HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200421 Regular Meeting ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS APRIL 21, 2020 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was held on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. virtually via Zoom. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Block, Essler, Weisensel and Freske attending. Staff present included the following; - City Administrator Martin - City Clerk Fasbender - Community Development Director Lindquist - Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson - Parks & Recreation Director Schultz The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by Weisensel Second by Essler Motion to Adopt the Agenda as presented. Ayes: Weisensel, Block, Droste, Essler, Freske Nays: None. Motion carried. PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS, & ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 3.a. Arbor Day Proclamation Director of Parks & Recreation Schultz highlighted a proclamation naming May 2, 2020 as Arbor Day. Schultz noted, the City will be hosting a tree giveaway on Saturday, June 6, at the Public Works Garage, starting at 10:00 am. 3.b. Recognition – City of Rosemount Volunteers City Administrator highlighted National Volunteer Week is April 19 – 25 and each year the City of Rosemount recognizes and thanks the hardworking and dedicated volunteers who lend their time and expertise. PUBLIC COMMENT No comments ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS APRIL 21, 2020 CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Weisensel Second by Essler Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda with item 6.l. & 6.m. removed a. Bills Listing b. Minutes of the April 1, 2020 Special Work Session Proceedings c. Minutes of the April 7, 2020 Work Session Proceedings d. Minutes of the April 7 2020 Regular Meeting Proceedings e. 2020 Leprechaun Days Service Agreement f. Receive Donation – Parks & Recreation Dept g. Expenditure Approval from the Donation Account – Parks & Recreation Dept h. Xcel Encroachment Agreement i. Approval of Amendments to Two Solar Subscriptions (SRC 040823 and 040824) j. Biscayne Avenue Improvement Project, City Project 2020-01, Call Assessment Hearing k. Request by Prestwick, LLC, for Final Plat Approval for Prestwick Place 20th Addition l. 2019 Street Improvement Project – Phase 2, City Project 2019-01, Receive Bids and Award Contract m. Deepwoods Court Improvement Project, City Project 2020-03, Accept Bids and Award Contract Ayes: Block, Droste, Essler, Freske, Weisensel Nays: None. Motion carried. 6. l. 2019 Street Improvement Project – Phase 2, City Project 2019-01, Receive Bids and Award Contract Councilmember Freske pulled this item to elaborate further on what residents can expect for this project. Director of Public Works Erickson provided on overview of the upcoming project and highlighted a street map noting the streets to be worked on. Motion by Freske Second by Essler Motion to Adopt a Resolution Receiving Bids and Awarding the Contract for the 2019 Street Improvement Project – Phase 2, City Project 2019-01; and Approve Engineering Services Amendment Ayes: Droste, Essler, Freske, Weisensel, Block Nays: None. Motion carried. 6.m. Deepwoods Court Improvement Project, City Project 2020-03, Accept Bids and Award Contract Councilmember Essler pulled this item for further discussion. Councilmember Essler questioned if staff received a signed contract from the neighborhood regarding the curb work. Director of Public Works Erickson confirmed that staff has not yet received the signed agreement to date. Councilmember Essler also questioned the $17,000 and noted the full $17,000 is not tied to the ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS APRIL 21, 2020 drainage cost, typically the drainage costs comes from the stormwater budget. Motion by Essler Second by Freske Motion to Adopt a Resolution Accepting Bids and Awarding a Contract for the Deepwoods Court Improvement Project, City Project 2020-03 subject to getting the signed agreement from all eight (8) residents of Deepwoods Court. Ayes: Essler, Freske, Weisensel, Block, Droste Nays: None. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING 7.a. Public Hearing for a Vacation of the Drainage and Utility Easement over Outlot A, Prestwick Place 19th Addition Community Development Director Lindquist provided an overview via PowerPoint of the necessary vacation of the drainage and utility easement over Outlot A, Prestwick Place 19th Addition. This action is typical when there are multi-phased developments in a larger preliminary plat. Mayor Droste opened the public hearing at 7:26 p.m. No public comment. Motion by Droste Second by Weisensel Motion to close the public hearing at 7:27 p.m. Ayes: Freske, Weisensel, Block, Droste, Essler Nays: None. Motion carried. Motion by Weisensel Second by Block Motion to Adopt a Resolution Approving the Vacation of the Drainage and Utility Easement over Outlot A, Prestwick Place 19th Addition. Ayes: Weisensel, Block, Droste, Essler, Freske Nays: None. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS 10.a. Staff Updates City Administrator Martin highlighted; the latest of city operations regarding COVID-19 and noted the upcoming virtual “Council Out & About” via Zoom. Councilmember Block questioned if “Spring Clean-Up Day” would still take place. Director of Parks & Recreation Schultz stated if the “Stay at Home Order” is lifted, staff has put measures in place to hold this event with social distancing guidelines in place. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS APRIL 21, 2020 10.b. Upcoming Community Calendar Mayor Droste reviewed the calendar of events and upcoming meetings noting all meetings are held virtually and reminded residents to complete the Census if residents have not done so yet. The next regular council meeting is May 5th via Zoom. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council at the regular council meeting and upon a motion by Droste and second by Weisensel the meeting was adjourned at 7:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Erin Fasbender City Clerk