HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200616 ESC - PACKETAGENDA Environment & Sustainability Commission Tuesday, June 16, 2020 5:30 p.m. Virtual Meeting via Go To Meeting 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA 3. ANNUAL MEETING a. Election of Commission Officers (See item 8.a.) 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. May 19, 2020 Environment and Sustainability Commission Minutes 5. PRESENTATIONS 6. OLD BUSINESS a. Energy Action Plan (Verbal Report) b. Status of Green Step Cities (Verbal Report) c. Conserve & Preserve Blog – Calendar of Topics 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Turtle Traffic Discussion b. SWPPP Comments c. Open Meeting Law Discussion (Verbal Report) d. Goal Setting 2020 Discussion (Verbal Report) 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS a. Karen Malkowski Resignation 9. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT a. Set Next Meeting Agenda for July 21, 2020 10. ADJOURNMENT ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES May 19, 2020 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Environmental & Sustainability Commission of the City of Rosemount was called to order on May 19, 2020, at 5:34 p.m. via Zoom. Attendees included: Commissioners Renee Burman, Katie Koch-Laveen, Victoria Schlautman, Karen Malkowski, Nathan Marks, Kristen Andrews, and Kim Ciresi. Staff present included the following; Mayor Droste, Public Works Director Erickson and Stormwater Specialist Byron. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA ANNUAL MEETING 3.a. Issuance of Oath – Kristen Andrews & Kim Ciresi Mayor Droste performed the swearing in of new commissioners. 3.b. Election of Commission Officers Commissioner Burman nominated Karen Malkowski for the President of the commission. Motion by Burman Second by Koch-Laveen Motion to elect Karen Malkowski as President of the Environmental & Sustainability Commission. Ayes: 8 Nays: 0. Motion Carried. Commissioner Malkowski nominated Nathan Marks for the Vice President of the commission. Motion by Malkowski Second by Burman Motion to elect Nathan Marks as Vice President of the Environmental & Sustainability Commission. Ayes: 8 Nays: 0. Motion Carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Koch-Laveen, Second by Malkowski Motion to approve the minutes of the February 18, 2020 Environmental & Sustainability Commission meeting. Ayes: 8 Nays: 0. Motion carried. PRESENTATIONS OLD BUSINESS 6.a. Energy Action Plan Public Works Director Erickson provided abrief update to the commissioners. Staff is working on internal energy projects within City facilities. ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES May 19, 2020 Commissioners discussed Centerpoint’s energy audit program and how the commission can promote it. Public Works Director Erickson explained that promotional material can be sent to the Communications Coordinator. 6.b. Status of Green Step Cities Stormwater Specialist Byron provided a brief overview on the report that was received on where Rosemount is ranked within program. Rosemount iscurrently ranked at Step 2. There are several simple actions that the City could do to achieve the third step. 6.c. Bylaws Public Works Director Erickson briefly explained the commission’sbylaws. Motion by Malkowski, Second by Koch-Laveen Motion to adopt the bylaws for the Environmental & Sustainability Commission. Ayes: 8 Nays: 0. Motion carried. 6.d. Commission Meeting Schedule Discussion Stormwater Specialist Byron explained to the commissioners to possible schedule conflicts that the current schedule of meetings creates for staff. Commissioners and staff decided to keep the schedule of meetings asis. NEW BUSINESS 7.a. Goal Setting 2020 Discussion Public Works Director Erickson discussed the options for having a goal setting session. Typically, these meetings are held in February or March. Commissioners agreed tohave the goal setting meeting when in-person meetings start. 7.b. Status of Conserve & Preserve Blog Stormwater Specialist Byron updated the commission on the status of the blog and asked the commissioners whether they would like to see the blog continue. Commissioner Burman expressed interest in keeping the blog going. Public Works Director Erickson explained it would be helpful if commissioners provided topics and materials to be posted by staff on the blog. Commissioner Burman planned to compile atopics calendar that the commission will discuss at the next meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS 8.a. Chris Watson Resignation Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson provided a brief overview on staff updates. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES May 19, 2020 9.a. Set Next Meeting Agenda for June 16, 2020 Commissioner Burman requested the following items be added to the next agenda: Calendar ofTopics for the Conserve and Preserve Blog Goal Setting (ifmeeting is in-person) 9.b. City Response to COVID 19 and Community Events Staff provided anupdate on events and how the City will carry out business. 9.c. COVID 19 Regulatory Flexibility Requests for Air Permits with MPCA Public Works Director/City Engineer Erickson explained that concerns have been expressed to staff about some industries in town have received regulatory relief on air quality standards due to COVID 19. Stormwater Specialist Byron investigated into the MPCA and industries are only receiving relief on their annual reporting deadlines. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Burman adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jessie Paque Recording Secretary EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environmental & Sustainability Commission Meeting: June 16, 2020 AGENDA ITEM: Status of Conserve and Preserve Blog -AGENDA SECTION: Calendar of Topics Old Business PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Storm Water Specialist AGENDA NO. 6.c. ATTACHMENTS: 2020 Draft Calendar APPROVED BY: BLE2019LeprechaunDaysPledges RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discuss, Motion to Approve Calendar & Assign Authors BACKGROUND: At the May 19, 2020 meeting, the Environmental and Sustainability Commission approved to continue producing the Conserve & Preserve Blog on the City of Rosemount website as started by the 2019 GreenCorps member the City hosted. Commission Members will take turns drafting blog entries for posting on the website. Commissioner Burman agreed to draft a calendar of potential blog topics for 2020, based in part on 2019 Leprechaun Days Pledges by residents, to review at the June meeting. Examples of the Conserve and Preserve Blog can be seen athttps://ci.rosemount.mn.us/preserve. SUMMARY: Discuss 2020 Blog content. Approve 2020 Calendar ofTopics and author assignments. C:\\Users\\jab\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\6.c. Status of Conserve and Preserve Blog - Calendar of Topics_601040\\6.c. Status of Conserve and Preserve Blog - Calendar of Topics.docx 2020 Preserve and Conserve Blog Calendar of Residential Environmental Topics Goal: City publish a monthly environmental article on the Preserve and Conserve Blog (and post on other social media channels) Purpose: Educate residents on an environmental issue and provide actionable tips for behavior change. Month Environmental Topic Lead Draft due Commission to Jane Author July Composting options (e.g., drop sites, backyard) July 6 and benefits Or Tips for alternative transportation around town walk, bike, public transportation) August Water conservation tips – in home and yard Aug 3 September Proper leaf and yard waste management (fall) Sept 7 and tips to reduce pollution and run off in storm water October Energy conservation tips/prep house for Oct 5 winterization Use LEDs Recycle CFLs at The Recycling Zone Schedule an energy audit November Reduce salt use on driveways and sidewalks Nov 2 December Give the gift of experience, reduce waste at Dec 7 holidays General Guidelines: Articles: o Be 2-4 paragraphs in length o Provide at 3-5 actionable environmental tips o Include links of where to go for more information (city, county, state, etc.) o Include images (or ideas for them), as appropriate Lead author drafts article and sends to Jane Byron for review (does anyone else on Commission need or want to review?) Jane will route internally for review, as appropriate, and send it to city communications coordinator for city distribution on social media and blog. 2019 Leprechaun Days REST Booth: I pledge to reduce my footprint by:Category Straw (giveaway) related Use less water in the sink Water Charge my phone less Energy Turn off sprinkler system Water Replace light bulbs Energy Ride my bike to work Transportation Saving the turtles and using metal straw Waste yes Don't leave lights on Energy I will start organics recycling Waste Replace toilets Water Walk everywhere instead of driving. Get some exercise too.Transportation Turn off lights when I leave room Energy Take a shorter shower Water Recycle more, use less garbage and use reusable straw Waste yes Do the organics drop site Waste Recycle Waste I will recycle more Waste I will pick up trash Waste No more paper plates and plastic cups Waste Not litter Waste No plastic Waste Pick up all the trash at the beach and ground Waste Clean up any trash I see and throw it away. Also, make sure I put the recycle in the recycle bin and trash in the trash Waste Use a metal straw instead of plastic straw Waste yes Take a shorter shower Water Bring my own cup to Starbucks Waste Not running water while brushing my teeth Waste Recycling Waste Carpooling Transportation Reduce plastic use Waste Not using plastic straws and using cloth bags at stores Waste yes No longer use plastic straws Waste yes Recycle more Waste Ask for no straw or lid at food establishments Waste yes Recycle more Waste Help all the adoption centers Other Use metal straw!!Waste I will save the turtles Water Cleaning up after myself and others the best I can Waste Total 38 pledges 5 straw related Category # of pledges Water 6 Waste 24 Energy 4 Transportation 3 Other 1 Total 38 16% 63% 10% 8% 3% 2019 Pledges to Reduce Footprint, By Category Water Waste Energy Transportation Other EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environmental & Sustainability Commission Meeting: June 16, 2020 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: Turtle Traffic Discussion New Business PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Storm Water Specialist AGENDA NO. 7.a. ATTACHMENTS: Complaint email, Location map APPROVED BY: BLE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion only. DISCUSSION: May 29, 2020, the City of Rosemount received an email complaint regarding fatal wildlife traffic interactions along Bonaire Path near Mare Lake in Meadows and Horseshoe Lake Parks. The City decided to bring the issue forward for discussion with the ESC and the internal Traffic Safety Committee. The Traffic Safety Committee is tentatively scheduled to meet on June 16. Upon investigation, some of the nearby trails are part of the Rosemount Greenway, a regional trail planning effort spearheaded by Dakota County. The Rosemount Greenway Master Plan completed in 2017, recommends installation ofan underpass estimated tocost $750,000 at some future date to connect trails north and south of Bonaire Path in Meadows and Horseshoe Lake Parks. The Rosemount Greenway Master Plan can be found at the following website: https://www.co.dakota.mn.us/parks/About/TrailPlanning/Pages/rosemount.aspx. SUMMARY: No action required. C:\\Users\\jab\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\7.a. Turtle Traffic Discussion_601043\\7.a. Turtle Traffic Discussion.docx From: Sue Richey Sent: Friday, May 29, 2020 10:18 AM To: mastodon10@charter.net Subject: Turtle troubles To whom it may concern: We have lived in Rosemount for almost twenty years and moved here for the beauty and nature of the area. There have been many walks on gravel roads looking for wildlife. Way back when Bonaire Path was paved we expressed great concern over the volume of dead turtles, unable to escape the road due to curbs and high traffic led to massive road kills. Years ago we emailed the Rosemount City Hall about the situation and we were told that NOTHING could be done to stop the carnage. We pleaded for at least a speed limit sign that would prohibit excessive speed (people consistently ignore the posted speed limit on this road today) and we even suggested wildlife crossing signs, ramps or outlets for wildlife/turtles to use as a byway between the two ponds separated by Bonaire. Much to our disappointment the three years/spring and summers of us pleading for help fell on deaf ears, we were told nothing could be done. This seems improbable, there is always room for a solution or alternative measures. Of note, there is a turtle fence on Hwy 3 built last year which is so amazing, wish we could do something like that for our turtles on Bonaire. We need a solution other than us doing ‘turtle patrol’ twice a day during the warm weather which may result in one successful rescue a week, but mostly just finding crushed carcasses and a sense of defeat trying to help our wildlife just survive another summer trying to cross the road. Also, now that there is a larger community presence in this area we are seeing a huge increase in not only turtle deaths but other wildlife. Please see pictures attached of one afternoon walk just last week, we stopped taking pictures after counting to ten. Last year we documented around 30-40 dead turtles, babies, adults, snappers plus frogs, snakes, muskrats and birds and just this last weekend a fox. Please, if you can bring this forward to anyone that will listen, or cares about our precious resources and environment in Rosemount please do so. Otherwise there will be no turtles left in this area which will be a sad day. Every summer this breaks our hearts. Thank you. Richey/Rupp household. This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient or the individual responsible for delivering the e-mail to the intended recipient, please be advised that you have received this e-mail in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please return it to the sender immediately and delete the original message and any copy of it from your