HomeMy WebLinkAbout2682 133RD ST W' m2018 Westwood Professional Services Inc.
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` 1 Caroge Floo� _ (972.51)1= 972.19 Z \
�D 6�' (at overheod door) �
1�' Slab on Crode = (973.21�) = 972.89 �p,p0 g� �� � �
L O�` / \'2694 133RD STREE7` � Po�ch � � �
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� � O (�1 N� � � Garage Floor = (971.81� = 972.20 0 ¢
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' � Z D '�j P 9 �'� (at overhead door) ` Garoge "
g> 7op of Foundation WaII (973.27)
� �\a �66TS 9�2.50 = 973.61 1 12•�� �p0
� \\�'� 9 2.46 Lowest Floor = (965.00) 965.40 9�\
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z �c p�ivote �2 56 Garage Floor = (971.81) = 97225 u,� p.001 �
9 (at overheod doo�) z �
D g)� \ rop of Foundation Woll 1� (973.21) � ,00\� I �
-� 94T,S 9�2•�� = 973.65
Lowest Floor = (965.00) 965.44 �y.0� 1 �
9� 6� � � � porch `t.
��� 2670 133RD STREET o y�22� �
97�5 I- Egress WeII / 972.51 \ 1
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o I 35.0� ,�i � WAT/
Z p�ivote Sidewalk � X 9j2.49 ��g. ' � � �
` � � S � �71.38 � WAT /
� � t�-13.9- �
D` g71.2475 ��9�.48 � � �
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D '�,�c'' %' �', % 0 9.5�"E gU•93 � �
Z o X (972.)O)EOF N76 5
� 9 'l� � • Denotes iron monument found
',ro O Denotes iron monument set
LEGAL DESCR/PT10N: T`' g�` �5 \ \ LEGEND Bearings based on assumed datum.
L o t 1, Block 5, HARMON Y 2ND
ADDIT/ON according to the recorded � c�rveox co s�a�our � w,,�R,,nE,�
plaf thereof, Dakoto Counfy, Minnesota. �c CAS ME7ER � GTQ4 BAS/N � c,,,�e snw eox
2670-2694 133R0 Street Wesf
O' 20' 40� 60'�T srn�r u� 5T STORM NANHQI£_SAN- S4N/TARY SENER
lmpe�vious surface calculations ❑
x (1000.00) Denotes p�oposed elevation
Lot o�eo = 18,041 sq. ff. � £L£C7R/CME7ER pa �� ���� -war- WAIERNApJ
F x 1000.00 Denotes existing elevation
Building area = 5,660 $q. I f. �$ SAN/TARY MANHIX£ � HYDRANT OT ���E MANHIX£
Porch's oreo = 822 sq. ft. � Denotes surface drainage
Driveways = 1,530 sq. ff. RE ESTED BY.•
Privafe Sidewalks = 465 sq. ff. Tlme%ss Homes
Eqress Wells = 37 sq. ft. ,��J��I(� ;�:,;.;�;�': ,,;,., ` � Po Box 222
lmpervious area = 8,514 SC]. ft.� y N South Saint Paul, Minnesota, 55075
47.29 of total of lot area ����t8' �.�-�.-.��%
Phone 612-363-3915
' I hereby certify that this survey was prepared p��b--v �g"� t Westw�ood
' by me or under my direct supe�vision and fhat
I om a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the � I g-7�, Pnon. (952)937-5150 12701 Whitewater Drive,Suite#300
laws of the State of Minnesota. � Fu (952)937-5822 Minnetonka,MN 55343
/,1 I p'�]� TaMRw (888)937-5�50 wstwoodpa.aom
`%�//!i�i����`--.. � ` ��� Wesriwod ProtessiOnalServloer.Inc
� 08/07/19 City comments, (BTW)
� I ��5� 08/13/19 City comments, (BTW)
Craig W. Morse, R.L.S. Date �
License No. 23021 rawn by. ate: Job No:
� /p � B TW 10/29/18 0007196.00