HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Annual Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Port Authority Meeting: April 21, 2020 AGENDA ITEM: Annual Report AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Eric Van Oss, Economic Development Coordinator AGENDA NO. 5.b. ATTACHMENTS: End of year Financials. APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Information Item SUMMARY The annual Port Authority report highlights a list of projects, accomplishments, and progress made on initiatives between April 2019 and April 2020. The project type is categorized by activity for ease of review. As shown below, the last year was very active and a number of important projects were accomplished. Staff appreciates the leadership and direction received from the Port Authority throughout the past year. New Development Permit Activity: The City issued 4069 permits for new construction or renovation; a 10% increase over 2018 resulting in total construction value of $90,278,793. APPRO Development: New spec industrial space is slated has begun construction this summer. Appro Development started building the first structure, an 18,000 square foot industrial spec facility. As tenants are lined up, construction work will continue on the additional seven spec facilities of similar size. Canada Circle: The City finalized the land-sale and development process on City-owned land at Canada Circle. This project broke ground in summer of 2019 and a certificate of occupancy was approved in fall 2019. The building will serve as the new headquarters for CA Gear. Carrousel Way Medical: Davis Construction submitted an application for approval of a 12,000 square foot multi-tenant medical office building. The plans were approved by the Planning Commission in February. The main tenant will be Lorenz Clinic of Family Psychiatry. Construction scheduled for spring of 2020. Car Condos: Construction on the first of three buildings will offer nearly 80 “luxury” private garage condos in the Rosemount Business Park. A community clubhouse will have a kitchen, fireplace, deck and restrooms. The timeline for construction will be updated post-COVID-19. Communities 360: Communities 360 completed an expansion of their existing facility. The new space opened in February and includes more office and meeting space. 2 Frana Expansion: Frana Companies undertook a major expansion of their Rosemount facility last summer. The Morrison: The Morrison project represented a significant change to Downtown Rosemount. Staff worked with Ron Clark Construction on the Downtown Redevelopment project, a $25 million infusion of 124 units of market-rate housing and retail on a dilapidated and underutilized site. Construction is anticipated to begin in May. Multi-tenant Retail: A new multi-tenant space was constructed summer of 2019. Openings for Jersey Mike’s and Sport Clips occurred in September. Construction has begun on the third tenant space, Noodles, but a completion date is not known at this time. Udder Tech: Udder Tech relocated from Lakeville to the Rosemount Business Park. They now have six employees and a full warehouse. The facility in Rosemount handles shipping, sales and accounting. The Wexford: Ron Clark began construction on a 49-unit affordable apartment complex on Chippendale. Site Development Throughout 2019 major steps were taken to market and attract development for larger industrial and commercial sites in Rosemount. Staff formed a strong partnership with Xcel Energy to certify sites in a Shovel Ready program. The following three sites were enrolled into their program: • 160 acres controlled by the OPUS Group adjacent to County Road 42. This site would be ideal for a large industrial user. • 300 Acres in UMore Park adjacent to County Road 42 and less than one mile from the Highway 52 interchange. This site is also suited for larger industrial users. • 145 acres in the Rosemont Business Park of which 52 acres is designated DEED Shovel Ready. This site is suited for industrial, distribution, or office uses. Project Tundra: Work continues on Project Tundra, with multiple site visits and meetings with development team. The City is also pursuing innovative effluent reuse opportunity with Met Council and partners to support the recruitment of this user. The Mayor and staff worked with local legislators to obtain financing of an engineering study for the effluent reuse project. Akron Avenue: The intersection of Akron Avenue and County Road 42 has approximately 50 acres of land available for new commercial development. Part of this site will be allocated for the new Indoor Recreation Center. Staff has been aggressively marketing the Akron Corridor to commercial developers and retail tenants. The addition of the Rec Center, and expanded residential base in the area, will continue to increase the appeal to commercial developers. Warren’s property: Warren Israelson is compiling his application to move forward with phase one of his mixed-use concept, beginning with residential development. Staff has been working with Mr. Israelson to develop the concept and aid in finding partners to develop the hotel portion of the site. Staff connected with several hotel development and finance groups regarding the future