HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket 4 ROSEMOUNT AGENDA Council Regular Meeting June 5, 2007 CITY COUNCIL 7:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, City Hall 1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2. Additions or Corrections to Agenda 3. Public Comment 4. Response to Public Comment 5. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS/BUSINESS a. Police Officer Oath of Office b. Recognition - Parks and Recreation Commission c. Presentation and Acceptance of 2006 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report(CAFR) 6. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes of the May 15, 2007 City Council Proceedings b. Bills Listing c. Technology RFP d. Approval of Revised Meeting Schedule e. 2007 3.2% Malt Liquor License Renewals f. Charitable Gambling Premise Permit Renewal for American Legion Post No. 65 g. On-Sale License on Public Premise h. Expenditure Approval from the Donation Account- Parks & Recreation Dept. i. Receive Donation - Parks & Recreation Department j. Trail Design Proposal-Interpretive Trail Corridor k. Outdoor Recreation Complex-Landscape Architect/Park Planner Contract I. Ratification of Fire Department Appointments m. Dakota County 2008-2012 Draft CIP n. Receive Bids/Award Contract- Bacardi Tower Driveway, City Project#355 o. Receive Quotes/Award Contract- Landscape Improvement Project p. Change Order#2-Old County Road 38/132"d Court West Street and Utility Improvements, City Project#387 q. Expenditure Approval from the Donation Account-Community Development Dept. r. Endres Processing Minor Planned Unit Development Amendment s�. Lennar Corporation Glendalough Minor Planned Unit Development(PUD)Amendment, Case 07-11-AMD t. Approval of Interfund Loan Transfer 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS a. Robert Trail Library Site Plan and Rezoning, Case 07-16-SP 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS 11. ADJOURNMENT ROSEMOUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY - • CITY COUNCIL I f � City Council Regular Meeting: June 5, 2007 _±.=y)) AGENDA ITEM: Case 07-16-SP Robert Trail Library Site AGENDA SECTION: Plan and Rezoning. New Business PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, AICP; Senior Planner AGENDA NO. co. ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance, Site Map, Project Narrative, Site Plan, Site Plan Details, Building Elevations, Grading Plan, Utility Plan, Photometric Plan, Color Rendering, APPROVED BY: Landscape Plan, Excerpt from the May l� 22, 2007 Planning Commission Minutes RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt an Ordinance rezoning the site from R-1A, Low Density Residential to PI, Public/Institutional. Motion to approve the Site Plan for the Robert Trail Library, to the following rY subject conditions: 1. Issuance of a building permit. 2. Conformance with all conditions of the City Engineer's Memorandum prior to issuance of a building permit. 3. Site lighting shall be revised to allow no more than 1.0 lumen at the southern property line. 4. Submission of a separate administrative sign permit application. ISSUE The City of Rosemount and Dakota County are working jointly to design and construct the Robert Trail Library. In April, the City Council approved a plat to create the separate lot for the library. This request is to approve the rezoning of the entire parcel to PI: Public/Institutional zoning and review the site plan of the library. BACKGROUND The City acquired the St.Joseph's church property in 2004 to provide land for a new Dakota County Library. The County requires the City to dedicate the land and the County pays for construction of the facility. In April, the City Council approved the Kilcumreragh Addition which created the lot for the library. This rezoning and site plan review will be the final City Council review before the construction of the library begins. Existing Zoning District: R-1: Low Density Residential (Western 170 Feet) PI: Public and Institutional (Eastern 290 Feet) Traditional Downtown Overlay District Proposed Zoning District: PI: Public and Institutional Traditional Downtown Overlay District Required Setbacks: N/A (Traditional Downtown Overlay District allows up to zero foot setbacks) Proposed Setbacks: Front: 40 feet (structure) 29 feet (parking) Side (North): 8 feet (structure) Side (South): 121 feet (structure) 10 feet (parking) Rear: 23 feet (structure) 120 feet (parking) PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION No residents spoke during the public hearing for the library. The Planning Commission had several questions regarding the construction schedule of the library. The Commission agreed to accept the landscape plan as submitted which is deficient in the number of trees that are 2 caliper inches in size but exceeds the total number of trees required. One comment expressed a desire to have a more distinct architecture for the library, but it was acknowledged that the proposed building has a functional layout. SUMMARY Rezoning The library site is located on a lot in the middle of the block bounded by Cameo Ave to the west, South Robert Trail (MN Hwy 3) to the east, 145`h St W to the south and 143`d St W to the north. To the north of the library site, the St.Joseph's complex occupies the eastern 2/3rds of the block and is zone PI: Public/Institutional,while the western third of the block is occupied by single family residences zoned R1A:Low Density Residential. These zoning patterns carried through onto the library parcel. The western third of the library site is currently occupied by a convent and adjacent parking lot zoned R1A. The rezoning request would rezone the entire parcel as PI: Public/Institutional, the proper zoning for the Robert Trail Library. Site Layout The library site is located on a lot in the middle of the block bounded by Cameo Ave to the west, South Robert Trail (MN Hwy 3) to the east, 145th St W to the south and 143rd St W to the north. Directly north of the site is the former St.Joseph's Church, to the west is the intersection of 144`'' St W and Cameo Ave, on the east side of South Robert Trail is Shamrock Animal Hospital, and directly south are the First State Bank of Rosemount and the Loch-Blake buildings. A licensing service center will also be included in the footprint of the building. The site layout consists of the library building on the north side of the lot adjacent to the St.Joseph's church and a parking lot on the south side of the lot. The parking lot has a connection to both Cameo Ave and South Robert Trail. On the west side of the building (enclosed behind a nine foot tall brick wall) is the book unloading area, employee parking, the garage enclosure, and mechanical equipment. The nine foot wall screens these utility functions from view on all sides except for the access to the parking lot. Book delivery is performed by vans or panel trucks that pull behind the wall and hand truck the book into the library. On the west side of the site,both north and south of the access drive are two rain gardens that will be extensively planted. 