HomeMy WebLinkAbout15150 CLAYTON AVENea and Nancy Rnodt 15102 Clayton Avenue Rosemount, NN 55068 2 2 4 :h S� n rg Vi V 2421.67 4� V N A J n G Original Description: 5 h M The Nortwst Quarter of Section 21, Tnahip 115, Remie 18, Dakota County, Nimlem". r` Deaerlptlona After land Split, (option 117 The oorthast Quarter of Section 11, Township 115, Range S. Dakota County, Ninnexota except Mat part described as foll 1.1 Comencllg at the northxeat corner of Said Northwest ¢carter the. South (assumed bearlml) aldg the seat line of said V y Iorthsest Quarter 778.40 feet to the point of beginnings the continuing on a bearing of South along said seat line 454.00 [eels theMe on a bearing of Gat 240.00 feet, thence on e la ariny of North 454.00 facts thence on a bearing of Hest 240.00 fee to the point of beginning. Description After land Split (Option 12) 0 The lbrthaeat Quarter of Section 11, Township 115, tinge 18, Uukota County, Ninn,aota except that part described ea fall., Coam ncing at the onrthsest corner of said Noftbseat QSarter, thence South (assumed bearing) along the scot line of Said Iorthvest Q carter 127.40 feet to the point of beginning, rbence caatlnsing on a bearing of South along vaid vest Line 454.00 feet, thence on a bearing of Get 210.00 feet, thence on a bearing of North 454.00 feet, therms on a bearing of Year 240.00 feet to the point of beglmiM. 1 Wnv r P"Nam P4 savey Man. u, nRP1A Iwpr,M A M P eni4v PY 44•d nlernl„nn eM men 1 rme nA4f R11iYw•a lW BnxnalP assn 110 I.w r Wt ar a tea +om. CaY4 11 -2 92 DELMAR H.SCHWANZ IMO RmM.OrL PC. 1411e BOVTN ROBERT TRAR ROBEYOUNT, MINNEBDTA 61M1 41tIrf11)p SURVEYORS MATNICATE CTNIpOStTB LIMNING Scale: 1 inch w 100 feet