HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.i. Request by Tamarack Land Development for a Zoning Map Amendment, Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning for Ardan Place EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: November 17, 2020 AGENDA ITEM: Request by Tamarack Land Development for a Zoning Map Amendment, Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning for Ardan Place AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 6.i. ATTACHMENTS: Site Location Map; Resolutions: PUD and Preliminary Plat; Rezoning Ordinance; PUD Agreement; 10/27/2020 Planning Commission Excerpt, Project Narrative; Rezoning Map; PUD Master Development Plan and Preliminary Plat Submittal: Existing Conditions, Preliminary Plat, Sewer and Water Plans, Street and Storm Sewer Plans, Grading Plan (updated), Storm Water Plans, Tree Inventory and Preservation Plan, Landscape Plans (updated); Phasing Plan; Street 1 Easement Exhibit; Rendered Home Plans: Single Family and Townhouse Units; Townhouse Floor Plans City Engineering Memo 10/22/20; Stormwater Memo 10/16/20; Parks Director Memo 10/22/20; APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff and the Planning Commission recommend the City Council take the following actions: 1. Motion to adopt an ordinance approving a zoning map amendment to rezone 52.19 acres from AG – Agricultural to R1 PUD – Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development and R2 PUD – Moderate Density Residential Planned Unit Development 2. Motion to adopt a resolution approving the Preliminary Plat for Ardan Place, subject to conditions 3. Motion to adopt a resolution approving a Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with the Rezoning of the property from AG – Agricultural to R1 PUD – Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development and R2 PUD – Moderate Density Residential Planned Unit Development, subject to conditions 2 4. Motion to Approve the Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan Agreement for Ardan Place and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into the agreement. SUMMARY The City Council is being asked to consider an application from Tamarack Land Development for a Zoning Map Amendment, Preliminary Plat, and Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Development Plan with Rezoning for Ardan Place. The proposed residential subdivision would create 215 single-family and townhouse lots on 52.19 acres of land located one quarter mile west of the intersection of Akron Avenue and Bonaire Path West. A rezoning of the site is required because the property is currently zoned for agricultural use. The property is owned by BVM Real Estate Investments, LLC (Bruce Minea); the property adjacent to the site was recently purchased by Independent School District 196 for a future school. The proposed project would include the construction of a shared road between the future school and the residential development. The preliminary plat provides legal entitlement to a certain number of lots, but actual developable lots would not be created until a final plat is approved. Staff is recommending approval of the preliminary plat and associated requests. Applicant: Tamarack Land Development (Developer/Applicant); D.R. Horton, Inc. Minnesota (Builder) Location: South of Bonaire Path West, west of Akron Avenue and north of the Union Pacific rail line (immediately west of a future elementary school site) Acres: 52.19 acres Proposed Lots: 215 Lots (79 single-family, 136 townhouse units) Gross Density: 4.1 Units/Acre Wetlands/Arterial Road ROW: None Net Density: 4.1 Units/Acre Existing Comp Plan Designation: LDR – Low Density Residential Existing Zoning: AG – Agricultural Proposed Zoning R1 PUD/R2 PUD – Low and Moderate Density Residential Planned Unit Development PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT The Planning Commission reviewed the request at its regular meeting on October 27, 2020 and conducted a public hearing concerning the application at this meeting. Commissioners generally asked about the timing of elementary school construction and plan for intersection improvements at Bonaire Path West and Akron Avenue. Staff responded that the school would not likely be constructed for about 5 years and that traffic control measures at the nearby intersections would be driven by development and Dakota County’s improvement plans. During the public hearing, the City received public comments summarized as follows: Luke Nickell (3rd Grade), 13579 Athena Way , stated that he did not like the idea of taking away the corn field and woods and did not think the land should be used for houses. Mark and Jennifer Nickell, 13579 Athena Way, said that they have enjoyed living in their home for the last 10 years, and that the open field behind their home was one of the selling points and reason for buying their home. They expressed their concern about another development in this portion of the City, and encouraged the developer to replace all trees that would be lost due to the development. Kenneth Roy, 13607 Athena Way, encouraged the construction of sidewalks and trails within the development, and indicated that there are many people that walk along Bonaire Path West in this area. 3 He expressed concern about the location of the western access into the neighborhood and future traffic to the area. In response to questions from the Commission concerning the types of housing to be constructed, the developer noted that the single-family homes would be a raised ranch/modified split level design with main level living space and a full basement. The Commission also asked for clarification concerning the rear yard setback requirements for the development. The developer replied that the requested setback is 25 feet and not the 20 feet shown on the PUD development plans. Staff noted that some other recent developments have been approved with a rear yard setback of 25 feet. Planning Commissioners also requested modifications to the landscape plan to provide better buffering and screening from the railroad right-of-way, although not necessarily immediately adjacent to the railroad, in addition to the changes recommended by staff. The condition of approval required additional landscape mitigation be added so the deviation was not as great as reflected in the current plans. Prior to making a recommendation concerning Ardan Place, the Planning Commission strongly encouraged the City Council to plan for the construction of a trail along Bonaire Path due to the increasing traffic levels along this road, the new developments being constructed on the north and south sides of this road, and the future construction of an elementary school that will directly abut Bonaire Path West. The Commission recommended approval of the rezoning, preliminary plat, and PUD master development plan with revisions to the PUD conditions concerning the landscape plan. All motions concerning the application were approved unanimously (6-0). Since the Planning Commission meeting, the applicant has submitted an updated landscape plan that preserves a stand of trees (including the only tree determined to be a “Heritage Tree” on the site) next to the western property boundary. In order to provide the space necessary to preserve this tree, the applicant has dropped one of the townhouse units from the plans. Additionally, the revised landscape plan moves most of the trees that were previously shown along the southern property boundary (and adjacent to the railroad right-of-way) to a location north of the proposed storm water ponds in the southern portion of the development. The intent of this change is to provide screening and buffering closer to the actual homes and to provide a more effective visual barrier to the railroad that is sitting at a higher elevation that the proposed homes. The revisions reduce the overall requested deviation from the City’s tree preservation standards. Staff is requesting some additional plantings to reduce the overall mitigation deviation by 1/3 of what was initially requested. Please note that the full development plans have not been updated to reflect these revisions (including the reduction in number of townhouses from 216 to 215); however, the landscape and grading plans included in the Council packet have since been updated. BACKGROUND Tamarack Land Development has entered into an agreement to purchase 52.19 acres from Bruce Minea with the intent of developing the property into a residential subdivision with both single-family and townhouse units. The applicant is working with D.R. Horton, Inc. who would be the homebuilder for both product types being offered within the subdivision. The subject property is situated within a triangular area near the intersection of Akron Avenue and Bonaire Path in the central part of Rosemount. It is within a rapidly developing portion of the City, part of the 2030 Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA), and surrounded by the Bloomfield neighborhood to the west, Prestwick Place development to the south (across the railroad right-of-way) and currently vacant parcels to the north and east. Within a short distance from the site are the Bella Vista, Caramore Crossing, Meadow Ridge, and Greystone subdivisions. The property has historically been used for agricultural activities, and therefore most of the site is an open field with a relatively flat terrain and a gradual downward slope from the south to the north. There is a line of overstory trees along both the eastern and western property lines that acted as a windbreak for the 4 agricultural field. The main access points into the property are planned at locations across from approved roadway segments north of Bonaire Path, including the existing Autumn Path (which was constructed with the adjacent Meadows of Bloomfield development) and planned extension of Ardroe Avenue. As noted above, the site is adjacent to a 34.5 acre site purchased by Independent School District 196 for a future elementary school. The eastern access road (Ardroe Avenue) will straddle the line between the two properties, and the school district has indicated that it will be contributing toward the cost of this road construction based on an agreement associated with its purchase of the property. The entire development site is presently guided for LDR – Low Density Residential (urban) land uses within the City’s future land use plan; however, the property is still zoned AG – Agriculture and will need to be rezoned as part of the application review process. The applicant is requesting a rezoning to R-1 Low Density Residential for the single-family area and R-2 Moderate Density Residential for the townhouse area concurrent with the subdivision review. In addition to the zoning map amendment, the developer is also requesting approval of a PUD Master Development Plan for the site to allow development flexibility consistent with development standards approved in other recently-approved single family residential subdivisions in Rosemount. The proposed development standards generally follow the City’s R1 and R2 Residential zoning requirements with some exceptions, most notably for lot size and width, setbacks, and impervious coverage requirements. The proposed PUD will also include some association-maintained amenities, including trails, open space around townhouse units, and a proposed dog park that would not typically be found in a standard residential subdivision. Legal Authority Preliminary plat and rezoning (map amendment) requests are quasi-judicial decisions for the Planning Commission meaning that the Planning Commission is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance are being followed. The Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan is a legislative decision because of the Code deviations being requested. Legislative decisions give the Planning Commission more latitude, but consideration should be given to the PUD standards of previously approved developments in the City as well as the PUD standards of the adjacent neighborhoods. The recommended Ardan Place PUD regulations are very similar to those approved in the Caramore Crossing, Prestwick Place, Greystone, Meadow Ridge, and other recent Rosemount subdivisions. General Subdivision Design The proposed subdivision is comprised of two different types of residential lots, with 79 single-family lots in the northern portion of the site and 136 townhouse lots in the southern part of the subdivision, and a storm water infiltration area and open space providing a buffer to the railroad right-of-way along the southern property line. All lots would be accessed via two connections to Bonaire Path: one using the existing