HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180918 ESTF MinutesENVIRONMENTAL & SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Environmental & Sustainability Taskforce of the City of Rosemount was called to order on September 18, 2018 at 5:36 p.m. in the Conference Room of City Hall, 2875 145th St West, Rosemount. Attendees included Task Force Members; Rebecca Higgins (Chair), Renee Burman, Vanessa DeMuth, Victoria Schlautman, Mark Glende Staff present included the following; - Derick Anderson and Brian Erickson Residents present included the following; - Jake Duame ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA The following item was added to the agenda: a) Old Business: City Comprehensive Plan Update b) New Business: Organics Collection Survey APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST MINUTES Motion by Glende, Second by DeMuth Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. Motion Carried. PRESENTATIONS None OLD BUSINESS a. City Comprehensive Plan Update Derick Anderson reported that the draft Comprehensive Plan is in its final stages and will be released for public comment shortly. Since the draft Plan is not available on the City’s website, Task Force members requested a copy for formal review and comment prior to the public comment period. Derick Anderson will coordinate with City staff involved in the draft Plan development to send Task Force members a copy of the draft plan. b. Booth Banner and Mascot Schlautman and Glende obtained several quotes for a Task Force banner from local and online vendors. Task Force members directed additional research and authorization for Schlautman and Glende to select the best banner, in an amount not to exceed $200. The selected banner option will be provided to City staff for purchase on behalf of the Task Force. c. Partners in Energy – Action Plan Update Marisa Bayer, Partners in Energy Community Facilitator with Center for Energy and Environment, will schedule a meeting with a subcommittee of Task Force members and City staff in October to discuss ideas for a marketing and outreach plan. Schlautman and Koch-Laveen will be presenting information ENVIRONMENTAL & SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 about the Energy Action Plan and seeking implementation partners at the September 20, 2018 One Rosemount meeting. d) Green Corps Intern Start date is scheduled for October 1, 2018. Derick Anderson will meet with the City’s Green Corps intern on September 28, 2018 and participate in Minnesota Pollution Control Agency training. e) Rosemount High School and Citizen Climate Lobby Proposed Resolution Task Force members support a joint resolution with City’s Park and Recreation Commission. Koch- Laveen will coordinate with the Chair of the Commission on a joint resolution. f) Online Presence No Report g) MPCA/MVTA Charging Stations The City will be submitting a grant proposal; Anthony Nemcek from the City of Rosemount will be the City’s lead to develop the proposal for the EV Charging Station Grant. h) Fall Food Truck Festival The City of Rosemount will be hosting its first ever Food Truck Festival on September 22. The goal of Task Force members is to explore options to reduce waste being disposed. Burman coordinated with Tom Schuster with the City of Rosemount to ensure recycling receptacles are available at the event and explore other options in the future to green the event. i) Update to City Council The October regular City Council agenda will include a progress report on Task Force activities. The last update was November 2017. Chair Higgins will provide the update. NEW BUSINESS a) RAAC Litter Clean Up The Rosemount Area Arts Council is hosting a litter cleanup along Highway 3 on September 29 at 8 a.m. Task Force member are encouraged to participate. Burman will reach out to Tom Schuster to explore opportunities to have recycling collection at the clean-up event. b) Water Saving Irrigation Signage Metropolitan Council provides tools and signage to promote water saving irrigation options. Signage is found on their website and is available for use. c) Organics Collection Survey Task Force member wanted to further explore interest in organics (food waste) collection expressed by residents that visited the Task Force booth at Leprechaun Days. Burman developed a draft survey with questions to further investigate interest and likely participation in possible organics collection options, ranging from backyard composting to a central drop site to curbside collection. Task Force members finalized the survey. Burman will coordinate with City staff to post the survey in the online survey tool POLCO. ENVIRONMENTAL & SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 ANNOUNCEMENTS Higgins announced that in October 2018, she will be stepping down as Chair and Task Force member. ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn 7:08 pm. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. Motion carried.