HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. COVID-19 Update EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Port Authority Meeting: July 21, 2020 AGENDA ITEM: COVID-19 Update AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Eric Van Oss, Economic Development Coordinator AGENDA NO. 4.b. ATTACHMENTS: COVID Packet APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Information Item SUMMARY Since the June 16th regular Port Authority meeting there have not been any changes to the Governor’s Executive Order. Indoor dining remains at 50% capacity and the June capacity for salons and gyms remains the same. Staff continues to have regular discussions with the State and County regarding COVID relief efforts and next steps. Some continuing and future initiatives include: PPP: The Paycheck Protection Program resumed accepting applications July 6, 2020. The new deadline to apply for a Paycheck Protection Program loan is August 8, 2020. DEED Grant: The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) will oversee the Minnesota Small Business Relief Grants Program approved by the Minnesota State Legislature and signed by Gov. Tim Walz on June 16, 2020.This program will make available $10,000 grants to Minnesotan owned and operated businesses with 50 or fewer employees that can demonstrate financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. A total of $60.3 million is available for grant awards which will be selected through a computer-generated, randomized selection process. Staff worked with several businesses who were planning on applying for this program. County Grant: Dakota County is planning on creating a local grant program using the same criteria as the DEED program. The City is exploring using the County’s program and administrative review for a local program to be financed with some of the CARES money allocated to the City. Staff will be bringing this item back to the Council in August and will have some estimates of the number of local businesses that could be eligible based upon employment (50 FTE’s and under). Rosemount CARES: Staff started the Rosemount CARES initiative to help raise awareness of the safety precautions that local businesses and organizations have put in place to help residents’ shop, dine, and visit during the pandemic. Staff created a template of Rosemount branded materials for businesses to use and ordered window clings for the entrances of brick and mortar businesses around Rosemount. Staff is working with local businesses to create a series of promotional videos that highlight individual businesses and sectors in Rosemount and their COVID precautions. Staff has continued to send regular updates to the business distribution list regarding federal and state information and guidelines. Anecdotally, businesses seem to be avoiding applying for additional PPP loans/grants and are instead looking to state and local relief grant programs. At this time, there have not been any businesses that have indicated they are ceasing operations in Rosemount due to COVID related financial difficultly. From:VanOss, Eric To:Lindquist, Kim Subject:DEED Eligibility Date:Tuesday, July 7, 2020 4:00:34 PM Attachments:image002.png Eligibility To qualify, an applicant must: · Be a private for-profit business that has a permanent physical location in Minnesota. · Be majority owned by a permanent resident of Minnesota. · Be in good standing with the Minnesota Secretary of State and the Minnesota Department of Revenue as of March 1, 2020. · Employ the equivalent of 50 or fewer full-time workers. · Be able to demonstrate financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. NOTE: · Home-based businesses - except for licensed child care providers - are not eligible. · Businesses that received funding under the Small Business Emergency Loan Program (SBEL) are not eligible for this program. (However, businesses that received funding through the various Small Business Administration emergency loan programs are still eligible for this program.) · See the FAQ tab for more details on eligibility. In making awards, there are minimum set asides for various targeted groups and categories of businesses. · 50% of funds will be available for businesses based in Greater Minnesota. · 50% of funds will be available for businesses based in the 7-county metro area (Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, and Washington counties). · A minimum amount of funds must be awarded as follows: o $18 million for businesses with six or fewer full-time workers. o $10 million for minority business enterprises. o $2.5 million for businesses that are majority owned and operated by veterans. o $2.5 million for businesses that are majority owned and operated by women. o $2.5 million for operators of indoor retail and food markets with an ethnic cultural emphasis     Eric Van Oss, Economic Development Coordinator City of Rosemount, 2875 145th Street, Rosemount, MN 55068 Ph. 651-322-2059 / http://www.ci.rosemount.mn.us   DISCLAIMER: This is not intended to be legal or health advice. This program has been designed to help our local businesses highlight their efforts to keep residents and visitors safe during the reopening phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please remember to follow state and federal guidelines. Rosemount CARES Initiative The City is thrilled to see Rosemount businesses reopening after a challenging number of months. As the pandemic continues, following health and safety guidelines can help keep our clients, our staff, and our community safe. By working together to normalize these actions and behaviors in Rosemount, we are telling the public that we care about them and hope to avoid major outbreaks in our community. Without shoppers who are healthy and who feel safe, it doesn’t matter if your sign says open or closed. We’re All in this Together! We’ve developed several templates for you to use as you wish. Feel free to make changes specific to your business by adding your logo, your hours, and the steps you have taken to keep people safe. Display the window cling in a door or window at your business entrance. Utilize the attached logo as you wish in your marketing materials and on social media. Tag your updates and info with the hashtag #RosemountCARES. You may display your checklist prominently near your entrance to notify your customers of the work you have done, the investments you have made, and the steps you have taken to keep them and your employees safe. We would like to highlight participating businesses and organizations through video and photos on our social media channels. When you have your cling up, please reach out to Eric and we will stop by for photos and/or video. Rosemount CARES Packet The City has created a packet of resources for your business. The following Rosemount CARES branded templates are customizable for your business. This packet includes: 1) Rosemount CARES branded checklist: This checklist can be displayed at a business to highlight the steps that are being taken to ensure the recommended State and Federal safety guidelines. Use the spaces highlighted in yellow to customize a checklist specific to your operations. 