HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. Preliminary Review of Draft 2021 BudgetE X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y City Council Work Session: September 1, 2020 AGENDA ITEM: Preliminary Review of Draft 2021 Budget AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Logan Martin, City Administrator Jeff May, Finance Director AGENDA NO. 2.a. ATTACHMENTS: Draft 2021 Budget APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discuss draft 2021 Budget and provide staff direction on needed modifications. BACKGROUND Based on Council direction received at the August work session, staff is pleased to present the 4 th draft of the 2021 Budget. A number of changes were made in response to discussion, including an additional $70,000 of revenues added and $31,400 in expenditures reduced. Areas of significant change are highlighted in yellow on page 2. Staff added a 7/31 Year-To-Date column throughout the General Fund Budget for additional information. Also, the City’s OpenGov tool has been updated and is very useful for year-to-date reporting that staff would highly encourage the Council to utilize. Staff will offer the full data presentation at the work session. The preliminary 2021 General Fund Budget shows an increase of 1.09% ($155,300) to the Operating Budget, which results in a 3.3% increase ($436,600) in the property tax levy. This is a reduction of $101,400 (0.78%) from the preliminary levy previously seen by the Council. The impact of this levy increase on a median valued home is projected to be $32 per year (City share of taxes). The City’s tax rate (the percentage used to calculate the City’s portion of the property tax) is projected to be reduced to 36.7%, as compared to 38.6% in 2020. This rate continues to be lower than it was in 2016 (43%), which is a reflection of the growth of the City in recent years and the effect of added taxable value. Because of this tax rate decrease, a home seeing less than 4% value growth could pay less in City property taxes than 2020. Specifically, a house seeing no value growth (which is unlikely) would pay $55 less in City taxes in 2021 compared to 2020. In 2021, the median value home is estimated to be $314,600 which reflects a 7.01% value growth over last year’s median valued home. This is the 3 rd highest value per median-valued home in Dakota County. Revenues The City’s tax base (tax capacity value) is preliminarily increasing by 7.15% for 2021, or a total increase of $2,438,239 to the City’s taxable value. In 2020, the City’s tax base increased by 7.47%. Historically, from 2008-2021, the City’s tax capacity value has grown by 37.07% ($9,880,207), which is the 2 nd largest value growth in Dakota County. Non-tax levy revenues generated by the City are projected to increase by 0.06% ($5,700) in 2021, largely due to staff’s decision to conservatively anticipate revenues in 2021 due to the pandemic. After Council discussion at the last meeting, the Licenses & Permits revenue source was increased by $40,000 to account 2 for recently approved projects and developments that are now moving forward. As discussed in previous years, staff takes a conservative approach to projecting these revenues so as to not rely too heavily on uncontrollable factors. This revenue forecast is based on a target goal of 250 new units of housing in 2021. Staff projects flat revenues from rental of facilities next year too, considering the impacts of the pandemic. Expenditures Below is a description of notable changes to each department’s budget. Some discussion is provided below, however a detailed presentation and discussion surrounding these initiatives will occur during the work session. City Council Administration This category includes Elections, Administration, and the General Government budgets. Finance Community Development Police Fire Initiative Increase over ’20 Budget Remove Citywide Resident survey (will be completed in 2021 with assigned funds from 2020) ($16,000) Initiative Increase over ’20 Budget Increase in fees for Cable JPA $6,000 Processing fees for Credit Card transactions (begin charging fees to customers in 2021) ($52,500) reduction from August Budget draft Initiative Increase over ’20 Budget Annual subscriptions to Microsoft 365 included  Added the “Teams” feature and add’l users $7,000 Initiative Increase over ’20 Budget Add’l hours for PT GIS Technician $7,000 Initiative Increase over ’20 Budget Add’l Sergeant positions to ensure 24/7 supervision (1/1 hiring and a 10/1 hiring) $11,500 Hire 2 FTE Patrol Officer to backfill vacated position due to Sgt. Promotion (1/1 hiring and a 10/1 hiring) $127,500 Initiative Increase over ’20 Budget Annual lease payment for Ladder Truck (*Equipment CIP item) $153,000 Increase stipend for Fire Chief & Assistant Chief $10,000 Add’l hours and increased hourly rate $30,000 3 Public Works This category includes Gov’t Buildings, Fleet Maintenance, Street Maintenance, and Parks Maintenance budgets. Parks and Recreation Port Authority RECOMMENDATION Staff requests the City Council provide direction on any needed modifications to the draft 2021 Budget. Initiative Increase over ’20 Budget Decreased funding for long-term Building Maintenance program (due to internal fund transfers) ($75,000) Decreased funds for HVAC maintenance due to new systems ($3,500) Decreased funding for gas & electric utilities due to new systems ($9,000) Decreased funding for preventative maintenance needs ($5,000) Add’l funds for Equipment / Parts due to internal repairs on equipment and vehicles (non-warrantied fleet) $10,000 Decreased funding for Parking Lot Maintenance long-term plan (due to internal fund transfers) ($145,000) Add’l funds for sealcoat / crack sealing of City streets $20,000 Needed repairs & safety imp. on aging playground equipment $8,000 Decreased funds for chalk / paint / field supplies due to efficiencies of GPS Painter (“Speedy McStripes”) ($5,000) Decreased funding for Park Maintenance long-term plan (due to internal fund transfers and project delays) ($145,000) Initiative Increase over ’20 Budget Increased costs and new initiatives for Special Events programming (Food Truck Fest, Arts Festival, etc.) $9,000 Annual rent payment to National Guard $5,200 Snow removal contract at facilities $23,000 Initiative Increase over ’20 Budget Transfer ED Coord. Salary / Benefits to Port Budget $78,600 Elimination of contract with 3rd party retail-recruiter ($40,000) Add’l funds for marketing / recruitment initiatives $15,000 FUNDING REQUIREMENTS -USES September 15, 2020 2020 2021 Adopted Proposed +/- Departments Budget Budget Difference Percentage ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Council Budget $341 ,600 $332,000 ($9 ,600) -2 .81 % Administration Budget 719 ,900 755 ,900 36 ,000 5 .00% Elections Budget 62,300 20,000 (42 ,300) -67 .90% Finance Budget 665 ,600 697 ,900 32,300 4 .85 % General Government Budget 373 ,900 355 ,300 (18 ,600) -4 .97 % Community Development Budget 1,247,000 1,214 ,500 (32,500) -2.61% Police Budget 4 ,640 ,000 4 ,935 ,600 295 ,600 6 .37% Fire Budget 484 ,500 525 ,700 41 ,200 8.50% Public Works Operating Budgets: Government Buildings Budget 653 ,300 585 ,800 (67 ,500) -10 .33% Fleet Maintenance Budget 633 , 100 674,700 41 ,600 6 .57 % Street Maintenance Budget 1,479,900 1,397 ,600 (82 ,300) -5.56 % Parks Maintenance Budget 1,177 ,600 1,057,400 (120 ,200) -10 .21 % Park & Rec Budget -General Operating 1,462,000 1,536,600 74,600 5.10% Park & Rec Budget -Steeple Ctr. Operations 149,200 158,200 9 ,000 6 .03% Park & Rec Budget -Special Programs 87 ,600 85 ,600 (2 ,000) -2.28% Transfers -Arena Assistance 130,000 130 ,000 0 0.00% --------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Operating Budgets -General Fund $14,307,500 $14,462,800 $155,300 1.09% Bu ilding GIP Requirements 0 0 0 0 .00% Street GIP Requ irements 877 ,897 904 ,234 26 ,337 3.00% Equipment GIP Requ irements 640 ,000 813 ,200 173,200 27 .06% Insurance Budget Requirements 425 ,000 450 ,000 25,000 5 .88% Port Authority Operating Levy 112 ,000 168,000 56 ,000 50 .00% Bonded Indebtedness 180,941 177 ,004 (3 ,937) -2 .18 % Water Enterprise Fund 1,679,800 1,662 ,800 (17,000) -1 .01 % Sewer Enterprise Fund 2 ,627 ,300 2,629 ,600 2,300 0.09 % Storm Water En terprise Fund 1,322 ,700 1,426,200 103,500 7.82 % Street Light Utility Fund 220,000 220 ,000 0 0.00 % Arena Enterprise Fund 654 ,400 576 ,000 (78,400) -11.98% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Funding Requirements $23,047,538 $23,489,838 $442,300 1.92% ========== ========== ========== ========= September 15, 2020 Types Internal Revenue Generated: Licenses and Pe rm its In te rgovernm e ntal Charges for Services Fines & Forfeits Recreationa l Fees Miscellaneous Revenues Transfers In Enterprise Revenues Total Internal Revenues Levy Sources : Special Levies General Levy Total Levy Total Revenue Sources FUNDING REQUIREMENTS -SOURCES 2020 2021 Adopted Budget 800 ,300 1,104 ,800 1 ,058 ,800 95 ,000 298,400 2 15 ,000 3 ,500 6 ,504 ,200 Proposed Budget 833 ,000 1,135,400 1,037 ,300 95 ,000 296 ,400 170 ,500 3,500 6 ,514 ,600 +/- Difference Percentage 32 ,700 4.09% 30 ,600 2 .7 7% (21,500) -2 .03 % 0 0 .00 % (2 ,000) -0 .67 % (44 ,500 ) -20 .70 % 0 0 .00 % 10 ,400 0 .16% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 ,080 ,000 10 ,085 ,700 5,700 0.06% 180 ,941 177 ,004 (3 ,937) -2.18% 12 ,786 ,597 13 ,227 ,134 440 ,537 3 .45 % $12,967,538 $13,404,138 $436,600 3.37% $23,047,538 $23,489,838 $442 ,300 1.92% ========== ========== ========== ======== 2020 GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY PAYABLE 2021 GENERAL FUND BUILDING CIP FUND STREET CIP FUND EQUIPMENT CIP FUND INSURANCE FUND PORT AUTHORITY OPERATING LEVY TOTAL GENERAL LEVY GENERAL LEVY BONDED INDEBTEDNESS G .O . IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2014A (Authorized -$0) G.O. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) REFUNDING BONDS 2015B (Authorized -$177 ,004) G .O . IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2017A (Authorized -$5,947) G .O . IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2018A (Authorized -$0) TOTAL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS GRAND TOTAL 2019 PROPERTY TAX LEVY Last Updated 8/24/20 $10 ,891,700 $0 $904,234 $813,200 $450,000 $168 ,000 $13,227,134 $0 $177 ,004 $0 $0 $177,004 $13,404, 138 ---------------------------- SPREAD LEVY COMPUTATIONAL WORKSHEET (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) Total Funding Requirements Less: Internal Revenues Equals: Revenues Needed County Auditor Adjustments (All Subtractions): Fiscal Disparities Distribution Levy (Metro Area) 2018 ----------------- 21,775,081 9,900,300 ................................... 11,874,781 1,236,215 2019 ----------------- 22,659,634 10,339,200 ................................... 12,320,434 1,305,333 (Proposed) 2020 2021 ................................... ----------------- 23,047,538 23,489,838 10,080,000 10,085,700 ---------------·-................................... 12,967,538 13,404, 138 1,361,991 1,461, 128 (2) Spread Levy Used to Compute Local Tax Rate lncrease/(Decrease) from Previous Year in Spread Levy 10,638,566 (1) 11,015,101 (1) 11,605,547 (1) 11,943,010 (1) Actual Spread Levy Based on Numbers from Dakota County (2) 2021 Number Provided by Dakota County as of 8/21/20 Last Updated -8/24/20 3.54% 5.36% 2.91% Market Value Year Tax Capacity Tax Capacity Rates : City County School District Miscellaneous Totals City Market Referendum ISD #196 Market Ref Dakota County Ref Property Taxes : City County School District Miscellaneous Total Property Taxes City Market Referendum ISD #196 Market Ref Dakota County Ref Grand Total All Taxes Market Value Year Tax Capacity Tax Capacity Rates : City County School District Miscellaneou s Totals City Market Referendum ISD #196 Market Ref Dakota County Ref Property Taxes : City County School District Miscellaneous Total Property Taxes City Market Referendum ISD #196 Market Ref Dakota County Ref Grand T otal All Taxe s Last Updated -8124120 2019 2 ,650 0.39355 0.25386 0 .20613 0 .04227 0 .89581 0 .0000000 0.0026162 0.0000000 1,043 673 546 112 2 ,374 0 725 0 $3,100 2019 3,715 0.39355 0.25386 0.20613 0 .04227 0 .89581 0.0000000 0.0026162 0.0000000 1,462 943 766 157 3 ,326 0 961 0 $4,309 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WORKSHEET FOR ESTIMATING RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY TAXES (ISO #196 FIGURES) (Rates Based on Proposed Preliminary Levy Numbers) 265,017 (Value After MIV Exclusion) 277,300 (Payable 2019 Median) 283,220 (Value After MIV Exclu s ion) 294,000 (Payable 2020 Median) 2020 2 ,650 0 .38580 0 .24133 0.19860 0.04030 0 .86603 0.0000000 0 .0034367 0 .0000000 1,022 640 526 107 2 ,295 0 953 0 $3,248 202 1 Est. 2 ,650 0 .36761 0 .24133 0 .19660 0 .04030 0.64604 0.0000000 0 .0034367 0 .0000000 975 640 526 107 2 ,247 0 953 0 $3,200 2019 2 ,832 0 .39355 0 .25386 0 .20613 0 .04227 0.89581 2020 2,632 0.38580 0 .24133 0 .19860 0.04030 0.66603 2021 Est. 2 ,632 0 .36761 0 .24133 0 .19860 0 .04030 0 .64604 0 .0000000 0.0000000 0 .0000000 0 .0026162 0 .0034367 0 .0034367 0 .0000000 0 .0000000 0.0000000 1, 115 719 584 120 2,537 0 769 0 $3,306 1,093 683 562 114 2 ,453 0 1,010 0 $3,463 1,042 683 562 114 2,402 0 1,010 0 $3,412 2019 3,057 0.39355 0 .25386 0 .20613 0 .04227 0.89581 0.0000000 0 .0026162 0 .0000000 1,203 776 630 129 2 ,738 0 623 0 $3,561 305,674 (Value After MN Exclusion) 314,600 (Est. Payable 2021 Median)(+7.01%) 2020 3,057 0.38580 0.24133 0.19660 0.04030 0.86603 2021 Est. 3,057 0 .36781 0.24133 0.19860 0.04030 0 .84804 0.0000000 0 .0000000 0.0034367 0 .0034367 0 .0000000 0 .0000000 1,179 736 607 123 2 ,647 0 1,061 0 $3,726 1, 124 736 607 12 3 2 ,592 0 1,061 0 $3,673 2019 3,443 0 .39355 0 .25386 0.20613 0.04227 0.89561 0.0000000 0.0026162 0 .0000000 1,355 674 710 146 3,084 0 916 0 $4,000 344,260 (Value After M/V Exclusion) 350,000 2020 3,443 0 .36560 0 .241 33 0 .19860 0 .04030 0 .66603 2021 Est. 3 ,443 0.36761 0.24133 0.19860 0 .04030 0.64604 0 .0000000 0.0000000 0 .0034367 0 .0034367 0 .0000000 0.0000000 1,326 63 1 664 139 2 ,961 0 1,203 0 $4,184 1,266 831 684 139 2,919 0 1,203 0 $4,122 Crty Taxes Crty Market Ref. Total Taxes -Median Increase I (Decrease) 371 ,5 10 (Value After MN Exclusion) 375,000 414,000 (Value After MN f:)(clus ion) 414,000 History of Actual Tax Capacrty Rates {Using ISO #196 Rates) 2020 3,715 0.38580 0.24133 0.19660 0.04030 0 .86603 0 .0000000 0 .0034367 0 .0000000 1,433 897 736 150 3,217 0 1,289 0 $4,506 2021 Est. 3 ,715 0 .36781 0.24133 0 .19660 0 .04030 0 .84604 0 .0000000 0.0034367 0.0000000 1,366 697 738 150 3 ,151 0 1,269 0 $4,439 201 9 4 ,140 0 .39355 0 .25366 0 .20613 0 .04227 0 .89581 0 .0000000 0 .0026162 0 .0000000 1,629 1,051 853 175 2020 4 ,140 0.38580 0.24133 0.19860 0.04030 0.86603 0 .0000000 0 .0034367 0 .0000000 1,597 999 622 167 2021 Est. 4 ,140 0.36761 0.24133 0 .19660 0 .04030 0 .84604 0 .0000000 0.0034367 0 .0000000 1,523 999 622 167 2016 0.43149 0 .28570 0 .24317 0 .05063 1.01099 0.0000000 0.0026999 0.0000000 2017 0.41632 0 .26004 0.23336 0.04907 0.96079 0.0000000 0.0027360 0.0000000 2016 0.40961 0.26560 0.21352 0 .04307 0 .93200 0 .0000000 0 .0026715 0 .0000000 Net Tax Capacity Percentages For Residential Homesteads : Equal to or Less Than $500,000 Over $500,000 2019 0.39355 0 .25386 0 .20613 0.04227 0.6956 1 0 .0000000 0 .0026162 0 .0000000 1.00% 1.25% 2020 0 .36560 0.24133 0 .19860 0 .04030 0 .86603 0.0000000 0.0034367 0 .0000000 1.00% 1.25% 2021 Est. (4.66% Decrease) 0.36761 0.24133 0.19660 0.04030 0.64604 (1), (2) (2) (2) (2) 0.0000000 (2) 0.0034367 (2) 0.0000000 (2) 1.00% 1.25% 3 ,709 0 1,083 0 3 ,565 0 1,423 0 3,511 0 1,423 0 (For 2002 Through 2011 Credit Applied to All Organizations Proportionately) (For 2012 and On Credit Eliminated-Replaced with Market V alue Adjustment) $4,792 $5,008 $4,934 (1) This Figure Derived Using Figures Provided by Dakota County: (a) 2020 Projected Levy Less Fiscal Disparities as of 8124120 11 ,943,010 (b) Preliminary Net Tax Capacity Figure as of 2127120 (With M/V Exclusion) (c ) Captured Tax Increment Tax Capacity as of 10/4/19 (d) Contribution to Fiscal Disparities as of 8/2 1/20 (2) These Figures Prov ided by Dakota County as of 10/16/19 (For 201 3 and on the City of Rosemount doe s not have a Referendum Le vy) 32,470,464 36,530,791 (1 ,111 ,173) (2 ,949, 134) 32,470,484 0.36761 (7 .15% Increase from Final Pay 2020) (1 3.85% Increase from Final Pay 2019) (1.67% In crea se from Final Pay 2020) $1,093 $0 $1,093 $1,124 $0 $1,124 $32 Page One 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES September 15, 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2018 2019 2020 YTD Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Thru 7/31/20 Budget Amount Budget ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 31010.00 Current Ad Valorem Taxes $8,489,737 $8,718,622 $5 ,056,854 $9 ,369 ,709 $9,430,572 From County 101 31040.00 Fiscal Disparities 1,236 ,215 1,305 ,333 680 ,996 1,361 ,991 1,461, 128 From County (Estimated 4 % Increase) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Taxes (Tax) 9 ,7 25 ,952 10 ,023 ,955 5,737,850 10,7 31 ,700 10 ,891 ,700 Total Property Tax Levy for Fund 101 101 32110.00 Alcoholic Beverage Licenses (L) 40 ,970 38 ,870 (5,494 ) 38 ,000 38,000 101 32160.00 Licenses to do Business (L) 6,710 10,325 2,970 7 ,500 8 ,500 Garbage Haulers , Ped Licenses, etc . 101 32162 .00 Lie to do Business-Rental Housing (L) 13,200 10,080 2 ,9 40 14 ,000 10 ,000 101 32180.00 Tobacco Licenses (L) 275 4 ,650 481 0 4,700 Every Other Year 101 32210 .00 Building Permit Revenue (L) 633 ,368 688 ,673 387 ,172 570 ,000 600 ,000 101 32212.00 Mineral Extraction Permit (L) 370 0 0 2 ,000 2,000 101 32220 .00 Electrical Permit Revenue (L) 29 ,592 11 ,505 11 ,835 25,000 25 ,000 2019-Prior Year Adjustment 101 32221 .00 Admin Fee -Electrical Permtts (L) 8,670 9,611 6 ,060 7,000 8,000 101 32230 .00 Plumbing Permit Revenue (L) 64,922 65 ,224 39 ,178 52,000 52 ,000 101 32240 .00 Animal Licenses (L) 2,450 1,605 1,046 2 ,200 2,200 101 32250.00 Sewer Permit Revenue (L) 13,173 14 ,345 9,010 10,000 10,000 101 32255.00 County Recording Fee-City's (L) 100 80 70 100 100 101 32260.00 HVAC Permit Revenue (L) 67 ,616 70 ,111 45,746 70 ,000 70,000 101 32290 .00 Other Non-Bus Lie & Permits (L) 2,750 860 300 2,500 2 ,500 Alarm Permits & Fireworks Permtts ----------- Total Licenses & Permits (L) 884,164 925,939 501,314 800,300 833 ,000 101 31020 .00 Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes (I) 36 ,112 13,669 69 ,363 0 0 From County 101 31030 .00 Mobile Home Taxes (I) 11 ,028 10,597 0 11 ,000 11 ,000 From County 101 31705 .00 Solar Energy Production Tax 2,434 1,961 1,725 0 0 From County 101 31710 .00 Gravel Taxes (I) 133,246 142,873 145,697 150,000 150,000 From County 101 31810.00 Franchise Taxes -Regular Fees (I) 239 ,794 235,154 55,842 240 ,000 240,000 From Cable Company 10131811 .00 Franchise Taxes -PEG Fees (I) 0 0 0 0 0 Moved to Separate Fund 101 31920.00 Forfeited Tax Sale Apportionment (I) 0 0 0 0 0 From County 101 33100.00 Federal Grants & Aids (I) 4,484 3,273 1,833,933 0 0 101 33416 .00 Police Training Reimbursement (I) 216 ,545 256,896 0 250 ,000 From State 101 33416 .xx Post Board Training Reimb 25 ,000 25 ,000 101 33416 .xx State Aid (Tied to PERA) 195 ,000 225,000 101 33418 .00 MSA for Streets -Maintenance (I) 42,960 300,431 330,711 300 ,000 300 ,000 From State 101 33423 .00 Ag Preserves Credit (I) 3,326 410 0 3,000 3,000 From State 101 33425 .00 Other State Grants & Aids (I) 95 ,785 88 ,925 23,434 80 ,000 80,000 From State and State Agencies 101 33425.xx PERA Aid 12,900 101 33425.xx All Other Grants & Aids 67 ,100 101 33620.00 Other County Grants & Aids (I) 30 ,263 30 ,263 780 31 ,000 30,200 Dakota County Recycling Funds 101 33630.00 Police Services Levy-I SO #196 (I) 67 ,3 93 69 ,044 70,425 69,800 71,200 101 33630 .00 Liaison Funding 71,200 From ISO #196 101 33720 .00 Other Organization Grants 0 0 0 0 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Intergovernmental (I) 883 ,370 1, 153,495 2,531 ,909 1,104,800 1, 135,400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PAGE TOTALS 11,493,486 12,103 ,3 88 8,771 ,073 12,636 ,800 12 ,8 60 ,100 Page Two 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES September 15, 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2018 2019 2020 YTD Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Thru 7/31/20 Budget Amount Budget Comments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 34103 .00 Zoning & Subdivision Fees (C) 67 ,175 62 ,930 36 ,485 50 ,000 50,000 101 34104 .00 Plan Checking Fees (C) 234,972 227,839 126 ,021 200,000 210 ,000 101 34105.00 Sales of Maps & Publications (C) 0 0 0 100 100 Maps & Spec Books 101 34107.00 Assessment Fees 670 7,155 1,917 0 0 101 34108 .00 Admin Fees -Other Funds (C) 225 ,000 101 34108 .01 Applicable Funds Except Const. 