HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Utility Rate Model Review EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Utility Commission Meeting: September 28, 2020 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: Utility Rate Model Review New Business PREPARED BY: Brian Erickson, P.E. Director of Public AGENDA NO. 7.a. Works/City Engineer APPROVED BY: ATTACHMENTS: Rate Models; Sample BLE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Recommend City Council Approval of Water and Sewer Rate Changes for 2021 BACKGROUND W ATER U TILITY R ATES Staff has completed its annual review of the Water Utility Fund activity and adjusted the model to reflect the proposed changes for 2021 and beyond. Based on this review, staff is proposing changes that will result in a net decrease of 2.7% to the water portion of the utility bill for the average residential water customer, as shown in the attached sample. The attached water rate model includes the following items of note:  L INES 7-16: Reduced the fixed rate for the third year of the three-year phase out. Fixed charges are now eliminated. Usage rates will increase 5% to make up the difference in revenue. Future rate increases are expected to be 5% or less for the next 10+ years.  L INES 17-20: Includes 0.5% annual increase to surcharge which began in 2017 to increase revenue in the Capital Investment Fund (had not been adjusted for many years prior to that). The CIF is programmed to contribute 20% towards the annual debt service beginning in 2022, or sooner if needed.  L INES 21-23: Includes 5% annual increase to the meter maintenance fee for ¾” meters (which is 86% of all meters), and a 0.5% annual increase to all other meters. Ideally, revenue from meter maintenance fees (Lines 35-38) should offset the cost of meter replacements (L INE 44).  L INE 41: Includes funding for a maintenance FTE in 2022 for a water treatment plant operator (100% funded by Water).  L INE 50: Includes water tower painting, new generators, etc. as scheduled in the Long-Term Plan  L INE 51: Reflects planned utility equipment purchases to match Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).  L INE 56: Starting in 2023, water treatment plant costs will be shared 75% from Utility fund, 25% from Core/CIF funds  L INE 64: Connection cost for a ¾” meter was $2300 for 2017, $2400 for 2018, and will include a $25 annual increase thereafter (had not been adjusted for many years prior to 2017) C:\\Users\\jab\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\7.a. Utility Rate Model Review_614886\\7.a. Utility Rate Model Review.docx  L INE 72: Starting in 2023, add $679,000/year to existing debt to cover a portion of the water treatment plant debt Although it is not shown on the printed spreadsheet, the model is extended through 2035 to ensure that the Water Utility Fund remains viable through the duration of all of the anticipated debt payments. The year-end balance in 2035 is estimated to be $5.02 million. The year with the lowest year-end balance is expected to be 2030 ($3.1 million). S EWER U TILITY R ATES Staff has completed its annual review of the Sewer Utility Fund activity and adjusted the model to reflect the proposed changes for 2021 and beyond. Based on this review, staff is proposing changes that will result in a net decrease of 5.9% to the sewer portion of the utility bill for the average residential water customer, as shown in the attached sample. The attached sewer rate model includes the following items of note:  L INE 7: Reduced the fixed rate for the third year of the three-year phase out. Fixed charges are now eliminated.  L INE 9: Usage rates increased in 2020 with the elimination of the irrigation meters to maintain the revenue into the Sewer Fund. The 2021 rate has been increased 4% as the result of eliminating the fixed rate. Future rate increases are expected to be 4% or less for the next 10+ years.  L INE 25: Includes funding in 2021 for SCADA upgrades and new control cabinets at two lift stations. S TORMWATER U TILITY R ATES Staff has completed its annual review of the Stormwater Utility Fund activity and adjusted the model to reflect the proposed changes for 2020 and beyond. The annual increase was 5% from 2002 through 2016, 4% in 2017 and 3% in 2018-2019. Based on staff review, no rate increase is needed at this time. The current rates should be sufficient to maintain a viable year-end balance for next 10 years and beyond, assuming no major unplanned expenditures are needed. Staff is working to develop a stormwater system maintenance plan to identify high-priority stormwater improvement projects. With a projected year-end balance of $5.5 million, there is enough funding at this time to begin these projects, but rates may need to be adjusted in the future depending on the timing and the cost of the projects that are identified in the plan. There is currently $200,000 per year in Line 32 dedicated to these improvements (starting in 2020). The maintenance plan will discussed with the Utility Commission at a future date. S TREET L IGHT U TILITY R ATES As part of the 2020 budgets, Council added the Street Light Utility. This enterprise fund will be examined as part of future rate models and corrected as historical data is