HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07-23-18PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION July 23, 2018 Regular Meeting Members Present: Maureen Bartz, Barb Farrell, Scott McDonald, Craig Nelson, Bryan Feldhaus, Lincoln Tilson, and David Speich Members Absent: Michael Eliason and James Young Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation Michelle Rambo, Recording Secretary Others Present: None 1. CALL TO ORDER: Bartz called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 3. APPROVAL OF THE June 25, 2018 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Farrell to approve the minutes of the June 25, 2018 meeting. SECOND by Tilson. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None 5. DISCUSSION: None 6. OLD BUSINESS: None 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Horseshoe Lake Playground Equipment — Opening up the bids with a deadline of July 27th. A special meeting is set for July 30d,, where neighborhood residents can review the proposals and give feedback. b. Director's Report — Park Improvement Fund Balance as of June 30, 2018: $774,936.06 Inflows to the Park Improvement Fund last month were as follows: Dedication fees — $6,800 Grants/Other - $0 Interest - $144.27 Donations - $0 Expenditures - $4,301.93 (Horseshoe Lake Park Design and Lions Park) Lions Park Playground — Installation of drain tile within the playground perimeter for better drainage. A portable toilet has been delivered. Horseshoe Lake Park — Park plan includes an area for a playground, sun shelter, internal trails, lakeside trails, fishing / observation dock, a regional trail and regional signage. The City is also investigating the possibility of adding a basketball court to the park. The project was recently publicly bid. Total of fourteen contactors on the plan holders list. 8. ADJOURNMENT - MOTION by Farrell to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Tilson. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:23 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Michelle Rambo, Recording Secretary -1-