development of this site. New Business Openings: CA Gear Domino’s Fusion Asian Food 3 Heather Ann Photography Jersey Mike’s The Meeting Pointe Noodles Park Dental Pellicci’s Hardware Store Sport Clips Udder Tech Work Force and Business Assistance: Staff restarted Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) business visits in 2019. Staff conducted visits throughout fall and winter 2019 with large and small business in Rosemount. Notable business visits included: Frana Companies, Sweet Harvest, Proto Labs, and Akona. Staff collected data from each visit including growth plans, number of employees, and thoughts on the local business climate. Companies expressed they were pleased with the local business climate and City operations in Rosemount. Challenges included hiring and workforce issues, namely shortages of qualified employees and affordable housing in Dakota County. Staff joined the Dakota Scott County Workforce Development Business Services Committee. This board meets monthly and focuses on hiring and training in the county. Through the Committee staff was able to link Rosemount area employers to job seekers through both the Career Center and hiring events. Staff expanded work with Dakota County Technical College, especially in the realm of workforce development. Staff worked with DCTC to help connect local employers and students on campus. Staff is also working with DCTC and the Workforce Development Board on a (rescheduled) hiring and workforce symposium. TIF and Grants An element of the Downtown Morrison redevelopment project was the establishment of a new TIF district. The costs of brownfield redevelopment are higher than traditional greenfield development, so staff worked with City financial consultants to establish a new TIF district for the purpose of offsetting redevelopment costs. The KenRose TIF district, which was approved in February 2020. Staff applied for three grants associated with the Morrison redevelopment. The City was awarded $520,000 from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development for demolition and infrastructure work. Two grants, an Environmental Legacy Fund (ELF) grant and a Redevelopment Incentive Grant (RIG), are currently submitted and under review though Dakota County. Marketing and Cold Calls Staff expanded marketing and cold calls efforts in the last year. The addition of the Economic Development Specialist allowed for more capacity to increase networking and cold calling to developers and potential commercial users. Staff complied lists of developers and businesses by industry category and devoted significant time reaching out to their corporate contacts. Staff also attended a number of industry events such as the MNCAR Fall Expo, Minneapolis Real Estate Journal summits, and the FamTour with the MN Marketing Partnership in Chicago. Between networking events and cold calls, staff was able to transmit Rosemount specific marketing materials, site information, market studies and other general development information to a wide 4 array of developers and brokers. Based on feedback and meetings, Rosemount has favorable demographics and growth patterns for many of the desired brands and caliber of development the Council envisions. Developers would like to see continued housing growth and rooftops, particularly as it relates to new commercial development near Akon and the eastern portions of Rosemount. Additionally, many retail stores are interested in newer retail multi-tenant spaces. Hospitality and restaurant users highlighted a need for more end cap space with room for patios. Staff is also working on a standalone economic development website. This would serve as a one stop shop for community and demographic information as well as available site and development process information. The website is not constrained by the configuration of the current city website parameters and incorporates more of the Esri information. Staff also launched the Rosemount Business Bulletin, a regular publication highlighting current development and business activity in Rosemount. This publication has a distribution list of over 400 and includes local businesses as well as Twin Cities developers and brokers. Looking forward to fall, staff is working on finding development summits that would include speaking spots and a booth presence to emphasize development in Rosemount. COVID-19 Response As the COVID-19 pandemic began in late February staff began to prepare resources for residents and businesses. A major project was the creation of the COVID-19 Resources website for Rosemount. This website contains information for residents and businesses as they navigate the crisis. An ArcGIS map with Geotagged locations is available for updated hours and services for Rosemount businesses. Business resources such as SBA grant information, Emergency Loan information, and changes to Sales and Use tax collection are all compiled in a single location. Staff has been engaging with the State, County, and Dakota County Regional Chamber on a near daily basis as new information and programs are unveiled. This information is used as part regular email blast to the City’s business distribution lists to keep businesses aware of recent changes. Staff has fielded calls from local businesses regarding a number of COVID related issues, such as information on DEED’s shared work program, unemployment benefits for independent contractors, and questions on the Critical Business exemption in the Stay at Home Executive Order. Staff has moved forward with ideas to support local establishments in light of the Stay at Home Order, such as Rosemount Takeout BINGO. Staff has also explored establishing a revolving loan fund to help with COVID-19 recovery efforts for Rosemount businesses and future business expansion and retention. 