HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181120 ESTF Minutes ENVIRONMENTAL & SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES November 20, 2018 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Environmental & Sustainability Task Force of the City of Rosemount was called to order on November 20, 2018 at 5:35 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City Hall, 2875 145th St West, Rosemount. Attendees included Task Force Members: Renee Burman (Chair), Katie Koch-Laveen, Mark Glende, Karen Malkowski, Joanne Johnson, Victoria Schlautman, Vanessa Demuth. Staff present included the following; -Senior Engineer Technician Derick Anderson -Public Works Director Brian Erickson. Residents in attendance included the following; -Tammy Block, City Council Elect -Jes Braun, Green Corps. Member. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA Three items were added to the agenda - Pictures of Task Force members at events - Discussion of Landscaping for Clean Water - Commissioner Meeting APPROVAL OF THE OCTOBER MINUTES Motion by Glende, Second Koch-Laveen Motion carried. PRESENTATIONS No presentations. OLD BUSINESS a. City Council Update Renee reported that Rebecca Higgens gave a power point presentation for the accomplishments of the REST Task Force to the City Council. Many Task Force members were present. The report was well received by the Council. b. Rosemount High School Climate Proposed Resolution Derick reported that the Rosemount High School Climate Proposed Resolution updated by REST and the Parks and Rec commission will be presented during a work session for the City Council in January. c. Rosemount High School Buckthorn Removal Jes Braun reported that 27-28 students from Rosemount High School Green Team and 2 city parks workers cleared ¾ - 1 acre of buckthorn on Rosemount school property. Jes reported that the team was very energized and they used loppers. Later Parks professionals ENVIRONMENTAL & SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES November 20, 2018 applied herbicide. A discussion followed on the cost of tools and perhaps treats for the Green Team volunteers. d. Booth Banner and Mascot Mark reported on the proposed cost of the feather flag as $34 for the flag and $116 for the base. Mark also passed around images of the new, more kid friendly “Reuseum” mascot costume from Mascosplay.com. Changes were proposed to include the mascot on the cape and on the T-shirt. Price estimated at about $300. The Foot Print Logo was approved with the mottos ‘Know Your Foot Print’ and ‘Conserve to Preserve’. Entire mascot should be available for the Home and Garden Show in the spring. e. Energy Action Plan Update Vanessa, Karen, Becky and Victoria all commented on the tremendous Table Event at the Tree Lighting City Event. Task force members interacted with many community members and shared information about Energy Audits and Rebates. There was also a Display of the Watt required for two different strands of lights; indicating 4 Watts used to light the LED strand compared with 57 Watts used to light the incandescent miniature lights. Citizens were impressed. Vanessa and Mark prepared plans for mock-up of the PiE T-shirt with funding from Excel. Joanna indicated that she would contact the Rosemount Area Arts Council and Katie will contact the Library for opportunities for a Table Event to advertise the PiE future plans and get citizen involvement. Renee will contact the Well Resource center. Victoria will contact St Joseph’s community. Vanessa contacted Rosemount Woods and that community has agreed to include a 3-fold energy flyer in the monthly communication with residents. Derick proposed a table event at the upcoming School District STEM events at various schools. Katie brought up the idea of tracking the effectiveness of our Outreach initiatives. A discussion followed which will continue next meeting. Victoria inquired about getting energy information to landlords of multiple properties perhaps through Dakota County GIS. f. Road Salt Policy and City Staff Training Brian indicated that Smart Salt Training had occurred with city staff. A discussion followed indicating the positive effects of pre-treating with bring to reduce salt use. Jes reported that a video is available which shows residents desire for high use of salt. Alan Cox from the city also does a great presentation of limiting use of salt and substituting sand or other substances for traction. Vanessa reported that she often sees containers with salt and dispensers near city entryways. Vanessa proposed that sand also be available and that a broom and dustpan be available to sweep up extra salt and put it into a container to use another time. Messaging to reduce salt use at Commercial sites was proposed to focus on cost savings of using less salt, and/or distributing less frequently. NEW BUSINESS a. Review Resiliency Chapter of the City Comprehensive Plan This was Tabled for the next meeting. b. Green Corps: Green Infrastructure Workplan Prioritizes ENVIRONMENTAL & SUSTAINABILITY TASK FORCE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES November 20, 2018 This is to be a high level framework, not a strategy c. Vanessa proposed Green purchasing for City events ANNOUNCEMENTS December meeting will be Dec 18, 2018. ADJOURNMENT Renee made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:17p.m. Victoria seconded and the motion carried.