2 Building Design and Materials The foot print of the building is roughly rectangular in shape with the long axis running east and west. The building is predominately sided with brick and has a series of windows on the north, south, and west sides. Glass walls from floor to ceiling are located at the main entrance in the middle of the south facade, at the northeast corner, and in the middle of the east façade. The roof over the central portion of the library has a sweeping arc and is one of the defining architectural features of the building. At the main entrance, the glass wall extends approximately 5 feet above the brick walls and is topped with a metal standing seam roof. The north half of the library has a curved standing seam roof that extends about 8 feet above the exterior walls that allows daylight to enter the interior of the library. Metal standing seam roofs are permitted within the traditional downtown overlay district. The southeast corner of the library is designed slightly different from the rest of the library. The southeast corner of the building is curved, almost semicircular,brick walls with no windows. This is the conference room. In front of the curved wall the current plans indicate installation of a 9.5 foot tall trellis on which plants will grow, creating a "green"wall in front of the actual wall. County staff has indicated that they are exploring other building treatment along the curved wall rather than plantings. They have indicated that some type of art feature may be located on the wall instead. In either event, the intention is to have some treatment along the wall to break up the longer brick facade. Landscaping and Tree Preservation Currently, the site has a number of trees which remain from when the site housed the rectory and the convent. Five trees on the site meet the significant tree requirements of the tree preservation ordinance, three of which are being removed. The two trees that are being preserved,a maple and an ash tree, are located between the east facade of the library and South Robert Trail. The tree replacement required for this removal is four trees. The library site is extensively landscaped. 45 trees are planted throughout the site including the perimeter of the site, around the rain gardens, along the south façade of the building, and within the parking lot islands. Additional groundcover is provided by a hedge of arborvitae along the northern boundary with the residence along Cameo Ave, a hedge of honeysuckle along the south boundary of the lot,juniper and ivy around the perimeter of the library, daylilies within the parking lot islands, and climbing plants on the trellises at the southeast corner of the building. The two rain gardens are planted with water tolerant species such as dogwoods,black- eyed susans, coneflowers, and wild bergamot. The landscaping and tree preservation ordinances require a total of 37 trees planted that are 2 caliper inches or larger (4 for tree replacement, 35 trees for a 105,000 square foot site,and a 2 tree credit for preserving the two existing trees). While the landscape plan provides 45 trees, only 35 of them are 2 caliper inches and larger. Staff suggests that the provision of the additionally smaller trees is acceptable to fulfill the landscape requirement,particularly in light of the narrow planting beds along the south façade of the building and in the south setback of the property which is bounded to the south by a retaining wall and parking lot. The public works department has expressed concern about the mowing and maintenance on the north side of the library because of the narrow space between the church and the library allowing little direct sunlight and the location of storm water catch basins. Initially, this area will be sodded and mowed. The long term status of this space will be evaluated when the ultimate use of the former St.Joseph's church is determined,which may result in the installation of"no-mow"vegetation. 3 Access and Parking Access to the site is provided through the main entrance on South Robert Trail directly across from the Shamrock Animal Hospital entrance and a secondary entrance on Cameo Ave at the intersection of 144th St W. The circulation within the parking lot is in a counter clockwise fashion that allows a vehicle to enter the site from South Robert Trail, drive beside main entrance and book drop, circle around to the parking aisle on the south side of the lot, and exit onto South Robert Trail. The Cameo Ave entrance requires that the vehicle first drive the parking aisle before driving past the main entrance and book drop to exit back on Cameo Ave. The parking lot provides 73 general public parking stalls including three dedicated for exclusively as handicapped. Three additional parking spaces are provided exclusively for employees. City Code requires one parking stall per 500 square feet of a library,requiring 47 stalls for the 23,400 square foot library. Parking provided at the library is in excess of that required by ordinance. Pedestrian Circulation There are existing sidewalks located along both South Robert Trail and Cameo Ave. The library will install pedestrian ramps at the drive entrance of the parking lot. Additionally, a sidewalk will be installed that connects to both street sidewalks and runs on the north side of the parking lot and along the south facade of the library. Mechanical Equipment and Trash Enclosure The mechanical equipment and trash enclosure are enclosed within a 9 foot tall brick wall that also contains the employee parking and book delivery area. Inside the brick enclosure, the mechanical equipment and trash enclosure is also enclosed behind a fence with gates providing additional screening. Signs The library has proposed two signs, one on the wall at the east end of the parking lot and another monument sign at the entrance at South Robert Trail. The material used in the monument sign is not specified in the plans, but monument signs within the commercial and business park districts are required to be constructed with the same material as the building. Sign approval is not necessary within the site plan approval and is submitted in a separate administrative sign permit application. Staff encourages Dakota County to consider a brick monument sign for the Robert Trail Library. Lighting Lighting is proposed by eight 20 foot tall poles (five single fixture poles and three double fixture poles) within the parking lot and thirteen 10 foot tall poles (all single fixtures) along the interior sidewalk. The code requires that lighting is designed not to exceed 0.5 lumens at a residential property line and not to exceed 1.0 lumen at a non-residential property line. The proposed lighting plan exceeds 1.0 lumen at a number of places along the southern property line and should be revised to bring it within ordinance standards. Utilities Sanitary sewer and water are brought into the site beneath the entry drive from Cameo Ave to the western parking lot island. Within the island, a fire hydrant will be constructed. From the island, the sanitary sewer and water are provided to the library. 