MARCH 20, 2018
1. Call to Order
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Environmental & Sustainability Task
Force (Task Force) of the City of Rosemount was called to order on March 20, 2018 at 5:32 p.m. in
Conference Room 202 of the Steeple Center, 14344 Cameo Ave W, Rosemount. Attendees
included Task Force Members: Rebecca Higgins (Chair), Mark Glende, Wade Miller, Renee
Burman, Colleen Corrigan, and Katie Koch-Laveen. Staff present: City of Rosemount Senior
Engineer Technician Derick Anderson, City of Rosemount Public Works Director Brian Erickson
and Rosemount Planer Anthony Nemcek. Residents in attendance: Vanessa DeMuth, Jake Duame
and Victoria Schlautman.
The following items were added to the agenda: approval of the January 2018 meeting minutes and a
presentation on the revision of Rosemount’s Comprehensive Plan. Agenda item #5f (Task Force
Bylaws Draft revisions) was tabled and recommended for the April meeting.
Motion by Burman Second by Glende
Ayes: 6
Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Anthony Nemcek, provided an update on the revision of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. For the
first time, the City of Rosemount plans to include a chapter on Resiliency which will include climate
change adaptation initiatives. City staff discussed the draft plan strategies and requested comments
from the Task Force within the next months.
a. Budget Meeting Review
The Mayor requested the Task Force develop a budget for consideration during the 2019 city budget
and work plan process. The Task Force met on February 1, 2018 to draft a proposed budget based
on priorities presented at the November 21, 2017 City Council meeting. A draft budget is
anticipated to be submitted in April.
b. Green Corps Application and City Support
The Task Force reviewed the City’s draft a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Minnesota
GreenCorps Host Site Application. The application requests a GreenCorps member (volunteer) to
assist the city with evaluation and research of surface water bodies and then implement public
engagement efforts that lower pollution impacts to surface water /storm water bodies – that to go
above and beyond state MS4 permit requirements. The March 20, 2018 City Council agenda
includes a resolution to submit the application to the MPCA for consideration for a 2018-2019
GreenCorps member. Friends of the Mississippi River and Conservation Minnesota submitted
letters of support for the application submittal.
c. Alliance for Sustainability - High Ambition Cities Energy Meeting Update
Higgins attended and provided an update on the February 18, 2018 High Ambition Cities Energy
meeting, hosted by the Alliance for Sustainability. Municipalities and environmental
commissions/task forces from across the Twin Cities participated to network and share information
on innovative and effective energy and environmental conservation efforts.
d. Partners in Energy (PiE) – Meeting Update and Drafting of Action Plan
Attendees from the Task Force: Mark Glende, Wade Miller, Vanessa DeMuth, Katie Koch-Laveen,
Derick Anderson, Brian Erickson and many businesses sent representatives and City Officials have
been participating in workshops to develop short and long-term energy reduction goals and
strategies, as part of the PiE project with Xcel Energy. The last community workshop was held on
March 19th at the Steeple Center
Xcel Energy is working with Task Force members and city staff to develop a PiE Action Plan (e.g.,
energy conservation plan) for Rosemount that incorporates ideas and feedback obtained during the
five workshops that support common sense energy conservation efforts with proven results in the
following areas: residential, commercial and municipal leadership. Task Force members reviewed
and supported an initial list of priority activities for the Action Plan and recommended the city
explore opportunities for additional program implementation resources (e.g., intern, grant assistance,
etc.) and clarify the city’s role in sustainable energy conservation implementation initiatives due to
concerns over work assigned to the Task Force where it doesn’t have resources.
e. Small-Medium Business GREEN Award/Decals
Community participants in the PiE workshops suggested the City create a GREEN AWARD to
recognize businesses that are energy efficient, reduce energy use through efficient building
operation. Glende shared research results of types and costs for possible GREEN AWARD decals
and/or stickers. GREEN AWARD eligibility criteria will need to be developed as a next step.
f. Home and Business Expo Review
The Task Force table at the City’s first Home and Business Expo on March 3, 2018 at the
Rosemount Community Center was well received. The booth included information on food waste
composting, tips on how to reduce salt use on sidewalks/driveways and an energy-related survey to
inform strategies in the PiE Action Plan.
a. Mascot and T-shirts
The Task Force by-laws identify that it is the City Council’s objective for it to “…look for creative
ways to engage residents through education…” As part of the effort the Task Force is researching a
possible mascot and a T-shirt for Task Force member/volunteers to use when conducting
environmental education in the community. Goals for a mascot include that it: 1) be interactive with
the public, and 2) reflect the spirit of conserving the environment, and 3) be inclusive/reflect the
community population.
b. Road Salt Legislation Reduction
The Task Force recommended a Resolution of Support regarding “Smart Salting” Legislation. The
resolution offers support for state law providing limited liability to commercial salt applicators that
are certified through an established voluntary salt applicator certification program. The Resolution
of Support is on the March 20, 2018 City Council agenda.
c. B3 Benchmark
B3 Benchmarking is a state tool for public entities to track, model, and rank/compare energy
performance in public buildings. Glende identified that Rosemount is ranked amongst cities with
similar public buildings types and sizes, but has opportunities to reduce energy use and save money.
It was recommended that the city explore possible cost-saving energy reduction opportunities.
Move to adjourn 7:13 pm by Glende, second by Koch-Laveen
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0. Motion carried.
Next Task Force Meeting April 17, 2018.