HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05-21-18PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION May 21, 2018 Regular Meeting Members Present: Maureen Bartz, Michael Eliason, Barb Farrell, Scott McDonald, Craig Nelson, David Speich, and James Young Members Absent: Bryan Feldhaus and Lincoln Tilson Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation Michelle Rambo, Recording Secretary Others Present: Veda Kanitz and RHS students Nyah Rudd and Bridget Heffron 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 3. APPROVAL OF THE April 23, 2018 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Farrell to approve the minutes of the April 23, 2018 meeting. SECOND by Young. ,\}'cs: 7 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None 5. DISCUSSION: Selection of Chair and Vice Chair persons MOTION by Farrell to elect Eliason as Chair. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0 Motion passed. MOTION by Farrell to elect Bartz as Vice Chair. SECOND by McDonald. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0 Motion passed 6. OLD BUSINESS: None 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Presentation by RHS Students — Climate Control RHS students Rudd and Heffron along with their teacher Veda Kanitz urged the Commission to ask the City Council to consider writing a resolution in support of federal action on climate change. b. Director's Report -The park improvement fund balance as of April 30, 2018 was $575,208.84. No donations were received. Grants/other received in the amount of $24,500. Interest of $145.19 was earned. Expenditures for Greystone Park Development and Horseshoe Lake Park in the amount of $10,166.33. Flint Hills Athletic Fields — Construction started on May 15. Hope to seed the fields in August and staff expects them open for play in the spring of 2020 Dugout Improvements UMore Ballfields — Project was approved by City Council and construction will begin in the fall of 2018. IGH Ice Agreements — City Council approved going forward with the IGH ice deal and we have a cost share agreement in place with RAHA to help pay for the project. 8. ADJOURNMENT - MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Young. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:43 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Michelle Rambo, Recording Secretary -1-