4 Stormwater treatment is preformed by the two rain gardens on the west side of the site. These rain gardens are shallow basins approximately three feet in depth that are normally dry and vegetated with flowers and trees that are water tolerant. After rain events, the rain gardens temporarily fill with water that infiltrates into the ground over time. In the case of extreme rain events, the rain gardens are designed overflow into the City's stormwater infrastructure. Stormwater is conveyed in the northern of the two rain gardens by catch basins within a stormwater pipe that runs from the north side of the library to the rain garden. For the southern rain garden, stormwater is convey by flowing over the parking lot from east to west and into the rain garden via two curb cuts in the parking lot adjacent to the rain garden. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve the rezoning from R-1A: Low Density Residential to PI: Public/Institutional. Site plan approval was granted by the Planning Commission at their May meeting. However,because this is a significant building within the community, staff is recommending the City Council also approve the site plan. If there are specific comments or changes the Council would like to request, this would be the appropriate time to make those concerns known. 5 City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B- 188 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE Robert Trail Library THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled "City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance,"is hereby amended to rezone the property located within the Northwest 1/4 of Section 29,Township 115, Range 19, Rosemount, Minnesota, from R-1A,Low Density Residential, to PI, Public/Institutional, legally described as follows: Lots 10 and 11, School Addition to the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota. (P.I.D. No. 34-66500-110-00) And The South 27 1/2 feet of Lot 8 and all of Lot 9, School Addition to the Village of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota. (P.I.D No. 34-66500-090-00) Section 2. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount,referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled "Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount," shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning,but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk's office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this 5th day of June,2007. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pagesthis t s day of ,2007. Proposed Library Area a . y \� Ward '*.VW. �$5 �O cs en V f (464h Gf• e DAKOTA COUNTY ROBERT TRAIL LIBRARY,AND LICENSE CENTER April 24, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION ATTACHEMENTS TO PLANNING APPLICATION FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW AND RE-ZONING REVIEW DURRANT 430 Oak Grove Street Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55403 612-871-6864 www.durrant.com [ APRO f DAKOTA COUNTY ROBERT TRAIL LIBRARY AND LICENSE CENTER APRIL 24, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION DOCUMENTATION TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1 of 2: PROJECT DOCUMENTATION A. Title or description of the Project B. Name of Owner C. Location of Property D. Existing topography E. Existing drainage patterns F. Description of Soils G. Proposed Site Limits H. Description of Driveways / Paved Areas I. Grading Plan J. Landscape Plan K. Tree Inventory L. Public Utilities M. Waste Treatment Method N. Erosion Control Plan O. Site Lighting P. Description of disturbances Q. Architectural Site Plan R. Other information . Presentation Drawings: Design Development Site Lighting Cut Sheets Storm water Management Calculations S. Street Light Plan.. PART 2 of 2: LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Sheet: T0.00 Cover Page 36x48 Sheet: T0.05 Site Survey 36x48 Sheet: L1.00 Landscape Plan 36x48 Sheet: L1.01 Landscape Schedule and Details 36x48 Sheet: A0.00 Demolition Plan and Tree Inventory 36x48 Sheet: A1.00 Architectural Site Plan 36x48 Sheet: A1.01 Architectural Site Details 36x48 Sheet: A4.00 Building Elevations 36x48 Sheet: C1 Grading and Erosion Control 36x48 Sheet: C2 Utilities 36x48 Sheet: C3 Notes 36x48 Sheet: E1.0 Electrical Site Plan 36x48 Page 2 of 11 DAKOTA COUNTY ROBERT TRAIL LIBRARY AND LICENSE CENTER APRIL 24, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION DOCUMENTATION TITLE OR DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT PROJECT LOCATION The site is located in the City bounds of Rosemount, in Dakota County, in the State of Minnesota. The site is bounded by existing parcels to its immediate north and immediate south which are bounded by 143rd Street and 145th Street, on the north and south respectively, by South Robert Trail, also called Highway 3 on the east and by Cameo Avenue on the West. The project site is the southern parcel of the historic St. John's Catholic Church, vacated by the Parish, on the church grounds occupying the on-grade parking area; children's play area, vacated nunnery and parish house. The site is bounded by the existing Church to the north and an existing retail strip mall to the south. The western boundary is Cameo Avenue, the bounds of the residential housing area. To the east, across S. Robert Trail are various single story retail establishments, and a gas station. Curb cuts are currently located on South Robert Trail (1) and onto Cameo Avenue (2). The owner and the City of Rosemount have agreed to split the church parcel to allow for the re-zoning of the southern portion to Public/Institutional for this project, a County Library and License Center. PROJECT NARRATIVE The new Dakota County Robert Trail Branch Library and License Center in Rosemount will be located on a site near the intersection of South Robert Trail and 145th Street, the historical center of the city, where it will become an anchor in the re-development of the city downtown. Occupying a portion of the former St Joseph's parish Catholic Church property, the library will be oriented to the south to address approach from the center of downtown. The remaining area of the church property is anticipated to eventually become a community center for Rosemount, which will include the preservation of the historic church sanctuary and steeple. The community center and church restoration work will be performed under a separate project and project owner. The new library will assert itself as an important element in the approach to downtown from the north and in its pedestrian