HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180717 ESTF Minutes ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 17, 2018 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Environmental & Sustainability Task Force (Task Force) of the City of Rosemount was called to order on July 17, 2018 at 5:34 p.m. in the Conference Room of City Hall, 2875 145th St West, Rosemount. Attendees included Task Force Members: Rebecca Higgings (chair), Katie Koch-Laveen, Renee Burman, John Smith, Vanessa DeMuth and Victoria Schlautman. Staff present included the following; - Public Works Director Brian Erickson. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA The following items were added to the agenda: a. Leprechaun Days, including the Firefighters breakfast. b. Welcoming new members APPROVAL OF MAY MINUTES The following corrections or additions were noted: a. From now on, in meeting minutes full names will always be used, not just last names or first names to ensure there is consistency and accuracy. b. An exact correction to the minutes for the May 2017 meeting is noted that it should be ‘Comprehensive PLAN’ in item 7c. Motion by Higgins Second by Schlautman Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. Motion carried. PRESENTATIONS None OLD BUSINESS 5.a. New Members New members were welcomed and a round table of introductions was performed. There was a quick overview done of current projects and the history of the taskforce. With the departure of two more task members, 7 of the 9 possible positions are currently filled. It was mentioned and agreed upon that there will be applications available at the Leprechaun Days booth. 5.b. Green Corps Member Work Plan – Derick and Vanessa The Green Corps Member will start on October 1st. 5.c. Rosemount High School and Citizen’s Climate Lobby Proposed Resolution There was a brief discussion of how the task force will adapt language and a resolution to support tackling climate change. The majority of the conversation was tabled until next month, with a request to staff to work with the Parks Commission on their decisions regarding a similar request. It was agreed upon that the teenagers should perform their presentation the night that any support of resolution was presented to City Council. ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 17, 2018 5.d. Budget Approved by City Council – Logan We have been approved for a budget, but the amount is not enough to warrant a line item in the agenda. Any and all expenditures should and will be discussed and pre-approved before any purchasing is done. 5.e. Partners in Energy – Action Plan to Council Postponed to July 3rd We will be supporting the plan and its presentation tonight in front of city council, along with defining the differentiation between it (the Energy Action Plane) and the Green Corps Intern. 5.f. Online Presence – Webpage Updates, Tweet Challenge, etc. Renee has noted that we have started with a few smaller items on the webpage as well as page dedicated to “How You Can Help”. Photos from recent events are also on the page. More will naturally be added as we grow. 5.g. MPCA Environmental Assistance Grant Opportunity https://www.pca.state.mn.us/about-mpca/environmental-assistance-grants We did not make a final decision and have decided to not participate this year with a plan to focus on applying next year. 5.h. Discussion on splash pad and chloride recommendations This was tabled until the next meeting and we can review more funding options. NEW BUSINESS 6.a. Legal Council Training for Commissions Recap We reviewed the legal complications of attempting to work in between meetings. We also discussed how we can utilize subcommittees and their function since we currently only have 7 of 9 positions filled and a quorum is met with less than 4 attendees. 6.b. Leprechaun Days i. Schedule: There should be at least 2 people per shift. ii. Logisitics: Vanessa Demuth is confirming the borrowing of tables. It will be a bring your own chair situation. iii. Table Top Items: Vanessa Demuth will bring the water top display. Excel will be lending us display items. Rebecca Higgings will bring glass cylinder with “flushable” wipes and toilet paper. Victoria Schlautman will bring a display for alternative straws. 6.c. Waffle Breakfast The mulching location who will be composting for us will buy the plates. We will be asking the Fire Department to split half the cost of purchasing the rest of the compostable items. Motion by Smith Second by Burman Motion to request split. Ayes: 6 Nayes: 0. Motion carried. ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 17, 2018 ANNOUNCEMENTS Conservation MN is hosting a meet and greet session with Rep. Clausen at the Apple Valley Senior Center on Hayes, next to the high school. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn 7:07 pm by Demuth Second by Schlautman Ayes: 6 Nays: 0. Motion carried. Next Task Force Meeting August 21st, 2018.