HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. Medical Building EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Meeting Date: February 26, 2020 AGENDA ITEM: Case 20-15-SP Request by Mark Davis for Site Plan Approval to Allow Construction of a 12,650 Square Foot Medical Office Building at 15265 Carrousel Way AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Eric Van Oss, Economic Development Coordinator, Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director AGENDA NO. 5.c. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map; Site Plan; Building Elevations; Architectural Rendering; Grading and Erosion Control Plan; Utility Plan; Landscape Plan; City Engineer’s Memo dated February 26, 2020. APPROVED BY: KL RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Approve the site plan and building design review for Davis Healthcare Real Estate to allow the construction of a 12,650 square foot medical office building at 15265 Carrousel Way, subject to the following conditions: 1. A landscape surety for 110% of the site landscaping is required. 2. City Council approval of the existing drainage and utility easement vacation along the eastern property line. 3. Submission of a lighting and photometric plan conforming to ordinance requirements prior to the issuance of a building permit. 4. Conformance with all conditions of the City Engineer as outlined in the memo dated February 26, 2020 prior to issuance of a building permit, including compliance with the stormwater standards and removal of the spillways. 5. Final tree plantings near the entrance driveway are subject to review and approval by the City to ensure adequate visibility is maintained along Carrousel Way. 6. Review and approval of the trash enclosure by City staff, including use of complementary materials to the principal structure. 7. The applicant revise the southern access to shift the access along the eastern property line and provide a shared access easement to the adjoining property. SUMMARY The Planning Commission is being asked to conduct a site plan and building design review to allow construction of a 12,650 square foot medical office on a vacant lot with the South Rose Park 3rd Addition. The subject property is located within the commercial area south of County Road 42 and between South Robert Trail and Chippendale Avenue. Other nearby commercial uses include the Marcus Rosemount Theater, ISD 916 Offices, and Chroust Family Dentistry. The proposed building will be occupied by Lorenz Clinic of Family Psychology, which is a multi-disciplinary psychotherapy 2 clinic serving children, adults, families, and groups. Staff is recommending approval of the request subject to the conditions of approval listed in this report. BACKGROUND Applicant & Property Owner(s): Rosemount MOB Partners, LLC Location: Lot 1, Block 1 of South Rose Park 3rd Addition (South of Chroust Family Dentistry and west of the Marcus Rosemount Theater) Area in Acres: 1.31 Acres (57,253 square feet) Comp. Guide Plan Designation: CC – Community Commercial Current Zoning: C4 – General Commercial The subject site was originally platted as part of the South Rose Park Addition (and subsequent replat) in 1979, which included all of the commercial property described above. There have been other divisions of land to create smaller lots since the original subdivision was approved by the City, and the applicant’s property is one of two parcels currently vacant. The parcel is surrounded by other commercial activities in the area (and the other vacant parcel) all of which are also guided and zoned for commercial uses. The proposed use of the site is a 12,650 square foot medical office building that will be accessed via a new driveway off Carrousel Way and the existing shared driveway on the north side of the property. The site plan also illustrates parking for 59 parking stalls, four of which would be handicap stalls. As noted on the attached site plans, the subject parcel was platted with a larger drainage and utility easement over the southern portion of the site. In reviewing the storm water system for this area, staff is not aware of any specific reason for this larger easement. It is recommended that the easement be vacated in order to allow the site plan to move forward as presented. City Council approval of a request to vacate this easement is one of the conditions being recommended by Staff. The tenant for the building, Lorenz Clinic of Family Psychology, provides psychotherapy for children, adults, families, and groups. As an outpatient clinic, the primary focus is providing an array of weekly services aimed at assessing and treating the most common mental health issues, such as Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Depression, Anxiety, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and eating disorders. The Lorenz Clinic currently has office space located in Waterford Commons as well as locations in Prior Lake, Chaska, and Victoria. This use is considered “professional services and offices, including dental and medical clinics” under the City’s zoning regulations and is a permitted use in the C4 – Community Commercial Zoning District. In addition to the general site plan, the applicant has submitted architectural drawings of the proposed building, an erosion and sediment control plan, landscape plan, and other details concerning the site as required by the Zoning Ordinance. The next section of this report includes staff’s analysis of zoning requirements. Additionally, staff has received a written report from the City’s Project Engineer with most of her comments focused on storm water plan details that will need to be addressed by the applicant. Site Plan and Design Review The purpose of a site plan review is to evaluate the project as it relates to the performance and site design standards of the zoning ordinance. Site plan approval is required for all commercial, industrial, institutional and multi-family development projects. In this case, the applicant is proposing to construct a 12,650 square foot commercial building that is subject to the site plan review process. 3 Legal Authority . Site plan applications are approved by the Planning Commission and considered a Quasi-Judicial action. As such, the City has a set of standards and requirements for review. Generally, if a site plan application meets the ordinance requirements it must be approved. These standards are outlined in Section 11-4-14 (General Commercial District) and 11-10-3 (Site and Building Plan Review). While the Planning Commission is the final authority for approval of site plans, because an easement vacation is necessary to move the project forward, the Council will also be reviewing the plan. Land Use & Zoning . The subject property is guided for Community Commercial uses in accordance with the current 2030 Future Land Use Plan and the forthcoming 2040 Future Land Use Plan, which is intended to provide retail, professional offices, and personal services that serve the daily and weekly needs of the residents of Rosemount. The present zoning of the property is C4 – General Commercial is consistent with the land use designation, and the proposed medical service use is consistent with the land use plan and is compatible with the other professional services in the vicinity. Lot and Building Standards. As proposed, the subject property is consistent with the C4 – Community Commercial lot and building standards. The subject property is an existing lot of record and exceeds the minimum lot requirements. In addition, the proposed building exceeds all setback requirements. The lot and building standards for the C4 district are detailed in the table below. Building Performance Standards for the C4 – Community Commercial District Standard Required Proposed Minimum Lot Size 20,000 square feet 57,253 square feet Front (South) 30 ft. 70 ft. Side (East) 10 ft. 10 ft. Side (West) 10 ft. 130 ft. Rear (North) 10 ft. 30 ft. Maximum Lot Coverage 75% 66.19% Exterior Building Materials. The C-4 General Commercial building materials standards require the building to be at least 