Autumn Path street along the western property boundary with the Meadows of Bloomfield, and the other along a new road (labeled “Street 1” on the plans) that will be shared with the school district property to the east. The eastern road will align with Ardroe Avenue on the north side of Bonaire Path West. The internal street system includes an east/west local access road through the single-family area with a loop through the middle of the site, along with a longer private road through the southern part of the site connecting the access roads along the eastern and western property boundaries. At staff’s request, the developer has provided a public road connection linking the single-family and townhouse areas to provide an additional point of access to the private roadway system. All roads providing access to the single-family homes will be pubic, while all townhouse lots will access a private road. Most of the open space for the project will be found along the southern boundary adjacent to the Union Pacific rail line and will serve two purposes: 1) to provide space for storm water ponding and infiltration, and 2) to provide a buffer from the railroad right-of-way and increase separation from railroad tracks to 5 private homes. At the direction of the Parks and Recreation department, there are no public parks planned within this subdivision. The subject property will be served by either the Meadows of Bloomfield park to the west or a potential shared park and recreation space associated with the future school to the east. The developer is proposing a fairly extensive system of sidewalks and trails to serve the neighborhood, with sidewalks along one side of each street and a multi-purpose trail running along the southern part of the site between the southern row of townhouses and the storm water ponding system. The developer is also proposing private recreation space in the form of a dog park in the extreme southeastern corner of the property. The planned single-family lots are typical for an urban low-density development in Rosemount, with lots that are generally 65 feet in width and around 10,000 square feet in area. As depicted on the house plans submitted the typical home will be a single-story design, with a house building pad of around 50 feet in width. For the townhouses, the developer is proposing a series of either three, four, or six unit attached structures with direct access to the private street system. All townhouse units will include a two-car garage, with common spaces located at various locations along the street for overflow and visitor parking. There are no wetlands identified on the site, nor are there any utility or pipeline easements that would impact the layout of roads and houses. The site is within one of the City’s well protection areas, and the developer will need to work with the City to ensure that there is no infiltration of storm water occurring within this zone. The wellhead protection zone does not otherwise prohibit the subdivision of lots and construction of homes as shown in the plans. Due to its historic use as agricultural fields and farmland, there are no significant trees in the central portion of the site, and all such trees are found in narrow bands along the eastern and western property lines. The developer is proposing to remove most of these trees, and has prepared a tree preservation and protection along with the other application materials. Pla nned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning The subject property is currently zoned AG Agricultural and in order to facilitate approval of a plat with urban density parcels, the applicant has requested zoning of R1 PUD - Low Density Residential PUD for the single-family lots and R2 PUD – Moderate Density PUD for the townhouse lots. The property is currently guided for Low Density Residential land uses in the City’s Comprehensive Plan, and the R1 and R2 zoning districts are identified as appropriate zoning for this land use category. Up to six units may be included in an attached building and still comply with the R2 district standards. Consistent with the City’s PUD ordinance, the developer is requesting deviations from certain zoning requirements. The deviations from the R-1 standards requested by the applicant include a reduction in the minimum lot size from 10,000 square feet to 8,000 square feet; reduction in the minimum lot width from 80 feet to 65 feet, reduction in the front yard setback from 30 feet to 25 feet, and reduction in the side yard setback from 10 feet to 7.5 feet. The developer has not specifically requested any variations from the impervious coverage requirements of the zoning ordinance; however, based on the proposed lot sizes, staff is recommending lot coverage PUD increases consistent with recently approved Emerald Isle project of 30% or 40% depending on the lot size. The developer is also seeking a reduction in the rear yard setback to 25 feet, which will provide a little more flexibility for the single-family lots that abut common open space behind the townhouse structures. The townhouse lots have been arranged to meet all City requirements, including building setbacks. All proposed deviations are consistent with other recent and similar approvals by the City. The following chart compares the proposed PUD lot standards for Ardan Place with three recent subdivisions approved by the City: 6 * 30% for lots > 10,000 sf; 40% for lots < 10,000 Home Designs The applicant has submitted architectural renderings of the various single-family homes that are proposed for the subdivision, all of which will be either a raised ranch or modified one-story design with a three-car garage. The applicant has also submitted a rendering of the proposed townhouse units along with a typical floor plan for these buildings. The townhouses will all be two-story structures with a two-car garage facing the private street in front of each building. Both types of housing are shown with stone or brick covering a portion of the front-facing façade. In order to memorialize the use of brick or stone materials in each building (and in exchange for the proposed reductions from R1 district standards), staff is proposing that all front elevation designs for the homes includes one of four design features: • A minimum of three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; • A front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; • A side entry garage; • No more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. These same standards, or a similar variation of these standards, have been used in all recent residential PUD developments in the City and have been applied to all homes built in these subdivisions to date. Preliminary Plat. The proposed preliminary plat would subdivide the 52.19-acre property into 79 single family lots and 136 townhouse lots for a total of 215 new housing units. The plat also includes several outlots that will include the common townhouse areas, the storm water management system, and the proposed private dog park. The private streets providing access to the townhouse units are also depicted within a separate outlot. The outlot containing the storm water infiltration area (Outlot F) will be dedicated to the City for long-term maintenance of this facility. The multi-use trail will cut across the townhouse common area and tie into the private street system at various locations along the road. The preliminary plat includes proposed drainage and utility easements over the individual lots consistent with the City’s subdivision standards, but will need to be updated to address the City’s requirements for easements over the larger storm water ponding outlots. The plat includes the dedication of several new public street segments serving the single-family area, and all but one will need new names assigned by the City (the street along the eastern property line lines up with the existing Ardroe Avenue to the north). No additional right-of-way dedications are needed for Bonaire Path. The internal streets are all designed to meet current City requirements for a 60-foot right- of-way and constructed street width of 32 feet, with the exception of the small street segment connecting Comparison of Lot Requirements and Standards Category Current R-1 Standards Greystone Proposed Prestwick 13th Addition Emerald Isle Ardan Place Min. Lot Area (sq. ft.) 10,000 (Interior) 12,000 (Corner) 8,600 10,400 8,600 10,200 8,125 10,625 8,000 10,500 Min. Lot Width 80 ft. (Interior) 95 ft. (Corner) 60 ft. 65 ft. 65 ft. 85 ft. 65 ft. 75 ft. Min. Front Yard Setback 30 ft. 25 ft. 25 ft. 25 ft. 25 ft. Min. Side Yard Setback 10 ft. 7.5 ft. 7.5 ft. 7.5 ft. 7.5 ft. Min. Rear Yard Setback 30 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. 25 ft. 25 ft. Max. Impervious Surface 30% 30%, 35%, 40% 35%, 40% 30%, 40% 30%, 40%, * 7 the single-family and townhouse neighborhoods. Because this road is only accessed by the townhouse units, staff is not opposed to the narrower right-of-way in this location; however, the road should be marked for no parking. One of the issues that will need to be addressed by the applicant concerns the platting and construction of the eastern access road across a portion of the school district property. When the school district purchased the property a few years ago, one of the clauses in the purchase agreement noted that the school district would provide the required easements for the road construction and that it would contribute its fair share towards the cost of the improvements over its land (if development occurred on the subject parcel before a school was constructed). Staff recently met with the developer and representatives from the school district to confirm that both parties would be cooperating on the construction of the eastern access road. In addition to a final agreement concerning the road construction and cost sharing between the parties, access easements and temporary construction easements will also be needed over the school district property. Street System The proposed plat depicts the construction of several new streets to serve the proposed lots that will connect into two access points along Bonaire Path West. Along the western property boundary, a new public street and private street will connect into the existing Autumn Path, while on the opposite side of the plat a similar configuration of streets will tie into a new extension of Ardroe Avenue. In both cases, the north/south access roads run for a short distance into the property before leaving the site or turning into one of the private drives. The railroad right-of-way prohibits any further connections to the south. For the road that will be shared with the school district, the City would like to further study the needed improvements to ensure proper functioning of this road as the sole access for the future elementary school. Of particular concern will be the proper alignment of the road as it heads into the school property and the potential need for turn lanes to handle the expected traffic at peaks times before and after the school day. The City Engineer has performed an initial review of the roadway network in his attached memorandum; however, further review is needed before the road design may be finalized. The street construction plans should be updated to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. As the developer updates the plans for the school connection, there are two specific issues that will also need to be addressed: 1) the school is asking that any connection into its property occur at a 90 degree angle to provide a safe intersection for buses, and 2) the City is recommending that the road be kept as straight as possible along the property line and that the school access road connect at an intersection (instead of the curve as shown). The City’s recommendation is intended to avoid the need for a temporary or permanent turn-around at the end of this street; the public road will cease after the intersection for the two parcels. After further review of the Ardroe Avenue plans on the north side of Bonaire Path, the developer of Caramore Crossing found a conflict with the location of an electrical transmission pole close to the planned intersection of the two streets. The conflict can be avoided by moving the road five feet further to the west within the existing right-of-way. The City is generally supportive of the shift, but will need to further analyze how this should be aligned with the extension into Ardan Place. In discussions with the School there was also conversation about have two lanes out of the at the Bonaire Path intersection due to stacking of buses. It is anticipated the stacking will occur due to left turn movements. The additional lane will also impact the alignment with Ardroe to the north and further conversation will be need to get the best alignment possible. There is some ability to shift the plat somewhat since there are corner lots next to the new road, or provision of a wider easement or both to address the condition. Staff has drafted a condition of approval that will require a final alignment and (and any related easements or right-of-way) to be approved by the City Engineer. 