HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.i. Accept Bids, Award Contract, Declare Costs to be Assessed, and Set the Assessment Hearing for the 2021 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2021-01i:\city clerk\agenda items\approved items\6.i. accept bids, award contract, declare costs to be assessed, and set the assessment hearing for the 2021 street improvement project, city project 2021-01.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Meeting: March 16, 2021 AGENDA ITEM: Accept Bids, Award Contract, Declare Costs to be Assessed, and Set the Assessment Hearing for the 2021 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2021-01 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Brian Erickson, PE, Director of Public Works / City Engineer AGENDA NO. 6.i. ATTACHMENTS: Resolutions, Location Map APPROVED BY: LJM RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Motion to: 1. Adopt a Resolution Accepting Bids and Awarding the Contract for the 2021 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2021-01. 2. Adopt a Resolution Declaring the Costs and Calling the Assessment Hearing for the 2021 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2021-01 BACKGROUND The 2021 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2021-01, is proposed to consist of an asphalt mill and overlay and/or reclamation on the following streets: • Upper 149th St W between Crandall Ave and Colorado Ave • Covington Ave between 147th St W and Upper 149th St W • Colorado Ave • 157th Ct W • 157th St W • Darling Path between Danbury Ave and 200 feet south of Upper 156th St W • 156th St W between Darling Path and Shannon Parkway • Upper 156th St W • 156th Ct W • Dapple Ct • Dapple Cir • Danville Ave between 156th St W and 156th Ct W • Cumberland Ave • Crocus Ave • Crocus Ct • Crystal Ct • Crystal Path between Danville Ave and Shannon Parkway Minor utility work, rehabilitation of pedestrian ramps to meet current ADA requirements, and boulevard ash tree removals within the project limits will also be included. 2 On August 4, 2020 the Council approved a contract for engineering services with Bolton & Menk, Inc. (BMI) for 2021 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2021-01. BMI authored a report on the feasibility of this project. Detailed project information is included in the Feasibility Report available on file in the Public Works Department. The report found this project, as proposed, to be feasible, cost effective, and necessary. City staff hosted a neighborhood meeting on October 8, 2020. Residents within the project area asked questions about the assessment amounts and policies for payment along with the construction timeline and proposed ash tree removals. On November 17, 2020, City Council held a public hearing regarding the proposed improvements and heard comments regarding the project. Additionally, the City Council passed a resolution authorizing the preparation of plans and specifications. On January 19, 2021, City Council approved a resolution approving the plans and specifications and authorizing the advertisement for bids for the project. Bids were subsequently open on March 2, 2021. DISCUSSION On March 2, 2021 bids for the 2021 Street Improvement Project were opened. There were six bidders and Valley Paving, Inc. submitted the lowest bid. The following table shows the bidders and bids along with the Engineer’s Estimate. The four lowest bids were less than the Engineer’s Estimate and the two lowest bids were within $63,163.95 or 4.3% of each other. An alternative bid item was established for the northern section of the project. Pavement rehabilitation scope is a combination of reclamation and mill and overlay due to existing pavement distresses. The exact areas for each are shown in the attached map. Bidder Base Bid Alternate 1 Total Bid Engineer's Estimate 1,379,068.50$ 258,254.50$ 1,637,323.00$ Valley Paving, Inc.1,215,870.60$ 240,742.70$ 1,456,613.30$ McNamara Contracting, Inc.1,262,848.75$ 256,928.50$ 1,519,777.25$ Minnesota Paving and Materials 1,347,901.73$ 252,083.45$ 1,599,985.18$ Park Construction Co.1,382,711.03$ 252,611.95$ 