50% to be brick or natural stone. The remaining 50% of the wall surface may be specialty integral colored concrete block, tile, architectural textured conc ret panels cast in place or better. Up to 10% of the building can be used for materials not listed above as accents. The building elevation plans indicate that over 50% of each building façade will be a combination of brick and stone. The one area which is an outlier is the central portion of the building which is comprised of vertical woo-look grain embossed and finished composite metal panels. This central feature is the primary entrance to the site and is slightly elevated, therefore can be viewed on all four elevations, along the rooflines. The one exception is the west elevation, the main entrance which uses the change in material to highlight the entrance. While the material proposed, the wood grain metal, is not specifically listed, it does have the durability that is one of the goals of the ordinance materials list. The ordinance does allow other materials if deemed similar or “better”. Aesthetically, people may disagree whether metal would be appropriate, but the functionality of the material would be similar to brick or stone. Staff can support the use of the material, in recognition that the material is being chosen to evoke a certain look for the building. The use of wood grained metal is far preferred over use of wood, which would be discouraged. This is an opportunity to provide some individuality between the buildings without compromising long term sturdiness of the material. 4 Several of the building facades are longer than 100’ which requires some type of embellishment every 30’. There is some building undulation and material changes that break up the differing elevations. The one exception is the eastern elevation which is one material and flat. However, there are a series of windows along the building which break up the elevation, so it is not one long unadorned wall. Access & Parking. The Zoning Ordinance requires that new uses provide a certain number of parking stalls based on the parking schedule found in Section 11-6-1 of the City Code. Nine thousand square feet of the building would be used for medical uses having 4 doctors and 15 employees, while 3,650 square feet will be used for general office. Using the “Medical, dental offices and clinics” requirements, the applicant is required to provide a minimum of 5 stalls per doctor plus 1 stall per employee, which would result in providing a minimum of 35 parking stalls. Using the “business and general office” requirements, the applicant is required to provide a minimum of 5 stall per 1,000 square feet, which would result in providing a minimum of 19 stalls. For both uses a total minimum of 54 stalls would be required. The site plan provides for 59 parking stalls and therefore exceeds the minimum required under the code. Additionally, 3 handicap stalls are required, and the site plan provides 4 total handicap stalls. The primary public access is from Carousel Way and will ultimately be shared with the property to the east, to align with the curbcut for the theater and District Offices. The plan should be revised to shift the access unto the property line, and a cross access easement provided to the eastern property. Future development of that parcel will require extension of the driveway to create on curbcut. A second access into the site comes from the northern shared drive. This also can be used for public access but may not be as obvious to patrons. In either event, both curbcuts make sense and don’t adversely impact parking circulation. It is intended the northern shared drive aisle will be used for access to garbage or any needed deliveries. Landscaping . The City’s landscape ordinance (Section 11-6-3) requires that new developments include a minimum amount of landscaping, which includes a minimum number of trees based on the size of the site and exterior dimensions of the building. These requirements, and the amount provided on the landscape plan, are as follows: Trees Requirement: 1 tree per 3,000 square feet of land area Trees Required/Provided 19/19 Foundation Plantings Requirement: 1 per 10 feet of building perimeter Foundation Plants Required/Provided: 48/93 All of the trees meet the City’s requirements for at least 75% deciduous trees on the site, with a mix of Maple, Linden, Birch, and Honey Locust. Various other ornamental trees and shrubs will be used for landscape islands, foundation plantings, and screening of the parking lot. From a staff perspective, it appears that the applicant has prepared a landscape plan that provides a good mix of plants that will provide screening of parking and storage areas and will break up any larger expanses of pavement, walls, and similar elements from the public roadway. The applicant has demonstrated that the required amount of interior parking lot landscaping (10% of the total parking lot area) will be provided, which includes a larger planting bed separating the two parking areas east and south of the building. A landscape surety for 110% of the site landscaping is required. 5 Signage. No signage is shown on the site plan, but any proposed free-standing signs must meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for the C-4 Zoning District. The wall signs appear to meet the zoning requirements and will be approved administratively along with any freestanding signs by staff. Exterior Lighting . The applicant’s plans depict light standards along the eastern and southern edge of the parking area. The proposed height and fixture type will meet the City’s lighting standards; however, staff is requesting that the applicant also provide a photometric plan to demonstrate full compliance with the code. Trash Enclosure . No trash enclosure is shown on the site plans. Engineering . The applicant has provided stormwater information which has been reviewed by our engineering group. While the pipe sizing etc. meet the stormwater standards, staff does not support the use of parking lot spillways for conveyance of stormwater. Staff is requiring that parking lot drainage be piped and outlet into the ponding area, consistent with other commercial development in the community. If the developer is worried about solids in the parking lot stormwater there are numerous systems that can be installed to capture solids before entry into the pond. These systems, similar to the proposed riprap areas, would be privately maintained by the future owner. Detailed grading, erosion control, and storm water management plans have been submitted with the application, and these plans, along with the proposed connections to existing City utilities within Carrousel Way and Chippendale Ave., have been reviewed by the City’s Project Engineer. The Engineer’s comments and recommendations are included in the attached memorandum. The applicant will have to revise some of the stormwater infrastructure to comply with City requirements. These modifications should not adversely impact the project and require significant changes to the site plan. Lot Development Fees. The City has adopted a fee schedule that includes various access charges that apply any development of the subject property. The applicant will be required to pay these fees at the time at the time a building permit is issued; these fees include the following: • Met Council Sewer Availability Charge: $2,485 per SAC unit as determined by MCES (Met Council Environmental Services) • City Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge: $1,200 per SAC unit • City Water Availability Charge: Based on size of meter, ranging from $9,800 to $44,150 • Storm Water Connection Charge: $2,270 per acre ($2,973.70 for 1.31 acres) RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval the site plan for Mark Davis (Medical Office Building) to allow the construction of a 12,650 square foot medical office building on Lot 1, Block 1 of South Rose Park 3rd Addition. This recommendation is based on the plan submitted by the applicant, the findings made in this report and the conditions outlined in the Recommended Actions section above. Dakota County, MN Property Information Febru ary 13, 2020 0 450 900225 ft 0 130 26065 m 1:4,800 Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal, survey, or for zoning verification. PROPOSED BUILDING FFE-954.00 20.0 20.0 17.0 17.0 19.0 19.0 17.