HomeMy WebLinkAbout3904 120TH ST WCertificateofRouseLocationFor: Don Stein DELMARH. SCHWANZ umo IRAVEYORA INC. R.pYM.e unaw t... a T so a Yes....b 14790 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 99069 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 148/16 159/11 912/423 -1799 952. o 944.0 Scale: 1 inch 100 feet Proposed garage floor elev Proposed lowest levelelev e M1 m thv 6ov'i07 5EG. 7- T /5a/- 2 /9lfl 450. oco IN or( /,n• ofYY %soFNESecrusip' zaz.o Ponding Easement NUB 74717 fl Me Q7./ SCr HD us igalSarL5 PrA ON d M r N' EZGV. 9e9.6t: a q-).ti-7 Oates 10 -01 -92 Description: A11 that part of the N{ of Government Lot 1 in Section 7 and of the NI of the NEI in Section 18 allInTownship115N, Range19w, DakotaCounty, Minnesotadescribedanfollows CommencingattheNortheast cornerofsaidN; ofGovernment Lot1andrunningthencewentalongthe North line thereof a distance of 618.28 to the point of beginning of land to be described# thence continuing Nest along said North line a distance of 450.00 feet) thence South and parallel to the NestlineofsaidGovernmentLot1andsaidNEIadistanceof296.45feet# thenceMasterlyparallel with the North line of said NI of NEI a distance of 242.07 feet to the Nest line of said NI of SaidNEI# thenceSoutherlyalongsaidNeatlineadistanceof433.28feat, thence'paeterlyparallel with the north line of said w1 of Government Lot 1 a distance of 697.97 feat# thence Northerly adistance of730.50 feet tothe point ofbeginning. Containing 10.0 acres. 1p \Illlllltlll) /b1lSubjecttoalleasementsofrecord. Ihereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was ga 0'....• preparedbymeorundermydirectSupervisionand g' DELMAR that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under t SCHWA NZthelawsoftheStateofMinnesOU. 8625— D lmar H. Schwartz 41nnesots RsgishatlOn No. 9925