added. For the 2021 rates staff is not recommending any changes. These current rates should be sufficient to maintain a viable year-end balance for the next 10 years and beyond assuming there are no unplanned expenditures. C:\\Users\\jab\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\7.a. Utility Rate Model Review_614886\\7.a. Utility Rate Model Review.docx Utility Bill Comparison Average Total Utility 2021 Change 2020 % Change % Change 2019 Actual2020 Actual Bill ChargesProposedto 2021 2020 to 20212019 to 2021 (quarterly) Low User$ 272.24$ 317.96$ 288.56$ (7.35) -9.2%6.0% Average User$ 519.24$ 531.28$ 511.56$ (4.93) -3.7%-1.5% High User$ 906.25$ 786.16$ 778.62$ (1.88) -1.0%-14.1% Com / Ind / $ 2,095.32$ 2,861.32$ 2,926.62$ 16.322.3%39.7% Inst Aveage User SUMMARY Staff is requesting Utility Commission recommendation to the City Council to approve the proposed water and sewer rate changes. These changes will result in an overall net decrease of 3.7% for the average residential customer (see the impact to other customers in the table below). If that is the recommendation from the Commission, the changes will be reflected in the 2021 Fee Resolution that is presented to City Council for approval in December. C:\\Users\\jab\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\7.a. Utility Rate Model Review_614886\\7.a. Utility Rate Model Review.docx Rate Increase 18.00% 18.00% 10.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00%Description 2019 Projected 2019 Actual 2020 Projected 2021 Budgeted2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 20301Water Demand (MG) 800.000 779.798 820.000 840.500 861.513 883.050 905.127 927.755 950.949 974.722 999.090 1,024.068 1,049.6692Estimated Growth2.5%4.0%2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%3Residential Accounts (excluding association irrigation)7,058 7,155 7,334 7,517 7,705 7,898 8,095 8,298 8,505 8,718 8,936 9,159 9,3884Commercial Accounts (excluding irrigation)129 133 136 140 143 147 150 154 158 162 166 170 1755Institutional / Industrial Accounts (excluding irrigation)48 48 49 50 52 53 54 56 57 58 60 61 636Irrigation-only Accounts (excluding single family)128 134 137 141 144 148 152 155 159 163 167 172 1767Water Fixed Charge ($/account/quarter) 6.50$ 6.50$ 3.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 8Residential Tier 1 (0 - 12,000 gal) 1.40$ 1.40$ 1.54$ 1.62$ 1.70$ 1.79$ 1.88$ 1.97$ 2.07$ 2.17$ 2.28$ 2.40$ 2.52$ 9Residential Tier 2 (13,000 - 24,000 gal) 1.76$ 1.76$ 1.93$ 2.03$ 2.13$ 2.24$ 2.35$ 2.46$ 2.59$ 2.72$ 2.85$ 3.00$ 3.15$ 10Residential Tier 3 (25,000 - 48,000 gal) 2.19$ 2.19$ 2.41$ 2.53$ 2.66$ 2.79$ 2.93$ 3.08$ 3.23$ 3.40$ 3.57$ 3.74$ 3.93$ 11Residential Tier 4 (> 48,000 gal) 3.29$ 3.29$ 3.62$ 3.80$ 3.99$ 4.19$ 4.40$ 4.62$ 4.85$ 5.09$ 5.35$ 5.62$ 5.90$ 12Irrigation Meters (Multi Fam / Comm / Ind / Inst) 3.29$ 3.29$ 3.62$ 3.80$ 3.99$ 4.19$ 4.40$ 4.62$ 4.85$ 5.09$ 5.35$ 5.62$ 5.90$ 13Comm / Ind / Inst Tier 1 (0 - 80,000 gal) 1.63$ 1.63$ 1.79$ 1.88$ 1.98$ 2.07$ 2.18$ 2.29$ 2.40$ 2.52$ 2.65$ 2.78$ 2.92$ 14Comm / Ind / Inst Tier 2 (81,000 - 160,000 gal) 2.04$ 2.04$ 2.24$ 2.35$ 2.47$ 2.59$ 2.72$ 2.86$ 3.00$ 3.15$ 3.31$ 3.47$ 3.65$ 15Comm / Ind / Inst Tier 3 (161,000 - 250,000 gal) 2.54$ 2.54$ 2.80$ 2.94$ 3.09$ 3.24$ 3.40$ 3.57$ 3.75$ 3.94$ 4.14$ 4.34$ 4.56$ 16Comm / Ind / Inst Tier 4 ( > 250,000 gal) 3.29$ 3.29$ 3.62$ 3.80$ 3.99$ 4.19$ 4.40$ 4.62$ 4.85$ 5.09$ 5.35$ 5.62$ 5.90$ 17Surcharge - Single Family 3/4" ($/account) 8.93$ 8.93$ 8.97$ 9.02$ 9.06$ 9.11$ 9.15$ 9.20$ 9.25$ 9.29$ 9.34$ 9.39$ 9.43$ 18Surcharge - Multi Family 3/4" ($/account) 6.90$ 6.90$ 6.93$ 6.97$ 7.00$ 7.04$ 7.07$ 7.11$ 7.14$ 7.18$ 7.22$ 7.25$ 7.29$ 19Surcharge - 1" ($/account) 13.71$ 13.71$ 13.77$ 13.84$ 13.91$ 13.98$ 14.05$ 14.12$ 14.19$ 14.26$ 14.34$ 14.41$ 14.48$ 20Surcharge - 1.5" ($/account) 28.42$ 28.42$ 28.56$ 28.71$ 28.85$ 28.99$ 29.14$ 29.29$ 29.43$ 29.58$ 29.73$ 29.88$ 30.02$ 21Meter Maintenance - 3/4" ($/meter/quarter) (5% annual inc) 1.02$ 1.02$ 1.15$ 1.21$ 1.27$ 1.33$ 1.40$ 1.47$ 1.54$ 1.62$ 1.70$ 1.78$ 1.87$ 22Meter Maintenance - 1" ($/meter/quarter) (0.5% annual inc) 6.34$ 6.34$ 6.37$ 6.41$ 6.44$ 6.47$ 6.50$ 6.54$ 6.57$ 6.60$ 6.63$ 6.67$ 6.70$ 23Meter Maintenance - 1.5" ($/meter/quarter) (0.5% annual inc) 11.42$ 11.42$ 11.48$ 11.54$ 11.60$ 11.65$ 11.71$ 11.77$ 11.83$ 11.89$ 11.95$ 12.01$ 12.07$ 24601 49400 Water Utility Fund Beginning Balance 8,061,199.67$ 8,061,199.67$ 8,408,207.13$ 8,936,976.79$ 9,591,216.32$ 10,046,717.73$ 8,995,917.76$ 8,013,866.13$ 7,173,816.72$ 5,620,595.21$ 4,189,142.08$ 3,673,987.67$ 3,263,479.33$ 25Calculated Fixed Charges 191,453.60$ 91,881.