HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket 4 ROSEMOUNT A City CouGENDAncil Regular Meeting June 19, 2007 CITY COUNCIL 7:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, City Hall 1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance 2. Additions or Corrections to Agenda 3. Public Comment 4. Response to Public Comment 5. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS/BUSINESS 6. CONSENT AGENDA (a�,! Minutes of the May 23, 2007 City Council Special Work Session Proceedings b. Minutes of the June 5, 2007 City Council Proceedings c. Bills Listing Temporary 3.2% Malt Liquor License e Expenditure Approval from the Donation Account-Parks & Recreation Dept. . Halloween Event-Service Agreement g. Traffic Safety Grant Resolution Change Orders#3&#4-Glendalough 7th Addition, City Project#401 Authorize Submittal of SWMP to VRWJPO j. Acquisition of Easements-CSAH 42/Shannon Parkway Intersection Improvements, City Project#412 k. Celadon Properties (EFH Company) Lot Combination, Planned Unit Development(PUD) Master Development Plan with Rezoning and PUD Final Site and Building I. JJT Business Park Second Addition Preliminary Plats 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Celadon Properties Easement Vacation b. JJT Business Park First Addition Easement Vacation, Case 06-50-FP 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS R,,l /,���0 ; Vie,\CX 11. ADJOURNMENT `.(1 N) . 4 ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA Welcome to the Rosemount City Council Public Hearing Purpose of Public Hearing The purpose of the public hearing is to obtain comments related to how the issue affects the City and the residents. As designated by the City Council, the Rosemount Planning Commission conducts public hearings on all land use applications and makes recommendations to the City Council. Council then makes their final decision. Notifications have been posted on site and have previously been published and/or mailed to all property owners within 350 feet, or one-quarter of a mile if the property is zoned Agriculture, of the proposed project. Public Hearing Process In order to provide the greatest opportunity for informed comments, the process at public hearings is generally as follows: 1. The Developer and/or applicant introduce himself/herself and the proposed project including major improvements and unique features of the project. 2. City Staff provides a detailed review of the proposal and how it relates to the Comprehensive Plan and existing ordinances. Staff is not in a position to promote or advocate for projects. Staff instead identifies issues,proposals, solutions and stipulations related to existing City Ordinances and the Comprehensive Plan. 3. City Council members discuss and ask questions to clarify issues regarding the proposed project and/or staff report. 4. Public Hearing Comments. The Mayor opens the hearing for public comments. The City Council wants you to feel comfortable in providing informed comments and your input is appreciated by them. Please state your name and address at the podium and sign in at the "sign in" list at the rear of the room. After your comments the City Council may request the Developer and/or City Staff to address any questions or statements made by you. 5. The Mayor closes the public hearing and questions or comments will no longer be received from the audience. 6. City Council Members discuss the project and a final motion for action on the issue may be offered if desired. Thank you for your interest in attending this public hearing. 4 ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting Date: June 19, 2007 AGENDA ITEM: Case 07-17-LC and Case 07-18-PUD Celadon Properties (EFH Company) Lot Combination, Planned Unit Development AGENDA SECTION: (PUD) Master Development Plan with DYISN't Rezoning and PUD Final Site and Building PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, AICP AGENDA NO. Planner ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Planned Unit Development APPROVED BY: Agreement, Rezoning Ordinance, Site Map, Preliminary Plat, Site Plan, Exterior Elevations, Preliminary Floor Plan, Title Sheet, Boundary and Topographic Survey, Tree Inventory, Site Information, Final Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan, Final Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan, Final Utility Plan, Final Paving and Dimensional Plan, Final Landscape Plan, Photometric Plan, Light Cut Sheets, Details, City Engineer's Memo Dated May 14, 2007, Parks and Recreation Director's Memo Dated May 17, 2007, Fire Marshal's Memo Dated May 24, 2007 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the City Council adopt the following motions: 1. Motion to adopt a resolution approving a Lot Consolidation, Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Development Plan with Rezoning, and PUD Final Site and Building Plan applications for Celadon Properties, subject to conditions. 2. Motion to authorize execution of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Agreement and to allow construction of a 10,450 square foot office, light manufacturing, testing, researching, and laboratory facility and associated site improvements, subject to conditions. 3. Motion to adopt an ordinance rezoning the subject property from C-4, General Commercial to C-4 PUD, General Commercial Planned Unit Development, subject to conditions. SUMMARY Applicant&Property Owner(s): EFH Company and Rosemount Properties,LLC Location: North of Carrousel Way and East of Chippendale Avenue Area in Acres: 2.18 Acres Comp. Guide Plan Desig: C - Commercial Current Zoning: C-4, General Commercial The applicant, EFH Company,requests lot consolidation,planned unit development (PUD) master development plan with rezoning and PUD final site and building plan approvals to allow the construction of a 10,450 square foot office,light manufacturing& testing,researching, and laboratory facility with associated site improvements. The building will be used to house the corporate headquarters for Celadon Systems, Inc. BACKGROUND Celadon Systems is a custom engineering firm specializing in the manufacturing and testing of equipment for the Semiconductor industry. Their customers include companies like Intel, IBM, AMD, Sony, Samsung,Toshiba, Fujitsu and many others that manufacture semiconductor devices (computer chips). They help these companies test semiconductor devices by providing the interface between the test system and the semiconductor wafer. Their specialty is building equipment for testing multiple devices at once, testing extremely small currents and voltages, and testing over a wide operating temperature range. Celadon is ten years old and is currently leasing space in Burnsville. They have 16 employees and expect to grow to 24 by the end of the year and to 60 employees within the next few years. Given this growth, they expect to construct the second phase of their site improvements in the next four years. PLANNING COMMISION ACTION The Planning Commission held a public hearing to review this item on May 22, 2007. Minutes from that meeting are attached for your reference. Staff presented the item to the Commission noting that, with a few exceptions, the project meets or exceeds the performance standards for the C-4 District. Staff noted that the landscape plan meets or exceeds the minimum requirements but staff recommends the applicant redistribute the plantings to provide more effective screening and the applicant must submit a detailed lighting and photometric plan prior to action on this item by the City Council. Staff also informed the Commission that the PUD grants this site Light Manufacturing as well as Test, Research and Laboratory uses not typically permitted in the C-4 District in exchange for higher quality building materials and greater building articulation and accenting. Finally, staff highlighted that this application requires approval of a lot consolidation and associated drainage and utility easement vacation. Next, the Commission opened the public hearing. Mr. Kurt Chroust, owners of the property to the north, asked if the parking area screening standards for Celadon were the same as for his property. Staff explained that both properties are zoned C-4, General Commercial and therefore had the same parking area screening standards. After some general discussion, the Commission voted four to zero to recommend that the City Council approve the project subject to the noted conditions. 2 Lot Consolidation Section 12-4-2.D of the Subdivision Ordinance allows, subject to Council approval, two (2) or more contiguous parcels or lots of record to be consolidated into one lot of record by recording the consolidation with the County and filing a copy of a certificate of survey with the City Clerk within thirty days of the recording. As proposed, the applicant intends to consolidate Lot 1,Block 1, South Rose Park 3rd Addition, except the north 140 feet thereof and Lot 3,Block 1, South Rose Park 3`d Addition into Lot 1,Block 1 Celadon Properties Addition. The proposed lot will not cause any portion of the existing lots,parcels, or buildings to be in violation of the subdivision or zoning ordinances. Further, the combination is to allow development of the site in the manner proposed in the current application. There is no reason not to grant the combination and it is required if the City wishes to approve the project. This application is subject to vacation of the drainage and utility easements over the existing parcels. Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Development Plan & Final Site and Building Plan The purpose of a planned unit development is to allow flexibility from the City's traditional development standards in return for a higher quality project. In this case, a PUD is necessary to allow the light manufacturing and testing,research, and laboratory uses within the C-4, General Commercial District. According to Section 11-10-6,when considering a PUD the City should encourage the types of development listed below. 1. Flexibility in land development and redevelopment in order to utilise new techniques of building design, construction and land development. 2. Provision of life cycle housing to all income and age groups. 3. Energy conservation through the use of more efficient building design and siting and the clustering of buildings and land uses. 4. Preservation of desirable site characteristics and open space and protection of sensitive environmental features,including,but not limited to, steep slopes, trees and poor spoils. 5. More efficient and effective use of land, open space and public facilities through mixing of land uses and assembly and development of land into larger parcels. 6. High quality design and design compatible with surrounding existing and planned land uses. 7. Sensitive development in transitional areas located between different land uses and along significant transportation or scenic corridors within the city. 8. Development that is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Staff finds that use of the PUD is appropriate in this case because this project satisfies Item six above in that the applicant intends to construct a higher quality building with a 100 percent brick exterior;more consistent with the C-4 zoning district standards than the business park requirements. The property also provides some transition between a mix of uses on the east side of the block and the more commercial uses on the western side. Furthermore, the additional light manufacturing and 3 testing,research and laboratory uses will be consistent with the surrounding properties within both the South Rose Park Replat and the South Rose Park 3rd Addition. Master Development Plan and Rezoning All applications for a planned unit development (PUD) must include both a master development plan with rezoning and final site and building plan. The planning commission and city council shall base their recommendations and actions regarding a PUD application on consideration of the items listed below.The planning commission and city council may attach such conditions to their actions as they determine necessary or convenient to better accomplish the purposes of the PUD. 1. Compatibility of the proposed plan with PUD ordinance and the goals and policies of the comprehensive plan. Finding: The office use is consistent with the both PUD ordinance and the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan for the subject property. Through the PUD, incorporation of the light manufacturing and testing,research and laboratory uses is consistent with the existing surrounding development pattern to the north. 2. Effect of the proposed plan on the neighborhood in which it is to be located. Finding: As described, the proposed Office and Light Manufacturing uses will be consistent in design and function to the neighboring properties to the north and should not have a negative effect on the surrounding neighborhood. While the land use proposed represents a transition between the two sides of the block the building is consistent with the newer developments approved in the area. 3. Internal organization and adequacy of various uses or densities, circulation and parking facilities,public facilities,recreation areas, open spaces, screening and landscaping. Finding: The proposed project meets or exceeds many of the C-4 District standards for all of the items listed above. A detailed review of each of the applicable items can be found in the Final Site and Building Plan review below. 