8 All streets have been designed to meet the City’s minimum for right-of-way width and street width in both the public and private portions of these roadways. The private streets should not be allowed to have any on- street parking and should be marked as such. For the townhouse area, the developer has provided the required 0.5 parking stalls per unit of overflow parking at various points along the private road. Like the streets serving the townhouses, these parking spaces will be privately owned and maintained by a homeowners’ association. Trails The subject property is not located within any planned regional trail corridor, but the developer is proposing a local multi-purpose trail serving the neighborhood that runs east to west in the southern portion of the property. The trail as depicted in the development plans extends to the site boundaries, but would stop short of connecting into the existing private trail system roughly 150 feet away in the Meadows of Bloomfield development. Staff has been supportive of an east west trail through the project site, but the private nature of the facility presents several issues that will need to be addressed as the project moves forward: • Staff is recommending that the trail be privately owned and maintained, but with an easement that allows for public access. • As currently shown, the trail dead-ends at the boundary with the Meadows of Bloomfield subdivision. The trail should either connect into the existing Meadows of Bloomfield trail system or should be routed into the furthest western extension of private “Street 6” within Ardan Place. • An agreement with the Meadows of Bloomfield association would be needed in order to tie into this existing private trail system. Staff would like to see the connection made, but understands it may not be possible without the cooperation of the adjoining neighborhood. • The developer will likely need to identify and mark those areas within the subdivision that are private and not available for use by the public, including the planned dog park and common open space areas. Ultimately, the southern trail will provide a good connection to the elementary school property and potential recreation space adjacent to the school. From a regional perspective, there is a trail further to the west within the Bonaire Path West right-of-way, but none that have been constructed on this road west of Bacardi Avenue. Because this is a major collector road for the City and there are parks and a school planned near the Akron Avenue intersection, staff would like to ensure that new subdivisions in this area do not preclude the City from ever constructing a trail along Bonaire Path in this part of the City. Similar to the City’s review of the subdivision north of the project site, staff has drafted a condition that requires the developer to grade the property adjacent to and within the Bonaire Path right-of-way in a manner that allows for the future construction of a trail within the right-of-way. Sidewalks are planned along one side of each street within the subdivision with the exception of the eastern access road and Ardroe Avenue extension along the shared boundary with the school district. Staff is recommending that the developer be required to install a sidewalk along this road up to its intersection with the private townhouse street. Wetlands No wetlands have been identified within the subdivision area, and none are depicted in the City’s Wetland Inventory map for the area. Tree Preservation The majority of the site is currently or was formerly used for agriculture uses and therefore does not have a large number of significant trees except along the eastern and western property boundaries. The developer 9 has prepared a tree inventory for the site, and ultimately counted a total of 292 trees on the site, of which roughly half are considered significant and subject to the tree preservation standards of the zoning ordinance. Most of the trees surveyed are Box Elder and Siberian Elms, which are generally not considered high quality trees from a landscape perspective (but still provide a dense screen from the adjacent properties). The plan shows all the existing trees being removed to allow for grading up to the property lines except for a small area around a heritage tree on the western property boundary; therefore, the developer is required to replace the trees under the formula specified in the ordinance. As calculated by the applicant, there are 3,075 caliper inches of significant trees counted on the property. The City Code allows 25% of the trees to be removed without replacement, and of the remaining 2.157, the developer is required to replace them are a .5 to 1 ratio. Taking the revised landscape plan, the developer has lowered the total mitigation requirement to 1,028 caliper inches (a reduction of 86 caliper inches due to trees that are now preserved). The proposed landscape plan includes the developer’s calculations for tree removal and mitigation in addition to the standard landscape plantings for a residential subdivision. In this case, the developer is asking to plant trees that are larger than the minimum required in the landscape ordinance (3” caliper versus 2” caliper) and to receive credit for this additional size when calculating the mitigation requirement. Using this methodology, the applicant will be providing 688 caliper inches of replacement trees (an increase of 18 inches from the original plan), which is still short of the 1,028 caliper inches required for mitigation and would require an additional PUD exception from the City’s standard zoning requirements. Based upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission, staff is recommending an increase in plantings on the site to reflect a 1/3 reduction in the deviation from the ordinance mitigation standards that was proposed in the initial submittal. This will be addressed through a combination of saving some additional vegetation on site and adding more landscaping. Staff is supportive of some reduction in total required mitigation based on: 1) that most of the existing trees on the site are either softwoods, non-native, or not considered preferred species for new plantings, and 2) that the development plans do not leave a significant amount of space that could be used for additional trees due to grading, storm water ponding, or other conflicts. The updated landscape plan submitted with the Council report addresses previous concerns from staff concerning the preservation of the sole Heritage Tree (defined as a healthy hardwood deciduous tree measuring equal to or greater than 27" in diameter) found on the site, a 35” Bur Oak, along the western property boundary. The revised grading plan saves this tree in addition to some of the surrounding vegetation that would have otherwise been removed from the site. The applicant was able to make these changes by reconfiguring the townhouses in this area, and ultimately removing one of the townhouse units from the development plans to provide enough room for the grading plan changes. Landscape and Berming Landscaping for the subdivision will be predominately trees planted on individual lots with additional trees planted along the Bonaire Path West, Autumn Path, and “Street 1” rights-of-way and planted in various locations within open spaces around the townhouses. The applicant has provided detailed landscape plans along with the other preliminary construction documents and an accounting of the City’s minimum requirements for landscaping. The City Code requires one tree per lot/frontage in residential subdivisions, which in this case results in 224 street trees (215 lots plus 9 corner lots). This number is slightly different than the 218 shown in the plan, which should be adjusted accordingly. Overall, the plan does show at least one tree in front of every lot (or two on corner lots) and trees spaced at 50 feet along the street in front of townhouse units in compliance with the landscape ordinance. Any discrepancies in the numbers as reported on the landscape plan have been considered in the preceding section. Overall the landscape plan conforms to the minimum requirements for plantings along the street, and provides additional vegetation (all of which is required for mitigation) in common areas and along the major streets adjacent to the project area. Staff would like to see some additional plantings along the 10 western property boundary to replace some of the vegetation lost in these areas due to grading (or as noted above, to preserve some existing vegetation in certain areas). Staff is further requesting a final landscape plan be approved to ensure actual placement does not impact future maintenance and access to stormwater improvements. All proposed trees will need to be installed after the lots are developed and final grade has been established. Trees will be required to be installed in locations that do not interfere with curb stops or individual sewer or water connections. Parks and Open Space The Parks and Recreation Director reviewed the Caramore Crossing Plans and has provided review comments in the attached memorandum. A few of the more important considerations from the memorandum are as follows: • The grading plan should be review and revised as necessary to allow for a future trail within the Bonaire Path right-of-way with the understanding that any future trail construction will be the responsibility of the City. • Because the City is not looking to acquire park land in this development, the parks dedication for this development would be cash in-lieu of land. The cash dedication for 79 low density units at $3,400 per units would be $268,600 and 136 medium density units at $2,850 per unit would be $387,600 for a total of $656,200. Staff is recommending compliance with the Parks Director’s memorandum as a condition of approval. Utilities The proposed subdivision will be served by existing public water services presently located within the Bonaire Path or Autumn Path rights-of-way and by a recently completed sewer main installed across the southern portion of the adjacent school district property. Because the majority of the site will need to be served through this adjacent sewer, the applicant is proposing to phase construction of the subdivision starting in the east and working westward across the site. The City Engineer does note that the applicant should be able to serve a small portion of the site from an existing sewer connection in the southwest corner of the property, which will reduce the overall depths of the system needed to serve this area. The City Engineer will need to complete a review of final construction plans for the utilities prior to the City’s release of a final for recording. Engineering Comments The City Engineer has provided a review memorandum for the subdivision, and the majority of the comments pertain to modifications needed to bring the public improvements and grading plans into conformance with City requirements. There are several locations throughout the project area where additional or expanded easements will be necessary to cover the planned infrastructure (including storm water catch basins and storm water pipes). In general, the planned streets and sewer and water infrastructure have been found to meet City requirements or will require modifications to bring them into conformance. Compliance with the City Engineer’s memorandum is included as a condition of approval. Final Plat. The current application does not include a final plat. The developer has indicated that the project will be divided into at least three project stages, and they will need to prepare a final plat for the first phase for approval at a later date by the Planning Commission and Council. 