HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01-27-20PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION January 27, 2020 Regular Meeting Members Present: Maureen Bartz, Barb Farrell, Michael Eliason, Jim Young, David Speich, Lincoln Tilson, Craig Nelson & Scott McDonald Members Absent: Bryan Feldhaus Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation Michelle Rambo, Recording Secretary Others Present: Mike McMenomy 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None APPROVE MEETING MINUTES: November 25, 2019 Approved by: Farrell, Second by: Young Ayes: 8 Nays: 0 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None 5. DISCUSSION: Mike McMenomy discussed his concern over the extension of Autumn Path. 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. Update on 2019/2020 Projects — Director Schultz discussed the many projects from 2019 that will be wrapping up Spring 2020 and talked about the new projects starting in 2020. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. 2020 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Dates - The Parks and Recreation Commission is scheduled to have our regular meetings on the fourth Monday of each month. In 2020, there are a few conflicts that staff has identified on our regular meeting dates. The conflicts are listed below with a proposed reschedule date: 4th Monday Conflict Proposed Meeting date March 23, 2020 Spring Break ISD 196 March 16, 2020 May 25, 2020 Memorial Day May 18, 2020 MOTION by Farrell to approve adjusting regular meeting schedule with changes proposed. SECOND by Young Ayes: 8 Nays: 0 Motion passed. b. Director's Report Park Improvement Fund Balance as of December 31, 2019: $1,734,836.17 Inflows to the Park Improvement Fund last month were as follows: Dedication fees — $20,910.00 Grants/Other - $0 Interest - $5044.16 Donations - $0 Expenditures - $15,0423.31 (Horseshoe Lake Park and Carroll's Woods Restoration) Special Note - $612,800 in fees have been collected in January of 2020 as of 1/22/20 we have a Parks Dedication total of $2,347,636.17 8. ADJOURNMENT - MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Young Ayes: 8 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Michelle Rambo, Recording Secretary