4. Consistency with the standards of section 11-10-3 of this chapter pertaining to site and building plan review. Finding: The proposed project meets or exceeds many of the standards of section 11-10-3 (Site and Building Design Review). A detailed review of each of the applicable items can be found in the Final Site and Building Plan review below. All PUD master development plan applications must include a rezoning to a specific PUD district. Based on the existing C-4, General Commercial zoning and C—Commercial land use designation, the subject property should be rezoned to C-4, General Commercial PUD. Typically,the underlying zoning district dictates the allowable uses and structures for the PUD but the light manufacturing and test,research and laboratory portions of the proposed project are not among the uses typically permitted in the C-4 District as amended in 2006. However, the uses and structures allowed under the PUD zoning may be modified by conditions imposed by the council at the time 4 of PUD rezoning. In this case, the light manufacturing and test, research and laboratory uses should be included in the allowable uses for this site based on the fact that it will be consistent with the neighboring properties to the north. Final Site and Building Plan According to Section 11-10-6, the purpose of the final site and building plan review is to insure compliance with the master development plan through a site plan review. Based on the review of these criteria provided below, staff finds the final site and building plan in compliance with both the master development and the applicable standards of the C-4, General Commercial District, subject to conditions. Land Use&Zoning. The 2020 Land Use Plan guides the subject property as C—Commercial while the Zoning Map designates the site as C-4, General Commercial. With the exception of the light manufacturing and testing,research,and laboratory uses as noted in the master development plan and rezoning review above, the proposed project is consistent with the current land use and zoning site plan requirements for the subject property. The light manufacturing and testing, research, and laboratory portions of the project are allowable under the C-4, General Commercial PUD designation and are consistent with the surrounding developments to the north. The following table compares the required building performance standards with those proposed by this development. Building Performance Standards for the C-4, General Commercial District Standard Requirement Proposal Status Front Yard(South) 30 ft. 98 ft. Conforming Side Yards (East/West) 10 ft. 210/95 ft. Conforming Rear Yard (North) 10 ft. 36 ft. Conforming Building Height 35 ft. 24.5 ft. Conforming Max. Hard Surface Coverage 75% 42% Conforming Building Appearance, Massing&Materials. As designed,the proposed building meets or exceeds the appearance,materials and massing standards for C-4 District. In general,the single story building will have a steel frame,brick exterior,anodized aluminum windows with tinted insulated glass and an asphalt shingled hip roof. While the architectural appearance standards support variation in color and materials that support an overall theme,buildings in the C-4 District are required to have uniform 360 degree architecture and use earth tones. In this case, the proposed building has consistent design,materials, and colors on all four sides of the building. In addition, the main entrance to the building is located along Carrousel Way and is accented by a brick vestibule with a gabled roof. The massing standards require facades to be articulated to reduce their mass and scale and provide visual interest consistent with Rosemount's identity, character,and scale. Specifically,any wall greater than one hundred (100) feet in length shall be divided into increments of no more than thirty (30) feet through articulation of the facade. As designed, the building's facades are divided by both windows and brick piers placed approximately every 8.5 and 6 feet respectfully. 5 The building materials standards for the C-4 District require exterior walls to be at least fifty (50) percent brick or natural stone while the remaining fifty (50) percent may be specialty integral colored concrete block, tile, architectural textured concrete panels or better. In exchange for the PUD, the applicant is proposing a 100 percent brick building on all four sides. According to the applicant's elevations and renderings, the exterior walls will consist of a patterned dark brown brick veneer with sand colored brick piers, accent band and diamond symbol. Parking. As designed, the subject property meets the off-street parking requirements for office/light manufacturing uses. In general, the parking area will have a bituminous surface with surrounding concrete curb and gutter and the required ten (10) percent green area. Section 8.1.H outlines the off-street parking standards for office and manufacturing uses. These standards and the number of stalls provided on site are compared in the table below. In this case, the site plan shows 56 total stalls including two handicap stalls. The applicant's plans illustrate another 39 stalls in a proposed parking area for phase II. As planned, the site can accommodate 95 total stalls which is sufficient for both phases even if phase II was used as 100 percent office space. Off-Street Parking Requirement Comparison for Phase I Use Size Standard Required Proposed Status Office 4,465 Sq. Ft. 1 Stall/200 Sq. Ft. 23 56 +13 Manufacturing 6,000 Sq. Ft. 1 Stall/300 Sq. Ft. 20 Total 10,450 Sq. Ft 43 56 +13 Access. The subject property is consistent with the access standards in the C-4 District. The Zoning Ordinance requires each lot to have frontage on a public right-of-way. In this case, the subject property has direct frontage along, and access to,both Chippendale Avenue and Carrousel Way. According to the applicant, the main entrance to the site will come through the shared access with the property to the north along Chippendale Avenue. As designed, employee and customer traffic will enter and exit the site though the Chippendale access while truck traffic will enter through the Chippendale access and exit via the access drive to Carrousel Way. The Carrousel Way entrance will also provide access to the future parking area in Phase II of the project. Loading The site meets the requirements for off-street loading. As designed, trucks will enter the site from Chippendale Avenue,pull ahead of the loading dock and back into position. Trucks may then exit the site through Carrousel Way via the connecting access drive. In the future, the loading dock will be screened from Carrousel Way by the phase II building. In the interim, the applicant added four six (6) foot Norway spruce to provide additional screening. These will be relocated on- site when phase II is built. Landscaping&Berming. The landscape plan meets or exceeds the minimum building and site planting requirements. The landscape plan illustrates 67 trees, 153 shrubs and 489 perennial flowers. Staff recommends that a condition of approval require the applicant to provide a landscaping letter of credit equal to 125 percent of the value of the plantings illustrated on the approved landscape plan. Exterior Lighting. The Lighting and Photometric Plan meets the minimum light level requirements for this site. However, the light poles must be reduced from twenty four (24) feet to twenty (20) feet because this site is within 100 feet of a residential area. In general, the plan 6 illustrates four (4) parking lot lights and seventeen (17) "Architectural Light Fixtures" that appear to be a sconces type fixture. It should be noted that all nonessential lighting must be turned off after business hours,leaving only the necessary lighting for site security. Trash Enclosure. The applicant's plans illustrate a trash enclosure at the northeast corner of the building just south of the truck loading dock. The enclosure will have exterior materials consistent with the principal building and its position will help screen the truck loading area from Carrousel Way. As part of Phase II, the applicant plans to internalize the trash enclosure within the future building. Signage. The applicant's plans show a ground sign just south of the entrance along Chippendale Avenue and building signage on two sides of the entryway vestibule. These signs appear consistent with the size standards for the C-4 District. It should be noted that all signs require approval of a separate sign permit prior to placement of the sign. Engineering. Upon review of the Celadon Properties Preliminary Plat and Site Plan dated April 24,2007 and received on April 26,2006, the Engineering Department offers the following comments: General Comments: 1. The 30-foot wide north-south drainage and utility easement that widens to approximately 120 feet at the south end shall be vacated. 2. NPDES permit is the responsibility of the developer/contractor. Documentation of permit acquisition shall be forwarded to the City prior to issuance of a grading/building permit. 3. Hydrants shall be installed to meet minimum fire protection per the City's Fire Marshall. 4. Estimated fees for the site are as follows: • GIS Fee = 2.2 acres * $300/acre = $660 • Sewer Connection Fees—SAC units are calculated by MCES o MCES Fee - $1,675/SAC o City Fee - $1,200/SAC • Water Connection (WAC), 6" Meter = $29,500 • Storm Connection (STAC) =2.2 acres @$2,200/ac = $4,840 Preliminary Plat Comments: 1. Chippendale Avenue is a City street and no longer under the jurisdiction of Dakota County. Remove County Road 39 label. Site Plan Comments: Boundary&Topographic Survey—Sheet 1.2 1. Chippendale Avenue is a City street and no longer under the jurisdiction of Dakota County. Remove County Road 39 label on all plan sheets. Final Grading,Drainage,&Erosion Control Plan—Sheet 2.1 1. Grading limits appear to extend beyond property boundaries and into City right-of-way and 7 private property (Chroust Family Dentistry). Verify grading limits. Construction easements shall be secured for grading activities off site. 2. Grading activities conducted within City right-of-way shall require a grading security (bond or letter of credit) in the amount of$10,000. Release of the security will be subject to final inspection of site grading and stabilization. Erosion& Sediment Control Details—Sheet 2.2 1. A note shall be added stating: "Additional erosion control and sediment control BMPs as deemed appropriate by the City Engineer shall be incorporated into the plan and all changes shall be amended to the SWPPP in the event that BMPs employed during construction are found to be inadequate or ineffective." 2. The detail for Catch Basin Inlet Protection—Sediment Filter Sack does not meet City standards and should be removed. Final Utility Plan—Sheet 3.1 1. The proposed 15" RCP storm sewer on the southwest corner of the site is proposed to discharge to the existing 12" RCP in the northeast quadrant of Chippendale and Carrousel Way. This discharge is anticipated to exceed the 12"pipe full flow capacity. The storm sewer connection should be made to the Chippendale Avenue structures to the north with a 15"pipe. The pavement section for Chippendale Avenue shall be provided in the plans for replacement,as well as a detail for City standard concrete sidewalk replacement necessary to accomplish the revised storm sewer connection. 2. The site outlet to the Carrousel Way storm sewer system from the east portion of the site is anticipated to exceed the downstream design capacity. It appears that this layout is feasible, however,minor ponding in the parking lot and overflow to Carrousel Way is anticipated for events that exceed the system capacity. Details—Sheet 6.1 1. The City of Rosemount Standard Detail Plates,where applicable, shall be added to the detail sheet. 2. A pavement section shall be added,if applicable, for work on Chippendale Avenue and/or Carrousel Way. Fire Marshall Comments. After reviewing the Celadon Systems submittal, the Fire Marshal offers the following comments. Sprinkler System: The applicant indicates that the building will have an automatic fire protection system. Water Supply: An approved water supply capable of providing a minimum of 1500 gallons per minute (GPM) must be provided. Also, all portions of this facility shall be within 150 feet of the approved fire hydrants. 8 Park Dedication. The Parks and Recreation Department has reviewed the Celadon Systems submittal and is providing the following comments: 1. Parks dedication should be collected as cash in lieu of land. Based on a total acreage of 2.18 acres, the cash dedication amount is $19,620.00 (10% of 2.18 acres = .218 acres x $90,000 = $19,620). The fees are based on the rates that are set by the 2007 Fees and Fee Policy. Should the property owner provide information showing that the park dedication fees have been paid with a previous plat, a parks dedication fees will not be collected. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the lot consolidation,planned unit development (PUD) master development plan with rezoning and the PUD final site and building plan applications to allow the construction of a 10,450 square foot office ,light manufacturing, and testing,research and and associated si te improvements, nts subject to the conditions. This laboratoryfacilityJ p recommendation is based on the plan submitted by the applicant, the findings made in this report and the conditions noted in the attached resolution,PUD agreement,and rezoning ordinance. 9 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2007- A RESOLUTION APPROVING A LOT CONSOLIDATION, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITH REZONING AND PUD FINAL SITE AND BUILDING PLAN FOR CELADON PROPERTIES WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from EFH Company requesting a lot consolidation,planned unit development (PUD) master development plan with rezoning and PUD final site and building plan approvals concerning property legally described as: Lot 1,Block 1, South Rose Park 3rd Addition, except the North 140 feet thereof, and Lot 3,Block 1, South Rose Park 3rd Addition, Dakota County,Minnesota. WHEREAS, on May 22,2007, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the requested applications; and WHEREAS, on May 22,2007, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the requested applications, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on June 19,2007,the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendations. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the a lot consolidation, subject to: 1. Recording of the lot consolidation prior to issuance of a building permit. Prior to approval of the lot consolidation, the drainage and utility easements over the existing lots shall be vacated. 2. Payment of all applicable City development fees. 3. The applicant shall pay a park dedication fee of$19,620 prior to issuance of a building permit. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the,planned unit development (PUD) master development plan with rezoning and PUD final site and building plan, subject to: 1. Adoption of an ordinance rezoning the subject property from C-4, General Commercial to C-4 PUD, General Commercial Planned Unit Development. 2. Execution of the PUD Agreement. 3. Issuance of a Building Permit. 1 RESOLUTION 2007- 4. Payment of all applicable City development fees. 5. Submission of a landscape security equal to one hundred and twenty five percent (125%) of the cost of the plantings illustrated on the approved landscape plan prior to issuance of a building permit. 6. Light poles must be reduced from twenty four (24) feet to twenty (20) feet because this site is within 100 feet of a residential area. 7. Conformance with all conditions of the City Engineer as outlined in this report dated May 14, 2007 prior to issuance of a building permit. 