HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Subdivision Ordinance Update EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Meeting Date: December 15, 2020 AGENDA ITEM: Case 20-54-TA Subdivision Ordinance Update AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 9.a. ATTACHMENTS: Subdivision Ordinance Text Amendment, Summary Resolution, PC Excerpt Minutes 11/24/20 APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the City Council adopt the following two motions: 1. Motion to Approve an Ordinance amending the Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance (Ordinance B-91). 2. Motion to adopt a Resolution Authorizing publication of a Summary of an Ordinance amending Ordinance B-91, the Subdivision Ordinance. SUMMARY The City Council is being asked to consider several amendments to the Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance to update a section of the City Code that has not been substantially revised for several decades. Many of the proposed amendments are intended to bring the ordinance up-to-date with current review practices, address any inconsistencies with the Zoning Ordinance, and to ensure that the ordinance is fully compliant with the City’s Engineering Design and Specifications manual. Staff is also recommending changes to permit a more streamlined review process and to provide an alternative to platting for simple lot divisions (and allow for administrative approval for certain types of simple requests). Both the Planning Commission and staff recommend approval of the attached subdivision ordinance text amendments. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION The Planning Commission held a public hearing to review the proposed ordinance amendments on November 24, 2020. Notice of the meeting was published in accordance with the requirements of the City Code, and a public hearing was held. During the meeting, the Commission reviewed the ordinance amendments with the City’s planning consultant at the meeting, and did not receive any public comments during the public hearing. It was noted that the Commission spent time at a previous workshop meeting reviewing in detail the ordinance with staff, and that the Commission was supportive of all proposed revisions. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the subdivision ordinance amendments as presented (5 ayes to 0 nays). BACKGROUND As part of its work plan for 2020, the Planning Department has been identifying sections of the City Code that need updating and has been working to bring these revisions to the Planning Commission for consideration. One of the major components of the Code that has not been updated for a long 2 time is the subdivision ordinance. Over the past several years, staff has been noting issues with the ordinance and more recently hired WSB to assist with a major revision to the subdivision ordinance. WSB conducted a review of the subdivision ordinance with staff, reviewed other codes from similar jurisdictions, researched relevant state statutes, and used this information to identify sections that needed to be revised in Rosemount’s ordinance. The Planning Commission reviewed an initial draft of the subdivision ordinance update at a work session on August 25, 2020 and provided general direction on some of the proposed changes. One of the areas for which staff requested specific feedback from the Commission concerned the handling of simple lot splits and lot combinations. Based on the comments received, the ordinance has been drafted to allow administrative approval for certain lot combinations and splits that do not create a new buildable lot. The City Council was asked for its comments concerning this change at a work session meeting, and concurred with the recommendations from staff and the Planning Commission. DISCUSSION Legal Authority Zoning ordinance text amendments are considered legislative actions. In such cases, the City has a fair amount of discretion in its deliberations and final decision if the decision is not arbitrary or capricious and the City develops reasonable findings to support its action. Ultimately, any changes should be consistent with the 2040 Comprehensive Plan and should not conflict with other sections of the City Code or State Statutes. One of the overall goals for the update has been to improve consistency throughout the ordinance. The Planning Commission serves in an advisory role to the City Council for ordinance text amendments. Summary of Changes. The proposed ordinance amendments have been tracked in the attached document, and some of the more significant changes are summarized below: • Definitions have been added or revised to improve consistency with other sections of the City Code and state law. The definitions now reference the state statutory language for drainage and utility easements. • The platting application requirements have been updated to reflect current practices concerning submission of electronic documents and to conform with the review timing requirements imposed by the state. The ordinance now provides flexibility for the City to combine the preliminary and final plat review into one meeting when appropriate. • The provision concerning registered land surveys have been moved to the Platting Alternatives section of the ordinance. The former “Administrative Plat” process has been renamed “Minor Subdivision” and amended to allow such subdivision for up to four parcels. • The Planning Commissions Chair will no longer be required to sign final plats. • Several of the requirements listed in the Subdivision Design and Improvement section have been eliminated or revised to improve consistency with the City’s Engineering Guidelines manual and to avoid duplication of standards between the two documents. • The provisions concerning required improvements within subdivisions has been updated to improve consistency with the Engineering Guidelines and to reference the premature subdivision section. • The requirements for variances and Planned Developments have been revised to improve consistency with the Zoning Ordinance. • The “Exceptions to Platting” section eliminates most of the categories included in the previous ordinance while adding a new option for lot line adjustments. The code now allows for three types of administrative (staff) approvals: agricultural lot divisions, 3 corrections, and lot line adjustments. Any subdivision that creates a new buildable lot will still be subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. • Other minor revisions and corrections to bring the code up-to-date. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission and staff are recommending that the City Council approve amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance as detailed in the attached document and summarized above. City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B -286 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS that Ordinance B-91, adopted August 5, 1997, entitled “City of Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance,” is hereby amended as follows: Section 1. Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance, Section 12-1-7: Definitions is hereby amended as follows: EASEMENT, DRAINAGE: As defined and described within Minnesota State Statute 505.01, Subdivision 3, Paragraph (b). EASEMENT, UTILITY: As defined and described within Minnesota State Statute 505.01, Subdivision 3, Paragraph (j). ENGINEERING GUIDELINES: City of Rosemount Engineering Guidelines as approved by the City Council. FINAL PLAT: A drawing, in final form, showing a proposed subdivision containing all information and detail required by state statutes and by this title to be presented to the city council for approval, and which, if approved, may be duly filed with the county recorder. PLAT, FINAL: A drawing, in final form, showing a proposed subdivision containing all information and detail required by state statutes and by this title to be presented to the city council for approval, and which, if approved, may be duly filed with the county recorder. PLAT, PRELIMINARY: A plat submitted to the City for preliminary consideration and approval. REGESTERED LAND SURVEY (RLS): A drawing of a tract (or tracts) of unplatted land meant to be conveyed as a separate parcel as defined by Minnesota statutes, section 508.47, subd. 2. SUBDIVISION, MINOR: A subdivision that creates no more than four (4) lots and depends upon existing infrastructure for development and may be waived of some platting requirement. Section 2. Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance, Section 12-2-2: Subdivision Platting Requirements is hereby amended as follows: All subdivisions are subject to platting requirements unless otherwise provided for herein. Platting requires two (2) sequential review and approval by council. A preliminary plat is required for overall public infrastructure phasing and capital improvement planning, and a final plat is required for recording each phase or addition. Prior to granting final plat approval, the council may permit or require the plat to be divided into two (2) or more additions or may impose such conditions upon filing of the additions as it may deem necessary to ensure the orderly development of the plat. 2 Preliminary and final plats may be combined as a simple plat under circumstances elsewhere described herein. B. Staff Review Of Application: Within ten fifteen (150) business days of the receipt of the application, staff shall complete the initial review to determine if all required information has been filed. The applicant will be notified of incomplete or unacceptable application upon completion of initial review. Failure by the city to inform the applicant does not obligate the city in any manner. Section 3. Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance B, Section 12-2-3: Preliminary Plat is hereby amended as follows: A. Application Information: The preliminary plat, at a minimum, shall include the following information: 1. Twoenty (20) copies of the preliminary plat including all information required in this title or as established by city policy; 2. One electronic copy in PDF format of the preliminary plat including all plat information required in this title or as established by city policy; 2.3. Completed and signed application with corresponding fee(s) as established by resolution of the council; 3.4. Exact legal description of the property; and 4.5. Abstractor's certificate of property owners within three hundred fifty feet (350') of the preliminary plat boundaries. Section 4. Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance, Section 12-2-4: Final Plat is hereby amended as follows: A. Application Information: The final plat, at a minimum, shall include the following information: 1. Twoenty (20) copies of the final plat including all information required in this title or as established by city policy; 2. One electronic copy in PDF format of the final plat including all plat information required in this title or as established by city policy; 3. Completed and signed application with corresponding fee(s) as established by resolution of the council; 4. Easements or deeds as may be required by the city for trailways, ponding, parks, utilities or similar public purposes in a form prescribed by the attorney; and 5. Bond, escrow, letter of credit or similar guarantees to the city related to performance and/or for installation of public improvements and/or developer to install improvements. 3 Section 5. Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance, Section 12-2-5: Platting Alternatives is hereby amended as follows: Alternatives to the standard preliminary and final plat procedures and requirements may be permitted under certain conditions as defined below in administrative plats minor subdivisions and simple plats registered land surveys. A. Administrative Plat Minor Subdivision Procedures: Administrative plats Minor subdivision shall conform to all requirements of standard subdivision except that some of the information requirements such as the engineering feasibility report may be waived by the city staff. Property may be subdivided through an administrative platting minor subdivision procedure which combines the preliminary and final plat procedures in conformance with the following conditions: 1. The resulting subdivision shall contain no more than three four (34) parcels. 2. The proposed subdivision shall be in areas where municipal streets and utilities are already in place and capable of serving the plat. 3. Future streets shall not be constructed, and the proposed subdivision shall not interfere with proper development of neighboring adjacent properties. 4. Resulting parcels shall conform with all zoning ordinance requirements. B. Simple Plat Procedures: A simple plat shall combine the procedures required for preliminary and final plats to include one review and approval sequence before the commission and council. Property may be subdivided through a simple platting procedure in conformance with the following conditions: 1. The resulting subdivision shall contain no more than five (5) acres or three (3) lots for commercial plats, and no more than ten (10) acres or twenty (20) lots for residential plats. 2. Resulting parcels shall conform with all zoning ordinance requirements. 3. The proposed subdivision shall contain no more than one phase for final platting. (Ord. B-91, 8- 5-1997, eff. 8-11-1997) B. Registered Land Survey (RLS): Registered land surveys shall not be used to avoid the requirements of this title. A registered land survey for parcels of less than five (5) acres in size or three hundred feet (300') in width shall be reviewed by the commission and approved by the council in the same manner as a preliminary plat. Such approval shall be attached to the survey. All registered land surveys shall be prepared in conformance with Minnesota statutes, section 508.47, subdivision 4. Section 6. Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance, Section 12-2-6: Recording Requirements for Final Plats is hereby amended as follows: B. Signing Of Plat: Signatures shall be recorded upon the final plat as required by the county. 1. The signature of the commission chair or their designee, attesting to the date upon which the commission made a recommendation on the preliminary plat after a public hearing. 4 1.2. The signature of the mayor or vice mayor attesting to the date upon which the council approved the final plat. 2.3. The signature from the clerk's office and seal of the city attesting to the above referenced actions by the city and valid signatures. (Ord. B-237, 7-15-2014) Section 7. Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance, Section 12-3-1: Street Design Standards is hereby amended as follows: E. Centerline offsets at s Street intersections with centerline offsets of less than two hundred fifty feet (250') for local street to local street and six hundred sixty feet (660') for local to collector intersections shall not be allowed shall conform with the standards listed within the Engineering Guidelines. F. When connecting street lines of the same street from each other at any point by more than ten degrees (10°), they shall be connected by a curve with a radius adequate to meet Minnesota department of transportation (Mn-DOT) adopted sight distance guidelines, and of such greater radii as the engineer shall determine for special cases. G. Streets shall be laid out as so to intersect, as nearly as possible, at right angles and no street shall intersect any other street at less than seventy five degrees (75°). G.H. Sight easements with tangent distances of twenty five feet (25') shall be provided at street intersections or the city may permit property lines at street intersections to be rounded with a radius deemed necessary. H.I. Street right of way and widths shall conform with the standards listed within the Engineering Guidelines. meet the following minimum criteria: STREET DESIGN Classifications Right Of Way (ROW) (Feet) Street Widths1 (Feet) Principal or minor arterial As required by state or county As required by state or county Collector 80_100 36_52 Local 60 32 Note: Measured face of curb to face of curb. ROW dedications, excluding turnaround area may be reduced from sixty (60) to fifty feet (50'), and pavement widths reduced from thirty two (32) to no less than twenty eight feet (28') in areas as determined by the city to be environmentally sensitive due to topography, forestation and/or wetlands. 5 I.J. The construction of half streets shall be prohibited, but half of the required right of way shall be platted within such tract where streets are appropriate as determined by the city. J.K. Cul-de-sac dead end streets, designated to be so permanently, shall not serve more than fifteen (15) single-family dwelling units or twenty five (25) multiple dwelling units and shall not be longer than seven hundred feet (700') and shall be provided at the closed end with a turnaround having roadway diameter of at least ninety feet (90') (measured face of curb to face of curb) and street property line diameter of at least one hundred twenty feet (120'). K.L. Cul-de-sacs shall only be developed where justified by irregular topography or where adjacent to limited access streets. L.M. Street grades shall conform with the standards listed within the Engineering Guidelines., wherever feasible, shall not exceed the following, with vertical curves design each meeting Mn- DOT approved standards: Street Type Percent Grade Arterial 5 Collector 7 Local 8 N. No street grade in new subdivisions shall be less than one percent (1.0%). At intersections, the street grade shall not exceed two and zero-tenths percent (2.0%) for the first one hundred feet (100') approaching said intersection. (Ord. B-91, 8-5-1997, eff. 8-11-1997) Section 8. Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance, Section 12-3-5: Landlocked Parcels is hereby amended as follows: As a general rule, the city shall not permit landlocked parcels or parcels that are only served by private easements. However, the city may permit the following: A. Landlocked parcels in multiple dwelling or commercial complex provided said parcel(s) have access to public street by an easement over another parcel within the same multiple dwelling or commercial complex. B. Landlocked parcels which are unbuildable (outlots) and reserved as permanent for public open spaces use or platted as an outlot for such use as ponding areas may be permitted. A conservation easement may be required by the city to ensure that the property is preserved as open space. (Ord. B-91, 8-5-1997, eff. 8-11-1997) 6 Section 9. Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance, Section 12-3-7: Required Improvements is hereby amended as follows: The following required improvements shall be installed in accordance with the engineering policy, standards, and specifications which have been or may in the future be adopted by the Council. Where standards and specifications have not been adopted, the improvements shall be made in accordance with good engineering practices. A. Roads and Highways 1. Unless otherwise exempted, all lots shall be provided frontage along existing roads and highways or road and highway to be constructed in conjunction with the development of the subdivision and where not premature under Section 12-5-2 C of this Chapter. Survey Monuments: Shall be placed at all block and lot corners, angle points, points of curves in streets and at intermediate points as shall be required by the City. The monuments shall be of such material, size, and length as may be approved by the City. It shall be the applicant's responsibility to see that the survey monuments are maintained in good order during construction and development. B. Sanitary Sewer Systems: 1. Where available, Municipal sewer facilities shall be provided in the development of the subdivision and where not premature under Section 12-5-2 D of this Chapter. 2. Prior to providing plans for utilities, analysis of the soil to the depth of the utility proposed should be made and provided with the utility report when required by the City. 2.3. Where Municipal sewer facilities are not available, individual sewage systems shall be provided in accordance with this Code. C. Water Systems: 1. Where available, Municipal water facilities shall be provided in the development of the subdivision and where not premature under Section 12-5-2 B of this Chapter. 2. Where Municipal water facilities are not available, individual water systems shall be provided in accordance with the Minnesota Department of Health and Dakota County adopted standards. D. Drainage Facilities: Storm sewer, open drainage, or other facilities and easements shall be installed and provided, which will adequately provide for the drainage of surface waters and where not premature under Section 12-5-2 A of this Chapter. 1. Said drainage facilities shall be provided as approved by the City Engineer. 2. Storm sewer and/or other drainage facilities shall be installed as determined to be necessary by the City Engineer for proper drainage of the surface waters. E. Streetlights: Streetlights shall be installed as provided by the City's adopted policy. 7 F. Driveway Approaches: Concrete or bituminous driveway surfaces over boulevard for lots adjacent to streets improved to City standards shall be provided for the development. E.G. Turf: Topsoil shall be spread to a minimum depth of four (4) to six inches (6"), and lawn grass shall be established on each lot upon the completion of the paving of adjacent street(s). In addition, pPrior to the issuance of occupancy permits for a dwelling so provided, seeding shall be established and maintainable as a lawn, sod shall be installed upon the unpaved street right-of-way fronting the lot and in any drainage swales adjacent to the lot. (Ord. B-91, 8-5-1997, eff. 8-11- 1997) Section 10. Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance, Section 12-4-1: Variances is hereby amended as follows: The board of appeals and adjustments shall have the authority to grant variances from the requirements of this title subject to the same procedures, conditions, and findings required by the city's zoning ordinance. (Ord. B-91, 8-5-1997, eff. 8-11-1997) A. Purpose: The purpose of this section is to provide for variations from the literal provisions of this Title in instances where an unusual hardship exists upon the land. B. Board of Appeals and Adjustments: The Board of Appeals and Adjustments as defined within Title 11 Chapter 12 shall review all variance to this Title. C. Review Criteria: The Board of Appeals and Adjustments shall not approve a variance unless they find that the following criteria, as applicable, have been met: 1. The variance, and its resulting construction or project, would be in keeping with the spirit and intent of this chapter. 2. The variance would alleviate an unusual hardship existing upon the land such as physical surroundings, shape, or topographical conditions. Unusual hardship includes, but is not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. 3. The variance and its resulting construction or project would not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other nearby properties. 4. The variance requested is the minimum action required to alleviate the hardship. D. Procedures: The Board of Appeals of Adjustments shall follow the procedures in Section 11-12- 2 A. through F. and H. of the Zoning Ordinance Section 11. Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance, Section 12-4-2: Exceptions is hereby amended as follows: The following subdivisions may be exempted from normal the platting requirements procedures described in Chapter 2 of this title: A. Lot Line Adjustment. When owners of adjacent properties intend to modify the areas of the existing parcels while not creating an additional buildable lot, approval of a lot line adjustment can be requested. 8 1. The new legal descriptions for the properties are metes and bounds or simple, easily described division of two platted lots of record (for example, east ½ of lot 31, north 150 feet of lot 31); 2. The adjustment does not result in the creation of a new lot, does not make one of the lots large enough to be eligible for further subdivision, and does not make an unbuildable lot buildable; and 3. The resulting parcels meet all applicable ordinance requirements, except that if one of the parcels was previously non-conforming, it must become more conforming as a result of the subdivision. Simple Lot Division: A simple, easily described division of a platted lot of record (for example, east 1/2 of lot 31, north 150 feet of lot 31) may be exempted from the platting requirements of this title provided the resultant parcels meet all zoning requirements. Such division requires the approval of the council. C. Lot Recombination: To divide on recorded lot or parcel in order to permit the adding of a parcel of land to an abutting lot and create two (2) buildable lots. The proposed lots shall not cause the remaining portion of the existing lots or parcels to be in violation of this regulation or the zoning ordinance. D. Consolidation: The owner of two (2) or more contiguous parcels or lots of record may, subject to council approval, consolidate said parcels or lots into one lot of record by recording the consolidation with the county and filing a copy of a certificate of survey showing same, with the clerk within thirty (30) days of recording. No hearing or commission review is necessary unless the proposal is referred to the commission by the planner for clarification. The proposed lots shall not cause any portion of the existing lots, parcels, or existing buildings to be in violation of this regulation or the zoning ordinance. C.E. Corrections: When a survey or description of a parcel or lot has been found to be inadequate to describe the actual boundaries, approval of a corrective plat may be requested. This type of subdivision creates no new lots or streets. The proposed corrective subdivision, in sketch plan form, along with a letter signed by both property owners agreeing to the new subdivision, shall be submitted to the council for approval. No hearing or commission review is necessary unless the proposal is referred to the commission by the planner for clarification. The proposed lots shall not cause any portion of the existing lots, parcel, or existing buildings to be in violation of this regulation or the zoning code. A certificate of survey may be required on any proposed lot with existing buildings in order to determine the placement of the building on the proposed lot. F. Registered Land Survey (RLS): Registered land surveys shall not be used to avoid the requirements of this title. A registered land survey for parcels of less than five (5) acres in size or three hundred feet (300') in width shall be reviewed by the commission and approved by the council in the same manner as a subdivision plat. Such approval shall be attached to the survey. All registered land surveys shall be prepared in conformance with Minnesota statutes, section 508.47, subdivision 4. Prior to approval of a registered land survey, the council may require the dedication of street or utility easements or public park land to the city. (Ord. B-91, 8-5-1997, eff. 8- 11-1997) Section 12. Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance, Section 12-4-3: Planned Unit Development is hereby amended as follows: A. The city may combine public hearing requirements for subdivisions with those required of the planned unit developments. (Ord. B-91, 8-5-1997, eff. 8-11-1997) 9 B. Dimensional deviations in the development of the subdivision under this chapter shall relate to lot area, lot width, lot depth, frontage on a public street, street width, setbacks for any yard, height, setback from adjacent zoning district or use, length of cul-de-sac, length of block and radius of cul- de-sac. C. Said dimensional deviations shall be clearly stated and documented at the time of approval by the council before they shall have full form and effect. D. Unless waived by the community development director, all data required on a preliminary plat and on a final plat as set forth in this chapter, including streets, utility easements, existing or proposed subdivisions of ownership and such other information, if any, as required by this chapter, shall be required as a part of the planned unit development overlay as set forth in Title 11 Chapter 10 Article VI. Such waiver shall not constitute a verification that all required data has been submitted. Section 13. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this 15th day of December, 2020. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2020 - 128 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE NO. B–286 AMENDING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE (ORDINANCE B-91) WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount recommended City Council approval of this amendment after holding a public hearing on November 24, 2020; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount adopted Ordinance No. B-286 amending the City of Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance (Ordinance B-91) on December 15, 2020; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 412.191, Subd. 4 allows publication by title and summary in the case of lengthy ordinances; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the following summary would clearly inform the public of the intent and effect of the Ordinances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Rosemount that the City Clerk shall cause the following summary of Ordinance No. B-286 to be published in the official newspaper in lieu of the entire ordinance: Public Notice During their December 15, 2020 meeting, the City Council of the City of Rosemount adopted Ordinance No. B-286. The ordinance amends Ordinance B-91, the Subdivision Ordinance. In summary, the new ordinance makes the following changes: 1) Definitions have been added or revised to improve consistency with other sections of the City Code and state law. The definitions now reference the state statutory language for drainage and utility easements. 