11 CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Staff and the Planning Commission recommends approval of the requested Zoning Map Amendment and the Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Development Plan with Rezoning from AG – Agricultural Residential to R1 – Low Density Residential PUD and R2 – Moderate Density Residential PUD for Ardan Place with the conditions listed. This recommendation is based on the information submitted by the applicant, findings made in this report and the conditions detailed in the attached memorandums. Location Map - Ardan Place CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2020 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITH REZONING FOR ARDAN PLACE WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received a request for a Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning from Tamarack Land Development, concerning property legally described as: The West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying North of the Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, and lying Southerly of the centerline of 135th Street West as now established (also known as County Road No. 38). WHEREAS, on October 27, 2020 the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the PUD Master Development Plan with Rezoning for Ardan Place; and WHEREAS, on October 27, 2020 the Planning Commission recommended approval of the PUD Master Development Plan with Rezoning for Ardan Place, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on November 17, 2020 the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission’s recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Development Plan for Ardan Place and the Rezoning from AG – Agricultural to R1 PUD – Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development and R2 PUD-Moderate Density Residential Planned Unit Development, subject to: 1. The front elevation design of all residential buildings shall include one of the following elements: a. Three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; b. A front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; c. A side entry garage; d. Or, no more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. 2. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.1. to reduce the interior lot minimum area of 10,000 to 8,000 square feet and corner lot minimum area from 12,000 to 10,500 square feet. 3. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.2. to reduce the minimum lot width to fifty-five (65) feet for interior and seventy (75) feet for corner lots. 4. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.4. to reduce the front yard setback to twenty-five (25) feet. 5. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.5. to reduce the side yard setback to seven and one half (7.5) feet. 6. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.9. to reduce the maximum lot coverage to forty percent (40%) for lots less than 10,000 square feet and thirty percent (30%) for lots over 10,000 square feet. 2 7. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.6. to reduce the minimum rear yard setback to 25 feet. 8. A deviation from City Code Section 11-6-3 E.10 to reduce the required tree replacement for removed trees by 300 caliper inches. 9. The seed mix in the ponding areas is subject to further review and approval as part of the landscape plan and must be approved prior to release of the final plat. 10. Submission of a revised landscape plan that includes additional plantings along the western property boundary or north of the storm water ponding areas to bring the total number of replacement trees into compliance with the deviation granted in condition number 8 above. 11. Trees installed on individual lots shall be planted in the front yard in a location that does not interfere with curb stops or individual sewer or water connections. 12. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated October 22, 2020. 13. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated October 22, 2020. 14. The developer shall be responsible for all development fees as estimated by the City Engineer, including sanitary sewer trunk charges, water main trunk charges, and storm sewer trunk charges. 15. The final plat and construction plans shall incorporate all revisions to Street 1 (Ardroe Avenue) as required by the City Engineer, including but not limited to adding a turn lane as necessary to accommodate turning movements through the intersection with Bonaire Path, aligning the road to match the connection to the north, proving access to the school district property that allows for safe bus turning movements, and aligning the road so that a permanent or temporary turn-around is not required. 16. The developer shall provide additional right-of-way or additional easements across Lot 18, Block 1 as required by the City Engineer to accommodate the final alignment of Street 1 (Ardroe Avenue). 17. All temporary and permanent easements for Street 1 (Ardroe Avenue) across the adjacent Independent School District 196 property shall be dedicated with the final plat for Ardan Place Phase I. The developer shall provide all temporary construction easements necessary for construction of this street from the adjoining property owner. 18. The developer shall enter into an agreement with Independent School District 196 concerning the shared costs of Street 1 (Ardroe Avenue), but will assume all responsibility for the construction of the road as part a subdivision agreement with the City. 19. A separate sign permit will be needed for any neighborhood identification signs. All such signs shall conform to the City’s sign regulations. 20. Landscaping installed on City-owned outlots shall be subject to review and approval by the City and shall not interfere with the operation and maintenance of storm water infiltration areas. 21. Maintenance of all trees planted within City-owned outlots shall be the responsibility of a private homeowner’s association; the applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City concerning said maintenance. 22. A public access easement shall be provided over the mutli-purpose trail in the southern portion of the subdivision. 3 23. If the City is not able to secure a trail access agreement with the homeowner’s association to the west of Ardan Place, the trail plans shall be revised to show a direct connection to Street 6 and not the adjacent property as shown. 24. Inclusion of a sidewalk along Street 1 (Ardroe Avenue) from Bonaire Path West to the start of the private townhouse street. 25. Parking shall be prohibited on all private streets serving townhouses outside of the overflow parking stalls outside of driving lanes. No parking signs shall be installed along the private streets. 26. The grading plans shall be revised for grading along Bonaire Path right of way to permit future installation of a trail. 27. The developer shall be allowed to grade across property lines to better match existing grades and eliminate a retaining wall upon agreement and provision of temporary construction easements with the adjoining property owner. ADOPTED this 17th day of November, 2020, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. __________________________________________ William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Erin Fasbender, City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2020 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR ARDAN PLACE WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount received a request for Preliminary Plat approval from Tamarack Land Development, concerning property legally described as: The West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying North of the Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, and lying Southerly of the centerline of 135th Street West as now established (also known as County Road No. 38). WHEREAS, on October 27, 2020 the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the Preliminary Plat for Ardan Place; and WHEREAS, on October 27, 2020 the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat for Ardan Place, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on November 17, 2020 the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission’s recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Preliminary Plat for Ardan Place, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of a Planned Unit Development master plan and rezoning the subject property 2. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated October 22, 2020. 3. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated October 22, 2020. 4. Drainage and utility easements must be dedicated over all ponding areas as required by the City Engineer. 5. Conformance with all PUD Master Development Plan conditions pertaining to preliminary plat revisions or approval a final plat. ADOPTED this 17th day of November, 2020, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. __________________________________________ William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Erin Fasbender, City Clerk City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B-XXX AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE Ardan Place THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled “City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance,” is hereby amended to rezone property from AG-Agriculture to R1 PUD – Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development and R2 PUD-Moderate Density PUD that is located 0.25 miles west of Akron Avenue and south of Bonaire Path West within the City of Rosemount and legally described as follows: The West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying North of the Chicago Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, and lying Southerly of the centerline of 135th Street West as now established (also known as County Road No. 38). Section 2. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount, referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled “Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount,” shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk’s office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this 17th day of November, 2020. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk 1 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS ARDAN PLACE MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DECLARATION made this ______ day of _________________, 2020, by Tamarack Land Development, LLC (hereinafter referred to as the “Declarant”); WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of the real property as described on Attachment One, attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Subject Property”); and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is subject to certain zoning and land use restrictions imposed by the City of Rosemount (hereinafter referred to as the “City”) in connection with the approval of an application for a master development plan planned unit development for a residential development on the Subject Property; and WHEREAS, the City has approved such development on the basis of the determination by the City Council of the City that such development is acceptable only by reason of the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of the proposed use of the Subject Property; and that but for the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of such proposed use, the master development plan planned unit development would not have been approved; and 2 WHEREAS, as a condition of approval of the master development plan planned unit development, the City has required the execution and filing of this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (hereinafter the “Declaration”); and WHEREAS, to secure the benefits and advantages of approval of such planned unit development, Declarant desires to subject the Subject Property to the terms hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant declares that the Subject Property is, and shall be, held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions, and restrictions, hereinafter set forth. 1. The use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the following documents, plans and drawings: a. City Resolution No. 2020-XX, Attachment 1 b. Preliminary Plat (Sheets 4-6), Attachment 2 c. Preliminary Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plan (Sheets 7-9), Attachment 3 d. Preliminary Street and Storm Sewer Plan (Sheets 10-12), Attachment 4 e. Preliminary Grading Plan (Sheets 13-15), Attachment 5 f. Prelim. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (Sheets 16-18), Attachment 6 g. Tree Inventory Table and Replacement Calcs. (Sheet 19), Attachment 7 h. Preliminary Tree Preservation Plan (Sheets 20-22), Attachment 8 i. Landscape Plan (Sheets L1-L2), Attachment 9 j. Architectural Plan and Renderings, Attachment 10 All of which attachments are copies of original documents on file with the City and are made a part hereof. 