8. All signs require approval of a separate sign permit prior to placement of the sign. The freestanding sign must meet the 10' setback requirement. 9. The additional uses approved through the PUD include light manufacturing and testing,research and laboratory uses. Similar uses may be allowed in the future subject to City staff approval. There is no outside storage allowed as part of any land use on the site. 10. The Floor Plan, Site Plan, and parking calculations shall be revised to reflect the actual percent of these uses prior to action on this item by the City Council. 11. The colors of the exterior materials must be integral to the material. Painting of the exteriors materials will not be permitted. ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 2007 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste,Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: 2 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION made this day of June, 2007, by and between the CITY OF ROSEMOUNT (the City) and ROSEMOUNT PROPERTIES, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company(hereinafter referred to as the"Declarant"); WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of the real property as described on Attachment One, attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof(hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Property"); and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is subject to certain zoning and land use restrictions imposed by the City of Rosemount, Minnesota ("City") in connection with the approval of an application for a planned unit development for a office development on the Subject Property; and WHEREAS, the City has approved such development on the basis of the determination by the City Council of the City that such development is acceptable only by reason of the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of the proposed use of the Subject Property; and that but for the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of such proposed use, the planned unit development would not have been approved; and 1 WHEREAS, as a condition of approval of the planned unit development, the City has required the execution and filing of this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (hereinafter the"Declaration"); and WHEREAS, to secure the benefits and advantages of approval of such planned unit development, Declarant desires to subject the Subject Property to the terms hereof NOW, THEREFORE,the Declarant declares that the Subject Property is, and shall be,held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions, and restrictions, hereinafter set forth. 1. The use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the following documents,plans and drawings: a. City Resolution No. 2007- ,Attachment Two, b. Rezoning Ordinance, Attachment Three c. Preliminary Plat, Dated 04-24-07, Attachment Four d. Site Plan, Dated 06-01-07,Attachment Five e. Exterior Elevations, Dated 04-26-07, Attachment Six f. Preliminary Floor Plan, Dated 04-26-07, Attachment Seven g. Title Sheet, Dated 05-30-07, Attachment Eight h. Boundary and Topographic Survey, Dated 05-30-07, Attachment Nine i. Tree Inventory, Dated 05-30-07, Attachment Ten j. Site Information, Dated 05-30-07, Attachment Eleven k. Final Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan, Dated 05-30-07, Attachment Twelve 2 1 Final Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan, Dated 05-30-07, Attachment Thirteen m. Final Utility Plan, Dated 05-30-07, Attachment Fourteen n. Final Paving and Dimensional Plan, Dated 05-30-07, Attachment Fifteen o. Final Landscape Plan, Dated 04-26-07, Attachment Sixteen P. Photometric Plan, Dated 05-17-07, Attachment Seventeen q. Light Cut Sheets, Dated 08-01-06, Attachment Eighteen r. Details, Dated 05-30-07, Attachment Nineteen s. City Engineer's Memo Dated May 14, 2007, Attachment Twenty t. Parks and Recreation Director's Memo Dated May 17, 2007, Attachment Twenty One u. Fire Marshal's Memo Dated May 24,2007, Attachment Twenty Two all of which attachments are copies of original documents on file with the City and are made a part hereof. 2. Development and maintenance of structures and uses on the Subject Property shall conform to the following standards and requirements: a. Additional uses approved through the PUD include Light Manufacturing and Testing, Research and Laboratory uses. Similar uses may be allowed in the future subject to City staff approval. No outside storage will be allowed as part of any land use on the site. 3. The Subject Property may only be developed and used in accordance with Paragraphs 1 and 2 of these Declarations unless the owner first secures approval by the City Council 3 of an amendment to the planned unit development plan or a rezoning to a zoning classification that permits such other development and use. 4. In connection with the approval of developers of the Subject Property,the following variances from City Zoning or Subdivision Code provisions were approved: a. None. In all other respects the use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the requirements of the City Code of Ordinances. 5. The obligations and restrictions of this Declaration run with the land of the Subject Property and shall be enforceable against the Declarant, its successors and assigns, by the City of Rosemount acting through its City Council. This Declaration may be amended from time to time by a written amendment executed by the City and the owner or owners of the lot or lots to be affected by said amendment. [This space is intentionally left blank.] 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned as duly authorized agents, officers or representatives of Declarant have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. DECLARANT ROSEMOUNT PROPERTIES, LLC By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,2007, by , the for and on behalf of Rosemount Properties, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, by and on behalf of said company. Notary Public 5 This Amendment is approved and consented to by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: William H. Droste,Mayor And by: Amy Domeier, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,2007, by William H. Droste and Amy Domeier, the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, for and on behalf of the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota corporation,by and on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 145TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT,MN 55068 651-423-4411 6 ATTACHMENT ONE Description of Property Lot 1, Block 1, South Rose Park 3rd Addition, except the North 140 feet thereof, and Lot 3,Block 1, South Rose Park 3rd Addition,Dakota County,Minnesota. AutemmE4T TWO CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2007- A RESOLUTION APPROVING A LOT CONSOLIDATION, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITH REZONING AND PUD FINAL SITE AND BUILDING PLAN FOR CELADON PROPERTIES WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from EFH Company requesting a lot consolidation,planned unit development (PUD) master development plan with rezoning and PUD final site and building plan approvals concerning property legally described as: Lot 1,Block 1, South Rose Park 3`d Addition, except the North 140 feet thereof, and Lot 3, Block 1, South Rose Park 3`d Addition, Dakota County,Minnesota. WHEREAS, on May 22,2007,the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the requested applications;and WHEREAS, on May 22,2007,the Planning Commission recommended approval of the requested applications, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on June 19,2007, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendations. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the a lot consolidation, subject to: 1. Recording of the lot consolidation prior to issuance of a building permit. Prior to approval of the lot consolidation, the drainage and utility easements over the existing lots shall be vacated. 2. Payment of all applicable City development fees. 3. The applicant shall pay a park dedication fee of$19,620 prior to issuance of a building permit. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the,planned unit development (PUD) master development plan with rezoning and PUD final site and building plan, subject to: 1. Adoption of an ordinance rezoning the subject property from C-4, General Commercial to C-4 PUD, General Commercial Planned Unit Development. 2. Execution of the PUD Agreement. 3. Issuance of a Building Permit. 1 RESOLUTION 2007- 4. Payment of all applicable City development fees. 5. Submission of a landscape security equal to one hundred and twenty five percent (125%) of the cost of the plantings illustrated on the approved landscape plan prior to issuance of a building permit. 6. Light poles must be reduced from twenty four (24) feet to twenty (20) feet because this site is within 100 feet of a residential area. 7. Conformance with all conditions of the City Engineer as outlined in this report dated May 14,2007 prior to issuance of a building permit. 8. All signs require approval of a separate sign permit prior to placement of the sign. The freestanding sign must meet the 10' setback requirement. 9. The additional uses approved through the PUD include light manufacturing and testing,research and laboratory uses. Similar uses may be allowed in the future subject to City staff approval. There is no outside storage allowed as part of any land use on the site. 10. The Floor Plan, Site Plan, and parking calculations shall be revised to reflect the actual percent of these uses prior to action on this item by the City Council. 11. The colors of the exterior materials must be integral to the material. Painting of the exteriors materials will not be permitted. ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 2007 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste,Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: 2 A-rrAcil man- 11E6 City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B-186 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE Celadon Properties THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled "City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance," is hereby amended to rezone property from C-4 General Commercial to C-4 PUD General Commercial Planned Unit Development that is located north of Carrousel Way, and East of Chippendale Avenue within the City of Rosemount legally described as follows: Lot 1,Block 1, Celadon Properties Addition,Dakota County,Minnesota. Section 2. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount, referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled"Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount," shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk's office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this 19th day of June, 2007. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H. Droste,Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day of , 2007. 32345no.dwo -4/26/SOOT OS NAM s l›.o SST (COUNTY ROAD 39) V C- 62 .� rcaT uE m wT l AAA II 1 l o j,213.00 N00'1319"E — JI 1 ., , T I I § k I C" 3 n a s 111 -0 Io �- is 2 - p -o T' g o o EC a (.\ Li 1 0 A 6) 3- 1 �4o-- E, s- ml (1oll m • g, J 0 In^ z m YI I d g2-tm i 1 ---.. 7 I I ' `\ o \ ` \ w \I \ Z < o �„ a, \ \ 't9 \\ fs� �^ P gig \ \ pip \\ o $ m o oq\ \ �`�` s s a a �f to �`i. `\ 99.21 3Iq.06•09 µ, --II o 1 _ �) N. -- _ •o , gm � • . a _ rx s ^ �_� ;t „: ___,01.-_= , /- CELADON PROPERTIES r1015 James R. Hill, Inc. = A N � p A LI MOUNT,MWNESOTA pR PRELIMINARY PLAT PLANNERS/ENGINEERS/SURVEYORS -. z u-1 o ` Ni f N...NN+w FM.a9n OA IN MA o A o'^z a m w ,pi m K EFH COMPANY .N4 E 1Ay XL 14 nuinw4« xE. em�uw p 2999 NEST COUNTY ROA0 42.SUITE 206.SURNSNLLE.MNNESOTA 55306 639E 1111191-I13. we MN,. PriiiPteliMfNr RvE CHIPPENDALE AVE. _ tc _ _ ;.11 1 T __ .11 cp 1 �A w +rel amelar.I Z 1 • $ "i 1 1 114 I I I 1 I I 3 1 I II I 1 1-' 4 ! I Shi =R I Inn 1 — II ; . ' I I° 4 I '11. 0 ICI �!� _ p I e1 ® 1 I •" I celN I ' I 1 I i c l—I ., / a15 IFS__Cs. ! I I' y` 1 I a 4: —_A- II — . — i I I t' \y 1 ! I 3 I I I I I --r- -1,I--r-T-17t: - r-T- r-r----r-i I -Y' : I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I''kli '''i : 1 1 1 i t i I I I i .I 1 I I I I I I [.n. 1 1 1 1 1 I _ 1 \ 1A$i •• I lc !i \ \ \ _ � 4 I - \\ '\ \\ \ \ I' `II II 1 f I I I^ I I b � \ \, \ \ \\ I L--F-1--r—T—i—"r-4--r-4--I I I�' \ \ \ \" `\\—/ 1 1 i la l I I I \ \ \ II 9 \ • .\ \ \ \ 4 lI•cp R 6 R -g A p ; F F i p \7 di B" Ra? m \ \ ..... 1 „ iarF a ii§ ! " g Ti \ \` Et axe �� \�� �'— rt e e4 a $a • _� N.N. '--..........-- IlllpeaT�. = oAx 1st d ^' fir�r••��aa 'a5 �n AO Z ,7q OO n• I I I PY B a Faoo�y Zm0 :i , •- - H B. rpii Fw H $• N O b ? �aP`sF= if 2 7 ki C4-1M5s rr- SIX 1 \ 1 \ L?v". R 8 M\ \\ I \\ "` • ? 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Hill, Inc A Ro9a0095.M9 Nf901N ; " a ;. :r. om N 4 Ns 5 c > a•� u.;• �• PLANNERS/ENGINEERS/SURVEYORS o I1 N o> BOUNDARY& TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY a s...M05 sa0S6000�•1uN.1,Nay. ..99:wnN9-w« romm-.h r, m o'>i g N 9 m EFH COMPANY 9�_ .> M m.c 9m a...a«+ 2999 NEST OOUNIY EFH /2.SUM 209,9URNSNLLE.MINNESOTA 55306 o.M vigx I.opm-i�Y 600 IrWni-MU 91 CAI 111041 TeN 23457.4 -5/31/900T 03:+5PM . I i I r n CHIPP_ENDALE AVENUE _ _ 7zn r i I -? C' '•:7.7.—..1,4e:.,r•*.•,-..1L_Lr—'1..4•%'--'.•_'".7L.2 1 44 11! 7, IV •Ie LS6 i`„e.—— y - I 1 I 1 ( (�4) �, P g• 1 99�—— !..4), I ! r''' I I. 1 fig) I of I I"J I• ` ) --I lr-/ 1 1 �; L I I I I ft kI f k I1j i._1•- � (^ y 1 ," i3ooc'i, .a `,�I :1 I I i it i., mac �0:4� L '���F J < D I �— I J '� \ fia im, m ti ,� \I\ I IL" ;: (- 1 m44 pl �'� Ipi ��I LN. 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So om ' FOR .:N.,E,m 9cu A,a9Rno.9.R,uw Rs $ �m � EFH COMPANY "7�� y`^"�" 3999 WEST COUNTY ROAD A9•RATE 206.BDRNSWLLC.MINNESOTA 55308 9=• °•'✓'•ses' e.w0 UMl>m-R�• a9(�ulri-NN 2234551.don -5/31/2007 03.45PM Il • •'-V"61 9. • N-r• i.eval "7 it 11 o:, ',SF.'li::,=X . -'i l''','.' --''':j : op r f . r � + ?* .•aa a , • 1, • . : . - 147:-3. ...:','''''..1.;":;'1:.; !7'. citItz 'V C) 11110 C:7 ,.. a Mil. I D I �e4). ED TRq�� .. ....,.,Tii1 i I �` N �� „,i62,f iligii z c..,s..- d!:;, v /h l..M 4 1 J t �1 b. 11111 L1• f-1t111 , U s 1tJi 1 es E I 7s I— a, ' _ . ° T IigI1: 1 I _ 1 r � C I — Q 1 . s P .. NQ L11 i ,'„ J r;. > \ '7.-\\: ,,k - -.::, 70'7 I \\ vw,.0 1 o CELADON PROPERTIES r:N a�:: m: James R. Hill Inc. A .* m A R0SEMOUNT.MINNE90TA TR 27^'b:wd uei a:. }II C 3 ry 4nn.N PvF.wna i Ms °> k SITE INFORMATION :8"'"""'"""""°""° PLANNERS/ENGINEERS/SURVEYORS N. 2 i O $ n O •x966 CN R.1O..ILL Roma MI 65U] $ J EFH COMPANY K9n,.A•'...,MM 2299 WEST COUNTY R0A0 42.SUITE 206,9URNSMU.E.MINNESOTA 55206 a.3:Li1dL 6gxs�VL Rnp2„imps.. P.P.