessors office requesting the review of the Joseph Gavin property with respcet to the lowering op taxes was' read. The Council agreed to hold this matter until the board of review meets on June 27, 1959. letter from the Dakota County Assessors office setting the date of June 27, 1958 at 8 :00 o'clock P.M. as the date for the board of review of the Village of Rosemount was read. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 6th day of May, 1958. Respectfully submitted, 81 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OP MIVIESOTA Minutes of regular meeting held June 3, 1958. U Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. Mr. Wm. Bartel* was present and complained of dirt and water on the alley between his residence and Ragemeister's Market. Once again the Uouncil assured him that as soon as Hagemesiter inItallsd his sewer line the Village would take steps to restore the alley to its original condition. Mr. Hoffman was present to discuss with the council the police phone. after a lengthy discussion the Council' agreed to accept a monthly list of all calle mate for official business by Mr. Pederson add to repay him for such costs. Mr. Hoffman agreed to dis- cuset the matter with Mr. Pederson. On motion of Corrigan and second of Rsohtsigel the Council weed that Mayor should present to Mr. Gabiou the completed pains for the improvement of Hyland add Murphy Street. The plans call for a forty two foot street and were to be presented on this basis as it vas the opinion of the Council that anything wider would leave only an 18s boulevard which as deemed inadequate. On motion of Corrigan and second of Duff Attorney McMenoay was instructed to look in- to the procedure for disposing of Village Property. The minutes of the May Meeting were read and appoved as read. On motion of Finnegan the Jhuncil agreed to purchase for the Fire Department a new I nozzle. Second by Corrigan. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. LIQUOR STORE FUND Peoples Natural Gas 23.$O N States Power Co. 49.84 Milwaukee RR 7.7 Griggs, Cooper Col 432.70 Mckesson Robbins 1 35.75 X. Phillips Sons Go. 2527.45 Bernard W. May Jo. 71.66 Frank Cunniff 100.00 J. P. Fritz Wholesale Co. 75.50 Hanson Beverage Jo. 3 Buckingham Beverage Co. 2 Alcorn Beverage Co. 337. Joca -Cola Bottling Jo. 14.20 MI Hoff Distributing Jo. 17. Seven -Up Bottling Jo. 29.40 Jancord Beverage Jo. 407.77 Northwest Linen Jo. 11.48 Loren Steenblock -paid out 90.72 GENERAL FUND Peoples Natural Gas -Hall -Fire Hall Northern States Power Jo. -Hall Street Lights -Fire Hall Central Telephone Co. -Piro Hall E. J. McDonald -Phone Gales 10.30 16.75 1.26 122.50 6.17 12.15 7.60 83 84 McMenomy Rertogs 49.00 Norris Pederson 36.00 Ratzlaff Service .62 Pure Oil Jo. 7.02 The Clerk read a letter from the Metropolitan Planning Jommiesion inviting the Council to the annual meeting to be held June 4, 1958. The Jlerk read a letter from the State of Minnesota, Department of Admininstration explaining and advising that a new set of Statutes has just been completed. On motion of Finnegan and second of Rechtsigel the Jobnoil authorised the Jlerk to place an order for one set at a cost of $40.00. On motion of Corrigan end second of tk Finnegan the Gannett approved the following beer and liquor licenses for the coming year. Mr. Mrs. Warner Beer on and off license 4 Mr. Mrs. horn Beer on and off license American Legion Post On Sale Beer and Liquor A letter from Govenar Freeman inviting the Council to a Givil Defense meeting was read. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 3rd day of June, 1 95 8 Respectfully Submitted, `,7��/ 4(.4-. Village 7 erk 1 1 1 1 J a r 85 J ar, d f ,�J u, tu- e O ,ems r Sete itz 3 0.^D /s .z ,0 7/ AAA- e.. QteeQ fie e irect -1€01-ea tes/ 4,o-e4A rn2 icAA-de4- 7-0 a 4 Get' 7 9 sd a 86 U��ar y 7A �u. n 7 z /9 sit J; eageel 74 o- ae& ,o2n t& z1A 1 az aa14, c r a Q �a ,urn a a.a_el /G- a u, �Q 7�" 71 I. iLAle -nAtA 'de dc,,4 V Vc--7;aztanv 2 /at-c-nd g-' ale 7 J 6 o 1, cr ems 6 y r A7 ,z" /9-e,t7to /9-re 1 1 88 C at 4P t'ac u tz 00 _,,,i `te o_p 2 '.2..' i tG� ✓�W 1 ea-e4 Cho 6 f1'ce�Q Cho C ur o--t. c ciAD G 1 —ve �o. 4 p bt d. a //67 fps &G 020.00 a' 9G.£S /G.O0 i c y SO .00 /06-oc /d. /7 /is. a G /o to 6 o 0 -z 3 ti �a .as 7a aa •6o .37.9 1d/.9 7 _3-7 .2. o 7/0 So sa.s o 8y Yo d'e..w 87 h AndelL At 2e ^n-Z j o rk t•� L W (c Y C,o r a aJ� d cv feezz i ri 1712 n -G4. fir, y /cc -7.,a, I Ata-ig tra Le a cc2/ a-ni d-ea-va 71,71 c G Areca Q t e I h a --e W L- 11 w r-o- -C 4 l.0 cZ s -L.-ri 1' e e.3 y -•-so i e.9 0 /0 90 _Cc Jt 6 o 6ys.o o G,6". 0 Special Meeting Signed Rosemount, Minn. July 7, 1 95 8 A special meeting of the Village Council was held at Tim July 7, 1958 for the purpose of discussing final plans for installation of curb and gutter and application of blacktop surfacing on Highland Ave. from Dakota No. 1 to Murphy St. and thence east on Murphy St. to Highway Ho. 218. The following members were present; McDonald Corrigan Bechtstgel Binnegan. Vinnegan acted as clerk in the absence of member Duff. Motion by Corrigan and second by Rechtsigel, the following resolution was passed; "That James Gabio, Dakota County Bbgiaeer Will Call Jor Bide lbr Installation Of Oarb And Gutter And Application Of Black Top Surfacing On Highiapd Ave. Brom Dakota County No. 1 to Murphy St. And Thence Bast To Highway No. 2184 All members voted in favor. After a short discussion concerning the above project, the meeting was duly adjourned at 735pm• Acting Clerk VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STA TE OF MI IESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held August 5, 1958. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. Mr. Stauffer was present to secure information relative to the date of installation of sidewalks on Lapis Street. He was advised by the the-Mayor that the Council considered the mprovemeat of hyland and the installation of sidewalks on 1.aple St. as one project and that until a suttable answer could be found for the water drain- age problem on hyland there world be nom further contruction. Mr. Weiderhoft and Mr. Harris were present to discuss with the Council the grade elevation of Hyland adjacent tO their property. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finegan Rahn's eecond addition was approved subject to a commission a-proval of the elevation of Eedar Street. The Mayor su•gested that this street be drained to the West if possible. Ayes 4 The minutes of the June 23, Ju A 27, July 1, and July 7 meetings were redd and appro:ed as read. The building permit applications of Richard Vorwerk, Francis McDonough and James Mc :Iearney were approved as per their applications. Ayes 4 }lotion by Corrigan and second by Finnegan. The Clerk read a letter from the Le of Min esota Municipalities regarding an increase in dues from $39.00 per year to $59.00 per year. On motion of Corrigan and second of Duff the dues were approved for ^a:rent and the Clerk was authorized to write a letter of protest aa_.nst any further raises. A letter from 1'r. James Gabiou, Dakota County Engineer was read. This letter re- ouested tie Village to eater into dh agreement with the County regarding the im- provement of Yyland Avenue and I ;.ur-.hy Street. On notion of Corri an and second of Finneran the Mayor and the Clerk were authorized to sign this agreement. The Clerk read a letter from Northern States Power Co. regarding the establishing of new rates for electric water heaters. Tthe Clerk read a letter from the Water Pollution Co:;trol Commission approving She plans for installation of sewer and water mai_s in Rahn' second adction. The Clerk read a letter from the Minnes ota Highway Department re the Village to enter into a contract with the State for the installation of a Traffio Control °i -na1 at the intorsectio:: of T.H. 216 and CAR 1 in Rosemount. On motion of Corri gan and second of Pi:aegan the Council authorized the Mayor and the Clerk to sign this agreement. Ayes 4 The Clerk read and filled in a questionnaire from the League concerning the new law authorizing the Village and County to designate Village Streets as County State Roads. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and oredered paid from their respective funds. LIQUOR STORE FUND Peoples natural Gas 5.65 Northern States Power Co. 59.59 Utilitios Commission 156.35 h. J. Geraghty A €enoy, OLT 36.00 Stock Fixtures 99.40 l Minnesota Municipal Liquor Stores Associtmon, Inc. 15.00 89 90 Minutes of regular meeting held August 5, 1958 continued. LIQUOR STORE BILLS CONTINUED Milwaukee Railroad 12.43 Twin City Typewriter Co, 7.00 Loren Steonbloc1: -paid out 44.28 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 831.03 Bernard W. May Co. 89.33 Northwest Sani -Draw 18.00 Frahk Cunniff 100.00 Martin Star Express 8.74 R. M. Shoebottom 38.00 Alcorn Beverage Co. 520.45 College City Beverage Co. 25.40 Northwest Linen Co. 20.95 Buckingham Beverage Co. 164.25 Seven-Up Bottling Co. 36.10 Concord Beverage So. 855.43 Hanson Beverage Co. 400.46 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 17.40 Fritz Wholesale C6. 47.85 McKesson Robbins 377.64 Distillers Distributing Co. 802.75 Famous Brands, Inc. 477.15 Northwest Cigar Coop. 19.99 GENERAL FUND Peoples Natural Gas Fire Department v 3.86 -Hall 1.10 Northern States Power Co. -rc.11 1.00 Street Lights 122.50 Fire Department 5.17 Central Telephone Co. -Fire phone. 10.90 Leo. J. Fluegel Elevator 2.50 H. J. Geraghty Agency- rental parking lot 80.00 Ratzlaff Service 6.55 Gerrit Pederson -extra time 80.13 Pure Cil Co. 4.95 B -Tu -1 ix Co. 79.82 George McDonough 4.00 E. J. LeDonald- telephone Callas 3.20 After a sort discussion concerning the profit percentage of the Li_uor Store the Council agreed to a special meeting with the L-anager to determine what should be done to increase this percentage. After the Mayor submitted two estimates for painting the interior of the Village $x11 the Council authorized the Mayor and the Clerk to enter i.te a contract with the low bidder, Mr. Ed. Vail of Farmiigton, to paint the interior of the fall one coat. Tie agreed prime to be .499.75. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 5th day of August, 1958. Respectfully submitted, 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held September 2, 1958, all members present. I The minutes of the August 5, 1958 meeting were read and approved as read. A bulletin from the Railway Warehouse Commission stating that the shuttle bus eervise between Farmington and Hampton was ad discontinued sae read. A bulletin from the League was read. It stated the dates and planes for the regional meetings. On motion of Reohtzigel and second of Corrigan the Council authorized the purchase of window shades form the Steele furniture Co., of Farmington, Minnesota for a prioe of $40.76 installed. The Mayor presented a oiroular from the Dowden Modern Speed Law Engoroement people and was authorized to invite them to display their machine to the Counoil. On motion of Corrigan and second of Reohtzigel the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respeotive funds. GENERAL FUND Peoples Natural Gas -Nall 1.10 -Fire Hall 4.20 N States Power Co. -Fire 6.83 Hall 1.00 St. Lights 122.50 I Central Telephone Co. -Fire 10.90 Steele Furniture Co. -Tile 267.30 Kane Famr E Co. -Fire 3.00 Corrigan Eleotrio 24.52 LIQUOR STORE FUND First State Bank 20.30 G Griggs, Cooper Co. 253.24 Peoples atural Gas 2.84 Northern States Power Co. 79.41 Bd. Phillips Sons Co. 259.38 Milw. RR 6.38 Frank Cunniff 100.00 Fritz Wholesale 81.17 Hoff Distributing Co. 16.45 Concord Beverage Go. 719.26 Buokingham Beverage Co. 226.56 Martin Star Express 5.12 Hanson Beverage Co. 332.83 Seven -Up Bottling Co. 3 College City Beverage Co. 78.05 Northwest Linen Co. 16.26 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 16.10 Aloorn Beverage Co. 393.39 Northwest Cigar Corp. 4.54 Restaurant China hotel supply 14.40 Famous Brands, Inc. 512.44 Distillers Distributing Co. 306.45 Bernard 9P. May Co. 74.17 On motion of Corrigan the Clerk was authorized to spend $45.00 for the purchase of a typewriter. There being no further Business the meeting adjourned this 2 day off 8pe 1 8. Reepeotfully Submitted �u ,Clerk 91 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAEOSA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held September 29, 1958. A special meeting of the Village Council was held at 8100 PM, September 29, 1958 for the purpose of discussing and the aooeptanoe of the plat of the Rahn Seoond Addition. All members were present except Duff. Finnegan anted as clerk in hie absence. Mr. Daive of the engineering firm, Comstock Davis, was present together with the Utilities Commission. They indicated they had approved the ester and sewer install- ation serving this area. Mayor McDonald questioned the established elevation on the new extension of Maple Street. Mayor Moponald stated he believed the elevation at the extreme west end of Maple to be lw. As presently designed, all water will flow west on Maple from its intersection with Park Avenue. Mr. Rahn agreed to form a shallow ditoh leadin€, into his field to drain the water accumulating at the intersection of Maple and Claire Avenue. Mr. Rahn agreed to blade new extension of Maple Street down satisfactorily and to apply a good neat of gravel. The Village Agreed to furnish the Village Blade and Mr. Rahn agreed to hire the in to operate it. After due consideration of the above issues motion was made by Corrigan and seconded by Reohtsigel that the plat be approved. All members present voted in favor of same. There being no further business the meeting was duly adjourned. Reapeotfully submitted, t.. gP Acting ae Clerk 93 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNf, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held Ootober 7, 1968, all members present. Mr. Forest Birdsall, Mr. John Weiderhold and Mr. Carl Hoffman were present to represent the Commercial Club and requested information relative to the installation of traffic signal* at the intersection of Highway #218 and County Road No. 1. They were advised that the Counoil was working on this matter and bad entered into an agreement with the State for the installation and maintenance of the signals. On motion of Corrigan and seoond of Finnegan the Clerk was authorised to contact the State Highway Department and re them to install the signal this fall if possible. This motion also agreed to the rewording of paragraph 3 a000riding to Mr. Spicola's letter of September 26, 1968. Mr. Birdsall also complained of the oondition of the streets writhing the Village eager ing that it was taking too muoh time for the Council to acoomplish any given project and urging them to put more "push" into it. Norris Pederson was present to disouse with the Counoil the following questions: Be wished to know what his title was. He stated he had a Justice of the Peace looated if the Council approved. Be requested information relative to the keeping of police reactds or files and was advised to seoure a ledger for this purpose. Be requested that an alternate pe appointed. Mr. MoMenomy was appointed to look into the legality of the Counoil appointing a Justice of the Peace from the township. Mr. John Ostertag was present to requ est a building permit for Roy Almquist to oon- struot a oonorete blook building across from his present shop on Ash Street. On motion and of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the permit was granted. Mr. Brobaok and Mr. Donal Carroll were present to discuss with the Counoil the Plat- ting of the Harold Mots property. They were regeeted to secure more definite infor- mation relative to streets on the meat aide of the property. The minutes of the September meetings were read and approved as read. Bide for the Liquor Store Blinde were as follows: Steele Furtbtute Store- Farmdngton $128.69 J. W. Hulme -St. Paul 184.02 R. E. Hulme -St. Paul 158.65 On motion of Finnegan and seoond of Corrigan the bid of Steele Funniture Co. was Aoeepted. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENREAL FUND E. J. MaDo ald -phona calls 1.30 Lyetad and Redick, I o. 30.00 Rudolph Reohtzigel 30.25 Steele Furniture Co. 40.75 Kane Dors. -plate for sign 6 Kane Bros. repair roller 6.00 E. J. MoDorald -labor and rent of Bander 62.85 B- Tu -1:is Company 100.21 Peoples Natural Gas Hall 1.00 Fire Station 3.69 Northern States Power Co.-4 Dept. g. Street lights 128.60 95 96 ,47 T. 4 ;372p.v E.✓AAR. 99V. LS /Q. S.nc e6• lx7y T..yn t i/4 a4/ o.,/ i43/. 2-5 Central Telephone Co. -Fire $10.90 Ratzlaff Service Station 17.10 R. F. Seickert -extra time 19.38 Toombs Insurance Agency 81.11 MoMenomy Bertoge 175.50 Norris Pederson -extra time 112.63 LIQUOR STORE BILES Peoples Neutral Gas 2.50 Northern States Power Co. 79.95 Griggs, Cooper Co. 1268.05 Loren Steenblook -petty cash 76.61 Old Peoria, Inc. 240.85 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 3265.15 Old Peoris, Iwo. 146.63 Concord Beverage Co. 524.39 Buokingham Beverage Co. 77.18 Seven Up Bottling Co. 28.80 Baneon Beverage Co. 314.78 Martin Star Express 48.26 Northwest Linen Service 15.18 Fritz Wholesale Co. 68.16 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 4.80 Bernard W. May Co. 71.28 Northest Cigar Corp. 26.64 I Hoff Distributing Co. 14.30 Alcorn Beverage Co. 312.50 On motion of Corrigan and eeoond of Finnigan the following building permits ewers granted. Charles Stauffer addition to existing home Felil Tillgee -new house on 217 Rest Maple Street Felix Tillges- new house on233 lest Ash Street. Jim MoNearnsy -new house on lot 1 blook3 Rahn's second addition. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 7th day of October, 1968. Respectfully submitted, 1 1 1 Minutes of regular meeting held November 4, 1968 continued. On motion of Rechtzieel and second of Finnegan the Clerk was authorized tp purchase from the Robert E. Fortier Typewriter Co. a three year old T?oyal typewriter for the cost of 490.00. The Mayor set the hours for the annual village election from 82 12:00 !-)on to 8:00 FM and arprointed the 'ollwcing judges. Fr. Ed. McLafferty Mr. Ed. Warweg and Mr. George T_rsteeg. The building permit ap-•lication of Don Christenson was granted on motion of Finrne- and second of RechtziFel. The matter of the Ray Sieckert garnishment was discussed and the papers were turned over to Attorney McMenomy handling. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council a ?r.2ed to accept for Street purposes an area 50 feet by 150 feet on the East end of the nresent Birck Street. The Mayor set the night of November 10, 1958 for a special to discuss the conditions of the Funicipal Liq.or Store. there being no further business the meeting adjourned this October 4, 195 Respectfully submitted. i f I ge C Vil ee C� 97 98 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Hint of regular meeting held November 4, 1958. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present ex- cepting Corrigan. Mr. Comstock of Comstock ec Davis and Messrs. Henry and Arthur Broback of the Broback Construction Co. were present to discuss proposed plans for the development the Motz Addition to the Village. Mr. Geraghty and Mr. Fleegel of the Utilities Commission were also rresent. After a lengthy discussion the Council on motion of Rechtzigel and second of Finnegan gave preliminary apTrcval to a portion of the total addition. That portion being John Street from Park Avenue to A Avenue and A Avenue from John St. to Ash Street. mxx2XNXfl XXX Rechttseel and Finnegan Aye and Duff Nay. The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved as read. On motion of Finnegan and second of Rechtzigel the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. LIQUOR STORE BILLS Peoples Natural Gas Northern States Power Co. Steele Furniture Co. Utilities Commission Toombs Insubance Agency Milwaukee RR Griggs, Cooper Co., Inc. Ed. Phillips Sons Con Frank Cunniff Northwest Linen Service Bernard W. May Co. Melady Paper Co. Martin Star Express Fritz Wholesale Co. Hoff Distributing Co. Coca -Ccla Pottling Co. Seven -Up Bottling Co. College city Peverage Co. Buckingham Peverage Co. Hanson Peverarre Co. Concord Peverare Go. Alcorn Beverage Co. Famous Brands, Inc. 4.20 63.87 128.60 157.05 53.55 4.33 317.89 189.23 100.0p 13.34 71.50 15.55 6.12 74.85 14.70 4.80 40.40 54.15 121.20 273.92 537.16 490.58 181.22 GENERAL FUND Paul Vorwerk Son Oil Co. 3.84 Rat Service 21.15 Lampert Yards 2.85 F.R. `<.S. Construction Co. 132.00 Fred H. Nelson 65.50 George McDonough 16.00 Peop Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 1100 -Fire 3.86 Northern States Power Co.- Street Lights 128.50 -Fire 5.42 -Hall 1.00 Central Telephone -Fire 10.90 R. F. Sieckert -extra time 13.75 Eugene Duff- supplies 4.05 Norris Pederson -extra time 42.00 Fure Oil Co. 2.79 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held November 10, 1958. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present exceptive Corrigan. Mr. Henry Broback and Mr. Kelly were present to discuss with the Council the property description of a lot next to the Pi/ property. On motion of Finnegan and second of Rechtzigel the Council granted H. Broback a building permit to construct a 24' x 40' house on the lot next to Firk on Asht St.. Tis permit was granted subject to the provision that Brocack's would straiten out the property lines to the satisfaction of the Council and that the house would suit the de- mands of A. Yirk. No digging was to be done until the Village has approved the property lines, etc. Mr. Loren Steenblock was present to discuss kith the Council the operating of the Liquor Stcre to increase the profits. The following points were discussed and resolved. 1. Inventory After a lengthy disccussion it was determined and agre•:d that the inventory would be reduced to approximately a maximum of 410,000.00. The manager explained why there were shortages and agreed that there should be none. The Council agreed to opeiethe Store one hour later commencing November 37, 1958. (9:00 AM) The Council agreed to try to locate someone to work a minimum of 2 hours per day from 11:OOAM to 1:00 FM or from 12:00 FM to 2 :00 !'M. daily. It was further agreed to grant Loren Steenblock a u50.00 rer month increase rroviding he was agreeable to working a reFular shift in addition to keeping his managerial duties upr to date. Further details were to be workedein the uture depending, upon the availability of fart time help. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 10th day of November, 1958. Respectfully submitted, 2. Shortages 3. Hours 4. Help 99 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MIIINESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held December 2, 1958. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members were present. I The minutes of the November meetings were read and approved as read. After a short disoussioa with Mr. Fluegel the Counoil agreed to pay for the power to operate the ohristmas lights. On motion of Reohtsigel and aeoond of Corrigan the Council agreed to.inorease the salary of Loren Steenblook by $75.00 per month, to become effective November 1, 1958. Loren is to be notified that he must show marked imrrovement by the end of the First quarter of 1959 or the Counoil would have to take further aotion. On motion of Finnegan the Counoil agreed to survey to extablieh street oorners for the intersection of Oak or Hayes Avenue and Cedar Street. Second by Corrigan. A letter from Northern States Power Co. terminating their agreement with the Village effective June 30, 1959 was read by the Clerk. The olerk read a form letter from the Mi.: esote highway Department regarding snow re- moval for 1958 -59. 101 A letter from the County assessor was read. This letter notified the Village that they were subjeot to a blanket increase of 10% wihoh was assessed as a result of the Minnesota Equalisation Boards deoision. I On motion of Corrigan and seoond of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND R. F. Sieokert -extra time 47.13 Peoples Natural Gas -Pell 1.00 -Fire 5.65 Northern States Power Co. -Hall 1.00 -Fire 4.91 .Street lights 125.00 Central Telephone CO. -Fire 10.90 George McDonough 2.00 Norris Pederson -extra time 10.50 &&i:QUOR STORE FUND Peoples Natural gas 17.66 Northern States Power Co. 49.71 Liquor Control Commissioner 1.00 Ed. Phillips Sons 778.36 Griggs, Cooper Co., Inc. 488.66 Lynn Johnson Co.- 375.14 State Treasurer 3.60 Famous Brands, Ino. 206.83 ?off Distributing Co. 21.45 Northwest Sani -Draw 18.00 Martin Star Express 14.86 Northwest Linen Co. 12.84 Concord Beverage Co. 609.88 Bernard W. May Co. 71.30 Cooa -Cola Bottling Co. 12.80 Frank Cunniff 100.00 102 1 Minutes of regular meeting oontinued, Deoember 2, 1958. Benson Beverage Co. $195.49 Alec Alcorn Beverage Co. 264.43 Buckingham Beverage Co. 91.20 MoResson Robbins 251.46 Seven Up Battling Co. 38.80 The Council agreed to meets again on the evening of Thursday Deoember 4, 1958 for the purpose of studying and setting the Village levy for 1959. There being no further Business the meeting adjourned this 2nd day of Deoember, 1958. Respeotfully submitted, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MIT ESOTA. Minutes of emus' eleotion held December 2, 1958. The annual eleotion of the Village of Rosemount was held on the day of December 1958 in the Village Ball. The judges of the eleotion were: Respectfully submitted, 4a aA o 4 l 1 Mr. George Tersteeg Mr. John Salkowitsoh Mr. Joe Cunniff At the hour of 12:00 OSClook PM. the above judges and clerks took the oath of office, the polls were forthwith opened by proclamation and the eleotion prooeeded by ballot without adjournment or intermission until closed at 8:00 O'Clock PM. The candidates voted on at such eleotion as stated in the notioe thereof were: 1 Trustee for the term of 3 years 1 Clerk for the term of 2 years 1 Assessor for the term of 2 years 1 Justice of Peace for the temp of 2 years 1 Co_ stable for the term of 2 years At 8:00 o'olook PM in the evening of said day the polls, a proclamation thereof having been mad by one of the judges thirty minutes previous thereto closed. The judges then proceeded to publicly count the ballots and a true statement was proclaimed and filed as provided by law. The canvass board met on the night of December 2, 1958 to review and aooept the results as presented by the eleotion judges. The result of the eleotion were as follows: T. J. Corrigan Trustee E. J. Duff Clerk Ed. Warweg Assessor Mrs. Rose Ryan Justice of Pesos Niok Fox Constable 6n notion the meeting adjourned this 2nd day of Deoember, 1958. 103 104 Village OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of sepoial meeting held Deoember 4, 1958. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present except Corrigan. After a short disoussion and on motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the General Village levy for 1959 was set at $11,000.00. Ayes were three On motion of Duff the Council approved the transfer of $200.00 from the General fund to the Sanitary Sewer Sinking Fund to reimburse it for the cost of sewer and water lines constructed on village property sold to Leo Fluegel. Seoond by Finnegan. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Liquor Liability Limits were inoreased Prom 10,000 20,000- to 25,000- 50,000. On motion of Finnegan and seoond of Reohtsigel the Council aooepted the bid of the Griswold Typrwriter Co. of $175.00 for the purchase of a Smith Corona Model 88E Typewriter. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 4th day of Deoember, 1958. Respectfully Submitted, e glage 4 l// VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY FO DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held January 6, 1959. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. The minutes of the December meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. 66eneral Fund John Doyle -extra police $10.50 Fischer Construction Co.- gravel 9.00 E. J. McDonald -phone calks 1.40 Lystad Redick 30.00 Kane Bros. 2.00 Lampert Yards 17.00 Paul Vorwerk Son 011 Co. 5. Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 22.60 -Fire Hall 34.00 Central Telephone -Fire 1 9.35 Northern States Power Co.- Street Lights 125.00 -Hall 1.26 -Fire 10.33 Ratzlaff Service Station 3.97 H. J. Geraghty Agency- Treasurers Bond 15.00 Norris Pederson -extra police 52.00 Peoples Natural Gas Northern States Power Co. Utilities Commission Milwwaukee RR Red Wing adv. Co. Melady Paper Co. Buckingham Beverage Co. Marting Star Express Hoff Distributing Co. Seven Up Bottling Co. Frank Cunniff Concord Beverage Co. J. P. Fritz Wholesale Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. College City Beverage Co. Northwest Cigar Corp. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Distillers Distributing Co. Bernard W. May g Co. Famous Brands, Inc. Milwaukee RR Northwest Linen Serbice Loren Steenblock -petty cash Ed. Phillips Sons Inc. LIQUOR STORE 29.80 47.60 15 3.51 86.81 19.25 74.70 6.33 14.40 28.20 100.00 44 5.97 56.20 225.28 250.97 33. 2 1.33 4.15 269.61 89.22 498.23 9.00 12.59 38.18 56.09 On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following cigarette license annlicAions were approved for the year 1959. Thune Drgg Co., Hagemeister Fairway, Mobil Station, Ratzlaff Service Station, Duffy's Store, Bakers Store, and Americal Legion Post #65. 105 106 Minutes of regular meeting held January 6, 1959 continued. The Clerk read a letter from James Gabiou along with a maintenance agreement for County State Aid Uighway #35. The Mayor agreed to take the letter and agreement and to investigate same for the Council. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the First State Bank of Rosemount was,, e designated and the official Village Depositary for 1959, the Dakot, County was designated as the official Newspaper and Dr. Erickson, E. J. McDonald and P. F. Finnegan were appointed to the Board of Health. The clerk read a petition for the closing of a part of Hayes Avenue, formerly Oak St., and on motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Council agreed to accent the petition and to set a tentative date of public hearing as February 3, 1959. Ayes were 4. The Council discussed and mutually agreed that if the improvement of Hyland and murphy streets were to be completed during 1959 some action would have to be taken in the very near future. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 6th day of January, 1959. Respectfully Submitted, 9 Vil 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of spelal meeting held January 29, 1959. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. The bookd of the Tteasurer, Clerk and the Utilities commission were reviewed by the Council. On motion of Fi negan and second of Rechtzigel the Council approved the books for the year 195 and ordered the Clerk to publish his financial state- ment. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan Mr. R. J. Geraghty was appointed effective Setpember, 1958, to serve on the Utilities Commission. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 29th day of January 1959. Respectively Submitted, rn 4 VILLAGE OF ROSFMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held February 3, 1959. Meeting called to otder by President McDonald, all members present. Messrs. Arthur and Henry Broback were present to discuss with the Council the following letter which was approved on motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan. Ayes were 4. Veterans Administration Home Annraisal Section Fort Snelling, Minnesota Gentlemen: We, the governing body of the Village. of Rosemount, certify that the improvements in proosed nublic streets and easements, grades of streets, for the layouts and inverts of u- iiities and storm sewer as shown on the plans are acceptable to the Rosemount Village Council and the utility commission of Rosemount as final, and the street grades and drainage and overall and general plan of development of the surrounding area and the Village of Rosemount. The Village Council in regular seession, has approved the planning in general and in particular the layout of the utilities, grades, and lots that face John Street. Sincerely, THE VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, sl E. J. McDonald Mayor The minutes of the January meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Council approved the transfer of $2,000.00 from the Liquor Fund to the General Fund to cover the loss of Liquor license loss for the year 1959. On motion of Corrigan and second of Rechtzigel the Council agreed to remove the $2,000.00 check cashing fund from the Liquor. This was a request of the manager. The Council agreed that the Clerk should contact Mr. May of the Auditing firm and request that he make an additional cas audit in the very near future. Also, to checc on two items appearing on bhe financial statement, one of $191.16 for can- celing checks, and the other of Hoepner prepaid wages. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the council voted to notify newspapers throwing papers on the Drug Store corner to clean up their mess or drop their rapers elsewhere. This notification was to be issued through the Village Attornery. There being no objections to the closing of Hayes Avenue or Oak st. as per the notice of public hearing, the Council approved on motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the closing of this short street. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Council approved the rate of $8.00 per day for E. J. McDonald for care of the Village Dump. After complaints of property owners regarding the destruction of property caused by the discharge of air rifles in the Village the Council authorized the Clerk to pub- lish a notice warning the residents of the illegal use of firearms in the Village. 109 110 Minutes of regular meeting held February 3, 1959 continued. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the salary of the Treasurer for 1959 was set at $200.00 from the General Fund, and $15000 from the Liquor Fund. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Clerks salary was set at $65..00 per month and $2.00 per hour for figuring special assessments. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following cigarette license anplications were approved and issued. Wm. Warner, Cecelia Ahern, Richard Vovwerk and Walter and Geroge Strese. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. LIQUOR FUND Peoples Natural Gas 56.7 Northern States Power Co. 47.97 Shirley Kirchknopf 4 3.5 0 Loren Steenblock -paid outs 3 Northwest Eani -Draw, Inc. 18.00 tern Bernard W. May Co. 71.3 Old Peoria, Inc. 2 75.8 1 Fd. Phillips Sons 441.00 Frank Cunniff 100.00 'toff Distributing Co. 14.05 Fritz Wholesale Co. 4 5. 0 5 Northwest Cigar Co. 27.18 Milwaukee RR 12 .59 Distillers Distributing Co. 68 Concord Beverage Co. 4 5 4 .52 Seven Up Bottling Co. 17.00 Northwest L Co. 1 3.5 2 Buckingham Beverage Co. 103.11 Hanson Beverage Co. 163.76 Alcorn Beverage Col 244.2 GENERAL FUND Peoples Natural Gas -hall 51.80 -Fire 63.76 Northern States Power Co. -Hall 1.89 -St. LiLhts 125.00 -Fire 9. Central Telephone Co. =Fire 10.90 Toombs Insurance Agency- clerks bond 9.25 H. J. Geraghty agency -Hall and contents 29.80 Corcoran Hardware Imp. Co. 15.28 Miller -Davis Co. 8.61 Dakota County Tribune 6 .75 Norris Pederson -extra time 42.00 F. J. McDonald -care of dump 160.00 There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 3rd day of Rebruary, 1959. Respectfully submitted, V' age VILLAGE. OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held March 3, 1959. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all memberd were present. Messrs. Herman Birdsall, Edwin Gruber, Paul Vorwerk, Paul Vorwerk,jr., Richard Vor- werk and Jerry Walsh were present to discuss with the Council the improvement of Maple Street and to present a petition for its improvement. After examining the petition for proper form and signatures the Council accepted same and ordered it Placed on file. The minutes of the February meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. LIQUOR STORE Shirley Kirchknopf Northern States Power Co. Peoples Natural Gas Northern States Power Co. Shirley Kirchknopf n n Loren Steenblock Sanitary Sewer Sinking Fund Fd. Phillips Sons Griggs, Cooper Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Concord Beverage Co. Northwest Linen Service Bucl(inpham Peverage Co. Hoff Distributing Co. Seven Up Bottling Co. Milwaukee RR College City Beverage Co. Bernard W. May Co. Genz- Ryan °lumbing Heating FrabD Cunniff Hanson Beverage Co. Kane Farm Ewuipment Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Distillers Distributing Co. Fritz Wholesale Co. GENERAL FUND Peoples Natural Gas Hall Fire Station Northern States Power Co.- Christmas Lights Fire Hall Street lights Hall Central Telephone Co. -Fire Leo J. Fluegel Elevator -snow removal Toombs Insurance Agency -Hall pumping station Workmens Compensation Miller -Davis Co.- Clerks supplies Eugene Duff- office su ^plies Norris Pederson Lampert Englert -dump rental for 1959 -1960 to April 1 33.00 48.79 40 2 3 50.08 36.00 26.00 75.7 353 1107.63 3 298.24 496.22 13.98 105.79 9.75 34.30 13.60 34.60 70.81 7.00 100.00 160.24 23.95 6.00 459.89 44.80 44.00 50.76 18.80 9.69 125.00 2.02 10.90 33.75 29.80 386.97 5.66 7.05 42.00 100.00 The Clerk read a bulletin fxrxzpcp from the Railroad and Warehouse Commission regard- ing the increase of rates sought by Eentral Telephone Co. Date of hearing was Mardh 10, 1959 at 9 :30 AM at tht_ City Hall of Fairmont, Minnesota. No action taken. 111 112 Minutes of regular meeting held M arch 1 B 3, 1959 continued from page 111. After further discussion relative to the petition regarding the improvement of Maple street the following resolution was adopted. RESOLU`TON CALLING FOR HEARING ON LOCAL IMPROVEMENT AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT WHEREAS, it has been proposed to improve Murphy Street from Main Avenue to Ryland Avenue And from Hyland Avenue west to the end of said Murphy Street, Hy- land Avenue from Murphy Street to Maple Street and Maple Street from Park Avenue to Main Avenue, all said street lying and being in the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, by the installation of blackto :ping, together with curb, gutter, and sidewalks on both sides thereof as needed, and to assess the benefitted property for all er a portion of the cost of the improvement, pursuant to Minn. Stats., Secs. 429.011 to 429.111 (Laws 1953, Ch. 398, as amended) and, WHEREAS, at the Council's direction, said proposal has been submitted to H. E. Nestaval, Village engineer, and WHEREAS, said Villlage Engineer has reported to the Council that the improvement is feasible, that the same should be made as above proposed and that the estimated cost thereof would be y/, o o dollars; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED RY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA; 1. The council will consider the improvement of such streets in accordance with the reprot and the assessment of abutting, property, and all other benefitting property, for all er a proticn of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Stats., Secs. 420.011 to 429.111 (Laws 1953, Ch. 39E, as amended) at an estimated cost of the improvement of h G 33. o o 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvement on the 24th day of March, 1959, in the council shambers of the Village dS11 at 8:00 P.M., and the clerk shall give published notice of such hearing and improement as re- quired by law. Adopted by the Council this 3rd day of March, 1959. a/ E. J. McDonald, Mayor Notice of Public Hearing published in the Dakota County Tribune is as follows; NOTICE OF HEARING ON LOCAL IMPROVEMENT AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: notice is heareby given that the Village Council of Rosemount, Minnesota, will meet at the council chambers in the village hall at 8:00 P.M. on March 24, 1959, to con- sider the making of an improvement of Murphy Street from Main Avenue to Hyland Avenue and from Ryland Avenue west to the end of said Murphy Street, Hyland Avenue from Murphv Street to M2n1e Street and Maple Street from Park Avenue to Main Avenue all of said streets lying and being in the Village of Rosemount, M nnesota, by the installation of blacktopping, together with curb, gutter, and sidewalks on both sides thereof as needed, pursuant to Mtnn. Stats., Sec. 429.011 to 429.111 Laws 1953, Ch. 393, as amedded). The area proposed to be assessed for such improvement is the property abutting on such streets, and any and all other property benefitted by said improvement. The estimated costs of such improvement is }1,(c Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the proposed improvement shall hp hea.A At this moest.ing,. S. Eugene J. D --f. Village C_ 1 1 1 Minutes of regular meeting held March 3, 1959 continued from page 112. A letter from Bernard W. May relative to the shortages of cash in the local liquor store was read and discussed. This letter was turned over to the Mayor after the Council agreed that it should be read by the manager. The Clerk explained what progress had been made towards the installation of the stop sign at the intersection of Piway #218 and County Road #1. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Council voted not to approve the maintenance agreement proposed by the County Tiighway Engineer for the year 1959. A letter from Juran Moddy, I c. relative to the recalling of bonds for which we would have funds available for was read and discussed. The Council agreed that we were not ready to reca'11 any of our bonds at this time. The following is an addition to or an amendment to the February meetings: RESOLU_ION Motion by member Corrigan, seconded by member Finnegan, and unanimously pass that: ?dH REAS, i appearing to be for the interest of the public; IT IS MFREBY RESOLVED, that the following described street, situated in the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, be, and the same hereby is, vacated; "All tat part of Hayed Avenue, formerly Oak Street, lying South of the South line of Cedar Street, according to the plat of the original Town of Rosemount, now on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within and for the County of Dakota, State of M NOTICE C C,'MPLfIC'I OF VzCA'TIO:': OF ?UBLIC STREET TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS FrREBY GIVEN that after a public hearing, held after petition and notice given pursuant to Minnesota Statute 412.851, the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, passed a resolution vacating the Following described street, situated in the Village of Rosemount, County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, to -wit: All that part of Hayes Avenue, formerly Oak Street, lying South of the South line of Dedar Street, according to the plat of the original town of Rosemount, now on file, and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within and for the County of Dakota, State of Minnesota." NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that such vacation was completed by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, on the 3rd day of February, 1959. IM WITNESS WH REOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 3rd day of Feprusry, 1959. as Village Clerk of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota, County, Minnesota. S/ Eugene J. Duff, Village Clerk There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 3rd day of Marcy, 1959. Respectfully lubmi ted e &1 113 VILLAGE OF ROSFMOUNT, COUNTY OF Dfl%OTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held March 9, 1959. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present except Rechzigel. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the names of streets in the Motz Add. were officially established as follows: On motion of Corrigan and second of Finne Tan tentative approval was given to the balance of Block 2, Block 3 and Block 4 of Motzts addition, final ap royal being subject to approval of sewer and water and street elevations. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 9th day of March, 1959. Respectfully submitted, VYlaee E Avenue was made Fourth Avenue, N A Avenue was made Fifth Avenue, North C Street was made Conley Street 115 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT OFFICE OF CLERK ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA March 18, 1959 Minutes of special meeting held at gpm March 18, 1959. Members present: McDonald, Corrigan Finnegan. Absent: Duff and Reehtztgel. Finnegan was appointed acting clerk in Duffle absence. Fenry and Arthur Eroback representing Broback Builders appeared and o :^aaented resueets for building permits for 22 homes in the Motz Addition. The homes are to be of frame construction 40' X 2. -'2 An inde'intte nurior of these homes will be brick veneered in which case 4 will be added to the above dimensions. They will be built on lots 2 through 10 on Block 2 of John St. and lots-1 through 13 on Block 1 of John St. Complete details of construction are included for bash individual home on each application. Houses on the A•Ju`h of side of John St. will be placed 35 feet baok from lot line and those on the North side Of John St. will be placed a minimum of 32 feet back from lot line. With respect to elevation, eaoh home will beso situated that the top of the foundation will be no less than 18 inches above the center crown of the street. Value of each home was set at $10,000.00. A petition for curb, gutter and blacktop street by the residents on Maple St. from Highland Ave. to Par:; ave.tras read by the members present. No action was taken. A short discussion was held concerning general street problems. There being no further business the meetinE was adjourned at lOpm. P.F.Fingegan :Acting Qb.erk 1 Village of Rosemount, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MTNNESOT.,. Minutes of special meeting held March 24, 1959, Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all membeys present. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the building permit application of erow and Crow, Inc. for a ready mix concrete plant was approved. The following peoole were present to discuss with the Council the improvement of Streets with in the Village. Leo. J. Flnegel J. Warweg A. J. McDonough J. Walsh J. Kane G. Kraft H. Birdsall E. Corcoran T. Brandt Dr. Mardell J. Ahern F. Kane J. Doyle W. Warner J. Hawkins F. Birdsall E. Gruber M. Reilling L. Weiderhoft J. Duffy J. Quigley 0. Spencer E. Staubfer L. Warweg L. Bernier F. McDonough On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the council voted to accept a petition for the improvement of Maple St. from Hlyand to Park Avenue and to proceed with plans and specifications and the hiring of Stphen Nestaval, Engineer for this pur- pose. Resrectfully'submitted, c ui ViTlage(Clerk 117 118 VI1LAGF OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOT, STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of regular meeting held April 7, 1959. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. On motion of Duff and second of Corrtgan a plat presented by Borbach Builders to cover the North and South side of J street in Motzls Addition was approved and the Mayor and the Clerk were authorized to sign same. Ayes 3 The minutes of the March meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the council voted to accept a petition for the ''nrrovement of Cedar Street from Highland Avenue to Clarie Avenue and on Claire from Be—e Street to Adh Street. (L ed K A letter from Mrs. Norman Zurfluh was read protesting the burnipg of Rubbish to near to their home. After' the Clerk was authorized to write the John Kelly's and request their cooperation in moving the burner to a more suitable location. On motion of Corrigan and second of Duff Mr. Finnegan was authorized to contact the firm of Crow end Crow, Inc. regarding the construction and operation of their ready -mix platt with respect to the complaints of the residents and to advise them to keep noise to a minimum. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the $4.29 special assessment for or water made on the St. Joheph Cemetery in error, be cancelled. The Mayor annointed Mr. Robert Toombs to represent the Village on the Metropolitan Planning Commission. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the council approved the finished grade of Hyland Avenue North of Ash St. in accordance with the plans previously approved by the Council. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered pair) from their respective funds. General Fund Peoples Natural Gas -Fire Dept. 58.30 -Ball 42.05 Central Telephone CO.-Hail F,A. 10.90 Northern States Power Co. -Fire 10.75 Hall 1.00 St. Lights 125.00 Dakota County Tribune special assessment 9.00 H. J. Geraghty Agency Assessor Bond 9. H. J. Geraghty Agency Insurance 117.40 R. F. Sieckert -extra time 64.32 Lystad's g Redick, Inc. 30.00 Ratzlaff Service 2.44 St. Paul Stamp Works 7.32 Miller -Davis Co. 7. 6 Goper Stamp i Die 2.75 w. R. g S. Construction Co. 50.50 Norris Pederson -extra time and car expense 76.90 Liquor Store Peoples Natural Gas Co. 45.30 Minutes of regular meeting held .pril 7, 1959 continued. Shirley Kirchknopf Estimated portion of 1959 Work. Comp. Milwaukee RR Fd. rhillips i Sons Co. Lynn Johnson Co. Old Pecpia, Inc. Fd. Snns Co. Northwest Cigar Corp. 7 Up Bottling Frank Cunniff Alcorn Beverage Co. Firtz Wholesale Col McKesson g Robbins Concord Beverage Co. Famous Brands, Inc. Melady raper Co. College City Beverage Co. Buckingham Pevera e Co. Hoff Distributing Co. Bernard W. May g Co. Coon-Cola Bottling Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Northwest Linen Co. Loren Steenblock-paid out $39. 104.81 21.73 151.11 238.94 158.38 1042.04 26.64 27.40 100.00 287.37 39.35 264.60 437. 389. 11.45 25.05 181.54 15.00 70.78 1.59 258.63 11.98 34.83 t.� A copy of a resolution referred to on rage 118 of these minutes is as follows: Respectfully submittet}RADE APPROVAL FORM RESOLUTION v?IA�R'EAS'F P1'attb' for State Project No. S.A.P. 19- 670 -01 showing proposed alignment, grades and corss sections, together with specifications and special provisions `or the construction, of County -State Aid Fighway #35 within the limits no the Village as a State Aid Project have been prepared and presented to the Village. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED: That said plans, specifications and special provisions be in all things approved. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 7th day of April 4959. Respectfully submitted, P/ I Village C 119 120 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESTOA. MInutes of special meeting held April 20, 1959. Yeeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present excepting R,chtz.igel. On motion of of Corrigan and second of Finngan the Council approved the plans and specifications for the construction of a storm sewer and authorized the Clerk tp place the 'ollowing ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS IN the Dakota County Tribune for two weeks. It was further stipulated that the moneses required for this project were to be transferred fromt'e Liquor Fund to the General Fund. Ayes 3 ADVERTISEMENT FCR BIDS S proposals will be received by the Village Council, Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, at the Village Hall until 8:00 PM CST, May 5, 1959, at which time pro= posals will be pu licly opened and read aloud, for the furnishing of all labor material and equipment for constructing ap.:roximately 2370' of 15" Storm S complete with a purtensnces. Proposals will be accepted only on forms furnished by the Engineer. No bid will be considered unless accompanied by Cashier's Certified Chedk, or Bidder's Bond in the amount of five (55) per cent of the bid payable to the Village Treasurer. In the vent that the bidders fails to furnish performance bond required by law, safe check or the face value of the Bidders's Bond shall be or feited to the V Village of Rosemount as liquidated damage. Copies of plans and spedifications for the above work may be seen at the Office of the Village Clerk and at the Office of the Engineer. Copies of plans and specifications for the use of individual bidders may be obtained at the Of "ice of the Engineer upon making a deposit of $10.00. Deposit will be returned to unsuccessful bidders provided plans and specifications are returned at the time bids are opened. One -Half of the deposit will be returned to non bidders provided the plans and specifications are returned on or before the o-eninv of the bids. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or parts of bids and to award the contract as it deems to be for the best interest of the Village. Dated this 20th day of April, 1959 By order of the Village Council Stephen J Nestaval Consulting Engineer 1254 East Fourth Street St. Paul, Minnesota Minutes of Special meeting ehld April 20, 1959 continued. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Council set at public hearing date of May 12, 1959 at 6:00 DST for the following described public hearing. 4 42.9-4-04^- -4Q NOTICE OF HEARING ON LDCETMPROVEMENT AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Village Council of Rosemount, Minnesota will meetat the council chambers in the village hall at 8:00 PM on May 12, 1959, to consider the making of the following local improvements; 1. Installation of curb, gutter and blacktop on Park Avenue from Ash Street to Cedar Street. 2. Installation of curb, gutter and blacktop on Cedar Street from Claire Avenue to Hyland Avenue. 3. Installation of curb, gutter and blacktop on Claire Avenue from Ash Street to Cedar Street. 1/44. Installation of curb, gutter and blacktop on Hyland Avenue from Ash Street to Maple Street. 5. Installation of curb, gutter, blacktop and sidewalk (both sides) on Maple street from Park Avenue to Main Avenue and NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that it is proposed to assess the property abut- ting on such streets and any and all other property benefited by said improve- ments pursuant to Minn. Stats., Secs. 429.011 to 429.111 Layv 1953. Ch.398, as amended). The estimated cost of said improvements is $74,000.00. Such persons as desire to be heard with reference to the proposed improvements shall be heard at this meeting. Eugene J. Duff Village Clerk Village of Rosemount, Minnesota Published in the Dakota County Tribune, Farmi93ton, Minnesota on April 30, and May 7. 1959. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 20th day of April, 1959. Respectfully Submitted. 121 and, RESOLUTION CALLI& FOR REARING ON IDCAL IMPROVEMENT AND SPECIAL ASSIGSMENT Duff- Village Cle/k E. Z. McDonald, Mayor c44-/ it/ WHEREAS, it has been proposed to make the following local improve- ments in the Village of Rosemount, County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, to -wit: 1. Installation of curb, gutter and blacktop on Part Avenue from Ash Street to Cedar Street; 2. Installation of curb, @fitter aid blacktop on Ceder Street from Claire Avenue to Hyland Avenue; 3. Installation of curb, gutter and blaektop on Claire Avenue from Ash Street to Cedar Street; 4. Installation of curb, gutter and blacktop on Hyland Avenue from Ash Street to Maple Street; 5. Installation of curb, gutter, blacktop and sidewalk (both sides) on Maple Street from Park Avenue to Main Avenue and, WHEREAS, it has been proposed to assess the benefitted property for all or a portion of the coat of the above improvement° pursuant to Minn Statutes, Sections 429.011 to 429.111 (laws 1953, Ch. 398, as emended) WHEFM1S, et the council's direction, said proposal has been mabmit- tad to H. E. Neateval, Village Engineer, and WHEREAS, aaid Village Engineer has reported to the council that the improvement is feasible, that the some should be made as above proposed end that the estimated cost thereof would be $,00.00; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUINCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA: 1. The council will consider the improvement of such streets in acoordanoe with said report end the assessment of abutting property end all other beaefitttng property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minn. State., Secs. 429.011 to 429.111 (Laws 1953, Oh. 398, as emended) at an estimated total cut of the improve- ment of $06':000.00. 2. A public hearing shall be held on mach proposed improvement on the 12th day of May, 1959, in the council chambers of the Village Hell at 8 :00 P.M., and the clerk shell give published notice of much hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted by the council this 20th day of April, 1959. 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held May 5, 1959. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. The Clerk read the Call for Bids i 'aaillsi vas published in the Dakota County Tribune and proceeded to read publicly the bids which were received as per the attached tabulation. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the bid of Fox Weiller was accepted and the Mayor and Clerk were authorized to sign a contract for the construction of storm sewers as per the advertisement. motion After a lenvthy discussion with Mr. Hank Broback and upon saw of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Mayor and Clerk were authorized to sign plata 2 3 of Motz's addition upon receipt of a written opinion of Paul Meagan, County Surveyor that the stakes in said addition are properly placed by Comstock Davis, surveyor for the Broback Builders. It was further agreed to hire Mr. McLagan to survey and verify the setting of the stakes for a cost not to exceed $100.00, 50% of the cost to be born by the Village and 50$ by Broback Buildiers. Mr. Donal Carroll was present to discuss the storm sewer draining from the new addition. He was reminded of the easement agreement dated August 6, 1956 in which the Billage agreed to take mf care of any damage to his property. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Councill approved the building per- mit application of Ed. Rahn. On motion of finnegan and second of Corrigan the minutes of the April meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were aproved and ordered raid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND Northern States Power Co. -Hall 1.00 Fire Station 6.72 Street 125.00 Central Telephone Co. 10.90 First State Bank 2.00 Ratzlaff Service 4 .55 Peoples Natural Gas Hall 29.65 Fire Station 42.05 Northern States Power Co.- Street 125.00 Fire Station 7.25 Hall 1.01 Central Telephone Co.Fire 10.90 Norris Pederson -extra time 42.00 McMenomy Hertogs 227.50 Dakota County Tribune 4.50 Northern States Power Co. Shirley Kirchknopf H. J. Geraghty Agency burglary Shirley Kirchknopf Utilities Commission Northern ,States Power Co. Peoples Natural Gas Ed. Phillips &sons Co. LIQUOR STORE FUND 51.58 39.00 72.50 39.0 157.05 4 7.53 35.80 752.01 12 124 Minutes of regular meeting held May 5, 1959 continued. District Director of Internal Revenue 54.00 Old Peoria, Inc. 2E3.66 Distillers DistributineG Go'. 658.27 Famous Brands, Inc. 709.27 7Up Pottli'g Co. 33.20 Northwest Sani -Draw, Inc. 18.00 Alcorn Beverage Co. 448.80 H„f£ Distributing Co. 9.20 Coca -Cola Bottling Col 8.75 Concord Beverage Co. 631.43 N Linen Co. 16.69 Frank Cunniff 100.00 Buckingham Beverage Co. 104.04 Franklin Research 47.25 Bernard W. May Co. 71.12 Hanson Beverage Co. 241.25 Old Dutch Foods 10.15 Genz -Ryan 7.00 Co''lege City Beverage 63.50 Milwaukee RR 12.77 National Cash Register 57.00 Northwest Cigar Corp. 12.77 Fritz Wholesale 48.67 On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Council approved the improvement of Murphy Street from the School parking lot th the intersection of Hyland ,;venue cost of improvement and details to be worked out and paid by the School District directly to the County. There biting no further business the meeting adjourned this 5th day of May, 1959. Respectfully submitted, 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNFSOTA. M of special meeting held May 12, 1959 Meeting called to order by President McDoaald, all members present. The Clerk read the notice of public hearing regarding the improvement of Village Streets. After a lengthy and detailed discussion regarding the improvement and the cost thereof the Council on of Corrigan and second of Finnegan voted to advertise for bids for the streets specifically stated in :he notice of public hearing. Ayes were 4 On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the building permit application of Jim I was approved as per his application. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the building permit application of the Methodist Church to enlarge their basement was granted. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the building permit applications of Broback buildiers were approved as per their applications. 20 permits. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 12th day of May, 1959. Respectfully submitted, 125 127 VILLAGE OF ROSFMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held June 2, 1959. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. Messrs. Ralph and Robert Toombs were present to discuss with the Council the possibility of running the roof wtter from their new bank into the storm sewer situated on As!; Street. After some the discussion the Council gave their approval to the plan providing the street and all other affected property be restored to the original condition and that all costs were to be born by Mr. Toombs. On motion of Rechtzigel and second of Corrigan the council approved the attached resolution pertaining to the improvement of Hyland Avenue and Maple Street. The minutes of the May meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Rechtzigel and second of Finnegan Mr. Stephen Nestaval was retained to prepare final plans and to do remaining Engineering work along with supervision of the improvement of Hyland Avenue and Maple Street for a fee of 6 On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the council approved the reduction of taxes due to an error in the measurement of the Bernier M Co. Building. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the taxes of the property recently purchased by Leo. J. Flnegel be reduced to be in line with the value of the property. On motion of Finnegan the Council approved Ordinance #51 regulating parking and adlpting the state traffic laws for the Village. Second by Corrigan. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Council approved the transfer of $9,000.00 from the Liquor Fund tc the General Fund to be used to pay for the construction of Storm sewere. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the council approved the following bills and ordered them paid from their respectivie funds. GENERAL FUND Lehn Electric 114.63 S. J. Nestaval 747.77 Fox Weiller, Inc. 5846.56 S. J. Nestaval 40.00 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 19.75 -Fire 18.40 Joe Cunniff 40.00 Don Strese 20.00 Joe Quigley 8.00 Norris Federsor. 