computer system. If you have any questions concerning this message, please contact the sender. Disclaimer R001.0 Turtle Fatalities Complaint Location Trails Sidewalk Bituminous Nature June 11, 2020 Map Powered by DataLinkfromWSB & Associates 1 inch = 752 feet Nearmap EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environmental & Sustainability Commission Meeting: June 16, 2020 AGENDA ITEM: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program AGENDA SECTION: SWPPP) Annual Public Comment Period New Business PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Storm Water Specialist AGENDA NO. 7.b. ATTACHMENTS: SWPPP BMP Sheets APPROVED BY: BLE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discuss the SWPPP and Public Comments BACKGROUND A requirement of the NPDES MS4 Permit issued to the City of Rosemount by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) is to annually provide an opportunity for the public to give input on the City’s Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). As part of this provision, the City is holding a public meeting to receive comments at the June 16, 2020, City Council Meeting and has posted information on the City website and social media on how to view the SWPPP online and provide comments via mail or email through June 26, 2020. The opportunity toprovide comment was also noticed in the City’sofficial newspaper. Staff is providing this opportunity to the ESC and any members of the public attending the ESC to ask questions about the SWPPP or toprovide comments on the SWPPP. To facilitate discussion, attached are the SWPPP Best Management Practice (BMP) Sheets which provide a summary of the practices the City implements to reduce its impact on stormwater from City operations. A link to the full SWPPP can be found on the City website athttps://ci.rosemount.mn.us/244/Stormwater. RECOMMENDATION Discuss the SWPPP and Accept Comments on the SWPPP. C:\\Users\\jab\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\7.b SWPPP Annual Comment Period_601059\\7.b SWPPP Annual Comment Period.docx BMP Description: Provide mutually beneficial partnerships to address MS4 permit requirements of providing educational opportunities, illicit discharge detection and elimination, and maintenance of the city conveyance systems. Agreements will be pursued between the City of Rosemount and the Dakota Soil and Water Conservation District. BMP Title:Develop Written Partnership Agreements BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:1-A Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part II.D.1. Measurable Goals: Determine if this partnership beneficial in the educational, training, and/or enforcement aspects of the MS4 program. Responsible Person: Name: Title: Phone: Email: Brian Erickson City Engineer 651-322-2022 brian.erickson@ci.rosemount.mn.us The City will document the number of publications and households served by publication. The effectiveness of this BMP will be measured by the number of articles and brochures published in newsletters, distributed via City mailings/website and RCWD workshops, and visits to the City’s website. Success of this BMP is defined as developing then implementing the educational activities schedule and distributing/hosting a minimum of four educational materials, workshops, or presentations per year. Phone:651-322-2075 Email:jane.byron@ci.rosemount.mn.us Responsible Person: Name:Jane Byron Title:Storm Water Specialist Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:1-B Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.1.Part III.D.1.a.1.Part III.D.1.a.2.Part III.D.1.b.Part III.D.1.c. BMP Title:Education Activity Implementation Plan BMP Description: The City will provide stormwater education and outreach programs for residents within the City. The City will complete an outline of the education program and implementation schedule for the upcoming permit cycle. BMP Title:Education Program BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:1-C Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.1.Part III.D.1.a.1.Part III.D.1.a.2.Part III.D.1.b.Part III.D.1.c. BMP Description: Responsible Person: Name:Jane Byron Title:Storm Water Specialist The City or its designee will raise awareness to the audience involved by providing information on stormwater pollution prevention, effects of illicit discharges, best management practices, components of the SWPPP and outside entity resources available to City residents and business owners. The effectiveness of this BMP will be measured by the number of articles and brochures published in newsletters, distributed via City mailings/website and RCWD workshops, and visits to the City’s website. Success of this BMP is defined as developing then implementing the educational activities schedule and distributing a minimum of 3 stormwater related articles in the City newsletter annually, promoting 2 educational workshops per year, and continuing to implement the Wetland Health Evaluation Program. Measurable Goals: Phone:651-322-2075 Email:jane.byron@ci.rosemount.mn.us Phone:651-322-2075 Email:jane.byron@ci.rosemount.mn.us Track website hits to the stormwater documents available. Track the comments left by community members about the stormwater program. Responsible Person: Name:Jane Byron Title:Storm Water Specialist Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:1-D Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.1.Part III.D.1.a.1.Part III.D.1.a.2.Part III.D.1.b.Part III.D.1.c. BMP Title:City Website BMP Description: The City updates their web page by providing information on high priority stormwater pollution prevention topics and effects of illicit discharge to City residents and business owners. The goal will be to add new material as it becomes available and record the number of website hits annually. Phone:651-322-2075 Email:jane.byron@ci.rosemount.mn.us Track the number of newsletters that were distributed. Responsible Person: Name:Jane Byron Title:Storm Water Specialist Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:1-E Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.1.Part III.D.1.a.1.Part III.D.1.b.Part III.D.1.c. BMP Title:City Newsletter BMP Description: City staff will develop then distribute stormwater related articles in the City newsletter. This goal will be met by distributing a minimum of two stormwater related articles in the City newsletter each year. Phone:651-322-2022 Email:brian.erickson@ci.rosemount.mn.us Track the number of community members who give input and attend the educational activities. Responsible Person: Name:Brian Erickson Title:City Engineer Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:1-F Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part II.D.1.Part III.D.1.Part III.D.1.a.1.Part III.D.1.c. BMP Title:Coordination of Education Program BMP Description: The City will collaborate and coordinate the development and implementation of the City's educational activities schedule with all three of the City's Watershed Management Commissions. Phone:651-322-2075 Email:jane.byron@ci.rosemount.mn.us Make sure the notice for the public is posted within the acceptable timeframe for