HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Spectro Alloys Discussion EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Work Session Meeting: October 5, 2020 AGENDA ITEM: Spectro Alloys Discussion AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director AGENDA NO. 3.a. ATTACHMENTS : Timeline, Supporting Documentation APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion item only DISCUSSION The Council is aware of an enforcement action being taken by the EPA regarding operational activities at Spectro Alloys. Staff has discussed the issue with staff at the EPA and the PCA, although because it is an ongoing enforcement action, they are unable to give the City detailed updates. Rather, we discussed issues revolving around how Spectro operates, the enforcement process in general, permitting for air quality, and site monitoring. Information gleaned from the discussions are listed below. Attached to this memo is a general timeline of events and approvals at Spectro, along with pertinent City documentation for background on the operation. Staff is working to provide information to Council members about Spectro Alloys operations specifically and enforcement and permitting generally. We have requested a representative from the EPA be available for the Council meeting to discuss these topics, and at that time of writing their attendance is unconfirmed. Staff will continue to follow up with EPA and PCA staff throughout the enforcement process and will discuss the remediation directive and expected results with Council when appropriate. City staff has spoken with David Sutlin, Environmental Engineer, Air Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region 5 and Dan Dietrich, Environmental Specialist 3, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) about Spectro Alloys. Mr. Sutlin is involved in the current investigation by the EPA that is documented in the Notice of Violation from June 2020. Mr. Dietrich is aware of previous issues at Spectro Alloys but is not involved in the current enforcement action . He has been helpful in the past regarding noise monitoring and enforcement. Below is some of the information gleaned from the conversations: Specifics of current situation • The EPA conducted an in-person inspection due to local complaints (from Cong. Craig’s office). • In October it was found that Spectro exceeded the visual opacity standards and additional information was requested and reviewed. • The EPA formally sent a Notice of Violation in June and has been working with Spectro to address the three violations listed in the Notice (page 5). It was indicated that Spectro is willingly working with the EPA. • While this is an open enforcement action, MPCA / EPA staff cannot discuss the particulars of the issue. Other pertinent information • Air quality permits require a 3rd party monitoring of stacks every 5 years. • In between the stack monitoring, the company is required to document information which indicates compliance with air quality permit through other means. Other areas that are monitored and documented is the lime injection rate, monitoring the pressure across their baghouses and in some cases, they also use bag leak detection systems to monitor their baghouses. • The air permit will allow some amount of pollutants to come out of the stack as part of the routine operation of a metals recycling plant. o EPA / MPCA staff indicated that some odors, or haziness, etc. can occur even from a compliant plant. • The regulations for air quality are based upon the Clean Air Act, with specifics found in the MN State Implementation Plan (SIP) and National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP). These are both referenced in the Notice of Violation. Other items • There is a history of enforcement action on the site either by County, State of Federal agencies. • Anecdotally, staff has noticed an increased willingness to work with the City / other govt. entities to improve the facility. • Upon verifying a violation, the EPA has several options to address the enforcement process; they could send a letter noting the violation, initiate a formal Notice of Violation, or could even shut the business down. Based on the violations found in this instance, they decided to issue formal Notice of Violation. • The enforcement process begins with some type of notice of violation and then the agency and business negotiate to find an acceptable remedy (to include necessary equipment repairs/process modifications, fines, etc.) • These negotiations take time and it was indicated that from June to now would not be considered a long time in terms of enforcement actions and securing a remedy. • The recent installation of the enclosed burner was viewed as an improvement to the operations over the previous condition. RECOMMENDATION & CONCLUSION Discussion and update item only. The intent of the above information and discussion at the work session is to provide background to the Council about Spectro Alloys and provide some update to the Council on the ongoing enforcement action. This is an open-ended issue with more conversation expected in coming months, based on the results of the EPA process and information learned. Property Activity Timeline March 1996 The City approved an Administrative Plat to consolidate multiple parcels and vacate a right of way that divided the site, subject to: 1. Dedication of a 10’ drainage and utility easement along the northwest property line, 2. Conveyance of an easement for overhead power lines that were located in the vacated right of way. April 1997 The Planning Commission conducted a Site Plan Review of three proposed structures was conducted and approved with variances to yard and bluff line setbacks, subject to: 1. Provision of landscaping and berming along 55, 2. DNR approval, approval of an erosion control plan by Public Works, 3. approval by MnDOT, 4. conformance with building and fire codes. May 2007 Spectro submitted a semi-annual compliance report to both the MPCA and the EPA that falsely indicated that its facility was in compliance with all pollution limits. Spectro was found guilty of violating the federal false statements statute regarding its emissions of hazardous air pollutants resulting in a $500,000 fine. Additionally, in that same time period, Spectro reached a settlement with the U.S. government for an additional $600,000 regarding civil claims filed by the EPA for alleged violations of the Clean Air Act and civil administrative claims of the EPA for alleged violations of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. October 2008 Spectro Alloys experienced an explosion in its mill house building. A memo is attached reviewing the situation February 2010 Molten Aluminum leak 112,000 pounds. See attachment October 2007 Dakota County Environmental Management informed the City of a number of hazard waste disposal violations occurring at Spectro Alloys and asked for assistance in their enforcement efforts. This was discussed at a work session to provide staff with feedback about which enforcement measures staff should pursue. City staff began enforcement of violations of the City Code related to maintenance of the site and the storage or accumulation of rubbish on the site. The code enforcement letters and the responses from Spectro Alloys are included in the attachments. February 2011 Fire at building; notes indicate was equipment; payloader fire December 2014 The City issued a Conditional Use Permit allowing Spectro Alloys to install outdoor structures in excess of 15% of the gross floor area of the principal building to operate a custom clean charge system, subject to: 1. New outdoor structures shall not be closer than 40 feet from the bluff line. 2. The total aggregate area of outdoor structures shall not exceed 30% of the total gross area of the principal building. 