4-15-2020 03:47 PM CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PAGE: 1 REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT - UNAUDITED AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2019 201-PORT AUTHORITY FUND CURRENT CURRENT YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % OF REVENUES BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BALANCE BUDGET ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TAXES 201-31010.00 CURRENT AD VALOREM TAXES 105,000.00 0.00 105,000.00 0.00 100.00 TOTAL TAXES 105,000.00 0.00 105,000.00 0.00 100.00 LICENSES & PERMITS 201-32280.00 FIBER LICENSE FEES 1,200.00 0.00 1,200.00 0.00 100.00 TOTAL LICENSES & PERMITS 1,200.00 0.00 1,200.00 0.00 100.00 GRANTS & AIDS _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _______ CHARGES FOR SERVICES 201-34109.00 OTHER GEN'L GOVT CHGS FOR SERV 8,000.00 0.00 7,225.00 775.00 90.31 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES 8,000.00 0.00 7,225.00 775.00 90.31 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _______ MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 201-36210.00 INTEREST EARNINGS 100.00 0.00 457.15 ( 357.15) 457.15 201-36215.00 INTEREST EARNINGS 100.00 0.00 2,231.38 ( 2,131.38)2,231.38 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 200.00 0.00 2,688.53 ( 2,488.53)1,344.27 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL REVENUES 114,400.00 0.00 116,113.53 ( 1,713.53) 101.50 ============= ============= ============= ============= ======= 4-15-2020 03:47 PM CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PAGE: 2 REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT - UNAUDITED AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2019 201-PORT AUTHORITY FUND PORT AUTHORITY CURRENT CURRENT YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % OF EXPENDITURES BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BALANCE BUDGET ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PORT AUTH. OPERATING BDG ======================== PERSONAL SERVICES ___________________________________________________________________ SUPPLIES 201-46300-01-219.00 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 8,000.00 0.00 6,923.28 1,076.72 86.54 TOTAL SUPPLIES 8,000.00 0.00 6,923.28 1,076.72 86.54 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 201-46300-01-303.00 ENGINEERING FEES 3,000.00 0.00 332.00 2,668.00 11.07 201-46300-01-304.00 LEGAL FEES 4,000.00 0.00 3,468.00 532.00 86.70 201-46300-01-317.00 GEN'L FUND ADMIN FEES 6,000.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.00 100.00 201-46300-01-319.01 PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSUL 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 201-46300-01-319.02 MARKETING 10,000.00 0.00 11,067.50 ( 1,067.50) 110.68 201-46300-01-319.05 OTHER CONSULTANTS 2,000.00 0.00 1,750.00 250.00 87.50 201-46300-01-319.07 RETAIL STRATEGIES 45,000.00 0.00 45,000.00 0.00 100.00 201-46300-01-319.08 OPEN TO BUSINESS (OTB) 5,500.00 0.00 0.00 5,500.00 0.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERV 64,500.00 0.00 57,817.50 6,682.50 89.64 201-46300-01-331.00 TRAVEL EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 292.60 ( 292.60) 0.00 201-46300-01-349.00 OTHER ADVERTISING 7,000.00 0.00 9,077.04 ( 2,077.04) 129.67 201-46300-01-359.00 OTHER PRINTING & BINDING 900.00 0.00 2.14 897.86 0.24 201-46300-01-365.00 WORKMEN'S COMP INSURANCE 700.00 129.21 140.17 559.83 20.02 201-46300-01-369.00 OTHER INSURANCE 600.00 0.00 555.27 44.73 92.55 201-46300-01-381.00 ELECTRIC UTILITIES 400.00 0.00 171.24 228.76 42.81 201-46300-01-389.00 OTHER UTILITY SERVICES 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 89,100.00 129.21 77,855.96 11,244.04 87.38 OTHER SERV & CHGS (CONT) 201-46300-01-403.00 CONTRACTED R & M-OTHER IM 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 201-46300-01-433.00 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0.00 0.00 267.50 ( 267.50) 0.00 201-46300-01-433.01 PROF ORGANIZATIONS/JOURNA 2,000.00 0.00 1,949.00 51.00 97.45 DUES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2,000.00 0.00 2,216.50 ( 216.50) 110.83 201-46300-01-437.00 CONFERENCES & SEMINARS 5,000.00 0.00 3,300.37 1,699.63 66.01 201-46300-01-439.00 OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CHARG 500.00 0.00 3,689.00 ( 3,189.00) 737.80 TOTAL OTHER SERV & CHGS (CONT) 9,500.00 0.00 9,205.87 294.13 96.90 CAPITAL OUTLAY ACCOUNTS ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL PORT AUTH. OPERATING BDG 106,600.00 129.21 93,985.11 12,614.89 88.17 4-15-2020 03:47 PM CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PAGE: 3 REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT - UNAUDITED AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2019 