25 ,000 25 ,000 25,000 25 ,000 25 ,000 101 34108 .02 Construction Funds 200,537 158,562 199 ,797 200,000 200,000 85% of 5% Fee for Const. Projects 101 34109 .00 Other Charges for Service (C) 3,589 9,783 797 4 ,000 4,000 101 34110.00 Service Chg on Returned Chks (C) 60 30 0 100 100 101 34113.00 Application Fees (C) 0 0 0 0 0 101 34150 .00 User Fees -SKB (C) 156,621 184 ,529 100,561 130 ,000 130,000 SKB Fees -C & D Cell Fees 101 34151.00 User Fees/Host Agreements -SKB(C) 68,100 0 0 0 0 Landscaping Agreement 101 34152 .00 User Fees -SKB (C) 34 ,865 41,250 19 ,849 25,000 25,000 SKB Fees -MSW Ash Charges 101 34153.00 User Fees -SKB (C ) 483 ,515 449 ,221 254 ,590 220 ,000 220 ,000 SKB Fees -Base Service Charges 101 34160 .00 National Guard Main! Fees (C) 50 ,560 50 ,472 29 ,755 54 ,500 54 ,500 101 34 160 .00 Shared Space Main!. Agreement 16,000 Snow Removal I Mowing 101 34160.00 Building Maintenance Contract 38 ,500 101 34201.00 Special Police Services (C) 22,163 21 ,884 7 ,980 20 ,000 20,000 Contractual OIT for Officers 101 34202.00 Fire Services -Fireworks Permits (C) 1,240 800 300 1,000 1,000 No Longer Charge for Burning Permits 101 34203.00 Accident Reports (C) 0 0 0 0 0 101 34204.00 Day Care Inspection Fees (C) 0 100 100 100 100 101 34205.00 Impound Fees (C) 464 907 371 2 ,000 1,000 101 34206.00 Other Police Services (C) 1,141 504 0 1,500 1,000 101 34207.00 Other Fire Protection Services (C) 16 ,7 88 16,714 17 ,232 18 ,000 101 34207.01 U of M Fire Contract 5,500 5,500 101 34207.02 Coates Fire Contract 11 ,500 11 ,5 00 101 34207.03 Other Billed Fire Calls 1,000 1,000 101 34303 .00 Mow Weeds (C) 867 310 472 1,500 1,000 101 34304 .00 Sweep/Plow Streets (C) 948 954 846 500 1,000 101 34306.00 Othe r Highway & Street Rev (C) 73 ,1 46 32 ,227 19,617 75 ,000 40,000 Sealcoat -Developers 101 34310.00 Right-of-Way Permits (C) 25 ,2 87 34 ,332 19 ,982 25 ,000 30 ,000 101 34407 .00 City Share of Metro SAC Chgs (C) 6,809 8,499 2 ,634 5,500 5 ,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Charges for Services (C) 1,474 ,516 1,334 ,001 864 ,306 1,058 ,800 1,037,300 101 35101.00 Court Fines (F) 94,281 109,083 44 ,581 95 ,000 95,000 From County ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Fines & Forfeits (F) 94 ,281 109,083 44 ,581 95,000 95 ,000 101 34718.00 Tournament Fees (R) 18,455 19,982 170 20 ,000 20 ,000 101 34720.00 Park Reservations (R ) 2 ,441 3,032 1,100 4 ,000 4 ,000 101 34721.00 Softball Revenues (R) 6,671 0 0 0 0 101 34724.00 Tennis Revenues (R) 2 ,118 1,817 0 2 ,200 2 ,200 101 34726.00 Rosettes Revenues (R) 1,923 1,913 0 2,000 0 101 34727 .00 Field Trip Revenues (R) 14,000 101 34727.02 Adult/Senior Trips 12,722 10,159 15 14,000 14 ,000 101 34728 .00 Adult Exercise Class Revenues (R) 4 ,3 13 6,366 1,185 500 500 101 34730.00 Run for the Gold Revenues (R) 4 ,3 57 2 ,941 0 4,800 4 ,800 101 34731 .00 Yout h Soccer Lessons (R) 2 ,723 2 ,520 0 2 ,800 2,800 101 34732.00 Adult Basketball Revenues (R) 2 ,147 1,774 187 2 ,000 2,000 101 34733.00 Other Programs Revenues (R) 13 ,389 13,153 3,141 16 ,000 16,000 101 34735 .00 Camps Revenues (R) 41,059 48,285 6,625 40 ,000 40,000 101 34736 .00 T-Ball Lessons (R) 3,825 3,780 0 4 ,000 4 ,000 101 38080.00 Banquet Room Fees (R) 72 ,288 75 ,268 6 ,045 75 ,000 75 ,000 101 38081.00 Auditorium Fees (R) 8 ,475 9,118 2,990 8 ,000 8 ,000 101 38082.00 Gymnasium Fees (R) 40,859 42 ,6 68 (2,931) 40,000 40,000 101 38086.00 Classroom Fees (R) 11 ,601 13,633 2,043 11 ,000 11 ,000 101 38 096 .00 Liquor Provider Fees (R) 1,016 900 0 1,000 1,000 101 38 097 .00 AN Rental Fees (R) 4 ,158 3,960 430 1,500 1,500 101 38154.00 Adult Enrichment Revenues (R) 6,539 4,028 1,121 6,400 6,400 101 38201.00 Rental Revenues (R) 37,490 48,806 8,221 40,000 40,000 Steeple Center Operations 101 38205.00 AN Rental Revenues (R) 550 400 125 1,000 1,000 Steeple Center Operations 101 38207 .00 Liquor Prov ider Fees (R) 120 330 60 200 200 Steeple Center Operations 101 38209 .00 Miscellaneous Revenues (R) 0 0 0 0 0 Steeple Center Operations 101 38211.00 Security Services (R) 1,862 5,27 5 (154) 2,000 2 ,000 Steeple Center Operations 101 38215.00 Other Revenues (R) 0 0 0 0 0 Steeple Center Operations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Recreation Fees (R) 301 ,100 320 ,105 30 ,373 298 ,400 296 ,400 ----------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS 1,869 ,897 1,763,189 939 ,260 1,452,200 1,428,700 Page Three 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES Se ptember 15 , 2020 Account# Description 101 36101 .00 Principal -Special A ssessments (M) 101 36102.00 Penalties & Interest -SIA (M) 101 36210.00 Interest Earnin gs -Investments (M) 101 3621 4 .00 Net Change in FV-lnvestments (M) 101 36215 .00 Interest Earn ings (M) 101 36220 .00 Rents & Royalties (M) 101 36220 .01 Garden Plot Rentals 10 1 3622 0 .02 Athletic Complex Land Rental 10 1 36230 .00 Contribution/Donations (M) 10 1 36260 .00 Other Revenue (M) 101 36262 .00 Special Settlements (M) 101 36263 .00 Wellness Program Revenues 101 36265.00 Use of Reserve Funds (M) 101 36265.01 Elections Balancing 101 36265.02 Health Insurance Adjustment 101 38090.00 City Concessions (M) Tota l Misc Revenues (M) 101 39202 .00 Contribution from Enterprises (T) 101 39203 .00 Transfer From (T) Total Transfers In (T) PAGE TOTALS FUND TOTALS INTERNAL REVENUES 2018 Actual 13 124 190,389 (2 6 ,946 ) 1,000 2,500 30 ,861 14 ,778 0 0 0 0 0 2,979 215,698 3,500 1,925 2019 Actual 62 109 226 ,701 92 ,247 3,621 2,600 18,0 16 4 ,234 0 1,000 0 0 0 2 ,571 351 ,160 3,500 3,880 ------------------ 5,425 7,380 -------- $22 1,123 $358 ,540 $13,584,506 $14,225,117 $3 ,858,554 $4,201,162 2020 YTD Thru 7/31/20 0 47 107,192 0 4 ,192 2,510 6 ,378 5,297 0 0 0 0 0 1,2 21 ------ 126,837 3,500 0 2020 Adopted Budget 0 0 150,000 0 1,000 2,500 0 15,000 0 1,200 0 42 ,300 0 3,000 215 ,000 3,500 0 2021 Object Detail Amount 2,500 0 0 0 202 1 Proposed Budget 0 0 150,000 0 2 ,000 2 ,500 0 12,000 0 1 ,000 0 0 3,000 ----------- 170,500 3,500 0 -------------------------------------- 3,500 3,500 3,500 ------------ $130 ,337 $218,500 $174 ,000 $9,840,670 $14,307,500 $14,462 ,800 $4,102 ,82 0 $3 ,575 ,800 $3 ,571 ,100 ========== ====================== ========== ========= ========== Comments From County-101 Funded Projects From County Annual Market Value Changes From Checking Account Antenna to Water Utilrt y Fund in 2016 Swrtched Health Ins . Providers Health Insurance Adj/Assignment Arena -Building & Grounds Ma in!. Funds Returned from Projects Grand Total Less: Ad Valorem & Fiscal Disparities Page Four 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL FUND REVENUES September 15 , 2020 Account# 101 34108 .00 101 34108 .01 101 34108 .02 101 34108 .03 101 34108 .04 101 34108 .05 101 34108 .06 101 34108 .07 101 34108 .08 101 34108 .09 Description General Fund Admin Fees Fund 201 Fund 202 Fund 203 Fund 206 Fund 207 Fund 605 Fund 606 Fund 607 Fund 650 Admin Fees Breakdown Totals 2018 Actual $25 ,000 $25 ,000 2019 Actual $25 ,000 $25,000 2020 2020 YTD Adopted Thru 7 /3 1 /20 Budget $25 ,000 $25 ,000 $25 ,000 $25,000 2021 Object Detail Amount 6,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 6 ,000 $25,000 2021 Proposed Budget $25,000 $25 ,000 Comments Page One 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS COUNCIL September 15, 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2018 2019 2020 YTD Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Thru 7/31/20 Budget Amount Budget Comments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 41110 103.00 Salaries & Benefits $40 ,720 $39,674 $24,087 $43,000 $43,800 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 1014111001 225.00 Landscaping Materials 25,000 25 ,000 17 ,754 25,000 25 ,000 Funding From SKB Revenues 1014111001226.00 Tree/Landscaping Settlement 68,100 0 0 0 0 101 41110 01 307.00 City Promotional Fees 30,600 101 41110 01 307.01 Newsletter 16 ,586 19,854 8,645 21,200 19,500 4 Newsletters 101 41110 01 307.02 Chamber of Commerce Directory 0 2,545 0 1,100 1,100 101 41110 01 307.03 Community Survey 18 ,315 0 0 16,000 0 1014111001 307.04 Community Events 10 ,000 10,000 0 10 ,000 10 ,000 Leprechaun Days Fireworks 101 41110 01 315.00 Special Programs 2 ,120 5,339 387 4,500 5 ,500 Promotions, Marketing , etc. 101 41110 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 54 ,000 101 41110 0131901 Education Reimbursement 0 0 0 12 ,000 12 ,000 101 41110 0131902 Intergovernmental Initiatives 11 ,398 12 ,023 3 ,423 15,000 15 ,000 101 41110 0131903 Open Government I Transparency 7 ,500 7 ,500 15,850 17 ,000 17 ,000 Open Gov I POLCO I etc. 1014111001 319.04 County Broadband System 7 ,507 10 ,800 8 ,223 10 ,000 10,000 Operating Costs 1014111001 321.00 Telephone Costs 700 1014111001321.02 Mayor's Cell Phone 386 637 373 400 700 1014111001 329.00 Other Communication Costs 0 0 0 500 500 Newspaper Ads I Open Houses 1014111001331 .00 Travel Expense 8 ,000 1014111001331 .01 NLC Conference 2,748 3 ,489 701 6 ,000 6 ,000 1014111001 331 .02 Miscellaneous Travel 1,524 1,750 492 2 ,000 2 ,000 101 41110 01 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 35 , 100 10141110 01 433.01 LMC Dues 18,662 19,394 0 19,000 20 ,000 101 41110 01 433.02 Metro Cities Dues 7 ,868 7 ,919 7,943 8 ,000 8 ,000 1014111001 433.03 Oak Cly Regional Chamber 85 0 0 100 100 101 41110 01 433.04 NLC Dues 1,917 1,953 0 2,000 2 ,000 1014111001 433.05 Miscellaneous Dues 0 0 0 0 5 ,000 MLC Dues 1014111001 435.00 Books & Pamphlets 0 0 0 100 100 101 41110 01 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 14,000 1014111001437.01 Registration & Hotel-LMC Conf 1,500 3 ,586 1, 100 2,000 2 ,000 101 41110 01 437.02 Registration & Hotel-NLC Conf 4 ,270 8 ,806 2 ,738 9 ,000 9 ,000 101 41110 01 437.03 Miscellaneous Conferences 300 280 0 3,000 3,000 101 41110 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 95 308 0 400 400 101 41110 01 598.00 Council Designated 79 ,177 148 ,437 0 60 ,000 60 ,000 1014111001598.01 Assignment for Health Ins. Increases 0 0 0 0 0 1014111001598.02 IGH Ice Time Agreement 41 ,000 41 ,000 0 41,000 41 ,000 1014111001 598.03 Salary & Benefit Contingency 0 0 0 0 0 1014111001599.00 Employee Recognition Costs 13 ,300 1014111001599.01 Employee Recognition Costs 3 ,900 4 ,236 132 6 ,000 6 ,000 1014111001599.02 Vending Machine Costs 2,739 2,093 986 4 ,000 4,000 Offset by Revenues 1014111001599.03 Commemorations 1,449 1,502 677 1,500 1,500 1014111001 599 .04 CommissionNolunteer Recognition 1,431 2,838 3 1,800 1,800 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $376,297 $380,962 $93,513 $341 ,600 $332,000 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $376,297 $380,962 $93,513 $341 ,600 $332,000 ======== =================== ======== ======== ======== Page One 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ADMINISTRATION September 15 , 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2018 2019 2020 YTD Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Thru 7/31/20 Budget Amount Budget Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 41320 101.00 Salaries & Benefits $522 , 162 $542,437 $333,234 $571,300 $600,600 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 101 41320 102 .00 Full-Time Overtime 0 0 0 0 0 101 41320 103.00 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 0 1,859 1,424 6 ,000 2,000 101 41320 01 209.00 Other Office Supplies 70 340 0 500 500 Miscellaneous Purchases 101 41320 01 313 .00 Temporary Service Fees 0 0 0 0 0 101 41320 01 319 .00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0 101 41320 01 321 .00 Telephone Costs 1,975 1,909 1,377 2,000 2,800 Administration Cell Phones 101 41320 01 331 .00 Travel Expense 1,300 101 41320 01 331 .01 NLC Conference 0 0 0 0 0 101 41320 01 331 .02 Conference Travel 602 530 0 800 800 101 41320 01 33 1 03 Miscellaneous Travel 106 271 24 500 500 101 41320 01 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 3,700 1014132001 433 01 MCMA Dues 283 298 0 300 300 1014132001 433 .02 MAMA Dues 0 90 115 0 100 101 41320 01 433 .03 MCFOA Dues 0 91 46 100 100 101 41320 01 433 .04 Munici-Pals 25 0 40 100 100 101 41320 01 433.05 llMC Dues 200 0 0 200 200 City Clerk Association 101 41320 01 433 .06 ICMA Dues 1,887 2,139 0 2,000 2,200 101 41320 01 433.07 APMP Dues 0 0 0 100 100 101 41320 01 433 .08 Rotary Membership 0 507 338 600 600 101 41320 01 435 .00 Books & Pamphlets 60 0 0 100 100 101 41320 01 437 .00 Conferences & Seminars 10,200 101 41320 01 437 .01 Registration & Hotel -Conference 550 2,582 100 2,500 2,500 101 41320 01 437.02 Registration & Hotel -MCMA 1,397 0 0 0 0 Combined with "437 .01 " 101 41320 01 437 .04 Staff ( 1) Each 0 0 0 0 0 101 41320 01 437 .05 Miscellaneous Seminars 945 1,480 0 1,400 1,500 101 41320 01 437 .06 Registration & Hotel -ICMA 3,013 3,961 0 3,500 3,500 101 41320 01 437 .07 City Clerk Training 2,146 2,303 0 2,400 2,400 101 41320 01 437 .08 Registration & Hotel -NLC 0 0 0 0 0 101 41320 01 437.09 Miscellaneous Meetings 203 110 0 300 300 1014132001 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 75 107 0 200 200 101 41320 01 580 .00 Other Equipment Purchases 423 0 0 1,000 1,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS 536 , 122 561 ,014 336 ,699 595,900 622 ,400 Page Two 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ADMINISTRATION September 15 , 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2018 2019 2020 YTD Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Thru 7/31/20 Budget Amount Budget Comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 41320 31 305 .00 Medical & Dental Fees 2,800 Employee Drug Testing 101 41320 31 305 .01 Pre-Employment Physicals 1,037 506 618 1,300 1,300 101 41320 31 305 02 Employee Drug Testing 1,294 1,238 1,376 1,300 1,500 101 41320 3 1 305 .03 PCORI Fees 466 490 462 0 0 101 41320 31 305 .04 Reinsurance Costs 0 0 0 0 0 101 41320 31 306 .00 Personnel Testing & Recruitment 6 ,000 6 ,001 0 6 ,000 6 ,000 101 41320 3 1 315 .00 Special Programs 9,700 101 41320 31 315 .01 Employee Training 4 ,890 6 ,265 5,209 7 ,700 7 ,700 Add Alliance for Innovation 1014132031 315 .02 Health & Wellness 1,854 1,498 196 2 ,000 2,000 Wellness & Health Management 101 41320 3 1 315 .04 SW/WC Co-op Wellness Grant 0 0 0 0 0 Costs Reimbursed by Grants 101 41320 31 319 .00 Other Professional Services 6,600 101 41 320 31 319 .01 Labor Consultant 845 0 0 1,000 1,000 101 41320 31 319.02 Labor Legal Issues 45 945 0 1,000 1,000 101 41320 31 319 .04 COBRA Consultant 662 473 210 800 800 101 41320 31 3 19.05 FlexNEBA Administrative Fees 3,626 3,662 1,846 3,800 3,800 101 41320 31 319 .06 SWWC Co-Operative Dues 0 0 0 0 0 101 41320 31 331 .00 Travel Ex pense 315 433 40 1,000 1,000 101 41320 31 341 .00 Employment Advertising 325 0 175 1,000 1,000 Vacancies 101 41320 31 391 .00 P .C . Maintenance 4 ,100 4 ,305 4 ,649 4 ,200 4 ,400 Neo Gov -Annual Maintenance 101 41320 31 394 .00 P .C . Software Purchases 0 0 0 0 0 Neo Gov -Initial Purchase 101 41 320 31 433 .00 Dues & Subscriptions 1,200 101 41320 31 433 .02 IPMA Dues 298 298 0 400 400 101 41320 31 433.03 MPELRA Dues 643 430 0 800 800 101 41320 31 435 .00 Books & Pamphlets 0 0 0 100 100 Books & Training Materials 101 41320 31 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 1,700 101 41320 31 437.01 MPELRA State Conference 848 1,25 3 80 1,000 1,300 1014132031 437.02 Personnel Seminars 275 0 0 400 400 101 41320 31 437 .03 Safety, Supervisor, Policy 0 0 0 0 0 1014132041 315 .00 Special Programs 2,000 10141 32041 315 .01 General Marketing 0 0 0 300 2 ,000 1014132041 315 .02 Historical Monuments 0 0 0 0 0 1014132041 319 .00 Other Professional Services 6 ,300 1014132041 319 .01 Website 5 ,861 5,996 6 ,296 6 ,300 6 ,300 10141 32041 319 .02 Website Improvements 0 0 158 0 0 101 41320 41 328 .00 Cable Supply Costs 1,808 66 0 1,000 1,000 Cable Supp lies, Software 101 41 320 41 329 .00 Other Communication Costs 87 , 100 101 41320 41 329.01 Cable JPA Payment-General City 65 ,670 74 ,001 60 ,813 81,100 87,000 101 41320 41 329 .02 Video Streaming Council Mtgs 60 60 0 100 100 1014132041 329 .03 City Cable HD Boxes 75 0 0 0 0 1014132041 331 .00 Travel Ex penses 5 6 6 100 300 1014132041 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 0 85 85 100 200 MAGG 1014132041 437 .00 Conferences & Seminars 0 0 0 200 600 Technical Courses 1014132041 580 .00 Other Equipment Pu rchases 244 171 757 1,000 1,500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $101 ,246 $108 ,183 $82 ,975 $124 ,000 $133 ,500 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $637 ,369 $669 , 197 $419 ,674 $719 ,900 $755,900 ======== =================== ======== ======== Page One September 15, 2020 Account# 101 41410 01 103 .00 101 41410 01 203 .00 101 41410 01 208 .00 101 41410 01 219 .00 101 41410 01 242 .00 101 41410 01 304 .00 101 41410 01 319 .00 101 41410 01 321 00 1014141001 351 .00 1014141001 391 .00 101 41410 01 409 .00 101 41410 01 409 .01 10 1 41410 01 409 .02 101 41410 01 4 12 .00 101 41410 01 439 .00 101 41410 01 580.00 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ELECTIONS Description Part-Time Salaries Printed Forms & Paper Miscellaneous Supplies Other Operating Supplies Minor Equipment Legal Fees Other Professional Services Telephone Costs Legal Notices Publishing P .C . Maintenance Other Contracted Repair & Main! Maintenance for Voting Machines Poll Pad Maintenance Bu ilding Rental Other Miscellaneous Charges Other Equipment Purchases PAGE TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 2018 Actual $34 ,680 0 471 437 633 0 0 0 349 0 4 ,3 16 0 0 23 0 2020 2019 2020 YTD Adopted Actual Thru 7/31/20 Budget $0 $13 ,598 $50 ,000 0 15 200 0 605 500 0 164 500 0 305 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65 400 0 0 1,000 0 0 5 ,000 0 0 3 ,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 ,75 3 195 1,000 2021 Object 2021 Detail Proposed Amount Budget $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 0 0 0 15,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $40 ,909 $2 ,753 $14 ,948 $62 ,300 $20 ,000 $40,909 $2,753 $14 ,948 $62,300 $20,000 ======== =================== ======== ======== Comments Election Judges & Front Desk Ballots & Programming Food for Election Judges Signs & Miscellaneous Election Publications Elections S/W Maintenance Costs (Utiliizing Laserfiche) Annual Main!. Fee to Dakota Cly. Possible Rent for Locations Additional Voting Booths Page One 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FINANCE September 15 , 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2018 2019 2020 YTD Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Thru 7/31/20 Budget Amount Budget Comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 41520 101.00 Salaries & Benefits $435 ,957 $515 ,373 $308,951 $536 ,800 $558,600 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 101 41520 102.00 Full-Time Overtime 5,251 542 1,219 4 ,000 4,000 101 41520 103.00 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 32 ,202 0 0 0 0 1014152001 321.00 Telephone Costs 1,433 2,012 1,080 2,200 2,200 Allowances (2) & Willie (City) 101 41520 01 331 .00 Travel Expense 1,400 101 41520 01 331.01 Finance Director 378 378 0 1,200 1,200 National Conference Included 101 41520 01 331.02 Staff 0 135 0 200 200 101 41520 01 39 1.00 P .C . Maintenance 82 ,100 101 41520 01 391.02 Remote Desktop Services 1,400 1,150 0 1,500 1,500 101 41520 01 391.03 lncode Software Maintenance 11,193 12,626 1,123 12,500 13,000 101 41520 01 391 .04 General Network Support 25 ,000 30 ,000 30,000 30 ,000 30,000 Block Hours of Support Time 1014152001 391 .06 Fixed Asset Main! Contract 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,600 1,600 .. Increased Cost and Need M 101 41520 01 391 .07 Miscellaneous Repairs & Main!. 1,289 2,968 1,669 2,500 3 ,000 101 41520 01 391 .08 Anti-Virus Software Renewal 1,745 1, 188 1,188 2 ,500 2 ,000 101 41520 01 391.09 File Server Software Main!. 13,339 11 ,382 7,355 9 ,000 12,000 101 41520 01 391.10 Managed Backup Services 18 ,840 18 ,840 12,560 19,000 19,000 1014152001 392.00 P .C . Accessories & Supplies 2,488 3,431 1,877 5,000 5,000 City System Supplies 1014152001 393.00 P .C . Hardware Purchases 2,009 9 ,762 695 3 ,000 3,000 101 41520 01 394 .00 P .C . Software Purchases 36 ,500 101 41520 01 394 .01 