HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket • V 4 ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Special Meeting: July 11, 2007 AGENDA ITEM: Livable Communities Demonstration AGENDA SECTION: Account Application Consent PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development AGENDA NO. 2.A. Director ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Pre-application, Pre- APPROVED BY: CE application comments RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Approve Resolution Identifying the Need for Livable Communities Demonstration Account Funding and Authorizing Applications for Grant Funds DISCUSSION A pre-application for a Livable Communities Demonstration Grant has been submitted to the Metropolitan Council. Comments from the pre-application have been received and it appears that,at this level of scrutiny,the request funding meetings eligibility requirements. Funding is being requested for items associated with the implementation of the Stonebridge Core Block East project. Due to Grant eligibility and criteria, only specific aspects of the project have been included in the application. The final application is due on July 16,2007 and as part of the application the attached resolution of support must be included.Because the next regularly scheduled meeting is July 17, staff is requesting the Council call to order and approve the resolution. The resolution format is from the Metropolitan Council website.Also attached are the pre-application and received comments for the Council's information. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2007- A RESOLUTION IDENTIFYING THE NEED FOR LIVABLE COMMUNITIES DEMONSTRATION ACCOUNT FUNDING AND AUTHORIZING AN APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount is a participant in the Livable Communities Act's Housing Incentives Program for 2007 as determined by the Metropolitan Council, and is therefore eligible to apply for Livable Communities Demonstration Account funds; and WHEREAS, the City has identified a proposed project within the City that meets the Demonstration Account's purposes and criteria and is consistent with and promotes the purposes of the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act and the policies of the Metropolitan Council's adopted metropolitan development guide; and WHEREAS, the City has the institutional, managerial and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration;and WHEREAS, the City certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in the grant agreement;and WHEREAS, the City agrees to act as legal sponsor for the project contained in the grant application submitted on July 16, 2007; and WHEREAS, the City acknowledges Livable Communities Demonstration Account grants are intended to fund projects or project components that can serve as models, examples or prototypes for development or redevelopment projects elsewhere in the region, and therefore represents that the proposed project or key components of the proposed project can be replicated in other metropolitan-area communities; and WHEREAS, only a limited amount of grant funding is available through the Metropolitan Council's Livable Communities Demonstration Account during each funding cycle and the Metropolitan Council has determined it is appropriate to allocate those scarce grant funds only to eligible projects that would not occur without the availability of Demonstration Account grant funding. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that, after appropriate examination and due consideration, the governing body of the City: 1. Finds that it is in the best interests of the City's development goals and priorities for the proposed project to occur at this particular site and at this particular time. 2. Finds that the project component(s) for which Livable Communities Demonstration Account funding is sought: • RESOLUTION 2007- (a) will not occur solely through private or other public investment within the reasonably foreseeable future; and (b) will not occur within two years after a grant award unless Livable Communities Demonstration Account funding is made available for this project at this time. 3. Represents that the City has undertaken reasonable and good faith efforts to procure funding for the project component for which Livable Communities Demonstration Account funding is sought but was not able to find or secure from other sources funding that is necessary for project component completion within two years and states that this representation is based on the following reasons and supporting facts: 4. Authorizes its City Administrator to submit on behalf of the City an application for Metropolitan Council Livable Communities Demonstration Account grant funds for the project component(s) identified in the application,and to execute such agreements as may be necessary to implement the project on behalf of the City. ADOPTED this 11th day of July,2007,by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: Office Use LIVABLE COMMUNITIES DEMONSTRATION ACCOUNT 2007 GRANT PRE-APPLICATION Instructions: 1. Please complete and submit this pre-application by June 11,2007. No application will be accepted without a pre-application submitted by this date. 2. In addition,attach a vicinity map that includes the project site,provided by the Council. Contact Metropolitan Council staff person Greg Pates(651-602-1410 or greg.pates@metc.state.mn.us)to obtain a vicinity map showing project location,planned land use,transit locations,and adjacent land uses.Applicant is responsible for marking the project site boundaries on this map. LCDA staff will reply with comments on your pre-application by June 18,2007. Staff will comment: 1)on eligibility of items for which funding is requested; 