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 9.0 9.0 8.0 9.0 24.0 24.024.0 24.0 5.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 24.0 24.0 5.0 9.0 21 16 9 9 4 PATIO SEE ARCH PLANS) BLOCK RETAINING WALL SEE GRADING PLAN) SEE ARCH PLANS FOR STOOP INFORMATION TYP. R3.0 R3.0 R7.0 R7.0 R20.0 R5.0R5.0 R3.0 R3.0R3.0 R5.0 R5.0R5.0 R3.0 R5.0 R3.0 R7.0 R10.0 R10.0 R20.0 HC SIGNAGE TYP. SEE DETAIL) CURB TAPER 3' CURB TAPER FLAT CURB B612 CURB/GUTTER TYP. CONCRETE APRONG SEE DETAIL) CONCRETE APRONG SEE DETAIL) PARKING SETBACK PROPERTY LINE TYP. 5' WIDE CONCRETE WALK 7' WIDE CONCRETE WALK B612 CURB/GUTTER TYP. CURB TAPER BLOCK RETAINING WALL TYP. SEE GRADING PLAN) CONCRETE SPILLWAY W/ RIP RAP OVER FABRIC TYP. SEE UTILITY PLAN AND DETAILS) NORTH INFILTRATION BASIN SOUTHWEST INFILTRATION BASIN SAWCUT AND REMOVE PAVEMENT AS NEEDED FOR UTILITY CONNECTIONS PER CITY STANDARDS. PAVEMENT SECTION TO MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT SECTION. EXISTING EASEMENT TO BE VACATED R7.0R7.0 SPLASH BLOCK W/ RIP RAP OVER FABRIC TYP (SEE DETAIL) 12.2 16.7 5.0 N SCALE IN FEET 0 20 40 01/28/20 CITY SUBMITTAL Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. PJ Disch - PE 49933 Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No.19863 PJD JBT PJD 01/28/20 LOUCKS W:\2019\19863\CADD DATA\ CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\ C2-1 Site PlanPlotted: 01 /28 / 2020 11:3 AM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424. 5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities.CADD QUALIFICATION ROSEMONT MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 33 SOUTH 6TH STREET, SUITE 4650 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 C2- 1 C3- 1 C3- 2 C3- 3 C4- 1 C8-1 L1-1 SITE PLAN GRADING PLAN SWPPP SWPPP NOTES UTILITY PLAN CIVIL DETAILS LANDSCAPE PLAN SITE PLAN LEGEND CONCRETE SIDEWALK CONCRETE PAVEMENT HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CURRENT ZONING:C4 - GENERAL COMMERCIAL BUILDING SETBACK:FRONT - 30 FT. SIDE - 10 FT.PROPERTY AREA:57,253 SF - 1.314 AC EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:3, 259 SF - 0.075 AC (5.69%)PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA:37,894 SF - 0. 870 AC (66.19%)1.ALL PAVING, CONCRETE CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DETAILS SHOWN PER THE DETAIL SHEET( S) AND STATE/LOCAL JURISDICTION REQUIREMENTS.2.ACCESSIBLE PARKING AND ACCESSIBLE ROUTES SHALL BE PROVIDED PER CURRENT ADA STANDARDS AND LOCAL/STATE REQUIREMENTS.3.ALL CURB DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO THE FACE OF CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.4.ALL BUILDING DIMENSIONS ARE TO THE OUTSIDE FACE OF WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.5.TYPICAL FULL SIZED PARKING STALL IS 9' X 20' WITH A 24' WIDE TWO WAY DRIVE OR 9' X 17'WITH CURB OVERHANG.6.ALL CURB RADII SHALL BE 3.0' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.7.BITUMINOUS IMPREGNATED FIBER BOARD TO BE PLACED AT FULL DEPTH OF CONCRETE ADJACENT TO EXISTING STRUCTURES AND BEHIND CURB ADJACENT TO DRIVEWAYS AND SIDEWALKS.8. SEE SITE ELECTRICAL PLAN FOR SITE LIGHTING.9.ALL SIGN POSTS TO BE 2.25" Ø ALUMINUM POSTS.10. THE GAP BETWEEN THE SIDEWALK AND CONCRETE CURB (B612 OR FLUSH CURB) TO BE A MAXIMUM OF 1 4" WITH TYPICAL PRE-MOLDED EXPANSION JOINT MATERIAL - NO PLASTIC INSETS.PARKING DATA CITY REQUIREMENT:5 STALLS PER DOCTOR AND 1 STALL PER EMPLOYEE FOR MEDICAL USE)5 STALLS PER 1,000 SF FOR PART OFFICE USE)PARTIAL BUILDING SF:9,000 SF - TO HAVE 4 DOCTORS AND 15 EMPLOYEES PARTIAL BUILDING SF: 3, 650 SF - 5 STALLS PER 1,000 TOTAL BUILDING SF: 12,650 SF REQUIRED STALLS MEDICAL:35 STALLS REQUIRED STALLS OFFICE: 19 STALLS REQUIRED STALLS TOTAL:54 STALLS PROPOSED (TOTAL STALLS): 59 STALLS HANDICAP STALLS REQUIRED: 3 STALLS REQUIRED BETWEEN 51-75 STALLS)HANDICAP STALLS PROVIDED:4 STALLS PROVIDED SITE NOTES SITE DATA:EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES.OWNER.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLEFORCALLINGFORLOCATIONS OF ALL WARNING:AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUNDGopher State One Call SITE PLAN C2- 1 PARKING STALL COUNT ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL 2 LEGEND CATCH BASIN STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER WATERMAIN STORM MANHOLE SANITARY MANHOLE HYDRANT GATE VALVE SPOT ELEVATION SIGN LIGHT POLE POWER POLE WATER MANHOLE / WELL CONTOUR CONCRETE CURB UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC CONCRETE TELEPHONE PEDESTAL UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE UNDERGROUND GAS OVERHEAD UTILITY CHAIN LINK FENCE BUILDING RETAINING WALL NO PARKING UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WATER SERVICE ELECTRIC METER GAS METER TREE LINE EXISTING PROPOSED 972 DRAINTILE FORCEMAIN 373PARKING SETBACK LINE BUILDING SETBACK LINE LEVEL 01 100' - 0" TYP. ROOF J.B.E. 113' - 0" PARAPET C 120' - 0" PARAPET A 115' - 0" LVL 01 - TYP WDW SILL 103' - 4" LVL 01-TYP WDW HEAD 109' - 0" PARAPET B 116' - 0" 4" x 4" x 12" MODULAR BRICK VENEER WITH COLORED MORTAR 5" H. PRE-FORMED PAINTED METAL CAP FLASHING LOW STONE PRIVACY WALL AROUND STAFF PATIO W/ PRE-CAST STONE CAP THERMALLY BROKEN ANODIZED ALUMINUM GLAZING FRAMES WITH INSULATED LOW-E COATED GLASS, TYP. 16" X 24" X 4" HONED STONE VENEER 5" H. PRE-FORMED PAINTED METAL CAP FLASHING 8" X 12" X 4" SPLIT FACE STONE VENEER FROM GRADE TO SILL THERMALLY BROKEN ANODIZED ALUMINUM GLAZING FRAMES WITH INSULATED LOW-E COATED GLASS, TYP. VERTICAL WOOD-LOOK GRAIN EMBOSSED AND FINISHED COMPOSITE METAL PANELS LEVEL 01 100' - 0" TYP. ROOF J.B.E. 113' - 0" PARAPET C 120' - 0" PARAPET A 115' - 0" LVL 01 - TYP WDW SILL 103' - 4" LVL 01-TYP WDW HEAD 109' - 0" 4" x 4" x 12" MODULAR BRICK VENEER WITH COLORED MORTAR 5" H. PRE-FORMED PAINTED METAL CAP FLASHING LOW STONE PRIVACY WALL AROUND STAFF PATIO W/ PRE-CAST STONE CAP THERMALLY BROKEN ANODIZED ALUMINUM GLAZING FRAMES WITH INSULATED LOW-E COATED GLASS, TYP. 4" x 4" x 12" MODULAR BRICK VENEER WITH COLORED MORTAR 5" H. PRE-FORMED PAINTED METAL CAP FLASHING THERMALLY BROKEN ANODIZED ALUMINUM GLAZING FRAMES WITH INSULATED LOW-E COATED GLASS, TYP. VERTICAL WOOD-LOOK GRAIN EMBOSSED AND FINISHED COMPOSITE METAL PANELS INSULATED AND PAINTED STEEL MECHANICAL ROOM DOOR LEVEL 01 100' - 0" TYP. ROOF J.B.E. 113' - 0" PARAPET C 120' - 0" PARAPET A 115' - 0" LVL 01 - TYP WDW SILL 103' - 4" LVL 01-TYP WDW HEAD 109' - 0" T.0. ENTRY CANOPY 111' - 0" PARAPET B 116' - 0"COMPOSITE METAL OVERHANG 5" H. PRE-FORMED PAINTED METAL CAP FLASHING THERMALLY BROKEN ANODIZED ALUMINUM GLAZING FRAMES WITH INSULATED LOW-E COATED GLASS, TYP. 16" X 24" X 4" HONED STONE VENEER ANODIZED ALUMINUM SLATTED SUNSHADES 8" X 12" X 4" SPLIT FACE STONE VENEER FROM GRADE TO SILL VERTICAL WOOD-LOOK GRAIN EMBOSSED AND FINISHED COMPOSITE METAL PANELS 4" x 4" x 12" MODULAR BRICK VENEER WITH COLORED MORTAR 5" H. PRE-FORMED PAINTED METAL CAP FLASHING LEVEL 01 100' - 0" TYP. ROOF J.B.E. 113' - 0" PARAPET C 120' - 0" PARAPET A 115' - 0" LVL 01 - TYP WDW SILL 103' - 4" LVL 01-TYP WDW HEAD 109' - 0" T.0. ENTRY CANOPY 111' - 0" PARAPET B 116' - 0" INTERNALLY LIT TENANT SIGNAGE 5" H. PRE-FORMED PAINTED METAL CAP FLASHING ANODIZED ALUMINUM SLATTED SUNSHADE 16" X 24" X 4" HONED STONE VENEER ANODIZED ALUMINUM SLATTED SUNSHADES 8" X 12" X 4" SPLIT FACE STONE VENEER FROM GRADE TO SILL VERTICAL WOOD-LOOK GRAIN EMBOSSED AND FINISHED COMPOSITE METAL PANELS 5" H. PRE-FORMED PAINTED METAL CAP FLASHING COMPOSITE METAL OVERHANG 16" X 24" X 4" HONED STONE VENEER 8" X 12" X 4" SPLIT FACE STONE VENEER FROM GRADE TO SILL THERMALLY BROKEN ANODIZED ALUMINUM GLAZING FRAMES WITH INSULATED LOW-E COATED GLASS, TYP. BUILDING MATERIAL CALCULATIONS MATERIAL SF % OF ELEVATION NORTH GLASS: 446 SF 22% BRICK: 988 SF 47% STONE: 477 SF 23% METAL: 43 SF 2% WOOD EMBOSSED METAL: 128 SF 6% EAST GLASS: 