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2688 133RD ST W
m2018 Westwood Professional Services Inc. �� /L T �� GRA D/NG A SBU � ��/ WAr� " � � � s WA� STREE � Sro � , Rp SIDEWA�� � 133 D - � � S70 STo � ~ �i-� � � , n � r� � � � v � _ � i v �� °' s�o.�z �-2 7'2 D ST o ,5�•E 99•9� , %' R� .00 � � 5�o N�6 58 , .� sTo 1 1 men � P�g�IG SIDEWA�K �Draino9e °�d �tility E05e ' ¢ � 969,54T5 1 / o / � � � ` 9 � \ � � �p � I � � � /1 �o � �?�6, $ L � Bu din9 Setb�ck / . �9�!,90 1 �F � D � / � ` �a,� W � � � 1 � 972.5 orch I ,119•�� , �970.62TC � S3 v P I \ �pm c� ` 35.0� a � y0.�� 1 � `-" �2° �, �o.�2 rc D D D �.�� 2j2 o URBAN VILLA � � J;�� �,% � ; � � �' Z � �� . SideWalks � TOWNHOME ll ` Garoge � �o�� � ' rn p�ivote `O „ \ 1 Caroge Floor = (972.51)1= 972.19 Z ` �y 6�' (af overheod door) � 1�' Slob on Crode = (973.2�� = 972.89 �2.0� 9�j�� O � L O�` � \'2694 733RD S7REE 1 ` � �1 ' v Po��h �957C < � �y.00 1 ` cp rn D Sca/e: 1"= 20 feet 9 75 � �, ��src ¢ -, y 9 0 � �o io 6.496 \ _' � Z � ro n� /� I � � `° . Iks _ 1_ 'n� 'cr 1 1 � � .O8T5 e S�deW� Garage Floor - (972.51) - 972.21 � � 'vat 6� Goro e ` f���, P�� g�2• (at overtreod door) � 9 ,'� � lob on Grade = (973.21 = 972.91 �+ �V �� \ o 26BB 133RD STREET 1 1 � �' � � a � � `�� e.i�� � 'OB"T� D � � „ � Egress\Well �\ Garage o � \ 1 � ~ "� a O w �O � � Goroge Floor = (971.81� = 972.20 � ¢ � z 0 v• I 1 1� (ot overhead door) 1 �.�, � � � (n� 7op of Foundation Woll (973.21) - � V � , Orainage ond --�9 60 � �� ��0� � � � � = 973.60 12� � Utility Eosement y g.0� 912' �_ �� � N •55 owest Floor = (965.00) �6� \ � rr � Po��h _ - � s s 2682 133RD STREE7 � � - Droin e and � � 9� 3> l 1 j Utilify osement 1 rn � � 9x 6B o o ' 1 v� � 8�\ 1 ps�T D �� v� �o eWolks � � ` n� . u� 1 � c � rti. ' \ D o i�ate S�d �FZ Garoge Floor = (971.B}) = 972.21 � m o Z D �� P� 9 C (ot overheod door) ` Goroge `f 9j 66T � rop of Foundotion WaII (973.27) ^ �y� � S 9�'2.50 = 973.61 1 12•0� \ p0 � 9 2.46 Lowest Floor = (965.00) 965.40 g� � � Z � � \ � � - � � v porch o m \ 2676 133RD STREE7 0 r � C �� 9�35 � \�� Egress Well �Z'�� ' ` � ��.J3TC D "\ � 9 � � � \ Garoge �o io 0o g.6% � -� � N D $idewolks � I \ N�'o ���` �_ ¢ z x p�ivote 56 Garage Floor = (971.81) = 972.25 �� 1 - 9��' (at overheod door) Zp.00 � D g)� \ rop of Foundation Woll1 (973.21) � .0� � � � � 94TS 9�2.�0 = 973.65 1 � Lowest Floor = (965.00) 965.44 �p.0� �� 9� 6� � � � porch 1 c� \� 2670 133RD S7REE7 o y�2 2� � 97�5 I- Egress WeII / 97251 \ 1 � � o I 35'�y �// � J yypT� Z P���ate SideWalk � X 9j2.4 /���� ' � � � � S � �77.38 � WAT / D � �-13.9-� � � � g71.24T5 ��9�.48 � \ 29"68 � +�'v 1���� 1 � � � � e�t � N � N ❑ � T ���1\ 71.91TCDrai a9e and Utility E�Sem 5 / Z '�,'w j- _ �� ; 0 9,5�.E g0.93 � � Q X (972.10)EOF N 76 5 � 9 Se � • Denotes iron monument found ',�o O Denotes iron monument set LEGAL DESCRlP710N: r`' 9��. j5 � \ LEGEND Bearings based on assumed dafum. Lot 1, Block 5, HARMONY 2ND ADDITION according to the recorded � c,+e�rveoX co s�«Ewour � Wi17ER A�IER plaf thereof, Dakota Coun fy, Minnesota. �c, c�s N£� � CATCYI BAS/N � c„�e snw eox 2670-2694 133RD Streef West � , srn�ru� 5T ST01�M/NANHOIL£_ D 2O 4O' 6O'�T OO SAN- swITnRY s�R E� ¢�cimc eox T ��+c�eox -sro- sraau s�R lm e�vious surface calculations ❑ P x (1000.00) Denotes p�oposed elevation Lof a�eo = 18,041 sq. ff. � EiEC1R/C NE1ER � r„�� y��y£ -WAT- WAIERMANV x 1000.00 Denotes existing elevotion Bullding areo = 5,660 Sq. ff. �s SAlJ/TARY A/ANHQC£ � HYDRANT . ��Q''�E MANHQL£ PorCh's orea = 822 sq. ff. -� Denotes surface drainage Driveways = 1,530 sq. ft. RE ESTED BY.• Pri va te Side walks = 465 Sq. ft. Tlme%ss Homes Egress Wells = 37 sq. ft. ,��J���(� ;;�y',;�"' , _ _�____.__ Po Box 222 lmpervious areo = 8,514 SC]. ft.� South Soint Paul, Minnesofo, 55075 47.2% of total of lot area �1�3�8" -.��_-..��% Phone 612-363-3915 I hereby certify thot this survey was prepared p�''16--v 'g� l We��Od by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the O I g-�� Pn� (952)937-5'150 12701 Whitewater Drive,Suite#300 �OWS of the $tOtB of Minnesoto. F.x (952)937-5822 Minnetonka,MN 55343 /�1 ' p`"�� TaMFrM (888)937-5�50 wstwoodps.aom s%�//,%�%��"'`-V � I � ! � Westwood Proteslon�l Servlaes.Inc t/ 08/13/19 08/07/19 City comments, (BTW) � I ��5� 08/13/19 City comments, (BTW) Craig W. Mo�se, R.L.S. Dote � License No. 23021 �awn by.• Dote: Job No: � /p � B TW 10/29/18 0007196.00 0007196�1405L01.dwg