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 26Residential Tier 1 (0 - 12,000 gal) 137,803.30$ 154,831.79$ 166,637.71$ 179,343.84$ 193,018.80$ 207,736.49$ 223,576.40$ 240,624.10$ 258,971.68$ 278,718.27$ 299,970.54$ 322,843.30$ 27Residential Tier 2 (13,000 - 24,000 gal) 249,362.12$ 264,623.25$ 284,800.77$ 306,516.83$ 329,888.74$ 355,042.75$ 382,114.76$ 411,251.01$ 442,608.90$ 476,357.83$ 512,680.12$ 551,771.98$ 28Residential Tier 3 (25,000 - 48,000 gal) 244,183.60$ 206,227.15$ 221,951.97$ 238,875.81$ 257,090.09$ 276,693.21$ 297,791.06$ 320,497.63$ 344,935.58$ 371,236.92$ 399,543.73$ 430,008.94$ 29Residential Tier 4 (> 48,000 gal) 442,429.46$ 417,495.28$ 449,329.30$ 483,590.66$ 520,464.44$ 560,149.86$ 602,861.29$ 648,829.46$ 698,302.70$ 751,548.29$ 808,853.84$ 870,528.95$ 30Irrigation Meters (Multi Fam / Comm / Ind / Inst) 329,109.38$ 362,020.31$ 380,121.33$ 399,127.39$ 419,083.76$ 440,037.95$ 462,039.85$ 485,141.84$ 509,398.93$ 534,868.88$ 561,612.33$ 589,692.94$ 31Comm / Ind / Inst Tier 1 (0 - 80,000 gal) 19,927.05$ 20,574.91$ 22,143.74$ 23,832.20$ 25,649.41$ 27,605.18$ 29,710.07$ 31,975.46$ 34,413.59$ 37,037.63$ 39,861.75$ 42,901.21$ 32Comm / Ind / Inst Tier 2 (81,000 - 160,000 gal) 18,771.86$ 19,742.66$ 21,248.03$ 22,868.20$ 24,611.90$ 26,488.55$ 28,508.31$ 29,442.39$ 33,021.57$ 35,539.47$ 38,249.35$ 41,165.86$ 33Comm / Ind / Inst Tier 3 (161,000 - 250,000 gal) 25,374.50$ 26,290.31$ 28,294.94$ 30,452.43$ 32,774.43$ 35,273.48$ 37,963.08$ 37,965.18$ 43,973.17$ 47,326.13$ 50,934.74$ 54,818.52$ 34Comm / Ind / Inst Tier 4 ( > 250,000 gal) 232,923.37$ 193,449.40$ 208,199.91$ 224,075.16$ 241,160.89$ 259,549.40$ 279,340.05$ 294,794.77$ 323,563.50$ 348,235.22$ 374,788.16$ 403,365.75$ 35Meter Maintenance Revenue - 3/4" 28,690.56$ 33,106.20$ 35,621.25$ 38,340.54$ 41,269.33$ 44,423.11$ 47,818.44$ 51,473.07$ 55,405.99$ 59,637.49$ 64,189.31$ 69,084.68$ 36Meter Maintenance Revenue - 1" 21,033.25$ 21,546.39$ 21,859.13$ 22,200.22$ 22,544.17$ 22,891.00$ 23,240.74$ 23,593.40$ 23,949.01$ 24,307.58$ 24,669.15$ 25,033.72$ 37Meter Maintenance Revenue - 1.5" 10,006.88$ 10,562.06$ 10,707.17$ 10,853.47$ 11,000.97$ 11,149.67$ 11,299.58$ 11,450.71$ 11,603.07$ 11,756.67$ 11,911.52$ 12,067.61$ 38Meter Maintenance Revenue - All Other Sizes 10,381.39$ 14,140.12$ 14,285.25$ 14,431.48$ 14,578.82$ 14,727.27$ 14,876.84$ 15,027.53$ 15,179.37$ 15,332.34$ 15,486.46$ 15,641.75$ 39Misc Water Revenues (antenna, interest, new meter sales) 341,995.00$ 368,338.85$ 377,139.02$ 389,203.19$ 401,739.28$ 414,655.46$ 427,960.12$ 441,761.93$ 455,969.79$ 470,692.88$ 485,840.67$ 501,522.89$ 40Total Usage Revenue (excluding surcharge) 2,303,445.32$ 2,273,824.00$ 2,204,829.66$ 2,242,339.53$ 2,383,711.41$ 2,534,875.03$ 2,696,423.38$ 2,869,100.58$ 3,043,828.49$ 3,251,296.86$ 3,462,595.60$ 3,688,591.66$ 3,930,448.09$ 41100's - Salaries & Benefits (4%) (add FTE in 2021, 2022)514,500.00$ 539,097.00$ 578,700.00$ 564,300.00$ 706,900.00$ 735,200.00$ 764,700.00$ 795,300.00$ 827,200.00$ 860,300.00$ 894,800.00$ 930,600.00$ 967,900.00$ 42200's - Office Materials and Supplies 32,600.00$ 39,255.00$ 45,600.00$ 48,600.00$ 50,100.00$ 51,700.00$ 53,300.00$ 54,900.00$ 56,600.00$ 58,300.00$ 60,100.00$ 62,000.00$ 63,900.00$ 43216.00 - Chemicals (subject to growth and price increases) 75,000.00$ 60,654.00$ 75,000.00$ 75,000.00$ 78,000.00$ 81,100.00$ 84,300.00$ 87,700.00$ 91,200.00$ 94,800.00$ 98,600.00$ 102,500.00$ 106,600.00$ 44220.01 - Water Meter Purchases (replacements) 67,000.00$ 78,315.00$ 75,000.00$ 75,000.00$ 77,300.00$ 79,700.00$ 82,100.00$ 84,600.00$ 87,200.00$ 89,900.00$ 92,600.00$ 95,400.00$ 98,300.00$ 45220.02 - Water Meter Purchases (new homes) 57,200.00$ 52,210.00$ 75,000.00$ 75,000.00$ 78,000.00$ 81,200.00$ 84,500.00$ 87,900.00$ 91,500.00$ 95,200.00$ 99,100.00$ 103,100.00$ 107,300.00$ 46300's - GIS, Legal, Office, Computer, Eng, Prof Svcs 205,600.00$ 177,106.00$ 225,900.00$ 222,300.00$ 229,000.00$ 235,900.00$ 243,000.00$ 250,300.00$ 257,900.00$ 265,700.00$ 273,700.00$ 282,000.00$ 290,500.00$ 47400's - Training, Conferences, Contracted Repair 86,300.00$ 67,480.00$ 107,200.00$ 107,200.00$ 110,500.00$ 113,900.00$ 117,400.00$ 121,000.00$ 124,700.00$ 128,500.00$ 132,400.00$ 136,400.00$ 140,500.00$ 48500's - Buildings, Office Equip, Furniture, Misc Improvements 81,100.00$ 13,155.00$ 51,500.00$ 51,500.00$ 53,100.00$ 54,700.00$ 56,400.00$ 58,100.00$ 59,900.00$ 61,700.00$ 63,600.00$ 65,600.00$ 67,600.00$ 49530.03 - CRP of Water Main 50,000.00$ -$ 50,000.00$ 50,000.00$ 50,000.00$ 60,000.00$ 60,000.00$ 60,000.00$ 50,000.00$ 60,000.00$ 65,000.00$ 50,000.00$ 50,000.00$ 50530.04 - Well and Tower Maintenance (long-term schedule) 845,000.00$ 601,050.00$ 100,000.00$ 25,300.00$ 190,000.00$ 40,000.00$ 115,000.00$ 75,000.00$ 900,000.00$ 900,000.00$ 110,000.00$ 165,000.00$ 80,000.00$ 51540, 548, 550, 580 - Equipment Purchase & Lease (from CIP) 168,800.00$ 49,819.00$ 11,360.00$ 13,100.00$ 16,110.00$ 69,375.00$ 19,375.00$ 19,950.00$ 19,950.00$ 20,450.00$ 22,450.00$ 23,000.00$ 25,000.00$ 52611.00 - Interest -$ 824.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 53710.00 - Transfers for Other Improvements -$ 57,500.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 54Well and Tower Expenses (combined) 396,800.00$ 244,742.00$ 280,800.00$ 280,800.00$ 289,200.00$ 297,900.00$ 306,800.00$ 316,000.00$ 325,500.00$ 335,300.00$ 345,400.00$ 355,800.00$ 366,500.00$ 55WTP Operating Expenses -$ -$ -$ -$ 220,000.00$ 226,600.00$ 233,400.00$ 240,400.00$ 247,600.00$ 255,000.00$ 262,700.00$ 270,600.00$ 56WTP Debt $22M 15 years @ 4.0% (75% share of $1,953,000)-$ -$ -$ -$ 1,465,000.00$ 1,465,000.00$ 1,465,000.00$ 1,465,000.00$ 1,465,000.00$ 1,465,000.00$ 1,465,000.00$ 1,465,000.00$ 57Future PW/PD Facility-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 58Total Expenses 2,579,900.00$ 1,981,207.00$ 1,676,060.00$ 1,588,100.00$ 1,928,210.00$ 3,585,675.00$ 3,678,475.00$ 3,709,150.00$ 4,597,050.00$ 4,682,750.00$ 3,977,750.00$ 