3. Outdoor scrap or waste storage shall not occur within 400 feet of the Minnesota Highway 55 right-of-way. July 2017 Fire building; baghouse fire. Investigation report attached. February 2018 Spectro Alloys received approval for a variance from the side yard setback standard. The variance allowed the construction of a 5,000 square foot addition to the principal building along with the construction of a new filter house outside the facility. The addition housed a new furnace for the smelting of recycled metals. The variance was subject to: 1. Any future modifications to the site only be permitted after submission of a survey with accurate impervious coverage amounts calculated by a surveyor. April 2019 Forklift Fire October 2019 Gas leak Other activity: • July 2018 – EPA Consent Agreement and Final Order. Civil penalty of $27,400 for violation related to fire event on 7/23/17. • July 2018 – EPA Administrative Consent Order. Compliance issues, documentation. • MPCA Records (from Rep. John Huot email): o 3/14/19 – Dakota County complaint. Parametric monitoring for control equipment. o 3/29/19 – City of Rosemount Complaint. Haze and foul odor. o 4/23/19 – City of Rosemount complaint. Excessive steam and smoke. 1 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 1996- 15 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ADMINISTRATIVE PLAT FOR SPECTRO ALLOYS ADDITION 13220 DOYLE PATH WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has received an administrative plat for the following legally described property: Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 1, Lots 4 and 5, Block 2, and that part of vacated Doyle Path accrued thereto, all in HOLLENBACK & NELSON, INC. FIRST ADDITION. WHEREAS, on February 27, 1996, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing to receive public comment regarding the administrative plat for Spectro Alloys Addition, in accordance with the City's Zoning and Subdivision ordinance and State Statutes; and, WHEREAS, on February 27, 1996, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount recommended approval of the administrative plat for Spectro Alloys Addition subject to conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves to Spectro Alloys Addition administrative plat subject to: 1) conveyance of an easement for electrical power transmission that are located in the Doyle Path public right-of-way to be vacated; and, 2) inclusion of ten foot wide drainage and utility easements along the northwest property lines (generally perpendicular to TH 55) as previously dedicated with the Hollenback & Nelson, inc. First Addition Plat. ADOPTED this 6th day of March, 1996. Cathy Bushq Mayor ATTEST: _ Susah M. Walsh itv Clerk Motion by: Voted in favor: W1)lipermann Second by: Anderson, Wippermann, Busho, Carroll, Edwards. Carroll Voted against: nl n n P y x CIT O F RO S E M O U N T 2875 CITY145t Street West pil Rosemount, MN Everything's Coming Up Rosemount!! 55068-4997 Phone 612- 4234411 Planning Commission Hearing Impaired 423 -6219 Fax 612 423 -5203 Regular Meeting Minutes April 8, 1997 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was duly held on Tuesday, April 8, 1997 at 6:30 p.m. Chairperson William Droste called the meeting to order with members Mark DeBettignies, Jay Tentinger, Kim Shoe Corrigan, and Jeffery Weisensel present. Also in attendance were Community Development Director Dan Rogness, City Planner Rick Pearson, and Intern Troy Bonkowske. Mr. Pearson requested that item 5.A. Sidewalk Signs Update and 5.B. Essential Services Update be added to the agenda. Commissioner DeBettignies requested the minutes from the March 25, 1997 Regular Meeting be amended in the Broback Industrial Park Replat section, at the bottom of page 4, to properly reflect his concern regarding turn lanes onto Diamond Path, rather than CSAH 42. MOTION by Droste to approve the March 25, 1997 Regular Planning Commission Meeting 4I)Minutes, as amended. Seconded by Shoe Corrigan. Ayes: DeBettignies, Tentinger, Droste, Shoe Corrigan, Weisensel. Nays: 0. Department Announcements: Summary of City Council Actions The Commission noted the actions taken at the April 1, 1997 City Council meeting and the dates for the upcoming Council of the Whole Committee meeting and the HRA Senior Housing project groundbreaking. Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment Process Mr. Pearson explained that the Met Council is standardizing the process for cities to update the Comprehensive Guide Plan and reviewed the proposed outline for this process. Staff will be seeking input from the Planning Commission during this process, which must be completed by December 31, 1998. Commissioners felt this process will be beneficial in educating the public as to the City's goals for expansion and the limitations which may be placed by MUSA. Questions were raised about the storm water management plan, which Mr. Pearson indicated is being worked on by a consultant and Tim Brown, Water Resource Coordinator. Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes April 8, 1997 Page 2 Sidewalk Sign Update Mr. Bonkowske reviewed the changes made to the Sidewalk Sign ordinance. The definition is being amended in order to address the issue of "on premise" advertising. Essential Service Facilities Update Mr. Bonkowske reviewed the changes made to the Essential Service Facilities ordinance. The ordinance is limited to electrical substations and municipal facilities only. Due to unknown requirements, petroleum and natural gas facilities have been omitted from the ordinance and will be addressed separately. Also, paragraph C of the initial draft has been removed in its entirety. Spectro Alloys Variance Request Site Plan Review Mr. Pearson summarized the application of Spectro Alloys for setback variances and a site plan review. Mr. Pearson also included a letter, dated April 7, 1997, from Patrick J. Lynch of the DNR, setting forth the DNR's recommendations and approval of the variance request. Mr. Pearson requested that Mr. Lynch's comments be included in the recommendations. Also noted was the unsightly condition of the area and expectations that this plan will present an opportunity for Spectro to clean up the site. Commissioner Shoe Corrigan asked why the conditions for landscaping in a previous application by Spectro were not met and how the City can be assured that Spectro will comply at this time. Mr. Pearson explained that $1200 is held in escrow to ensure that the landscaping would be done, but the City has not pursued compliance by Spectro. Commissioner Weisensel addressed the temporary structures on the property. Mr. Pearson stated the Fire Marshal requested the structures be located closer to the railroad and away from the buildings to allow emergency vehicles access to the property. Chairperson Droste opened the floor to the applicant. Dan Hoklas appeared on behalf of Spectro Alloys. Mr. Hoklas addressed the issue of noncompliance by Spectro on the landscaping. He explained that plantings on the berms died due to soil conditions and difficulties in watering. Spectro has hired a landscaping architect and plans to install an irrigation system. Where initial plans were to landscape only a portion of the property, current plans include landscaping the entire width of the property on TH 55. Mr. Hoklas acknowledged the unsightly condition of the site and indicated that the company is planning a spring cleanup to resolve this condition and bring orderliness back to the system. Presently, aluminum scraps are laid out on the plant grounds. With Spectro's new material handling system, the scrap will be processed as soon as it comes into the plant. The plans are to eventually Planning Commission , Regular Meeting Minutes April 8, 1997 •Pagel • • have no scrap laying on the grounds. Packaging materials which are also stored outside will be sorted and recycled. Commissioner Tentinger inquired about the possibility of an escape of chemicals used on the site. Mr. Hoklas responded