Annual Microsoft Payments 0 6 ,440 6,440 6,500 6 ,500 Windows 10 Annual Payment 101 41520 01 394.02 Miscellaneous S/W Purchases 3,205 1,124 1,910 2,000 2,000 101 41520 01 394.03 Office 365 0 0 27,108 21,000 28,000 Office 365 Annual Payment *Added Teams and Add'I Users* 101 41520 01 409.00 Other Contracted R & M 225 225 75 300 300 Non-Computer Equipment 101 41520 01 433 .00 Dues & Subscriptions 700 1014152001 433.02 MnGFOA -Finance Director 50 50 70 50 50 101 41520 01 433.03 MnGFOA -Staff 300 300 420 300 300 101 41520 01 433 .04 GFOA -Finance Director & Asst 340 340 375 350 350 101 41520 01 435.00 Books & Pamphlets 100 101 41520 01 435.01 Accounting Related Books 0 0 0 50 50 101 41520 01 435.02 Finance Related Books 0 0 0 50 50 101 41520 01 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 2,800 101 41520 01 437 .02 MnGFOA Annual Conf (F/D) 581 618 0 700 700 101 41520 01 437 .03 GFOA National Conf (F/D) 0 0 0 1,500 1,500 101 41520 01 437.04 Staff Development 2,950 290 0 200 200 101 41520 01 437.05 Miscellaneous Seminars 100 542 0 400 400 Misc. Meetings, Lunches , etc. 101 41520 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 141 294 92 200 200 Contingencies 101 41520 01 570 .00 Office Equipment & Furnishings 715 1,429 360 1,000 1,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $562,630 $622,941 $406,067 $665,600 $697,900 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $562,630 $622,941 $406,067 $665,600 $697,900 ======== =================== ======== ======== Page One September 15 , 2020 Account# 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL GOVERNMENT Description 101 4 1810 01 202 .00 Duplicating & Copying 101 41810 01 202 .02 Copying Costs 101 41810 01 203 .00 Printed Forms & Paper 101 41810 01 203 .01 Copy Paper 101 41810 01 203 .02 General Receipt Books 101 41810 01 203 .03 Purchase Orders 101 41810 01 203 .04 Payroll & A/P Checks 101 41810 01 203 .06 Miscellaneous Forms 101 41810 01 204 .00 Envelopes & Letterheads 101 41810 01 204 .01 Letterhead 101 41810 01 204 .02 Plain Envelopes 101 41810 01 204.03 A/P & Payroll Envelopes 101 41810 01 204 .04 10 x 13 Envelopes 101 41810 01 209 .00 Other Office Supplies 101 41810 01 221 .00 Equipment Parts 101 41810 01 242 .00 Minor Equ ipment 101 41810 01 242 .02 Credit Card Equipment 101 41810 01 301 .00 Auditing & Accounting Services 101 41810 01 301 .01 Audit & General Consulting Fees 101 41810 01 301 .02 Dakota County Assessment Fees 1014181001 301 .03 DakCtyTruthlnTaxationCosts 101 41810 01 303 .00 Engineering Fees 101 41810 01 304 .00 Legal Fees 101 41810 01 319 .00 Other Professional Services 101 41810 01 319 01 City Code Update 101 41810 01 319 .02 City Code Web Fees 101 41810 01 319 .03 State Building Report 101 41810 01 319 .04 Continu ing Disclosure Fees 101 41810 01 319 .05 Annual User Fee Study Update 101 41810 01 319 .06 Arbitrage/Rebate Calculations 101 41810 01 319 .10 UMore Professiona l Services 101 41810 01 320 .00 Credit Card Activity Fees 101 41810 01 320 .01 Utilities' Fees 101 41810 01 320 .02 Parks & Recreation Fees 101 41810 01 320 .03 Build ing Fees 101 41810 01 320 .04 General Fees 101 41810 01 320 .05 Parks & Recreation On-Line Fees 101 41810 01 321 .00 Telephone Costs 1014181001 321 .01 General Phone Costs (&Internet) 1014181001 321 .02 Domain Housing 1014181001 321 .03 Software Maintenance Costs 10 1 4181001 321 .04 Phone System Hardware 101 41810 01 322 .00 Postage Costs 101 41810 01 329 .00 City Cable Boxes 1014181001 339.00 Other Transportation Expenses 1014181001 351.00 Legal Notices Publishing 101 41810 01 351.01 Costs for Public Notices 1014181001 351 .03 Budget&AuditPublications 1014181001 391 .00 P.C . Maintenance 101 41810 01 392 .00 P .C . Software Purchases 101 418 10 01 393 .00 P .C . Hardware Purchases 101 41810 01 433 .00 Dues & Subscriptions 101 41810 01 439 .00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 101 41810 01 440 .00 COVID-19 Expenses 101 41810 01 580 .00 Other Equipment Purchases PAGE TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS - 2018 Actual 17 ,347 2 ,670 0 1,362 453 1,532 1,290 0 489 736 15 ,484 0 0 57 ,786 6,146 1,532 0 52 , 110 847 500 4 ,470 3,600 2,630 6 ,500 1,576 0 6 ,611 18 ,851 1,228 0 30 ,106 60 15 ,274 2 ,480 14 ,722 0 977 3,828 1,240 19 ,971 6 ,911 3,832 585 240 0 13,966 2020 2019 2020 YTD Adopted Actual Thru 7/31/20 Budget 16 ,465 4,296 503 0 646 3,827 758 1,632 738 0 14 ,314 417 0 66,700 6 ,835 1,613 0 51 ,271 223 500 4,160 3,290 0 3,850 0 0 8 ,732 49 ,075 1,486 0 37 ,549 60 15 ,468 1,114 14 ,372 0 69 3,190 1,246 19 ,732 9 ,740 3,699 916 240 0 13 ,943 7,425 704 0 1,398 0 925 500 0 0 0 5,502 0 0 63,990 6 ,420 1,708 0 24 ,406 0 500 0 0 3 ,655 3 ,100 0 0 3,878 28 ,647 510 0 25 ,000 760 0 846 15 ,218 0 958 1,768 969 19 ,732 8 ,510 0 585 140 55 ,531 4,486 17 ,000 3,500 800 1,400 400 1,500 700 600 500 800 16 ,000 0 500 70 ,000 6 ,500 1,700 0 70 ,000 2 ,000 500 4,500 3,000 3,000 10,000 0 0 7 ,000 20 ,000 1,500 0 36 ,000 100 18 ,000 3,000 17,000 1,200 1,000 3,900 1,300 20 ,000 10 ,000 4,000 700 300 0 14 ,000 $319 ,942 $362 ,670 $287 ,769 $373,900 $319 ,942 $362 ,670 $287 ,769 $373 ,900 ======== =================== ======== 2021 Object 2021 Detail Proposed Amount Budget Comments 17 ,000 3 ,500 800 1,400 400 0 700 600 500 800 500 77,000 7,000 1,700 2,000 500 5,000 3 ,000 4 ,000 10 ,000 0 500 3,000 5,000 500 0 39 ,000 500 18 ,000 3 ,000 3,900 1,300 $17 ,000 6 ,100 Business Cards , etc . 2,600 16 ,000 General Office Supplies O City Hall Equipment Repa irs 500 85 ,700 0 55 ,000 24 ,500 9 ,000 60 ,500 15 ,000 1,200 $500-$700 for One Terminal Single Audit in 2021 for CARES Fees Paid to Baker Tilly Fees Pa id to Baker Tilly (Bonds) Fees Pa id to Baker Tilly Fees Paid to Baker Tilly (Bonds) In-House Engineer or Bill Out Add Add't Terminal for CIC Pymt Added Add itional Licenses Phone Upg rades , Headsets , etc . 1,000 Vehicle Licensing 5 ,200 All Departments State Mandated Publications 21 ,000 Laserfiche Maintenance 10 ,000 Consultant Fees 4 ,000 Scanner Purchase 700 Newspapers 300 Direct Deposit Filing Fees/Flex 0 20 ,000 Office Machines-All Buildings $355 ,300 $355,300 Page One 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT September 15, 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2018 2019 2020 YTD Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Thru 7/31/20 Budget Amount Budget Comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 41910 101 .00 Salaries & Benefits $967 ,881 $1 ,042,175 $663 ,016 $1, 172, 100 $1 ,137,400 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 101 41910 102.00 Full-Time Overtime 380 33 0 1,000 1,000 101 41910 103.00 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 26,285 21 ,462 7 ,980 28 ,500 34,300 1014191011 103 .00 PIT GIS Technician 16 ,800 1014191099 103.01 Planning Commission Members 2,500 1014191099 103.02 Part-Time Code Enforcement 15,000 101 41910 01 201 .00 Office Accessories 0 0 0 0 0 Calendars, Planners, etc. 101 41910 01 202.00 Duplicating & Copying 1,463 5,000 0 5,000 2,000 Includes Comp Plan Printing 101 41910 01 203 .00 Printed Forms & Paper 315 723 0 4,000 3,000 Forms , Stickers, Tags , etc. 101 41910 01 205.00 Drafting Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 101 41910 01 208 .00 Miscellaneous Supplies 23 45 0 0 0 101 41910 01 209.00 Other Office Supplies 2,197 971 69 1,500 1,500 Dictation Devices & Tapes 101 41910 01 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 962 567 47 2,000 2,000 101 41910 01 241.00 Small Tools 302 266 0 300 300 Inspectors' Tools 1014191001 302 .00 Architects' Fees 0 0 0 0 0 1014191001 312 .00 Contract Fees 45 ,000 0 0 0 0 Moved $45 ,000 to P/A Fund 1014191001 319.00 Other Professional Services 27 ,251 182 0 2 ,000 2,000 Consultant 101 41910 01 329 .00 Other Communication Costs 4 ,383 3,949 2,645 4 ,000 4,500 Cell Phones 101 41910 01 331 .00 Travel Expense 1,006 447 8 800 800 101 41910 01 391.00 P.C. Maintenance 4 ,085 4,374 3 ,585 4,200 4,500 Permitworks Support 101 41910 01 392.00 P.C . Accessories & Supplies 0 37 495 2,000 1,000 101 41910 01 393 .00 P.C . Hardware Purchases 0 0 0 0 0 1014191001 409 .00 Other Contracted Repa ir & Main!. 501 988 0 2,000 2,000 Mow Weeds-From Street Main!. 1014191001 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 3,700 101 41910 01 433.01 APA/AICP 768 1,379 0 1,700 1,700 101 41910 01 433.02 ICC 465 225 135 400 400 101 41910 01 433 .03 AMBO 0 0 0 500 500 101 41910 01 433 .04 10,000 Lakes 250 125 0 150 150 101 41910 01 433 .06 Trade Magazines 0 0 0 0 0 101 41910 01 433 .07 Planner's Journal 0 0 0 0 0 101 41910 01 433 .08 Sensible Land Use Coalition 0 0 0 400 400 101 41910 01 433.09 AACEO/MAHCO 0 0 0 100 100 101 41910 01 433 .10 Other Dues & Subscriptions 535 383 378 350 450 101 41910 01 435 .00 Books & Pamphlets 133 0 406 800 800 Manuals, References , IBC Books 1014191001 437 .00 Conferences & Seminars 10 ,300 101 41910 01 437 .01 State Bldg Official School 0 890 65 500 500 101 41910 01 437.02 Spring & Fall Code Updates 255 0 0 500 500 101 41910 01 437.03 Building Inspector Training 1,961 990 12 1,000 1,500 101 41910 01 437 .04 Computer Training 0 0 0 200 200 101 41910 01 437.05 Clerical Seminars 60 0 0 300 300 101 41910 01 437 .06 Planning Seminars 2,475 2,198 168 2,500 2,500 101 41910 01 437 .07 ISTS Tra ining 1,146 520 0 1,000 1,000 101 41910 01 437 .08 State Planning Conference (2) 0 1,374 0 2,000 2,000 101 41910 01 437 .09 Planning Commissioner Training 91 0 0 500 500 101 41910 01 437.10 Gen'I Seminars 205 511 0 1,000 1,200 101 41910 01 437.11 Code Enforcement Training 0 0 0 300 100 101 41910 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 211 69 7 400 400 Contingencies 101 41910 01 586 .00 Computer Equipment Purchases 0 0 0 3,000 3,000 Tablets for Employees ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PAGE TOTALS $1 ,090 ,590 $1,089,882 $679 ,017 $1,247 ,000 $1,214,500 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $1,090,590 $1,089 ,882 $679 ,017 $1,247,000 $1,214,500 ========= ==================== ========= ======== ========= Page One 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS POLICE September 15 , 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2018 2019 2020 YTD Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Thru 7/31 /20 Budget Amount Budget Comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 42110 101.00 Salaries & Benefits $3 ,297,438 $3 ,338 ,237 $1,995 ,161 $3,677 ,300 $3 ,850 ,500 Salary , Taxes , PERA & Benefits 101 42110 101.00 Salaries & Benefits 0 0 0 11 ,500 Sergeant Promotion(1/1 & 10/1) 101 42110 101 .00 Salaries & Benefits 0 0 0 127 ,500 Add'I Patrol Officer (1/1 & 10/1) 101 42110 102 .00 Full-Time Overtime 139,472 121 ,391 25 ,617 112,500 112,500 101 42110 102 .01 Regular Overtime Hours 92 ,500 101 42110 102.02 Contracted OIT 20 ,000 101 42110 103 .00 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 50,100 101 42110 99 103 .00 Part-Time CSO's 41,878 39 ,758 18,459 48 ,600 50 ,100 CSO's -Up To 50 Hours/Wk 1014211001 202 .00 Duplicating & Copying 0 0 0 0 0 1014211001 203 .00 Printed Forms & Paper 2,227 1,950 808 1,700 2,000 Shred-It Increase 1014211001 204 .00 Envelopes & Letterheads 0 320 33 300 300 Business Cards 1014211001 207 .00 Training & Instructional Supplies 12 ,800 1014211001 207 .01 Practice Ammunition 4 ,376 4,804 290 5,500 5 ,500 101 42110 01 207.02 Service Ammunition 902 1,013 0 1,300 1,300 101 42110 01 207 .03 Other Supplies 136 0 103 500 500 101 42110 01 207.04 SWAT Ammunition 4 ,645 1,170 0 5,500 5,500 Increase Due to Increase in Costs 101 42110 01 208 .00 Miscellaneous Supplies 0 Donated & Forfeited Funds 1014211001 208 .01 DARE Donations 0 0 0 0 0 1014211001 208 .02 Equipment Donations/Forfeitures 13 ,710 17,412 5,778 0 0 1014211001 208 .03 Other Grants Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 1014211001 209.00 Other Office Supplies 763 239 48 1,100 1,100 1014211001 211.00 Cleaning Supplies 2 ,200 1014211001 211.01 Blanket Cleaning 0 0 0 0 0 1014211001 211.02 Squad Cleaning 1,662 1,118 461 1,400 2,200 Increase in Fees I # of Squads 1014211001 21 7.00 Clothing Allowance 7 ,700 1014211001 217.01 CSO's 598 2 ,141 186 2,000 2,000 1014211001 217.02 Reserves 1,590 2 ,252 133 2 ,500 2 ,500 1014211001 217 03 Other Supplies 1,861 3,072 957 3,200 3,200 1014211001 219 .00 Other Operating Supplies 7 ,000 1014211001 219.01 Evidence Bags , Drug Kits, Misc. 1,060 651 907 2,000 2,000 10142110 01 219 .02 Investigation Software 2,306 2 ,551 2 ,090 2,400 5,000 Thomson Reuter Increase 10 1 4211001 221.00 Equipment Parts 3,399 4 ,504 2,631 4 ,500 4,500 101 42110 01 241.00 Small Tools 4 ,300 101 42110 01 241.01 Evidence Processing Equipment 800 1,997 417 800 800 101 42110 01 241.02 Camera and Video Supplies 2,000 1,094 625 2 ,000 2 ,000 101 42110 01 241 .03 Win scribe 1,396 241 1,305 1,500 1,500 101 42110 01 242.00 Minor Equipment 5,100 101 42110 01 242 .01 Less Lethal Tactical Equipment 1,500 1,466 832 2,500 2,500 Training Supplies, Taser Batteries 101 42110 01 242 .02 MAAG Equipment 999 467 0 1,600 1,600 101 42110 01 242 .03 Drug Task Force Equipment 1,152 2 ,600 0 1,000 1,000 101 42110 01 304.00 Legal Fees 67 ,032 68,972 35 ,187 72,000 74 ,000 Prosecution -3.0 % Increase 101 42110 01 305 .00 Medical & Dental Fees 3,000 101 42110 01 305 .01 Physicals 2 ,203 2,000 800 1,800 1,800 101 42110 01 305 .02 Seized Narcotic Testing 1,217 647 88 1,200 1,200 Blood Draws 101 42110 01 306.00 Personnel Testing & Recruitment 1,254 2,703 1,351 1,800 1,800 Psychological 101 42110 01 313.00 Temporary Service Fees 418 74 819 800 800 Interpreter Serv ices 101 42110 01 315.00 Special Programs 0 0 0 0 0 101 42110 01 316 .00 Animal Care Services 3,000 101 42110 01 316 .01 Impound & Care Fees 1,731 2 ,536 470 3,000 3,000 1014211001 316 .02 "Future Use" 0 0 0 0 0 1014211001 319.00 Other Professional Services 438,300 1014211001 319.01 Dispatch Services -Operations 440,484 440 ,448 287 ,040 430 ,000 418,300 To Receive Rebate in 2021 101 42110 01 319 .02 Policy Development & Training 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 1014211001 319.03 Mediation Services 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 1014211001 319.04 Electronic Crimes Unit Fees 18 ,000 18 ,000 18 ,000 18,000 18 ,000 1014211001 319.05 Emergency Mgmt Plan Update 0 0 0 0 0 1014211001 321 .00 Telephone Costs 15 ,200 101 42110 01 321.01 Cell Phones 13,967 14,023 7,365 15,200 15,200 101 42110 01 323.00 Radio Units 16,000 101 42110 01 323 .01 Radios 11 ,688 13 ,671 6 ,999 13,500 13 ,500 800 MHz Subscriber Fees 101 42110 01 323 .02 Radars 455 450 0 500 500 Radar & LIDAR Repairs 101 42110 01 323.03 Radio Warranty 0 0 0 2,000 2 ,000 1014211001 331 .00 Travel Expense 9,100 1014211001 331 .01 MN Chiefs Spring Conference 410 950 0 1,000 1,000 10142 11001 331 .02 IACP or FBINAA Conference 1,879 0 0 4 ,000 4 ,000 1014211001 331 .03 Outstate Investigations & Cont. 969 1,034 0 1,000 1,000 1014211001 331.04 SWAT Conference 851 940 0 1,200 1,200 101 42110 01 331.05 CAN-AM Narcotic Conference 443 460 460 500 500 1014211001 331 06 Juvenile Officers Conference 550 0 0 600 600 101 42110 01 331 .07 Meeting Reimbursements 34 7 441 86 800 800 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS 4,089 ,770 4 ,117,797 2,415,506 4,452 ,600 4 ,760,300 Page Two 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS POLICE September 15, 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2018 2019 2020 YTD Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Thru 7/31/20 Budget Amount Budget Comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 42110 01 333.00 Freight & Express Expenses 21 113 72 200 200 Repairs 101 42110 01 394.00 P.C . Software Purchases 82,600 101 42110 01 394.01 Automated Pawn System 204 0 0 300 0 No Longer Supported 101 42110 01 394.02 Pictometry 0 0 0 0 0 In Public Works Budget 101 42110 01 394.03 CJN /EFORMS I Pro Phoenix RMS 6,808 4 ,974 0 6 ,800 13 ,000 CJN/Eforms 1014211001 394.04 LOGIS TriT ech RMS 75 ,010 78 ,236 53 ,984 78 ,000 66 ,000 Switching to Full CJN Membership 1014211001 394.05 Guardian Tracking Software 0 1,344 1,344 1,600 1,600 101 42110 01 394.06 Vitals 0 2 ,167 0 2,000 2 ,000 Assisting with Vulnerable Individuals 1014211001 394 .07 Emergency Management Services 0 0 0 6,000 0 JPA for EOP Revision & EOC Trng 1014211001 396 .00 Computer Maintenance 40 ,800 1014211001 396 .01 LOGIS Apps Support 0 0 0 0 0 LOGIS APS-Moved to LOGIS RMS 1014211001 396 .02 CJDN Connection Charges 2 ,981 2,520 1,260 3,000 3,000 State of MN CJDN Connection 101 42110 01 396 .03 MCD Connection Charges 1,384 3,274 450 2,200 2 ,200 LOGIS MDC Connection Charges 101 42110 01 396.04 MCD Maintenance & Cellular 27 ,518 29,448 17,842 30,200 30,200 Increase Due to CAD Change 101 42110 01 396.05 LOGIS Fees/Development 3,608 3,752 3,556 4 ,000 4,000 Development Fund 101 42110 01 396.06 Evidence .com Data Storage 0 0 3,793 700 700 Squad Video 101 42110 01 396 .07 Schedule Anywhere 576 538 0 700 700 Scheduling Software 1014211001 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 12 ,000 1014211001 433.01 Multi-Agency Assistance Group-MAAG 8,300 8,300 8,300 8 ,300 8,300 MAAG Equipment CIP Increase 1014211001 433.02 IACP Chiefs 150 190 0 400 400 1014211001 433 .03 MN Chiefs of Police 351 314 351 700 700 1014211001 433 .04 Dakota Cty Chiefs of Police 400 400 400 400 400 Chief and a Sergeant 101 42110 01 433 .07 MN Sex Crimes Investigators 0 0 0 20 20 101 42110 01 433.08 Tri-County Investigators 75 75 0 75 75 101 42110 01 43309 MN Crime Prevention Association 0 0 0 65 65 1014211001 433.10 P.O.S.T. Licenses 1,260 900 272 800 800 1014211001 433 .12 Miscellaneous 140 20 0 390 390 101 42110 01 433 .13 ATOM 250 0 0 250 250 Ass'n Training Officers of MN 1014211001 433 .14 Rotary Membership 0 0 0 600 600 101 42110 01 435.00 Community Engagement Supplies 2 ,560 2 ,796 592 2,800 2 ,800 Crime Prevention Materials 101 42110 01 436.00 Towing Charges 0 0 241 200 200 Disabled Squads 1014211001 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 31 ,500 101 42110 01 437 .01 Firearms -Range 3,757 3,173 1,415 4,500 4 ,500 Range Rental 101 42110 01 437 .02 Chiefs Spring Conference 281 825 0 900 900 Conference Cost Increases 1014211001 437 .03 Investigations 2 ,107 1,722 75 2,000 2,000 101 42110 01 437 .04 IACP Conference 425 0 0 400 400 101 42110 01 437.05 Supervision 11,686 9,559 4 ,993 6,500 6,500 Personnel Developmnt Northwestern 101 42110 01 437.06 Use of Force 2 ,037 1,975 0 2,000 2,000 Increase due to Instructor Retiring 101 42110 01 437.07 Emergency Driving 0 825 0 3,000 3,000 Driving School Cost Increase 101 42110 01 437 .08 First Aid 2,230 2,171 515 800 800 Cost Increase due to State Reg . Inc. 1014211001 437 .09 Narcotic Enforcement 0 0 0 200 200 101 42110 01 437.10 Tactical 1,318 1,176 0 2 ,000 2 ,000 1014211001 437.11 Support Services 465 200 0 800 800 1014211001 437 .12 Patrol Operations 5,285 10,045 2,463 6,000 6 ,000 Increase due to C.l.T. for Patrol 101 42110 01 437.13 Emergency Management 0 0 0 0 0 101 42110 01 437.14 SRO/CRO 750 0 0 1,300 1,300 Added for Specialized Training 1014211001 437 .15 Explorer Co nference 0 0 0 750 75 0 Two Advisors to State Conference 1014211001 437 .16 360 Communities Annual Banquet 180 240 0 350 350 1014211001 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 1,149 1,202 211 1,200 1,200 Refreshments for Meetings & Compliance Checks 1014211001 580 .00 Other Equipment Purchases 1,685 1,164 681 2,000 2 ,000 1014211001 599 .00 Employee Recognition Costs 2 ,140 2,116 2 ,297 2,000 2,000 Recognition BanqueUPlaques/Award ---------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $167 ,092 $175 ,753 $105, 106 $187,400 $175,300 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $4,256 ,863 $4,293,550 $2 ,520,612 $4,640 ,000 $4,935,600 ========= ==================== ========= ========= ========= Page One September 15 , 2020 Account# 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FIRE Description 101 42210 101 42210 101 42210 101 42210 101 42210 103.00 Salaries & Benefits 103.01 Salaries 103 .02 Training Pay 103 .03 Call Pay/Stipends 103 .04 Class Pay/Stipends 101 42210 01 202 .00 Duplicating & Copying 101 42210 01 202.01 Copy Toner 101 42210 01 202.02 Computer Printers 101 42210 01 204.00 Envelopes & Letterhead 1014221001 204.01 Envelopes 1014221001 204.02 Letterhead 101 42210 01 204 .03 Forms 101 42210 01 211.00 Cleaning Supplies 1014221001 211 .01 Soaps 1014221001 211 .02 Chamois , Towels , etc. 1014221001 211 03 Sponges , etc. 1014221001 211.04 SCBACleaner 101 42210 01 218 .00 101 42210 01 218 .01 101 42210 01 218 .02 101 42210 01 219 .00 101 42210 01 219 .01 