scale presence from the south. The children's area will be located at the eastern-most end of the library, Page 3 of 11 DAKOTA COUNTY ROBERT TRAIL LIBRARY AND LICENSE CENTER APRIL 24, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION DOCUMENTATION prominently displaying its functions to the many passers-by along South Robert Trail and situated within the manicured lawn, an extension of the existing church landscape and grounds along South Robert Trail. DESIGN CONCEPT The new library is based on the idea of making a horizontal urban statement to complement the verticality of the adjacent historic St. Josephs church building, the most historically significant structure in the city of Rosemount. Its low massing is accentuated by the main reading area, a raised roof element filled with natural light. This is entered after passing through the lower more solid brick massing to give visitors an uplifting feeling when entering the main space. Human qualities, like the warmth of gracefully curved wood beams, light-colored finishes, and abundant natural light will provide a welcoming and sheltering atmosphere. The children's area opens to the east onto the library's 'front yard' along South Robert Trail. This provides a symbolic presence of the warm library environment along the arrival route into Rosemount's downtown. ROOF FORM The roof of the library will have a major feature, a raised section with clerestory windows over the main adult area. This will be curved in cross- section. This roof will be formed by curved glue-laminated wood beams that will be exposed to the space below and add warmth and color to the interior. ACCESS Vehicular access to the site will be from South Robert Trail, and from Cameo Avenue, a residential street. Vehicular access to the site from South Robert Trail, state highway 3, is subject to regulatory approval by MNDOT. They have required the curb cut into the site along S Roberts Trail, be aligned directly across from the existing cut on the opposite side of the road. The design solution provides for three lanes at the cut; one lane for incoming traffic and two for outgoing; to accommodate both left and right turns onto highway 3. Access from Cameo Avenue is via two lanes. The City of Rosemount's vision for redeveloping downtown is for a walkable pedestrian-friendly place with a small-town character. The site development of the new library embraces theses values with sidewalks linking the entry to existing and anticipated pedestrian pathways at the perimeter of the site. Page 4 of 11 DAKOTA COUNTY ROBERT TRAIL LIBRARY AND LICENSE CENTER • APRIL 24, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION DOCUMENTATION Parking for 76 cars is planned on the site. This includes 76 public spaces and three for staff and service near the service entrance. A one-way circular layout was chosen to both maximize the site's capacity for parking and to provide a logical circulation route for library visitors. Movement is in a counter-clockwise direction allowing access from the right side of a vehicle to a drop-off lane near the front door. Service vehicle access to the library will be through a 2500SF paved service yard at the west end of the building. This yard will be screened from view from the north and west with a brick wall on its periphery. The yard will be open to the south where trucks will enter from the parking access drive. SITE AND LANDSCAPE FEATURES The City and County's requirements for managing both the quantity and quality of site rainwater runoff are met using a Low Impact Design (LID) that minimizes reliance on the municipal storm sewer system for storm water management. This is accomplished with two infiltration basins that percolate filtered storm water down into the underlying soil. These are supplemented with a below surface drain tile field to bring total capacity to 26,000 cubic feet of runoff, equivalent to a 100-year rainfall event. In the event the system is overtaxed, a bypass will discharge water in excess of 26,000 CF into the municipal storm sewer system. The basins will have a surface that is slightly depressed from the surrounding area and will be hidden by plantings of woody and prairie plant material that will take the duration of water discharge expected. Plantings will have a variety of mature heights to hide the depression from view and provide a positive visual character to the feature. The portion of the property that abuts the residential lots to the west and north will have a dense vegetative barrier to screen views into the site. The western access drive will be 96 feet from the north property line, bisecting the LID stormwater with this distance increasing as one moves further from the street. The eastern boundary of the site will have an urban character, with low brick wall defining the parking area. To the north a park-like green space will link to the existing green spaces in front of the church sanctuary. The side-yard between the north face of the library and the existing church sanctuary is anticipated to become an outdoor amenity space when the church property is redeveloped by the city as a community center. Page 5 of 11 DAKOTA COUNTY ROBERT TRAIL LIBRARY AND LICENSE CENTER APRIL 24, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION DOCUMENTATION PROGRAM The program developed by Dakota County provides for 23,200SF of enclosed library space. Library functions include: adult fiction and non-fiction areas; a young adults area; a children's area; an information/reference area; internet access computer terminals; multi-media resources; and staff support functions to serve the entire library. The program also includes a 1000SF multi-purpose room that can be used independently of the library and a privately-operated licensing service center. These functions will be located near the entry so they can be used when the library is not open for business. B NAME OF OWNER AND CONSULANT PREPARING THE DOCUMENTS: Owner: Dakota County Capital Planning and Property Management 1590 Highway 55 Hastings, MN 55033 651-438-4542 Manager: Ken Harrington Project Contact: Steve Saienga, Sr. Project Manager Owners Architectural Consultant: Durrant Group, Inc. 430 Oak Grove street Suite 300 Minneapolis, Mn 55415 612-871-6864 Architect of Record: Bill Fredregill, AIA, Managing Principal Project Contact: Cindy McCleary, Assoc. AIA, Project Manager Architect's Engineering Consultants: Civil: Sunde Engineering, PLLC. 952-881-1913 Brian Mundstock, Civil Engineer of Record Landscape: Durrant Group, Inc. 612.871.6864 Page 6 of 11 DAKOTA COUNTY ROBERT TRAIL LIBRARY AND LICENSE CENTER APRIL 24, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION DOCUMENTATION Gary Lampman, Landscape Architect of Record Mechanical / Plumbing: Erickson Ellison & Associates, Inc. 651-632-2300 Jim Art, Engineer of Record Electrical: Erickson Ellison & Associates, Inc. 651-632-2300 Bill Thiesse, Engineer of Record Structural: Meyer Borgman and Johnson, Inc. 612-338-0713 Jerrod Hoffman, Engineer of Record C. LOCATION OF PROPERTY. See the attached drawing Sheet TO.00 and Sheet 1.00 and narrative item A and application for site plan review and re-zoning. D. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY (EXISTING SURVEY: See the attached drawing Sheet TO.05 E. DRAINAGE FLOW: See the attached drawing sheet C1, Grading and Erosion Control See the attached Storm water Management Calculations F. DESCRIPTION OF SOILS: See also the attached drawing sheet C3, Notes A Geotechnical Report was conducted by McGhie and Betts, Inc. in June 2006 with additional borings in April of 2007, as contracted by Dakota County. A copy of the soils report can be made available to the City for review, if desired. The following is a summary of the existing soils found on site, as extracted directly from the McGhie and Betts report: Page 7 of 11 DAKOTA COUNTY ROBERT TRAIL LIBRARY AND LICENSE CENTER APRIL 24, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION DOCUMENTATION Page 7: "the results of our subsurface exploration indicate the presence of organics at the surface overlying lean clays and silty clays all of which were underlain by sands, silty sands and sands with gravel. The organics, lean clays and silty clays should be removed from the building area, driveways, and parking lots before construction begins. The coarse alluvial sands and sands with gravel would be capable of supporting the foundation loads at this site." The majority of the soils beneath the lean clays and silty clays consist of loose small grain gravels and sands. There are no concerns for the build ability of the site, after the removal of the clays. An environmental assessment was not performed; no visually contaminated soils were discovered within the 6 test borings. G. BUILDING MATERIALS, SIGNS: See also the attached drawing sheet A1.00 for proposed signage locations. See also the attached drawing sheet A4.00 for exterior elevations. SITE SIZE, BUILDING SIZE AND BUILDING HEIGHT The final site size is pending the official final survey of the northern property line between the City owned St. Joseph's Church parcel and the southern parcel to be the library property, the architects have denoted a proposed northern property line to occur 20' south of the most southern projection of the church and 20' from the northern exterior wall of the new library facility. Based on this, the final site size is approximated to be as follows: Item GSF ACRES Site Size 105,505.9 2.42 Building Size 23,400 EXTERIOR MATERIALS The building exterior will be primarily brick with architectural pre-cast concrete sills at Windows and curtain wall locations. Other exterior building materials will include Kynar-finished thermally broken aluminum window frames, Kynar- finished aluminum trim and low-E glazing. Color clad metal coping at the roof edge and metal flashing and trim will be included. Site and Landscape features including a brick faced site wall, brick pylon building signage and aluminum framed landscape vegetation trellis will compliment the exterior building materials. Page 8 of 11 • DAKOTA COUNTY ROBERT TRAIL LIBRARY AND LICENSE CENTER APRIL 24, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION DOCUMENTATION H. DESCRIPTION OF DRIVEWAYS, PARKING AND SURFACE MATERIALS: See the attached drawing sheet A1.00, Architectural Site Plan The parking and surface materials consists of heavy duty and medium duty Bituminous material with granular base. The curb cuts, pedestrian sidewalks and adjacent replacement city sidewalk (as necessary for construction) will be of air-entrained concrete. I. GRADING PLAN: See the attached drawing sheet C1, Grading and Erosion Control J. LANDSCAPE PLAN: See the attached drawing sheet L1.00, Landscape Plan K. TREE INVENTORY: See the attached drawing sheets L1.00, A1.00 for salvaged and protected trees. See the attached drawing sheet A0.00, Demolition plan for tree inventory. Project specifications will include the following statement: Protect designated trees to the drip lines (canopy perimeter) with 6' high pre- fabricated modular chain link fence. Wrap base of fence with silt fence fabric. No construction materials (especially liquids) will be allowed inside the fence. No. grade changes will be allowed inside the fence. Any significant grade changes outside the fence will be accommodated by retaining walls or slopes of 3:1 or less. L. AVAILABILITY AND ACCESS TO PUBLIC UTILITIES: See the attached drawing sheet C2, Utilities M. DESCRIPTION AND METHOD OF WASTE CONTROL: See the attached Storm water Management Calculations Page 9 of 11 DAKOTA COUNTY ROBERT TRAIL LIBRARY AND LICENSE CENTER APRIL 24, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION DOCUMENTATION N. EROSION CONTROL PLAN See the attached drawing sheet C1, Grading and Erosion Control O. DESCRIPTION OF LOT LIGHTING: See the attached drawing sheet E1.0, Electrical Site Plan P. DESCRIPTION OF DISTURBANCES: The project is a library and license center are business functions with minimal noise, and emission disturbances. The hours of operation will be similar to that of other county library facilities. The proposed hours of operation for the library are as follows: M, T, W, TH 10:OOam-8:30pm F, Sat 10:00-5:30 Sun 1:00-5:00 The library intends to operate the majority of functions within the library building. The county does desire the possibility of library-related exterior functions to revolve around outdoor reading for children's lessons and / or the use of the natural area on the western side of the site for education. The anticipated level of noise for any exterior functions would be vocal and within a small range of decibels. No vibration, glare, smoke, odor waste or other emissions are anticipated from these functions. The License center is business function housing up to 5 staff and waiting patrons. No noise, emissions, glare, smoke or odor is anticipated from this function. The west side of the building is an exterior service court of approx. 1200 GSF. Contained within the service court are 2-2YD dumpsters, and exterior transformer, and an exterior chiller. These functions are contained behind a gated chain link fence and hid from view by an exterior brick wall. Minor odors from the trash function typical of that of a business function and noise and vibration from the exterior mechanical / electrical equipment are anticipated but will be minimized by the enclosure wall. Service vehicles will be entering the site from the Cameo Avenue entrance for with no idling of vehicles for long time stay. Page 10 of 11 DAKOTA COUNTY ROBERT TRAIL LIBRARY AND LICENSE CENTER APRIL 24, 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION DOCUMENTATION Q. SITE PLAN (PROPERTY LIMITS, IMPERVIOUS AREA AND PONDING EASEMENTS: See the attached drawing sheet A1.00, Architectural Site Plan See the attached drawing sheet L1.00, Landscape Plan See the attached drawing sheet C1, Grading and Erosion Control R. OTHER INFORMATION See the attached architectural Presentation Drawings See the attached exterior lighting fixture cut sheets. S. STREET LIGHT PLAN: See the attached drawing sheet E1.0, Electrical Site Plan THE END Page 11 of 11 A-A- �_. ® L®T/IC/V®A L/ 1!