4,099,100.00$ 4,099,700.00$ 59Year End Balance (before debt service) 7,784,744.99$ 8,353,816.67$ 8,936,976.79$ 9,591,216.32$ 10,046,717.73$ 8,995,917.76$ 8,013,866.13$ 7,173,816.72$ 5,620,595.21$ 4,189,142.08$ 3,673,987.67$ 3,263,479.33$ 3,094,227.42$ 60Balance change amount (276,454.68)$ 292,617.00$ 528,769.66$ 654,239.53$ 455,501.41$ (1,050,799.97)$ (982,051.62)$ (840,049.42)$ (1,553,221.51)$ (1,431,453.14)$ (515,154.40)$ (410,508.34)$ (169,251.91)$ 61Balance change % -3.43% 3.63% 6.29%7.32% 4.75% -10.46% -10.92% -10.48%-21.65% -25.47% -12.30% -11.17% -5.19%RevenueProjected Demands and ConnectionsProposed Rates and Fixed ChargesExpensesI:\Chris\RATE MODELS\Rate Model Water 20200901 Debt Service ImpactDescription 2019 Projected 2019 Actual 2020 Budgeted 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 203062Water Core Fund Beginning Balance 1,733,059.32$ 1,869,948.07$ 2,526,874.32$ 3,160,257.84$ 3,540,084.20$ 3,673,721.95$ 3,824,905.50$ 3,994,185.66$ 4,242,130.08$ 4,649,323.76$ 5,076,369.58$ 5,523,888.80$ 63 Revenue - Developer Agreements ($6500/ac) 507,900.00$ 475,000.00$ 300,000.00$ 300,000.00$ 300,000.00$ 300,000.00$ 300,000.00$ 300,000.00$ 300,000.00$ 300,000.00$ 300,000.00$ 300,000.00$ 64 Revenue - New Connections (3/4-inch and 1-inch included) 577,488.75$ 833,926.25$ 533,383.52$ 559,826.37$ 576,837.75$ 594,383.55$ 612,480.16$ 631,144.42$ 650,393.68$ 670,245.82$ 690,719.22$ 711,832.83$ 65Capital Investment Fund Beginning Balance 988,275.52$ 1,277,073.16$ 1,585,624.69$ 1,903,354.51$ 2,230,566.51$ 2,431,716.72$ 2,642,868.61$ 2,864,293.36$ 3,111,270.04$ 3,404,085.86$ 3,708,036.42$ 4,023,425.98$ 66 Surcharge Revenue 3/4" - Single Family (98%) 247,036.62$ 257,970.49$ 265,741.85$ 273,747.32$ 281,993.96$ 290,489.03$ 299,240.01$ 308,254.61$ 317,540.78$ 327,106.70$ 336,960.79$ 347,111.73$ 67 Surcharge Revenue 3/4" - Multi Family (2%) 3,895.24$ 4,067.64$ 4,190.18$ 4,316.41$ 4,446.44$ 4,580.39$ 4,718.37$ 4,860.51$ 5,006.93$ 5,157.77$ 5,313.15$ 5,473.20$ 68 Surcharge Revenue - 1" 45,449.23$ 46,558.04$ 47,233.83$ 47,970.85$ 48,714.06$ 49,463.51$ 50,219.24$ 50,981.28$ 51,749.69$ 52,524.51$ 53,305.78$ 54,093.55$ 69 Surcharge Revenue - 1.5" 24,897.76$ 26,279.08$ 26,640.13$ 27,004.13$ 27,371.11$ 27,741.09$ 28,114.08$ 28,490.10$ 28,869.19$ 29,251.35$ 29,636.61$ 30,024.99$ 70 Surcharge Revenue - All Other Sizes 17,518.79$ 23,676.28$ 23,923.85$ 24,173.29$ 24,424.64$ 24,677.89$ 24,933.06$ 25,190.17$ 25,449.23$ 25,710.24$ 25,973.24$ 26,238.21$ 71Total Water Surcharge Revenue 338,797.64$ 358,551.53$ 367,729.82$ 377,212.00$ 386,950.21$ 396,951.90$ 407,224.75$ 417,776.68$ 428,615.82$ 439,750.57$ 451,189.56$ 462,941.70$ 72Estimated Debt Service * 250,000.00$ 250,000.00$ 250,000.00$ 250,000.00$ 929,000.00$ 929,000.00$ 929,000.00$ 854,000.00$ 679,000.00$ 679,000.00$ 679,000.00$ 679,000.00$ 73 CIF Contribution to Debt or Other Projects (20% in 2018+) 50,000.00$ 50,000.00$ 50,000.00$ 50,000.00$ 185,800.00$ 185,800.00$ 185,800.00$ 170,800.00$ 135,800.00$ 135,800.00$ 135,800.00$ 135,800.00$ 74 Core Contribution to Debt or Other Projects (80% in 2018+) 948,500.00$ 652,000.00$ 200,000.00$ 480,000.00$ 743,200.00$ 743,200.00$ 743,200.00$ 683,200.00$ 543,200.00$ 543,200.00$ 543,200.00$ 543,200.00$ 75Capital Investment Fund Year End Balance 1,277,073.16$ 1,418,545.01$ 1,585,624.69$ 1,903,354.51$ 2,230,566.51$ 2,431,716.72$ 2,642,868.61$ 2,864,293.36$ 3,111,270.04$ 3,404,085.86$ 3,708,036.42$ 4,023,425.98$ 4,350,567.68$ 76Water Core Fund Year End Balance 1,869,948.07$ 1,879,088.23$ 2,526,874.32$ 3,160,257.84$ 3,540,084.20$ 3,673,721.95$ 3,824,905.50$ 3,994,185.66$ 4,242,130.08$ 4,649,323.76$ 5,076,369.58$ 5,523,888.80$ 5,992,521.63$ 77Water Utility Fund Year End Balance 7,784,744.99$ 8,408,207.13$ 8,936,976.79$ 9,591,216.32$ 10,046,717.73$ 8,995,917.76$ 8,013,866.13$ 7,173,816.72$ 5,620,595.21$ 4,189,142.08$ 3,673,987.67$ 3,263,479.33$ 3,094,227.42$ 10,931,766.22$ 11,705,840.37$ 13,049,475.80$ 14,654,828.67$ 15,817,368.44$ 15,101,356.42$ 14,481,640.25$ 14,032,295.74$ 12,973,995.33$ 12,242,551.69$ 12,458,393.68$ 12,810,794.12$ 13,437,316.73$ Year End Cash BalancesCapital Investment Fund RevenueDebt ServiceCore Fund RevenueI:\Chris\RATE MODELS\Rate Model Water 20200901 Sewer Water Rate Analysis Old scenario rate increase 25.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 0.0%0.0%Rate Increase 70.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 2.0% 1.5% 1.5%Description 2019 Projected 2019 Actual 2020 Projected 2021 Budgeted2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 20301Water Demand (MG) 800.000 779.798 820.000 840.500 861.513 883.050 905.127 927.755 950.949 974.722 999.090 1,024.068 1,049.66912Q1 Water Demand (MG) (~15% of total demand) 120.000 116.970 123.000 126.075 129.227 132.458 135.769 139.163 142.642 146.208 149.864 153.610 157.45023Sanitary Sewer Flows (MG) * 541.702 TBD 555.245 569.126 583.354 597.938 612.886 628.209 643.914 660.012 676.512 693.425 710.76034Estimated Growth (from water spreadsheet)2.5% 4.0% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%45Residential Accounts (includes multi-family)7,058 7,192 7,372 7,556 7,745 7,939 8,137 8,341 8,549 8,763 8,982 9,206 9,43756Commercial / Ind / Inst Accounts177 183 188 192 197 202 207 212 218 223 229 234 24067Sanitary Sewer Fixed Charge ($/account/quarter)12.25$ 12.25$ 6.