101 42210 01 219 .02 101 42210 01 219 03 101 42210 01 219.04 101 42210 01 219.05 101 42210 01 219.06 1014221001 229 .00 101 42210 01 229 .01 1014221001 229 .04 101 42210 01 230 .00 101 42210 01 230 .01 101 42210 01 230 .02 Fire Department Clothing Uniforms Station Wear (2015) Other Operating Supplies Gloves Bandages Equipment Tyvek Suits Consummable Medical Oxygen Other Maintenance Supplies Vehicle Repairs Vehicle Modifications Equipment Repair Materials Light Bars Smoke Machines 101 42210 01 230 .03 Lanterns & Miscellaneous 101 42210 01 230.04 Small Tool Repairs 101 42210 01 230 .05 Opticom 1014221001 230 .06 Station 1014221001 241.00 Small Tools 1014221001 241.01 Axes, Bars & Other 101 4221 O 01 241.02 Grass Fire 101 42210 01 241.03 Hand Tools 1014221001 305.00 Medical & Dental Fees 101 42210 01 306 .00 Personnel Testing & Recruitment 101 42210 01 306 .01 New Physicals (4) 101 42210 01 306 .02 Hepatitis Shots (4) 101 42210 01 306 .03 Background Checks (4) 101 42210 01 306 .04 Drug Testing (4) 101 42210 01 306 .05 Firefighter Recruitment Costs 1014221001 308 .00 Instructors' Fees 101 42210 01 308.01 Fire Fighter 1 (4) 101 42210 01 308.02 Fire Fighter 1 Certificates (4) 101 42210 01 308.03 Fire Fighter Re-Certificates (14) 101 42210 01 308.04 First Responder (4) 101 42210 01 308.05 First Responder Refresher (1/2) 101 42210 01 308.06 Outside Schools 101 42210 01 308.07 Haz-Mat Training (4) 101 42210 01 308.08 Other Re-Certificates (2) PAGE TOTALS 2018 Actual 2020 2019 2020 YTD Adopted Actual Thru 7/31/20 Budget $258 ,084 $279 ,004 $192 ,005 $300,000 0 0 151 205 0 30 0 0 0 1,725 2 ,409 0 0 2 ,015 0 5,191 0 0 3,713 0 260 131 550 0 70 0 0 10,614 5,986 0 0 402 0 0 0 0 150 0 1,200 3,503 0 0 296 ,391 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 790 599 0 0 5,369 0 3,312 0 0 0 0 0 1,706 948 0 200 425 0 656 5,513 5,2 51 0 477 0 901 460 600 0 0 0 14 ,495 330 0 321 ,103 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 900 0 0 0 0 3,607 0 0 105 0 0 45 466 0 0 0 0 528 5,360 400 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 10,790 0 0 214 ,294 100 100 200 200 100 550 50 50 150 1,700 3,300 2,500 100 1,500 100 4,000 1,200 400 6,500 100 300 300 600 100 100 150 250 500 6,500 4 ,000 500 600 200 1,000 1,600 300 400 1,000 1,400 8 ,000 1,000 100 351 ,800 2021 Object 2021 Detail Proposed Amount Budget Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of $340,000 Salary , Taxes , PERA & Benefits 70 ,000 55 ,000 215 ,000 0 100 100 200 200 100 550 50 50 150 1,700 3,300 2,500 0 1,500 100 4,100 1,200 500 6 ,500 0 300 300 600 100 100 150 250 500 5,000 500 600 200 1,000 1,600 300 500 1,000 1,400 8,000 1,000 0 200 500 800 5,000 9,400 7,000 1,400 900 Uniforms for New Hires Yearly Allowance for Fire Fighters Medical Supplies Moved to "219.05" Increase in Medical Calls Added 02 Cascade @ FS #2 Replace Aging Light Bars Moved to "229 .01 " Replace Aging Tools 6,500 Switching Testing Company-2017 7,300 13 ,800 392 ,800 New Hires To Add Additional Firefighters Adding Leadership Traning MA For Officers AM Moved to "308.03" Page Two September 15 , 2020 Account# 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FIRE Description 1014221001 310 .00 Testing Services 101 42210 01 310 .01 Aerial 1014221001 3 10 .02 Ladders 101 42210 01 310 .03 Pumpers (3) (Next xxxx) 101 42210 01 310.04 SCBA Mask Testing 101 42210 01 313.00 Temporary Service Fees 101 42210 01 313.01 SCBA Maintenance 101 42210 01 313.02 SCBA Flow Test 101 42210 01 313 .04 Security Contract 101 42210 01 313.05 SOT Joint Powers 101 42210 01 314 .00 Annual Fire Relief Contribution 1014221001 319 .00 Other Professional Services 101 42210 01 319 .01 School Literature 1014221001 319.02 Door Prizes 101 42210 01 319 .03 Fire Prevention Week Promos 101 42210 01 319 .04 Food at Open House 101 42210 01 319 .06 National Night Out 1014221001 321.00 Telephone Costs 1014221001 321.01 Cell Phones 1014221001 321.02 ComputerCards 101 42210 01 322 .00 Postage Costs 101 42210 01 329 .00 Other Communication Costs 101 42210 01 329 .01 Base Repairs 101 422 10 01 329 02 Pager Repairs 101 42210 01 329 03 Hand Held Repairs 101 42210 01 329 .04 Mobile Repairs 1014221001 329 .05 800 MHZ User Fee 1014221001 329 .06 Mobile Computers 101 42210 01 331 .00 Travel Expense 101 42210 01 331 .01 Minnesota Chiefs Conference 101 42210 01 331 .02 Fire Department Association 1014221001 331 .03 Outside Schools 101 42210 01 433 .00 Dues & Subscriptions 101 42210 01 433 .01 Capital City 101 42210 01 433 .02 VFBA Insurance 101 42210 0 1 433 .03 State Fire 101 42210 01 433 .04 State Chiefs 101 42210 01 433.05 DCFC 101 42210 01 433 .06 WAKOTA Mutual Aid 101 42210 01 433.07 On-Line Training/Tracking Tool 101 42210 01 433.08 NFPA 101 42210 01 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 101 42210 01 437 .01 State Fire Conference 101 42210 01 437 .02 State Chiefs Conference 1014221001 439 .00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 101 42210 01 439 .01 Food & Coffee 101 4221 O 01 439.02 Extinguisher 101 42210 01 439 .03 Plaques 101 42210 01 439 .04 Paint 1014221001 439 .05 Station Needs 101 42210 01 580 .00 101 42210 01 580 .01 101 42210 01 580 .02 101 42210 01 580 .03 101 42210 01 580.04 Other Equipment Purchases Bunker Gear (8) Pagers Hose & Fittings Replace Damaged Items PAGE TOTALS DEPARTMENT TOTALS 20 18 Actual 0 0 1,265 0 7,676 260 245 6,956 30 ,000 0 0 629 88 0 3,084 0 12 0 0 0 0 13,438 2 ,460 0 0 1,355 0 309 0 378 100 50 0 0 0 0 843 162 375 0 11 ,074 12 ,648 0 487 3,769 2020 2019 2020 YTD Adopted Actual Thru 7/31/20 Budget 775 445 1,060 0 2 ,845 2 ,364 0 7,044 30 ,000 345 0 809 0 0 2 ,548 0 2 56 0 0 0 13 ,905 2,472 0 0 240 50 295 801 0 100 50 0 0 587 3 ,129 468 0 547 0 1,525 12 ,654 559 0 2, 176 0 0 0 0 1,776 2,688 0 7,049 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,886 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 ,279 1,554 0 0 0 50 0 910 0 0 0 4,044 0 0 0 0 208 0 0 579 17 ,549 0 0 0 2 ,500 800 2,800 2 ,500 4 ,500 2,500 800 7,500 30 ,000 400 200 700 300 600 3 ,200 1,800 100 300 1,000 2,500 2,000 14,000 3,200 2,000 1,600 5,000 50 750 800 300 100 100 5 ,000 0 400 1,500 700 600 400 100 1,500 18 ,600 5,000 2 ,000 2 ,000 $97 ,664 $87,850 $45 ,571 $132,700 $394 ,056 $408 ,952 $259 ,865 $484 ,500 2021 Object 2021 Detail Proposed Amount Budget 2,500 800 2 ,800 2 ,500 4,500 2,500 800 7 ,500 8,600 15 ,300 30 ,000 Comments Increase in Fees Added New Engine to Fleet New Mask Requ irement Added SCBA Compressor-FS #2 Added SCBA Compressor-FS #2 Increase in Fees 2 ,200 Fire Prevention Education 600 0 700 300 600 3,200 1,800 300 1,000 2 ,500 2 ,000 14 ,000 3,200 2 ,000 1,600 5,000 50 750 800 300 100 100 5,000 0 400 1,500 700 600 600 100 1,500 18 ,600 5 ,000 2 ,000 2 ,000 Moved to "319 .01" 5 ,000 Active 911 Subscriptions 100 UPS Costs 23,000 8,600 7 ,100 1,900 3 ,500 27 ,600 $132 ,900 $525 ,700 Warranty Plan to be Added Aging Equipment Monthly Air Time Fees (1 Add'n) FDYC Training Added Increase in Dues Annual Subscription-SO FF's Sending Add itional Personnel Replacements (5 Per Year) Aging Equipment Page One 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS September 15, 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2018 2019 2020 YTD Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description A ctual Actual Thru 7 /31 /20 Budget Amount Budget Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 41940 101 .00 Salaries & Benefits $127 ,400 Salary, Taxes , PERA & Benefits 1014194077 101.01 Administrative 7 ,670 8 ,207 4 ,891 8,700 9 ,000 P.W. Director I City Engineer 10141940 7 9 101 .01 Maintenance 111 ,064 114 ,936 66 ,667 115,000 118,400 101 41940 102.00 Full-Time Overtime 6 ,167 5,366 2 ,276 0 0 101 41940 99 103.00 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 0 0 678 0 0 101 41940 01 208 .00 Miscellaneous Supplies 18,046 17 ,544 9 ,275 21,000 21 ,000 Cleaning , Paper Prod ., Coffee 101 41940 01 219 .00 Flags & Flagpole Maintenance 2 ,649 4 ,847 815 3,000 3,000 101 41940 01 223 .00 Building Repair Supplies 11 ,049 9 ,378 6 ,405 12,000 12 ,000 Light Bulbs, Locks, etc. 101 41940 01 225 .00 Landscaping Materials 368 1 ,500 754 1,500 1,500 Trees & Shrubs 101 41940 01 241 .00 Small Tools 666 411 0 700 700 Carpentry, Bits, Blades , etc. 101 41940 01 242 .00 Minor Equipment 1,212 385 140 1 ,200 1 ,200 Equipment Replacement 1014194001 302.00 Architects' Fees 0 0 0 0 0 Estimates 1014194001 318 .00 Contract Engineer 0 0 0 0 0 1014194001 319.00 Other Professional Services 94 ,600 1014194001 319 .01 Elevator Maintenance 1 ,964 3,657 1 ,201 2 ,500 2 ,500 1014194001 319 .02 Heating/Cooling Main! Contract 2 ,230 4,321 6 ,133 10,000 6 ,500 Includes all C ity Facilities 1014194001 319.03 Annual Boiler Inspections I Main!. 50 50 0 500 300 101 41940 01 319 .04 Pest Control 3 ,135 3,085 1 ,569 5,500 5 ,500 Price Iner., Boxelder Treatment 101 41940 01 319 .05 Fire Extinguishers 1 ,247 1,562 1 ,060 1,800 1 ,800 1014194001 319 .06 Fire Suppression System Check 4 ,406 4 ,021 3 ,051 5,000 5 ,000 Price Increase 101 41 940 01 3 19.07 Janitorial Service-Fire Stations 11 ,202 11 ,000 6 ,417 12,000 12,000 Possible lncrease/COV ID Cleaning 101 41 940 01 319.08 Janitorial Service-P. W. Building 11 ,853 12 ,000 7 ,000 12 ,000 12,000 Possible lncrease/COVID Cleaning 101 41940 01 319.09 Janitorial Service-City Hall 27 ,750 28,000 16,333 28,000 28,000 Possible lncrease/COVID Cleaning 101 41940 01 319 .10 Floor Mats -Monthly Charges 5,006 5 ,540 3,190 5,500 5,500 Price Increase 101 41940 01 319 .11 Other Janitorial Services 21 ,122 10,136 4 ,488 11,000 14 ,000 Grout CH , PD , FH's-1 Every Year 101 41940 01 3 19.12 Bronze Monument Maintenance 1,524 1 ,075 0 1,500 1,500 101 41940 01 321 .00 Telephone Costs 729 892 584 800 800 Air Card for iPad-Monthly Chgs 1014194001 381 .00 Electric Utilities 71 ,981 58 ,319 24 ,352 74,000 70,000 1014194001 383.00 Gas Utilities 48 ,900 48 ,711 23 ,006 55,000 50 ,000 1014194001 384 .00 Refuse Disposal 49,000 1014194001 384 .01 General Buildings & Parks 22 ,972 31 ,960 17,400 24,000 24 ,000 Flint Hills Ex pansion , Horseshoe 101 41940 01 384 .02 Recycling /Cleanup 29 ,240 28 ,086 15,624 25,000 25,000 101 41940 01 389 .00 Other Utility Services 0 0 0 5,000 5 ,000 Buying Solar Energy 101 41940 01 393 .00 P.C . Hardware Purchases 0 107 0 100 100 101 41940 01 394 .00 P.C. Software Purchases 4 ,185 4 ,114 3,968 9,000 9,000 Cartegraph , ESRI 101 41940 01 401 .00 Contracted Building Repairs 64 ,500 101 41940 01 401 .01 Electrical Repairs 10 ,372 13,952 3 ,557 8 ,000 10,000 101 41940 01 401 .02 Siren Operations & Maintenance 270 2 ,982 7 ,398 7 ,000 7,000 101 41940 01 401.03 Miscellaneous Repairs 25 ,472 29,357 3 ,07 1 25,000 30 ,000 101 41940 01 401.04 HVAC Repairs 28 ,793 14,471 8 ,446 25 ,000 17,500 101 41940 01 402 .00 Security Card System Maintenance 673 2 ,631 4 ,927 4 ,000 4 ,000 Updates , Prev . Main!., Tech Supt. 101 41940 01 416 .00 Machinery Rental 1,216 806 362 1,500 1,500 Lift Rental 1014194001 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 93 321 147 500 500 Special Engineer Licenses 101 41 940 01 439 .00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 17 5 ,950 2 ,790 6 ,000 20,000 Fire #1 Energy Efficiency lmpr. 101 41940 01 530.00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 109 ,971 159 ,964 125,000 125,000 50 ,000 From Long-Term Plan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $605,264 $649 ,644 $382,974 $653 ,300 $585,800 DEPARTMENT TOTA LS $605,264 $649 ,644 $382 ,974 $653 ,300 $585,800 ========== ====================== ======== ======== ======== Page One 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FLEET MAINTENANCE September 15, 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2018 2019 2020 YTD Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Thru 7/31/20 Budget Amount Budget Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 43100 101 .00 Salaries & Benefits $275 ,000 Salary , Taxes, PERA & Benefits 1014310077 101 .00 Administrative 27,476 28 ,929 17 ,096 30 ,300 57 ,900 1014310078 101 .00 Technical /Clerical 11 ,294 11 ,625 5,407 12,000 12 ,200 1014310079 101 .00 Maintenance 187 ,762 193 ,488 113,865 198,300 204 ,900 101 43100 102.00 Full-Time Overtime 8 ,964 10 ,720 4 ,555 3,000 3,000 1014310001 211.00 Cleaning Supplies 3,216 3,462 1,025 4 ,000 4 ,000 Shop & Vehicles 1014310001 212 .00 Motor Fuels 144,831 136,181 52,417 144 ,000 144 ,000 92 .5% of Fuel Covered by Fleet 1014310001 213 .00 Lubricants & Additives 12,137 8,173 4,930 15,000 12 ,000 1014310001 215 .00 Shop Materials 15,878 15,784 7 ,932 20 ,000 20 ,000 1014310001 221 .00 Equipment Parts 91 ,691 128,114 73 ,663 100 ,000 110 ,000 101 43100 01 222 .00 Tires 24 ,709 26,401 11 ,250 30 ,000 30 ,000 101 43100 01 241.00 Small Tools 5,972 6,018 2 ,214 6,000 6,000 Replace Old Tools 101 43100 01 242.00 Minor Equipment 9,347 14 ,733 768 15 ,000 15 ,000 Tool Cabinets in 2019 , 20 & 21 101 43100 01 318 .00 Contract Engineer 0 0 0 0 0 101 43100 01 321 .00 Telephone Costs 0 0 0 0 0 101 43100 01 323.00 Radio Units (Warranty & Batteries) 1,072 536 0 2 ,000 2 ,000 New Chargers in 2019 101 43100 01 384 .00 Refuse Disposal 0 0 0 400 400 Oil and Filter Disposal 101 43100 01 394 .00 P.C. Software Purchases 11,500 101 43100 01 394 .01 Licensing & Maintenance 4 ,185 4,114 3,968 4 ,500 4,500 CarteGraph OMS 101 43100 01 394 .02 Online Subscriptions 1,500 3,110 1,500 5,000 5,000 ALLDA TA/Cu mmings/CAT/Detroit 1014310001 394 .03 New Software Purchases 0 4 ,001 0 2,000 2 ,000 Diagnostic Scanner in 2019 101 43100 01 404 .00 Contracted Mach & Equip Services 40,000 101 43100 01 404 .01 Contracted Services 23 ,153 31 ,667 16 ,731 35 ,000 35,000 Aging Equipment, FD Units , Towing 1014310001 404 .02 Contracted Preventative Maint 0 10,000 1,934 5,000 5 ,000 Power Wash All , Paint One Unit 1014310001 416 .00 Machinery Rental 0 0 0 500 500 1014310001 433 .00 Dues/Subscriptions/Certifications 200 294 41 200 400 DOT Cert. ASE Cert ., EVT Cert . 1014310001 435 .00 Books & Pamphlets 60 80 80 100 100 DOT Decals and Inspection Pads 1014310001 437 .00 Conferences & Seminars 700 623 0 800 800 Cartegraph Starting in 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $574, 147 $638 ,053 $319 ,377 $633 ,100 $674 ,700 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $574, 147 $638 ,053 $319 ,377 $633 ,100 $674 ,700 ========= =================== ========= ========= ========= Page One September 15, 2020 Account# 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STREET MAINTENANCE Description 101 43121 101 .00 Salaries & Benefits 101 43121 77 101 .00 Administrative 101 43121 78 101 .00 Technical/Clerical 101 43121 79 101 .00 Maintenance 10143121 102 .00 Full-TimeOvertime 101 43121 99 10 3.00 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 101 43121 01 201 .00 101 43121 01 203 .00 101 43121 01 203 .03 101 43121 01 205 .00 101 43121 01 205 .01 101 43121 01 209 .00 101 43121 01 216 .00 101 43121 01 224.00 101 43121 01 224 .01 101 4 3 121 01 224 .02 101 43121 01 224 .03 101 4 3 121 01 224 .04 101 43121 01 224 .05 Office Accessories Printed Forms & Paper City Specification Books Drafting Supplies Plotter Ink and Paper Other Office Supplies Chemical & Chemical Products Street Maintenance Materials Paint Mail Boxes Light Bulbs/Lenses Holiday Decorations Miscellaneous 101 43121 01 225 .00 Landscaping Materials 101 43121 01 225.01 Turf Restoration Material 101 43121 01 225.03 Flowers 101 43121 01 225.04 Trees 101 4 3 121 01 225 .05 Hanging Baskets 101 43121 01 225 .06 Entrance Monuments 101 43121 01 225 .07 Downtown Planters 101 43121 01 225 .08 Park Signs , Central Park 101 43121 01 225 .09 City Facilities 101 43121 01 225 .1 o Banners/Flag Components 101 43121 01 226 .00 Sign Repai r Materials 101 43121 01 226 .01 Signs and Posts 101 43121 01 226 02 Solar Batteries 101 43121 01 231 .00 Bituminous Patching Materials 101 43121 01 232 .00 Crushed Rock 101 43121 01 233.00 Dust Control Materials 101 43121 01 234 .00 De-Icing Sand I Rock 101 43121 01 240 .00 Safety Equipment & PPE 101 43121 01 241 .00 Small Tools 101 43121 01 242 .00 Minor Equipment 101 43121 01 303.00 101 43121 01 303 .01 101 43121 01 303 .02 101 43121 01 304 .00 101 43121 01 318 .00 101 43121 01 319 .00 101 43121 01 319 .02 101 43121 01 321 .00 101 43121 01 323.00 101 43121 01 331 .00 101 43121 01 381 .00 1014312101 381 .01 101 4 3 121 01 381 .02 101 43121 01 384 .00 101 43121 01 384 .01 101 43121 01 384 .02 1014312101 391 .00 101 43121 01 391 .03 10143 12101 391 .04 Engineering Fees General Non-Project Related Pavement Management Legal Fees Contract Engineer Other Professional Services GIS Consulting Services Telephone Costs Radio Units Travel Expense Electric Utilities Street Lights Signal Lights & Sirens Refuse Disposal Hazardous Waste Disposal Roadside Garbage P.C. Maintenance Pavement Management Syst Sup R-0 -W Permit On-Line Service 101 4 3 121 01 392 .00 P.C. Accessories & Supplies 101 43121 01 393 .00 P.C. Hardware Purchases 101 43121 01 394 .00 P.C . Software Purchases 101 43121 01 394 .01 Licensing & Maintenance 101 43121 01 394 .02 Online Subscriptions 101 43121 01 394 .03 New Software Purchases PAGE TOTALS 2018 Actual 71 ,951 52 ,554 451 ,120 15 ,910 21 ,354 136 0 0 966 89 ,997 94 6 ,104 432 9,420 1,7 94 2 ,874 0 0 3,365 1,21 1 1,190 5,340 3,201 1,450 9 ,948 0 33 ,455 27 ,657 33 ,191 1,167 0 1,095 7 ,232 48 ,702 0 942 0 52 2 ,788 6 ,082 29 176 ,400 2 ,821 0 443 0 577 0 873 8,954 234 0 2020 2019 2020 YTD Adopted Actual Thru 7 /31 /20 Budget 89 ,473 56 ,890 464 ,628 21 ,196 23 ,085 0 0 0 411 72,382 0 5 ,596 696 14 ,791 2 ,148 2 ,098 0 1,625 2 ,944 1,349 1,642 5 ,381 3 ,211 0 9 ,436 697 54 ,573 27 ,867 27 ,943 1,052 0 1,151 3,034 5,514 0 7 ,660 0 0 2 ,264 6 ,282 92 174 ,628 2 ,534 0 1,044 0 710 0 0 9 ,714 0 0 53 ,311 32 ,123 276,081 9 ,542 16,060 0 0 0 260 34 ,191 0 135 0 652 103 387 14,824 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 ,3 05 0 14 ,052 23 ,708 0 554 118 7 88 14,879 3 ,019 0 908 0 1,977 4 ,697 57 0 1,17 0 0 798 0 0 0 0 8 ,618 0 0 94 ,600 59 ,300 472 , 100 14 ,000 29,000 100 0 400 700 90 ,000 500 4 ,000 800 10 ,000 2,500 3,000 16,000 500 0 0 0 0 0 500 13 ,000 500 20,000 25,000 28 ,000 3 ,500 500 1,200 15,000 8 ,000 5,000 3,000 0 1,000 5 ,000 7,100 200 0 3,100 500 1,000 0 800 0 1,000 10 ,500 300 200 1,103,104 1,105 ,741 520 ,316 951 ,400 2021 Object 2021 Detail Proposed Amount Budget Comments 117,800 65 ,200 494 ,800 0 400 500 4 ,000 800 10 ,000 2 ,500 3,000 16,000 500 0 0 0 0 0 500 13,000 500 8 ,000 5,000 1,000 0 3,100 500 1,000 0 800 10 ,500 300 200 All Salary Costs Inclusive of $677,800 Salary, Taxes , PERA & Benefits 14 ,000 Ma intenance 29 ,000 100 0 400 700 90 ,000 17,800 20,000 13 ,500 20,000 23,000 26 ,000 3,500 500 1,200 12,000 13 ,000 Replace with LED Bulbs Tree Lighting , Banners in 2019 Fencing , Miscellaneous Supplies Baskets, Planters , Parks , Bldgs Moved to 101-43 121-01-225.03 Moved to 101-43121-01-225.03 Moved to 101-43121-01-225.0 3 Moved to 101-43121-01-225.03 Moved to 101-43121-01-225.03 Replace More Faded/Aging Signs Pave Biscayne in 2020 Pave Biscayne in 2020 Gravel Road Ice Control Vests, Glasses, Hardhats , etc. Shovels, Brooms, etc. Pretreatment Equip, Skidder Broom 3,000 ------------ 0 ------------- 1, 000 ------------ $5 ,000 Split 5 Ways 5 ,000 Includes Wireless Technology 1,000 ------------- 200 ------------- 3 , 100 ------------- Moved to Separate Utility 1,500 ------------- 800 ------------ Moved to 101 -43121-01-303 .02 0 -------------1, 000 2 Surface Pros in 2019 11 ,000 ------------- 990,100 CarteGraph , ESRI , Datalink Pictometry Page Two 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STREET MAINTENANCE September 15, 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2018 2019 2020YTD Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Thru 7 /31120 Budget Amount Budget Comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 43121 01 402 .00 Parking Lot Maintenance 90 ,094 89 ,785 (2 ,009) 195,000 50 ,000 From Long-Term Plan 101 43121 01 403 .00 Contracted Repair & Maintenance 16,500 101 43121 01 403 .01 Street Lights 2 ,410 6 ,691 0 0 0 Moved to Separate Utility 101 43121 01 403.02 Signal Lights 0 507 544 1,500 1,500 101 43121 01 403.03 Light Replacements 7,850 0 0 10,000 10,000 Conversion to LED 101 43121 01 403.04 Miscellaneous Repairs 390 0 0 5,000 5 ,000 Curb Painting , etc. 101 43121 01 404 .00 Railroad Administration/Mgmt. 0 0 0 1,500 500 QZ Updates, Misc Issues 101 43121 01 405 .00 Street Striping 43,230 25,523 0 0 0 Moved to "408 .00" 101 43121 01 408 .00 Crackseal , Sealcoat, Patch , Stripe 150,915 214 ,417 11 ,981 230 ,000 250 ,000 $20,000 