1,635,322.98$ Northwest Asphalt 1,363,993.24$ 276,612.59$ 1,640,605.83$ Bituminous Roadways, Inc.1,515,476.01$ 278,413.50$ 1,793,889.51$ Bid Results 3 The Feasibility Report estimated the total project cost at $1,705,000, the final design prior to bidding had an estimated cost of $1,770,000. Using the low bid and adjusting indirect cost to the engineering contract plus 5% of construction the total cost is $1,766,670. It should be noted that the initial estimate was based on a mill and overlay of all the streets in the project area. However, further review indicated that a full depth reclamation of some of these streets would be a more appropriate rehabilitation which resulted in a cost increase. The project will be funded by a combination of Street CIP funds, utility funds, and special assessments of benefitting properties. The following table shows the anticipated funding breakdown by funding type. Now that bids have been received the funding breakdown was recalculated based on the current assessment policy and the actual bid prices. This project is scheduled in the 2021-2030 CIP. The low bid is approximately 23% higher than the CIP estimate. The cost increase is due to the use of full depth reclamation, water and storm utilities and pedestrian improvements. The second action requested of City Council is declaring the costs and calling for the Assessment Hearing, which is a necessary step under Minnesota Statute Chapter 429. The hearing would take place during the Council meeting on April 20, 2021. Item Feasibility Report Cost Estimate Design Cost Estimate Low Bid (Base + Alternate) Street 1,108,000 1,123,989 1,177,437 Storm 59,000 107,735 104,771 Sanitary 18,000 17,500 62,300 Water 107,000 91,700 112,105 Subtotal 1,292,000 1,340,923 1,456,613 Contingency (10%)129,200 134,092 145,661 Construction Total 1,421,200 1,475,016 1,602,275 Indirect Costs*284,240 295,003 164,396 Total Project Cost 1,705,440 1,770,019 1,766,670 TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATE * Indirect Costs were 20% at Feasibility Report and Design. For Low Bid this was adjusted to Engineering contract ($91,565) + 5% of Low Bid Item CIP Funding Amount Design Funding Low Bid Funding Street 900,000$ 964,383$ 928,244$ Assessments 250,000$ 519,283$ 499,824$ Storm 65,000$ 142,210$ 127,073$ Sanitary 160,000$ 23,100$ 75,561$ Water 55,000$ 121,044$ 135,968$ TOTAL FUNDING 1,430,000$ 1,770,020$ 1,766,670$ TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING 4 The proposed assessment amount as shown above is based on current Assessment Policy which calls for 35% of the surface cost to be assessed to the property owners. The assessments are calculated on a ‘per unit’ basis whereby each single-family property is assessed the same amount. Additional details will be provided at the Assessment Hearing During the Feasibility Report the estimated cost for surface improvements was $1,463,000. The assessments were then calculated to be 35% of that amount or $512,050. There are 310 abutting properties which resulted in an estimated assessment of $1,651.61. Now that the bids have been received the final surface cost has been calculated to be $1,428,068, which results in an assessable amount of $499,824. That results in an assessment of $1,612.00 or reduction of approximately $39/property. SCHEDULE Should the Council approve these resolutions, the proposed project schedule is shown below. Items marked “CC” will require City Council approval in order to move forward. CC Receive Feasibility Report and Set Improvement Hearing October 20, 2020 CC Improvement Hearing, Order Improvement and November 17, 2020 Authorize Preparation of Plans & Specs CC Approve Plans & Specs and Order Advertisement for Bid January 19, 2021 Bid Opening March 2, 2021 CC Award Contract, Declare Costs to be Assessed and Set March 16, 2021 Assessment Hearing CC Assessment Hearing April 20, 2021 Public Open House Spring 2021 Construction Start Summer 2021 Substantial Completion Fall 2021 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Council adoption of the attached resolutions accepting bids, awarding the contract, declaring the costs and setting the Assessment Hearing for the 2021 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2021-01. 