that chlorine is used in the process to remove magnesium from the aluminum, resulting in O emissions. A safety director is on staff and there are response teams on site to immediately address any concerns. Spectro has future plans for a bulk chlorine system where the chlorine would be stored in underground tanks, thereby reducing safety concerns. Also, Spectro will be replacing old and obsolete equipment, which will also result in safer conditions. Commissioner DeBettignies noted that numerous trailers are located on various locations on the Spectro property. Some of these trailers do not have wheels and are missing axles and are unsightly in appearance. Commissioner DeBettignies inquired as to the purpose of these trailers and if they are permanent. Mr. Hoklas indicated the trailers are used for storage purposes and are considered permanent. Once again, the spring cleanup planned by Spectro will bring orderliness back to the system and Spectro will make an effort to keep the trailers in the best shape possible. Spectro will take steps to screen the trailers from view. Commissioner Droste emphasized the importance of the appearance of the Spectro site. If vegetation is lost, it is expected that it will be replaced. Commissioner Droste pointed out missing siding on one of the buildings. Mr. Hoklas indicated this would be repaired. Mr. Hoklas discussed the various plant improvements anticipated by Spectro Alloys in detail. Commissioner Droste informed Mr. Hoklas that it is the expectation of the Planning Commission that the cleanup and repairs would be done. Commissioner Droste further inquired about plans for the storm water run off Mr. Hoklas indicated that Spectro started the storm water plan five years ago and that the plans shown relate to existing conditions. Commissioner Shoe-Corrigan asked whether the new materials handling system which is part of the 1997 construction project would resolve the problem with junk spilling over the bluff Presently there is debris falling over the bluff line. Mr. Hoklas responded that the processing system will help with this problem, as well as a berm wall along this area. Mr. Hoklas acknowledged that management problems contributed to this problem with debris over the bluff, and that Spectro will take steps to clean this up. Commissioner Droste inquired as to Spectro's goals in eliminating the aluminum scraps and packaging materials from the ground. Mr. Hoklas indicated Spectro's 1997 goal is to reduce the amount of these materials on the ground by 50%. Spectro has already commenced with some of the cleanup. A portion of the labor force has been shifted to cleanup. Spectro expects to have the major part of the cleanup completed in three weeks. Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes April 8, 1997 Page 4 Chairperson Droste opened the public hearing to the public. There were no comments. MOTION by Droste to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by DeBettignies. Ayes: Tentinger, Droste, Shoe Corrigan, Weisensel, and DeBettignies. Nays: 0. Chairperson Droste recessed the Planning Commission hearing and opened the Board of Appeals and Adjustments. Commissioner Tentinger inquired as to any complaints received by City Staff concerning the Spectro project. Mr. Pearson noted the Fire Marshal has responded to incidents at the site, but he was not aware of any other complaints. The Fire Marshal has reviewed the proposal by Spectro and feels there is sufficient room to maneuver emergency vehicles. Emergency vehicles have access on the south, west and north sides, however, access is not available on the east side along the railroad tracks. Mr. Pearson indicated that Spectro has no sprinkler system and currently does not meet code. There will be additional requirements placed upon Spectro at the time it applies for a building permit. The Commissioners asked what recourse the City would have if Spectro does not comply with the landscaping requirements and cleanup. Mr. Pearson indicated the process for code enforcement involves identifying the problem, issuing a warning, and eventually obtaining a misdemeanor charge against the company. The preferable way, however, in handling noncompliance situations is to work with the owner directly and avoid a confrontational approach. MOTION by Tentinger to grant the variances to yard and bluff line setbacks as requested by Spectro Alloys Corporation in accordance with the findings prepared by City Staff, as required in Section 15.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. Seconded by Weisensel. Ayes: Droste, Shoe Corrigan, Weisensel, DeBettignies and Tentinger. Nays: 0. Chairperson Droste closed the Board of Appeals and Adjustments and reconvened the Planning Commission hearing. A discussion ensued regarding the two wells located upon the subject property. Mr. Hoklas indicated the wells are not used for potable purposes and that bottled water is provided throughout the plant. Commissioners further discussed the differences between a conservation easement and a restrictive covenant and which would be most beneficial in protecting the bluff line setback area. This area is already protected by the variance. A conservation easement, however, would set this area aside and place the restrictions of record. In addition, the filing of an easement would serve as notice to any subsequent purchasers that they must obtain a variance for any improvements in this area. MOTION by Shoe Corrigan to approve the site plan for Spectro Alloys Corp. Subject to: 1) granting of yard and bluff line setback variances as required; 2) provision of landscaping as specified in the RLK drawing in section 6 of the project update II booklet with the plantings and berming Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes April 8, 1997 Page 5 occurring outside of the Th 55 right -of -way; 3) incorporation of comments and recommendations of Patrick Lynch, Minnesota DNR, in his April 7, 1997 letter, regarding a storm water management plan, erosion control measures and a conservation easement for the balance of the 40' bluff setback; 4) approval of an erosion control plan by the Department of Public Works; 5) approval of the Minnesota Department of Transportation as required, 6) conformance with all applicable building and fire codes; and 7) recording of a revised plat which contains a conservation easement for the balance of the 40 foot bluff setback. Seconded by DeBettignies. Ayes: Shoe Corrigan, Weisensel, DeBettignies, Tentinger and Droste. Nays: 0. Endres Processing Variance Request Site Plan Review. Mr. Pearson presented a summary of the site plan proposal by Endres Processing Ltd. for a 56,000 sq.ft. building, together with a variance request for the alteration of a bluff line to facilitate the construction of a driveway. Mr. Pearson also included a letter from Patrick J. Lynch, dated April 7, 1997, setting forth the DNR's recommendations. The DNR has reviewed this proposal and does not object to the proposed building and future expansion areas, indicating the proposal is designed with sensitivity to the bluff areas. Grading for driveway purposes will affect secondary bluffs and this impact to the bluff areas is relatively minor. The DNR concerns involved proper erosion control, additional soil analysis and perc tests to determine suitability for on -site septic system, landscaping which will incorporate more native plant species and include native grasses, and potential development of the railroad spur. Mr. Pearson indicated this site plan meets the City's standards. There was a discussion concerning the railroad spur and whether this issue should be dealt with at a later time in joint discussions with the DNR. Chairperson Droste opened the meeting to the public. Eric Christianson, Rutledge Construction, appeared on behalf of Endres Processing. Mr. Christianson indicated that the railroad spur is an important issue for Endres and