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12917 AMIENS AVE Original Survey
���`` � ''K 1'i� �� � � ��� `�� c � p K 947.� •� �o � E.O.F. ;� �,, �n X �g �o � ->�— .� �,� _ ,� �, m - , , m � - � v �� 65 �g46.�� ,�,�I���" �� � x 4,24 E � ,_ � ✓,� � , � ��5°3 m '� y� �,� �, x x `P rn , � . .C� � \ lI (947.8 > � � � o �?� �. E.O.F. nd `� �t � � � �� '°, ��, ���'% \�A��_y .o J ��01�09 n� e� P�°� �� 5 ;� - , �� c', etP� � . _ '�:-x �� o eo�m� � �� �,. - � �� \ ''` � � x � �� �`\ — � o ox `� � �, w , x -' 'r o � X `° � `�; \ � \ � X N,. `� 1 N � x � 6 �°' \ .� � �; x � � � �o � A � � � > � �� � � `� �= �95��� \ � X g5�g� �� \ o N � p � \ x � X �� ��� ��.�2 ✓ 950.30 �r, -� Benchmark � N �`x � � ��:4- „r � ,,, N. � � ,� � m �5 � ,o �= a ;n N ,� � ��`� �, � ' �, ; �� � ���� � � � ,�� -��� � �� � lz � 1��-,��"� �" ,<y.� o n \ � � �o p�oF �, � cr � •� ` �a H��i�' j,r �� �� / � 95���� 952�� x ��� � ` � ,. � � � ,� ob � N `� � � & � \ �_ � � � ,� J x 'P �' � V' ��49.09 � � ` w � ' o v` Henchmark � `� ,, � cp ,/ � ,� � � x ,� _ - � � > ; � / . ;� � � , __- ,�'�,, � ���� � ��95�.�1 � 'y �\� �P .= � � , 4 _-� � m �2 � ' (��" Bi � lfl � o �, � �r - 1� q � cP x ,9 '�e � 5�• \\ o �;ucunt �s'� A �, Go�o �- 9 � � •� ��,� � o x � � �' �h`Z ✓ '`, �n �212 '� _-"' � 949.65 � �, x � c� ,� mo �- X 9, \� ,� Benchmark N �� �� � � o '°� C95°� � � x 20,�0 � �o .� � ��� ,o � , , tfl � ,o e�� �� � �� :o � o o �" � P�oP�'oy � � '� �5' < �28>� � � �� �\\ \ Q���e ,� ' , ; � , �, 96) 9' - x -� � � \I �D � �l l94 � 49-B.. 9 a x� 949.52 � �� , - �� ' °9`' s4 x , - � s s.� Benchmark `� �` � � � 5qa ` ^ .U, 9dg � � � -��- �s O_- II�ISTALL.�ORD A•1 METER BOX �'°, `< �� 2o F' -- q 9� • 9q96 9;,� 4 � COVSR OVER CTT�R �{(1V T�T TnTt*r1A/A1/m � , 95p.° . d,• 9e 493�9�\� . , ,� . 19��3) '' ' '95p� _ `94;\�� �oot C�laxtrr�um Driveway 1Niot�� rer — ���j a • 4. 5 - - - ; ' ' ,, • 1 a� — \ '" City Zoning Ordinance °95 : ,- __�" ����r / 06• • �9g43 ,, 49,\ 65 �0 \ , � , 6 9 , ,, . . � / .. ,.. ��u.>�y;.. 5p�4 ,� \4q 9 .. . ��� ..->� .��������i����..��. r � � �. , $n� _ ... ��� � �_ � , ' So �-, ,, ,3 ,� �� � ,, � EROSION CONI'�i�� + �, = - Pv N�2 ,� , v , . . � MUST BE IN PLA�� � ,= % � . ; NS M�� � � BEFORE FOOTIN�� ; ,- -�"i " � �' � ���� � PASS INSPECTI01� � �p SPOIL PI�-�� �� ------------- -� . --- =1N RIGWT-OF-WAY Service invert elevation = 939.6 / (Per plan) � I�<,notes iron f>�I"' LOt O�eO = 8476 SF �., I ��wr�;t nF�ir�nin�� �,Irvr�tinn ��� ��i��riin�� plr�n :JrJ2.1 House oreo = 1785 SF �; lu�r,otes serv�ce Porch areo = 104 SF �C)� ���•r,otes teie��s�on box Lowest floor elevation per grading plan : 943.6 Sidewolk orea = 51 SF � I�vnotes electric box Driveway area = 702 SF ��� fi�notes teiephane box House elevations (Proposed) / As=built Total Impervious Area �J SF X r)Un(I�l I)�notes existing elevation � � � Impervious Coverage - 1.2% Lowest Floor Elevotion ; g44.1 ( 110�1 OO ) I�enotes proposed elevotion — I�rnotes drainage tlow direction Top Of Foundation Elev. ;�952,�� � � ne�otes spike Garoge Slab Elev. � Door ;(gg�,g) � ■�����■ Denotes proposed retaining wall l ��n'�,�rurti��n �'1����•', designed and built by others 1 In�:�.