HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Flint Hills Complex PlaygroundROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting: February 22, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: Flint Hills Athletic Complex Playground AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director AGENDA NO. 7 a. ATTACHMENTS: Request for Proposals and Proposals APPROVED BY: dis RECOMMENDED ACTION: To be discussed at the meeting. ISSUE City staff recently sent out a Request for Proposal (RFP) for new playground equipment at the Flint Hills Athletic Complex. The RFP asked playground equipment vendors to submit a proposal that did not exceed $80,000. A copy of the RFP is included in the packet. The City received a total of seven proposals. A copy of each playground proposal is included in the packet. On February 18, 2021 staff held a neighborhood meeting to gather input about the playground proposals from people living near the Flint Hills Athletic Complex. Staff will provide an update to the Commission regarding the neighborhood meeting on Monday. Staff will also invite the City's Youth Commission to virtually review the proposals and provide feedback to staff. Staff would like for the Commission to review the proposals in the packet and at the meeting on Monday and make a recommendation to the City Council as to what equipment to purchase for the Flint Hills Athletic Complex. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Request for Proposals: The City of Rosemount is requesting proposals from interested and qualified manufacturers and their product representatives for supplying and installing play equipment at the Flint Hills Athletic Complex at 1301 Bonaire Path East (see enclosed map). The proposal that you submit should be based on your supplying and installing playground equipment and resilient surfacing as described later in this document and within the budget available. In addition, and as an addendum to your playground proposal, please also show how that proposed playground could be modified to include integrally mounted shade structures and give an estimate of the cost of including the shade elements you suggest. Please understand that if the Owner chooses to include the shade structures, the cost of these modifications to the original proposal will be paid for with funds other than and separate from the $80,000 allocated for the playground itself. Therefore, the proposal you submit should have two parts. The first part is the playground you propose for the budgeted amount. The second part of the proposal should be the information about adding the shade elements to your original proposal. Only one playground proposal will be accepted from each vendor/product representative but please show how the playground you are proposing will look with or without the shade elements. Owner: City of Rosemount. Contact: Questions regarding the RFP should be directed to Tom Schuster, Parks Supervisor, 13885 South Robert Trail, Rosemount, MN 55068, (651) 322-6005. Submission: One copy of the proposal shall be submitted to the Parks Supervisor, as identified above, no later than 4:30 P.M., Thursday, February 4, 2021. Late submittals will not be accepted. Each proposal should include an 81/2" x 11" full color drawing of the playground and an 81/2" x 11" bird's eye view of the layout. Any posters or foam core boards showing the layout must not exceed 24" x 36" in size. On any graphics you submit, please show only how the playground will fit into the overall space provided (Approximately 4550 square feet) and do not include any hypothetical landscaping or other park features outside of the playground. Acceptance: The City of Rosemount reserves the right to cancel the Request for Proposal at any time or for any reason which serves the best interest of the City. The City of Rosemount also reserves the right to reject proposals and bids based on the evaluation of submitted materials and to accept proposals other than those exhibiting the lowest price. Preparation: The City of Rosemount will not be responsible for any costs incurred by those submitting a proposal and bid. Owner's Right to Revisions: The owner reserves the right to revise the scope of the project based on budget limitations and other considerations. The vendor will be expected to assist the owner in redesigning the project as warranted, based on these considerations. The owner also reserves the right to select all or part of a proposal as well as to select desirable aspects from any number of proposals. Evaluation Criteria: Each playground proposal will be evaluated against the following criteria: (100 pts total) 1) Play value — number and quality of play features (25 pts) 2) Overall design — layout and use of available space (25 pts) 3) Quality of materials (including warranty and service) (20 pts) C:\Users\mmr\Desktop\HalfofPlayground RFP 1-13-21.docx 4) Delivery and installation time frame. Please indicate the maximum time needed to complete the project from the time of signing the contract (20 pts) 5) Quality of Proposal, References (10 pts) Contract Requirements: Each proposal must meet the City of Rosemount's standard contract requirements, which include insurance and other provisions. The owner reserves the right to reject proposals that do not meet these requirements. C:\Users\mmr\Desktop\HalfofPlayground RFP 1-13-21.docx FLINT HILLS ATHLETIC COMPLEX Site Description: The Flint Hills Athletic Complex is located at 1301 Bonaire Path East, in a rapidly developing part of Rosemount. At 53 acres, Flint Hills is Rosemount's largest athletic facility, with seven full size soccer/lacrosse fields. When the second phase of the park was constructed in 2018, a somewhat "L" shaped playground area was identified and provided adjacent to a picnic shelter in the middle of the site. This playground area is approximately 4550 square feet in area and is about 85' by 70' in its two longest dimensions. The play area is bounded on all sides by concrete sidewalk or concrete curbing. The playground is located in a relatively flat, well drained portion of the park, and does not present any extraordinary problems related to the installation of new