that it should be included in the overall plan. Commissioner Shoe Corrigan inquired about the DNR's concerns regarding the side slopes which would be created in development of the railroad spur. Mr. Christianson indicated these concerns have been worked into the design of the site. The DNR will be involved in the development and approval of the railroad spur and Endres will work with the DNR in developing an acceptable plan. Leon Endres, Endres Processing Ltd., indicated that, if the railroad spur is not available, Endres will choose another location for its facility. Mr. Endres is comfortable that this can be worked out with the DNR. It is anticipated that construction of the rail site will take place within two years. There was a discussion on procedures for approvals, with and without inclusion of the railroad spur issue, and involvement of the DNR in decisions and for appeals. CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: October 3, 2007 AGENDA ITEM: Spectra Alloy PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: None EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA SECTION: Discussion AGENDA NO. APPROVED BY:f!V RECOMMENDED ACTION: Provide Staff Direction ISSUE DISCUSSION If Rosemount was to pursue its own enforcement process, there are four likely options: working with the other regulatory agencies; enforcing the property maintenance code violations; work towards requiring Spectro Alloy to apply for a Conditional Use Permit; or pursuing abatement of the current environmental violations through a civil nuisance lawsuit. Rosemount can conduct any of these four alternatives or any combination of them. Work with other Regulatory Agencies Currently, DCEM and the EPA are pursuing enforcement measures against Spectro Alloy, and it appears promising that OSHA and the MPCA may begin independent investigations as well. These agencies all have staff with expertise in industrial regulations and enforcement that Rosemount staff does not possess. Also, these agencies have the ability to take more significant levels of enforcement, such as license revocation and /or fines in the thousands of dollars, than we have. Rosemount staff would stay in contact with the appropriate agencies' staff to ensure that enforcement is occurring. The downside to this option is that these agencies are not concerned with aesthetics of the Spectro Alloy operation, over which we have authority through our property maintenance and zoning ordinances. Also, we do not have direct control over what priorities the separate agencies have nor can we control what penalties or compromises Spectro Alloy are subjected to by the respective agencies. Enforce Property Maintenance Code violations Similar to the enforcements that we did with Endres earlier this year, staff can initiate a site inspection of Spectro Alloy and issue citations of our property maintenance and zoning ordinances. These regulations are pretty limited to aesthetic and site plan issues and do not have any real control over the operation of the facility or how they handle their hazardous material. Our regulations would require Spectro look more orderly and appealing in the way they operate. Code enforcement violations focus on compliance with the City's ordinances, not enacting significant financial penalties. The downside to this option would be that it would resolve current code violations in the short term, but does not provide any long term guarantees that they will continue to operate within the ordinance. Long term enforcement could only be ensured by periodic inspection of Spectro's operation by City staff. Work towards requiring Spectro to apply for a Conditional Use Permit Long term City regulation of Spectro Alloy's operation would require Spectro Alloy to be subject to a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) or some other type of permit that the City would be able to revoke if they fail to meet the conditions in which they operate. If Spectro Alloy was a new business looking to locate within Rosemount, they could be required to apply for a CUP within the GI — General Industrial zoning. Spectro Alloy currently does not have a CUP and is classified as a legal non - conforming use because their operation began before the City ordinance required a CUP for their use. The only way that the City can require Spectro Alloy to submit for a CUP would be if they changed their operation in a way that would expand their facility. If Dakota County did revoke Spectro Alloy's permit until Spectro would handle their aluminum dross indoors, this may require an expansion to their building to enclose the dross processing. It is questionable if State Statute would classify this as an expansion because there are provisions for businesses to change their operation to accommodate changes in the way they are regulated. In other words, if the handling of the dross indoors is a requirement that Dakota County places on Spectro Alloy that wasn't in Dakota County's original permit, then that may make any building expansion that Spectro performs exempt from our non - conforming use regulations. The downside to this is that we can only place conditions within a CUP that we have the expertise or authority to enforce. We would have more ability to regulate the aesthetic manner in which Spectro Alloy operates greater than what is currently provided within our ordinance, but we would not be able to enforce the way in which Spectro conducts their operation that other agencies would regulate. Pursue Abatement through a civil Nuisance Lawsuit against Spectro The most drastic and most costly option we could pursue would be to file a civil nuisance lawsuit against Spectro Alloy to make them stop exposing our community and our residents to environmental hazards and to clean up and abate any contamination that they have caused. This would be the most serious penalty that the City could enforce on Spectro and may result in legal expense to Spectro in fines and clean up costs that may drive them out of business. If it appeared that Spectro would be driven out of business, we may also need to bring a lawsuit to seize some of their assets to ensure that there are funds are available for the clean up to occur. The downside of the option would be the financial costs to the City. The staff time, from administration, community development and legal consultants, would likely be significant and take resources away from other City efforts. In addition to the use of existing staff time, it is likely that an environmental consulting firm would need to be retained to collect the evidence necessary to prove the case for a nuisance lawsuit. If the City wished to pursue this option, it may be best to file a joint nuisance lawsuit with the other regulatory agencies. This would spread the cost out among the numerous agencies and staff from DCEM, MPCA and EPA has the environmental expertise and access to testing that would be needed to prove the case in a nuisance lawsuit. SUMMARY Staff is looking for direction from the City Council about which enforcement measures City staff should pursue. ,S ROSEMOUNT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT October 31, 2007 Spectra Alloys Corp. Attn. Paul Curtis, President 13220 Doyle Path Box 10 Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Spectra Alloys Code Violations Dear Mr. Curtis: Tbis letter is to inform you of a number of violations to the City Code that are occurring at your business, Spectra Alloys Corp., at 13220 Doyle Path. An inspection of your property was conducted by City Staff on the morning of October 19, 2007 and a number of violations were observed. These violations include City Code subsections: •9-4-6 A.2., the owner allowing the accumulation of rubbish that could create a health hazard for the general public. •9-4-7 A.1., poorly maintained structures that adversely affect the neighboring property values. •9-4-7 A.2.a., buildings