HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191118 UC Minutes UTILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES November 18, 2019 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount was called to order on November 18, 2019, at 5:32 p.m. in the Upper Conference Room, City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount. Commissioner Demuth called meeting to order with Commissioner Cahn and Rome, Mayor Droste, City Administrator Martin, Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson, Public Works Coordinator Watson, Stormwater Specialist Byron and Recording Secretary Paque. Guests included: - Rosemount Environmental and Sustainability Task Force (REST) members: Renee Burman and Nathan Marks - St. Olaf College Presenters: Dr. Meredith Holgerson, Margot Groskreutz, and Katie Hoffman ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA None AUDIENCE INPUT APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Rome Second by Cahn Motion to approve the minutes of the September 19, 2019 Utility Commission meeting. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 7.a. Wetland Research Presentation Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson introduced the speakers from St. Olaf College. Dr. Meredith Holgerson and her students gave a presentation on some of the water bodies in Rosemount and surrounding cities. Presentation covered the wildlife, vegetation, and water chemistry of the ponds. Commissioner Cahn questioned whether the record rainfall effected their results. Holgerson explained in high rain years there will be more run-off. This would also mean larger water volume that would dilute chemistry of the water. Other factors they considered while taking samples are: when the last rainfall was, if fertilizer was just applied, or how rec ently the road salts were applied in the spring. Public Works Coordinator Watson questioned if there has been any further research completed on salt/sand mixtures for winter. Several years ago, the City had used the salt/sand mixture and opted to change to 100% salt. Groskreutz answered that there are cities that use molasses, which is a biproduct of beets, to help the salt stick to roadways and reduce the amount of salt use. Watson explained that the City currently uses beet juice in the salt mixture. Holgerson and Watson expressed that salt and sand are both problematic for water bodies and corrosion on storm inlets and outlets. Mayor Droste asked about the process of dredging a pond and if the soil in the pond would be contaminated. Erickson explained that samples would have to be taken prior to dredging. If the soils are contaminated, the City would have to pay for proper disposal. I f the soil is safe, the City may use the soil anywhere and/or offer the soil to surrounding farmers. Administrator Martin questioned whether bubblers in the ponds are beneficial. Holgerson explained that she would like to complete further research on ponds with bubblers. Holgerson believes that bubblers would change the dynamic of the pond but wasn’t sure how it would affect them. Holgerson and her students hope to return to Rosemount to sample ponds further and look into greenhouse gas emissions from ponds. Holgerson is waiting for her equipment to be set up at St. Olaf College to process the samples she already taken and review the methane results. REST Chair Renee Burman asked if Holgerson and her students made any observations on the amount of litter in the ponds. Groskreutz stated that the ponds in residential areas and along busy roads had more litter than the rural ponds. Ponds in the parks were relatively clean as well. 7.b. Water Conservation Ordinance Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson provided a brief overview of the City’s current watering ordinance. Public Works Coordinator Watson reached out to surrounding cities to gather what they were doing for water conservation enforcement. Currently, other cities are not actively enforcing their water conservation ordinance. Commissioners and staff discussed the current watering restrictions and suggested making changes to them. Watson and Demuth discussed the idea of sending a letter to the top 10% highest users for residential properties. Mayor Droste explained that the City of Woodbury had hired an intern to reach out to the top 10% and work with them to reduce their water usage. Commissioner Demuth explained in the Water Supply Plan that was submitted to the DNR, one of the “to - dos” was to have something in code for water-emergency conservation. Demuth recommends that the City implement Woodbury’s emergency plan and requested the topic of “water-emergency conservation” for the December agenda. The Department of Natural Resources invited cities to use their water conservation tool kit. Erickson has reached out to Brian Davis at the Met Council and will let the Commission know how the City has scored. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT 8.a. Second Meter Update Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson provided an update to the commissioners that City Council voted to discontinue the second meter program. Commissioners discussed the second meter changes and upcoming mailings that are going out to residents. Staff has drafted separate letters for residents who have already recouped their return on investment, and for residents that will be receiving refunds who haven’t recouped their full return on investment. Letters will be sent to residents in mid-December 2019. Staff will be coordinating with a licensed plumber to remove all the second meters in the City. Erickson is seeking quotes for this work to be completed. 8.b. Well Pumping Report Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson provided the report to commissioners. No discussion. 8.c. City Project Update Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson gave brief overviews of the ongoing projects within in the city. Commissioner Demuth asked about when the next community well is needed. Erickson stated that staff is working with a consultant on a timeline for the next well. 8.d. Set Next Meeting Agenda for December 16, 2019. The Finance Department will be bringing policy changes for Utility Commission to review and approve. Commissioners requested that the water efficiency grant also be discussed at the next meeting. OTHER UPDATES Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson stated that the City received a grant from the Metropolitan Council to further support the City’s water efficiency efforts. ADJOURNMENT Demuth adjourned the meeting at 7:17 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jessie Paque Recording Secretary