Iner. for Add'I Seal Coat 101 43121 01 409 .00 Tree Trimming 11 ,7 89 19,677 11 ,145 20 ,000 25 ,000 More is Needed if No SKB $ 101 43121 01 410 .00 Concrete Sidewalk/Curb Repairs 20 ,000 101 43121 01 410 .01 General Repairs 17,553 13,605 3,077 20 ,000 20 ,000 101 43121 01 410.02 Pedestrian Improvements 454 0 0 0 0 Moved $125,000 to Street CIP 101 43121 01 411 .00 Contracted Snow Removal 18,000 101 43121 01 411 .01 Community Center 21 ,700 0 0 0 0 Moved to P & R Budget 101 43121 01 411 .02 Steeple Center 16,690 0 0 0 0 Moved to P & R Budget 101 43121 01 411 .04 Dakota County Library 18,898 22 ,092 3,700 18,000 18 ,000 101 43121 01 415 .00 Equipment Rental 15,245 12 ,268 8 ,004 20,000 20,000 Track-Hoe, Bucket Lift , etc. 101 43121 01 433 .00 Dues & Subscriptions 1,700 101 43121 01 433 .01 American Public Works Ass'n 850 955 0 1,100 1,1 00 Annual Membership 101 43121 01 433 .03 City Engineers' Association 352 0 400 400 400 Add Assistant City Engineer 101 43121 01 433 .07 MN Street Superintendent Ass'n 150 150 200 200 200 101 43121 01 433.09 MN Transportation Alliance 0 0 0 0 101 43121 01 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 5,000 101 43121 01 437 .01 APWA 1 ,455 510 0 500 500 State/Nat'I Conference in 2016 101 43121 01 437.03 Clerical 0 0 0 0 0 101 43121 01 437.05 Maintenance Expo 90 0 0 400 400 101 43121 01 437 .06 Cartegraph , ESRI , GIS 607 0 269 500 500 User Group, Conference, Training 101 43121 01 437 .07 Snow Conference 160 0 0 300 300 101 43121 01 437 .08 MN Dot 172 369 0 300 300 Simulator 101 43121 01 437 .09 Miscellaneous Training 1,636 1,165 725 3 ,000 3 ,000 DCTC Defensive Driving Training 101 43121 01 439 .00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 611 832 211 800 800 CONDAC , COL Licenses 101 43121 01 570 .00 Office Equipment & Furnishings 0 0 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $403,298 $408 ,545 $38,247 $528 ,500 $407,500 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $1 ,506 ,402 $1 ,514 ,286 $558,562 $1 ,479 ,900 $1 ,397 ,600 ========= ==================== ========= ======== ========= Page One 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE September 15 , 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2018 2019 2020 YTD Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Thru 7/31/20 Budget Amount Budget Comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 45202 101 .00 Salaries & Benefits $588 ,500 Salary , Taxes , PERA & Benefits 1014520277 101 .00 Administrative 34,776 38 ,507 22,707 40,300 55,100 1014520278 101 .00 Technical/Clerical 22,588 23 ,249 10,813 24,000 24,300 1014520279 101 .00 Maintenance 395, 199 406 ,776 269, 125 509 ,200 509,100 101 45202 102 .00 Full-Time Overtime 15,112 15,749 7,438 8,000 8 ,000 101 45202 99 103.00 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 49,684 68 ,789 33 ,322 71 ,000 71 ,000 101 45202 01 205.00 Plotter Ink and Paper 42 0 0 400 400 101 45202 01 216.00 Chemical & Chemical Products 44,124 43,427 27 ,755 55,000 55,000 Flint Hills Fertilizer, Pea 101 45202 01 219 .00 Other Operating Supplies 50,000 101 45202 01 219 .01 Seed , Sod, etc . 9,780 1,948 0 10 ,000 10 ,000 Topdressing and Natural Settings 1014520201 219 .02 Red Rock, Sand , Gravel , etc. 12,788 21,219 0 20 ,000 20 ,000 Topdressing Program 1014520201 219 .05 Wood Chips 20 ,339 18 ,000 20 ,000 20 ,000 20,000 Routine Playground Maintenance 101 45202 01 220.00 Splash Pad Maintenance 2,244 3,488 6,903 3,500 3,500 Supplies 101 45202 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 29 ,000 1014520201 221.01 Playground Equipment Repair 14 ,802 15,338 18 ,558 10 ,000 18,000 Repairs on Aging Equipment 101 45202 01 221.02 Irrigation Repair(ln-House) 7 ,342 5,920 5,436 8,000 8,000 101 45202 01 221 .03 Miscellaneous 1,599 3,107 364 2,500 3,000 101 45202 01 221.04 Park Sign Replacements 0 474 0 0 0 101 45202 01 223.00 Shelter Repair Supplies 2,100 101 45202 01 223 .01 Paint, Stain, etc. 207 12 132 800 500 1014520201 223 .02 Shingles , Boards , etc. 766 597 147 1,000 800 101 45202 01 223 .03 Miscellaneous 365 510 92 1,000 800 101 45202 01 223 .04 Shelter/Shed Repairs 0 0 0 0 0 Paid from Building Main!. Budget 101 45202 01 225.00 Landscaping Materials 3,000 101 45202 01 225.01 Trees, Shrubs, etc. 1,134 2,085 100 2,000 2,000 101 45202 01 225.02 Timbers, Fence , etc. 5,589 0 38 1,000 1,000 101 45202 01 226 .00 Sign Repair Materials 72 0 0 500 500 101 45202 01 229 .00 Other Maintenance Supplies 16,816 10 ,711 8,051 20 ,000 15 ,000 Paint, Chalk , Field Dry, Etc. 101 45202 01 240 .00 Safety Equipment & PPE 0 0 122 500 500 Vests , Glasses, Hardhats, etc . 1014520201 241.00 Small Tools 2,021 1,950 1,986 2 ,500 2,500 Hand Tools , Blades , Bits, etc. 101 45202 01 242.00 Minor Equipment 4,851 4,725 780 5,000 7,000 Weed Whips, Chain Saws, etc. 101 45202 01 303.00 Engineering Fees (G IS ) 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 $5 ,000 Split 5 Ways 101 45202 01 318.00 Contract Engineer 0 0 0 0 0 101 45202 01 319 .00 Other Professional Services 23 ,000 1014520201 319.01 Maintenance of Open Spaces 8,650 8 ,930 4,254 15,000 15,000 Burns, etc. Add FH & Horseshoe 101 45202 01 319.02 Landscaping & Flower Beds 5,984 5,985 0 6,000 8 ,000 101 45202 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 7,165 3,955 2,583 9,000 9,000 All Wireless, iPads, lrrig . Controls 101 45202 01 323.00 Radio Units 6 ,082 6 ,282 6 ,933 7,100 1,000 101 45202 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 22 ,500 Anticipated Rate Increase 101 45202 01 381.01 Skating Rinks 6,343 6 ,832 3,539 7 ,000 7 ,000 Service Connect I Disconnect 101 45202 01 381.02 Softball Fields 6,426 6,292 1,638 8,500 8,500 101 45202 01 381.03 Irrigation 8,402 7 ,524 4,869 7 ,000 7,000 101 45202 01 383 .00 Gas Utilities 2,017 1,787 1,006 2 ,500 2,500 101 45202 01 393 .00 P.C . Hardware Purchases 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 101 45202 01 394 .00 P.C . Software Purchases 18,000 101 45202 01 394.01 Licensing & Maintenance 8,454 9 ,214 11 ,61 8 10 ,500 17,500 Cartegraph , ESRI , Datalink, GPS 101 45202 01 394.02 Online Subscriptions 234 0 0 300 300 Pictometry 101 45202 01 394.03 New Software Purchases 0 0 0 200 200 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS 721 ,998 743 ,382 470,309 891 ,300 914 ,000 Page Two 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS & GROUNDS MAINTENANCE September 15, 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2018 2019 2020 YTD Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Thru 7/31/20 Budget Amount Budget Comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 45202 01 403 .00 Contracted Repair & Maintenance 17,500 101 45202 01 403 .01 Irrigation Repairs 8,280 7,160 0 7,000 7 ,500 RPZ-lnspections and Repairs 101 45202 01 403 .02 Electrical Repairs 4,295 6,331 4,854 3,000 4,000 101 45202 01 403 03 Miscellaneous Repairs 2 ,482 6,003 1,710 2,500 3,000 Hard Court Fencing 101 45202 01 403 .04 Playground Repairs 0 0 1,190 3,000 3,000 101 45202 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repair & Maint 17 ,800 101 45202 01 409.01 Spring Clean Up 455 500 500 500 500 Dethatching , Flower Beds, etc. 101 45202 01 409.02 Library I Steeple Center I RCC 8,337 8 ,487 4 ,884 9 ,000 9,000 Mowing I Chemicals -VonBank 1014520201 409 .03 Fire Station #1 0 0 0 0 0 1014520201 409 .04 Fire Station #2 0 0 0 0 0 101 45202 01 409 .05 City Hall 2 ,779 2,829 1,628 2,800 2 ,800 Mowing I Chemicals -VonBank 101 45202 01 409.06 UMore Baseball Fields 2,500 2,400 0 2,500 2,500 101 45202 01 409.07 FHR Soccer Fields 2 ,500 94 0 3,000 3,000 101 45202 01 416 .00 Machinery Rental 27,500 101 45202 01 416.01 Mower Leases 21 ,000 21 ,200 21 ,200 22 ,500 22,500 3 Mowers 101 45202 01 416.02 Miscellaneous Rentals 1,100 3,161 0 5,000 5,000 Compressors, Lawn Mowers, etc. 101 45202 01 433 .00 Dues & Subscriptions 400 1014520201 433 01 MN Park Supervisors Ass'n 0 288 0 50 100 101 45202 01 433 .02 Miscellaneous Dues 274 80 45 250 300 101 45202 01 435 .00 Books & Pamphlets 0 0 53 0 0 101 45202 01 437 .00 Conferences & Seminars 5,000 101 45202 01 437.01 Seminars & Workshops 2,247 1,045 1,169 2,500 2,500 Green Expo, MPSA, Playgrounds 101 45202 01 437 .02 School & Tuition 300 1,988 665 2 ,000 2 ,000 Turf School , Power Limited Tech. 101 45202 01 437 .03 CarteGraph, ESRI , GIS 607 0 269 500 500 User Group, Conference, Training 101 45202 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 155 38 41 200 200 Contingencies 101 45202 01 530 .00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 199,843 299 ,441 167 ,089 220 ,000 75 ,000 From Long-Term Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $257 , 154 $361 ,045 $205 ,297 $286 ,300 $143 ,400 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $979, 152 $1, 104,427 $675,606 $1,177 ,600 $1 ,057 ,400 ========= ==================== ========= ======== ========= Page One 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS & RECREATION September 15 , 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2018 2019 2020 YTD Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Thru 7/31/20 Budget Amount Budget Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All Salary Costs Inclusive of 101 45100 101 .00 Salaries & Benefits $884,881 $882,233 $488,683 $913,100 $944,700 Salary , Taxes, PERA & Benefits 101 45100 102 .00 Full-Time Overtime 2,3 66 1,980 889 5,000 5 ,000 101 45100 103.00 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 268,100 1014510010 103.00 PfT Receptionist 42,630 45,141 23,028 47,800 55,500 1014510012 103.00 Building Attendants 67 ,3 47 76 ,448 30,854 60 ,000 70 ,000 1014510015 103.00 PfT Recreation Coordinator 69 ,679 84 ,469 49,448 90 ,200 93,300 101 45100 83 103.00 Playground Recreation Leaders 23,781 30 ,611 13 ,311 25 ,000 30,000 101 45100 94 103.00 Warming House Attendants 15,483 15,832 11 , 131 15,000 16 ,000 101 45100 99 103.00 Park & Rec Committee 3,528 2,708 1,117 3,300 3,300 101 45100 01 203 .00 Printed Forms & Paper 0 0 0 0 0 101 45100 01 205.00 Drafting Supplies 97 500 300 500 500 Laminating 101 45100 01 207.00 Training & Instructional Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 101 45100 01 208.00 Miscellaneous Supplies 0 500 0 0 0 101 45100 01 209.00 Other Office Supplies 97 235 300 500 500 Envelopes, Forms, Rulers , etc . 101 45100 01 211.00 Cleaning Supplies 5,019 4,417 3,289 4,500 4,500 101 45100 01 216.00 Chemicals & Chemical Products 140 0 0 0 0 Moved to "211.00" 101 45100 01 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 8,160 10 ,500 6 ,321 8,000 8 ,000 Rec Programs, 1st Aid Sup, etc . 101 45100 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 6 ,045 11 ,138 4,895 8,000 8 ,000 101 45100 01 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 717 1,182 494 1,500 1 ,500 101 45100 01 225.00 Landscaping Materials 0 0 8,448 0 0 Fall Ash Tree Removal 101 45100 01 229.00 Other Maintenance Supplies 894 2,6 22 2,034 4,000 4,000 Tournament Supplies 101 45100 01 312.00 Custodial Services 8,260 8 ,960 700 6,000 6 ,000 Custodial Services-Banquet Rm 101 45100 01 315.00 Special Programs 36 ,700 101 45100 01 315.01 Movies/Concerts 5,589 5 ,884 4,674 6 ,000 6,000 Performances 101 45100 01 315 02 Leprechaun Days 426 562 0 500 500 101 45100 01 315.03 Umore Maint. Agreement 2,156 2,156 0 2,000 2,000 101 45100 01 315.04 Ground Pounders(Running) 0 0 0 200 200 Ribbons & Mailings 101 45100 01 315.05 Nature Programs (Arbor Day) 0 0 0 0 0 Move to 101-41110-01-225.00 101 45100 01 315 06 Puppet Programs 30 0 0 100 100 Tapes, Fuses, Puppets , etc . 101 45100 01 315.07 Special Events 2,260 12,568 2 ,993 10,000 16 ,000 Food Truck Fest I Arts Festival 101 45100 01 31508 Adopt-A-Park Program 31 0 164 500 500 Flyers, Signs 101 45100 01 315.09 Miscellaneous Programs 7,517 9,6 44 2 ,508 5,000 8,000 Community Gardens & Other Prog. 101 45100 01 315.10 ADA Programs 400 0 0 400 400 ADA Program Supplies 101 45100 01 315.11 Senior Programs 364 705 1 3,000 3,000 101 45100 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 7,277 5,770 8 ,930 6 ,000 6,000 ADA Services/Eng .LA Serv Test 101 45100 01 321 .00 Telephone Costs 4 ,394 4 ,620 2,372 4 ,500 4 ,500 Pagers & Cellular Phones 101 45100 01 331 .00 Travel Expense 122 355 0 1,000 1,000 101 45100 01 341.00 Employment Advertising 0 0 0 0 0 101 45100 01 349.00 Other Advertising 42,000 101 45100 01 349.01 Brochures 35,812 34,284 13,997 35,000 35,000 City Newsletter (3 Per Year) 101 45100 01 349.02 Yellow Pages 0 0 0 0 0 101 45100 01 349 .03 Special Marketing 6 ,3 68 5 ,879 1,110 7,000 7 ,000 Garage Sale Ad 101 45100 01 381 .00 Electric Utilities 28 ,784 28 ,067 16 ,957 30 ,000 30 ,000 101 45100 01 383.00 Gas Utilities 22,769 21 ,051 8,579 20,000 20,000 101 45100 01 384.00 Refuse Disposal 2,982 2,844 1,387 3,200 3,200 101 45100 01 392.00 P.C. Accessories & Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 101 45100 01 393.00 P.C. Hardware Purchases 0 0 0 0 0 101 45100 01 394 .00 P.C . Software Purchases 0 0 0 0 0 See "433.03" Below 101 45100 01 401 .00 Contracted Building Repairs 14 ,579 9,041 1,880 13 ,000 13 ,000 101 45100 01 404.00 Contracted Mach & Equip Repairs 38 ,769 29,919 17 ,802 15,000 15 ,000 101 45100 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repair & Maint 26,957 23,364 17,294 24,000 24,000 Air Handler Maintenance Contract 1014510001 411.00 Contracted Snow Removal 0 32,524 13,050 20,000 22 ,000 Community Center 1014510001 412.00 Building Rental 11,697 16,800 0 16,8 00 22 ,000 Monthly Rent Payments to Guard 101 45100 01 415 .00 Other Equipment Rental 27,552 27 ,254 7,292 28 ,000 28 ,000 Portable Toilets & Other(New Pks) 101 45100 01 433 .00 Dues & Subscriptions 11 ,3 00 1014510001 433 .01 MRPA Dues 1,430 1,619 1,619 2,100 2,100 Minn Recreation & Parks Ass'n 101 45100 01 433.02 Miscellaneous 2,386 2,762 6 ,845 6,500 6,500 Paper, Magazines, Cartegraph,etc. 101 45100 01 433.03 On-Line Registrat'n Subscription 972 869 2 ,565 2,700 2,700 101 45100 01 435.00 Books & Pamphlets 0 0 0 100 100 101 45100 01 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 7,000 101 45100 01 437 .01 MRPA State Conference 2,618 1,192 0 3,000 3,000 101 45100 01 437 .03 Workshops, Schools , & Tuition 2,321 1,966 72 4 ,000 4,000 Additional Training 101 45100 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 6 ,654 5,278 3,999 0 0 Donation Account 101 45100 01 530.00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 0 15,092 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS $1,402,339 $1,481,544 $781 ,332 $1 ,462 ,000 $1,536,600 General Operating DEPARTMENT TOTALS $1,402,339 $1,481,544 $781 ,332 $1,462 ,000 $1,536,600 ========= ==================== ========= ========= Page Two 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS & RECREATION •• STEEPLE CENTER•• September 15 , 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2018 2019 2020 YTD Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Thru 7/31/20 Budget Amount Budget Comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101 38201 .00 Rental Revenues $31,490 $48 ,806 $8 ,221 $40 ,000 $40,000 101 38205 .00 AN Rental Revenues 750 400 125 1,000 1,000 101 38207 .00 Liquor Provider Revenues 120 330 60 200 200 101 38209.00 Miscellaneous Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 101 38211 .00 Security Services 2 ,072 5,275 (154) 2 ,000 4 ,000 101 38215 .00 Other Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL REVENUES $34 ,432 $54 ,810 $8 ,252 $43 ,200 $45 ,200 101 45100 30 103.00 Salaries & Benefits $65,000 Salary, Taxes , PERA & Benefits 101 45100 30 103.00 Building Attendants 77 ,633 86 ,975 23,879 65,000 65,000 Staff" 101 45100 30 211 .00 Cleaning Supplies 4,047 3,413 464 4 ,000 4,000 101 45100 30 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 7,733 6 ,344 1,523 6 ,000 6,000 Events Supplies 101 45100 30 221 .00 Equipment Parts 3,676 2 ,682 1,045 3,000 3,000 101 45100 30 223 .00 Building Repair Supplies 2,294 3,125 1,595 4 ,000 4 ,000 101 45100 30 241 .00 Small Tools 0 0 45 500 500 101 45100 30 242 .00 Minor Equipment 96 1,489 0 1,000 1 ,000 101 45100 30 312.00 Custodial Services 840 1,400 0 1,000 1,000 101 45100 30 321 .00 Telephone Costs 377 601 363 500 500 101 45100 30 349 .00 Other Advertising 1,500 900 900 1,500 1,500 101 45100 30 381 .00 Electric Utilities 16 ,893 16,147 7 ,799 16,000 16 ,000 101 45100 30 383 .00 Gas Utilities 9,338 8,540 2 ,431 7,500 7,500 1014510030 384.00 Refuse Disposal 631 899 388 700 700 101 45100 30 401 .00 Contracted Building Repairs 8,847 8,162 948 10,000 10 ,000 101 45100 30 404 .00 Contracted Mach & Equip Repairs 29,548 15,941 18 ,072 14,000 14,000 101 45100 30 409 .00 Other Contracted Repairs & Main 0 2,500 701 2 ,500 2 ,500 101 45100 30 411 .00 Contracted Snow Removal 0 27 ,962 5,115 12,000 21 ,000 Steeple Center 101 45100 30 415 .00 Other Equ ipment Rental 0 0 0 0 0 101 45100 30 439 .00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 0 0 101 45100 30 521 .00 Building & Structure Purchases 0 0 0 0 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE/EXPENDITURE TOTALS $163 ,453 $187,079 $65 ,266 $149,200 $158,200 Page Three 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS & RECREATION September 15, 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2018 2019 2020 YTD Adopted Detai l Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Thru 7/31/20 Budget Amount Budget Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $85,600 101 45100 80 Art Classes $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 101 45100 81 Softball 4,479 0 0 0 0 101 45100 84 Tennis 2 ,212 1,521 0 2 ,200 2,200 101 45100 86 Rosettes 1,633 1,344 0 2,000 0 1014510087 Senior Programs 13 ,383 12,752 1,883 14,000 14 ,000 1014510090 Run for the Gold 6,071 3,559 0 6 ,000 6,000 1014510091 Camps 43 ,299 37,382 5,696 40,000 40 ,000 1014510092 Adult Basketball 475 0 0 600 600 1014510093 Other Programs 15 ,730 18,91 0 3,952 14 ,000 14 ,000 1014510095 T-Ball 4,682 4 ,012 0 5,000 5,000 1014510096 Adult Enrichment 2 ,769 0 0 500 500 101 45100 97 Adult Exercise Classes 0 0 0 500 500 101 45100 98 Youth Soccer Lessons 3,093 3,012 0 2 ,800 2 ,800 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 97 ,826 82,493 11 ,531 87 ,600 85 ,600 101 45100 80 219 .00 Operating Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 101 45100 81 103 .00 Part-Time Salaries 969 0 0 0 0 101 45100 81 219 .00 Operating Supplies 609 0 0 0 0 101 45100 81 311 .00 Officiating Fees 2 ,703 0 0 0 0 101 45100 81 319.00 Other Professional Services 198 0 0 0 0 1014510084 103 .00 Part-Time Salaries 2 ,018 1,475 0 1,700 1,700 1014510084 219 .00 Operating Supplies 194 46 0 500 500 101 45100 86 103 .00 Part-Time Salaries 846 490 0 1,000 0 101 45100 86 219 .00 Operating Supplies 787 855 0 1,000 0 1014510087 103 .00 Part-Time Salaries 0 0 0 0 0 101 45100 87 219.00 Operating Supplies 14,000 101 45100 87 219 .01 Youth/Teen Trips Supplies 0 0 0 0 0 101 45100 87 219 .02 AdulVSenior Supplies 13 ,383 12 ,752 1,883 14 ,000 14 ,000 101 45100 90 219 .00 Operating Supplies 6 ,071 3,559 0 6 ,000 6 ,000 101 45100 91 103 .00 Part-Time Salaries 20 ,033 9,390 3,288 18 ,000 18,000 101 45100 91 219 .00 Operating Supplies 23 ,266 27 ,992 2,409 22 ,000 22 ,000 101 45100 92 219 .00 Operating Supplies 475 0 0 600 600 1014510093 103.00 Part-Time Salaries 3,434 2 ,370 0 3,000 3,000 101 45100 93 219 .00 Operating Supplies 12 ,081 16,540 3,952 11,000 11 ,000 1014510093 319 .00 Other Professional Services 215 0 0 0 0 101 45100 95 103.00 Part-Time Salaries 3,484 2 ,762 0 3,500 3,500 101 45100 95 219 .00 Operating Supplies 1,198 1,250 0 1,500 1,500 101 45100 96 103 .00 Part-Time Salaries 0 0 0 0 0 101 45100 96 219 .00 Operating Supplies 2 ,769 0 0 500 500 101 45100 97 103 .00 Part-Time Salaries 0 0 0 0 0 101 45100 97 219 .00 Operating Supplies 0 0 0 500 500 101 45100 97 311 .00 Officiating Fees 0 0 0 0 0 101 45100 98 103 .00 Part-Time Salaries 2,136 2,193 0 1,800 1,800 101 45100 98 219 .00 Operating Supplies 957 819 0 1,000 1,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL PROGRAM TOTALS 97 ,826 82 ,493 11 ,531 87 ,600 85,600 GRAND TOTAL-PARK & REC $1 ,663 ,618 $1,751 ,115 $858,129 $1 ,698 ,800 $1 ,780,400 ========= ==================== ========= ========= Page One September 15, 2020 Account# 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS OTHER FINANCING USES Description 101-49300-01 710.00 Transfers 101-49300-01 710.01 Arena Operations Assistance 101-49300-01 710 .02 Debt Service Levies 101-49300-01 720 .00 Transfers FUND TOTALS 2020 2018 Actual 2019 2020 YTD Adopted Actual Thru 7 /31 /20 Budget $130 ,000 $130 ,000 0 0 0 0 203,000 169,000 $333 ,000 $299 ,000 $130 ,000 $130,000 0 0 0 0 $130 ,000 $130 ,000 2021 Object 2021 Detail Proposed Amount Budget 130,000 0 $130 ,000 Comments 0 Excess F/B Transfers (2018/19) $130 ,000 Page One September 15 , 2020 Account# 206 31010 .00 206 33100 .00 206 36210 .00 206 36214 .00 206 36215 .00 206 36260 .00 206 36265 .00 206 39201 .00 Account# 206 49006 01 221.00 206 49006 01 304 .00 206 49006 01 305 .00 206 49006 01 317 .00 206 49006 01 319 .00 206 49006 01 319 .01 206 49006 01 319 .02 206 49006 01 365 .00 206 49006 01 369 .00 206 49006 01 403 .00 206 49006 01 409 .00 206 49006 01 439 .00 206 49006 01 550.00 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS INSURANCE -REVENUES Description Current Ad Valorem Taxes Federal Grants & Aids Interest Earn ings-Investments Net Change in FV-lnvestments Interest Earnings Other Revenue Use of Reserve Funds Transfer from General Fund FUND TOTALS INSURANCE -EXPENDITURES Description Equipment Parts Legal Fees Medical & Dental Fees General Fund Administrative Fees Other Professional Services Risk Management Consultant Safe Assure Consultant Worker's Compensation Insurance Other Insurance Contracted R & M-Other lmpr. Other Contracted Repair & Maint Other Miscellaneous Charges Motor Vehicle Purchases FUND TOTALS 2017 Actual $260 ,000 0 3,180 0 160 29 ,357 0 0 2018 Actual $280 ,000 0 2 ,131 0 424 16 ,674 0 203 ,000 2019 Actual $380 ,000 0 0 0 1,074 16,775 0 0 2020 Adopted Budget $425 ,000 0 1,300 0 200 20 ,000 0 0 2021 Object 2021 Detail Proposed Amount Budget $450 ,000 0 0 0 500 16,000 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 292 ,697 502 ,228 397 ,849 446,500 466 ,500 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== 2021 2020 Object 2021 2017 2018 2019 Adopted Detail Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget $2,446 $11 ,782 $155 $7 ,000 $2 ,000 63,015 0 1,000 15,000 2,000 16,972 17 ,915 14 ,992 12,000 15,000 2 ,500 2 ,500 2 ,500 2,500 2,500 30,000 6,000 11 ,830 8 ,213 10 ,000 10 ,000 13 ,320 8 ,626 18 ,122 10 ,000 20 ,000 185 ,739 209 ,605 234.163 220 ,000 240 ,000 127 ,264 125 ,881 133 ,195 130 ,000 135 ,000 0 0 0 0 0 37 ,230 48 ,917 51 ,196 40 ,000 40 ,000 6 ,500 0 0 0 0 12,332 0 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 473 ,318 437 ,055 463 ,535 446 ,500 466 ,500 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== Comments Annual Market Value Changes Insurance Refunds/Dividends Comments Liability & Auto Deductible Pymts Unreimbursable Legal Fees Work Comp Deductible Pymts Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 Annual Prem ium Annual Prem ium-General Liability (Changed to High Deductible) Liability & Auto Deductible Pymts (Changed to High Deductible) NOTE: Levy of $450,000 covers costs for all insu rance prem iums and some of the general liability payments (changed to high deducti ble plan for 20 11). All other expenditures covered through a combination of ta x levies , interest earnings , insurance refunds/dividends and reserve funds . Page One July 21 , 2020 Account# 201 31010 .00 201 31050 .00 201 32280.00 201 33130.00 201 33425 .00 201 33620 .00 201 34109 .00 201 36210 .00 201 36215.00 201 36230 .00 201 36260 .00 201 36265 .00 201 39101 .00 Account# 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PORT AUTHORITY -REVENUES Description Current Ad Valorem Taxes Tax Increments Fiber License Fees Federal Grants-CDBG Other State Grants & Aids Other County Grants & Aids Other Charges for Services Interest Earnings -Investments Interest Earnings Contributions/Donations Other Revenue Use of Reserve Funds Sales of General Fixed Assets FUND TOTALS EXPENDITURES Description 2014630002 101 .00 Full-Time Salaries & Benefits 201 46300 99 103 .00 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 201 46300 01 219 .00 Other Operating Supplies 201 46300 01 303.00 Engineering Fees 201 46300 01 304.00 Legal Fees 201 46300 01 317.00 General Fund Administrative Fees 201 46300 01 319 .00 Other Professional Services 201 46300 01 319 .01 Project Management Consultant 2014630001 319 02 Marketing -REDE-City Share 201 46300 01 319.04 P/A Property Tax Payments 201 46300 01 319.05 Other Consultants 201 46300 01 319 06 Grant Reimbursement Expenses 201 46300 01 319.07 Retail Strategies 201 46300 01 319 .08 Open to Business (OTB) 201 46300 01 322 .00 Postage Costs 201 46300 01 331 .00 Travel Expense 201 46300 01 349 .00 Other Advertising 201 46300 01 359.00 Other Printing & Binding Costs 201 46300 01 365.00 Workers Comp Insurance 201 46300 01 369.00 Other Insurance 201 46300 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 201 46300 01 383 .00 Gas Utilities 201 46300 01 389.00 Other Utility Services 201 46300 01 403.00 Contracted Repairs & Maintenance 201 46300 01 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 201 46300 01 433 .01 Professional Organizations/Jourm 201 46300 01 433 .02 Foreign Trade Zone Commission 201 46300 01 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 201 46300 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 201 46300 01 521 .00 Building & Structure Purchases 201 46300 01 525.00 Building & Structure Purchases 201 46300 01 530 .00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 201 46300 01 710 .00 Transfers FUND TOTALS 2017 Actual $58 ,000 0 1,150 0 32 ,479 0 2,560 8 224 0 0 0 0 $94 ,421 2017 Actual $0 2 ,217 0 5,842 0 6 ,000 0 10 ,000 0 165 14 ,655 0 0 0 13 13 ,967 0 124 758 283 0 0 270 920 0 2,384 165 0 0 0 0 $57 ,763 2018 Actual $60 ,000 0 600 0 0 0 10 ,175 442 376 0 0 0 0 2019 Actual $105 ,000 0 1,200 0 0 0 7,225 457 2,231 0 0 0 268 ,114 2020 Adopted Budget $112 ,000 0 1,200 0 0 0 8 ,000 100 100 0 0 0 0 $71 ,594 $384 ,228 $121 ,400 2018 Actual $0 2 ,367 6 ,361 23,896 5,651 6 ,000 0 10,000 0 9,083 0 0 0 0 0 9,650 0 137 584 172 0 0 3,940 495 0 2,631 0 0 0 16 ,313 0 2019 Actual $0 2,575 6 ,923 332 3,468 6 ,000 0 11 ,068 0 1,750 0 45 ,000 0 0 293 9 ,077 2 140 555 171 0 0 0 2,217 0 3,300 3,689 0 0 0 0 2020 Adopted Budget $0 4 ,000 8,000 3,000 4 ,000 6,000 2,000 10,000 0 2,000 0 40,000 5,500 0 0 25 ,000 200 200 600 400 0 1,000 2,000 2,000 0 5,000 500 0 0 0 0 $97 ,279 $96,560 $121 ,400 2021 Object Detail Amount 2021 Object Detail Amount 2 ,000 12 ,000 0 2,000 0 0 5,500 2 ,500 0 2021 Proposed Budget $168 ,000 0 1,200 0 0 0 8 ,000 400 400 0 0 0 0 $178 ,000 2021 Proposed Budget $78,600 4 ,000 8 ,000 3,000 4 ,000 6 ,000 21 ,500 0 500 40 ,000 200 200 600 400 0 1,000 Comments Operating Levy Admin Fees Portion Only LCA Grant-Land/Bldg Acquisition Business Expo Interest Earned on CD's Checking Interest & Misc Comments All Salary Costs Inclusive of Salary , Taxes , PERA & Benefits 70% of Economic Dev Coordinator Port Authority Members Business Expo Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 Greater MSP Downtown Update Additional Marketing Opportunities Commissioners Property Insurance Business Park & Other Properties Other Properties Utility Fees I Fiber Maintenance 2 ,000 Contracts for Fiber 2 ,500 Prof Organizations/Journals 5 ,000 Development!TIF/Miscellaneous 500 Contingencies 0 0 0 0 $178 ,000 ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= Page One July 21 . 2020 Account# 242 31010.00 242 31050.00 242 33400 .00 242 33425 .00 242 33620 .00 242 36 210 .00 242 36215.00 242 36220.00 242 36230 .00 242 36260.00 242 39101.00 242 39310 .00 Account# 242 49042 01 242 49042 01 242 49042 01 242 49042 01 242 49042 01 242 49042 01 242 49042 01 242 49042 01 242 49042 01 242 49042 01 242 49042 01 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS DOWNTOWN/BROCKWAY DISTRICT(0108) -REVENUES Description Current Ad Valorem Ta xes Tax Increments State Grants & Aids Other State Grants & Aids Other County Grants & Aids Interest Earnings -Investments Interest Earnings Rents & Royalties Other Revenue Contribution/Donation-Private Sale of General Fi xed Assets Bond Proceeds 2017 Actual $0 832,533 0 0 0 3,413 287 0 0 0 0 0 2018 Actual $0 863 ,105 0 0 0 11 ,759 656 0 0 0 0 0 2019 Actual $0 865,476 0 0 0 15,491 2,149 0 0 0 0 0 2020 Adopted Budget $0 870,000 0 0 0 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2021 Object Detail Amount 2021 Proposed Budget $0 900 ,000 0 0 0 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUND TOTALS $836 ,233 $875 ,520 $883, 115 $871,000 $901 ,000 ========= ========= ========= ------------------------ EXPENDITURES 2021 2020 Object 2021 2017 2018 2019 Adopted Detail Proposed Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget 303.00 Engineering Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 304 .00 Legal Fees 0 116 0 0 0 319 .00 Other Professional Services 12 ,998 15,725 19 ,983 17 ,000 22 ,000 522 .00 Building & Structure Purchases 0 0 0 0 0 530 .00 Improvements Other Than Buildings 63 ,169 0 0 0 0 533 .00 Improvements Other Than Buildings 0 0 0 0 0 536.00 Improvements Other Than Buildings 0 0 0 0 0 538 .00 Improvements Other Than Buildings 0 0 0 0 0 601 .00 Principal on Waterford PAYG 73,422 78,217 81,460 85,000 90 ,000 611.00 Interest on Waterford PA YG 71 ,313 67 ,560 63 ,673 65 ,000 60 ,000 710.00 Transfers 550 ,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 600,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUND TOTALS $770,902 $761,617 $765, 116 $767,000 $772,000 ========= ========= ========= ------------------------ Comments MVHC Payments Comments County TIF Charges CDA-Dahn Property Purchase Fiber in Business Park TH 3 Turn Lane Improvements Waterford Pay-As-You-Go Waterford Pay-As-You-Go P & I for 2008A & 2015A Issues Page One September 15 , 2020 Accou nt# 601 33130 .00 60 1 33425 .00 601 33620 .00 601 34107 .00 601 34108 .00 601 34109 .00 601 36101 .00 601 36102.00 601 36210.00 601 36214.00 601 36215.00 601 36220 .00 601 36260 .00 60 1 36265 .00 601 3711 0 .00 601 37120.00 601 37125 .00 601 37130.00 601 37140.00 601 37160.00 601 37165.00 601 37170 .00 60 1 37180.00 601 39103 .00 601 39203 .00 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY -REVENUES - Description Fed eral Gra nts -CDBG Oth er State Grants & Aids Other Co unty Grants & Aids Assessment Fees Administrative Fees-Other Funds Other Gen'I Gov1 Chgs for Services Principal -Special Assessments Penalties & Inte rest -SIA In te rest Earn ings -Investments Net Cha nge in FV-lnvestment s Interest Earnings Rents & Royalties Other Reven ues Use of Rese rv e Fu nds Residenti al Water Reven ues Apartment Water Revenues Institutional Water Revenues Commercial Water Revenues Industrial Water Revenues Penalties -Water Revenues Meter Maint Water Revenues Other Water Revenues Wate r Meter Sales Revenue Gai n or Loss fro m F/A Disposal Transfer From FUND TOTALS 201 7 Act ua l $75,280 6 ,762 2,000 0 5,069 18,050 55,401 627 92,126 (3 ,227) 787 148,434 0 0 1,363 ,923 108,265 84,046 90,872 139,554 12 ,286 0 0 58 ,045 (9 ,885) 0 20 18 Actual $24,956 33 ,455 0 1,280 11,796 15,984 77,288 655 149,982 (12,063) 1,244 154,610 117 0 1,426,360 113,851 66,183 94 ,093 122,071 12 ,848 0 0 87 ,2 94 (426) 0 20 19 Actu al $0 72 0 0 21,497 9,327 17,261 53,808 719 177,969 39,042 3,358 161 ,211 0 0 1,274,288 121 ,359 83 ,160 95,413 135,704 12,012 0 (29,682) 96,658 0 0 2020 Adopted B udget $0 4 ,50 0 0 0 6,300 0 55,0 00 0 90 ,000 0 500 168,500 0 0 1,500,000 120,000 70 ,000 100,000 13 0,000 10 ,000 0 0 80,000 0 0 2021 Obj ect Detail Amou nt 202 1 Proposed Budget $0 1,000 0 20,000 6 ,300 0 55,000 0 90 ,000 0 1,000 170,000 0 0 1,400,000 120,000 75,000 100,000 140,000 12 ,000 0 0 90,000 0 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $2 ,248 ,416 $2,381,577 $2,273,824 $2,334,800 $2,280,300 ========= ========= ========= ========= ========== ========== Comments MCES W ate r Efficie ncy G rant 5% of 5% Fees-Const Projects An nual Ma rket Va lu e Changes Anten na Leases 2n d Meter Ref unds Page One 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY -EXPENDITURES - September 15, 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2017 2018 2019 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------·-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All Salary Costs Inclusive of 601 49400 101.00 Salaries & Benefits $547 ,600 Salary , Taxes , PERA & Benefits 601 49400 77 101 .00 Administrative 129,584 205 ,824 162 ,236 155,500 181 ,500 601 49400 78 101.00 Technical /Clerical 146,843 155,870 169 ,268 177,900 198,800 Added PfT GIS Technician 601 49400 79 101 .00 Maintenance 171 ,054 180,248 183 ,174 230 ,600 167,300 601 49400 xx 101.00 Salary & Benefit Contingency 0 0 0 0 0 601 49400 102.00 Full-Time Overtime 10 ,140 13,549 16,444 8,000 8,000 6 01 49400 10 3.00 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 5,779 6 ,916 7,975 8,700 8,700 601 49400 99 103 .xx Utility Commission Wages (1/3) 700 601 49400 99 103 .xx Maintenance Labor 8,000 Seasonal Employees and Interns 601 49400 01 203 .00 Printed Forms & Paper 504 1,092 70 100 100 Outsource Bill Pri nting (3 13.00 ) 601 49400 01 205 .00 Plotter Ink & Paper 0 0 0 400 400 601 49400 01 209.00 Other Office Supplies 114 362 134 200 200 601 49400 01 212 .00 Motor Fuels 5,600 5,100 3,912 3,900 3 ,900 2 .5% Covered by Water Utility 601 49400 01 216 .00 Chemicals & Chemical Products 55 ,588 43 ,035 60 ,654 75 ,000 75,000 Chlorine/Flou ri de/Poly 601 49400 01 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 415 2,05 3 1,174 500 500 Maintenance Supplies 601 49400 01 220.00 Water Meter Purchases 150,000 Meters, MIU's & CU Horns 601 49400 01 220.01 For Replacements 57,467 71 ,822 78 ,315 75 ,000 75 ,000 Match Rate Model (Incl. Recycling) 601 49400 01 220 .02 For New Homes 42 ,572 47,296 52 ,209 75 ,000 75 ,000 Match Rate Model , Newland Dev. 601 49400 01 224 .00 Street Maintenance Materials 329 1,261 4 ,769 2 ,500 2 ,500 Patching for Brea ks 601 49400 01 225 .00 Landscaping Materials 32 3 360 108 1,000 1,000 Topsoil, Seed & Sod 601 49400 01 228.00 Meter Repair Materials 0 222 105 0 0 601 49400 01 229.00 Other Maintenance Supplies 21 ,000 601 49400 01 229 .01 Supplies for Hydrants 8,968 8,476 6 ,939 10 ,000 10 ,000 601 49400 01 229.02 C urb Shutoffs 0 855 0 1,000 1,000 601 49400 01 229.03 GV Repair/Replacement 934 0 13 ,526 2,000 6 ,000 Valve Maintenance 601 49400 01 229 .04 Miscellaneous Supplies 3,247 3 ,3 50 685 4 ,000 4 ,000 601 49400 01 240 .00 Safety Equipment & PPE 0 0 0 500 500 Vests, Glasses, Hardhats, etc . 601 49400 01 241 .00 Small Tools 1,099 2,140 1,782 2,500 2 ,500 Wrenches, Shovels, etc. 601 49400 01 242 .00 Minor Equipment 11 ,622 8,371 6,052 17 ,000 16 ,000 Hyd . Buddy & Locator in 2021 601 49400 01 303 .00 Engineering Fees 26,000 601 49400 01 303 .01 WHPP 0 0 21,302 5 ,000 5,000 Groundwater Plan Implementation 601 49400 01 303.02 GIS 2 ,476 78 0 1,000 1,000 $5 ,000 Split 5 W ays 601 49400 01 303.03 Rate Study 0 14,459 19 ,172 5,000 5,000 601 49400 01 303 .04 Miscellaneous Fees 17,602 2,574 2,745 15,000 15 ,000 Future Water Faci lrt y Study 60 1 49400 01 304 .00 Legal Fees 105 0 1,226 1,000 1,000 601 49400 01 310 .00 Testing Services 85 ,000 601 49400 01 310.01 Bacteria & Water Quality 2 ,269 2 ,625 3,572 3,500 5,000 MN , Radon , Tri-Chi ., Pesticides, Etc. 601 49400 01 3 10 .03 MOH Service Connection Fee 45 ,928 47 ,381 49,186 80 ,000 80 ,000 601 49400 01 312 .00 Gopher State One-Call 1,68 3 1,436 1,794 2 ,500 2 ,500 $7,500 Split 3 Ways 601 49400 01 313 .00 Outsource Bill Printing /Mailing 0 2 ,201 6 ,618 8 ,300 8 ,300 601 49400 01 318.00 Contract Engineer 22 ,602 0 0 0 0 601 49400 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 47,500 601 49400 01 319 .01 Thaw Pipes, Check Leaks, etc. 0 0 0 1,500 1,500 601 49400 01 319 .02 Supervisory Controls 3,435 0 2,05 3 5,000 5,000 601 49400 01 319 .03 Hazardous Chemical Permits 725 700 800 1,000 1,000 MN Department of Public Safety 601 49400 01 319.06 Contracted Hydrant Painting 8 ,265 11 ,172 9,212 11 ,000 11 ,000 601 49400 01 3 19 .07 Antenna Expenses 3,577 9,209 3,842 20 ,000 20 ,000 Offset by Revenue 601-36220 .00 601 49400 01 319 .08 Buxton Project 0 9 0 0 0 601 49400 01 319 .09 HVAC Maintenance Contract 3,304 0 1,702 4 ,000 4 ,000 Annual lnsp/Maint , All Wells 601 49400 01 319.10 Landscape Maintenance 0 0 2,655 4,000 4 ,000 601 49400 01 319.11 Pest Control 0 0 539 1,000 1,000 601 49400 01 320.00 Credit Card Activity Fees 6 ,299 7,767 9,409 8,500 9,500 1/3 Cost of CIC Pymt Processing 601 49400 01 321 .00 Telephone Costs 3,230 4 ,734 4 ,134 5,000 5,000 Cell Phones, Modesm , GPS 601 49400 01 322 .00 Postage Costs 3,767 2,920 369 400 400 Outsource Mailing (313 .00 ) 601 49400 01 323 .00 Radio Units 5,777 6 ,082 6,282 7 ,100 1,000 601 49400 01 352 .00 General Notices & Public Info 0 0 36 0 0 601 49400 01 365 .00 Workers Comp Insurance 12 ,311 13 ,635 13,86 3 12 ,000 12 ,000 Wate~s Share of Premiums 601 49400 01 369 .00 Other Insurance 6 ,507 6 ,79 3 7 ,249 7 ,000 7 ,000 Wate~s Share of Premiums 601 49400 01 391.00 P .C . Maintenance 2,900 601 49400 01 391.01 U/B Software Maintenance 2 ,177 2 ,159 2 ,372 2 ,200 2,200 Added to Utility Budgets in 2012 601 49400 01 391 .02 Auto Read Software Support 6 31 650 650 700 700 Added to Utility Budgets in 2012 601 49400 01 392 .00 P .C . Accessories & Supplies 108 0 33 200 200 601 49400 01 393.00 P .C. Hardware Purchases 589 1,967 361 3,000 3,000 $1, 100 Intern GPS ($3 ,300 Shared) 6 01 49400 01 394 .00 P .C . Software Purchases 11,000 601 49400 01 394 .01 Licensing & Maintenance 10 ,129 8,954 9,715 10,500 10,500 ESRI, Cartegraph, Datalink 601 49400 01 394 .02 Online Subscriptions 234 234 0 300 300 Pictometry 601 49400 01 394 .03 New Software Purchases 46 0 983 200 200 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P AGE TOTALS 815 ,958 905 ,941 951 ,406 1,077 ,200 1,060 ,200 Page Two 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY -EXPENDITURES - September 15, 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2017 2018 2019 Adopted Deta il Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 601 49400 01 403 .00 Contracted R & M -Other lmpr 24,873 82 ,681 52 ,829 80,000 80 ,000 Main Breaks , Gate Valves , Etc . 