2) if a proposal is not well targeted to the program criteria and therefore unlikely to be competitive in the evaluation process; and 3)may advise, in some cases,that required information is missing from the project description. Project Name: Stonebridge Core Block East project Applicant: city,county or City of Rosemount development authority Project Location: City: Rosemount Street boundaries,address East of Hwy 3,west of Burnley Avenue,south of 146th Street and north or major intersection: of Lower 147th Street Project Contact: Name: Kim Lindquist Title: Community Development Director Address: 2875 145th Street West City,Zipcode: Rosemount,MN 55068 Phone&Fax: PH 651-322-2020 FAX 651-423-4424 E-mail: Kim.Lindquist@ci.rosemount.mn.us A. Funding Proposal Describe the element, building, or phase(s)that will go forward to construction within one year, if this funding request is granted, and be completed or substantially completed within two years of the grant award (December 2007). Do not include numbers of housing units or other project elements that apply to development initiated beyond two years of the grant award date—include these details in Sec. I.C, if applicable. Include funding request(dollars) in Sec. I.B. (Limit 20 lines) The City of Rosemount has partnered with Stonebridge Development&Acquisition LLC to create a mixed-use project at the center of Downtown. The project at a site designated as"Core Block East"includes 103 apartment units above the floor at street level,of which 20%will be affordable. On the first level will be 12,000-square feet of commercial space for either retail or office users. The building reaches three stories along TH 3/South Robert Trail and rises to four stories on the north and east sides,away from TH 3. Residents of the development will be served by underground parking and surface and on-street parking will be added for visitors, employees and commercial patrons. Funds are being requested to assist in creation of a more pedestrian friendly circulation system by including sidewalks,appropriate lighting,and modifying the existing curbline of existing local roads. The land use and building massing are consistent with the Development Framework for Downtown Rosemount that was created through a citizen-driven process and adopted by the Rosemount Port Authority and the City Council. The building's design and architecture are also consistent with design guidelines developed by the citizen task force on Downtown. The City looks forward to incorporation of greening techniques on-site and as part of construction. The concept indicates installation rain gardens that will assist in infiltration and water quality. Some grant funds would allow alternative stormwater solutions in recognition of the fact that the historic downtown is compact and ponding space limited. Other open spaces,both private and public,and the inclusion of formal landscaping will improve the site as compared to the existing condition.The City is working with the developer to include more efficient mechanical systems and potential reuse of stormwater.The project as a whole,given its more compact footprint, is consistent with the goals of greening by using less property for a truly mixed use project. C:\Documents and Settings\ajd\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKDS\PreApplication_LCDA}Rosemount_06112008.doc w a414 c oa o o 0004 00 00cn 0 0 0 0 c A o0 ON oc� A v, o 0 0 0 0 0 ti = , g m vD V o rC 0 N �O 01 01 vO \O �O oo tn r. 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Future Development Phases, if applicable Describe future development or phases that will be undertaken beyond two years from the date of the grant award(Dec. 2007).Describe phasing plan and include details of phases,e.g. anticipated number and type of housing units, other proposed project components. If no future phases or development are planned beyond two years,write NONE (Limit 20 lines) The Core Block East project is the first phase in a multi-phase redevelopment effort for Downtown Rosemount. This spring the Rosemount Port Authority authorized issuance of an RFQ for the Genz Ryan site,a property south and west of the Core Block East properties. The Genz Ryan site is wholly owned by the City and is designated in the Development Framework for commercial only. It is anticipated that a developer will be chosen by late 2007.There is no formal proposal as yet and total square footage cannot be determined. Another project being planned is north and east of the Core Block East project. Currently the City owns all the property on the block with the exception of parcels owned by the American Legion post. The City is in discussions with the Legion to incorporate its use into a new mixed use project on the site. The Development Framework indicates that the primary use on the block will be residential and include the Legion space. During the two-year period following the grant award,another major project will be completed at the northern end of Downtown Rosemount:the community's first library. The Dakota County Library System is nearing completion of its final plan for the site, adjacent to and complementary with the building formerly owned by the Church of St.Joseph. A citizen task force is considering possible reuses of the church property. The library is projected to be open in early 2009,making the Downtown the civic hub of the community. D. Completed And/Or Existing Adjacent Development Describe buildings or development phases already constructed, if applicable,and/or other existing development adjacent to the project area described in Section I.A,page 1, "Funding Proposal." (Limit 20 lines) NONE City of Rosemount - Core Block East 2005 Airphoto . t tom.ek.-',.-^T..'...*.-*.----,.i"-;'-.,..r:.:.,r.