1 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2021 - 18 A RESOLUTION DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARATION OF PROPOSED ASSESSMENT, AND CALLING FOR HEARING ON THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENT 2021 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, CITY PROJECT 2021-01 WHEREAS, a contract has been let for the 2021 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2021-01, the improvement of the following streets: • Upper 149th St W between Crandall Ave and Colorado Ave • Covington Ave between 147th St W and Upper 149th St W • Colorado Ave • 157th Ct W • 157th St W • Darling Path between Danbury Ave and 200 feet south of Upper 156th St W • 156th St W between Darling Path and Shannon Parkway • Upper 156th St W • 156th Ct W • Dapple Ct • Dapple Cir • Danville Ave between 156th St W and 156th Ct W • Cumberland Ave • Crocus Ave • Crocus Ct • Crystal Ct • Crystal Path between Danville Ave and Shannon Parkway, and; WHEREAS, these streets will be improved by pavement reclamation and mill and overlay, pedestrian improvements, and utility improvements and the contract amount for such improvement is $1,456,613.30, and the expenses incurred or to be incurred in the making of such improvement amount to $310,057 so that the total cost of the improvement will be $1,766,670.30. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Rosemount, Minnesota: 1. The portion of the cost of such improvement to be paid by the City is hereby declared to be $1,266,846.30 and the portion of the cost to be assessed against benefited property owners is declared to be $499,824. 2. Assessments plus applicable fees shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 10 years, the first of the installments to be payable with general taxes for the year 2021, and shall bear interest at the rate of 2% per annum above the interest rate paid by the City for its Resolution 2021-18 2 bonds from date of the adoption of the assessment resolution. 3. The City Clerk, with the assistance of the City Engineer shall forthwith calculate the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within the district affected, without regard to cash valuation, as provided by law, and she shall file a copy of such proposed assessment in her office for public inspection; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of Rosemount, Minnesota: 1. A hearing shall be held on the 20th day of April, 2021 in the Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, to pass upon such proposed assessment, and at such time and place, all persons owning property affected by such improvement will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause a notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing. The published notice shall state that the Council is meeting to consider the proposed assessment and will state the date, time, and place the of the hearing. 3. The City Clerk shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of each parcel described in the assessment roll not less than two weeks prior to the hearings. The mailed notice shall include: the date, time, and place of the hearing, the general nature of the improvement, the area proposed to be assessed, the total amount of the proposed assessment, that the proposed assessment roll is on file with the City Clerk and that written or oral objections by any property owner will be considered. The notice shall also state that no appeal may be taken as to the amount of any assessment unless a written objection signed by the property owner is filed with the City Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to the Mayor at the hearing. The notice shall state the process and time lines for such appeals and will inform property owners of the existence of any deferment procedures. The notice shall also state: 1) The amount to be specially assessed against the particular lot; 2) Adoption by the Council of the proposed assessment may be taken at the hearing; 3) The right of the property owner to prepay the entire assessment and the person to whom prepayment must be made; 4) Whether partial prepayment of the assessment has been authorized by ordinance; 5) The time within which prepayment may be made without the assessment of interest; and 6) The rate of interest to be accrued if the assessment is not prepaid within the required time period. Resolution 2021-18 3 ADOPTED this 16th day of March, 2021. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2021 – 19 A RESOLUTION RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR 2021 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, CITY PROJECT 2021-01 BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: 1. All bids on construction of 2021 Street Improvement Project, City Project 2021-01, are hereby received and tabulated. 2. Based on the combination of Base Bid and Additive Alternate 1, the bid of Valley Paving, Inc. in the amount of $1,456,613.30 for the construction of said improvements is in accordance with the plans and specifications and advertisement for bids, and is the lowest responsible bid and shall be and hereby is accepted. 3. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with said bidder for the construction of said improvements for and on behalf of the City of Rosemount. 4. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposit of the successful bidder and the next two lowest bidders shall be retained until a contract has been executed. ADOPTED this 16th day of March, 2021. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Erin Fasbender, City Clerk CAMERO LNCLARET AVECRANDALL AVECHIANTIDELMAR CTPAT H CTPKWY TH ST W (CSAH 42)AVESHANNONDARTMOORCT DECEMBER TRL BOULDER AVEBISCAYNE AVEU 145THST W CIMARRONAVEWDENVER CTBI TTER-SWEETCT150TH ST W (CSAH 42)DECEMBERBITTER -S W EETCIRBLOOOMF IELDWAYU. 149TH ST W 153RD ST W 151ST ST W STATION TRLBRAZIL AVE156TH ST W 144TH ST W DIAMOND PATH (CR 33)155TH ST W 147TH ST W 146TH BLOOOMFIELDPL B L O O M F IE L D C IRCOBBLER AVEDELFT AVE WCAMEO AVE148TH ST WDALLARA BLANCA AVECT COBALT DR CRYSTALPATH 152ND ST WDANVILLE AVE WBOULDER TRL BLOOMFIELDDARLING PATH CANADAAVE145TH ST W BOXWOOD PATHCORNELL TRL 158TH ST W 148TH ST W COVINGTON AVEBEECH ST W CT147TH ST W CAMBRIAN AVEBURMA AVECOLORADO AVEDAVENPORTAVECHIPPENDALE AVEST STW COBAL TLANE154TH CT W CARROUSELWAYU. 147TH ST W B AY B E R RY T R L CARDINAL L. 147THDAWSON CTCASCADE 158TH CT W 157TH CT W D A M A S K 153RD ST WDAMASK AVEDAKOTA DR159TH CT W 157TH ST WDANBURYAVEW 160TH ST W (CSAH 46)CROCUSAVEU. 148TH ST WDAHOMEY AVE W149TH ST W CRESTVIEW152ND CT W COLUMBIAL. 150TH ST W DANBURYDANVILLE AVEWCHILI CT BUSINESSPKWYB A Y B E R R Y BURNLEY AVEBOYSENBERRY CTCHROME CRESTONEAVEBLACKBERRY AVECIR150C OLU MBIA151ST CT W CUMBERLANDCHORLEYCAMFIELDU 145TH ST W CHARLSTON AVEAVEST WCARDINAL AVECICERONECIRCLEBLUEBERRYCTCROCUS BI S C A Y NEWAYDAKOTALNBAYBERRYST W 156T H STW 153RD ST W CANADA AVE148TH ST W147TH ST W U.149TH 154TH ST W 149TH 158TH ST W 151ST ST W 156TH ST W 146TH ST W DO D D CIMARRONAVEWUPPER 149TH ST W U.149H ST W 155TH ST W 147TH ST W CIMARRONAVEW152ND 144TH ST W 1 5 1 S T S T W CIMARRON A V E 146TH ST W DANVILLEAVEDANVILLE AVE WLOWER 147TH ST W CHILI AVECLARET AVEU. 148THST W CICERONEP A T HWAY S ROBE RT T RL DECEMBERWAY C H E R R YCOLUM BARY CTCTCOR N ELLCT SCRYSTALDAPPLECIRDAPPLE CTCARDINALCIREVERLEIGH CIR DERBYCIR CRESTONECIRCRESTVIEWCIRC LA R ETC IR CIMARRON CIMARRON CTCTD E W B E R R Y C T DARJEELINGCT 155TH C T W COLUMBARY CIR CHOKECHERRY AVEU. 149TH CTBRENNER CT BOSTONCIR CRESCENT CIR CHASEWOOD CTC H E S T N U TWA Y C I RCTWAY W AYU. 156TH W156TH CT WDARLING PATHDARLING PATH CINN A M ONWAYCOR N ELLCT N CTCRESTONECTCRESTONEPATHTRL CANADA CIRCHEVELLECT151ST ST WDAMASKC T WAYPATHBLVD ATWATER WAY AVEB E NTLEYST W CIC E RONEPATHBOISECIR DARJEELINGPATHCO R N E LL C O B A L T A V E D A LLARAAVEW144THSTW TRL (STH 3)160TH ST W (CSAH 46)S ROBERT(STH 3)U 145TH ST W 146THST W 145TH ST W CHRYSLERDAYBREAK AVEAURORA AVE 160TH ST W (CSAH 46) B O ULD E R CT---- 149TH ST WL 147THCT 149TH ST W 158TH CIR W 3/10/2021Document Path: T:\Project\Engineering\Derick\2021_Street_CIP.mxd 2021 Street Reconstruction Project Reclaim Mill & Overlay