601 49400 01 433 .00 Dues & Subscriptions 0 327 250 500 500 Suburban Utility Supt Assn, MRWA 601 49400 01 435.00 Books & Pamphlets 0 0 0 200 200 Reference Materials 601 49400 01 437 .00 Conferences & Seminars 6 ,500 601 49400 01 437 .01 MDH Train ing (Water School) 2,173 1,026 2 ,066 3,000 3 ,000 Operator Licensure 601 49400 01 437 .02 AWWA Conference 0 1,899 0 2,000 2,000 Duluth , Send 2 Staff 601 49400 01 437 .03 CarteGraph , ESRI , GIS 139 607 0 500 500 User Group, Conference, Train in g 601 49400 01 437 .04 Miscellaneous Training 62 20 458 1,000 1,000 601 49400 01 4 39 .00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 15,328 12,674 11 ,878 20 ,000 20 ,000 DNR Annual Water Use 601 49400 01 450 .00 Sales Ta x on Purchases 0 0 0 0 0 601 49400 01 521 .00 Building & Structure Purchases 0 0 0 0 0 601 49400 01 530.00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 201 ,000 601 49400 01 530 .01 Well Inspections 0 800 0 1,000 1,000 601 49400 01 53002 Miscellaneous Improvements 75,280 81 ,548 13,156 50 ,000 50 ,000 Seal Wells 1 & 2 (2018) 601 49400 01 53003 CRP of Watermain 0 0 0 50 ,000 50 ,000 PMP Water Imp. When Needed 601 49400 01 530 .04 Inspection & Maintenance 85 ,845 12,835 601 ,050 100,000 100 ,000 From Long-Term Plan (Chip in 2019) 601 49400 01 540 .00 Heavy Machinery Purchases 0 0 0 0 0 Equipment Purchases -Match CIP 601 49400 01 548 .00 Lease Program-PW. Vehicles 0 16 ,984 6 ,740 0 0 601 49400 01 550.00 Motor Vehicle Purchases 11,436 0 43,080 13 ,100 13,100 Vehicle Leases 601 49400 01 570 .00 Office Equ ipment Purchases 0 0 0 500 500 601 49400 01 580 .00 Other Equ ipment Purchases 0 24,754 0 0 0 601 49400 01 611 .00 Interest on Lease Payments 930 476 824 0 0 P.W. Building Expansion(See 521) 601 49400 01 710 .00 Transfers 0 0 57 ,500 0 0 Transfers for Other Improvements ---------------------------------------------- 601-49400-01 TOTALS 1,032 ,023 1,142 ,571 1,741 ,2 35 1,3 99 ,000 1,382 ,000 601 49406 01 221 .00 Equipment Parts 0 0 379 200 200 SCADA Upgrades 601 49406 01 223 .00 Build ing Repair Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 601 49406 01 319 .00 Other Professional Services 5,585 0 0 1,000 1,000 601 49406 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 1,57 3 409 1,846 1,300 1,300 Pumping & Lighting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL-PRV 7,158 409 2,225 2,700 2,700 601 49407 01 221 .00 Equipment Parts 2 ,120 3,664 196 1,500 1,500 601 49407 01 223 .00 Build ing Repair Supplies 32 0 0 200 200 60 1 49407 01 319 .00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0 601 49407 01 321 .00 Telephone Costs 211 211 211 300 300 601 49407 01 381 .00 Electric Utilities 25,303 25 ,629 16,267 33,000 33,000 Pumping , Lighting , Tower Mixer 601 49407 01 409 .00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 3,665 2 ,044 4 ,715 2 ,000 2 ,000 601 49407 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies 601 49407 01 530 .00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 3,323 9,184 1,853 2 ,000 2 ,000 Standby Generator in 2019 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL -WELL #7 34 ,654 40 ,733 23 ,241 39,100 39,100 601 49408 01 221 .00 Equipment Parts 1,662 1,139 0 1,500 1,500 601 49408 01 223 .00 Bu ilding Repair Supplies 5 0 0 200 200 601 49408 01 319 .00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0 601 49408 01 381 .00 Electric Utilijies 19,484 21 ,238 19,796 25 ,000 25 ,000 Pumping & Lighting 601 49408 01 383 .00 Gas Utilities 397 469 365 600 600 Heat Only 601 49408 01 409 .00 Other Contracted Repairs & Main! 324 6 ,959 2 ,005 2 ,000 2,000 601 49408 01 439 .00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL -WELL #8 21 ,872 29 ,804 22 ,166 29,400 29,400 601 49409 01 221 .00 Equipment Parts 10 29 196 1,500 1,500 601 49409 01 223 .00 Building Repair Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 601 49409 01 319 .00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0 601 49409 01 38 1.00 Electric Utilities 3 1,776 29 ,288 28 ,305 32 ,000 32,000 Pumping & Lighting 601 49409 01 383 .00 Gas Utilities 616 766 664 1,500 1,500 Heat Only 601 49409 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 3,341 2,347 1,7 19 4 ,000 4 ,000 Paint Generator in 2020 601 49409 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charg es 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies 601 49409 01 530 .00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 0 0 0 0 0 ----------------------------------- TOTAL -WELL #9 35,742 32 ,430 30 ,884 39 ,300 39 ,300 Page Three 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY -EXPENDITURES - September 15, 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2017 2018 2019 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6014941001 219 .00 Other Operating Supplies 0 0 0 500 500 601 49410 01 221 .00 Equipment Parts 1,926 1,576 6 ,557 1,000 1,000 6014941001 223 .00 Building Repair Supplies 0 18 0 200 200 6014941001 321 .00 Telephone Costs 765 765 765 0 0 6014941001 381.00 Electric Utilities 19 ,551 15,985 14,345 17,000 17,000 Pumping & Lighting 6014941001 409 .00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 67,275 24,817 403 2,000 2,000 601 49410 01 439 .00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies 6014941001 530 .00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 0 0 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL -WELL #10 89,517 43,162 22,069 20,800 20,800 Rural Water System 601 49411 01 221 .00 Equipment Parts 0 0 0 0 0 601 49411 01 439 .00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL -WELL #11 0 0 0 0 0 Rural Water System (#2) 601 49412 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 27 0 434 1,500 1,500 601 49412 01 223 .00 Building Repair Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 601 49412 01 319 .00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0 601 49412 01 381 .00 Electric Utilities 26,035 28 ,566 24 ,403 28,000 28 ,000 Pumping & Lighting 601 49412 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 18,163 478 8 ,680 2,000 2,000 601 49412 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL-WELL #12 44 ,225 29 ,044 33 ,516 31 ,800 31 ,800 601 49414 01 221 .00 Equipment Parts 1,348 466 0 1,500 1,500 601 49414 01 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 0 200 0 200 200 601 49414 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 601 49414 01 381 .00 Electric Utilities 25,708 29 ,869 19 ,012 28 ,000 28,000 Pumping & Lighting 601 49414 01 409 .00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 666 622 27 ,476 2 ,000 2,000 601 49414 01 439 .00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL -WELL #14 27,722 31,157 46,488 32,800 32,800 601 49425 01 221 .00 Equipment Parts 0 564 559 1,500 1,500 601 49425 01 223 .00 Building Repair Supplies 0 200 28 200 200 601 49425 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 500 500 601 49425 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 35,410 28,224 17,999 30,000 30,000 Pumping & Lighting 601 49425 01 409 .00 Other Contracted Repairs & Main! 0 7 ,333 1,742 2,000 2,000 601 49425 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies ----------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL -WELL #15 35,410 36,321 20 ,327 34 ,300 34,300 601 49426 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 726 260 1,500 1,500 601 49426 01 223 .00 Building Repair Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 601 49426 01 319 .00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 500 500 601 49426 01 381 .00 Electric Utilities 0 5,368 22 ,821 28,000 28,000 Pumping & Lighting 601 49426 01 383 .00 Gas Utilities 0 0 0 0 0 601 49426 01 409 .00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 0 0 978 1,000 1,000 601 49426 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL -WELL #16 0 6 ,094 24 ,059 31 ,300 31 ,300 Page Four September 15 , 2020 Account# 601 49415 01 221 .00 6014941501 319 .00 601 49415 01 409 .00 601 49415 01 439 .00 601 49416 01 221 .00 601 49416 01 319 .00 601 49416 01 381 .00 601 49416 01 409 .00 601 49416 01 439 .00 601 49417 01 221 .00 601 49417 01 319 .00 6014941701 381 .00 601 49417 01 409 .00 601 49417 01 439 .00 601 49418 01 221 .00 601 49418 01 319 .00 601 49418 01 381 .00 6014941801 409 .00 601 49418 01 439 .00 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY -EXPENDITURES - Description Equipment Parts Other Professional Services Other Contracted Repairs & Maint Other Miscellaneous Charges TOTAL-WATER TOWER #1 (Chippendale Water Tower) Equipment Parts Other Professional Services Electric Utilities Other Contracted Repairs & Maint Other Miscellaneous Charges TOTAL-WATER TOWER #2 (Connemara Water Tower) Equipment Parts Other Professional Services Electric Utilities Other Contracted Repairs & Maint Other Miscellaneous Charges TOTAL-WATER TOWER #4 (Bacardi Water Tower) Equipment Parts Other Professional Services Electric Utilities Other Contracted Repairs & Maint Other Miscellaneous Charges TOTAL-WATER TOWER #3 (East Side Water Tower) GRAND TOTAL -ALL DEPTS . 2017 Actual 0 0 149 0 2018 Actual 0 0 130 0 2019 Actual 0 0 7 ,390 0 2020 Adopted Budget 500 0 500 200 2021 Object Detail Amount 2021 Proposed Budget 500 0 500 200 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 149 130 7 ,390 1,200 1,200 0 114 10 500 500 0 0 0 0 0 2,274 1,770 2 ,675 4 ,500 4,500 303 0 4 ,884 500 500 0 0 0 200 200 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 ,577 1,884 7 ,569 5,700 5 ,700 0 0 10 500 500 0 0 0 0 0 2 ,999 2 ,822 1,881 6,000 6,000 0 285 1,052 500 500 0 0 0 200 200 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,999 3,107 2 ,943 7 ,200 7 ,200 103 164 0 500 500 2,800 0 0 0 0 2.496 1,989 1,867 4,000 4 ,000 553 0 0 500 500 0 0 0 200 200 --------------------------------- 5,952 2 ,153 1,867 5,200 5,200 $1 ,340 ,000 $1 ,398 ,998 $1,985 ,978 $1,679 ,800 $1 ,662 ,800 ========= ========= ========= ========= ========== ========== Comments Contingencies Contingencies Contingencies Contingencies Page One September 15 , 2020 Account# 602 33425 .00 602 34108 .00 602 36101 .00 602 36102 .00 602 36210 .00 602 36214 .00 602 36215 .00 602 36260 .00 602 36265.00 602 37210.00 602 37220.00 602 37225 .00 602 37230 .00 602 37240 .00 602 37260 .00 602 39103 .00 602 39203 .00 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SEWER UTILITY -REVENUES- Description Other State Grants & Aids Administrative Fees-Other Funds Principal -Special Assessments Penalties & Interest -SIA Interest Earnings -Investments Net Change in FV-lnvestments Interest Earnings Other Revenues Use of Reserve Funds Residential Sewer Revenues Apartment Sewer Revenues Institutional Sewer Revenues Commercial Sewer Revenues Industrial Sewer Revenues Penalties -Sewer Revenues Gain or Loss from F/A Disposal Transfer From FUND TOTALS 2017 Actual $0 5,069 75 ,330 723 21 ,939 (8 ,755) 411 0 0 1,520 ,830 134,668 27 ,594 76 ,385 88,461 13,768 (4 ,159) 0 $1 ,952 ,265 ========= 2018 Actual $0 11 ,796 75 ,927 133 21 ,667 (2 ,081) 1,074 58 0 1,527 ,302 145 ,502 27 ,319 86 ,942 100,300 15,175 0 0 2019 Actual $712 9,327 74 ,262 976 35 ,973 9,532 2,454 0 0 1,462,480 185 ,515 30 ,960 104,954 153,486 15,648 0 0 2020 Adopted Budget $0 6 ,300 80 ,000 0 18 ,000 0 200 0 528 ,800 1,600 ,000 150 ,000 30 ,000 90 ,000 110,000 14,000 0 0 2021 Object Detail Amount 2021 Proposed Budget $0 6 ,300 75,000 0 20,000 0 1,000 0 417 ,300 1,600 ,000 190,000 35,000 110 ,000 160,000 15,000 0 0 -------------------------- $2 ,011 ,115 $2 ,086 ,280 $2 ,627,300 $2,629,600 ========= ========= ========= --------========= Comments 5% of 5% Fees-Const Projects Annual Market Value Changes Page One 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SEWER UTILITY -EXPENDITURES - September 15 , 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2017 2018 2019 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All Salary Costs Inclusive of 602 49450 101 .00 Salaries & Benefrts $541 ,500 Salary , Taxes , PERA & Benefits 602 49450 77 101 .00 Administrative 129 ,578 202 ,742 154,976 149,900 175,400 602 49450 78 101 .00 Technical/Clerical 146 ,843 155,870 169,268 177 ,900 198 ,800 Added PIT GIS Technician 602 49450 79 101 .00 Maintenance 171,054 180,248 183,17 5 230 ,600 167,300 602 49450 xx 101 .00 Salary & Benefit Contingency 0 0 0 0 0 602 49450 102 .00 Full-Time Overtime 10,140 13 ,5 49 16,444 7 ,500 7,500 602 49450 103 .00 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 7 ,346 7,803 8,479 8 ,700 8,700 602 49450 99 103 .xx Utility Commission Wages (1/3) 700 602 49450 99 103 .xx Maintenance Labor 8,000 Seasonal Employees and Interns 602 49450 01 203 .00 Printed Fo rm s & Paper 504 1,09 2 0 100 100 Outsource Bill Printing (313.00) 602 49450 01 205 .00 Plotter Ink & Paper 0 0 0 400 400 602 49450 01 209 .00 Other Office Supplies 114 198 25 200 200 602 49450 01 212 .00 Motor Fuels 5,200 5,100 3 ,100 3,100 3,100 2% Covered by Sewer Utility 602 49450 01 216 .00 Chemicals & Chemical Products 0 98 0 500 500 Root Killer , Degreaser 602 49450 01 219 .00 Other Operating Supplies 418 147 549 200 200 602 49450 01 224 .00 Street Maintenance Materials 1,743 2 ,010 2,113 2,500 2,500 Patching 602 49450 01 225 .00 Landscaping Materials 0 0 0 400 400 Topsoil , Seed & Sod 602 49450 01 227 .00 Utility System Ma intenance Suppliei 2 ,1 32 1,443 1,894 5,000 5,000 MH Castings Stock 602 49450 01 240 .00 Safety Equipment & PPE 0 0 0 500 500 Vests, Glasses , Hardhats, etc . 602 49450 01 241 .00 Small Tools 701 486 635 1,000 1,000 Wrenches , Shovels , etc . 602 49450 01 242 .00 Minor Equ ipment 2,551 3,758 2,74 1 3,000 4 ,000 Locator in 2021 602 49450 01 303 .00 Engineering Fees 6 ,000 602 49450 01 303 .01 GIS 2,476 78 0 1,000 1,000 $5 ,000 Spltt 5 Ways 602 49450 01 303 .02 Rate Study 0 7,074 34 ,043 5,000 0 602 49450 01 303 .04 Miscellaneous 143 13,523 13 ,569 5,000 5,000 602 49450 01 312 .00 Gopher State One-Call 1,683 1,436 1,794 2 ,500 2 ,500 $7,500 Split 3 Ways 602 49450 01 31 3.00 Outsource Bill Printing/Mailing 0 2,201 6 ,618 8,300 8,300 602 49450 01 318 .00 Contract Engineer 22,602 0 0 0 0 602 49450 01 319 .00 Other Professional Services 65 ,000 602 49450 01 319 .01 Televising 0 51 ,859 56 ,634 53 ,000 53 ,000 3-Ye ar Cttywide Tel evising Program 602 49450 01 319 .02 Root Control 0 0 0 2 ,000 2 ,000 602 49450 01 319 .03 Supervisory Controls(Ma int Cont) 0 0 818 5 ,000 5,000 SCADA System 602 49450 01 319 .04 Lift Station Inspection 0 0 0 0 3 ,500 Pump Inspection at All Lift Stations 602 49450 01 319.05 Landscape Maintenance 0 0 0 1,500 1,500 At Lift Stations 602 49450 01 320 .00 Credit Card Activity Fees 6,064 7,767 9,409 8,500 9 ,500 1/3 Cost of CIC Pymt Processing 602 49450 01 321 .00 Telephone Costs 3,085 3,540 3,819 5,000 5,000 Cell Phones, Modems , GPS 602 49450 01 322 .00 Postage Costs 4 ,002 2,881 310 400 400 Outsource Mailing (3 13 .00) 602 49450 01 323 .00 Radio Un its 5 ,77 7 6 ,082 6 ,282 7,100 1,000 602 49450 01 365.00 Workers Comp Insurance 12 ,1 75 13,482 13 ,717 12 ,000 12,000 Sewer's Share of Premiums 602 49450 01 369 .00 Other Insurance 13 ,858 12 ,322 11 ,006 17,000 17,000 Sewer's Share of Pre miums 602 49450 01 391 .00 P.C . Ma intenance 2 ,900 602 49450 01 391 .01 U/B Software Maintenance 2,177 2 ,159 2 ,372 2 ,200 2,200 Added to Utiltty Budgets in 2012 602 49450 01 391 .02 Auto Read Software Support 631 650 650 700 700 Added to Utility Budgets in 2012 602 49450 01 392 .00 P.C . Accessories & Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 602 49450 01 393 .00 P.C . Hardware Purchases 0 1,967 361 3,000 3,000 $1 ,1 00 Intern GPS ($3,3 00 shared) 602 49450 0 1 394 .00 P.C . Software Purchases 11 ,000 602 49450 01 394 .01 Licensin g & Maintenance 10 ,129 8,954 9 ,715 10,500 10 ,500 ESRI , Cartegraph , Datalink 602 49450 01 394 .02 Online Subscriptions 234 234 0 300 300 Pictometry 602 49450 01 394.03 New Software Purchases 0 0 983 200 200 602 49450 01 395.00 P.C . Repairs 0 0 0 0 0 602 49450 01 403 .00 Contracted R & M -Other lmpr 28,476 32 ,014 11 ,769 70 ,000 70 ,000 MH Castings Replacement Program 602 49450 01 415 .00 Other Equ ipment Rental 0 0 0 200 200 602 49450 01 416 .00 Machinery Rental 1,428 400 518 2,000 2 ,000 602 49450 01 433.0 0 Dues & Subscriptions 0 49 127 300 300 SUSA Spltt w/603 602 49450 01 435 .00 Books & Pamphlets 0 0 0 300 300 Reference Materials 602 49450 01 437 .00 Conferences & Seminars 4 ,000 602 49450 01 437.01 MPCA Training (Sewer School ) 920 1,193 803 2 ,500 2,500 Operator Licensure $400 each (M) 602 49450 01 437 .03 CarteGraph , ESRI , GIS 131 607 0 500 500 User Group , Conference, Training 602 49450 01 437 .04 Miscellaneous Training 160 400 496 1,000 1,000 602 49450 01 439 .00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 106 85 126 300 300 Contingencies 602 49450 01 521 .00 Buildin g & Structure Purchases 0 0 0 0 0 Final Payment in 2018 602 49450 01 530 .00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 450,000 602 49450 01 530 .01 Miscellaneous Improvements 0 0 7,695 200 ,000 300 ,000 SCADA , PCL's, 2 US Cabinets .Birge 602 49450 01 530 .03 CRP of Sewermain 0 0 0 150 ,000 150,000 PMP Sewer Imp . When Needed 602 49450 01 540 .00 Heavy Mach inery Purchases 0 0 4 ,538 0 0 Jetter (Split wtth 603 ) 602 49450 01 550 .00 Motor Veh icle Purchases 11,436 0 43 ,090 4 ,7 00 4 ,700 Vehicle Leases 602 49450 0 1 560 .00 Furniture & Fixt ure Purchases 0 0 0 500 500 602 49450 01 570 .00 Office Equipment Purchases 0 0 0 500 500 602 49450 01 580 .00 Other Equipment Purchases 0 24 ,754 0 0 0 Portable Generator (Split 3 Ways) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS 606 ,017 770 ,255 784 ,663 1,174 ,700 1,252,200 Page Two 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SEWER UTILITY -EXPENDITURES - September 15 , 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2017 2018 2019 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Descripti on Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 602 49450 01 602 .00 Sewer Service Charges 1,284 ,544 1,300 ,125 1,303,112 1,390 ,000 1,311,700 MWCC Chgs (Matches Rate Model) 602 49450 01 611.00 Interest on Lease Payments 930 476 0 0 0 P .W. Building Expansion(See 521) 602 49450 01 710 .00 Transfers 0 65 ,000 0 0 0 Transfers for Other Improvements --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 602-49450-01 TOTALS 1,891 ,4 91 2 ,135,856 2 ,087 ,775 2,564,700 2 ,563 ,900 602 49451 01 219 .00 Other Operating Supplies 0 0 0 100 3,200 Second Bubbler 602 49451 01 221 .00 Equipment Parts 0 0 760 800 800 602 49451 01 229 .00 Other Maintena nce Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 602 494 51 01 303 .00 Engineering Fees 0 0 0 0 0 602 49451 01 381 .00 Electric Utilrties (0) 1,500 2 ,750 3 ,000 3,000 602 49451 01 403.00 Contracted R & M -Other lmpr 53 ,524 0 0 2 ,000 2,000 602 49451 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (City Hall ) TOTAL -LIFT STATION #1 53,524 1,500 3,510 6,200 9,300 602 49452 01 219 .00 Other Operating Supplies 0 0 0 100 100 602 49452 01 221 .00 Equipment Parts 2 ,024 0 3,361 800 800 602 49452 01 229 .00 Other Maintenance Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 602 49452 01 381 .00 Electric Utilities 508 540 417 700 700 602 49452 01 403 .00 Contracted R & M -Other lmpr 0 412 471 2,000 2,000 602 4945 2 01 439 .00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies ------------------------------------------------ (Bloomfield 5th ) TOTAL -LIFT STATION #7 2 ,531 952 4 ,249 3,900 3,900 602 49453 01 219 .00 Other Operating Supplies 0 0 0 100 100 602 49453 01 221 .00 Equipment Parts 2,4 39 0 3,694 800 800 602 49453 01 229 .00 Other Maintenance Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 602 49453 01 381 .00 Electric Utilities 3,464 3,393 3,572 4,000 4 ,000 602 49453 01 403 .00 Contracted R & M -Other lmpr 0 13 ,482 27 ,983 2 ,000 2,000 Safety Improvements in 2018 602 49453 01 439 .00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 568 100 100 Contingencies ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Shannon Pond) TOTA L -LIFT STATION #3 5,903 16 ,874 35 ,817 7 ,200 7 ,200 602 494 54 01 219 .00 Other Operating Supplies 0 0 0 100 100 602 49454 01 221 .00 Equipment Parts 0 0 0 800 800 602 49454 01 229.00 Other Maintenance Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 602 49454 01 381 .00 Electric Utilities 5,632 5,583 5,612 6 ,000 6,000 602 49454 0 1 403.00 Contracted R & M -Other lmpr 0 0 142 2 ,000 2,000 602 49454 01 439 .00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies ------------------------------------------------------------- (Hawkins ) TOTAL· LIFT STATION #4 5,632 5,583 5,754 9,200 9,200 602 49455 01 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 0 0 0 100 100 602 49455 01 221 .00 Equipment Parts 376 2 ,611 0 800 800 602 49455 01 229 .00 Other Maintenance Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 602 49455 0 1 303 .00 Engineering Fees 0 0 0 0 0 602 49455 01 310.00 Testing Services 0 0 0 0 0 602 49455 01 381 .00 Electric Utilities 5,225 5,418 5,062 6 ,000 6,000 602 49455 01 403 .00 Contracted R & M -Other lmpr 398 3,109 2,658 2,000 2,000 602 49455 01 439 .00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies -------------------------------------------- (LeForet Add'n ) TOTA L -LIFT STATION #5 5,998 1 1,139 7 ,720 9,200 9 ,200 602 49456 01 219 .00 Other Operating Supplies 0 0 0 100 100 602 49456 01 221 .00 Equipment Parts 0 0 0 800 800 602 49456 01 229 .00 Other Maintenance Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 602 49456 01 381 .00 Electric Utilities 6 ,170 4 ,710 6 ,360 6 ,000 6,000 602 49456 01 40 3.00 Contracted R & M -Other lmpr 0 0 415 2 ,000 2,000 602 49456 01 439 .00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Drumcliffe) TOTAL· LIFT STATION #6 6 ,170 4 ,710 6 ,775 9,200 9,200 Page Three September 15, 2020 Account# 602 49457 01 219 .00 602 49457 01 221 .00 602 49457 01 229 .00 602 49457 01 381 .00 602 49457 01 403 .00 602 49457 01 439.00 (Glendalough 5th) 602 49458 01 219 .00 602 49458 01 221 .00 602 49458 01 229.00 602 49458 01 381.00 602 49458 01 403 .00 602 49458 01 439 .00 (Meadows of ) (Bloomfield) 602 49460 01 219.00 602 49460 01 221.00 602 49460 01 229.00 602 49460 01 381 .00 602 49460 01 403 .00 602 49460 01 439 .00 (Glen Rose) 602 49461 01 219.00 602 49461 01 221 .00 602 49461 01 229 .00 602 49461 01 381 .00 602 49461 01 403 .00 602 49461 01 439.00 (Meadow Ridge-Temp) 602 49462 01 219 .00 602 49462 01 221 .00 602 49462 01 229 .00 602 49462 01 381 .00 602 49462 01 403.00 602 49462 01 439 .00 (Bella Vista 6th-Temp) 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SEWER UTILITY -EXPENDITURES - Description Other Operating Supplies Equipment Parts Other Maintenance Supplies Electric Utilities Contracted R & M -Other lmpr Other Miscellaneous Charges TOTAL -LIFT STATION #9 Other Operating Supplies Equipment Parts Other Maintenance Supplies Electric Utilities Contracted R & M -Other lmpr Other Miscellaneous Charges TOTAL -LIFT STATION #8 Other Operating Supplies Equipment Parts Other Maintenance Supplies Electric Utilities Contracted R & M -Other lmpr Other Miscellaneous Charges TOTAL -LIFT STATION #10 Other Operating Supplies Equipment Parts Other Maintenance Supplies Electric Utilities Contracted R & M -Other lmpr Other Miscellaneous Charges TOTAL -LIFT STATION #11 Other Operating Supplies Equipment Parts Other Maintenance Supplies Electric Utilities Contracted R & M -Other lmpr Other Miscellaneous Charges TOTAL -LIFT STATION #12 GRAND TOTAL -ALL DEPTS . 