public input. The effectiveness of this BMP will be measured by the number of public notices posted. Responsible Person: Name:Jane Byron Title:Storm Water Specialist Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:2-A Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.2.Part III.D.2.a.1.Part III.D.2.a.2.Part III.D.2.a.3.Part III.D.2.b. BMP Title:Comply with Public Notice Requirements BMP Description: Provide public notice of meeting to provide input on the SWPPP in accordance with City public hearing notification requirements. Phone:651-322-2075 Email:jane.byron@ci.rosemount.mn.us Document attendance and record minutes at the public meeting, record statements and written comments and document changes made to the SWPPP. Effectiveness will be evaluated based upon the amount of resident feedback is received. Responsible Person: Name:Jane Byron Title:Storm Water Specialist Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:2-B Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.2.Part III.D.2.a.1.Part III.D.a.2.Part III.D.2.a.3.Part III.D.2.b. BMP Title:Annual Meeting BMP Description: Hold an annual public meeting combined with a City Council meeting or other public participation/involvement event to solicit public input on the SWPPP, discuss its effectiveness, or make amendments to current SWPPP. Explore new venues and enhance meeting effectiveness and participation. Phone:651-322-2075 Email:jane.byron@ci.rosemount.mn.us The goal of this BMP will be met by documenting all written and oral input into the record of decision and submitted in conjunction with the annual report to the MPCA. Responsible Person: Name:Jane Byron Title:Storm Water Specialist Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Idenifying Number:2-C Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.2.Part III.D.2.a.1.Part III.D.2.a.2.Part III.D.2.a.3.Part III.D.2.b. BMP Title:Public Input Consideration and Response Procedures BMP Description: The City will conduct a public meeting and host a web page on the City's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program. City staff will respond to all public comments and statements received from the public meeting, and document any proposed changes to the SWPPP for final approval by the City Engineer (if applicable). Phone:651-322-2075 Email:jane.byron@ci.rosemount.mn.us The effectiveness of this BMP will be measured by tracking the number of website hits to the SWPPP and the amount of public input submitted electronically. Responsible Person: Name:Jane Byron Title:Storm Water Specialist Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:2-D Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.2.Part III.D.2.a.2.Part III.D.2.b. BMP Title:Online Availability of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program Document BMP Description: Provide an electronic document of the SWPPP document to allow viewing anytime and easier access to these documents. Phone:651-322-2085 Email:aaron.menza@ci.rosemount.mn.us The effectiveness of this BMP will be defined as mapping all storm sewer conveyances 12" or greater that are owned by the City. The success of this BMP will be measured by annually updating all City owned storm sewer conveyances equal to or greater than 12". Responsible Person: Name:Aaron Menza Title:GIS Analyst Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:3-A Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part II.D.4.Part III.C.1.Part III.D.3.Part III.D.3.a. BMP Title:Storm Sewer System Mapping BMP Description: Update storm sewer map to meet the requirements of Part II.D.4. of the MS4 General Permit. Identify outfalls, including unique identification (ID) number assigned by the permittee, and an associated geographic coordinate. Update pond inventory and submit to MPCA. Phone:651-322-2022 Email:brian.erickson@ci.rosemount.mn.us The effectiveness of this BMP will be measured by the number of enforcement actions issued annually. Success will be defined as the review of existing ordinances or amendments made to the illicit discharge ordinance. Responsible Person: Name:Brian Erickson Title:City Engineer Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:3-B Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.3.Part III.D.3.b.Part III.D.3.h. BMP Title:Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) and Enforcement Ordinance/Rules BMP Description: Review ordinance annually to ensure that ordinance continues to meet the needs of the City and legal requirements. Elements of this ordinance will include, but are not limited to, defining allowable discharges, setting policy as it pertains to violations and penalties, and mitigation requirements. Phone:651-322-2022 Email:brian.erickson@ci.rosemount.mn.us The City will continue to annually review the educational content of printed literature for adequacy and update as necessary. BMP effectiveness will be measured by the number of calls to the City regarding illegal dumping or illicit discharges. Also, success will be defined by providing educational material to the City staff a minimum of one time annually. Responsible Person: Name:Brian Erickson Title:City Engineer Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:3-C Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.3.Part III.D.3.b.Part III.D.3.c.Part III.D.3.e Part III.D.3.g.Part III.D.3.h. BMP Title:Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Program BMP Description: Develop written program and implement it as defined in City SWPPP to meet requirements of Part III.D.3.c.h. of the MS4 General Permit. This BMP includes providing information on recycling options, services, and programs within the City. The City will also review the current educational activities undertaken by its staff to eliminate illicit discharges from general City operations. Phone:651-322-2022 Email:brian.erickson@ci.rosemount.mn.us The effectiveness of this BMP will be measured by the number of enforcements actions issued annually. Responsible Person: Name:Brian Erickson Title:City Engineer Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:3-D Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.3.Part III.D.3.b.Part III.D.3.f.Part III.D.3.g.Part III.D.3.h. BMP Title:IDDE Program Updates BMP Description: Develop written procedures for illicit discharge inspections, investigations, and response actions. Develop a process to document information as described in the Permit (Part III.3.h.) within 12 months following the date permit coverage is extended. Elements of this ordinance will include, but are not limited to, defining allowable discharges and mitigation requirements. Phone:651-322-2075 Email:jane.byron@ci.rosemount.mn.us The effectiveness of this BMP will be measured by: 1. Annually documenting the number of miles covered by trash and debris collection, 2. Annually documenting all reported non-stormwater discharges occurring on City owned land, private property, and right-of-way, as well as any remedial actions taken (if applicable). Responsible Person: Name:Jane Byron Title:Storm Water Specialist Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:3-E Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.3.Part