2) The platting application requirements have been updated to reflect current practices concerning submission of electronic documents and to conform with the review timing requirements imposed by the state. 3) The provision concerning registered land surveys have been moved to the Platting Alternatives section of the ordinance. The former “Administrative Plat” process has been renamed “Minor Subdivision” and amended to allow such subdivision for up to four parcels. 4) The Planning Commissions Chair will no longer be required to sign final plats. 5) Several of the requirements listed in the Subdivision Design and Improvement section have been eliminated or revised to improve consistency with the City’s Engineering Guidelines manual and to avoid duplication of standards between the two documents. 6) The provisions concerning required improvements within subdivisions has been updated to improve consistency with the Engineering Guidelines and to reference the premature subdivision section. 7) The requirements for variances and Planned Developments have been revised to improve consistency with the Zoning Ordinance. 8) The “Exceptions to Platting” section eliminates most of the categories included in the previous ordinance while adding a new option for lot line adjustments. The code now allows for three types of administrative (staff) approvals: agricultural lot divisions, corrections, and lot line adjustments. Any subdivision that creates a new buildable lot will still be subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. 9) Other minor revisions and corrections to bring the code up-to-date. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of Ordinance No. B-286 shall be kept in the City Clerk’s office at City Hall for public inspection and a full copy of the ordinance be posted in the lobby of City Hall for 30 days after adoption. ADOPTED this 15th day of December 2020, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. ____________________________________ William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Erin Fasbender, City Clerk Public Notice During their December 15, 2020 meeting, the City Council of the City of Rosemount adopted Ordinance No. B-286. The ordinance amends Ordinance B-91, the Subdivision Ordinance. In summary, the new ordinance makes the following changes: 1) Definitions have been added or revised to improve consistency with other sections of the City Code and state law. The definitions now reference the state statutory language for drainage and utility easements. 2) The platting application requirements have been updated to reflect current practices concerning submission of electronic documents and to conform with the review timing requirements imposed by the state. 3) The provision concerning registered land surveys have been moved to the Platting Alternatives section of the ordinance. The former “Administrative Plat” process has been renamed “Minor Subdivision” and amended to allow such subdivision for up to four parcels. 4) The Planning Commissions Chair will no longer be required to sign final plats. 5) Several of the requirements listed in the Subdivision Design and Improvement section have been eliminated or revised to improve consistency with the City’s Engineering Guidelines manual and to avoid duplication of standards between the two documents. 6) The provisions concerning required improvements within subdivisions has been updated to improve consistency with the Engineering Guidelines and to reference the premature subdivision section. 7) The requirements for variances and Planned Developments have been revised to improve consistency with the Zoning Ordinance. 8) The “Exceptions to Platting” section eliminates most of the categories included in the previous ordinance while adding a new option for lot line adjustments. The code now allows for three types of administrative (staff) approvals: agricultural lot divisions, corrections, and lot line adjustments. Any subdivision that creates a new buildable lot will still be subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. 9) Other minor revisions and corrections to bring the code up-to-date. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of Ordinance No. B- 286 shall be kept in the City Clerk’s office at City Hall for public inspection and a full copy of the ordinance be posted in the lobby of City Hall for 30 days after adoption. ADOPTED this 15 th day of December 2020, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT /s/William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: /s/Erin Fassbender , City Clerk 12/15/2020 6.b. Subdivision Ordinance Update Eric Zweber with WSB Engineering gave a summary of the staff report for the Planning Commission. Commissioner Reed stated that he appreciates all of the work that has gone into this update. The public hearing opened at 7:02 pm. Public Comments: None. MOTION by Schmisek to close the public hearing. Second by Freeman. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. The public hearing closed at 7:03 pm. Additional Comments: MOTION by Freeman to recommend the City Council approve text amendments to the subdivision ordinance. Second by Schmisek. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion Passes.