-NU AITIlt xaAsc.owc -5r51r2007 oS.AVM 11rn TwFw '...'77 F�i 1 M' I CHIPPENDALE AVENUE ' 1,_ I I ,,, L.. 4�- j1 _ OT..*Tx.XtTitrt T. _ 2 !17FY!! ; Tu _- ...}.o __ ill' •H6I - ':�, n•1 tiiU2 nuP . n !!!� '' L• lg xse— x— 1 ._ fir• q. �^ ! ,Y xs _ I t.l it • '� a r I r co it xe `I 41 Es.:11". ' "I' .— —:- ii • ir• I • I i ; TY\ JII4 : \ �V. h • { ' • ,y4 -\ pJ ob qv m,II r " • JI " -0 yAg O v • os4 r C� g4 e r�/Q I r �m '0. it • ; I , 'airs"‘ _� I pgg� �a ,� •I Zl+- O Ill 9g�' 1t lii \ \\\ IIf,. , ^�i ii+ •, o.. m 1i I at• .,Q1 i1111 2, - J 0i et " f�� �� . I I o 41 fik 1 / b / .BSI n I I x\i� "el }r • �► s •/ ' r PO - ,1II I PA�1 Y 1I ; I Jm �. 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Irl A ROSEMOUNT,MINNE50TA Q0•Lw y,°•'�N and I g d w �> FINAL GRADING, DRAINAGE, &EROSION CONTROL PLAN `"eanM PLANNERS/ENGINEERS/SURVEYORS 5..."oa AP,an.nuRa lM mu �z Fi FI Yw ��E. O N..o� EFH COMPANY �d�1if Ma O 9.i.wnfrof Ayw..10RI rwC Irulm-Iw Dulm-IMI 2999 NEST COUNTY ROAD NE SUITE ROE BURNSVILLE.MINNESOTA 55005 zz3uwo.e.a - room 0710PM • ' rteti • ot• ✓• " CIE el 9ws9r 1''lar pr 1'i'" 1194;Il idii 31I11 il 1 FI 1 el 1 1{l31 I ii 13I a: J 1 l 11 1 i 1di1 i F3 � I' ;i Eaiii �5 �! � E� �.'-�: �• .��1 �°-��i i` I E�r•'wai 1I 1 i 1 7 !••1 l 1 .el 1 i 1 r 1 01 0 1 I3i. 3w , F. is 1- l_. i' Ii1 � -� 1 I i=1 11 e 3 °ir• 11 1� Aa F rF• sl F• 9 ��iii i o. s1 1� ` rl �' �Ai f,!III 1. :11 P- .11 IE;�11 I 1! F !E•A Ai._dl1^ p` �, 1r1i13: it� I EI•l1l�.w 1 11 E.A gr�i11•" R Ir�:i ;Il i1-.aia^ FIE 3a '1! ea 1 I! 1�'•,�:�i'-1 I•F�•Ili l 1 EI 1 i 13 1 IF 4 , i;;111,I 31 31•w 11 l 3.1 I: ' 1' !0 1 I e a I S: ::,ai. ;i:E 1 E1: is 1;! a` IlIli !i li'�" lr �� 1 � i'3 F' g3.. 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' ' l'1 11} 1411 ll ll '1 is 1 I J 4 11 .. ljilj lliil 1�rl III ! r 1 ' 1, 111 11 III S�aavg a'o, :°I i /; iE jI �! i 11111 11111 El E 111 a.T I'F d 1 it _ 11, ; 13 t II I i11I1 It I I}I f 11 l- WI i11I1 I '1' '� I i a�I ? 1 �1 1l1{11 I i1 • III I I CELADON PROPERTIES James R. Hill Inc. N., 4p dm o ROSEMWNi, ESOiA ,�,::e ne.rr��a' a N :y ' d i N> EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS °'" °"'0.' PLANNERS/ENGINEERS/SURVEYORS m nJ Z - von ^M'I9 Meuv en vi M M0 vR lfuv m i m < EFH COMPANY C `a111 K npA '°. O 1999 NEST CWNtt ROAM A1,A111E 30fi,OURNSNLLE.MINNESOiA SSJO6 R/vv/ar .,Io,Ri ef._ ��L gq�:�N�ivv-iix 14(vvJlwl-ivu 66 �' < ,< a <� 22>� yJ m — CHIPPENDALE �. AVENUE a .y . , .s 3 u m.$86 c , 2 }f,Te } ammm o .1i a n •. "'� L ogooC /Eer �.. .. w ..i 1`_��. ;s.1 .xSa�z..• y.____o m / C r gf �H nHPh % I O a HP r._ sl A 8 rg i eo�1 - iii1'Ti irA� a .' $-x I 1 L t"Ry,wsm < R`J . uy .O Rom. Ian R•yn 'g3 1 - J Xk' yr,E �,1 ps° N i I ; u• N.� ,Qi2O A f gA 2a-r al; 4.--\ o ,, o .. i'n• 1 ", 'Y 11 I 1 "n.r :I N rZ '' • •..• ' H1A r1 58'-8'PVC SOR C- �- iTly T3 1 •-• I fr w nl * k 35 O 1.001C �Y .H O i - AA `� _r g } '� 1 FIN:).: O . \\ •�DIP CL.52(7.5. .TJ O it` . f;C c� O a i 3.,P 79'12'S I.', 'I 4 if _ [' 1•":.ZJ scot, ~ ^F ` ��02�7;E ro w " i m1•Gygoi 2A "u8 I i l�� Am r-1 "1 -1 gs a TA •A s e n x•g " o eq� �' e 9 i� i D a�i g>7 :. 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R05EMOUNT,MINNE50TA N s n FINAL (J 1Y PLAN °�1, °'^ PLANNERS/ENGINEERS/SURVEYORS N2 6m .g sm m EFH COMPANY °°yy .AMA Bo.`ilt9um�.iMn, o '" ` AA. 9 .1e9a 9999 NEST COUNN ROAD 19,SUM t06,BURNSVILLE.MMNESOTA 55106 wh6M x. „ OOIm-11% I rynR9t-ss111Y Prflik C 14 mp1/41-1 Fwr4 34sPAVe, -6/,(2007 02 Esau CHIPPEND7LEU-E l'-----7'''- — — —cr— ......'z•••.„, k ----- .' • -Zz..7.'7,-`.='-:<-,7-az.v...7.---- " .i.'` ..1,•..!...:?1.-T -C•5•KI..--.'tr.t-Y.•-•.,.__.03'47.n.r..._..--....__,..7..2-WIIT...,..a.7.7a7.7. "71.3T-U2Sa.V2'0'...:.1-5:V<.?`‘...-1- 7::17°. . oHP orp'---tt —nHP T 11HP TT n ' • , • e / ti A • ® 4EL-rwr i P : , , . E k 1 ...i.e_J ' A , - TV. .::=C)1,j 11— 4rt-1. ' 4• Z1 I — •• • 1 ,..•• b . I I ••• (---1 a• •• 4: ..• -Ik , ii I 8 ; _S2).3 9 L_,11 ce_ • > -1 t• 11, . • 7) _ 2413.I _}--" •..P 0 ,,,. • G I Inv i Ul - I i ....I 4: :. ,•—6 0. 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MS NEST COUNTY ROAD a;SUITE SCR,ITURNSALLE,MINNIMOTA 5530904/0003 rot popszna r,..pann:no primumem-i ro e > I I a x emi In, §' ; !la 1{ a11 3pii la 3l a 4 a3 l'i 11 i il, n 1'.a ss€ {il ii {1a 11 { "Illi ran J f.3 ; ill o — m - 0 CHIPPENDALE AVE D 1 31 — tom•' —— —_-- : gem �ed � ' !� I al m III 15 si IEe Mil i � 103 . i, b ` I o g€o el ell /111 Igo N::5 ;': E■': E�3:: 1 1 z q 1 €g 3 ii i1.,, IEil ©: t :5E::::: I€ iI I liii „ , k,i ,. o:N6 11t.. — -� { -.moo= 40 a z elm g ii g fk_• 14,4/10 (:: II i.N3 mf�A �1 9x il II o '� ,, m r ,..,,,,„._ n'' i Vt itir , 3: ,t ,.`f L td ; 4� i'.!� L� z*'� - !i.^n 1 5 1 - Fii0 iv, m 1 I i�IIf' a 0e. 0 11 N: 1C' Z ,y iz i;saii 3g F � 1l yr \ { ^ i*pl `•' 1 m pii,P II. s I,.\\ Al \ \etc. -----_------------ g iIii t6 rill 1 11 1 ,., . 2.. 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ROSEMOUNT SOT"2 I' PLANNERS I ENGINEERS ISURVEI'ORS 9 $ o N P 2 F FINAL LANDSCAPE PLAN "=--- ,..i..... . 0 m §m < EFH COMPANY M •. _ v ;E,,;,.k :.,,a wi A Burt.aa..°..sn t uom.am.x3 PrillAOilealsci ve 6 i_e_ r.,_ — c , 4 c , \ 1 0 \ ... , II \ CHIPPENDAILIE AVE. OM m oAD ;Lc' — �0 0 o•'.rd..�b — "g3 m mvo mC I .. .. &i P S= • >Eo mm ` T 9 a m <b'y -i; I o) a F. i O g I I t o•i • gm -0 1"N'-m m0 �` g _~i Ii. I i I "' 1,_'' - a 1 - O x x m x '+ •ZAP ONl • • m I mDr � I ) -- a •.a I •a w W e .. �. I • I (n Z Dy.. m i6- J a Ju m• • I• L' 9 I `! : j - ?. '- I o� 1 F•# Z mm4. m xo :.i �,�I — ' ..I Z mm3 mo p a — co - a. • wI I 01 W ---.-- I Ili m ` .. ' 0 '' r' "1 - \ • o1b N• o - ; Of \ 01r N et) J . emr i - - "ti1 o1" '=1 p j_ ^ m_m J. rho o g• i I m RF IY Tl9 ® 6. 4 • '.1a� .1 “' ' ., I j I yI Izt *: r Li - ,1 ii;. . .--) _. .-. , •..., . _. .. :.; P‘ ..--! . _. 1 N I ml .4 .a__ -.I'll J• I ; OP 1 A I NI� �_ ' .1 ri 1� AO. 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Oil \.` ' N l I a `— 4-trfie PANT 61�+rfr -t1 SIDE-ARM MOUNT AVV4O-25 AERODOMETM FORWARD THROW (TYPE IV) SERIES Thermal Chimney Ignitor Side-Arm Cover/GearTray Allows free airflow between optic (Where Seamless,die-cast aluminum housing and side-arm housing required) } Recessed Handle Optic Housing .e-e aim. Mr. ( 16.4"Seamless,die-cast aluminum � `� (164 mm) Lampholder � 18.m Reflector(Rotatable Optic) \ Capacitor Segmented aluminum sheet with highly efficient finishes —Ballast • t Lamp —Side-Arm Housing Iii (Included) I! Seamless,die-cast aluminum �r— Lens High impact, Patented Hinge Assembly clear tempered glass ....."'..- Lens Frame Tool-less Entry �� Die-cast aluminum door •,C Wi frame secures lens; 25.0'(635 mm) sealed with silicone gasket 36.7'(931 mm) SPEC# WATTAGE CATALOG# (a)VOLTAGE SUFFIX KEY (c)MOUNTING/ROTATABLE OPTICS PULSE START METAL HALIDE D 120/277V 0 Standard Configuration • 250W PSMH AW4(c)6925-(a)(b) M 120/208/240/277V(Standard) L Rotated Left of Standard Configuration 0 300W PSMH AW4(c)6930-(a)(b) T 120/277/347V(Canada Only) R Rotated Right of Standard Configuration 320W PSMH AW4(c)6932-(a)(b) 1 120V U 350W PSMH AW4(c)6935-(a)(b) 2 277V 11. 400W PSMH AW4(c)6940-(a)(b) 27 277V Reactor(PSMH Only) ■Type Ill 450W PSMH AW4(c)6945(a)(b)1111 3 208V ■Type IV `�' 750W PSMH AW4(c)675-(a)(b) 4 240V P 1000W PSMH AW4(c)699-(a)(b) 5 480V METAL HALIDE 6 347V(Canada Only) M 250W MH AVV4(c)492-(a)(b)c4 For voltage ludig ngide the US and Canada,see BulletinbTD-9 or giv1,4i� 400W MH AW4(c)494-(a)(b) contact your Ruud Lighting authorized International Distributor. 410 t P 1000W MH AW4(c)499-(a)(b) HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM (b)OPTIONS(factory-installed) V 250W HPS AW4(c)592-(a)(b) -(a)F Fusing 400W HPS AW4(c)594-(a)(b) -(a)P Button Photocell 1000W HPS AW4(c)599(a)(b) -1P External Photocell(for 1000W/120V) Specify(a)Voltage,(h)Options&(c)Mounting/Rotatable Optics. -5P External Photocell(for 480V) ljt Reduced envelope lamp;BT37 for 1000W PSMH& 0 Quartz Standby 1000W MH;ED37 for 1000W HPS. (includes 100W quartz lamp) (N/A on 277V Reactor) Specify(a)Single Voltage—See Voltage Suffix Key GENERAL DESCRIPTION ELECTRICAL LABELS Parking lot and roadway full cutoff luminaire for Fixture includes clear,mogul-base lamp. ANSI lamp wattage label supplied,visible during HID lamp,totally enclosed. Housing is seamless, 1000W PSMH & MH utilize the BT37 reduced relamping.UL Listed in US and Canada for wet die-cast aluminum. Electrical components are envelope lamp.1000W HPS utilizes the ED37 locations. heat-sinked and contained in mounting arm reduced envelope lamp.Pulse-rated porcelain assembly(direct mount configuration).Lens enclosed,4kv(5kv for 750&1000W PSMH) PATENTS assembly consists of tool-less quick release rated screw-shell-type lampholder with spring- frame constructed of rigid aluminum and high- loaded center contact. Lamp ignitor included US 4,689,729;Other Patents Pending impact,clear-tempered glass lens.High- where required.All ballast assemblies are high- temperature silicone gasket seals lens from power factor and use the following circuit type: ACCESSORIES:(field-installed) water and insects. Reactor(277V PSMH) AVRP-3 Round Pole Adaptor • 250—450W PSMH FINISH CWA—Constant Wattage Autotransformer Exclusive DeltaGuard®finish features an E-coat 250—1000W PSMH;250—1000W MN; epoxy primer with medium bronze ultra-durable 250—1000W HPS powder topcoat,providing excellent resistance to corrosion,ultraviolet degradation and abrasion.The finish is covered by our seven- year limited warranty. a 9201 Washington Avenue Racine,Wisconsin 53406-3772 USA PHONE(262)886-1900 FAX(262)884-3309 RUUD ID LIGHTING ©Ruud Lighting Inc. Printed in USA www.ruudlighting.com 08/01/06 AW40-25 SIDE-ARM MOUNT SERIES AERODOMETM FORWARD THROW (TYPE IV) Isofootcandle plots show initial footcandles at grade.(Footcandles_0.0929=Lux) 120'100' ea 60' 40' 20 0' 20' 40' 60' 80'100'12042 • 900 140' 180° 0° 120' — 36. 3 100' � \ ' 30. 120° 80' 1 1 _ ))..., 24.. 60' ito 18. 40' ' 2. 20' 7 6.1 0' 0 rr 20' S 6.1 40' 12. sod 60' 18. 80' 24.30° 366 305 24.4 18.3 122 6.1 Om 6.1 122 18.3 24.4 315 366 Lighting Sciences Inc. Isofootcandle plot of 1000W MH AeroDome Certified Test Report No.LSI 21227 Light at 32'(9.7 m)AFG[30'(9.1 m) Candlepower distribution curve of 1000W MH pole plus 2'(0.6 m)base height]. AeroDome Light. (Plan view) RUUD9201 Washington Avenue Racine,Wisconsin 53406-3772 USA PHONE(262)886-1900 FAX(262)884-3309 LIGHTING ©Ruud Lighting Inc. Printed in USA www.ruudlighting.coni 08/01/06 DIRECT MOUNT GWCO-12 12" FULL CUTOFF WALL PACK • SERIES Lens Assembly Ballast Pivoting Capacitor 6.5(165 " (e6 mm) 3.4 Rigid die-cast Hinges copper-free [ r , � ter_ _ aluminum and • + + I flat glass lens • 12.3' °•y (313 mm)I 11 6' J ` (294 mm) I' 1111151,,,,, I Ime ii '�I t`12.0'(304 mm)�I ØT, I,I I•! ��oi Wiring Compartment i d 1-�l kl !! I r`r�. i 1�. \Lem fat ( ),1I .11_.. ` IVOteS �� ILamp(Included)I' — I 1 Precision aluminum t)a. o 8.2'(208 rem) SPEC# WATTAGE CATALOG# (a)VOLTAGE SUFFIX KEY . (b)OPTIONS(factory-installed) PULSE START METAL HALIDE D 120/277V(Standard:125W PSMH; -(a)F Fusing SPEC#`125W PSMH MGWC0612-(a)(b) 50-100W MH;50W HPS) -(a)P Button Photocell l SPEC#>~.150W PSMH MGWC0615(a)(b) M 120/208/240/277V 0 Quartz Standby (Standard:150W PSMH;175W MH;70—150W HPS) METAL HALIDE (includes 100W quartz lamp) I 120/277/347V(Canada Only) (N/A on 277V Reactor) 0 SPEC# 50W MH MGWC0405-(a)(b) (Standard:150W PSMH;70-175W MH; SPEC#" MH MGWC0407 a b) 70—150W HPS) Specify(a)Single Voltage—See Voltage Suffix Key 70W O( 0 SPEC#,'•100W MH MGWC0410-(a)(b) 1 120V(Standard:35W HPS) 0 •SPEC# 175W MH MGWC0417-(a)(b) 2 277V HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM 27 277V Reactor(150W PSMH Only) u SPEC-# 35W HPS MGWC0503-(a)(b) 3 208V fJ SPEC#', 50W HPS MGWC0505-(a)(b) 5 480V MH;7o-15oW HPS) SPEC# (175W ', 70WHPS MGWC0507-(a)(b) 6 480V( 75aO7) SPEC# 100Wr HPS MGWC0510-(a)(b) SPEC For voltage availability outside the US and Canada,see Bulletin TD-9 or Ea # 150W HPS MGWC0515(a)(b) contact your Ruud Lighting authorized International Distributor. Specify(a)Voltage&(b)Options. GENERAL DESCRIPTION __ _________ ELECTRICAL _._.—____ —.FINISH__ Full Cutoff Wall Pack fixture for HID lamp,totally Fixture includes clear, medium-base lamp. Exclusive Colorfast DeltaGuardTM finish features enclosed.Housing is seamless copper-free die- Pulse-rated porcelain enclosed,4kv-rated screw- an E-coat epoxy primer with medium bronze cast aluminum.Lens assembly consists of a shell-type lampholder.Lamp ignitor included ultra-durable powder topcoat,providing hinged,rigid die-cast copper-free aluminum where required. Fixtures require a minimum excellent resistance to corrosion, ultraviolet frame and clear borosilicate glass lens held 90°C temperature feed wire.All ballast degradation and abrasion.The finish is covered securely inside.Lens frame is easily removable assemblies are high-power factor and use the by our seven-year limited warranty. and allows for easy attachment and serviceability following circuit types: using top pivoting hinge.Complete silicone Reactor(277V PSMH) PATENTS • gasketing around lens and gasketing at mounting 150W PSMH 6,867,959 and Patents Pending. provide a watertight seal.A precision specular Reactor aluminum reflector provides forward throw with 120V:35—150W HPS wide distribution to ensure wide fixture spacings HX—High Reactance ACCESSORIES and maximum light levels. Fixture design PC-1 Button Photocell 50—100W MH;50—150W HPS provides excellent IES Full Cutoff light distribution (for fixtures set to 120V) without glare.The optical chamber is sealed to CWA—Constant Wattage Autotransformer PC-2 Button Photocell reduce dirt and insect contamination.Furnished 125&150W PSMH; 175W MH (for fixtures set to 208,240,277V) with e-coated,copper-free,lightweight mounting PC*6 Button r no h Photoc set to ell box designed for installation over standard 4-inch ._ LABELS square or octagonal and single-gang J boxes ANSI lamp wattage label supplied,visible during and for conduit entry from top,sides and rear. relamping.UL Listed in the US and Canada for Designed and approved for easy through-wiring. wet locations. • „:® All fixtures use vertical-lamp position. RU I D 9201 Washington Avenue Racine,Wisconsin 53406-3772 USA PHONE(262)886-1900 FAX(262)884-3309 LIGHTING ©Ruud Lighting Inc. Printed in USA vww.ruudlighting.com ( 08/03/06 GWCO-12 DIRECT MOUNT SERIES 12" FULL CUTOFF WALL PACK Isofootcandle plots show initial footcandles at grade.(Footcandles_0.0929=Lux) 60' 45' 30' 15' 0 15' 30' 45' 60' 180° 150° 1206.\ 60' 1 1 I ! 18.3 45' 1 _ I 13.7 5 30' 1 I 9.1 1 90° 3 1 i / I 15' S i 4.6 V ■ �� 160I 0om 18.3 13.7 9.1 4.6 0m 4.6 9.1 13.7 18.3 3200 I 60° Isofootcandle plot of one 175W MH 4800 12"AeroDome Full Cutoff Wall Pack at 15'(4.6 m) I mounting height(plan view). 