III.D.3.a.Part III.D.3.f.Part III.D.3.h. BMP Title:Illicit Discharge Inspections BMP Description: In year 1, the City will map out areas that are identified as high-priority outfalls and around high-risk establishments (fast food restaurants, dumpsters, car washes, mechanics, and oil changes). In years 2- 5, the City will integrate those sites into its annual MS4 inspection activities. The City will notify the MPCA state duty officer of any hazardous material spills or discharges. Phone:651-322-2041 Email:dick.howe@ci.rosemount.mn.us All non-stormwater discharges (as defined in Part III.D.3.f.) were evaluated and determined to be insignificant sources of pollutants to the MS4. Responsible Person: Name:Dick Howe Title:Utility Crew Leader Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:3-F Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.3.Part III.D.3.c.Part III.D.3.d.Part III.D.3.h. BMP Title:Illicit Discharge Investigation BMP Description: As needed, City staff or a consultant will be used to televise a selection of the sewer system, collect grab samples, or perform other effective testing procedures to find illicit connection identified in the system. Phone:651-322-2022 Email:brian.erickson@ci.rosemount.mn.us The effectiveness of this BMP and the SOPs for IDDE will be calculated by the amount of regulation as well as maintaining compliance with the NPDES MS4 permit. Responsible Person: Name:Brian Erickson Title:City Engineer Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:3-G Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.A.Part III.D.3.Part III.D.3.b.Part III.D.3.c.Part III.D.3.d.Part III.D.3.e.Part III.D.3.h. BMP Title:Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) BMP Description: Develop SOPs for IDDE within the initial 12 months of the beginning date of permit coverage. Phone:Public Works/Engineering Email:brian.erickson@ci.rosemount.mn.us The City will annually review and update as necessary the City's erosion control ordinances. This BMP effectiveness will be calculated by tracking the compliance issues with construction sites. Responsible Person: Name:Brian Erickson Title:City Engineer Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:4-A Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.4.Part III.D.4.a.Part III.D.4.f. BMP Title:Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Ordinance BMP Description: Review the City's ordinance to ensure it meets the requirements of Part III.D.4.a.(1)-(8) of the MS4 General Permit and that it is at least as stringent as the MPCA general permit to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity. Phone:651-322-2075 Email:jane.byron@ci.rosemount.mn.us Success of this BMP will be determined by site inspections per NPDES Phase II requirements and City permit approvals. Responsible Person: Name:Jane Byron Title:Storm Water Specialist Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:4-B Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.4.Part III.D.4.a.Part III.D.4.f. BMP Title:Construction Site Implementation of Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs BMP Description: Review and evaluate the efficacy of construction site erosion control plans through regular (weekly to monthly) inspections for construction sites to ensure compliance with City ordinances. Document all inspections and enforcement actions (public and private) and keep on file at City. As part of the City's permit approval standards, BMPs must be implemented in accordance with the NPDES permit. Phone:651-322-2075 Email:jane.byron@ci.rosemount.mn.us The effectiveness of this BMP will be measured by the annual recorded number of remedial actions against construction site operations. Success of this BMP will be defined as operator compliance to the City's Waster and Material Disposal, 1350.06 ordinance and NPDES Phase II permit regulations. Responsible Person: Name:Jane Byron Title:Storm Water Specialist Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:4-C Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.4.Part III.D.4.f.Part III.D.4.d.Part III.D.4.f. BMP Title:Waste Control BMPs for Construction Site Operations BMP Description: Maintain established guidelines, inspection criteria, and enforcement procedures for the management of construction site waste. Continue to inspect construction sites for compliance with waste control ordinances for materials that include discarded building materials, concrete truck washout, chemicals, litter and sanitary waste at the construction site that may cause adverse impacts to water quality. Phone:651-322-2015 Email:stephanie.smith@ci.rosemount.mn.us No City permit to allow land disturbing activities shall be issued until approval of a stormwater management plan (if applicable) and/or erosion control plan, or waiver of the approval requirement has been obtained. Success will be defined as enforcing the permit's submittal requirement and the number of pre-construction meetings held to discuss BMP implementation, NPDES requirements, City ordinances and standards, etc. Responsible Person: Name:Stephanie Smith Title:Assitant City Engineer Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:4-D Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.4.Part III.D.4.b.Part III.D.4.f. BMP Title:Construction Site Plan Review BMP Description: Every applicant for a city permit to allow land disturbing activities is required to submit a project specific stormwater management plan (if applicable) and/or erosion control plan to the City for review and approval. Construction permits will be required to meet MPCA NPDES Phase II guidelines for erosion and sediment control and all applicable City ordinances and codes. Phone:651-322-2075 Email:jane.byron@ci.rosemount.mn.us The City will establish contact information for receipt of construction site violations. The City will record: The number of calls and emails related to SWPPP issues. The number of illicit discharge and construction site complaints. The number of clean-up activities or SWPPP changes resulting from calls or emails. Responsible Person: Name:Jane Byron Title:Storm Water Specialist Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:4-E Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.4.Part III.D.4.c.Part III.D.4.f. BMP Title:Receipt and Consideration of Non-Compliance for Construction Site Stormwater Controls BMP Description: The City will establish a phone line and website contact information through which the public may report potential construction site erosion control and waste disposal infractions. Reported incidents will be inspected within 24 hours of receipt or on the next scheduled work day by the City. Hazardous material spills or discharges will be reported to the MPCA State Duty Officer within 24 hours. Phone:651-322-2015 Email:jane.byron@ci.rosemount.mn.us The City will begin to annually evaluate the effectiveness of site inspections and enforcement procedures via enforcement actions taken annually. Additional and/or revised procedures will be added if applicable) when deemed necessary or found non-conforming to NPDES Phase II requirements. Responsible Person: Name:Stephanie Smith