HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181016 ESTF Minutes ENVIRONMENTAL & SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES October 16, 2018 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Environmental & Sustainability Task Force of the City of Rosemount was called to order on October 16, 2018 at 5:31 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall, 2875 145th St West, Rosemount by Chair Rebecca Higgens. Attendees included Task Force Members: Joanne Johnson, Katie Koch-Laveen, Mark Glende, Renee Burman, Vanessa Demuth, Victoria Schlautman, John Smith, and Karen Malkowski. Staff present included the following; -Senior Engineer Technician Derick Anderson -Public Works Director Brian Erickson -GreenCorps Member Jes Braun Guests present included the following; -Avery Hildebrand, of Conservation Minnesota. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA There were no additions or corrections to the agenda. APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER MINUTES Motion by Glende, Second by Schlautman Motion carried. PRESENTATIONS None OLD BUSINESS a. Update to the City Council Rebecca Higgens presented the PowerPoint update that she was to later present to the City Council. The PowerPoint included the activities of the past year. Residential leaf collection was proposed, which included working with The Mulch Store to give participating residents free mulch. b. Road Salt Policy Vanessa Demuth reported that Rosemount operators were to get Road Salt Certification. c. Booth Banner and Mascot Mark Glende described the booth banner and reported the price as $289. Mark presented an updated Mascot Reusum with the Green Step REST logo and Rosemount Varsity soccer or basketball shorts. The updated mascot may have the head of a child cartoon character to have more marketing appeal. ENVIRONMENTAL & SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES October 16, 2018 d. Partners in Energy – Action Plan Update Vanessa, Victoria, Derick, and Karen discussed DCTC students helping with commercial door knocking. CERTS and PIE will be able to help. REST has an energy subcommittee which will meet to detail plans for implementing PIE Energy Action Plan. Karen will work on implementing. Marissa from PIE wants more input in action plan and there will be a One Rosemount phone meeting on Thursday. e. GreenCorps Member Introduction Jes Braun, new GreenCorps Member, was introduced and she reported on some of her experience with sustainability and the focus of some of her proposed work in Rosemount. Jes will work on residential leaf collection as a way of reducing Phosphorous in surface water and clean-up of leaves in parks. f. Rosemount High School Climate Change Proposed Resolution Rebecca and Derick displayed the finalized Climate Change Resolution approved by Parks and Rec and it was approved by all. Victoria made a motion to send the Resolution to the City Council November work session and the motion got a second from John. It was approved on voice vote. g. MPCA/MVTA Charging Station Grant John reported that the City of Rosemount would have to be involved as the charging station cost money. Also MPCA/MVTA want businesses near the charging station so customers can shop while charging. REST will follow up at the next meeting. h. Fall Food Truck Festival 2019 New plan needed for next year. The event was well attended, but more food truck were needed, more compostable containers need to be used, and other improvements are needed. i. Water Saving Irrigation Signage Vanessa reported that signs are difficult to mow around so we need a different approach to deliver Water Saving Irrigation message – perhaps social media. NEW BUSINESS Rebecca Higgens is stepping down as REST chair and Renee Burman was voted the new chair by voice vote. Vanessa headed up the discussion of how to use the Energy subcommittee to leverage the support from One Rosemount. Victoria will work with Churches, Mark will work with the Family Resource Center and Katie will follow up with Bradley Schafer vice principal at Rosemount Middle School. ENVIRONMENTAL & SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES October 16, 2018 ANNOUNCEMENTS ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:14