HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210216 ESC - PACKET AGENDA Environment & Sustainability Commission Tuesday, February 16, 2021 5:30 p.m. Virtual Meeting via Go To Meeting 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. December 15, 2020 Environment and Sustainability Commission Minutes 4. PRESENTATIONS 5. OLD BUSINESS a. 2021 Goals Progress Reports b. Education & Outreach Calendar 6. NEW BUSINESS a. Supporting Clean Cars MN b. Rosemount Home & Business Expo Participation c. Leprechaun Days Participation d. Promotion of the Rosemount Stormwater Rebate Program e. Set Meeting Dates for 2021-2022 7. ANNOUNCEMENTS 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT a. Set Next Meeting Agenda for March 16, 2021 9. ADJOURNMENT ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES December 15, 2020 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the meeting of the Environment & Sustainability Commission of the City of Rosemount was called to order on December 15, 2020, at 5:36 p.m. via Go To Meeting. Attendees included: Commission Chair Kim Ciresi and Commissioners Renee Burman, Katie Koch- Laveen, Tina Angerer and Erin Delaney. Vice-Chair Victoria Schlautman and Commissioner Kristen Andrews were absent. Staff present included the following; Public Works Director Erickson and Stormwater Specialist Byron. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Burman Second by Koch-Laveen Motion to approve the minutes of the November 17, 2020 Environment and Sustainability Commission meetings with the changes to attendees. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0. Motion carried. PRESENTATIONS OLD BUSINESS 5.a. 2021 Goals Progress Reports Commissioners and staff briefly discussed goals and how the tasks will be distributed amongst the commissioners. 5.b. Finalize Education Outreach Commissioners and staff discussed the monthly blog topics and who will complete the post each month. NEW BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT 8.a. Set Next Meeting Agenda for January 19, 2021 ADJOURNMENT Commission Chair Ciresi adjourned the meeting at 6:24 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jessie Paque Recording Secretary EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment & Sustainability Commission Meeting: February 16, 2021 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: 2021 Goals Progress Reports Old Business PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 5.a. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: BLE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion DISCUSSION: The ESC Goals for 2021 were approved atthe November Commission Meeting. Goal captains have been assigned to overseeing and reporting on each goal. The intent of this item is to allow commissioners to provide updates on goal progress and share ideas. Below is a list of commissioner goal assignments: Goal 1 – Collaboration Procedures – Commissioner Schlautman Goal 2 – Green Development Regulations – Commissioner Andrews Goal 3 – Sustainable Purchasing – Commissioner Burman Goal 4 – Composting Access and Education – Commissioner Ciresi Goal 5 – Promotion of the Energy Action Plan – Commissioners Koch-Laveen and Angerer Goal 6 – Native Plants and Pollinator Habitat – Commissioner Delaney SUMMARY: No action required. C:\\Users\\jab\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\5.a. 2021 Goals Progress Reports_635119\\5.a. 2021 Goals Progress Reports.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment & Sustainability Commission Meeting: February 16, 2021 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: Education & Outreach Calendar Old Business PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 5.b. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: BLE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion DISCUSSION: The ESC Outreach & Education for 2021 were approved at the December Commission Meeting. Some outreach items have been assigned to specific commissioners for completion, such as some of the blog posts. The intent of this item is to review the calendar for updates and share ideas. A copy ofthe education calendar will be viewed at the meeting. SUMMARY: No action required. C:\\Users\\jab\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\5.b. Education & Outreach Calendar_635120\\5.b. Education & Outreach Calendar.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment & Sustainability Commission Meeting: February 16, 2021 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: Supporting Clean Cars MN New Business PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 6.a. ATTACHMENTS: Clean Cars MN Factsheet APPROVED BY: BLE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion DISCUSSION: The State of Minnesota is currently going through the Clean Cars Minnesota rulemaking. Clean Cars MN seeks to ensure that Minnesotans continue to have access to Low Emission Vehicles and more access to Zero Emission Vehicles in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions due to their impact on climate change. The rulemaking is currently accepting comments through March 15. The purpose of the discussion is to decide whether the ESC would like to recommend support for and comment on the Clean Cars MN rulemaking. More about the program can be viewed on the Clean Cars MN engagement website https://www.pca.state.mn.us/air/clean-cars-mn and rulemaking website https://www.pca.state.mn.us/air/clean-cars-mn-rulemaking. SUMMARY: No action required. C:\\Users\\jab\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\6.a. Supporting Clean Cars MN_635121\\6.a. Supporting Clean Cars MN.docx Vehicle emissions standards 101 All cars, trucks, and SUVs that have an internal combustion engine produce some amount of tailpipe pollution. Emissions standards set pollution limits to protect our health and the environment, and can also lead to improved fuel efficiency. As our federal government has pushed for cleaner cars, the auto industry has responded by investing in innovation