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 78Rate per 1000 gallons (39% then 25% then 5% therafter)2.80$ 2.80$ 3.50$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 89Scenario 2 rates needed to match Revenue4.76$ 4.95$ 5.15$ 5.35$ 5.57$ 5.79$ 5.97$ 6.08$ 6.21$ 6.30$ 6.39$ 910Sewer Utility Fund Beginning Balance 2,005,252.92$ 2,005,252.92$ 1,937,149.92$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1011Fixed Charges 354,538.28$ 181,425.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1112Sewer Use Charges (~70% of total water demand is billed)1,568,000.00$ 2,009,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1213Miscellaneous Revenue 120,000.00$ 120,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1314Total Revenue 2,042,538.28$ 2,086,281.00$ 2,310,425.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1415Sewer Utility Fund Beginning Balance 2,005,252.92$ 2,005,252.92$ 1,937,149.92$ 1,945,594.92$ 1,936,081.64$ 2,218,944.48$ 2,502,169.39$ 2,917,763.35$ 3,422,601.92$ 3,884,736.59$ 4,478,626.74$ 5,103,747.33$ 5,787,130.70$ 1516Fixed Charges181,425.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1617Sewer Use Charges (billed for Q1 water usage x 4) 2,341,920.00$ 2,496,486.72$ 2,661,254.84$ 2,836,897.66$ 3,024,132.91$ 3,223,725.68$ 3,403,448.39$ 3,558,305.29$ 3,720,208.18$ 3,870,411.59$ 4,026,679.45$ 1718Miscellaneous Revenue120,000.00$ 123,600.00$ 127,308.00$ 131,127.24$ 135,061.06$ 139,112.89$ 143,286.28$ 147,584.86$ 152,012.41$ 156,572.78$ 161,269.97$ 1819Pro-rated credit for 2nd meters purchased 2014 or later(29,700.00)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1920Total Revenues 2,042,538.28$ 2,086,281.00$ 2,613,645.00$ 2,620,086.72$ 2,788,562.84$ 2,968,024.90$ 3,159,193.97$ 3,362,838.57$ 3,546,734.66$ 3,705,890.15$ 3,872,220.59$ 4,026,984.37$ 4,187,949.42$ 2021100's - Salaries & Benefits (4%) (add 1 shared pos. in 2021) 508,700.00$ 532,341.00$ 572,500.00$ 557,700.00$ 580,100.00$ 603,400.00$ 627,600.00$ 652,800.00$ 679,000.00$ 706,200.00$ 734,500.00$ 763,900.00$ 794,500.00$ 2122200's - Materials and Equipment 16,400.00$ 11,056.00$ 16,900.00$ 17,900.00$ 18,500.00$ 19,100.00$ 19,700.00$ 20,300.00$ 21,000.00$ 21,700.00$ 22,400.00$ 23,100.00$ 23,800.00$ 2223300's - Communications, Computer, Eng, Prof Svcs 147,600.00$ 167,332.00$ 150,400.00$ 143,800.00$ 148,200.00$ 152,700.00$ 157,300.00$ 162,100.00$ 167,000.00$ 172,100.00$ 177,300.00$ 182,700.00$ 188,200.00$ 2324400's - Training, Conferences, Contracted Repair, Misc 77,000.00$ 13,840.00$ 77,100.00$ 77,100.00$ 79,500.00$ 81,900.00$ 84,400.00$ 87,000.00$ 89,700.00$ 92,400.00$ 95,200.00$ 98,100.00$ 101,100.00$ 2425500's - Buildings, Machinery, Furniture, Equipment 71,000.00$ 7,695.00$ 201,000.00$ 301,000.00$ 75,000.00$ 77,300.00$ 79,700.00$ 82,100.00$ 84,600.00$ 87,200.00$ 89,900.00$ 92,600.00$ 95,400.00$ 2526530.03 - CRP of Sewer Main 150,000.00$ -$ 150,000.00$ 150,000.00$ 150,000.00$ 175,000.00$ 175,000.00$ 175,000.00$ 150,000.00$ 185,000.00$ 190,000.00$ 150,001.00$ 150,001.00$ 2627602 - Sewer Service Charges (5% annual increase) 1,304,000.00$ 1,303,112.00$ 1,370,000.00$ 1,311,700.00$ 1,377,300.00$ 1,446,200.00$ 1,518,600.00$ 1,594,600.00$ 1,674,400.00$ 1,758,200.00$ 1,846,200.00$ 1,938,600.00$ 2,035,600.00$ 2728611 - Interest on Lease Payments -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2829710.00 - Transfers for Other Improvements -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2930Utility Equipment Purchases (540, 550, 580) and Leases 67,300.00$ 47,628.00$ 4,700.00$ 4,700.00$ 9,400.00$ 59,400.00$ 9,400.00$ 10,000.00$ 142,500.00$ 10,500.00$ 10,500.00$ 11,000.00$ 11,000.00$ 3031Lift Station Expenses (9 facilities) 62,700.00$ 71,380.00$ 62,600.00$ 65,700.00$ 67,700.00$ 69,800.00$ 71,900.00$ 74,100.00$ 76,400.00$ 78,700.00$ 81,100.00$ 83,600.00$ 86,200.00$ 3132Future PW/PD Facility -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3233Total Expenses 2,404,700.00$ 2,154,384.00$ 2,605,200.00$ 2,629,600.00$ 2,505,700.00$ 2,684,800.00$ 2,743,600.00$ 2,858,000.00$ 3,084,600.00$ 3,112,000.00$ 3,247,100.00$ 3,343,601.00$ 3,485,801.00$ 3334Year End Balance 1,643,091.20$ 1,937,149.92$ 1,642,374.92$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3435Balance change (362,161.73)$ (68,103.00)$ (294,775.00)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3536% change -18.06% -3.40% -15.22%3637Year End Balance 1,643,091.20$ 1,937,149.92$ 1,945,594.92$ 1,936,081.64$ 2,218,944.48$ 2,502,169.39$ 2,917,763.35$ 3,422,601.92$ 3,884,736.59$ 4,478,626.74$ 5,103,747.33$ 5,787,130.70$ 6,489,279.11$ 3738Balance change (362,161.73)$ (68,103.00)$ 8,445.00$ (9,513.28)$ 282,862.84$ 283,224.90$ 415,593.97$ 504,838.57$ 462,134.66$ 593,890.15$ 625,120.59$ 683,383.37$ 702,148.42$ 3839% change -18.06% -3.40% 0.44% -0.49% 14.61% 12.76% 16.61% 17.30% 13.50% 15.29% 13.96% 13.39% 12.13%39* New for 2017: Sewer Service Charges (line 27) are sent to us from the MCES in August for the following budget year. The charge is based on the flows from the prior calendar year. For example: flows from Jan 1 - Dec 31, 2016 are used to determine our 2018 rates.Winter Quarter Credit Q1Projected Demands and ConnectionsExpensesOld MethodProposed RatesRevenue (Method no longer used)Revenue Winter Quarter Credit (Q1)I:\Chris\RATE MODELS\Rate Model Sewer 20200901Model Storm Water Rate AnalysisDescription 2019 Projected 2019 Actual 2020 Projected 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 20301Growth (residential, rural only)2.5% 1.