HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200312 SWS Packet AGENDA City Council Special Work Session Thursday, March 12, 4pm at the Rosemount Steeple Center 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. 2020 Goal Setting a. Review of 2019 Accomplishments (4p – 5p) b. Goal #1 – Grow the Organization (5p – 5:45p) c. DINNER (5:45pm) d. Goal #3 – Grow Rosemount (6p – 7:45p) e. Goal #2 – Engage the Public (7:45p – 8:30p) f. Discuss Reactions from Process and Summarize (8:30p – 9p) 3. ADJOURNMENT 2019 Accomplishments & Projects In order to prepare the Council for the upcoming goals discussion and the City Administrator’s annual review, please find below a list of projects, accomplishments, and progress made on initiatives throughout 2019. The projects are categorized by department for ease of review. Administration / Finance • Completed additional modifications within Finance Department to increase effectiveness (transitioned Utility Clerk position to an Accountant level position after a retirement). • Digitized and transformed numerous outdated processes (timecards, expense reports, reimbursement requests, HR filing systems, elections processes, and more). • Continued focus on social media messaging, including the addition of Nextdoor to platform. • Implementation of the “Rosemount Report” monthly video series to share messaging and updates. • Improved the format of “Coffee with the Council” to transition to “Council Out and About”, which has been much more successful. • Near final implementation of expanded OpenGov tool to increase transparency / budgeting; also includes the “Stories” module that will increase messaging efforts • Implemented first ever budget infographic to easily digest the 2020 Budget and expenditures. • Ongoing work with architect / internal committee on investigation for PD / PW campus, with progress currently ongoing toward land acquisition. • Successful negotiations with all 4 labor unions for new two-year contracts. • Developed Parental Leave Policy, becoming 1st city in County to offer benefit. • Completed final implementation of Partners in Energy program (serving as staff liaison for program) • Continued focus on employee wellness and training events (computer classes, mindfulness, healthy eating, work-life balance, etc.) o Hosting internal Rosemount Leadership Academy from Feb. to April (30 staff) • Re-instituted the Commissioner Appreciation Dinner and the Volunteer Recognition event • Successful negotiation of 2020 health insurance rates to achieve a 1.7% increase • Completed 2020 Budget and CIP Parks and Recreation • Significant work with architects, stakeholders, and Council on Indoor Rec Facility Needs Study. o Land acquisition, engineering, partnership negotiations all underway, with groundbreaking anticipated in 2020. • Hosted another highly praised Food Truck Festival with many improvements from 2018. • Completed the expansion and redevelopment of the Family Resource Center facility. • Completion of add’l fields at Flint Hills Athletic complex • Leadership of subcommittee addressing long-term volunteering needs / engagement options • Receipt of $377,000 from ELF County Grant program, offsetting significant City costs • Finalized donation discussion and project assistance with the Hope Fieldhouse team. • Completed update of City’s Parks Master Plan, along with design of regional Greenways. • Completed upgrades at Schwarz Pond Park to be City’s first-ever nature-based playground. • Horseshoe Lake Park completed, new equipment at Winds Park, Implemented buckthorn removal plan at Carroll’s Woods and the design of Skate Park upgrades. • Increased revenue from rentals & events at the RCC by 29%. Community Development • Significant work with U of MN and Newland Communities on Vermillion Crossing, including engagement with U on a revised project / RFP. • Hiring and on-boarding of new ED Spec., with many initial successes and new initiatives. o Re-invigorated Business Visit Program, creation of monthly Business Bulletin, creation of an ED-centric data driven website (rolled out soon), and participation on many important partner organizations (work force board, etc.). • Significant work with developer on Downtown Redevelopment project, a $25 million infusion of market-rate housing and retail on a dilapidated and underutilized site. • Collaborate with State partners to respond to multiple requests from site selectors for large scale projects o Significant work continues on Project Tundra, with multiple site visits and meetings with development team. Also pursuing innovative effluent reuse opportunity with Met Council and partners to support the recruitment of this user. • Finalized the land-sale and development process on City-owned land at Canada Circle. • Hosted improved Home & Business Expo to support local businesses and encourage residential reinvestment, with all booths sold and improved attendance. • Partner with Xcel on Shovel Ready program; enrolling three sites into their program • Continued work with Retail Strategies (marketing, surveying, mapping) and pursued opportunities with their team • Completion of 2040 Comp Plan, including stakeholder and resident outreach • Issued 4069 permits for new construction or renovation; a 10% increase over 2018 resulting in total construction value of $90,278,793. • Processed 55 planning applications including residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional approvals. • In total, 333 lots received preliminary plat approval and 336 lots received final plat approval. • Initiated on-line permitting for various building permit applications, streamlining processes and providing improved customer service. • Provided fire safety education seminars to several multi-family residents within the community Public Works / Engineering • Completed Hwy 42/55 interchange project in partnership with Dakota County & MnDOT. • Completed Bonaire Path improvement project, with continued work on final implementation of Quiet Zone (at State Bonding Dollars associated with that). • Led departmental hiring processes to add Assistant City Engineer and Stormwater Specialist, limiting the amount of consultant hours required. • Partnered with Youth Commission to complete a “Paint the Plow” engagement effort. • Preparing initial design packages for future roadway construction projects (Connemara, Biscayne, Autumn.) to be prepared to move swiftly when projects materialize • Completed interior and exterior coating of Chippendale Water Tower • Evaluate efficiency of Enterprise and MN State vehicle lease program. • Completed Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer, Comprehensive Water Supply and Comprehensive Surface Water Management Plans • Improved communication and enforcement of erosion and sediment control on construction sites. • Received MCES water efficiency grant for residents desiring to upgrade water using appliances • Received MDH grant for improving well head communications in preparation for ‘smart well’ technology. Police / Fire • Completed hiring and onboarding of new Police Chief, including extensive internal process with one-on-one interviews to ensure the staff’s perspectives were heard within hiring process. • Filled the vacated Commander position internally, ensuring that morale remains of utmost focus throughout. • Continued community policing activities including Night to Unite, Shop with a Cop, Public Safety in the Park, Kicks for Kids, Teen Academy, Citizens Academy, Safety Camp, Kid’s Dance at Leprechaun Days, mock car crash, senior safety talks, Ballin’ in DC charity basketball tournament, Warrior 196 run, Cops for Kopp run, South Metro Polar Plunge, Special Olympics Torch Run. • Introduced three new programs to raise money and/or resources for the community. The “Movember” facial hair contest raised money for the American Cancer Society, the foster care drive in November gathered essentials to donate to Dakota County Child Protection for juveniles transitioning to foster care, and a partnership with the “HEART” program helped provide various items to families in need throughout the year. • Continued leading the charge in Minnesota for the “Pink Patch Project.” This included mentoring and consulting to help several other agencies start their programs; agencies mentored included the Dakota County Sheriff’s Office and the police departments of Hastings, Farmington, Crosby, Cottage Grove, Savage, and St. Louis Park. • Evaluated/researched body worn camera (BWC) systems and revised the policy that will lead to the incorporation of Axon BWC’s. • Partnered with 360s Communities to have a sexual and domestic assault advocate (and her therapy dog Ranger!) office in the police department about once a week to assist officers with follow-up and resources for victims. • Researched and designed a new police badge to uniquely represent the history of the Rosemount community. • Fire Department instituted a newsletter to both increase communication with Council and improve connections / awareness of initiatives throughout the Department • Hosted 2nd annual Police vs. Fire charity hockey game for increased community engagement. • Hosted 1st annual Toys for Tots drive at Fire Station 1. • Worked with Fire Relief Association to restructure Firefighter Pay and Relief benefits, supporting retention and recruitment of our volunteer department. • Introduced “Kicks for Kids” program to provide shoes to kids in need via a partnership with local athletic association • Continued implementation of the “Pink Patch Project”, including mentorship of the city of Hastings on the start of their program. City Goals 2019 – 2020 Each year the Rosemount City Council meets in sessions dedicated to discussion of long-term issues of significance to the community and to set a vision. The discussion results in the adoption of explicit goals that guide the work of City staff and the Council itself to prioritize work flow, budgeting decisions, and objectives. The City Council adopted its 2019 - 2020 goals in April. Grow Rosemount – Encourage Business Growth and Address Public Amenity Needs AGGRESSIVELY pursue retail and commercial opportunities in existing and future development areas. CONTINUE partnership with third