HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.b. Equitable Acquired Properties Master PUD and Preliminary Plat4ROSEMOUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting: February 24, 2020 AGENDA ITEM: Equitability Acquired Properties — Master AGENDA SECTION: PUD and Preliminary Plat New Business PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation AGENDA NO. Director 7 b. ATTACHMENTS: Site Map and Development Plans APPROVED BY: dls RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to have the Parks and Recreation Commission support the parks dedication requirements being met by a cash dedication collection of $36,465 for the Equitability Acquired Properties project. ISSUE Equitably Acquired Properties is proposing to develop a Car Club Facility on 4.29 acres in the Rosemount Business Park. The location identifies the property as being located just south of the MRCI Property and along Boulder Court. The recently updated Parks Master plan does not call for a park on this property or in the area. The parks dedication requirement for Business Park Development is either a 10% of the total property land dedication, a cash dedication or combination of the two. Staff is recommending that the City collect cash in -lieu of land for the development that is currently being processed. The cash dedication for the 4.29 acre development $36,465 (4.29 acres x $8,500 per acre). Staff is recommending that the Parks and Recreation Commission support the parks dedication requirements being met by a cash dedication collection of $36,465 for the Equitability Acquired Properties project. Location Map L K J H G F E D C B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 LEGEND 6 PROPOSED CATCH BASINIMANHOLE / P6. 8 3 \ spruce CB� i ) \ \\\` Spruce \ 113 PROPOSED CATCH BASIN � 1 - - $ \ 961.7 8„ PROPOSED GATE 961.5 x Spruce VALVE s" lI spruce spra8Spruce " PROPOSED FLARED END 961.3 x t\ �Pnn --- ------------ PROPOSED STORM SEWER •••CB 14 - - - - - - _ _ cod • '� EOF TOP 961.7 962.10 - _ - - - - - PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER a 13 / 962.00 - - Hyd. TOP 9 1,5 I 961.90 V1 PROPOSED WATERMAIN / / / 962.35 962.15 / PERVIOUS PAVERS 961.5 x / / ° ® ss1.75 I G / 960.85 sso 1 � 962.50 962.96 � PROPOSED CONCRETE 962.10 / 9 1°70 , sszso i 961.7 x 961.30 � / 962.96 ® v MH �; / 9_�1.15 . a 8" \ �w N MH L_j PROPOSED STD. DUTY BITUMINOUS ( (on) O O I Top 960.84 Top 03 MATCH nv. 950.31 Inv. 94 1 PROPOSED HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS � � � / � M 0 //ss2.ss MH 101 960.7 105o PROPOSED CONTOUR 962.10 / /ss,.so PROPOSED BUILDING 7 ® TOP 962.4 ` ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE �- / 9�2.5 • 1023.54 PROPOSED ELEVATION .%CB / FFE II961.60ss,.3oTO 961.Q / 1 U 962.96 SILT FENCE / / / / / Lj1 \ sso.so INLET PROTECTION DEVICE N / / 962.90 962.50 PROPOSED EC BLANKET / 962.50 MNDOT CAT. 3P - 2S STRAW / �( ss1.5o ss2.5o sszso ® G 962.10 / EOF 961.95 BOUNDARYIROWIBLOCK LINE sslso / 962. ° ss2.30 962.40 i EASEMENT / 3' CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER BUILDINGIPARKING SETBACK LINE / : ' _ _ 961.85 961.40 o� o T P 961.45 ss1.8o ss2.00 'CB 10 ss2.00 CB 11 ss2.os / DRAINAGE ARROW EOF TOP ss1.7 / � o � / EOF TOP 961.7 / w EXISTING WATERMAIN S EXISTING SANITARY SEWER / / 962.50 962.50 962.50 962.50 Sr EXISTING STORM SEWER /i // 962.50 / 980 EXISTING CONTOUR X 995.50 EXISTING ELEVATION ROPOSED BUILDING 01 / 961.90 962.50 /• 962.30 CB 5 TOP 961.7 00 / s 5 � 55 9 INV 9 5�4 / ss2.so ss2.so /95/x 955.E x J rn / TW 961.5 BW 958.0 //lli HT 3. MODULAR BLOCK ETAINf G� WALL \ / s61.10 ss2.00 962.50 TW 961.5 / BW 960.0 HT 1.5' m / 9$5.Vx 956.0 Z 0`O /M CB 1 TOP 960.8 sslss 0 /955.7X- /}/955.6 x EOF 961.30 956.0 x 956-7 _ 956.1 x 955.6 x FE M96-.5TW 962.0 x-959 � / 955.6 x INV 955.8 x 856.5 - BW 959.0 956.4 TW 962.3 9 957 /� HT 3.0' BHT 3 3' �g56- / /� - 51 / - ___ 958 / /9 59 i FFE = 962.5 /I I r\ "CB 6 ss2.00 TOP 961.7 ss2.so PROPOSED BUIL FFE = 962.5 \ \96" t. MH 102 TOP 962.20 962.50 sszso N H 1-3' CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER GV' CB 7 961.65 962.00 TOP 961.7 DING I 4F� II ss MODULAR BLOCK. RETAINING WALL CB 2 EOF CB 3 EOF TOP 961.65 ss 5 TOP61.65 9 961.95 �, ,� .• •. 956.3 A 956.3 95 x957.0 957. 956.3x x 956.