equipment. Access to the work site is provided by a 10' wide park trail running from the Athletic Complex's parking lot to the playground area, approximately 450 feet away. All interested respondents are encouraged to become familiar with the project site before submitting a proposal. A map showing the location of the Flint Hills Athletic Complex, an overall park plan, and a diagram of the playground area are attached. Now that the athletic turf at the site is fully established and the fields are open for use, we expect the Flint Hills Athletic Complex to be a very busy place for adults and children of all ages. Because of the athletic nature of the facility, the playground should be able to keep a large group of users occupied and entertained for the duration of a typical soccer/lacrosse practice or game. The design for the new playground should offer a wide variety of play features appealing to children of various ages and abilities. The most important evaluation criteria for rating the proposals will be overall play value and the variety of play experiences. Therefore, the proposal selected will be the one that we feel best uses the individual components to engage children physically and emotionally and not merely to create or enhance a particular theme. The new play equipment improvements should include, but not be limited to, the following: • One play equipment structure appropriate for children ages 5 — 12. Include a climbing wall/rock or rope type climber in this structure. Please avoid the use of climbing tubes or other features that limit visibility of playground users and/or the persons responsible for these young users. The preferred color scheme would be earth tones rather than bright or primary colors. • One play equipment structure appropriate for children ages 2 — 5. Once again, the preferred color scheme would be earth tones. • The play structures should include a variety of slides, including a spiral slide, but avoid the use of tube slides. • One web climbing feature. • A separate swing structure (maximum 8' high) should be included containing two (2) tot swings and four (4) belt swings with the option of replacing one swing at a later date with one (1) swing accessible by wheelchair. • One saucer -type or multiple occupant swing rather than a tire swing. • One free standing track ride/glider event for children ages 5 — 12. • Two (2) independent play features for younger children, such as spring riders. • Two (2) six foot in -ground benches with backs. Please locate within the proposed border. C:\Users\mmr\Desktop\HalfofPlayground RFP 1-13-21.docx Industry required level of certified engineered wood fiber to be placed under play equipment. Rubber swing/slide mats should be included in bid and installed under the swings and exit of the slides. Signage indicating the age appropriateness of playground equipment. Shade: The temperature of the playground components is important, so the playground should be designed so as to minimize heating of the slides and decks in the sun. In addition, please show how, if your proposal is selected, that the playground you are proposing could be modified to include shade structures built integrally into that playground. Project Timeline: The City will require the project to be completed in the summer of 2021, preferably on or before June 30, 2021. Project Budget: The price of providing and installing the new playground equipment and safety surfacing should not exceed $80,000.00 A summary of the project is listed below: The following project costs should not exceed $80,000.00. This amount should include: 1) Insurance, cost of ADA compliance plan design, overhead, and similar costs. 2) Purchase and installation of new play equipment components. 3) Purchase and installation of wood fiber surfacing needed to comply with current ADA standards. 4) Shipping and tax on any of the above components. 5) Cleanup of the site and the removal and disposal of packaging materials. Work Provided by Owner (not to be included in the $80,000.00): 1) Construction of the playground border and external access trails. 2) Accessible ramp(s) into the playground area. 3) Provide funding for any type of shade structures or elements. Design Criteria: The proposal should meet current Consumer Product Safety Commission guidelines, ASTM requirements and ADA standards. Please indicate how your proposal will meet the current ADA standards. Delivery and Installation: It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to be on -site to unload playground components and equipment, and to store these components until such time as they are installed. The Owner bears no responsibility for handling or storing the playground equipment until the installation is completed and the project is accepted. Nor does the Owner bear any responsibility for the cleanup of the site or the removal and disposal of any packaging materials. Payment: After installation is completed and we are invoiced for the materials and the work, payment will be made as soon as possible. However, with only 2 check runs each month sometimes it's not possible to make a payment in 30 days. Therefore, it is helpful if the contractor could block or waive all late fees on our account for 60 days from the invoice date. C:\Users\mmr\Desktop\HalfofPlayground RFP 1-13-21.docx Proposal # 1 Midwest Playscapes 16 play events Fl..jt Hills Athletic Complex Phase - 7 Rosemont, MN SJR54YnresentatNP MIDWEST Egwpmenl HdnuNctu/eI %,- PLAYWORLD 0.aSiIC XLYCA RPSiiC EC6nPISOP �oaw&w+msem ®e,ew� Grtpn P11PE. eoutpuaasP.oE Green Proposal # 2 Northland Recreation 30 play events RBI 'REOREaTON Flint Hills Athletic Complex City of Rosemount COMMERCIAL Proposal # 3 MN/WI Playground 20 play events Playground Plan D10460L (GamaTime Proposal # 4 Weber Recreation 16 play events* *Has a large multi user climber _ ._ f _.. - _ _a:_ .�,«� i �� � �� \ .," .. .,� �. a � � �� — -a Proposal # 5 Finnegan Playground Adventures 31 play events NFUSE I Flint Hills Athletic Complex �p -•^� PLAYCRAFi• en 2-12 Project# FPA21 ED5C9A,,..,m�,,,,,.,,•^^,.p^„„:P:�L.,.,.,...�.,,�.,�,«.® Proposal # 6 Flagship Recreation 26 play events Proposal # 7 St. Croix Recreation 28 play events RECREATION