and structures that have holes, gaps, missing windows, and damaged lintels. •9-4-7 C., maintains or permits refuse, junk, and debris to be placed and stored outside of structures or without screening. •9-4-7 E., parking lots, driveways, and accessways are not maintained in a neat and aesthetic manner. Attached to this letter are a set of photographs that illustrate the violations noted on the site. The photographs are representative of the noted violations, but there are other areas on the site that also violate the same above noted code standards. These violations of the City Code need to cease immediately and should not continue in the future. To resolve this matter, the City is requesting a meeting with Spectra Alloys staff early in the week of Nov-ember 5. At that meeting, City staff will discuss with Spectra Alloys staff the various violations and would like to hear how Spectra Alloys plans to resolve these issues and prevent them from occui-ring in the future. To achieve resolution of this matter, City staff expects an action plan to be submitted to the City by November 16, 2007 that will illustrate the operational changes that will occur to resolve violations of City Code subsections 9-4-7 A.1., 9- 4-7 A.2.a., and 9-4-7 E.. In addition, clean up of the site to resolve the violations of City Code subsections 9-4-6 A.2. and 9-4-7 C. will need to occur by November 13, 2007. Failure to contact the City or the timely advancement of resolutions to these code violations will result in citations and fines in accordance with the City Code. SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS Rosemount City Hall· 2875 145th Street West • Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 651-423-4411 • TDD/TTY 651-423-6219 • Fax 651-42,3-5203 www. ci. rosem o un t.m n. us t City staff understands that Spectro Alloy has previously been issued abuilding permit to correct anumber of theholes and other structural concerns inthebuildings. The work proposed within that building permit should continue and the necessary repair inspections shall be completed by November 9, 2007. Alan Strand, Building Official, will be contacting your staff to verify that steady progress is being made. This letter does not relieve Spectto Alloys of any of the responsibilities of the issued building permit. To schedule ameeting early inthe week of November 5, 2007 please call John Kendall, Code Enforcement Officer at (651) 322 -2027. Sincerely, Eric ZweWer, AICP Senior Planner Attachments: Photographs of Code Violations cc. Mayor and City Councilmembers Jamie Verbrugge, CityAdministrator Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Alan Strand, Building Official John Kendall, Building Inspector and Code Enforcement Officer Jeff Harthun, Dakota County Environmental Management Director Kayla Ross, Spectro Alloys Environmental Manager SPECTRO ALLOYS CORP 13220 Doyle Path Rosemount, MN 55068 U.5 A. FAX: 651/438 -3714 Phone: 651/437 -2815 November 2, 2007 Mr. Eric Zweber SeniorPlanner City ofRosemount 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Mr. Zweber: Iamwriting inresponse toyour letter dated October 31, 2007. Ameeting hasbeen arranged forNovember 13, 2007 atCity Hall. Issues related toproperty clean-up willbe completed by that date. Issues related to building repair will be either underway or completed bythat date, depending upon contractor availability next week. We will bring to the meeting a list of the items completed as well as a completion schedule on outstanding issues. If you have questions I can be reached at 651 -480 -6117. Sincerely, PaulCurtis President a4„.1E-e.(717137. ROSEMOUNT November 26, 2007 Spectro Alloys Corp. Attn. Paul Curtis, President 13220 Doyle Path Box 10 Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Spectro Alloys Inspections Dear Mr. Curtis: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ThisletterisinresponsetothesiteinspectionofSpectroAlloysthatoccurredonTuesday, November20, 2007withPaulCurtis, SpectroAlloys' President; ChadRedlin, SpectroAlloys' Director of Engineering; Eric Zweber, Rosemount Senior Planner; and John Kendall, Rosemount Building Inspection /Code Enforcement. The inspection was to evaluate the changes and repairs that have occurred inresponse tothe code violation letter dated October 31, 2007. Spectro Alloys has made repairs and improvements to many of the code violations cited in the October 31 letter, but six issues still remain. This letter will describe the six issues. In response, SpectroAlloysmustdescribeinwritingbyMonday, December3, whatremedialactionswilltake place to resolve these six issues and the timeline in which the remedial action will take place. 1. Rubbish, tefuse, and aluminum fines on the tailroad right -of -way. SpectroAlloyshascleanedupthelargersizedrubbish, refuse, andaluminum ontherailroad right -of -way, buttherearestillsignificantamountsofrubbish, refuse, andaluminum finesthat are smaller than six inches in size. This material needs to be cleaned up as well. 2. BluffLineSetback The site plan that was provided during the November 20inspection shows encroachment into the bluff line setback. The bluff line setback is a required setback of the City's Zoning Ordinance in which no buildings or accessory structures are permitted, including storage areas. The City will assume that theexisting storage structures orpaved storage areas are pre- existing non conforming uses and can continue as is, but the storage of material on unpaved or non- improved surfaces isnot allowed. All material located beyond the paved area must be removed. 34InstallationofFencingorotherStructureonthenorthsideoftheRawUndriedScrap RUS) Storage Area As stated inthebluff line setback section, storage of material isoccurring onthe grass beyond the paved storage area and within the bluff line setback. To prevent this from occurring in the future, afence orother permanent structure shall be installed on the north side of thepaved storagearea. SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS Rosemount City Hall 2875 145th 5reet West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 651- 423 -4411 TDD /TTY 651- 423 -6219 Fax 651- 423 -5203 www.ci.rosemount.mn.us 4. Building and Structural Repairs Spectro Alloys has applied for anumber of building permits to repair holes in the building and storage structures, butvery fewrepairs wetecompleted bytheNovember 20inspection. Please provide aconstruction schedule of when these repairs will be completed. 5. Implementation oftheSpectro Alloys SitePlan OnNovember 20, Spectro Alloys provided asiteplanthatdemonstrates theoperation ofthe facility anddelineation ofstorage andrepair areas. During theinspection, Spectro staff was observed cleaning upthefacility andmoving material totheproper storage locations. Itis expected that implementation of this site plan is now complete. Future site inspections will include checking thecompliance ofSpectto's operation within thesiteplan. 