6400 3Q° Candlepower Distribution Curve of 175W MH 12"AeroDome Full Cutoff Wall Pack. ® RUU D 9201 Washington Avenue Racine,Wisconsin 53406-3772 USA PHONE(262)886-1900 FAX(262)884-3309 LIGHTING ©Ruud Lighting,Inc. Printed in USA www.ruudlighting.com 08/03/06 .1 9 -c Gx a l:W . aX Wig'..^.a^X ptgg4X a"XX "v": %°a; gF iX^ °i`"la"oR X"^!.x X'1 trx;Xg-..g• €e EE 3.-__ i�E 11jIgI S 5�+'fiF [ „6,�EEai'8 Rid 2a 2 "%y t'6 Fp".. IN H 5a XX i1�F•%. I,1'r113 P: I[1 pppp yy .-2 IE €•1 A IA v X 4yy$X665 I hi R° . at 3A2 °Q C•i � II, F�:j% B l➢ ,{��'�I 4 OR i'� 9X X 5 I �I!I t ■ IN 7 X I^ p14, IIII I' 4.34. s 1 € 1 a {[4 .1X • aXla{C;.QZ Q.Qp 4=i Qi.1 iA. § al"q°v XQa.1•Qa1 aI i ExatQ RI° Q e I Qv Qa Q iQ D%.p t' �qq aI`; t_n 8• %� s�� YR,I1 4 1. 111 I �Q[ X6I [ X . 'Ll F°I:I a{d£:i€[°I i' 2!l4QX alax° x €I{ .1� °518 �~a �y� �iAS� �p o° �Q �'�yl[i'°i. v�q': �ri!Q�3 [ j F41. [ f 2.I C 1 v F7gIi d 6 9 I C,T 111T •Xl1-I X 1 1. .(1 1 dE+a`p°'a �1x"^43 1111 g1v4 -1°X 1 1a 0 :1 a x{ c R.I 0X, x li_ .-a f 3 R'��1.p9 A"Q �e 1•II ¢�'-pQ A 4�7 �vv v � Qgg� Ii'�a AI X 5 v x� v. is•.R. t.I 1 i � X{3 E! !a� I g i£%€2° i' P I a4 Q [I Q3Q. .g41 , I' �,i I^ X1 {1 11. 44 ° 1 Al' x1 I 5,v 11% {Q R. II' 1 v .F a i X• I 3R. 2 a iQ"1 a' a e xX � � �t �X•I{}-d'"Q1 { £v ea.a v 3�"°IIC ao. �s �[avR 1�Q�1� ��?� gQ9 . A{ i F F�R•Asv {ig� � _;I I�a.�0;411111 t 1%.„a Xa F'v%1i:--i [i R03I " t 11 1 �j[R" IA . I € 1.^ 3Rat 1a Ii I1x�ti•a°14P�,@ fil[ �y4y`a`� 1 r94 S�a .Ava {I �Qv9S! '1^£I 1`��. XX� 14i aye °a;8 oXX � �C. I �d A�=;�(1 °q. €: X1.�jR49 ;HPp I a R X 1 vq g 1 x Q'.a x 11i 1 i Xjv R,4 {I 1 II " at al N AII Xia0 A i E.9[I• QIGl•''1; I X Ia In.R 'i!lI I14 l di ;1I ° ��� •,% fill'Milli i Il11 1 :Ilk V V ' II ( , 1( ,.; 111, •14,, ,....,,, 6...1 do i :gm 1i! .1� , I u '1 ,` i 1 \■l�C• Z IMF '�1 :10 �f2 ^9i if I 1 ii I I I 1 tic,I i m RiFp 6 i" q A. j1 ry1 �� [ ^9�R$ �a j!; QI { I, I4 { D pp < PI �aCCII4 C1 ; 4n. [_� I ' It -rpC . iCt�ityf� Sg Ii 115 vg t ?Ilk ' z Jir,....ig_ rk [ ��, .1 13131 q PA , M •I i'I 1''p1 r1.I ll�.lila /y y�p 6 .£��[Ian I It R, � II( �4l il.�I(!1H`I(e_ II i I ';/'� la daaa ! ,a^iR:la! I IA 14 I NI 1 I52ii�il1141111N ig 1 ! _ a ' .I"I1 l I ib•iac lit 1 I -, I i1,I I- 1I is; I A tl � D ik {!I- I:poal.1!i� �l 1 s 1xo 1 ' I 2 lib u1 �1 ILh I:1,. ,j; °E • I 9 ' e ; I= IIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII } 1iy�Eil I!! I'L.!i•II Oh I I IR 1 1 I') E : (I:jl rl,, (!sii 1 Oh l 41 7 �• 1 g a qi .i III 1 ti I,i ul 1 Ill,;I!� I''I • :i-.1 I a A a1 (Elti 1 11 ('1 111 1 111 I I ti l i ,1 i 1 IIIi• 1 I if! ill id l a S. !1 I ii 1:1 11=�� i I IA I q9 ': li I h.!IL I! R ► , o. I; 1 lint :Iil a� I Ai !1 l I;I - A_ o 4 f ► { 11 I ! Tr I I I') i 1:�3 11,11 fl ��1 11 !l ��3 1 Li! I Igi! il6 WI 111 1• _mac ,..• "Ia0 it 11 E . x Q, f i e 11 II p� ! 1R � lit 1 fpial��� � L �f' v Is i(I / f 1 . S 41 l rl- -Pa T1 1 0 1 $ le 0 If 1.II i ;I; R: TO C o 1 Xi ,1'i, l I I' 1C ' .. 1I .I 1 �;illPi 3L II 4I 4 [� -{ n bge 11'.i it ll9 °R iI1S 1121. r p a9a g$t3i !- ." t:la I • s 9' E ji €��A s r s"<Y6 ���I 1 A 4�a lei trEl s ad- '•F "i .A ` Ill 1111 � . I. 4 p. E�1T " �^ 2. I $ €6"s9 Q�IQ51 9 p ••f. B, I %a Ra D`-i 8 �� e gA a 1f A A o o CELADON PROPERTIES --" James R. Hill Inc. o n AOSEAWAi,YiANE5Oit •^,,,*,•en mg,'a'� 1 e i DETAILS �°"'u'"""""'•' PLANNERS/ENGINEERS/SURVEYORS - U. 9i o ro. aao.n �.i4 our� n� AOC 11A..1e fY1�-„ z 1 EFH COMPANY „ ,.;� �v1_ ••°¢ ��.iwiI Ii;�mvm-'N 7 2999 NEST COIINtt ROAN 12 SUITE 1A1,BUAASNLLE MINNESOTA 59302 , A-Cr1Ac4 m r -roam? t1 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: May 14, 2007 TO: Jason Lindahl, Planner CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Andrew Brotzler, City Engineer Kathie Hanson, Planning Department Secretary FROM: Morgan Dawley, Project Engineer RE: Celadon Properties Lot Combination, Planned Unit Development Application, and Site Plan Review Upon review of the Celadon Properties Preliminary Plat and Site Plan dated April 24,2007 and received on April 26, 2006, the Engineering Department offers the following comments: General Comments: 1. The 30-foot wide north-south drainage and utility easement that widens to approximately 120 feet at the south end shall be vacated. 2. NPDES permit is the responsibility of the developer/contractor. Documentation of permit acquisition shall be forwarded to the City prior to issuance of a grading/building permit. 3. Hydrants shall be installed to meet minimum fire protection per the City's Fire Marshall. 4. Estimated fees for the site are as follows: • GIS Fee = 2.2 acres * $300/acre = $660 • Sewer Connection Fees—SAC units are calculated by MCES o MCES Fee- $1,675/SAC o City Fee - $1,200/SAC • Water Connection (WAC), 6" Meter = $29,500 • Storm Connection (STAC) =2.2 acres @$2,200/ac = $4,840 Preliminary Plat Comments: 1. Chippendale Avenue is a City street and no longer under the jurisdiction of Dakota County. Remove County Road 39 label. Site Plan Comments: Boundary&Topographic Survey—Sheet 1.2 1. Chippendale Avenue is a City street and no longer under the jurisdiction of Dakota County. Remove County Road 39 label on all plan sheets. Final Grading, Drainage, &Erosion Control Plan—Sheet 2.1 1. Grading limits appear to extend beyond property boundaries and into City right-of-way and private property (Chroust Family Dentistry). Verify grading limits. Construction easements shall be secured for grading activities off site. 2. Grading activities conducted within City right-of-way shall require a grading security (bond or letter of credit) in the amount of$10,000. Release of the security will be subject to final inspection of site grading and stabilization. Erosion& Sediment Control Details—Sheet 2.2 1. A note shall be added stating: "Additional erosion control and sediment control BMPs as deemed appropriate th En Engineer shall be incorporated into the plan and all changes bye City g p shall be amended to the SWPPP in the event that BMPs employed during construction are found to be inadequate or ineffective." 2. The detail for Catch Basin Inlet Protection—Sediment Filter Sack does not meet City standards and should be removed. Final Utility Plan—Sheet 3.1 1. The proposed 15" RCP storm sewer on the southwest corner of the site is proposed to discharge to the existing 12" RCP in the northeast quadrant of Chippendale and Carrousel Way. This discharge is anticipated to exceed the 12" pipe full flow capacity. The storm sewer connection should be made to the Chippendale Avenue structures to the north with a 15" pipe. The pavement section for Chippendale Avenue shall be provided in the plans for replacement, as well as a detail for City standard concrete sidewalk replacement necessary to accomplish the revised storm sewer connection. 2. The site outlet to the Carrousel Way storm sewer system from the east portion of the site is anticipated to exceed the downstream design capacity. It appears that this layout is feasible, however,minor ponding in the parking lot and overflow to Carrousel Way is anticipated for events that exceed the system capacity. Details—Sheet 6.1 1. The City of Rosemount Standard Detail Plates,where applicable, shall be added to the detail sheet. 2. A pavement section shall be added,if applicable, for work on Chippendale Avenue and/or Carrousel Way. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the item listed above,please contact me at 651-322-2022. Pf-trAtIknikew Thieol-bNC. 4ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION MEMORANDUM To: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Eric Zweber, Senior Planner Jason Lindahl, Planner Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator Andy Brotzler, City Engineer Morgan Dawley, Project Engineer From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: May 17, 2007 Subject: Celadon Systems The Parks and Recreation Department has reviewed the Celadon Systems submittal and is providing the following comments: • Parks dedication should be collected as cash in lieu of land. Based on a total acreage of 2.18 acres, the cash dedication amount is $19,620.00 (10% of 2.18 acres = .218 acres x$90,000 = $19,620). The fees are based on the rates that are set by the 2007 Fees and Fee Policy. Should the property owner provide information showing that the park dedication fees have been paid with a previous plat, a parks dedication fees will not be collected. • Staff is recommending a sidewalk be installed to connect the existing sidewalk along Chippendale Avenue and the sidewalk around the proposed building. Please call me at 651-322-6012 if you have any questions about this memo. ik-Ct1AC4 owl - warr(-Nb Memorandum To: Jason Lindahl, Planner Scott Aker, Fire Chief From: George A Lundy Date: May 24, 2007 Subject: Fire Marshals Review of Celadon property proposal • After reviewing the plans for the project, I have some concerns that need to be addressed: Sprinkler System: The applicant indicates that the building will have an automatic fire protection system. Water Supply: An approved water supply capable of providing a minimum of 1500 gallons per minute (GPM) must be provided. Also, all portions of this facility shall be within 150 feet of the approved fire hydrants. City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B-186 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE Celadon Properties THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled "City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance," is hereby amended to rezone property from C-4 General Commercial to C-4 PUD General Commercial Planned Unit Development that is located north of Carrousel Way, and East of Chippendale Avenue within the City of Rosemount legally described as follows: Lot 1,Block 1, Celadon Properties Addition, Dakota County,Minnesota. Section 2. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount,referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled "Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount," shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk's office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this 19th day of June, 2007. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H. Droste,Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day of ,2007. 22345o6.6.9 -026/2007 06.06AM x x CHIPPENDALE A . E N U E TI ') I (COUNTY ROAD 39) ea Gov a x az r= � Av m r UM Or ,", � I t \ -. oI ��_ 1213.00 N0013'19"E --..,0 I _ m x q ,\t" 6 1 CI 5 ; 2 s r. C n� J s A o � T_ o O � i y; CJ lid I i o c VI 1 v. C 1 m r� S ' 1 O CU .J i i J O �., m I.o--.-_ i q\26 y L_..I_.I N_1_J __I r l'' pp o ;T. m y (_. 1i9£1 — L16__l__ + 1 �_ r-I9 4g;X i � " v ..f._ CO 40 7 1 ,, I 1 �� 0I ' �\ 1 \ , <, 1 114 11 =gat- \ \\ : Q sy6 m1N \ \ �C, \ \ p P S» gg °,, \\ w § It � m sa \ '°' ;1; ,>i 2yi gR gig Yg g S 5g g ,�E�, \ `\ RO,RJ) N N i y —\ 1 Yn R y ist�1\ ♦\ I `` 0 6 3 i; ''£ R dg s i \ \ 99.21 s14e ion 8 s`- `\ m O6 p9 W m \ _ aAm e s -§ F € ° - € I 1 _ ` — a /ice _ T o CELADON PROPERTIES /��/> James R. Hill, Inc. m g N11 m O gOSEMIJNT.MINNESOTA ' p u 9 d o N N E. PRELIMINARY PLAT PLANNERS/ENGINEERS O SURVEYORS A2:Ny 'IR ° Jm FOR We.MaI4nee irn� w.FAR R Rom.uu" o o 'to y .� EFH COMPANY e..OTm ,w TM MM¢>�S. MI 56N6 2999 WEST COUNTT 90A0 A2 SUITE 206.9U6N5MLLE.MINNESOTA 55306 .60E(1NITQ-IIY Im)m-nu I 7\\ CHIPPENDALE AVE. 1 ......,--- Q -7 1 • a _ — _. q i--- m I _ — j # > [I1 I 1 - �e r gg 3 z II- 1b a I I i, I [ 3 J 1'111 = 1 i I 1 ',-i• I r I I I.H M(1I !I 11011i Itt. I 1 I Ig T� Iy j i — r� _ i s I R i II ; I ii :1. i•4? Il I iCPz I o I I �! = I I I ''n. w-r W.r �•d I•r .to t u•d 1 !ill g 1 18 111111, i -Mill ` '-J I 1 I 1 1 1 'f ---L- ° i 1 _js 1'\ • ' _. • • I I a "s) I 1111 ;' i v .D 1 1 1 1 1 -(,, "- 1 1 1 I 1 ik. . _�y 1 1 i I- t I 1 ' 1-----T-1--r-T-T----r-T-_I--T-1--r-1 I I I j 1 I I I �t.\. &i i i i i i t1 i i i i i i i `\ i i i i i 1F1 I 1- I I 1 I II I I 1 I Ie.L.. I I I 1 I I ._. I '.. it I I' 11 I `- \ \ i i'4 �, I I LE I ly _i I \ \ \ \ -- 1 I ! hE 1 : b I I' \\ \ \ \ \ \ .L 1 i 1es i� i i i^ I I \ \ t -1--,-,--r-� r-4----}--1 I I \\ \\ \ \ II II I II '\ \\ \. `\\—' I I I I I. l! 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''' „ , : Fiji [9 I 1* fli • O at+tid , L b AI_rizaTiF[1 '1[4,S4) al i r. tw,I — --' A _ I ff�� �O; I g i � + . ... I gi I ;. I i i i 1 I 23 IBIS.EMR -Si3,/2007 03 4500 pp pp Y yY 7 :2 F f,•x xr1' M A. P'y.s • E> n 1 I P .R..a i-g' 4 �� 1 my s _ I Yiy PAR ��4 I C7 S �� ._ ! a y i t k Its � �� ;:. I 1 d l i ——— ram`^` 4`t -- CO 11 F pill ., '`£tip«hg :imp,-vt, ' ' '` ll 7 =z A I 0 — Cl)' 0 tt / 1 m� nil1 F R I In0> J 0 htiiUP gq•? i3 6 to g , O ��M9 i� 0Nlei iv ® c i V'l 1 - d / 03 . I o m _K� —— s -. I Z F "If \\ *,.j c` r t 011tH \ `n" l0 i\' \` ) \\.\\\\,\\,\\ ,;K H N' �� c— D \ ``J N c ';•"mow ` ' LA — . 2g , gil*gib 9. — ii R . o$ . E g * Ave A R a; 5 A- m R CELADON PROPERTIES 5' rtr. James R. Hill Inc.' g6 T R a ROSEMOUNT.MINNESOTA srOrYl7a nhx:�+ o TI1R C SHEEP w^ PLANNERS/ENGINEERS/SURVEYORS o 0>n m EFH COMPANY 9x .,x D a [9x R Rxc w fNN 2929 REST COUNTY ROAD 42.SATE 205.BURNSVILLE,4WNE50TA S5306 ..O.RLOf RgN__2459_ NC.DA1jN2-036 fu(M111N-U° 2345,4.a -5/3,/I907 03:ASPU I 3 c ° 7 C i)i 33i 1i#, ) , 3...„ 0 12 gs° ss b 1 t ,I ' i.ii \ x Fa-ati x - _ tir '. .•h 7*_ N=——''a e213..0 NOO'13-19 F '''��1I/�T $ Eb 1 �j.I• S-I)' y .� .. I t W y .� —A n w. i •1 & aei i 1" —J i" 34� �zgyn°z 4. 1 I ) 11 e: li v i Gitlin it gg i� u I kt Jddd. 1� i �'C' i , a it y $H12 i i4 iill zS x Y 1 I (.� i /1-. s i `�I I 1 1 2 L rii�PL S' e t I qI 41 t F, g'a 46n .0 18 M 5 'i P,iI , ;0 1 r -• I P t o k jt 77 18 _— $ TO �4 is v # I. I i • <'� i �I i T 3o can a / <;. 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PLANNERS/ENGINEERS/SURVEYORS a �> BOUNDARY & TOFOGRAPHIC SURVEY ,e,,,,,,a z„«,,.us,.,mte. r SW N 6o No '"m S ' gA m ITCR EFH COMPANY .� �.I ,« LW]Mont nr 4.•W St: ]999 NEST COUNTY ROAD 22.SUITE 206,BURNSNLLE MINNESOTA 55306 ' l><11�-uM At(11111C-1)U 723*511,.tl*0 —5/3T/7007 03:ASPN yy„,,, / R �•� r 4 af'��k 4� ,�„t�';,�h� �. s�'��`*R �i� 4n%�'S.r'' y T , �'�n "�'�r�- � • z _ 1 . r< _.. j z ji I� a9 ) �)I_ 4_,v6 riMil 0 0 1s €1 — i— ` r, 4 s 4. `I . la....._,4 n � 'il' o Vic, M i "^ 1 � Nj 1 �� I� F ba� � 1'i `mg 1 s': 1� �1 1 I1 I L r i ;1' ° _Ill .___A III \' .."L J c K-+ \ 2 Ptii':*:1,'ib I . ., 6" 6, c. -,:, . ' , ( J �� � I 1 I' . s ' I " I 11 �� i 0.bi 1 rx' � I �'o I I p r1 I Za�' I •, 3) gfi -r� / / s. Y '1 ,- tt, a£1'm'u�b2um� i 11/ / .J p k. i y.P ' l' r 1 I .� L,.. 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Hill, Inc. r� n A A POSEYgMT.MINNESOTA 5 ^ ItLI o ; H i TREE INVENTORY :�:':""°"N""i PLANNERS/ENGINEERS SURVEYORS i« u5 �"� 70 0� raa \VI a.N«.oR nm.cN.as.