HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200915 ESC - PACKETAGENDA Environment & Sustainability Commission Tuesday, September 15, 2020 5:30 p.m. Virtual Meeting via Go To Meeting 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA 3. ANNUAL MEETING a. Issuance of Oath for New Members Delaney & Angerer 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. July 21, 2020 Environment and Sustainability Commission Minutes b. August 18, 2020 Environment and Sustainability Commission Minutes 5. PRESENTATIONS 6. OLD BUSINESS a. Goal Setting Discussion 7. NEW BUSINESS 8. ANNOUNCEMENTS 9. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT a. Set Next Meeting Agenda for October 20, 2020 10. ADJOURNMENT ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 21, 2020 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Environment & Sustainability Commission of the City of Rosemount was called to order on July 21, 2020, at 5:32 p.m. via Go To Meeting. Attendees included: Commissioners Renee Burman, Victoria Schlautman, Kristen Andrews, Katie Koch-Laveen and Kim Ciresi. Staff present included the following; Stormwater Specialist Byron ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA ANNUAL MEETING 3.a. Election of Commission Officers Topic was discussed with item 8.a. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Koch-Laveen, Second by Burman Motion to approve the minutes of the June 16, 2020 Environment & Sustainability Commission meeting. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. Motion carried. PRESENTATIONS OLD BUSINESS 6.a. Energy Action Plan Stormwater Specialist Byron provided abrief update to the commissioners on the program. Staff has been working together to reach the Partners in Energy goals. Commissioners and staff discussed how the program will bepromoted in the future. 6.b. Conserve & Preserve Blog – Calendar of Topics Stormwater Specialist Byron updated the commission that a new post has been added to the blog. Commissioners discussed the topics for the upcoming months and how the posts can be submitted. 6.c. SWPPP Comments Stormwater Specialist Byron provided a brief overview ofthe permit and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP). The SWPPP was open to comment at the June 16, 2020 City Council meeting. Several comments were received during the comment period and staff will work to implement the recommendations. NEW BUSINESS 7.a. Goal Setting 2020 Discussion Commissioners discussed transitioning the goals for the remainder of 2020 and 2021. The commission will vote on alist of submitted goals and discuss further at the August meeting. ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES July 21, 2020 ANNOUNCEMENTS 8.a. Nathan Marks Resignation (& 3.a. Election of Commission Officers) Commissioner Nathan Marks announced resignation from the Environment & Sustainability Commission. Commissioners elected Kim Ciresi asthe Chair and Victoria Schlautman as Vice-Chair. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT 9.a. Set Next Meeting Agenda for August 18, 2020 Commission will discuss goal setting for 2020-2021. ADJOURNMENT Commission Chair Ciresi adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jessie Paque Recording Secretary ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES August 18, 2020 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Environment & Sustainability Commission of the City of Rosemount was called to order on August 18, 2020, at 5:35 p.m. via Go To Meeting. Attendees included: Commission Chair Kim Ciresi, Vice-Chair Victoria Schlautman, and Commissioners Renee Burman, Kristen Andrews, and Katie Koch-Laveen. Staff present included the following; Public Works Director Erickson and Stormwater Specialist Byron. Guests in attendance included: Tina Angerer and Erin Delaney, ESC commissioners starting September 15, 2020. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA ANNUAL MEETING APPROVAL OF MINUTES PRESENTATIONS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 7.a. Goal Setting 2020 Discussion Commissioners took a survey on their top goals for the remainder for 2020 and the beginning part of 2021. Commissioners and staff discussed the goals and brainstormed strategies. The commission decided on 4 major goals tofocus on. Summary of goals are as follows: Research green development regulations tohelp advise council on future building projects. Goals #2 & #7) Engage with the City on environmentally friendly management of City owned open/green space and provide education on pollinator protection, including what chemicals to avoid. Goals #8 & #9) Improve reuse, recycling, and composting at City owned facilities and provide composting education opportunities and additional collection sites. (Goals #5 & #6) Continue to support the City’sEnergy Plan. Promote energy efficient actions in the community to promote resources for residents and businesses, include home energy audits. Commissioners divided up into groups of two or three to work on the goals and will provide progress updates atfuture meetings. ANNOUNCEMENTS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES August 18, 2020 9.a. Set Next Meeting Agenda for September 15, 2020 Commissioners will continue discussion on the 2020-2021 goals. ADJOURNMENT Commission Chair Ciresi adjourned the meeting at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jessie Paque Recording Secretary EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environmental & Sustainability Commission Meeting: September 15, 2020 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: 2020 Goal Setting Discussion New Business PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 6.a. ATTACHMENTS: ESC Subgroup Goal Setting Notes APPROVED BY: BLE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion. DISCUSSION: At its August meeting, the ESC participated in agoal setting brainstorming exercise. The ESC discussed 15 potential goals to pursue in 2020 and 2021; six were chosen for further development. Each Commissioner then volunteered for at least one of four subgroups of three members or less to meet after the meeting to further refine select goal(s) and discuss potential actions and timelines to pursue with each goal. The ESC will discuss the findings ofthe goal subgroups. SUMMARY: No action required. C:\\Users\\jab\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\6.a. Goal