3 2. Development and maintenance of structures and uses on the Subject Property shall conform to the following standards and requirements: a. Maintenance of the stormwater basin, infiltration basin and associated stormwater infrastructure necessary for the long term operation and function will be performed by the City. All other maintenance including but not limited to garbage collection, or landscape replacement or the like shall be the responsibility of the of the private property owners. All maintenance of the stormwater basin and infiltration basin shall be the responsibility of the City after the basins have been established. b. Maintenance and replacement of trees and landscaping other than that associated with the stormwater basin and infiltration basin described in standard a. shall be the responsibility of the adjoining homeowners’ association. c. The front elevations for all residential buildings shall include a minimum of three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; a front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; a side entry garage; or no more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. 3. The Subject Property may only be developed and used in accordance with Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Declaration unless the owner first secures approval by the City Council of an amendment to the planned unit development plan or a rezoning to a zoning classification that permits such other development and use. 4. In connection with the approval of development of the Subject Property, the following deviations from City Zoning or Subdivision Code provisions were approved: 4 a. Section 11-4-5 F. 1. R-1 Minimum Lot Area: The minimum lot area for interior lots shall be 8,000 square feet and 10,500 for corner lots. b. Section 11-4-5 F. 2. R-1 Minimum Lot Width: The minimum lot width shall be sixty-five (65) feet for interior lots and seventy-five (75) feet for corner lots. c. Section 11-4-5 F. 4. R-1 Minimum Front Yard Setback: The minimum front yard setback shall be twenty-five (25) feet. d. Section 11-4-5 F. 5. R-1 Minimum Side Yard Setback: The minimum side yard setback shall be 7.5 feet except for areas where existence of larger drainage and utility easements require additional setbacks. e. Section 11-4-5 F.6. R-1 Minimum Rear Yard Setback: The minimum rear yard setback shall be twenty-five (25) feet. f. Section 11-4-5 F.9. R-1 Minimum Lot Coverage: The maximum lot coverage shall be 30% for lots over 10,000 square feet and 40% for lots less than 10,000 square feet. g. Section 11-6-3 E.10. Tree Preservation – Tree Replacement Formula: The required tree replacement for removed trees shall be 728 caliper inches (a reduction of 300 caliper inches from the ordinance requirement)/ In all other respects the use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the requirements of the Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Declaration and the City Code of Ordinances. 5. This Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions provides only the Subject Property only master development plan planned unit development approval. Prior to the improvement or development of the Subject Property, beyond the rough grading, a final development plan planned unit development approval pursuant to Zoning Code Section 11-10-6 C. 5. of the Subject Property is 5 required and an addendum filed with County Recorder to this Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions. 6. The obligations and restrictions of this Declaration run with the land of the Subject Property and shall be enforceable against the Declarant, its successors and assigns, by the City of Rosemount acting through its City Council. This Declaration may be amended from time to time by a written amendment executed by the City and the owner or owners of the lot or lots to be affected by said amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned as duly authorized agents, officers or representatives of Declarant have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. DECLARANT Tamarack Land Development By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF __________ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ___ day of _________, 20___, by _____________________, the _________________, for and on behalf of _________________________, a ____________________, by and on behalf of said _______________________. _______________________________ Notary Public 6 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 145TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 651-423-4411 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES October 27, 2020 PAGE 1 I. Regular Meeting Call to Order: Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission was held on October 27, 2020. Chair Kenninger called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with Commissioners Freeman, Reed, Schmisek, Rivera and Marlow. Also, in attendance were Community Development Director Lindquist, Senior Planner Klatt, Planner Nemcek, City Engineer Erickson and Recording Specialist Bodsberg. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Additions to Agenda: None. Audience Input: None. Consent Agenda: 4.a. Approval of the September 22, 2020, Regular Meeting Minutes. 4.b. Request by U.S. Home Corporation for the Approval of a Final Plat for Meadow Ridge 4th Addition. (20-46-FP) MOTION by Schmisek. Second by Freeman. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Public Hearing: 5.a. Request by Tamarack Land Development for a Zoning Map Amendment, Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning for Ardan Place. (20-47-PUD, 20-48-RZ, & 20-49-PP) Senior Planner Klatt gave a summary of the staff report for the Planning Commission. Commissioner Reed stated that the landscape plan looks like it needs more trees added to it. Klatt stated that staff could work with the applicant to add trees near the railroad to provide additional screening. Planner Nemcek stated that there are existing trees and brush along the railroad that do screen. It doesn’t show them on the aerial photo but that they are there. Commissioner Rivera questioned when the elementary school will be built. Klatt stated that he is unsure exactly but thinks its closer to the 5-year mark. Commissioner Schmisek questioned what the traffic plan is on Bonaire Path, especially at Hwy 3. Public Works Director Erickson stated that installation of any traffic controls would be driven by development and would be the decision of the State and Dakota County. Staff noted that the County and State are starting to conduct a study of the Hwy 3 corridor from just north of Downtown Rosemount to I-494 which may assist in understanding timing for future traffic control. The public hearing opened at 7:34 pm. Public Comments: Brian, Tamarack Land Development, stated that they are happy to save as many trees as they can and would like to work with staff on adding trees. Luke Nickell - 3rd Grade Resident at 13579 Athena Way, stated that he does not like the idea of taking away the corn field and the woods. He explained that he loves to have adventures in the woods and corn field. He also likes to watch the farmer harvest the corn for a living. He did not think the City should take away the corn field and put houses there. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES October 27, 2020 PAGE 2 Mark & Jennifer Nickell, 13579 Athena Way, stated that they have enjoyed living in our home for the last 10 years. Having the open area behind our home was a selling point and one of the reasons they bought the home. Having the peaceful land behind our home has given us joy over the years as we have spent spring, summer, and fall mornings on our deck enjoying the peace and quiet that Rosemount offers. We would be sad to see yet another development populate this area of our beautiful city. It would certainly encourage us to consider moving to another area. Please consider this when making your decisions. It certainly looks like this plan is moving forward in some form. We strongly believe that the applicant should be replacing all the trees that will be lost. The current level of tree loss is rather significant. Ken Roy, 13630 Athena Way, stated that a sidewalk would be necessary along Bonaire Path. The amount of traffic has picked up considerably. It needs to be added now and not down the road. Mr. Roy questioned if the applicant was successful with negotiating with the bump out land owner or would the road be moved. Senior Planner Klatt stated that the road is moving to the north. The applicant was not successful in negotiating with the current land owner. Klatt stated that the trees that are surveyed are all on the developer’s property. The developer will not be touching any trees not on their site. Chair Kenninger questioned if the trail could be added along Bonaire sooner rather than later. Lindquist stated that there are multiple options for this development and the neighborhood to the west to gain access to the new school site. The walkway along Bonaire will be a trail system and follow the road. Ken Roy, 13630 Athena Way, questioned what will happen to the trees along both property lines. Klatt stated that it looks like all of the trees that are being removed are on the developer’s property. MOTION by Freeman to close the public hearing. Second by Schmisek. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. The public hearing closed at 7:51 pm. Additional Comments: Chair Kenninger stated that it would be good to find some additional ways to add in trees or to save the existing trees. Klatt stated that we could add that request into condition J. Lindquist stated that they will work with the developer to figure out a larger number for replacement and then modify condition H. Commissioner Reed stated that he is in favor of the development but that we need a clearer plan on when the trails would be completed. Chair Kenninger stated that she is in favor of the development but that the Bonaire sidewalk plan needs to be worked on. Commissioner Rivera stated that she is in support of the development. Commissioner Freeman stated that she is in support of the development, but that Bonaire needs a sidewalk. Commissioner Schmisek questioned if the homes are a traditional single-story home. Reed with DR Horton stated that this project will have a raised ranch product. It will be a modified split level. MOTION by Schmisek to recommend the City Council approve a zoning map amendment to rezone 52.19 acres from AG – Agricultural to R1 PUD – Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development. Second by Freeman. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. MOTION by Freeman to recommend the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat for Ardan Place, subject to conditions: a. Approval of a Planned Unit Development master plan and rezoning the subject property. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES October 27, 2020 PAGE 3 b. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated October 22, 2020. c. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated October 22, 2020. d. Drainage and utility easements must be dedicated over all ponding areas as required by the City Engineer. e. Conformance with all PUD Master Development Plan conditions pertaining to preliminary plat revisions or approval a final plat. Second by Schmisek. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. MOTION by Kenninger to recommend the City Council approve the Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with the Rezoning of the property from AG – Agricultural to R1 PUD – Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development and R2 PUD – Moderate Density Residential Planned Unit Development, subject to conditions: a. The front elevation design of all residential buildings shall include one of the following elements: i. Three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; ii. A front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; iii. A side entry garage; iv. Or, no more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. b. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.1. to reduce the interior lot minimum area of 10,000 to 8,000 square feet and corner lot minimum area from 12,000 to 10,500 square feet. c. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.2. to reduce the minimum lot width to fifty-five (65) feet for interior and seventy (75) feet for corner lots. d. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.4. to reduce the front yard setback to twenty-five (25) feet. e. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.5. to reduce the side yard setback to seven and one half (7.5) feet. f. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.9. to reduce the maximum lot coverage to forty percent (40%) for lots less than 10,000 square feet and thirty percent (30%) for lots over 10,000 square feet. g. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.6. to reduce the minimum rear yard setback to 25 feet. h. A deviation from City Code Section 11-6-3 E.10 to reduce the required tree replacement for removed trees from 1,114 caliper inches to 670 caliper inches. i. The seed mix in the ponding areas is subject to further review and approval as part of the landscape plan and must be approved prior to release of the final plat. j. Submission of a revised landscape plan that includes additional plantings or the preservation of existing trees along the western property boundary. The developer shall make a reasonable effort to preserve the existing heritage tree near the southwest corner of townhouse building 29 through grading plan revisions or changes to the alignment the townhouses in this area. k. Trees installed on individual lots shall be planted in the front yard in a location that does not interfere with curb stops or individual sewer or water connections. l. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated October 22, 2020. m. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated October 22, 2020. n. The developer shall be responsible for all development fees as estimated by the City Engineer, including sanitary sewer trunk charges, water main trunk charges, and storm sewer trunk charges. o. The final plat and construction plans shall incorporate all revisions to Street 1 (Ardroe Avenue) as required by the City Engineer, including but not limited to adding a turn lane as necessary to accommodate turning movements through the intersection with Bonaire Path, aligning the road to match the connection to the north, proving access to the school district property that allows for safe bus turning movements, and aligning the road so that a permanent or temporary turn-around is not required. p. The developer shall provide additional right-of-way or additional easements across Lot 18, Block 1 as required by the City Engineer to accommodate the final alignment of Street 1 (Ardroe Avenue). q. All temporary and permanent easements for Street 1 (Ardroe Avenue) across the adjacent Independent School District 196 property shall provide all temporary construction easements necessary for construction of this street from the adjoining property owner. PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES October 27, 2020 PAGE 4 r. The developer shall enter into an agreement with Independent School District 196 concerning the shared costs of Street 1 (Ardroe Avenue), but will assume all responsibility for the construction of the road as part a subdivision agreement with the City. s. A separate sign permit will be needed for any neighborhood identification signs. All such signs shall conform to the City’s sign regulations. t. Landscaping installed on City-owned outlots shall be subject to review and approval by the City and shall not interfere with the operation and maintenance of storm water infiltration areas. u. Maintenance of all trees planted within City-owned outlots shall be the responsibility of a private homeowner’s association; the applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City concerning said maintenance. v. A public access easement shall be provided over the multi-purpose trail in the southern portion of the subdivision. w. If the City is not able to secure a trail access agreement with the homeowner’s association to the west of Ardan Place, the trail plans shall be revised to show a direct connection to Street 6 and not the adjacent property as shown. x. Inclusion of a sidewalk along Street 1 (Ardroe Avenue) from Bonaire Path West to the start of the private townhouse street. y. Parking shall be prohibited on all private streets serving townhouses outside of the overflow parking stalls outside of driving lanes. No parking signs shall be installed along the private streets. z. The grading plans shall be revised for grading along Bonaire Path right of way to permit future installation of a trail. aa. The developer shall be allowed to grade across property lines to better match existing grades and eliminate a retaining wall upon agreement and provision of temporary construction easements with the adjoining property owner. Second by Reed. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA 10/21/2020 T:\Project\CommDev\Zoning\ZoningAmendments\ZoningAmendments.aprx I:\GIS\Map_Library\CommDev\Zoning\Amendments\ArdanPlaceZoningAmendment.pdf Proposed Zoning Amendment ASHBROOK PATHASHDALE AVEASHFOR D P A T H 139TH S T W AUTU M N P A T H ARDROE AVEASHFIELD AVEATRIUM AVE ATHE N A W A Y BONAIRE PATH W Dakota County, GeoEye, Maxar, Microsoft ARDROE AVEAUTU M N P A T H ASHDALE AVEABERCORN AVEAVILA AVEASHFIELD AVEASHBRO O K P A T H 139TH S T WATRIUM AVE ASHFOR D P A T H ATHE N A W A Y BONAIRE PATH W Dakota County, GeoEye, Maxar, Microsoft Residential: R1 - Low Density Residential R2 - Moderate Density Residential R3 - Medium Density Residential Other: AG - Agricultural PUD Existing Proposed 19-050 09/29/2020 ARDAN PLACE TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC ROSEMOUNT, MN N CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Civil Engineering Land Planning 1 27 COVER SHEET N GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS: PROJECT DIRECTORY LEGEND 2 OF 27 19-050 09/29/2020 ARDAN PLACE TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC ROSEMOUNT, MN N CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Civil Engineering Land Planning 3 27 PLAN NOTES ” ””” “” “” “” ” ”” ’ ’ “” ’ ’ ” ” ”” ” ”” AILSBURY AVENUEAUTUMN PATHUNION PACIFIC RAILROADBONAIRE PATH W (COUNTY ROAD 38)L=130.68 R=2865.00 Δ=2°36'48"N85°22'32"W 319.43L=879.86R=11459.00Δ=4°23'58"N0°05'15"W 2039.49 N67°07'26"E 1437 .67 N0°00'02"W 1407.20DOGPARK 122465789101113141516171819202223242526272829321123019-050 09/29/2020 ARDAN PLACE TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC ROSEMOUNT, MN N CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Civil Engineering Land Planning 4 27 PRELIMINARY PLAT OVERALL DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS: LEGEND N AUTUMN PATHBONAIRE PATH W (COUN T Y R O A D 3 8 ) L=130.68 R=2865.00 Δ=2°36'48" N85°22'32"W 319.43 L=879.86 R=11459.00 Δ=4°23'58"N0°00'02"W 1407.201 2 6 5 7 17 18 3 30 19-050 09/29/2020 ARDAN PLACE TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC ROSEMOUNT, MN N CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Civil Engineering Land Planning 5 27 PRELIMINARY PLAT-NORTH N UNIO N P A C I F I C R A I L R O A DN0°05'15"W 2039.49N67°0 7' 2 6 " E 1 4 3 7. 6 7 N0°00'02"W 1407.20DOG PARK 2 4 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 3 21 12 30 19-050 09/29/2020 ARDAN PLACE TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC ROSEMOUNT, MN N CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Civil Engineering Land Planning 6 27 PRELIMINARY PLAT-SOUTH N AILSBURY AVENUEAUTUMN PATHUNION PACIFIC RAILROADBONAIRE PATH W (COUNTY ROAD 38)L=130.68 R=2865.00 Δ=2°36'48"N85°22'32"W 319.43L=879.86R=11459.00Δ=4°23'58"N0°05'15"W 2039.49 N67°07'26"E 1437 .67 N0°00'02"W 1407.20DOGPARK 122465789101113141516171819202223242526272829321123019-050 09/29/2020 ARDAN PLACE TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC ROSEMOUNT, MN N CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Civil Engineering Land Planning 7 27 PRELIMINARY SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN PLAN-OVERALL LEGEND N AUTUMN PATHBONAIRE PATH W (COUN T Y R O A D 3 8 ) 1 2 6 5 7 17 18 3 30 19-050 09/29/2020 ARDAN PLACE TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC ROSEMOUNT, MN N CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Civil Engineering Land Planning 8 27 PRELIMINARY SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN PLAN-NORTH N DOG PARK 2 4 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 3 21 12 30 19-050 09/29/2020 ARDAN PLACE TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC ROSEMOUNT, MN N CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Civil Engineering Land Planning 9 27 PRELIMINARY SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN PLAN-SOUTH N AILSBURY AVENUEAUTUMN PATHUNION PACIFIC RAILROADBONAIRE PATH W (COUNTY ROAD 38)DOGPARK122465789101113141516171819202223242526272829321123019-050 09/29/2020 ARDAN PLACE TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC ROSEMOUNT, MN N CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Civil Engineering Land Planning 10 27 PRELIMINARY STREET & STORM SEWER PLAN LEGEND N AUTUMN PATHBONAIRE PATH W (COUN T Y R O A D 3 8 ) 1 2 6 5 7 17 18 3 30 19-050 09/29/2020 ARDAN PLACE TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC ROSEMOUNT, MN N CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Civil Engineering Land Planning 11 27 PRELIMINARY STREET & STORM SEWER PLAN-NORTH N UNIO N P A C I F I C R A I L R O A D DOG PARK 2 48 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 3 21 12 19-050 09/29/2020 ARDAN PLACE TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC ROSEMOUNT, MN N CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Civil Engineering Land Planning 12 27 PRELIMINARY STREET & STORM SEWER PLAN-SOUTH N AILSBURY AVENUEAUTUMN PATHUNION PACIFIC RAILROADBONAIRE PATH W (COUNTY ROAD 38)DOGPARK122465789101113141516171819202223242526272829321123019-050 09/29/2020 ARDAN PLACE TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC ROSEMOUNT, MN N CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Civil Engineering Land Planning 13 27 PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN OVERALL LEGEND N 1 2 2 4 6 5 7 8 9 15 16 17 18 29 3 30 19-050 09/29/2020 ARDAN PLACE TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC ROSEMOUNT, MN N CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Civil Engineering Land Planning 14 27 PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN-NORTH N DOG PARK 2 48 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 3 21 12 19-050 09/29/2020 ARDAN PLACE TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC ROSEMOUNT, MN N CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Civil Engineering Land Planning 15 27 PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN-SOUTH N AILSBURY AVENUEAUTUMN PATHUNION PACIFIC RAILROADBONAIRE PATH W (COUNTY ROAD 38)DOGPARK122465789101113141516171819202223242526272829321123019-050 09/29/2020 ARDAN PLACE TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC ROSEMOUNT, MN N CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Civil Engineering Land Planning 16 27 LEGEND NPRELIMINARY STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN OVERALL PROJECT DIRECTORY AUTUMN PATHBONAIRE PATH W (COUN T Y R O A D 3 8 ) 1 2 4 6 5 7 8 17 18 3 30 19-050 09/29/2020 ARDAN PLACE TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC ROSEMOUNT, MN N CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Civil Engineering Land Planning 17 27 N PRELIMINARY STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN NORTH DOG PARK 2 48 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 19 20 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 21 12 19-050 09/29/2020 ARDAN PLACE TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC ROSEMOUNT, MN N CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Civil Engineering Land Planning 18 27 PRELIMINARY STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN SOUTH N 19-050 09/29/2020 ARDAN PLACE TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC ROSEMOUNT, MN N CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Civil Engineering Land Planning 19 27 TREE REPLACEMENT CALCS TREE INVENTORY TABLE & AILSBURY AVENUEAUTUMN PATHUNION PACIFIC RAILROADBONAIRE PATH W (COUNTY ROAD 38)N0°00'02"W 1407.20DOGPARK 122465789101113141516171819202223242526272829321123019-050 09/29/2020 ARDAN PLACE TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC ROSEMOUNT, MN N CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Civil Engineering Land Planning 20 27 PRELIMINARY TREE PRESERVATION PLAN-OVERALL N AUTUMN PATHBONAIRE PATH W (COUN T Y R O A D 3 8 )N0°00'02"W 1407.201 2 2 4 6 5 7 8 16 17 18 29 3 30 19-050 09/29/2020 ARDAN PLACE TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC ROSEMOUNT, MN N CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Civil Engineering Land Planning 21 27 PRELIMINARY TREE PRESERVATION PLAN-NORTH N UNIO N PACI F I C R A I L R O A D DOG PARK 2 48 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 19 20 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 21 12 19-050 09/29/2020 ARDAN PLACE TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC ROSEMOUNT, MN N CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Civil Engineering Land Planning 22 27 PRELIMINARY TREE PRESERVATION PLAN-SOUTH N AUTUMN PATHUNIO N P A C I F I C R A I L R O A D BONAIRE PATH W (COUN T Y R O A D 3 8 ) DOG PARK 1 2 2 4 6 5 7 8 9 10 11 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 13 11 2324 25 26 27 28 29 3 12 12 30 c 2OFARDAN PLACE ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC9-29-2020 JLT JLT Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 11-5-2020 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Landscape Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 44763 Jennifer L. Thompson L1LANDSCAPE PLAN10-15-2020 11-5-2020 c 2OFARDAN PLACE ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA TAMARACK LAND DEVELOPMENT, LLC9-29-2020 JLT JLT Name Reg. No.Date Revisions Date Designed Drawn Mendota Heights, MN 55120 2422 Enterprise Drive (651) 681-1914 Fax: 681-9488www.pioneereng.