HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190820 REST Minutes ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES August 20, 2019 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Environmental & Sustainability Task Force (Task Force) of the City of Rosemount was called to order on August 20, 2019 at 5:42 p.m. in the Conference Room of City Hall, 2875 145th St West, Rosemount. Attendees included Task Force Members: Renee Burman (chair), Katie Koch-Laveen, Karen Malkowski, and Vanessa Demuth. Staff present included the following; - Public Works Director Brian Erickson Senior Engineer Technician, Derick Anderson Storm Water Specialist, Jane Byron City Administrator, Logan Martin Green Corps Member, Jess Braun Guests present included the following; Dakota County Environmental Specialist, Paula Liepold Conservation Minnesota Regional Manager, Avery Hildebrand ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA None PRESENTATIONS Paula Liepold, Dakota County Environmental Specialist, provided an update on the County’s Wetland Health Evaluation Program (WHEP) and monitoring results of wetlands in Rosemount. WHEP engage citizen volunteers to help monitor wetlands. City staff identify which wetlands to monitor. Monitoring results are available on the WHEP website. Ms. Liepold will be sharing information to post on REST’s webpage to promote citizen engagement. OLD BUSINESS 5.a Energy Action Plan Mr. Martin provided an update on city energy action plan implementation efforts. City staff will be presenting on energy actions at the Rosemount Senior Center on August 21, 2019. REST members are encouraged to participate if they are able. 5.b Events REST members debriefed on tabling at the 2019 Leprechaun Days Faire. Feedback from the community was positive and tabling activities that were interactive (recycling sorting game) drew residents into the REST tent. Bees/pollinator information was popular but more detailed handouts ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES August 20, 2019 were needed. Over 50 residents took pledges to reduce their environmental footprint. City staff is coordinating with the winner of the free energy audit and R. Burman dropped off free kitchen compost buckets to the winners of the drawing Areas for improvement for 2020 include: focus on energy conservation (not just efficiency) and more information on home lighting options. 5.c. Road Salt Update Tabled; to be added to the October meeting. 5. d. Environment Commission Conference Listserv Mr. Hildebrand shared that Conservation Minnesota is launching a Minnesota Environment Commission conference google group. The group is intended to for environmental commissions and task force groups in the state to connect and share ideas and learn from each other. Interested REST members should contact Mr. Hildebrand for more information/to sign up. NEW BUSINESS 6.a Solid Waste Facility Tours R. Burman is coordinating with local solid waste facilities (e.g., recycling, compost, and landfill) to schedule tours this fall for REST members. 6.b Stormwater Murals B. Erickson provided an update on the stormwater mural project. The mural is Central Park is complete. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. Braun presented highlights of the many environmental activities over the past year in her GreenCorps role. The GreenCorps program is coordinated by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and places members in host organizations for one year. The City of Rosemount was a host site for the 2018-2019 year. REST drafted the initial application for the GreenCorps project and coordinated with the city on its submittal. REST members wished J. Braun success in her future endeavors. ADJOURNMENT Next Task Force Meeting September 17, 2019. Respectfully submitted, Renee Burman Task Force Chair