HomeMy WebLinkAbout12210 DANBURY WAY OriginalCERTIFICATE OF HOUSE LOCATION FOR: MIKE AND BETH SULLIVAN CJ Proposed garage floor elev. /0 %7 Proposed top of block elev. /pZ Proposed lowest level elev. ?V 0 0 0 N W A m Ln A A tr C Set wood hub at building offset 43 EStisting spot elevation on an assumed datum Proposed elevation Direction of drainage Property Address: 12210 Danbury Avenue v DELMAR H. SCHWANZ LAND SUnveeone, INC. ReplrlNed Undo, Lows of Tr* $39- Of ulnnewro 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55088 SURVEYOR'S CEnT1FICATE M/423 -1789 651 79.7 I \1 1 1 1 94, a I EXISTING> DRIVEWAY 91.1 I I I 8.9 85.9 New Sullivan Description: A tract of land in the East one half (E /1) of Government Lot 2, Section 7 and in the East one half (E 54) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1 /4) of Section 18, all in Township 115 North, Range 19 West, Dakota County, ;Minnesota, described as follows: From a point on the North line of said Lot 2 of Section 7 distance 80 rods West of the Northeast corner thereof; thence South to the Northwest corner of the East one half (E '/2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW %4) of Section 18; thence continuing South along the West he of the said East one half (E /a) of the Northwest Quarter (NW '/4) a distance of 1089 feet South of the North line of said Government Lot 2; thence East atld parallel with said North line of Government Lot 2 a distance of 400 feet to a point which is the actual point of beginning of the premises herein described; thence continuing East parallel with the North line of Government Lot 2 a further distance of 400 feet; thence North parallel with the West line of said East one half (E /2) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1 14) a distance of 544.5 feet; thence West and parallel with the South line of the herein described premises a distance of 400 feet: thence South to the point of beginning; EXCEPT the south 20 feet of the east 204.20 feet thereof. Together with commencing at a point on the west line of said East one half (E 'h) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1 /4) distant 1089 feet south of, as measured at right angles to, the north line of the East one half (E of Government Lot 2, Section 7, Township 115, Range 19; thence east parallel with said north he 185.86 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing east, parallel with said north line, 214.14; thence north. parallel with said west line, 20 feet; thence west, parallel with said north line, 194.26 feet; thence southwesterly 28.28 feet to the point of beginning. Also together with beginning at a point on the west line of said East one half (E of the Northwest Quarter (NW 14) distant 1089 feet south of, as measured at right angles to, the north line of the East one half (E of Government Lot 2, Section 7, Township 115, Range 19; thence east parallel with said north line 214.14 feet; thence deflect 225 degrees right 28.28 feet; thence west parallel with said north line 194.29 feet to said west line; thence north along said west line 20 feet to the point of beginning. r e i r SCALE: I INCH 30 FEET PROPOSED SEPTIC SYSTEM C G 97.6 L 94.1 81 110 100.0 139.21 4 93.8 93. 93. 92.7 A C /iGlL SO 83 94.2 ro 24 99. 5 n.33 9 HG�SE '0 94 4 0 83 92.9 21 6 1 95.9 99.9 9 98.5 93.2 m m 0 94.9 97 90.fi Z O O O N W A >E N A ut 91.3 93.4 88.5 EROSION CO NTRal 88.6 90.1 96.9 N89'37'31'E 381.66 7!1 °0 589 204.26 N O O N O O W A m I hereby Y Ihel INS eurvo Y. Plan, report wee prepared by me or under my direct fupnrvielon and DELMAR H. that I em a duly Registered lend Surve yor undef 9CFIWANZ a 4e the levee of the State 01 Minnesota. r p -8625- :O D l emar 11 wenz Scb Doled _y ,L� p� Minnesota Regletrellon No. 5815 34- 0181 oto 32. PLOT FILE B20420 MUST BE IN PLACE BEFORE FOOTINGS PASS INSPECTION Engineering Reviewed Date: -Wf Z22-� B2042 2016