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTSLAND SURVEYORSLAND PLANNERSCIVIL ENGINEERS 9-29-2020 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Landscape Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota 44763 Jennifer L. Thompson L2LANDSCAPE PLAN AILSBURY AVENUEAUTUMN PATHUNION PACIFIC RAILROADBONAIRE PATH W (COUNTY ROAD 38)L=130.68 R=2865.00 Δ=2°36'48"N85°22'32"W 319.43L=879.86R=11459.00Δ=4°23'58"N0°05'15"W 2039.49 N67°07'26"E 1437 .67 N0°00'02"W 1407.20DOGPARK 1 2 2 4 6 5 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 DOGPARK1 2 2 4 6 5 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 19-050 04/282020 ROSEMOUNT PROPERTY .. ROSEMOUNT, MN N CAMPION ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. Civil Engineering Land Planning– 1 1 CONCEPT PLAN N EASEMENT EXHIBIT AT FRONT ONLY1/2"=1'-0"TYPICAL WDW & DOOR TRIM3 1/2" TRIM TYPICAL WDW TRIM5" TRIM3 1/2" TRIM5" TRIM5" TRIMAT FRONT W/ SHUTTERS1/2"=1'-0"5" TRIMThese plans, and the concept thereofor used without written consent. And may not be reproducedare the exclusive property of D.R. Horton Inc.,COPYRIGHT D.R. HORTON, INC. 2018C1.0XDRAWN: 1-14-2019-AW2600 ROW HOMESPC#739:2-3-2020-LLFRONT STOOP FOUND:1-2-2020-LLFRAMEWALK:2-20-2020-LLFRONT ELEVATION3/16"=1'-0"REFSIDING LEGENDALAP SIDING "B"LAP SIDING "A"PRODUCTCBD5" TRIM - VINYL LINEALEBOARD & BATTENN/AFSHAKE SIDINGG6-1/2" BEAD BOARD6-UNIT BUILDINGADDRESS NUMBERXXXXXSTEEL PANEL OVERHEAD DOORSTEEL PANEL OVERHEAD DOORADDRESS NUMBER4:12 PITCHXXXXX4:12 PITCH4:12 PITCHXXXXXSTEEL PANEL OVERHEAD DOORXXXXXADDRESS NUMBERSTEEL PANEL OVERHEAD DOORADDRESS NUMBER4:12 PITCHCLBETWEEN UNITS4'-0"4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODFIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODCLBETWEEN UNITS4'-0"4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODFIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODEAAAAAA6:12 PITCH4:12 PITCHFLASE CORNER CLBETWEEN UNITS4'-0"4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODFIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODCLBETWEEN UNITS4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODFIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODSTEEL PANEL OVERHEAD DOORADDRESS NUMBERXXXXXAAAAADDRESS NUMBERXXXXXSTEEL PANEL OVERHEAD DOOR4:12 PITCHA6:12 PITCH4'-0"A4'-0"FIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODFIRE-TREATEDPLYWOODCLBETWEEN UNITS6:12 PITCH4'-0"FLASE CORNER AT ALL GABLES, OROSB SHEATHINGWHEREVER SHAKES& BOARD-N-BATTENMATERIAL IS USEDEFLASE CORNEREXCELSIORFAIRMONT FAIRMONTFAIRMONTFAIRMONTEXCELSIORSOFFIT LIGHTS6:12 PITCHFYPONBKT7x12x4(TYPICAL)128AT ALL GABLES, OROSB SHEATHINGWHEREVER SHAKES& BOARD-N-BATTENMATERIAL IS USEDFD8'-0"6:12 PITCH6:12 PITCHAT ALL GABLES, OROSB SHEATHINGWHEREVER SHAKES& BOARD-N-BATTENMATERIAL IS USEDFYPONBKT7x12x4(TYPICAL)128AT ALL GABLES, OROSB SHEATHINGWHEREVER SHAKES& BOARD-N-BATTENMATERIAL IS USEDFD8'-0"4:12 PITCH8'-0"A4'-0"4'-0"FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE 6:124:1215' RIDGE VENT16' RIDGE VENT4'-0"FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE 4'-0"4'-0"FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE 4'-0"FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE 4:124:124:128:128:126:126:126:126' RIDGE VENT 16' RIDGE VENT16' RIDGE VENT16'-0"4:124'-0"6:126:126:124:124'-0"FIREPLY - 4'-0" FROM CENTERLINE 4:126:1216' RIDGE VENT6:124:126:126:124:1215' RIDGE VENT4:128:128:126' RIDGE VENT16'-0"6:126:122610 ELEV. F2615 ELEV. G2615 ELEV. H2615 ELEV. G2615 ELEV. J2610 ELEV. K2W 3020 FXR.O. 72 1/8" X 24"180 S.F. STONE = 18.0% 6'-1" WALL 6'-0" CABINET 2'-0"3'-6" TOP6'-2 1/2"6'-4"DWSINK18" MFD FLOOR TRUSSESINSTALL PER MFRS SPECSKIT.HD-FLRUP17RCOVEREDENTRY1/2BHD-FLR26'-0"15'-0"11'-0"8'-0"15'-5"8'-1" 42'-0"6'-0"26'-0"4'-9"21'-3"23'-6"6"4'-0"4'-0 1/2"12'-8 1/2"10'-6" 13'-0"8'-10"5'-1"DWSINK18" MFD FLOOR TRUSSESINSTALL PER MFRS SPECSGARAGEKIT.HD-FLRGREATROOMCPT.UP17RFOYERHD-FLRCOVEREDENTRY1/2BHD-FLR26'-0"15'-0"11'-0"23'-0"19'-0"26'-0"4'-9"21'-3"6"4'-0"4'-0 1/2"12'-8 1/2"10'-6"13'-0"4'-0 1/2"2'-8 1/2"2'-8"4'-2"3'-2"5'-1"1ST FLOOR PLAN1/4"=1'-0"1ST FLOOR PLAN1/4"=1'-0"3040 SHSUBFLOOR TO43 1/2" FROM TOP OFSET KITCHEN WINDOWSRGH.OPG. OF WINDOW7'-6"7'-6"4'-10"6'-2"4'-0"4'-0"7'-6"7'-6"4'-10"6'-2"4'-0"4'-0"3050-3 SH6-0 x 6-8 SGDA/CA/C6-0 x 6-8 SGD3040 SHSUBFLOOR TO43 1/2" FROM TOP OFSET KITCHEN WINDOWSRGH.OPG. OF WINDOWSLOPE TO DOORS4" CONC FLOOR494 SQ. FT.TYPICAL 2x6 GARAGE WALLSGARAGESLOPE TO DOORS4" CONC FLOOR494 SQ. FT.TYPICAL 2x6 GARAGE WALLS16x7 OVERHEAD DOOR16x7 OVERHEAD DOORON ALL WALLS & CEILINGGYPSUM BOARDNOTE: ON ALL WALLS & CEILINGGYPSUM BOARDNOTE: 2-42-83-02-42-42-83-0786 SQ. FT.LIVING AREA INC. STAIRSNOTE:9'-1 1/8" PLATE HEIGHT TYPICALWDW SIZES GIVEN IN FEET AND INCHES (WIDTH x HEIGHT)TYP. FIRST FLOOR WINDOW HEAD HEIGHT AT 8'-0" U.N.O.BEAM & HEADER SIZES TO BE VERIFIED BY SUPPLIER/MFRThese plans, and the concept thereofor used without written consent. And may not be reproducedare the exclusive property of D.R. Horton Inc.,COPYRIGHT D.R. HORTON, INC. 2018C4.0X42" HIGH HALF WALLW/ WOOD TOP42" HIGH HALF WALLW/ WOOD TOPPED.PED.OVERHANG TOP TREATED 2x10's16" ON CENTER DRAWN: 1-14-2019-AW2600 ROW HOMESFRAMEWALK:2-20-2020-LLPC#767,771,772,776:4-23-20-LLCLBETWEEN UNITSCLBETWEEN UNITSCLBETWEEN UNITSCLBETWEEN UNITSCLBETWEEN UNITSCLBETWEEN UNITS10'-8"10'-7"10'-8"10'-7"MUDROOMHD-FLRMUDROOMHD-FLR42'-0"6'-0"7'-0"55'-0"2'-4"11'-0"5'-8"19'-0"4'-0"2020-2 FX3050 SH3050 SH3-2x10 BEAM8'-0"15'-5"8'-1"23'-6"8x8 "REALWOOD"COLUMNDROPPED HDRDROPPED BEAMDROPPED BEAMDROPPED HDRDINING RMCPT.CPTHD-FLRCPTHD-FLRFOYERHD-FLRCPTHD-FLRCPTHD-FLRGREATROOMCPT.DININGCPT.3050-3 SHTREATED 2x10's 16" ON CENTER 3-2x10 BEAM8'-0"2-03'-9"WINDOW & DOOR SCHEDULE-2610CALL-OUTU-FACTORROUGH OPENINGLOCATIONSHGC#3-0 DOOR0.3138 1/4" X 83 1/4FOYER0.2310.3136 1/4" X 60 1/4"0.313050 SH2FOYERGREAT ROOM10.3147 5/8" X 24"0.32020-2 FXDINING RM3050-3 SH0.31108" X 60 1/4"0.31110.3172 1/8" X 81"0.326068 SGDDINING RM2-42-02-04'-0 1/2"2'-8 1/2"2'-8"3'-9"0.3136 1/4" X 48"0.313040 SH1KITCHENGASMETER ELEC.METER2'-0"4'-0"3'-0"3'-6"2-0DECK ABOVEDECK ABOVE2615 INTERIOR UNIT2610 END UNITFAIRMONTEXCELSIORBOLLARD1'-4"GAS METERSOFFIT FORGAS LINE6'-3" TOP 6'-1" WALL6'-0" CABINET 2'-0"3'-6" TOP6'-2 1/2"6'-4"OVERHANG TOP2X4 WALL, 34 1/2" HIGH6'-3" TOP 2X4 WALL, 34 1/2" HIGH 2X6 2X6 RADONVENT PIPE4'-2"3'-2"RADONVENT PIPETEMP GL.(2) 1 3/4 x 9 1/2VERSA-LAM(2) 1 3/4 x 14 VERSA-LAM(2) 2x10(2) 2x10(2) 2x10(2) 2x10(2) 2x10(2) 1 3/4 x 9 1/2VERSA-LAM(2) 1 3/4 x 11 7/8VERSA-LAM(2) 2x10(2) 1 3/4 x 14 VERSA-LAM(4) 1 3/4 x 24 VERSA-LAM(2) 2x10(2) 2x10(2) 2x10(2) 2x10(2) 1 3/4 x 9 1/2VERSA-LAM(2) 1 3/4 x 11 7/8VERSA-LAM20 AMP.MICRO HOODCIRCUITRANGEPANTRYREF.20 AMP.MICRO HOODCIRCUITRANGEELEC FP4" MAIN SEWERWATER MAINSTUB UP4" MAIN SEWERWATER MAINSTUB UP1'-2"1'-6"12'-6"3'-0" 14'-11" 14'-11"CLEAR FRAMING CLEAR FRAMINGSOFFIT FORELECTRICAL8'-0"1'-0"SOFFIT FORELECTRICAL8'-0"1'-0"ELEC.METER29 SQ. FT.29 SQ. FT.2-04'-6"2-04'-6"CONC FLRCONC FLR5'-2 1/4"1'-8"18-1/8"x44-5/16"S/ROPTIONAL ELEC FIREPLACEOUTLET1'-6 1/8"FIREPLACE RGH OPG:ALLUSION 48 ELEC1'-8"1'-6 1/8"3/16"=1'-0"2X6 WALL 2X6 WALLMANTLE4'-8"ROCK RETURNSOF FIREPLACE OPG.5'-2 1/4"X 44-5/16"(W)RO 18 1/8" (H)ELEC F.P.2X6 WALL20 AMPDEDICATED3'-8 5/16"8 15/16"8 15/16"1/2" PLYWD1/2" ROCK OVER4'-2"12"+- 4'-1"(4) 1 3/4 x 24 VERSA-LAM(4) SHELVESPANTRYREF.(4) SHELVESC SUITE #1CPT.BATH #1HD-FLRBATH#2HD-FLRLAU.HD-FLRW.I.C.CPT.BEDRM #3CPT.BEDRM #2CPT.26'-0"15'-0"11'-0"26'-0"4'-9"21'-3"10'-8"10'-7"8'-0" 15'-4" 5'-10"5'-10" 2'-6"11'-6"6'-11"3'-8"9'-1"6'-4"4'-0"3'-8"5'-10" 4'-0"1'-10"9'-4" 4'-2"6'-4"5'-9"12'-1"4'-9"9'-0"2'-0"4'-0"4'-8" 4'-0"4'-0"6'-4"5'-9"4'-0"WHHVACWSSUITE #1CPT.BATH #1HD-FLRW.I.C.CPT.(3) SHELVESBATH#2HD-FLRLAU.HD-FLRW.I.C.CPT.BEDRM #3CPT.BEDRM #2CPT.DN17R26'-0"15'-0"11'-0"26'-0"4'-9"21'-3"10'-8"10'-7"8'-0"42'-0"49'-0"9'-4"6'-10"6'-8"7'-0"7'-0"2'-10"6'-11"3'-8"9'-1"6'-4"3'-8"5'-10"1'-10"9'-4"4'-2"6'-4"12'-1"4'-9"6'-4"9'-0"2'-0"4'-8" 7'-0" 12'-2"6'-10"9'-4"6'-8"7'-0" 2x6 WALL 2x6 WALL(3) SHELVES 2615 INTERIOR UNIT2610 END UNIT2ND FLOOR PLAN1/4"=1'-0"2ND FLOOR PLAN1/4"=1'-0"#2HD-FLR26'-0"4'-9"21'-3"12'-6"8'-9"10'-11"6'-4"SUITE #2CPT.LOFTCPT.#2HD-FLRW.I.C.CPT.26'-0"4'-9"21'-3"12'-6"8'-9"7'-0" 6'-8"7'-0"10'-11"6'-4"SUITE #2CPT.LOFTCPT.These plans, and the concept thereofor used without written consent. And may not be reproducedare the exclusive property of D.R. Horton Inc.,COPYRIGHT D.R. HORTON, INC. 2018C5.0XDRAWN: 1-14-2019-AW2600 ROW HOMESFRAMEWALK:2-20-2020-LLPC#767,771,772,776:4-23-20-LLTEMP. GL.3040 SH6'-3"2'-9"5'-0"6'-0"6'-3"2'-9"5'-0"6'-0"TEMP. GL.3040 SHALUM. RAILING36x60SHWR72"2-02-42-42-42-82-62-62-836x60SHWR72"2-02-42-42-84-04-02-42-45-0TUB/SHWR72"72"2-42-45-0TUB/SHWRWDWDDN17R42" HIGH HALF WALLW/ WOOD TOP42" HIGH HALF WALLW/ WOOD TOP2-42-62-62-42-62-64-04-02-472"2-6(3) SHELVES4-01'-2 3/4"3050-2 SH3050-2 SH5'-2"5'-5"5'-6"5'-2"-OPTIONAL-1/4"=1'-0"OWNERS SUITE #2-OPTIONAL-1/4"=1'-0"OWNERS SUITE #23050-2 SH3050-2 SH5'-2"5'-5"5'-6"5'-2"3050-2 SH2-472"2-42-61'-2 3/4"2'-10"(3) SHELVES4-019'-10" 5'-10"CLBETWEEN UNITSCLBETWEEN UNITSCLBETWEEN UNITSCLBETWEEN UNITSCLBETWEEN UNITSCLBETWEEN UNITSCLBETWEEN UNITSCLBETWEEN UNITSCLBETWEEN UNITS1108 SQ. FT.LIVING AREANOTE:8'-1 1/8" PLATE HEIGHT TYPICALWDW SIZES GIVEN IN FEET AND INCHES (WIDTH x HEIGHT)TYP. FIRST FLOOR WINDOW HEAD HEIGHT AT 6'-10 1/2" U.N.O.BEAM & HEADER SIZES TO BE VERIFIED BY SUPPLIER/MFR1108 SQ. FT.LIVING AREANOTE:8'-1 1/8" PLATE HEIGHT TYPICALWDW SIZES GIVEN IN FEET AND INCHES (WIDTH x HEIGHT)TYP. FIRST FLOOR WINDOW HEAD HEIGHT AT 6'-10 1/2" U.N.O.BEAM & HEADER SIZES TO BE VERIFIED BY SUPPLIER/MFR6-0 x 6-8 SGD12'-2"15'-4"5'-10"5'-10"2'-6"11'-6"8'-0"2x6 WALL3'-3 7/8"3'-8 1/8"2020 FXTEMP GL.4'-4"2'-6"W.I.C.CPT.2-43'-3 7/8"3'-8 1/8"2020 FX5'-2"7'-4"5'-2"3050-2 SH3'-7"5'-10" 19'-10"22x30ATTICACCESS3050-2 SH3050-2 SH5'-2"3'-7"7'-4"5'-2"2'-10"WHHVACOPTW.I.C.CPT.MECH.6'-4"6'-4"2-42-82x6 WALL 22x30ATTICACCESSALUM. RAILING8'-0"6-0 x 6-8 SGDDROPPED BEAMDROPPED BEAMCOVEREDDECKCOVEREDCEDAR DECKNOTE:LAYOUT WILL VARY PERPLUMB, ELEC, MECH,STRUCT&/OR SITE CONDITIONSMECHANICAL EQUIPMENTNOTE:LAYOUT WILL VARY PERPLUMB, ELEC, MECH,STRUCT&/OR SITE CONDITIONSMECHANICAL EQUIPMENTF.D.PANIC PANPANIC PANWSF.D.PANIC PANPANIC PANMECH.WINDOW & DOOR SCHEDULECALL-OUTU-FACTORROUGH OPENINGLOCATIONSHGC#3040 SHBATH #110.310.3136 1/4" X 48"BEDROOM #213050-2 SH0.310.3172 1/8" X 60 1/4"BEDROOM #313050-2 SH0.310.3172 1/8" X 60 1/4"W.I.C.12020 FX0.310.3224" X 24"BATH #212020 FX0.310.3224" X 24"10.3172 1/8" X 81"0.326068 SGDSUITE #1OPT SUITE #2 W.I.C.13050-2 SH0.310.3172 1/8" X 60 1/4"OPT SUITE #213050-2 SH0.310.3172 1/8" X 60 1/4"3'-3"3'-3"FAIRMONTEXCELSIOR2020 FXERVERVVENTPIPERADON24" TOWEL BAR24" TOWEL BAR24" TOWEL BAR 24" TOWEL BAR VENTPIPERADONTPHTPHTPH(2) 2x10(2) 2x10(2) 2x10(2) 1 3/4 x 9 1/2VERSA-LAM(2) 1 3/4 x 9 1/2 VERSA-LAM(2) 1 3/4 x 7 1/4VERSA-LAM(2) 1 3/4 x 7 1/4VERSA-LAMWFPEGRESSWFPEGRESSWFP(2) 2x10(2) 1 3/4 x 7 1/4VERSA-LAM(2) 1 3/4 x 7 1/4VERSA-LAMWFPEGRESSWFP(2) 2x10(2) 1 3/4 x 9 1/2VERSA-LAM(2) 1 3/4 x 7 1/4VERSA-LAM(2) 1 3/4 x 7 1/4VERSA-LAM(2) 1 3/4 x 9 1/2 VERSA-LAMWFPEGRESSWFPEGRESSWFP(2) 1 3/4 x 7 1/4VERSA-LAM(2) 1 3/4 x 7 1/4VERSA-LAMWFPEGRESSWFPTYPICAL UNIT-TO-UNIT STAGGERVARIESNOTE:FRAMER TO ROCK &POLY MECH. RM LIDNOTE:FRAMER TO ROCK &POLY MECH. RM LID8" 8"42" HIGH HALF WALLW/ WOOD TOP42" HIGH HALF WALLW/ WOOD TOPFIRE RATED GYP BDON RETURN WALLSFIRE RATED GYP BDON RETURN WALLS3'-3 7/8" 3'-3 7/8" (1) SHELF4-0(1) SHELF4-0SUBFLOORSUBFLOORW.S. W.S. ROOF TRUSSESINSTALL PER MFRS SPECS ROOF TRUSSESINSTALL PER MFRS SPECS ROOF TRUSSES INSTALL PER MFRS SPECS ROOF TRUSSES INSTALL PER MFRS SPECS G:\2020\Planning Cases\20-47-PUD Ardan Place Planned Unit Dev MDP\20201022 Arden Place Preliminary Plat Memo.docx Memorandum To: Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Stacy Bodsberg, Planning & Personnel Secretary Brian Erickson, Director of Public Works/City Engineer From: Tim Hanson, WSB Engineering Consultant Stephanie Smith, Assistant City Engineer Date: October 22, 2020 Re: Ardan Place Preliminary Plat – Engineering Review SUBMITTAL: The Preliminary Plat plans were prepared by Campion Engineering Services, Inc of Maple Plain, MN. The developer of the site is Tamarack Land Development, LLC. Engineering review comments were generated from the preliminary plat documents included in the submittal consisting of: §Preliminary Plat dated 9/29/2020 §ALTA/NPSPS Land Title Survey dated 2/17/2020 §Preliminary Grading Plans dated 9/29/2020 §Preliminary Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plans dated 9/29/2020 §Preliminary Street and Storm Sewer Plan dated 9/29/2020 §Preliminary Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan dated 9/29/2020 §Preliminary Tree Preservation Plan dated 9/29/2020 §Storm Water Management Plan dated 9/29/2020 GENERAL COMMENTS – PRELIMINARY PLAT: 1.The development Fees are indicated below based on the 2020 Schedule of Rates and Fees. These fees are due with the final plat and subdivision agreement. §Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charge: $1025/acre §Watermain Trunk Charge: $6500/acre §Storm Sewer Trunk Charge: $6865/acre 2.Plans shall be signed by an Engineer licensed in the state of Minnesota. 