/I -tiva. Catalog Number Notes Type FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE —Streets,walkways, parking lots and surrounding areas. CONSTRUCTION — Rugged, die-cast, single-piece aluminum housing with Architectural Area & Roadway Luminaires nominal wall thickness of 1/8". Die-cast door frame has impact-resistant, tempered, glass lens (3/16" thick). Door frame is fully gasketed with one- piece tubular silicone and has tool-less entry and resealing. US. Patent No. D447,590. Canada Patent No.94324. , AS2 FINISH—Standard finish is dark bronze (DDB) polyester powder finish,with other architectural colors available. OPTICAL SYSTEM—Anodized segmented reflectors for superior uniformity and control. Reflectors attach with tool-less fasteners and are rotatable METAL HALIDE and interchangeable. Five full cutoff distributions available: Type II (road- 200W,250W,320W,350W,400W way),Type III (asymmetric),Type IV(forward throw),Type IV (wide, forward 10'to 35' Mounting throw) and Type V (symmetric square). A E. K I ✓ rnn ELECTRICAL SYSTEM — Ballast is constant-wattage autotransformer bal- last standard. 200W, 320W and 350W require Super CWA Pulse Start ballast (must order SCWA option). All ballasts are mounted on a removable power Specifications tray with tool-less latch and have positive locking disconnect plugs. Ballasts are copper-wound and 100% factory-tested. Porcelain, mogul-base socket EPA 1 2ftz T with copper alloy,nickel-plated screw shell and center contact UL listed. Length:28.0(71.0 cm) H INSTALLATION—Integral arm for pole or wall mounting. Optional mountings Width: 16.5(41.9 cm) available. Depth:8.3(21.0 cm) _L ....:,(-- LISTING— UL Listed (standard). UL listed suitable for wet locations(damp Weight:45 lbs(20.4 kg) I L location listed in lens-up orientation). All dimensions are inches(centimeters)unless otherwise specified. ORDERING INFORMATION Example: AS2 250M SR4SC 120 SPA SF DNA LPI Choose the boldface catalog nomenclature that best suits your needs and write it on the appropriate line.Order accessories as separate catalog number. I I I Series Voltage Mounting Options AS2 200M 120 SPA Square pole mounting (std) Shinned installed Architectural colors] AS2 250M 2082 RPA Round pole mounting SF Single fuse(120,277,347,n/a TB) Standard colors AS2 320M 2402 WBA Wall bracket(up or down)4 DF Double fuse(208,240,480V,n/a TB) DDB Dark bronze AS2 350M1 277 ASKMAZ Mast arm adapters PER NEMA twist-lock receptacle only (standard) AS2 400M1 347 DSAS2 Decorative straight arm, (no photocontrol) DWH White 4802 square pole only5 CR Enhanced corrosion resistance DBL Black TB3 DSAS2R Decorative straight arm, ORS Quartz restrike system (250W Textured colors round pole only5 maximum, lamp not included) DSPD Dark gray DCAS2 Decorative curved arm, HS Houseside shield (SR2,SR3,SR4W) DSPJ Light gray Distribution square pole only5• EC Emergency circuit DBLB Black SR2 Segmented type II DCAS2R Decorative curved arm, TP Tamperproof DWHGWhite roadwayround pole onlys SCWA Super CWApulse start ballast DBNH Dark bronze SR3 Segmented type III Note:Aerie'has a unique drilling LPI Lamp included as standard DSPE Green asymmetric template that requires an Aeris drilling L/LP Less lamp DSPG Dark red SR4SC Segmented type IV pattern to be specified when ordering Shiooed seaaratelvs DSPH Red forward throw, sharp poles.See example below. cutoff Example: SSA204CDM19ASDDB PE1 NEMA twist-lock PE(120,208,240V) DSPF Rust SR4W Segmented type IV Aeris Drilling Pattern PE3 NEMA twist-lock PE(347V) wide, forward throw DM19AS 1 at 90 degrees PE4 NEMA twist-lock PE(480V) SR5S Segmented type V DMZBAS 2 at too degrees PE7 NEMA twist-lock PE(277V) square DM29AS• 2 at 90 degrees AS2VG Vandal guard DM39AS 3 at 90 degrees SC Shorting cap for PER option DM49AS 4 at 90 degrees DM3ZAS 3 at 120 degrees NOTES: (round poles only) 1 Must use reduced jacket lamp ED2B. Accessories: Tenon Mounting Slip fitter 2 Consult factory for availability in Canada. Order as separate catalog number. Only available with RPA option. 3 Optional multi-tap ballast(120,208,240,277V)1120,277,347V in Canada). Number of fixtures 4 Mounted in lens-up arienteion,fixture is damp location listed. Tenon 0.D. One Two@180° Two©90° Three©120°Three@'90° Fourl�90° 5 Shipped separately. 6 May be ordered as an accessory. 2.3/8" AST20-190 AST20-280 n/a AST20-320 n/a n/a 2-7/8" AST25-190 AST25-280 AST25-290 AST25-320 AST25-390 AST25-490 7 Additional architectural colors available;see www.lithonia.com for more information. 4" AST35-190 AST35-280 AST35-290 AST35-320 AST35-390 AST35-490 Outdoor Sheet#:AS2-M AL-130 A- AS2 Metal Halide Area Lighting , Coefficient of Utilization Initial Footcandles AS2 400M SR2 TEST NO: LTL10098 AS2 400M SR3 TEST NO: LTL10099 AS2 400M SR4SC TEST NO: LTL10100 -2 -2 -2= U U 1 W 1= 0 S x U, O 01 OF ~_ oz z 1 �< 0 5 10 2.55 \ 12 2.5p 1.5 N t \r"' 'n 2 H 71 2� 0.5 2t= z 0.5 2 0.25 z 0.25 3Z 3g _1...— 3w owU Z z 4< 4F 4 F D rn N N I a 5 5 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 400W lamp,rated 32000 400W lamp,rated 32000 400W lamp,rated 32000 lumens.Foolcandle values based on 20' lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' lumens.Foolcandle values based on 20' mounting height mounting height. mounting height. Classification:Type It Medium.Full Cutoff Classification:Type III,Medium.Full Cutoff Classification:Unclassified(Type IV,Very Short).Full Cutoff AS2 400M SR4W TEST NO: LTL10101 AS2 400M SR5S TEST NO:LTL10102 F % -2 ` •-2,— It— 0 ca 2.5 _ •1 w -1 LT( x 2 Jl/ pF o0 7 s 5 1� z.s 12 2.5 0 0 m 3f:SS 2 1.11 .z l 03 0.5 2 0.5 N. 3 0.25 3 cwi 0.25 U Z 4 r 4 L 0N N � 5 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 400W lamp,rated 32000 400W lamp,rated 32000 lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' lumens.Foolcandle values based on 20' mounting height. mounting height. Classification:Type IV,Short,Full Cutoff Classification:Unclassified(Type V),Full Cutoff Mounting Height Correction Factor (Multiply the fc level by the correction factor) 10 ft. = 12.25 NOTES: 15 ft. = 5.4 1 Photometric data for other distributions can be accessed at www.lithonia.com. 30 ft = 1.36 2 For electrical characteristics consult technical data tab. 40ft. =0.77 3 Tested to current IESNA and NEMA standards under stabilized laboratory conditions. Various operating factors can cause differences between laboratory and actual field Existing Mounting Height' measurements.Dimensions and specifications are based on the most current data = Correction Factor and are subject to change. New Mounting Height' fA LIT/ID IA LIGH IO v G ® LithoniaLighting • ...1111..' Outdoor Lighting An«4cuity8rands