HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacketAENDA ROSEMO NT City Council Regular Meeting f October 16, 2007 CIT OUNCIL 7:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, City Hall 1. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance ! 2. Additions or Corrections to Agenda 3. Public Comment 4. Response to Public Comment 5. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS/BUSINESS a. Special Event Update— Haunted Woods Trail 6. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes of the September 12, 2007 City Council Work Session Proceedings b. Minutes of the September 18, 2007 City Council Proceedings c. Bills Listing d. Charitable Gambling Premise Permit Renewal for Baseball Association 191 e. Final Payment — Connemara Trail/Azalea Avenue Reconstruction, City Project #415 f. Glendalough 8th Addition Final Plat, 07-34-FP g. Rezoning of South Rose Park 3ro Addition Property (Former Celadon Property), 07-18-PUD 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS a. Application for Off -Sale Liquor License, PCS Liquors, LLC, 3440 1501h Street West 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS 11. ADJOURNMENT 4ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA Welcome to the Rosemount City Council Public Hearing Purpose of Public Hearing The purpose of the public hearing is to obtain comments related to how the issue affects the City and the residents. As designated by the City Council, the Rosemount Planning Commission conducts public hearings on all land use applications and makes recommendations to the City Council. Council then makes their final decision. Notifications have been posted on site and have previously been published and/or mailed to all property owners within 350 feet, or one -quarter of a mile if the property is zoned Agriculture, of the proposed project. Public Hearing Process In order to provide the greatest opportunity for informed comments, the process at public hearings is generally as follows: 1. The Developer and/or applicant introduce himself/herself and the proposed project including major improvements and unique features of the project. 2. City Staff provides a detailed review of the proposal and how it relates to the Comprehensive Plan and existing ordinances. Staff is not in a position to promote or advocate for projects. Staff instead identifies issues, proposals, solutions and stipulations related to existing City Ordinances and the Comprehensive Plan. 3. City Council members discuss and ask questions to clarify issues regarding the proposed project and/or staff report. 4. Public Hearing Comments. The Mayor opens the hearing for public comments. The City Council wants you to feel comfortable in providing informed comments and your input is appreciated by them. Please state your name and address at the podium and sign in at the "sign in" list at the rear of the room. After your comments the City Council may request the Developer and/or City Staff to address any questions or statements made by you. 5. The Mayor closes the public hearing and questions or comments will no longer be received from the audience. 6. City Council Members discuss the project and a final motion for action on the issue may be offered if desired. Thank you for your interest in attending this public hearing. 4 ROSEMOUNT PLANNING COMMISSION City Council Meeting Date: October 16, 2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Case 07-34-FP Glendalough 8" Addition Final Plat AGENDA SECTION: U.S. Homes Innnrnnra+crl /+....._ PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, AICP AGENDA NO. Planner ATTACHMENTS: Except Minutes from the 9-25-07 Planning APPROVED BY Commission meeting, Resolution, Site Map, Evermoor Glendalough 8thAddition D Final Plat, Engineering Memo Dated October 11, 2007. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve a resolution a — for Glendalough 8th, subject to conditions approving the Final Plat SUMMARY Applicant & Property Owner(s): U.S. Homes Incorporated Location: Northwest Comer of Coachford Avenue and Catrach Avenue Area in Acres: 1.7 Acres Comp. Guide Plan Desig: TR, Transitional Residential Current Zoning: R-1, Low Density Residential and Evermoor Planned Unit Development (PUD) The applicant, U.S. Homes, requests final plat approval for Glendalough 8� Addition, creating the Property that will contain the second private neighborhood pool and bath house for the Glendalough neighborhood. This private neighborhood amenity is located and designed consistent with the land use, zoning and original Evermoor PUD agreement standards for this site and staff recommends approval of the project. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION The Planning Commission reviewed this item, along with a site plan application for anew private neighborhood pool and bathhouse, at its regular meeting on September 25, 2007. Minutes from that meeting are attached for your reference. During that meeting, the Commission held a public hearing to review both the final plat and the site plan and recommended the City Council approve the final plat and approved the site plan with conditions. The applicant, Mr. Jay Liberacki of U.S. Homes, , had some comments regarding the conditions of approval for the site plan related to easements sidewalks, drain tile, exterior lighting, landscape screening for adjacent homes, trash storage and removal, signage, and irrigation of the landscaping as part of the site plan application. Staff and the Commission addressed each of these issues and came to agreement regarding these issues and the conditions of site plan approval. There were no comments or concerns regarding the final plat. Mr. Mike Leppones of 13321 Catrach Avenue was the lone resident to speak during the public hearing. Mr Leppones had questions relating to the site plan about the recreational play equipment on site and when construction would start. Mr. Libetacki explained that the site would include a private tot lot similar to the one at the existing private pool but could not give a precise date regarding when construction would begin. After some general discussion of the site, the Commission voted unanimously to approve the site plan and recommend the City Council approve the final plat, subject to the conditions outlined in the staff report. Site plan conditions that were raised in the September 25, 2007 Planner's staff report that have yet to be resolved include: 1. Submittal and approval of a revised landscape plan that reduces but still maintains the screening on the west and southwest sides of the site. This plan shall demonstrate that all landscaping for this site will be planted on the subject property. 2. Submittal and approval of a cost estimate and letter of credit for one hundred twenty five (125) percent of the cost of the landscaping illustrated on the approved landscape plan. 3. Submittal and approval of a utility plan. These items must be submitted and approved by staff prior to issuance of a building permit. Final Plat Land Use & Zoning. The subject property is guided TR, Transitional Residential and zoned R-1, Low Density Residential with the Evermoor PUD. The proposed private neighborhood pool and bath house use is consistent with the permitted uses in these districts as well as the performance standards outlined in the original Evermoot PUD. Lot Standards. As illustrated on the final plat, the subject property is consistent with the minimum lot standards of the TR, Transitional Residential land use, the R-1, Low Density Residential zoning and the original Evermoor PUD. Initially, this project was planned for the adjacent block to the south. As part of the Glendalough Phase II plan review (Glendalough 7) in May of 2006, the applicant relocated the pool and bath house one block north to Outlot C, Glendalough 7 Addition. This was done to place the pool and bath house in a more centralized location as well as provide a greater buffet from traffic on Carrach Avenue. Now, the applicant proposes to final plat the subject property as Lot 1, Block 1, Glendalough e Addition. Engineering Comments. Upon review of the revised Glendalough e Addition HOA Park Grading Plan, Layout Plan, and Planting Plan, received October 11, 2007, and the Evermoor Glendalough 8th Addition Plat — undated and received October 11, 2007, the Engineering Department offers the following comments: 1. The existing utilities and proposed connections to the bathhouse should be shown on the grading plan (water, sanitary sewer). 2. NPDES permit is the responsibility of the developer/contractor —documentation shall be forwarded to the City prior to permit issuance. 3. As shown in the revised submittal, proposed trees and shrub locations are satisfactory. If locations are revised per Planning Department direction, the proposed trees and shrubs on the north end of the site should not interfere with the overflow route from Coachford 2 Way to the north or located above the existing storm sewer system. Estimated Fees o Trunk Sewer Area Charge = 1.7 acres @ $1,075/ac = $1,828 o Trunk Water Area Charge = 1.7 acres @ $4,860/ac = $8,262 o Sewer Connection Fees — SAC units are calculated by MCES ■ MCES Fee - $1,675/SAC ■ City Fee - $1,200/SAC o Water Connection (WAC), 1" Meter = $7,370 o Storm Connection (STAG) =1.7 acres @ $2,200/ac = $3,740 Trunk Storm Water Area Charges have been paid in full by the developer for the entire development with the Glendalough 6' Addition plat. Palk Dedication. The Parks and Recreation Director finds that this site provided the required park dedication as part of the overall requirement for the Evermoor development and no additional dedication is required at this time. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval the Glendalough 8"' Addition final plat, creating the property that will contain the second private neighborhood pool and bath house for the Glendalough neighborhood. This application was reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission at their September 25, 2007 meeting. At that same meeting, the Commission also approved the site plan for the pool and bath house. By ordinance, the Planning Commission approves the site plan while the City Council approves the final plat. Staffs recommendation for approval is based on the materials submitted by the applicant and the findings made in this report. 3 Excerpt Minutes Planning Commission Regular Meeting September 25, 2007 5.b. Glendalough 8a' Addition Final Plat and Club House and Pool Site Plan Review (07- 34-FP, 07-35-SP). Planner Lindahl presented this item. The applicant, U.S. Homes, requests final plat and site plan approvals to allow construction of a private neighborhood pool and bath house. Staff recommends approval of both the final plat and site plan for Glendalough S`" Addition. By ordinance, the Planning Commission approves the site plan while the City Council approves the final plat. Staffs recommendation for approval is based on the materials submitted by the applicant and the findings made in the staff report which Mr. Lindahl reviewed. The recommendation for approval is subject to the conditions listed in the report. Commissioner Palda asked how many people lived in the neighborhood. Mr. Lindahl replied he did not know how many people but that there are 252 lots. Commissioner Palda expressed his concern with the lack of parking for the pool house. Mr. Lindahl replied that there is no parking requirement in the City code for this type of use. He further stated that considering this will be a private neighborhood facility, it is assumed the distance people will travel is limited. The engineering and public safety departments have reviewed this and have determined there is enough room for short term parking and drop off areas. Mr. Lindahl stated that the Commission could certainly make a recommendation for more parking areas if they feel it's necessary. Project Engineer Dawley added that there is off street parking on the surrounding frontage areas in addition to the lots adjacent to the site. Applicant, Jay Liberacki, from Lennar Corporation, the builder in Glendalough, approached the Commission. Mr. Liberacki stated this project has been a learning process. He stated Lennar should have platted this area several years ago when additional easements for the underground utility pipes could have been taken care of. He stated they are having the engineer put the easements on the plan. Mr. Liberacki shared Lennar's comments on the required conditions contained in the staff report. With respect to Condition #4, Mr. Liberacki stated Lennar does not typically cut or remove sidewalks; they move under theirs. With respect to Condition #5, Mr. Liberacki stated the draindles will be removed rather than include cleanouts. With respect to Condition #9, Mr. Liberacki stated that if a photometric plan is required to show the lighting, Lennar will simply eliminate all exterior lighting. He further commented that the "Preliminary Plat" title in the staff report is inappropriate because he feels it is a "final" plat. Continuing with the requited conditions, Mr. Liberacki stated with respect to proposed double row of trees to be used for screening, due to the emergency overflow requirements; Lennar will reduce it to a single row of trees. Mr. Liberacki stated that none of their neighborhood pool facilities have trash enclosures. They use trash receptacles that are emptied on a timely basis and Mr. Liberacki stated that Lennar will not be installing trash enclosures at this site. With respect to not being allowed any signage on the site, Mr. Liberacki stated Lennar would like at least four signs that say it is a community park for Glendalough residents to keep out outside public attendance. In response to the requirement that landscape areas are to be irrigated, Mr. Liberacki questioned if this meant staff would need to review the irrigation plans and wondered if City staff has more expertise than Lennar's irrigation contractor. In conclusion, Mr. Liberacki stated that if the sidewalks and play areas could be designed and constructed without the whole site plan process, it would be appreciated. Chairperson Messner suggested going through Mr. Liberacki's items of concern individually Chairperson Messner asked Mr. Liberacki to explain the issue with Condition #4 regarding the draintile system. Mr. Liberacki replied that the draintile system goes around the edges of the flower beds so plants are not sitting in water. He stated that the City Engineer proposed the draintile go under the sidewalk but if it requires Lennar to remove sidewalks, they will simply remove the draintile completely. Project Engineer Dawley clarified that Lennar's plans did not note whether or not the sidewalks were going