6. Permanent Solution toRefuse andFineMaterials being emitted fromtheShredder Much oftherubbish, refuse, andaluminum finesthatarelocated ontherailroad right -of -way havecomefrom theshredder operation. Spectro staffhasinstalled temporary jersey barriers to prevent pre- shredded scrap from falling onto the railroad right -of -way and temporary snow fencing toprevent wind blown refuse from leaving thesite. Spectro staffhasalso stated that operational changes are being implemented to remove refuse rich scrap (such as the aluminum cans from Ramsey County) from the processing stream and to change the suction on the shredder to prevent aluminum fines from leaving the operation. City staff is willing to allow Spectro Alloy some time to evaluate the appropriate operational changes to prevent rubbish, refuse, and aluminum fines from leaving the site with the following conditions. Alogoftheoperation changes iskeptdocumenting which changes have occurred and the level of success for each change. Monthly inspections will be conducted by City staff of the railroad right -of -way to determine the success of the operational changes. All possible operational changes are considered, which may include enclosing the shredder output conveyor belt. Awritten report ofthepermanent operational changes thatwillbeimplemented ontheshredder issubmitted totheCitybyFebruary 29, 2008. The appropriate permanent walls and fencing on the east side of the shredder operation are installed by May 31, 2008. Failure to submit written remedial actions to resolve these six remaining issues by Monday, December 3, 2007 will result in the issuance of fines and citations as permitted by the City Code. Questions and concerns regarding this letter can be directed to Eric Zweber at (651) 322 -2052. Sincerely, Eric Zweber Senior Planner 2 cc. Mayor andCity Councilmembers Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Alan Strand, Building Official John Kendall, Building Inspector and Code Enforcement Officer Jeff Harthun, Dakota County Environmental Management Director Chad Redlin, Spectro Alloy Director ofEngineering SPECTRO ALLOYS CORP 13220 Doyle Path Rosemount, MN 55068 U.S.A. FAX: 651/438 -3774 Phone: 651/437 -2815 November 30, 2007 Mr. Eric Zweber SeniorPlanner City ofRosemount 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN55068 DearMr. Zweber: Iam writing in response to your letter dated November 26, 2007 regarding the site inspectionofourfacilityonNovember20, 2007. Thefollowingparagraphsrespondto the numbered paragraphs in your letter. 1. The remaining small material onthe. railroad right -of -way will need tobe removed with the use of avacuum system. This material is now frozen in place which makes it impossible to remove until spring. When that area has thawed and dried out in the spring we will clean up the small material with a vacuum system. This activity will be weather dependant which prevents us from giving you adate of completion. We will schedule itinthe spring once the area has dried sufficiently to effectively remove it. 2. Scrapsteelandequipmenthasbeenremovedfrombeyondthepavedarea. The piles of gravel tothe northwest ofthe fuel station have been removed and disposed of. 3. Because the material stored on the grass in the setback area was large scrap steel and equipment which must be set there with a crane, we don't believe a fence is either necessary or effective in preventing the placement equipment and steel in that area. Adhering to our site plan will be sufficient in keeping that area clear. We are not physically able to store raw material in that area as our solid tire equipment cannot operate onsoft surfaces. 4. Three permits were obtained for the building repairs that were required. Permits 2007 -01931 and 2007 -01729 were obtained by Spectro Alloys. The work for both of thesepermitsiscomplete, andcompletionstatuswillbecommunicatedtotheinspector bytheendoftheday, December3, 2007. Thethirdpermitwasobtainedbycontractor O'Reilly Fabrication and Welding Services. The contractor has confirmed completion of the work, and plans toreport thestatus tothe inspector. 5. Clean upandorganization ofthesiteaccording tothe siteplaniscomplete. Compliance to the site plan will continue. The exception to this is the removal of the refractory lined duct and insulated tank currently stored in view from the SE comer of the cul -de -saconDoyle Path. Theremoval ofthis equipment willbecompleted byJanuary 11, due to the holiday's. 6. A report of operational changes on the shredding plant will be supplied by February 29, 2008. If it is found that permanent walls and fencing are the solution on the east side of the shredder, they will be installed during our annual major maintenance downtime inJulyandAugust 2008 rather than incuradditional plant downtime inMay. Downtime is very expensive in our industry; therefore, it is critical that we plan capital projects in conjunction with annual plant shut downs. Please call me at 651- 480 -6115 if you have additional questions. Sincerely, SPECTROALLOYSCQRP. Chad Redlin Director of Engineering SPECTRO ALLOYS CORP 13220 Doyle Path Rosemount, MN 55068 U.S.A. FAX: 651/438 -3714 Phone: 651/437 -2815 February 28, 2008 Mr. Eric Zweber Senior Planner City of Rosemount 2875 145` Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Shredder Operational Changes Dear Mr. Zweber: This letter isafollow -uptomyresponse letter dated November 30, 2007 regarding the site inspection of our facility on November 20, 2007. Specifically addressed is Item 6 as to operational changes to the shredding plant. I have included that paragraph below for reference. 6. A report of operational changes on the shredding plant will be supplied by February 29, 2008. If itisfound that permanent walls and fencing are the solution on the east side of the shredder, they will beinstalled during ourannual major maintenance downtime inJuly and August 2008 rather than incur additional plant downtime inMay. Downtime is very expensive in our industry so it is critical that we plan capital projects inconjunction with annual plant shut downs. There are three areas addressed that will provide asolution tothe area east of the shredder: scrap containment at ground level, dust containment at sorting table /shredder, anddust/debris containment atbinconveyors. Scrap is staged in the area between the excavator and dock 5 and to the north of the 80's bins. There isoccasion that pieces, orrarely abail ofscrap gets pushed onto the hillside. To prevent this, a concrete wall will be installed between the north edge of Dock 5 and thesouth edge ofthe excavator area. North of the 80's bins there isfuture potential to addmore bins. There isno budget this year toconstruct thecomplete bins. Therefore, we will be constructing a simple, temporary wall using concrete barriers to prevent bails frombeing pushed ontothe hill. Shredder Operational Changes Page 1 of 2 The action of the shredder can create fugitive dust at its inlet opening that can become wind blown. To contain this material, Spectro will enclose the areas around the inlet to the shredder. We will also add dust collection to this hood from the existing dust collection system. Additionally, Spectro willadd vacuuming capabilities totheshredder building tofacilitate collection, treatment andproper handling ofdustcleanup within the shredder. Under highwind conditions, light weight debris and dust canbeblown from thetwo exposed conveyors above the 80's bins and at drop points. The 6 -bin conveyor will be covered with a conveyor only lid system. The chute to the transversing conveyor will be enclosed. To solve the issue of windblown dust at the transversing conveyor drop into thebins, awindscreen willbeinstalled atthe80'sbinstocontain thismaterial. Thechanges above areplanned tobecompleted during our annual major maintenance downtime, as discussed in Item 6 of the November, 30, 2007 letter. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments regarding this plan. Sincerely, Chad W. Redlin Director of Engineering Spectro Alloys Corp. 13220 Doyle Path Rosemount, MN 55068 651) 480 -6115 Direct 651) 480 -6147Fax cwredlin@yahoo.comShredder Operational Changes Page 2 of 2 MEMORANDUM 1 To: Mayor and City Council Cc: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator; Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director From: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner Date: October 24, 2008 Subject: Spectro Alloy Explosion At about 5 p.m., Thursday, October 23, Spectro Alloys experienced an explosion in its mill house building. The explosion seriously injured one employee who was working at the sorting table on the in-feed conveyor leading into the mill house. The employee was airlifted to the hospital and is currently in an induced coma, waiting for swelling around the brain to go down. One other employee was in the area but suffered only a minor injury from a falling computer monitor. Alan Strand, city building official, inspected the facility on Friday morning. The equipment within the mill house and the conveyor feeding the mill house were seriously damaged, but the mill house is still standing. Something that was fed into the mill exploded and blew the doors and the top off the mill and also destroyed the equipment within the mill. The blast also went down the in-feed conveyor, where it injured the employee who is in the hospital. It is unknown at this time what it was that caused the explosion. The mill house and in-feed conveyor are currently caution-taped off from the other portions of the facility. Spectro Alloys has hired Larson Engineering to perform a structural evaluation of the mill house and will supply a report to the City upon completion of an inspection. Larson’s inspection is for the structural soundness of the mill house and equipment but will not include the cause of the explosion. Spectro Alloys stated that it has reported the incident to OSHA, but Spectro stated that OSHA will not be performing immediate inspection because the agency’s threshold for an immediate inspection is an employee death or three employees hospitalized. Spectro Alloys stated that it will perform its own internal investigation of the material fed into the mill that caused the explosion and City staff has requested a copy of that report when available. The other portions of the facility, such as the foundry, were undamaged. The foundry was still running when staff inspected the facility on Friday and Spectro Alloy stated that it plans to continue running, using the material that had already been milled. Spectro Alloys has also stated that it is investigating buying pre-milled material or reducing production before the milled material will run out. City staff will be monitoring the facility to ensure that Spectro Alloys does not continue to receive material that needs to be milled that would cause a storage problem at the facility. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2014 - 133 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) TO ALLOW SPECTRO ALLOYS TO INSTALL OUTDOOR STRUCTURES IN EXCESS OF 15% OF THE GROSS FLOOR AREA OF THE PRINCIPAL BUILDING TO OPERATE A CUSTOM CLEAN CHARGE (CCC) SYSTEM WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount received an application from Spectro rllloys (Spectro) for the appYOVaI of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to operate a Custom Clean Charge (CCC) system at 13220 Doyle Path, Rosemount,l linnesota; and WHEREAS, on December 9, 2014, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing to review the CUP application from Spectro for the CCC system; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion recommending that the City Council approve the CUP for Spectro subject to the conditions listed below; and WHEREAS, on December 16, 2014, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendation and the CLTP application for Spectro. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Cin- of Rosemount hereb` approves the CCJP for Spectro to operate a CCC s stem at 13220 Doyle Path, Rosemount, Tinnesota, subject to the following conditions: 1. Ne v outdoor structures shall not be closer than 40 feet from the bluff line. 2. The total aggregate area of outdoor structures shall not exceed 30% of the total gross area of the principal builcling. 3. Outdoor scrap or vaste storage shall not occur within 400 feet of the Minnesota Highway 55 right-of-way. ADOPTED this 1G` h da of December, 2014 by the City iuncil of the C of Rosemo . i William H. Droste, Mayox ATTE : C arissa Ha er, Ciry Clerk To: Aaron Jensen, Maintenance Manager From: Rick Chase, Fire Marshal Date: August 1, 2017 Scope: Structure fire permits/Emergency Procedures/ Investigation Status. Structure fire permit requirements: The comments listed below are provided in response to the request for information regarding permit requirements. Work proposed replace/repair the north baghouse and associated production equipment. A. Building permit- Submit permit application with two signed, ¼ scale, sets each of engineered structural drawings. If using the existing foundation a letter from the Engineer of record stating it is compliant with the current Minnesota State Building Code and not structurally damaged by the fire. B. Electrical permit- Permit is required contact the Electrical inspector for requirements, Pat McMullen (612)866-1979 7am-8:30am mcmulleninspecting@gmail.com . C. Mechanical permit- Submit permit application with two signed, ¼ scale, sets each of engineered mechanical drawings. If any of the existing mechanical system is proposed to be used a letter from the mechanical and structural Engineer is required stating that the systems are compliant with the current Minnesota State Building code. D. When the mechanical work is completed the Mechanical Engineer of record is required to submit a complete acceptance report on the system prior to final inspection by the building department. E. A confirmation letter from the Minnesota Pollution control for acceptable emission’s is required prior to final building inspection. F. Submit a dust hazard analysis. When the plans are received a plan review will be completed, typical plan review time is ten business days. The city of Rosemount understands that Spectro is interested in getting Furnace 1 on-line and will work with the company representatives to get the project reviewed and approved as soon as possible. Emergency procedures: During the incident it was evident that employer emergency procedures are unsatisfactory. A general list below includes items that are required to be completed and submitted prior to Furnace 1being placed in service. The purpose of the list is to provide safety measures for emergency responders, employees, and the general public. 1. Provide complete HMIS inventory statement and HMIS summary with plan submittal. The forms are attached. 2. Provide copy of operating procedures and emergency shut down procedures. 3. Provide fire safety and evacuation plans. 4. Provide an emergency management plan. 5. Submit complete maintenance criteria specs for the new system including the cleaning of ductwork, baghouse and all associated equipment. 6. Contact the Fire Marshal to schedule the annual inspection for the entire facility. Due to the size of the facility this will be done in zones. 7. Provide copy lab testing procedures for raw materials that outline acceptance for materials prior to processing. Investigation status: The fire investigation continues to move forward the following items below are still in process. 1. Witness interviews and follow up. 2. Lot number of raw materials at time of incident. 3. Lab reports of material involved in fire. 4. Maintenance logs for the bag house. 5. Insurance information. The above lists are not all inclusive, additional information may be required as data becomes available. If you have any questions please contact me, we look forward to working toward safety for all parties involved. Sincerely, Rick Chase, Fire Marshal/Inspector City of Rosemount, 2875 145th Street, Rosemount, MN 55068 Ph. 651-322-2027 / http://www.ci.rosemount CITYOFROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION BA2018-01 ARESOLUTION APPROVING AVARIANCE TOALLOW ASIDEYARDSETBACK OFTWOFEETFORAPRINCIPAL BUILDING ADDITION ANDASIDEYARD SETBACK OF12FEETFOR ANACCESSORY BUILDING INAGI-GENERAL INDUSTRIAL ZONING DISTRICT. WHEREAS, Spectro Alloys Corporation (the “Applicant”), 13220 Doyle Path has submitted an application to the City Rosemount (the “City”), for avariance to allow a side yard setback of two feet for a principal building addition and a side yard setback of 12 feet for an accessory building in a GI-General Industrial zoning district; and WHEREAS, notice has been published, mailed and posted pursuant to the Rosemount Zoning Ordinance, Section 11-12-2; and WHEREAS, the Rosemount Board of Appeals and Adjustments held apublic hearing and considered said on said matter on February 27, 2018; and NOW, THEREFORE, based on the testimony elicited and information received, the Rosemount Board of Appeals and Adjustments makes the following: FINDINGS 1. That the procedures for obtaining said Variance are found in the Rosemount Zoning Ordinance, Section 11-12-2. 