Title:Assistant City Engineer Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:4-F Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.3.b.Part III.D.4.Part III.D.4.a.Part III.D.4.d.Part III.D.4.f. BMP Title:Stormwater Compliance Inspections BMP Description: Construction site operators must conform to all NPDES construction permit standards and City ordinances pertaining to construction site erosion control and waste disposal. Inspection procedures consist of NPDES Phase II inspection requirements and violations reported by the public as defined in BMP Summary Sheets 3-C and 4-E. Phone:651-322-2015 Email:stephanie.smith@ci.rosemount.mn.us The effectiveness of this BMP and the SOPs for IDDE will be calculated by the amount of regulation as well as maintaining compliance with the NPDES MS4 permit. Responsible Person: Name:Stephanie Smith Title:Assistant City Engineer Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:4-G Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.A.Part III.D.4.Part III.D.4.a.Part III.D.4.f. BMP Title:Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) BMP Description: Complete an annual review of SOPs for site inspections and site plan reviews by evaluating checklists and existing guidelines to ensure they are up-to-date to reflect MPCA's current construction general permit requirements. Phone:651-322-2022 Email:brian.erickson@ci.rosemount.mn.us The effectiveness of this BMP will be measured by the amount of violations and enforcement actions taken place throughout each year within the City. Responsible Person: Name:Brian Erickson Title:City Engineer Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:4-H Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.B.1.Part III.B.2.Part III.D.4.Part III.D.4.e.Part III.D.4.f. BMP Title:Develop Enforcement Response Procedures (ERPs) BMP Description: Establish/outline enforcement response procedures (ERPs) for construction site activities that enforce the standard operating procedures and permit requirements. Phone:651-322-2015 Email:stephanie.smith@ci.rosemount.mn.us The City will annually review and update as necessary the City's erosion control ordinances. Responsible Person: Name:Stephanie Smith Title:Assistant City Engineer Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:4-I Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.4.Part III.D.4.a.Part III.D.4.f. BMP Title:Permit Update BMP Description: Update the City Grading, Building, and ROW permits and Contraction Site Stormwater Runoff ordinance to meet the new permit requirements within 12 month following the date permit coverage is extended. City staff will review and revise (if applicable) current City ordinances and codes annually for conformance to new or amended NPDES construction permit and/or watershed district erosion control Phone:651-322-2015 Email:stephanie.smith@ci.rosemount.mn.us The City will begin to annually evaluate the effectiveness of site inspections and enforcement procedures via enforcement actions taken annually. Additional and/or revised procedures will be added if applicable) when deemed necessary or found non-conforming to NPDES Phase II requirements. Responsible Person: Name:Stephanie Smith Title:Assistant City Engineer Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:4-J Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.4.Part III.D.4.a.Part III.D.4.d.Part III.D.4.f. BMP Title:Prioritize Inspections BMP Description: The City will develop a process to determine the frequency for inspecting high priority inspection sites e.g. near sensitive receiving waters, projects larger than 5 acres). The process will be developed onto a city map that calls out these sensitive areas. Phone:651-322-2075 Email:jane.byron@ci.rosemount.mn.us The effectiveness of this BMP will be determined by the amount of permits applied for and the ease to complete the inspections of the construction sites. Responsible Person: Name:Jane Byron Title:Storm Water Specialist Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:4-K Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.4.Part III.D.4.a.Part III.D.4.b.Part III.D.4.d.Part III.D.4.f. BMP Title:Permit Application System BMP Description: Develop procedures to integrate construction site stormwater runoff review and inspection documents into permit tracking program. The documents will help to maintain compliance with the MPCA and the City Code on these construction sites. Phone:651-322-2015 Email:stephanie.smith@ci.rosemount.mn.us The goal of this BMP will be met if the City conducts plan reviews on new development and redevelopment projects of one acre or more. Success of this BMP is defined as annually recording all revised BMP designs and implemented structural and non-structural BMPs on City properties. Responsible Person: Name:Stephanie Smith Title:Assistant City Engineer Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:5-A Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.5.Part III.D.5.a.Part III.D.5.a.1.Part III.D.5.b.Part III.D.5.c. BMP Title:Site Plan Review Program BMP Description: The City will review and revise (if necessary, during the plan review process) permanent BMP designs and criteria for post-construction stormwater management associated with new development and redevelopment projects of one acre or more. The City will also actively look for non-structural opportunities where prudent and feasible. Phone:651-322-2075 Email:jane.byron@ci.rosemount.mn.us The City will annually review and update as necessary the City's post-construction ordinance and permit requirements. Responsible Person: Name:Jane Byron Title:Storm Water Specialist Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:5-B Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.5.Part III.D.5.a.Part III.D.5.a.1.Part III.D.5.a.2.Part III.D.5.a.5.Part III.D.5.c. BMP Title:Update Ordinance to Meet New Permit Requirements BMP Description: Complete Ordinance updates for post-construction runoff from new development and redevelopment within 12 months of extension of permit coverage. Phone:651-322-2015 Email:stephanie.smith@ci.rosemount.mn.us The effectiveness of this BMP and the SOPs for post-construction will be calculated by the amount of regulation as well as maintaining compliance with the NPDES MS4 permit. Responsible Person: Name:Stephanie Smith Title:Assistant City Engineer Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:5-C Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.5.Part III.D.5.a.2.Part III.D.5.a.3.Part III.D.5.a.4.Part III.D.5.a.5.Part III.D.5.b.Part III.D.5.c. BMP Title:Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) BMP Description: In addition to existing stormwater management design guidelines and standards, the City will develop SOPs within the initial 12 months of the date of permit coverage to strengthen Post Construction Stormwater Management. Phone:651-322-2022 Email:pwadm@ci.rosemount.mn.us The effectiveness of this BMP will be measured by the ability to track records of inspections and maintenance pertaining to this minimal control measure. Responsible Person: Name:Jessie Paque Title:Engineering