266 SF 14% BRICK: 1309 SF 68% STONE: 23 SF 1% METAL: 84 SF 4% WOOD EMBOSSED METAL: 255 SF 13% SOUTH GLASS: 415 SF 20% BRICK: 929 SF 44% STONE: 548 SF 26% METAL: 100 SF 4% WOOD EMBOSSED METAL: 125 SF 6% WEST GLASS: 527 SF 26% BRICK: 0 SF 0% STONE: 955 SF 48% METAL: 83 SF 4% WOOD EMBOSSED METAL: 435 SF 22% BUILDING TOTAL GLASS: 1654 SF 20% BRICK: 3226 SF 40% STONE: 2003 SF 25% METAL: 310 SF 3% WOOD EMBOSSED METAL: 943 SF 12%© 2019 SYNERGY ARCHITECTURESTUDIO, LLC1/28/ 2020 2:49: 24 PMA300-P PRELIMINARYELEVATIONSROSEMOUNTPROFESSIONAL BUILDING CHIPPENDALE AVE W 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 ELEVATION - NORTH 1/8" = 1'-0" 2 ELEVATION - EAST 1/8" = 1'-0" 2019 SYNERGY ARCHITECTURESTUDIO, LLC1/28/ 2020 2:49: PROPOSED BUILDING FFE-954.00 949.75 950.38 952.47 952.97952.84 952.58 950.69 950.81 950.81950.69 952.49 952.84 952.95 953.16 952.50 954.03 953.92 953.88 953.78 953.00 952.99 953.10 953.56 953.89 953.89953.75 953.70 953.00 953.45 952.58 952.81 950.91 950.28 953.50 954.00954.00 954.00 954.00953.50 953.50 954.00 954.00 954.00 953.95 953.83 3:13:13: 114:13: 13: 13: 13: 13: 1 3: 1 3: 1952 95395 1 952953947 947 9489499 5 0951949950 950 947 948 949 949 9489509509499489499503:19509519509509519525.7%4. 6%1. 0%953.10 953 BREAK LI N EBREAK LINE953.22 953.02 953.05 953.27 953. 32 953. 10 953. 02 952. 83 952.17 952.08 952 953 954 952 953 953 953 954 953.91 GW=954. 95 GW= 957. 00 TW= 953. 90 GW=953.25 1.2%2. 4%2.4%1.5%1.4%952951950 948 949 950. 73 951.68 951.72 GW= 949.50GW=949. 50 GW=951.50GW=950.50 GW=950.50 GW=950. 50 GW=950.50 GW=950. 50 951.25 TW=951. 25 TW= 951.25 TW=951. 25 TW= 951.65 TW=950.50 TW= 951.25 953. 96 8888888884444953.10 3. 2%951.83 951.23 950. 63 3.5%0.4% 0.4% 1.9% 2.0% NORTH INFILTRATION BASIN SOUTHWEST INFILTRATION BASIN N SCALE IN FEET 0 20 40 01/28/20 CITY SUBMITTAL Review Date SHEET INDEX License No.Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota.PJ Disch - PE 49933 Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No. 19863 PJD JBT PJD 01/28/ 20 LOUCKS W:\ 2019\19863\ CADD DATA\ CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\C3-1 Grading PlanPlotted: 01 /28 / 2020 11:3 AM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. CADD QUALIFICATION ROSEMONT MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 33 SOUTH 6TH STREET, SUITE 4650 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 C2-1 C3-1 C3-2 C3-3 C4-1 C8-1 L1-1 SITE PLAN GRADING PLAN SWPPP SWPPP NOTES UTILITY PLAN CIVIL DETAILS LANDSCAPE PLAN EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED THE CONTRACTORSHALLCONTACTGOPHERSTATE ONE CALL AT 651- 454-0002 MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES. OWNER.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL WARNING:AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUNDGopher State One Call GRADING PLAN C3-1 PARKING STALL COUNT ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL 2 LEGEND CATCH BASIN STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER WATERMAIN STORM MANHOLE SANITARY MANHOLE HYDRANT GATE VALVE SPOT ELEVATION SIGN LIGHT POLE POWER POLE WATER MANHOLE / WELL CONTOUR CONCRETE CURB UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC CONCRETE TELEPHONE PEDESTAL UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE UNDERGROUND GAS OVERHEAD UTILITY CHAIN LINK FENCE BUILDING RETAINING WALL NO PARKING UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WATER SERVICE ELECTRIC METER GAS METER TREE LINE EXISTING PROPOSED 972 DRAINTILE FORCEMAIN 373PARKING SETBACK LINE BUILDING SETBACK LINE 2 FENCE FLARED END SECTION POST INDICATOR VALVE BENCHMARK SOIL BORING 3DIRECTION OF FLOW 1.0%972.5 GRADING, DRAINAGE & EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1.SPOT ELEVATIONS REPRESENT FINISHED SURFACE GRADES, GUTTER/FLOW LINE, FACE OF BUILDING, OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.2.CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.04 FEET. ALL CATCH BASINS IN GUTTERS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.16 FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON PLANS DO NOT REFLECT SUMPED ELEVATIONS.3.GRADING OF THE FILTRATION AREAS SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED USING LOW-IMPACT EARTH-MOVING EQUIPMENT TO PREVENT COMPACTION OF THE UNDERLYING SOILS. SMALL TRACKED DOZERS AND BOBCATS WITH RUNNER TRACKS ARE RECOMMENDED.4.ALL DISTURBED UNPAVED AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES OF TOP SOIL AND SEED/MULCH OR SOD. THESE AREAS SHALL BE WATERED/MAINTAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR UNTIL VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED.5.FOR SITE RETAINING WALLS "TW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT TOP FACE OF WALL (NOT TOP OF WALL) AND "GW" EQUALS SURFACE GRADE AT WALL GRADE TRANSITION (NOT BOTTOM OF BURIED WALL COURSES).6.REFER TO THE REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION AND REVIEW (REPORT NO.19.MSP09520.000), DATED JANUARY 15, 2020 AS PREPARED BY NTI FOR AN EXISTING SUBSURFACE SITE CONDITION ANALYSIS AND CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS.7.STREETS MUST BE CLEANED AND SWEPT WHENEVER TRACKING OF SEDIMENTS OCCURS AND BEFORE SITES ARE LEFT IDLE FOR WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS. A REGULAR SWEEPING SCHEDULE MUST BE ESTABLISHED.8.DUST MUST BE ADEQUATELY CONTROLLED.9.SEE SWPPP FOR ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND REQUIREMENTS.10.SEE UTILITY PLAN FOR WATER, STORM AND SANITARY SEWER INFORMATION.11.SEE SITE PLAN FOR CURB AND BITUMINOUS TAPER LOCATIONS.12.NO WETLANDS ON SITE. SEE NATIONAL WETLANDS INVENTORY MAP.13. PROPOSED BUILDING FFE-954.00 949.75 950.38 952.47 952.97952.84 952.58 950.69 950.81 950.81950.69 952.49 952.84 952.95 953.16 952.50 954.03 953.92 953.88 953.78 953.00 952.99 953.10 953.56 953.89 953.89953.75 953.70 953.00 953.45 952.58 952.81 950.91 950.28 953.50 954.00954.00 954.00 954.00953.50 953.50 954.00 954.00 954.00 953.95 953.83 952 95395 1 952953947 947 9489499 5 0 95 1 949950 950 947 948 949 949948950950949948949950950951950950951952953.10 953 BREAK LI NEBREAKLINE953.22 953.02 953.05 953.27 953.32 953.10 953.02 952.83 952.17 952.08 952 953 954 952 953 953 953 954 953.91 GW=954.95 GW=957.00 TW=953.90 GW=953.25 952 951 950 948 949 950.73 951.68 951.72 GW=949.50GW=949.50 GW=951.50GW=950.50 GW=950.50 GW=950.50 GW=950.50 GW=950.50 951.25 TW=951.25 TW=951.25 TW=951.25 TW=951.65 TW=950.50 TW=951.25 953.96 8888888884444953.10 951.83 951.23 950.63 BIO-ROLL SEE DETAIL) SILT FENCE SEE DETAIL) SILT-FENCE SEE DETAIL) ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE (SE DETAIL) INLET PROTECTION SEE DETAIL) SILT FENCE SEE DETAIL) NORTH INFILTRATION BASIN SOUTHWEST INFILTRATION BASIN N SCALE IN FEET 0 20 40 01/28/20 CITY SUBMITTAL Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. PJ Disch - PE 49933 Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No.19863 PJD JBT PJD 01/28/20 LOUCKS W:\2019\19863\CADD DATA\ CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\ C3-2 SWPPPPlotted: 01 /28 / 2020 11: 3 AM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763. 424.5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities. CADD QUALIFICATION ROSEMONT MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 33 SOUTH 6TH STREET, SUITE 4650 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 C2- 1 C3-1 C3-2 C3-3 C4-1 C8-1 L1-1 SITE PLAN GRADING PLAN SWPPP SWPPP NOTES UTILITY PLAN CIVIL DETAILS LANDSCAPE PLAN EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES.OWNER.