December 18, 2018
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Environment & Sustainability Task Force
(REST) of the City of Rosemount was called to order on December 18, 2018 at 5:35 p.m. in the
Conference Room of the City Hall, 2875 145th St West, Rosemount.
Attendees included Task Force Members: Renee Burman (Chair), Katie Koch-Laveen, John Smith,
Karen Malkowski, Joanne Johnson, Victoria Schlautman, Vanessa Demuth.
Staff present included the following;
-Senior Engineer Technician Derick Anderson
- Jes Braun GreenCorp Member
Guest in attendance included the following;
-Avery Hildebrand with Conservation Minnesota
-Rebecca Higgins Rosemount Resident and former chair of REST
Update from Avery with Conservation MN was added to the agenda
Motion by Demuth, Second Koch-Laveen
Motion carried.
No presentations.
a. Conservation MN Update
The Environmental Commission Conference 2019 will be held Saturday, April 6th, from 8am
to 12pm with afternoon workshops at United Methodist Church in Minneapolis. This is a
meeting where all the environmental commissions in the metro come together to share ideas,
over 30 commissions were represented at the first one held in 2018. Vanessa and Rebecca
attended. A REST member can join the steering committee an 8 to 10-member group. There
is no one representing south of the river on the steering committee.
The Water Forum will be on Saturday, May 11th, at the City of Eagan Community Center.
The audience is the general public and elected officials. This year the event will be more
action orientated.
Jes suggested that we become a Bird City and Avery offered to check into the status of the
program. We would be required to have an annual birding festival.
Rebecca mentioned that we could apply to have the Minnesota Humanities Center “We are
Water MN” traveling exhibit in Rosemount. It is a 1000 square foot exhibit that covers
science and history. The application would be for a date in 2020. We may have to
December 18, 2018
demonstrate that we have the space and ability to market it.
b. Rosemount High School Climate Proposed Resolution
Derick reported that the Rosemount High School Climate Proposed Resolution updated by
REST and the Parks and Rec commission will be presented during a work session for the
City Council on Tuesday, February 5th at 5:00pm. The meeting room can’t accommodate a
lot of people so we should limit the number of REST members in attendance.
c. Booth Banner and Mascot
Derick will ask Mark Glende for information on ordering the mascot. Victoria presented
three designs for the booth banner feather flag; the third design was selected. The slogan
Conserve to Preserve may be added, the green on the footprint may need to be changed to
match the green on the rest of the flag and maybe navy will be added somewhere. If
possible, printing on both sides is preferable.
d. Energy Action Plan Update
Karen presented the Pie Marketing Campaign spreadsheet she created to track upcoming
tabling opportunities which includes items to promote and a place for REST members to
sign up to volunteer. The first event is the ISD 196 STEM fair on January 31st. John said it
is career orientated. Having a demo was suggested. Renee will ask recycling zone to watch
for a digital thermostat for Karen to have in the booth, also a signup sheet for students to
help us by volunteering on the task force. Maybe we could find a student who needs to do a
school project and they could get an energy audit of their home and educate their
classmates about it. Mark could be there dressed as the mascot. We should also have our
feather flag there.
Residential Outreach
Jes said we could work with Stephanie Baumann, who works at the Steeple Center, to have
an event organized for the seniors at the Steeple Center. Karen added that we could have
CUB (Citizens Utility Board of MN) a nonprofit help us with tabling and in-person utility
bill consultations.
Victoria met with Sandy at The Well. They are getting grants and going green. Victoria
wants to set up a group of representatives from all the churches to work together on
conservation issues. The Well is trying to get an eV charging station. On January 17th,
Victoria is meeting with Sandy at The Well at 1:30pm, anyone can attend. Karen said to
look up what Maplewood did with the Energize your congregation Energize Maplewood
campaign. Victoria will contact St Joseph’s community.
Vanessa and Jes got 220 energy assistance flyers printed for Rosemount Woods to include
in the water bill to residents. Karen requested that we share a different flyer in next month’s
bill which Vanessa will do. Vanessa will also look into adding information into the city’s
water bills to residents.
The Business Expo is March 16th where mostly residents will be in attendance that the
REST will engage with.
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Business Outreach
Derick will ask Logan how many businesses are on the business email Alan sends out as
Karen said it takes 2 months to set up with business visits with CERTS. Derick will get list
from Logan of the 89 businesses in town.
Karen gave an update on possible opportunities to engage with the Dakota County
Regional Chamber of Commerce. She will contact Maureen with the DCRCC to get her
recommendation on how we can best interact with the chamber. Maureen has experience
from her work at the Bloomington Chamber of Commerce on supporting energy
conservation opportunities to their members
Renee will meet with Logan to discuss the upcoming presentation to council and the
process for obtaining an intern.
e. Website and Social Media
Joanne will be the main contact to work with Alan on the website. Renee suggested that we
build more of our own content to be a resource for residents.
Jes shared her schedule of topics for her Conserve and Preserve Rosemount weekly social
media blast.
a. Organics Collection Site
Renee was excited to share that Rosemount will have its own site in 2019 in partnership with
the Mulch Store. The County will begin to share messages with our residents about reducing
food waste. Jenny Kedward with the County will come to a future REST meeting to share
b. Review of draft BMP for Stormwater
Jes shared her draft of this document which is part of her workplan. She is looking for
feedback from the REST.
c. Review Resiliency Chapter of the City Comprehensive Plan
This was tabled for the next meeting. Rebecca will reach out to Blue Dot on resilience
d. Rain Garden at RHS
Jes is helping the RHS with the raingarden at their outdoor classroom. She requested money
from REST for the pots for the students to start growing the plant seeds, approximately $50
with shipping. Derick suggest Jes look for a local source.
Motion by Koch-Laveen, Second Smith
Motion carried.
December 18, 2018
Motion by Demuth to adjourn the meeting at 7:07p.m., Second Koch-Laveen