�ra a."w.MI nw o �m u� EFH COMPANY :nC AL PxNE luomm-M« r r/Ea>s�6+i« 3906 HEST COUNTY 6000♦2 SUIE 406.BURNSMLLE.MINNESOTA 55306 P« M �� Na[:INI A fuF 1I ITO u ...i 1 R -le rffr 4,3 < c142s x , r� 101' 1 ,� lk /11 ; .:''.:111 y S 4 4. -or 1 ;O9 40 • F 4 .7'''' I i , -1 , tomrt.i 13 \,.. tit- R Er, C N -� •••iil ci (/ S { N jRA,( N•N• M N NE roi A n �z s 1 I I I r -—--—, I 'Ir � -_ i�� i t ■Id 1 s a -NM11 1.4 o 1 o �f,, F, j C fir= ' — -1 u1 _ t l.l \ 4E `mil r CELADON PROPERTIES = °, °14". James RR Hill, Inc. A rosN 0«,ems ✓^ y ROSEMWNi,MINNCS TI ....,4°j :,."=r 3 5 Y o s wy •»• PLANNERS iiGINEERS/SURVEYORS8 0N i b 9OAD INFORMATION l " a.mCS R,a m1m �.w ni roR i!:::E7R rARpvwwY,c "� I g m EFH COMPANY M-K�x.^-._°3999 HEST CWNTY ROAD.3.SURE 206,OURNSNLLE.MINNESOTA 55]C6 r,°'h�/UT a qx. s•n (1WA°-lM FAR 1�11•'.IV i1 r i 635#; 6 i& a i�isl N, ?:i Ii � �t °t•IY' C IHPPENPALE AVENUE t .. o- , k i� r 1 - o t� A i°HP. •.• •. i nHc -s ' FL 13 4. ,�q1ll r J�� _ y��' t,;14, il. \ I !. �. n kr a- ,,A, IN 4 11,1 41 41 mi . . , : yam' 0tii i Noi g'*... T I i ,. v <> tls, ti ♦ j.` y g,', c51.1 $ Ife • 1 A=' tli ao.oa, f i • 0 4 ': 'S 6 Idi 0$ / ' ''.- � t0 �m o ?�, t�hl • .QH ip . :1 /1 i t'' ii, ' 6 t' v ,Fa.k,fir R. E NIB s I s t �-r ,ai rrs ki '',5 k j+`} a QQ �?y y [ �` > 4 Yf ' I�il�. a III ti $ z i iV 7 Te 54 1,,,,0�z 4,,!f, ,,,, fr t� ;.� if0� �t Y1t` •• , 9i `Yt ,1 � \ \ ` tip.` 1 16 :k° • �F 11 i@. 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Hill, Inc. o tin A p A ROSEMOUNT, ESOT "•'°°'Otl'1Y PLANNERS ENGINEERS SUREYORS N s m N i % EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS "°'""'""' / / N u _ I Z .P-i n m nax °1- / '- v Pau Qu .Y,C]ffiU•. i•t l wn.."ur o. 1" o El EFH COMPANY / / ..oR r9 ..,. 1 9999 PEST ILUN11 POID 42 SUIT[1ofi.BUPNSNLLE YNNESOIP 55]Ofi D•Iir/or •T..•yew P.."7,4.rr-Oi 7`4,it. 72365U.060 -5/3,/2003 03 43>14 F4\ P o m 0 ',1. ,, P 7 Aft i7'.. Ruk7;;7, tp 4 r . `�`�y A, I __ - - i n c zo !E {! b! 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A ROSEMOUNT.MINNESOTA at..�ww w w k° > FINAL UTILITY PLAN "°""`' PLANNERS/ENGINEERS/SURVEYORS a z �n ' O N.wMa0rr na IaT�ww.i i.mn MsSMr o ( < EFH COMPANY ap( � 2999 NEST COUNTY ROAD 42.SUITE 209,RUR 15°.15 MINNE501,55306 Isar w/1)h) Ryrp�iE92_ ITETIra_IPE ret pMRu-Ny x5,,.ve,.0 -0n+n007 02 290N ii i CHIPPENDALE AVENUE I I I I-t--I I— } 4 T r�y _—oHp1-fit:�...()HP' ..3.. '.._ ^s r.?s:.t}1?.z _,...iY ,r v. r' °' a;_.1 4. T Tr> , OHP ()HP' h (1HP �n�� f1 »f1}1P (1HP 1 // 8 1 1I - f 1411--1141--[ 1 1/b - 44 I —.I I r _ _ F. 4 o p tq Y 1 .4 MJ ` ,.a I— ,_ 1 a . y R 0 —�TW. 4'p. \ " 4 1 I I 24 • 1 — 1 I I (,_ II u 44 4 ri • 1 A 1 . O € I $IL _,4,. Y x , .\ ' 7 13 m. ^ V) 1 rL d 1 `• 3Ia fi —k, --a.. \^, I D 4 4 F\\\\�\ Q �, I z � 1 r w 1I .I a tl 0 -P. ii 1 (� I I2 tl� T u ' " 120. — 1, i ~ 1/ 1 t 9 a i 1 tr) 8 4I1 I , ; S 1 l 2 n ` , 1 _O I a. 3Q ^ q n.1. I 1 e 1 a �J,.,L�,o Iub 1I II '11` S Sn II \ \\ \:::,,,,,, I Y 1 T \ \ l J L �: s 1 �' \ ` T \\ / 9.P IYP. 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Hill, Inc. o �a < V m g nme,nDSCAP - PLANNERS i ENGINEERS I SURVEYORS k o a s = FINAL LANDSCAPE PLAN o r m 6 EFH COMPANY v.�.�--- / • I I CHI P1PENDAL1E AVE. = r ,_ : _ _ _ _ ___ _ ___ __________ _ _. _ g 4111E R rir± o_' '^'. m „. 6_. _ —m m, . ! .. e, W I W �.., 1 I f 's - mN0 az I o� ��. I +g I �¢' .-i— �' W� 'Y f to if ^dN,•p�1I -•• • _`�, o Z-I SS, AIL` I •, -�_ e i I_ Pi I yl IT, s X m m•= P! 3.Nl m I . ► H W mII NS 4I 1 F WTI mp 1 ..A ° i-N \' I I s I m .oI. X.1 .. M = Cl M fi� mT I i' N+ im V i f I m•{ _ y 5 T 0 •-,..•—'.' m a! 222 cmi =� ~` 'UI Ii II{ll vl +'- y. ~ mm 00 o my o� o+ _ _. 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''qqP o5 •1 d� 114• o•I II t \ 0 L_ __.._ '__.I I 1 lili I '\ - phi .\ , SIDE-ARM MOUNT AVV40-25 AERODOMETM FORWARD THROW (TYPE IV) SERIES Thermal Chimney Ignitor —Side-Arm Cover/GearTray Allows tree air flow between optic (Where Seamless,die-cast aluminum housing and side-arm housing required) �,�',, . Recessed Handle Optic Housing III-"'� — �ui. I -� t Seamless,die-cast aluminum �� r�(164 mm) Lampholder "' w I 14.5' Reflector(Rotatable Optic) -- - f ` - ., r . 1 (368 mm) , Segmented aluminum sheet _ *11 —Capacitor with highlyefficient finishesBallast LampSide-Arm Housing (Included) Seamless,die-cast aluminum Lens High impact, /' Patented Hinge Assembly clear tempered glass ..------' Lens Frame Tool-less Entry ` Die-cast aluminum door . frame secures lens: �� `�: 25.0'(635 mm) sealed with silicone gasket 36.7'(931 mm) SPEC# WATTAGE CATALOG# (a)VOLTAGE SUFFIX KEY (c)MOUNTING/ROTATABLE OPTICS PULSE START METAL HALIDE D 120/277V 0 Standard Configuration I. 250W PSMH AW4(c)6925-(a)(b) M 120/208/240/277V(Standard) L Rotated Left of Standard Configuration in 300W PSMH AW4(c)6930-(a)(b) T 120/277/347V(Canada Only) R Rotated Right of Standard Configuration 320W PSMH AW4(c)6932-(a)(b) 1 120V I< 350W PSMH AW4(c)6935-(a)(b) 2 277V IM 400W PSMH AVV4(c)6940-(a)(b) 27 277V Reactor(PSMH Only) ■Type Ill 450W PSMH AW4(c)6945-(a)(b)1111 3 208V Type IV `�' 750W PSMH AW4(c)675-(a)(b) 4 240V jl 1000W PSMH AW4(c)699-(a)(b) 5 480V METAL HALIDE 6 347V(Canada Only) t 250W MH AW4(c)492-(a)(b) For voltage uiLig Lighting uthe US and Canada,see BulletinbTD-9 or rtivii,43 � 400W MH AW4(C)494-(a)(b) contact your Ruud Lighting authorized International Distributor.t 1) 1000W MH AW4(c)499-(a)(b) HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM (b)OPTIONS(factory-installed) 111 250W HPS AW4(c)592-(a)(b) -(a)F Fusing 400W HPS AW4(c)594-(a)(b) -(a)P Button Photocell 1) 100MW HPS AW4(c)599-(a)(b) -1P External Photocell(for 1000W/120V) Specify(a)Voltage,(b)Options&(c)Mounting/Rotatable Optics. -5P External Photocell(for 480V) ll Reduced envelope lamp;BT37 for 1000W PSMH& a Quartz Standby 1000W MH;ED37 for 1000W HPS. (includes 100W quartz lamp) (N/A on 277V Reactor) Specify(a)Single Voltage—See Voltage Suffix Key GENERAL DESCRIPTION ELECTRICAL LABELS Parking lot and roadway full cutoff luminaire for Fixture includes clear,mogul-base lamp. ANSI lamp wattage label supplied,visible during HID lamp,totally enclosed. Housing is seamless, 1000W PSMH& MH utilize the BT37 reduced relamping.UL Listed in US and Canada for wet die-cast aluminum. Electrical components are envelope lamp.1000W HPS utilizes the ED37 locations. heat-sinked and contained in mounting arm reduced envelope lamp.Pulse-rated porcelain assembly(direct mount configuration).Lens enclosed,4kv(5kv for 750&1000W PSMH) assembly consists of tool-less quick release rated screw-shell-type lampholder with spring- PATENTS frame constructed of rigid aluminum and high- loaded center contact. Lamp ignitor included US 4,689,729;Other Patents Pending impact,clear-tempered glass lens.High- where required.All ballast assemblies are high- temperature silicone gasket seals lens from power factor and use the following circuit type: ACCESSORIES:(field-installed) water and insects. Reactor(277V PSMH) AVRP-3 Round Pole Adaptor 250—450W PSMH FINISH CWA—Constant Wattage Autotransformer Exclusive DeltaGuard®finish features an E-coat 250—1000W PSMH;250—1000W MH; epoxy primer with medium bronze ultra-durable 250—1000W HPS powder topcoat, providing excellent resistance to corrosion, ultraviolet degradation and abrasion.The finish is covered by our seven- year limited warranty. RUUD 2 9201 Washington Avenue Racine,Wisconsin 53406-3772 USA PHONE (262)886-1900 FAX(262)884-3309 LIGHTING ©Ruud Lighting Inc. Printed in USA www.ruudlighting.corri 08/01/06 AVV40-25 SIDE-ARM MOUNT SERIES AERODOMETM FORWARD THROW (TYPE IV) Isofootcandle plots show initial footcandles at grade.(Footcandles_0.0929=Lux) 120'100' ea 60' 40' 20' 0' 20' 40' 60' 80'100'1204z ;.1 150 .#50° , 140' . 120' . I3 36. '.I 100' ' 30. 120° ,, ,,.120° 60' , -� 1 24. ♦♦ ��1/III ♦♦ 3 90° �A , ) 12 ,� 90° 20' 6, ��ins 11111 0' o n 3349 20' CD 6.1 ��, 4 i 11 ,; 40' _ 12. 6686 so° 60° , 70030 ''4S 60 18. 80' 24. 30 93373 30° 366 305 24.4 18.3 122 6.1 Om 6.1 122 18.3 24.4 335 366 Lighting Sciences Inc. Isofootcandle plot of 1000W MH AeroDome Certified Test Report No.LSI 21227 Light at 32'(9.7 m)AFG[30'(9.1 m) Candlepower distribution curve of 1000W MH pole plus 2'(0.6 m)base height]. AeroDome Light. (Plan view) RUUD9201 Washington Avenue Racine,Wisconsin 53406-3772 USA PHONE(262) 886-1900 FAX(262)884-3309 LIGHTING 0Ruud Lighting Inc. Printed in USA www.ruudlighting.corr+ 08/01/06 — DIRECT MOUNT GWCO-12 12" FULL CUTOFF WALL PACK SERIES Lens Assembly Ballast Pivoting Capacitor 6.5' 3.4' Rigid die-cast Hinges (tss mm) (as mm) copper-free �. 5 aluminum and I 'flat glass lens 12 3, ° --•' (313 mm) 11.6' J ` �( 1(294 mm) MT—.I I' 1!1 � - 12.0'(304 mm)—J i �aotI11* - � Wiring Compartment I 1 4 Jk ! Ill Igre Min -IIIIII 1 L;± u m Notes II I Lamp(Included) M' II Reflector l_ �� Precision aluminum 8.2'(208 mm) SPEC# WATTAGE CATALOG# (a)VOLTAGE SUFFIX KEY (b)OPTIONS(factory-installed) PULSE START METAL HALIDE D 120/277V(Standard:125W PSMH; -(a)F Fusing SPEC(-125W PSMH MGWC0612-(a)(b) 50-100W MH;50W HPS) -(a)P Button Photocell M 120/208/240/277V _ } SPEC#`150W PSMH MGWC0615-(a)(b) (Standard:150W PSMH;175W MH;70-150W HPS) Q Quartz Standby METAL HALIDE (includes 100W quartz lamp) T 120/277/347V(Canada Only) (N/A on 277V Reactor) Li SPEC# 50W MH MGWC0405-(a)(b) Specify(a)Single Voltage—See Voltage Suffix Key (Standard:150W PSMH;70-175W MH; ® SPEC#' 70W MH MGWC0407-(a)(b) 70-150W HPS) 0 SPEC 4f t 100W MH MGWC0410-(a)(b) 1 120V(Standard:35W HPS) EJ SPEC# 175W MH MGWC0417-(a)(b) 2 277V HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM 27 277V Reactor(150W PSMH Only) 0;SPEC# 35W HPS MGWC0503-(a)(b) 3 208V 0 SPEC# 50W HPS MGWC0505-(a)(b) 54 240V 480V(175W MH;70-15ow HPS) E3'SPEC ; 70W HPS MGWC0507-(a)(b) 6 347V(Canada Only) SPEC,# 100W HPS MGWC0510-(a)(b) SPEC# 150W HPS MGWC0515(a)(b) For voltage availability outside the US and Canada,see Bulletin TD-9 or LA contact your Ruud Lighting authorized International Distributor. Specify(a)Voltage&(b)Options. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ELECTRICAL FINISH Full Cutoff Wall Pack fixture for HID lamp,totally Fixture includes clear, medium-base lamp. Exclusive Colorfast DeltaGuardTM finish features enclosed.Housing is seamless copper-free die- Pulse-rated porcelain enclosed,4kv-rated screw- an E-coat epoxy primer with medium bronze cast aluminum.Lens assembly consists of a shell-type lampholder. Lamp ignitor included ultra-durable powder topcoat,providing hinged,rigid die-cast copper-free aluminum where required.Fixtures require a minimum excellent resistance to corrosion, ultraviolet frame and clear borosilicate glass lens held 90°C temperature feed wire.All ballast degradation and abrasion.The finish is covered securely inside.Lens frame is easily removable assemblies are high-power factor and use the by our seven-year limited warranty. and allows for easy attachment and serviceability following circuit types: using top pivoting hinge.Complete silicone Reactor(277V PSMH) PATENTS gasketing around lens and gasketing at mounting 150W PSMH provide a watertight seal.A precision specular Reactor 6,867,959 and Patents Pending. aluminum reflector provides forward throw with 120V:35—150W HPS wide distribution to ensure wide fixture spacings ACCESSORIES HX—High Reactance and maximum light levels.Fixture design 50—100W MH;50—150W HPS PC-1 Button Photocell provides excellent IES Full Cutoff light distribution (for fixtures set to 120V) without glare.The optical chamber is sealed to CWA—Constant Wattage Autotransformer PC-2 Button Photocell reduce dirt and insect contamination.Furnished 125&150W PSMH; 175W MH (for fixtures set to 208,240,277V) with e-coated,copper-free,lightweight mounting PC*6 Button Photocell box designed for installation over standard 4-inch LABELS (for fixtures set to 347V) square or octagonal and single-gang J boxes ANSI lamp wattage label supplied,visible during and for conduit entry from top,sides and rear. relamping.UL Listed in the US and Canada for Designed and approved for easy through-wiring. wet locations. All fixtures use vertical-lamp position. R■U,■ ,D 9201 Washington Avenue Racine,Wisconsin 53406-3772 USA PHONE(262)886-1900 FAX(262)884-3309 LIGHTING ©Ruud Lighting Inc. Printed in USA vww.ruudlighting.com 1 08/03/06 GWCO-12 DIRECT MOUNT SERIES 12" FULL CUTOFF WALL PACK Isofootcandle plots show initial footcandles at grade.(Footcandles:0.0929=Lux) 60' 45' 30' 15' 0 15' 30' 45' 60' 180° 150° 120°\ 60' 0 ! 5 18.3 45' _I I _13.7 ,.5 30' 1 T ! 9.1 i 3 1 ) 1 15' S 4.6 1600 0. i \ , ! / ' 0m 3200 I 60° Isofootcandle plot of one 175W MH 4800 12"AeroDome Full Cutoff Wall Pack at 15'(4.6 m) I mounting height(plan view). 6400 3Q° Candlepower Distribution Curve of 175W MH 12"AeroDome Full Cutoff Wall Pack. RU U D 9201 Washington Avenue Racine,Wisconsin 53406-3772 USA PHONE(262)886-1900 FAX(262)884-3309 LIGHTING ©Ruud Lighting,Inc. Printed in USA www.ruudlighting.com 08/03/06 2224 wa.v -5/21n097 onuj CC F i1aiA i y -I Rti°F�p➢A aA WIT /a A°i fi d AA 4" AAA' AA A_ab_ilia"if+A Af"-AAs"Ti%lin €" 311 I'W a ells WI a,F' i 1 A i`y I �: A A€ 11 ale A 3 E S_ sad'i E d a� AR �' R.t R S i% sA•.,j.€➢ s r-�,^s= R j�,€�€� �•IasA• ��,'€xi.�9A �� A �` 1 (fi 9 1 IA e v Al� ,��� ' ��Sg ldasl: 1a d u•a?li°1,'I x.r A d 6 S oa`a�vj d A ' 0�, dd a B "4d-a�d P�z3 .S t.i °f R{t {c d' °I !"' i ifi1 QrA �IS Q: E1A ���• {��i1 A1{ 9 gF1v���.+�'���vA•I � € y� EA{dIi'i°. 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A.o.e. ,wxm..-°.+M A.a.aw 3999 KST CWNTT ROAD♦l.SUITE]OE,a11RNSNLIE MINNESOTA n5506 9•n,� 1�sw�.W._ n9!(11➢�i-ilA a(AI�At-II.1 9ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: May 14, 2007 TO: Jason Lindahl, Planner CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Andrew Brotzler, City Engineer Kathie Hanson, Planning Department Secretary FROM: Morgan Dawley, Project Engineer RE: Celadon Properties Lot Combination, Planned Unit Development Application, and Site Plan Review Upon review of the Celadon Properties Preliminary Plat and Site Plan dated April 24,2007 and received on April 26, 2006, the Engineering Department offers the following comments: General Comments: 1. The 30-foot wide north-south drainage and utility easement that widens to approximately 120 feet at the south end shall be vacated. 2. NPDES permit is the responsibility of the developer/contractor. Documentation of permit acquisition shall be forwarded to the City prior to issuance of a grading/building permit. 3. Hydrants shall be installed to meet minimum fire protection per the City's Fire Marshall. 