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FORCALLINGFORLOCATIONSOF ALL WARNING: AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUNDGopher State One Call STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN C3-2 PARKING STALL COUNT ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL 2 LEGEND CATCH BASIN STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER WATERMAIN STORM MANHOLE SANITARY MANHOLE HYDRANT GATE VALVE SPOT ELEVATION SIGN LIGHT POLE POWER POLE WATER MANHOLE / WELL CONTOUR CONCRETE CURB UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC CONCRETE TELEPHONE PEDESTAL UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE UNDERGROUND GAS OVERHEAD UTILITY CHAIN LINK FENCE BUILDING RETAINING WALL NO PARKING UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WATER SERVICE ELECTRIC METER GAS METER TREE LINE EXISTING PROPOSED 972 DRAINTILE FORCEMAIN 373PARKING SETBACK LINE BUILDING SETBACK LINE 2 FENCE FLARED END SECTION POST INDICATOR VALVE BENCHMARK SOIL BORING 3DIRECTION OF FLOW 1.0%972.5 INLET PROTECTION SILT FENCE ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SWPPP LEGEND NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO CONSIDER USING TEMPORARY PROPOSED BUILDING FFE-954.00888888888 4444SAN INV=943.84 COORDINATE EXACT INVERT AND LOCATION WITH MECHANICAL 96 LF OF 6" PVC @ 2.00% CONNECT 6" SANITARY INTO EXISTING 8" SANITARY MAIN WITH A 8x6 WYE. EXISTING 8' MAIN INV=941.72±. 6" SANITARY INV=941.92 FIELD VERIFY EXACT INVERT AND LOCATION. 8" COMBINED FIRE & DOMESTIC SERVICE. COORDINATE EXACT INVERT AND LOCATION WITH MECHANICAL STMH 1 RIM=951.00 INV=944.45± (15") W INV=947.00 (12") E INV=944.92 (12") S BUILD OVER EXISTING 15" STUB. FIELD VERIFY EXACT LOCATION AND INVERT OF EXISTING STUB. 93 LF OF 12" STORM @ 1.00% CONNECT 8" SERVICE TO EXISTING 8" WATER MAIN WITH GATE VALVE PER CITY STANDARDS. VERIFY EXACT LOCATION AND INVERT OF EXISTING MAIN. 8" DIP 15 LF OF 12" STORM @ 0.50% 63 LF OF 12" PVC SCH 40 @ 1.00% CBMH 2 RIM=952.87 INV=947.93 W INV=948.67 N INV=948.47 S WITH FINGER DRAINS CB 3 RIM=953.10 INV=949.10 CB 4 RIM=952.75 INV=948.75 56 LF OF 12" STORM @ 0.50% CB 5 RIM=948.90 INV=945.20 SAWCUT AND REMOVE PAVEMENT AS NEEDED FOR UTILITY CONNECTIONS PER CITY STANDARDS. PAVEMENT SECTION TO MATCH EXISTING PAVEMENT SECTION. CONCRETE SPILLWAY AND RIP RAP (TYP.) CONCRETE SPLASH BLOCK WITH RIPRAP FOR ROOF DRAINS. COORDINATE EXACT LOCATION WITH MECHANICAL NORTH INFILTRATION BASIN BOTTOM = 951.00 HWL=953.06 SOUTHWEST INFILTRATION BASIN BOTTOM = 949.46 HWL=953.06 N SCALE IN FEET 0 20 40 01/28/20 CITY SUBMITTAL Review Date SHEET INDEX License No. Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. PJ Disch - PE 49933 Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No.19863 PJD JBT PJD 01/28/20 LOUCKS W:\2019\19863\CADD DATA\ CIVIL\_dwg Sheet Files\ C4-1 Utility PlanPlotted: 01 /28 / 2020 11:4 AM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424. 5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities.CADD QUALIFICATION ROSEMONT MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 33 SOUTH 6TH STREET, SUITE 4650 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 C2- 1 C3- 1 C3- 2 C3- 3 C4- 1 C8-1 L1-1 SITE PLAN GRADING PLAN SWPPP SWPPP NOTES UTILITY PLAN CIVIL DETAILS LANDSCAPE PLAN EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES.OWNER.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLEFORCALLINGFORLOCATIONS OF ALL WARNING:AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUNDGopher State One Call UTILITY PLAN C4- 1 PARKING STALL COUNT ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL 2 LEGEND CATCH BASIN STORM SEWER SANITARY SEWER WATERMAIN STORM MANHOLE SANITARY MANHOLE HYDRANT GATE VALVE SPOT ELEVATION SIGN LIGHT POLE POWER POLE WATER MANHOLE / WELL CONTOUR CONCRETE CURB UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC CONCRETE TELEPHONE PEDESTAL UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE UNDERGROUND GAS OVERHEAD UTILITY CHAIN LINK FENCE BUILDING RETAINING WALL NO PARKING UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WATER SERVICE ELECTRIC METER GAS METER TREE LINE EXISTING PROPOSED 972 DRAINTILE FORCEMAIN 373PARKING SETBACK LINE BUILDING SETBACK LINE 2 FENCE FLARED END SECTION POST INDICATOR VALVE BENCHMARK SOIL BORING 3DIRECTION OF FLOW 1.0%972.5 1. ALL SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND WATERMAIN UTILITIES SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SPECIFICATIONS,THE MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE,THE LOCAL GOVERNING UNIT , AND THE STANDARD UTILITIES SPECIFICATION OF THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA (CEAM), 2013 EDITION.2.ALL UTILITY PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE COMPACTED SAND OR FINE GRANULAR MATERIAL. ALL COMPACTION SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CEAM SPECIFICATION AND THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT.3.ALL CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING UTILITIES SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE STATE AND LOCAL JURISDICTIONS. THE CITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING AND BUILDING INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT AND THE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER MUST BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY WORK WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, OR WORK IMPACTING PUBLIC UTILITIES.4. ALL STORM SEWER , SANITARY SEWER AND WATER SERVICES SHALL TERMINATE 5' FROM THE BUILDING FACE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.5.A MINIMUM OF 18 INCHES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION AND 10 FEET OF HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL UTILITES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 6.ALL NEW WATERMAIN AND SERVICES MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF 8.0 FEET OF COVER. EXTRA DEPTH MAY BE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION TO SANITARY OR STORM SEWER LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD ADJUST WATERMAIN TO AVOID CONFLICTS WITH SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER, AND SERVICES AS REQUIRED. INSULATION OF WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE 8.0 FEET MINIMUM DEPTH CAN NOT BE ATTAINED.7.ALL FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE LOCATED 5 FEET BEHIND BACK OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.8.ALL PORTIONS OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM, INCLUDING CATCH BASINS, LOCATED WITHIN 10 FEET OF THE BUILDING OR WATER SERVICE LINE MUST BE TESTED ACCORDANCE WITH MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4715.2820 9.ALL JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS IN THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM SHALL BE GASTIGHT OR WATERTIGHT (SEE MINNESOTA RULES, PART 4715. 0700). APPROVED RESILIENT RUBBER JOINTS MUST BE USED TO MAKE WATERTIGHT CONNECTIONS TO MANHOLES, CATCHBASINS, AND OTHER STRUCTURES.10.HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) STORM DRAINS MUST COMPLY WITH MINNESOTA RULES,PART 4715.0540:a.PIPES 4-INCH TO 10-INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH AASHTO M252.b.PIPES 12-INCH TO 60-INCH IN SIZE MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM F2306.c.ALL FITTINGS MUST COMPLY WITH ASTM D3212.d.WATER-TIGHT JOINTS MUST BE USED AT ALL CONNECTIONS INCLUDING STRUCTURES.12. CONTRACTOR AND MANHOLE FABRICATOR SHALL SUMP (LOWER) ALL STORM SEWER CATCH BASIN CASTINGS WITHIN PAVED AREAS 0.16 FEET OR 2-INCHES BELOW THE RIM ELEVATION DEPICTED ON THE UTILITY PLAN.13.ALL STREET REPAIRS AND PATCHING SHALL BE PERFORMED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY.ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE ESTABLISHED PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MINNESOTA MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MMUTCD) AND THE CITY. THIS SHALL INCLUDE ALL SIGNAGE, BARRICADES, FLASHERS AND FLAGGERS AS NEEDED. ALL PUBLIC STREETS SHALL BE OPEN TO TRAFFIC AT ALL TIMES. NO ROAD CLOSURES SHALL BE PERMITTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED AUTHORITY OF OF THE CITY.14.THE CITY SHALL OPERATE ALL GATE VALVES.15.CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING MANHOLES SHALL BE MADE BY CORE DRILLING THE MANHOLE AT THE PROPOSED INVERT ELEVATIONS AND INSTALLING A RUBBER BOOT. GROUT IN THE BOOT AND AN INVERT FOR THE NEW SEWER LINE.16.PIPE LENGTHS SHOWN ON THE PLAN INCLUDE THE APRON SECTION. 