to be removed or if the plan was to go underneath the sidewalks. The City would definitely allow Lennar to go under the sidewalk if they are able to; staff simply wanted a notation of it on the plan. Chairperson Messner asked Mr. Dawley to clarify Condition #5 regarding the cleanouts. Mr. Dawley responded this is a recommended action because it is a privately maintained draintile system, but it is mainly a suggestion. Commissioner Schultz asked Mr. Liberacki how eliminating the lighting would be wise from a safety standpoint. Mr. Liberacki stated the residents coulddecide at a later date if they would like lighting. Mr. Lindahl added there is no minimum requirement for lighting but that it's for the safety and protection of the residents more than anything else. Downcast; lighting and a photometric plan are standard requirements for any site plan that has lighting. Mr. Liberacki stated the lighting would be eliminated by Friday. Mr. Liberacki stated that with respect to Condition #11, Lennar's irrigation plans will not be complete until next spring so if this condition is a requirement of the site plan being approved, then it will not be approved until next spring. Mr. Lindahl clarified that the general standard for landscaping is that it is irrigated so it will survive and strive. Staff did not see any notation on the landscaping plans with respect to irrigation. Mr. Liberacki stated that all sod and plants will be irrigated. With respect to the double row of trees between the poolhouse and the adjoining homes, Mr. Liberacki stated it will probably be reduced to one row of trees due to the underground piping. He stated though that Lennar may talk to the abutting homeowners to offer putting some of the trees on their property to provide additional screening. However, Mr. Liberacki added that he feels parks should be inviting to homeowners rather than screened from view. Mr. Lindahl stated his concerns with the landscaping being reduced and that staff would like to work with Lennar to maintain a screen of some kind rather than have it eliminated or reduced. Chairperson Messner stated he would prefer to review the landscaping if there will be a huge reduction. Chairperson Messner asked Mr. Liberacki what Lennar's other pool sites currently have with respect to trash enclosures. Mr. Liberacki responded they have decorative garbage cans with iron closures on the top; there are no trash enclosures or dumpsters. Mr. Lindahl stated that staff is requesting more information from the applicant as to where trash will be stored in between the time it is in the containers to when it is hauled. Mr. Liberacki stated they use a maintenance company that comes to each site to test the water and remove the trash; the trash is not stored anywhere on site. Chairperson Messner stated that some note to that affect on the plan would suffice. With respect to signage, Mr. Liberacki stated that Lennar doesn't want any signs with the name of the park on it, but signs that say the park is for residents of Glendalough only. The sign does not need to be big and will not be gaudy. Mr. Liberacki stated that this is a walking neighborhood with sidewalks on both sides of the streets. He further stated that Lennar would not want to require parking at the neighborhood facility. The public hearing was opened at 7:17p.m. Mike Leppones, 13321 Carrach Avenue, approached the Commission and asked if there were any plans for a play area for children on the site and questioned the starting time for construction. Mr. Lindahl showed on the site plan where the proposed tot lot would be located. Mr. Libetacki could not give a date certain for construction and stated he would discuss this later with the resident. Mr. Leppones also commented that he has lived in the area for six months and he doesn't feel there is a need for additional parking at the new facility. There were no further public comments. MOTION by Palda to close the public hearing. Second by Schwartz. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 7:20p.m. Chairperson Messner stated he was in favor of leaving Condition #5 regarding the draintile system cleanouts. Chairperson Messner suggested amending the photometric plan requirement to say a plan is required "if lighting is included". Mr: Lindahl stated that if the applicant chooses to withdraw the lighting, the condition would not be applicable anyway. Chairperson Messner asked Mr. Liberacki if there is currently signage at the other pool sites. Mr. Liberack replied there is. Mr. Lindahl stated that if the applicant feels it is important to have reasonable signage to insure the patrons of this site are residents of Glendalough, staff can probably accommodate this request. This type of use is not as detailed or complicated as a commercial site as far as signage requirements are concerned. Chairperson Messner asked Mr. Lindahl of his opinion on the trash enclosure item. Mr. Lindahl replied that staff would be satisfied with something in writing from the applicant explaining how the trash will be maintained. Staff's concern is to prevent the trash from lying around or not being contained. MOTION by Schwartz to recommend the City Council approve the Final Plat for Glendalough 8`h to allow the creation of Lot 1, Block 1, Harmony 8" Addition, subject to the following conditions: • Conformance with the conditions outlined in the City Engineer's memo, dated September 19, 2007. • Payment of all applicable fees. Second by Schultz. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. MOTION by Palda to approve the site plan for the Glendalough 81h Addition private pool and bath house with associated landscaping, paths, and open space, subject to the following conditions, as amended: • Approval of the Final Plat for Glendalough 8'h Addition and conformance with all conditions of approval. • Issuance of a building permit. • Submittal of a lighting and photometric plan in conformance with all lighting standards, prior action on the final plat by the City Council. eft the final plat by the City Council. • Demonstration that all landscape areas will be irrigated and applicant will work with staff in amending the landscape plan to provide for some level of screening along the northwest side of the site. Second by Schultz. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. As follow-up for this item, Mr. Lindahl stated the final plat will continue for City Council approval on October 16, 2007. The site plan is approved by the Commission and does not go to the Council. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2007- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF GLENDALOUGH 8T" ADDITION WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from U.S. Homes Incorporated requesting Final Plat concerning the parcel legally described as: Outlot C, Evermoor Glendalough 61h Addition, Dakota County WHEREAS, on September 25, 2007, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Final Plat for Glendalough 8ei Addition; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the Final Plat subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on October 16, 2007, the City Council reviewed the request for Final Plat approval. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves Final Plat for Glendalough 8th Addition, subject to: 1. Conformance with the conditions outlined in the City Engineer's memo, dated October 11, 2007. 2. Payment of all applicable fees. 3. Conformance with all site plan conditions outlined in the Planners memo, dated September 25, 2007. ADOPTED this 16", day of October, 2007 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk Motion by: Second by: Voted in Voted Member Out. A C, Glendalough 6th Ad'".don Copyright 2007, Dakota County - Map Date: September 11, 2007 OAF �OtVcOPY ME 4 ROSEMOLiNT PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: October 11, 2007 TO: Jason Lindahl, City Planner CC: Eric Zweber, Senior City Planner Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Andrew Brotzler, City Engineer Kathie Hanson, Planning Department Secretary FROM: Morgan Dawley, Project Engineer RE: Glendalough 8th Addition Site Plan Review and Final Plat Upon review of the revised Glendalough 8 h Addition HOA Park Grading Plan, Layout Plan, and Planting Plan, received October 11, 2007, and the Evermoor Glendalough Sth Addition Plat — undated and received October 11, 2007, the Engineering Department offers the following comments: 1. The existing utilities and proposed connections to the bathhouse should be shown on the grading plan (water, sanitary sewer). 2. NPDES permit is the responsibility of the developer/contractor —documentation shall be forwarded to the City prior to permit issuance. 3. As shown in the revised submittal, proposed trees and shrub locations are satisfactory. If locations are revised per Planning Department direction, the proposed trees and shrubs on the north end of the site should not interfere with the overflow route from Coachford Way to the north or located above the existing storm sewer system. Estimated Fees o Trunk Sewer Area Charge = 1.7 acres @ $1,075/ac = $1,828 o Trunk Water Area Charge = 1.7 acres @ $4,860/ac = $8,262 o Sewer Connection Fees — SAC units are calculated by MCES ■ MCES Fee - $1,675/SAC • City Fee - $1,200/SAC o Water Connection (WAC), 1" Meter = $7,370 o Storm Connection (STAC) =1.7 acres @ $2,200/ac = $3,740 Trunk Storm Water Area Charges have been paid in full by the developer for the entire development with the Glendalough 6 b Addition plat. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the item listed above, please contact me at 651-322-2022. 4ROSEMOUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting Date: October 16, 2007 AGENDA ITEM: Case 07-18-PUD Rezoning of South AGENDA SECTION: Rose Park 3'd Addition Property (former Consent Celadon Project PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner AG NDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Ordinance, Zoning Map, APPROVED BY: Request Letter from the property owner Ron Carlson RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a Resolution approving We Rezoning of Lot 1, Block 1, except the north 140 feet thereof, and Lot 3, Block 1 of'South Rose Park 3rd Addition. Motion to adopt an Ordinance B-192, an Ordinance amending Ordinance B City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance for Lot 1, Block 1, except the north 140 feet thereof, and Lot 3, Block 1 of South Rose Park 3`d Addition. BACKGROUND On June 19, 2007, the City Council approved a lot combination, planned unit development (PUD) and rezoning of two lots within the South Rose Park Yd Addition from C4-General Commercial to C4- PUD-General Commercial Planned Unit Development for Celadon Systems, Inc. to construct an office research building. Since that time, Celadon has chosen not to construct the building. The PUD and rezoning is site and building specific to the Celadon's operation. Ron Carlson, the land owner, would like the property rezoned back to C4-General Commercial, which removes the PUD status and allows him to market the property to any user that would be permitted with the C4 regulations. PLANNING COMMISSION AND PUBLIC HEARING The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing for the rezoning at their September 25 meeting. No residents spoke at the hearing and the property owner, Ron Carlson, spoke in favor of the request so that he can market the property to any C-4 General Commercial user. The Planning Commission recommended the approval of the rezoning. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the rezoning of the former Celadon project from C4-PUD-General Commercial Planned Unit Development to C4-General Commercial. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2007- A RESOLUTION APPROVING REZONING OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1, EXCEPT THE NORTH 140 FEET THEREOF, AND LOT 3, BLOCK 1, SOUTH ROSE PARK 3RD ADDITION WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount initiated the rezoning from C4 PUD — General Commercial Planned Unit Development to C4 — General Commercial of the following parcels legally described as: Lot 1, Block 1, South Rose Park 3`d Addition, except the North 140 feet thereof, and Lot 3, Block 1, South Rose Park 3`d Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, on September 25, 2007, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing to receive public comment on the rezoning; and WHEREAS, on September 25, 2007, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the rezoning of the property; and WHEREAS, on October 16, 2007, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the rezoning, subject to the adoption of an ordinance rezoning the subject property from C4 PUD - General Commercial Planned Unit Development to C4 - General Commercial and hereby revoke the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions dated June 19, 2007, and recorded over these parcels as Document No. 2532828. ADOPTED this 16' day of October, 2007 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk Motion by: Second Voted in Voted against: Member absent: City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B-192 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE South Rose Park 3rd Addition THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled "City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance," is hereby amended to rezone property from C4 PUD - General Commercial Planned Unit Development to C4 - General Commercial that is located north of Carrousel Way, and East of Chippendale Avenue within the City of Rosemount legally described as follows: Lot 1, Block 1, South Rose Park 3`d Addition, except the North 140 feet thereof, and Lot 3, Block 1, South Rose Park P Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota. Section 2. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount, referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled "Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount," shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk's office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this 16th day of October, 2007. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day of 1 2007. ROSEMOUNT PROPERTIES, LLC ROSEMOUNT MARKET September 21, 2007 Kum Lindquist City of Rosemount 2875 145th St W Rosemount, MN 55068 Ms. Lindquist Rosemount Properties LLC, as owner of property located at the comer of Chippendale Ave and Carrousel Way, requests that the City of Rosemount remove the C4-PUD, General Commercial zoning and rezone said property to C4, General Commercial. Sincerely, �� on C Rosemount Properties LLC Partner 15125 S Robert Trail Rosemount, MN nn �� C7 I� II �� SU 2 2007 1 :'I