2) Rosemount CARES suggested checklist: This is a more expansive checklist that can be used by business owners and employees. Not all recommended items will apply to each industry group. This checklist can also be used to supplement the Rosemount CARES branded checklist. 3) Rosemount CARES resource list: A compilation of resources and links available for businesses. 4) Rosemount CARES branded signs: These branded signs are for businesses to display. The first sign pertains to businesses that have reserved hours for vulnerable shoppers and includes customizable hours/time. The second branded sign is meant to help customers consider their current health before entering your business. The third branded sign is meant to encourage customers to social distance and stay 5 feet apart while at your business. 5) A standalone Rosemount CARES image: The Rosemount CARES image can be formatted to add to your own marketing materials. A note to our Customers about Rosemount CARES: We are committed to taking steps to keep you safe. Please note: We are adhering to guidelines set by Federal, State, and local health organizations to help slow the spread of COVID-19. We are spending extra time on cleaning and disinfection practices within our establishment. We are following best practices for social distancing. Add your own business specific bullet here Add your own business specific bullet here Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we work together to keep our residents, visitors, and staff safe. We’re ALL in this Together! #RosemountCARES Rosemount CARES Suggested Checklist: Preparedness Plan  Complete your Preparedness Plan as outlined by the State of MN. Let customers know you have it ready. Health Screening and Policies for Employees Exhibiting Signs and Symptoms of COVID-19  Perform self-health exam and require that employees do a self-exam before they return to work each day: taking their temperature, reporting any possible symptoms, etc.  Require workers who are ill to stay home Social Distancing  Encourage staff and employees to telework when feasible  Increase physical space between employees and customers  Stagger work schedules when possible  Limit large work-related gatherings such as staff meetings, after work functions, etc.  Offer a variety of shopping options  Curbside pickup  Delivery  Special shopping hours for vulnerable customers  Add a pre-pay online option  Create a layout in your business that encourages social distancing. For example, move clothing racks, tables, or checkout areas to accommodate a 6-foot distance when possible. Make aisles one way and direct foot traffic with signage.  Limit the number of customers in your establishment at any given time Face Covering and Protective Equipment  Require all employees to wear a mask  Highly encourage, if not mandate, all customers wear a mask when possible Cleaning and Sanitation  Employees are given time to wash their hands frequently  Prioritize no touch checkout options. If not possible, countertops, tables, pens, and keypads should be sanitized between customers  Install plexiglass partitions at service areas when possible  Establish a disinfection and sanitizing routine  Consider using a checklist or audit system with employees to track how often and who is cleaning Restrooms  Disconnect or tape-off hand dryers and provide paper towels in restrooms instead  Provide a way to use trash cans and paper towels without touching any handles Signs  Place interior and exterior signage to request that customers wear a face covering  Post signage asking customers to use hand sanitizer upon entering your business  Place floor decals as reminders for social distancing best practices Rosemount CARES Resources List: Key Links MN Department of Health Covid-19 resources for businesses: https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/businesses.html American Industrial Hygiene Association guides according to business type: https://www.backtoworksafely.org/ Helpful Resources The City of Rosemount has a COVID-19 Resource webpage for local city and county information: https://coronoavirusresources-cirosemountmn.hub.arcgis.com/ The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development has resources for businesses and employees: https://mn.gov/deed/ Target Corporate has put together a best practices kit of information for small businesses around Minnesota to utilize. It includes signs that can be copied. Here is a link to the information and resources they are sharing: https://corporate.target.com/article/2020/05/minnesota-partnerships Contact Us Eric Van Oss Economic Development Coordinator City of Rosemount Ph: 651-322-2059 Email: eric.vanoss@ci.rosemount.mn.us Lee Stoffel Communications Coordinator City of Rosemount Ph: 612-240-7210 Email: lee.stoffel@ci.rosemount.mn.us Hours for Vulnerable Shoppers We’re reserving the first hour of shopping every (fill in day/dates) for our most vulnerable customers, including those over 65 years old, pregnant women or those defined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as vulnerable or at-risk. We’re asking all our customers who do not identify in one of those categories to refrain from shopping during that hour, as a courtesy to others. Not Feeling Well? If you have symptoms now or in the last 24 hours, including a cough or fever, we ask that you return on another day. Please take these steps to avoid spreading germs: • Wash hands frequently for 20 seconds with soap and water • Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth • Cover your mouth in your elbow when coughing or sneezing • Avoid close contact with people who are sick • Clean and disinfect objects you use or touch frequently • Stay home when you’re sick, and get help with food and medicine delivery We’re all in this together! #RosemountCARES Social Distance and Stop the Spread