HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Request by Parkway Building Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Regular Meeting: September 22, 2020 AGENDA ITEM: 20-45-SP Request by Parkway Building Services for a Site Plan Review to Expand a Structure. AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Anthony Nemcek, Planner AGENDA NO. 5.a. ATTACHMENTS: Site Location, Site Aerial, Site Plan APPROVED BY: KL RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the site plan for Parkway Building Services to expand a structure, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall apply for and receive a building permit for the proposed expansion. 2. The installation of proposed landscaping found on the submitted plan, plus two deciduous trees and removal of remnant driveway shall occur before a certificate of occupancy will be issued for the building expansion SUMMARY Staff was approached by Parkway Building Services, 2025 Bonaire Path, about the possibility of expanding a building on their site. The expansion would increase the amount of office space at that location, and it would allow employees a greater opportunity to spread out and maintain distance during the pandemic. The present use of the site is as a property management and maintenance company. Prior to that use the site was occupied by a landscape company. The use is similar in terms of outside storage and is considered a legal nonconforming use of the property because it was established prior to adoption of the City’s current zoning regulations. The expansion of the office building is being processed by site plan review because of the nonconforming status. The building expansion, taken alone, would meet current zoning ordinance setback requirements; the issue is expansion of the nonconforming use. The site development has several areas of nonconformity generally relating to landscaping and outside storage. Staff believes a reasonable building expansion, especially to address the COVID situation, could be offset by bringing the site more into conformance with other regulations. Staff believes landscape enhancement, planting a couple of trees in the front yard, adding shrubs adjacent to the driveway and foundation plantings along Bacardi, along with removal of a leftover driveway adjacent to Bacardi Avenue aids in mitigating some of the visual impacts associated with the current use. Applicant & Property Owner(s): Parkway Building Services Location: 2025 Bonaire Path Area in Acres: 2.07 Acres Comp. Guide Plan Designation: LDR-Low Density Residential Current Zoning: AG-Agriculture 2 BACKGROUND The subject parcel has been the location of a commercial or non-residential use of one type or another since at least 1951. It was acquired by the current occupant within the past few years after verifying that that use was allowed on the site. The current occupant, Parkway Building Services, has its offices, shop space, and some outdoor storage on the site. Additionally, there is a residential structure that is used as a rental property. The applicant is proposing an expansion of an existing L-shaped building on the property toward the western parcel boundary. The expansion would fill in the “L”, resulting in a rectangular footprint. The applicant has indicated that their already tight office space was exacerbated by the COVID- 19 pandemic. Chapter 11 of the Zoning Ordinance relates to nonconforming buildings and uses. The Code allows for the continuance of nonconforming uses and structures, but not expansion unless it is bringing the site into further compliance with the zoning ordinance. It is with this in mind that staff is supportive of the addition to the structure so long as the other, more visible, non-conforming aspects of the site become more conforming. Those non-conformities relate to the site’s landscaping, specifically around the parking lot and along the building façade facing Bacardi Avenue. Additionally, a portion of a driveway that still remains following the improvement of Bacardi Avenue in 2015 would also be removed and seeded with grass. Because the proposed addition to the building is less visible and meets all the setback and building standards of the zoning code, staff finds that the site would be more in conformance with the zoning ordinance following the installation of the landscaping as shown on the plan along with two deciduous trees along Bonaire Path. Land Use and Zoning The subject parcel is located in the AG-Agriculture zoning district, and its land use designation is LDR- Low Density Residential. Because the site has been continuously used as a business, it is considered legally nonconforming. If not for the nonconforming use, this request would not meet the threshold in the City Code that would trigger the formal site plan review process before the Planning Commission. Dimensionally, the proposed building expansion meets the requirements of the zoning ordinance regarding setbacks and building standards. The building is L-shaped, and the applicant is proposing an addition that would convert the building footprint into a rectangle. The exterior material proposed for the building addition matches the existing lap siding. The building is currently thirty-three feet from the property line, and the expansion area would line up with the existing façade. The minimum side yard setback in the AG zoning district is 30 feet. The landscaping requirements for commercial uses in Rosemount include site landscaping along with foundation plantings along the perimeter of a building, of which none exist now. The applicant is proposing foundation plantings along the eastern façade of the building that faces Bacardi Avenue. Additionally, a combination of burning bush and purple lilac will be planted along the parking lot facing Bacardi Avenue to provide some screening of the lot from the public right of way. Staff is also requesting two deciduous trees generally in the corner of Bonaire and Bacardi. Finally, the remnant driveway will be removed, and that area will be planted with turf grass. These additions will improve the on-site views from public right of way. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Staff is supportive of the building expansion and associated landscaping improvements as the site will be brought more into conformance and more easily blend into the surrounding area. Staff is recommending approval of the site plan, subject to conditions. If the Planning Commission believes additional conditions should be placed upon the approval, it is appropriate that they are discussed and included in the motion staff has provided in the recommended action at the top of this report.