5 Paul Vorwerk Son Oil Co. 5.76 E. J. McDonald 152.00 Miller -Davis Co. 19.98 Dakota County Tribune 20.25 Peoples Natural Gas Farmington Floral Co. Shirley Kirchknopf Ed. Fhillips Sons Ed. Phillips Sons Ed. Phillips Sons Gfiggs, Cooper Co., I r.,.; rr. cnnnsr 4- Co.. Inc. LIQUOR STORE FUND 19.00 10.95 36.00 311.60 38.93 2032.36 203.26 570.34 RESOLUTION ORIERING IMPROVEMENT AND FRP.PARdTION OF PLANS WHEREAS, a resolution of the Village Council, adopted the 20th day of April, 1959, fixed a date for a council bearing on the following local improvements, to -wit: 1. Installation of curb, gutter mid blaoktop an Park Avenue from Ash Street to Godar Street; 2. Tnstallation of curb, gutter and blaoktop on Cedar Street iron Claire Arcane to Hyland Avenue; 3. Installation of curb, gutter and blacktop on Claire Avenue from Ash Street to Cedar Street; 4. Installation of curb, gutter and blacktop on Hyland Avenue from Ash Street to Maple Street; 6. Installation of curb, gutter, blacktop and sidewalk (both sides) on Maple Street from Park Avenue to Maine Avenue and, MISREAD, ten days' published notice of the hearing through two weekly publications of the required notice was given and the hearing was nsld there- on on the 12th day of May, 1959, at tier, all persons desiring to be heard were given on opportunity to be heard thereon, NOA THEICFORE BE IT RESOLVED By ITM VILLAGE COUNCIL OP ME VILLAGE OP ROSEMOUNT, DAKOTA COUNTY, ➢IINNESOTA, as follows: 1. The following improvements are hereby ordered as proposed in the Council resolution dated April 20, 1959: (e) Installation of curb, gutter and blacktop on Ryland Avenue from Ash Street to Maple Street, and (b) Installation of curb, gutter, blaoktop and sidewalk (both aides) on Maple Street from Park Avenue to brain Avenue. 2. Stephen J. aestavel 1s hereby designated as the engineer for thia improvement. ID stall prepare plans and spec_fioations for tbe mak- ing of sucu improvement. Adopted oy tee council this 2nd day of June, 1959. Ayes Naves E. J. McDonald, Mayor VT'L&GE OF ROSE'MOUNT, COUNTY OF D'KCt., ST'TL' OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held June 18, 1959. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present excepting Duff Finnegan was appointed as clerk in the absence of Duff. Motion by Rechtzigel seconded by Corrigan and unanimously passed to adopt the resolution. AP ROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS .'.ND OREDERING A,DVERTI.SEMENTS FOR BIDS., attached to these minutes and incorporated herein by reference. Mr. Marcell, Mn Beck and Mr. Hansen of Northern States Power Co. were on hand to discuss plans for installing new poser lines in the Broback addition plus su7gesting measures to remedy our lighting system throughout the town. Mr. Beck suggested that we have our clerk address a letter to the Northern States Fower Co. at St. Paul advising them of our intent to revamp our downtown lighting systems possibly in 1961. They should be encouraged to make plans to relocate their present facilities. A plan or our village lighting facilities plus awa suggested changes theron was presented by Mr. Beck to the council. Mr. Beck acted 25 spokesman for the northern States Fower group. After a short discussiin, approval for installing the following street lights was granted to Northern States Power Co. Marion Lane 4 lights John Street 3 lights It was further agreed that should it become necessary to light ConleyStreet in the Motz addition a like nujber of lights will be installed as on John St. Member c•rrigan informed the council it that the existing practise or agree- ment between the Rosemount fire department and the Farmington department whereby each will help the other in the ebent of a serious fire in either village on a free basis is no longer in effect. An agreement between the village council of Farmington and the Farmington department provides that should there men be called upon to fight a fire in the village of Rosemount each man will be paid on the basis of two dollars per hour for the time he is on duty. T e village council of Farmington will imburse the men accofdiiigly. The question now remains, will the village of Rosemount re- imburse the village of Farmington for the salary of the firement under the above circumstances. The matter was tabled for further consideration. The report of earings for the first five months of operations of our municipal store was read and discussed. Necessity for changes personne etc. were dis- cussed. It was decided that further consideration be given the matter on the night of our tax equalization meeting. there being no further business the meeting adjourned this 18th day of June, 1959. Respectfully submitted, Pi F. Finnegan. Acting as Clerk 129 BESOLUnoi! APPROVING PLANS AND SPrECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEh%. }7B FOR BIAS 17Idt'REAS, pursuant to a resolution passed by the council on June 2 1959, Stephen J. Nestaval, consulting engineer retained for she purpose, has prepared plans and specifications for the following improvements, to -wit: 1. Installation of curb, gutter and blacktop on Hyland Atoms from Ann Street to Maple Street, and 2. Installation of curo, gutter, olacktop and sidewalk (both sides) on Maple Street fro— Park Avenue to Main Avenue, and nas presented eucn plane sad specifications to the council for ap- proval. NON THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE wit.AGE COuNCIl OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSI OUNT, MINNESOTA, as follows: 1. Sucre plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a pert hereof, are hereby approved. 2. The village clerk snail prepare and cause to be inserted in the ann once In the Construction Bulletin official paper /an advertisement for Olds upon toe _aking of Bunn im- provement under such approved plane and speosfications. The advertise- meat shall be published for 2 weeis snail specify the work to be done, shell state that bids will be opened and considered by the cuuncil at 8 P.M. on Jul;; 13 1959, in the osun- oil c„amoers of cue village hell and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, another's check, bid bond or certified chats payable to the clerk for five percent (5%) of ciao amount of such old. Adopted by the council this lUth day of June, 1959. E. J. McDonald, Mayor ADVERTISE/A:NT FOR BILS The Village Council of tau Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, v111 receive bide at the office of the village clerk until g :oo P.M., JuLv 13 19;79, far one caking oa tae following des cn oed local improvement under Minn, State., Secs. 42v.UL1 to 425.111: 1. Installation of curb, gutter and ulacktop on Ryland Avenue from Aah Street to Maple Street, and 2. Installation or curb, gutter, olacktop and sidewalk (both sides) on Maple Street fret Park Avenue to Main Avenue. Said improvement will include tun furnisaiug of all labor, material and equipment for constructing approximately 11,000 square yards of bituminous pavement, E,xau linear feet or ',numinous curb, and 14,JUU equere feet of cnlcrete sidewalks, including the necessary grading; all according to plane and specifications on ails in tae calico of the vil- lage clerk. All bids shall be made on the proposal forma furnished by the en- gineer and shall be accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the order of the village clerk fm; not lees then five percent (5%) of the amount bid. Ib the event that the bid- der fails to furnish the performance bond required by law, said security shall be forfeited to the Village of Rosemount as liquidated damages. Copies of plans and specifications for the above work may be seen at the office of the village clerk and at the office of the engineer. Copies of plane and specifications will be furnished on request to any prospective bidder upon the deposit of ;$10.00 to guarantee their safe return. Bide shall be directed to the village clerk, securely sealed and endorsed upon the outside wrapper with a brief statement or summary as to the work for which the bid is made. The village council reserves the right to reject all bids. Bids will be opened and considered by the village council at -B.. P.M. in the council chambers of the village hall on July 13, 1959. Stephen J. Nestaval Consulting Engineer 1254 East Fourth Street St. Paul E, Minnesota Dated this loth day of Juno, 1959, by order of the Village Council. 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTT"OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of equalization meeting held June 2 5, 1959. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the assessors books were accepted as nresented. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 25, day of June, 1959. Respectfully submitted, L r� Villa 131. VILLAGE OF NOSFMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. g 'inutes of regular meeting held July 7, 1959. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following resolution was unan- imously adopted. RESOLUTION RFFCLVFD That the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, hereby accepts the offer of the NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY, a Minnesota cofporation, to furnish illumination for street lighting produced by: 42 4,000 Lumen Incandescent ].amps 9 10,000 Lumen Incandescent lamps all located or to be located in said Village, and hereby approves all rates, terms, conditions, and specifications contained in the proposed form of Over- head Street Lighting Contract made a part of the offer of said Company, and the orooer officers of the Village are hereby authorized and direeted to execute the aforesaid Contract for and in the name of the Village, and to affix the cornorate seal thereto. Some of the residents of Marion Lane were present to discuss with the Council the condition of Marion Lane. Theywere advised that the street would be kept eraded and in a passable condition. On motion of Corrigan and second of Fin egan the minutes of the June meetings were approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND Ed Warweg- assessor $375.00 R. F. Sieckert -extra hours -J 51.00 Norris Pederson 42.00 Central Telephone Co. 10.90 .Joe Cunniff 22.00 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 3.69 -Fire 5.20 Northern States Power Co. :Hall 1.00 street lights 125.00 Fire 3.91 Dakota County Tribune -adv. Ord. #51 37.50 Dakota County Highway Dept 49.82 Ratzlaff Service 1 Corrigan Electric 57.30 F.R.M. Construction Co. 21.00 Newman's Specialized Car Service 6.50 B -Tu -Mix 55.0 Lampert Yards 1.00 Mahowald Lawn Mower Service 12.90 ?ure Oil Co. 33.35 George McDonough 16.00 Stephen Nestaval 77.83 Fox Weiller, Inc. 5,947.78 IQ 134 amine Minutes of regular meeting held July 7, 1959 continued. Northern Stapes Power Co. 53.87 Peoples Natural Gas 6.85 Shirley Kirchknopf 39.00 Shirley Kirchkeopf 39.00 Old Peoria Co., Inc. 219.03 Ed. Philliv Sons 5 Famous Brands, Inc. 777.24 Frank Cunniff 100.00 B. W. May Co. 71.23 Distillers Distributing Co. 562.89 Seven Up Bottling Co. 43.60 Northwest Cigar Corp. 9. Martin Star Express 28.96 J. P. Fritz Wholesale Co. 100.24 Buckingham Beverage Co. 254.74 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 16.15 Hanson Beverage Co. 4 92.72 Concord Beverage Co. 707.41 Northwest Linen Supplg Co. 21.92 College City Beverage 16.55 Alcorn Beverage 879.50 Internal Revenue 20.00 Fd. Phillips Sons 218 Loren Steenblock,paid outs 56.10 On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the applications for on and off beer licenses were approved for Cecelia :there, Al's Cafe and rejected for Wm. Warner, Rose Bowl Cafe. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the building permit application of Ralph Toombs to construct a new bank building was approved. After some discussion the Council agreed to advertise for a new manager for the Liquor Store and seek further information and references relative to the employ ?.ent of Wm. Matuska ex. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 7th day of July, 1959. Respectfully submitted, LIQUOR STWRE 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSE ;43tNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STAIME OF MINNESOTA.. Minutes of special meeting held July 13, 1959. A special meeting was held in the countil rooms of the village countil of Rose- mount at 8:00 PM July 13th for the prupose of opeiiag bids on the Maple St.- Highland avenue street im rovement project. Ceuncil members persent were McDonald, Finneran and Corrigan. Absent were Rechtzigel and Duff. Finnegan acted as clerk in Durf's Kbsence. Bids were submitted by the following firms: Phillip Woog Construction Co. 400 21st avenue North South St. Paul, Minnesota Blacktop Construction Co. 7529 Aldrich Avenue So. Minneapolis, Minnesota Bituminous Surfacing Co. 1629 East River Terrace Minneapolis, 14. Minnesota Rien'er Roadways, Inc. Savage, Mirnesota (Bid on cement only) 6,130.00 26,691.50 27,526.50 28,887.00 Barton Contracting Co. Osseo, Minnesota 34,513.00 Blacktop Construction Co. was the low bidder for $26.691.50. Upon motion by Finnegan and second by Corrigan. the contract was awarded to the latter firm. Mr. Geraghty asked the council how long a time would be allowed for the pay- ment of assessments for this project and what nethod of financing world be em- ployed. It was decided Mr. Springsted should be contacted in this connection. Consideration for financing of the project from Village funds was considered. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following building permits were accepted and approved. Ervin Tianks, 247(26 garage value $1,000.00 Geo. Zanmiller, addition to house, value $2,000.00 On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the council approved the transfer of C.D. No. 16 in the amount of $5,000.00 to the liquor fund and from the Liquor Fund to the general fund to cover the remaing costs 6f storm sewer construction. Mr. Mrs. Warner appeared before the council to determine why their 3.2 beer 11- cense had been denied. A lengthy discussion between the Mayor and Mr. Warner followed. Finally, it was agreed that if Mr. Warner complies with the law inso- far as beer license requirements are concerned, his lieense would be granted. Upon motion of Finneran and second of Corrigan, the 3.2 beer license was granted to he Warners. There being no further Business the meeting was duly adjourned at 9:45PM. Resoectfullymitted, ng as a' erk 135 136 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF D:.KOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Special meeting held July 22, 1959. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. After a discussion regarding the various ways and means of financing the cost of Improving Maple Street and Hyland Avenue and upon motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Council to pay all costs from the $25,J00.00 Certificate of Deposits held by the Liquor Fund. With the specific stipulation that as this money was repaid by the property owners it would be returned to the Liquor Fund. Ayes 4 The Clerk read a letter from the Liquor Store Manager, Loren Steenblock stating the terms and date of his resignation. After a short discussion an on motion of Rechttigel and second of Corrigan the Council appointed Francis Deegan manager for a trial period or until a more suitable replacement would be found. There Being no further business the meeting adjourned this 22, day of July, 1959. Respectfully submitted, 1 1 VT UCE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DABOTA, STATE OP MINVESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held August 4, 1959. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. The minutes of the July meetings were read and approved as read. Mr. Art and Hank Broback were present to discuss with the Council the issuance of building permits for 21 houses on Murphy Street. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the permits were granted with the special provision that no further Permits would be issued until Brrback Builders provide drainage to the North to Matz! addition from Murphy Street. After a short discussion with Ffancis Deegan hewas appointed Manager and bartender for the Liquor Store for a trial period of 90 days with a salary of $400.00 per month. On motion of Corrigan and second of Rechtzigel the building permit application of Ben Moeller was granted. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. LIQUOR STORE Peonles Natural Gas 1.60 Northern States Power Co. 71.49 Utilities Commission 157.05 H. J. Geraghty Agency -stock and fixtures 99. Toombs Insurance Agency 149.11 011 Peoria, Inc. 217.85 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 276.36 F. Cunniff 100.00 Northwest Sani -Draw 18.00 Bernard W. May Co. 72.97 N. W. Cigar Corp. 28.32 Distillers Distributing Co. 322.76 College City Beverage Co. 5.80 7 Up Bottling Co. 4 Coca -Cola Bottling 9.95 Hanson Beverage Co. 404.09 Alcorn Beverage Co. 933.89 Concord Beverage Co. 1,014.73 Buckingham Beverage Co. 131.47 Fritz Wholesale 102.43 Mel.ady Paper Co. 14.45 Martin Star Express 8.49 Peoples Natural Gas 91.40 Northwest Linen Supply 2 0.35 Shirle-r Kirchknopf 45.00 GENERAL FUND Coburn M-ek 20.00 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 1.00 -Fire Hall 4.40 Northern States Power Co. -St. Lights 125.00 Fire Dept. 5.17 Hall 1.00 Central Telephone Co. 10.90 Ratzlaff Service Station 119.75 Ti. J. Geraghty Agency -rent parking lot 80.00 143 144 minutes of regualar meeting held August 4, 1959 continued Dakota County Tribune Construction Bulletin Morris Pederson Donald Strese Fox Weiller Osterar Cement Co. George McDonough McNamara Vivant Contracting Co. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 4th day eB August, 1959. Respectfully submitted, 15.75 13.60 42.00 49.00 41.44 32.50 16.00 1503.75 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held September 1, 1959. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. Several irate property owners were present to discuss with the council the extension of Park Avenue south of Maple Street. After a lengthy and sometimes heated discussion Finnegan made the following motion, to extend storm sewer, if feasible, to inter section of Rechtzigel and Maple Street and extend south on Rechtzigel street approx- imatley 510' and proceed to intersection with Park Avenue and to provide a good gravel surgace on Park Avenue South of Maple Street. and to put Methodist Chucrh driveway in such condition as to be satisfactory to them. Second by Rechtzigel On motion of Finnegan and second of Rechtzigel Stephen Nestaval was to proceed with plans for above mentioned storm sewer and to have them in the hands of the Council Thursday evening at 5:00 o'clock FM when the Council would meet to review them. ayes 4 The minutes of the August meeting was read and approved as read. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan Marvin Grabcw was hired as a bartender for the monthly salary of $325.00. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the building permit applications of Felix Tinges were approved. O motion of Finnegan and second of Rechtzigel the council approved the purchase of 300 pens for the liquor store. On motion of Rechtzigel and second of Corrigan the Council agreed to purchase the National Cash Register a ?ding machine owned by Loren Steenblock for the Liquor Store at a cost of $225.00. The clerk read a letter from NSp Co. apol.bgizing for the lateness of installation of our new street lights The Clerk read a letter form mr. Kenneth Forrest explaing the damages done to hsi driveway by the Contractor constructing streets in front of his property. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND George McDonough-grading 5.00 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 1.00 -Fire Station 4.60 Donald Strese 34.00 Miller Davis Co. 8.40 Corcoran Hdwe. 8.14 Joe Quigley 183.50 Stephen Nestaval 1,064.91 Northwestern Gravel Co. 270.21 Lampert Yards 6.49 Norris rederson 31.50 McNamara- Vivant Contracting Co. 13,577.56 H. J. Geraghty AFency,0,L.T. park ing lot 36.00 Northern States Power Co. Traffic 20.34 Street 125.00 -Hall 1.00 -Fire 4.16 Central Telephone 33.52 137 138 Minutes of regular meeting held September 1, 1959 continued. There being no further business the meeting adjounred this 1st day of September, 1959. Respectfully Submitted, LIQUOR STORE BILLS Peoples Natural Gas N rthersn States Power Co. Shi.rley Kirchknopf John Rawkirs Bud Varey Shirley Kirchknopf John Hawkins Urbin Horsch Dean Varey Old Peoria, Inc. Griggs, Cooper Co,. Inc. Minn. Municipal Liquor Stores, Assn. Griggs, Cooper Ed. Phillips Sons, Hans -n Beverage Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Northwest Linen Service Fritz Wholesale Co. Martin Star Express Buckingham Beverage Concord Beverage Co. Distillers Distributing Co. National Cash Register Zanmiiler Co. College City Beverage McKesson- Robbins Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Seven Up Bottling Co. Fran: Ctnniff Northwest Cigar Corp. Bernard W. May Co. Keen Saniatation Famous Brands, Inc. 1 ,36 79.61 136.50 3 9.00 95. 81.00 3 9.75 303.67 286.94 19080 4 35.86 395.7 392.21 614.76 20.85 128.27 21.23 111.46 794.49 276.86 5.63 6.00 57.90 21x*? 261.57 18.15 35. 100.00 28.32 71.38 2.50 1070.56 VILLAGE OP ROS'MOUNT, cc :NTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held October 6, 1959. Meeting'called to order by President McDonald, all mbmbers present. The minutes of eht Septbmbef meeting were read and approved on motion of Corrigan and second of Fin -egan. Tt was stated that the motion passed on September 1, 1959 concerning construction of storm sewer and improvement of Maplet street had been carried out insofar as Maple street had been improved in accordance with the motion and it did not appear feasible at this time to proceed with storm sewer proposed, therefore, on motion of Corrigan and second of Finegan and passed it was resolved that the storm sewer n nroiect be abandoned at he present time. Mr. Tom Mohr was present do discuss with the Council the repairing and maintenance of village streets. On motion of Finnegan and second of Rechtzigel the village attorney' was authorized to write a letter to Broback Builders requesting them to put the streets in the Motz additions up to village specifications before the end of the current digging season. After a lenfthy discussion regarding the Moeller Estates garage being on the Village Street the Council decided that Mr. Uitevbogard and Mr. Neil Harptter shoulc attend the next Council meeting and discuss this matter first hand with the Council. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND Stephen J. Nestaval $799.13 Mc!amara- Vivant Ccntracting Cc. 16,000.00 First State Bank 3.51 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 1.00 -Fire Station 3.20 Northern States Power Co.- Street lights 125.00 -Fire Department 4.79 -Hall 1.00 Traffic Signals 18.32 Central Telephone Co. Ratzlaff Service Station northwestern Gravel Co., Inc. Donald Strese Lystad Redick, Inc. Pure Oil Co. McNamara-Vivant Contracting Co. Torris nederson LIQUOR STORE FUND Peoples Natural Gas Northern States power Co. Shirley rirchknopf John Hawkins Shirley Kirchknopf Ed. Phillips g Sons 11 A Old Peoria, Inc. Martin Star Express Francis Deegan -Petty Cash 20.30 10.16 19.58 32.00 30.00 6.68 38.50 52.50 2.32 100.79 48.00 12.00 39.00 2 23.57 578.59 2 72 78 21.42 54.35 139 140 Minutes of regular meeting held October 6, 1959. Ed. Phillips Sons, Inc. $1,538.21 Concord Beverage Co. 684.12 Alcorn Veverage Cc. 839.94 N. Linen Supply 31.08 Buckingham Beverage Co. 156.28 J. P. Fritz Wholesale 70.62 N,rthwest Cigar Corp. 14.40 Hanson Beverage Co. 357.11 Seven rip Bottling Co. 33.28 dity Club Distributing Co. 25.20 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 14.37 Johnson Refrigeration Service 18.30 Bernard W. May Co. 75.39 Rey Luckman 45.50 Oenz Ryan 14.15 Distillers Distributing 1,099.92 Griggs, Cooper _g Co. 4.40 Allied Store Equipment 4.74 Keen Sanitation Co. 5.00 crank Cunniff 100.00 On motion of Corrigan and second of an'roved and granted. Brohack Buildiers Kenneth Carlson R. F. Sieckert St. John's Lutheran Finnegan the following building permits were 3 garages 1 garage 1 garage Church 1 parsonage After some discussion relative to paying vacation and extra time the clerk was authorized to turn over to the Utilities commission the extra time statements and nadd vacation time for R. F. Sieckert. A letter fromthe state highway department relative to the removal of snow during the coming winter months was recd by the Clerk. The Council agreed to remove snow on approximately 4 blocks on trunk hightays and 2 blocks on Ash Street and the Clerk was authorized to so notify H. E. calmer. There bienk no further business the meeting adjourned this 6th day of October, 1959. Respectfully submitted, 9 141 Village of Rosemount, flaunty of Dakota, State of Minnesota. Minutes of regular meeting held November 3, 1 959. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. Mr. Neil Harpster and Mr. Fred Oitenbogard were present to discuss with the Council the removal of cart of their garage from the Village Street. I.fter a eengthy dis- cussion the were advised to secure a bid for the cost of removing and rebuilding and to bring it to the Council. Mr. Paul Vorwerk and Nr. Richard Vorwerk and Mr. Toe Mohr were present to discuss with the Council the proposed school site as it would affect the Broback builders. Mr. Art P3i992i Broback was present to discuss with the Council the approval of an area ort} of their homes as far as plotting was concerned. £he Council wit held any decision until the purpose and intent of the School Board was clarified. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Village "ttorney was authorized to prepare and present to the Council a rough draft of a platting ordinance. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the minutes of the October meeting was approved. en motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and or" ^aid rrorr the r rescective funds. General Fund Wm. Moeller 184.50 Rudolph Rechtzigel 29.75 Donald Strese 13.00 Peoples Natural Gas -Fire 3.60 -Hall 1.00 N sthern States Power C0 Street Lights 142:50 -Hall 1.01 -Fire Station 5.17 Traffic Signals 19.50 Central Telephone Co. -Fire 17.25 Norris°e'erson -extra time and .35 chge for Phone 49.00 The Pure 0 1 Co. 4.65 Ratzlarf Service 3.00 Liquor Store Corcoran dwe. Imple,emt Co Distillers Distributing Co. Old Peoria, Inc. Griggs, Cooper Co. N rthwest Sani -Draw, Inc. Martin Star Fxpress Yelady Paper Co. Johnson Refrigeration Co. Concord Peverage Co. Frank Cunniff Alcorn 9evcr.:re Co. Harp-on Bever re Co. Cld Dutch Foods Northwest Cigar Corp. Buckingham Reverare Co. Fritz Wholesale Co. Northwest Linen service Fd. ?hi•lips 3.. Fors Co. 16.5o 862.72 284.96 560.18 18.00 42.56 23.20 31.95 1006.83 100.00 685.00 257.77 3 .55 28.32 173.05 67.99 23.91 1224.33 142 Minutes of regular meeting held November 3, 1959 continued. Bernard W. Mav Co. Seven Up Bottling Co. Coca -Cola Eottline Co. Famous Brands, Inc. H. J. Geraghty Agency Shirley rirchknopf Shirley ^:irehknopf First State &Ink ?eon &es Natural Gas Northern States Power Co. Utilities Commttsion On motion of Finneran and second fo Rechtzigel the following building permit a- nlications were reviewed and approved. Felix Tillges Waldon 0. Tjelhaug Dr. rdell It was decided tp pay McNamara- Vivant Contracting Co. another $1,000.00 and to advise them the Enrineer is rechecking quantities. The election date of December 1959 hours were set from 12:00 Noon to 8:00 PM. Judges sr the election are Mr. George Tersteeg Mr. Joe Conniff Mr. Martin ::eilling There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 3rd day of November, 1959. Respectfully submitted, VILLAGE OF:ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of specila meeting held November 23, 1959. Meeting called to order by Prestedent McDonald, all members present. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the 1960 General Levy was set at '11,000.00.. public Employees Retirement at $847.93 and the 1966 Improvement and assessment and the Sanitary Sewer Sicking Fund amounts previously certified 'or 190 levies were cancelled as the Sinking Funds accounts have sufficient funds to cover Al] 190 expenses. Cn motion of Finnegan and second of Ti. J. Geraghty was ap-roved. There being no further business the 19 59. P oectfully s bmi ed 88.58 51.60 17.90 285.40 482.31 39.00 42.00 13.07 7.93 78.22 157.95 2 houses 1 garage enclose present porch R the '..uiliding permit ap lication of meeting adjourned this 23rd day of November, VTLuOm OF ROSEYOUN COUNTY CF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESCTA. Minutes of regular meeting held December 8, 1959. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. Mr. Arthue and Henry Broback were present to discuss with the Council the 3rd addition to v.otz's property. They were given a verbal agreement of the Council that when the School Barad had reached a. definite arran ement that the Council would grant them anrrovaI of their proposed plat with the revisions necessary by the Councils request. The minutes of the November meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Rechtzigel the following bills were approved and orddred paid from their respective Hands. GENERAL FUND Peoples Natural Gas -Fire 23/02 -Hall 19.25 Northern States Power Co. -Fire 6.51 -Hall 1.00 Traffic Siganis 16.30 -St. Lights 142.50 Central Telephone -Fire 17.35 F. J. McCen ^ld- telenhore calls 26.55 E. J. McDonald -care cf dump 143.00 Kurt Schneider- grader seat repair 4.25 Rat7laff Service Station 1 .30 F. R. Sc S. Construction 140.00 Lampert Yards .59 Morris Pederson 5 Corrigan Electric Co. 28.36 Corcoran Hardware Imp. Co. 3.55 T. S. Mohr -labor 25.00 LL;'UOR STORE Shirley Kirchknopf 33.00 Shirley Kirchkncof 36.00 Toombs insurance -'gency 53.55 Northern States Power Co. 58.00 Poop es Natural Gas Co. 31.22 Francis Deegan Petty Cash 68.79 Orir s, Cooper Co. 403.16 Griggs, Cooper Co. 285.72 Fd. Phillips i Sons Co. 882.95 Old Peoria, Inc. 199.92 5d. Phillips Sons Co. 36.24 Lynn Johnson Co. 147.08 Ed. Phillips 4e Sons 167.65 Iynn Johnson Co. 2 29.54 M Specialities 4 0.03 Famous Prands, Inc. 290.41 Bernard W. May Co. 101.99 Distillers Distri'uting Co. 10 Restaurant Chia g Rotel Supply 42.48 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 9.35 Martin Star Express 28.50 R Fran' Curniff 100.00 Northwest Linen Supply 22.43 145 146 Minutes of regular' meeting held December 8, 1959. Buckingham Beverage Co. Northwest Cirar Corporation St. Paul 77Up Bottling Old Dutch Foods Hanson Beverage Co. Concord Beverage Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Griggs, Cooper Co. On motion of Cr:igan and second of Finnegan the cigarette applications of Thune Drug Co. and Hap -emeister Fairway were approved. On motion of Rechtzigel and second of Corrigan the Council agreed to assess nronerty owners for the frontage of their lots plus 30'1 of the depth of the lot on all corner lots involving the installation of blacktop street and blacktop or concrete curbing. yes 4 The council reviewed the costs suggested by the Clerk for certification to the County Auditor for street, curb and gutter and sidewalk improvements made during 1 Costs to be assessed as follows: Streets $5.25 per lineal foot 30 ft. wide Concrete Dries .63 per square foot Blacktop drives .39 per square foot Sidewalks .50 per square foot Curbs .65 per lineal foot On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Clerk was authorized to pay McNamara- Jivatn Construction Co. the balance if the Village bttorney would agree. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 8th day of December, 1959. Respectfully submitted, 137. 