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%12Residential / Muliti-family (Cat 1) 7422 7355 7539 7727 7921 8119 83228530 8743 8961 9185 9415 965023Rural Residential / Agricultural (Cat 2) 631 618 633 649 666 682 699 717 735 753 772 791 81134Park / Golf Course / Cemetery (Cat 3)777777777777745Undeveloped / Unplatted (Cat 4) 135 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 13256Apt / Church / School / Govt / Mobile Home Park (Cat 5)192 193 193 193 193 193 193 193 193 193 193 193 19367Commercial / Industrial (add 2 annually) (Cat 6)199 208 210 212 214 216 218 220 222 224 226 228 23078Exceptions (split fee accounts)19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 1989Rate Increase %3.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%910Residential / Muliti-family (per unit) 18.36$ 18.36$ 18.36$ 18.36$ 18.36$ 18.36$ 18.36$ 18.36$ 18.36$ 18.36$ 18.36$ 18.36$ 18.36$ 1011Rural Residential / Agricultural (per lot) 19.33$ 19.33$ 19.33$ 19.33$ 19.33$ 19.33$ 19.33$ 19.33$ 19.33$ 19.33$ 19.33$ 19.33$ 19.33$ 1112Park / Golf Course / Cemetery (per acre) 3.93$ 3.93$ 3.93$ 3.93$ 3.93$ 3.93$ 3.93$ 3.93$ 3.93$ 3.93$ 3.93$ 3.93$ 3.93$ 1213Undeveloped / Unplatted (per acre) 0.221$ 0.221$ 0.221$ 0.221$ 0.221$ 0.221$ 0.221$ 0.221$ 0.221$ 0.221$ 0.221$ 0.221$ 0.221$ 1314Apt / Church / School / Govt / Mobile Home Park (per acre)68.18$ 68.18$ 68.18$ 68.18$ 68.18$ 68.18$ 68.18$ 68.18$ 68.18$ 68.18$ 68.18$ 68.18$ 68.18$ 1415Commercial / Industrial (per acre)85.04$ 85.04$ 85.04$ 85.04$ 85.04$ 85.04$ 85.04$ 85.04$ 85.04$ 85.04$ 85.04$ 85.04$ 85.04$ 1516Exceptions (split fee accounts)-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1617603 49500 Beginning Storm Water Utility Fund Balance 4,794,744.47$ 4,794,744.47$ 4,999,679.47$ 5,531,064.53$ 6,005,890.05$ 6,150,923.77$ 6,235,223.57$ 6,358,013.04$ 6,467,980.02$ 6,432,275.14$ 6,404,510.24$ 6,436,756.77$ 6,487,444.10$ 1718Residential / Muliti-family 545,197.58$ 553,781.00$ 567,625.52$ 581,816.16$ 596,361.57$ 611,270.61$ 626,552.37$ 642,216.18$ 658,271.59$ 674,728.37$ 691,596.58$ 708,886.50$ 1819Rural Residential / Agricultural 48,818.83$ 48,977.34$ 50,201.77$ 51,456.81$ 52,743.23$ 54,061.81$ 55,413.36$ 56,798.69$ 58,218.66$ 59,674.13$ 61,165.98$ 62,695.13$ 1920Park / Golf Course / Cemetery 2,441.87$ 2,441.87$ 2,441.87$ 2,441.87$ 2,441.87$ 2,441.87$ 2,441.87$ 2,441.87$ 2,441.87$ 2,441.87$ 2,441.87$ 2,441.87$ 2021Undeveloped / Unplatted 12,845.87$ 12,845.87$ 12,845.87$ 12,845.87$ 12,845.87$ 12,845.87$ 12,845.87$ 12,845.87$ 12,845.87$ 12,845.87$ 12,845.87$ 12,845.87$ 2122Apt / Church / School / Govt / Mobile Home Park138,697.61$ 138,697.61$ 138,697.61$ 138,697.61$ 138,697.61$ 138,697.61$ 138,697.61$ 138,697.61$ 138,697.61$ 138,697.61$ 138,697.61$ 138,697.61$ 2223Commercial / Industrial (1% annual growth, plus rate inc)718,550.86$ 718,550.86$ 725,736.36$ 732,993.73$ 740,323.66$ 747,726.90$ 755,204.17$ 762,756.21$ 770,383.77$ 778,087.61$ 785,868.49$ 793,727.17$ 2324Exceptions (split fee accounts)148,550.52$ 148,550.52$ 148,550.52$ 148,550.52$ 148,550.52$ 148,550.52$ 148,550.52$ 148,550.52$ 148,550.52$ 148,550.52$ 148,550.52$ 148,550.52$ 2425Interest / Assessments / Other73,600.00$ 169,013.00$ 75,440.00$ 77,326.00$ 79,259.15$ 81,240.63$ 83,271.64$ 85,353.44$ 87,487.27$ 89,674.45$ 91,916.31$ 94,214.22$ 96,569.58$ 2526Total Revenues 1,688,703.14$ 1,464,803.00$ 1,699,285.06$ 1,723,425.52$ 1,748,061.72$ 1,773,204.96$ 1,798,866.83$ 1,825,059.20$ 1,851,794.22$ 1,879,084.34$ 1,906,942.30$ 1,935,381.14$ 1,964,414.25$ 2627100's - Salaries and Benefits (4% annual increase) 494,100.00$ 477,784.00$ 536,600.00$ 525,800.00$ 546,832.00$ 568,705.28$ 591,453.49$ 615,111.63$ 639,716.10$ 665,304.74$ 691,916.93$ 719,593.61$ 748,377.35$ 2728200's - Materials and Equipment 19,200.00$ 17,185.00$ 25,700.00$ 24,200.00$ 24,926.00$ 25,673.78$ 26,443.99$ 27,237.31$ 28,054.43$ 28,896.07$ 29,762.95$ 30,655.84$ 31,575.51$ 2829300's - Communications, Computer, Eng, Prof Svcs 93,400.00$ 131,412.00$ 94,700.00$ 93,100.00$ 95,893.00$ 98,769.79$ 101,732.88$ 104,784.87$ 107,928.42$ 111,166.27$ 114,501.26$ 117,936.29$ 121,474.38$ 2930400's - Contracted Repairs, Training/Cert 97,300.00$ 96,118.00$ 138,500.00$ 170,200.00$ 175,306.00$ 180,565.18$ 185,982.14$ 191,561.60$ 197,308.45$ 203,227.70$ 209,324.53$ 215,604.27$ 222,072.40$ 3031405.xx - MS4 Permit Compliance 110,000.00$ 176,474.00$ 110,000.00$ 140,000.00$ 144,200.00$ 148,526.00$ 152,981.78$ 157,571.23$ 162,298.37$ 167,167.32$ 172,182.34$ 177,347.81$ 182,668.25$ 3132530.01 & 530.02 - CRP and Improvements 60,000.00$ -$ 200,000.00$ 260,000.00$ 200,000.00$ 200,000.00$ 200,000.00$ 200,000.00$ 200,000.00$ 200,000.00$ 200,000.00$ 200,000.00$ 200,000.00$ 3233540/550/580 - Equipment / Leases (from CIP) 194,000.00$ 47,618.00$ 36,700.00$ 9,600.00$ 9,400.00$ 59,400.00$ 9,400.00$ 9,900.00$ 142,400.00$ 120,400.00$ 45,400.00$ 11,000.00$ 11,300.00$ 3334500's - Other 1,000.00$ 10.00$ 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 1,030.00$ 1,060.90$ 1,092.73$ 1,125.51$ 1,159.27$ 1,194.05$ 1,229.87$ 1,266.77$ 1,304.77$ 3435700's - P&I Payments / Transfers 250,000.00$ 296,253.