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2772 135TH ST W
02010 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. J ��,� L E G AL thru L o P 710N: Lot 1 th L o t 4 In clusive, Block 1, �-- HAR 6 TH AD according to j - _ - __ th re plat thereof Da kota County, / / Mi nnesota. 135TH STREET ~ Ad Ma tr ix �y �' - saN ' SAN \� 276 135th S Lot 4 �J --- SAN SA SAN ---- V 2 7 72 13 5 th S L 3 ~' ��� ° 27 13 5th Street, Lot 2 Reviewed as •f.J j j �� sro �� � " 27 13 5t h Street, Lot 1 � sro / o� D � , g�TC sro ���• Garage Floor Elevation = (972 . 00) � � sro sro ___} . (4 inch slope in garage) g70. —`tea. x " Top of Block Elevation = (97 2. 50) i Lowest Floor Elevation = (969.80) f� _ )— flj h 681 9j13 9''z 9� 92 _` Westwood Professional Services. Inc. grading plan rn r- ----- -- --- - - - --- TSB 4 TS X931 075S �52rs g 9 P r c ---------- ----Sx 9T __________---- r ----- -- - - -=_= Grading Pion Dated 04/29/08, Revision Date 08/01/08 ' L ���_____._._... N90 00 S ' A 115.57 Benchmark —TNH Northwest Quad Brockway Ave. & i CO ° st SAN . A SAN h g6935' i a r WAT SANITARY SERVICE i j 0 3fi.33' � 26.00 � 26.� � 2 7. 33 � - t 135th S t reet Elevation = 972.92 r-•• ( 971.78 X_ 971.76 (97 X971 900.0 Denotes asbu elevation L 971.8i�= �! Cs7r =�i �' : a ,� , 1 = \ a x (900.00) Denotes prop elevation -Y�� -��j�s c)---' �o I } 2 WATER ERVICE x 900.00 Denotes existing elevation Cam`' 3 x71.9 ❑ ❑ I. Cs72.1, c 972.0.) Denotes surface drainage 03 I I t I 1 ( (978.20) X (978. J M �' I / `� ,^ COI • Deno tes iron monument found I 969361 r ' ;1; LOT 1 t LOT 2 LOT 3 M LOT 4 0 Denotes iron monument set Bearings based on assumed datum. La ILI ut �°�� �i �i' ° o o ° o no z�, l nT *BUILDING REFLECTS FOUNDATION PLAN, o p/ c Q 0 0 0 gyp , L O I v SHEET A3, LAST REVISED 02/25/10 � y o + `� 0 0 0 0; *CURB AND GUTTER ARE EXISTING, UTILITIES 1 ` Z Z T Z O SANITARY EXISTING [ 1 O EAS I ON . Q NVERTE BUILDING ARE t his survey ey !hereby certify t hat this survey was prepared ' 0 \ ELEVATION by me or under my direct supervision and that = 961.10 Z s7ra7 x72.4 I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the 0 I (i;� �� low th State of Minn o 972.2 972.24 972.24 (972.00} pt. � © IE © 971.8 I ( 972.00) ^ ; (972.00) _ - (97200) _ i 9� �� i o i , -972 ` , ' r � • r O i % %��f d ° i � Craig W Morse, R.L.S. Date I / �' � l �j� / �, ,� License No. 23021 Scale: 1 "= 20 feet I /. 3� / mss 6 ! f f ,�`i f N90�00 00 Y}� / ��.67j/� �� REQUESTED B Y , , - / /�>� f 5 / f RO T TL ve HOMES 968641 , . 1S + / // j' / / // / %� � � i / // �� I I � // + / �` `` '� '� � '' � / \` 3065 Centre Point Drive Phone (651)638 -0500 f 0 o 0 �� 9q "� Roseville, Mn, 55113 Dr Fax (651)638 -0503 20042606.00 i ( I A S I , \ ,sue 9 OiT �.a I /� 0 \ r 0 r 'C I Westwood Professl SeMl Inc. il � - 7699 Anagram Drive 55 I j \ O SAN Eden Prairie MN 55344 1111 � PHONE 952 - 937 -5156 S ` PRIVATE DRIVE 6 ; X937 I .... �. $ _-.._ T9 S TO - FAX ;1 Westwood wrwrw .wYestwoal ascom i / awn by. Do Job No: i T r r r l i BTW 09/30/10 20042606. 06c§t901L001- 04. dwg