24.00 33.00 33.30 215.03 630.61 341.20 233.07 1 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNT' OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of annual election held December 8, 1959. The annual election of the Village of Rosemount was held on the eighth day of December, 1959 in the Village Hall. The Judges of the election were: F. A. Ruhr F. J. Gibson George Tersteeeg Martin Reiling At the hour of 12 :00 O'clock PM the above judges and clerks took the oath of office, the rolls were forthwith opened by proclamation and the election proceeded by ballot without ad`nurrment or intermissio^ until closed at 3:00 O'clock PM. The candidates voted on at such election as stated in the notice thereof were: 1 Mayer for the term of 2 years 1 Trustee for the term of 3 years 1 Treasurer for the term of 2 years 1 Coistable for the term of 1 year 1 Justice of the Peace for the term of 2 years At 8:00 O'clock PM in the evening of said day the polls, a proclamation thereof having been m:_de by cne of the hudges thirt7 minutes previous thereto closed. The fudges then nroceeded to publicly county the ballots and a true statement was proclaimed and filed as provided by law. The canvass borad met on the night of December 8 1959 to review and accept the results as Presented by the election judges. The result of the election were as follows: On motion the meeting adjourned this 8th day of December, 1959. Respectfully Submitted, George Wardas Mayor F. F. Finnegan as trustee H. J. Geraghty As treasurer John Haw' +ins as Justice of the Peace Nick Fox as Constable 147 148 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOTINT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held December 30, 1959. Meeting called to order by President McDonald, all members present. Pr. Norris Pederson was present to request that the Village hire Urban Dorsch to assist him with the pollee duties on New Years Eve. The Council agreed with his request. J r/ On motion of Finneran the expired term of .10.9 7.6z „JZUtilities Commissioner was rifled by his reapTointment. 9 On motion of Finnegan and second of Rechtzigel it was agreed by the Council that they will not consider for acceptance the proposed plot until Broback Builders can produce a satisfactory selu ion to sanitary sewer situation and until the define lot dimensions to the satisfaction of the Council. Ayes 3 Nayes 1. Thefe being no further business the meeting adjourned this 30th day of Z$$$. re^e -ber 1959. R srectfully submitted, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held January 5, 1960. Meeting called to order by Chairman Ward. All members were present excepting E. J. Puff, Finneran was appointed to act as clerk in Duff's aesencd. Minutes of previous regular meeting and successive special meetings were read and accented as read. 'r. Deegan was present to discuss liquor store help situation. After a short discussion a temporary solution was resolved. Cn motion of Corrigan snd second of rechtzi;el, Urban uorsch was hired for 4 hours daily on a temporary baiis .until other arrangements are made. On motion of Corrigan and second of Rechtzigel, the following bills were ordered paid from their respective funds. LLOOR Northern States Power Cc. 52.53 Shirley Kirchknopf 36.00 Shirley Kirchknopf 4123 45.00 Urban Borsch 41.25 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 14 53. 3 9 Old Peoria Co., Inc. 23 Ed. P ^;;;ins g Sons Co. 362.31 Concord Beverage Co. 690.77 Ranson Peverage Co. 220.95 Alcorn Peverage Co. 42 3.78 Northwest Linen Service 2 7.3 4 Old D :tch Foods 2 7. 4 5 J. P. Fritz 'Jholesale 51.93 7Up Bottling Co. 42.20 College City Beverage Co. 44 4 5 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 10.50 Buckingham Beverage Co. 226.46 Martin Star Express 3c.79 Famous Pr:;nds. I 163.48 Transport Clearing Co. 2.75 Tamnert Yards 1.10 Meladv Paper Co. 7.75 Bernard W. M:,y Co. 72.21 GENERAL FUND Dakota County Tribune Strese Pure Cil Co. Norris "ederson Urban 'rorsch Nprthwern States Power Co. -st. lights -Hall -Fire Traffic Signals Central Telephone Co. -Fire phone H. J. Geraghty Agency- Treasurers Bend 1959 I.'.PR CVEVE T FUND #1 Stephen J. Nestaval, Consulting Engineer 6.50 .36 42.00 10.50' 142.50 1.13 9.16 17.38 17.30 15.00 100.00 Mr. Arthur Broback was present with his proposed plat comprising Motz's 4th addition and asked for it's approval. A lenrthv discussion ensued. Mr. Ward radsed the question wheether or not its approval would in any way affect the purchase price of this property should the school decide to acquire it. 149 15 i) MIMUTES OF REGtTtAR MEETING HELD JANUARY 1959 CONTINUED. Mr. Hanson, Mr. Ruhr, Mr. Rahn, Mr. Olson together with Mr. McMenomy were present to sneak in behalf of the public sbhool.. Mr. Olson defined the lines of the land the school interds to acquire and it became evident the proposed 4th addition would in no way a feet the school pr gEam. On suggestion of Finneran, Proback was directed to advise the board hi for the 4th additon.wn He then .submitted glands for 'our eight unit apartment buildi gs to be built on four lots. Several maters were discussed relative to the entire proposal and it was decided the matter should be tabled for the present and until such time as a special meeting could be arranged 'or further discussion. Leo Fluerel was on hand to discuss snow removal in our business district both on cou -tv road Vo. 11 and hichway 218. Me informed the council he had met the re- quirements of the state insofar as insurance and workmans compensation were conerrned. Mr. Fluegel also agreed to contact county engineer Gabio relative to removal or snows on M rnhy Street Iraqi Piwwy 218 to the school grounds. On motion of Corrigan and second of Rechtzigel, Fluerel was directed to remove the snow as quickly as possible. On motion of Corrigan and second of Rechtzigel, the foolowing cigarette licenses were annroved. W. Strese W^. Warner August Ratzlaff Cecelia Ahern F. J. McDonough Duffy Bros. 0 motion of Corrigan and second of Rechtzigel, the following annual appointments were trade. Respectfully submitted, rr Bran, actin as Clerk °EA T? DEPARTMENT Dr. Erickson Dr. Mardell Eugene Duff WEED INSPECTOR Rudolph Rechtzigel OFFICIAL PUPJ.IC;rION Dakota County Tribune OFFICIA: DFPOSIr.RY First State Bank of Rosemount There being no further business, the meeting adjourned this 5th day of January, 19 at 9:55 PM. 1 1 VILL4GE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held Janyary 15, 1960. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. With the approval of the Council the Mayor made the following appointments: Mr. P. F. Finnegan Street Commissioner Mr. T. J. Corrigan Police Commissioner Mr. E. J. Duff Acting Mayor Mr. Frank Kreitz Care of Village Dump The Clerk read a letter from Mr. H. C. Hanson, Superintendent of Independent School District #196,. This letter and an attached resolution requested that the Council: 1. Give full consideration to the size of lots and potential assessed valuation of property to be included in each development. 2. Give full consideration to the effect of the development of new building tracts on the en- rollgent and additional cost resulting there- from to said School District. 3. Pass ordinances which will require the developer to consult with the school district reeardirg any educational implications of the proposed development prior to the approval of the plat by the governing body. Further, that every effort shall be ,p=ale to cruse the development in euestion to share in the fair costs of ed- ucational facilities which will be necessitated by the approval and development of the proposed plat. The Council then agreed to consider the above requests in the formulation of its nroposed new ordinances setting up a planning commission and building /ode, ewe. On motion of Corrigan and second of Rechtzigelna Dproved the Witt= plat of Motz's Fourth (4th) addition to the Village and authorized the Mayor and the Clerk to sign same. This addition will consist of five lots. Ayes 5 On motion of Rechtzigel and second of Finnegan the Council voted to install a police phone with a red light which would flash when this number is called. This phone is to be located in the Fire Hall and is to be housed in a locked box or cage. Ayes were 5 The matter of the purchase of a police car by the Village was discussed and tabled until the next re. meeting. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan No Parking and 15 M.P.H." signs were approved and ordered installed bn the South side of Murphy Street west from Hyl?nd to lndenendent School District #196 property. ,:yes 5 On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Council approved the publication of the minutes of the meetings in the Dakota County Tribune. Ayes 5 On motion of Finneran and second of Corrigan the council approved the purchase of a Village Handbook. :.yes 5. 151 152 Minutes of special meeting held January 15, 1960 continued. The matter of requesting the Public Examiner to audit the bookds of the Village was discussed and tabled until next regular meeting. Mr. Thomas Mohr was present to discuss with the Council the job of part time pllice officer, nart time Sewer plant operator and the rental of his equip- ment by the Village. On motion of Rechtzigel and second of Corrigan the meeting was adjourned this 15th day of January, 1960 at 10:30P.M.. Ayes 3 Nap es 2. Respectfully submitted, Mr. George Ward Mayor 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of rerular meeting held February 2, 1960. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the regular meeting of January 5th and the special meeting of January 15, 19(0 were read and ac;:roved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. LIQUOR FUND Peoples Natural Gas Utilities Commission Shirley Kirchknoof -labor Urban uorsch Northern States Power Co. -Dec. Jan. Bernard W. May Co. Northwest Linen Service Northwest. Ssni -Draw Northwest Cigar Corp. renz._:?yPn 7 19mbing Fritz Wholesale Co. Concord Beverage Co. Alcorn leverage Co. Buc'- irgham Peverage Seven Uo Bottling Co. Old Dutch Foods Martin Star Fxpress Famous Brands, Inc. Distillers Distributing Co. Hanson Peverage Co. Frank Cunniff -rent Fd. Phillips 'ons Cc. 'Francis Deegan -petty cash Fd. Phillips 3 Sons Co. Griggs, Cooper Co. GENERAL FUND Donald Strese -labor at dump 16.00 Norris Pederson -extra police time and labor sno removal 63.00 Robert Stelter, Jr. -labor at dump 8.00 reo;les Natural Gas -Hall 41.72 -Fire Station 5 Northern States Power Cc. -Pall 1.00 Fire Station Tr ;.ffic Signals S 15.10 Street lights 142.50 Central Telephone Co. -Fire phone 17.20 Alorthern States Power Co.- C 'rristmas lights 15.38 Traffic signal 15.28 Fire Station f il 8.42 Fall 1.39 Street lights 142.50' Frank Kreitz -labor at dump 32.00 56.94 163.95 9.Oo 72.00 46.37 5 80.21 24.34 18.00 37.76 7.95 58.61 764.32 369.80 92.02 2(.20 21.60 34.80 305.39 450.86 274.54 100.00 959.05 37.49 (5 377.9 153 154 Minutes of regular meeting held February 2, 1960- continued. Corcoran Hardware zone paint Toombs Insurance Agency- Workmen's Compensation E. J. McDonald -labor on streets,erecting snow fencing helping run elevations for storm sewers E. J. McDonald- labor at dump H. J. Geraghty Agency- Village Hall Contents Ins. Miller Davis- Clerk's supplies Fluepel Elevator -snow removal The Pure Oil Co.- diesel fuel 16.98 302.85 224.75 24.50 26.38 4.54 56.00 3.89 Mr. T. S. Mohr was present to discuss further with the Council his availability for serving extra police officer, extra help for sewage plant and the rental of his equinment to the Village. After some discussion he was referred to the Police Come issioner and the Street Commissioner. His interests relative to the sewage treatment plant were referred to the Utilities Commission. On motion of. Mayor Ward and second of Trustee Corrigan the Council agreed to have a private line brought into our police officers home (Norris Federson) and further agreed to pay the difference in cost between a private line and a party line. ,Ayes 5 The matter of a police car being purchased by the Village was tabled for fur- ther consideration at our March meeting. Mr. Arthur Broback was present with the plat of Motz's 4th addition and the Mayor and the Clerk signed them. 0 motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan Broback Builders were granted 5 buil''ine remits to construct homes with drive in basements on lots 1 thru 5 in Motz's fourth addition to the Village. Ayes 5 On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Council agreed to retain the Banister Fneineering Co. of St. Paul, Minnesota to 1. To install measuring devices in sewage lines leading to our waste treatment plant in order to mor accurately determine the flow of raw sewage end to secure a more exact estimate as to future capacity of our present treatment plant. 21 I.n. the event there is a need for expansion, to determine estimated costs of necessary construction and offer tentative plans for enlarging nresent facilities. Ayes 5 After some discussion Trustee Corrigan moved to hire a firm of CPA's to audit the Clerk's, Treasurer's and the Utilities Commission books for the year 1959. The motion was seconded by Finnegan. Ayes 5 Clerk Duff moved that the number of members for our proposed planning commission be set at nine (9), and that Village Attorney be authorized to draw a tentative Ordinance (#52) establishing such a commission. Second by Finnegan. Ayes 5 February 17,, 1960 was set as the date to meeti with the Liquor Store Manager, Francis Deegan and discuss problems relative to the Liquor Store. Mr. Om M. Spande presented plans for a 14 unit apvrtment building to be built at the intersection of Hyland Sterile and Meplen Street. The date of Febri:ar* 17, 19 at 7:00 O'clobk PM was set as the date of public hearing regarding this building. Th =re being no further business the meeting adjoined thie 2nd day Eeb., 1960. 44 C6-4 1 1 VIlLAGF OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. minutes of special meeting held February 17, 1960 at 7:0 O'clock PM. Meeting was called to order by President Heorge Ward, all members were present except,ng Rechtaigel. The Clerk read the following Notice of Public Hearing, Notice of Public Re To whom it may concern: This is to notify you that there will be a special meeting of the Village Council on the 17th day of February, ]960 ct 7:00 PM. This will be a public meeting held for the purpose of deteroini.ng whetv..er cr not a 14 unit a;:artment building should be built on the Moeller lot at the i!teresecttcr of Ryland !.venue ;nd Maple Street. After several of the adjacent property owners voiced their obdections to the construction of a 14 unit apartment building and after a short discussion Mr. 0. V. S ande withdrew his a^ licpt.ion for a building permit. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 17th day of February, 19 Respectfully submitted, Vi_]4ae Clerk 155 1 1 VILIAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held March 1, 1960. The meeting was called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the February 2nd and February 17 meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Trustee Corrigan and second of Trustee Finnegan the following bills were a•prc,ed and ordered paid from their respective funds. Ayes 5 LIQUOR STORE Northern States Power Co. Peonies Natural Gas Urban 7orsch -1Phor Feb. 1 thru Feb. 13th Ed. Phillips Spas Co. Old Peoria, Inc. Griggs, Cooper Co. Francis Deegan -petty cash Ed. Phillips Sons Martin Star Express Frank Cunniff -rent Jerry's Radio TV Distillers :Distributing Co. Pernard May Co. Ranson Beverage Co. Northwest Liner Service Concord Peverage Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Old Dutch Foods, Inc. Buckingham Peverage Co. Seven Up Bottling Co. 39.08 54. 66.00 930.98 665.38 287.36 50.43 654.74 26.6o 100.00 13.50 1290.74 74,18 232.35 29.72 570.95 379.25 102.30 84.31 7.80 GENERAL FUND Paul R. McLagan Son copies of maps 15.00 Lampert Yards -lock 2.45 Northern States Power Co. -St. lights 142.50 Hall 1.39 Fire Department, 6.84 Traffic Signals 11.26 Frank Kreitz -care of dump 32.00 Peoples Natural Gas -He11 49.84 -Fire Station 55.02 Central Telephone Co. -Fire phone 16.35 Lystpd Redik, Inc. -pest control at dump 60.00 Dakota County Highway Department-gr ding street 16.00 Dakota County Tribune -adv. minutes 20.50 Toombs Insur,..nce Agency -Hall pumping station 26.38 Norris Pederson -extra time 42.00 On motion of Trustee Finnegan and second of Trustee Corrigan the application of Duf °y Prot'iers for an Off Sale Non intoxicatin! Na.it liquor license was granted. Ayes 5. On motion of Trustee Corrigan and second of Trustee Finnegan the Mayor and the Clerk were aut''oriaed to sign on behalf of the Volunteer Fire Department agree ments between the Rosemount Fire Department and the Fire Departments of Savage 157 158 On motion of Corrigan and Second Ordinance is entitled. AN ORDImANCE FST'PLISHING A VFLOPMFNT OF T"E VILLAGE OF A ZONING PLAN. Ayes 5 Nayes 0 Minutes of regular meeting held March 1, 1960, continued. page 2 South Grove, Hastings, Farmington, Mendota Heights and Lakeville. Ayes 5 After a short discussion rerarding the purchaseing a 3 compartment sink for the Licuor Store and theourchase of a floor scrubbing machine Mayor Ward and Trustee Finnegan were appointed to look into these matters and report to the Council. The Clerk was authorized to publish notice of Dog Licensing reguriements by April 15, 1960. MirifiB'Pad{ifXBLXg EUCEMITX i4[ iXD►iti dUEXGC XI n"E�Z idAiiMMEMNIENX The Clerk read a letter dated February 2, 19. from Mr. J. R. Robbins of the Peeples Natural Gas explaining the r -ite situation. Nc action was taken by the Council at this time. Clerk Duff reported that Mr. Short of Banister Engineering Co. Would have a report ready for the Council on March 16, 1960 regarding the capacity of our present Sewage Treatment Facitlities. The date of March 16,19(:0 was then set by the Council for a special meeting regarding this matter. T''le memlers of the Utilities Cci!nission were also present and agreed to be present for this meeting. On motion of Clerk Duff and second of Mayor Ward the following peoples were appointed to serve on the Planning Conrission. For one year; Dr. Mr. Mr. For Two years: Mr. Mr. Mr. For Three years: Mr. Mr. Mr. Raymond Mardell. Jack Ryan H=rcld Almquist Robert Toombs Kenneth Munson Carmen Lindquist Edwin Gruber Martin Reilling H. C. Hanson of Clerk Duff Ordinance #52 was adopted. This COMMISSION TO PLAN FOR THE PHYSICAL DE* ROSEMOUNT, MI7NESOTA AND TO RECOP'ND There being no further business themeeting adjourned this 1st day of March, 1960. Respectfully submitted, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE C? 2I :N-SCTA. Minutes of special meeting held March 14, 1960. The meeting was called to order by President Ward, all members were present. Member Ward introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption. RESC:i'TIO`' :•.UT ?C IZI?'•:, EXCRAN _E OF REAL 7- ST --Th "T• ArfP!CRI'I^:G T'-= USE CF S-.NI- TARY SEWER FACILITIES BE TT RESOLVE By the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Mi. •'esote, as follows: 1. Brockway Glass Company, a corporation, (hereinafter called Fro& way) holds an orticn taken in the name of Robert L. Warren, Jr., a vice presi ent of Brockway, to r.irc'na.se a_-rorirrately 110 acres of land North of the Village cf Rosemount. 2. Brockway proposes to build upon said property.a plant for the man- ufacture of glass containers. 3. The construction of such a plant in the immediate vicinity of the Village will greatly benefit the Village and its inhabitants ty providfAS emnloyment for as many is 30: residents of the Vide-re and the immediate area an.' 5ti lielatine the industrial growth end b'_lsinees activity of the ccmrunity. .4. Brockway has advised the Village Council that in order to construct and overate such a plant it is necessary that Brockway acquire the property now owned by the Village cutliced in red on the r1at ettac:ed hereto marked Exhibit "A Said rrocerty was acquires by the Village for the future possible expan- sion of the Village's sewers treatment elent laroon. The Village's reeuireMents for exnansicn of the sewage lagoon can as advar:ta,geously be served by the acquisition of the parcel of property outlined in blue cn the attached exhibit "A Said Tercel outlined in blue is a portion of the rrrr ert5 which Broackway will accuire neon the exercise of its c'tion, and contains the same number of .en.Jere feet as the carce.l outlined in red, and the fair market value of the rro'nerty outlined in red on seid *at'. 5. Brockway has offered t: convey to the Village the property outlined in b in .n for the 7 n ror t outlined blue i exr.��- •e f� a co ^veyeoce br th_ Village t_ it of the o_ y Fd in red, and hes advised this Co ncil thet the Village nay reserve suc': easements as may be n='_.essnr.: for the Vi.lag_e's sewer and water mains. 6. This Council hereb' determines that it j.s in the best interest of the Village and its inhabitants that the Village convey to Brockway the following described nrn'ert.y, being that outlined in red ce the attached plat marked "x'aibit All that mart of the Fast one -hAlf of the Southeast ''.?.rter (E cf Sod) of Section Twerty(20), Township One y'tndred Fifteen (115) "Forth, Renge Nineteen (19) West, lying between the westerly line of t've Chiceeo, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company and the fol- lowing described line: Commencing at tnrint 350.3 feet North of the Snuth line of the Northeast Cuarter (NE) of the Soutnoest. Tuarter (SF') of said Section Twenty (20), and 500.21 feet West of the westerly line of the right of way of r. 459 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MIi IESOTk. Minutes of special meeting held March 16, 1960. Meettmg called to order by President Ward, all members present excepting Rechtzigel. Mr. Short and Mr. Price from the firm of Banister Eggineering Co. were present and presented a detailed study of the existing Sewage Facilities of the Village to the Council and to the interested members of the Planning and Utilities Commissions. Mr. Short's report in summarization made the following four recommendations: 1. A check be made to determine the cause of the volumetric difference between water pumpage a,.d sewage volume. 2. That the modifications to your present plant, estimated to cost $1,450.00 be 'lade at your earliest convenience. 3. :t such time as it becomes evident that your future population can be accurately predicted to materially exceed 1,500 persons, that steps be taken to plan the expansion of our plant with consideration being given to a direct lift station connection to your plant from the nort west portion of your Village. 4. That the conditions in your seepage pit be carefully observed over the next several years to determine the effect of increased dis charge into the plant. One meals of checking this would be to erect e. at.arf CT depth gauge on a permanent fouddation with periodic records being maintained of the pond level. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan Mr. Harold Almquist was appointed to serve out the term of Justice of the Peace. ".yes 4 Nayes 0. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 16th day of March, 190. Respectfully submitted, 161 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, CONNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNFSOTA. H4nutes of regular meeting held April 5, 1960. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members present exceptlnE Rechtzigel. The minutes of the March 1, 14 16 meetings On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered raid .Chem their respective funds. TICUOR STORE Co. Northern States Power Peoples Natural Gas Urb.sn norsch-get. 15 thru Feb. Francis Dec r..n -paid outs Fd. Phillips Sons Co. Grirgs, Cooper Lynn .Johnson. Co., Inc. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Old Dutch Foods Northwest Linen Service Northwest Cigar Corp. Buckinrham Beverage Co. Fritz 'Wholesale Co. Old Dutch Foods College City Peverage Seven Up Bott.linr Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. .lcord Beverage Co. 1-leladv Hamer Col Bernard W. May Co. Lynn Johnson Co. Ranson Beverage Co. Concord Bever,: re Co. Frank Cunniff Restaurant China Sunnly Distillers Distributing Co. Marti* Star Fxpress Ed. Phillips Sons 29 FUND wrre and approved as read. 51.81 57.96 68.25 3` 759.20 487.35 10.23 93.75 8 .55 29.51 34.32 124.82 64.10 30.15 6.05 19.00 61.00 322.00 20.00 71.79 2 .75 295.62 7 100.00 150.35 325.65 26.97 Co. 881.83 GENERAL FUND Norris Pederson -extra time 42.00 Northern States Power Co.- Street lights 142.50 1.64 Fire Department 9.06 Traffic sifnals 18.28 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall -Fire Department Frank Kreitz -care of dump for March H. J. Cer: -rhty Agency -J.P. Bond and Insurance on 1941 dump truck, 1942 O.M.0 Fire Truck and 1942 Galion Road Patrol T. S. Mohr -labor and equipment rental Da'cota County Tri.tune -Ord 52 and minutes Miller- Davis Justice of Peace supplies 50.26 53. 32.00 140.45 49.50 58.00 8.50 The Clerk read a letter from Edward B. McMenov regarding and alley tuning in the rear of the lots of Block two on T. T. Conley's addition. Mr. McNenppmy advise that it would be safe to assume that sucl and alley exists. Mr. Ward advised that he had talked with Yr. Fnzenauer sod t'n :t the matter would be allowed to stand as 1s for the present. 163 164 Minutes of regular meeting held April 5, 1960 continued. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the building permit application of Felix tillges was approved. Ayes 4: On motion of Corrigan anal second of Fir.nevan the application fpr a cigarette license from Richard Vorwerk was approved. :.yes 4 On motion of Finnegan and second of Ward the following entitled Ordinance number 53 was adopted. AN ORDINANCE ANFND NG ORDINANCE #50 OF TEE VILLAGE OF ROSEMO?NT, D? ROT', COUNTY, MINNESOTA. ayes 3, Corrigan no vote. Mr. Dan Oster was present to get the Councils opinion as to whether or not he *.-could be granted a 3.? beer license if he were to construct a bowling alley in the Village. All members offered no objections. Proback Builders and the Village Planning Commission were present to bring the Council up to date on the progress of Efobacks addition. The Council agreed to study the information further and to advise Broback Buiidiers of their decision in the very near future. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Clerk wan authorized to advise the S Pail Fire and Marine Insurance of the accident in the Liquor Store involving a Mrs. Cassidy on peril 2, 1960. The Council received and reviewed complaints regarding the sale of cigarettes to persons under 18 years of age, a direct violation of our Crdinances. The Clerk was then authorized to notify- all holders of cigaretce licenses to dis- continue this practice. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 5th day of April, 1960. Respectfully :submitted. Asren 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, EOUNTY OF DAKOTA, STrTE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held May 3, 1960. Meeting called to order President Ward, all 'members were present.' The minutes of the April meeting were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Rechtzigel the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GFNER;L FUND Ben The Dieter- Street work Joe Cunniff trading Norris Pederson.- extra time April Ratzlaff Service Station Da''cta County Tribune- Minutes, Ord 153, Dog notice Peoples Natural Gas Hall -Fire Department Frank Kreitz -cars of dump-April F. R. 3 5. Construction Co.- Street work Carlson's Farm Supply- Grader Repair St. Paul Stamp Works -Dog Tags R. F. Sieckert -extra time for March and April Central Telephone Co.- Police Phone -Fire Department $115.00 105.40 42.00 5.00 35.38 4?.44 47.60 42.00 53. 9. 11.15 145.50 19.38 17.05 LIQUOR FUtcD Peo ^les Natural Gas 55. Utilities Commission 160.65 Urban Forsch extta time for April 171.75 H. J. Gerarhty gency- Burglary Policy 73.50 Griggs, Cooper c, Co. 868.91 Ed. T'hillios Sons. Co. 120.70 Lynn Johnson Cc., Inc. 120.26 Restaurant China Supply 112.00 Northwest Sani *Draw 18.00 Bernard W. May Co. 71.50 National Cash Resister Co. 58.20 Di llers Distributing Co. 254.46 Martin Star Express 9.66 Frank Cunniff 100.00 Fnmou.s Brands, Inc. 74.29 Seven Up Bottling Co. 8.20 Buckingham Beverage Co. 104.83 Alcorn Beverage Co. 319.16 Hanson Peverare Co. 208.24 College City Beverage Co. 2 5.90 Fritz Wholesale Co. 5 Old Dutch Foods 12.60 Coca -Cola Bottling 37.75 Concord Beverage Co. Ed. Phillips .S Sons Co., Inc. 1025.55 On motion of Corrigan and second of Ward the salary of William Q9igley was set at $325.00 per month. Ayes were 5 165 166 Minutes of regular meeting held May 3, 1960 continued. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Mayor was authorized to offer Mr. Lampert Enclert $150.00 per year for Dump rental providing Mr. Englert would si^n RV three year lease with the Village. On motidn of Duff and second of Finnegan the salary of Norris Pederson was raised to nig= $300.00 per month and car expense to $75.00 per nonth re- troactive to the first of April 1960. Ayes were 5. The clerk read a letter from Mr. John J. Flanagan informing the Council of a suit by a Yrs. Cassidy. This letter was received by the Village Clerk on April 2 1960. it was decided that a copy of this letter should be turned over t� Mr. Geraghty our insurance agent. The Clerk read a letter from the Village Attorney of Savage, Minnesota relative to a reciprocal agreement between the two Villages Fire Department( If was decided to turn this letter with its accompanying agreements over to our rite department for their review. This being authorized by motion of Duff and second of Corrigan. Ayes were 5. On motion of Corrigan and second of Ward the Council apppoved the application of Theodore Brandt for a 14 by 24 addition to the West side of his existing home. 'Ayes were 5. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Council approved the application of Lyle W. Paulson to build a 16 by 24 foot garage on Lot 7, Block 1 of the Motz addition to the Village. Ayes were 5. The Clerk read a letter from the County Assessor advising the Council et the Date of June 27th, 1960 at 8:00 o'clock PM. being the date and time for the Villages Pnrrd of Review to meet to review taxes.assessed. The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Harold Almquist, secretary of the Planning Commission requesting information from the Council relative to the plans for expansion of e'ir sewage treatment facilities. A meeting was set up for niifg?@IX# Tuesday, May10 at 7:00 o'clock PM. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the applications of Broback builders to erect. 5 -24 by 4O homes on lots 10, 11, 12, 16 17 in Marion Terrace Renlat were approved. Ayes were 5. The application for a building permit to enclose a porch on the Louis ;'cCarthy was approved on notion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan subject to the' ?lanning Commissions approval. 'ryes. were 5. "`.ayor Ward made the Sollowirg resolution and moved its adoption: A RESO?UTION GRA._^'TING TENTATIVE APPROVAL. TO MOTZ'S FOURTH ADDI- TION TO THE VILLAGE. WHFREAS, after many hours of deliberation the Council deems it to the best interest of the Village: IT TS vEREBY RESOLVED, that YII Motz!s fourth (4th) addition to the Village be riven tentative approval subject to the following conditions; 1. All contour lots must be a minimum of 10,000 sq. ft. with a minimum foot frontage of 75 feet at the set back line. (That must he a minimum of thirty feet.) 2. All other lots, other than contour, must be a minimum 1 Minutes of rerular meeting held May 3, 1960 continued. Page 3. of 9000 sq. feet with a minimum of a 75ft. frontage. The set back line must be a minimum of thirty feet. 3. The planning commission may change these specifications by special. permit :resented to the planninr commission and approved by them and the Village Council. 