-';'-".4'...,".-",.-"*_e.-".-".,,7,--...•,.,-5 I•.,.:.-9P.„•,•1•';*j I...,_ IN r 143RDW "* ,4"_ ' . ` ,' Vie, I, ' --.. w..�-' r 1- ..z'.•,:i-'t : '.*.. .i 1 4 Tr(E ,< w t ip' ,^ o ro •... Y.;} 1/Aw �` }} \' S t 'l '' r*t + w r Y' #i..M."' t', BEECH:S,T W •ei£m,< 1 1'l• .-144TH ST�+W.ic. .r-.. ..' dg i #`'ry , " ,, ,?x 't R 5 ,' a .+�`- , 3,� t 1�y1.11 .,f^''[ c..$.'iry .+ � ck - `• '-t � ���Q�� ,tr�i 'O"I-- r.t- Y it _wrr :1F - � U4 tC. 't"'r"` if ' `ja+,,:L. 145T1 STrW.I.. � ' - W � s.a y �- : i* .a r -,s 'r ":444-1—. ..41-3 .,J,1), 0, . .A , .4' ,' 1 ilr,•Ji." 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LOWER 150TIi ST , if r t 150TH ST W .. { r = -.. , r 2005 Aerial Photo 0 500 1,000 2,000 Mark Hurd Feet 6/8/07 AAA Metropolitan Council AA AA City of Rosemount - Core Block East 2020 Planned Land Use and Regional Infrastructure gi aBanw s .. . , __ - � _. . r W - i i. i il:DailaiV) i 17Q203g0 a g e g " LOWERalQ 11 CI' F� o& ��o 0 WV/ail0 148THi ;01:/ I LOW RII �' 150IH TIW NOTE: Planned Land Use shown is current as of 0 500 1,000 2,000 2006 and may not reflect recent plan amendments. Feet Planned Land Use Sewers,Trails Transit, Railroads, Roads Generalized © Lift Station • Bus Stops Agricultural .a..■ Gravity a Bus Routes Rural and Large-Lot Residential and Other arc--mr Force Main ---1—.- Railroads Single Family Residential wm. :, Siphon .ornoin Principal Arterial moms Multifamily Residential Regional Trails -- A Minor Augmentor Commercial TRAIL STATUS -- A Minor Reliever Industrial IJ Existing --- A Minor Expander Institutional Acquisition -- A Minor Connectorz§ B Minor Mixed Use-Single Unit Planned 11.11111 Multiple Use-Multiple Units Proposed Major Collector Park and Recreation Addition - Minor Collector ._d___._.., Open Space or Restrictive Use Rights-of-Way(i.e., Roads) Railway(inc. LRT) 6/8/07 Airport Vacant or Unknown Metropolitan Council Open Water Livable Communities Demonstration Account Comments on LCDA 2007 Pre-application June 18,2007 Project Name: Stonebridge Core Block East Project Applicant: City of Rosemount 1. Eligibility of Items for which funding is requested: All requested items appear to be eligible. During the evaluation process, issues may come to light which may require a reexamination of eligibility of specific items. 2. Other Comments Information presented is clear and comprehensive.The funding proposal(page 1)and future development (Sec C,page 3)are described in appropriate detail.However, Sec D. on page 3 should include a description of the context of the downtown—what land uses are nearby,what is the development context. Even though there are no previous phases to describe, it is important to describe the existing development context. AENDA 4 ROSEMOUNT City Council Work Session Wednesday, July 11, 2007 CITY COUNCIL 6:40p.m. City Council Chambers, City Hall 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. DISCUSSION 6:40 — 7:40 p.m. A. Umore Comprehensive Plan Process 7:40 — 8:40 p.m. B. Preliminary 2008 Budget 8:40 — 9:10 p.m. C. Entry Monuments 3. UPDATES 9:10 — 9:40 p.m. A. Outdoor Recreation Complex 9:40 — 10:00 p.m. B. FZTH/Rudder 4. ADJOURNMENTQL/� City Council work sessions are held for Council and staff to discuss items for future Council agendas. • v Comments from the public during work sessions are not generally solicited. &� o� Lts l* 4ROSEMOUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: July 11, 2007 AGENDA ITEM: Umore Comprehensive Plan Process AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development AGENDA NO. Director ATTACHMENTS: John Shardlow Letter dated July 2, 2007, APPROVED BY: Umore Comprehensive Plan Diagram RECOMMENDED ACTION: Information Item Only DISCUSSION John Shardlow and Greg Cuomo representing Umore will be available to discuss the plans for development of a comprehensive plan for the Umore property. As the Council is aware, planning staff has initiated the 2030 Comprehensive Plan process and has indicated that Umore will be an amendment to the adopted 2030 Plan. Attached is a letter from Mr. Shardlow explaining that an Advisory Panel is being put together with representatives from Rosemount, Dakota County and Empire Township to assist in the planning endeavor. There will also be a group meeting on the technical aspects of the Plan which will be attended by appropriate staff. The Advisory Panel will be somewhat akin to the policy group associated with the Cedar Avenue and Robert Street Corridor planning processes. However, this group truly will function as an advisory body as the City Council will have to approve the comprehensive plan amendment before it can be forwarded to the Metropolitan Council for final review and approval. From the University side, they will also have to have organizational approvals before they will want the Plan Amendment to be forwarded to the Metropolitan Council. Similar to the existing process for the 2030 Plan, the Planning Commission is the body which will hold the official public hearing and make a formal recommendation to the City Council. Because of the many disciplines that are part of a Comprehensive Plan, staff is recommending one representative from Utility Commission, Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Port Authority, and City Council to serve on the Advisory Panel. It is anticipated that there will be approximately 10 evening meetings over the next 18-24 months. Approval of the Advisory Panel representatives will be scheduled for the July 17, 2007 City Council meeting. July 2, 2007 Mr. Jamie Verbrugge City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 145'" Street West Rosemount, MN 56068-4997 Re: UMore Park Comprehensive Planning Advisory Panel Dear Jamie: 2335 Highway 36 W St Paul, MN 55113 Tel 651-636-4600 Fax 