2017 Actual 0 628 0 1,350 0 0 2018 Actual 3,170 2 ,707 0 1,427 1,605 0 2019 Actual 0 12 0 1,3 71 5,410 0 2020 Adopted Budget 100 500 200 1,200 2 ,000 100 2021 Object Detail Amount 2021 Proposed Budget 100 500 200 1,200 2 ,000 100 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,979 8 ,909 6 ,793 4,100 4 ,100 0 0 0 100 100 1,395 0 0 500 500 0 0 0 200 200 460 461 421 800 800 1,414 0 0 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 100 100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3,270 461 421 3,700 3,700 0 0 0 100 100 0 0 0 500 500 0 0 0 200 200 266 325 339 400 400 0 0 0 2,000 2 ,000 0 0 0 100 100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 266 325 339 3,300 3 ,300 0 0 0 100 100 0 0 0 500 500 0 0 0 200 200 0 0 0 400 400 0 0 0 2,000 2 ,000 0 0 0 100 100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 3,300 3 ,300 0 0 0 100 100 0 0 0 500 500 0 0 0 200 200 0 0 0 400 400 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 100 100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 3,300 3 ,300 $1,976 ,766 $2,186,309 $2,159 ,154 $2 ,627 ,300 $2,629 ,600 ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= Comments Bubbler in 2018 Contingencies Contingencies Contingencies Contingencies Contingencies Page One September 15 , 2020 Account# 603 33400.00 603 33425.00 603 33620.00 603 34108 .00 603-34115 .00 603 36101 .00 603 36 102 .00 603 36210 .00 603 36214 .00 603 36215 .00 603 36260 .00 603 36262 .00 603 36265.00 603 37300.00 603 37360.00 603 39103 .00 603 39203 .00 2021 BUDGET WOR KSHEETS STORM WATER UTILITY -REVENUES - Description State Grants & Aids Other State Grants & Aids Other County Grants & Aids Administrative Fees-Other Funds Buffer Monumentation Principal -Special Assess ments Penalties & Interest -SIA Interest Earnings -Investments Net Change in FY-Investments Interest Earnings Other Revenues Special Settlements Use of Reserve Fun ds Storm Water Utility Revenues Penalties -Storm Water Utility Gain or Loss from F/A Disposal T ransfer From FUND TOTALS 2017 Actual $0 0 0 5,069 0 28 ,871 155 46 ,134 (3 ,777) 309 0 0 0 1,289 ,374 10,471 0 0 2018 Actua l $0 0 0 11,796 0 25 ,339 157 77 ,293 (2,708 ) 857 29 0 0 1,267 ,924 11,627 0 0 2019 Actual $596 0 125 9,327 1,800 23,418 366 126 ,227 (2 ,944) 3,826 0 0 0 1,295 ,79 0 6 ,272 0 492,427 --------------------------- $1 ,376 ,605 $1 ,392 ,314 $1 ,957 ,229 ========= ========= ========= 2020 Adopted Budget $0 0 0 6 ,300 3,000 25 ,000 0 35 ,000 0 300 0 0 0 1,500,00 0 7 ,000 0 0 $1 ,576 ,600 =====:::=== 2021 Object Detail Amou nt 2021 Proposed Budget $0 0 0 6 ,300 2,000 25,00 0 0 40 ,000 0 1,000 0 0 0 1,740,00 0 7 ,000 0 0 ------------ $1 ,821 ,300 ========= ========= Comments 5% of 5% Fees-Const Projects Annual Market Value Changes 4% An nual Rate Iner. (Rate Model) Page One 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STORM WATER UTILITY -EXPENDITURES - September 15 , 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2017 2018 2019 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All Salary Costs Inclusive of 603 49500 101.00 Salaries & Benefits $511 ,100 Salary , Taxes , PERA & Benefits 603 49500 77 101 .00 Administrative 21 ,966 77 ,299 153 ,628 136,400 174,900 603 49500 78 101 .00 Technical /C lerical 84 ,524 89 ,040 196,702 229,800 228,200 Added PfT GIS Technician 603 49500 79 101 .00 Maintenance 98 ,552 107,093 110,285 157,500 108,000 603 49500 xx 101 .00 Salary & Benefit Contingency 0 0 0 0 0 603 49500 102.00 Full-Time Overtime 5,114 7 ,705 9,574 6,000 6 ,000 603 49500 99 103.00 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 7,207 8 ,345 7 ,596 8,700 8,700 603 49500 99 103.xx Utility Commission Wages (1/3) 700 603 49500 99 103.xx Maintenance Labor 8,000 Seasonal Employees and Interns 603 49500 01 203.00 Printed Forms & Paper 504 1,092 0 100 100 Outsource Bill Printint (313.00) 603 49500 01 205 .00 Plotter Ink & Paper 0 0 0 400 400 603 49500 01 208 .00 Miscellaneous Supplies 350 86 0 500 500 Stakes, Ribbons, Level , etc. 603 49500 01 212.00 Motor Fuels 6,200 6,000 4 ,700 4,700 4 ,700 3% Covered by Storm Utility 603 49500 01 224.00 Street Maintenance Materials 2,140 5,241 1,775 3,000 3,000 Patching Material for Washouts 603 49500 01 225.00 Landscaping Materials 4,000 603 49500 01 225 .01 Rip-Rap , Matting , Rock, etc. 1,553 973 765 3,000 3,000 603 49500 01 225 .02 Black Dirt , Seed, Sod, etc. 900 945 240 1,000 1,000 603 49500 01 226 .00 Sign Repair Materials 257 160 4,443 3,000 3,000 Wetland Buffer Signs 603 49500 01 230.00 Repair Materials & Supplies 1,359 1,418 1,368 3,000 3 ,000 Culverts, Catch Basins , Structures 603 49500 01 240.00 Safety Equipment & PPE 0 0 0 500 500 Vests, Glasses, Hardhats, etc. 603 49500 01 241 .00 Small Tools 176 1,211 923 1,500 1,500 603 49500 01 242 .00 Minor Equipment 2,238 1,286 2,972 7,500 3,500 Locator in 2021 603 49500 01 303 .00 Engineering Fees 23,000 603 49500 01 303 .01 Problem Area Investigations 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 603 49500 01 303 .02 NPDES Phase II 7 ,377 8,202 14,197 5,000 5 ,000 603 49500 01 303.03 CSMP Update 0 69 ,832 12 ,965 2,000 2 ,000 603 49500 01 303.04 Miscellaneous 10,921 34 ,730 45,435 10 ,000 10,000 603 49500 01 303.05 GIS 1,651 52 0 1,000 1,000 $5,000 Split 5 Ways 603 49500 01 304.00 Legal Fees 0 1,886 34 2,000 2,000 603 49500 01 310.00 Testing Services 0 0 0 0 0 Water Quality Te sts (M) 603 49500 01 312.00 Gopher State One-Call 1,684 1,436 1,794 2,500 2,500 $7 ,500 Split 3 Ways 603 49500 01 313 .00 Outsource Bill Printing/Mailing 0 2 ,2 01 6 ,618 8,300 8,300 603 49500 01 315 .00 Special Programs 5,867 6,437 4 ,500 5 ,000 5,000 WHEP 603 49500 01 318 .00 Contract Engineer 26 ,927 0 0 0 0 603 49500 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 10,000 603 49500 01 319.01 SCAD A 0 0 4,223 5,000 5,000 603 49500 01 319.02 Lift Station Inspection 0 0 0 0 3 ,500 Pump Inspection at All Lift Stations 603 49500 01 319 .03 Landscape Maintenance 0 0 0 1,500 1,500 At Lift Stations 603 49500 01 320 .00 Credit Card Activity Fees 6,064 7,767 9,409 8 ,500 9,500 1/3 Cost of CI C Pym! Processing 603 49500 01 321 .00 Telephone Costs 3,086 3,541 4 ,266 5,000 5,000 Cell Phones , Modems, GPS 603 49500 01 322 .00 Postage Costs 4 ,002 2,853 310 400 400 Outsource Mailing (313 .00) 603 49500 01 323.00 Radio Units 5,777 6 ,082 6,282 7,100 1,000 603 49500 01 352.00 General Notices & Public Info 35 0 0 1,000 1,000 603 49500 01 365.00 Workers Comp Insurance 6,287 7,647 10,255 6,000 6,000 Storm Wate(s Share of Premiums 603 49500 01 369 .00 Other Insurance 1,734 1,746 1,814 2,500 2 ,500 Storm Wate(s Share of Premiums 603 49500 01 391 .00 P.C . Maintenance 2 ,900 603 49500 01 391 .01 U/B Software Maintenance 2,177 2 ,159 2,372 2,200 2 ,200 603 49500 01 391 .02 Auto Read Software Support 631 650 650 700 700 603 49500 01 393.00 P .C . Hardware Purchases 0 1,967 361 3,000 3,000 $1,100 Intern GPS ($3,300 shared) 603 49500 01 394.00 P.C . Software Purchases 11 ,000 603 49500 01 394.01 Licensing & Maintenance 10,119 8,954 9,714 10 ,500 10 ,500 ESRI, Cartegraph, Datalink 603 49500 01 394 .02 Online Subscriptions 234 234 0 300 300 Pictometry 603 49500 01 394.03 New Software Purchases 0 0 983 200 200 603 49500 01 403 .00 Contracted R & M -Other lmpr 160,000 603 49500 01 403 .01 Ditching 12 ,609 1,008 0 10 ,000 10 ,000 603 49500 01 403 .02 Catch Basins , Manholes, Etc . 111 ,199 43 ,322 93 ,304 120,000 150,000 Conley Avenue MH 603 49500 01 403 .03 Pond Inspection & Maintenance 0 0 0 0 0 603 49500 01 405.00 MS4 Permit Compliance 140,000 603 49500 01 405 .01 Engineering Fees 38 ,365 31,594 43 ,408 45,000 45,000 Inspection, GIS , Guidance, Etc. 603 49500 01 405 .02 Equipment Rental 7,149 0 72 ,789 20 ,000 20 ,000 Bulldozer, Large Equipment 603 49500 01 405 .03 Dirt, Seed, Rip Rap , Etc. 786 0 607 5,000 5,000 For Restoration 603 49500 01 405 .04 Contracted Maintenance 3,973 3,030 59 ,671 40,000 70 ,000 Brush Clearing , Dredging 603 49500 01 416 .00 Machinery Rental 2,416 0 0 2 ,500 2 ,500 Pumps 603 49500 01 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 280 49 994 1,500 3,200 SUSA w/602 , MN SW Coal, WS Part 603 49500 01 435.00 Books & Pamphlets 0 0 81 500 500 Utility Information 603 49500 01 437 .00 Conferences & Seminars 3,700 603 49500 01 437.01 Storm Water Management 0 0 737 1,200 1,200 Stormwater Collab , Flygt Training 603 49500 01 437.04 Cartegraph, ESRI , GIS 131 607 0 500 500 User Group, Conference, Training 603 49500 01 437.05 Miscellaneous Training 0 430 583 2 ,000 2,0 00 603 49500 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 106 360 421 300 300 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS 504,625 556,668 903,747 909 ,800 953 ,300 Page Two September 15, 2020 Account# 603 49500 01 530 .00 603 49500 01 530 .01 603 49500 01 530 .02 603 49500 01 540 .00 603 49500 01 550 .00 603 49500 01 560 .00 603 49500 01 580 .00 603 49500 01 586 .00 603 49500 01 710 .00 603 49500 01 710 .06 603 49500 01 710 .10 603 49511 01 221 .00 603 49511 01 381 .00 603 49511 01 403 .00 (Copper Pond) 603 49512 01 221 .00 603 49512 01 381 .00 603 49512 01 403 .00 (Schwarz Pond) 603 49513 01 221 .00 603 49513 01 381 .00 603 49513 01 403 .00 (Birger Pond ) 603 49514 01 221 .00 603 49514 01 381.00 603 495 14 01 403 .00 (Marcotte Pond ) 603 49515 01 221 .00 603 49515 01 381 .00 603 49515 01 403 .00 (Hawkins Pond ) 603 49516 01 221 .00 603 49516 01 381 .00 603 49516 01 403 .00 (Glendalough 7th) 603 49517 01 221 .00 603 49517 01 381 .00 603 49517 01 403 .00 (Horseshoe Lake) 603 49518 01 221 .00 603 49518 01 38 1.00 603 49518 01 403 .00 (Dunmore) 20 21 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STORM WATER UTILITY -EXP E NDIT URES - Descripti on Improvements Other Th an Bldgs CRP of Storm Sewer Stormwater System Improvements Heavy Machinery Purchases Motor Vehicle Purch ases Fu rni tu re & Fixture Pu rc hase s Othe r Equipme nt Purchases Computer Equipment Purchases Transfers 1/2 of 2018 P & I Payments(2 010A ) Projects 603-49500-01 TOTALS Equipment Parts Electric Utilities Contracted Repair & Mai ntenance TOTAL -LIFT STATION #1 Eq uipment Parts El ectric Uti lities Contracted Re pair & Mai ntenance TOTAL -LI FT STATION #2 Equipment Parts Electric Utilities Contracted Repair & Maintenance TOTAL -LIFT STATION #3 Equipment Parts Electric Uti lities Contracted Repair & Maintenance TOTAL -LIFT STATION #4 Eq uipment Parts Electric Utilities Contracted Repair & Maintenance TOTAL -LIFT STATION #5 Eq uipme nt Parts Electric Utilities Contracted Repair & Maintenance TOTAL -LIFT STATION #6 Eq uipment Parts El ectric Utilities Contracted Repair & Maintenance TOTAL -LIFT STATI ON #7 Equipment Parts Elect ric Utilities Contracted Repair & Maintenance TOTAL -LIFT STATION #8 GRAND TOTAL -ALL DEPTS . 2017 Actual 3,704 0 99 ,350 20 ,226 0 0 0 32 ,000 381,317 2018 Actual 0 0 31 ,714 0 0 24 ,754 81 0 43 ,887 2019 Actual 0 0 4 ,538 43 ,070 0 0 0 0 296 ,254 2020 Adopted Budget 60 ,000 140,000 170,500 4 ,700 500 12,000 500 0 0 2021 Object Detail Amount 60 ,000 200 ,000 0 0 2021 Proposed Budget 26 0 ,000 170,500 4 ,700 50 0 12,000 500 0 ---------------------------------------------- 1,041 ,222 657 ,105 1,247 ,609 1,298 ,000 1,40 1,50 0 477 0 0 500 500 252 270 312 500 500 202 0 1,197 1,000 1,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 931 270 1,508 2 ,000 2 ,000 0 0 0 500 500 0 0 0 50 0 500 0 1,868 14 0 1,000 1,000 -------------------------------------------------------- 0 1,868 140 2,000 2,000 0 49 9 500 500 5,786 6 ,577 8,784 7 ,200 7,200 0 0 1,477 1,000 1,000 ----------------------------------------- 5,786 6,626 10 ,269 8 ,700 8 ,700 0 65 0 50 0 500 1,542 1,178 2,008 2,500 2 ,500 0 488 817 1,000 1,000 ---------------------- 1,542 1,731 2,824 4 ,000 4 ,000 0 0 0 500 500 0 0 0 500 500 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 ------------- 0 0 0 2,000 2 ,000 0 0 144 500 500 511 416 468 500 500 0 0 507 1,000 1,000 ------------------------ 511 416 1,119 2,000 2 ,000 0 0 0 50 0 500 753 551 992 500 500 0 0 160 1,000 1,000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 753 551 1,152 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 500 500 0 0 0 50 0 500 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 2,000 2,000 $1,050 ,746 $668 ,566 $1 ,264 ,622 $1 ,3 22 ,700 $1,426,200 ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= Comments Side Flail Mower, Sweeper Vehicle Leases Hose Trailer in 2020 Final Payment 2/1/18 Page One September 15 , 2020 Account# 608-31010 .00 608-31020 .00 608-34306.00 608-36101 .00 608-36102 .00 608-36210 .00 608-36215 .00 608-36220 .00 608-36260 .00 608-36265 .00 608-36270 .00 608-37400 .00 608-37460.00 608-37470 .00 608-39201 .00 608-39202.00 608-39203.00 Account# 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STREET LIGHT UTILITY -REVENUES- Description Cu rr ent Ad Valorem Taxes Tax In crements Other Highway & Street Revenue State Grants & Aids Other State Grants & Aids In terest Earnings -In vestments Inte rest Earnings Rents & Royalties Other Revenue Use of Reserve Funds Capital Contributions Street Light Revenues Pen alties -Street Lig ht Revenues Other Street Lig ht Revenues T ra nsfer from General Fund Contribution from Enterprises Transfer from FUND TOTALS -EXPENDITURES - Description 2017 Actual $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2018 Actual $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2019 Actual $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 202 0 Ado pted Bu dget $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 220,000 0 0 0 0 0 2021 Object Detail Am ount 2021 Proposed Budget $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 220 ,000 0 0 0 0 0 ----------------------------------- $0 ========= 2017 Actual $0 ========= 20 18 Actual $0 ========= 2019 Actual $220 ,000 -------- 2020 Ad opted Budget -------- 2021 Object Detail Amount $220,000 -------- 2021 Pro posed B udget Co mments Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 608 49508 01 219 .00 Other Operating Supplies $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 608 49508 01 221 .00 Equip ment Parts 0 0 0 0 0 608 49508 01 304 .00 Legal Fees 0 0 0 0 0 608 49508 01 317 .00 General Fund Admi n Fees 0 0 0 0 0 608 49508 01 319 .00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0 608 49508 01 352 .00 General Notices & Public Info 0 0 0 0 0 608 49508 01 381 .00 Electric Util ities 0 0 0 185 ,000 185,000 608 49508 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repair & Maint. 0 0 0 15 ,000 15,000 608 49508 01 421 .00 Depreciation Expense 0 0 0 0 0 608 49508 01 439 .00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 0 0 608 49508 01 53 0.00 Im provements Other T han B uildings 0 0 0 20 ,000 20,000 608 49508 01 710 .00 T ra nsfers 0 0 0 0 0 608 49508 01 720 .00 Transfers 0 0 0 0 0 ------------------------- FUND TOTALS $0 $0 $0 $22 0,000 $220,000 ========= ========= ========= ------------------------ Page One September 15, 2020 Account# 650 33425 .00 650 36210 .00 650 36215 .00 650 36230 .00 650 36260.00 650 36262 .00 650 36265 .00 6 50 38060 .00 650 38061 .00 650 38063 .00 650 38065 .00 650 38066 .00 6 50 38067 .00 650 38090 .00 650 38091 . 00 650 38095 .00 650 39103 .00 650 39201 .00 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ARENA -REVENUES Description Other State Grants & Aids Interest Earnings -In vestments Interest Earnings Contributions/Donations Other Revenue -Learn to Skate Special Settlements Use of Reserve Funds Prime Time Ice Fees Non-Prime Time Ice Fees Open Skating Ice Fees Other Events -Arena Advertising Revenue -Arena Skate Sharpening Revenue-Arena Concessions Vending Machine Revenues Pro Shop Revenues Gain or Loss from F/A Disposal Transfer From General Fund FUND TOTALS 2017 Actual $0 571 562 0 35 ,986 0 0 259 ,235 104 ,404 9 ,553 0 23 ,710 2,074 1,500 3,458 1, 138 0 130 ,000 2018 Actual $0 3,393 571 0 38 ,438 0 0 285 ,718 84 ,953 9,725 0 16 ,70 7 2,579 1,500 7,880 944 0 130,000 2019 Actual $314 7,378 2,261 0 38 ,284 1,500 0 262 ,934 98 ,480 9 ,322 0 17,625 2,490 1,500 4 ,719 988 0 130 ,000 2020 Adopted Budget $0 100 100 0 40 ,000 0 62 ,800 280 ,000 100 ,000 10 ,000 0 20 ,000 3 ,500 1,500 5 ,000 1,500 0 130,000 2021 Object Detail Amount 2021 Proposed Budget $0 100 100 0 40 ,000 0 0 270 ,000 100 ,000 10,000 0 20 ,000 3,500 1,500 5 ,000 1,500 0 130,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 572 ,192 582,409 577,794 654 ,500 581 ,700 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== Comments Learn to Skate Program (L TS) Dry Floor Events Tape , Laces , Mouthguards, etc. Subsidy for Operations Page One 2021 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ARENA -EXPENDITURES September 15 , 2020 2021 2020 Object 2021 2017 2018 2019 Adopted Detail Proposed Account# Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All Salary Costs Inclusive of 650 45130 101 .00 Salaries & Benefits $210,500 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 650 45130 77 101 .00 Administrative 42 ,437 56,424 38 ,830 37 ,200 38 ,500 650 45130 78 101 .00 Technical/Clerical 44 ,787 45 ,516 56 ,049 58 ,200 60,700 650 45130 79 101 .00 Maintenance 85,943 95 ,445 94, 123 106,500 111 ,300 650 45130 79 102.00 Full-Time Overtime 832 1,622 62 2,000 2,000 650 45130 103.00 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 53 ,000 650 45130 89 103.00 Learn-To-Skate Program 23 ,277 21,275 22 ,819 23 ,000 23,000 650 45130 99 103.00 Building Attendants 25 ,210 28 ,246 32 ,601 25 ,000 30,000 And Other PrT Positions 650 45130 01 207 .00 Training & Instructional Supplies 0 0 0 100 100 650 45130 01 208 .00 Miscellaneous Supplies 700 650 45130 01 208 .01 Skate Magnets 0 0 0 100 100 650 45130 01 208.02 Other Supplies 0 0 0 600 600 650 45130 01 209.00 Other Office Supplies 511 268 34 500 500 Learn to Skate Program Supplies 650 45130 01 211.00 Cleaning Supplies 4 ,278 3,562 3,993 4,000 4 ,000 650 45130 01 212 .00 Motor Fuels 0 0 0 0 0 Zamboni Maintenance 650 45130 01 216 .00 Chemicals & Chemical Products 11 ,349 6,003 2 ,485 10,000 6,000 Cooling Tower 650 45130 01 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 551 394 2,284 500 500 Events Supplies 650 45130 01 221 00 Equipment Parts 7 ,669 8 ,909 12 ,030 8 ,000 9,000 650 45130 01 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 2,894 3,918 583 3,500 3 ,500 650 45130 01 265.00 Other Items for Resale 882 660 1,067 1,000 1,000 Pro Shop Supplies 650 45130 01 305.00 Medical & Dental Fees 0 0 0 0 0 650 45130 01 311.00 Officiating Fees 0 0 0 0 0 650 45130 01 317 .00 General Fund Admin Fees 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6 ,000 Yearly Fee Per Admin Fee Policy 650 45130 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,300 1,300 650 45130 01 331.00 Travel Expense 0 0 0 100 100 650 45130 01 341 .00 Employment Advertising 0 0 0 0 0 650 45130 01 349.00 Other Advertising 1,683 1,123 1,725 1,000 1,000 650 45130 01 365 .00 Workers Comp Insurance 5,614 6 ,057 6 ,611 3,500 3,500 650 45130 01 369 .00 Other Insurance 3,752 3,745 3,782 4 ,500 4 ,500 650 45130 01 381 .00 Electric Utilities 129 ,159 138,462 119,940 130,000 115,000 650 45130 01 383 .00 Gas Utilities 17 ,944 22,769 21 ,051 20 ,000 20,000 650 45130 01 384 .00 Refuse Disposal 2,833 2,817 2,615 3,000 3,000 650 45130 01 401 .00 Contracted Building Repairs 8,471 13 ,902 6 ,588 10,000 10,000 650 45130 01 404.00 Contracted Mach & Equ ip Repairs 20 ,991 26 ,991 20 ,026 23,000 23,000 650 45130 01 415 .00 Other Equipment Rental 0 0 0 300 300 650 45130 01 433 .00 Dues & Subscriptions 790 475 475 1,000 1,000 MIAMA & MRPA Dues 650 45130 01 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 2 ,051 925 2,770 3,000 3,000 MIAMA & MRPA Seminars 650 45130 01 439 .00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 0 0 Contingencies 650 45130 01 521.00 Building & Structure Purchases 0 77 ,650 30,269 135,000 25,000 Lower Level Restrooms 650 45130 01 522 .00 Building & Structure Purchases 0 0 0 29 ,000 65,000 Low-E Ceiling 650 45130 01 580.00 Other Equipment Purchases 83,657 25,000 0 0 0 650 45130 01 581.00 Other Equipment Purchases 5 ,595 0 0 0 0 650 45130 01 710.00 Transfers 3,500 650 45130 01 710.01 Yearly Maintenance 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 650 45130 01 710.02 0 0 0 0 0 650 45130 01 710 .03 0 0 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUND TOTALS 543 ,659 602 ,658 493 ,314 654 ,400 576 ,000 ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== ========