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3536$30M Pipe to River (4.5% over 25 years) ($2M/yr) -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3637$10M Project (4.0% over 20 years) ($760k/yr) (split w/Core) -$ -$ -$ 380,000.00$ 380,000.00$ 380,000.00$ 380,000.00$ 380,000.00$ 380,000.00$ 380,000.00$ 380,000.00$ 380,000.00$ 3738Future PW/PD Facility -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3839Lift Station Expenses 24,700.00$ 17,014.00$ 24,700.00$ 24,700.00$ 25,441.00$ 26,204.23$ 26,990.36$ 27,800.07$ 28,634.07$ 29,493.09$ 30,377.88$ 31,289.22$ 32,227.90$ 3940Total Expenses 1,343,700.00$ 1,259,868.00$ 1,167,900.00$ 1,248,600.00$ 1,603,028.00$ 1,688,905.16$ 1,676,077.37$ 1,715,092.22$ 1,887,499.11$ 1,906,849.24$ 1,874,695.77$ 1,884,693.81$ 1,931,000.56$ 4041Year End Balance 5,139,747.61$ 4,999,679.47$ 5,531,064.53$ 6,005,890.05$ 6,150,923.77$ 6,235,223.57$ 6,358,013.04$ 6,467,980.02$ 6,432,275.14$ 6,404,510.24$ 6,436,756.77$ 6,487,444.10$ 6,520,857.79$ 4142Balance change 345,003.14$ 204,935.00$ 531,385.06$ 474,825.52$ 145,033.72$ 84,299.80$ 122,789.47$ 109,966.98$ (35,704.88)$ (27,764.90)$ 32,246.53$ 50,687.33$ 33,413.69$ 4243% change 7.20% 4.27% 10.63% 8.58% 2.41% 1.37% 1.97% 1.73% -0.55% -0.43% 0.50% 0.79% 0.52%43Customer GroupsRevenueRates1,295,790.00$ ExpensesI:\Chris\RATE MODELS\Rate Model Storm 20200901Model Street Light Utility FeesRate Increase 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%Description 2020 Projected 2021 Budgeted 2022 2023 20242025 2026 2027 2028 2029Estimated Account Growth2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50%Residential/Storm only accounts 8,165 8,369 8,578 8,793 9,013 9,238 9,469 9,706 9,948 10,197Com/Ind/Inst Accounts 188 193 198 202 208 213 218 223 229 235Multi Family accounts 218 220 222 224 226 228 230 232 234 468Residential/Storm only rate 5.75$                      5.75$                      5.75$                5.75$                5.75$                5.75$                5.75$                5.75$                5.75$                5.75$               Commercial rate 11.50$                    11.50$                    11.50$              11.50$              11.50$              11.50$              11.50$              11.50$              11.50$              11.50$             Multi Family rate (per unit/max of 10) 5.75$                      5.75$                      5.75$                5.75$                5.75$                5.75$                5.75$                5.75$                5.75$                5.75$               608‐49508Street Light Fund Beginning Balance‐$                       ‐$                       8,034.08$        14,943.80$      20,669.32$       25,148.40$      28,316.36$      30,105.97$      30,447.38$      29,268.00$     Street Light Revenues ‐ Residential 192,489.88$          197,302.12$     202,234.67$     207,290.54$     212,472.81$     217,784.63$     223,229.24$     228,809.97$     234,530.22$    Street Light Revenues ‐ Commercial 8,864.20$              9,085.81$         9,312.95$         9,545.77$         9,784.42$         10,029.03$       10,279.75$       10,536.75$       10,800.17$      Street Light Revenues ‐ Multi Family 26,680.00$            26,946.80$       27,216.27$       27,488.43$       27,763.31$       28,040.95$       28,321.36$       28,604.57$       28,890.62$      Total Revenue 220,000.00$         228,034.08$         233,334.73$   238,763.89$   244,324.75$   250,020.54$   255,854.60$   261,830.35$   267,951.29$   274,221.01$  381.00 Electric Utilities 185,000.00$          185,000.00$          190,550.00$     196,266.50$     202,154.50$     208,219.13$     214,465.70$     220,899.67$     227,526.67$     234,352.47$    409.00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint. 15,000.00$            15,000.00$            15,375.00$       15,759.38$       16,153.36$       16,557.19$       16,971.12$       17,395.40$       17,830.29$       18,276.04$      530.00 Improvements other than Bldgs 20,000.00$            20,000.00$            20,500.00$       21,012.50$       21,537.81$       22,076.26$       22,628.16$       23,193.87$       23,773.72$       24,368.06$      Total Expenditures 220,000.00$         220,000.00$         226,425.00$   233,038.38$   239,845.67$   246,852.58$   254,064.99$   261,488.94$   269,130.67$   276,996.57$  Year End Fund Balance ‐$                       8,034.08$             14,943.80$      20,669.32$      25,148.40$       28,316.36$      30,105.97$      30,447.38$      29,268.00$      26,492.44$     Proposed Rates and Fixed ChargesProjected Demands and ConnectionsRevenuesExpenses 2019: usage charges + $6.50 fixed charge + $8.93 surcharge + $1.02 maintenance fee 2020: usage charges + $3.00 fixed charge + $8.97 surcharge + $1.15 maintenance fee 2021: usage charges + no fixed charge + $9.02 surcharge + $1.21 maintenance fee Usage (1000s) 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Proposed Q1 5 $23.45 $20.82 $18.33 Q2 5 $23.45 $20.82 $18.33 Q3 5 $23.45 $20.82 $18.33 Q4 5 $23.45 $20.82 $18.33 20 $93.80 $83.28 $73.32 2019: $2.80 usage charge + $12.25 fixed charge 2020: $4.76 usage charge + $6.00 fixed charge (minimum 6 