4. Estimated fees for the site are as follows: • GIS Fee = 2.2 acres * $300/acre = $660 • Sewer Connection Fees—SAC units are calculated by MCES o MCES Fee - $1,675/SAC o City Fee - $1,200/SAC • Water Connection (WAC), 6" Meter = $29,500 • Storm Connection (STAC) =2.2 acres @ $2,200/ac = $4,840 Preliminary Plat Comments: 1. Chippendale Avenue is a City street and no longer under the jurisdiction of Dakota County. Remove County Road 39 label. Site Plan Comments: Boundary&Topographic Survey—Sheet 1.2 1. Chippendale Avenue is a City street and no longer under the jurisdiction of Dakota County. Remove County Road 39 label on all plan sheets. Final Grading, Drainage,&Erosion Control Plan—Sheet 2.1 1. Grading limits appear to extend beyond property boundaries and into City right-of-way and private property (Chroust Family Dentistry). Verify grading limits. Construction easements shall be secured for grading activities off site. 2. Grading activities conducted within City right-of-way shall require a grading security (bond or letter of credit) in the amount of$10,000. Release of the security will be subject to final inspection of site grading and stabilization. Erosion& Sediment Control Details—Sheet 2.2 1. A note shall be added stating: "Additional erosion control and sediment control BMPs as deemed appropriate by the City Engineer shall be incorporated into the plan and all changes shall be amended to the SWPPP in the event that BMPs employed during construction are found to be inadequate or ineffective." 2. The detail for Catch Basin Inlet Protection—Sediment Filter Sack does not meet City standards and should be removed. Final Utility Plan—Sheet 3.1 1. The proposed 15" RCP storm sewer on the southwest corner of the site is proposed to discharge to the existing 12" RCP in the northeast quadrant of Chippendale and Carrousel Way. This discharge is anticipated to exceed the 12"pipe full flow capacity. The storm sewer connection should be made to the Chippendale Avenue structures to the north with a 15"pipe. The pavement section for Chippendale Avenue shall be provided in the plans for replacement, as well as a detail for City standard concrete sidewalk replacement necessary to accomplish the revised storm sewer connection. 2. The site outlet to the Carrousel Way storm sewer system from the east portion of the site is anticipated to exceed the downstream design capacity. It appears that this layout is feasible, however, minor ponding in the parking lot and overflow to Carrousel Way is anticipated for events that exceed the system capacity. Details—Sheet 6.1 1. The City of Rosemount Standard Detail Plates,where applicable, shall be added to the detail sheet. 2. A pavement section shall be added,if applicable, for work on Chippendale Avenue and/or Carrousel Way. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the item listed above,please contact me at 651-322-2022. 4 ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION MEMORANDUM To: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Eric Zweber, Senior Planner Jason Lindahl, Planner Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator Andy Brotzler, City Engineer Morgan Dawley, Project Engineer From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: May 17, 2007 Subject: Celadon Systems The Parks and Recreation Depaiuuent has reviewed the Celadon Systems submittal and is providing the following comments: • Parks dedication should be collected as cash in lieu of land. Based on a total acreage of 2.18 acres, the cash dedication amount is $19,620.00 (10% of 2.18 acres = .218 acres x $90,000 = $19,620). The fees are based on the rates that are set by the 2007 Fees and Fee Policy. Should the property owner provide information showing that the park dedication fees have been paid with a previous plat, a parks dedication fees will not be collected. • Staff is recommending a sidewalk be installed to connect the existing sidewalk along Chippendale Avenue and the sidewalk around the proposed building. Please call me at 651-322-6012 if you have any questions about this memo. Memorandum To: Jason Lindahl, Planner Scott Aker, Fire Chief From: George A Lundy Date: May 24, 2007 Subject: Fire Marshals Review of Celadon property proposal • After reviewing the plans for the project, I have some concerns that need to be addressed: Sprinkler System: The applicant indicates that the building will have an automatic fire protection system. Water Supply: An approved water supply capable of providing a minimum of 1500 gallons per minute (GPM)must be provided. Also, all portions of this facility shall be within 150 feet of the approved fire hydrants. ROSEIviOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: June 19, 2007 AGENDA ITEM: Case 06-49-PP AGENDA SECTION: JJT Business Park Second Addition Consent Preliminary Plats PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, A.I.C.P. Planner AGENDA NO. 1. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Letter from Appro Development Withdrawing the Final Plat and Site Plan APPROVED BY: Applications, Excerpt Minutes from the 10- 24-06 PC Meeting, Site Location Map, Preliminary Plat, Ghost Plats RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a resolution approving the preliminary plat for JJT Business Park Second Addition creating one 2.26 acre lot and one 33.09 acre Outlot for future subdivision, subject to conditions. SUMMARY Applicant & Property Owner(s): Jack Matasosky of JJT Financial, LLC Location: East of Highway 3, West of Boulder Avenue and south of Boulder Court Area in Acres: 35.35 Acres Number of Lots: 1 Lot Plus and Outlot for Future Subdivision Comp. Guide Plan Desig: BP - Business Park Current Zoning: BP- Business Park Planning Commission Action: Recommended Approval 4-0 on October 24, 2006 The applicant,Jack Matasosky of JJT Financial,LLC,requests preliminary plat approval for the JJT Business Park Second Addition to allow the subdivision of 35.35 acres of land into one 2.26 acre lot and one 33.09 acre outlot for future subdivision. The site is currently vacant land and guided and zoned BP - Business Park. Originally, this application included a final plat and site plan;however, the applicant was unable to secure a user for the site and has withdrawn these applications. As a result, the City of Rosemount has also withdrawn the associated easement vacation application. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION The Planning Commission held a public hearing to review this item during their regular meeting on October 24, 2006. After hearing presentations from both staff and the applicant but no public comment, the Commission voted 4-0 to recommend the City Council approve the preliminary and final plats for the JJT Business Park Second Addition to allow the subdivision of 35.35 acres of land into one 2.26 acre lot and one 33.09 acre outlot for future subdivision. SUBDIVISION REQUEST Standards for reviewing subdivision requests are outlined in Title 12 of the Rosemount City Code. The applicable standards along with staff findings related to each are provided below. Overall, the application meets the minimum requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance as well as the lot and dimensional standards of the BP Zoning District. As background to this subdivision proposal, staff requested the applicant provide a "Ghost Plat" for the balance of the JJT Business Park. In response the applicant submitted two alternative scenarios which are attached for your reference. The first scenario shows the remaining 33 acre outlot being subdivided into three lots of 4.3, 11.9, and 16.8 acres. The 4.3 acre lot would have access from Boulder Court while the two larger lots would have access from Boulder Avenue. The second scenario includes the same 4.3 acre lot with access from Boulder Court with the remaining land being divided into six lots with access from a new cul-de-sac connecting to Boulder Avenue. While neither of these scenarios represents a firm proposal, they do demonstrate how the applicant may subdivide the remaining land in the future. Land Use and Zoning The subject property is guided and zoned BP-Business Park. The lot size and dimension standards are compared in the table below. This table illustrates that both lots meet the minimum size and dimensional standards for the BP District. Lot Analysis for JJT Business Park First Addition Lot Lot Size (sq. ft.) Lot Width (feet) Lot Depth (feet) Status Required Proposed Required Proposed Required Proposed Lot 1, 2.26 322 295 Conforming OutlotBLK 1 Acre Acres 33 09 120 N/A A Acres 1,000 1,060 Conforming Streets & Access The JJT Business Park Second Addition does not require the dedication of new right-of-way. Access to Lot 1, Block 1 will come from Boulder Avenue. The right-of-way necessary to provide access from Boulder Avenue was dedicated as part of the First Addition. Future access to the balance of Outlot A may also come from Boulder Avenue. Under this design, each lot has adequate public access. Sidewalks, Trails and Pathway As part of the JJT Business Park First Addition, the City Code required, and the applicant installed, a concrete sidewalk along the north and west side of Boulder Avenue. Engineering Upon review of the JJT Business Park 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat dated October 13, 2006 Engineering has very few comments relating to the plat specifically. Generally, conditions relate to final dedication of easements,vacation of existing but unnecessary easements,provision of a lighting plan, and payment of fees. 2 Parks and Open Space The Parks and Recreation Department has reviewed the JTT submittal and recommends that park dedication be collected in the form of cash in lieu of land at the time of final plat. The cash dedication amount is $19,210 (10% of 2.26 acres multiplied by$85,000 per acre) which is based on the City's 2006 Fees and Fee Policy. Additional park fees will be obtained during further division of Outlot A. CONCLUSION Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat for the JJT Business Park Second Addition. This plat will allow the subdivision of 35.35 acres of land into one 2.26 acre lot and one 33.09 acre Outlot for future subdivision. As shown, these parcels meet the minimum subdivision and zoning standards outlined in the Subdivision and Business Park sections of the City Code. Originally, this application included a final plat and site plan;however, the applicant was unable to secure a user for the site and has withdrawn these applications. As a result, the City of Rosemount has also withdrawn the associated easement vacation application. RECOMMENDATION Staff agrees with the findings and recommendation of the Planning Commission and recommends the Council approve the Preliminary Plat for the JJT Business Park Second Addition to allow the subdivision of 35.35 acres of land into one 2.26 acre lot and one 33.09 acre Outlot for future subdivision subject to the conditions outlined in the attached resolution. 3 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2007- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR JJT BUSINESS PARK SECOND ADDITION WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Jack D. Matasosky requesting Preliminary Plat and Final Plat approval for JJT Business Park Second Addition,legally described as: Outlot A,JJT Business Park First Addition, Dakota County,Minnesota, according to the recorded plat thereof. WHEREAS, on October 24,2006, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing to review the Preliminary Plat and Final Plats for JJT Business Park Second Addition located south of County Road 42 and east of State Highway 3, Rosemount;and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission found the Preliminary and Final Plats for JJT Business Park Second addition in conformance with the performance standards for lots in the BP— Business Park Zoning District and the BP—Business Park Land Use classification;and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for JJT Business Park Second Addition, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on November 21, 2006, the City Council of the City of Rosemount approved the applicant request to table these applications until January 16,2007;and WHEREAS, on January 16, 2007, the City Council of the City of Rosemount approved a second request from the applicant to table these applications until April 17, 2007;and WHEREAS, on April 17,2007, the City Council of the City of Rosemount approved a third request from the applicant to table these applications until June 19, 2007; and WHEREAS, on June 8, 2007, the applicant withdrew the Final Plat and Site Plan applications; and WHEREAS, on June 19, 2007, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Preliminary Plat for JJT Business Park Second Addition after reviewing the Planning Commission's recommendations;and RESOLUTION 2007- RESOLUTION 2007- NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Preliminary Plat for JJT Business Park Second Addition, subject to: 1. Approval of the Vacation of the drainage and utility easement over JJT Business Park 1st Addition Outlot A at the time of Final Plat. 2. Drainage and utility easements shall be incorporated into the final plat as deemed necessary upon review of the final grading plan,including a drainage and utility easement over Outlot A,at the discretion of the City Engineer. 3. The developer shall submit a lighting plan and applicable letter of credit for installation of decorative street lighting along Boulder Avenue subject to staff review and approval of the time of Final Plat. 4. As a condition of Final Plat, Hydrants shall be installed to meet minimum fire protection per the City's Fire Marshall. 