Secretary Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:5-D Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.5.Part III.D.5.c. BMP Title:Document Pertinent Project Information BMP Description: Maintain all related documents pertaining to each new or redevelopment project in more user-friendly filing system for better records management. Implement within 12 months of the date of permit coverage. Phone:651-322-2042 Email:eric.day@ci.rosemount.mn.us The City will continue recording the frequency and miles of streets that are annually swept, and quantify the amount of trash/debris removed per sweeping occurrence. Success of this BMP is defined as recording two street sweeping occurrences per year. Responsible Person: Name:Eric Day Title:Street Crew Leader Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:6-A Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.6.Part III.D.6.b.Part III.D.6.h. BMP Title:Parking Lots & Street Cleaning BMP Description: The City currently brush or vacuum sweeps City owned streets a minimum of twice per year in an effort to reduce the amount of sediment and trash from reaching the storm sewer system. One street sweeping activity will occur in the spring (April-June) on all streets, and the second activity will occur in the fall (September –November) on selected areas (as determined by the City Administrator). Phone:651-322-2041 Email:dick.howe@ci.rosemount.mn.us Maintenance and repair specifications and schedules will be developed and implemented as necessary. Success of this BMP will be defined as annually conducting and documenting inspections, repairs, and maintenance projects of all structural pollution control devices. Responsible Person: Name:Dick Howe Title:Utility Crew Leader Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:6-B Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.6.Part III.D.6.e.Part III.D.6.h. BMP Title:Storm Sewer Inspection Program BMP Description: Conduct one inspection of all City-owned ponds and outfalls prior to expiration date of the MS4 General Permit. Annually inspect of 100% of structural pollution control devices. Newly constructed and rebuild structural pollution control devices will be added to the storm sewer map (BMP summary sheet 3-A) and inspected within one year of post construction. Phone:651-322-2022 Email:jim.koslowski@ci.rosemount.mn.us The effectiveness of this BMP will be measured by the frequency of inspections and corrective actions. Success will be defined as locating and inspecting all exposed stockpiles and storage/material handling on City property a minimum of once each year. Responsible Person: Name:Jim Koslowski Title:Public Works Supervisor Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:6-C Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.6.Part III.D.6.b.Part III.D.6.e.Part III.D.6.f.Part III.D.6.h. BMP Title:Inspection of All Exposed Stockpiles, Storage, and Material Handling Areas BMP Description: City staff will annually locate and inspect all exposed stockpiles and storage/material handling areas on City owned properties. All existing onsite BMP’s will be inspected for conformance to NPDES Phase II permit requirements. Any identified erosion control issues will be corrected and documented. Phone:651-322-2041 Email:dick.howe@ci.rosemount.mn.us The effectiveness of this BMP will be measured by City staff annually evaluating conformance to the municipal operations pollution prevention plan, and revising (if necessary) the plan components. Success is defined as developing, implementing, and achieving the goals detailed within the plan by the implantation dates described below. Responsible Person: Name:Dick Howe Title:Utility Crew Leader Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:6-D Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.6.Part III.D.6.d.Part III.D.6.e.Part III.D.6.f.Part III.D.6.h. BMP Title:Structural Stormwater BMP Maintenance Program BMP Description: This plan will consist of (at a minimum) training materials and workshops for City staff to help reduce storm water pollution caused from park maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new construction and land disturbances, and storm water system maintenance. Document annually number or structures repaired or scheduled for maintenance. Phone:651-322-2085 Email:aaron.menza@ci.rosemount.mn.us The City will record the number of record requests and distributed materials annually. Success will be defined by the City providing the records or materials as requested. Responsible Person: Name:Aaron Menza Title:GIS Analyst Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:6-E Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.6.Part III.D.6.h. BMP Title:Asset Management System for Record Reporting and Retention BMP Description: The City Administrator will retain all records of inspection, maintenance, and corrective actions of the City’s storm water system. Records will be available, by request, to the public upon approval by the City Administrator. Phone:651-322-2022 Email:brian.erickson@ci.rosemount.mn.us The effectiveness of this BMP will be measured by the annual recording of all inspections completed the previous year. Success of this BMP will be defined as annually reviewing the frequency of inspections to the maintenance completed by the City. Responsible Person: Name:Brian Erickson Title:City Engineer Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:6-F Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.6.Part III.D.6.e.Part III.D.6.f.Part III.D.6.h. BMP Title:Evaluation of Inspection Frequency BMP Description: The City will retain the records of inspection results and any maintenance performed or recommended. After two years of inspections, if patterns of maintenance become apparent, the frequency of inspections may be adjusted at the discretion of the City’s engineering consultant. Phone:651-322-2022 Email:jim.koslowski@ci.rosemount.mn.us The City will continue to annually review and adjust (if necessary) its current methods (as previously specified) of landscaping and lawn care maintenance. The City will annually document the results of the review. Success will be defined as annually reviewing and adjusting current practices (if necessary). Responsible Person: Name:Jim Koslowski Title:Public Works Supervisor Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:6-G Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Park III.D.6.Part III.D.6.f.Part III.D.6.g.Part III.D.6.h. BMP Title:Landscape and Lawn Care BMP Description: The City will continue to annually review and, if necessary, adjust its current practices in the use of fertilizer, pesticide and herbicide application, mowing and discharge operations, grass clipping collection, mulching and composting. Phone:651-322-2022 Email:jim.koslowski@ci.rosemount.mn.us The City will record, review, then adjust (if applicable) its practices in salt distribution. Success will be defined as reviewing and adjusting current practices as necessary. Responsible Person: Name:Jim Koslowski Title:Public Works Supervisor Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:6-H Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.6.Part III.D.6.a.Part III.D.6.g.Part