HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190219 REST Minutes ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 19, 2019 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Environment & Sustainability Task Force (REST) of the City of Rosemount was called to order on February 19, 2019 at 5:37 p.m. in the Conference Room of City Hall, 2875 145th St. West, Rosemount. Attendees included Task Force Members: Renee Burman (chair) Katie Koch-Laveen, John Smith, Joanne Johnson, Vanessa DeMuth and Mark Glende. Rosemount City staff present include the following; Brian Erickson, Public Works Director/City Engineer, Derick Anderson Senior Engineer & Jes Braun GreenCorp Member. No guests attended. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA No additions or corrections to the agenda were made. APPROVAL OF THE JANUARY MINUTES Motion by John Smith, Second Joanne Johnson Motion carried. PRESENTATIONS No presentations were given. OLD BUSINESS a. Booth Banner Update Discussion to go ahead and order banner in time for our first event the Home and Business Expo. Derick to make arrangements with City staff to order and pay for banner. b. Web Site Update Highlighting multiple ideas. Wishcycling: tossing questionable items in recycling, hoping somehow, they can be recycled; and blog subscribers update (Jes) c. Goals and Priorities Even though we have been very successful in reaching several of our goals in 2018, we need to identify our most pressing goals for 2019 and scale back on our “lesser” goals. We feel focusing on a few goals will allow us to better concentrate on the big picture. PiE will be taking up a lot of our time as implementation will begin soon on many areas. d. Energy Action Plan 1) City Council Update- Presentation was well received by the Mayor and City Council. Karen and Logan went over our vision, our partners, and our plan in becoming a leader in sustainability and energy conservation. Highlighted some of the energy rebate opportunities for residence. 2) Places of Faith Update- Tabled for next meeting 3) REST Energy Work Plan- Four categories discussed, Residential Energy, Municipal Energy, Large Energy Users, and Small & Medium Business Energy Users. Katie attended the latest business Luncheon and was able to speak with several business ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES February 19, 2019 owners but because most business owners don’t own the building where their business is located, it was decided to focus on the land lords. Discussion on how best to get the building owners engaged in energy audits. a. Tabling- Coming up with some sort of spread sheet of “things to do” b. Residential Outreach- Tabling, door knocking, and social media c. Business Outreach Newsletter, Energy Awards NEW BUSINESS a. Earth Day – April 22, 2019 Very successful Earth Day clean-up in 2018. Discussion on narrowing clean up from 4 locations down to 1. b. Leprechaun Days – July 19-28, 2019 Will again have a booth with activities for residents, surveys, possibly REUZM as a guest. Will need tent, tables & chairs REST flag. REST Members to man booth again. Sunday morning Fireman’s Waffle Breakfast checking on the possibility of having a table with PiE and organics material. Trying again to make sure most if not all cups, plates, and flatware are compostable. c. Home and Business EXPO March 16th, 2019 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Rosemount Community Center Staffing needed to man booth at EXPO. 2-hour shifts were decided on. A sign-up shift sheet will be sent out with-in a week (Derick). Still need a coordinator for the EXPO event. ANNOUNCEMENTS No announcements. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Koch-Laveen to adjourn the meeting at 6:53, Second by Glende.