usage) 2021: $4.95 usage charge + $0 fixed charge (minimum 6 usage) 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Proposed Quarter 1 $26.25 $34.56 $29.70 Quarter 2 $26.25 $34.56 $29.70 Quarter 3 $26.25 $34.56 $29.70 Quarter 4 $26.25 $34.56 $29.70 Total $105.00 $138.24 $118.80 2019: Includes $18.36 stormwater fees 2020: Includes $18.36 stormwater fees + $5.75 street light fee 2021: Includes $18.36 stormwater fees + $5.75 street light fee 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Proposed Quarter 1 $68.06 $79.49 $72.14 Quarter 2 $68.06 $79.49 $72.14 Quarter 3 $68.06 $79.49 $72.14 Quarter 4 $68.06 $79.49 $72.14 Total $272.24 $317.96 $288.56 16.8% -9.2% 6.0% Utility Bill Comparison 2019 - 2021 (LOW User) Water Rates Sewer Rates Total Proposed Utility Bill I:\Chris\RATE MODELS\Utility Rate Estimator 2020 v. 2021 Comparison 2019: usage charges + $6.50 fixed charge + $8.93 surcharge + $1.02 maintenance fee 2020: usage charges + $3.00 fixed charge + $8.97 surcharge + $1.15 maintenance fee 2021: usage charges + $0.00 fixed charge + $9.02 surcharge + $1.21 maintenance fee Usage (1000s) 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Proposed Q1 12 $33.25 $31.60 $29.67 Q2 21 $49.09 $48.97 $47.94 Q3 28 $63.13 $64.40 $64.15 Q4 15 $38.53 $37.39 $35.76 76 $184.00 $182.36 $177.52 2019: $2.80 usage charge + $12.25 fixed charge 2020: $4.76 usage charge + $6.00 fixed charge (minimum 6 usage) 2021: $4.95 usage charge + $0.00 fixed charge (minimum 6 usage) 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Proposed Quarter 1 $45.85 $63.12 $59.40 Quarter 2 $71.05 $63.12 $59.40 Quarter 3 $90.65 $63.12 $59.40 Quarter 4 $54.25 $63.12 $59.40 Total $261.80 $252.48 $237.60 2019: Includes $18.36 stormwater fees 2020: Includes $18.36 stormwater fees + $5.75 street light fee 2021: Includes $18.36 stormwater fees + $5.75 street light fee 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Proposed Quarter 1 $97.46 $118.83 $113.18 Quarter 2 $138.50 $136.20 $131.45 Quarter 3 $172.14 $151.63 $147.66 Quarter 4 $111.14 $124.62 $119.27 Total $519.24 $531.28 $511.56 2.3% -3.7% -1.5% Sewer Rates Total Proposed Utility Bill Water Rates Utility Bill Comparison 2019 - 2021 (AVERAGE User) I:\Chris\RATE MODELS\Utility Rate Estimator 2020 v. 2021 Comparison 2019: usage charges + $6.50 fixed charge + $8.93 surcharge + $1.02 maintenance fee 2020: usage charges + $3.00 fixed charge + $8.97 surcharge + $1.15 maintenance fee 2021: usage charges + $0.00 fixed charge + $9.02 surcharge + $1.21 maintenance fee Usage (1000s) 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Proposed Q1 15 $38.53 $37.39 $35.76 Q2 40 $89.41 $93.32 $94.51 Q3 70 $179.31 $192.24 $198.35 Q4 25 $56.56 $57.17 $56.56 150 $363.81 $380.12 $385.18 2019: $2.80 usage charge + $12.25 fixed charge 2020: $4.76 usage charge + $6.00 fixed charge (uses Q1 usage for sewer calc) 2021: $4.95 usage charge + $0.00 fixed charge (uses Q1 usage for sewer calc) 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Proposed Quarter 1 $54.25 $77.40 $74.25 Quarter 2 $124.25 $77.40 $74.25 Quarter 3 $208.25 $77.40 $74.25 Quarter 4 $82.25 $77.40 $74.25 Total $469.00 $309.60 $297.00 2019: Includes $18.36 stormwater fees 2020: Includes $18.36 stormwater fees + $5.75 street light fee 2021: Includes $18.36 stormwater fees + $5.75 street light fee 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Proposed Quarter 1 $111.14 $138.90 $134.12 Quarter 2 $232.02 $194.83 $192.87 Quarter 3 $405.92 $293.75 $296.71 Quarter 4 $157.17 $158.68 $154.92 Total $906.25 $786.16 $778.62 -13.3% -1.0% -14.1% Utility Bill Comparison 2019 - 2021 (HIGH User) Water Rates Sewer Rates Total Proposed Utility Bill I:\Chris\RATE MODELS\Utility Rate Estimator 2020 v. 2021 Comparison 2019: usage charges + $6.50 fixed charge + $13.71 surcharge + $6.34 maintenance fee (1-inch meter) 2020: usage charges + $3.00 fixed charge + $13.77 surcharge + $6.37 maintenance fee (1-inch meter) 2021: usage charges + $0.00 fixed charge + $13.84 surcharge + $6.41 maintenance fee (1-inch meter) Usage (1000s) 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Proposed Q1 72 $143.91 $152.02 $155.61 Q2 90 $177.35 $188.74 $194.15 Q3 115 $228.35 $244.74 $252.90 Q4 80 $156.95 $166.34 $170.65 357 $706.56 $751.84 $773.31 2019: $2.80 usage charge + $12.50 fixed charge 2020: $4.76 usage charge + $6.00 fixed charge 2020: $4.95 usage charge + $0.00 fixed charge 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Proposed Quarter 1 $213.85 $348.72 $356.40 Quarter 2 $264.25 $434.40 $445.50 Quarter 3 $334.25 $553.40 $569.25 Quarter 4 $236.25 $386.80 $396.00 Total $1,048.60 $1,723.32 $1,767.15 2019: Includes $85.04 stormwater fees (1 acre) + $11.50 street light fee 2020: Includes $85.04 stormwater fees (1 acre) + $11.50 street light fee 2021: Includes $85.04 stormwater fees (1 acre) + $11.50 street light fee 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Proposed Quarter 1 $442.80 $597.28 $608.55 Quarter 2 $526.64 $719.68 $736.19 Quarter 3 $647.64 $894.68 $918.69 Quarter 4 $478.24 $649.68 $663.19 Total $2,095.32 $2,861.32 $2,926.62 36.6% 2.3% 39.7% Utility Bill Comparison 2019 - 2021 (Com / Ind / Inst AVG User) Water Rates Sewer Rates Total Proposed Utility Bill I:\Chris\RATE MODELS\Utility Rate Estimator 2020 v. 2021 Comparison