17.WATERMAIN PIPE SHALL BE DIP CLASS 52, INSTALLED WITH 8.0 FEET OF COVER TO TOP PIPE.FITTINGS SHALL BE COMPACT TYPE. PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL HAVE A CEMENT MORTAR LINING.CONDUCTIVITY SHALL BE PROVIDED BY WELDED STRAPS ACROSS EACH JOIN.T 18.TRENCH COMPACTION SHALL BE 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY IN THE AREA FROM THE PIPE ZONE TO WITHIN 3 FEET OF FINISHED GRADE AND 100% IN FINAL 3 FEET OF THE BACKFILL TO FINISH GRADE. UTILITY NOTES STORM SEWER SCHEDULE STRUCTURE NO.CASTING MANHOLE SIZE STMH 1 CBMH 2 48" PRECAST CB 3 27" PRECAST CB 4 CB5R- PROPOSED BUILDING FFE-954.00 1 NM 1 SKH 5 RB 1 SGM 1 SGM 1 BL 2 IH 1 IH 1 NM 2 RB 1 BL 2 IH 4 MJJ 5 GAC 8 SD 4 MJS 1 INH 2 INH 3 LS 3 FG 3 LS 1 INH 16 WPA 1 ML2 1 ML2 2 INH 2 MJS 10 AD 12 GAC 18 SD 1 AD 1 MJJ 7 AD 8 CV 7 AD 1 MJJ 4 AJ 9 BAD 10 FG 10 FG 2 MJJ 12 TY7 INH EDGER TYP. EDGER TYP. RETAINING WALL SEE GRADING PLAN) EDGER TYP. RETAINING WALL SEE GRADING PLAN) ROCK OVER FABRIC TO BE PLACED BETWEEN CURB AND WALL NATIVE SEED MIXTURE STORMWATER MIX) SOD SOD SOD SOD SOD SODSOD NATIVE SEED MIXTURE STORMWATER MIX) NATIVE SEED MIXTURE DECORATIVE BOULDERS SEE LEGEND) DECORATIVE BOULDERS SEE LEGEND) DECORATIVE BOULDERS SEE LEGEND) DECIDUOUS TREES QTY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME CONT SIZE BL 2 BOULEVARD LINDEN Tilia americana `Boulevard`B & B 2.5"Cal IH 5 IMPERIAL HONEYLOCUST Gleditsia triacanthos `Impcole` TM B & B 2.5"Cal NM 2 NORTHWOOD MAPLE Acer rubrum `Northwood`B & B 2.5"Cal RB 7 RIVER BIRCH CLUMP Betula nigra B & B 8` HGT SGM 2 SIENNA GLEN MAPLE Acer freemanii `Sienna Glen`B & B 2.5"Cal SKH 1 SKYLINE HONEYLOCUST Gleditsia triacanthos `Skycole`B & B 2.5"Cal ORNAMENTAL TREES QTY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME CONT SIZE ML2 2 Lollipop Crabapple Malus x `Lollizam` TM 15 gal 1.5"Cal SHRUBS QTY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME MIN CONT MIN SIZE AD 25 ARCTIC FIRE DOGWOOD Cornus sericea `Artic Fire`5 gal 24" HGT CV 8 COMPACT AMERICAN VIBURNUM Viburnum trilobum `Bailey Compact`5 gal 24" HGT GAC 17 GREEN MOUND ALPINE CURRANT Ribes alpinum `Green Mound`5 gal 24" HGT INH 13 INCREDIBALL HYDRANGEA Hydrangea arborescens `Incrediball`5 gal 24" HGT GRASSES QTY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME MIN CONT MIN SIZE FG 23 FEATHER REED GRASS Calamagrostis x acutiflora `Karl Foerster`1 gal CONIFEROUS SHRUBS QTY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME MIN CONT MIN SIZE AJ 4 ANDORRA COMPACT JUNIPER Juniperus horizontalis `Plumosa Compacta`5 gal 18" SPRD MJS 6 MEDORA JUNIPER Juniperus scopulorum `Medora`5 gal 48"HGT MJJ 8 MINT JULEP JUNIPER Juniperus chinensis `Monlep`5 gal 18" SPRD TY 12 TAUNTON YEW Taxus x media `Taunton`5 gal 18" SPRD PERENNIALS QTY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME MIN CONT MIN SIZE BAD 9 BAJA DAYLILY Hemerocallis x `Baja`1 gal LS 6 LITTLE SPIRE RUSSIAN SAGE Perovskia x `Little Spire`1 gal SD 26 STELLA D` ORO DAYLILY Hemerocallis x `Stella de Oro`1 gal WPA 16 WOODS PURPLE ASTER Aster x `Woods Purple`1 gal PLANT SCHEDULE 01/28/20 CITY SUBMITTAL LOUCKS W:\2019\19863\CADD DATA\ LANDSCAPE\_dwg Sheet Files\ L1-1 Landscape PlanPlotted: 01 /28 / 2020 11:4 AM7200 Hemlock Lane, Suite 300 Maple Grove, MN 55369 763.424. 5505 www.loucksinc.com PLANNING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND SURVEYING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL SUBMITTAL/REVISIONS PROFESSIONAL SIGNATURE QUALITY CONTROL CADD files prepared by the Consultant for this project are instruments of the Consultant professional services for use solely with respect to this project. These CADD files shall not be used on other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others without written approval by the Consultant. With the Consultant's approval, others may be permitted to obtain copies of the CADD drawing files for information and reference only. All intentional or unintentional revisions, additions, or deletions to these CADD files shall be made at the full risk of that party making such revisions, additions or deletions and that party shall hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant from any & all responsibilities, claims, and liabilities.CADD QUALIFICATION ROSEMONT MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING 33 SOUTH 6TH STREET, SUITE 4650 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 C2- 1 C3- 1 C3- 2 C3- 3 C4- 1 C8- 1 L1- 1 SITE PLAN GRADING PLAN SWPPP SWPPP NOTES UTILITY PLAN CIVIL DETAILS LANDSCAPE PLAN Review Date SHEET INDEX License No.Date I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Landscape Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Douglas D. Loken - LA 45591 Project Lead Drawn By Checked By Loucks Project No.19863 PJD DDL DDL 01/28/20 SITE PLAN LEGEND SOD DECORATIVE ROCK OVER LANDSCAPE FABRIC NATIVE SEED MIXTURE:MNDOT 33-261 ALL C-DISTRICTS TO HAVE (1) TREE PER 3,000 SF OF LAND AREA.57,250 SF / 3,000 SF = 19.08333)REQUIRED TREES = 19 PROPOSED TREES = 19 10) FOUNDATION PLANTING PER 10 LINEAR FEET OF BUILDING PERIMETER 483 LF / 10 =48.3 REQUIRED SHRUBS = 48 PROPOSED SHRUBS = 93 LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS:EXISTING UTILITIES. THEY SHALL COOPERATE WITH ALL UTILITY COMPANIES IN THE ABOVE WHEN DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AT NO COST TO THE STRUCTURES BEFORE DIGGING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR OR REPLACE WIRES, CABLES, CONDUITS, PIPES, MANHOLES, VALVES OR OTHER BURIED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 651-454-0002 MAINTAINING THEIR SERVICE AND / OR RELOCATION OF LINES.OWNER.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CALLING FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL WARNING: AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE FOR THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UNDERGROUND Gopher State One Call LANDSCAPE PLAN L1- 1 DECORATIVE LIMESTONE BOULDERS SIZE: 30" L X 24" W X 18H" MINIMUM NOTE: COORDINATE W/ ARCHITECT FOR FINAL SELECTIONS.N SCALE IN FEET 0 ####PERENNIAL PLANTING SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0"Perennial.Dwg LOOSEN ROOTS OF PLANT MATERIAL PRIOR MULCH - 3" MIN. DEPTH SEE NOTES OR SPECS. EDGER - SEE NOTES OR SPECS.12" DEPTH ( MIN). LOAM PLANTING SOIL - SEE NOTES OR SPECS.VARIES SEE PLAN TO PLANTING EDGE VARIES - SEE PLAN 4 L1-1 REFER TO PLAN 18" MIN.SCALE: 3/4" = 1'- 0"SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL SHRUBS TO BE PLACED SO THAT TOP OF CONTAINER SITS FLUSH WITH PROPOSED GRADE.MULCH - 3" DEPTH - SEE NOTES OR SPEC.LANDSCAPE FABRIC - SEE NOTES OR SPEC.EDGING MATERIAL - SEE NOTES OR SPEC.EDGE VARIES - REFER TO PLAN PLANTING SOIL - SEE NOTES OR SPEC. LOOSEN ROOTS OF ALL CONTAINERIZED PLANTS.SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING BUILDING WALL (TYP)3 L1-1 CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT SITE PRIOR TO SUBMITTING BID. HE SHALL INSPECT SITE AND BECOME FAMILIAR WITH EXISTING CONDITIONS RELATING TO THE NATURE AND SCOPE OF WORK.VERIFY LAYOUT AND ANY DIMENSIONS SHOWN AND BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ANY DISCREPANCIES WHICH MAY COMPROMISE THE DESIGN AND/OR INTENT OF THE PROJECT'S LAYOUT.ASSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE WORK OR MATERIALS SUPPLIED.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT ALL EXISTING ROADS, CURBS/GUTTERS, TRAILS,TREES, LAWNS AND SITE ELEMENTS DURING PLANTING OPERATIONS. ANY DAMAGE TO SAME SHALL BE REPAIRED AT NO COST TO THE OWNER.CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALIGNMENT AND LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND AND ABOVE GRADE UTILITIES AND PROVIDE THE NECESSARY PROTECTION FOR SAME BEFORE CONSTRUCTION / MATERIAL INSTALLATION BEGINS.ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHALL BE LAID SO THAT TRENCHES DO NOT CUT THROUGH ROOT SYSTEMS OF ANY EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN. EXISTING CONTOURS, TRAILS, VEGETATION, CURB/GUTTER AND OTHER EXISTING ELEMENTS BASED UPON INFORMATION SUPPLIED TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BY OTHERS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ANY AND ALL DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF SAME.THE ALIGNMENT AND GRADES OF THE PROPOSED WALKS, TRAILS AND/OR ROADWAYS ARE SUBJECT TO FIELD ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED TO CONFORM TO LOCALIZED TOPOGRAPHIC CONDITIONS AND TO MINIMIZE TREE REMOVAL AND GRADING. ANY CHANGE IN ALIGNMENT MUST BE APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT.LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION:COORDINATE THE PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION AND PLANTING INSTALLATION WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS WORKING ON SITE.NO PLANTING WILL BE INSTALLED UNTIL COMPLETE GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA.WHERE SOD/ SEED ABUTS PAVED SURFACES, FINISHED GRADE OF SOD/SEED SHALL BE HELD 1" BELOW SURFACE ELEVATION OF TRAIL,SLAB, CURB, ETC.SEED ALL AREAS DISTURBED DUE TO GRADING OTHER THAN THOSE AREAS NOTED TO RECEIVE SOD. SEED SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MULCHED AS PER MNDOT SPECS.SOD ALL DESIGNATED AREAS DISTURBED DUE TO GRADING. SOD SHALL BE LAID PARALLEL TO THE CONTOURS AND SHALL HAVE STAGGERED JOINTS. ON SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 OR IN DRAINAGE SWALES, THE SOD SHALL BE STAKED TO THE GROUND. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, ALL SHRUBS SHALL HAVE AT LEAST 5 CANES AT THE SPECIFIED MINIMUM SHRUB HEIGHT OR WIDTH. ORNAMENTAL TREES SHALL HAVE NO V CROTCHES AND SHALL BEGIN BRANCHING NO LOWER THAN 3' ABOVE ROOT BALL. STREET AND BOULEVARD TREES SHALL BEGIN BRANCHING NO LOWER THAN 5'ABOVE FINISHED GRADE.ANY CONIFEROUS TREE PREVIOUSLY PRUNED FOR CHRISTMAS TREE SALES SHALL NOT BE USED. ALL CONIFEROUS TREES SHALL BE FULL FORM, NATURAL TO THE SPECIES, WITHOUT PRUNING.PLAN TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER PLANT SCHEDULE IF DISCREPANCIES IN QUANTITIES EXIST. SPECIFICATIONS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER NOTES.NO PLANT MATERIAL SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS APPROVAL IS REQUESTED OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BY THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO THE SUBMISSION OF A BID AND/OR QUOTATION.ALL PROPOSED PLANTS SHALL BE LOCATED AND STAKED AS SHOWN ON PLAN. ADJUSTMENTS IN LOCATION OF PROPOSED PLANT MATERIALS MAY BE NEEDED IN FIELD. SHOULD AN ADJUSTMENT BE ADVISED, THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST BE NOTIFIED.ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE FERTILIZED UPON INSTALLATION WITH A 27-3-3 SLOW RELEASE FERTILIZER MIXED IN WITH THE PLANTING SOIL PER THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. PLANTS MAY BE TREATED FOR SUMMER AND FALL INSTALLATION WITH AN APPLICATION OF GRANULAR 27-3-3 AT 6 OZ PER 2.5" CALIPER PER TREE AND 3 OZ PER SHRUB WITH AN ADDITIONAL APPLICATION OF 27-3-3 THE FOLLOWING SPRING IN THE TREE SAUCER.ALL PLANTING AREAS RECEIVING GROUND COVER, PERENNIALS,ANNUALS, AND/OR VINES SHALL RECEIVE A MINIMUM OF 12" DEPTH OF PLANTING SOIL CONSISTING OF AT LEAST 45 PARTS TOPSOIL, 45 PARTS PEAT OR MANURE AND 10 PARTS SAND.ALL PLANTS TO BE INSTALLED AS PER PLANTING DETAILS. REMOVE ALL FLAGGING AND LABELS FROM PLANTS.WRAPPING MATERIAL SHALL BE CORRUGATED PVC PIPING 1" GREATER IN CALIPER THAN THE TREE BEING PROTECTED OR QUALITY, HEAVY,WATERPROOF CREPE PAPER MANUFACTURED FOR THIS PURPOSE.WRAP ALL DECIDUOUS TREES PLANTED IN THE FALL PRIOR TO 12- 1 AND REMOVE ALL WRAPPING AFTER 5-1.BLACK METAL EDGER TO BE USED TO CONTAIN SHRUBS, PERENNIALS,AND ANNUALS WHERE BED MEETS SOD/SEED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL PERENNIAL PLANTING BEDS TO RECEIVE 3" DEEP SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH (SEE LEGEND) WITH WEED BARRIER. NO BARRIER WITHIN 1' OF PLANTING FOR GROWTH.ALL SHRUB BED MASSINGS TO RECEIVE 3" DEEP DECORATIVE ROCK ( SEE LEGEND) AND FIBER MAT WEED BARRIER.ALL TREES NOT IN PLANTING BEDS TO RECEIVE 4" DEEP SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH RING WITH NO MULCH IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH TREE TRUNK.SPREAD GRANULAR PRE EMERGENT HERBICIDE (PREEN OR EQUAL) PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS UNDER ALL MULCHED AREAS.MAINTENANCE STRIPS TO HAVE EDGER AND MULCH AS SPECIFIED/INDICATED ON DRAWING OR IN SPECIFICATION. IF THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS CONCERNED OR PERCEIVES ANY DEFICIENCIES IN THE PLANT SELECTIONS, SOIL CONDITIONS OR ANY OTHER SITE CONDITION WHICH MIGHT NEGATIVELY AFFECT PLANT ESTABLISHMENT, SURVIVAL OR GUARANTEE, HE MUST BRING THESE DEFICIENCIES TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO PROCUREMENT AND/ OR INSTALLATION.CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A WRITTEN REQUEST FOR THE OWNER ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION OF ALL LANDSCAPE AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ON-GOING MAINTENANCE OF ALL NEWLY INSTALLED MATERIALS UNTIL TIME OF OWNER ACCEPTANCE.ANY ACTS OF VANDALISM OR DAMAGE WHICH MAY OCCUR PRIOR TO OWNER ACCEPTANCE SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH A MAINTENANCE PROGRAM INCLUDING, BUT NOT NECESSARILY LIMITED TO, PRUNING, FERTILIZATION AND DISEASE/ PEST CONTROL.CONTRACTOR SHALL GUARANTEE NEW PLANT MATERIAL THROUGH ONE CALENDAR YEAR FROM THE DATE OF OWNER ACCEPTANCE. WARRANTY (ONE FULL GROWING SEASON) FOR LANDSCAPE MATERIALS SHALL BEGIN ON THE DATE OF ACCEPTANCE BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AFTER THE COMPLETION OF PLANTING OF ALL LANDSCAPE MATERIALS. NO PARTIAL ACCEPTANCE WILL BE CONSIDERED.UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE THE APPROPRIATE DATES FOR SPRING PLANT MATERIAL INSTALLATION AND SEED/SOD PLACEMENT IS FROM THE TIME GROUND HAS THAWED TO JUNE 15.FALL SODDING IS GENERALLY ACCEPTABLE FROM AUGUST 15 -NOVEMBER 1. FALL SEEDING FROM AUGUST 15 - SEPTEMBER 15; DORMANT SEEDING IN THE FALL SHALL NOT OCCUR PRIOR TO NOVEMBER 1. FALL CONIFEROUS PLANTING MAY OCCUR FROM AUGUST 15 - OCTOBER 1 AND DECIDUOUS PLANTING FROM THE FIRST FROST UNTIL NOVEMBER 15. PLANTING OUTSIDE THESE DATES IS NOT RECOMMENDED. ANY ADJUSTMENT MUST BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT.LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL ESTABLISH TO HIS SATISFACTION THAT SOIL AND COMPACTION CONDITIONS ARE ADEQUATE TO ALLOW FOR PROPER DRAINAGE AT AND AROUND THE BUILDING SITE.Deciduous Tree.DWGDECIDUOUSTREEPLANTINGDETAIL SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"2x ROOT BALL WIDTH CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TESTINGPERCOLATION RATES PRIOR TO PLANTING.NOTIFYLANDSCAPEARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY IFPOOR DRAINAGE EXISTS. SET PLANT ON UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIORTO PLANTING EDGE VARIES - SEE PLAN WOOD STAKE (OPTIONAL)MULCH - 4" DEEP. NO MULCH IN CONTACT WITH TRUNK - SEE NOTES OR SPECS. ROOT FLARE EVEN WITH OR JUST ABOVE GRADE.SAFETY FLAGGING - ONEPERWIRETREEWRAPTOFIRSTBRANCH 16"x2" POLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE STRAPWATERTREETHOROUGHLYDURINGPLANTINGOPERATIONS. PLACE BACKFILL IN 8-12" LIFTS AND SATURATE SOILWITHWATER. DO NOT COMPACTMORE THAN NECESSARY TOMAINTAINPLUMB.CUT BACK WIRE BASKET PRUNE DAMAGED AND CROSSING BRANCHESAFTER PLANTINGISCOMPLETE.THE CONTRACTOR ISRESPONSIBLEFORMAINTAININGALLTREESINAPLUMB POSITION THROUGH THE WARRANTY PERIOD. STAKING ISSUGGESTED, BUT NOT REQUIRED. ANY STAKINGMUST CONFORM WITH PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN A.N.A. GUIDELINES FOR STANDARD PRACTICES BACKFILL WITH IN SITU TOPSOIL 1 L1- 1 Coniferous Tree.DWG CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL SCALE: 1/2" = 1'- 0"2 x ROOT BALL WIDTH THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING ALL TREES IN A PLUMB POSITION THROUGH THE WARRANTY PERIOD. STAKING IS SUGGESTED, BUT NOT REQUIRED. ANY STAKING MUST CONFORM WITH PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN A.N.A. GUIDELINES FOR STANDARD PRACTICES.PRUNE ANY DAMAGED BRANCHES AFTER PLANTING IS COMPLETE.16" x2" POLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE STRAP SAFETY FLAGGING - ONE PER WIRE BACKFILL WITH IN SITU TOPSOIL WOOD STAKE (OPTIONAL) EDGE VARIES - SEE PLAN CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TESTING PERCOLATION RATES PRIOR TO PLANTING.NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY IF POOR DRAINAGE EXISTS.ROOT BALL SET ON UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING WATER TREE THOROUGHLY DURING PLANTING OPERATIONS. PLACE BACKFILL IN 8-12" LIFTS AND SATURATE SOIL WITH WATER. DO NOT COMPACT MORE THAN NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN PLUMB. MULCH - 4" DEEP - SEE NOTES OR SPECS. MULCH MUST NOT BE IN CONTACT WITH TRUNK.2 L1- 1 VERIFY EXISTING/PROPOSED IRRIGATION SYSTEM LAYOUT AND CONFIRM COMPLETE LIMITS OF IRRIGATION PRIOR TO SUPPLYING SHOP DRAWINGS.LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AN IRRIGATION LAYOUT PLAN AND SPECIFICATION AS A PART OF THE SCOPE OF WORK WHEN BIDDING. THESE SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ORDER AND/OR INSTALLATION. IT SHALL BE THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO INSURE THAT ALL SODDED/SEEDED AND PLANTED AREAS ARE IRRIGATED PROPERLY, INCLUDING THOSE AREAS DIRECTLY AROUND AND ABUTTING BUILDING FOUNDATION.THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH AN IRRIGATION SCHEDULE APPROPRIATE TO THE PROJECT SITE CONDITIONS AND TO PLANT MATERIAL GROWTH REQUIREMENTS. IRRIGATION SYSTEM IS NOT TO SPRINKLE ACROSS PAVEMENT. THE SYSTEM SHALL INCORPORATE A RAIN SENSOR INTO IRRIGATION SYSTEM. PLANTINGS OUTSIDE THE LIMITS MEMORANDUM To: Eric Van Oss, Economic Development Coordinator CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Stacy Bodsberg, Planning & Personnel Secretary Brian Erickson, Director of Public Works/City Engineer From: Stephanie Smith, Assistant City Engineer Date: February 26, 2020 Subject: Rosemount Professional Building Site Plan - Engineering Review SUBMITTAL The plans for Emerald Isle have been prepared by James R. Hill, Inc. Engineering review comments were generated from the following preliminary documents included in the submittal: ▫ Existing Conditions Survey (dated 12/13/2019) ▫ Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (dated 1/28/2020) ▫ Grading Plan (dated 1/28/2020) ▫ Site Plan (dated 1/28/2020) ▫ Utility Plan (dated 1/28/2020) ▫ Stormwater Report (dated 1/27/2020) GENERAL COMMENTS 1. A stormwater ponding fee of $3,820/acre is due with the site plan agreement (1.31 acre site * $3,820/acre = $5,004.20). This fee is associated with the use of the regional stormwater pond to meet water quality and quantity requirements. 2. Plans shall be signed by an engineer licensed in the state of Minnesota. 3. The applicant has requested a drainage and utility easement vacation. New perimeter drainage and utility easement shall then be requested or shall remain in place. 4. Drainage and utility easement shall be granted over the infiltration basins with the maintenance agreement. 5. Permits are required for work in the right-of-way. 6. The developer is required to obtain a grading permit from the City prior to construction grading activity if earthwork on site is greater than 50 cubic yards. SITE COMMENTS The site will have two access points: one shared, existing drive onto Chippendale Avenue and one driveway to Carousel Way. Two retaining walls are proposed on this site. One retaining wall is located at the northeast corner and is approximately 2 feet tall and 100 feet long. The second wall is located between the parking lot and the southern infiltration basin. It is approximately 2 feet tall and 180 feet long. 7. The driveway entrance onto Carousel Way shall be constructed in accordance with City of Rosemount Standard Detail Plate ST-6. 8. Retaining walls shall be located outside drainage and utility easements. 9. MnDOT standard detail plates for ADA pedestrian ramps shall be included in the plan set. WATER AND SANITARY SEWER Applicant has proposed tapping new services into the water and sanitary sewer lines on Carousel Way. 10. Applicant shall remove unused utility service stubs to the mains on Carousel Way. 11. Watermain connection shall be wet tapped. STORMWATER This site has an existing stormwater stub to the City’s storm system within Chippendale Avenue. This stub is intended to provide conveyance to the regional storm pond where the quality and volume requirements will be met. The applicant proposes to meet the City’s rate requirements by constructing infiltration basins on their site. 12. Stormwater features and pipe on this site shall be privately owned and maintained. 13. The applicant shall enter into a Stormwater Management Agreement with the City to be recorded against the property. The agreement shall detail the applicant’s inspection and maintenance responsibilities for their stormwater BMPs. 14. Upon completion of the infiltration basin, the applicant’s engineer shall submit infiltrometer testing to certify the functionality of the basin as modeled. 15. Pretreatment is required prior to the basins, therefore the proposed concrete spillways will not be allowed. The City’s stormwater consultant reviewed the submittal and their comments are listed below. The full memorandum is attached. 16. A NPDES permit will be required prior to the start of construction. 17. An operations and maintenance agreement will need to be submitted for review. 18. The location and elevation of the emergency overflow from the proposed basins should be added to the plans. 19. The location and elevation for the emergency overflow for CB 3 should be added to the plans. 20. The basin side slopes shall be graded to 4:1 per the City’s Engineering Guidelines. 21. The bottom elevation and HWL (excluding infiltration in the model) should be added to the plans. 22. Rational method storm sewer calculations and a catch basin drainage area map for all proposed storm sewer should be submitted for review to confirm the storm sewer is being sized for a 10-year storm event. This should include any offsite drainage draining to the catch basins/inlets. 23. It is recommended all storm sewer below the parking lot be RCP and minimum 15” diameter per the City’s Engineering Guidelines. 24. It is recommended CBMH 2 be moved to the curb to avoid needing an area drain. 25. A 0.1-foot drop should be added at each storm structure where possible. 26. City standard detail plates should be used where applicable. 27. Infiltration BMPs should not be located within 10 ft of the building footprint per Building Code requirements. Revise North Infiltration Basin accordingly. 28. Due to the site being located within a high vulnerability Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA) the City will require filtration prior to infiltration of impervious surfaces. This can be done by amending the top 18” of the infiltration basin with a MPCA Bioretention Soil Mix B and installing without an underdrain. 29. Discharge into the existing storm sewer on Chippendale Avenue will be limited to 2.14 cfs for the 10-year event due to capacity restrictions in the existing storm sewer along Chippendale Avenue. 30. Offsite drainage from the northeast should be included in the existing and proposed conditions HydroCAD models. 31. The proposed conditions modeling needs to be run without infiltration to establish the 100-year high water level per the City’s Engineering Guidelines. 32. Once HWL has been established, applicant should confirm the City’s freeboard requirements are being met. 33. At least 1.5 feet of freeboard is required between the EOF elevation and the adjacent building’s low opening for all area drains. It is unclear if this requirement is being met with respect to CB 3 since the EOF for the area drain has not been identified on the plans. 34. Pretreatment will be required prior to discharge into infiltration basin. Suggest collect storm from parking lot into CBs and adding a Sump/Grit Chamber prior to discharge into the infiltration basin. 35. Applicant should confirm all proposed stormwater management features are covered under a drainage and utility easement. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above, please contact me at 651-322-2015. Attached: WSB Memorandum RE: Rosemount Professional Building Plan Review dated February 7, 2020