4. All utility easements, all guide lines an all power poles to be shown on preliminary plat. 5. To fence in the slough or lake with a 6ft. high fence of man proof type with a run off pipe t take care of 'light water (the ].evel for high water will be determined latet by the planning commission). 4. All thru streets, side streets and avenues to have signs to be installed and paid foie by Lhe developer. 7. All homes to be numbered with standard numbers and paid f or by the developer. 8. The number systems will be given to the builder by the Village Clerk 9. Mr. Broback to study size of turn arounds and to have exit frorr center turn around. Also to have front footage of lot to conform with lot regulations size. 10. Mr. Broback to have turn grounds on two stub roads on West end of development. 11. Grading for streets to be such that later sidewalkd may be ad3ed at home- owners expense, if sidewalkd are desired. 12. The Commission wishes to know what provisions are made or will be made to handle and drain of' a possible 4 inches of rainfall in 24 hours. 13. That the developer install and pay for blacktop streets, alone with concrete curbs and gutters. 14. That all sanitary sewers, water and gas lines be installed in the streets before blacktoppinp and that they be paid for by the developer. 15. That the developer install a tewage lift station and force line directly to the sewage plant. Said lift station and line to be built to Village specific=.tiuns and to be turned over to the Village upon completion. This lift station and force line cost to be born by the Developer. The resolution was duly seconded by member Corrigan a 167 168 All members voted in favor of the resolution. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Council granted tentative arnroval t� Dr. Frickson's request that the lotx immediately east of his home be zoned commercial in order to enable ke prepare plans for an a'dition. Ayes 5. On motion of Corrigan and second of Rechtzigel the Council granted tentative approval to zoning lets 1 thru 7 in R:,hn's second addition for use for single unit dwellings and lot 8 for a one story duplex. Ayes were 5 The evening of May 20th, 1960 it 7:00 oSclock PR. was set for a public 'learin> re, the construction of a one and one -h story 4 plex to be build on the Moeller lot at the intersection of rryland Avenue'and Maple Street. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 3rd day of May, 1960. Respectfully submitted, Vi erk 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of a special meeting held at 7:00 PM, May 20, 1960 concerning application of Mr. Spande ''or building a four plex, story and a half multiple dwelling on the corner of RIghlan9 ;venue and Maple Street in accordance with the notice Fiblished in the Dakota County Tribune. Mr. Ranson, sneakinr for the Planning Commission, stated the building met with the arnroval or the Commissi on providing sufficient off street p:.rking was provided and if the buildinr conformed with other buildings in the area. Mr. Spande stated the apartments were designed to accomodate industrial workers and possibly teachers. Rentals are to range from $95.00 tc $110.00 per unit. After considerable discussion, Mr. Hanson suggested Mr. Spande prepare a drawing or the lot indicating thereon the int€nled position of the buildinr plus the location or the rarking area and playground. Mr. Spande agreed to provide this inrorration and it was mutually agreed this information would be turned over to the Punning Commission for further study. The Planning Commission representatives n[ invited all interested residents to attend their meeting whereat they would again review the permit. Dr. Mardell renquest a building permit for a dental office building on Lot 13 or the School Addition, 2C9 North Hyland Avenue, Mr. Hanson speaking for the clanninr commission recommedddd the permit be granted subject to the following conditions: 1. The buildinr will be located within 5 feet of the North line of the lot thereby providing a driveway to the rear of the lot for off street parking for all Personnel. 2. The buildinr to be set back in line with Corrigan Electric Pui.]ding facing Hyland Avenue. Member Corrigan moved the permit be granted, seconded by Rechtzigel. Upon being to a voted the following voted in favor: Finneran Rechtzirel Corrigan. Nayes were none. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Fin eran Aetinr Clerk 169 170 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held May 10, 1960. Meeting called to order by President Ward; All members present except Rechtfigel. Cn motion of Finneran and second of Corrigan the Council aonroved the hiring of John Hawkins as cart time police officer one day per week or more as necessary, with a salary of `11.00 per night and :3.00 per night car expense. Also a 'art of this motion was the authorization to purchase a new run, holsters, helts, Handcuffs, saps and badges in as necessary to bring our equipment upto date. Ayes were 4. On motion of Corrigan and secrid of Ward the building permit applications of Mick Fox. and Mrs. Fischer were approved. Ayes were 4. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 10th day of May, 1960. Respectfully submitted, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held June 7, 1960. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes.of the May 3, 10th and 20th were read and approved as read. Mr. John Warwer was present to represent Northern States Power Co. and requested permission to run a temporaay line fret the Villare Sewage plant to the construction kite of PPoa'3cway Glass Co. On motion of Corrigan and second of Duff the Council an -roved this line. .Ayes were 5. On motion of, Duff and second of Finnegan the Council recommended to the Utilities Co that the sign painted on the water tower be covered. Ayes 5. On motion of Cor Iran and second of Rechtzigel the following bills were approved and ordered paid from th■ife respective funds. LI TJCR STORE Northern States Power Co. 57.52 Peoples Natural Gas 2 9. 2 5 Francis Deegan -paid outs 57.80 Fd. Phillips Sons 849.88 Ed. Phillips Sons 161.57 M. Phillips 4 Sons 125.38 Fd. Phillips Sons 966.84 Martin Star Express 50.40 01a Peoria 418.29 Griggs, Cooper Co., Inc. 737.30 Concord Beverage Co. 831.44 Frank Conniff 100.00 Buckingham Beverage Co. 173.55 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 74.60 N *e*st Cigar Corp. 19.20 Hanson Beverage Co. 510.91 7Up Bottling Co. 20.10 Old :Dutch Foods 51.30 College City Beverage 6c.60 Fritz Wholesale 99.93 Distillers Distributing Co. 915.12 Martin Star Express 42.11 'eternal Revenue Service 10.00 Internal F.evenue Service 54.00 Liquor Control Commissioner 10.00 McKesson Robbins 381.50 Bernard W. May Co. 74.74 Famous Brands, Inc. 85 ''orthwest Tinen Co. 25.51 Alcorn aever.re Co. 441.60 Judie Electric 4 5.90 GENERAL FUND Norris Pederson extra time and police supplies Northern. States roster Co. -Fall, -Fire Dept. Hall Traffic light Street lingts. 85.44 1.01 4.79 16.36 142.50 171 172 Minutes of regular meeting held June 7, 1960 continued. Peoples Natural Gas -Fire Dept. 22.36 -Hall 13.18 Ben The Digger- street work 76.00 Frank Rreitz -dump labor r 32.00 Dakota County Tribune 19.00 Central Telephone Co.- Police Phone 7.90 -Fire Fhnne 17.00 John J. Pawktns -extra police duty for May 42.00 St. Paul Stamp ;forks- badges 33.3 Earl F. ?nderson -posts for signs 44.75 Miller -Davis supplies 12.41 Paul 'Jorwerk Son Oil Co. 9.58 Paper Cilmenson Co. 32.17 Joe Cunnif£ 51.00 On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan Ash Street was declared a thru street and the Clerk was authorized to write a letter to the County Auditor requesting that the necessary stop signs be erected at intersections. :yes 5. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the Mayor and the Cler4 were authorized to sign a rediprocal agreement with the Savage, Minnesota Fire Department. Ayes were 5.. The Clerk read a letter from the League relative to a convention being held June 15 -17 at Winona., Minnesota. The Clerk read a letter from -eroy L. Bradwish requesting a permit to park a hrnnse trailer on Lot 1 of T. T. Connley's Addition. On the basis of the re- enmoendation of the Planning Co mission and on motion of•Ward and second of Finneran the'Council rejected this permit. Ayes were 5. On motion of'Duffr and second of Ward the Liquor License application of Americat Legion Post #165 was granted. Ayes were 5. On motion of'Duff and second of Ward and upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission the application of 0. M. Spande to construct a four plex on the Moeller lot at the intersection of Hyland Avenue and Maple street was refused. Ayes 5. On motion of Ward and second of Rechtzirel the Clerk was authorized to notify Northern States rower Co. to install larger light at the RR crossing on Ash St. A yes 5. On motion of'Duff and second of Corrigan the Council authorized the repair of the Village Lock; Aues were 5. The Council approved an authorization to have N States Power Co. construct a 1ir`'t on School District #196 property according to the instructions of I•;r. Faison. The Village to pay the monthly bill for this light and the School District to reimburse .the Village on an annual basis. Ayes were 5. On motion of Duff and second of Ward the Council approved the transfer of $100.00 from the Lionor Revenue Fund to the Planning Commtssion to cover the purchase of Sap ^lies as they deem necessary to their work. %yes were 5. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 7th day of June, 1960. re ectfully'Submi.t ed 1 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, MUNTF OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of special meting held June 22 1960. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members present. The titi7ities Commission were also present and together with the Council tke following valuations were set for the purposes of the Bernard W. May Co. who have completed their audit of the village bookd with the exception of the valuations shown. below. Village hall and contents less pumps and wells $30,000.00 ExTh Fire hall less equipment 25,000.00 Village Hall and fire hall real estate 6,050.00 Real Estate near RR station 1,006.00 Refl. ?state for lift station and storm sewer 1,000.00 Fire trucl :s send ecui; neent 6,000.00 Grader ;rd d,i.np truck 1,500.00 Streets any' sidewalks 250,000.00 Storm Sewers 30,000.00 Police 'quinment 300.00 Water tower and tank, wells and pumps 53,0 Meters and water installations 21,000.00 Water maii am hydrants, sewers and manholes 200,000.00 Lift Station 14,000.00 Disposal Plant 76,000.00 Disposal plant realestate 4,000.00 Oti-lities commission pick•ip and equipment 1,500.00 A letter form Edward B: McMenomy advising the Council of the change in ownership of the ti•nuor Store building was read by the Clerk. the New owners are Lester R. Bentson and Vernon .Jerson. After a short discussion and on motion of Duff the Utilities commission were authorized to proceed with the extension of watermains on John Street from Margaret to Park Avenue. Second by Ward Ayes 5 The clerk mead a. letter from Ben G. Moeller requesting a trailer park permit for one trailer, Cn motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Council voted in favor of this application. The following ,.embers voted in favor of the motion: Finnegan, Corrigan and Rechtzigel. The following members voted against the motion: Ward find Duff. The clerk read a petition for the improvedent of Dedar Street and Claire Avenue. On motion of Duff and second of Finneran the Council approved te retainine of the Banister Engineering Co. to prepare a preliminary plan and estimated costs. Ales ..ere Nayes 0. On motion of Duff and second of Ward the following Beer license applications were approved. Duffy Brothers non- int.oxicatinr Malt licuors Off sale. Lerion Post Intoxicating and non intoxicating liquors ONSale. Ayes were 4 Nayes O. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 22nd day of Time, 1960. ectfully submitted C lerk 173 174 XINNUM VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held June 24th, 1960. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members present excepting Rechtzigel. Mr. Stephen Nestetal and Mr. Want of the firm of McNamara- Vivant were present to discuss with the Council the construction of the improvement of Hyland Avenue and Maple street which were constructed in the fall of 1959. After a long dis- cussion Mr. 414_t agreed to repair) the East and West ends•of Maple Street and to &..e&'- the crown of the streets, to take of any important errors, to fix the spot where Vfaple joins 7i.hway #218, to trade Park Avenue and to possibly black- top the ertrence to the Methodist Parsonage driveway. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan and upon approval of the Planning Com- mission e permit to build a garage by Wilbur Yancey was approved. Ayes 4. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 24th day of June, 1960. Respectfully Submittedd, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of Board of Review meeting held June 27, 1960. Meeting called to order by acting chairman Duff, all members were present except Ward. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the on and off sale beer licenses ap- plications €f Wm. Warner and Cecelia Ahern were approved. Ayes were 4. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the assessment roll as submitted by Assessor Ed Warweg was approved,with the Correction of Carlson and Boquist assessments. Ayes were 4. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 27th day of June, 1960. Respectfully submitted Vi'Y 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF D;,KOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting Mid July 5, 1960. Meeting called to order by Acting President Duff, all members were present except 'lard. The minutes of the June meetings were read and.approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid Brom their respective funds. LIQ[TC:R STORE Toombs Insurance Agency 191.16 Northern States Tower Co. 73. Peonies Natural Gas 1 2. 3 5 College City Beverage 11.30 Fritz Wholesale 63.67 Northwest Cigar Corp. 18.20 Hanson Beverage Co. 2 9.5 0 Old Dutch Foods 3 Seven hp Bottling Co. 2 2.3 2 Alcorn Beverage Co. 66 Buckingham Beverage 212 Coca -Cola Bottling 99.15 Concord Beverage Co. 114+.81 Griggs Cooper Co. 7. Northwest Linen. Service 21.76 Bernard W. ray Co. 78.76 G'.•st Kraft Electric 9.00 Ed. Phillips ,g Srr.s 202 5d. Fhillios Sons 424.24 Lynn Johnson 142 F. Deegan -Petty Cask 61.28 GENERAL FLTTD Northern States Power Co. Fire Dept. 5.04 -Hall 1.00 Traffic lite 18.94 -St. LitSs 142.50 Peoples Natural Gas -Fire Dept. 9.08 -9a11 2 .5 6 Frank Kreitz -care of dump for June 3 D. J. Oster- crushed gravel 21.00 Central Telephone Co.- Pol9ce Dept. 7.90 -Fire Dept. 17.00 John Bawkine -extra police '.uty 56.00 Lystad's Exterminators 30.00 Ed. 4arwee- .Assessors .salary 720.00 John Doyle- la4'4r streerts 4.00 Georme r'c Donough 4.00 Don Christenson 9.75 Miller -Davis Co.- supplies 12.02 On motion of Corrigan and second of Re.chtzigel the Council /on recommendation of the Planning Co p'.rroved the a :plication of Russell Peterson to buildi a garage at 404 West John Strt:et. Ayes were 4. 175 176 Minutes of regular meeting held July 5, 1960 continued. The Clerk read a letter Brom Matt Huerta, Jr. requesting an appointment as Justice of the peace or constable. The clerk was authorized to advise him that the Council did not feel the need for any special appointment to these offices at this time and to invite Mr. Huerta to file for one of these offices in the comming December elect.inn. The Clerk read a letter from Mr. F. L. Woodward, Director of Division of Environ- mental Sanitation regarding the location of proposed wells in the Village. The clerk read a letter from the Rosemount Businessmen's Association regarding bhe sweeping of streets in the Village. On motion of Duff arc3 second of Corrigan the matter was referred to the Street Commissioner fof investigation. The Street Commissioner is to investa gate the necessary equipment and its cost acc to advise the Council. Ayes were 4. Mr. Finneran agreed to discuss 6ith Mr. Ti]lges the elevation of the lots in Rahn's a ^dition with regard to proper water drainage. On motion of Finnggan and second of Repphtzigel the Council approved the application of Rqynond•Kane for the use of Lots laiid 2 for the perking of 1 mobile home. This was also accepted by the Planning Commission who h&c] secured a petition from the surrounding property owners approving the location ter the parking of a trailer. Ayes were 4. The Village Attorney agreed to discuss with Norris Pederson the remld�irements of the loc -1 dor ordinance with respect to its enforcement and to instructtto sire out ccmplaints. where ever* they ate justified. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 5th day of July, 1960. Respectfully submitted, 1 1 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA Minutes of special meeting held July 15, 1960. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members present. Mr. W. Price of Banister Engineering Co. was present to discuss with the Council the improvement of Cedar Street and Claire Avenues. It was determined that the real problem i volved with the improvement )f these streets would be the proper draina!e of water. No definite action was taken at this time and the Engineers were instructed to check further for a suitable solution. Mr. Stan Triplett of Brockway Glass was present and presented plans for hookinj the ,lass plant sewage line to the Disposal plant of the Village. These plans were riven to Mr. Price of Banister Engineering Co. for his review and recommen- dation to the Council. O motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the firm of Banister Engineering Company was to retained to estimate the cost of building a line from our lift station t.c the nearest University sewage line. Ayes were 5. Mr. Ed. Rahn was present to discuss the addition of another of block of land as lots to the village. He was referred to the Planning Commission for their approval. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 15th day of July, 1960. Respectfully submitted, 177 178 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held August 2, 1960. Meeting called to order by President Wafd, all members were present excepting Rechtzigel. The minutes of the July meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND Zanmiller Company George Ward -long distance pho e calls Frank Kreitz -labor for Utilities Com ission -labor on streets -cFre of dump for July Northern States Power Co. -Hall Traffic Lites Street Lites -Fire Dept. Central Telephone COt Fire Department Police Peoples Natural Gas -Hall -Fire Department Dakota County Tribune- minutes John Hawkins-extra police duty E. J. Geraghty -rent of parking lot F. R. u- S. Construction Co. -2 loads of stabilizer Iearue of Minnesota Municipalities H. J. Geraghty Agency -054T on parking lot LIQUOR STORE FUND Northern States Power Cc. Peoples Nautral Gas Utilities Commission P. J. Geraghty Agency -Stock and Fixtures Griggs, Cooper Co. Ed. Phi.l]ips Sons Co. Griggs, Cooper Co. Ed. Phillips Sons Co. Ed. Phillips t Sons Co. Northwest linen Co. Distillers Distributing Co. Bernard W. May Co. College City Beverage Co. Judges Electric and Appliances Alcorn Beverage Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Seven Up Bottling Cc. Buckingham Beverage Co. Northwest Cigar Corp. Concord Beverage Co. Old Dutch Foods Vernon Jenson -rent Fansen Beverage Co. Martin Star Express Fritz Wholesale 5.00 1.60 51.75 87.00 40.00 1.00 17.02 142.50 4.56 17.25 7.90 1.85 4.52 35.75 70.00 80.00 15.50 59.00 36.00 81.77 4.94 157.95 127.08 305.57 111.25 275.70 493.14 118.73 32.85 412.59 70.92 25.0 22.20 480.04 57.77 20.80 183.78 13.20 1255.42 35.10 100.00 393. ?2.66 c5.27 Minutes of regular meting held August 2, 1960 continued. Mr. Short and Mr. Price of Banister Engineering Co. and Mr. Triplet of Brockway Glass were present to discuss the sewer connection to the existing; disposal plant. Aft.er a discussion of the proposed lift station and the advisati]ity of the Village ett.emptinp to ma stain the station the Council on recommeddation of the Sinister ^neineerine Co. recommended to the Utilities Commission that the lift station and lires he installed and maintained by Freckway ,lass Co.. The matter was then turned over to the Utilities Co :am' ssion who will work out a satisfactory solution to this -r•ohlem with the Brockway Glass Co. The July 18, 1960 letter from Banister Engineering Co. relative to the estimated costs or a sewage line to the University Disposal plant was read and discussed. The '2tter was dropped at this time as it was pointed cut that there was opposition to it an' that "roadblocks" had been established which would in effect rhea prohibit the Village from continuin their 'relininary investigations. A letter from Banister Engineering Co. to the water problem which would be mnrnified because of the proposed imerovement. of Cedar street and Clerie Avenue was reed and discussed. On motion of Finneran and second of Corrigan tee Banister mneineerine Co. was retained to survey fcr tentative storm Sewer construction the area 'o the Village south of Ash Street and West pf Rieway :213. Second w,s by Ccerigan Ayes were 4. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan and upon recommendation of the Planning Commission the building permit applications of Hubert Winson and Jim Mcdearney were ap-•roved.and ordered issued. Ayes were 4. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Council accepted Rahn's 3rd addition with the following seven provisions. 1. All contour lots (ifany) must be a minimum of 10,000 sq. ft. with a minimum fn.t front/Lee of 75 feet at the set back line. (That must be a minimum of thirty feet) 2. All lots, other th;r contour, must be a minimum of 9,000 sq. ft. with a minimum frnnteee of 75 feet. 3. All utility eese.rents, all guide lines on all power poles to be shown on preliminary plat. 4. All MUM teroueh streets, side streets and avenues to have signs to be installed and raid fro by tee developer. 5. Grading for streets to be such that later sidewalks may be added at home owners expense. 6. That black top streets and concrete curbs and 'utters or black curbs and 'utters he paid for by the deteloper after 7.5` of the lots ,:n nne street are sold. 7. The rroblem of storm sewers be worked out by the Village Council and Mr. Rahn before the blacktop and curbs are in. Ayes were 4. On motion of Duff and second of Ward the following persons were appointed to serve on a survey teae to investigate variOUS recre: +tionai programs with respect to rinencing -n' �r,nizi.ng. This coer ttee will make their re•.ort to the Planning Commission. Members are Dr. R. M. Xardell, Harold Ervasti, Harold Burkart, Ed. Doyle, Marvin Ratzlaff, Fiartin Foyer, Ruseel Hayes, Orgies Stelter and Alvin Judkins. Oyes were 4. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the village aceepted the streets in the Broback addition for maintenance by the Village. Ayes were 4. 179 180 Minutes of regular meeting held August 2, 1960 continued, page 3 On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan and upon the recommeddation of the Planninr Commission the :emit aonlications of Broback Builders to construct 8 homes in Rahns 2nd addition were approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 4. The Council discussed and approved the use of the "ilage e arkinr lot by the Lerion cost for a Aooya oi. the condiiton that the Legion provide Liability Ins. On motion of Ward and second of Duff the village attorney was authorized to review the status of the Fire Department relative to their being incorporated and to State Aid. Ayes were 4. Police problems were discussed relative to disturbances in the alley at the rear of R. Rechtzirel property, parking problems and the purchasing of a light for the top or the police cars. The problem of the disturbances was referred to Mr. Corrigan and H. was also authorized to check in to the matter of the lites and to purchase same if he deemed it advisable. A letter from Mr. C. S. Johnson relative to the condition of the curb and gutters at the intersection of u•rland ~.venue and Maple Street was read and referred to the village attorney for and answer. The clerk read a letter from the State of Minnesota, Department of Health relative to their inspection or the local Sewage treatment plant. After a short discussion it was agreed to turn the letter over to the Utilities Commission recommending to them that the conditions mentioned-be fulfilled as sojn as possible. On motion of Duff and second of Ward the following resolution was adopted. RESOLVED That, until written notice to the contrary is given by the Village of Rosemount (herein called village) to the First State Bank of Rosemount,. Minnesota, access to Safe Deposit Box or Boxes (herein called safes) standing in the nane of this Village in the vault of said bank shall be hid by the following: George F. Ward (Mayor) Eugene J. Duff (Clerk) any TWO of w shall have full authority to rent safes and to excette leases thereof it the name of this Vi1.1” -e, to amend or cancel said•leases, to exchange or surredner the safes, =r.1 to tenresent this Village in all other respects pertaining to said safes, S°CFPT that ary ONE of them shall have full authority to enter said safes and to make deposits therein or remove any part or all of the contents thereof." Ayes were 4. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the meeting adjourned this 2nd day of August at 11:45 PM. yes were 4 Respectfully submitted, 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of ,regular meeting held September 6, 1960. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present excepting Corrigan. The minutes, of the August meeting were read and approved as read. On motion of Finnegan and second of Rechtzigel tke following bills were approved and ordered paid from t' respective finds. LIZUOR STORE Northern States Power Co. 96.59 Peoples Natural Gas 5.15 Bernard W. May Co. 71.53 Francis Deegan -Petty Cash_ 48.34 Ed. Phillips Scns Co. 370.7 314.53 1,279.39 Ehelers Refrigeration and Appliance 765.00 Fritz Wholesale Co. 80.58 Martin Star Express 11.79 Northwest Liner Co. 38.1 College City Beverage 14 .55 Concord Beverage Co. 1,356.20 Alcorn Beverage Co. 1,039.22 Bucicin &ham Beverage Co. 2 55.5 4 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 92.06 Ranson Beverage Co. 494.01 Old Dutch Fords 52.20 Judges Electric Appliance 100.50 Distillers Distributing Co. 5(9.50 Ni.lwaukee RR 13.93 Corrigan Electric 49.80 Northwest Cigar Corp. 20.20 Meiady Paper cc. 39.65 Vernon Jenson -rent 100.00 Seven U; Bottling Co. 15.59 OENRE; L FUND Central Telephone Co. -Fire for •_u;,ust 17.90 Fire for July 17.00 Felice for July 8.70 Police for August 11.23 Donald McPherson- prepartion of maps 76.93 George E. Ward -long distance phone c.11e 1.10 Northern States Power Co. -St. lights august 154.17 -zu txpcnxInrx rams= Tr.ffic Lirhts 14.20 Fire Dept. 5. -Hall 1.00 Peoples Natural Gas Fire Station 4.52 -Mall 2.09 Dakota County Tribune- Minutes 20.13 Frank Kreitz -care of dump 35.0 Utilities labor 28.50 John Naw!r(irs -extra polled duty 70.00 T. S. Mohr police duty 154.00 181 182 Minutes of regular meeting held September 6, 1960 continued -page 2 Rpt7l2ff Service Vorwerk's Texaco Service Coast to Coast Store -fan Kane Equipment Co. Corcoran Hardware R. F. Sieckert extra time for August National Pushing A. Farts Co.- police light H. A. Rogers -mop printing Gustafson Oil Co. -road Oil Craig J. Alexander -road all Corrigan Electric- wiring police light 18.95 5. 21.77 1.50 61.90 190.50 19.95 21.00 443.44 176.76 21.06 On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the Council approved the transfer of $3,5 to the Fire Department to be used for the Furchase of their new truck on the cond.tion that the attorney would find that this would be a legal move on the Cart of the Council. The money would be hell. until the attorne had t'eto check into t_ h e Igga ity the matter. Ayes were 4. SAL- Arnold 1Crash of n. t'. llenmaster and Cc. and audi, ng firm presented his reasons and'qualificati-ons for the job of auditing to the Council. This matter was tabled for la`br meeting. On motion of Finneran and second of Rechtzigel and upon recommendation of the Planning Commission the application of Lampert Yards to build a new warehouse was approved. 'Ayes were 4. On motion of Finnegan and second of Rechtzigel and upon recommendation of the Planning Commission the following applications were approved and ordered issued. Eugene Duff-move and remodel existing hone Matt Heerta -tuild a. garage t1rs. John Hynes -build a garage tr. R. Geronime -build a garage and add to existing porch Ayes were 4 On motion If Duff and second of Finnegan the council approved and ordered installed lights on Murphy Street in Aroback's Addition and a• light as nearly opposite from Crow M Crow plant on Highway g21E. Ayes Caere 4. Mr. Bruce Crow of Crow and Crow, Inc. was present to discuss with the council tke construction of a building to house his cement plant. The Clerk read a letter from Crow and Crow relative to their position on the matter and a petition signed by twelve residents in the surrounding area in apposition to the construction. After a lengthy discussion and upon the advise of the Village attorney the matter was dro.pe&' by the Council. However the Council di' recommend that Crow and Crow do whatever was reasonable and proper to eliminate any dus t problems. to tall to their truck drivers relative Mb speeding in the Village and to remedy the problem caused by the spilling of travel within the Village by their trucks. The Clerk read a letter of invitation from the Village of Mantorville to the annual fall regional meeting to be held at Mantorville. On motion of Finnegan and second of Rechtzigel the bill of McMenongr and Hertogs for legal fees from April 1, 1959 to Muly 31, 1960 for $606.00 was approved and ordered paid 11X Ayes were 4. The Clerk read a letter from the Rosemount Women's Club inviting the Council to their meting of September 27, 1960. 1 Minutes of regular meeting held September 6, 1960 continued page 3. On motion of Ward and second of Buff Paul Jones was appointed tc a 3 year term on the "tility CornnYrsion. Be 15 to replace Mr. Francis Mullery. Ayes Ward, Duff and Rechtzigel. No- Finnegan. The Clerk was authorized to notify the Banister Engineering Co. that the Council would like to hear what prorrees they had made rebtive to their study of storm sowers for the Village. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 6th day of September, at 11:20 PM. Respectfully submitted The following is hereby incorporated in and made a part of the minutes of the regular meeting held September 6, 1960. 1TFEREAS, the chief of the Rosemount Volunteer Fire Department has stated that the present fire truck must be per in order to provide reasonable fire protection, and; W'7RFAS, said chief has stated that the department needs an additional 13T $3.500.00 to compete this purchase, NOW THEREFOR, be it resolved that the sum of $3,500.00 be advanced from the eeneral fund to t'e Rosemount Volunteer Fire Department, said sum to be restored to the general ":nd when fl are available in the treasury of said Rosemount Volunteer Fire Department. 