2. That allthe submission requirements ofsaid Section 11-12-2 have been met by the Applicant. 3. That the proposed variance will allow the construction of an addition toits principal building at 13220 Doyle Path with a side yard setback of two feet for a principal building addition and aside yard setback of12 feet for an accessory building in aGI-General Industrial zoning district. 4. That the Variance will belocated on property legally described as follows: Lot 1, Block 1, SPECTRO ALLOYS ADDITION, Dakota County inthe State of Minnesota Resolution BA2018-01 1 5. The variance request isin harmony with the purposes and intent of the ordinance. Finding: Staff finds the request in harmony with the ordinance. The uses and activities taking place at the Spectro Alloys site are considered permitted or conditional uses under the Zoning Ordinance, and the building addition will allow the applicant to improve the efficiency and safety of its industrial operation. Although there are several aspects of the site that are non-conforming, overall the proposed addition will bring the property closer to compliance with the exterior storage and equipment provisions of the Ordinance. The building addition and reduced side yard setback will maintain adequate spacing from the rail line and private property to the east. 6. The variance is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Finding: Staff finds the request is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The recycling operation is consistent with the future land use designation ofGI – General Industrial for the property. The continued use and improvement of businesses within this land use category is encouraged in the Comprehensive Plan. 7. Granting of the variance allows reasonable use ofthe property. Finding: The variance will allow for an improvement and expansion of the present facility without reconfiguring the entire site. The proposed building addition will occupy space that is currently used for large structures and equipment with a minimal setback to the property line. A building addition in this location will have a minimal visual impact over existing conditions. The proposed addition will be able to maintain asetback of 50 feet from the nearest rail line, and will also be located over 300 feet from the nearest private property line. 8. There are unique circumstances to the property which are not created by the landowner. Finding: The current building locations and site layout were approved under less restrictive ordinances and met any applicable standards in place at that time. The site is also constrained due to the adjacent rail line and rail spurs, the curving alignment of the rail line, and itslocation adjacent toa MRCCA bluff line. 9. Granting of the variance does not alter the essential character of the locality. Finding: The property surrounding subject property is guided and zoned for either general or heavy industrial land uses and abuts arail spur used to move materials into and out of the near-by oil refinery. The proposed addition will allow for continued processing and recycling of materials in accordance the City’szoning regulations. The essential character of the locality will not be altered bygranting of the variance Resolution BA2018-01 2 CONCLUSIONS AND DECISION Based on the foregoing, the Applicant’sapplication for a Variance isgranted. th Passed and duly adopted this 27 day of February 2018, by the Board of Appeals and Adjustments of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. Melissa Kenninger, Chair ATTEST: Stacy Bodsberg, Planning & Personnel Secretary Resolution BA2018-01 3 NFIRS-1 Basic 19112 MN 04 24 2019 Rosemount 1 (Sta1) 190265 0 FDID State Month Day Year Station Number Exposure Location Type Census tract: Street Address Intersection In Front Of Rear Of Adjacent To Directions US National Grid 13220 Doyle Path Number Prefix Street or Highway Street Type Suffix Rosemount MN 55068 Apt./Suite/Room City State Zip Code Cross Street Incident Type 130-Mobile property (vehicle) fire, other Aid Given Or Received 1 Mutual Aid Received 2 Auto. Aid Received 3 Mutual Aid Given 4 Auto. Aid Given 5 Other Aid Given None Their FDID Their State Their Incident Number Dates and Times Alarm 04 24 2019 22:10 Arrival 04 24 2019 22:18 Controlled Last Unit Cleared 04 24 2019 23:07 Shifts and Alarms Shift or Platoon Alarms District Special Studies ID#Value Actions Taken 11-Extinguishment by fire service personnel Primary Action Taken Resources Apparatus or Personnel Module is used. Apparatus Personnel Suppression 5 0 EMS 1 0 Other 3 0 Resource counts include aid received resources. Estimated Dollar Losses and Values Losses:Required for all fires if known. Optional for all non-fires. None Property:$ 100,000.00 Contents:$ 100,000.00 Pre-Incident Values: Optional None Property:$ 100,000.00 Contents:$ 100,000.00 A B C D E1 E2 E3 F G1 G2 Page 1 of 7 Completed Modules 2 - Fire 3 - Structure Fire 4 - Civilian Fire Cas. 5 - Fire Service Cas. 6 - EMS 7 - HazMat 8 - Wildland Fire 9 - Apparatus 10 - Personnel 11 - Arson Casualties None Deaths Injuries Fire Service 0 0 Civilian 0 0 Detector Required for Confined Fires 1 - Detector Alerted Occupants 2 - Detector Did Not Alert Them 3 - Unknown Hazardous Materials Release 1 - Natural Gas 2 - Propane Gas 3 - Gasoline 4 - Kerosene 5 - Diesel Fuel / Fuel Oil 6 - Household Solvents 7 - Motor Oil 8 - Paint 0 - Other None Mixed Use Property Not Mixed 10 - Assembly Use 20 - Education Use 33 - Medical Use 40 - Residential Use 51 - Row Of Stores 53 - Enclosed Mall 58 - Business and Residential 59 - Office Use 60 - Industrial Use 63 - Military Use 65 - Farm Use 00 - Other Mixed Use Property Use None Structures 131 Church, Place of Worship 161 Restaurant or Cafeteria 162 Bar/Tavern or Nightclub 213 Elementary School, Kindegarten 215 High School, Junior High 241 College, Adult Education 311 Nursing Home 331 Hospital 341 Clinic, Clinic-Type Infirmary 342 Doctor/Dentist Office 361 Prison or Jail, Not Juvenile 419 1- or 2-Family Dwelling 429 MultiFamily Dwelling 439 Rooming/Boarding House 449 Commerical Hotel or Motel 459 Residential, Board and Care 464 Dormitory/Barracks 519 Food and Beverage Sales 539 Household Goods, Sales, Repairs 571 Gas or Service Station 579 Motor Vehicle/Boat Sales/Repairs 599 Business Office 615 Electric-Generating Plant 629 Laboratory/Science Laboratory 700 Manufacturing Plant 819 Livestock/Poultry Storage (Barn) 882 Non-Residential Parking Garage 891 Warehouse Outside 124 Playground or Park 655 Crops or Orchard 669 Forest (Timberland) 807 Outdoor Storage Area 919 Dump or Sanitary Landfill 931 Open Land or Field 936 Vacant Lot 938 Graded/Cared for Plot of Land 946 Lake, River, Stream 951 Railroad Right-of-Way 960 Other Street 961 Highway/Divided Highway 962 Residential Street/Driveway 981 Construction Site 984 Industrial Plant Yard Property Use: Description Look up and enter a Property Use code and description only if you have NOT checked a Property Use box. Owner Local Option Person/Entity Type Business Name (if applicable)Phone Number Mr., Ms., Mrs.First Name MI Last Name Suffix Number Prefix Street or Highway Street Type Suffix Post Office Box Apt./Suite/Room City State Zip Code Remarks: Responded to a forklift on fire ay Spectro Alloy. Extinguished by fire personnel Authorization Officer In Charge ID Signature Position or Rank Assignment Date 0310 Sword, Bruce Rosemount 1 04/26/2019 Member Making Report ID Signature Position or Rank Assignment Date H1 H2 H3 I J K2 L M Page 2 of 7