- x 956.7 - 957 - E 962.3 Tw ss2.3 9572 .x 957.4 TW 962.3 TFE TW 962.3 - 958 BW 959.0 BW 959.0 BW 960.0 BW 959.0 - 959 HT 3.3' - HT 3.3' HT 2.3' HT 3.3' FE INV 957.0 INV 956.5 MH 103- TOP 962.20 "I CB 4 TOP 961.5 EOF ,1.95 I/ 957.3 x 957.3 x 9620 W.00 20' MATCH \ 0 15 30 60 90 360.5 Scale in Feet 96� 959.85 GRADING NOTES 1❑ - All elevations shown are to final surfaces. 2❑ - All disturbed areas shall be hard surfaced or sodded per the Landscape Plan. EROSION CONTROL NOTES O1 - Contractor is responsible for all notifications and inspections required by General Storm Water Permit. _CB s O2 - TOP 961.1 TO All erosion control measures shown shall be installed prior to grading operations and maintained until all areas disturbed have been restored. Q - Sweep paved public streets as necessary where construction sediment has been deposited. ® - Temporary or permanent erosion control shall be applied to all soils disturbed by construction within 14 days of substantial completion of grading or soil disturbing activities in that area. This requirement includes temporary stockpiles that are in place for longer than 24-hours. ® - If rock entrances are removed, it will be required to at a minimum have a minimum of 8" bio-logs (or equivalent BMPs) to be placed in its location. O5 - Temporary soil stockpiles must have silt fence around them and cannot be placed in surface waters, including storm water conveyances such as curb and gutter systems, or conduits and ditches. © - The normal wetted perimeter of any temporary or permanent drainage ditch or swale that drains water from any portion of the construction site, or diverts water around the site, must be stabilized within 200 lineal feet from the property edge, or from the point of discharge into any surface water. Stabilization of the last 200 lineal feet must be completed within 24 hours after connecting to a surface water. - All pipe outlets must be provided with temporary or permanent energy dissipation within 24 hours of connection to a surface water. ®- Excess concrete/water from concrete trucks shall be disposed of in portable washout concrete basin or disposed of in a contained area. Qs - Spring/summer temporary turf establishment: seed shall be MNDOT Mixture 21 -11 1 ® 100 lbs/acre and mulch shall be MNDOT Type 1. / 10 - Dewatering of the site, if required, shall include BMPs (dewatering bag, chemicals or chemical treatment systems) that may be used for removing sediment from dewatering on the site, including discharge details to prevent erosion and any adverse effect on 957.3 x natural or off -site receiving waters and/or downstream properties. The appropriation of these BMPs and dischare may require additional local, state or federal permits. 957.4 x INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE - The site must be inspected once every seven (7) days during active construction and within 24 hours after a rainfall event greater than 0.5 inches in 24 hours. - All inspections and maintenance conducted must be recorded in writing and records retained with the SWPPP. - Areas of the site that have undergone final stabilization, may have the inspection of these areas reduced to once per month. - All silt fence must be repaired, replaced, or supplemented within 24 hours when they become nonfunctional or the sediment reaches 1/3 of the height of the fence. - Temporary and permanent sedimentation basins must be drained and the sediment removed when the depth of the sediment reaches 1/2 the storage volume. Removal must be completed within 72 hours of discovery. - Surface waters and conveyance systems must be inspected for evidence of sediment being deposited. Removal and stabilization must take place within seven (7) days of discovery unless precluded by legal, regulatory, or physical access constraints. - Construction site vehicle exit locations must have sediment removed from off -site paved surfaces within 24 hours of discovery. L K OY w LU 0 ¢a UJ aa< Z°aw� a M 0 W O U U F W Z W H LU W g CC F- Q Q Z a C 2 W Z D U C w �aoa,a$ >av,¢ a<n-w� �= 3< U) O K I a H >OUwa H wa'g0 WWWLU ZU' K K U Q x p 0 0 J J Va L ZT d WL H = W y o 0 C y � r R Q J N y 'iN7 Ln O a) iLn� G H .= dZ cis LU t/>t = d2od W � U M �Y yp m 3 W W F 3 CNH NO.: 19039 F DATE: 1 /28/2020 REVISIONS: E D C') U M Z ' vi � U N W H Lo 2 CD Of LO N U � m z = (D LLJ J g O_ LO O_ O W H U) F_ W W H 07 S F- F- U) W C) O M ti E E 0 C 0 U 0 z B W (DO Grading, Drainage & Erosion Control Plan A U 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14