5. Estimated fees for the 2.26 acres site are as follows, the remaining fees shall be obtained upon future development or subdivision of Outlot A. These fees are due at the time of Final Plat. o Trunk Sewer Area Charge = 2.26 acres @ $1,075/ac = $2,430 o Trunk Water Area Charge = 2.26 acres @ $4,420/ac = $9,989 o Trunk Storm Area Charge = 2.26 acres @$6,200/ac = $14,012 o Sewer Connection Fees—SAC units are calculated by MCES ❑ MCES Fee - $1,550/SAC ❑ City Fee- $1,200/SAC o Water Connection (WAC), 1" Meter = $6,700 o Storm Connection (STAC) =2.26 acres @ $2,065/ac = $4,667 6. Currently, the estimated Park Dedication Fees is $19,210 (10(1/0 of 2.26 acres multiplied by$85,000 per acre) which is based on the City's 2006 Fees and Fee Policy. These fees are due at the time of Final Plat. The applicant will pay the remaining park dedication fees for Outlot A upon development or further subdivision. ADOPTED this 19th day of June,2007 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste,Mayor 2 RESOLUTION 2007- ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: 3 �,,..,,, APPRO DEVELOPMENT INC. 7 ��, f 7",' 21476 Grenada Avenue el' 200J/1/P LakinnJune 8, 2007 (95 Fax: (952)469-2173 Mr. Jason Lindahl,Planner E-Mail: office@approdevelopment.com City of Rosemount Website: www.approdevelopment.com 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Preliminary and Final Plat applications Lot 1,Block 1,JJT Business Park Second Addition Site Plan Review application Lot 1,Block 1,JJT Business Park Second Addition Property Identification number: 34 03210 010 35 Dear Mr. Lindahl: We the applicant,APPRO Development, Inc. or assigns hereby request that we would like to proceed with the application for Preliminary Plat only for the June 19, 2007 City Council meeting and withdraw our applications for Final Plat and Site Plan review for the June 19, 2007 City Council meeting. Our understanding is that the Preliminary Plat application, if approved by the City Council will be valid for(1) year from the date of City Council approval and furthermore, our understanding is that any development fees are not due as part of approval of a Preliminary Plat application. Our understanding is that the development fees are only due with the approval of a Final Plat application. This project is part of a 1031 real estate exchange that is dependant upon the sale of our clients existing property in Minneapolis. The first and second buyers for their existing property backed out of the sale and thus the H &E Kuretsky Family Trust is currently searching for a new buyer to purchase their existing property in Minneapolis. The sale of their existing property or our ability to find another client for the same site would enable us to proceed with a new facility in Rosemount. Given these circumstances, we need more time to determine the best course of action for this project. Regardless of their decision,APPRO Development, Inc. intends to move forward on the Preliminary Plat application on June 19, 2007. Please contact me with any questions or the need for additional information on this request. Again,we appreciateec your time and review regarding the above. Sinc- 1 , ,/� A ck D. Matasosky, EO ::::e---c-;<--- l/---f--04 '. Heidi Winsor APPRO Develop nt, Inc. APPRO Development, Inc. cc: Howard I£ttretsky T-414a..A4thlialifier Bruce Rydeen y 4,eliff-C3ambell DEVELOPERS • ARCHITECTS • CONTRACTORS EXCERPT FROM MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 24, 2006 5.c. 06-49-PP, 06-50-FP, JJT Business Park 2nd Addition (Industrial Surplus) Preliminary Plat and Final Plat. Planner Lindahl presented this item. The applicant,Jack Matasosky of JJT Financial,LLC,requests preliminary and final plat approvals for the JJT Business Park Second Addition to allow the subdivision of 35.35 acres of land into one 2.26 acre buildable lot and one 33.09 acre outlot for future subdivision. The site is currently vacant land and guided and zoned BP - Business Park. Industrial Surplus has also requested site plan approval for a 36,239 square foot office/warehouse building on Lot 1,Block 1 of JJT Business Park Second Addition. By ordinance,if the site plan proposal conforms to all of the BP zoning district performance standards,it can be approved administratively and therefore would not require Planning Commission or City Council review. Staff is working with the developer to bring the Industrial Surplus proposal into compliance with the BP standards prior to final action on the plat applications by the Council. Mr. Lindahl reviewed the project with the Commission with respect to the proposed site plan, and colored proposals of the building with respect to elevation changes. Staff recommends approval of these items subject to the conditions outlined in the staff report. Chairperson Messner asked the Commission for questions or comments. There were none. Chairperson Messner invited the applicant to come forward. Heidi Windsor,Appro Development,21476 Grenada Avenue,Lakeville,Minnesota 55044, approached the Commission. Also present are Jack Matasosky from Appro Development, Peter Glasnagel is the Civil Engineer Jacobson Engineer Surveyors, and present from Industrial Surplus are David Kuretsky, Howard Kuretsky,Peter Kuretsky, and Tim Boles who is a resident from Rosemount. Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 8:04 p.m. There were no public comments. MOTION by Schwartz to close the Public Hearing. Second by Palda. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 8:05p.m. MOTION by Commissioner Messner to recommend that the City Council approve the preliminary and final plat for JJT Business Park Second Addition to allow the creation of one 2.26 acre lot and one 33.09 acre Outlot for future subdivision, subject to the following conditions: 1. Drainage and utility easements shall be incorporated into the final plat as deemed necessary upon review of the final grading plan,including a drainage and utility easement over Outlot A, at the discretion of the City Engineer. 2. Easement vacation for the drainage and utility easement over JJT Business Park 1st Addition Outlot A shall be applied for through submission of petition. Applicant will need to provide legal description of the easement to be vacated. 3. The developer shall submit a lighting plan for installation of decorative street lighting along Boulder Avenue subject to staff review and approval. Approval of the lighting plan and a Letter of Credit in an amount adequate to cover the cost of installation of said lighting shall be required prior to final plat approval. 4. Hydrants shall be installed to meet minimum fire protection per the City's Fire Marshall. 5. Estimated fees for the 2.26 acres site are as follows, the remaining fees shall be obtained upon future development or subdivision of Outlot A: o Trunk Sewer Area Charge = 2.26 acres @ $1,075/ac = $2,430 o Trunk Water Area Charge = 2.26 acres @ $4,420/ac = $9,989 o Trunk Storm Area Charge = 2.26 acres @ $6,200/ac = $14,012 o Sewer Connection Fees—SAC units are calculated by MCES ■ MCES Fee - $1,550/SAC • City Fee - $1,200/SAC o Water Connection (WAC), 1"Meter = $6,700 o Storm Connection (STAC) =2.26 acres @ $2,065/ac = $4,667 6. Payment of Park Dedication Fees in the amount of$19,210 (10% of 2.26 acres multiplied by $85,000 per acre) which is based on the City's 2006 Fees and Fee Policy. The applicant will pay the remaining park dedication fees for Outlot A upon development or further subdivision. Second by Howell. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion approved. Mr. Lindahl stated the follow up on this item would be the preliminary and final plats will move on to City Council at the meeting on November 21, 2006. In the meantime, Staff will continue to work with the applicant for site plan approval. Outlot i,►, JJT Business Park 1st Audition ? . :9? ,‘ s'9,\7° SITE GSA • • 99-IlO-OIiCO-K 1a-511-tC 335 30/mem0 dINSa3N15Vd'all AlIWV1 1 Vd 1 dIH53NLSV- a-lAI-KV ...rid 1 153NN1a0N 3H lO.NV01 mom nos k'.''\\\ `l 1 .Y.tail:nl V M:11 31.Y.5-- /1 3 .94,LZ.69 N /94•LLU Y— dZ F '•II I"' sla-slu-tc'335 10 nnwlro �/ �a W Q y I --153•N1a0N 3H1 10 3.91 N1n05 \ Z F /•,• Ni °� 8. .. \ N Z Ci 9,4 / ' V' YEa I \ \ O I � gU ea NI /� \ \W >-"A Yaa \\n i 1 \i - 8 Z m EC Q r I I g. z A VI< \\ .; 45- 1 \ z To 11 F a� Wa o � 11410 r� aft ., ; I W / ;� 1 a s as -$ 1g. 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JJT BUSINESS PARK ROSEMOUNT.f1N --•�—• -•� .'-'° HLw ••••^••�•+u•--•+-���^—•-•-n•+^•+•-^+•+ ^•^•� M W 6 e SCHEMATIC RASTER APPRO DEVELOPMENT.INC. PLAN STUDY °•++ O/I3/OL vw v+,-ai inti nwx,isi-u+vi3 aao�� OPTION 5 �+-: r— ..++.... I 0 4 L m 3 / I �� �, / $ i on�m 3 / D E(n ' >ZO --IX A 'I w O 0 - DZ 70 O -i 0 ® 1 `/Y; . O Z L --7T • ,/,';')//// rb),-- ;', *1:\ O » ..**,,,_.„.i.,,,,,,,\...\ / A' -, w �O `� a r m goN �/ . t ,' 4/// • „:,=, _.,_:,;„,,_" ____ _,_,,_ --- ;,..1- ie. Dit r II i (1 O q __=4g�"IMM Dr `:`///://// N L'7' // m / --gym/74/--W ' n ,‘A',/(\\;;,( /' m p? \I. 6,., . ,7.- c: i 1I m' �I l\ -, , 1.04 \'—''' I ( ° D i\ • 1 ^m••' PROPOSED PROJECT FOR: : W.� ,.� -e GAB •�•p •mmµ....... WTI=.�* mom• • o JJT BUSINESS PARK ROSEHOIJNT,NN H.L.W. DSCHEMATIC MASTER •••-----••' w•e•.L.H.A. • APP20 DEVELOPMENT,INC. PLAN STUDY IO/I3/OL • - ttlia 20415.wu "Su„ OPTION A •".:.: OIL- •."•"' - ROSEMOUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: June 19, 2007 AGENDA ITEM: Case 06-50-FP AGENDA SECTION: JJT Business Park First Addition Public Hearing Easement Vacation PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, A.I.C.P. AGENDA NO. -7. b. Planner ATTACHMENTS: Site Map, JJT Business Park First Addition APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to continue the vacation the drainage and utility easement over all of Outlot A, JJT Business Park First Addition until the approval of the JJT Business Park Second Addition. SUMMARY Applicant&Property Owner(s): City of Rosemount Location: East of Highway 3,West of Boulder Avenue and south of Boulder Court Area in Acres: 35.35 Acres Comp. Guide Plan Desig: BP -Business Park Current Zoning: BP-Business Park BACKGROUND To allow for the Final Plat of JJT Business Park Second Addition, the City of Rosemount has initiated a vacation of the drainage and utility easement over Outlot A of JJT Business Park First Addition. However, the applicant has withdrawn the associated Final Plat application. The Final Plat application will come back at a future time and the Council can take formal action at this request at that time. RECOMMENDATION Conduct the public hearing and close the public hearing. Continue the vacation until the approval of the JJT Business Park Second Addition. Outlot 1-s, JJT Business Park 1st Audition .., _ _ "ce ____ i SITE / :,_____ ir . / .- : . DRAWING NUMBER DRAWING NUMBER DRAWN Nteu cil $ la i 1i/`1p04 1•l 1 J N 5 i e 8a ix i I ---Door--',." Rg 1- N 1 r w a L I a NlaON ilN 1 ,- s1 ,pa oq �^ -I1 z N 11 $n I i : eaia� 1 I 98.4e .fir 4) bg s, I 0 tl ig ' L =�. i`. t • dLi [ \ tiv.-;d a 1 a ' ao_tt+.� - t �s as — ,rani as<>n.a _ ot,�ry°' ,�x° a f A 1,.\�, 9 - e / \ a,V. x;% �°B'r i M SOPL.00 s I S 1, ; M,CO W S n C - T' -.4...4..3nwanr 9 as mama a frat — - o a NNllnV Y3mnu6 goo I. „i 1,••an arzwma .B' .aana --1 G �h la IL, r:: ' ,. Eta $• s* tl' z \,TCr?a =M -- — I \ma`s,-.\� ly� I /� N \ . i 1 N 1 F.- „8 a t. 1 y� - !'� i O y9 N w8 1 _`_. � _ � /1 •L E. IN e • •• a u gg J � Z 3 se/ I-J p ' € I $s5 ' igrgi i oZo N�'- ' I s'I ;V, i,.., \---- x P; / li '' i i , 2 I i h big _$g 4 ROSEVIOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: June 19, 2007 AGENDA ITEM: Celadon Properties Easement Vacation AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, A.I.C.P. AGENDA NO. -Ta• Planner ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Site Location Map APPROVED BY: OF RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a Resolution Approving Vacation of the Drainage and Utility Easements of Lot 1, Block 1, South Rose Park 3rd Addition, Except the North 140 feet thereof, and Lot 3, Block 1, South Rose Park 3rd Addition, Dakota County Minnesota. SUMMARY Applicant&Property Owner(s): City of Rosemount Location: North of Carrousel Way and East of Chippendale Avenue Area in Acres: 2.18 Acres Comp. Guide Plan Desig: C - Commercial Current Zoning: C-4, General Commercial BACKGROUND The City of Rosemount initiated this easement vacation to remove an existing drainage and utility easements over the subject properties. These easements must be removed prior to the subject properties being consolidated into Lot 1,Block 1, Celadon Properties Addition, Dakota County Minnesota. The lot consolidation is necessary to allow development of the Celadon Systems site. With this lot consolidation, the City finds these drainage and utility easements are no longer necessary. As a result, staff recommends vacation of these easements. RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Resolution. I . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2007- A RESOLUTION APPROVING VACATION OF THE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1, SOUTH ROSE PARK 3rd ADDITION, EXCEPT THE NORTH 140 FEET THEREOF, AND LOT 3, BLOCK 1, SOUTH ROSE PARK SD ADDITION WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from EFH Company for approval of a lot consolidation, rezoning, and planned unit development (PUD) to allow the construction of an office,light manufacturing, and testing, research, and laboratory facility on property legally described as: Lot 1, Block 1, South Rose Park 3rd Addition, except the North 140 feet thereof, and Lot 3, Block 1, South Rose Park 3rd Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, on May 22, 2007, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the applications EFH Company for lot combination, rezoning, and planned unit development; and WHEREAS, on May 22, 2007, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount conducted a public hearing for review of the lot consolidation, rezoning, and planned unit development plan applications as required by the Subdivision Regulations; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend the City Council approve the lot consolidation, rezoning, and planned unit development applications subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on June 19, 2007, the City Council approved the lot consolidation,rezoning, and planned unit development plan subject to conditions; and WHEREAS,vacation of the existing drainage and utility easements of Lot 1, Block 1, South Rose Park 3rd Addition, except the North 140 feet thereof, and Lot 3, Block 1, South Rose Park 3rd Addition is a condition of the lot consolidation approval; and WHEREAS, on June 19, 2007, the City Council of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing to review vacation of the existing drainage and utility easements of Lot 1, Block 1, South Rose Park 3rd Addition, except the North 140 feet thereof, and Lot 3, Block 1, South Rose Park 3rd Addition NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves Vacation of the Drainage and Utility Easements on the property legally described as: Lot 1, Block 1, South Rose Park 3rd Addition, except the North 140 feet thereof, and Lot 3,Block 1, South Rose Park 3rd Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota. . l • RESOLUTION 2007- ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 2007 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: 2 .1P.uW 003 y001b1) —00 S '0 d 90CSS V1053NNIW 3llNSNtlf8.90Z 3L915 fit OVO9 ALNf100 153.666E O x la V.,. ..s .16 w,6cm wo". �? w., ANVdWO3 H I w >�..vn.a°if a 9oQ ..>..ae 803 m�W h 2� 4 W�'lc' N 3A8flS/SN33NIDN3/S13NNVld A3A2IRS OIHd1/7100d01 V AHVON o m o� sg gi 63 `ll!H ,u sewer 22wne I.r v lwop 1053NNIIl'1NOOW350tl oY p U RN NIA S31 21110Hd NO(IVINO �. __. __ a `-'...,, WW 6�.W�({i��y�y� mm .g` m > o -, f nz i "pz�Na ifemc c -„te � , �._\ mR=< Fg..... w95.s � ' a o'�`, \4 \ -`� R�uFag o 8 � ws555mamn I „p` , �. tl� a_A •'^.�"_� _ \\ y1 I III '' i� Ia tl "_ s • Lea .\• k "9 r 5 ,. 1 r� / d t \\ r\ \ r \\ \ \\�\ \ ,I 8 0 g i ill \ I ) a $11 i- a 5 • .. I') I P 1g9. 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