651-636-1311 www.b0neSt00.c0m # Bonestroo We appreciate your time meeting with us last week to discuss the UMore project and how we may start engaging Rosemount city officials to develop a comprehensive plan for the property. As we discussed during our meeting, the University of Minnesota has retained Bonestroo to start working on the comprehensive plan which will be prepared as a special area plan within Rosemount's comprehensive plan. Our intent would be to submit the UMore comprehensive plan to the Metropolitan Council by its December 31, 2008 deadline. While the UMore comprehensive plan will need to ultimately go through the same city approval process as Rosemount's comprehensive plan, we would like to establish an Advisory Panel consisting of representatives from the City of Rosemount, Empire Township, Dakota County, and other interested parties, to help guide and inform the planning process. The Advisory Panel will play a key role in developing the plan; however, we realize that the City of Rosemount will have ultimate say in its final adoption. To that end, we are requesting that the Rosemount City Council appoint city representatives to serve on the Advisory Panel. As soon as the Advisory Panel is established we would like to begin meeting with members to provide an orientation to the process and explain their role. Over the next year and a half, the Panel will meet approximately 10 times to focus on background studies, develop goals and policies, review alternatives, and provide comments on the draft plan and implementation. In addition to the preparation of a comprehensive plan, we anticipate preparing an Alternative Urban Area - wide Review (AUAR). This AUAR will not be officially ordered until after the comprehensive plan is adopted, but we want to facilitate strong coordination between these documents. We believe an AUAR is necessary due to the scale of the property and the length of time over which it will develop. City of Ro5emount UMore Comprehensive Plan Page 1 July 1, 1007 In preparing the AUAR, we plan to emulate a process that Bonestroo recently conducted in Lino Lakes for its' 135E Corridor AUAR. In this process, we convened a panel of reviewing agency representatives during the scoping and development scenario development stages. The project benefited greatly from this early involvement and it was very well received by all of the participants. We plan on facilitating a similar meeting for the More AUAR at the end of July. We are excited to move forward on this project and to begin working closely with you, your staff, and Rosemount city officials. Sincerely yours, BONESTROO John Shardlow, AICP Principal � [Z; 4ROSEMOUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: July 11, 2007 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: Entry Monuments Discussion PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development AGENDA NO. Director ATTACHMENTS: Street Sign Map, Welcome to APPROVED BY:� Rosemount Signs RECOMMENDED ACTION: Provide Staff Direction DISCUSSION The City Council has indicated that existing entrance monuments should be replaced Attached is a map that illustrates areas where signage currently exists. There are two kinds of signage when entering the City; the large wooden Welcome to Rosemount signs and the smaller metal Rosemount signs. The map illustrates the location of each of the signs and also highlights where there is an entrance to the City but no sign currently installed. Staff is prepared to replace the metal signs, in their existing locations, and would like direction from the Council if additional signs would be desired. There may be some difficulty in locating additional signage within Dakota County right-of-way, based upon the experience of a neighboring community. Attached is a copy of the two sign designs recommended by the VIS consultant. Staff is asking the Council to choose one of the two options. The existing signs are outdated and contain the old logo. The second issue is the proposed location of the larger entrance monuments into the community. Presently there are four wooden entrance signs. Three of the four are not located at an entrance to the City but are more interior to the City limits. The prominent one is the sign on County Road 42 at the city border. A new sign would remain in that general location. There are two signs along Hwy 3, one on the Raak property and one near the bowling alley. Staff would look to relocate those two to the city boundaries, most likely on Hwy 3 along 1606 Street in the south and near 120t' Street in the north. The fourth sign is located within excess City right-of-way at 145' Street, coming into Downtown from County Road 42. Staff would propose some type of signage in this location that would be smaller than the premier entrance monuments but would mimic the design and style. Staff cannot find any recorded easements for installation of the larger freestanding signs already in existence. Therefore, easements will need to be negotiated with affected property owners. Before starting this process, staff would like to confirm desired locations for the signs. Along with the above recommended changes along Hwy 3, staff would also like direction from Council as to whether an additional sign should be added in the eastern agricultural section of town. An option could be to wait until development moves closer to the eastern border. Another question is whether a similar smaller sign should be located on the previous site of the "blue house". There has been discussion in the past about using this site to demark the Downtown area. CONCLUSION Provide staff direction. WELCOME TO KROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA Spirit of 'ride & Progress } 9 WELCOME TO,m 4 ROSEMO� MINNESOTA