Setting Discussion_612919\\6.a. Goal Setting Discussion.docx Goalsecondyear.goingintoa1year, but feasiblewithinbegun. This is havealreadybenchmarksthesecritical *. Most of othercities.thosecurrentlyexistingofpolicyprogramsandAnalyzeStateInitiatives, * (Recognized/Certified)iendlyCityFrbecomeaPollinatorConsiderthestepsto * Resources. IdentifyLocalandState * “Pollinator Friendly Cities”.designated/Recogn izedcurrent (possibly partner) withlearnfromandconnectresourcesandprograms, Work with external existingdlypractices.frienadopt pollinatorawarenessandincreaseProgramstomembers. CommunityCityandpracticesforbothcurrentbestengagementofeducationandprogramsforImplementinitiatives.incentives andthroughavarietyoftodotheirpart” “encouraging citiesofMinnesotaisdeclines. The Statethreatsandsignificantposinghowever, there aredevelopment, Throughnaturalspaces. systems andintegraltoourfoodbutterfliesarebees, birds, andPollinatorssuchasCompletionDateofedTargetCriticalBenchmarksActivitiesGoalProblemimplementationwhereapplicable).be listed for consideration. Ideas listed for consideration (toward goal or program development andiestooverlapwithoutduplication) of other proposed goals, also tolisted, possibilities/serendipities (opportunitTask:Read and dissect proposed #7, and #8, to rework and synthesize one goal. Steps and strategies to beLaveen & Erin C. Delaney-Katherine Koch2021-Rosemount ESC 2020SettingExerciseand Refinement September 15, 2020, ESC Meeting ESC Small Groups Notes At its August 18, 2020, meeting, the Rosemount Environment and Sustainability Commission decided to break into small groups to further discuss goals selected by the Commission at its August meeting and present findings back to the commission at the September meeting. Four potential goals were selected for further discussion. Small groups would provide notes on refining the four goals, action items for each goal, and a potential timeline for implementation. Below is a compilation of discussion notes submitted by each goal subgroup. Please note, the subgroups were not required to submit notes prior to the September meeting. The below is being provided to aid discussion at the Problemaction).designationofPollinatorFriendly/Pollinator Protection designation for our City (one of esteem but also taking lforfuturepresentationtoESCandlaterCityandCouncilpertainingtoourgoalandcitizens. Photos as welNative and or pollinator friendly landscaping as well as discussed cost, benefits and responses if any from TookpicturesofcurrentexistingdevelopmentsinRosemountandsurroundingcitiesthatdeveloperswentwithollaborators.topossiblestakeholders, funders and ceager and positive responses already forour City and what was discussed of our goals and when reaching out actuallyaverylargeStatepushintheworksandweareaheadofthegamebutrightontime. There was isorganizations,there areextensive financial resources andother supports for initiatives likeours. ThereAfter thefirstmeeting, beginning research as wellforassigned goals, indialogue withother cities and etc.tudents, stakeholders, organizations income/marginalized populations, s-suchasinvolvingotherswhetherlowothergoals/focus areas voted on and identified. Some of these areas universally apply and are advantageous independently, Iwas able to recognize some overlap and opportunities with ** During our discussion, and also Resolution.PollinatorCreateaCityofOngoing. waterquality.ndwithgoeshandinhatodothesame. This also advocateforthecommunityneonicotinoidsandchemicalssuchasceasetheuseofharmfulSignificantlyreduceorseekingrevitalization.developmentsandoronesoflandscapingwithnew *Provide support and input owned “Open Spaces”.*Changed practices of City mowingandmaintenance.*Changed practices of outcomes.practicesandpositiveconsistentwithchangedwhereappropriatetoberecommendationswhenandandmakesassesexpressedinterest) to eCommissions (assomehavCouncil Members andother appropriateCityOfficials, Workdirectlywithandmaintenance).excessmowingandneedfor (also reducing cost PollinatorfriendlyPlantingandwithNativemoreconsistentProcedurestobePolicyandCitypracticesofstandardsandnewprocedures, andorImplementImproveexistingmaintenance.budgetandbenefitsincludingamultitudeofFurthermore, itisof protection. PollinatorplayakeyroleinthatofCitiescanbutinparticular, LocalGovernmentsCompletionDateofedTargetCriticalBenchmarksActivitiesGoal Here isthe write upfor goal number 4that Katie and Iworked on. Kim Goal: Continue to support the City'sEnergy Plan bypromoting energy-efficient actions inthe community. Actions: Educate homeowners onhome energy audits through reminder flyers inserted inutility bills. Point outboth monetary and environmental savings. Can also include incity newsletter tohomeowners. (Fall 2020) Inform homeowners about available rebates for energy-efficient appliances, irrigation controllers, home updates, etc. incity newsletter and reminder flyers inutility bills. (Fall 2020 - alternate months from above) Utilize the Conserve and Preserve Blog asaway toeducate the community during this time where face toface interaction islimited. (Ongoing timeline) Engage with homeowners asevents become available for ustoattend. Focus ontargeting small businesses toemphasize audits andbuilding updates that could easily bemade. Point out both monetary and environmental savings inface-to-face interactions orthrough the Chamber ofCommerce. (Ongoing) Educate larger institutions face tofaceonways they could also befocusing onenergy efficiency. Utilize the Chamber ofCommerce tohelp with this. (Ongoing) Subject: Re: ESC goal setting subgroup - 5 & 6 Good morning - Here ismy initial take at refining the goal/tasks/time line for the sustainable purchasing goal. Goal: Increase the post-consumer recycled content paper use incity operations (e.g. employee use, city publications) tocomply with State Statute and support recycling markets. Q4 2020: Work with city staff tobaseline current paper types used forcopy paper and city publications and internal printing practices. Q1 2021: Work with city staff toresearch costs toincrease paper types to30% post- consumer content and higher amounts (e.g., 50% and 100%) and present findings to Commission/Council, as appropriate. Q2-Q3 2021: Commission members draft apolicy statement toimplement findings, present toCouncil as appropriate. City staff implement findings/increased recycled content paper types.