a Q� �— Lot 4, Block 1, PRESTWICK PLACE 13TH ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota �
°0 5 0l \ C
N6� 56� �9� � PROPERTY ADDRESS � � o *
� a � �
� 13976 Ashford Path, Rosemount, Minnesota
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I / � a� � NOTES = � � �
V � 1. Bearings are based on the recorded plat. � ypc �n �
pp 2. Building dimensions shown are for horizontal and vertical placement of �i ��
structure only.See architectural plans for building and foundation � � � �
d� W O dimensions. �7 �Z b
� � 3. No specific soils investigation has been completed on this lot by James � \ �� �
o� jn Z R. Hill, Inc.the suitability of soils to support the specific house proposed � N'�;
„�o� p z is not the responsibility of James R. Hill, Inc.or the surveyor. � Z �� �
SCALE IN FEET a� w 4. No specific title search for existence or non-existence of recorded or � � o� �
0 30 60 O \ � un-recorded easements has been conducted by the surveyor as a part � a N m a
P O N D � 1 / 0 / Q of this survey. Only easements per the recorded plat are shown.
� NWL=936.0 % 5. Proposed grades shown were taken from the grading&/or
1 inCh = 30 feet ��� � 1 0 0 Y R=9 3 9.9 2 ; d� � O development plan prepared by Probe Engineering Company, Inc.
� ��j��� � 1 0 Y R=9 3 7.7 7 �; n/ 6. Grading plan date/revision date: 12/14/16.
�', � ' ; z LL 7. Sanitary service invert elevation per City engineering
\v ',� Si '�� ��939 LO T 4 ,%/ a � O department=942.07.
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� �� ��`��"/ +RBJ �T��� �� �;'� � �' � � Top nut of hydrant located at Lots 3 and 4, Block 1=954.04 � �
rO / Q � � a c
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��oJ � p,� � +�s� �T `���9+9s , � a" Q FLOOR ELEVATIONS � o ��
/ � , �
�C� �/ 9Rs `y ;���' U Proposed Asbuilt O � � 'o
% � R (9 +"�s s � Garage Floor @ Front =954.8 =954.9 0 � w�
�'? ��/h"''�o F'r�S �6 ��J f J J Garage Top of Block =955.2 �i � a o
��" � �,"�'—���N� � se !9� � 4 � House Top of Block =955.2 � �o
!ss / �/ �C����GSF r�^ 9g9p �y"� / �� �� � z Lowest Floor =947.2 =947.3 V � °o
4� , `'. ,� �—`• ��' J °j�• �1!�•!, � ~ � m o
`�' �h"' !'ss 'Oo,�20,�s�`� +�' �� �1 V �J 1,�� 4 x i.� o
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F�/�c f�hry � SJ �o�q�,9c�so 2/�� � ��.� �J` I HARD COVER CALCULATIONS DRAWN BY
0 S � : l'9 2��L' � 9 v � , q•
S� �q(9 8JI O� 4 �9 s O`�' �6 ` . ( Lot =41 678 s ft. P�
F 1 , s o � 1�-'
�� sFR ��� �Q� Sy�'J / /� Z� �.. House/Garage =1,571 sq.ft. DATE
�� lss� !9S's� ^��9s?� ; ��yy S J � s h'�� o F � Porc h = 1 1 0 sq.f t. 5 29 18
2 J , �I y�� � 9yh � � � � �� Driveway -990 sq.ft. REVISIONS
\ ' hc� �� g . .��� sy����S�2 r�V� � " U �-'.'+f�� Sidewalk =48 sq.ft.
� ` •�' Total Im ervious =2,719 s ft.or 6.5%of lot 5 30 19 As-built
� �y� p�� A �O`rF-c .: P q• final rade
s ��2 �h�h o�, , .� G� �����i� ;��i`s€�`�'�{ �,.x, .
�\^ ,� 9l9 ?O�,�O S ! �y � width20 Drivewa
J' �a\rQ _� s�9� � `. ,, .f;r: _�. .��.a.�'o 9 17 20 Ex. hse.
/�//� �J��6's �o � � �y � - SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE
�. O o 9s •sr� � �A
��;�0'ss � ss �S 9�'F I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under
/� ���� � 9s ?osJ�J my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the
l O � !� Q Denotes set spike laws of the State of Minnesota.That this survey does not purport to show all
A '�� \ O Denotes set iron monument improvements,easements or encroachments,to the property except as
• Denotes found iron monument shown thereon.
� �y� - Denotes proposed drainage
� \ tc Denotes top of curb Signed this 29th day of May, 2018 CAD FlLE
/�� x900.0 Denotes existing elevation Civil 3D\380432
� � (930.0) Denotes proposed elevation PROJECT NO.
\ x[900.0] Denotes as-built elevation 380432
Ma us F. Hampton, M 1