and creating cleaner, more efficient models to meet more stringent emissions standards. Drivers benefit from saving money at the pump, and we all benefit from cleaner air to breathe and a better climate. Clean Cars Minnesota rule The MPCA is proposing to adopt clean cars standards to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increase electric vehicles (EVs) in Minnesota. cleancarsmn How the clean cars standards work The Low Emission Vehicle (LEV) standard sets limits for GHG emissions and other harmful air pollution for new light- and medium-duty vehicles. The LEV standard sets tailpipe emissions standards for auto manufacturers to achieve—standards they have been meeting successfully since 2012. It doesn’t affect used vehicles or require emissions testing. Adopting the LEV standard now would require auto manufacturers to continue producing cleaner, more efficient passenger vehicles and to continue delivering those models for sale here in Minnesota. The Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) standard works differently. This standard requires auto manufacturers to deliver more zero emissions vehicles, like battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrids (PHEVs) for sale in Minnesota, increasing each year. Did you know: Since 2012, all of the new cars, trucks, and SUVs on the lot in Minnesota have met the LEV standard. How is that possible, if Minnesota hasn’t adopted the LEV standard yet? From 2012 until 2020, the federal standard and the LEV standard were the same. So if you purchased a new vehicle anywhere in the U.S. in the last 8 years, you’re already benefiting from a cleaner, more fuel- efficient vehicle that meets the LEV standard. The standards matched until 2020, when the U.S. EPA moved to roll back the federal GHG emissions standards. LEVs are already here aq-rule4-10u Why we should adopt the Clean Cars Minnesota rule Taking action for a better climate Minnesota has a goal of reducing GHG emissions by 80% by 2050, but we’re not on track to meet our goal. Ensuring that Minnesotans have access to the cleanest cars available is a practical strategy that will help Minnesota move in the right direction. As more older, higher-emitting vehicles are replaced by cleaner LEV-certified vehicles, BEVs, and PHEVs each year, the emissions reductions will increase. Minnesota will see cleaner air and more climate benefits over time. Figure 1: Annual well-to-wheel GHG emissions reductions, beginning with model year 2025 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 CO2e emissions reduced (million tons)Key fact: In the first 10 years of implementation, the Clean Cars Minnesota rule would reduce GHG emissions by 8.4 million tons. Benefits for consumers Cost savings Minnesotans who purchase a new LEV-certified vehicle can expect to save money at the pump because LEV-certified cars, trucks and SUVs are more efficient. Since EVs have reduced fuel and maintenance costs compared to vehicles with internal combustion engines, Minnesotans who purchase a new EV would also see cost benefits. More consumer choice for EVs There are more makes and models of EVs available in states that have adopted the ZEV standard than we can easily acquire here. Minnesotans should have access to the new electric SUVs, cars, and pickups entering the market. EVs currently make up less than 1% of new cars on the lot in the Twin Cities metro area (and less than 0.3% in Greater Minnesota)—that’s not a lot of choices for consumers to consider. More new EVs on the market here could lead to more used EVs becoming available for consumers, too. Most popular models still available In 2019, Minnesota’s top-selling vehicle was the Chevrolet Silverado. In every state that has adopted clean car standards so far—California is the sole exception—the most popular vehicle is either a pickup truck or an SUV, indicating that dealers continue to sell these vehicles and their availability has not been affected. Learn more about GHG emissions reductions (pages 77-78) and other parts of MPCA’s analysis in our Statement of need and reasonableness (SONAR). All page numbers refer to the SONAR, available on the Clean Cars rulemaking webpage.Pages 70–75 Supporting healthy communities Reduces other harmful air pollution from vehicles In the first 10 years of implementation, MPCA estimates the Clean Cars Minnesota rule would reduce 6,000+ tons of non-methane organic gases and nitrogen oxides, and 3,000+ tons of particle pollution. Protects our health MPCA analysis indicates that implementing the Clean Cars Minnesota rule could prevent between 62-348 premature deaths from the respiratory and cardiovascular health effects of air pollution in the first 10 years of implementation. Emergency room visits, hospital admissions, non-fatal heart attacks, acute bronchitis, respiratory symptoms, asthma, and work-loss days could also be reduced. Supports environmental justice Lower income communities and communities of color in Minnesota are disproportionately exposed to air pollution from vehicles. Overburdened communities would experience the greatest air quality benefits from the Clean Cars Minnesota rule and reduced vehicle emissions. Timeline for implementing clean car standards If MPCA completes this rulemaking in 2021, implementation would not begin until 2024 (vehicle model year 2025). Clean Cars MN rulemaking finishes in 2021 Federally required two-year waiting period Jan. 1, 2022 – Dec. 31, 2023) Model year 2025 is first possible model year affected by Clean Cards MN rule 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Jan. 1, 2024 Earliest date Clean Cars MN rule could take effect For more information Web: mn.gov/cleancars Email: cleancarsmn.pca@state.mn.us Key fact: The economic value of these avoided health impacts is an estimated $560 million–$3.2 billion. Pages 79–91 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment & Sustainability Commission Meeting: February 16, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: Rosemount Home & Business Expo AGENDA SECTION: Participation New Business PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 6.b. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: BLE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve Participation inthe 2021 Home & Business Expo DISCUSSION: The Rosemount Home & Business Expo is scheduled for Saturday May 8, from 9:00AM to 3:00PM at Hope Field House. The Commission participated in previous years when they were atask force. Should the Commission decide to participate in 2021, booth space would be set aside for Commissioners to provide information or activities. Commissioners would staff the booth for the day and help decide on outreach materials/activities provided at the booth. SUMMARY: Discuss 2021 Home & Business Expo activities. Consider approving participation. Assign a captain(s) to oversee organization of this outreach activity. C:\\Users\\jab\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\6.b. Rosemount Home & Business Expo Participation_635122\\6.b. Rosemount Home & Business Expo Participation.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment & Sustainability Commission Meeting: February 16, 2021 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: Leprechaun Days Participation New Business PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 6.c. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: BLE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve Participation at the 2021 Leprechaun Days DISCUSSION: Rosemount’sannual summer festival, Leprechaun Days, is scheduled for July 16-25. The Commission participated in previous years when they were a task force at the pancake breakfast and midsummer faire. Should the Commission decide to participate in 2021, volunteers would be needed to assist with recycling activities at the pancake breakfast and booth space would be set aside for Commissioners to provide information or activities at the midsummer faire. Commissioners would staff the midsummer faire booth and help decide on outreach materials/activities provided at the booth. SUMMARY: Discuss 2021 Leprechaun Days activities. Consider approving participation. Assign a captain(s) to oversee organization of outreach activities associated with this event. C:\\Users\\jab\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\6.c. Leprechaun Days Participation_635123\\6.c. Leprechaun Days Participation.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment & Sustainability Commission Meeting: February 16, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: Promotion of the Rosemount Stormwater AGENDA SECTION: Rebate Program New Business PREPARED BY: Jane Byron, Stormwater Specialist AGENDA NO. 6.d. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: BLE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion DISCUSSION: The City of Rosemount enacted a stormwater rebate program in 2020. The program provides residents and other entities with arebate on their stormwater utility fee paid quarterly for installation of qualifying projects on their property that reduce stormwater volume or improve stormwater quality. Typical qualifying projects include conversion of turf to native gardens/plantings, raingardens, buffers, rain barrels, etc. There was only one application for anonqualifying project in 2020. The City would like to boost participation in the program for 2021 and is looking for comments from the ESC to this end. Information on the program can be found here https://ci.rosemount.mn.us/736/7616/Rebates- Assistance-Programs under the “Your Yard” tab. Currently for 2021, the City has included some information on the program in a utility insert, will include information in the spring city newsletter, is planning posts on social media, and will be updating application forms to make them more user friendly. Information on the Rosemount Stormwater Rebate is also included in the education materials provided by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District in their Landscaping for Clean Water Workshops https://dakotaswcd.org/services/landscaping- for-clean-water/. SUMMARY: Staff is currently looking at options and would welcome assistance and ideas from the ESC to improve participation. C:\\Users\\jab\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\6.d. Promotion of the Rosemount Stormwater Rebate Program_635124\\6.d. Promotion of the Rosemount Stormwater Rebate Program.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environment & Sustainability Commission Meeting: February 16, 2021 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: Set Meeting Dates for 2021-2022 New Business PREPARED BY: Jessie Paque, Public Works/Engineering AGENDA NO. 6.e. Office Specialist / Deputy City Clerk ATTACHMENTS: Calendar APPROVED BY: BLE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Set the 2021 - 2022 Environment & Sustainability Commission Meetings per the Attached Calendar. Attached is a calendar with highlighted dates for possible meetings, keep in mind that the Environment & Sustainability Commission meets on the third Tuesday of every month. Meetings can be changed aslong as itis voted on and there is a quorum present. Please bring your 2021/22 calendars to discuss any potential conflicts. C:\\Users\\jab\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\6.e. Set Meeting Dates for 2021-2022_635125\\6.e. Set Meeting Dates for 2021-2022.docx S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 25 26 27 28 29 30 23/30 24/31 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 24/31 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 26 27 28 29 30 31 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 23/30 24/31 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 27 28 29 30 31 JULY 2021 AUGUST 2021 SEPTEMBER 2021 APRIL 2021 - MARCH 2022 ENVIROMENT & SUSTAINABILTY COMMISSION ANNUAL PLANNER APRIL 2021 MAY 2021 JUNE 2021 OCTOBER 2021 NOVEMBER 2021 DECEMBER 2021 JANUARY 2022 FEBRUARY 2022 MARCH 2022 I:\Environment & Sustainability Commission\Calendars\2021-2022 ESC CALENDAR