Company One Lithonia Way,Conyers,GA 30012 Phone:770-922-9000 Fax:770-918-1209 Sheet#:AS2-M ©2002 Acuity Lighting Group,Inc.,Rev.9/06 www.lithonia.com B Catalog Number . L/TII®/o//A LIGHT/Ala® Notes Type FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE — Streets, walkways, parking lots and surrounding areas. CONSTRUCTION — Rugged, die-cast, single-piece aluminum housing with Architectural Area & Roadway Luminaires nominal wall thickness of 1/8". Die-cast door frame has impact-resistant, tempered, glass lens (3/16" thick). Door frame is fully gasketed with one- AS2 piece tubular silicone and has tool-less entry and resealing. US. Patent No. D447,590. Canada Patent No. 94324. FINISH—Standard finish is dark bronze (DDB) polyester powder finish,with _____ other architectural colors available. OPTICAL SYSTEM— Anodized segmented reflectors for superior uniformity and control. Reflectors attach with tool-less fasteners and are rotatable METAL HALIDE and interchangeable. Five full cutoff distributions available: Type II (road- 200W,250W,320W,350W,400W way), Type III (asymmetric), Type IV (forward throw),Type IV(wide, forward 10'to 35' Mounting throw) and Type V (symmetric square). A E. s R I J ELECTRICAL SYSTEM — Ballast is constant-wattage autotransformer bal- TM last standard. 200W, 320W and 350W require Super CWA Pulse Start ballast (must order SCWA option). All ballasts are mounted on a removable power Specifications tray with tool-less latch and have positive locking disconnect plugs. Ballasts are copper-wound and 100% factory-tested. Porcelain, mogul-base socket EPA:1.2ft2 T /^d with copper alloy, nickel-plated screw shell and center contact. UL listed. Length:28.0(71.0 cm) H / INSTALLATION—Integral arm for pole or wall mounting. Optional mountings Width: 16.5(41.9 cm) i •�r.(L available. Depth:8.3(21.0 cm) LISTING— UL Listed (standard). UL listed suitable for wet locations (damp Weight 45 lbs(20.4 kg) L location listed in lens-up orientation). All dimensions are inches(centimeters)unless otherwise specified. ORDERING INFORMATION Example: AS2 250M SR4SC 120 SPA SF DNA LPI Choose the boldface catalog nomenclature that best suits your needs and write it on the appropriate line.Order accessories as separate catalog number. Series Voltage Mounting Options AS2 200M 120 SPA Square pole mounting (std) Shipped installed Architectural colors7 AS2 250M 2082 RPA Round pole mounting SF Single fuse(120,277,347,n/a TB) Standard colors AS2 320M 2402 WBA Wall bracket(up or down)4 OF Double fuse(208,240,480V,n/a TB) DDB Dark bronze AS2 350M1 277 ASKMA2 Mast arm adapters PER NEMA twist-lock receptacle only (standard) AS2 400M1 347 DSASZ Decorative straight arm, (no photocontrol) DWH White 4802 square pole only5 CR Enhanced corrosion resistance DBL Black TB3 DSAS2R Decorative straight arm, QRS Quartz restrike system (250W Textured colors round pole only5 maximum, lamp not included) OSPD Dark gray DCAS2 Decorative curved arm, HS Houseside shield(SR2,SR3,SR4W( DSPJ Light gray Distribution square pole only5 EC Emergency circuit DBLB Black SR2 Segmented type II DCA52R Decorative curved arm, TP Tamperproof DWHGWhite roadway round pole only5 SCWA SuperCWApulse start ballast DBNH Dark bronze SR3 Segmented type III Note:Aeris'has a unique drilling LPI Lamp included as standard DSPE Green asymmetric template that requires an Aeris drilling UL DSPG Dark red SR4SC Segmented type IV pattern to be specified when ordering Less lamp a forward throw, sharp poles.See example below. Shippedd separately DSPH Red cutoff Example: SSA204CDM19ASDOB PE1 NEMA twist-lock PE(120,208,240V) OSPF Rust SR4W Segmented type IV Aeris Drilling Pattern PE3 NEMA twist-lock PE(347V) wide, forward throw DM19AS 1 at 90 degrees PE4 NEMA twist-lock PE(4BOV) SRSS Segmented type V DM28AS 2 at 180 degrees PE7 NEMA twist-lock PE)277V) square DM29AS 2 at 90 degrees ASZVG Vandal guard DM39AS 3 at 90 degrees SC Shorting cap for PER option DM49AS 4 at 90 degrees DM32AS 3 at 120 degrees NDTES: (round poles only) 1 Must use reduced jacket lamp ED28. Accessories: Tenon Mounting Slipfitter 2 Consult factory for availability in Canada. Order as separate catalog number. Only available with RPA option. 3 Optional multi-tap ballast(120,208,240,277V)(120,277,347V in Canada). Number of fixtures 4 Mounted in lens-up orientaion,fixture is damp location listed. 5 Shipped separately. Tenon O.D. One Twol180° Two©90° Three@120°Three090° Four@90° 6 May be ordered as an accessory. 2-3/8" AST20-190 AST20-280 n/a AST20-320 n/a n/a 7 Additional architectural colors available;see www.lithonia.com for more 2-7/8" AST25-190 AST25-280 AST25-290 AST25-320 AST25-390 AST25-490 information. 4" AST35-190 AST35-280 AST35-290 AST35-320 AST35-390 AST35-490 Outdoor Sheet#:AS2-M AL-130 04-6 . __ ---- AS2 Metal Halide Area Lighting ;oefficient of Utilization Initial Footcandles AS2 400M SR2 TEST NO: LTL10098 AS2 400M SR3 TEST NO: LTL10099 AS2 400M SR4SC TEST NO: LTL10100 -2 x 1w tw 1w x = 0 66 = I )111J z 0zOF 0� z0 2.51 2.5 1 1 2LL1.5 1'j5 C . 2 u. 0.52� 0.5 z� ri 0.25D 0.25 > > 3Z 3Z �� 3Z e, urw U 4a — 4¢ Z,41 4 N N ul O p 0 5 5 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 400W lamp,rated 32000 400W lamp,rated 32000 400W lamp,rated 32000 lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' mounting height. mounting height. mounting height. Classification:Type II,Medium.Full Cutoff Classification:Type Ill,Medium.Full Cutoff Classification:Unclassified(Type IV,Very Short),Full Cutoff AS2 400M SR4W TEST NO: LTL10101 AS2 400M SR5S TEST NO:LTL10102 -2 O 2.5 1w 1w x x OF (z z 0 OF z 5 50 12 2.5, - = 1g 2.5 w0 26 0 1.5 2 z T:5 2 z z 1 z /� 0.5 0.5 V 3W 0.25 3W 0.25 4¢ 4a N_ N o ❑ 5 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 400W lamp,rated 32000 400W lamp,rated 32000 lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' mounting height. - mounting height. Classification:Type IV,Short,Full Cutoff Classification:Unclassified(Type V),Full Cutoff Mounting Height Correction Factor (Multiply the fc level by the correction factor) 10 ft. = 12.25 NOTES: 15 ft. = 5.4 1 Photometric data for other distributions can be accessed at www.lithonia.com. 30 ft. = 1.36 2 For electrical characteristics consult technical data tab. 40ft. =0.77 3 Tested to current IESNA and NEMA standards under stabilized laboratory conditions. Various operating factors can cause differences between laboratory and actual field Existing Mounting Height° • measurements.Dimensions and specifications are based on the most current data m Correction Factor • and are subject to change. New Mounting Height' fA LITHON/A LIGHTING® Lithonia Lighting An'M ranCompany cuityBdsOutdoor Lighting � One Lithonia Way,Conyers,GA 30012 Phone:770-922-9000 Fax:770-918-1209 Sheet#:AS2-M ©2002 Acuity Lighting Group,Inc.,Rev.9/06 www.lithonia.com AC fr® L i 71L7 VL4 LI NTIL a :: mber s Type FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE— Streets, walkways, parking lots and surrounding areas. CONSTRUCTION — Rugged, die-cast, single-piece aluminum housing with Architectural Area & Roadway Luminaires nominal wall thickness of 1/8". Die-cast door frame has impact-resistant, tempered, glass lens (3/16" thick). Door frame is fully gasketed with one- IS 1 piece tubular silicone and has tool-less entry and resealing. US. Patent No. D447,590. Canada Patent No. 94324. FINISH— Standard finish is dark bronze (DDB) polyester powder finish, with other architectural colors available. OPTICAL SYSTEM— Anodized segmented reflectors for superior uniformity — and control. Reflectors attach with tool-less fasteners and are rotatable and METAL HALIDE interchangeable. Four full cutoff distributions available: Type II (roadway), 50W,70W,100W, 150W,175W Type Ill (asymmetric), Type IV(forward throw) and Type V(symmetric square). ELECTRICAL SYSTEM — 150W and below utilizes a high reactance, high E. R 1 JIM 10' to 20' Mounting power factor ballast. 