May 15, 2018
1. Call to Order
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Environmental & Sustainability
Task Force (Task Force) of the City of Rosemount was called to order on May 15, 2018 at
5:31 p.m. in the Conference Room of City Hall, 2875 145th St West, Rosemount. Attendees
included Task Force Members: Rebecca A. Higgins (Chair), Katie Koch-Laveen Mark
Glende, Renee Burman, Staff present: City of Rosemount Public Works Director Brian
Erickson, City of Rosemount Senior Engineer Technician Derick Anderson. Residents in
attendance: Vanessa DeMuth, Jake Duane and Victoria Schlautman.
2. Additions or Corrections to Agenda
The following items were added to the agenda: Discussion of Comprehensive Plan and
Derick made some corrections to the minutes of last meeting. Announcement of Mark’s
award and the discussion of the Comprehensive plan. Splash Pad recycling and Chloride
3. Approval of April Minutes
Motion by Glende, Second by Renee
Ayes: 4
Nays: 0. Motion carried.
4. Presentations
Presentation by Rosemount High School students, Bridget Heffron, Will Cochran, Shaza
Hussein, Nyah Rudd and Citizens’ Climate Lobby. Along with their teacher, Veda Kanitz.
Each discussed a personal and general reason for climate concerns. The Task Force thanked
the presenters and agreed to draft a resolution stating the need to address climate concerns.
The decision was made to Table the Resolution while waiting until after the presentation to
the Park Board in an effort to coordinate the Resolution with the Park Board. Attempt will
be made to issue a joint Resolution with the Park Board. The Task Force recommended that
the presentation also be given to the City Council.
5. Old Business
a. New Task Force Members
Applications are due by May 31. Some applications have been submitted.
Looking toward interview sessions in June and/or July.
b. Budget Presentation Preparation to Council Work Session 6/5/18
The REST Task Force wants to be on the work session agenda.
Brian Erickson will follow up on the work session agenda.
c. Partners in Energy
Action Plan to Council Work Session 6/5/18
We will know in the next two weeks if the Action Plan is on the Work Session
Agenda, otherwise, the Action Plan will be presented directly to the City Council.
d. Green Corps
Rosemount has been selected to host a Green Corp volunteer. Derick will
be supervisor of volunteer. The Volunteer will start in October.
e. Earth Day Litter Clean-up
Discussion of successful litter clean-up day from each Task Force member.
Vanessa announced the planned Garlic Mustard pull and the Buckthorn Pull at
Rosemount High School Saturday May 21 from 12:00 – 2:00 pm and Wednesday
May 30 from 2:30 – 4:00 pm.
f. Webpage Presence Discussion
Table: a place for REST documents on the City of Rosemount website. Renee
agreed to work on the Web Page with Alan. We would include photos of projects.
g. Reuzm Video and Mascot
Agreement to work with Allen at the City to publish the Reuzum Video.
h. Street Sweeper Phosphorous Reduction
Task Force members read article about street sweeping. Discussed possibility of
Rosemount starting enhanced street sweeping operations.
Recommended that Green Corp Volunteer study the benefits of Street Sweeping with
Tool from City of Prior Lake.
Tweet Challenge – Tabled discussion for next month’s meeting.
i. Splash Pad Recycling and Chloride Reduction
Task Force will recommend to the City Council the Recycling of Splash Pad water
and the Chloride reductions.
Motion to approve recommendations to City Council as items to consider when
making policy decisions.
Motion by Renee, Second by Mark.
Passed on voice vote.
6. New Business
a. MPCA Environmental Assistance Grant Opportunity
Task force members are asked to review the process and decide if we would like to
pursue the grant opportunity.
b. MCES Wastewater Reclamation Reuse
Facility – Public Meeting May 21, 2018 https://metrocouncil.org/wastewater-reuse
7. Announcements
a. Metro Environment Commission Conference Official Minutes Available
b. Solar Residential Rooftop Presentation – Burnsville May 20th, 2-4pm
c. Other – Tabled for next meeting
Announcement of Mark’s Award, Discussion of Task Force involvement in
Comprehensive Plan with City Staff.