��lll i,�: I. . . i�-ti�.�; t���r „ .,,iii, . �) �n :-��) ' Install silt fence os needed for erosion control. � Sidewalks shnll dmin away from hc�use o minimum of 1.0%_ �I Conha�tor rnust verify driveway desiqn. �,_ Contractor rnust verify service elevation prior to � �-onstruction. `,<.c]le�. l�� i(l� F; Add or remove foundation ledge as required. General Notes: Benchmark� 1. Grading plan by Pioneer last dated 2-14-19 was used to determine proposed �p/e hereby certify to lennar Corporation that this survey, plan or Top Nut Hy�irnnt �levotions shown herein. report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision, and Lots 6-7 Block 7 2. This survey does not purport to show improvements or encroachments, that I am a duly licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the Elevation = 952F,F; r�xcept as shown, as surveyed by me or under my direct supervision. State of Minnesota, dated 05�20�20. S. Proposed building dimensions shown are for horizontal locotion of structures �m the lot only. Contact builder prior to construction for approved construction �t` ��lans. Siqned: io eer En ineering, P.A. i i �in.na-'ntiu��,,n„��_�� 4 No specific soils investigation hos been performed on this lot by the surveyor. ,,,,,. i, ,,,it,.,,,.��i„���. Ihe suitability of soils to support the specific house proposed is not the �Y ,,,,, �� •„i��,,�,,;,ii „i,,,, ���sponsibility of the surveyor. `,_ This certificate does not purport t� show easements other than those shown Peter J- Hawkinson, rofessional Lond Surveyor ��n �he rernr�i��i �I�t. Minn�sot� I icPn;� N�� 4?799 �rnnil �,hnwl<insonC�>ionecrc�n��.r�m fi_ H�nrinqs ,hown nr�� k��n;�r{ �,ii ;i�i ,,�,-.iinir�l �in�urn_ ER �ot 6, B�o�k 2, engineenng,P.A • MEADOW RIDGE 2ND ADDITION ��et't1flCate Of Stll"Vey f01": according to the recorded plat thereof LC11Ila1' COI" OI'at1011 'I" I`nirr�,ri.r f)inr I'li �<<�51�r..�l I'�I I �Q�tOtd COUfIt�/, Mlflfl@SOtd � Vt.nil��la Ilci��hi,.�1V ���'ti I-i�� to�l ir��l ��l,tiK I6Z(li i(��h/���c V S�r Hb(1(1 � �������i����,,,,�,�,�,,.�;�,,,, Address: 12917 Amiens Avenue, Rosemount, Minnesota Pl��n,�,uih.'vIN 55-I 1�,d)7l1 House Model: Vanderbilt Elevation: D3 ���,,,,,,•. �v5�i����_��i(��i��:,,�.���5��.���.�-���i��, I'r��i�ci �� �11�a�i�iO11 I���I�Ic�� � �£'. '�•1 u� ������� � ��M Buyer: Michael Sadowski �l[�ii,ii,, � ri,�,iii�, i i,��