III.D.6.h. BMP Title:Road Salt Application Review BMP Description: The City will review the practices and policies of road salt applications such as alternative products, calibration of equipment, inspection of vehicles and staff training. Phone:651-322-2015 Email:stephanie.smith@ci.rosemount.mn.us The effectiveness of this BMP will be measured by the reduction on pollutants discharged into protected stormwater. Responsible Person: Name:Stephanie Smith Title:Assistant City Engineer Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:6-I Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.6.Part III.D.6.b.Part III.D.6.c.Part III.D.6.h. BMP Title:Evaluation of Proposed Stormwater Infiltration Projects for Impacts on Source Water BMP Description: If the proposed infiltration/discharge is determined by the City to potentially affect the local drinking water supply, the City will prohibit the construction of the infiltration area or incorporate the necessary BMPs to minimize the identified pollutant(s) prior to infiltrating the vulnerable portions of the drinking water supply management areas (DWSMAs). Phone:651-485-9586 Email:jim.koslowski@ci.rosemount.mn.us The effectiveness of this BMP will be maintained by holding the training sessions during times of the year when most seasonal employees are present. Responsible Person: Name:Jim Koslowski Title:Public Works Supervisor Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:6-J Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.6.Part III.D.6.g.Part III.D.6.h. BMP Title:Park and Open Space Training BMP Description: Develop written procedures for the existing program to train full-time and seasonal employees on proper use and application of fertilizers and pesticides for maintenance of City lands. Phone:651-322-2022 Email:jim.koslowski@ci.rosemount.mn.us The effectiveness of this BMP will be measured by City staff annually attending appropriate training sessions throughout the year that focus on stormwater management within the fleet and building maintenance. Responsible Person: Name:Jim Koslowski Title:Public Works Supervisor Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:6-K Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.6.Part III.D.6.a.Part III.D.6.g.Part III.D.6.h. BMP Title:Fleet and Building Maintenance Training Program BMP Description: Training focused on automotive maintenance program (automotive inspections and washing), spill cleanup training, hazardous materials training, building leak prevention and inspection training. Phone:651-322-2022 Email:jim.koslowski@ci.rosemount.mn.us The effectiveness of this BMP will be measured by City staff annually attending appropriate training sessions throughout the year that focus on stormwater management. Responsible Person: Name:Jim Koslowski Title:Public Works Supervisor Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:6-L Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.6.Part III.D.6.g.Part III.D.6.h. BMP Title:Stormwater Systems Maintenance Training Program BMP Description: Training focused on parking lot and street cleaning, storm drain systems cleaning, road salt materials management. Phone:651-322-2022 Email:jim.koslowski@ci.rosemount.mn.us A spill prevention and control plan effectively reduces the risk of surface and ground water contamination. However, to be effective, workers must be trained, materials and cleanup equipment available, and procedures followed. Responsible Person: Name:Jim Koslowski Title:Public Works Supervisor Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:6-M Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.6.Part III.D.6.a.Part III.D.6.f.Part III.D.6.h. BMP Title:Spill Prevention & Control Plans for Municipal Facilities BMP Description: Ensure that plans describing spill prevention and control procedures are consistent among all departments. Conduct annual spill prevention and response training sessions to all municipal employees. Distribute education materials to each municipal facility by the end of year 2. Phone:651-322-2085 Email:aaron.menza@ci.rosemount.mn.us The effectiveness of this BMP will be determined by the reduction of pollutants running off of these sites as well as the usability of the inventory. Responsible Person: Name:Aaron Menza Title:GIS Analyst Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:6-N Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.6.Part III.D.6.a.Part III.D.6.b.Part III.D.6.h. BMP Title:Facility Inventory BMP Description: The City will develop and maintain an inventory of City-owned facilities that contribute pollutants to stormwater discharges. The inventory will include a map of all identified facilities. Phone:651-322-2015 Email:stephanie.smith@ci.rosemount.mn.us The effectiveness of this BMP will be measured by the reduction of TSS and TP discharge into the stormwater systems. Success of this BMP will be defined as conducting and documenting inspections, repairs, and maintenance to the stormwater ponds. Responsible Person: Name:Stephanie Smith Title:Assistant City Engineer Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:6-O Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.D.6.Part III.D.6.d Part III.D.6.h. BMP Title:Pond Assessment Procedures & Schedule BMP Description: In year 1, develop procedures for determining TSS and TP treatment effectiveness of city owned ponds use for treatment of stormwater. Implement schedule in year 2-5. The schedule (which may exceed this permit term) shall be based on measureable goals and priorities established by the City. Phone:651-322-2022 Email:brian.erickson@ci.rosemount.mn.us 1. Establish a baseline of information– determine what processes are in place and what has already been accomplished (i.e. TMDL studies underway) that will help meet these permit conditions during this MS4 permit cycle. 2. Prepare a written inventory of all impaired waters within the jurisdictional boundaries of the MS4, as well as those outside these boundaries likely to have an impact as a result of receiving stormwater discharge from the MS4; compile as much detail about the stormwater discharges they receive from the MS4 as is available. 3. Prepare a map that includes all impaired waters that the MS4 discharge may impact, all MS4 discharge points that may impact these water(s), and delineated watershed(s) that may contribute to the impairment. 4. Complete for records a written overview of the conclusions reached through this review, including the decision making process used to determine what SWPPP revisions may be needed. 5. Prepare a projected schedule and timeline to incorporate any necessary changes into the SWPPP. Responsible Person: Name:Brian Erickson Title:City Engineer Measurable Goals: BMP PAGE Unique Identifying Number:7-A Permit Requirements Addressed by this BMP: Part III.E. BMP Title:TMDL Review & Implementation BMP Description: Rosemount will work cooperatively with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and other outside organizations to develop and implement all future TMDL implementation plan(s) for impaired waters designated under Section 303(d), receiving MS4 discharges from within or adjacent to the City.