183 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held October 4, 1960. Meeting called to order by Acting President Duff, all members being present excepting Ward. The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved as read. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the following bills were approved and ordered n:aid from their res•e funds. Ayes were 4. GLi•:ERA1. 77 ND John Hawkins police duty $56.00 Norris Pederson -extra police duty 24.00 "orthern States Power Co. -St. Lights 1:4.17 Fire Dept. 6.78 vial 1.00 Traffic lights 16.74 Frank Kreitz -care of dump 16.00 Lawrence Koehnen care of dump 16.00 Dakota County Tribune publication of minutes 8.00 Lystad's Exterminators 30.00 R. F. Sieckert extra time 118.50 Fischer Construction Co.- gravel and rent of.roller 355.0 Banister Engineering Co.-Pi ns and specifications 1454.42 L1 ,UOR STOIC: FUND Northern States 'ewer Co. 103.84 Peonies Natnrs1 peas 5. Richard Klatt -extra time 42.75 F. J. Gerag_ty fgency -OI&T 481.41 Ed. Phillipts Sons 655.77 Criers, cooper Co. 5 Minnesota Municipal Liquor Stores Ass'n., Inc. 15.00 Old Peoria, Inc. 7 Lynn Johnson Co., Inc. 689.60 Francis Deegan, petty cash 33.93 Martin Star 7apress 2 6.91 Fritz 'dhol -sale Co. 77.77 `orthwest Linen Co. 3 Colle =.e City °everar_e Co. 2 3.3 0 Concord Beverage Co. 790.03 Alcorn Bever le Co. 53 Buckingham Beverage Co. 152. Coca -Cola Bott_ing Co. 61.55 Tanson Beverage Co. 300.97 Cld Dutch Foods 41.40 Bernard W. M,ay 8 Co. 75.07 Distillers Distributing Co. 872.96 Vernon ?ensen 100.00 Seven Upt Pottling Co. 19.24 Mr. Carl Hoffman, Mr. Robert Duffy and Mr. Nick Fox along with Vern Marcell and Mr. Dick Hanson of Northern States Power Co. were present to discuss with the Council the installation of new street lighting in the downtown area of the Village. After a lengthy discussions the Council agreed to mee=ti zt the w t is to 'Jail on tcber 12, at 'x;90 o'clock FM to visit other communities cic" have recently irsta.,,ed new ignting. 185 186 Minutes of regular meeting held October 4, 1960 continued. page 2 Mr. Harold Almquist or the Planning Commissio' was present and read the minutes o° the last Planning Commission meeting to the Council. On motion of Corrigan and second of Rechtzigel and upon prior ap;rovel of the planning commission the following huilding remits were approved and ordered issued. pees were 4. Ieo. Fluegel -g -rare permit Merman Fratzke- ggrage permit On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the clerk was authorized to write the Rosemount Baptist Church and to advise them that the Council has a been notified of a trailer home parked at the read of their Church Puilding. Since the Council has know knowledge of a per'iit being granted for this purr'ose and since it a reruirement of our_Crdirnnces that Sunh a hermit be !ranted before any trailer -come be parked in the Village the Clerk was further authorized to request that they ^ake an applic =,tien for such P. permit and. that they first secure the a.p:.orva.l of the Planning,' Co't'4ssicn before the arplication is ;resented to tie Village Council. Ayes were 4. On motion pf Duff and second of Corrigan Mr. Finnegan was appointed to look into the matter oC costs and it he deemed it advisable to have replaced an area of 16,ft. by 1.0ft. with blacktop known as the m. Partelt Alley. It was further understood that the Village had previously agreed to restore this alley to its original condition as soon as all reasonable sewer connections had been m;.de. Ayes were 4. The Clerk read a. letter from Vernon Jensen relative to the renting of the Liquor Store Building. A :aerting nth ht of October 17. 1900 at_7;Q0 o'clock PM was set,to discuss this matter furt:rer. Mr. Russ ?Tayes was present, to discuss with the Council the installation of three skating rinks w; thin the Village. He requested that the Village bear the cost of lighting and Insurance and to furnish policing after e;30 PM. Mr. Hares was instructed to look in to the maters relative to costs and to report this information to the Council for their further consideration. There being no further Business the meeting adjourned this 4th day of October, 1960. Respectfully submitted, Village of Rosemount, County of Dakota, State of Minnesota. Minutes of special meeting held October 17, 1960. Meeting called to order by President Ward, All members present excepting Carrie Yr. Bentwon and Mr. Jensen were present to discuss rental of buying of the present Liquor Store Building. After a long discussion it was deckded to table the natter until a later meeting thereby giving the Council .core tine to study the muteer more thoroughly and to make up t'reir minds as to exactly tkx what they wanted. Mr. Russ Hayes and Mr. Peterson of Peoples Natural Gas Co. were present to discuss the extension of a high pressure gas line in the Villain. On motion of 'lard and second of Finnegan the Council approved the installation of a. 2 inch rim! pressure line from the Peoples Natural Gas station to 'Jarwer Avenue, across Ash Street down Wane 4vcnue to Maple Street, From La .re Street to Marion ^e across Yarle Street to Moeller lots and then to Hyland Avenue, across Hyland Avenue and N to Birch Street, westerly on Birch Street to P rk Avenue and north on Park Avenue to John Street. Furt`;c•r conditions agreed upon were that all oiled streets would Le restored to their ori;ieal condition, all blacktop and _,_ved streets and driveways were to be tunnelled .and all digging on boulevards was to be rest rred with blsck dirt and sodded. The Peoples Natural as Company further agreed to set the above conditions down in a letter to the Village Council before construction would begin. Ayes were 4. On motion of Duff and second of Ward the following building permit applications were approved and ordered issued. Prior mf approval of the Planning having b_Fn granted. Ayes acre 4. Raymond L. Bowar one car garage Gilmore Howe car garage There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 1? day of October, 1960. Res ectfully submitted, 1 c ,e,z V1.u.7. C7 RCS=UHT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held October 18, 196C. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all ,]members present excepting Corrigan.. The council met with Mr. May of our Auditing firm to discuss the audit of the village records for the year 1959. After a short rediew and discssion of his report the matter was tabled until Mr. May could opinions wrich he has re uested from the State Attorney General regarding various questions. As soon as these opinions were available the Council will again meet with Mr. May. 167 Tj8tI94 tricWW /+eLds£8oe$n3$AhEnegan the Council a :-proved the application e 4. y the new post ffice ;yes w build�n� 1nwe -94) t r' suldnitt VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, CCUNTY OF DAKOTA, STSTE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held November 1, 1960. Meeting called to order by President Ward, All members were present. The minutes of tke October meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of and second of Rechtzi!el the following bills were approved and ordered paid from t}•elr res2ective funds. Ayes 5. General Fund Central Telephone C_.- Fire Teprtment• 1 rtment Dakota County Tribune-publishing minutes Frank Kreitz -care of dump Street Work George Ward -p.mne calls Ben The Di; grading and hauling to dump Donal J. Carroll-mowing weeds F. R. S. Construction Co.- blading and stab. Eugene Duff- office supiies R. F. Siect:ert- Street -Utilities John Doyle- street work Don Streee-.str.>et work Bill Canniff- street work Bernard W. May 1 Co.- general audit Vcrwerk Texaco Jce Cunnif:- !rader work George McDonou h- trading and labor John Dorle-thsjotg flushing streets John Hawkins -extra police Rudolph lec'htzi1el- cutting weeds Norris Fede:sv.n -extra time Northern States Power Co. -St. Lights Fire Hall Fall Traffic lights Peoples Natural Gas -Fall Fire-Station ZIAM M[P.I$E LIQUOR FUND Northern States =r Peoples Natural :Ica Utilities Commission Toombs Insurance -gency blanket position bond Ed. Phillips 7. Sors Co. Ed. ?hi]Jips r Sons Cc, Grizrs, Cooper Co. Distillers Distributing Cc. Mckesson Robbins F &rein Brands, Inc. Alcorn Bcverage Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Buckingham Peverare Co. 16.85 9.73 17.50 44.00 20.25 '.05 36.00 5.00 106.75 1:.70 91.50 15.00 23.25 21.00 12.00 °45.25 2.00 13.60 13.00 00 70.00 36.00 14.00 144.17 5.83 1.06 15.00 1.85 5.57 64.44 12.64 160.05 53.55 473.02 1016.6 3.3.53 1411.19 411.14 375.91 597.84 79.4 ,83 189 190 Ninutes of regular meeting helc Novem ber 1, 1960 continued. On :notion of Ward and second of Finnegan Martin Reining, Forest Birdsall and Toren Parker, were appointed election judges to serve at the annual village election to be held on December 6, 1960. Ayes were 5. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan t'e Council approved the following Ordinance subject to the approval of the, voters at the annual ,village election to be held ^ecerber 6, 1960. AN OR.^,I". ICE INCREASING TEE S' LARIDS CF Ta MAYOR AND CF THE TRUSTEES CIF T7E. VILLAGE CF ROSENMCUNT, ';-'I ?ESCTA, ANL P2OVIDING FOR THE .APPROVAL OF SAID :-":CREASE 7 THE VOTERS OF THE VILLAGE. THE VI'j..GE COUNCIL OF Tr- VILLAGE OF ROSF,MOUNT, MINNESOTA, O.IDAINS; "":CTION 1. $s.laries Established. The salary of the mayor of the village is 'hereby estahjis'1Pd at, t.'.e sum of Three Hundred (.;)00.00) Dollars per year, and the salary of,each trustee.. of the Vi11are is !:ereby established at the sume of Two Hundred ,($200.00) Dollars her near, pursuant to the authority rrarted by, and subject to tile provisions of Minnesota Statutes Sections '412.131. SECTIO1 2. Effective Pate. The Village Clerk shall cause copy of this ordin- ance to he pyb1i& a' once in the official newspaper. The Viilare Clerk shall then attach prod6,n.f said c,Llication to this ordinance and. file the same it his office, and he shall. in addition, record this ordinance in the ordinance book within twenty (20) days after its publication. Th ±s ordinance shall then be voted on at the next general election to he held in th'. Billaee. If a majority of those voting at said election do not approve this ordinance, then the same shall be of no further force or effect. If a majority of those voting at said election approve this ordinance, then the same shall be in effect from and after the first business day of January of the year 1961. PASSED BY THE VL_ .dyy CCUNZTI CF 'iT VILLi:IF C? 3CSE'. :CTFIT, f' 1'=S this 1st day of November, 1960. Approved: J ,T ATTEST: Northwest Sani -Draw, Inc. Mel:dy Paper Co. Old Dutch Foods Northwest Cigar Corp. ,Seven U;) Bottling Co. Fran Deegan -paid outs ;Jcrthmest. Linen Service Vernon Jensen Hanson Bcvrrage Co. Restaurant China Hotel Supply Marti? Star Express Concord Feveraee Co. B. W. May 7, Co. Fritz Wholesale Co. 1 =.00 9.00 43.65 2 8.32 61.60 62.32 37. 100.00 358.60 20.0r) 46.21 966.2 72.49 15-.62 Gcort, Minutes of regular meeting held November 1, 1960 continued. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the Council approved the purchase of a new flag from Post $5100 VFol of e. Cost was $5.00. Ayes were 5. O n motion of Corrigan and second of Wa the Council approved the purchase of savings certificates with '3 interest with $9,900.00 of the Sanitary Sewer Sinking Funds. Ayes were 5. cn motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the request for a building permit covering a two car garage for Bennett J. Champ, Jr. was approved by the Council. Ayes were 5. The clerk read a letter from the Slate State Highway Department relative to their program of snow removal ;lcnr trunk 'ue''ways within the Village. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Council a_prcved the removal of snow from a-,nroxim,:`ely 6 blocks of Trunk highway and further agreed to remove the snow at their own cost from approximately 2 blocks outside of this. Ayes were 5. The Clerk read a letter regarding Civil Defense. Mr. Bill Warner was acneinted to investigate and to advise, the Council as to action necessary to bring the Vill;re up to theirs ndards and in compliance with their programs. On mot;.on "aid second of Ward the hours of the annual vi]lare election to be held on December 6, 1960 were approved and set at 12:00 o'clock Noon to 8:00 o'clock Pm., The elate o" the election was met at the Fire 71;11 and the aai slate of officers is Cler¢ for two years, Assessor for 2 years, Trustee for 3 years and Constable for 2 years. Ayes were 5. The minutes of the planning commission meetings were read by the Clerk. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the following Ordinance Was approved and ordered published. Ayes were 5. ORDINANCE NO. 52 II]iT2II ZONING OnDLF.S CL The Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota, County, Minnesota, does hereby ordain: SECTION 1. Pending the adoption of a comprehensive zoning ordinance, and for the punose or rerulatinr the location, size, use and hei.rht of buildings, arrangement of buildings on lots and the density of no-nlcti_on within the Village of Rosemount, and to rro'ride separate districts for the purpose of carrging out the aforesaid rerul=tions, no person, persons, firms or cornorttion shall construct, move or ex- tend the outside dimensions of any building upon Any land in the Village of Rose- mount, or ch=nge the present use of any land without first having received a permit from the Village Council with the unanimous approval of its membefs. S7CT70?i 2. No such permit shall be issued for the construction, moving, or extension of the outside dimensions of any building on any land within the Village of Rosemount, or to chance the present use of any ]and, without a ou'lic hearing as hereinafter provided; except that no public hearing shall he required prior to the issuance of a remit °or the construction, movi.i; or extending the outside dimensions of a single family dwelling unit to bs used as a residence. SFCTEON 3. All aplications for permits under this ordina shall be referred to f �4R 191 192 Minn es of regular meeting held November 1, 1960 eentLrued. the Planning Commission of the Village bf Rosemount, for purposes of review and recommendation to the Village Council and for the purpose of holdinn a r.ublic hearing in the cases hereinbefore specified, prior to making said recommendation. All ^'ublic hearings user this ordience shell be preceded by at least teirty (30) days notice of the time and place of the hearing which notice shall be riven at least one public tion in the nffical Villare newspaper. STCTLC" 4. Any Person or persons, fire or corporation violating the providions of t' rrdiancne by neglecting or refusing to secure a permit or by proceeding after `..`e refusal of a. permit by the Village Council shall he guilty of a mi.s- eeexnor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one Hundred ($10 Dollars or by imprisonment for a eerion not to exceed ninety dayd (90). I there is a continuing violation of this ordinance each day that such violation continues shall constitute a separate breach and .misdemeanor 'and shll be punished as such. SLCTIC'. "very provision of this oriiance s•a7.1 be separate from every other part o" :rr'.Tlsion thereof and if one provision is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect any other part or provision thereof. This ordinance shall take effect and force from and after its passa «e and publications and shall remain in force until the comprehensive ordinance contemplated hereunder becomes e °fective or for two years after the effective date hereof whichever comes first. rassed by the Village Council of the Village of dsmoult,, Dakota County, Minnesota, this first day of "dovemher, 1960. ATTEST: TC TOM IT i "::Y CONCERN: APPROVED: /..0. t/t Geofre 'lard, Mayor On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the appltcation for a permit to build one car garage by C. Dobmeier was approved and ordered issued. ;yes were 5. The Clerk read several letters from the local businessmen relative to the installation of new street lie ^tine for the Commercial area. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finneran the Council approved the installation of 24 new Flourescent units in the Commercial area. Ayes were 5. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Baptist church was granted a six tem- oor permit to park a trailer at the rear of their Church property. Ayes were 5. 'On motion of Duff and second of ,lard the Council accepted the petition for the closing of Birch Street and ordered the following Notice of Hearing to be published as required by law. Ayes were 5. NOTICE OF 'RIYG ON FETITIO; FOR VW.CTTION OF STREETS IN THE VILLAGE OF ROSEKC'UiT, D;KOTA COC TY, MINNESOTA. NOTICE IS HEREBY nIVEN, that the Villare Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota Ccnnty, Minnesota, will meet at the Village Hall of said Village at eight o'clock, P.M., on December 6, 1960, to consider a petition addressed to said Village Council to vacate the following described street in said Village pursuant tc Minnesota Statute Chapter 412.3351: 1 1 1 1 1 Minutes of regular meeting held November 1, 1960 continued. All that part of Birch Street lying between the West line of Highland Avenue and the East line of Park Avenue in said Vi11:;.ge, according tc the ^tat of Rose Park k:kiition, now on file aid of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Dakota and State of Minnesota. Suck persons as desire.to be heard with reference to the petition for vacation of said street will be heard at this meeting. Dated at Rosemount, Minnesota, this 1st day of November, 1960. Eugynr T. Du T, Village Cl Sk On rnoti.on of Duff and second of Ward the plat for G.vinrs and Rahn's additions were held until the Engineers report on storm sewers is available to the Council. Ayes were 5. Cn motion of Finnegan and second of Duff the following budget was set for the coming near. General Levy $13,500.00 P.E.R.A. 1,214.56 The automatics levy for Sanitary Sewer and 1956 Improvement were withdrawn for the romint year. Ayes were 5. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 1st day of November at 11;45 P.M. Respectfully submitted, GP r- off /7Ut� 4' Vi 193 194 sz� VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held December 2, /960. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members present. The Council met with the Untilities Commission and Mr. May our Auditor for the purpose of reviewing his audit of the Village records. Two recommendations were made by Mr. May and accepted by the Council. 1. That the Village Attorney re- quest from the Attorney General an opinion as to whether or not the Village Treasurer could also serve on the Utilities commission. 2. That the Village Volunteer FireA#i1e articles of Incorporation thereby qualifying them for the annual state aid. On motion d Finnegan and Second Rechtzigel Ordinance #56 was unamiously adopted. The satin Ordinance was Entitled; AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF UNPAID UTILITTFS SERVICE CHARGES WHEREAS, the Village Council has heretofore established a xxxiang public utilities commission having jurisdiction over the water and sanitary sewer system of id the Village and, WHEREAS, said commission, pursuant to law, has the duty to fix rates and establish reasonable rules for the regulation of said utilities, and, WHEREAS, said utilities commission has advised the Council that the following ordinance would assist it in the preformance of its duties and has recommended its passage, NOW, THEREFORE, the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County Minnesota, ordains as follows: 1. That on or before the 20th day of September of eaeh year, the utilities commission shall deliver to the Village Clerk an official list of any unpaid utility charges in said Village which have been delinquent in excess of 30 days. 2. Thereafter, the Village Clerk, when making his annual certification to the County Auditor for tax levy for the exsuing year shall certify such delinquent charges tothe said Co..nty Auditor as a special assessment on the property to which such utility service was rendered, and the County Auditor shall extend said charge on the tax rolls against said premises in the same manner as other taxes; whereupon, said delinquent charge shall be collected by the County Treasurer and paid to the Village Treasurer along with other taxes. Upon receipt thereof, the Village Treasurer shall remit said charges so collected to the said Utilities Commission. 3. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after the 1st day of January, 1961. Passed by the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Minnesota, this 2nd day of December, 1960. APPROVED: ATTEST: George Ward, Mayor Vil ge Clerk There being no further business the 9eeting adjou ned his 2nd day of Dec., 1960. Respectfully submitted, (cq- c,t:, Village Clerk 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA MINUTES of regular meeting held December 6, 1960. Meeting called to odder by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the November meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of. Corrigan and second of Rechtzigel the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. The bill of Nepco Corporation was specifically excluded and not honored for payment. This bill is to be returned to the Liquor Store Manager. LIQUOR STORE Dick Klatt -extra time 21.00 Dick Klatt -extra time 41.25 Northern States Power Co. 53.87 Peoples Natural Gas 2 8.65 Bernard W. May Co. -audit and supplies 102.19 Fritz Wholesale Co. 64.08 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 975. Briggs, Cooper Co. 269.88 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 2057.47 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 44 9.31 Distillers Distributing Co. 110 Northwest Cigar Corp. 24.00 Famous Brands, Inc. 664.43 Alcorn Beverage Co. 711.72 Concord Beverage Co. 930.53 Vernon Jensen rent 100.00 Coca Bottling Co. 87.20 Northwest Linen Serbice 4 5.8 4 Seven Up Bottling Co. 17.20 Lampert Yards 19.00 Old Dutch Foods 5 Hanson Beverage Co. 3 Martin Star Express 15.77 Buckingham Beverage Co. 236.28 GENERAL FUND Norris Pederson -extra time Northern States Power Co.- Traffic signals Fire Department Village Hall Street lights Central Telephone Co. -Fire Department Police phones p eoples Natural Gas -Hall -Fire Department Frank Kreitz -care of dump John Hawkins -extra police duty R. F. Seickert -extra time Fluegel Elevator -use of truck Ratzlaff Service McNamara- Vivant Contracting Co.- blacktop Dakota County Tribune Minutes and Ordinance Publ. Vowerk'3 Texaco- supplies 16.00 13.62 9.65 1.00 145.49 17.20 10.63 18.73 23.43 32.00 56.00 24.00 15.00 44.30 132.00 87.88 4.42 195 196 Minutes of regula r meeting held December 6, 1960 continued. Mr. Choban of South Saint Paul was present and gave a short talk on Civil Defense he agreed to show a film on Civil Defense preparedness some time in January and requested that the Council appoint a Civil Defense Director for the Village at its regular meeting to be held in January, 1961. The Clerk read the notice of public hearing regarding the Closing of Birch Street. Several residents of the area were present and presented their views relative to the closing of this street. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council unamiously approved the closing of the East 150 feet of Birch Street. The Clerk read a summons notice from ix the Cassidy's regarding Mrs. Cassidy8 fall at the Liquor Store. The notice was turned over to the Village Attorney. The council considered a complaint relative to the Kane Brothers property in the Village and the Clerk was authorized to wtite them a letter to clean up their property in accordance with their agreement with the Council or the Trailer per- mit which was granted to them would be cancelled. On motion 8f Ward and Second of Finnegan he following cigarette license application were approved and ordered issued. American Legion Post Rase Bowl Cafe Hagemeister Fairway Thune Drug Co. Ratzlaff "66" Service Vorwerk's Texaco Strese's Pure Oil On motion of Ward and second of Rechtzigel the following bilis presented by E. J. McDonald were rejected and ordered returned to him. Ayes were 5. May 14, 1959 Labor on Storm Sewer, etc. January 1, 1959 to Dec. 1 5, 1959 Labor on streets, sno fencing, etc. It r Vik ge Cl k $238.00 417.50 The Clerk read a letter from Vernon C. Jenson relative to the increase fax in rent for the Liquor Store Building from $100.00 to $200.00 per month. The Clerk was authorized to write a letter to Vernon Jensen suggezting 1. That he lower the ceiling of the store. 2. That they construct an addition to the store on the Southeast corner to house rest rooms. 3. Thet they redecorate the Store interior. 4. That they make the necessary repairs to the awnings. 5. That they arrange a meeting with the Council to discuss a lower rental figure per month. On motion of Duff and second of Ward the salaries of the election judges for 1960 was set at $15.00. Ayes were 5. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Council approved the purchase of a used Farm Hand snow blower for the price of $20.00. Ayes were 5. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 6th day of December, 1960. Respectfully submitted 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of the Annual Village Election held December 6, 1960. The Annual Election of the Village of Rosemount was held on the sixth day of December, 1960 in the Village Fire Hall. The judges of the election were: Mr. Martin Reiling Mr. Forest Birdsall Mr. Loren Parker At the hour of 12;00 o'clock PM the above judges and clerks took the oath of office. the polls were forthwith opened by proclamation and the election proceeded by ballot without adjournement or intermission until closed at 9:00 o'clock PM. The candidates voted on at such election as stated in the notice thereof were: At 8:00 o'clock PM in the evening of said day the polls, a proclamation thereof having been made by one of the judges thirty minutes previous thereto closed. The judges then proceeded to publicly count the ballots and a true statement was pro- claimed and filed as provided by law. The canvass board met on the night of December 6. 1960 to review and accept the results as presented by the election judges. The results of the election were as follows: 1 Trustee for the term of three years 1 Clerk for the term of two years 1 Assessor for the term of two years 1 Justice of the Peace for the term of two years. 1 Constable for the term of two years. On motion the meeting adjourned this 6th day of December, 1960. Respectfully submitted. C1 Villge k Francis !gallery Trustee Eugene Duff Clerk Edward Warweg Assessor Russell Hayes Justice of the Peace Norris Pederson Constable 197 198 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held December 14, 1960. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. Mr. Bentson and Mr. Jenson, owners of the present liquor store buidding were present to discuss with the counttl rental charges for their building. After MAIM a lengthy discussion they presented the following proposal for the Council's consideration. 1.. That they would install a lowered ceiling in the building. 2. That they would increase the size of the building and mover the rest rooms. 3. They would purchase and install a new awning. 4. They would brick up the outside door on the North wall. 5. They would grade the bakk lot and blacktop it for parkidg. 6. They would build a bricked up ledge for the outside north wall and plant plants to improve the outside appearance of the building. 7. They would repaint the entire interior of the store. They agreed to provide the above mentioned improvements all for the sum of $200.00 per month. They also proposed that they would be willing to rent the building with the same improvements for the sum of between 2 and 3 of the Gross Profits for a year. Mayor Ward informed the Council that he had received an off er from a private party to construct a Liquor Store to Village specifications. The rental on this unit was proposed at 1% per month for the cost of the building. At this point the Council agreed to give further consideration to the above proposals and to make a decision in the near futute. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 14th day of December, 1960. Respectfully Submitted, a G Vill 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held January 3, 196$. The meeting was called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the December meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the following bills were approved and oreded paid from their respective funds. Ayes were 5. LIQUOR STORE Utilities Commission 1 5 8 2 5 Northern States Power Co. 53.30 Peoples Natural Gas 57.35 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 415.99 Griggs, Cooper Co., Inc. 114.05 Old Peoria, Inc. 214.28 Alcorn Beverage Co. 2 85.5 0 Hanson Beverage Co. 181.50 Northwest Linen Service 23.21 Chicago, Milw. RR Co. 3.10 Bernard W. May 1 Co. 71.53 Vernon Jensen 100.00 Martin Star Express 57.3 Melady Paper Co. 20.35 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 61.58 Northwest Cigar Corp. 19.20 Concord Beverage Co. 7 613.44 Seven Upt Bottling Co. 22.50 Old Lutch Foods 20.25 Buckingham Beverage Co. 135.50 J. P. Fritz Wholesale Co. 66.09 GENERAL FUND EXPENSES Northern States Power Co.- Street lights Village Hall Traffic Signals Fire Hall Peoples Natural Gas Village Hall -Fire Station John Hawkins- police duty Dr. Raymond Mardell Recreational Comm. expenses Lampert Yards -1 window glass Coast to Coast Stores -1 box shells- police Lystad's Exterminators -work at dump H. J. Geraghty Agency- Treasurers Bond R. F. Sieckert -labor on street The First State Bank -lock box rental Meyers Printing Co.- ballots Frank Kreitz -care of dump Corrigan Electric Co.- repairs to stop sign Ind. School District #196 supplies for Planning Comm. Dakota County Tribune publication of minutes Central Telephone Cm. -Fire Station Police 171.67 1.00 17.64 10.60 27.78 37.17 70.00 10.25 1.70 5. 30.00 15.00 43.50 4.00 29.00 40.00 228.21 5.07 2 16.85 9.73 199 200 Mr. E. J. McDonald was present to discuss with the vices rendered during 1959 for the Village. After it was referred to the Village Attorney so that he the Attorney General as to the legality of payment done on motion of Ward wnd second of Duff. Voting Corrigan, Mullery and Ward. No vote Finnegan. Council his bills for ser- a discussion on the matter might secure an opinion of of these bills. This was in favor thereof were Duff The Council agreed to meet with the Banister Engineering Co. to discuss there tentative proposals for storm sewer outlets for the souther/section of the Village on M evening January 9, 1961 at 7:00 PM. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery the Cleric was uthorized to white a letter to the members of the Planning Commissions %MM! egoperation and stressing better attendance at Planning Commission meetings. Ayes were 5. On motion of Corrigan ans second of Finnegan the applications for Cigarette Licenses of Duffy Brothers and Cecelia Ahern were granted. Ayes were 5. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council modanottar unamimously approved the following designations and appointments of Mayor Ward. VILLAGE DEPOSITARY FOR LO6L The First State Bank of Rosemount OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR 19x1 The Dakota County Tribune POLICE COMMISSIONER MAYOR George Ward STREET COMMISSIONER Trustee P. F. Finnegan LIQUOR STORE CONAffSSIONER Trustee T. J. Corrigan WEED INSPECTOR Trustee Francis Mullery BOARD OF HEALTH Dr. Erickson Dr. Mardell Eugene J. Duff =AM LEGAL COUNSELLOR Edward B. Mcmenou{y, retained on basis of monthly statement to be rendered. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan E. J. Duff was appointed as Acting .Mayor to act in the absence of the Mayor. Ayes were 4. On motion of Duff and second of Mullery the meeting time for the Council was changed from 8:00 PM. to 7:00 PM. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the Clerk was authorized to pbulish the minutes of the Council meetings in the Dakota County Tribune. Ayes were 5. After a report from Mr. McMenomy regarding the Incorporation of a Fire Department Relief Aeeod:iation the Council agreed to meeti with the Fire Department to discuss the matter further. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Council approved the registration fee for Francis Mullery to attend a League sponsored course at the University. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the salary of the Clerk was set at $10.00 per month to be paid from the Utilities Commission, $40.00 per month to be paid from the General Fund and $50.00 per month to be paid from the Liquor Fund. Ayes were 4. On motion.of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the salary of the Treasurer was set at ''250.00 per year from the General Fund and $200.00 per year from the Liquor Fund. Ayes were 5. There Being no further business the metting adjpurned this 3rd day of Jannary, 1961. .s pe r g 4 v //y ✓-ha, Tro 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held January 9, 1961. The meeting was called to order by President Ward, all members were present. Mr. Burns who is a public accountant was present milk to discuss with the Council the maintenance of the Village Liquor Store accounting. Mr. BIKINI Short and Mr. Pride of the firm of Banister Engineering Company were present to discuss with the Council the proposed construction of storm sewers for the souther portion of the Village. They presented four alternate plans ranging in estimated costs from $166,27707 to $2 After reviewing the plans with the Engineers the Council decided to hold a special meeting on January 20, 1961 to determine how the costs of the proposed projects could be handled. The Council further agreed to invite Mr. Lampert Englert and Mr. Harold Wachter to this meeting in order to keep them posted on the progress of this project. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 9th day of January, 1961. R submitted, Villkk Cljrk 201 202 VILLAGE OF ROSFMOUNT,.COUNTT OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held January 20, 1961. The meeting was called to order by President Ward, all members were present excepting F. Muilery. Mr. Price and Mr. Buhrandt of Banister Engineering Co., Mr. Harold Wachter and Mr Lampett Englert were present to discuss the proposed storm sewer system contemplated for the southeriportion of the Village. Plans were presented and discussed and Mr. Englert and Mr. Wachter asked for and received additional time to study the matter before giving there opinions to the Council. The night of January 27, 1961 at 7:00 o'clock PM was set as the meeting night for the Council to meett with representatives from Brockway Glass Co. to discuss sanitary sewer charges. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Council akreed to raise the rental of the Liquor Store to $137.50 per month on condition that the owners would paint the interior, brick up the outside north doorway, gravel the parking lot and install a new awning. Ayes were 4. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the hourly rate of Frank Kreitz for care of the Village dump was increased to 4.25 per hour. The rate to be retro- active to January 1, 1961. Ayes were 4. On motion of Duff and second of Finegan the Council approved and ordered in- stalled additional street lights on Maple Street between Park Avenue and Claire Avenue. Ayes were 4. 0„ motion of Corrigan and second of Ward the Clerk was authorized to purchase a reasonable quantity of traffic violation warning tickerts. Ayes were 4, There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 20th day of January, 1961. Respectfully submi ted, Vil ge C VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held January 23, 1961. The meeting was called to order by President Ward, all members were present excepting F. Mullery. The Council, Mr. Triplett of Brockway Glass Co., Mr. Ed. Rahn, Mr. Harold Llmouist, Mr. Felix Tillges met to discuss various ways and means to open for further development additional lots within the Village limits. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 23rd day of January 1961. Res.-cttully submitted, 4 Vil 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held January 27, 1961. The meeting was called to order by President Ward, all members were present. Mr. Rammer, legal counsel for Brockway Glass Co. and Mr. Stan Triplett, con- struction Engineer for Brockway Class Co., Mr. Geraghty of the Utilities Commission and Mr. Springsted were present to discuss with the Council the "hookup Charge" and the monthly charge for the use of the sanitary sewer facilities by the Brockway Glass Co. After a discussion involing the amount of these chargds the Council agreed to meett jointly with the Utilities Commission on February 1, 1961 at 7:00 o'clock PM to arrive at final charges or figures for these items. There being no further !Business the meeting adjourned this 27th day of January, 1961. Respectfully submitted, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OE MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held UK February 1, 1961. The meeting was called to order by President Ward, all members were present. Mr. 0. Springsted and Mr. Ed. McMenomy and all members of the Utilities were present to discuss with the Council sewer charges to be paid by the Brockway Glass Co., The items discussed and mutually agreed upon are as follows: 1. The Village agreed to provide daily inspection on Brockways lift station. 2. The initial or hookup charge was to be $6,500.00 3. The monthly rental charge was set at $1C0.00 per month. 4. The length of the contract was to be set at 5 years. At this point that it was agreed that the balance of the details and the signing of the contract would be accomplished by the Utiiities Commission. There being no.fruther busineds the meeting adjourned this 756day of February, 1961. Respectfully submitted, e-i 2( 204 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held February 7, 1961. The meeting was called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the January meetings and the minutes of the meeting held February, 1, 1961 were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and sedond of Finnegan the following bills were approved and oredered paid from their respective funds. Ratzlaff Service Station LIQUOR FUND Peoples Natural Gas 41.00 Northern States Power Co. 52.31 Griggs, Cooper Co. 259.24 Griggs, Cooper Co. 234.91 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 1240.33 Old Peoria, Inc. 315.64 Fd. Phillips Sons Col 648.26 Griggs, Cooper Co. 472.28 Francis Deegan -petty cash 51.90 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 1517.11 B. W. May Co. 71.47 Northwest Sani -Draw Co. 18.00 Vernon Jensen -rent 100.00 Martin Star Express 2 0.35 National Cash Register Co. -paper 8.26 Northwest Linen Service 61.15 N Cigar Corp. 14.40 Coca Cola Bottling Co. 62 .35 Seven Up Bottling Co. 18.59 Old Dutch Foods 37.30 Fritz Wholesale Co. 104.48 Alcorn Beverage Co. 662.06 Concord Beverage Co. 639.40 Buckingham Beverage Co. 211.64 Hanson Beverage Co. 331.99 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 3.55 Distillers Distributing Co. 641.32 Ed. phillips Sons Co. 58195 GENERAL HIND John Hawkins -extra police duty 56.00 N States Power Co.- Street lights 167.72 Traffic signals 18.78 Village Hall 1.59 Fire Station 9.86 Frank Kreitz -care of dump 40.00 Peoples Natural Gas -hall 47.00 -Fire Station 61.70 George Ward -long distance phone calls 3.9 Central Telephone Co. -Fire 16.85 APolice 9.28 Dakota County Tribune 18.88 Bernier Motor Co.- installing police lights 32.75 18.35 H J. Gaghty Agency-Hall and contents 23.21 Miller Davis Mcmenomy and Hertogs services 8/1/60 thru 12/31/60 310.75 Corrigan Electric police light 13.70 Mr. McMenomy read the Attorney Generals opinion regarding the bills turned in by former Mayor E. J. McDonald. Mr. Harold Almquist was present to represent the Planning Commission and read the minutes of their January meeting. Mr. Henry Broback was present do discuss with the Council the construction of a Duplex on Lot 1, Block 2, of Rahn's Addition. After a lengthy discussion Mr. Broback agreed to construct only a one family unit on this lot. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan Broback Builders were gsanted per- mission to construct one family dwellings on L 3 Block,3, Rahn's second addition and on lot 1, block 1, rahn's second addition. Ayes were 5. These two permits were previously approved by the Planning Commission. On motion of Duff and second of Ward the Council set the evening of M February 20, 19(1 at 7:00 PM as the time for a special joint meeting to involve the Uitilities Commission, Planning Commission and the Rosemount Eusinessmens Association plus any interested citizens. This meeting is to be held in the Fire Department Hall. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the future of the Village and some of its plans relative to its continued growth. Ayes were 5. On motion of Corrigan and second of Mullery the firm of Bernard W. May Co. were to be given instructions to audit the Liquor Store records and have them ready to turn over to Mr. Gerald Burns of Hastings on March 1, 1961. Ayes 5. On motion of Finnegan and second of Ward the Council agreed to arragge for facilities for keeping dogs which have been impotnded. Further discussion moth revealed that the Council was 100 behind enforcing its dog ordinance. Ayes 5. On motion of Duff and second of Ward Mr. McMenonny was authorized to write a letter to the Fire Department, Rosemount American Legion, Rosemount Baseball Team advising them that the Council could no longer condone the practice of selling liquor at dances which were SI held in the Fire Hall. He was also instructed to explain just why the Council felt this action was necessary. Ayes were 5. The Clerk read and discussed the following correspondence: Aletter from the Leagues reguesting the appointment of a member of the Countil on the Legislative Contact Committee. A letter from the Division of Environmental Sanitation explaing the annual operators school. Aletter from Mr. J. A. Gabiou, county engineer, explaing the Highway users tax. A letter from Mr. Robert M. Brown, State Archivist, explaining the methods for disipbsal of old Village records. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 7th day of February 1961. Respectfully Submitted, e Cl Viii g 205 206 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held February 20, 1961. The meeting was called of order by President Ward, all members were present excepting Corrig.n. The members of the Planning and Utilities commission were also present and answered cuestions from the citizens of Rosemount regarding future growth of the Village. After a two hour discussion it was mutually agreed by all present that the Village was going to grow and that everything that could be dome to have it grow in a planned and orderly manner should be done. The Council and the commissions involved oladged theti support to action regarding the proposed new well and the possibility of increasing the sanitary sewer capacity. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 20th day of Feb- ruary, 1961. Respectfully submitted, 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held March 7, 1961. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all mmebers were present. The minutes of the February meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Council approved and ordered paid from their respective funds the following bills. GENERAL FUND Dakota County Highway Department $189.00 Joe Cunni£f- grading streets 68.00 John Hawkins police duty 56.00 Toombs Insurance Agency- clerks bond 9.25 Hall and contents 23.21 Northern States Power Co. -Hall 11.68 Traffics lights 18.36 treet lights 162.50 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 5 -Fire Hall 62.75 Frank Kreitz -care of dump 40.00 Norris Pederson police emblems 31.50 Central Telephone Co.- Police 10.43 -Fire 17.00 Dakota County Tribune Minutes 7.88 Lystad's Exterminators 30.00 Fluegel Elevator, Inc. -snow removal 110.00 Miller -Davis Co.- clerks supplies 18.26 McMenomy, Hertogs and Eddy -Jan. legal fees 45.00 LI`UOR STORE Northern States -ower Co. 5 Peoples Natural Gas 55.55 Distillers Distributing Co. 59 McKesson Robbins 321.10 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 49.10 Buckingham Beverage CI. 159.46 Old Dutch Foods 30.65 Seven Up Bottling Co. 1 3.75 Concord Beverage Co. 869.00 Alcorn Beverage Co. 262.86 Hanson Beverage Co. 208.24 Toombs Insurance Agency 40.20 Martin Star Express 24 .3 2 Northwest Linen Service 6.88 Francis Deegan 47.24 Bernard W. May Co. 12C.79 Judge's Electric Appliance Co. 72.80 Vernon Jensen 100.00 Northwest CiL -ar Corporation. 24.00 Fritz Wholesale Co. 50.71 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 299.56 Griggs Cooper Co., Inc. 240.30 On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan and upon prior approval of the Planning Commission the Council approved and ordered issued a permit to R. W. Broback to build a 40' x 24'4" house on lot 13 Marion Terrace keplat. Ayes were 5. 207 208 On motion of Corrigan and second of Mullery and upon prior approval of the Planning Commission the Council approved and ordered issued a building permit to Harold nimquist to add a two car garage on the northeast corner of the present brick building located on lots 5, 6 7, block 3 of the original village. Also to alter the interior of this building suitable for use as a iiortuary. Ayes were 5. The date of March 21, 1961 at 7:00 PM was set as the date of a joint meeting of the Council, the Planning Commission and the Utilities Commission. The Mayor informed the Council that he had secured a place for the keeping of impounded doles and the Clerk was authorized to purchase the necessary dog tags for 1961 use.. On motion of Duff and second of Ward a five minute parking restriction was set up for the area immediately in front of the new Postoffice. fhe street commissioner was authorized to rurchase the necessary signs and to have them installed. .+yes 5. After some didcussion the night of Friday, March 10 was set up as the meeting night for the Utilities Commission and the Planning Commission to meet with the Council to discuss construction of proposed storm sewers and to plan the next step for the enlargment of our sanitary sewer system. Ayes Were 5. There being no further business the meeting a0journed this 7th day of March, 1961. Respectfully submitted, 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held March 10. 1961. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. Mr. Geraghty and Mr. Jones of the Utilities C- :mmission were present to discuss with the Council the next step in our stydy to expand out' present sanitary sewer facilities. After a short discussion the Mayor appointed the following committee to proceed with the investigation. Mr. i. J. Geraghty of the Util- ities Commission, hr. Harold hlmquist of the Planning Commission and Mr. George Ward to represent the Council. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Council unamimousiy approved these appointments. Mr. Price and Mr. Short of Banister Engineering Co. were present and discussed the use of ditches to replace under ground storm sewer facilities. They were instructed to nrocedd further wi,h their trictioar tentative plans and to report th it findings to the Council. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 10th day of March. 1961. Respectfully submitted, 209 210 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held March 23, 1961. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present, excepting Finnegan. On motion of Ward and second of Corrktan Mr. Pederson was suspended for one week without pay for conduct unbecmming an officer of the law. Ayes 4. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Village Treasurer was aithorized to purchase G. 0. Improvement Bonds subpect to the limitation of Funds avail- able in the fund. Ayes were 4. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 23rd day of March, 1961. Respectfully submitted, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held April 4. 1961. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the March meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Mullery the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. GENERAL FUND The Pure Oil Co.- Diesel fuel 8.52 H. J. Geraghty Agengy- Assessors Bond 9.25 1941 Dump Truck 49.10 1942 Galion Road Patrol 36.90 -1942 GMC Fire Truck 45.20 Fluegel Elevator, Inc. -snow removal 90.00 F.R.&S. Construction Co.- gravel and hauling 102.00 Dakota County Tribune publishing of.minutes 27.50 Frank Kreitz -care of dump 40.00 Peoples Natural Gas -Fire 56. *Hall 5 Northern States Power Co.- Traffic signal 17.46 Hall 2.54 Fire Hall 8.06 street lights 162.50 Joe Cunniff grading streets 108.80 John Hawkins -extra police 42.00 Ratzlaff Service 9.30 Rosemount Excavating Co., Inc. -snow removal 35.00 Rosenwald- Cooper, Inc. parking signs and posts 10.40 Ervin N. yanks -extra police 93.00 Lehn Electric repair parts for stop signs 3.15 LIQUOR STORE BILLS Utilities Commission C. M. St. P. P. RR Northern States rower Co. Bernard 14. May Co.- supplies Peoples Natural Gas Corrigan Electric -phone calls $158.25 6.96 49.32 5.37 56.75 3.57 The Clerk read the minutes of the Planning Commission meetings during March. approving the applications of Eugene Olson, H. W. Broback and Frankis Mc- Donough. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan Eugene Olson was granted a per- mit to construct and attached porch and garage to his existing home. Ayes 5. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan H. W. Broback was granted per- mission to construct a double bungalow on lot 1, block 2 of rahn's second addition. building to be 60ft by 28 ft. Ayes 5. The permit anolication of Edwin Rahn to move an existing home to a new lot was withdrawn by him. On motion of Dpff and second of Finnegan the application of F. McDonough was approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 5. 211 212 The Clerk read a letter from Northern States Powere Company advising as that our pumping contract would expire in six months. ibis letter was then referred to the Utilities Commission for their consideration. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the Council granted the Legion Club rermission to install posts adjacent to the Club rooms to prevent cars from bumping the building. Previous f aoproval of Mr. Geraghty for this installation had been secured by the Club. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Duff the following people were appointed to serve on the Planning Commission for a three year term. Mr. Harold Almquist Dr. Mardell Mr. Louis Bernier, Jr. Mr. Bernier was appointed to replace Mr. John Ryan. On motion of Corrigan and second of Mullery the Mayor and the Clerk were authorized to sign on behalf of the Tillage the contract with Brockway Glass Company for sewer facitities. This motion also included a_ provision that the hookup charge of $6,500.00 would be deposited in the Sanitary Sewer Sinking Fund and the Sanitary Sewer Fund would then pay the legal fees and Engineering fees incurred because of this contract. Ayes were 5. There being no further business the meeting.adjourned this 4th day of April, 1961. Respectfully submitted, Vil. e Clerk 1 VILLAGE OF RCSEMOU'1T, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held May 2, 1961. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. On motion of Corrigan and second of Mullery the minutes of the April meetings were read and approved. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the bills listed below were read and approved for payment from their respective funds. LIQUOR FUND Peoples Natural gas 41.52 Northern States Power Co. 47.62 Turns Accounting Service 142.34 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 1,913.02 H. J. Geraghty Agency Bufglary 73.50 Old Peoria Co., Inc. 622,89 McKesson Robbins 254.45 Distillers Distributing Co. 402.14 Griggs, Cooper Co., Inc. 927.2 Martin Star Express 59.57 GENERAL FUND Rosemount Band Boosters 2.00 John Hawkins -extra nmlice 28.00 Norris Pederson -extra time 42.00 Central Telepnone Co- Police 8.70 -Fire 17.20 Joe Cunniff grading 54.40 Dakota County Tribune 38.50 Ratzlaffa Service .9 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 36.65 -Fire Department 38.04 Frank Kreitz -care of dump 50.00 Vorwerk Texaco 4.60 Fred Uitdenborard- painting sign 5.00 Northern States Power Co.- fraffic signal 17.28 Hall 2.01 -Fire Depart ment 7.31 Street lights 829.18 St. Paul Stamp Works -dog tags 10.13 KtitiC OMXIxflin7 till UAI On motion of Finnegan and second of Dorrigan the American Legion Post was granted KMx an ON Sale liquor license for the: coming year. Ayes were 5. The Clerk read a letter from the Banister Engineering Co., relative to the capacity of sanitary sewer lines in the Village. On motion of Duff and second of Ward and sirce it was the request of the Planning Commission that the Vi]lare obtain the information in the letter, the letter was turned over to the Planning Commission for their files and study. Ayes were 5. Mr. Fluegel of the Utilities Commission was present to advise the Council that the Commission was unable to furnish vi,lage utilities to the croback project outside of the Village limits. '213 214 The minutes of the Planning Commission were read and the following building permit applications were acted upon. Virgil Hestness- garage Motion of Corrigan,second Finnegan Ayes 5. Baptist Church -house motion of Mullery, second Finnegan Ayes 5. Felix Tillges -house .motion of Finnegan, second Mullery Ayes 5. Mrs. Ed. Kelly -house motion of Mullery, second Finnegan Ayes 5. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan Messrs. Herbert Nivala, Gene Olson, Bob Caldon were appointed to the Youth Commission as additional members. Ayes were 5. Mr. Joe Gavin present a plat of Marion Terrace, he was requested to make changes in lots 3 4 and to provide drainage for storm water and to provide a turnaround and to secure approval of the Planning Commission before returning to the Council for approval of the plat. On motion of Duff and second of Mullery the. Council unanimously, adopted the following resolutimn and authorized the Clerk to write to our Senator and Congressman adnsing of this action. RESOLVED THAT the rules and regulations. of the United States Postal De- partment be changed so that every incorporated village wi]1 receive mail service to-the homes and that this change be madeas soon as possible. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 2nd day of May 1961. Respectfully submitted, 1 1 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOT4, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held May 9, 1961. Meeting called to order by President Ward, absent Duff and Finnegan. Four members of the Youth Commission were present and informed the Council of their decision to hire Pill Lubesrnier for director, season estimated at 12 weeks, salary to be a flat $900.00, Youth Commission to be directly re- sponsible for the setting and maintenance of the program with the Youth Commission to mace regular reports to the Council regarding their progreea and f"nanciai condition. EX$XX76YXIDY On motion of Mullery and second by Corrigan the Council agreed to pay the salary of $900.00 and contribute for expense fund $300.00 for the year 1961. Ayes were 3, nayes 0. Mr. Harold Almquist and Mr. Joe Gavin were present to discuss Gavin's addition. Minutes of Planning Commission were read. Gavin submitted new WM Plat plan changing curved street to square corners and providng turnaround at south end. The Planning Commission had approved the new plat plan. On motion of Corrigan and second of Mullery to approve plat as resubmitted. Ayes were 3, Hayes 0. Mr. Gavin was to make contract with the Village before starting showing Et streets, Butters, lot sizes and pertinent information. Henry Fishburn appeared with a garage plan and was told to gesubmit and to try to have a longer that ten foot driveway. McMahon had a garage plan approved by the Planning Commission. On notion of XIS Duff and second of Corrigan the permit was approved and ordered issued. Aves were 4, Mayes 0/ There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 9th day of May, 1961. Respectfully submitted, F' Mullery, acting =s C lerk 215 VilLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held June6, 1961. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the May meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Mullery the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their funds. GENERAL FUND McNamara- Vivant Contracting Co.- blacktop 126.50 F. R. S. Contracting Co. -truck and stabilizer 43.00 Northern States Power Co.- Traffic 17.88 Hall 1.38 -Fire Hall 7. Street lights 3 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 19.60 -Fire Hall 2 5.5 1 Central Telephone CO.- Police 9.13 -Fire 17.05 Frank Kreitz -care of dump 40.00 John Hawkins- police duty 42.00 R. F. Seickert- street work 30.00 Donald Strese street work 6 .75 Fill Cunniff- street work 1 Les Carlisle- street work 12 .75 John Doyle- street work 13.5 F. R. S. Construction Co.- stabilizer 4 3.75 Dakota County Tribune minutes and dog notice 14.68 Paul Vorwerk Son Oil Co.- diesel fuel 14.65 Genz- Ryan couplings and nipple for fire truck 3.40 Bernier Motor Co.- repairs to siren 15. Phillippi Equipment Co.- grader parts 33.1 LIQUOR FUND Northern States Power Co. 57.8 Peoples Natural Gas 2 9. 1 7 Twin City Home Juice Co. 2.60 Stuart Janitor Supply 7.80 Burns Accounting Service 66.24 Northwest Sani -Draw 18.00 Office of Liquor Control Commissioner 10.00 Gene Gustayson -petty cash 53.88 College City Beverage Co. 21.15 Northwest Linen Co. 5 Melady Paper Co. 16.53 Famous Brands, Inc. 5 The National Cash Register Co. 84.60 Griggs, Cooper 5: Co. 152.28 Distillers Distributing Co. 26 5.5 4 McKesson Robbins 276.70 Northwest Cigar Corp. 33. Martin Star Express 40.04 Concord Beverage Co. 2,667.88 217 218 Hanson Beverage Co. ,1045.67 Alcofn Beverage Co. 1,602.39 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 177.60 Old Dutch Foods 93.55 Medford Distributing Co. 50.72 Seven Up Bottling Co. 54.66 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 2,347.18 Buckingham Beverage Co. 4 65.90 Fritz Wholesale Co. 206.43 Distillers Distributing Co. 177.25 Old Peoria, Inc. 253.05 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 196.06 On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Council unamiously approved the repayment of $3,000.00 from the 1959 Improvement Fund to the Liquor Fund. On motion of Ward a nd second of Finnegan the Council unanimously transfer from the Water Assessment prior,to 19 56 t�Q the Utilities On motion of_Duff and second of Ward tbe• easurer was authorised $10,000.00 on Certificate of Depostt. Aye `were 5. 1 8/1/1961 1000 8/1/62 1000 8/1/1967, 1000 8/1/1963 1000 8/1/196.- 1000 8/1/1964 approved the Commission. to put Motion by Councilman Ward, seconded by Councilman Finnegan, and unamimously passed, that the Village of Rosemount repurchase the following Village of Rose- mount, Minnesota 1956 Improvement Bonds: Bond Amount Due Date 4 5 6 7. 8 9 10 1000 8/1/1965 and that the Village Clerk advise the American National Bank of St. Paul. Minnesota that no further billing for the interest on these bonds be made. On motion of Mullery and second of Finnegan the application of Henry Fishburn to build a garage was unamimously approved. On motion of Corrigan and second of Duff the application fo Jerry Dittman to build a garage was una mimoulsy approved. On motion of. Finnegan and second of Corrigan the application of K. Pierson to build a garage was unamimouly approved. 0, motion of Ward and second of Duff the Council unamimouly approved the appoint- ment of Wilbert Fryer as an additional member of the Youth Commission. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan and upon unamimous approval of the Council it was agreed to remove the jail cells from the Hall and to install and office for the Clerk, Treasurer and Police Officer. Ayes were 5. The next regular council meeting night falling on July 4th the Council agree to to hold the regular meeting on the evening of July 7, 1961 at 7:00 PM. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the application of Duffy Brothers for an off sale non intoxicating Malt liquor permit was granted. Ayes were 5. 1 1 1 On motion of Ward and second of Mullery the applications of Wm. Warner for on and off sale ncnintoxicating malt liquor were rejected and the Clerk was authorized to return the applications and check to Mr. Warner. Ayes 5 On motion of Ward, second by Finnegan, and unanimously passed that the Village of Rosemount request the Board of Commissioners of Dakota County to annex the follow- ing streets in the Village of Rosemount to their County Highway system. Warweg Avenue from Ash Street to Maple and Maple from Warweg Aven to Main Street or Highway #218. The Council deeming this necessary due to heavy -duty vehicular traffic used principally ty rural farm customers patronizing the local elevator and considerable traffic to the CMSTF€P railroad depot for the purpose of un- loading cement, oil, Calcium Chloride and numerous other raw materials for State and County Highway Construction. Ayes were 5. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 6th day of June, 1961.. Respectfully submitted, f 4- .4/ Vill e Cli6 219 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINIESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held June 13, 1961. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. On motion of Finnegan and second of Ward the Council unanimously approved the increase in rent for the Liquor Store of $37.50 per month to become effective April 1. 1961. Member Corrigan moved the adoption of the following agreement and upon second of member Finnegan the Council ieaaimd unanimously adopted it. AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the Village of Rosemount, Dakota, County, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "Village" owns Lot Nine (9) in Auditor's Subdivision No. 27 to the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, and WHEREAS, Marie V. Uitdenbogerd and Frdd Uitdenbogerd, her husband, and Hazel Cummings and Donald Cummings, here husband, hereinafter referred to as "SecondPart.ies" are the owners of Lot Ten (10) in Auditors' Subdivision no. 27 to t >.e Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, and 77EPEAS, a garage building presently situated on said Lot Ten (10) enp croadhes on said lot Nine (9). MOW, THEREFORE, It is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: 1. That the Second Farties shall move any part of said garage building that encroaches upen said Lot Nine (9) upon receipt of a written demand for removal from the Village. 2. That upon completion of the removal by Second Parties the Village shall pay Second Parties the sum of Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars. 3. Tat until written demand for removal by the Village as herein after before stated, Second Parties shall have the right to maintain said garage building as presently constructed. 