201-PORT AUTHORITY FUND PORT AUTHORITY CURRENT CURRENT YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % OF EXPENDITURES BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BALANCE BUDGET ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PORT AUTH. BOARD MEMBERS ======================== PERSONAL SERVICES 201-46300-99-103.00 PART-TIME EMPLOYEES - REG 4,000.00 0.00 2,415.00 1,585.00 60.38 201-46300-99-122.00 FICA CONTRIBUTIONS 0.00 0.00 125.86 ( 125.86) 0.00 201-46300-99-125.00 MEDICARE CONTRIBUTIONS 0.00 0.00 34.64 ( 34.64) 0.00 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 4,000.00 0.00 2,575.50 1,424.50 64.39 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL PORT AUTH. BOARD MEMBERS 4,000.00 0.00 2,575.50 1,424.50 64.39 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL PORT AUTHORITY 110,600.00 129.21 96,560.61 14,039.39 87.31 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL EXPENDITURES 110,600.00 129.21 96,560.61 14,039.39 87.31 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 3,800.00 ( 129.21) 19,552.92 ( 15,752.92) 514.55 ============= ============= ============= ============= ======= OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 201-39101.00 SALES OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 0.00 0.00 268,114.13 ( 268,114.13) 0.00 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 0.00 0.00 268,114.13 ( 268,114.13) 0.00 OTHER FINANCING (USES) _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _______ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REVENUE & OTHER SOURCES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENDITURES & OTHER (USES) 3,800.00 ( 129.21) 287,667.05 ( 283,867.05)7,570.19 *** END OF REPORT *** 4-15-2020 03:47 PM CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PAGE: 1 REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT - UNAUDITED AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2019 242-TIF DOWNTOWN-BROCKWAY CURRENT CURRENT YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % OF REVENUES BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BALANCE BUDGET ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TAXES 242-31050.00 TAX INCREMENTS 850,000.00 454.67 865,475.55 ( 15,475.55) 101.82 TOTAL TAXES 850,000.00 454.67 865,475.55 ( 15,475.55) 101.82 GRANTS & AIDS _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _______ CHARGES FOR SERVICES _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _______ MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 242-36210.00 INTEREST EARNINGS-INVESTMENTS 1,000.00 0.00 21,092.35 ( 20,092.35)2,109.24 242-36214.00 NET CHANGE IN FV-INVESTMENTS 0.00 0.00 ( 5,601.36) 5,601.36 0.00 242-36215.00 INTEREST EARNINGS 0.00 0.00 2,148.74 ( 2,148.74) 0.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 1,000.00 0.00 17,639.73 ( 16,639.73)1,763.97 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL REVENUES 851,000.00 454.67 883,115.28 ( 32,115.28) 103.77 ============= ============= ============= ============= ======= 4-15-2020 03:47 PM CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PAGE: 2 REVENUE & EXPENSE REPORT - UNAUDITED AS OF: DECEMBER 31ST, 2019 242-TIF DOWNTOWN-BROCKWAY TIF DOWNTOWN-BROCKWAY CURRENT CURRENT YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % OF EXPENDITURES BUDGET PERIOD ACTUAL BALANCE BUDGET ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TIF DOWNTOWN-BROCKWAY ===================== SUPPLIES ___________________________________________________________________ OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 242-49042-01-319.00 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVIC 15,000.00 0.00 19,982.75 ( 4,982.75) 133.22 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 15,000.00 0.00 19,982.75 ( 4,982.75) 133.22 OTHER SERV & CHGS (CONT) ___________________________________________________________________ CAPITAL OUTLAY ACCOUNTS ___________________________________________________________________ DEBT SERVICE ACCOUNTS 242-49042-01-601.00 PRINCIPAL ON WATERFORD NO 80,000.00 0.00 81,459.93 ( 1,459.93) 101.82 242-49042-01-611.00 INTEREST ON WATERFORD NOT 68,000.00 0.00 63,673.07 4,326.93 93.64 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE ACCOUNTS 148,000.00 0.00 145,133.00 2,867.00 98.06 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL TIF DOWNTOWN-BROCKWAY 163,000.00 0.00 165,115.75 ( 2,115.75) 101.30 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL TIF DOWNTOWN-BROCKWAY 163,000.00 0.00 165,115.75 ( 2,115.75) 101.30 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL EXPENDITURES 163,000.00 0.00 165,115.75 ( 2,115.75) 101.30 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPENDITURES 688,000.00 454.67 717,999.53 ( 29,999.53) 104.36 ============= ============= ============= ============= ======= OTHER FINANCING SOURCES (USES) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _______ OTHER FINANCING (USES) 242-49042-01-710.00 TRANSFERS 600,000.00 0.00 600,000.00 0.00 100.00 TOTAL OTHER FINANCING (USES) 600,000.00 0.00 600,000.00 0.00 100.00 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REVENUE & OTHER SOURCES OVER/ (UNDER) EXPENDITURES & OTHER (USES) 88,000.00 454.67 117,999.53 ( 29,999.53) 134.09 *** END OF REPORT ***