party retail marketer to increase successes in business attraction efforts. EXPAND housing, business, and employment opportunities City-wide, with emphasis on commencing Phase 1 at UMore Park, as well as opportunities in the Business Park. FINALIZE assessment of the community’s recreational amenity needs and pursue projects accordingly, including the completion of previously scheduled park improvements. RESPOND to and consider implementation of the Municipal Facility Needs Assessment for future public facility needs. Engage the Public – Increase Civic Engagement Initiatives ENHANCE the City’s marketing and social media efforts, including consideration of branding strategies to better promote and engage all stakeholders with accurate information. EXPAND upon existing engagement efforts (OpenGov, social media, etc.) and pursue additional technologies and best practices. INTRODUCE new opportunities to engage with all residents, including monthly Council open houses and other “pop-up” outreach efforts. OUTREACH to neighborhood associations, faith groups, and other opinion leaders to ensure City communications / strategies remain relevant. Develop the Organization – Attract, Retain, and Grow Employees BUILD a highly skilled workforce by providing professional development and training opportunities to staff. UTILIZE technology and partnerships to improve efficiencies and workloads. COMPLETE annual employee reviews to include discussions of employee growth and development goals. PURSUE succession planning and positional mentorship across all departments, specifically in areas of expected change. Projects and Initiatives, 2019 – 2020 Grow Rosemount A. Complete the hiring of an Economic Development Specialist to increase local development opportunities, including marketing, business outreach, and pursuit of end-users in line with the needs of the local market. (June 2019) B. Continue to foster relationship with Retail Strategies and complete rollout of Rosemount specific recruitment website with Retail Strategies. C. Assist Newland Communities in initial construction activities for UMore Phase 1. (Fall 2019) D. Complete final stages of the Indoor Recreation Amenities study and provide direction on next steps, including financial analysis of options. (June 2019) E. Actively work with Opus to promote, pursue, and support projects at Flintlock 52 Business Park; work with Xcel & University of MN to market shovel ready industrial lands. F. Initiate downtown redevelopment project; consider City involvement in project. (Fall 2019) G. Work with Port Authority to consider creation of economic development loan program. H. Engage with developer to support execution of hotel project within community. I. Continue discussions with ISD 196 on development of land for future schools (include Park & Rec in discussions for future park planning). J. Complete final items at Flint Hills Fields, including consideration of concession stand, the lighting of 1 field, a maintenance facility, and partnership with County on trailhead options. Also complete planned park projects, including Caramore Crossing and equipment upgrades. (Winter 2019) K. Complete land transfer of excess National Guard property on Biscayne Ave. for potential future municipal use. (2019-2020 Legislative Session) Engage the Public A. Adopt “Social Media Policy” to address engagement / messaging best practices and standards for appropriate conduct. (Summer 2019) B. Develop a marketing / engagement plan discussing how to utilize all mediums (Nextdoor, Facebook, Twitter, Polco) to best tell the City’s story. (Summer 2019) C. Investigate creation of a volunteer engagement support structure / committee, in coordination with the existing Volunteer Coordinator and non-profits, to leverage volunteerism communitywide. D. Hold monthly opportunities for residents to engage Council (Coffee events, park pop-up open houses, etc.) E. Host annual Home Expo, Food Truck Festival, additional concerts/movies in the parks, and improvements to the Farmer’s Market. F. Create monthly “Rosemount Report” video to inform public of current events and upcoming City projects or actions. G. Implement OpenGov 2.0, including updated dashboard and visualizations of results for resident consumption; consider OpenGov budgeting tools. (Fall 2019) H. Pursue establishment of a “Technology Task Force” to ensure the City is pursuing modernization and advanced utilization of technology throughout the community. (Fall 2019) Develop the Organization A. Host “Rosemount Leadership Academy”, grooming the next generation of leaders internally. (Fall 2019) B. Pursue internal and external training opportunities for staff at all levels, including tuition reimbursement, internal leadership training, and options via professional associations. C. Understand employee developmental needs via performance appraisal discussions. D. Investigate options and begin development of an internal succession plan to prepare for key retirements in future years. (Winter 2019) E. Continue advanced implementation of efficiency measures within Laserfiche and other software programs.