4. That said maintenance and use of any part of Lot Nine (9) by Second Parties shall be with the consent of the Village and in no way ad- verse to the rights of the Village with reference to the Title to said Lot Nine (9). 5. That this agreement shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties herein have set their hands and seals this j?/ day of June, 1961. VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY CF DAKOTA STA r'. MINNESOTA. By eo- yor Clerk s Mar' Ui .�nbogerd s/ Fe Uitdenbogerd s/ Hazel Cummings s/ Donald Cummings There being no further business the meeting adjourned thi 3,day J e 1961. Respectfully submitted, erk 221 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held June 27, 1961. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present, Mr. Warweg our Village Assessor and Mr. Grant Johnson our County Assistant Assessor were present to present the assessment rolls. After a detailed review andexamination by the Countil and upon motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the roll was accepted with the revisions given to the Assessor. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the meeting adjourned this 27th day of June, 1961. Respectfully submitted, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, SPATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held June 27, 1961 at 8:00 o'clock PM. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. Upon motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan and upon prior approval of the Planning Commission the application of K. Uhler to build a patioq and garage at 421 John Street was approved and ordered issued. Ayes 5. Upon motion of Corrigan gna second of Emnnegan and upon prior approval of the Planning Commission the application of J. Fluegel to build a garage was approved and ordered issued. Ayes 5. 0 motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan and upon prior approval of tRe Pllanning Commission the application of Martin Stock to remodel and a'.dto his house in Rose Park Addition was approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 5. On motion of Finnegan and second cf MIA Ward the application of Cecelia Ahern for an on and off sale beer license was approved and ordered issued. Ayes were 5. There being no furthercbusinness the meeting adjourned this 27 day of June 1961. Respectfully submitted, n 23 224 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNIT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held June 30, 1961. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Council unanimously adopted the following resolution: RESOLVED that the following described lands situated in the Village of Rosemount, County of Dakota, and State of Minnesota are necessary for use in connection with the public water system of the Village of Rosemount. All that part of Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision Number 1 to Rosemount described as follows: Beginning at a point 33 feet North and 676 feet East of the center of Section 29, Township 115, Range 19; thence North 400 feet, thence East 110 feet, thence South 340 feet, thence deflect to the right 22 degrees 37 minutes, a distance of 65 feet, thence West 85 feet to the point of beginning. RESOLVED FURTHER the Village of Rosemount take said lands by eminent domain proceedings and that Edward B. McMenomy as Village attorney be authorized and directed to commence said proceedings forthwith. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 30th day of June, 1961. Respectfully sgbimtted, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. MINUtes of regular meeting held July 7, 1961. Meeting called to odder by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the June meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and secodn of Mullery the following bills were approved and oredered paid from their respective funds. LIw2CR STORE Peoples Natural Gas 16.29 Northern States Power Co. 68.31 Burns Accounting Service 66.47 Alcorn Beverage Co. 5 Genz -Ryan. Plumbing and He 14.15 Milwaukee RR 3.00 Medford Distributing Co. 2 7.65 Buckingham Beverage Co. 2 58.67 7Up Bottling Co. 20.45 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 70.40 Concord Beverage Co. 1,028.17 Hanson Beverage Co. 385. Old Dutch Foods 3 Fritz Wholesale 83.32 Martin Star Express 9.18 Gene Gustayson Paid outs 46.72 Northwest T.ine•i Service 44 .85 Griggs, Cooper Co., Inc. 164 .65 Distillers Distributing Co., Inc 310.37 Ed. Phillips f Sons Co. 4 17.85 GENERAL FUND R. F. Seickert -extra time 21.00 John Hawkins police duty 57.50 Rodney Boyd police 14.00 Raymond Tousignant police 28.00 Wagne Zimmerman police 14.00 Julio Santiago- police 14.00 Marting Star Express 9.00 Eentral Telephone Co. IaZlf& Fire 16.85 _MAX Police 9.13 Northern S Power Co.- Traffic 18.54 -Fire 4.56 -Hall 1.00 Street Lights 329.17 Dakota County Tribune 20.00 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 4 .31 -Fire Station 10.20 Frank Kreitz -care of dump 48 .75 Lystad's Exterminators 30.00 Fluegel Elevator, Inc. -rent of truck 24.00 Strese Pure Oil diesel fuel 5.5 Bernier Yotor Co.- repair to police car 35.00 George McDonough grading 27.00 flushing streets 6.00 Ess Brothers Sons -dry well castings 108.00 Toombs Insurance Agency Workmens Comp. Ins. 55.69 Sargent Sowell, Inc. police tickets and books 14.70 r. 226 The application of Gene Gustayson to park a trailer home on the Koester farm was discussed at length. On motion of lard and second of Pinnegan the Council granted a temporary permit for the period of 6 months. Ayes 5. The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Carl Onischuk regarding the declaring of streets in the Village County roads. The County unanimously voted to give this matter further consideration at their 1962 Budget meeting. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the plat for the second addition to Marion Terrace Replat was approved subject to a contract between Joseph Gavin with respect to turnaround and elevation of streets. Ayes 5. On motion of Duff and second of Ward the application of Wm. Warner to renew his beer licenses was suspended for a Period of 60 days at which time the Council will again review the matter and make their decision to renew or reject Mr. Warner's Mott Application. Ayes were 5. A report of the Committee to investigate the possibilities of connecting the Rosemount Swage line to the Rosemount R Center Disposal Plant was given by Mr. Ward. Copies of Correspondence to daj:e were eiven to the Clerk for filing. On motion of Ward and second of Marion Lane with "Slow- Children There being no further business July, 1961. Respectfully submitted, Corrigan the Council agreed to post Playing" Klux Signs. Ayes were 5. the meeting adjourned this 7th day of 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held August 1, 1961. Meeting called to order by President Ward; all members present. The minutes of the July meeting were re and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Mullery the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. LIQUOR STORE H. J. Geraghty Agency -stock and fixtures 112.15 Northern States Power Co. 75. Peoples Natural Gas 4 .5 2 Utilities Commission 157.35 First State Bank checks 42.54 Northwest Linen Service 33. Martin Star Express 17.06 Distillers Distributing Co. 2 69.99 Old Peoria, Inc. 254.17 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 1301.09 GENERAL FUND Dakota County Tribune Minutes 1 5.63 Ratzlaff Service grader fuel 3.10 Ed. Warweg- assessors salary 285.00 F. R. 4 S. Construction 269.35 Northern States Power Co.- traffic 15.78 Fire Station 3.71 Hall. 1.00 Street lights 3 Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 1.61 -Fire Station 4.10 Kane Bros. welding on grader 7.50 Frank Kreitz -care of dump 55. street labor 12.00 First State Bank- checks 1 5. 2 3 John Fwkins- police 70.00 City of Hastings,sweeping streets 20.00 H. J. Geraghty Agency -G. L. T. on parking lot 36.00 -rent of parking lot 80.00 R. F. Sieckert -extra time sidewalks 27.75 Gustafson Oil Co. -road oil 4 5.35 League of Minnesota Municipalities -dues 78.00 The Clerk read letter from the Village Attorney advising that the agreement between the Council and the Uitenbogard and Cummings had been signed and a copy returned for the Village Files. The Clerk read a July financial report from the Youth Commission and was orderd to place it on file. The Mayor read a letter he had received frpl+lLegion Post #65 regarding their plans for a municipal park. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council unamimously approved the application of stabilizer on Marion sane. 227 228 On motion of Ward and second of Mullery the Council unanimously approved the in- stallation of two (2) 6 foot dry wells at the intersection of Maple St. and Park Avenue. Elevations and location to be done by the Banister Engineering Co. On motion of Mullery and second of Finnegan the application 6f H. W. Broback to build a house and attached garage on Lot 4, Block 2 of Motz's 3rd addition was approved per the application. Ayes 5. On motion of Mullery and second of Ward the Clerk was authorized to spend up to '150.00 for the purchase of a copying machine. Ayes were 5. Mr. Price of Banister Engineering Co. was present and explained the plans and specs regarding the improvement of John St. and Park Avenue. The Mayor read a letter from Mr. Roger L. Hartman attorney for Mr. Wm. Warner. The letter stated in effect that the Mayor had a personal readen for riot issuing a non intoxicating malt liquor license and requested the Council to show cause for their refusal to reissue this license. Mr. McMenomy the Village Attorney was requested to answer explaining that the Mayor Had no personal reason for not wanting the license to be reissued and that the Council was withina their legal rights in re- fusing to issue the license. Ayes were 5. Mr. Wm. Warner, Mr. Wm Bartelt, Mrs. R. F. Sieckert and two truck drivers for Barton Contracts to plead for the issuance of a license to ,7r. Warner. After a rather lengthy discussion ;r. Corrigan aade a motion to rescind the motion made at the regular meeting held July 7, 1961 which in effect placed Mr. Warners license under suspension for a period of sixty days from July 1, 1961. The motion was mix seconded by i'1r. Finnegan. Ayes were Corrigan, Finnegan and Mullery. Nayes were Ward and Duff. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the Council approved' the reissuance of Mr. Warner's licenses. Ayes were Corrigan, Finnegan and Mullery, Nayes were Ward and Duff. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 1st day of August, 1961. Respectful>y submitted, VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special mmeting held August 7, 1961. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all mmebers were present. NIELGUNUNICCE MINUWZNY.XikUa_ iiLXIAx IX. 11141111 711114144 3atmlt7.ss. 4114411 4.14. .t341. WT4f'1141.r =MIX KEIMENNUMIECOWL Mr. McNamara of McNamara Vivant contracting Co. was present to discuss with the Council the repairing cf Maple Street and Hyland Avenue. On motion of Duff and second of Finnegan the Council unamimously approved the repairing and costs. 1. To repair the West end of Maple Street for a distance of approximately 200 feet by placing a crown on the street to provide proper drainage. Costs to be billed en the basis of ,x5.50 a yard' ton. 2. To repair all driveways to the satisfaction of the Council on Hyland Avenue. 5. To repair the East end of Maple Street. 4. To install a drive on the Wm. Barttat properly at a cost to the Village of $5.50 per ton. 5. To patch a low spot in front of the Louis Bernier residence. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery the Council unamimously approved the payment of the balance owing McNamara0Vivant Contracting Co. upon the completion of the above repairing to the satisfaction of the Council. "yes were 5. On motion of Finnegan andsecond of Ward the Council appointed Mr. James Payne as the official Director of Defense for the Village. Ayes were 5. Theee being no further: business the meeting adjourned this 7th day of August, 1961. Respectfully submitted, Village Clerk (IU VILLAGE OF ROSEMOU:T, COuNfl OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held August 25th, 1961.. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members present excepting Mullery. On motion of Ward and second of Finnegan the building permit application of Edward Allisimn was approved. Ayes were 4. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 25th day of August, 1961. Respectfully submitted, (.4 Lj, 11age Clerk 229 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held September 5, 1961. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the August meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. LIQUOR STORE Minnesota Municipal Liquor Stores Assc., Inc. dues 15.00 Bernard W. May Cc.- supplies 17.03 Toombs Insurance Agency- contents 168.22 T'ofthern States Power Co. 91.70 Peoples Natural Gas 4 .73 Stuart Janitor Supply 17.65 Old Dutch roods 76.45 Coca -Cola Bottling Co. 126.15 Seven Up Bottling Co. 39.65 Medford Distributing Co. 123.60 Concord Beverage Co. 2425.24 Alcorn Beverage Co. 1435.06 Buckingham Beverage Co. 571.78 garcon Beverage Co. 1126.13 Burns Accounting Service 133.39 Martin Star Express 56.16 Melady Paper Co. 16.32 Northwest Linen Service 43.66 Griggs, Cooper Co. 142.28 McKesson Robbins 149.20 Famous Brands, Inc. 54.74 Distillers Distributing Co.. 646.15 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 767.62 Northwest Cigar Corporation 22.00 Fritz Wholesale Co. 206.10 GENERAL MIND John Hawkins- Police duty 59.00 Lystad's Exterminators 30.00 Ess Brothers &sons dry well castings 108.00 Dakota County Tribune- minutes 18.01 Frank Kreitz -care of dump and construction of shack 74.18 Carlson's Farm Supply- mowing weeds 23.40 Pure Oil Co.- diesel fuel 5.85 George McDonourh- grading streets 66.50 Central Telephone -fire 17.00 police 9.33 Northern States Power C0. Traffic 16.68 -Fire Station 5.19 Hall 1.00 Street lights 329.17 Peoples Natural Gas Hall 1.85 -Fire Station 4.52 Central Telephone Co.- Police 9.88 -Fire 16.85 First State Bank -boc rent 4.00 231 232 John Doyle- street labor Strese Pure Oil Co. -gas for burnignat dump Virblas Son Cement Products Co.- 2 dry wells Ben the Digger- dozing at dump Lampert Yards -brick for dry wells Crow Craw, Inc.- repairs to sidewalks Rosenwald- Cooper, Inc.- street signs The Clerk read a letter from B oback Buildiers requesting information to the furnishing of sewer and water to their recent development. After a short discussion the Council agreed to meet with the Planning Commission and the Utilities Commission and with the Broback Builders on the evening of September 21, 1961 7:00 o'clock PM to discuss the matter further. The Clerk read a letter from Mr. Edward B. Mcmenomy relative to the William Pfeffer matter. After some discussion the Mayor stated het had a letter from Mr. Pfeffer which he agreeito turn over to the Village Attorney to follow up this matter further. On motion of Finnegan and second of Ward the bill from Mcmenomy and Hertogs for professional services in the amount of $325.00 was approved and ordered paid. This state ment covered the period of January 31, 1961 thru August 31, 1961. Ayes were 5. The Clerk read a letter from Mr. James C. Marshall, Commissioner of Highways relative to the use of State trunk highways for local celebrations. On motion of Duff and second of Ward and upon approval of the Council the Village Attorney was authorized to wrtte a letter to the Kane Brothers ad- vising them that they had not lived up to their agreembnt with Village relative to the improvement of their lot. The Council unamimously agreed to install "Trucks Phrobitbd" signs at the en- trance to all Village blacktopped streets. They further agreed that trucks would be permitted where essential only upon approval of at least one Council- man. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 5th day of September, 1961. Respectfully submitted, ci Village Clex4c '1 6.00 1.60 157.00 40.50 2.10 51.85 30.35 1 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMCUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special meeting held September 21, 1961. Meeting called to order by President Wald, all members present excepting Finnegan. Mr. L. Fluegel, Mr. J nee and Mr. Geraghty of the Utilities Commission and Mr. K. Munson, Mr. H. Hansen, Mr. H. Almquist, rr. L. Fernier, Jr., Mr. Ed. Gruber, rr. R. Tnombs and }r. L. Parker 6f the Planning Commission and mr. Henry and Arthur Broback were all mina present. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the furnishing of sewer and water to Brnback's development southwest of the Village. After a lengthy discussion the Co''ncil and the above mentioned Cormissions mutually agreed that it would be possible to furnish hater and they also agreed that 9t was within the realm of possibility to furnish sanitary sewer facilities in the near future. It was also agreed by all parties in attendance that'if the above mentioned facilities were furnished by the Village, 3roback would agree to be annexed to the Village. The Planning Commission was assigned the job of coming up with projected figures for future population growth and to meE.ti with the Utilities Co mission for further discussion and planning and to furnish further information to Banister Engineering Co. so that they could proceed with developing a plan for the expansion of our Sanitary Sewer and Water systems. The Clerk was authorized to write a letter to Broback Buildiers advising them of the above actions. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 21st, day of September, 1961. R spectfully submitted, 2 3 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held October 3, 1961. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. The minutes of the September meetings were read and approved as read. On motion of Corrigan anlysecond of Mullery the following bills were approved and ordered Paid from their respective funds. GENERAL George McDonough 42.00 John Hawkins- police duty 56.00 McNamara- Vivant Constuuciion -hold for completimn 1412.19 Northern States Power- street lights 3 traffic lights 17.88 Fire Dept. 6.04 Village Hall 1400 Central Telephone Co. -Fire Department 17.35 police 9. Peoples Natural gas -Hall 1.61 -Fire Dept. 5. Frank Kr&.tz -care of dump and street labor 62.50 Dakota County Tribune -rn nutes 10.3 Coast to Coast Store -45 shells 6, Lampert Yards 26 .93 Ratzlaff Service Station 7.75 r. R. t S. Construction- installing dry wells 527.16 Corcoran Hardware &Imp. Co. -paidt for curbs 19.85 Fluegel Elevator, Inc. -man and tractor- streets 12.00 McNamara Vivant Contracting Co.= blacktop 22.00 Virblas and Sons Ceent Products Co.- 2 dry wells 152.80 rn Crow and Crow, Inc. cement 14.05 LIQUOR Medford Distributing Co. 7.85 Seven Up Bottling Co. 12 .35 Peoples Natural Gas 5.15 Northern States Power Co. 90.85 Concord Beverage Co. 939.0 Alcorn Beverage Co. 5 Old Dutch Foods 2 3.3 0 Coca -Ccla Bottling 61.15 Hanson Feverage Co. 329.98 Buckingham Beverage Co. 140.46 Burns Accounting Service 6 7.39 Gene G,stayson -paid outs 80.39 Martin Star 7xpress 15.71 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines 23.77 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. 1953.73 Griggs, Cooper v Co., Inc. 391.57 Distillers Distributing Co. 40 Old Peoria, Inc. 2 93.7 6 Northwest Cigar Corporation 17.60 Fritz '-rbolesale 8 235 236 On moti )n of Duff and second of Ward the Council unamimously approved the installation of street lights at the West end of Maple Street and at the intersection of Rechtzigel St. and Maple Street. On motion of Ward and second of Mullery and upon prior approval of the Planning Commission the application of William Shafer to build a two sbbry house on lot 14, subdivision #27 was approved and the permit ordered issued. Ayes were 5. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan and upon prior approval of the Planning Commission the application of Louis Reis. Jr. to build a garage at 405 West Murphy street was approved and the permit ordered issued. Ayes 5 On motion of Duff and second of Ward and upon prior approval of the Planning Commission the application of Ncrman T?o1].atz to build a garage at Let 5, Block 1 of ?ahn's second addition was approved and the permit ordered issued. Ayes were 5, On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the permit application of Bernard Saari to build a bomb shelter and add to his home was approved and ordered issued upon receipt of approval of the Planning Commission. Ayes were 5. Mr. George McDonough and Mr. Andrew McDonough were present to discuss with the Council the possibilities of adding mill rates to the Village levies for the operation and maintenance of Fire Department equipment. They were advised that they should proceed to gather figures covering the last three years ex- penses and that the Council would 4vF. them further consideration at the annual budget meeting to be hold in October, 1961. On motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Council unanimously approved the reappointment of H. J. Geraghty to the Utilities Commission for another three year term. Ayes were 4. there being no further business the meeting adjourned this 3rd day of October, 1961. Respectfully submitted. 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of special budget meeting held October 13, 1961. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were present. After a short discussion the Council set Tuesday the 17th day of October for a special meeting regarding the Liquor store problem. 'fter a review or the reeds for 1962 in terms of monies for operating the Village the Council came up with the follcming budget. Street maintenance and lighting $7,000.00 rolice Protection 6,OfC.00 Garbage Disposal 1,000.00 Youth Commission 1,000,00 Planning Commission 100.00 Presi.dent and Trustees 900.00 Treasurer 300.00 Clerk 8 "0.00 Assessor 500.00 Village Hall 400.00 Traffic Signal 225.00 Lest fees 500.00 Fire Protection 1,200.00 Miscellaneous 1.000.00 Total $20,925.00 Respectfully submitted, 4141- 1 .)P4 Vil7 �lfr P.E.R.A. 3 %.5 ..2.75 After a short discussion relative to other income for the Village the Council determined that the total levy for 1962 wou]d Have to he On motion of Ward and second by Mullery the Clerk was authorized to certify to the County auditor )14,000.00 for a g€ :'er,i levy and for Public Employees Retirement Association. Ayes were 5. 1 1 95 There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 13th day of October, 1.961.. r.D VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOT,.. Minutes of regular meeting held November 7, 1961. Meeting called to older by President Ward, all minim members present. The minutes of the October meetings were read and approved as read. On motiong of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the following bills were approved and ordered raid from their respective fonds. GENERAL Charles A. Ratzlaff 12.00 Peonies Natural Gas -Hall 1.85 -Fire 7. Central Telephone- Pcllce 9.73 -Fire 16.85 Northern States Power CC.-Traffic 16.02 -Hall 1.00 -Fire Dept. 5. Street lights 329.17 Dakota County Tribune proceedings 1 Rosenwald Cooper, Inc. Street signs 5.35 Frank Yreitz -case of dump 4 1.95 Gustafson Oil Co. -road oil 83.55 Lampert Yards -paint 7.50 Paul Vorwerk Son Oil Co. -oil 21.00 Corcoran Hd;e. s Imp. Co. -Paint for curbs 3.78 Martin Star Exrress- freight on dry wells 12.00 Ger.z- Ryan- sheet metal for dry well 3.50 McNamara- Vivant Contracting Co.- Blacktop 1 85. 6 3 Ray Tousivnant- police duty 2,8.00 Rodney Poyd- police rluty 28.00 Julia Santiewo police duty 28.00 George McDonough- grading 24.00 John 9awd ns- police duty 28,00 Norris Eederson -extrs duty 49.40 F. R. °r S. Construction- street work 248.75 LIQUOR STONE Judge's Electric Appliance- Con2ress)r Corcoran Hardware and Imp. Co.- toilet repairs Old Peoria, .Inc. Ed. "`:ilips 1 Sons Co. Peones '4. ura1 Gas Utilities Commission r rt. ern States Power Co. Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Seven. ?'p Rottling Co. Old hutch Foods Hanson Beverage Co. Concord Beverage Co. Buckingham ?average Co. 1lcorn Beverage Co. ?urns Accounting Service P. J. Geraa "ty gency-Liability Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Lines, Inc. 269.39 8.95 159.28 618.97 17.34 15 58.19 82 10.20 33.25 343.35 836.04 196.51 471.04 66.68 480.21 24.44 2 3 9 240 N rthwest Linen Co. Distil&ers Distributing Co. Fd. Phillics Sons Co. Griggs, Cooper Co. McY.esson Robbins Medford Distributing Co. Yie1ady Paper Co. rthwest Cigar Corp. Fritz Wholesale Co. 4.50 391.85 793.97 264.2.3 149.65 25.20 3.72 22.00 1].3.40 On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan and upon prior approval of the Planning Commission the application of Alvin Judkins to build a garage was approved and the permit ordered issued. ayes were 5. On motion og Ward and seoond of Corrigan and upon prior approval of the Planning Commission theapnli cation of D. R. Duea to build a garage was approved and the permit ordered issued. Ayes were 5. Mr. Vern Marcell of N rthern States rower Co. was present to discuss with the Council a new Municipal Wat_r Pumping Contract and upon motion of Ward and second of Corrigan the Following resolution was unanimously adopted. RESOLUTION RFSOLVFD that the Village Council of the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, vinnesnt.a, hereby accepts the orfier of the 7ORT SAFES PC.TER CO ITANY, a Minnesota corobr= .tion, to furnish the electric energy necessary for theoperation of the municipal water pumping and axxx associated equipment at the water pulping statimn, and hereby approves all rates, terms, conditions; and specifications contained in the proposed °orm of Municipal Water Pumping Contract made a part of the offier of said Company, and the proper officers of the Village are hereby authorized and directed tc execute the afore -said Contract, and any instruments ancillary thereto, for and in the name of the Village, and to affix the corporate seal thereto. The Clerk read "a petition relative to the improvement of John Street and Park Avenue and a public hearing date of January 11, 1962 at 7:00 o'clock Pig, was set. Ayes were 5. Oil motion of Corrigan and second of Mullery Mr. Gavin's second addition of Marion Terrace Replat was accepted by the Council and the Mayor and the Clerk were authori ted to sign the agreement with Mr. Gavin relative to turn arounds, etc.. Ayes were 5. On motion of Ward and second of Duff the application of Dr. Erickson to remodel his home for use as a Dr. office was approved by the Council. Ayes were Duff Ward, Corrigan and Mullery. s.e- Finnega. ed .e4.,..,v' The Clerk read'a letter from the District Maintenance Engineer relative to the removal of snow from the Village Streets. The Village will again this year par tIcin.te in the pro7ram. On motion of Ward and second of Coreigan the Banister Engineering Co. was authorized to proceed with their plans to secure aerifl pictures of the Village. Ayes were 5. On motion of Duff and second of Corrigan the appointment for elections judges were made as follows. Robert Toombs. Edwin Gruber, Joyce Coder and Mary Duffy. There being no further bus ness the meeting adjourned this 7th day of Nov. 1961. ea 4411- VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OE MINNESOTA. Minutes of regular meeting held December 5, 1961. Meeting called to order by President Ward, all members were excepting Mullery. The minutes of the November were read and approved with the following correction. Cn the motion of approval of the building permit anclication of Dr. Erickson the record incorrectly shows Mr. Finneg aS as a no vote, this should be corrected to read that Mr. Finnegan abstained from voting. On motion of Corrigan and second of Finnegan the following bills were approved and ordered paid from their respective funds. Ayes were JP General Fund, Dakota County Tribune- hrilcts 8.50 Central Telephone Co. -F lice 9.88 9 -Fire Peoples Natural Gas -Hall 2 .57 -Fire station 24.47 Frank Kreitz -care of dump 40.00 street lbbor 14.25 John Hawkins police d.tty 42.00 Northern States Power Cn. -Fire Station 7.00 Hall 1.00 Traffic lights 16.50 Street lights 329.17 Corrigan Electric wiring hall 101.52 R. F. Sieckert- street time 24.00 Ray T.nusignant- police duty 28.00 Klaar VanT)er Pent- painting hall 129.00 McNamara-Vivant Contracting Co. 5.50 LIQUOR STORE Judge's Electric Appli Co. Northern States Power Cc, Peoples Natural Gas Old T'utch Foods Coca -Cola Bottling Co. Conco"d leverage Co. Hanson Beverage Co. Seven Up Bottling Co. Stuart Janitor Supply Buckingham Revenge Co. Medford Distri'.n)ting Co. Alcorn Beverage Co. Burns tmcountinc Service Bernard W. Mny Co. Toombs Insurance Agency Minnesota State Porad of Health Gene Gustayson -paid outs Lynn Johnson Co. h' rthwest Linen Co. hid Mine Co. McKesson Robbins Famous Brands, Inc. Griggs, Cooper Co., Inc. 12.00 52.14 32.65 32.10 60.00 1,039.42 401.12 23.54 4 .95 132.30 11.20 423.04 67.52 13.08 53.55 3.5 10( .15 114.77 59.37 23.45 271.55 149 .22 13I1I3 325.11 21! 242 Ed. Phillips Sons Co. Distillers Distributing Co. Vienesota- Wisconsin Truck Lines, ;c. Fritz '.":?olesaie Co. F. R. S. Construction Co.- street work The minutes of the Planning Commission were read. The Resolution of the County Booed rejecting Warweg as a County State aid road was read. On motion of Finnegan and second of Corrigan the elevation of sewer lines on lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of Marion Terrace Rep at #2 as set by the Bannister Engineering Co., must become a part of the building permits when issued for these lots. Ayes were 4. ?'r. Nick Fox appeared before the Council requesting reimbursement for the deduction From his bill in the amount of 9E.50. After a short discussion and on mutton of Ward and second of Corrigan the Council agreed to pay this amount. •Ayem were 4. There being no further business the meeting adjourned this 5th day of December, 1961. R _spectfully submitted, $1,009.14 824.88 4.13 33.85 13.00 s 1 1 VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT, COUNTY OF DAFOT2, STATE OF MINNESOTA. Minutes of the annual election haled December 5, 1961. The Annual Election of the Village of Rosemount was held on the fifth day of December, 1961. The Judgds of the election were: Mr. Robert Toombs Mr. Edwin Gruber Mrs. Joyce Coder Mrs. Mayy Duffy At the hour of 12:OC b(clock PM the above judges and Clerks took the oath of office, the polls were forthwith opened by proclamation and the election proceeded by ballot without adjournment or intermission until closed at 8:00 o'clock PM. The candidates voted on at such election as stated. in the not5.ce thereof were: 1 Mayor for the term of two years 1 Trustee for the term of three years 1 Justice of the Peace for thf. term of two years 1 Constable for the term of two years. At 8:00 o'clock PM in the evening of said day the polik, a proclamation thereof having been made by one of the ,fudges thirty minutes previous there- to closed. The judges then proceeded to nubl:cly count the bpllots and true statement was proclaimed and filed as provided by law. The canvass board met on the night of December 5, 1961 to review and accept the rese't's as ;re =anted by the election judges. The results of the election were as follows: 3eofge Ward Mayor T. J. Corrigan Trustee u. Almnuist Justice of the Peace N. Fox Constable On motion the meeting adjourned this 5th day of December, 1961. Respectfully submitted, ct Vil far C1' k 243 244 (vor 1frt /b 247/ 9 u