HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180821 ESTF MinutesENVIRONMENTAL & SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 21, 2018 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Environmental & Sustainability Taskforce of the City of Rosemount was called to order on August 21, 2018 at 5:32 p.m. in the Conference Room of City Hall, 2875 145th St West, Rosemount. Attendees included Task Force Members; Rebecca Higgins (Chair), Katie Koch-Laveen, Renee Burman, John Smith, Vanessa DeMuth, Victoria Schlautman, Mark Glende Staff present included the following; - Derick Anderson and Brian Erickson ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA The following item was added to the agenda: a. Water Steward of Lake Levine APPROVAL OF THE MAY MINUTES Motion by Koch- Laveen, Second by DeMuth Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. Motion Carried. PRESENTATIONS None OLD BUSINESS a. Leprechaun Days Overall very successful. Members felt the need to have a large banner or flag of some type to display at events like at Leprechaun Days or Home and Garden Expo. That way Rosemount residence will know who we are and we will be easier to find. Vickie Schlautman will investigate cost and availability. The hours that the task force manned the booth worked well. b. Budget Reimbursement Items purchased for Leprechaun Days and any other expenses should be submitted via the city expense report form. b.1. Mascot outfit was discussed and before moving forward, members of the taskforce would like to b.2. Those needing official Rosemount shirts will go to the Swag Shop and let Bob know to order shirts in their size c. PiE Action Plan Presentation In July Elena and Marisa present the Action Plan to City Council, their presentation was well received by the Mayor and Council Members. Elena & Marisa explained to City Council the goals that were set by the Energy Action Team and how Rosemount as a whole would achieve those goals. The City Council agreed to proceed with the Partners in Energy program. d) Green Corps Intern Start date is scheduled for October 1, 2018. Derick Anderson will meet with our Green Corps intern on September 28, 2018 and go over some of the things we would like them to assist us with. Some of ENVIRONMENTAL & SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 21, 2018 those things include but not limited to; Urban Forestry, Green Infrastructure, chloride reduction, and to research a city wide leaf collection. e) Rosemount High School and Citizen Climate Lobby Proposed Resolution Katie Koch-Levine will reach out to the high school. f) Online Presence No Report NEW BUSINESS a) MPCA/MVTA Charging Stations Anthony Nemcek from the City of Rosemount will be heading up the EV Charging Station Grant. The grant itself is fairly involved with several restrictions and requirements. Two locations were discussed. The Commuter Lot across from City Hall and the Aldi/Starbucks lot by Hwy3 and Cty Rd 42. Taskforce member John Smith will assist Anthony in writing the grant. b) City Council Elections Terms for Mark DeBettignies and Shaun Nelson will expire this year, there are four individuals running for the two city council spots. The two incumbents and challengers Tammy Block and Paul Essler. Discussion whether to invite candidates to the next REST mtg was tabled. c) Fall Food Truck Festival Set for September 22, after a lengthy discussion it was decided that we would request that all participants to this year’s FTF use mostly recycled and compostable products. Also request that NO plastic bags or Styrofoam be used. Renee Burman will check with Tom Shuster at Park and Rec to insure that there are plenty of receptacles available. d) Update to City Council We will try to get on the October agenda to present an update to city council. Our last update was November of 2017. A power point again will be put together for the update presentation. ANNOUNCEMENTS None. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn 6:50 pm. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0. Motion carried.