Excovation: y Lot 6,Slock 1, BELIA VlSTA 3RD ADDITtON,Dakota Coun Minnesota �
Gomman Ex. =200.1 c. ty�
Footing Ex. =13.3 c.y. �
Garage Footing Over Ex. =9.6 c.y. pROPERTY ADDRESS
� Footing Woll Ex. =9.2 c.v. C N �
�3 =232.2 c.y 1864 131st Streei West Rosemount, Minnesota �: � �
/ 3Q � FiII:
2� Common Fill =160.5 c.y. � �
;' NOTES = � N v
� Q�ivewav_Hoid-Down =18.5 c.v. .r
� ,� o '� , / =142.� c.y. 1. 8earings are based on the recorded plat. g �
�• �,�� �" ���o ' �Z� ,�\,,/ _ �� _ 2. Building dimensions shown are for horizontal and vertita!placement of �ir� � �M �`'
`, `,` �.96e }OJyoJOJ Exacvat�on F I -90.20 c.y. IONG structure only.See architectu�al plans for building and foundatian �� �
� ?j c�,,roo�`� dimensio�s. � � �2 a
/ � (96 �3Q- 3. No specific soils investigation has been campleted on this lot by lames � �� m
� �0 /� y 96 �S� �,�9 R.Hill, Inc.the suitability of soils to support the specific house proposed � N,.� �
Od � `� \�� /�6 "o sps, is not the responsibiliry of James R.Hill,Inc.or the surveyor. � � �y -- ,
� T � �96) 2 A. No specific title search for existence or non-existence of recorded or � � �
� ��'}• B/1 e• ls�p J 6J 3s' (9 un-recorded easements has been conducted by the surveyor as a part i� � �m �
/� \ ` ^Q `9 9�j o,,r k 9 .? ^�,9 29''sS�J of this survey. Only easements per the recorded plat are shown.
� y� f ^v �s�r� � r 5. Proposed grades shown were taken from the grading&/or
�� '� '� ?2S� p 0� � Sl development plan prepared by Westwood Professional Servites,Inc.
/ \.'.','. . �
� o� 4, s � 6. Grading plan date/revision date:2/25/2016.
� qS p� '� 80 ti 4 � ` �SgB 2 �f J 7. Sanitary service invert elevation per City engineering
� °j� � ti �(9 department=957.90.
� �? /� ��� � �' s�J1 �� 8. Plan No. 6008-SPRINGOAIE'A3'EXPANDED KITCHEN/NOOK/OWNERS
/�r> " ��/ ti�' .� •�yy �2�, � � �` l95 �-� SU ITE
� t`� � �� � ^o � ° � }pJ��J �T�'gs� �' 9\ . �"� / BENCHMARK � �N
�o,� ' � �' ,� � � � �� 196p rJ `r � .� Top nut of hydrant lo�ated at Lots 7 and 8,Block 1=973.38 '�' �
� �0 Q� „�`n h O 8J e, 196� ��958 � 1 � ��
� ^� '' � � `96'�0� ��`' `�`'� FLOOR ELEVATIONS 5 �;
30 °j �,� , 1 a .� _---- .I k -- _ t'�, t» Q�
� Q.� � • ��� 196� .� Proposed Asbuilt O � W a
o,., ��� V� / � �J � G a r a g e F l o o r @ F ro n t =9 7 1.2 =9 7 1.3 5 p� � � m�
r�°j� h �9>> �� �'9 6 �0�`� G ar a ge To p o f B loc k =9 7 1.6 =9 7 1.6 E-� � Q� ^p
��0 � �9�Q �� 26 J / �' House i'o p of Block =971.6 =971.fi � �-+ �o
(g S.�(�9y g �9S k � / � Lowest F loor = 9 5 3.6 = 9 5 3,b V -m°�
'°4� °?� h �� ^. o o Z
, �o
� l9)j 9 k �6^�0 ^ \96 k 96?�J / 1963,J � tss�J �Q`� ^h °Q
/ J C � E),� (.96�� -�- V ��� ��� C� -,G
`�� 29.• � �.�xTs62 �,?� ^ HARD COVER CA�CULATIONS DRAWN BY
H � r�' J r963SJ s�(�s62 /2�4�2� `� Lot = 1Q,529 sq.ft. JC8/TAM
,;' ,c=y�v j 4� � 8J �.��� n7� House/Garage =2,367 sq.ft DATE
=` ,,�oJ�o �b` (9s¢� �96 '�' O�,Q' ^ Porch =136 sq,ft. 12 t i 2017
i,,''i"`�"3� 96q � •�OJ� !.9 / ry Driveway =1,OQ0 sq.ft. RE1/ISIONS
; � , �. aJ � 6��, �, CrJ Total Impervious =3,5Q3 sq.ft.or 33.3°6 of lot
� 0
196�'9� �J 1 -
i�� � I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under
��� my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the
Q Oenotes set spike /�� `, laws af the State of Minnesota.That this survey does not pu�port to show all
O Denotes set iron manument (�, � j����� improvements,easements or encroachments,to the properry exrept as
• Oenates found iron monument � . �f u � ��j��� shown thereon.
Qenotes proposed drainage v
SCALE IN FEET tc Denotes top of curb Signed this 16th day of July,2018 CAO FlLE
0 20 aa X900.0 Denotes existing elevation � - Civil 30\371033
{930.0) Denates proposed elevation � �j�U; '� � �' �'�
� � � �1��;yy��;{�; � PROJECT NO.
X[90Q.4� Oenotes as-built elevation 371Q33
1 inch = 20 feet f r.,�,, � q ( Mar u . Hamp on, N L
, , . �� .. -l-_� . SHEET 1 OF 1