175W utilizes a constant-wattage a autotransformer bal- last. Ballasts are mounted on a removable power tray with tool-less latch and have positive locking disconnect plugs. Ballasts are copper-wound and Specifications 100% factory-tested. Optional Super CWA Pulse Start ballast(available with EPA:0.7 ft2 T r---- 150W only). Porcelain, medium-base socket with copper alloy, nickel-plated Y screw shell and center contact. UL listed. Length:21.5(54.5 cm) H INSTALLATION— Integral arm for pole or wall mounting. Optional mountings Width: 12.5(31.7 cm) I Depth:6.3(15.9 cm) available. L_ LISTING — UL Listed (standard) UL listed suitable for wet locations (damp Weight:22 lbs(10 kg) L location listed in lens-up orientation). All dimensions are inches(centimeters)unless otherwise specified. ORDERING INFORMATION Example: AS1 175M SR4SC 120 SPA SF DNA LPI Choose the boldface catalog nomenclature that best suits your needs and write it on the appropriate line.Order accessories as separate catalog number. I I I I Series Voltage Mounting Options AS1 50M1 120 SPA Square pole mounting (std) Shipped installed Architectural colors8 AS1 70M1 2082 RPA Round pole mounting SF Single fuse(120,277,347,n/a TB)6 Standard colors AS1 100M 2402 WBA Wall bracket(up or down)4 DF Double fuse(208,240,480V,n/a TB)6 DDB Dark bronze AS1 150M 277 ASKMA1 Mast arm adapters PER NEMA twist-lock receptacle only (standard) AS1 175M 347 DSAS1 Decorative straight arm, (no photocontrol) DWH White 4802 square pole onlys CR Enhanced corrosion resistance DBL Black TB3 DSAS1R Decorative straight arm, QRS Quartz restrike system (100W Textured colors round pole only maximum, lamp not included)6 DSPD Dark gray DCAS1 Decorative curved arm, HS Houseside shield(SR2, SR3) DSPJ Light gray Distribution square pole onlys EC Emergency circuit DBLB Black SR2 Segmented type II roadway DCAS1R Decorative cur ed arm, TP Tamperproof DWHG White round pole onlysstart ballast SR3 Segmented type III asymmetric SCWA Super CWA pulse DBNH Dark bronze SR4SC Segmented type IV forward (available with 150W only) DSPE Green throw, sharpLPI Lamp included as standard DSPG Dark red cutoff Note:Aeris'im has a unique drilling SRSS Segmented type V square template that requires an Aeris drilling L/LP Less lamp DSPH Red pattern to be specified when ordering Shipped separately) poles.See example below. DSPF Rust Example: SSA204CDM19ASDD6 PE1 NEMA twist-lock PE(120,208,240V) Aeris Drilling Pattern PE3 NEMA twist-lock PE (347V) DM19AS 1 at 90 degrees PE4 NEMA twist-lock PE(480V) DM28AS 2 at 180 degrees PE7 NEMA twist-lock PE (277V) DM29AS 2 at 90 degrees AS1VG Vandal guard DM39A5'3 at 90 degrees SC Shorting cap for PER option DM49AS 4 at 90 degrees DM32AS 3 at 120 degrees(round poles only) . NOTES: 1 Not available with 480V. 2 Consult factory for availability in Canada. Accessories: Tenon Mounting Slipfitter 3 Optional multi-tap ballast(120,208,240,277V)(120,277,347V in Canada). Order as separate catalog number.Must be used with round pole mounting(RPA). 4 Mounted in lens-up orientation,fixture is damp location listed. Number of fixtures 5 Shipped separately. 6 SF,DF,or QRS options cannot be ordered together. Tenon 0.D. One Two@1804 Two@90° Three@120°Three@90° four@90° 7 May be ordered as an accessory. 2-3/8" AST20-190 AST20-280 n/a AST20-320 n/a n/a 8 Additional architectural colors available;see www.lithonia.com for 2-7/8" AST25-190 AST25.280 AST25.290 AST25-320 AST25-390 AST25-490 more information. 4" AST35-190 AST35-280 AST35-290 AST35-320 AST35-390 AST35-490 Outdoor Sheet#:AS1-M AL-100 . . . 'c - AS1 Metal Halide Area Lighting ....-- Coefficient of Utilization Initial Footcandles AS1 175M SR2 TEST NO: LTL10086 AS1 175M SR3 TEST NO: LTL10087 -2 0.25 = 0.25 2= 0.5�I (0 0.5 2 1.5 -1= 1.� -1 W 25 � z 2.5 � O OF z z OF n z 10 10 O • / U_ 20 2Z z z 7 3� 3Z w w 0 Z UZ 4cn 4< 0 co 5 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 175W lamp,rated 12800 175W lamp,rated 12800 lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' mounting height. mounting height. Classification:Type II,Medium,Full Cutoff Classification:Type Ill,Medium,Full Cutoff AS1 175M SR4SC TEST NO: LTL10088 AS1 175M SR5S TEST NO: LTL10089 -2 -2 I 0 1.5 1• (7 -1 w -1 w I = O 0 Z z 0F. 0r z 2.5 z 2.5 z O 1.5 1 0 2.5 1 u- 1.5 O 1.15 f• 0 1 2 r i�r 2 r z 0.5 z 0.5 ' n 0.25 0 Z 0.25 �"^ 3iz—u 3 U O z z 4< 4F N N O a 5 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 175W lamp,rated 12800 175W lamp,rated 12800 lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' mounting height. mounting height. Classification:Type IV,Short,Full Cutoff Classification:Unclassified(Type V),Full Cutoff Mounting Height Correction Factor (Multiply the fc level by the correction factor) • NOTES: 10 ft. = 4 1 Photometric data for other distributions can be accessed from the Lithonia Lighting 15 ft. = 1.78 web site(www.lithonia.com). 30 ft. = 0.44 2 For electrical characteristics consult technical data tab. 3 Tested to current IESNA and NEMA standards under stabilized laboratory conditions. Various operating factors can cause differences between laboratory and actual field Existing Mounting Height' measurements.Dimensions and specifications are based on the most current data = Correction Factor and are subject to change. New Mounting Height2 ,r L/Ti` O/1//A LIGHT/NG® Lithonia Lighting An'McuityBrands Company Outdoor Lighting One Lithonia Way,Conyers,GA 30012 Phone:770-922-9000 Fax:770-918-1209 Sheet#:AS1-M c2002 Acuity Lighting Group,Inc.,Rev.09/06 www.lithonia.com .,, .sue- 8-, ak;�\t♦',.��= o�'r.' q- 11a eP A., R t`'71 -. 1Y�a e j-f ii vti 'b+l 1/4,4 r he a9'y A 1 t,\ 1 \\ qkz iL Vq�` 1 I Vie \ ,,,, `@G L r ..,. / \g iIl WA! � `t 4 ..i :gip' c �.. •t ' •` i,;1 K.qi,,1�,\N., ,`���� ' � I� i9 " � \J+Siva k , A,\ �,�t �� t� \ �'\• , +a$rt ' \\ c\A E 1 , rah N�}ir j,r r-'a? � ,°���° b-R.+'a�T '�i.4 ,�1� a " � 1 ' �V1 1 a1lr��/agi''' . .,i, . �ttya �1 ,� I�"r� y• i l� 4�-p� ..? 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