HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Minutes of the April 6 2021 Regular Meeting ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS APRIL 6, 2021 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was held on Tuesday, April 6, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. in Rosemount Council Chambers 2875 145th Street West and virtually via Zoom. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council member Block, Essler, Weisensel, and Freske attending. Staff present included the following; • City Administrator Martin • Parks & Recreation Director Schultz The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion by Weisensel Second by Block Motion to Adopt the Agenda as presented. Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion carried. PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 3.a. Presentation by Rosemount Area Arts Council Jeanne Schwartz, of Rosemount Area Arts Council (RAAC), provided an annual update on RAAC’s year in review and their plans for the future. 3.b. Mayor’s Water Challenge City Administrator Martin discussed the Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation. The challenge takes place in April and allows residents to make a series of online pledges. Mayor Droste proclaimed that the City of Rosemount agrees and supports the “Wyland Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation during April 1- 30, 2021. PUBLIC COMMENT None CONSENT AGENDA Motion by Weisensel Second by Essler Motion to approve consent agenda item 6.c. pulled a. Bills Listing b. Minutes of the March 16 2021 Regular Meeting Proceedings c. Commissioner Appointments d. Receive Donation – Fire Department e. Service Agreement – Rosemount Area Arts Council (RAAC) ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS APRIL 6, 2021 f. 2021 Stormwater Rebates g. Professional Services Contract for Construction Administration Services – UMore Ballfield Complex Phase 2 h. 2019 Street Improvement Project (Connemara Trail), City Project 2019-01 Final Acceptance and Authorize Final Payment Ayes: Weisensel, Block, Droste, Essler, Freske Nays: None. Motion carried. 6.C. COMMISSONER APPOINTMENTS Councilmember Block pulled this item for recognition. Motion by Block Second by Freske Motion to fill Commission vacancies with the following appointments: • Emily Grossman for a 3-year term on the Parks and Recreation Commission; • David Speich reappoint for a 3-year term on the Parks and Recreation Commission; • James Young reappoint for a 3-year term on the Parks and Recreation Commission; • Mythili Thiagarajan for a 3-year term on the Planning Commission; • Kevin Hebert for a 3-year term on the Planning Commission; • Michael Reed reappoint for a 3-year term on the Planning Commission; • Greg Johnson for a 3-year term on the Utilities Commission; • Erin Delaney reappoint for a 3-year term Environmental & Sustainable Commission • Victoria Schlautman reappoint for a 3-year term Environmental & Sustainable Commission • Taylor Sutton for a 1-year term youth seat on Environmental & Sustainable Commission Ayes: Block, Droste, Essler, Freske, Weisensel Nays: None. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS 9.a. Hiring of Community Development Director City Administrator Martin introduced Adam Kienberger as the next Community Development Director. Mr. Kienberger will begin work on April 19th. Motion by Weisensel Second by Block Motion to approve the hiring of Adam Kienberger for the position of Community Development Director Ayes: Droste, Essler, Freske, Weisensel, Block Nays: None. Motion carried. 9.b. Receive Bids and Award Contract - UMore Ballfield Improvements Parks and Recreation Director Schultz recapped the recent bids received for UMore Ballfield Improvements Phase 2. The second phase of the project would include two youth softball/baseball ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS APRIL 6, 2021 fields, dugouts, batting cages, parking lot, landscaping, with bid alternate #1 being for score boards on three fields and bid option number #2 being for field lighting on all four fields. Councilmembers were in favor of both bid alternates. Mr. Schultz noted the funding for the project would come from the Capital Improvement Plan Budget. The majority of the work would be done in 2021 and the contactor would come back in the spring of 2022 to complete final touches. Councilmember Essler questioned the status of the concession building and Mr. Schultz responded that once water and sewer are available at the site, the project will begin. Councilmember Freske questioned the status of having access to Dakota County Technical College’s (DCTC) adult field. Mr. Schultz stated staff are trying to gain access to DCTC’s field and if that were to occur there would be a possibility to have additional youth fields in the future versus one large adult field at UMore. Motion by Weisensel Second by Block Motion to staff is recommending the City Council accept all bids and award the contract to the low bidder Friedges Landscaping Inc. for the combined base bid, bid alternate #1 and bid alternate #2 for a total amount of $2,620,387.70. Ayes: Essler, Freske, Weisensel, Block, Droste Nays: None. Motion carried. 9.c. Adoption of 2021-2025 City Council Goals and Strategic Directions City Administrator Martin presented City Council’s 2021-2025 Goals and Strategic Directions. Motion by Block Second by Freske Motion to adopt the City Council’s 2021-2025 Goals and Strategic Directions, as presented Ayes: Freske, Weisensel, Block, Droste, Essler Nays: None. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS 10.a. Staff Updates City Administrator Martin provided staff updates including; several new staff have been hired including seasonal workers, new signal light is underway at Akron Avenue/County Road 42 and the Home & Business Expo is the second Saturday in May at Hope Fieldhouse. 10.b. Upcoming Community Calendar Mayor Droste reviewed the calendar of events and upcoming meetings. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS APRIL 6, 2021 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council at the regular council meeting and upon a motion by Droste and a second by Weisensel the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Erin Fasbender City Clerk