3.Outlot F shall be covered by drainage and utility easement and shall be dedicated to the City. 4.Outlots A, B, C, D and E shall be covered by drainage and utility easements. 5. Outlot E shall have access easement dedicated for access to Outlot F. 6.Outlot E shall have a trail easement placed under the trail alignment. 7.Outlots E and F to be combined into one outlot. 8.Outlot D is overwritten by D & U easement. 9.Adjust Block 11 so the catchbasin along the private street is not located within the driveway. ( Or revise centerline grades to move the low point.) 10.There is a leader line located on Lot 7, Block 3 that is not defined. SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN Anthony Nemcek 10/16/2020 Page 2 G:\2020\Planning Cases\20-47-PUD Ardan Place Planned Unit Dev MDP\20201022 Arden Place Preliminary Plat Memo.docx 11.Recommend utilizing 0.50% slope as a minimum to ensure that construction minimums are met. Sanitary sewer runs with the lowest flows must be considered. 12. Recommend utilizing the existing sanitary sewer located along the west plat line, north of street 6 to serve street 6 and the north end of street 5. Sanitary sewer depths will be 4-5 feet shallower. Existing structure at the property line has an invert elevation of 946.00. 13.Number and locates of valves shall meet City of Rosemount Engineering Guidelines. 14.All watermain shall be ductile iron pipe. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS Ardan Place consists of three local residential streets and a private street. The streets extend from Bonaire Path and Autumn Path. A local street and a private street extend from Autumn Path along the plat’s west boundary. These two streets extend east to a proposed local street that extends from Bonaire Path. A third local street loops through the central area of the proposed plat. 15.Street 1 extending from Bonaire Path is shared by the adjacent property to the east, property owned by the Independent School District 196 (ISD 196). The property must grant an easement for the easterly portion of this street connection and acknowledge that this access will provide appropriate access for their site. 16.Coordinate southern end of street 1 with ISD 196 to provide a T-intersection allowing for bus turning movements into ISD 196 property. 17.Street 1 at Bonaire Path shall be a three lane section providing a left turn lane. 18.The existing curb cut along Autumn Path near the Street 5 intersection shall be removed and replaced with B618 curb and gutter. 19.Adjust location of existing STMH at Street 5 intersection to align with Autumn Path curb and gutter. 20.Stub streets shall be terminated with type 3 barricades with “Future thru Street” sign attached. 21.Identify how the easterly edge of Street 1 is constructed. Grading east of street 1 will extend beyond the proposed easement area. 22.The retaining wall located adjacent to the easterly plat line should be located in outlot F. Do not place the wall area in a drainage and utility easement. 23.A sidewalk easement must be placed under the proposed sidewalk that extends from street 5 to street 3. 24.The trail call out in outlot E overwrites Pond 1 depth. 25.Provide a typical section for the private streets. INFILTRATION BASINS 26.Access to ponds and rear yard catchbasins should meet Engineering Guidelines and be shown on the plans. 27.Upon completion of the infiltration basin, the applicants Engineer shall complete infiltration testing and certify the functionality of the basin as needed. 28.Storm sewer outlets to ponds shall be limited to one discharge pipe. The city’s storm water review consultant reviewed the submitted and their comments on the proposed preliminary plans and the Ardan Place Stormwater Management Report. The full memorandum is attached. G:\2020\Planning Cases\20-47-PUD Ardan Place Planned Unit Dev MDP\Ardan Place - Minea Property Rosemount Stormwater Management Review - 10222020.docx 701 XENIA AVENUE S | SUITE 300 | MINNEAPOLIS, MN | 55416 | 763.541.4800 | WSBENG.COM Memorandum To: Stephanie Smith, City of Rosemount From: Bill Alms, PE Laura Kivisto, EIT Date: October 16, 2020 Re: Ardan Place, Minea Property Plan Review WSB Project No. 016934-000 I have reviewed the documents provided by Campion Engineering Services on September 29, 2020 for the Ardan Place, Minea Property in Rosemount, MN. Documents reviewed include: • 19-050 Ardan Place 11x17.pdf, prepared by Campion Engineering Services • 200928_Ardan Place Stormwater Management Report.pdf, prepared by Civil Methods • 8536-0001 ease1 9-29-20.pdf, prepared by Wenck Applicant should provide responses to each comment. I offer the following comments below. Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Comments: 1. General a. Show the lowest opening elevation of the proposed homes. b. Please provide a detail to clarify the house elevations. It was assumed that G stands for garage floor and LL stands for lower level or basement elevation. c. Label the driveway slopes. d. Show or define access routes for maintenance purposes to all inlets, outlets and manholes. The drainage and utility easements allow for access to the stormwater infrastructure over most of the site, but please provide clarity regarding the drainage and utility easement and access to the stormwater infrastructure on the south end of the site. e. Plans shall be signed by a licensed Professional Engineer. 2. Ponds and Wetlands a. Please reference the Surface Water Management Plan pond number (1620) on the plan sheets. b. The 100-year HWL and 100-year snowmelt elevations differ by 0.1 between HydroCAD and the plans for the NURP basin and infiltration basin. Modify values to match. c. The NW I indicates a wetland to the east of the site that appears to be near the proposed roadway in the northeast corner of the site. Please show the wetland on the map and indicate that an adequate buffer distance is provided. d. NURP basins will be required to be lined. Please add a comment or detail to the plans indicating this. Stephanie Smith 10/16/2020 Page 2 G:\2020\Planning Cases\20-47-PUD Ardan Place Planned Unit Dev MDP\Ardan Place - Minea Property Rosemount Stormwater Management Review - 10222020.docx e. Request Ponds 1 and 2 be consolidated in the SW corner of the site and push the infiltration basin east. This will allow more efficient treatment and consolidation of maintenance of the NURP basins. 3. Emergency Overflow Routes: a. Label all rear yard and street low point EOFs. 4. Retaining Walls: a. No comments. 5. Erosion Control: a. An NPDES Permit is required. Please provide. b. Please provide a complete and accurate SWPPP including a narrative that complies with and includes all components of the NPDES permit. c. Provide an operations and maintenance plan for the stormwater system which identifies who is responsible for long-term maintenance. d. Where 10 or more acres drain to a common location, permittees must provide a temporary sediment basin that provides live storage for a calculated volume of runoff from a 2-year 24-hour storm from each acre drained to the basin. Temporary basins may be converted to permanent basins after construction is com plete. Please indicate on plans. e. Ensure all proposed and existing catch basins that receive drainage are marked with inlet protection. In particular, consider CB 1 and the existing catch basins immediately outside of the work area. f. Include information about how the site will be stabilized. 6. Grading: a. Minimum slopes of 2% are allowed. There are several site locations that do not meet minimum grade requirements, in particular, the dog park. b. Show the limits of grading. In some cases, the proposed grades extend beyond the property boundary. Stormwater Management Plan: 1. General Storm Sewer Design a. All storm sewer shall be designed to accommodate the 10-year rainfall event. Please submit rational calculations. b. The minimum storm sewer diameter shall be 15”. Currently, the storm sewer pipe from CB 1 to Ex. CB on the corner of Bonaire Path and Autumn Path is proposed to be a 12” RCP. c. Junction manholes should be designed to limit the hydraulic head increase by matching flow lines (0.1-foot drop across the structure for incoming and outgoing pipes of the same diameter and matching crowns for pipes with different diameters where feasible). d. Indicate quantity and size of riprap at the FES outlets. e. Insert the City of Rosemount Standard Detail SD 11, Trash Guard for Storm Sewer Aprons, into the plans. f. Indicate the casting type for the yard drains. g. 3-foot sump catch basins or manholes are required within the street just prior to discharging to a waterbody. Stephanie Smith 10/16/2020 Page 3 G:\2020\Planning Cases\20-47-PUD Ardan Place Planned Unit Dev MDP\Ardan Place - Minea Property Rosemount Stormwater Management Review - 10222020.docx h. Provide Call out or note to strom sewer sheets to reference sheet piling detail on flared end sections 24-inches or larger. 2.Water Quantity a.Per past comments provided to the developer, provisions must be provided such as a regional outlet control structure to connect the overflows from the site to the east as shown in the City SWMP. 3.Volume Control a.The NPDES permit indicates that infiltration is prohibited if the field measured infiltration rate is above 8.3 inches per hour. Field tested infiltration rate is about 30 inches per hour, but it is noted that soils will be amended to slow the infiltration rate to below 8.3 inches per hour. Please document this in the stormwater management report. 4. Freeboard a.Please provide 1.5 feet of freeboard between the EOF of the low lying rear yard drainage areas and the low opening of the homes. 5.Water Quality a.No comments. 6. Easements a.No comments. 7.Modeling a.Recommend using a minimum time of concentration value of 7 minutes. b.Revise the area of Existing Subcatchment 3 to match between the HydroCAD model and area summary table. c.The proposed HydroCAD model labels shall match the proposed drainage area map. d.Modify the slope of the primary outlet pipe from the SW NURP Pond (Pond 2) in HydroCAD to match the detail shown on Plan Sheet 25. e.Because the HWL exceeds the RIM elevation of the OCS, include the horizontal opening in the HydroCAD calculations for both NURP basins. MEMORANDUM To: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner Anthony Nemcek, Planner From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: October 22, 2020 Subject: Ardan Place Development The Parks and Recreation Department recently reviewed the plans for the Ardan Place development. After reviewing the plans, the Parks and Recreation Department staff has the following comments: Local Trails and Sidewalks The trail and sidewalk amenities appear to be designed in a manner that works toward the City’s goal of having a well-connected community. The proposed trail and sidewalk system is similar to other recent developments with having a sidewalk on one side of public neighborhood roads. Staff is recommending that the developer grade the northern portion of the property to allow for a future trail along Bonaire Path and that they add a sidewalk to the west side of the east entrance road into the development. Parks Dedication Because the City is not looking to acquire park land in this development, the parks dedication for this development would be cash in-lieu of land. The cash dedication for 79 low density units @ $3,400 per units would be $268,600 and 137 medium density units @ $2,850 per unit would be 390,450 for a total of $659,050. Please let me know if you have any questions about this memo.